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Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE

meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography
Olga Stamati · Emmanuel Roubin · Edward Andò · Yann Malecot

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract In this work, concrete is studied at meso- model is capable to predict the macroscopic behaviour
scale (aggregates, macro-pores and mortar matrix), where and the failure patterns of the material.
the local failure mechanisms are known to drive the
Keywords meso-scale FE modelling · micro-concrete ·
macroscopic behaviour of the material. In order to high-
tensile failure · local failure mechanisms · morphological
light the impact of the mechanical and morphological
description · x-ray tomography · in-situ evolution ·
properties of each phase (along with their interfaces),
Digital Volume Correlation
micro-concrete specimens are prepared with rather small
dimensions compared to the size of the heterogeneities.
X-ray tomography is used to reliably obtain the mor- 1 Introduction
phology of the heterogeneous meso-structure, which is
then given as an input to a 3D FE meso-model with Being a manufacturing material widely used in the world,
enhanced discontinuities. A uniaxial tensile numerical the mechanical behaviour of concrete has been investi-
simulation is performed as a first application. To vali- gated over decades. However, its failure mechanisms are
date the numerical model, a uniaxial tensile test of the complex phenomena and still constitute a very active
same micro-concrete specimen is performed inside the area of research. The quasi-brittle behaviour observed
x-ray scanner and the in-situ evolution of the micro- at the macro-scale is strongly influenced by the mor-
structure is followed. Thus, both a direct validation of phology and the properties of the material constituents
the model and a valuable insight of the 3D fracture and their mutual interactions over a large range of scales:
mechanisms while the load progresses are obtained. Af- from nano- to meso-scale, referring to nm (hydrated ce-
ter identification of the numerical parameters, compar- ment scale) and cm (largest aggregates scale), respec-
ison of experimental and numerical results reveals the tively (2; 38; 19).
capability of the meso-model to reproduce the actual At the meso-scale, concrete can be viewed as a three
material response (in terms of macroscopic strength, phase geomaterial, constituted of aggregates and macro-
Young’s modulus and fracture patterns), with the ex- pores embedded within a mortar matrix (mix of ce-
plicit representation of the meso-scale heterogeneities ment paste and fine sand). Macro-porosity refers to the
being its key feature. To further challenge the meso- pores being much larger than the capillary voids voids
model, a new morphology coming from an x-ray scan of (50 nm). It corresponds to both the entrained air voids
another characteristic micro-concrete specimen is intro- (usually ranging from 50 to 500 µm) and the entrapped
duced and its macroscopic behaviour is computed with- air voids (almost as large as the largest aggregates,
out a priori numerical identification. Starting from an depending on the concrete workability). The capillary
x-ray scan in meso-scale, it is shown that the 3D meso- porosity, referred to as micro-pores, plays an impor-
tant part in dessication, shrinkage and creep, whereas
O. Stamati
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, 3SR, F-38000
macro-pores are more influential in determining the strength
Grenoble, France and permeability of the material (14).
E-mail: The presence of both aggregates and macro-pores in
the concrete mix, with various sizes and shapes, results
2 Olga Stamati et al.

