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Analyttca ChunrcaActa, 258 (1992) 61-71 61

Elsevler Science Pubhshers B V , Amsterdam

Determination of arsenic in dry ashed seafood products

by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry
and a critical comparative study with platform furnace
Zeeman-effect atomic absorption spectrometry and
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
N Ybaiiez *, M L Cervera and R Montoro
Insfituto de Agroquinuca y Tecnologii de Alunentos (CSIC), Jaune Rorg 11, 46010 Vaktua (@am)
(Recemed 7th May 1991, revised manuscnpt received 26th September 1991)


A hydnde generation atormc absorption spectrometnc (HG-AAS) method was developed for the determmatlon of
arsemc m mussel products as part of a general plan to control this element m seafood products Organic matter IS
destroyed by the dry ashmg techmque, the ash IS dissolved m HNO,, dduted m HCI, and hydrides of arsemc are
generated by the addltlon of sodmm tetrahydroborate pnor to atormzatlon m a flame-heated quartz cell and
measurement by atomic absorption spectrometry The detectlon hmit (0 017 gg g-l), precision (3%), recovery
(100 f 4%) and accuracy (detemuned by analysmg NIST Oyster Tissue) were evaluated and an Interference study
was camed out A comparative study of HG-AAS, platform furnace Zeemaneffect AAS and mductlvely coupled
atomic emlsslon spectrometry WP-AE?S) showed that the most sultable techmque for the determmatlon of arsenic m
seafood products 1s ICP-AES For samples wth arsemc levels below the detection lmut of this techmque (0 1 fig g-‘)
the altematwe 1s the use of HG-AAS
Keywords Atonuc absorption spectrometry, Arsemc, Seafood products

It has long been known that sea fish may branchs 0 1 [4]-14 4 [5], cephalopods 0 1 [6]-49
contain high levels of arsenic Results for arsenic [7], gasteropods 10 [2]-40 [2] and crustaceans
m a total-diet study carried out m vanous coun- < 0 04 [8]-91 [9] This indicates the wide ranges
tries [l-3] have shown that fish and shellfish are over which the arsenic concentrations m these
the most ngmficant dietary source of arsemc, products vary, and consequently the need to adapt
accountmg for nearly three quarters of the total the analytical method to these levels
Intake [2] It 1s very dlffxult to quantify arseruc Atonuc spectrometry 1s by far the most popu-
mtake derwmg from seafood products owing to lar technique for determmmg arsenic m marme
the multlphclty of factors, such as species, age, orgamsms The hydnde generation (HG) tech-
sex and place of ongm, which affect arsenic con- mque using sodium tetrahydroborate as a reduc-
tent Consequently, constant control of arsenic tant has been the most widely used [lo-223 be-
levels m these products 1s necessary For the cause it 1s a rapid, sensitive and semi- or fully
various groups of marme ammals the arsemc lev- automated system It 1s well known that arsme
els reported m the hterature vary considerably, as generation is susceptible to mterference from var-
follows On pg g-l) fish 006 [41-45 [2], lameh- lous elements such as Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Sb, Se and

