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Energy Conversion. Vol.8, pp. 169-176. PergamonPress, 1968.

Printed in Great Britain

Design and PerformanceAnalysisof Pa -Type t

Solar Therm le ric G rators
(Received 7 July 1968)

In the design and in the performance analysis of when the internal and load resistances are matched.
thermoelectric power generators, several methods are This condition is not true for operation under fixed
commonly used. The most common method is based on heat-input conditions, but applies only under the condi-
the assumption that the generator operates between tions of fixed-temperature operation. Finally, FuschiUo
fixed hot- and cold-junction temperatures [1, 2]. Fixed- et al. neglect the effects of transverse heat flow in the
temperature operation implicitly assumes that the heat-collection and heat-rejection plates on the opposite
generator operates between a heat source and a heat sink faces of the panel, and implicitly assume the temperature
of infinite capacity. Although this assumption permits independence of the Seebeck coefficient of the thermo-
considerable simplification in performance analyses, the electric material by neglecting Thomson heat in the
results may be considered only approximate because in net heat balance of the thermoelements.
practice this assumption is not justified. In most applica- Lyon and Anderson [6] describe a solar thermo-
tions, thermoelectric generators are coupled to a finite electric energy-conversion panel in terms of a simul-
heat source which supplies a constant amount of heat. taneous set of time-dependent, nonlinear, second-order
This condition corresponds to the case that is converse differential equations. Because these equations are non-
to the one usually assumed; i.e., the hot- and cold- analytical, they are solved numerically on a computer.
junction temperatures are variable and the heat input This treatment is considerably more sophisticated than
is fixed. Solar thermoelectric generators and radioisotope most others and makes fewer simplifying assumptions.
thermoelectric generators are examples of devices Nevertheless, the neglect of temperature drops across
operating in this manner. As Castro and Happ [3] point all thermoelectrically passive members (such as electrical
out, the difference between the two types of operation is insulators, current conductors, structural members, and
analogous to that between the constant voltage and the like) that usually exist between the thermoelements
constant current operations of an electric network. and the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates in an
Several studies of the performances of thermoelectric actual generator limits its usefulness. Lyon and Anderson
devices consider the operation under conditions of treat shunt heat transfer between the beat-reception and
constant heat input [3-6]. Although correct in their basic heat-rejection plates by radiation but do not consider
approach, these studies, however, are not generally the possible shunt heat transfer by conduction through
suitable for detailed performance analyses and for the insulation. They are correct in emphasizing the impor-
design and optimization of thermoelectric generators tance of considering the effects of transverse heat flow
because of further simplifying assumptions. Castro and in the heat absorption and heat rejection plates of a
Happ outline the method to be used in analysing the solar flat-plate thermocouple on calculated performance.
performance of a thermoelectric device operating under However, the complexity introduced in attempting to
conditions of fixed heat input, but, for the case of a rigorously account for these effects, unfortunately pre-
solar thermoelectric generator, they neglect reradiation cludes the convenient use of their method in general
effects at the hot side. Generally, they do not consider solar thermoelectric power conversion applications.
shunt heat losses or parasitic electrical losses in the Simplifying assumptions in other parts of the Lyon and
device. Anderson treatment may negate the justification of
Fuschillo et al. [4, 5] treat the case of a solar thermo- undue rigor, especially because these effects have only
electric generator operating in space in the form of a a second-order bearing on performance in most thermo-
panel. In their analyses, FuschiUo et al. account for couples of practical interest.
re-radiation effects at the hot side of the panel, but do In view of the shortcomings of most previous attempts
not account for temperature drops in the thermo- to define the method of analysis of solar thermoelectric
electricaUy passive members of the thermal circuit nor generators operating in space, it was concluded that a
for parasitic electrical losses. They make the implicit new analysis is needed for the practical design and the
assumption that the n- and p-type legs of the thermo- characterization of performance of such generators.
couples possess identical thermoelectric properties--a As a result, appropriate performance equations suitable
condition that is rarely met in practice. They further for solution on a high-speed computer have been derived
assume that maximum power is transferred to the load in detail, taking into account most of the shortcomings
of previous developments. Nevertheless, because of the
I" This work was supported by the National Aeronautical and
Space Administration under Contract No. NAS 3-10600.
overall complexity of the problem, it was necessary to
~: R C A Electronic Components, Harrison, New Jersey 07029. make a number of simplifying assumptions. An attempt
170 V. R A A G

