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Alexander Tages

(Book One)

And let the suffering and joy,
Let luck and disappointment
Promchatsya bizarre succession;
Who wants to act - Forget the rest!

Goethe's "Faust"

It happens - you wake up, like a bird,

Winged spring on edge,
And you want to live and work,
But the breakfast is held.

I. Guberman "datsibao"


Marveling at the abundance of books devoted to the subject of self-development and self-perfection of man, one
can not but wonder negligibly small amount of harmonious and successful people that surrounds us. Indeed, who
among us does not dream of tranquility and serenity of the spirit of material prosperity and a clear mind, a mental
and physical health? What's that, and only to dream something we love! To dream, to plunge into the life of fictional
literature and film characters, and then ... go back to the daily routine, constant ailments, boring work and the
eternal lack of money. Most of us live in this way.
Where can rarely meet someone who really tries anything change in your life. A man who wants to learn how to
achieve success or to find long-lost in our society, "the meaning of life," as finally to get rid of constantly cling
disease, exhausting physically and financially useless habits or disturb the normal flow of life psychological
complexes. Such people, unfortunately, are a rarity. And this, despite the apparent overabundance of information on
this topic! Just one day after throwing a challenge to fate and obtaining her once or twice putting people helplessly
throw up their hands, swelling the ranks of disaffected losers in life.
But why does this happen? Did the authors of countless "guidelines for self-healing" and books "about the ability
to influence people" is not able to give his readers what he so craves? Or maybe the whole thing in the methods
expounded by the authors of the best-seller? The methods that are so vague and detached from reality that derive
from them any whatsoever practical benefit is simply impossible? You can, of course, to assume and it, but then it is
not clear why the reader again and again to put their money in a completely useless to him the goods? ..
Let's try to look at things differently. What is the literature on self-improvement questions? I think we made a
mistake, if we divide all the many books devoted to the study of this issue into three main parts. Firstly, it is a book
of occult or esoteric sense. Here you can find all that relates to the development of abilities of clairvoyance and
telepathy device Macro - and Microcosm, the various methods of divination, communication with spirits, and so on
and so forth. Versed in these matters to the reader, to explain what the occult literature too. There is no particular
need to go into a detailed description of the works on the theme of self-healing or recovery. And certainly do not
need the book comments that place to teach a person how to make a successful career and get rich quick.
Knowing where we so desperately need, comes to us dissected into its component parts, while more or less
impossible to achieve tangible results, striking in this or that area, and leaving the rest ignored. No wonder, then,
that a man sinking into the abyss of metaphysics, not only unable to provide themselves with decent housing or
vehicles, but sometimes with great difficulty, forced to seek funds to purchase much-needed, "The Secret Doctrine"
Blavatsky E. or Works Carlos Castaneda. Not surprisingly, the climber who has reached all imaginable and
unimaginable heights of success, do not know why he climbed on top of these, and are increasingly starting to look
for a much-needed sense of rational being in a bottle of wine ...
Happiness is not outside, but inside us - a well-known, has become banal truth. Happiness - is the harmony of
the inner world with the outer world. So is the way to this happiness may lie out of harmony, out of the unity of the
spiritual and the material, the sublime and the everyday, the theory and practice?!.
Dear reader, if you're ready to think in new ways, if you have enough will to change their lives, to become free
and strong, this book will help you to realize your dream. Combining all that was presented to you usually
fragmented (and therefore largely distorted and often useless), this book is not just a collection of theoretical
calculations, but, first and foremost, a practical guide to action.
So, go ahead! Enough to be a failure, it is time to take their destiny into their own hands.

November 2000.

Chapter one

If we believe the data of modern science, the universe was formed about twenty billion years
ago. Expansion and gradually cooling down, the original substance condensed in nebulas,

galaxies, stars and planetary systems. In one of these systems on the planet, which later became
known as "Earth", about three and a half billion years ago, life began. It is still unknown whether
this phenomenon is something extraordinary, or on the contrary, like in the universe happens all
the time. Whatever it was originated in the ocean, life begins to develop rapidly, and after about a
billion years old, comes to the land. Ground cover vegetation, there are the first animals. AD
rapidly follow one another, and that's somewhere near the end of the Cenozoic, when the
dinosaurs died out completely,
View Homo Sapiens, there are about forty thousand years. In comparison with the age of our
planet, it is a negligible amount of time. However, the power of which reached the man, not only
amazing, filling soul delight, but sometimes and frankly scary. Humanity, as a species, can be
very much. We captured the energy of the atomic nucleus, we went out into space, we almost
learned to manage life, reading and rewriting information on the genetic level ... !! WE. But for
some reason, the more we can, the less and less I can every single of which is what we develop.
From a historical perspective, this is nothing unusual. In fact, civilization begins when the
individual human individuals and small local groups of people gather in some more or less
significant commonality. It was then, not before, it becomes possible to carry out plans for the
construction of the grandiose irrigation systems and construction of titanic buildings. The same
principle is preserved to this day. The problem is not really a sacrifice of civilization in a society
of sacrifice should bring the spiritual development of each individual? Not whether there is a
civilization and to ensure the most favorable conditions for a meaningful existence and all-round
harmonious development of every individual? ..
Alas, in practice, we see otherwise. Only a few have everything necessary for a normal
human life, while hundreds of thousands forced to semi-animal existence. Worse, the one who
has "everything you need" every other spends his life for so insignificant lessons that the level of
spiritual development remains at the same level, half-animal. Looking at each of us individually,
involuntarily begin to doubt, "but is it we master space?", "Do we really subservient atomic
energy?", "Can be, for us it makes someone else?" - painfully void the needs and interests of
each of us individually.
But let us leave the story and look carefully to today. How is the life of most of us? Every
morning we wake up, have breakfast, and a nine-zero-zero in a hurry to work. Eight hours of
monotonous, do not cause anything other than the desire to relax, work. Then dinner, a couple of
hours in front of TV, even got stronger desire to forget and, finally, the long-awaited dream in
which we happily spend about one-third of their precious, unique and unrepeatable life. Again
the morning, work again, the TV, sleep. Morning, work, sleep ... Month after month, year after
Many of us die before they reach forty years, most successfully survive until retirement, and
some who manage to cross the mark of seventy, eighty, ninety years. But no matter how much
you may have lived, your life is almost never goes beyond the scheme described above: "... the
morning, work, sleep ..." (... birth, work, death ...)
An outside observer, our civilization must seem ants civilization in which every individual
exists only to satisfy the interests of the entire anthill. In its inner essence we are robots that are
programmed and operating in strict accordance with this program. The programming begins in
early childhood. "This can not be done!", "You have to do this!" "It is black, and the white," "2'2
= 4", "Being determines consciousness", "Man - sounds good!" ...
Programmers unwittingly find themselves first parents (themselves have long been
programmed, not able to single step to deviate from the program contained in them), then
teachers, educators and finally, society as a kind of independent, supra-individual entity. This is
in addition to those programs that are inherent in our nature! Mass production, mass culture,
mass consciousness .... No, we are not ants. We're much more sophisticated mechanisms. Ants
there is only one level of programming. The one that is in charge of nature.
Most interestingly, we are so accustomed to their position, which does not notice the
mechanistic nature of our thoughts and actions. I calculated from work and the first thing I'll do,

throw myself looking for a new, or die of hunger. This program. He graduated from the school
immediately go to college; it does not matter to whom to learn, the main study. This is also the
program. Approached life - get married, you're worse than men?!. Programs, programs, programs
... The good and the bad, and not very rational. "Do not cry for the whole trolley and it will give
you out to his uncle, he will take you!" That's where it ends and the man begins robot.
Worst of all is that never have enough time to stop and think about how we live, that represent
themselves. The problem is not that our whole life is subject to the program. This is just a
necessary condition for any activity. The trouble is that ninety-nine percent of our control
programs are not recognized by us. We act not as inspired beings, like zombies or puppets. But
incredibly, as a rule, we have this state of affairs is quite satisfied. It is easier to live, it is easier
to obey, it is easier to die ...
I hope, dear reader, that all this does not apply to you. If you hold in your hands this book,
then, the level of your spiritual development has reached a critical point, where it ends and
begins the zombie man. You do not want more passively slide through life, like chips, fell into
the river stream. Have you felt the need to take their destiny into their own hands, to interpret
and revise the programs, which you so long been compelled to obey. Interpret, revise and, if
necessary, make the necessary adjustments to them. Have you felt the need to make these
programs yourself.
You want to know who you are? Why do you exist on this earth? What is the world that
surrounds you, and what it has laws? You want to know whether the same is he who has created
this world and these laws, and if so, what is He? It's great! This means that you are really a man,
because no robots, no zombies set ourselves such questions can not. For them, they are useless
for them all the program does.
I remember very well when I first happened to me. I was fourteen, I was returning home from
school. It was a frosty winter evening. The snow crunched under my feet, and a black bottomless
sky glowed thousands of bright stars. It is with this kind of sky it started. I paused, struck by
Infinity Abyss fell on me. For the first time, your child reason, I tried to understand the mystery
of infinity ... and could not! The soul crept chilling horror. So insignificant I showed myself in
comparison with this magnificent black, seemed so insignificant we all are, that a little more and
I would have probably cried. Little by little, the horror has passed, but the sense of mystery
remains. How can we live, engaged in some petty illegal business, - I wondered - where next to
us there is such an incomprehensible, such a grand Mystery?!.
This incident left an indelible imprint on the rest of my life. Until now, I am surprised by the
fact that such experiences, in one form or another, familiar to each of us. However, for some they
are a stimulus, a stimulus to understand themselves and their place in this world, but for someone
(for the majority), pass completely, causing, perhaps, a slight bewilderment.
At that time, when I was in school, there are no alternatives to the materialistic and atheistic
worldview, we did not. I plunged into the natural sciences, but the more, the more obvious it
became a simple truth: "If I am, it's just my body, then there is a certain combination of
molecules and atoms, then sooner or later, when the atoms return to their original state, my I
have come to an end. " I, simply, will not! Do you know the feeling, which covers human, to
realize the finiteness of his one and only "I"? The whole world will be, but I will not. There will
be no thoughts and feelings, there will be nothing! But why be born, why live, what to suffer and
suffer, if in the end - nothing!.
So began my acquaintance with philosophy. All the great patriotic literature with the utmost
simplicity and clarity was trying to show me that the important thing is to live for the sake of the
people around me, for the sake of society, for the sake of future generations. You need to go to
the "other lives" in order to take this other life, as an extension of their own - instructed Leo
Tolstoy. - That's the purpose, meaning and happiness of every human person. But unless my
singular "I" - there is an involuntary thoughts - then, of course, and "I" -obschechelovecheskoe!
What is the meaning here?

The meaning of life is to live - continued to instruct great teachers - the highest and the
ultimate meaning of life in it same, in its full and comprehensive development. Sorry -
immediately burst from me - but I do-then what about all this thing, if what I expect (first for me,
and in the slightly longer term, and all of humanity), is death, which means that all However,
nothing. If I were an animal, for which there are no such issues, perhaps "life for life" would suit
me, but I'm a man. I have the mind and understand that what I live for me is as necessary as
eating, sleeping and mating to the animal. It seemed that this torture will end.
Listen, why do you all want? - a genuine surprise asked me as a friend of mine. - After all, the
same people live without clogging the head of such nonsense. Here and so full of troubles mouth
- his wife, garden, children - and you are drawn into a kind of metaphysics. The meaning of
life ... What are you without it meaning a piece of bread will not earn? You've got some
apartment bedroom? And I would like three or four? So much sense! Machine need to buy?
Child in kindergarten need to arrange? Well, come on, act! A tired, you will collect stamps or
breeding of aquarium fish. What do you still need a point?!.
I argue it was nothing. Is it possible to explain the adult savage principles of quantum
mechanics? Is it possible to explain to a dog or cat for which we use a knife and fork when
eating? Should I explain you caught a frog, the river in which she lives, has utterly filthy
standing on the bank of the combine, that neither today tomorrow, all life will cease in this river?
And the "meaning of life" the search continued with renewed vigor. Books, books, books ...
The infinite variety of the most controversial opinions. If somehow organize all that I was able to
read, you get something like this. People perceive the meaning of life: in riches, in glory, in the
quest for power, pleasure, in work, in love, in a kind of extension (ie, children), in the service of
God, in service to others, in the works ... Lovely my - I exclaimed, putting the book aside and
taking excitedly running around the room - but in fact this is only part of! Wealth, fame and
power by themselves do not mean anything by themselves they are meaningless and absurd! And
that, and another, and the third may serve only as a means to achieve any goal. Having become
an end in themselves, they lead the person into a dead end and guide the path of spiritual
Enjoyment is the "meaning of life", the absurdity, because pleasure is the product of (a result)
of an activity. It is the brighter and longer than more perfect activity one is engaged. Work, taken
by itself, can not become the "meaning of life" because the work is a means to achieve certain
goals, not the goal itself. Work for something or for something. Love…
Love can not be the meaning because of its specificity: it is always a part of, or lack of
purpose. In its highest manifestation of love is an expression of the desire for unity with
something or someone, to finding harmony and balance, but that to me before all this, if the
result is death ?! In the lower manifestation, love nothing more than a biological impulse,
emotion, useless in terms of the search for meaning in life. Elect the kind of love aim can only
person who has feelings prevailed over reason, and because it is the prerogative of the goal
setting mind.
Searching for the meaning of life in children, like an animal, in the sense that it is the highest
manifestation of the animals 'spiritual principle' is to take care of the offspring, the so-called
"maternal instinct." Continued sort of sense of life, a means of maintaining its ...
And so on and so forth. All the "meaning" that I proposed, it becomes quite meaningless, as
soon as I thought about the fact that sooner or later die. That sooner or later we all die. And
suddenly ... Suddenly I asked myself such a seemingly obvious question: "And why, actually, we
decided that the" I ", it is only the body and that when the body dies, the" I "as a spiritual entity
ceases all being? "Times of militant materialists have sunk into oblivion, the yard was a new era.
The era of pluralism and openness. Reflections flowed in a new direction. It turned out to answer
the question: "Why do I live", you first need to answer another, equally fundamental question:
"What am I?".

I am human. All what I encounter, I consider from a human point of view. Everything that
surrounds me has only the value for me, since it belongs to me. I - Homo Sapiens. One of the
main properties of the mind - focus. I am aware of myself, I am aware of what is outside of me.
In order to act, I have to understand what I am doing and why I do it. I need to know - what I am.
What is something that surrounds me what place I occupy in this environment, and I associate
with him.
Going beyond the boundaries of his own "ego", I find a lot of others like me, "I", and
recognize that they suffer the same issues. In some there are some answers. The answers are
different and quite contradictory, but they are divided into two conditional groups: some say that
I have an immortal soul, ie, infinite in time, others - that there is no there is no soul, and
therefore, once having arisen out of nothing, after certain period of time, I will return to it again,
nothing. The most striking thing is that neither the one nor the other of these conclusions can be
neither proved nor disproved in practice. At least until then, until there is an event that is called
Death! Before us, there are two opposing theories equivalent in terms of their truth !!! This is the
classic antinomy, the solution of which is possible only with the advent of death.
I still can not understand how one can be a materialist and see in life some meaning. Even
more difficult to understand what makes people of the two equivalent (I emphasize this word -
equivalent!) Assumptions choose the one that declares all of us and all that we do is meaningless
movement from nowhere to nowhere. Let us think a little. So, we have two equivalent, in terms
of truth, hypothesis. Both, at this stage of human development, not provable, but to live and act
according to its nature (ie the nature of a rational being), to be taken for the "truth" any one of
these assumptions. What we do:
- if we accept for the "truth" assumption, according to which the human "I" is mortal, and this
assumption really be true, our lives will not make any sense, because what's the point in that the
results of all your activities will be for you to zero result?
- if we accept for the "truth" assumption, according to which the human "I" is an immortal
soul, and this assumption will be really true, our lives and our work will have a certain value,
that is, a certain sense, depending on what and how we intend to do.
Paradoxically, whether mortal or I was immortal in terms of objective reality, from a
subjective point of view of my life and all my actions have meaning only if I possess an
immortal soul, and, therefore, to live and act according to its nature (the nature of a rational
being), I can only in this latter case!
Up to now the final output was only one step. And here, oddly enough, to help me, it's
youthful passion for natural science. Turning to the world around me, I, quite naturally, found
that everything in this world is constantly changing. Movement - is the main property of the
world. But the movement from nowhere to nowhere, and purposeful movement. In its motion the
world tends to ... perfection! Life is a continual development and improvement. And if in the
"lifeless" nature, by virtue of incommensurable scales of the universe and man, this trend for a
long time remained unnoticed, the nature of which we call "live", a commitment to excellence is
evident. Everywhere and in everything there is a continuous process of complication of the
organization. Any material system develops from simple to complex.
In his biological development of life on Earth has passed a number of stages and the most
perfect of its creation, at this stage of evolution, is a man. But does this mean that she is nowhere
to move further? Such a statement would have sounded ridiculous! Life is development, and,
therefore, to replace the person must come something more sophisticated and powerful than man
himself. Reason - this is what primarily distinguishes man from all other, less advanced forms of
life. And it is because the mind has to develop something more perfect than himself. The
development of the mind, the development of the higher senses, the development of the soul! -
this is the direction in which the man is moving. So, in addition to biological progress, which is a
priority, "meaning" of plant and animal forms, man is spiritual progress.

Awareness of the practical importance of the question of
the "meaning of life" and the search for a more or less
positive response to it - the foundation on which to base all
our activities. Without this it is impossible to become masters
of their destiny or change anything in my life for the better.
Everything starts with an idea. Further actions and
achievements, there is only the investigation. An ancient
proverb says: "As above - so below!". So the first thing you
need to do a man on the path of self-improvement, with the
utmost seriousness and understanding of the importance of
the case, ask yourself: "Why do I live?". Ask and try to
answer. Without this, all subsequent work would be a waste
of time ...