to an heterogeneous stress field at meso-scale, even un- the displacement field (accounting for micro-cracking),
der a uniform loading, leading to stress concentrations on the other hand.
and initial micro-cracking around the weakest regions Having introduced the basic characteristics of the
(usually the interfaces). With the increase of the load- meso-model, the question that then arises is the valida-
ing, these micro-cracks growth and coalescence leads tion and the predictive ability of the adopted numerical
to a critical macro-crack resulting to the failure of the approach. Therefore, in this work, the development of
material. a suitable experimental set-up and the direct compar-
Consequently, the meso-scale is a scale of interest ison of the numerical outcomes with the experimental
to study the local failure mechanisms of concrete and results is done.
therefore, in recent years, many numerical meso-models In short, advanced numerical and experimental tech-
have been developed. These models, by explicitly repre- niques are used in this paper to get a better understand-
senting the meso-structure (particularly in 3D), could ing of the local failure mechanisms of concrete at meso-
be an effective and practical alternative to experimen- scale. The main originality comes from conducting in-
tal studies. They can be used to reveal the influence of situ direct tensile tests on micro-concrete specimens of
the meso-scale heterogeneities on the global response realistic composition (including cement, sand, aggre-
by easily changing global descriptors, such as phase vol- gates and water). The evolution of the fracture pro-
ume fractions, aggregates and macro-pores size distri- cesses as the load progresses is followed, by mapping the
butions, aggregates shape, phase or mechanical proper- relative deformations between consecutive x-ray 3D im-
ties of each phase. A multi-scale approach could also be ages. The construction of a three-phase 3D meso-model
achieved by using the meso-model as a constitutive law based on the morphology obtained from the initial x-ray
at the macro-scale. scan and the direct experiment-modelling comparison,
at meso-scale, during the loading are also rare in liter-
These numerical approaches can fit within the con- ature ((16; 37; 10)).
text of continuum Finite Element models (FEM) (31; The detailed outline of the article is the following:
12; 7; 25), Discrete Element models (DEM) (13; 5; 28) First, micro-concrete specimens are prepared with rather
or Finite Element models enhanced with discontinuities small dimensions compared to the size of the hetero-
(3; 24), which is the approach followed in this work. No geneities (Section 2.1). X-ray tomography is used to
matter the selected approach, two main aspects have obtain a realistic repartition of the phases (aggregates,
to be considered in these models; the morphological de- macro-pores and mortar matrix) (Section 2.2). The re-
scription of the meso-structure and how to account for sulted segmented x-ray 3D image is then used as an in-
the quasi-brittle behaviour of the material. put to a 3D FE meso-model and a uniaxial tensile test
Concerning the former, the most common method is is simulated (Section 3). For validating the numerical
the use of morphological models, such as sphere packing model, a suitable experimental set-up, compatible with
(5; 13; 35) or excursions of correlated Random Fields the x-ray apparatus, is developed (Section 4). Thus, by
(23). However, these methods have limitations regard- following the in-situ micro-structure evolution both a
ing both the representativeness of the generated mor- direct validation of the numerical model and an insight
phology and the possibility of a quantitative validation of the 3D fracture mechanisms during loading and up
of the models with experimental results. To overcome to failure are achieved. After parameter identification,
this, in recent years, real meso-morphologies are ob- comparison of experimental and numerical results show
tained by taking advantage of recent advances in non- that the meso-model is capable to reproduce both the
destructive 3D imaging combined with image analysis. material response and the cracking patterns (Section
This is the approach, in particular the use of x-ray to- 5). For a further validation of the 3D meso-model, an-
mography (20; 21; 16; 22), followed in this work. other micro-concrete specimen with a new morphology
is tested and the model is used to predict its macro-
Once the meso-structure morphology is reliably ob-
scopic behaviour without new identification (Section 6).
tained, the question that follows is how to account for
its complex heterogeneous aspects (explicit representa-
tion of aggregates and macro-pores) and how to rep- 2 Studied material: scale and morphology
resent the quasi-brittle behaviour of the material. In
the context of the E-FEM (Embedded Finite Element 2.1 Characteristic sizes of the specimens
Method), adopted in this study, two sets of local dis-
continuities are introduced inside each element: in the To investigate the local failure mechanisms in concrete
strain field (accounting for the difference in the material at the meso-scale, specimens are required with signif-
properties between the phases) on the one hand, and in icant heterogeneities which will give insights into the
Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography 3

impact of both the mechanical and the morphological ferent specimens but also small enough to have a be-
properties of each phase (aggregates, macro-pores, mor- haviour that is still representative of concrete.
tar matrix) along with their respective interfaces on the
macroscopic response of the material.
A number of factors affect the choice of the specimen