was made, however, to assess these assumptions in of the finite thermal resistance of the thermocouple
terms of their effect on the final results, and they are configuration, the incident heat flux establishes a tem-
discussed as a part of the over-all treatment. perature difference across it. The heat appearing on
The present development treats the solar thermo- the cold side of the therm0¢ouple is dissipated by
electric generator in a state of thermal equilibrium with radiation into space at an assumed temperature of
an external heat sink which possesses an effective tem- 0°K.
perature that is negligible in comparison to the tem- The total heat Qx incident on the thermocouple is
perature of any point on the heat-rejection plate of the given by
generator. The performance of the generator under az =- WO~AT, (1)
conditions of rapidly changing incident perpendicular
heat flux (a rapidly spinning generator) and/or operation where A~, is the area and n is the absorptivity of the
in the close proximity of a planet are therefore not heat-reception plate. The total heat Qz flowing from the
considered. If desired, however, a finite heat-sink tem- heat-reception to the heat-rejection plate is less than the
perature can be easily accommodated in this treatment. total incident heat Qz because some of the heat absorbed
Similarly, relatively minor modifications in the present by the heat-reception plate is reradiated into space, as
development will permit its use also in the design and expressed by
analysis of radioisotope thermoelectric generators. QT = Qx - cr,n j ATT•(A) dA, (2)
The model used in developing the equations necessary
to describe the performance of a solar thermoelectric where ~ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, e~r is the
generator is illustrated in Fig. 1. The single thermo- emissivity, TH(A) is the temperature of the heat-reception
Incident heat plate surface, and A is a dummy variable used for
indicating compatibility with coordinates eventually
selected for the differential area dA. The choice of
Hot stack co-ordinates is discussed later. The temperature of the
~::~ ~.~" ~.~.~::
reception heat-reception plate surface is not constant because the
~ ~-~'~.~:.~ ~.~4~ . . . . .
heat received by the plate tends to flow toward the
:::.:.~ ~. :~:~.~ff :$~:::~'.+:::. ~ ..~ thermoelements which offer less thermal resistance to
~i:: ~ ~ ":~' .,"~..'~~!
:" "11 " ~ : !.~i'~.':
, ~ ~ T h~e r m ,~->:
oe I ements
heat flow than does direct transfer between the heat-
~ Electrical connector
I \\ Heat rejection reception and heat-rejection plates. Direct transfer of
Cold stack plate heat is inhibited either by the insertion of thermal
insulation between the plates or by the use of low-
emissivity coatings between or on the inside surfaces of
Rejected heat the plates. The resultant transverse heat flow in the
Fig. 1. Schematic of assumed thermocouple eonflguraaon. plates gives rise to temperature gradients. The total
heat reradiated by the heat-reception plate is therefore
couple represents a building block of the generator and obtained by integration over its surface.
serves as the unit on which all calculations are performed. On the opposite face of the panel, the outer surface
Desired power~voltage characteristics of a system are of the heat-rejection plate, also having an area AT, is
obtained by appropriate combinations of single thermo- cooled by the radiation of heat transported through the
couples. The thermocouple configuration consists of thermocouple. The quantity of such heat is less than QT
heat-rejection plates, in between which are the n- and by the amount converted to electricity. Thus, the heat
p-type thermoelectric elements. On both ends of the balance of the cold side can be written as follows:
thermoelements, there are so-called "stacks" which
(metallurgically or otherwise) connect the elements to Q~ - Po = aEc f ATT~(A) dA, (3)
the plates. The purpose of the stacks is to relieve stresses
that arise from differential thermal expansion of the where P0 is the electrical power output, ~c is the emis-
plates and the elements, and to afford low-loss thermal sivity, and To(A) is the temperature of the outer surface
coupling between these members. If necessary, the of the heat-rejection plate. As in the case of the heat-
stacks also include electrical insulators to isolate the reception plate and for a similar reason, the temperature
electrical circuit from the remainder of the structure. of the heat-rejection plate is position-dependent and the
For minimum shunt heat losses, the space between the total heat radiated is obtained through integration over
plates not occupied by thermoelements may be filled the plate surface.
with thermal insulation. To obtain expressions for the temperature functions
The thermocouple shown in Fig. 1 has a fixed con- T~(A) and To(A), it is necessary to solve Poisson's
figuration and contains specific materials with their equation for the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates.
corresponding physical properties. The thermocouple Poisson's equation describes steady heat flow in the
configuration, although fixed, is arbitrary, and the presence of heat sources and heat sinks, as follows:
dimensions of its components have in no respect been
optimized. One face of the thermocouple is assumed R
VZT = -- ~, (4)
to be exposed to a perpendicular heat flux W. Because
Design and Performance Analysis of Panel-Type Solar Thermoelectric Generators 171

