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Some methods of Deleuze : test2702

Some methods of Deleuze

Deleuze simplified a little the way of doing of Mesmer, bringing
attention to the right use of passes.

His methods are very soothing and relaxing.

In practicing them your gaze should be concentrated and use

the “magnetic gaze”.[94]

See below the difference between the two types of gaze.

Hypnotic gaze

Magnetic gaze

Method 1 - sitting

This first method of Deleuze is very simple and effective. It

works easily with most of people. In case you fear somebody
doesn’t like to be looked at in the eyes make him look at a

1. Speak as little as you can. Exercise your gaze ahead of

time, in order to be able to look at a person without needing to
blink. The magnetizer and the subject are placed near and
opposite to each other, so that their knees come in contact.
Exercise meditation before performing, as while you will be
looking at your subject you will enter mental emptiness…

2. Being in this situation, the operator takes the patient by

both hands, and in such a way that their palms rest against his

3. He then recommends both parties to remain in this position

until the warmth of their hands are about equal; that is to say,
until the caloric is in equilibrium in the two organizations, and
which is generally effected in a few minutes. During this
interval, it is scarcely necessary to state that thought is busy,
and that the will impresses its action on the vital fluid, which is
transmitted by the operator, his fingers serving, for this
purpose, as conductors while moving along the patient's arms.

4. Have your patient sit down in the easiest position; seat

yourself before him if possible, in a seat which is a little more
elevated, so that his knees may be between yours and your feet
beside his. Ask him to be in an easy and passive state.

5. After having brought yourself into a state of

self-collectedness, take his thumbs between your two fingers,
so that the inside of your thumbs may touch the inside of his;
steadily fix your eyes upon him, and remain in this situation for
a few minutes, until you perceive there is an equal degree of
warmth between your thumbs and his. At this point you will
move your hands to the right and left, waving them so that the
interior surface is turned outwards, and you will then raise them
as high as the head, place them upon the shoulders, leave
them there for a minute and then draw them along the arm to
the extremity of the fingers, touching gently.

6. You will then commence the passes or downward

movements of the hands; at a little distance from the body over

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Some methods of Deleuze : test2702

the face and chest, to about as far as the pit of the stomach;
sweeping them off a little before re-ascending; then descend
slowly along the body as far as the knees, and if convenient to
the ends of the feet—you may repeat the processes during the
greater part of the sitting."— Deleuze.

7. Note that the power of the look will add considerably to that
of the touch and the will. The patient should keep his eyes open
and full upon the operator, whose look should settle as firmly on

Some effects:

Most people will close their eyes after some moments.

The first test you can do is catalepsy (without speaking).

Arms will remain cataleptic.

All these steps will have a very salutary influence on you

subject. When we practice this method in our seminars, people
always speak of a feeling of incredible peace and wellbeing.

Method 2

In case the patient cannot raise himself, take your station near
his bed in the most convenient manner; take his thumbs, make
several passes along the arms, and, if he can support himself
upright, several along the back ; then, not to fatigue yourself,
use only one hand, placing it upon the stomach, and making
longitudinal passes, at first slightly touching through the
clothes, then at a distance. You can hold one hand fixed upon
the knees or upon the feet, while the other is in motion. Finish
by passes along the legs, and by transversal passes before the
head, the breast, and the stomach, to scatter the
superabundant fluid. When the communication is established,
one can magnetize very well by placing himself at the foot of
the patient's bed, and in front of him ; then directing at that
distance both hands from the head to the feet, dashing them
aside after each pass so as not to conduct the fluid to himself.
Deleuze sometimes produced somnambulism by this process,
without establishing the communication by touching.

Further proceedings

This is what I have to say about magnetism by the long pass,

with which it is always proper to commence, and to which a
person may confine himself until he has a reason for employing
other processes.

Let us now consider the circumstances which point out

particular processes.

When any one has a local pain, it is natural, after establishing a

communication, to carry the magnetic action to the suffering
part. It is not by passing the hands over the arms that we
undertake to cure a sciatic ; it is not by putting the hand upon
the stomach that we can dissipate a pain in the knee. Here are
some principles to guide us.

The magnetic pass, if well done, draws along with it the pain.

For example, do you desire to cure a pain in the shoulder? Hold

your hand upon the shoulder for some time, then descend, and
after having quitted the ends of the fingers, recommence
patiently the same process. Would you cure a pain in the
stomach, place your hands several minutes upon the stomach
and descend to the knees.

It is often impossible to draw a pain far from the part where it

is fixed; and you will succeed solely by driving it off
progressively, by little and little. A pain upon the top of the

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Some methods of Deleuze : test2702

head, will be lessened at first in the centre, by waving the

hands downward and outward, on the right and left. At every
pass a portion will be dislodged and carried off. It will take more
or less time to dissipate it entirely.

Remember also the importance of INTENTION: The processes

are nothing if they are not in unison with a determined
intention. We may even say they are not the cause of the
magnetic action; but it is indisputable that they are necessary
for directing and concentrating, and that they ought to be
varied according to the end one has in view.

Editor’s note. We could even interpret this result of the

movement that draws away the pain as a “non verbal
suggestion”. We speak to the body with the movement, instead
of saying anything. It is one of the simplest methods to begin

This method can be reinforced with the gaze. In our experience

it is only with the concomitant use of the gaze that the
strongest results are achieved. In this case results are achieved
in a few seconds. Without the gaze the methods requires more

For example, if one has the headache, owing to the tendency of

the blood to the head, if the forehead be hot and the feet very
cold, by making a few passes from the head to the feet, and
others along the legs, the head is relieved and the feet become
warm. If one has a pain in the shoulder, and the magnetizer
makes passes from the shoulder to the end of the fingers, the
pain will descend with the hand: it stops sometimes at the
elbow, or at the wrist, and goes off by the hands, in which a
slight perspiration is perceived: before it is entirely dissipated, a
pain is sometimes felt in the lower part of the bowels.
Magnetism seems to chase away and bear off with it what
disturbs the equilibrium, and its action ceases when the
equilibrium is restored. It is useless to search out the causes of
these facts, it is sufficient that experience has established
them, for us to conduct ourselves accordingly, when we have no
reason to do otherwise.

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