The second important issue concerns our worldview. It is clear that he can not rely on the
first, however, to identify both should not be. I think that to explain that such a world there is no
need. However, about how our world is formed and on which rests the fundamental truths, have
to speculate. I see people unhappy expression readers, hurrying rather start exploring the
practical rules and recommendations aimed directly at improving the status of your life, to
achieve success. Go back a few lines back and take a closer look usually in bold italics.
"Everything starts with an idea!", "What is at the top - so below." These are not empty words.
This is the first formula, of those that make up the "ABC of success."
You can, of course, learn to use the computer without having the slightest idea about how it
works and what principle operates. But what do you do when your computer breaks down, if
there is the slightest glitch in the system? Refer to a specialist? Perfectly! Relative to the
computer may help you to a specialist. However, where you'll find the expert in charge of the
design of human lives, correcting the mistakes you can make, and because of which your whole
future life go awry? Alas, firms providing similar services, does not exist. The specialist must be
yourself. Only you can help yourself to succeed, to find balance and luck. No one else for you
will not. And in order to become a specialist, the first thing you need to learn the theory. So be
patient and know - realization of your dreams come true already begun. Everything starts with an
idea! Reflecting, you act. The idea can work wonders.
But back to the question of world view. So, let us reflect on what the basis for all the
knowledge that we are accustomed to thinking and immutable truths which in their time were
laid in our minds the most skilled in the world of the programmer - the community in which we
were born and raised. If you have not read a book called "The Gospel of Morpheus" will
certainly find it and read! Here is just a small fragment of it, just what we needed, appropriate to
the subject of our conversation.
"... The goal that I pursue, - says the author - is the ability to change human consciousness,
the individual technocratic society, in accordance with the pace of development of this society.
I have already mentioned obessmyslivanii of modern life, as a result of its subordination to
the mechanistic way of life, due to changes in life rhythms themselves, more and more different
from the natural, biological rhythms. Who I would not say that, but in the end, the purpose and
meaning of human life (from the perspective of the person), it is his own happiness, whatever it
is happiness or concluded. But do not forget that happiness, just "candy" in the hands of
objective forces of nature or the divine Providence, as one would say before. But is it possible to
be happy without being free? And is not the highest expression of freedom available to a person,
the full realization of himself, his thoughts, feelings and actions? ..
That, as far as we are aware of themselves, as far as we are aware of their actions, feelings
and thoughts determines our level of personal freedom and individual effectiveness of the Soul. I
think this idea is not in doubt, none of those present. But let us consider whether we are aware of
everything that happens to us and we have enough? .. Do I control your thoughts, emotions and
actions, or they run me? .. "

Let us also think about the same. Let us, and we ask ourselves: "Am I the master of his own
thoughts, emotions, actions, or are they merely a consequence of the work embodied in my
program, which is the very foundation of my world?"
I once asked one of his friend, if she believed in God? "What nonsense is this? - the girl made
a surprised face. - Of course, no "to the question:" Why, "she said," how can you believe in a
fairy tale, which invented the wild ignorant people! "?
You see, in its submission, God - this bearded old man sitting on a cloud, or the terrible
Jupiter, struck by lightning from the top of Mount Olympus and its enemies, or, finally, an
itinerant preacher from Nazareth who was crucified by the Roman procurator for being confused
speeches of the people on Square in Jerusalem. It was taught in school, taught at the Institute.
But to go beyond these really primitive representations, she is unable, because of its vision of the
world based on "immutable scientific (« 2x2 = 4 "," Being determines consciousness "...) is

A long time ago, in the VII century BC, there is a philosophy in ancient Greece - a special
vision and description of the world, replacing the image of the mythological perception of reality.
Ancient Greek and Greco-Roman philosophy is more than a thousand years of history. But
throughout this period, a distinctive feature of it is that the study of the world was carried out in
two main areas: cognition of objective reality (physis, space) and the comprehension of the
reality of the metaphysical (intelligible, subjective). This balance of power, with minor
fluctuations in the one or the other side, existed until the early Middle Ages, when Christian
church declared itself the sole monopoly on the truth, and there was a sharp edge in the direction
of metaphysics. About that, in what it has resulted, it is better not to remember. Balance has been
broken, harmony is lost. According to the principle of adequate reflection, the pendulum can not
swing in the opposite direction, that soon happened.
In the first half of the XVII century, when the power was torn gaining political and economic
power of the bourgeoisie, the attention of philosophers and scientists abruptly switched to the
study of the external world. Natural sciences are experiencing a blossoming of whom history of
previous centuries did not know. The capitalist mode of production has stimulated the
development of science, aimed at penetrating the secrets of the material world. Demand, as we
know, breeds supply. With each new success of natural scientists ranks idealist philosophers
thinned out more and more. A materialistic science can not exist without a corresponding
ideology that the core of their enemy is seen in metaphysics, it is in religion, so long and so
cruelly oppressed their opponents.
"Schism" occurred in the camp of scientists. Ideology is a definite point of view, the idea,
carried to the point of absurdity, believed in their infallibility and absolute in its unshakable.
What we are witnessing today, there is not a victory of truth, not a victory of science, namely the
victory of materialist ideology.
We all are familiar with Newtonian physics, but few people know that in the cosmology of
Newton assumed the existence of a creator God, that educational purposes he used Scripture,
trying to decipher, for example, Daniel's prophecy. The name of Leibniz we associate universal
algorithms for computing the truth, however, is his doctrine of monads, indivisible spiritual
units, each of which controls a specific fragment of the visible world, is rejected by us as a
foolish delusion.
We benefit from this? Oh, of course, very much! Our domination of nature day by day
growing and gaining strength. Speaking of the power of man in the early chapters, I was
referring to this power - power over the material world around us. What we have lost? I think
much more than what has already been able and will be able to get from nature ever in the future.
The man disappeared, the man lost his spiritual essence and meaning of life. In addition, outside
the scope of our study remained a domain of phenomena and facts, which could not
accommodate not that one, thousands of billions of material universes. Chasing a dime, we have
lost much more than just a ruble.

In my opinion, it is clear to any educated person, that idealism and materialism have to be
finally balanced. Why in ancient philosophy, we are seeing a rapid flowering of such thoughts
take off? Why almost the entire range of philosophical problems has been launched at a time?
Yes, because there was a balance between two extreme views on "being and consciousness" in
ancient philosophy! "Idealism" and "materialism" exist on an equal footing. That's what made it
such a powerful impetus to the development of thought, to man's spiritual growth. Later
prevailed idealistic direction (the Middle Ages), and the development of philosophy as it
stopped, stopped. Then, (the history of modern times), idealism and materialism superseded now
dominate the ideology of materialism has reached its climax. The result - the same stagnation in
the development of the same spiritual degradation. In fact, in the field of philosophy since
ancient times it has been revealed nothing new! So maybe it's time again to balance the
opposites? Maybe then we will open something about what we do and do not suspect? ..
Why am I telling you all this? I would like to convey to you is very simple and yet incredibly
important truth. But I give the floor to the author of "The Gospel of Morpheus", which will cope
with it much better than me.
"... Any knowledge available to man, is always relative! Bulshaya of our knowledge there
istolkovyvanie sensory perceptions by means of mind, (the use of the instrument, in this case,
there is only the expansion of the range of action of our senses). However, the same sensory
perceptions (experimental results), can be construed in hundreds of different ways. Specify,
however, which of all the possible interpretations of the most accurately reflects reality, we are
not able, for once again faced with the problems of interpretation (misapplications). As far as the
mind is the instrument of knowledge for us, so it may be a means, introducing us astray. Social
practice in this case, the criterion of knowledge of the truth can not serve as: interpreted in
different ways, in practice, can act (or not act) the same, and vice versa - the active (or inactive)
equally may be interpreted in various ways. Practice - criterion of the relative truth of our
Absolute knowledge of the outside world implies a complete theoretical and empirical
knowledge about it in the past, present and future. But because of the limited, due to the specifics
of their qualities, man can only approach the absolute theoretical understanding of the world and
even less to the empirical knowledge, complete and comprehensive, encompassing the entire
universe. Moreover, the continual development of the universe is always ahead of human
knowledge about it (and no ability to anticipate, no calculations can not act as a criterion of
absolute here), and it is - one more argument in favor of the fact that our knowledge of any
Construction of any concept begins with the adoption of some primary facts as axioms, that is
unproven, arbitrary. But can be absolute confidence we have that are true (absolutely true) it is
these axioms? All we know is largely accepted by us "on faith", so to say, "I know!" Should be as
little as possible. Honest and correct to 'and believe! ", Or:" I believe that I know ..! "
Which of this theory are the lessons? Well, firstly, it is the relative acceptance of any (!)
Points of view, any concepts, with the proviso that each of them bears a particle of absolute truth,
but it certainly has! Tolerance and respect for other points of view, different concepts, different
from this, because we do not exactly know by virtue of the relativity of our knowledge, one of us
is more right and who is more astray. There is no contradiction between the most different and
antagonistic concepts. Such a contradiction is always only apparent, because they do not come
from the nature of the subject and of its forms. In its essence as everything in this world and all
compatible only complementary to one another. Secondly, it is the rejection of absolutism, (as
well as the construction of a dogma), anyone even the most "authentic" and "absolutely true" at
first glance knowledge. For any absolutisation implies immutability and perfection, but one of
the fundamental properties of the universe - the dynamic development and improvement. Third,
the value of predominantly individual knowledge of each individual, to the knowledge of the
universal, of the utmost importance for the entire human community, (but in any case not to deny
the latter!). Search each individual "own knowledge" on the job "general knowledge". And

finally, fourthly, recognition of the fact that all our knowledge is as accurate as is ignorance
(delusion). Renunciation of the desire, at this stage, to absolute truth, as such, as an objective
value. Understanding

Usually, when I start to talk about the structure of the Universe and Man, as they appear
idealist philosopher and occult, stopped me: "All this is interesting, but how, allow me to ask, did
you get all this information? ? Does not this fantasy, if fevered imagination nonsense .. "My dear,
but from the same place materialist ideology or naturalist draws its information - from sensory
experience! The separation of science into two warring camps and temporary materialism victory
imposes a taboo on knowledge, on particles collected by scientists who have dedicated their lives
to the study of the spiritual nature of man and the universe (and are, unfortunately, precisely
because of the lack of attention on the part of the "official" science, more polumifologicheskom
in the design). But this does not mean that this knowledge did not stand the test of time, test
experience (or social practice how to express love Marxists). Otherwise, they would long ago
have sunk into oblivion, like the idea of the Earth, which stands on three pillars, or heliocentric
system of Claudius Ptolemy. The perception of "thin worlds" is available to each of us. To any
person, without exception! Just drugged ideology of materialism, we thoughtlessly (!) Reject the
words of the wise, leaving our senses, the ability to perceive the world of the "spiritual" in an
undeveloped, latent state. We miss these opportunities, such methods of perception and impact
on the world around us, which is not able to contemplate. And the blame for everything ... That's
right! Our one-sided outlook. Our inability to go beyond rooted in our program. Like the idea of
the Earth, which stands on three pillars, or heliocentric system of Claudius Ptolemy. The
perception of "thin worlds" is available to each of us. To any person, without exception! Just
drugged ideology of materialism, we thoughtlessly (!) Reject the words of the wise, leaving our
senses, the ability to perceive the world of the "spiritual" in an undeveloped, latent state. We miss
these opportunities, such methods of perception and impact on the world around us, which is not
able to contemplate. And the blame for everything ... That's right! Our one-sided outlook. Our
inability to go beyond rooted in our program. Like the idea of the Earth, which stands on three
pillars, or heliocentric system of Claudius Ptolemy. The perception of "thin worlds" is available
to each of us. To any person, without exception! Just drugged ideology of materialism, we
thoughtlessly (!) Reject the words of the wise, leaving our senses, the ability to perceive the
world of the "spiritual" in an undeveloped, latent state. We miss these opportunities, such
methods of perception and impact on the world around us, which is not able to contemplate. And
the blame for everything ... That's right! Our one-sided outlook. Our inability to go beyond
rooted in our program. ) We reject the words of the wise, leaving our senses, the ability to
perceive the world of the "spiritual" in an undeveloped, latent state. We miss these opportunities,
such methods of perception and impact on the world around us, which is not able to contemplate.
And the blame for everything ... That's right! Our one-sided outlook. Our inability to go beyond
rooted in our program. ) We reject the words of the wise, leaving our senses, the ability to
perceive the world of the "spiritual" in an undeveloped, latent state. We miss these opportunities,
such methods of perception and impact on the world around us, which is not able to contemplate.
And the blame for everything ... That's right! Our one-sided outlook. Our inability to go beyond
rooted in our program.
Like that girl, we represent God as a bearded old man sitting on a cloud (so to us present it in
school), or in the form of a higher being, personal and supernatural - theism, impersonal and
identical nature - pantheism, the prime mover, which gave the world a boost but then retired -
deism, universal superbrain - science fiction, and so on and so forth, (as we have been taught at
the university). And only one, (I'm sure of it), more or less clearly able to imagine God as the
Absolute, that is, the universe in all its diversity, as the unconditional and specific universality,
matter and spirit, time and eternity, Rest and Motion - simultaneously. Only a few are able to
understand what is so different, and sometimes diametrically opposed views on the nature of the
Godhead are the result of the evolution of the knowledge of Him,

Attitude to the question of God - Follow the practical task
of importance. Without a positive answer to this question,
any, even the smallest failure could jeopardize the
implementation of the plans conceived by you, throwing the
man into the abyss of despair, hopelessness and
meaninglessness of existence. Repeated failures in life,
depression, suicidal mania - all these are consequences of
inadequate perception of the Absolute, or the answer to the
question of its existence ...

What do you prove to me that God really exists? - exclaims a reader. - As far as I know,
satisfactory proof of its existence has not yet been found, though engaged in this issue people are
not stupid Augustine, Kant or Hegel. Moreover, - I will answer you, - not only has not been
found, but will not be found ever in the future, because the question of divine existence of the
same rank as the question of the presence in man an immortal soul. The presence of the Absolute
(God) can neither be proved nor disproved. Once again we find ourselves in a situation where
two equivalent (!), From the point of view of truth, the hypotheses have to choose any one, in
order to continue to live and act in accordance with it. We need to think in order to believe.
Faith is the fact that because of the need to temporarily replace knowledge. Or I believe in the
existence of the Absolute, or else believe in His absence, but also other provisions are made
arbitrarily, because the chances that one will be true - are equal!
A believer in the absence of the Absolute, assumes the position according to which all his
aspirations are not the ultimate goal, and therefore the target at all, because no relative target can
not be considered final. Endless same movement directed from nowhere to nowhere - is
meaningless. (Note that the transfer properties inherent in the Absolute what else is absurd,
because no matter what we put it on the attributes, then, of course, and will be for us the
The believer is in the objective existence of the Absolute, assumes the position according to
which the way of his individual development and the development of the world as a whole, there
is a process not a spontaneous and chaotic, but purposeful. Suppose that, at this stage of my
absolute knowledge is not available to me, I have confidence that by developing my immortal
soul will sooner or later reach the Absolute state, finding the most absolute knowing and
perceiving the highest sense of being inaccessible to me in the present.
The belief in the objective existence of the Absolute, as well as the belief in the existence of
an immortal soul, but to an even greater extent, gives human life meaning. That is the difference
between the believer and the atheist. That is why it is important to determine whether there is a
God for himself, and if so, what it is, how to relate to us and with the world around us.

Chapter Two
Engage in retelling truths, which are already well known to all, it is a thankless task. Why, for
example, to describe an atom arrangement or structure of the cell when it is perfectly taught in
high school? Some seem boring and the presentation of all sorts of cosmological and
philosophical concepts, whereas someone like the story is not only interesting, but also
necessary. Everything depends on the reader, from its level of training and awareness of these
issues. Solve clear: to speak or not speak, it is not possible - you will not tell, and someone all
subsequent material will be half-understood. Versed in the esoteric reader is very much of what
I'm going to tell you, no doubt, I have heard before. For you, this chapter will be a kind of
repetition of the learned.
The vast majority of us are accustomed to thinking of the world around us and the person so
what describes them modern science. This is not surprising. Today the authority of science is so
great, that said it is beyond doubt. Although, frankly, why this happens is not clear to me. After
all, enough to look back, to strongly question the inviolability of any, even the most authoritative
point of view.
Throughout our history of ideas about how the world is and what man is constantly changing.
Each new generation rejected the point of view of the previous generation, firmly believing that
it is to discover the truth. The fact that the Earth is a sphere, and not on the three pillars, has long
been no doubt. I think, not found among the living and the supporters of the geocentric system of
Claudius Ptolemy. Today, every schoolchild knows that the earth revolves around the sun, that
the world is made of atoms, and atoms are made up of smaller elementary particles that man
evolved from apes, and has the almighty mind ...
But let's think, what relation to the picture of the world described by science is that each of us
individually. We think about where to have such a fanatical belief in the infallibility of the
scientific materialist world outlook and the belief that the world is actually the way we describe
it. And more: whether the ancient ancestor was not as firmly convinced that the earth is flat, and
a contemporary of Aristotle, the existence of the Heavenly Spheres and Prime Mover? And they
will not if our ideas about the world in a couple of thousands of descendants seem as primitive
and ridiculous, like us the idea of the Earth, lying on three pillars? And finally, that could be said
about the world any of us, had he been born a thousand years before or after a thousand years
now? ..
It is paradoxical, but today "scientific outlook" starts to decline. Not a science, as a method of
knowledge of the world, namely, the "scientific outlook". If the Enlightenment medieval
principle "to explain the unknown known" (so-called "Occam's Razor"), he has allowed science
to rise from his knees to his feet, but now the same principle it bends lower and lower to the
ground. Now it looks like some wild species of solipsism: "unproved - does not exist!". And the
fact that from the point of view of science does not exist, can not in turn be proved.
Scientists ideologists do not want to go beyond the concept of stacked them. It ignored
everything that once was hastily called unscientific. The tremendous range of phenomena
remains outside the purview of science precisely because of this ostrich tactics. Phenomena,
primarily related to the man himself, his abilities. Esotericism, occultism, ESP and
clairvoyance ... Everything is swept aside at once! None of these puzzles are not subject to
severe extensive research because once they were declared eminent scientists fiction or quackery.
(By the way, due to neglect on the part of science in these areas is really flourishing quackery).

In order to live in a new way, it is necessary to think in a new way! This applies to each of us.
The universe is arranged immeasurably harder than us it describes modern physics. And the
decision "fundamental question of philosophy" may look somewhat different if we look at it
from an angle different from that of the founders of dialectical materialism.
By and large, the question of what comes first, matter or Spirit, several incorrect. Indeed, if
one thinks of how the dialectic unity, then the "ages" of any of started (e.g., Matter, both on the
pushing materialistic) necessarily leads to "eternal" another start - if eternal Matter, the eternal
and spirit - hence the question of the primacy of generally removed. But let's leave philosophy
and look at the facts, that the crumbs were collected and preserved for us the people, far ahead in
its development, the rest of humanity. To the fact that at a certain preparation, available for
almost any perception of a person, without exception, but which remain outside the scope of our
attention because of the one-sidedness of our world.
Let's start with the fact that the three-dimensional space in which you and I inhabit, in fact it
is not. Rather, the three space coordinates, the space is not exhausted. The whole point of our
limited perception, does not allow us to move beyond this stereotype. The universe is the unity of
matter and spirit. The division is on its material and spiritual - is conditional, and is only
necessary in order to better understand the essence of this phenomenon. Matter is "crystallized"
the Spirit is "tenuous" matter. One smoothly into another. And mothers, and the Spirit - the two
poles of one and the same substance. Periodically pole data is erased, and the universe takes on
the properties of homogeneous primordial substance. Then again there is a "split" on Matter and
Spirit - Universe endowed properties World substance. Periodic division of Substance in the
primary and the World - a convention, it is necessary again, to better understand the processes
described. Objectively substance has properties of both at the same time! Space and time, there
are qualities that characterize the world substance, the primary substance inherent quality of
infinity and eternity.