where R represents the rate at which heat is supplied per plates because integration of the equation in the calcula-
unit volume and k is the thermal conductivity of the tion of total shunt heat results in weighted average
material. Equation (4) assumes that k is a constant. temperatures. This approximation is relatively minor
This assumption is reasonable because most materials because shunt heat forms only a small portion of the
used for heat-reception and heat-rejection plates are total heat transmitted in most thermocouples of
isotropic, and because the temperature variation on practical interest. Furthermore, in most cases Tzg(A)
these plates is relatively small. For the heat-reception and To(A) are only relatively slowly varying functions.
plate, there are three contributions to R: the incident In the limit of vanishing ks or ~s, the approximation
heat from the sun, the heat re-radiated from the face of becomes exact.
the plate, and the shunt heat transferred directly between In the manner similar to the case of the heat-reception
the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates. The quan- plate, the quantity R for the heat-rejection plate, denoted
tity R, denoted as Rn for the heat-reception plate, can by Re, is given by
therefore be written as follows:
1 accT,(A) + dQs(A)], (8)
R H --~ -t1H [ W a - - a e H T 4 ( A )
--] (5)
Rc = ~c -- dAs ]
where tc is the thickness of the heat-rejection plate.
In this case, only two terms enter the equation: the heat
where tn is the thickness of the heat-reception plate, radiated into space, and the shunt heat directly trans-
Ae is the area of the heat-reception and heat-rejection
ferred to the plate.
plates not covered by the n- and p-type thermoelements, Equations (4, 5 and 8) define the temperature distri-
and dQs(A)/dAe is the shunt heat per unit area directly
bution in the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates.
transferred between the heat-reception and heat-rejection The equations for the two cases, however, are non-
plates as a function of position on these plates. Depend- analytic in the sense that closed-form solutions are not
ing on the mode of shunt heat transfer, dQs(A)/dAs has generally possible. The procedure to follow is either to
the following forms: obtain numerical solutions, or to simplify the problem
dQ,(A) __ k, so that analytical solutions are possible. Adopting the
-- ATH(A)] latter approach for calculation, it is assumed that the
dAs ts
(6) heat-reception and heat-rejection plates possess radial
-- [Tc(A) ÷ ATc(A)]} (conduction),
symmetry. In other words, the plates of square cross-
dQ,(A) section are replaced by plates of circular cross section
- - - o,, {[rx(A) --
dAs so that the total plate areas Ae remain the same. The
-- [Tc(A) +/ITc(A)] ~} (radiation), thermoelements are combined into one circular cross-
section which possesses an area equal to the combined
where ks is the thermal conductivity and ts is the thick- areas of the n- and p-type thermoelements. In many
ness of insulation. The emissivity ~ is the net emissivity cases this approximation is nearly exact because fre-
of the inner surfaces of the two plates and may be quently the n- and p-type thermoelements are designed
approximated by the expression for the net emissivity of with semicircular cross-sectional areas. Because they
two parallel surfaces: face each other and have only a small separation between
1 them, the total cross-sectional area of the two thermo-
,s = , (7) elements is nearly circular. Figure 2 illustrates the
1 + _ _1 _ 1
assumed thermocouple configuration. The approxima-
~Hl ~CI
tion resulting from the assumption of circular rather
where ~/~ and ec~ are the emissivities of the inner
surfaces of the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates. Hot stock Therrnoelements /Heat reception
The /IT factors in Equations (6), identified by appro-
priate subscripts, account for the differences in the !~ii~!~:~:~:~!:i:!:i~:~.~
~~i~:~:~:i :!:i:~::-"i.:::'."~.~:.~-'~.:~~~:;::~: :::
temperatures of the outer and inner surfaces of the ~/////////////////~(//////////~kHeat rejection plate
heat-reception and the heat-rejection plates. Therefore, Cold stock

they can be approximated by Q~/KH and (QT -- Po)/Kc

respectively, where KH and K~ refer to the thermal (I - . - . ~ . - . - ~.~~Actual plate
conductances of the heat-reception and heat-rejection
plates. This approximation effectively replaces the
position-dependent axial temperature drops in the two
plates by their average values and is validated by the (i
fact that such drops are of the order of a degree centigrade
or less, depending on panel constructional materials and
precise configuration. The three-dimensional Poisson
equation is thus reduced to one of two dimensions.
Equations (6) implicitly neglect the transverse heat flow Fig. 2. Heat-reception and heat-rejection plate configurations assumed
in the insulation or the radiation space between the in transverse heat flow calculations.
172 V. RAAG