– The specimen must be of a sufficient size with re-

2.2 Specimens preparation and scanning
spect to the largest heterogeneities so that it has
some mechanical resistance and some relevance to
real concrete. A regular concrete mix is prepared, using ordinary Port-
– The use of x-ray tomography to obtain an image of land cement, aggregates, fine sand (D=1800 µm) and
the micro-structure representation, implies a trade- water. The mix proportion is 1:3:3.8:0.6, by weight of
off between field-of-view (i.e., specimen size) and cement: sand: aggregates: water. The aggregates used
spatial resolution (i.e., the smallest heterogeneity are rolled and siliceous (chemical composition: SiO2 >
that can be identified). In this case, the smallest 97.3%) coming from Mios (France), with a maximum
heterogeneities are the smallest macro-pores (size size of 3 mm. The material is mixed with a benchtop
of about 100 µm). This encourages a pixel size of rotary mixer, casted into blocs of about 10 cm3 in vol-
at least 20 µm px−1 in order to be able to describe ume and cured in wet conditions for seven days. The
these pores coarsely thus limiting the field of view cylindrical specimens are extracted from the material
to around 30 mm. bloc using a 11 mm inside diameter diamond coring bit.
– The specimens are mechanically loaded in-situ in The extracted cylindrical core is then cut to a nominal
the x-ray scanner, meaning that their dimensions 24 mm length with a diamond wire and both surfaces
and failure force must be in agreement with the are rectified, resulting to the specimen to be tested.
limitations of the mechanical loading system. The The voltage and current of the x-ray source are set
current limitation of the loading system used herein to 125 kV and 80 µA, respectively, and the generated x-
is 500 N in tension (and 10 kN in compression) for ray beam is polychromatic of a conical shape. With this
20 mm in diameter. scanning apparatus, the voxel size is 13 µm achieving a
– The FE mesh that explicitly represents the hetero- spatial resolution that captures efficiently smallest con-
geneities of the material imposes additional con- sidered heterogeneities of the specimen (about 0.1 mm).
strains to the specimens size, due to computational Projections are acquired in 1120 different angular posi-
limitations. Particularly, the characteristic element tions between 0◦ and 360◦ , as the specimen is rotated
size in the FE mesh should be as small as the small- around a vertical axis and six images of each angle are
est heterogeneities. averaged in order to reduce the noise. By assembling
– Another characteristic scale to be chosen is the size the 2D radiographs using a filtered back projection al-
of the largest heterogeneities (i.e., size of largest ag- gorithm available in the XAct software provided by RX-
gregates). These aggregates have to be large enough Solutions (Annecy, France), the reconstructed 3D im-
compared to the size of the specimen to give some age of the scanned specimen is obtained, representing a
direct effect on the macroscopic behaviour so as to field of x-ray attenuation coefficients, as shown in Fig.
easily test the predictive ability of the meso-model. 1a.
– The points above point towards a small specimen
The three phases of the generated meso-structure
size, meaning that a micro-concrete is automatically
can be recognized, with macro-pores appearing black
selected. In preliminary tests performed, it was not
(lower x-ray attenuation), while coarse aggregates and
possible to core a specimen smaller than 10 mm.
mortar matrix (mix of finer aggregates and sand) shar-
Making a trade-off between the difference constraints, ing shades of grey (higher x-ray attenuation). This grey
cylindrical specimens are chosen of 11 mm in diameter scale 3D image has necessarily to pass through a series
and 23 mm height. Such a size, considering the tensile of filters, as described in details here (27), to be trans-
concrete strength (about 3.5 MPa) means a tensile fail- formed into a segmented discrete image where each
ure load that should not exceed 350 N which is com- phase is identified, as shown in Fig. 1b.
patible with the system mentioned above. The largest
aggregates are chosen with a characteristic size of 3 mm The obtained repartition of phases can now be used
(about the quarter of the specimen diameter) which is as the input morphology of a FE meso-model, as de-
both quite large to hope some discrepancy between dif- scribed in details in the following section.
4 Olga Stamati et al.

Fig. 1: Reconstructed 3D image coming from the x-ray scan of the micro-concrete specimen in the initial configu-
ration: (a): grey scale image, (b): segmented image

3 FE meso-model description sists in: first, a surface meshing of the interfaces and
then a volumetric meshing of each phase. This results
From a numerical point of view, the main challenges to in very accurate representation of the morphology, re-
model the quasi-brittle behaviour of materials such as quiring though complex and time costly algorithms (see
concrete at the meso-scale are: (26)). Furthermore, particular attention has to be paid
– explicitly take the morphology into account, on the interface modelling (zero thickness elements or
– model the local discrete failure mechanisms. cohesive bands for example).
A lighter framework, referred to as non-adapted mesh
In this study, a FE model that tackles both issues within
method (15), is used here. First of all a FE mesh (made
a framework of embedded kinematics enhancement is
of 4-noded tetrahedra) is generated regardless of any
used. Only the main ingredients of the model are pre-
morphology (i.e., with randomly and evenly distributed
sented here; for a detailed description see (24).
nodes in space) (2b). Then the morphology resulting
from the segmentation above (2a) is projected onto this
3.1 Local kinematics enhancement mesh. This consists in inspecting each element and iden-
tifying what phase of the morphology each node falls
3.1.1 Accounting for the morphology into. Based on this identification, two kinds of elements
can emerge: elements where all the nodes belong to the
A first challenge for a meso model consists in taking same phase and elements where nodes belong to two dif-
into account the morphology of the meso-structure. ferent phases. The first kind are classical FE where the
The most commonly used method to address this material properties of the phase is defined. The second
issue, referred to as adapted mesh method, roughly con- kind needs to account for two phases and the interface
Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography 5

between them. In this work, this is handled by a kine- 3.1.3 Double kinematics enhancement
matics enhancement, called weak discontinuities. This
kinematic enhancement accounts for the material dis- The two enhancements presented above can be com-
continuity by introducing a jump in the strain field (29), bined together leading to a formulation within an ele-
accounting for the interface. See (24) for more details. ment written as:
In the examined case, the result of the morphologi-
ε = Bd + Gw [|ε|] + Gs [|u|] (3)
cal projection leads to two different kinds of elements: | {z } | {z }
those that have all their nodes within the same phase weak disc. strong disc.