World substance, or "manifested Universe", is divided into the n-Noe number of plans
(measurements), that is, the condition of its existence. Related in space and time, and
interpenetrating each other plans, however, are separated from one another both in space and in
relation vremennum. Thus, in spite of their interpenetration and unity, each plan has its own
world of substance, given to him and only him the space-time and the substantial properties. This
means that on each of the plans, time flows in its own way, and things are moving in accordance
with the existing laws of the Plan. However, there is a certain hierarchical relationship towards
one plan to another. Since the events taking place on the "underlying" Plan, are largely
determined by events occurring on the plan,
According to various sources, there are at least seven levels (plans) World substance. First,
the lowest, is the Physical Plane, which is divided into two layers: a dense and energy (ether). At
this level we live and are functioning at the moment. And it is the study of the Plan, the lowest of
the seven existing deals with modern science, because of the need vrymennoy ignoring
everything that is outside of this area.
Following the physical layer is called the Astral (from the Latin «astralis» -. Star), as all the
astral forms consist of a set of colored dots that resemble stars. He also divided into several
layers, however, the properties of the lower Astral differ from those of the highest not as
dramatically as the dense layer of the Physical Plan of the ether layer. In addition, between the
higher and the lower astral plane there is no clear dividing line. And the difference between the
strength and the shape is not so definite. they are in part identical and interchangeable.
The laws in force on the Astral Plane, very different from the laws of the Physical Plan.
There's no space, no time, no gravity, no temperature in the sense in which these concepts are
applicable to the physical world. It was in the Astral contains information about objects and
phenomena of the physical universe. Subjectively Astral plan characterized as desires zone,
passion and feelings that express themselves in different layers substance Astral plan as well as
the shape and features express themselves in a dense Plan Physical layer.
The third level is called Mental (from the Latin «mens» -. The idea). It's peace of mind, the
world of ideas. It is divided into two main sections - "Field of Abstract Thought" and "Field of
Concrete Thought." With regards to human, spirit and body are in contact at this level. He is the
highest of all levels, which is now going on our evolution as human Plans for lying "above", are
currently in a latent, unmanifested state. In the Region of Concrete Thought are prototypes of all
forms of physical and energy, as well as the emotions and feelings that are attributable to the
Plan Astral. Region of Abstract Thought - is the realm of "pure ideas", the scope of various
aspects of the Spirit.
Four levels, which are located "above" mentally, by their nature very poorly studied and
established terminology in the names do not have. It is known, however, that the substance of the
fourth and fifth plans are higher spiritual "body" of the person that the sixth plan is the abode of
the supreme human individuality, and the seventh - the abode of the divine personality
(Absolute). However, all this has to be a serious test and detailed study. With full confidence we
can say only that it is Higher Spirit, from which proceeds everything that exists and where
everything returns upon completion of certain evolutionary cycles.

Thus, the universe is a complex multi-level system. Something with which we are
accustomed to deal with in everyday life, there is only a very small part of it. Like a savage in his
comprehension of the world could not go beyond the habitat of the tribe, as well, and our
perception of the world does not extend beyond the physical plane. An unfortunate omission
given the fact that artificially limiting itself the world of effects, we disregard the causes that
contribute to everything that usually happens with us. And now attention, "... who has ears to
hear, let him hear!" The information value and the importance of which can hardly be

All forms and events "lower" plans, largely a reflection of
the ideas that are on the plane of "higher", - the idea of
extraordinary practical importance, expressed by Plato and
consonant with the already known to us, "As above - so
below!". This means that if you create something on the
Astral or the Mental plane, after a while it occurs in everyday
reality on the physical level. If, for example, you are creating
his health or wealth, is recovering or getting rich ...

This principle is widely used in practical magic. It is well known that there is some
connection between the conscious and the unconscious man. When the mind receives from the
subconscious any message, it's called intuition. But there are methods to transmit the information
in the opposite order - from the subconscious mind, (which, in turn, is directly connected to the
Astral Plane). This means that whatever we laid in our subconscious, in certain circumstances, it
may become a physical reality. We are all constantly create something on the Astral level, even
without knowing it. However, our desires are so contradictory, and install so uncertain that out of
astral debris that we are forming around them, can hardly be anything positive.
In addition, the vast majority of people there are numerous karmic prohibitions (which will be
discussed later), and the level of "personal power", we continually wasted on various
meaningless and useless things, is so small that even a more or less vivid dreams, suggestions,
ideas become reality very rarely. Fortunately, all that is happening to us, to a large extent depends
on us. We ourselves can make their own destiny, bypassing many obstacles and achieving the
desired. The main thing is not to sit passively waiting for the fall on the head of a big win, and to
set specific goals and persevere in their implementation.
There is a simple Kabbalistic system that allows you to achieve amazing results in a few
months, while spending only a few minutes a day. The only condition that must be followed, it
regularly! You can not learn a foreign language or a course of typewriting, doing from time to
time, as it is necessary. The same, but to an even greater extent, it refers to the "System of Mental
Magic" offers. Method Author: American occultist with twenty years of practical experience,
Donald Michael Craig.


Write on a piece of paper the following words: "I name, on his own free will want to use all of
their abilities in order to achieve the following aims: _________." Write what you want, but be
at the same time concise and sincere. Be precise. Most people, for example, do not want
"money". They need money to buy a car, to improve lifestyle, etc. If you have a goal that requires
a gradual approach to select the first step toward her.
Create a visual image of yourself already dobivshegosya goal. If you want to buy a computer,
see yourself working for him. If you want to improve your life, see yourself in a new dress and
surroundings. This image will be used for visualization, always felt it. If you can not "see", not
scary. It is important to know that what you visualize, really exists in the Astral Plane. Do not
believe it, namely, to know what it is. You can make a drawing or collage, showing images of
your target.
Every day (!) Five minutes in the morning, immediately after waking up, and five minutes
before sleep, repeat a phrase written by a firm but quiet voice. Five minutes visualize the created
image, look at the drawing or collage, eat what, smell and feel the visualization. Do this in the
morning and evening. If during the day you suddenly find yourself on the fact that the head you
thought crept somehow contrary to the intended target, immediately start to repeat his magic
phrase as bad thoughts disappear.
Silence - an important factor in this process. Once you have completed validation and
visualization, forget them! Expel them from the mind out. In this process, you use a lot of
"personal power" and if you talk to others about what you are doing, the energy is directed to
the discussion, not the manifestation. If you say that commits oneself, then you are in doubt of
success. Do everything with a complete heart, you know that it works, and are silent about it.
As already stated, the astral plane is associated with the emotions, and therefore the more
emotional you are identified with your goal, the greater your chances of success. The more
emotional you are working on your desires, especially in their formulation and visualization, the
closer their manifestation. Practice this system on a daily basis, until you get the desired and
then Zrazy is embarking on a new target. Do not let emotions fade away and then succeed.
Importantly, always be sure that what you are trying to bring into your life, you really need
to. And one more thing: the use of the system not in isolation but in conjunction with other
practices set forth in this book, will make it much more effective and efficient. I say this based on
my own personal experience.

Thus, the "higher" plans are an area where at the dawn of manifestation (ie, at the time of
"separation" Substance in the primary and the World), everything appears and where after a
certain period all back again. About how this happens, you will learn later, and now from the
description of space-time levels should go to the description of creatures (indestructible and
eternal "divine sparks") that inhabit these levels. Christian doctrine, which states that an
immortal soul has only a man and is deprived of all other creatures, is fundamentally wrong.
Today, the most distant from science people know that in many animals is not only the emotions
but also the beginnings of thinking. Not so long ago it became known that the "feel" have the
ability to even plants.
Recall the US police Clare Baxter, who once something got it into his head, and who, instead
of a suspected criminal, fastened one sensor device for detection of deception in which he
worked, to the leaves of plants that adorn his office. Recall the experience of the students, who
fought with the root and trampled a flower room "in front of the other," and how with the help of
his apparatus Baxter recorded that survivor plant easily recognize "killers" of his brother, in the
"trembling" horror In front of them. A "Kirlian effect" and the statement even skeptical of Soviet
scientists that plants do possess the ability to remember and feel? Is after all these facts, you still
have any doubt ?! Then refer to the works of the Kemerovo researcher Albert Bokovikova,
Three planes of our planet - the mental, astral and physical - are now the field of evolution of
a number of different Kings of life, are at different stages of development. There are four main
groups: minerals, plants, animals, people. Recognition of this fact radically changes our
relationship with the environment and makes a somewhat different look at his own nature.
In order to live and work in any of the Plans, you must have the "body" composed of the
substance of this level. Addressing the mental plane, we find that, in contrast to the man at the
minerals, plants and animals "subtle body" that would associate them with this level, no. Person
is an individual, he has developed self-awareness, while the animals, plants and minerals such
consciousness deprived. Perceiving the world around us, none of the representatives of the Kings
are not able to oppose the outside world their own "Ego".
It is interesting that the person in the process of ontogenesis such opposition does not appear
immediately. Only by the end of the first year of life the child becomes aware of the differences
of their own body sensations from those sensations that are caused by objects located outside.
Then, at the age of two to three years, the child separates he enjoyed the process and the results
of their actions to the items on the subject of adult actions. In psychology, this phenomenon is
referred to as "the opening of self."

In every man there is the individual spirit, dictates the thoughts and actions of each individual
human being. While for animals, plants and minerals, there is only one group spirit that is
common to all members of the species. An excellent illustration of this statement is the behavior
of termites.
As is known, the construction of the mound, it is difficult, "architectural" plants, involves
thousands of insects. But interestingly, no single termite information about the construction of
the mound is not. Here is what writes on this subject a French entomologist Louis Tom: "Take
two or three - will not change anything, but if you increase the number to a certain" critical mass
", a miracle will happen. If received an important order, termites begin to create work teams.
They are taken to put one on the other little pieces of everything that they come across, and erect
columns, arches are then combined until a room resembling a cathedral. "
Scientists conducted an experiment: to build a mound dividing walls, completely isolating the
insects are in the same part, from insects to other parts. And what? Construction continued on the
mound of the same, extremely complicated scheme, and all the passages and rooms, separated by
a partition, turned out to be exactly the one against the other.
The key to understanding the different states of consciousness Kings is the following fact.
"Subtle Body" emanates the spirit for the sake of acquisition with their help of relevant
experience. The better the spirit may be contacted with one or another "thin body", the better and
more fully it expresses itself at the appropriate level. Kings of the four existing at the moment in
the world, only man has a complete set of "subtle bodies," linking it with all levels - mental,
astral, physical. The animal is missing one link - the mind (mental body), the plant two units -
mind and emotion (mental and astral bodies), while the mineral much as three - mind, emotion,
and the ability to exchange biologically substances (etheric body).
The reason for this situation lies in the fact that this man has behind him the longest journey
of development of all the Kings, while the animals, plants and minerals is an expression of the
later evolutionary waves. Over time, three waves spiritualizing the present three lower kingdoms
will reach the human stage, while the man goes to a higher stage of development. That is why
when a material (physical) of the universe, first it descend representatives mineral kingdom, then
the vegetable and animal, and then Man - the bole perfect shape, the smaller it requires time to
extract relevant experience of finding a more dense, "lower "levels.
The World Plan of people each substance corresponds to a certain "subtle body". Dense layer
of the Physical Plane - the physical, the etheric layer - essential; Plan Astral - higher and lower
astral body, mental - mental two bodies etc. In the waking state, all seven bodies are together,
interpenetrating each other, which allows our "ego" to act in the physical world.
We ourselves, as "ego", functioning in the finest substance of the Region of Abstract Thought
(Principal Mental). In the development process, "Ego" descends into the dense layer of the
physical plane where, by combining all their body, it reaches a degree of awakened
consciousness. Here, the "ego" learns to control his "instruments" (bodies). The vast majority of
people's bodies astral and mental bodies still undeveloped. However, this does not mean that the
penetration of the respective levels of the substance for the World are closed. Intensively
working on himself and developing the necessary skills, any (!) People can learn to control their
"subtle body", which gives almost unlimited possibilities for the implementation of its goals.
Group spirit of the beast in its descent reached only the Astral Plane. He has not yet
developed sufficiently to enter the dense body. Because an animal has no individual "ego" or
intelligence. (The beginnings only in mammals can be observed intellectual activity, especially in
the higher primates). Although the animal has the dense, etheric and astral bodies, managing
their spirit is "outside", etheric and astral bodies are not "involved" in a fully dense body.
It should be made clear that the "group spirit" and "the individual soul" of animals is not the
same thing. The first belongs to a different evolutionary wave, and is like a "guardian" animal
spirits. He "directs" the bodies that were built under his control animal spirits, helping them to
develop. As this developed, developing and group spirit itself, climbing the evolutionary ladder
higher and higher. (This reflects one of the basic laws of the universe - in order to develop, we

consciously or unconsciously, have to help develop others). If the inside of every human being is
conscious "Ego", to control the actions of his own body, then the spirit of the individual animal
to the contract is still quite weak, is not a self-conscious and, as it forms the "body" of self-
conscious entity,
Group spirit plant kingdom has its lower "thin body" in the lower mental plane (Area
Concrete Thought). It is removed in two stages from the dense physical body, and as a result has
a consciousness is awakened to a lesser extent than an animal. As to the group of spirit minerals
(which include not only the "stones", but other solids, as well as liquids and gases), it has a lower
"subtle body" in Higher Mental Plane (Region of Abstract Thought) that is, removed from the
physical body as much as three steps, and is in a deep state of unconsciousness.
All the "souls", - minerals, plants, animals and humans - before they begin their descent into
the denser levels are on the sixth (counting from the bottom), the World Plan of substance in
close proximity to the Divine Personality. The purpose of the descent "in the matter" - the
development of potential in the active dynamic forces, the expansion of consciousness and self-
consciousness, and even closer to the Absolute. It is important to always remember that God and
others more advanced than we are, the essence is not separated from us in space-vremennum
respect, but pervade every part as their own spheres and areas of denser. In them we are
developing and have our being.

But descend from the sky to the ground and look at the world through the eyes of an ordinary
mortal. Yes, we are all born, we pass a certain segment of life, and then die. The fact that a
person has an immortal soul, and not a temporary connection of atoms, there is enough in said
first section. It is against this assertion is based are set out in this book method, and this is what
gives the life of each of us in a certain sense. In general terms, the device was considered a
human being, but that happens to all of us until the moment of birth and after the time referred to
as death, yet to talk. In fact, if the "I" possess an immortal soul, why do not remember anything
about his "afterlife" existence? How many, this is quite a logical question, it led to despair and,
remaining more or less without a clear answer, forced to bow in the direction of materialism and
atheism! It's a shame, especially since the answer to this really difficult question, still there.
Representation of the existence of the soul after death occur in the human mind from the
earliest stages of development of society. This is evidenced by at least a funeral ceremony and
ancient tombs dated back to the Mousterian period (Early Paleolithic). Original presentation,
these were rather vague, "the underworld" as such did not exist, it was believed that the souls of
the dead hovering somewhere near the place of burial or earthly life. However, the further the
data presentation became more decorated and systematized. By and large, belief in "Hereafter" is
divided into two main streams: the first is the doctrine of the transmigration of souls
(reincarnation), the second - the doctrine of the existence of the soul after death without the
incarnation into a new body.
When I first thought about this issue, then, like most, speculates on the subject of people
involuntarily began to lean in favor of the theory of reincarnation. Painfully, it seemed illogical
doctrine that our earthly life is some nonsense or absurdity. Well, what's the point may be that in
one short life, the man doomed to eternal damnation or eternal bliss?!. Gradually, the assumption
of the validity of the theory of reincarnation was to grow in confidence, and then in the firm
belief, for to the aid of logic to come more and more new facts.
It is very revealing in this respect to the French researcher A. David Noel. Having finished the
Sorbonne, this woman spent more than twelve years in Tibet in the guise of a wandering pilgrim.
In the book "Among the mystics and magicians of Tibet," it describes a very interesting case.
Once the caravan with whom she was traveling, staying in the camp of the Mongolian
nomads. It is well known that the Tibetan monks, after the death of his llama - a teacher and
rector, - go in search of the child, in which Lama's soul could incarnate. So, with the caravan
traveled abbot of this monastery for a long time to be without Lama. Upon entering the home of
a nomad, the abbot took snuff-box, going to smell tobacco. Quite unexpectedly, he was

approached by a little boy, the son of the house owner and to the incredible surprise of all
present, said, "What makes you my snuffbox?".
Later, during the caravan to return to the monastery, the child once again surprised the
audience, pointing the way for them, where you want to go. Even though his advice was unable
to take advantage of, since about fifteen years ago, the old passage was built, it was incredible.
Finally, in the convent when the boy filed a ritual drink, he refused to accept it and demanded
"his cup" (ie the cup long-dead llama), describing how she looks and pointing out where he was.
More than 1300 cases like just mentioned, describes a three-volume monograph from the
University of Virginia psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. In his studies, he relied on a strictly scientific
method, including interviewing witnesses, analysis of possible errors and distortions, the study of
archival materials documenting logging. "After Basic Research Stevenson - Nalimov writes in
his book" Spontaneous Mind "- we can not ignore the reincarnation memories as a real
phenomenon of our being. In any case, it was possible to test them with rigor. This is also the
phenomenon - xenoglossy when under hypnosis, people begin to speak in other tongues, and
embody the other person. " By the way, recognition of the reality of reincarnation allows
psychiatrists and scientists highly successful cure neuroses and phobias. It is a pity that such
recognition is mostly an exception to the general rule.
Transmigration of souls is not fiction and not religious fictions. This is a real fact. If in the
mid-80s, an American physician Raymond Moody has proved that from the standpoint of
materialism to explain the phenomenon of "life after life" is not possible (in fact, how can we
explain the fact that people who have experienced clinical death, begin to talk about the events
that took place during an operation in the next room, or the blind correctly called color tie to
operate their surgeon?), the existence of the phenomenon of reincarnation proved Ian Stevenson
even earlier, in the early 60's.
This is fine - you might say - but why do I (personally, I do!), I do not remember their past
lives, absolutely nothing? Yes, for the same reason 90% of people are not able to fully and
coherently express most of their dreams. For the same reason, only one out of ten thousand, (or
even one in a million), while in the dream state, is able to realize it. The thing is the
underdevelopment of our consciousness, in a destroyed world-anywhere, limiting the perception
of the world five senses, whereas in fact these bodies is much greater.
You never thought about what the unconscious life you live? You never have occurred to me
to calculate how much time you spend on empty arguments, feelings, actions? .. Of course not.
We have not decided to engage in this simple, but so entertaining arithmetic. People do not want
to think, for example, about the fact that one-third of its life in a dream. Third of his life! This
means that if you go to the cemetery in the sixties, it actually lived only forty years. Two
decades, you could dedicate productive work or sophisticated rest simply are thrown out!
Although it now goes about something else, let's briefly digress and touch on the theme of
dreams in more detail. What for? And then, that the dream - the shortest path leading to "higher
planes", (and as we know, everything that is created at these levels, the finest, sooner or later
manifests itself in our everyday reality). Who wants to lose twenty years of his life? Of course,
no one! I do not suggest you do not sleep, I suggest using these twenty years, more efficiently
than does the vast majority of people. How? Hold them in full consciousness! Moreover, use this
time to improve their "terrestrial" life. By learning to go through a dream at first on the etheric
level, and then in the lower astral, you will be able to create there health, material wealth, get
inspired ... Anything! And all this,
It's no secret that the dream is an intermediate state between sleeping and waking. However,
few people know that the dream is just a way to respond to the soul in a dream of the stimulus,
(not only external but also internal). Dreaming is as necessary work of the brain as normal
mental activity. It is not a dream infringer, (as we were taught physiologists), but on the other
hand, protects sleep, eliminating the violation of his mental irritation by "hallucinatory
'satisfaction (this was very close to Freud, in their fundamentals views on the dream).