ooO3-2670/92/$05 00 8 1992 - Elsemer Science Pubhshers B V All rights reserved

62 N YBAkZ El- AL

Sn [lo-12,15,16,18] If they are present m fish m ence m HG-AAS [31] Moreover, the dIy ashmg
greater concentrations than those established as method allows a reduction m the acldlty of the
producmg interference To ehmmate or mmmuze sample injected on to the platform, keepmg sam-
this mterferences m the analysis of seafood prod- ple dllutlon at mmunum levels for ICP Thus
ucts, the use of an Ion-exchange resm and high makes it possible to obtam acid solutions m which
concentrations of acid have been recommended arsenic can be determmed by the three tech-
ml mques, thus permlttmg the techmques to be com-
Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrom- pared
etry (GF-AAS) has also been used [23-261 be- In this work, experimental condmons for com-
cause It 1s a sensltlve techmque and can be auto- plete destructlon by dry ashmg and arsenic deter-
mated at the instrumental stage Nevertheless, mmatlon by HG-AAS m mussel products were
several examples of spectral Interference by phos- optlmlzed The analytlcal charactenstlcs of the
phates have been reported m the determmatlon procedure developed were evaluated A crltlcal
of arsenic m fish matrlces employmg deutermm comparative study was carned out of HG-AAS
arc background correction [241 A dramatic re- and platform furnace Zeeman-effect (PFZ) AAS
ductlon m interference has been demonstrated by [26] and ICP-AES [271 for the determmatlon of
usmg Zeeman-effect background correctlon m arsenic m dry ashed seafood products, with a
combmatlon with the stablllzed temperature plat- view to proposing a methodology possessmg ap-
form furnace (STPF) concept However, non- proprlate analytical characterlstlcs (detection
spectral mterference cannot be ehmmated [23,26] hmlt, preclslon and accuracy) and suitable for the
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emlsslon wide range of concentrations of arsemc found m
spectrometry (ICP-AES) with conventlonal pneu- seafood products
matic nebuhzatlon has not been used for the
determmatlon of arsenic m seafood products with
the exception of work on the determmatlon of
arsenic m mussels [27] However, this techmque Apparatus
offers substantial advantages, such as the absence A Heraeus Model 1100/3 muffle furnace
of chemical mterference and a wider dynamic equipped with a Jumo DPG-44/l dIgItal mlcro-
range 1281 Nevertheless, m ICP spectral mterfer- processor was used for sample ashmg A Perkm-
ence IS a serious problem and control can only be Elmer Model 5000 spectrophotometer equipped
achieved by an accurate knowledge of the con- with a Perhn-Elmer MHS-10 hydride genera-
centration levels of each of the potentially mter- tion attachment and a Perkm-Elmer Model 056
fermg elements 1281 strip-chart recorder was used A Perkm-Elmer
As can be deduced from the above dlscussIon, Zeeman/3030 atonuc absorption spectrometer
none of the three techniques consrdered is free eqmpped with an HGA-600 graphite furnace and
from possible Interferences and there 1s no unam- an AS-60 autosampler was employed This mstru-
mously accepted cnterlon for choosmg one spe- ment includes graphics display, and highly tune-
cific techmque for determmmg arsemc m seafood resolved signals were plotted with a Perkm-Elmer
products With respect to sample preparation PR-100 prmter Pyrolytic graphite-coated graphite
procedure, dry ashmg Hrlth magnesium nitrate has tubes with mserted L’vov platform, Perkm-Elmer
many advantages because of Its slmphcrty and Part No 112660, were utlhzed exclusively A
safety [15,18,22] Interference occurs when ml- Perkm-Elmer ICP/6000 spectrometer controlled
crowave dIgestIon, a very fast, efflclent and smt- by a Perkm-Elmer Model 7500 laboratory com-
able method for decomposmg marme blologlcal puter and a Perkm-Elmer PR-210 printer was
tissue [26,29,301, 1s combined with HG-AAS, ow- also used The Instrumental characterlstlcs are
mg to incomplete destructlon of orgamc matter gwen m Tables l-3
Perchlorlc acrd has to be Included, mtroducmg All glass and polyethylene materials were
special safety requirements and possible mterfer- soaked in 10% (v/v) HNO, for 2 weeks and