than square plate configurations is good because it The process is repeated as often as necessary to obtain
directly enters into the computation of only the trans- consistency of the functions for Tn(r) and To(r) between
verse temperature distribution in the plates and in most successive approximations.
cases of practical interest has only a second-order effect Although, in principle, Equations (9) may be con-
on the calculated thermocouple performance. An ap- veniently solved, in practice the solutions are not easily
proximate indication of the effect of transverse tempera- obtained because of the nonlinearity of the right-hand
ture drops in the plate is obtained by comparing them sides. A simpler and a more efficient method of solution
to the corresponding drops across the active thermo- becomes apparent after Equations (9) are rewritten with
electric material. Usually, the former are only a few the use of Equations (1-3) as follows:
per cent of the latter.J" Because of the radial symmetry
of the assumed model, Poisson's equation is further 1 d ( dTH~ = Rs
reduced from two to one dimension. r (r _r --d~/ -- kH'
Before discussion of the mathematical development,
it should be emphasized that the radial geometry adopted
1 d [rdre _ Re (10)
for transverse heat calculation in the plates has no effect
r dr \ -dr-~ ke'
on the geometry of the remainder of the thermocouple where RH and Rc are given by
because, as already stated, the shunt heat directly trans-
ferred between the heat-reception and heat-rejection 1 [dQa, dQa] (11)
plates is assumed to be axially directed with no trans- RH = dad'
verse component. A similar assumption is made for
heat flowing in the thermoelements. As a result of these Re = ~
1 [
d(QT -- Po) +
assumptions, all the calculations performed for the
portions of the thermocouple between the plates are If all the position-dependent heat-transfer rates per
independent of the precise geometry of the components unit area are replaced by their average values in Equa-
in the plane parallel to the plates. The only factor of tions (11), it is possible to treat Rs and Re as constants.
interest is the cross-sectional area of the components, The solution of Equations (10) is then obtained by two
not their precise configuration. The implication is that successive integrations. After the first integration, use
there is no heat exchange between the lateral surfaces of is made of the condition that the temperature gradient
the thermoelements and the remainder of the thermo- at the edge of the two plates vanishes. This condition
couple structure. Because of the complex geometry and assumes that plate edges are insulated and allows the
variable surface temperatures, it is difficult to assess the evaluation of one of the two integration constants.
precise effect of this assumption on the over-all heat The temperature distributions obtained for the two
balance of the thermocouple and on its predicted per- plates are given by the following function:
formance. By means of simplified geometry and tem-
perature distribution, however, it has been concluded T(r) = ~-~R[r~ In (r)~ -- ~ i ( r 9 - r~] + T(r,), (12)
that usually this effect is small.
Upon substitution of RH and Re from equations
(5 and 8), the differential equations for the heat-reception where r, and r0 are the radii between which the tempera-
and heat-rejection plates may be written, as follows: ture distribution is evaluated. Equation (12) is general
and applies equally to the heat-reception and the heat-
1d {rdTn~ = 1 {Wa--a,sT~(r) dQs(r)t rejection plates. The distinction between the two cases
r dr k -dT ] - - k~ts
- - dAs(r)) can be made by appropriate subscripts on T(r), T(r,),
R, and k. The radius r0 corresponds to the outer edge
ld( dTc~= 1 -- or,eTa(r) + dQ'(r) / (9) of the plate, and r{ represents the radius of the combined
r dr r -fir-] - ketc
-- dAs(r)J n- and p-type thermoelements (Fig. 2). The temperature
where kH and kc are the thermal conductivities of the T(r,) corresponds to that of the region on the surfaces
two plates. Equations (6) indicate that the shunt-heat of the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates which is
transfer terms Qs are functions of both Tn(r) and TO(r); immediately adjacent to the thermoelements. This region
therefore, Equations (9) are simultaneous equations. is assumed to be equal in area to the total area of the
The method of solution is to set TO(r) in the first Equation thermoelements and to have the constant tempera-
(9) equal to a constant and solve for Tn(r). By substitu- ture T(r,).
tion of Tn(r) in the second Equation (9), a solution is The heat-transfer rates Rs and Re, averaged over the
found for TO(r) which in turn, is substituted in the first portions of the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates
equation so that a new solution for Tn(r) may be found. not covered by the thermoelements, are given by