Dreams are necessary for the person as well as breathing or digestion! Sleep with dreams - a
very special condition of the body, in which the brain works the same intensity as in the waking
state, but the work is organized differently and much more "secretive". During sleep, the brain is
not a passive state, half the neurons in the sleeper works even harder than during the day. The
dream, therefore, is part of the spiritual life of man, which has a certain analogy to the spiritual
life in the waking state, and at the same time reveals sharp differences from it. One of these
differences is that the consciousness of the sleeper is usually devoid of critical consciousness
taking place in a dream event.
The main idea of the work of the dream is that people can learn to "wake up" in the middle of
sleep and from this point to run a chain of internal events that would lead him to one of the types
of "astral projection" to "thin levels." Wake up in the middle of a dream, it is to have a state of
consciousness and self-awareness inherent in the waking state, still sleeping and watching
dreams pictures. Each person in each of the plans already has a corresponding "subtle body", but
in order to use it, should be largely "wake up" at the appropriate level and to put in order the
desired body.
The main thing that is necessary is to move critical awareness of reality in a dream. "Critical
awareness", that's what makes you awake surprised unusual happening that makes you remember
the sequence of events of the day and take their logical coherence. Whereas in sleep the most
incredible and unusual events are taken as quite natural sleep, without causing any discomfort.
Your main task - to move "critical awareness" on the inner life of dreams. With enough
development of "critical consciousness", discomfort in the dream is to grow up until it reaches a
certain point where you either wake up or start to control the dream.
I can assure you that this experience you will never forget! You will experience something
that the average person experiences only after death. You are aware of their "duality". You will
realize that you have at least two "I" that you are - a double. One "I" at the moment, quietly
sleeping in your bed, and the other is here, in a dream! ..
The main thing to be persistent and not throw attempts started. Other people it takes years to
achieve lucid dreaming, but none of them have never regretted it. You can approach the threshold
of the uncertain state of sleep consciousness a few times before you have accumulated enough
strength to move on. However, over time, if your regular practice and perseverance, you will
definitely be able to do it!
About working with a dream to write very many. Aleister Crowley, Oliver Fox, Carlos
Castaneda, Edward Peach, Celia Green, Victor Sanchez ... The list of names goes on and on.
Currently in the United States, there are whole communities of people who have devoted
themselves to the study and practice of this phenomenon. So that the recommendations and
practical advice in this area interested reader can find plenty.
Therefore I confine myself to the most important rules that are required for entry into the
"lucid dreaming." Maybe sometime later, in one of his next book, I will address this topic in
more detail. The same things that I'm going to give you now, would be sufficient to gain the
ability to "wake up in a dream," and in order to begin work on the etheric and lower astral levels.

OPERATION "lucid dream"

When you wake up in the morning, you may find that the remnants of sleep still remain in
your mind. Focus on that memory as quickly as possible, traced the chain of events, trying not to
miss details. Write down key words and sentences, which then help to remember your dream.
Very good if you have a tape recorder. After a short training period you will be able to
effortlessly remember their dreams. It would be great if you have forged diary of his dreams, and
will write to it as much as possible details.
Every time before going to bed, and as often as possible during the day, ask yourself, "well,
maybe I'm dreaming ..?" Ask, and making sure that it is not a dream, but a reality, let's imagine

the setting you want: "tonight I realize a dream that I'm asleep! .. "it will be nice if you choose to
use the table a few pages above system of Mental Magic in order to achieve lucid dreaming.
Now, as soon as you wake up in the morning or even the night by stopping the awakening, try
to turn the process into reverse. Returning to the dream, you choose between a dream to see
again, and in order to continue to watch the dream, keeping some degree of consciousness.
Observe the development of the dream, trying to be kept in a state between wakefulness and
sleep. Let your dreams go as they wish. Do not do anything, staying just an observer.
Transfer dream critical realization is achieved by a desire and will. By and large, the only
thing you really need to do is a lot of thinking and keen to develop critical awareness, and then it
will start working in your dream. One incredible happens and your consciousness in a dream
realizes that you are sleeping !!.
When this happens, you will find strange "fragility" of the world around you. No object will
not be sustainable. Everything starts to change, to shake, just you stop somewhere to look. At
this point, you need to look for a kind of "static Center", based on which you will be able to
continue to be in a dream. Such a center is ... your hands!
Hold focus on hands, learn to translate attention to other objects, fixing them look only for
very short periods of time. If you throw objects very short glances, they will not move. Gradually
expand the field of view, immediately returning to his hands as only begin to lose control of the
dream. When you learn to look at any object indefinitely, you know that you have achieved
tremendous success in the development of the dream.
Now you will need to learn to move in space. Move to "higher planes" in the same way as you
did on the physical level is not possible. Each plan is consistent with its own laws, and you will
have to reckon with it. Here the movement is not achieved muscular body strength, but a certain
effort of will. Determine for yourself the place to which you want to get, (originally should be
chosen places that you know very well), and then willed wish to get there. It is incredibly difficult
reception. It is very important not just to force myself to move to the right place, but also to
check the exact time of his journey.
When you have mastered the art of moving perfectly, try to practice dreaming during naps. It
is important to visualize the location of your choice in the exact form that it has at the moment,
when you are asleep. Experienced in the dream must match the time of day that the dream is
practiced, and the objects and events in a dream - objects and events in reality. Otherwise it
would not be "a dream", and normal sleep !!
To make things easy, you can choose a specific subject, which should be in the place where
you intend to get there. On this subject and the need to focus. Focus on the subject, which is in
place of the proposed projection, and then look for it in the dream. On the subject, which is your
goal, looking at his hands, then to any other object, and so on.
instructions are more than enough for the first phase of work on the development of the
dream. If you practice regularly, and do not throw their attempts, in spite of any obstacles and
setbacks, by the time, when will the next book, you have probably, will achieve certain results.
With his hand, I will try to prepare for you the instructions necessary for the further development
of the dream.

But back to the subject of reincarnation. Unfortunately, modern science, any theory or
concept in this regard are completely absent. Therefore, we had no choice but to once again refer
to "secret knowledge". A serious drawback of esoteric miroopisaniya is, in my opinion, some
mythological, partly anthropocentrism and the excessive rationalization. To some extent it is
even justified, but readers with a scientific mind have to do some kind of "correction" and treat
the stated material with some condescension. After all, we do not deny the information of
Herodotus merely on the grounds that they are supersaturated with various kinds of tales, legends
and myths.
About wrote many reincarnations. Neither more or less self-respecting occultist I am not able
to get around this issue attention. Cedar and Papus, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant,

Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky ... These are just a few names. It makes no sense to re-
discover America would be much better if we try to organize and summarize the material given
by the competent in the field by the authors.
At the moment when a person dies, the etheric, astral and mental bodies leave the dense body,
taking with them the results of experience gained in the course of a life lived. Before the eye of
the dying, all life is lived like a panorama as a movie, but all events are served in the reverse
order. First there are the events of the last days, then years, then youth and childhood
experiences. The man can "see picture", but looks at them indifferently, without feeling (that will
come later). Is as if copying information from physical body slim body.
"Recapitulation" can last from several hours to several days, depending on how long someone
will stay in the conscious state. When the etheric body comes in exhaustion, "recapitulation"
ends and the person goes to the lowest level of the Astral Plane. The etheric envelope is returned
to the dead dense body, however, is reunited with him, as it did during his lifetime, but just
nearby. For a long time, it will "float" over the grave, decaying slowly into its constituent
elements, along with the rest in the earth the physical body.
It is interesting in this respect, the experience delivered by modern scholars. This so-called
"Kirlian effect", which consists in registering the luminescence occurring near the object placed
in a high intensity electromagnetic field. It turned out that the dead body has a certain light
intensity that varies in a definite pattern. The data obtained are divided into three groups:
a) curves with a relatively small amplitude vibrations - it is the body of people who have died
of natural causes;
b) curves with a relatively large amplitude in the presence of a pronounced peak - a body of
people who died suddenly as a result of an accident;
c) curve with large amplitude fluctuations, continued for a long time - people have fallen into
another world as a result of a confluence of circumstances that could have been avoided (suicide
under more favorable conditions, incorrectly rendered medical assistance, etc.).
In all cases, the luminescence intensity decreased sharply over 16-48 hours, but not to zero
but to a steady-state value.
Leaving the region of ether, a man rises to a lower Astral Plane. Here he writes about
American occultist Max Heindel:
"If the dying man could leave all his desires, the astral body would have fallen away from him
quickly, freeing him to go to the" Heavenly Peace ", but this does not usually happen.
Until a person experiences desire associated with the earthly life, he must remain in his astral
body, and as for the progress of the individual is required the transition to the higher layers, then
stay on the Astral Plane must be a cleansing, leading to the release of its binding and aggravating
desires. Like many of our feelings in this life, all desires on the Astral Plane die because of the
inability to satisfy them. Time of our suffering in the Astral will correspond to the strength of our
desires, of which you must be cleansed. "
Being on the Astral Plane, the person again "will re" the events of his life, but now he is
experiencing them. All the negative feelings and emotions, able to experience them with the
same force, and perhaps even stronger than it was during his lifetime. When the existence of this
kind of "purgatory" is over, the soul rises to the higher layers of the Astral.
It is a place of joy and happiness. "Pereprosmatrivaya" once again all his life, a person is
experiencing a positive emotion, positive qualities and status. Thus, the meaning of your stay on
the Astral Plane as a whole, is the assimilation of sensory experience of life lived, (both positive
and negative). Sensory information is processed out of it only stands out the most basic, the most
important thing. What "Ego" to take a "higher" and that in later life will have to be used again.
When a man leaves his "astral double", which is to be decomposed as the previous two, he
carries with him a force that will shape later his new astral body. In the Region of Concrete
Thought Mental Plane person enters into full consciousness, dressed in a "shell of reason",
containing the quintessence of the three discarded bodies. Activities of "Ego" on the mental
plane is very versatile. This is by no means a passive or illusory existence. On the contrary, there

is "Ego" is preparing for his next incarnation, digesting and assimilating the results of the
previous embodiment in their entirety.
At the end of the period of stay in the lowest the mental, man rises to the highest of Mental
where stronger for its subsequent immersion into matter. To him comes the desire of new
experiences, awareness of the need of another embodiment for further progress, (for it is
impossible to remain on a higher plane, and develop there until they have learned the lessons of
earthly life!). The forces of the last incarnation of the mind begin to become more active,
attracting substance of higher divisions Region of Concrete Thought. However, the "Ego" can
not draw from each layer is nothing but a material close to him on the properties, but also the
material it takes only a certain amount. This creates a new mental body. "Ego" "Going down 'in
Astral captures each of the" underlying "layer corresponding required amount of substance,
building a new astral body. Similarly created and etheric.
Ready to translate in the dense layer of the Physical Plane, "Ego" represents largely the
formed substance. Man, this is not the «Tabula Rasa», as I thought Locke. Of the two twins were
born from the same parent being raised in the same conditions, one can be naughty and obstinate,
and the other accommodating and exemplary; one will be more prone to violence, and the other
will show the quality of mercy and compassion. All this happens because, having received from
the parents are identical in their structure and biological properties of the dense body, "Ego" each
child has an original set of "subtle bodies", which are replicas of the bodies of their past life and
endowing their respective qualities. By the way, the choice of incarnate "Ego" new parents is far
from accidental.
It makes no sense to remind that the dense body is helpless newborn for some time after birth.
The same thing happens with other bodies. And though all the bodies interpenetrate each other,
they gradually become more active. The first begins to awaken essential, then the astral and
mental bodies. Different people have different activation periods, however, the age of 15-17,
most people are already sufficiently-formed personalities, ready for full-fledged active efforts to
learn from the experience of staying on the physical plane.

To conclude this chapter I would like to briefly outline the basic principles of evolution. As
already mentioned, the substance that makes up the universe, relatively (!) Divided into primary
and the World. For convenience, the time of such separation is taken as the starting point, and we
call it "the beginning of symptoms."
The first in the world of substance is released is the "supreme", the seventh (counting, since
physical) level. In its essence and properties, it is very close to the properties of the primary
substance. This is the area of the Absolute. Then appears next, sixth layer, wherein from a single
absolute Enhancement (or Higher Essence) allocated Enhancement individual possessing all the
properties Absolute, but sensing a certain differentiation. These souls are divided into many
classes that differ only in the degree of awakening of consciousness. With a view to further
development, various classes of individual spiritual entities - the evolutionary wave, - begin the
descent into a more "dense" level of the world substance (not displayed).
For the first evolutionary wave, which belong to the most advanced essence, it is possible to
get down only to the fifth level. All the necessary experience they can draw is here. The next
evolutionary wave, a little less developed, the fifth level is not enough, and passing it, it
descends below the level of the number four. Souls whose consciousness is developed even less,
will be needed to trigger a mental level, the other - to the Astral, and so on, up to the very dense
(in our view), the physical plane. Descending down each wave as it forms, (exhibits) for
themselves the appropriate region of space - plan.
Reaching the lowest necessary for these points, the soul begin to reverse "climb" on a more
subtle level, and take their place following the newcomers. Process descent into matter called
involution process of climbing back - evolution.
"Department" of the Absolute descends down or returning each evolutionary wave does not
move in straight lines and waves, by repeatedly rising and falling within certain levels,

describing what esoteric commonly called "helix inside the helix. ' Each such "descent" and each
"ascent" is accompanied by a "rebirth" of the substance of the World in the primary, in which all
souls, regardless of the degree of their development, "merge" into a single unit. This is because
when achieved the purpose for which each specific plan has been created, and the life inhabiting
it moved "above" Absolute ceases to exist unnecessary over plans by terminating the "inside" in
a certain activity that these plans are created and maintained.
This scheme is taking place in the process of approximation of reality and a very (!)
Simplified. In order to describe all in detail and accurately, it would require not a small book, and
several large volumes. But in this case, our understanding of the universe and the Absolute
would still be very, very incomplete. This same book is, first and foremost, a practical guide for
people who have embarked on the path of intensive spiritual development. But for practical
purposes, understanding the basic principles of the world order is enough. Who wishes to learn
the theory in more depth will be able to do it yourself, good books on the subject is published
now more than enough. It is important to understand the following:

Universe - this is not a soulless mechanism, functioning

without purpose and meaning, it inspired a living system,
already perfect, but constantly evolving, striving all to
greater and greater perfection. In this system, everything is
interconnected, and the most insignificant, at the creature, in
our view really is as magnificent as the Absolute, for the soul
of the Absolute development is carried out by and through
the development Shower Individual ...

Man, I know this simple truth will never be in vain to kill the time, engaged in empty,
meaningless things. Determine for themselves the goals in life, he will not be wasted on petty,
useless things. Seeing the harmony of external and internal harmony of feeling, such a person
can make a hundred times, a thousand times more than the average man, steeped in the greyness
of everyday routine. In addition, a sense of harmony, not only inspires life, giving it a higher
meaning, but also breathe in harmony come upon this man such power, about which no man in
the street can not even conceive. And finally, how can you, like a savage, continue to break
Spyglass nuts, realizing what this complex device designed for real?!.