rinsed three times wth analytical-reagent grade ard suspension contammg 20% (w/v> Mg(NO,),
water before bemg used for the first tune Be- and 2% (w/v) MgO are added and the compo-
tween uses they were placed m mtrrc acid for 24 nents are mixed well After evaporation on a
h sand-bath until totally dry, the residue undergoes
a first careful ashmg process m a muffle furnace
Reagents 150°C for 1 h, 200°C for 30 mm, 250°C for 1 h,
Analytical-reagent grade water with a metered 300°C for 3 h, 350°C for 30 mm and 450°C for
reslstlvlty of 18 MR cm was used to prepare all 12-14 h Generally it 1s necessary to wet the ash
samples and standards All reagents used were of with 50% (v/v) HNO,, evaporate on a sand-bath
the highest purity avaJable and at least of analyt- and perform a second shorter ashmg process
I&-reagent grade A stock solution of A.&II) (150°C for 1 h, 300°C for 30 mm and 450°C for
was prepared by dlssolvmg arsemc tnoxlde 12-14 h), once or twice, until the ash IS com-
(Rledel-de Haen) m water. Ashmg ald suspension pletely white The 100°C temperature increases
was prepared by stu-rmg 20 g of Mg(NOJ, 6H,O are carned out over a penod of 15 mm and
and 2 g of MgO m 100 ml of water until homoge- mcreases of 150°C over 30 mm The ash IS dls-
neous Potassmm lodlde solution (2%, w/v) was solved m 2 ml of 50% (v/v) HNO,, washed wth
prepared and stored m a refruerator Soduun water and filtered through Whatman No 1
tetrahydroborate was prepared by dlssolvmg 3 g filter-paper mto a 50-ml volumetnc flask The
of NaBH, m 100 ml of 1% (w/v> NaOH solution solution 1s stored m a polyethylene bottle Blanks
The mtiure was filtered through Whatman No are prepared by charring 5 ml of 50% (v/v)
42 paper and stored m a refrigerator HNO, and 1 ml of ashmg aid suspension using
Samples the dry ashmg procedure
Several cans of mussel products, m brme and Instrumental parameters The operatmg condo-
m pickled sauce, were purchased m local retall tlons for the atomic absorption spectrometer and
outlets for analysis for arsemc The brme or sauce hydnde generatlon apparatus which gave the best
was removed from the mussels by the method for response were selected m previous studies of the
determmmg the dramed weight m canned foods determmatlon of arsemc m beer [32] and tomato
The total contents of the can were emptied mto a products [33] and are gwen m Table 1
sieve with a 5-mm stamless steel mesh made of Analyszs of mmeralzzed samples Ahquots of 1
l-mm gauge wire, the sieve being tilted shghtly to ml of mmerahzed sample solutron (contammg
facilitate dramage To ensure complete dramage, < 60 ng of arsend and 4 ml of 62 5% (v/v) HCI,
the mussels were allowed to dram for 5 mm The m trlphcate, were plpetted mto the hydride reac-
drained mussels were then crushed and homoge- tlon flask Then 1 ml of 2% KI solution was
mzed to a fine paste m a Mouhnex domestic added and allowed to stand for 5 mm (arsenate 1s
blender The resulting paste was stored m prevl- reduced to arsemte by KI) The NaBH, solution
ously decontammated glass flasks and kept m a was placed m the reactlon flask and the plunger
freezer until analysis was released after the peak maximum had been
The methods presented m this study were vah- reached on the recorder (lo-15 s), the peak
dated by usmg Standard Reference Matenal signal height was measured The readmg was
(SRM) 1566a Oyster Tissue from the National compared with an arseruc cahbratlon graph ob-
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tamed by plpettmg 0, 10,20,40 and 60 ~1 of 1 pg
ml-’ workmg standard solution mto 5 ml of 50%
Procedure for determznatwn of As by HG-AAS (v/v) HCI and measurmg m the same way as for
Dry ashzng mzneralzzatzon The recommended the samples
procedure IS as follows A 0 250-g (dry weight)
portion of mussel product or certlfled sample or Procedure for determznatzon of As by PFZ-AAS
100 g (wet weight) of mussel product sample IS Employ the same dry ashmg procedure as for
taken, 5 ml 50% (v/v> HNO, and 1 ml of ashmg HG-AAS, take digest sample ahquots of 1 ml and

HG-AAS operabng condltlons for the detennmatlon of arsenic 111mussels
As ekctrodeless dmzharge lamp 85W
Wavelength 193 7 nm
Sht wgdth, low 07nm
Simple sht burner 10 cm
Acetylene flow-rate 21mm-’
An flow-rate 155lmm-’
Measurmg mode Peak height
Reading tie 20 s
Recorder input voltage 10 mV
Chart speed Smmmm-’

Condltlons m hydnde generation apparatus

Sample aliquot volume 1 ml
Solution volume m reaction flask 5ml
Sample acidity 50% (v/v) HCl
Reducing agent 1 ml, 2% (w/v) KI
NaBH, solution 3% (w/v>
Argon flow-rate 450 ml mm-’

add 1 ml of water and 20 ~1 of standard aqueous Procedure for deternunatwn of As by ICPAES

solutions contammg 0, 2, 4 and 6 pg ml-’ of Take 10 00 & 0 01 g (wet weight) of mussel
arsenic and analyse using the standard addltlon product sample, add 10 ml of ashmg ald suspen-
method with the expenmental conditions mdl- slon contammg 20% (w/v) Mg(NO,), and 2%
cated m Table 2 (w/v) MgO and 5 ml of 40% (v/v) HNO,, nux

PFZ-AAS operating condltlons for the determmatlon of arsenic m mussels
Electrodeless discharge lamp 85W
Wavelength 193 7 nm
Spectral band mdth 0 7 nm (low)
Background correctIon Zeeman
Measunng mode Integrated absorbance calculated by HGA software
Graphite furnace HGA-600
Furnace tube Pyrolytlcally coated mth a L’vov platform
Injection mode Autosampler AS-60
Sample volume 2Opl
Matrur modlfier 10 /.~l 0 1% (w/v) NI
Furnace programme
Step Temperature Time (s) Internal
(“Cl Hold Ar flow-rate
(ml mu-‘>
1 Dlylng 90 10 20 300
2 Drying 120 10 20 300
3 Ashmg 800 10 10 300
4 Ashmg 1100 10 10 300
5 Atonuzatlon 2300 0 5 0
6 Cleaning 2650 1 5 300
7 Cooling 20 10 10 300