J" To quantitatively assess the result of approximating the Rn = ~1 .IQT-- [ W~- ocsT~(rO][AnAs + Av] -- Qsl,'
square heat-reception and heat-rejection plates with circular plates,
a typical silicon-germanium thermocouple configuration was
subjected to detailed performance analyses. A numerical heat Re = _ I {QT-- P o - ~,cTe(r,)[An + A,] - Q,}
transfer calculation with square plates yielded final thermocouple tc As '
performance values that differed by less than 1 per cent from those
obtained by the present method. (13)
Design and Performance Analysis of Panel.Type Solar Thermoelectric G~merators 173

where A, and A~ are the cross-sectional areas of n- and approximate the integrations by summations. Rather
p-type thermoolements. Equations (10) were solved by than rewrite Equations (16-18) in terms of finite sums,
use of constant values of R~t and Re. Because the only the general formula that applies to all of these
solutions of these equations, represented by Equation equations is given by:
(12), are used successively in the solution of the over-all rO
problem, as described later, the fixed values of R~r and
ff(r)rdr= ~=lf(r,+ (n -- ~]---~--]l~r°--r'~
Rc are also iterated. The values calculated for Qr, Qs,
P0, Tn(rt), and Tv(r~) in any given iteration are used in
Equations (13) to obtain new RH and Re values for use
in the next iteration. Thus, it becomes possible to
minimize the effects of replacing the position-dependent where f(r) refers to any of the integrands in Equations
heat-transfer rates per unit area by their average values (16-18), n is the summation index, and N is the number
in Equation (11). The net result is that Poisson's Equa- of terms in each sum by which it is desired to approxi-
tions (10) are solved through a method of successive mate the integrals. Obviously, the greater the value of N
approximations. the more closely the intergrals are approximated.
Radii r~ and r0 may be expressed in terms of total Equation (16) represents the heat balance at the
plate areas A r and the areas An and A~ of the n- and heat-reception plate. The corresponding relationship for
p-type thermoelements, as follows: the heat-rejection plate is given by Equation (17).
Equation (18) describes the direct shunt heat transfer
beLween the two plates. However, a relationship is still
needed to describe the heat transfer between the plates
that takes place through the thermoelements. This rela-
tionship is obtained from detailed heat balancing at
either the hot or the cold junctions of the thermoelements.
The area of shunt heat transfer A, may be defined in
For the hot junction, the following relationship can be
terms of the other areas as follows:
A, = .4r -- (An + &,). 05)
Qr - Qs = Kr[THj -- Tcj] + IStIjTtlj
The defined system of coordinates used in treating -- ½12RI -- ½Ilz[TsJ -- Toj], (20)
the heat-reception and heat-rejection plates and the
expressions obtained for the temperature distributions where Kr is the thermal conductance of the thermo-
on these plates can be used to rewrite Equations (2), couple; T~rj and Toj are the hot- and cold-junction
(3), and (6). Equation (2) may be written as follows: temperatures, respectively; I is the current flowing in
the thermocouple; S s j is the absolute value of the
Seebeek coefficient difference between the n- and p-type
Qr -----Qx - 2~roeH | T~(r) rdr thermoelements at the hot junction; R1 is the total
ri internal electrical resistance of the thermocouple; and
- ~ H [ a ~ + A~] r*B(r,). (16) /~ is the temperature-averaged net Thomson coefficient
Similarly, Equations (3) and (6) may be expressed as of the thermoelements. The first term, on the right-hand
follows: side of Equation (20), represents the heat conducted
through the thermoelements. The second term describes
eo = 2=~c | T~(r) rdr the heat absorbed at the hot junction as a result of the
Or Peltier effect. The third term accounts for the fact that

+ a,c[An + A~] T~(rO, (17) one-half of the Joule heat generated in the legs of the
thermocouple as a result of current flow is conducted
n0 to the hot junction. The last term makes a similar
assumption about the heat generated (absorbed) in the
legs as a result of the Thomson effect. Equation (20) is
re valid when Joule and Thomson heats are small in
--[Tc(r), QTKc--Po] }rdr (c°nducti°n)' comparison to the conduction heat and when electrical
resistivity, thermal conductivity, and Thomson coefficient
tO [8] are independent of temperature. The former condi-
tion generally applies to practical thermoelectric devices
and the latter is approximately validated through the
use of averaged property values.
[LTc(r) + Q r-K-c
- Po] 4}rdr (radiation).
Current I in the thermocouple may be expressed in
terms of electrical resistances, junction temperatures, and
(18) Seebeck coefficient values, as follows:
Because some of the indicated integrations are not S m
I- [THJ -- TcJ], (21)
easily accomplished in actual use, it is convenient to RLl+m
174 V. R A A G