(macro-pores, aggregates or mortar matrix) and those This permits a material interface (weak discontinuity)
that have nodes in two different phases. It is the later to fail (strong discontinuity), thus modelling debond-
ones that are enhanced by a weak discontinuity to ac- ing. Fig. 3 shows the three kinds of discontinuity set-
count for the differences in the material properties of tings that can occur inside an element.
the two phases. This can be written for an element as: It is assumed here, that if both discontinuities are
present inside an element, the strong discontinuity ori-
ε = Bd + Gw [|ε|] (1) entation is taken to be the same as the weak one, thus
making the crack open following the material geometry.
where the first term is the classical FE strain field (deriva-
tive of the shape functions B and nodal displacements
d) and the second term corresponds to the weak discon- 3.2 Phenomenology and resolution scheme
tinuity. [|ε|] is a vector of new unknowns, i.e. the weak
discontinuities, and Gw an operator that represents the The double kinematics enhancement brings two addi-
interface geometry. This geometry accounts for the vol- tional sets of unknowns in the mechanical problem, one
ume fraction of each phase along with the orientation being the weak discontinuity vectors [|ε|] and the other
of their respective interface, both being computed dur- the crack-openings [|u|]. Thus the behavior law can be
ing the projection, regardless of any mechanical state written as a function of them. It is assumed here that
(details here (24)). the relationship between stress and strain remains elas-
tic (no damage within the material), leading to the fol-
As shown in Fig. 2, the projection leads to five sets
lowing behaviour law:
of FE, three with no weak discontinuities (inside ag-
gregates, mortar matrix or macro-pores) and two with σ(d, [|ε|], [|u|]) = Cε = C (Bd + Gw [|ε|] + Gs [|u|]) (4)
weak discontinuities accounting for aggregates/mortar
and pores/mortar along with their respective interfaces. where C contains the elastic material properties of each
It is important to note here that the stress soften-
3.1.2 Accounting for the local failure mechanisms ing does not come from material degradation (through
modification of C), but through kinematics considera-
The local failure mechanism considered is micro-cracking, tions, i.e., a crack opening (modification of [|u|]). The
being the key phenomenon, with the coalescence and energy is thus dissipated through the discontinuity which
bridging of these micro-cracks resulting to the macro- plays the role of softening regularisation.
scopic failure of the specimen. In order to account for it, The phenomenology of the failure mechanism fol-
another set of local discontinuities is introduced. Simi- lows the Discrete Strong Discontinuity Approach (18),
larly with the weak discontinuities, the FE kinematics which links the crack opening with the stress state through
are enhanced, this time, by a jump within the displace- a traction-separation law. This discrete approach is ac-
ment field, thus representing the discontinuous aspect tivated when a certain stress state within an element
of a crack. This new discontinuity is referred to as strong is reached; the tensile strength σy . This is expressed by
discontinuity and can be written for one element as: the following localisation criterion:

Φl = T · n − σy (5)
ε = Bd + Gs [|u|] (2)
where n is the discontinuity orientation and T = σ · n
where the first term is still the classical FE strain and is the traction vector at the discontinuity surface. As
the second one corresponds to the strong discontinu- mentioned above, in case of weak discontinuities, n is
ity. [|u|] is directly the crack opening, a vector of new considered to be the geometrical orientation (material
unknowns, and Gs an operator that represents the po- interface). In case of no weak discontinuities, n is con-
sition and the orientation of the crack. sidered to be the direction of the largest principal stress.
6 Olga Stamati et al.

Fig. 2: Non-adapted mesh method: (a) the heterogeneous morphology (segmented 3D image) is projected into a
FE mesh (c) leading to 5 sets of FE

Following the Embedded FE formulation (17; 33;

24), the equations added by the presence of these en-
hanced parts of the strain field are solved at the el-
ement level, by performing a local resolution. Then a
static condensation (34) allows the system to keep the
(a) (b) (c) same size as without enhancements (i.e., there are no
additional global unknowns). This specific feature of
Fig. 3: Adapted from (11), element with: (a) one weak
the embedded formulation allows for constant systems
discontinuity, (b) one strong discontinuity and (c) both
sizes no matter the number of cracks or the complexity
weak and strong discontinuity
of the geometry.
The presented framework is implemented in the FE
code FEAP (30) and the implemented quasi-Newton
In opposition to rotating crack models, here, when the
BFGS resolution scheme coupled with an iterative solver
localisation occurs (Φl = 0), the orientation is recored
(Conjugate Gradient) is used to solve the non-linear set
and remains fixed.
of equations of the global system.
Then, the following criterion drives the opening:
σy 3.3 A first application of a uniaxial tensile test
Φo = T · n − σy exp − [u] (6)
Now that the basic characteristics of the model have
where Gf is the fracture energy of the phase and [u] = been introduced, a first application to the micro-concrete
k[|u|]k is the norm of the crack opening vector, which specimen follows. The free software GMSH (6), based
leads to a local brittle behaviour. Since this law provides on a 3D Delaunay triangulation of randomly positioned
information only on the norm [u] of the crack vector nodes, is used to create the FE mesh. In the studied
[|u|], it is assumed that the orientation of this vector is case, this is a cylinder of the dimensions of the micro-
the same as n, thus corresponding to a mode I opening. concrete specimen consisting of 4-node tetrahedra ele-
Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography 7