ICP-AESoperatmg condlttons for the determmatlon of arsemc m mussels
Sequentlal scannmg, 0 025 nm band pass, holographic UV gratmg
ICP source
Plasmatherm 2 5 kW, 27 13 MHZ
Integral quartz torch
Sample introduction
Nebuhzer pneumatic cross-flow type
Spray chamber dual concentnc spray chamber type
Sample uptake pellstalhc pump
Operating condltlons
Vlewmg height 10 mm above the load cod
Coolant Ar flow-rate 181mm-’
Nebuhzer Ar pressure 20 ps1
Nebuhzer Ar flow-rate OSlmm-’
Auxdmry Ar flow-rate 041mm-1
R f forward power 1lkW
Sample solution flow-rate 11 ml mm-l
Integratron time 5S
Wavelength 193 696 nm

well and follow the procedure described for dry Optlmlzatwnof dry ashmg mmeralizatwn To
ashmg Dissolve the completely whrte ash m 5 ml optmuze the conditions for the destructlon of
of water and 5 ml of 50% (v/v) HCI, filter through orgamc matter and subsequent solublhzatlon of
Whatman No 1 filter-paper mto a 25-ml volu- the ash obtamed, the followmg condltlons were
metnc flask and dilute the filtrate to volume with established expenmentally mtnc acrd wet dlges-
water Store the solution m a polyethylene bottle tlon before ashmg, sample size required and ap
Prepare reagent blanks by applymg the dry ashmg propnate type of contamer for mmerahzatlon,
procedure to 10 ml of ashmg ald suspension and amount of ashmg aid and mmerahzatlon stages m
5 ml of 40% (v/v) HNO, the muffle furnace
Determine arsemc by employmg the optlmlzed According to other workers, mtnc acid wet
analytical parameters mdlcated m Table 3, cah- dIgestIon before ashmg helps to drsperse the sam-
brate the spectrometer with a 10 pg ml-’ arsemc ple m the MgO-Mg(NO,), suspension, elnm-
standard solution m 10% (v/v> HCl, using a 10% nates fluffing out and avoids sample combustion
<v/v) HCl solution as a blank Check the calrbra- losses during ashmg [22,25] On the other hand,
tlon with standard solutions of 0 5, 2 and 5 pg the high chlonde content 111mussel tissue and the
ml-’ of arsemc NaCl mgredlent m the brine or sauce m mussel
products could volatlhze arsemc as tnchlorlde
This 1s avolded by the use of mtrlc acid, which
RJLXJLTS AND DISCUSSION volatlhzes as mtrosyl chlonde m the prehmmary
mmerahzatlon stage [341
Arsemc determmatwnby HG-AAS Sample size was optimized on the basis of
To optmnze the methodology a mussel product obtammg a sufficient concentration of arsenic for
was selected that was also used to estabhsh the Instrumental readmgs and at the same time keep-
methodolomes for arsemc determmatlon by PFZ- mg possible matrix mterference to a mmlmum
AAS [26] and ICP-AAS [27] Samples of 0 250 g (dry weight) and 0 500, 100,