where S is the temperature-averaged absolute value of highly conductive in comparison to the thermocouple
the difference between the Seebeck coefficients of the legs. Because this condition is basic in obtaining optimum
n- and p-type thermoelements, RL is the value of electrical performance from a thermocouple, only highly con-
load resistance, and m is the ratio of the load to internal ductive stacks are generally used in practical thermo-
electrical resistance. By substituting Equation (21) in couples. In some instances, there are no stacks at one or
Equation (20) and solving for THj, it is found that both sides of the thermoelements; in other instances,
both thermoelements share a common stack. In both
b[~ ;]1/2b (22) cases, by definition, the junctions have to be at the same
THJ = + - 2a'
temperature. In all cases, however, the use of identical
where a, b, and c are given by temperatures for the junctions of n- and p-type thermo-
dements is considered to be justified. If desired, however,
1 S 1 it is a relatively simple matter to modify the above
a = SHJ
21+m 2 tz' treatment to account for different temperatures at the
corresponding junctions of the two thermoelements.
b -- RL 1 + m Kr -- SnjTcJ + STo__~J+ tzTcj,
S m l+m One more equation is necessary to complete the
formal exposition of the performance equations for a
C --
RL 1 + m KrTcs + 1 ST ~cJ + 1 solar thermoelectric power generator. This equation is
S m ~2 1 +----m ~2tzT~J straightforward and relates electrical power output P0
to the temperatures, the material characteristics, and the
+ RLI+m ( Q ~ , - Qs). configuration of the thermocouple, as follows:
s m
S2[m] 2
Equation (22) relates the hot- and cold-junction tempera- Po = ~ ~ [THj -- Tcj] 2. (25)
tures of the thermoelements in terms of thermocouple
material characteristics, electrical load resistance, and Most of the performance equations in the foregoing
the total heat transported to the hot junctions of the treatment contain configuration-dependent quantities
thermoelements. such as conductances and resistances. The precise
Because the heat-balance equation, (22), is written in definition of these quantities in terms of material proper-
terms of the hot- and cold-junction temperatures, and ties and geometry is simple and is discussed later. The
because the remainder of the heat-balance equations calculation of temperature-averaged thermoelectric pro-
(16-18), are written in terms of the temperatures of the perty data and the computation of thermocouple weight
center portions of the heat-reception and heat-rejection are also considered later.
plates TH(r,) and Te(rO, it is necessary to relate these There are basically five unknown quantities that must
temperatures. This relationship is achieved by consider- be determined for completing a characterization of the
ing axial conduction of heat through the hot and cold performance of a thermocouple. These quantities are
stacks and the plates. On the cold side, the relation QT, Qs, P0, Tc(rO, and TH(r,). However, the same
may be expressed as follows: number of equations relate these five quantities--Equa-
QT -- Q~ - Po + Q~. - P o, tions (16--18), (22), and (25). It is assumed that Equation
Tcj Tc(r~) + (23) (22) may be expressed in terms of To(r,) and Tn(r,)
Kcs Kc
instead of Tcj and THj by means of Equations (23
where Kcs is the thermal conductance of the cold and 24). By combining some of the five equations, it is
stacks and Kc is the axial thermal conductance of the possible to reduce the number of unknown quantities
heat-rejection plate. The corresponding equation on the and the corresponding number of equations. However,
hot side has the following form: this procedure does not solve the basic problem which
entails a set of simultaneous equations. Because of the
T~i(r¢) = THJ -[- QT -- Qs + QT (24) nature of the equations involved, it is impossible to
reduce the set to one equation and one unknown through
where KHs is the thermal conductance of the hot stacks analytic techniques. The solution must be obtained by a
and Khr is the axial thermal conductance of the heat- method of successive approximations which are described
reception plate. Equations (23, 24) are only approximate below.
because as already stated, they only represent average A fixed thermocouple configuration is assumed. This
values for the axial temperature drops across the heat- configuration is arbitrary because it is not known,
reception and heat-rejection plates. Because the tem- a priori, for what combination of component dimensions
perature drops are small however, the effect of this the thermocouple performance is optimized and con-
approximation on the final results is negligible. currently satisfies imposed boundary conditions. Values
The above development implies that both the n- and are assumed for all required material properties that
p-type thermoelements have identical junction tempera- enter into the related equations. Because most material
tures. The validity of this assumption depends primarily properties are temperature-dependent, and because the
on the relative thermal conductances of the hot and temperature range over which the thermocouple will
cold stacks of the thermocouple. The junction tem- operate is unknown, it is sufficient in the first approxima-
peratures are very close to each other if the stacks are tion to choose property values that are averages in the
Design and Performance Analysis of Panel-Type Solar Thermoelectric Generators 175