Chapter Three
Before you start this book, I made a long prayer. And each time, beginning to work, I make a
prayer over and over again. It is important to tune in connection with the Supreme,
comprehensive and infinite. It is important to feel the harmony of all things, to feel in the heart
of the Eternal Sparkles, which is present in every living being. Without this, no work can not be
sincere, can not be expressed in full, which means - is doomed to failure. The first chapter briefly
been said about how important it is to come to an understanding of the Absolute, how important
it is defined in which to believe - in His existence, or in his absence - to choose the belief that He
exists. It is impossible to know whether God exists or it is not present, you can only believe in

either one or the other. Atheist, claiming the absence of the Supreme Principle, does not know,
and believe it (!) In this, as well,
Usually the term "faith" is associated with religion. However, not every belief is religious.
Vera - a special psychological state of confidence in anything (to achieve the goal, the event
occurs, the truth of ideas, etc.), with a lack of accurate knowledge about something. Faith is
something that temporarily replaces knowledge. To some extent, it contains the expectation of
the desired. Faith arises in relation to those events, ideas and processes that are more or less
important sense for humans. In scientific terminology, this psychological condition occurs in a
probabilistic situation where there is a possibility for a successful action, its favorable outcome,
and the knowledge of this possibility. If an event has happened or it has become apparent that it
is impossible, if the behavior is implemented, or it has become clear that it will not be done ever
Faith in God can be realized without any participation was religion. At the present stage of
development of society the religious consciousness rather hinders man's spiritual progress than
stimulate it. By and large, in his "fight for truth," most of the religions of God have forgotten
altogether. Each of them passionately defends the idea of it, thereby denying its objective
existence. Religious dogmatism, stagnation and the inability (or unwillingness?) Religions to
adapt to changes in the surrounding world have pushed and continue to push away from them
more and more people. People thinking outside the box, to really seek the Lord, seeking the
highest standard of sense.
The main thing in any religion is its external form and its canons and ceremonies, her cult.
With its arsenal wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated by many generations of
people, religious ideologues declare a monopoly on this enormous baggage, appropriating the
sole right to interpret or comment on the means at their disposal "truth." If necessary, you will be
given ready-made answers to any, even the most complex and intractable issues. However, with
one indispensable condition - to take those answers you should unconditionally, without
criticizing, in the form in which they are served. This is precisely the specificity of "religious
faith", and that it puts religion in our contemporary world on the brink of degeneration. This is
evidenced by the story itself.
Once upon a time, long ago, the religious consciousness is dominant. It permeates as a public
or group, and individual consciousness. Religious communities coincided with ethnic and
religious activity is an important component of the overall social activity. Religious and secular
power was connected in the same hands. Gradually, however, things changed. Secular
consciousness continued to exist side by side with the religious, but depended on him is not so
tough. Ethnic and religious communities increasingly differentiated.
Today, the religious consciousness takes a secondary place in the consciousness of the public
and religious relations are only a particular kind of social relations. Elements of worship for the
average person are nothing more than exotic, fashionable fad. Dominated system of other ideas -
economic, political, philosophical, scientific ...
It became clear that religion and spirituality are not far from being one and the same.
Spirituality is the elevation of the intellect and feelings, self-consciousness and self-knowledge,
the search for meaning and purpose of life, finding the ideal ... Finally, creativity! How can all
these qualities are realized in organizations that are authoritarian in nature, requiring the
recognition of the absoluteness of their leaders, the provisions of ideas; in organizations that
predispose its members to become submissive herd, so-called flock?!.
Instead of helping the person to develop moral and spiritual, rather than to stimulate him to
action, religion in many ways is trying to compensate, make up for his limitations and weakness,
both in terms of the restructuring of consciousness, and in terms of changes in the objective
conditions of existence, condemning him thus a passive stagnation. Similar conclusions,
reflecting on the essence of religion, came to many thinkers. Yes if was excommunicated for that
LA Tolstoy, a man of deep faith, but to deny the need for mediation between God and man in the
name of the church?!.

Why are you telling all this? - he asked me as a friend of mine. - For the common man,
unwanted hammer head different philosophising, religion is the only manifestation of spirituality.
You want to take away his hope of ultimate justice, hope for the future salvation? ..
Lord, what is this nonsense? Of course not! I'm not going to knock bone in chrome or legless.
My goal - to force to abandon a wheelchair that is in it is not needed. Not one man in the street,
going down on his knees before the icon only in order to beg for his health or improve their well-
being, hurrying to confession in the hope of obtaining absolution (which, despite this, every day
it becomes more and more), alms to once again say to yourself: "What are you good", or feel
superior, I did not hear. This book will not ever in his hands, because "the search for God," he
was not interested, and to develop spiritually he did not seek. In addition, one should not equate
spirituality and "piety". Those to whom I speak, already have understood, that religion is
unlikely to be able to help them. It is important for them to tell which direction should move. At
Max Heindel, to which we have already addressed in the previous chapter, there is a wonderful,
extraordinary in its depth statement.
"Becoming a man - he says - is carried out in four great steps. First, work on it from the
outside, without realizing it that work. He then placed under the guidance of divine messengers
and kings, he sees a team that has to obey. Then he is taught to honor God's commands, which he
does not see. Finally, he rises above all the teams to become law for himself and overcome
themselves of their own free will, to live in harmony with the laws of nature, which is the Law of
Similarly, a person ascends to God. At first he worships and sacrifices to God, which begins
to feel fear, wanting to appease him. Then, he looks to God as "giving all things," hoping to get
from Him material benefits here and now. He sacrifices the covetousness, expecting that God
will pay off handsomely, or to avoid the rapid punishment plague, war, etc. After that he has been
taught to worship God in prayer and righteous life, learn to cultivate a faith in the kingdom of
heaven, where he will be rewarded in the future, and to abstain from evil, to avoid future
punishment in hell. Finally, he comes to the point where you can do the right thing without any
thought of reward, bribe or punish, but simply because "the right thing to do - the right".

The highest expression of faith is the belief in the

Absolute, as the highest, a comprehensive idea. A highest
point of the belief in the Absolute be a condition in which
localized in time and space human "Ego" feels his connection
to God. No matter what a man pierced by such a faith, he will
not act in order to satisfy their needs, but for the satisfaction
of God's requirements, in order to achieve the highest
perfection ...

At first glance, this statement seems to be some sort of absurdity. In fact, what's the difference
what I think zakolachivaya nails - I'm doing this "for God", or what I was doing this in order to
achieve certain personal gain?!. But do not rush to conclusions. Internal relation to the carried
out our activities, providing the latest in no way less of an impact than our outlook on the image
of the whole of our lives. It is impossible to become a full-fledged master of his fate, not
knowing for what you live, not knowing the higher laws that govern this life, and limiting its
interests momentary satisfaction of instinctual impulses. In the same way, whatever you engaged,
it is impossible to achieve perfection, performing a particular job just for the sake of its results,
without experiencing satisfaction from operating activities, and not knowing where,
Try to practice this simple principle, and the results did not take long to wait. Very soon you
will notice how will begin to change your attitude towards work. The most simple, long lost any
appeal, everyday things appear before you in a completely different light. Failures and
disappointments will no longer cause you irritation, depression or other negative feelings. Your
activities will be inspired. After all, what you do, you do for God, and all that you get, you get,

too, from God. Your activity is not a dull work, caused by the severe need and aimed at meeting
some minor, insignificant needs. Your activity - a kind of dialogue with the Absolute itself.
What is required of you? A mere trifle! Live and work, constantly feeling the presence of
God. It is incredibly easy. After all, you know you are on the same level of intelligence that God
has something comprehensive that permeates every point in space, and every moment of time.
God is not out there somewhere, behind the clouds, He is everywhere and in everything. At the
same time, He is closer to you than any of the things around you, closer than your own body.
Because your soul - a tiny piece of his soul, and your body - a piece of his body. First, just aware
of it, and realized, try to feel. Well, feeling, start to live in accordance with this extraordinary,
incomparable feeling.
Do not expect any reward. The presence of God in the soul is in itself the greatest of rewards!
Having experienced that what is at stake, you will see that this is true. It does not matter who you
are by birth or profession, no matter what your education. For the Lord is your life, and
everything that you do - priceless! Continue to do the same, what to do before, but add to that the
realization that in the results of your activities do not need you, he needs these results. And if so,
is now in his every deed you need to strive for perfection. Be sincere, be extremely friendly and
calm. The world - it is the Temple of the Lord, and your life, your work - the service in the
Temple. Everything you do is aimed at improving the Absolute, and all that he does to you, aims
to improve you. elementary,
What is happening to the practitioners' method of devotional service, "(Bhakti Yoga), like a
miracle! He is transformed, both spiritually and physically. His life is transformed into a never-
ending party, the soul begins to overflowing happiness. The person suddenly notices the higher
harmony, according to which the whole universe is living and seeing Harmony, he harmoniously
arranges his own life. Of course, such a person achieves much greater than the one who
continues to live by the principles of short-term personal gain.
Not to be trite, but I can not recall that happiness is not outside, but inside of us. One can be
happy living in a barrel, and the other will be very unhappy, having at its disposal a huge palace.
Happy is he who feel the harmony of all things, and let your soul resonate in accordance with
this harmony. Luck will be the lot of one who internally (that is, in his soul), takes any (!) The
situation with joy, even if at first glance it does not bear nothing but pain and bitterness, and
externally (ie their actions) , seeks to achieve the very best, never resting on our laurels. Stick to
this rule, and your dreams will soon become a reality.
Huge, comparable in its power only with the eruption of the volcano, man advantage busy
"devotional service" to all other human beings is how he reacts to comprehend it at times of
failure and frustration. It was a reaction to the failure determines where people are - to the
heights of success, or into the abyss of despair. If you are not yet familiar with the Bible, be sure
to open and read the Old Testament Book of Job. All her spiritual power, all its essence is
expressed through simple, subsequently used thousands of times in the literature scene.
Someone named Job madly in love with his God and lived by strictly observing all his
commandments. As it should be, for the love and obedience to God is the righteous paid in the
same coin. It was all about what he could conceive of the Old Testament people. His affairs
flourished, and on the horizon of life there was not a single cloud that could dampen his joy. But
one day God comes the devil. "What's the use of this righteousness? - he says. - You give Job
everything, so it is not surprising that he so honors you. Try his faith. Handed me at the time of
power over him so I could deprive him of all good things, which thou hast given to him, and then
we'll see whether he will remain faithful to you. "
And then, in an instant, life changed Job. Case it fell into disrepair, the once obese herds fell,
and he was sick the worst while disease, leprosy. It would seem, what could I do to Job, no
matter how despair and no start to blaspheme God, so treacherously wandered with him, for all
his righteousness ?! That's what would have done any other in its place. However, Job, in spite of
everything, remained firm and steadfast in their faith. The machinations of the Devil in vain and
God returned all the righteous, that at the time he took it, increase its well-being.

Such is the plot of the story. The essence of it, as you probably guessed themselves, is how
Job reacted to their losses. "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return
there. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; shall be the name of the Lord blessed .. Did
we receive good from God, and evil will not take! .. "-? unbelievable, incomprehensible to the
average person back. Job served God, not for material gain, not hoping to get there after the
death of the kingdom of heaven. The presence of God in his heart was more than enough, and
even suffering from a terrible disease, he remained happy. Has followed the financial reward was
only a consequence of his faith. ( "As above - so below") Because "higher" Plans Job's soul was
in harmony, this harmony could not be shown on the physical plane in the form of good luck,
Should I remind you how difficult it is today to find a good job? Even more difficult to find
jobs in their field, (especially the work of the soul). Perhaps that is why many cling to their jobs,
despite the miserable salary, which is also delayed by a few months. What we were taught: in all
circumstances remain obedient submissive executor, blindly hoping to "help from above" and
those who fear to feel creative and full of energy person. "Everything is bad!", "No money!", "In
the country a mess!" "I do not know anything other than what was used to do ..!" - these are the
stereotypes that dominate our minds. If we think this way, you will never be able to rise from his
knees to his feet, never be able to provide yourself and your family a decent living. Once put a
To get rid of old patterns is difficult, however, is not only possible but necessary! Remember
that you are not a spineless worm, you are a piece of God, qualitatively like him, capable of
performing miracles. It should not be you, but you are to Him. Do not be afraid, believe in
themselves and by the goal safely begin to move toward it. Fear of failure laid down in the
subconscious of most people. It is much easier to set only those tasks that do not require much
effort. But what is failure? This event, which helps to take a fresh look at the world. Failure is the
stairs leading to the summit of success!
Every schoolboy knows that the friction prevents the movement, inhibits it. But precisely
because of friction we get the opportunity to go. Without this force, and we could not move, her
feet in vain and wasted a loose power. About karmic law "Cause and Effect" will be discussed
later, but now it must be said that any failure will happen to us, it is the result of our practical or
mental activity. Ourselves (!), We determine what happens to us and only our fault that our work
is far from perfect. Failures - are consequences of imperfect activities aimed at to bring this work
to perfection.
And now attention! There are at least four principles that reveal the essence of
comprehending human failures. First, the failure is a kind of "scotch", blocking the movement in
one direction or another. The universe is a highly accurate and incredibly complex system. As
you know, even the smallest imperfection, the smallest mistake can disorganize and destroy the
entire system, no matter how huge it is, unless it's a small imperfections, this small error is
noticed in time and neutralized. (Examples are the least automated probes sent to other planets
and suddenly out of order due to the fact that the programmer, makes up for their program
missed only one period or comma). So, in the universe, timely tracking and removing these
"little mistakes" there is a certain law. When your work begins to threaten the harmony of the
universe, the law comes into effect and is happening to you or that event, which blocks your
"criminal" activities.
The mechanism of action of this law is different from the moral attitudes, which we are
accustomed to unconditionally follow and grasp it with our ordinary logic is hardly possible.
When the external similarity of behavior, activities of one man sharply suppressed, and the other,
on the contrary, stimulated and almost none is encouraged. That is why there needs an individual
approach. Learn how to analyze their failures and mistakes, you can easily calculate the reasons
for this or that activity has been "locked".
Let's say you are a businessman and you afoot very good bargain. Her anticipation you start
too emotional to make plans for the future: "Now I get the money and buy a new car. Six

hundredth "Mercy!" Vasiliev (your prospective competitors) will die of envy. So he, cattle, and it
is necessary! And vyezhivatsya his filthy "Toyota", I, too, found a clever man ... "
Without knowing it, you are creating in the "thin" the relevant program level, which in the
incarnation in reality can lead to certain consequences, detrimental to the proper functioning of
the universe go other mechanisms. You have only a "thought" and impersonal cosmic law has
already calculated the consequences of putting your thoughts. Triggered "ban" and the deal,
which was already almost in your pocket, darts. Or "six hundredth MERS" you nor envy cattle-
Vasileva. And very right!
In this situation, what is important is how you respond to failure befell you. If, by signing
another contract, you will stay cool, do not become unnecessarily annoyed with the destiny and
build a plan for revenge, everything goes on as usual. If not, it will be broken, and this deal, and
the next, and you will not have not only new machines, but also the old will have to hurry to sell
to pay off debts to creditors. Yes, reincarnation, the law does not allow to slip into the steps of
the evolutionary ladder, and no matter how many stupid things you may have done, the birth as
an animal or plant does not threaten you. But within the limits of the human form of sharp ups
and downs it is quite normal. Having reached the pinnacle of success and having made a single
"mistake", you can be in a few moments at the bottom of the stairs, where began its ascent,
In this case, a regression will be output means of evolutionary deadlock, and the principle of
"blocking" pass the baton second principle manifestations of failures, referred to as "rails." Here
again, everything will depend on you. The sooner you begin to rebuild and move in the right
direction, the faster the string of bad luck left for you behind.
In addition to the "blocking" and "directing" functions, failures carry another - "training".
This principle, in contrast to the two previous ones, does not apply to everyone. It falls under its
scope only those people who have advanced in their spiritual development far enough to be
removed from the place of trouble with them some "lessons". The mechanism of action here is
no different from the mechanism of action of the two previous laws. The only thing added is the
awareness of what is happening. Now, in order to avoid trouble, you will need not only to react
to a particular situation, but also aware of this report.
There is no dispute, it is much more difficult than just being a puppet in the hands of fate, but
it opens up new opportunities. With the right approach you will be able to jump the gun,
anticipating them and removing a lot of useful. For example, if a businessman from the above
example may fail or a dozen profitable trades before intuitively feel, in what direction it should
go, man, able to extract from happening to them positive lessons trouble, able to improve the
situation at the outset. Enough for him to realize the pernicious power of their thoughts and
negative program will be neutralized. The transaction will take place and the "six hundredth
MERS" he still buys. (However, to gloat over the "brute-Vasiliev" still not worth it, even sitting
behind the wheel of a new car, so in vain not to tempt fate).

These principles can be manifested both in pure form and engage with each other in various
combinations. In addition, if, in response to failures correctly, you have achieved a certain degree
of perfection, you have a chance to use befallen you fail to benefit for themselves! Here is an
example from personal experience.
In the winter of 1997 I brought to the editorial board of the journal manuscript of a new
novel. I knew that the magazine announced a literary contest, and very much like to take part in
this competition. However, offering the manuscript in that capacity, I somehow did not dare. A
week later, the editor announced his decision. Not his view, the story was too bulky; Moreover,
the form in which it was written, the product is slightly different from what the magazine
"usually prints"; and the financial situation wording is such that either today or tomorrow, "it will
cover all" ... I did not like the manuscript.
Failure! Failure!!. And suddenly it dawned on me. "Tell me, is it true that next spring you will
announce a competition among new authors?" - I asked a direct question, putting the manuscript
back into the portfolio. "Yes, yes! .. - brightened editor. - Now, if you had a pair of short tales ...

"tales I had. At home, in a folder marked "do not stir." Selecting three, in my opinion, the most
appropriate, I returned to the office. In May, 98-stories were published ... and got the first prize!
As the saying goes, "there would be a blessing in disguise."
It is important to learn to pay themselves for the benefit of any change, any of you happen to
undesirable event, no matter how insignificant it may seem. You have broken tape recorder,
which you slander arising from time to time interesting thoughts, and instead of passively wait
for it repaired, you begin to use its natural memory, "writing" a particularly valuable ideas there.
You actively develop one of the most important mental functions - time; learn to generate and
maintain the idea of an entirely new way - two; remains optimistic, continuing to operate at the
same level and even more intense than usual - three ... the list goes on, if desired. But none of
this would not have been if no breakage recorder.
Try to speculate in this way, when he lost the ticket for the tram and the rest of the month will
get to and from work on foot. Very soon you will realize that no event happens to us is not
clearly good or bad. It all depends on you. If you will notice what is happening is only "bad",
then failure will lean heavily like a snowball. If, however, preference will be given to "good",
your business is rapidly climb. "Everything that happens is for the best!" - let this phrase will be
your motto now.
And now another example. Suppose you are in a hurry for the train. In your pocket you have a
ticket to the prestigious resort, somewhere on the Mediterranean coast. Time is running out, you
grab a taxi rush to the airport, but find yourself in a traffic jam in the city center. It's a shame! To
the airport you get half an hour later than expected, and will know that ... your plane has long
departed. Doubly annoying !!. Still, after this trip you've been waiting for a year. In depressed
you get home in the evening, sitting in front of the TV, from the news release suddenly learn that
the plane on which you are so eager to get in a couple of hours after take-off was in a plane
crash. Things to you on it, and instead of sitting in front of the TV with a cup of coffee in hand,
now would lay wrapped in a black plastic bag, in some morgue.
What is it? Fifth, still undescribed, the principle of transformation failures in luck!. Not really.
In the example shown in the action came a completely different law. In a sense, it is associated
with "the law of manifestation of failure" and works with them closely together. But this law is
much more important and manages it throughout our lives, not just its individual fragments.
Moreover, in its action appears not only that, the specific life, but also a long Kill previous lives.
This "Law of Retribution", the "Law of Cause and Effect," or as it is called, "The Law of
Karma (from the Sanskrit «karma» -. Action case, the die), is the total amount committed by a
person's actions and their consequences, which determine the nature of his new incarnation and
continued existence. Karma is the effect of our past actions in the conditions and the way we live
in the present and the future. The law of karma nor punishes or rewards, but accurately and
dispassionately pays all other laws in that direction, which is determined by our actions. This is
not "fate" is not blind fate, acting "by the will of the gods." It all depends on us!
Eastern tradition links the concept of karma, with morality, with some moral principles. In a
sense, this relationship takes place in reality, but the "morality" and "karma" is not the same
thing. Moral principles at different times in different nations vary greatly (sometimes to the exact
opposite), while the law of karma remains the same always and everywhere. It is a mistake as to
distribute the action of karma to beings evolutionarily less advanced than man, has not yet
gained their identity, and therefore not responsible for his actions, which are largely rigidly
deterministic biological specificity of a particular type. In the mineral kingdom all determine the
physical and chemical laws; in the kingdom of plants and animals - the laws of biological
Positive science for a long time limited to the study of the mineral kingdom. Gradually, the
scope of its activities were the Kingdom of vegetable and animal - originated biology.
Disciplines such as psychology and sociology were considered "scientific" rather recently. As for
the problem of "thin worlds", reincarnation and karma, today we can only hope that more or less

they will soon, finally, no longer be ignored and will be engaged pundits did their comprehensive
It is very difficult, and, most likely, it is impossible to adequately describe the essence of
karmic law. The human mind can be reflected only a general principle of karma, the internal
mechanism of the action we have so far (?) Is not available. The only thing that remains is to
resort to the method of analogy and limited Description karmic external manifestations.
Fortunately, for practical purposes and do not need more.
Depending on what and how we are doing, karma is a "bad" or "good." Take, for example, an
apartment in which you live. What would happen if, instead of every week to make it spring
cleaning, and every few years to make repairs, you will be all over the place to litter, spit on the
floor, blow your nose in the curtains, pick wallpaper and beat the kitchen tiles?
Right. The cozy comfortable home, your apartment will become a stinking cesspool.
Something similar happens with our "spiritual home", a place in the "higher" plane where dwells
"Ego" of a person. Strikingly, but as far as the earth's apartments, where most of us tend to
observe cleanliness and order, as for the "spiritual home", that is where we allow ourselves to
spit, litter, and even by the toilet to urinate, like Bulgakov's Sharikov. Strange, is not it?!.