2 00,5 00 and 10 00 g (wet weight) were mmeral- The stages m the muffle furnace prevent ar-
lzed A sample srze of 0 250 g (dry weight) or 100 senic loss by sample splashmg or igmtion durmg
g (wet werght), the mimum srze surtable for this the evolutron of volatrle materials prior to the
heterogeneous sample, was selected because it final ashmg stage at 450°C The long charrmg
pernuts the determmatton of arsenic by HG-AAS stage allows complete evolutron of the mtrogen
and PFZ-AAS, using the same acid extract, wrth oxide gases
good preclsron and recoverres Interference study Among the mterference-
The type of contamer selected as appropriate producmg elements mentioned, Fe and Sn can
was a 250~ml glass vessel (tall form), which pro- occur m mussel at levels (1367 kg g-’ Fe, 14192
vides fast mmerahzatron without sample loss An- kg g-’ Sn) [35,36] that could potentrally interfere
other type of container (Erlenmeyer flasks) wrth arsenic deternnnatlons m readmg reaction
proved unsuttable because the sample splashes flask solutions (2 /lg of Fe and 1 pg of Sn) [311
out and is more drffrcult to oxtdlze Therefore, it was decided to carry out an mterfer-
The amount of ashmg atd [Mg(NO,),-MgO] ence study of Fe and Sn m the mstrumental
was carefully optimized because, m addrtlon to reading of arsenic by comparing calibratron graphs
being a volatrhzation mhhtor, it accelerates sam- for arsemc without Fe and Sn with calibration
ple mmerahzation, producmg a spongier ash graphs obtamed usmg different amounts of Fe (0,
which facihtates dlssolutron Nevertheless, we are 5, 10 and 15 pg) correspondmg to 0, 2000, 4000,
aware that Mg(I1) produces negatrve mterference and 6000 pg g-l of sample, or Sn (0, 1,2 5 and 5
during arsme generation [33] It was confumed pg) correspondmg to 0, 200, 1000 and 2000 pg
that the arsemc recovery is quantitative up to a g-’ of sample (dry weight) The statrstrcal method
level of 6 mg ml-’ of Mg(I1) m a hydride genera- used to estimate interference from Fe and Sn was
tion apparatus reaction flask, as reported by Tam multiple linear regression analysrs performed by a
and Lacrorx [151 However, the concentratron cor- BMDPlR program [37] The resulting multtple
respondmg to thus level of Mg(I1) m the mmeral- hnear regression models showed, m both m-
rzed sample produces a film of magnesmm on the stances, a highly slgmficant relationship only be-
graphite tube wall and also mcreases the back- tween the concentratron of arsemc and ab-
ground To muumlze the amount of ashmg aid sorbance (Tables 5 and 6) However, the other
used, a general study of recovery tests usmg drf- regressors considered, the concentrattons of Fe
ferent amounts of magnesmm was carrred out and Sn and then squares and mteractlons with
(Table 4) On the basis of the results obtained, the concentration of As (Fe As and Sn As), did
for a sample size of 100 g, 1 ml of suspension not show a slgmfrcant relationship with ab-
[20% M&NO,),-2% MgO] was selected, corre- sorbance These factors seem, therefore, to have
spondmg to 0 62 mg ml-’ of Mg(II) 111the reac- had no effect on absorbance, and it can be con-
tion flask and yielding a recovery of 100% firmed that levels 5-fold higher for Fe and 1Cfold
hrgher for Sn than the maxmum levels detected
TABLE 4 m mussel have no effect on the arsemc signal
Effect of amount of ashmg ald on the recovery of arsemc m Stmdarly, no matrtx effect was detected, as the
mussels b slopes of the cahbratron graphs obtamed by the
Ashmg ald Recovery of standard addition method and the standards did
Volume Mg(NO,), 6H,O MgO 10CLgg-’ not show significant differences
(ml) (%, w/v) (%, w/v)
added As (%I Moreover, it was verified that background cor-
1 12 25
rection wrth a deutenum arc IS not necessary, as
025 57
25 25 025 60 samples, standard, reagent blanks and standard
1 10 1 66 blanks showed the same background signal
1 20 2 100 Analyttcal charactenstm of the HG-AAS
1 40 4 100 method To check the vahdity of the HG-AAS
a Sample size = 1 g (wet weight) method and to compare rt wrth the PFZ-AAS and

Interference of Fe m the As Instrumental readmg
Analytical curves
AS y=OO44+95x,r=O9991
As+5pgFe y-0045+95x,r-09994
As+ 1OpgFe y=OO43+10Ox,r=O9995
As+ 15pgFe y=OO63+93x,r=O9993

Multiple hnear regressIon analysis

Absorbance = K, + k&is] + k,[Fe] + k.&4# + k,[Fe]’ + k,[AsXFe]
Multiple correlation coefficient 0 9986
Standard error of estimate 0 0132
F-value 994 476, P < 0 Oool, (F, 14,0 01) = 4 69
Summary table for the regresslon a
Variable Coefficient Standard error T P (2-W)
[ASI 98647 0 5462 18 06 000
[Fe1 0 0021 0 0019 107 030
[Fel* -06800~10-~ 0 1176 x 1O-3 -058 057
L4.d* - 3 8178 8 1750 -047 0 65
~FelA.4 -00015 0 0244 -006 0 95
Intercept 0 03755
a T-t test for the coefkent b,/s@,), and the associate two-taded probability value Tolerance (1 - Rf) where the multiple R: IS
the correlation of Independent variables