temperature range over which it is reasonably expected iterations, and in fact diverge. In such cases, the further
to operate. After a solution is obtained and more precise the initial value of Q~, is from its self-consistency value,
operating temperatures are established, new values for the more rapid is the divergence of the five quantities
the required properties may be substituted and the between successive approximations. Conversely, the
calculation repeated. Because the solution of the problem closer the initial value of QT is to its self-consistency
is obtained by successive approximations, it is sufficient value, the slower is the divergence rate. If the value of
to use the temperatures of a given approximation to Q~, at self-consistency is used initially in the calculation,
calculate the temperature-averaged properties which will the five quantities do not change between successive
be used in the next approximation before the start of approximations and the equations are therefore simul-
each new iteration. This procedure is conveniently taneously satisfied. In cases of non-convergency, it is
accomplished on a computer with the introduction of therefore necessary to search for the proper value of
property data as a function of temperature, either at QT to be used initially. This value also gives self-
fixed temperature intervals, or in the form of equations consistency in the calculations and yields the appro-
obtained from fitting the data. Because the thermoelectric priate values of Q,, Po, Tu(rO, and Tc(r~) for the thermo-
property data generally have the greatest influence on couple. The search is performed either graphically or
the calculated thermocouple performance, it usually numerically.
suffices when these data are integrated after each itera- When the five quantities Q~,, Qs, Po, T~rd, and
tion. The remainder of the properties may initially be Tc(rd have been determined for a fixed thermocouple
given approximate, average, values that remain fixed configuration, the remaining performance parameters
throughout the calculation. follow immediately. The current which flows in the
The use of Equation (1) permits the calculation of the thermocouple is calculated from Equations (21) and the
incident heat Qz on the thermocouple for a given value load voltage EL is obtained from the following relation:
of incident solar-heat flux W which is a function of the P0
distance from the sun. Because only a portion of this EL = --. (26)
heat is transported through the thermocouple, the
The efficiency ~ of the thermocouple can then be deter-
quantity Q~, is assigned some arbitrary value in the
mined from the following equation:
range of zero to QI. Although it is initially assumed
that P0 and Qs are zero, other equally arbitrary values Po
= QT" (27)
could be used. With values assigned to QT, Qs, and P0
it is apparent that in Equation (17), the only remaining The foregoing development contains various thermal-
unknown is Tc(r~). Because Tc(rd occurs in the integrand, conductance terms which contain the geometry as well
which is raised to the fourth power, as well as outside as the thermal conductivity of the respective components.
the integrand, it is impossible to solve Equation (17) These terms are expressed as follows:
analytically for Tc(rd; graphical or numerical methods AT
are needed. The value of Tc(r~) calculated with the Ku = ~-n kH,
assigned values of Q~,, Qs, and P0 may then be used to
calculate Tcj by Equation (23) which, in turn, is used KHS - - A n + Ap kus,
to calculate Tuj in Equation (22). Equation (24) relates tits
Taj to Tx(rd, which, substituted in Equation (16),
enables the determination of Q~,. The calculated values K~, -- khAn + k~A~, (28)
of Tc(ri), added to the assigned values of QT, Qs, and
P0, permit the calculation of Qs by means of Equation
(18). The calculated values of Tuj and Tcj substituted K c s - - An q- A~ kcs,
in Equation (25) allow the determination of P0. The
values thus determined for QT, Qs, Po, TH(ri), and Kc A~ kc.

Tc(rO form first-approximation estimates. By the use of

these first-approximation estimates, the procedure is The subscripts n and p in Equation (28) refer to n- and
repeated to obtain second-approximation values of these p-type thermodements, respectively. The other sub-
quantities. Further repetition of the procedure yields scripts have been previously defined. All t's refer to
higher-order approximations. When the calculated values thicknesses, A's refer to cross-sectional areas, and K's
of the five quantities do not change, within some pre- refer to thermal-conductivity values. The thermal con-
scribed limits, between two successive approximations, ductivities kn and kp refer to values averaged over the
the calculation is complete because self-consistency has temperature range of thermocouple operation. The
been obtained and the equations are simultaneously symbol ! refers to the length of the thermodements. The
satisfied. stacks at both ends of the thermoelements are assumed
Depending on the relative importance of the various to have cross-sectional areas identical to those of the
contributing terms to the equations, the previously thermoelements. Furthermore, it is implicitly assumed
described sequence of calculations is sometimes not that the n- and p-type thermoelements are situated on
self-convergent in that the values of the five quantities common stacks of areas An + A~. As already discussed
do not converge to fixed values as a function of successive such assumptions about the stacks have little bearing on
176 V. RAAG