ments. In order to model the morphological information

of the smallest heterogeneities of the 3D segmented im-
age, the edge length of each tetrahedron is chosen to be
0.1 mm generating a mesh of 6.3 × 106 4-node tetrahe-
dra elements and 3.4×106 degrees of freedom, as shown
in Fig.2b.
As explained in the previous subsection, a linear-
elastic continuum relationship links strain and stress
fields outside the discontinuity, while for the disconti-
nuity surface a basic single traction and brittle softening
criterion is used. Thus, for each of the three phases (ag-
gregates, mortar matrix, macro-pores) two elastic and Fig. 4: Stress-strain curve of a uniaxial tensile numerical
two failure parameters are required: the Young’s modu- simulation along with the displacement field in the axial
lus E and the Poisson ratio ν, and the yield stress (σy ) direction at the end of the simulation
and the fracture energy (Gf ), respectively. Regarding
the elements with shared material properties (enhanced
with a weak discontinuity), no specific parameters are
scopic displacement) are illustrated on Fig. 4 along with
required in the elastic regime, whereas specific failure
the displacement field in the axial direction at the end
parameters are defined. Equal failure properties with
of the simulation. The discontinuity localisation in the
the mortar matrix are assigned to these elements, still
displacements in a roughly horizontal “plane” (perpen-
leading to a weaker behaviour of the interface, since the
dicular to the loading direction) forms a single macro-
difference of the elastic properties between the phases
crack, typical for a mode I failure in tension. Even
results to a higher stress concentration at the interfaces.
though the characteristic quasi-brittle behaviour of the
Here, aggregates are considered elastic, i.e., no crack
material has been indeed numerically reproduced, the
initiation and propagation allowed inside these elements.
computed tensile strength and Young’s modulus, as well
Regarding the macro-pores, the physically required neg-
as the reliability of the failure patterns is questionable.
ligible (zero) stiffness, would potentially cause numer-
For this reason, the actual mechanical response of the
ical problems and further mechanical influences, due
scanned micro-concrete specimen under uniaxial ten-
to the high contrast in material properties among the
sion will be experimentally examined, as explained in
phases. Therefore, elements that after the projection
details in the following section.
are identified as macro-pores, have been removed from
the final FE mesh, creating some cavities in the mesh.
On the inside of these cavities, a free surface bound-
ary condition is applied, consequently these nodes can-
not carry any load which does not attract any spuri-
ous stress concentrations. In the case where nodes are
both in a macro-pore and a solid phase, the choice 4 In-situ tensile test
has been made to consider the full element as part of
the solid phase. A sensibility analysis (not presented Using x-ray tomography on both intact (before load-
here) has been made showing a negligible effect of this ing) and damaged (after unloading) materials is quite
choice over considering weak discontinuities with a very valuable for obtaining the internal micro-structure be-
soft material that would represent macro-pores. Taken fore and after failure. However, scanning the internal
from bibliography, the assigned material properties are: micro-structure during loading can reveal important in-
Ea = 70 GPa, Em = 12 GPa, νa = νm = 0.2 and formation about the actual evolution of the fracturing
σym = 6 MPa, Gfm = 0.1 Jm−2 . process (4; 36; 16). Specific experimental facilities are
A first mechanical application of a uniaxial tensile required for these in-situ studies, though, making them
test is then performed. The minimum constrains for less commonly used. In this work, a suitable experimen-
blocking the rigid body motion are applied and a dis- tal set-up compatible with the x-ray scanner of Labo-
placement control computation is performed along the ratoire 3SR is developed, allowing the micro-concrete
vertical axis of the cylindrical mesh, while the perpen- specimen to be scanned while it is under load. This
dicular directions are stress free. permits both a direct validation of the 3D E-FE meso-
The macroscopic normal stress as a function of the model presented in previous section and an insight into
macroscopic axial strain (coming from the imposed macro- the 3D fracture mechanisms while the load increases.
8 Olga Stamati et al.