Performing certain actions, experiencing a certain feeling,

thinking and fantasizing, we make some sort of program that
would become controlled by our thoughts, emotions and
actions. This program will determine our karma. Testing in
this or that negative manifestation, we partake of the fruits
of our "bad" karma; testing positive manifestations, we eat
the fruit of a "good" karma. In the same way, making in this
"bad" or "good" actions, we are preparing for themselves
their future destiny, respectively, the "bad" or "good" ...

In fact, karma determines everything that happens to us. Losers, sick or poor people do
themselves to be yourself! Spiteful, envious, selfish person himself (!) Is preparing to host future
failures, disease, suffering. Possessing free will, man is able to choose what he should do in a
given situation. And the law of karma is helping him learn how to make the right choices from
all available alternatives. If you have a strong "good" karma, even in the case when the objective
circumstances are not in your favor, you predicting all sorts of disasters, diseases, accidents, you
somehow manage to avoid "imminent." That's what happened to a man late for the plane, which
then crashed. Special studies have shown that on airplanes, trains, buses,
The logical question is: what to do in order to neutralize the effect of "bad" karma karma and
activate a "good"? Equally logical answer: you have to cultivate as many positive qualities and to
do everything possible (and impossible) to eliminate the negative qualities. I think about "what is
good and what is bad", saying too. In relation to itself, it is necessary to strive for excellence, to
develop spiritually and morally. In relation to other people, you must adhere to the "golden rule":
do not do to others what you do not want to cause you (unless, of course, you do not bdsm).
A very powerful tool is the principle of "devotion", which was mentioned earlier in this
chapter. A person living and acting with a constant sense of the presence of God, may in a few
years or even months, to neutralize everything negative that has accumulated over many past
lives. Striving to the Absolute - ultimate objective of any living being. And it is a deviation from
this objective creates a "bad" karma, it is blocked by setbacks, illnesses, premature death. And in
order to always maintain the clarity of purpose, it is necessary to refuse any kind of
a) from absolute wealth;
b) from the absolute love for any particular person to the people, to all mankind;
c) from the absolute capacity (both own and others');
g) from absolute perfection, harmony;
d) from the absolute idea;
e) from the absolute successful destiny, the joys of life;
g) of absolute justice, decency, generosity, spirituality ...
All this is only a "part" only temporary guidance. However, the main and the main purpose of
any life (life in general!), The pursuit of the Absolute. Only He can not be absolute, since by its
nature it is already absolute.
Absolute stop anything in any case does not mean "to abandon it at all." Like, but do not put
love above God! Seek justice, do what is right, but do not put justice above God! Do not put him
above any idea or person. Otherwise you will have to fully experience the consequences of their
Do not let your heart grow in pride. It is because of pride, a person can not take him to
comprehend at times of trouble, if not gladly, then, at least, with humility. Do not blame anyone,
never; never be offended; leave hatred and aggression ... And because everything that happens on
the physical level, first created in the "thin" levels, one should start from there.
Besides, who wants to turn "bad" karma "good", you must master the art of positive thinking.
It all starts with a thought. And the first thing to be done is to abandon the assessment of what is
happening as "good" or "bad." I do not accidentally placed in quotation marks, these two words.
We - the people, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that we perceive the world from a
purely human point of view. But as Nietzsche said, "man is something that must be overcome."
Artificially dividing the world into "black" and "white" to "bad" and "good" not only do we not
win anything, but on the contrary, condemn ourselves to senseless, no unnecessary suffering.
In the eyes of the Lord there is no right or guilty. Good and Evil - it is an illusion generated by
our limited consciousness. What makes a gardener, killing a caterpillar? Good - some would say
- because he protects the garden from pests. No, evil - others argue - because deprive a living
being of life. Yes, and "pest" caterpillar looks only in our eyes, because trying to eat from the
same source that we do. Let us turn to history. From the standpoint of an ancient warrior war was
seen as a benefit, because most of the empires of antiquity were able to develop and flourish only
by the spoils of war, ravaging the neighboring tribes and peoples. However, from the perspective
of ancient farmer or cattleman war it seemed a terrible disaster, bringing the land desolation and
decay. Such examples are endless.
All that is unprofitable for a man, all that bears his suffering, he calls "evil." And everything
starts they considered favorable to him as "good". When the consciousness of an individual rises
to the consciousness of the tribe, or the nation, "good" may seem even that from the standpoint
of the individual will look "one hundred percent evil." That is the case with the soldier who gave
his life "for the homeland." Even more paradoxical contradictions arise in the mind of the person
who starts to look at the world around him through the eyes of all humanity. And all this is
happening because there is a contrast between the "I" ( "We") and not "I" (not "we"). If mentally
to rise to the level of the Absolute, where this contradiction is removed with it disappear the
concept of "good" and "evil."
In whatever battle or joined among themselves localized in time and space creatures, all their
actions, in the end, are aimed at the development and perfection of the Absolute, and therefore
themselves. Any action, any event work for the common good. But if the world is not "evil", it
automatically loses its meaning and the category of "good", because one without the other does
not exist. Stop for a while to be a man, feel there is an eternal and all-encompassing, and then
you will realize that "evil" and "good" - an illusion generated by our engagement for the human
form. And if there is no "good" or "evil", then there should be no condemnation, no hard
feelings. Life is beautiful in all its manifestations, feel it!
The art of positive thinking means also the ability to wait. Without this skill, you can hardly
achieve any success. How often do we sunbathed new idea, hard to start to achieve something or
to something, but since nothing is accomplished overnight, our enthusiasm soon fades away, we
are disappointed in the selected target and gradually fall into a passive state of the former. (!)

Yes, it is very important not just to dream, but to do; very (!) it is important to use every day,
every hour, with maximum efficiency, but more importantly to make their pursuit of excellence
sustainable. You must not be a little glow fitilechkom, but not a flamethrower, sending streams of
energy in short portions pulses. You must become a powerful torch, keep the flame at one and the
same, a certain level. "Never put off till tomorrow what that today we can do. " Faithful to the
idea! But do not try to do today what must be done tomorrow.
You must be a subtle strategy, not just for themselves designating targets, but also carefully
planning the ways and means of achieving them. For more details, we'll talk about that later, but
now it should be noted that without a scheduled plan, without a specific goal can hardly count on
any success. What is meaningless in its essence, is vague and amorphous in form. No need to
strive for knowingly unrealizable unfulfilled. Be realistic, but do not neglect the opportunity to
dream. The best conditions for the development of folded when opposites are harmoniously
combined into a single unit.
To determine whether you really need is what you seek, it is very simple. Look at the people
who have already achieved that to which you are just starting to approach. That these people
represent, whether they are happy, do not feel sorry for what he did there? Imagine that you have
achieved the desired. What you get here? In what direction to go next? .. Many whole life flit
like butterflies from flower to flower, looking for fulfillment in things insignificant, ignoring
something much more grand, truly needed. What good is wealth if vpahivat a sweat for him you
need round the clock, sacrificing all the rest, and then to strengthen their efforts to save their
belongings? Think about who will get after your death that for which you have worked your
whole life ...
In conclusion, this chapter will give an exercise or rather the method that will allow you to
develop the necessary positive qualities and that will radically change your life for the better. For
all its seeming simplicity, this method can achieve great things. Much more than you are
expecting from it.


Go back to the beginning of the book, and carefully re-read position, enclosed in a frame. Try
to understand the allegations, trying to understand something more that remains a kind of
"behind the scenes". Then, try to mentally look at yourself and all his life from the outside, if you
are considering an outsider. Be sincere and critical, mark all the pros and cons. Try also to
identify what "this person" is not enough to become a harmonious, strong, creative personality.
Take this job as serious as possible.
Now take a pen, a sheet of paper, and in short, concise sentences make up for "the man"
program, which he will follow. Now you - programmer, and he - a machine that unconditionally
fulfill all that you order. Accounting program, use only positive statements in the present tense,
first person. Do not say: "it will no longer be nervous, and offended over nothing." Say: "I have
always kept, friendly, do not keep in mind the old offenses and are pleased by all that was
happening to me." Try to keep your program contained no fewer than seven and no more than
ten items. You should get something like this:

1. I always remember about God; everything I do, I do not for themselves, but
for Him!
2. I did not criticize, do not condemn, and see only the good in people!
3. I'm not afraid of appearing ridiculous or stupid, all my systems, I can easily
detect and neutralize!
4. My body, emotions and mind are subject to the supreme will of My!
5. I am able to focus on the intended target, always full of energy and

6. I always balanced and adequately perceive the world; Force continually
growing presence in me!
7. Failures provide additional support me!

No need to copy my program, this is only a sample. Try to make your own list, with all the
features of your unique personality and standing in front of you problems. Now that the list is
ready, once again carefully check it, and then even completely rewrite large handwriting. Very
good, if you have a typewriter or computer.
Put the list in a place that it as often as possible gets you to the eyes. For example, hang it on
the wall above his desk, or on a mirror in front of which you shave in the morning. Every day,
right after you wake up and take a shower, as well as every evening before going to bed, re-read
carefully written. You can read silently or aloud, but always solid, confident voice. Know that in
these moments your positive (!) Program is put into your subconscious mind, crowding out all
the old, made not by you and the bulk of these negative programs. From now on, you make their
own destiny.
Any time during the day, as soon as you catch yourself on what you are doing or thinking
something that is contrary to your settings, immediately stop and mentally (from memory) to
read the entire list once or twice. Read, and continue to try to only act according to your logic.
After two or three months, remove its listing from the wall (or mirror) and store it in a specially
prepared for this folder and then make a new list. Those provisions, which you did not manage to
realize until the end, we can rewrite. But be sure to add a new and positive attitudes.
Work out this simple procedure regularly! Otherwise, the effect will be minimal. After a
couple of years, open the folder with the old programs and carefully analyze what you have
written and what is actually achieved. Rejoice for his success. You really have achieved a lot.
But most importantly, feel the difference between what you were before, and the way in which
have now become. Impressive, is not it?!.

Most importantly, believe in yourself and your strength. Believe, even if no one else in you
already (or still) do not believe. Do not throw started and firmly move towards this goal. Usually,
people just do not realize what they can do really. Each of us can do wonders! One more thing.
Whatever you are no earning a living, you know that eventually you will be able to combine
business with pleasure by making a hobby or passion - a profession! Do your most cherished
dream is not it?
In the book «Swim With The Sharks» American businessman Harvey Mackay expressed
incredible in its simplicity, but it is very much on the content of the thought, "if you do
something like it, then you can make it profitable business, regardless of the scope of your
activities." For now, just think about it, and in the next book we could talk about it more. "As
above - so below" All that is happening to you, depends on you.

Chapter Four

"When the student is ready, the teacher arrives." I am sure that many people have heard this
expression, but certainly its true meaning has remained hidden to most. Realizing quote literally,
a person on the path of self-improvement, begins to expect when it comes to the same kind of
"gray-haired old man," ready to reveal to them the treasures of secret knowledge available only
to the elite, and "Dedication". No wonder that, after waiting in vain his elder months, and even
years, disillusioned "student" always throws the search for "truth", returning to the old
mechanical existence. As the saying goes, "Many are called, but few are chosen."
And the thing is that you have to become a teacher for yourself. Incredibly, this is true. In the
age of information boom we have a lack of knowledge (even in those who still continue to be
called "secret"). We are surrounded by piles of books, audio and video Sea, our services World
Wide Web. One must be blind or weak-minded to continue to remain in a state of information
The secret lies in the fact that to understand anything is possible only because of the many
comparisons. Collected and processed as many as possible of any information on the topic of
interest you by comparing and analyzing the opposite point of view, any sane person able to
independently get what so eager to hear from the so-called Master. Suffice it to adhere to a
simple principle: "to doubt everything, not denying anything," and in a very short time you will
become the owner of his own "secret knowledge."
The role of teachers is thus reduced only to ensure that does not give us the sleep that every
day, every minute push us to action. Knowing is not applied in practice, is no different from the
cast to the bottom of the Mariana Trench gem. That it acquired its value, they need to use it,
rather than keeping it locked in the recesses of the mind. That is needed for this teacher. And is it
worth repeating that the best teacher, (as no one else who knows all your feelings and thoughts,
always located next to it), you can just be yourself?!.
If you have learned well all of what was said in the previous chapters, if you tried to apply the
principles set out therein, in practice, you probably encountered some difficulties. It is easy to
understand what to do and how much more difficult to force yourself to do what you want. To
become a master of yourself, you must be "born again", need to "create yourself" or, in other
words, to become both a student and teacher. For most of us the other way simply does not exist.
You do not want you to sit idly by, waiting for the "white-haired old man"?!.

The man is an immortal spirit has three invaluable tools -

intellect, emotion, physical body. For the individual, to realize
the "tiered" structure and learn how to master these tools,
nothing will be impossible. A human being can be likened to a
chariot driven by a pair of winged horses and a charioteer
controlled. Auriga - a mind, a good horse - a conscious
volitional impulse, bad horse - unconscious passion and
chariot - a physical body ...

This allegory was widely used by medieval magicians and occultists, and has its roots in
ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It is clear that without the chariot horses will not be able to
budge, and all the efforts of the charioteer will not lead to anything. It is also clear that if the
charioteer loosen the reins, the horses may overturn the chariot, or, at best, zavedut it does not go
where it should. Only a coherent, harmonious unity of all three elements can provide the
passenger (ie immortal soul), pleasant and exciting journey, and eventually bring it to the

And if the physical body requires not so much for the normal functioning, in order to learn to
manage the passions and desires, and the more reason, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and
effort. However, all of these costs pay off later. As well, we must not forget about the "rough
road" of those karmic obstacles that we have built for ourselves, about the harmful and utterly
meaningless habits, who managed to acquire over a lifetime. All of this, in some way, will slow
down the progress, but there is no obstacle that can not be circumvented.

Any person who has realized the need to move from ignorance to knowledge, meets on his
way four great obstacles. Since the movement of the Light, he is surprised to find that becomes
something other than what is pictured in his imagination. He wanted to material wealth, but
eventually realized that it is not in the richness of the meaning of life. He wanted fame, but was
surprised to find that glory, just an empty phrase. The world seemed turned upside down for him.
Things and events suddenly appeared in a very different form. In addition, the man realized that
the climb will not be easy. The vast majority of all abandoned all attempts to break through to the
light at this stage, faced with his first obstacle, the name of which - weakness. What man is
Those who found the strength to move on, very soon discover a strange change. Many
questions had seemed intractable, one by one begin to get answers. This process increases like an
avalanche. A person like a shroud darts eye. The whole world and all the processes occurring in
it are simple and understandable. Being in a state of euphoria, people forget that this illusory
clarity is deceptive "omniscience" - his second obstacle on the path to the Truth. And in order to
overcome it, you will need to "come down from heaven to earth." Alas, any of our knowledge is
always incomplete.
So, when a person begins to understand that his clarity is illusory, that it is available only
relative truth and absolute - belongs to the Absolute, when it has reached the limit of humility
and false ghostly light of truth, he will no longer be deceived, to man comes Force. He can do
"miracles" can manage their own and other people's fates on their own. For it is no longer
impossible! I do not aspire to it now and you? But the most striking thing is that this
extraordinary power, this force is the third obstacle to overcome is only possible to units.
In fact, to find the strength, it may take a lifetime. And then, when desired is reached, the
person finally understands that his strength, not his. No, no, he can dispose of the Force as he
pleases. But if it does happen, it will never overcome the last, the fourth obstacle, defeated,
almost reaching the goal. Obstacles, which is called the Death ...
Why am I telling you all this, which is only just beginning to storm their first obstacle, those
who are trying to win a weakness? Perhaps, then, that you can reach the goal only when aware of
which way you have to go. Then to now, you can prepare to overcome future obstacles.
Moreover, in fact, since the battle with weakness, you will automatically come to the fight, and
with death, and with the Force, and with a false omniscience. Knowing this, work out the tactics
of the battle will be much easier. Overcame himself overcome any obstacle.

