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1. Exposure
 Opening of body tissue
2. Particular Interventions
 Certain Action that we use to handle something
3. Five Level of prevention
 An attempt to take prevention again the risk of disease transmission spread of potential
infection or causes disease of our outbreaks:
1. Health promotion
2. General and specific protection
3. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
4. Disability limitation
5. Rehabilitation

 1. Primordial prevention
 2. Primary prevention
 3. Secondary prevention
 4. Tertiery prevention
 5. Quarternaly prevention
4. Infectious disease
 Disease caused by microorganism such as bacteria, virus, parasites, fungi, can spread
from one person to another direct and indirect.
 Illness caused by specific infectious agent.
 A kind of disease that is not heridated.


1. What factors that causes development of infection?

2. Explain about 5 levels prevention of diseases!
3. How are the mechanism of infection disease transmission?
4. What is communicable disease?
5. Are there any classification of the transmission of infectious disease?
6. Differences communicable disease and infection disease!
7. How to prevent infectious disease?
8. How to improve health and keep away from infectious disease?
9. What is the natural history of infectious disease
10. Mention the medias of infectious disease!
11. How are infectious disease diagnosed?
12. What microbes do to cause disease?
1. What is communicable disease and what difference infectious disease
 Communicable disease is a disease that can transmited easily and rapidly
 It can be transmitted directly or indirectly

Communicable secara langsung

Infectious bisa secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung

2. Mention the transmission medias of infectious disease!

 Water
 Airborne
 Sand
 Droplets of affected people.
3. What factors that causes development of infection?
 Environment
 Virulence factor
 Microbial adherence
 Resistent to antimicrobial
 Defect in host defends mechanism or host (gender, age, genetics)
 Point 2 until 4: agent

4. Explain about 5 levels prevention of diseases!

1. Health promotion : monitoring the health of children, nnutrition,

health living like public action to maintain the balance and increasing indurance ex:
exercise regulary
2. General and specific protection : protection agent acidene , karsinogen agent, alergi
agent, imunisation, too stop the rocess of interaction of germ house environment
ex: imunisation
3. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment : individual and main survey, selective
Finding the disease as early as possible
Ex :screening
4. Disability limitation : complit treatment, hospillitition (therapy)

5. Rehabilitation : hospilititon and occupation therapy

Action restore the patient

5. Are there any classification and how are the mechanism of infection disease transmission?

Direct : salaman, berplelukan(melakukan kontak dengan orang yang terinfeksi, terjadi

respon imun danmulai muncul gejala )
Indirect : berbicara berhadapan ex: droplet , airbone

6. How to prevent infectious disease?

eating healty diet,getting proper exercise, rutin checkup
wash your hands, get , stay home , prepare food safely
sanitasi yang baik
healty living habits
lifestyle, sebanding dengan olahraga
istirahat yang cukup
mengonsumsi vitamin

7. What is the natural history of infectious diseases? (proses penularan)

Is also refered to as the course of the disease or its development and progression
Contoh: ada orang makan dan terkontaminasi,
Kontaminan sudah meninfeksi tubuh
Gejala gejala timbul

8. How are infectious disease diagnosed?

 Sign and symptoms
 Test examination
Medical check up : laboratory test
 Riwayat penyakit dahulu

9. What microbes do to cause disease?

Ex : virus :
- ijeksi
- Replikasi
- Lisis
- penyebaran
- menyerang

10. perbedaan agen dan faktor resiko

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