Fig. 5: In-situ tensile test (a): Sketch of the designed load frame (b):In-situ x-ray facility at Laboratoire 3SR

4.1 In-situ experimental set-up 4.2 Experimental stress-strain curve and macro-crack

Fig. 5a shows a sketch of the loading cell, along with The first tomographic scan is performed prior to any
its key features and Fig. 5b shows a photo of the load- load application, once the specimen is mounted in the
ing cell inside the in-situ x-ray facility. The load frame loading cell and positioned at the desired distance from
is built into a low x-ray absorption plexiglass cell de- the source that is kept fixed during the whole test. The
signed for triaxial testing of rocks with 7 MPa confining meso-structure obtained from this scan (see Fig. 1) is
pressure. The two surfaces of the specimen are glued in the one used in the FE model presented in Section 3. Af-
two specifically designed aluminum caps with a high ter the first scan is completed, a tensile load is applied
strength epoxy. The shape of the caps is designed (see by moving the ram downwards with a fixed displace-
Fig. 5a) to ensure good centering and to avoid any stress ment rate till a load value of 150 N is reached. At this
concentration or failure on the axial faces of the speci- stage, the displacement is stopped and a second scan is
men. In order to ensure that the applied load remains performed. The specimen is then loaded, with the same
purely axial, each aluminum cap is screwed into a ball- strain rate, up to 250 N when a third scan is carried
joint, allowing free rotation in the two planes normal to out. The initial objective is to have at least: a scan in
the loading direction and eliminating any bending mo- the initial configuration, two others at two intermedi-
ment due to potential defects in parallelism. The bot- ate load values before the peak and a fourth one after
tom ball-joint is screwed into a ram, while the top one failure. Since the exact tensile strength of the specimen
remains fixed into a ball-joint holder as shown in the is not known a priori, these loading steps were cho-
sketch. Once the specimen is mounted into the loading sen approximately by using information concerning the
cell, a uniaxial tensile load can be applied to its bot- concrete composition, the dimensions of the specimen
tom surface through the ram, while an LVDT sensor is and previous mechanical tests done on similar micro-
used to measure the displacement. Since the shape of concrete specimens.
the x-ray beam is conical, a displacement of the loading Fig. 6 shows the experimental macroscopic stress-
cell closer to the source, makes the specimen enlarged strain curve, after subtracting the strain corresponding
on the detector (due to geometric magnification) and to the elastic stiffness of the loading cell and assum-
the desired spatial resolution (13 µm) can be achieved. ing a level of zero stress in the specimen after the ma-
Once the set up is ready, the in-situ experiment can be terial failure. Note that due to the use of a polycar-
conducted. bonate cell, the loading system is not stiff enough to
Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography 9

Fig. 6: Macroscopic response of in-situ tensile test. The

loading points where the scans were conducted are in-
dicated, along with the reconstructed 3D image of the
(a) (b)
micro-concrete specimen
Fig. 7: Post-peak x-ray scan: (a): segmented 3D image
capture the post-peak. The loading points where the with the macro-crack (b): skeletonised extracted macro-
tomographic scans were carried out are indicated along crack of 1 pixel width
with the reconstructed 3D images of the specimen. No
obvious micro-structural change is visible in the 3D im-
ages between the initial and the two following scans, sive loading is ideally suited for following the micro-
whereas a clear macro-crack, normal to the direction structural evolution while the micro-concrete specimen
of loading, appears in the one after failure. While the deforms. Digital Volume Correlation (DVC), is in par-
specimen size is admittedly small compared to its het- ticular, a suitable technique for obtaining the full 3D
erogeneities, the measured tensile strength is 3.2 MPa displacement field between a reference and a deformed
and the macroscopic Young’s modulus is 32 GPa, values state of the specimen from which the 3D strain field can
that are very close to the ordinary concrete from which then be calculated (9). Moreover, cracks with widths
the micro-concrete composition is derived. less than the voxel size (too narrow to be visible on the
Conducting a post-peak scan gives valuable infor- x-ray 3D images) can also be detected by DVC, giving
mation about the damaged internal micro-structure. valuable insight into the initiation and propagation of
By isolating the voids and keeping the largest connect- micro-cracks.
ing component in the post-peak 3D image, the exper- In this work, a software called spam (the authors
imental macro-crack can be extracted and is shown in are core developers) is used for the DVC analysis of the
Fig. 7. A typical macro-crack for fracture mode I is examined micro-concrete specimen. A “local” DVC ap-
formed, crossing the cylindrical specimen. It is clear proach is used, in which the region of interest in the
that the shape and location of both aggregates and reference configuration is subdivided into a set of inde-
macro-pores form its morphology. The crack is formed pendent subvolumes (zones of interest). Correlation be-
around the aggregates, sometimes propagating through tween the two configurations (two pairs of 3D images)
macro-pores and rarely only through a single aggregate. is done by calculating a linear transformation opera-
Note that, at the scale observed, in the post-peak scan, tor that gradually deforms each reference subvolume
only the failure macro-crack can be extracted. How- so as to best match the 3D volume of the deformed
ever, micro-cracks of too small thickness to be identi- configuration. Here, a fine 3D regular grid with a node
fied from a single scan and zones with localised defor- spacing of 20 voxels (i.e., 0.26 mm) in each direction is
mation surely exist in the specimen before the failure. created to capture the small micro-structure changes.
To identify these, it is necessary to proceed to DVC This grid imposes subvolumes that are far too small to
measurements as explained in details in the following capture features within large aggregates and so subvol-
subsection. umes that fall completely inside aggregates are not suc-
cessfully correlated. However, aggregates are identified
using the procedure in (27) (which are recognised due
4.3 Following the micro-structural evolution to to their low variance i.e., lack of features) and large
aggregates are correlated using the “Discrete DIC” op-
In addition to the presented macroscopic measures, hav- tion in spam (in the style of (8; 1)), meaning that a
ing performed multiple successive scans under progres- single linear transformation operator is measured for
10 Olga Stamati et al.

