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***Article Critique Example***

·r tae article for critique gives an in-depth discussion of lhe cun·ent Uu sh

and the i s~u cs sun·oun<ling g lobal \Vanniag. E:-.scntially, L:1c article at·<.:uses
a<l1nini slr~1l i o n
cuJ'rent President Bush and the White House of covering up six ye:irs o f deceit J'e gal'ding
the global v.rarmi ng issue. P:iran1ouni in theaniclediscussion is lhc author's viC\\'
regarding various fa lsehoods stated by the Bu sh administration. These include failure to
de li ve r Lhc follo\\~ns promises: capping of carbon emissions. saving job.;;, curbing
greenhouse gases. making pollution cuts voluntary. pursuing, mOl'e technology und
science. conseJ'ving energy. investing in hydrogen cars. raising fuel standards. and
J'e ducing gasoline consumpdon. from the very ~ucci ncl statcme nls in lhc artic le, lhi' arlitic wa-. wrillcn
from a purely libe.-JI perspec1lve. T he nuthor was attempting. 10 send a direct mcs:.agc
regnrdlng globol worming. and the follure of current adminlsmitlon to keep pc'Omlses
made on dealing with cen:iin aspects or the issue. He ref'err<!<I to the handling of glObal
warming hy Ru<h as "the cnmpaign ol' disinfbrn1ation."'

T he ruticle was loog and precise: however I would osk the journalist a few
qucs1ions for clarification. first. what numbers reflect progress made by the
ad mln istrotion cowards resolving the issue? Secondly. wh:lt specific suggestions or advice
would he like to g ive tn the cun-cnl ad1nini ...1ration in an effort to alleviate the g lohal
"'urrning cri sis?

T he issue of global warming has a direct effect on 1he lives of people all across
lhc world. Failure to control global w:irming can lead 10 climate catastrophes. These
include: mega droughts, raging \Yi Id fire,, deci mated forests. 3nd dengue fc:vcr. Fail urt! 10
adequately addrc« the issue could have devastating cffccis <>n human <crvicc<. Natur:>I
ca1as1rophe~ arc: a huge bunlc:n un lhe n1an-po\vCJ· and nnu11ciul n::i.ourco of s.ervh.ic
agenc ies. In addition. there could be u 11·emendous loss or life for individuals throughou1
the world.

·rhe nrtlcle disrusses In detall 1he problem of who exercises power in the energy
indu stries. J•ron1 ::i clu)~ pe~-pcctivc. those v.rilh the rtlOSt n:.M>urcc.::.s exert the most contro l
over the debate in finding alternate energy sources. Consistent with both wi:lfore and
advocacy tcxthooks.. distributive justice is a continuing issue in attempting lo innucncc
social wel fare policy so 1h:it 311 pcr<en< are involved in the promolion of social j ustice.

Overall, I found the article quite interesting. The article gave a substantial a mount
of data. and included romc helpful graphic illustrations. However. it was obvious that the
a11icle was written to express one point of view. As a critical thi nker. I was disappointed
that 1norc fuels v. crc not included so that the reader cou Id form an o hjcctivc opinio n.

E very <.1uthor w1ilto:s to promote their O\Vn agcn<la; ho'A'to:vcr thi/) article could have been
grc atJ y e nhanced by disc:.u ssi ng both sides o f the issut:, and giving the reader a n
opportunity to decide for herself/himself.

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