Interference of Sn m the As mstrumental reading
AnalytIcal curves
As y=O027+8Ox,r=O9993
As+lpgSn y=O028+8Ox,r=O9988
As-k25figSn y=0026+77x,r=09985
As+SpgSn y=O032+79r,r=O9988
Multiple lmear regresslon analysis
Absorbance = K, + k,[Asl + k,[Sn] + k&& + k,[Sn]* + k,[AsXSn]
Multiple correlation coefflclent 0 9992
Standard error of estimate 0 0079
F-value 1863 297, P < 0 0001, (F, 14, 0 01) = 4 69

Summary table for the regresslon a

Vanable Coefficient Standard error T P (2-tad)
IAs1 8 8914 0 3223 27 58 000
ISnl -00043 0 0037 -117 0%
EW 0 1011 x 10-Z 0 6614 x 1O-3 153 0 15
L4s12 - 15 8633 4 9058 -323 001
LWAsl -00129 0 0435 -030 077
Intercept 0 02247
a T-r test for the coefficient b,/s(b,), and the associate two-taded probabdzty value Tolerance (1 - Rf) where the multlple R,” 1s
the correlation of Independent vmables

ICP-AES methods developed for the determma- The percentage recovery was evaluated at two
tlon of arsemc m mussel products, analytical levels of arsenic concentration (2 8 and 10 pg
charactenstlcs such as sensmvlty, detection Imut, g-l) and was determined as R = (X- Y/Z> x
prec1slon, recovery and accuracy were evaluated 100, where X= concentration of arsenic m the
m accordance with IUPAC recommendations [38] spiked sample, Y = concentration m the sample
The results obtained are summarized 111Table 7 and 2 = concentration added All concentrations
Sensltlvlty was established from the mean value were expressed m 1.18g-’ of mussel The percent-
of the slopes of the cahbratlon graphs and ex- age recovery was very satisfactory and the confi-
pressed m absorbance umts per pg g-’ The dence semi-mterval at 95% probabdlty IS wlthm
sensitlvlty obtained was greater than that re- the precision for the method
ported m the literature for the determmatlon of The values found m the analysis of a certified
arsemc m fish by HG-AAS [lo,391 sample, SRM 1566a Oyster Tissue, were m close
The detection Inmt, established as the arsenic agreement with the certified values
concentration m pg g-l (wet weight) of mussel
product which provides an absorbance reading Arsemc content m canned mussel products of
statlstlcally different from that of the blank, was natwnal manufacture
calculated by dlvldmg three times the standard Seventeen different national brands purchased
deviation of the absorbance readmgs of eight m the retall market were analysed 111triplicate by
reagent blanks by the sensltlvity, and takmg mto HG-AAS The arsenic contents found are sum-
account the sample mass and ddutlon employed marlzed m Table 8 The mean concentration of
The detectron lnnlt obtamed was lower than the all samples was 2 4 + 0 2 pg g-l (wet weight) or
mmnnum content m fish and shellfish reported m 6 8 f 0 6 pg g-’ (dry weight) Only s1x samples
the hterature (0 04 pg g-l> [8] analysed were outside the confidence interval for
Method precision 1s expressed as the relative the mean value at a 95% confidence level (four
standard devlatlon of eight independent analyses higher and two lower) No differences were de-
of the same sample of mussel product The tected which were related to the use of enamelled
method precision obtained was suitable for the or plam tmplate, type of oil employed (the only
level of arsenic concentration m seafood prod- different nigredlent specified m the od sauces m
ucts the samples analysed) or mussel size

Analykal charactensk of methods
Method Sensitivity a DetectIon hmit Preclslon b, Recovery ’ Accuracy d,
kg g-l) RSD (%) (%o) found value
(rg g-‘1 (dry weight)
HG-AAS 1760 f 120 0 017 3 (18) 102 f 3 (3 0,2 8) 137f12
(n = 8) = 97 f 4 (1 8, 10)
PEZ-AAS 1840 k 360 08 2 (2 9) 100 f 6 (2 9,2 8) 131+12
ICP-AES 182& 32 01 3 (2 7) 99 f 3 (2 7,5) 141*11
(n = 6) e 98 f 1 (2 7, 10)
a For HG-AAS and PFZ-AAS expressed m absorbance units per pg g- 1 For ICP expressed as 1,/I,, where 1, 1s the net As
enusslon and I, the background enusSlon obtamed for a standard solution of 100 pg ml- ’ b Values m parentheses correspond to
the average contents, m pg g-‘, for the sample analysed c Recovery percentages expressed unth the confidence mterval at the
95% confidence level Values m parentheses are the average concentration m pg g- ’ of the unsplked samples and of the As
added d Confidence Interval at the 95% confidence level obtamed m four analyses of NIST SRM 1566a Oyster ‘ksue, certified
value = 14 0 f 12 pg g-’ e II = Number of independent analyses for each parameter except sensltwty and accuracy