each aggregate. The displacement of each point of the slices of the calculated displacement and strain fields
grid (center of each subvolume) that has successfully in the axial direction. Note that between the first two
correlated (i.e., mainly points that fall in the mortar scans, there is a big displacement step (rigid body mo-
matrix and partially between the phases) is indepen- tion of the specimen) in the range of 300 µm, while the
dently calculated resulting to a 3D displacement field. range of the relative displacements corresponding to
By combining this field with the displacements calcu- the micro-structural evolution of the material is only
lated separately for each large aggregate the final 3D 4 µm. From the computed 3D fields it is shown that the
displacement field is obtained. The strain field in then response of the material is not purely elastic-brittle.
calculated using TomoWarp2 (32) following the large Even for the first correlated pair of 3D images (at a
strains hypothesis, with the displacements of the large load 50% of the maximum failure load), an heteroge-
aggregates being excluded from the calculation. neous displacement field appears, pointing out strain
localizations and crack initiations. An observation that
justifies that performing an in-situ tensile test gave in-
deed valuable information about the evolution of the
fracture processes of the material.

5 Identification of numerical parameters

Since the actual material response is known, the numer-

ical parameters used in the meso-model can be iden-
tified to better fit the numerical response to the ex-
perimental results. Examining the 3D image coming
from the post-peak x-ray scan, it seems that some of
the aggregates did break. This means that crack ini-
tiation and propagation should be allowed inside these
elements but with much higher failure parameters com-
pared to the mortar matrix. A parametric analysis is
performed by assuming the same value of Poisson ratio
νa = νm = 0.2 and keeping a constant ratio between:
Ea : Em , σya : σym and Gfa : Gfm . The calibrated ma-
terial properties are summarised in Table 1. The com-
parison of the experimental and numerical stress-strain
curves is shown in Fig. 9 with a good agreement both in
Fig. 8: Central vertical slice of the displacement and terms of macroscopic strength and in terms of Young’s
strain fields in the axial direction computed with DVC. modulus.
A combination of a “local” (for matrix and small aggre-
gates) and a “Discrete” (for large aggregates) DVC ap-
proach is followed for the calculation of displacements. Table 1: Calibrated parameters of each phase and their
The strain field derives from the displacement field with interfaces
the discplacements of large aggregates being excluded
Phase E [GPa] ν σy [MPa] Gf [Jm−2 ]
from the calculation (grey colour in the strain field cor-
aggr. 70 0.2 45 0.5
responds to the position of the large aggregates). The mortar 14 0.2 9 0.1
dashed line represents the macro-crack that appears af- pores - - - -
ter failure aggr./mortar - - 9 0.1

It should be noted here, that the transformation Fig. 10 illustrates the evolution of the displacement
operator is a linear operator, unable to capture large fields in the direction of loading during the compu-
strains linked to the total fracture of the material. In tation. At the beginning of the loading the displace-
other words, a correlation between any 3D image and ment field is rather homogeneous, while at the end,
the final (post-peak) one is not possible. Fig. 8 presents the discontinuity in the displacement field in a roughly
the central vertical slices of the reconstructed 3D im- horizontal plane (perpendicular to the loading direc-
ages of the first 3 scans along with the central vertical tion) indicates the presence of a single macro-crack.
Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography 11