As you remember, human life is influenced by three of the "lower" World Plan of substance -
mental, astral and physical. Physical Plan, in turn, is divided into two main sections - a dense
layer (material world), and the ether layer, (the world of energy). So, it is the energy, or etheric
body, defines the opportunities that a person possesses. Healthy or sick, energetic or stays with a
sense of permanent loss of strength, lucky or unlucky, it all depends on the condition of his
etheric double. Develop the ability clairvoyance ether sheath appears as a luminous ovoid, sharp
end directed downwards. This shell surrounds a dense body, leaving much beyond it. The man,
full of vitality, etheric envelope will be saturated with light, radiating powerful energy flows.
Every individual is born into the world, having at its disposal a certain amount of ether.
Someone it more, someone less. Reasons determining the initial amount of energy, a lot, but the
most obvious - our karma. Alas, karma can not escape. If you mindlessly squandered energy in
past lives, in the life of the present feel an acute lack thereof. If on the other hand, were thrifty

and prudent, you will feel it is now a surplus. During the life of the energy potential can either be
increased or decreased.
Whatever it was, usually an adult all the energy that he has fully distributed. All without a
trace! Something that it is spent is determined by its way of life, his inclinations and habits. No
wonder when someone is trying to realize themselves in new business, learn new skills, but it
does not work. Quite simply, the energy required for new business, such a person is missing. And
it can only come through the involvement of energy consumed at the moment to something else.
Unfortunately, the ethereal side of human beings, most of us do not know anything, and therefore
can not control the flow of your own energy, the lion's share of which is spent on things totally
useless, meaningless, and often harmful.
Those who are now trying to storm its first obstacle, that is, to deal with weakness, you must
remember the following. It does not matter with how much energy you were born, what matters
is what your energy is expended in the present! It is clear that the best option would be a lot of
energy when its rational use. However, in practice achieves greater success is the one who is
working on improving its etheric double, not one whose energy shell is replete with vitality from

In addition to the four Grand obstacles standing on the way to perfection, man has three great
enemy, forcing him to squander wasted much needed for other accomplishments force. These
enemies: false "Ego", impulsive creature, and Alien Program. The most disappointing that all
three enemies are together in close alliance, and together form something that the average person
takes over his identity.
This imaginary person pushes the true spiritual "I" of man by the wayside, seizing the reins of
his chariot. The result of this "outrage" are: the loss of individuality, unconsciousness, apathy,
anger, unhappiness, misery ... three-headed brazen usurper has two faces on each head. One face
is turned outwards, uncontrollably pouring out into space and consuming precious energy piles
out of the mental, astral and etheric debris. The other face looks into the human soul,
disorganizing it and bringing in the most terrible state of disharmony.
False "Ego" - the most terrible, the most voracious enemy. To maintain his worthless
existence goes up to fifty (and sometimes more!) Percent of the energy that a person has. One of
his names - Pride. Being illusory in nature, a false "Ego" is committed in every way to prove to
yourself and everyone around her uniqueness, necessity, importance. Take a break from reading
for long and try for one or two minutes to interrupt constantly flowing into your head interior
monologue. Try for a ridiculously short time absolutely nothing to think about. You do not
succeed! False "Ego" can not be silent, for inner silence is equivalent to its death. How can you
not live without air, so your false "Ego" can not exist without the smug murmurs.
When you are suffering because you're being humiliated, betrayed, he insulted; when you
think that you are a miserable, insignificant, no matter what a person incapable; when you want
to complain about his fate, to their failures and sorrows, in fact you do not suffer, in fact, suffer
your false "ego." A valuable energy spent on something to prove to myself (read: false "Ego"),
which you perfect what you're important, what you indispensable. And, not to prove in practice,
by means of sugary verbiage.
The second enemy - it Impulsive creature. That thing on the one hand makes the person prone
to unbridled passions and desires, and the other causes it to remain inert and motionless, when
the turn comes to the implementation of an activity involving certain difficulties. Gluttony, lust,
greed, sloth - all signs are impulsive creatures. It shows an extraordinary activity, creating for
you "bad" karma, and it becomes extremely passive, as soon going to have to fix the offense and
narabatyvaniya karma "good". Through the efforts of Being impulsive man takes upon his
shoulders the load unwanted habits, addictions and all sorts of vices, who is forced to drag
myself to the rest of your life (and sometimes not even trying to get rid of him,
The third enemy of man are strangers Program. That very thing is enough said in the first
chapter of this book. By its nature, the human being, which is a triune physically-astral-mental

body, is nothing more than a machine. And like any machine, it works, obeying laid down in his
programs. The programming starts at birth and ends only with death.
The trouble is that programmers are all and sundry - parents, educators, teachers, friends,
society - not only the individual himself, not his immortal and eternal spiritual spark. It is clear
that not having awakened consciousness, not knowing anything about the "who's that I am
inherently" self-programming to do the individual is not able to. Fortunately, there are people
among us, far ahead in his spiritual development of the rest of humanity and as a result of hard
work, relying on the knowledge of hundreds of thousands of previous generations who have
found the true identity and the vision of his immortal primordial.
It is thanks to them that we have a chance to rise above the illusory of our existence and to
achieve the awakening dormant in the depths of our soul, strength. Carefully studying and
following their instructions, any person, whoever he was on his racial and social fact, can learn
to read easily control them at the moment of the program, isolate and neutralize those who have
it a negative impact, as well as independently prepare and subsequently implement in their
psyche positive features of the program.
On the methods of positive programming something has been said. In the future we will not
just touch on this topic. Now it is necessary to dwell in detail on the method of detection and
neutralization of negative programs. This method is a powerful weapon against a third person of
the enemy, and that it will help you to attack your first hurdle - Weakness. Freedom is not only a
"perceived need". Freedom is the ability to perfectly manage their own chariot, not allowing a
three-headed demon lord it over that is rightfully yours.
If you remember, Velimir Khlebnikov is a remarkable stanza:

life flashes before his death again,

But very soon anyway.
And this rule - the basis of
For the dance of death, and Good Luck.

What is it about in the first two rows, you will surely understand. Yes, before the eyes of a
dying man passes his whole life, like a ribbon, film projector, running in the opposite direction.
However, that meant a poet, so confidently assert that the visions of the dying are the basis for
good luck? And what lies behind the strange and a little frightening expression "dance of death"?
As this "dance" may affect the luck, and luck is needed if the earth to someone who leaves our
mortal world?!.
I do not know, fortunately or unfortunately, but the truth never lies on the surface. It must be
sought. Search patiently, step by step, overcoming the darkness of ignorance. The vast majority
of people who read and reread the great work of the great poet, do not even know what a
practical sense it is a secret. We have that says, his eyes - but do not see! The primary goal of the
posthumous recapitulation lived life is to purify the soul of the deceased from all purchased them
in the world of negative components or, in other words, negative program. This is a prerequisite
for its future incarnation in a new body.
But who said that the recapitulation is only available to the dying? Yes, at the moment of
death, this phenomenon is a logical conclusion of the life path of any person without exception.
However, in the same way any of us can make such a recapitulation is "in sound mind and
memory", even without thinking about death! This is exactly what he is talking about
There is a "dance of death" when life becomes not just luck, but something much more.
Recapitulation practice common among the Indians of South America and Mexico. Huichol,
Mixtec, Nahua, and many other ethnic groups, "semi-wild" in terms of the so-called "civilized
man", well familiar with it, while the representatives of the "advanced civilizations" in relation to
this matter are in complete ignorance. Of which, of course, in terms of spiritual development
only lose.

Recapitulation - astral phenomenon, the essence of which lies in the mind's return to long-past
events, in order to eliminate the causes of the present ones, or other negative consequences.
"Recapitulate" and "remembering" - is not the same thing. Pereprosmatrivaya you like to relive
the feelings caused by recapitulate events. But most importantly, information, opening people
employed contemplation "Dance of Death", in most cases, is not entirely consistent with what
says his own memory of his past. We have the alternative, subconscious memory, which,
fortunately for us, has very little to do with the memory of our False "Ego".
According to the exact expression of Victor Sanchez, "is engaged in the recapitulation is not
the past, which just happened to disappear without a trace, but the only one that continues to
operate at the moment. These are the processes that are present in our Marked personality and
actually define all of what we are and what we do: our way of thinking, things that we are
capable or incapable; those that we wish, and those which do not present themselves; our
strengths and weaknesses; people who attract us and that we avoid; our manner of dress; our
ability to love and dislike; and, finally, all those characteristics that are understanding of "who I
Throughout our lives we experience many painful experiences caused by contacts with other
people. And the stronger the emotional exchange, the greater the amount of energy we lost. But
worst of all, that the "fingerprints" of these experiences continue to operate for a very long time,
pulling energy from us and depriving us of strength.
Moreover, these essential parasites are able to cleverly disguise themselves, so often people
are not even aware of their invisible presence. Their secret work is twofold. On the one hand, we
feel empty, experiencing constant energy drain, and on the other hand, there is a kind of "foreign
presence" - the very thing that is left in us by contact with other people and that energy, we just
do not add. Contemplation of the "Dance of Death" or recapitulation lets you clear both from the
essential parasites, and viruses from the essential and thus largely normalize our energy potential.
Let's move on from words to deeds.

astral recapitulation

The first thing to do is to prepare a list of the events in our lives the greatest value. Make it
easy, but it is possible and necessary. To begin, select three areas of your business that will have
to form a sort of foundation. For example, it may be people with whom you have somehow come
into contact with these or other events that have had a certain influence on you, and all sorts of
experiences that you have experienced, in contact with people and getting into different
Now, in every area you will need to select from seven to ten key points that these areas are
broken. PEOPLE for the sphere it can be:
a) family;
b) close friends;
c) colleagues;
g) random acquaintances;
Then, in each of the selected highlight points at least 10-15 key elements. Assume:
sphere PEOPLE
subparagraph: b) close friends -
1) Alexander Lebedev;
2) Vladimir P .;
3) Tatiana (school friend);
4) Kovalev Sasha (in the Army);

When you're done, your list must have at least 200-300 points (higher is welcome). Take your
time making a list. Let it will take him a few days or even weeks. In this case, the more time you
spend on training, will be able to get deeper into the past, the easier it will work and the more
effective the result. In fact, making a list of recapitulation, is part of the recapitulation. The
principle of transfer of the total (sphere) to the particular (the main points and their constituent
elements) that allows you to "walk" through your life not once but several times, each time with
a greater degree of detail. Describing the events, you move inland from the present to the past
(the reverse is psychologically much more convenient).
When the list is ready, you can begin to contemplate "Dance of Death". For this you need a
very small and totally dark (!) Room. In the absence of something better, suitable even closet or
wardrobe. Very important to you at the selected location entry of foreign sounds from the outside
world. In the end, it is possible to practice the recapitulation night.
Take your list. Only its elements Now we are interested in. Read the first (in our example:
Alexander Lebedev). With this element, and you will work today. Retire to your chosen spot, sit
on the floor, his back against the wall. Knees are preloaded and are at chin level. Relax, try to
throw away all extraneous thoughts.

Exercise №1.

Your face is drawn forward. Exhale slowly, releasing as much as possible light. Not sucking
air, turn your head to the right shoulder, and for a moment linger, breathing slowly, turn the
person on his left shoulder. Try to do everything very smoothly, synchronizing movement with
breathing. When your chin will appear at the left shoulder, briefly linger, then slowly turn the
head to the starting position - facing forward - and only then breathe out. Now, when your lungs
are free, repeat the whole procedure again. Do the whole cycle of seven to ten times.

In the future, you yourself will learn to feel the moment when the exercise can be suspended.
In doing so you try as much as possible to focus on a phrase from your list. In this example, you
call to mind the image of Alexander Lebedev, the moment when you saw him for the last time, (it
could be a "yesterday" and "some twenty years ago"). Focusing on this point, try to go to an
event that preceded it. Then, even more remote, and so on.
Nothing to worry. Just hold the attention to recapitulate the object, not allowing him to
deflect and jump on anything extraneous. Average recall will gradually move into a full
recapitulation, can have no doubt!
Your task - to mentally travel back to the past. Feel what you felt at that moment, to feel the
smells, remember what was around. Every detail is important. When in the process of
recapitulation you come across any negative event or incident that made you spend etheric
energy, immediately start practicing breathing exercise described in №1, feeling at the same
time as the closing broadcasting channel on which your energy is expended, (starting with the
TORQUE and up to the present time), goes nowhere. Treat it as seriously as possible!

Exercise №2.

It is similar to the first is precisely the "other way around". On the face facing forward, you
type in a deep breath. Slowly turn your head to the left, for a moment linger, and slowly
exhaling, translate chin to the right shoulder. Then all over again. Face forward - a breath - left
shoulder - exhale - the right shoulder - face forward.

It should be performed in the event that in the process of recapitulation you will find yourself
in a situation where someone or something had to have some impact, the negative effects of
which you continue to experience thus far. And if, by practicing breathing №1, you have to plug

the gap ether, the breath №2 lets you get rid of unwanted foreign influence, rejecting foreign
ethereal clot is built sometime in your energy body.
Also, №2 exercise should be performed immediately before leaving the dark room to the
outside, after the session recapitulation. To do recap you need every day, the duration of each
session (!) - at least half an hour. And so until then, until your entire list is exhausted. Very soon
you will notice how from one session to another simple recollection goes into what is called the
"Dance of Death".
Events, feelings and images will be intense and vivid. The need for an arbitrary concentration
will be less each time. In your mind will start to pop up these things of which you long ago, and
it seemed forever forgotten. Leaving on time branch in depth, you can get to early childhood and
even infancy!
But after one or two months (of course, if the classes will take place every day), you will
begin to feel the results of recapitulation in your daily life. To some extent what happens to you,
you can be called a "second birth", for contemplating the "dance of death", being in the dark,
using breathing exercises and conscious control, you literally are forming their identity again.
Besides all the above, the practice of astral recapitulation and allows us to develop some of
the qualities of psychic nature. However, now it is not necessary to sharpen the focus.

Due to the astral recapitulation you practice, first of all, freed from negative programs and
increase its energy potential. But we should not forget that you have two other enemy -
Impulsive Thing and false "ego" - which still continue to eat your energy. And to cope with them,
it is very important not to give back to the enemy, you almost plunged, but which at any moment
could rise from the dead. It would be foolish to make so much effort, neutralizing Alien Program,
and then turn out them again.
Every day, every moment of your life you need to be aware of this. And because we select
specifically what we said, but you need to learn how to "Our Father":

It does not matter with how much energy you were born,
what matters is what your energy is expended in the present.
He who is born with a small amount of energy, but it is
making every effort to learn how to spend it efficiently, be
sure to increase it. Everything that happens to us depends on
our life force, and once we determine whether we are
becoming stronger every day or falter, more and more ...

The one who managed to get rid of negative programs and now wants to learn to consciously
redistribute and store energy, first thing is to find out where and how this energy is consumed.
Make it pretty simple. Because man is a triune mental-astral-physical body, and its energy
consumption is carried out by the three respective channels. So, in order to get an idea of our
energy movement will be enough to keep track of what we think, what we feel and what we do,
and then the data subjected to a comprehensive analysis.
To do this, you need a watch with a timer sound, as well as a voice recorder or an ordinary
notebook. Adjust the timer so that the audible alarm is triggered every thirty or forty minutes,
and once it works, then stopped, putting all the things that you were busy and immediately write
down (in a notebook or on tape) that you are in this moment They are doing what they think, and
what with the experienced feelings.
Do not try to analyze just fix. To sum up, you'll be in the evening, before going to bed. If no
clock with a timer, you can elect to any external event as a conditional signal. The main thing
that it happened spontaneously and repeated at least two times per hour. For example, you can
record every time, as soon as the music played on the radio or when someone speak in your

After a month or two you should accumulate enough material to start the analysis. First select
and synthesize repetitive elements. In the future, these elements can determine your habits,
addictions, characteristic emotional state without much difficulty, thoughts and so on. D. That is
all that, on what day your energy is consumed per day.
Now the data should be divided into two parts. The first - that is inherent in you by nature: the
need to eat, sleep, etc. The second - that is acquired during life (anger, sarcasm, good nature, the
desire to smoke, the thought of God ...). Be the first part alone and look closely to the second. All
the variety of the elements present in it can be divided into two groups:
a) that it is necessary for you to implement those or other goals that aimed at your
b) the fact that in terms of achieving the goal is pointless, useless, or even harmful.
Select a component of the "b" in a separate column, you get a list of the actions, emotions and
thoughts that are spending your energy for nothing. The vast majority of people, this list is so
huge that there is nothing surprising in the fact, as they move through life - passively, limp, like
wood chips, landed in a bubbling mountain stream. All that they want to achieve, it remains
inaccessible for them. They do not have neither the strength to carry out his plans or time, in
order to realize the full horror of the situation in which they find themselves.
By and large, in front of you is a list from which you should get rid of, unless you really
decide to become your own boss. For information on how to implement it, will be discussed in
the following chapters. However, now we need to understand that in your hands is the key to
success, the instruction to carry out purposeful hard work. Get rid of all unnecessary, senseless,
harmful, then get their hands on a fair amount of life force, which can later be used for thousands
of useful and necessary things.