Comparison of the three me&oak Wlfh Zeeman-effect correction, provides control

The chorce of method 1s dependent on a num- of spectral mterference, while non-spectral mter-
ber of factors, mcludmg sample matm mterfer- ference IS mmlrmzed by means of a suitable
ence, sensltnnty, detectlon hmlt, preaslon, accu- tnne-temperature optumzatlon of the program-
racy, workmg analysis range and speed of analy- me and the use of the standard addltlon method
SlS for the determmatlon of arsenic m mussels Thrs
The three methods are susceptible to mterfer- technique 1s apphcable to seafood products pro-
ence, which must be controlled. For mussels, the vided that agnal suppresslon caused by matrix
HG-AAS method 1s free from interference be- Interference 1s controlled by use of the standard
tween elements, as Its high sensltlvrty pemuts addltlon method and suitable sample dllutlon
dlution of samples before mstrumental analysis, The ICP-AES method [27] for the determma-
reducmg or even ehmmatmg the maJor@ of m- tlon of arsenic m mussels 1s free from chermcal,
terference effects [ll] by lowermg the concentra- physical and spectral interferences at the wave-
tlon of mterfermg elements m the reaction flask length used (193 696 nm) However, If this method
[40] There IS also no mterference from organic were to be used for the determmatlon of arsenic
matter as this 1s completely elnnmated by dry m seafood products, it would be necessary to
ashmg However, for the apphcatlon of this tech- check for potential mterference from Cr, Fe and
ruque to seafood products m general, It IS neces- Sn occurrmg m the instrumental readmg ahquot
sary to control the levels of potentmlly mterfermg at concentrations greater than 50 pg ml-l for Cr
elements (Cu, Fe, Mg, Nl, Sb, Se and Sn) and and 200 pg ml-’ for Fe and Sn
confum expernnentally that these do not exceed The sensltlvltles of the HG-AAS and PFZ-AAS
the concentrations estabhshed as producmg mter- methods are comparable ICP-AES 1s a less sensl-
ference m the reactlon flask tlve technique In this instance, though, the dry
The PFZ-AAS method [26], usmg a combma- ashmg procedure makes It possible to obtam an
tlon of a stablhzed temperature platform furnace acid solution 160 times more concentrated than

Arsemc content m canned mussel products of natlonal manufacture
Charactenstw na Range Mean
of values fcSI b
hg g-l) (1Lgg-l)
Plam tmplate 13 18-3 3 24kO2
enamelled tmplate 4 23-26 24+02
Olive 011 3 24-25 25*02
Vegetable d 14 18-33 24kO2
Very large
(6-8 pieces per 75 g) 1 26 26
(8-12 pieces per 70 g) 6 20-25 24rtO2
(12-16 pteces per 70 g) 6 18-26 22f03
(18-u) pieces per 70 g) 2 24-27 26f18
Ungraded 2 26-33 30*45
p n = Number of samples b CSI = confidence semi-Interval at the 95% confidence level

m the other two methods, which compensates for level of 99%) The statIstica information ob-
the techmque’s lack of sensltlvtty In this m- tamed 1s given 111Table 9
stance, for 10 g of sample 25 ml of 10% <v/v> The analysis ranges of the three methods, un-
HCl 1s used der the operatmg condltlons employed (sample
The detection hrmt of the three methods pro- size and dllutlon), permit the determmatlon of
vldes louts below the arsenic levels detected m arsemc over a concentration range which extends
the analysis of canned mussel products of na- from the detection llrmt to the end of the linear
tlonal manufacture They are also below the mean workmg range and are, expressed m pg g-’ of
levels found m a review of the literature for the sample for HG-AAS 0 017-12 0, for PFZ-AAS
various groups of marme ammals, v1z, m pg 8-l 0 8-12 8 and for ICP-AES 0 l- > 91 (the maxi-
fish 5, lamehbranchs 4, cephalopods 10, gas- mum content quoted m the literature) For HG-
teropods 6 and crustaceans 14 However, the AAS the analysis can be extended to 24 0 ppm by
nummum concentration detected according to the increasing the dilution without noticeably affect-
review of the literature (< 0 04 pg g-‘1 1s below mg the analytical characterlstlcs However, m
the detection lumts for the PFZ-AAS and ICP- PFZ-AAS greater sample dllutlons than those
AES techniques, so that for the analysis of sam- used m the method quoted make the analytical
ples with these low levels the HG-AAS techmque characterlstlcs of the method unacceptable From
1s required this one can deduce that the only technique which
The prec1slons, recovenes and accuracies of covers almost the whole concentration range de-
the three methods are comparable, and this was tected m fish and shellfish 1s ICP-AES
confumed expenmentally by comparmg the re- The tune required for the PFZ-AAS technique
sults obtained by usmg the three methods for the IS lengthy, despite automation, owmg to the need
analysis m tnphcate of five real mussel product to use the standard additions method, with an
samples and the certified sample A one-way analysis rate of 1 sample h-’ Semi-automated
analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the data by a HG-AAS requires considerable sample mampula-
BMDP7D program [37], to test the mean concen- tlon and constant attention on the part of the
tratlon obtained by the three methods, showed no operator, but is much faster than PFZ-AAS ICP-
significant differences (based on a slgmfxance AES, featuring measurement against a single