3.5 6 Numerical prediction

The explicit representation of the meso-scale hetero-
geneities seems to be the key feature of the presented
stress [M P a]

meso-model that allows a realistic prediction of the ma-
1.5 terial’s macroscopic response. For strengthening this as-
1.0 sumption and further challenging the numerical model,
an x-ray scan of another micro-concrete specimen is
performed and a new heterogeneous morphology is in-
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
troduced to the meso-model. This time, the numerical
strain [×10−3] [−]
response of the second specimen is computed without
Fig. 9: Comparison of experimental-numerical macro- any new identification, only based on the material pa-
scopic stress-strain curves rameters that were calibrated from the first test. Sim-
ilarly with the first specimen, an in-situ tensile test is
Fig. 13 shows the comparison between the experi-
mental and the numerical macroscopic stress-strain curves
Fig 11 shows the elements for which a strong disconti- for the second micro-concrete specimen. A very good
nuity has been activated, which could be associated to agreement both in terms of macroscopic strength and
a visualisation of the crack patterns predicted by the in terms of Young’s modulus is observed. A good qual-
numerical model. Its evolution with the loading gives itative comparison of the crack patterns at the end of
an idea about the failure process during the numeri- the loading is also shown on Fig. 14, again highlight-
cal computation. Note that the magnitude of the jump ing the impact of the meso-scale heterogeneities on the
in the displacement field directly corresponds to the formation of the cracks.
crack opening. At the beginning of the loading, due to The presented validated numerical results show that
the difference in elastic moduli between the phases, a starting from an x-ray scan of a micro-concrete speci-
stress concentration around the weakest points (around men, the meso-model is able to predict both the macro-
aggregates and macro-pores) appears, which leads to scopic response of the material and roughly the location
cracks initiation at these points that will propagate in of the macro-crack after failure, offering thus interesting
the perpendicular direction (mode I). One element be- potentials for future applications.
ing locally under failure, certainly, does not correspond
to any specific macroscopic feature. However, when a
large number of them appears, then it can be said that 7 Conclusions and perspectives
a macroscopic response does emerge. This is exactly
what is shown in Fig. 11, where, due to the quasi-brittle In this work, a combination of numerical and experi-
behaviour of the material, these micro-cracks quickly mental techniques revealed the impact of the meso-scale
bridge into a final critical macro-crack that leads finally heterogeneities on small specimens of concrete on their
to the macroscopic failure of the material. local failure mechanisms under uniaxial tension. The
use of x-ray tomography combined with a mechanical
A qualitative comparison of the crack patterns in loading system imposed certain size constrains on the
the end of the loading obtained experimentally and nu- examined specimens. Small, cylindrical, micro-concrete
merically (see Fig. 12) shows a very good agreement specimens (11 mm diameter and 23 mm height) com-
between the two responses. The ability of the numer- pared to the size of the largest heterogeneities (macro-
ical meso-model to predict the macro-crack location pores reaching 2 mm and aggregates reaching 3 mm)
highlights the influence of the heterogeneities on the were prepared. These morphologies directly give valu-
failure process of concrete. The shape and location of able insight into the impact of the mechanical and mor-
aggregates and macro-pores are two of the key param- phological properties of each phase (aggregates, macro-
eters that form the geometry of the macro-crack which pores, mortar matrix), along with their respective in-
propagates by bridging the interfacial micro-cracks. It terfaces, on the macroscopic response of the material.
should be noted here, that at the observed scale, one An x-ray scan of the initial undamaged specimen
single critical macro-crack has been extracted from the was conducted to reliably extract the morphology of
post-peak 3D image, whereas in the numerical model the meso-structure. This morphology was then given
there are certainly regions with localised deformation as an input to a 3D meso-model with enhanced dis-
outside the macro-crack. continuities and a uniaxial tensile test was simulated.
12 Olga Stamati et al.

Fig. 10: Evolution of displacement fields in the axial direction during the numerical simulation

Fig. 11: Evolution of crack patterns during the numerical simulation


stress [M P a]





0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

strain [×10−3] [−]

Fig. 13: Comparison of experimental-numerical macro-

scopic stress-strain curves for the second micro-concrete
Fig. 12: Comparison between: (a): experimental macro-
crack (coming from the segmented 3D image of the
post-peak x-ray scan) and (b): numerical crack patterns scanning, allowing a direct validation of the numeri-
(at the end of simulation) cal response. After identification of the numerical pa-
rameters, comparison of experimental and numerical
results revealed the capability of the meso-model to
Meanwhile, a uniaxial tensile test was conducted by reproduce the actual material response (in terms of
progressively loading the specimen until failure while macroscopic strength, Young’s modulus and fracture
Tensile failure of micro-concrete: from mechanical tests to FE meso-model with the help of x-ray tomography 13

on the global response of the material can be obtained.

Moreover, the fact that the proposed approach may ac-
curately model the characteristic features of the quasi-
brittle behaviour of concrete under tensile loading, al-
lows the future consideration of other types of load-
ing with more complex failure patterns (compressive or
bending loading for instance).

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that

they have no conflict of interest.


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