thermocouple performance and, therefore, are per- because under open-circuit operating conditions it
missible. Equations (28) indicate that values are needed results in correct values of internal resistance, thermal
for the respective thermal conductivities, in order to conductance, and voltage.
calculate KHs and Kos. Because stacks usually contain The weight of the thermocouple is calculated directly
more than one material, it is necessary to use average from the dimensions and materials used. Thus, the total
thermal-conductivity values. The average thermal con- thermoeouple weight Wt is given by
ductivity of a multimember component is defined as
follows: Wt = WH + W x s + Wz + W~,
t + Wcs + Ws + Wo, (32)
= (29)
t~ '
where the subscripts of the individual terms have been
previously defined.
where the subscript i denotes the i-th member and t is The individual weight terms are calculated from
the total thickness of the component.
As mentioned previously, the factors m and Rr. enter- W~ = A,t,8,, (33)
ing the above performance equations are related to the
where i refers to the i-th component and 8 is the density
internal thermocouple resistance Rx by m = Rz/Rx.
of the component. Because some components, such as
Therefore, for any desired value of m, it is necessary to
the hot and cold stacks, contain more than a single
calculate Rx in order that Rz may be specified. The
member, the density used in calculating the weight must
internal resistance Rt of the thermocouple is given by
be an average. The average value of density 8 for multi-
R =I pn + p~ ] 2rcn 2rc~ (30) member components is defined as follows:

where On and p~, are the electrical resistivities of the 8- i , (34)

n- and p-type legs of the thermocouples (averaged over t
the temperature range of thermoeouple operation) and where t is the total thickness of the component.
rot and re~ are the average contact "resistivities" (units The results developed show that the performance of
of f~-em2) of the interfaces between the n- and p-type a thermocouple is determined by initially assuming
elements and their respective metallic end pieces. The arbitrary dimensions for the various components. In a
quantity rs represents the remaining extraneous internal practical power generator, however, it is important that
electrical resistance and is primarily the result of re- this performance be optimized with respect to some
sistance in current-carrying interconnections. parameter [such as specific power (W/lb) or efficiency],
It was mentioned that data on the properties of the which is directly related to the economics of producing
thermoelectric materials are averaged over the tempera- the electrical power for space applications. This optimi-
ture range of thermocouple operation. A general equa- zation should be made through the varistion of para-
tion for averaging can be defined as follows: meters. The important parameters in this respect are a
THJ the cross-sectional areas of the elements An and A~,; the

f ~(T)
dT (31) heat-collection and heat-rejection plate areas A~,; the
thermoelement length l; and the ratio of load to internal
Till electrical resistance m. Each parameter can be varied
independently by fixing the values of the remaining
ones. Performance may thus be optimized with respect
to all parameters. This process is conveniently accomp-
where $ represents the property of which the average is lished with a computer program.
desired. Thus $ applies equally to k,, k~, S, and t~.
The Seebeck coefficient, S, is defined as S = S~ -- Sn,
and the net Thomson coefficient t~ is defined as References
tz = v~ -- rn, where the r's are the Thomson coefficients [1] A. F. Ioffe, Semiconductor Thermoelements and Thermoelectric
of the individual legs. The definition of r is ~"= T dS/dT. Cooling. Infoseareh, London (1957).
[2] F. E. Jaumot, Proc. Instn Radio Engrs 46, 538 (1958).
As pointed out by Ure and Heikes [9], the average [3] P. S. Castro and W. W. Happ, J. appl. Phys. 31, 1314 (1960).
electrical resistivity is more appropriately defined by [4] N. Fusehillo, R. Gibson, F. K. Eggleston and J. Epstein,
Advd Energy Cony. 6, 103 (1966).
TH.I [5] N. Fuschillo and R. Gibson, Preprint, IEEE Aerospace Conf.,
Seattle, Washington (July 1966).
0(r) k(T) dt [6] W. C. Lyon and C. J. Anderson, Proc. 1EEE/AIAA Therm.
Spec. Conf. Washington, D.C. (May 1966).
P ~ THJ [7] R. W. Cohen and B. Abeles,J. appL Phys. 34, 1687 (1963).
[8] A. I. Burshtein, Soy. Phys. tech. Phys. 2, 1397 (1957).
f k(t) d r [9] R. R. Heikes and R. W. LYre,Jr., ThermoelectricityScience and
TCJ Engineering, p. 500. Interscienee, New York (1961).

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