Companson of HG-AAS, PFZ-AAS and ICP-AES by a one-way analysis of variance
Analysis of vanance table for means
Source Sum of squares DF Mean square F value Tall
Method 6 5450 2 3 2725 0 15 0 8590
Error 1159 6184 54 214744
(Fw, 0 01) = 5 03
Group means
Parameter HG-AAS PFZ-AAS ICP-AES All groups combmed
Mean 4 847 4602 5 412 4 954
Standard devlatlon 4 709 4 539 4 653 4 563
Maximum 14 419 13 926 15 542 15 542
Mmlmum 1 952 1765 2 152 1765
Cases Included 19 19 19 57

standard and not requu-mg sample mampulatlon Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 17-22 September, 1978, Else-
ner, Amsterdam, 1979
or the method of addltlons, 1s the fastest of the
12 W Evans, F J Jackson and D Dellar, Analyst, 104 (1979)
three 16
13 H Agerman and R Thomson, Analyst, 105 (1980) 902
Conclwwm 14 J J Sanchez Saez, M D Santos Dlaz and M E Cirugeda-
The most smtable technique for the deten- Delgado, Boletin de1 Centro Naaonal de Ahmentaa6n y
nation of arsenic 111seafood products 1s ICP-AEB, Nutn&n, 6-8 (1981) 70
for the followmg reasons the absence of physical, 15 G KH Tam and G Lacrolx, J Assoc Off Anal Chem,
chemical and spectral interference, as long as the 65 (1982) 647
16 K Jm, H Ogawa and H Taga, Bunseltl Kagaku, 32 (1983)
levels of Cr, Fe and Sn are below the interference El71
levels (which are difficult to reach as they are 17 WA Maher, Talanta, 30 (1983) 534
high), its excellent preclslon, accuracy and wde 18 R E Sturgeon, S N W&e and S S Berman, J Anal At
analysis range, allowmg arsenic determmatlon Spectrom , 1 (1986) 115
over almost the whole concentration range de- 19 I Santa Mana, M Gonzalez, W Lara and A Ober, Bull
Environ Contam Toxlcol ,37 (1986) 593
tected m seafood products, and the absence of 20 J W Hershey, T S Oostdyk and P N Kehher, J Assoc
the need for sample mampulatlon by the opera- Off Anal Chem, 71 (1988) 1090
tor, and consequent speed of analysis For sam- 21 M Lopez-Artlguez, ML Soria and M Repetto, Bull
ples with arsenic levels below the detection limit EnvEon Contam Toxxol , 42 (1989) 634
of this technique (0 1 pg g-l), the alternative 1s 22 W Brumbaugh and M J Walther, J Assoc Anal Chem,
72 (1989) 484
the use of HG-AAS, allowing the determination 23 B Welz and G Schlemmer, J Anal At Spectrom, 1
of arsenic levels over 0 017 pg g-’ with excellent (1986) 19
precision and accuracy 24 M Hoemng and P Van Hoeyweghen, Int J Environ
Anal Chem , 24 (1986) 193
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the Corn&n Intermnusterlal de Clencla y Tec- 70 (1987) 866
nologia (CICyTj, Project AL189-0521, for which 26 N Yhaiiez, ML Cervera, R Montoro and M de la
Guarcha, J Anal At Spectrom, 6 (1991) 379
we are deeply indebted 27 M L Cervera, Doctoral Dissertation, Umversity of Valen-
aa, Valenaa, 1991
28 P W J M Boumans, Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission
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