Chapter Five
It's amazing! The second day I try to work on this chapter and still not written a single line,
(the - first). Surprising as it will be about the second enemy of man, whose name - Impulsive
creature. As if anticipating what they will be engaged in right now, this insidious enemy of all the
forces trying to tear me away from the desk and direct my attention to anything extraneous,
having to work on the book distantly related. Funny, is not it? .. Especially when you consider
the fact that all the previous chapters were written, it says, in the same breath ... But, more to the

As already stated, impulsive creature is that on the one hand makes us passive and inactive,
when we are faced with the need to perform a particular job, and at the same time, that shows
unusual activity as soon as it comes to entertainment, satisfaction those or other sensory impulses
finally an elementary carelessness. We can say that this is a terrible bummer and restless
mischief in one person.
Sometimes his behavior openly and directly. Man understands that tomorrow he had a
difficult test, but today it means you need to sit down with a book and hard to do, but, despite
this, it is the whole day lying in front of a TV or to a party to friends. You need to do the cleaning
in the apartment, but instead you go for a walk, delaying the implementation of the planned "for
later". We must act, and we are failing to act! It happens, and vice versa. Coming to visit, a man
gives himself as if that will drink only one or two wine glasses, no more! However, to his house
to be transported to his wife and friends, they say, in a horizontal position.
All this - the machinations of impulsive creatures. And if you think it's you, it's the same, or,
if you understand that this is not the case, but did nothing to pacify uncontrolled bully, very soon
the bully will sit on your head and you have nothing to You will be able to do with it. Every day
his demands will increase, and the voice of your true "I", he will listen less and less. From the
free individual you will become a slave of the person - in "limp rag."
However, one should not think that only a simple understanding, in order to once and for all
get rid of this scourge. The hardest part begins when impulsive Being declared battle. I have
already said that this is a very insidious enemy. At his disposal are thousands of all kinds of
tricks and stratagems to achieve his "if you do not hook or by crook." And the only way to
counter it is to be always on the alert, at any moment, being able to recognize his secret work and
do exactly what you want, not something that pushes you to It.
Quite comical in his "Practical Magic," has described the habits of impulsive creatures Dr.
Papus. I can not help but cause of this fascinating (albeit congested, in my opinion, the medieval
mythology), a small excerpt of the book:
"Do not think that every action, assumptions of our will, equally easily enforceable in any
area. Each statement is accompanied by the power of the will of opposition from being
instinctive, sometimes such an energetic, that person is located to act, subject to discouragement
and weakness, forcing postpone the execution until another day, to the detriment of the power of
the will. In fact, mental work can be carried out under the condition of complete submission to
the will of the person being impulsive, even for a short time. But this requires a special
Such a statement may seem ridiculous and unbelievable, but there is no actor or writer who
has not experienced it for yourself. Suppose that after many charges and shelving, you are
mistaken for mental work. You imagine what efforts will the use of you to sit down and work
enough and that now everything goes like clockwork, but as soon as you set to work, the need is
somewhere to go. Do you think that your idea will become clear and will be determined in the
air, and this thought is so strong that you get up and leave their jobs. In this case, you have fallen
influence being impulsive, as your idea does not become clearer and the instinctive center, for
which the movement is a characteristic action, deceived your alertness.
But suppose that you understand the trap and instead to give up, make an effort. Then being
impulsive acts differently - the need for physical exercise disappear as if by magic, and instead it
is the ever-increasing thirst, making the brain work more difficult.
This is another trap impulsive creatures, as each sip of the liquid absorbs a particle brain
nerve force and holds the implementation of your company. But here you have overcome, and
this feeling, and your pen is working, then the action begins impulsive other centers.
Physical need silent or cease, but they are replaced by the excitation sense. Images of the last
fight, former affection, ambitious thoughts are presented one after the other, and an invisible
force makes you throw a pen, sit back and indulge in dreams.
It now remains to describe the most dangerous trap, which is to be the one who managed to
avoid the other. When the researcher had the power to oppose the temptation of food, excitatory

impulses of anger and sensual temptations and is firmly on its way, he suddenly stopped, lit a
marvelous idea, still not occurred to him, and that it opens up a wide, still unexplored horizon. It
is followed by another idea, and finally a series, and it's all so unexpected and so delicious, he
rushes to the paper or canvas and feverishly sketched mark, gradually moving away from
occupying its subject matter. When he wakes up, his mind is tired and can not serve him any
longer. Then he carefully collects the precious marks made by them that is repeated every day,
and it's at this stop.
Familiarity with the tricks impulsive being one of the most useful, as the best means to deal
with it. Indeed, patience and stability, opposed to impulsive essence, quickly and correctly reach
the goal, and the magician should not for a minute lose sight of the goal to which he aspires,
remembering the legend of the sirens of antiquity. "

So, having studied the habits of impulsive creatures, you gain a real opportunity to
consciously resist the insidious monsters. And it should not occasionally, but every day, every
hour and even every minute of your life. One only has to briefly relax vigilance as Impulsive
substantially immediately try to seize the reins of your chariot. The results will be disastrous.
At first glance, the problem can seem impossible. If you focus all attention on Being
impulsive, do you have time for something else?!. Calm down. It is not necessary to come to
such despair. Here, as in any business, you should start small. Using the results of recapitulation
of the astral, as well as a list of energy consumption, do you choose a few key points (for a start
no more than ten), with which he will be working in the next two to three months.
Having the list of "restrictions and priorities", you are, in fact, are laid in your own
subconscious kind of program, leaving the mind free and unencumbered by tedious controlling
each of his act or spiritual impulse. Once Impulsive creature tries to do something that is
contrary to the data of your settings, the subconscious immediately send alarm consciousness.
This can no doubt! It is only important not to ignore this signal, draw attention to it and do what
must be, not as he wants to Impulsive creature.
Start this practice as soon as possible. From the earliest stages of its implementation, you can
feel the energy is released, previously worked against you and spend on the satisfaction of whims
impulsive creatures, and as it is now, this energy becomes your ally. Any, even the smallest
victory will start to give you a sense of all the growing power! However, there may be temporary
defeat. Fear them or get frustrated and discouraged when this happens in any case it is not
necessary, for any unpleasant experience redistributes power in favor of the enemy with whom
you fight.

Unable to climb the mountain, never at the same time not

to stumble. Peaks reach no one who does not fall, and the
one who fell, is able to get up and continue the ascent. It is
important to remember that any victory adds to you the
power, but no, even the most terrible at first glance, the
defeat can not take away that power unless you do not lower
the arms and do not give up ...

Go back and reread all that has been said about positive thinking. In humans, unlike animals,
the vast majority of actions associated with the emergence in the head of this or that thought.
This thought may be conscious or unconscious, but it sure is! Thought activates a corresponding
desire, and desire, in turn, motivates us to action with the help of etheric energies. This simple
statement is the key with which you can resist any machinations impulsive creatures. I was able
to see this first hand when he tried to quit smoking.
It was then that I noticed the deep relationship that exists between strangers program and
impulsivity Being. It turned out that to get rid of any habit is almost impossible, if not to start to
replace it by another, equivalent in strength (even of opposite sign). Suppose you decide to leave
a cigarette. Positive attitude you present, but in the years formed "smoking program", this setting
does not have almost no effect. What happens next? The first two or three hours to fight the urge
to smoke is quite simple. But more and Impulsive Being stronger and more persistent begins to
work on your psyche, using the previously generated program.
If before you light a cigarette after a meal, then this is the time Being Impulsive will be the
most active. First, as already mentioned, there is the thought, "eat - it is necessary to smoke!"
The idea entails a corresponding emotional memory. In your mind there is a feeling of bliss that
you experience whenever doing after eating the first puff. After a few seconds, the memory
becomes so vivid and strong that it pushes out of consciousness all the other pulses. The desire to
smoke becomes overwhelming. It seems that without this tightening is impossible to live. "And
why live if you can not afford even this trifling pleasures?!."
And this is the essence of Impulsive appeals to your intellect, hoping to use it as a "rational"
justification of its whim. The idea is new, even more intense desire and, in the end, you grab for
a cigarette, muttering false: "Well, the last time a smoke - and all ..!" Similarly, things are
moving, when you go out on the street when You are going to begin the important work when
you start to get nervous when find yourself in the company of other smokers ... in a word, in all
situations, which previously always fetched a cigarette.
Now let's imagine what would happen if we use the above just above the tip. So you ate,
drank a cup of tea and there was a glowing red sign in your mind: "! Ate - it is necessary to
smoke" Stop .. Because the whole chain of subsequent events starts with this idea, it would be
logical to assume that this premise is neutralized by removing so to speak, "the root cause", and
we are free from all that stuff that follows the thought. Instead of passively contemplate how
Impulsive creature builds your game, try to take the initiative and at the first stage will replace
harmful "ate - a smoke!", A much less destructive "eat - drink a glass of cold water." Or "eat - go
out into the other room and do twenty sit-ups." Suitable ... or any improvisation. The main thing,
However, in practice it is more complicated. Impulsive creature would not be so dangerous
enemy, if he could win, using a single reception. In fact it is an evil germ extraordinarily quickly
adapt to any changes and "drugs" coming up in response to new and increasingly sophisticated
tricks. That is why it can only resist by using a more or less coherent method that would allow a
few steps ahead of him constantly.
Fortunately, there is such a method. On the one hand it is universal and can be used to deal
with a variety of disabilities, addiction and useless habits. But like any other method, it can be
ineffective if you do not Be a maximum of initiative and ingenuity to adapt it to the
characteristics of your unique and inimitable personality. What would you do, you should never
give you advice blindly. Everything should be approached creatively. Only in this way you have
a chance of success.
As an example, take the disease of alcoholism is the most common, not only in Russia, but in
the entire world. However, I repeat, drunkenness, this is only one of many possible applications
of the method. For the convenience of studying and practical use of the method is divided into
five successive stages. Proceed to the next should only after fully previous step is learned. And
immediately it is necessary to understand what is important, not speed, and do not result, and
(paradoxically sounds) is important in the process.

OPPOSITION "impulsive beings"

Step One.

So you've decided to get rid of alcoholism. This in itself is a solution worthy of every
encouragement. But let's think about where this decision has come to you? Are you decided to
quit drinking, or is made for you by someone else: his mother, wife, mother-in-law .. It is
important to understand that as long as the decision to "tie" imposed by someone from the
outside, one can hardly hope to achieve a positive result. The decision should take you, and only

you! Otherwise Being Impulsive start using your "infringement of the will" and hardly have
enough strength to withstand such a powerful weapon. Awareness of their own lack of freedom
very quickly will lead to a desire to do the opposite, ( "I am forbidden to drink? Well, in that case
I would have to drink! ..")
If the decision comes really from you and endless booze bored with you, not the wife or
mother-in, you have everything you need to start a fight. It would be better if the intention you
keep a secret from others. Let them your unexpected "recovery" will remain a mystery. You do
not need their sympathy, as it has enough power to handle their impulsivity exist independently.
No one except you can not do this! In addition, you do not have to constantly feel glances loved
ones, full of concealed expectation that you are about to fall through and everything will go on
as before.

Step Two.

Think, and then try to clearly and coherently define what made you decide to quit drinking?
Take your time and be very sincere. Think of all the negative things that come into your life
together with alcoholism. For clarity, you can make a short list. Remember that on your
concentration and sincerity to the success of all subsequent operations.
Now, assign yourself a time limit within which you will refrain from alcohol. Time may be
long (5 years or more), or short (from 1 to 3 years).
Determine the period of abstinence for a period less than one year does not make sense,
because in such a short period of time, one can hardly expect a positive change in your
consciousness. In any case, it is necessary to determine a specific date. The human mind is
designed in such a way that does not tolerate the uncertainties. Setting "tie once and for all", it
is interpreted as a "no tie at all." When you define the period is over, you will be able to set a
new date, or return to the former way of life.
You decide…

Step three.

Choose a time when the house will not be strangers. Now you have to make autogenous dive
and it is important that no one could stop. Lie down on a couch or bed, close your eyes and
relax. Try as much as possible, to drive away all extraneous thoughts. Now, when reached a
certain degree of relaxation, mentally refer to the part of your subconscious mind, which is
responsible for addiction to alcohol. For simplicity and convenience, you can take it as a kind of
independent entity, can even give it a name. Ask if "It" is ready to come into contact with your
Ask a question and focus your attention as much as possible, waiting for an answer. The
answer will be this or that image that will appear in front of your inner eye. This can be a
visualization or a certain sound or series of sounds. If there is no way, then, for some reason, the
contact can not take place. In this case, move the "session" on the next day. Sometimes, the fact
to contact, it may take several days or even weeks. However, if you show persistence, sooner or
later, will certainly contact will take place.
When this happens, ask what is presented to you way: "yes" or "no"? If the answer to the
question of image intensified, it becomes clearer and brighter (or left unchanged), then the
resulting answer you says, "Yes." If the image is dim, and greased or disappear altogether, then
the answer: "No". In the latter case, it will be better, just move the contact at a later time.
Having a positive answer, ask, "What makes you do it?" (In this case, getting drunk). Here
you can get as a direct response (in the mind there is absolutely concrete thought), as well as a
symbolic response (eg, a certain sound or image). If the answer is hidden behind some allegory,
ask your subconscious mind to explain it. Usually with decoding symbols are no serious
problems. Contemplating, for instance, the image of a beach umbrella, you suddenly realize that

it means "rest," and feast sounds endowed with a sense of "communication". Whatever it was,
only if you force your will depend, you will be able to find with your subconscious common
language or prefer to leave enemies.
Try to remember all the good answers provided by you (usually happens from three to fifteen).
Now that you know the causes which impel you to get drunk. Once again, refer to the
subconscious, this time with a request to find a reason for every fifteen or twenty alternative
replacements positive quality, in no way associated with the adoption of alcohol. Carefully
memorize the answers. Finally, ask your subconscious mind to fix all the alternatives presented
to you. Ask if it is ready to do it and, having achieved a positive response, sincerely thank him.
Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.
Now that you know that any of the reasons that motivate you to drink, there are at least fifteen
alternatives to alcohol, and the replacement of these are positive (!) Character (which,
unfortunately, is not true of drinking). Whenever you have a desire to drink, ask yourself what
kind of goal you are pursuing today "libation"? Ask, and then from the list of available options,
select the one that is most suitable to the present. And most importantly, remember that making a
choice, you achieve the same purpose, but at the cost of much lower cost!

Step Four.

Any negative habit and drinking here is not an exception, is a kind of game. As in any game,
it has its losers and its winners. However, unlike many other games, the negative habit -
destructive game. What does it mean? This means that the longer you play, the higher your
chance to be among the losers. That is why it is so important to retire from the game as soon as
possible, until it has come to its (very badly for you), completion. In addition, you now have the
opportunity to get your "win" in any other way, that is, almost without risk.
Every time you will be "irresistible" the desire to take up the glass, immediately comes into
contact with the subconscious, finding more and more alternatives. The longer your list, the
better. In addition to searching the positive substitutions, the subconscious mind can lend you
one more favor.
It has long been observed that, remembering past drinking, the man sees in them only the
good side ( "Prize"), completely losing sight of the mountain of negativity ( "losses"), which is
accompanied by excessive alcohol consumption. What is a property of emotional memory -
remember the fun, forget the hangover. Now, if it was the other way around! ..
Get in touch with the subconscious mind, using the method described above. Only now you
ask them to introduce you to one of the last pyanok, but clearing the memory of all the positive
and possibly exposing all the negativity, all the unpleasant events and experiences that
accompanied this drunk. Realize that the source and at the same time the consumer of this muck
was you. You and no one else! Try to experience the whole nightmare all the trouble again. The
stronger the experience, the better. Then project the future in their minds, to simulate the
situation, which usually precedes the onset of drinking. "Fun" you now want to start? Hardly…
Thank subconscious for help you, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

Step five.

The fifth stage is a free improvisation. Now you will become a creator and deliver the final,
decisive blow impulsivity exist independently, activated for this entire inherent in the nature of
your creative potential. Did you know that "drunkenness in general" - a destructive game,
senseless, and a losing, that the results that you are hoping to achieve with the help of drink, can
be achieved by other means which do not carry such a hefty dose of negativity.
All this is true, but to consolidate the results, you need to come down from the heights of
abstraction and to do careful study of your particular personality. Try to come up with several
methods of struggle with impulsive Being not "general", but your ( "one and only"), Being

impulsive. It will be great if some techniques you can combine more or less holistic method.
Know that the more creativity you exercise, the weaker become your enemies and the more
energy you will use in the future to carry out the most ambitious of the plans.

Having examined the methods of struggle with the active side impulsive creatures, can not
ignore its passive side. After all, it was she who, in most cases, hinders the implementation of
planned cases you. If in the evening you go to bed with the firm intention to wake up at eight
hundred hours, but instead stay in bed until nine or ten o'clock in the morning, if the work on a
new book, or a picture is postponed for an indefinite period for the second week, when, finally,
your home overgrown with dust, and you persist in hanging around in front of the TV, then it is
time to have a strong resistance to the passive side of the impulsive creatures. Otherwise, hardly
made sense to spend money to buy this book.
So, where do you start? And to begin, as in any serious matter, it should be to develop a
comprehensive, all-inclusive plan. Take a piece of paper and a pen, you now have to do one more
kind of positive self-programming. Nothing causes impulsivity There is more damage than the
harmony and order. This is what it fears most. That order deprives him of strength, causing
decay, wither and die .... No wonder why the opposition that has Impulsive Being in any attempts
to organize your life in accordance with what else plan.
Here, however, there is one caveat. Because everything in this world is subject to strict laws,
these laws can not be applied to humans. Despite the inherent us "free will" is our life, from birth
to death, it is strictly deterministic. Anyone who lives, obeying certain regulations or programs.
It is the same, as were enough said in the beginning of the book. However, such programs are
imposed on us from outside and therefore perceived impulsiveness exist as something external.
To this "order" it has long been accustomed to, and in most cases, anyway, has adapted to it.
Harmony, which is now in question, and which is the worst enemy impulsive creatures, has a
completely different nature. This inner harmony. The very thing that you consciously (!) Bring to
their lives,
To plan for easy and pleasant. Perhaps, there is a man who, in one form or another, would not
build plans for the future. Life itself pushes us to it. Someone wants to buy a car, someone to go
to university or find more money to work. Is it possible to achieve all of this, was not originally
put in front of you appropriate target? With some stretch of the imagination here can also be
attributed, and our dreams, our desires concealed. (How would say Gordon Graham, "the best
plan is merely an extrapolation of Hope"). However, between the dream and the plan is a
significant difference. When dreaming, we, in most cases, simply to express their wishes, for
planning purposes, we have to take into account the actual state of things. In planning, a person
is forced to take a sober correlate what he wants, so that it can actually implement.
And yet, many of our plans and often remain only plans. And it happens not because the man
was too cocky or external circumstances suddenly changed to his disadvantage. The thing is that
it takes time for the implementation of any plan. And with the passage of time it begins to change
the man himself, his desires and preferences. Thus, initially set (and firmly imprinted in the
subconscious), the problem is in conflict with new views, aspirations, desires ...
Enthusiasm is drastically reduced. The formation of new target interferes remain relevant, the
old. Man becomes apathetic, and his life is filled with terrible disharmony. Alas, such a "gift" can
not take advantage of Impulsive creature, and everything is back to normal. Precisely in order to
avoid this trap, I suggest you take a positive self-programming, and, to put it more accurately,
make a life for themselves algorithm.
Life algorithm is a special dynamic program (a kind of "scheduler"), which does not fall into
the depths of the unconscious, and at all times remains on the surface, so you have the
opportunity to ask her, to verify the objectives set previously at any time with the what you want
at the moment, and, if necessary, to amend it accordingly.
Life algorithm consists of four blocks. When building it uses the principle of descent from the
general to the particular, from a global and comprehensive to more and more specific and direct.

This approach avoids the frustration, depression and other negative stressful conditions in the
event that in your life that will change and the tasks set earlier have abandoned (or their
implementation will not be possible due to some objective reasons). Figuratively speaking, your
ship will always be able to stay afloat, many small holes would it not received.
The first block algorithm is the most important and all-encompassing. He is the guarantor of
your "unsinkable", in whatever life scrapes or lands your ship. Here you have to answer the
question, what do you see the meaning of life. Life "in general" as being overriding
phenomenon. If you carefully read the first chapter of this book, or a sufficiently long speculated
on the subject on their own, the problems with the answer to a question you should not arise.
The next block will be the answer to the question about the purpose of your present life, (the
purpose of your current incarnation). He emerges from the first block and it directly supported.
What would you like to achieve for you to let go of life? What is its purpose as you see? In
answering these questions, try to combine in their responses both abstract and concrete. This unit
will serve as a beacon in your swimming.
The third block - a long-term planning. Here you define for itself the task for the next ten
years. In formulating it, try to touch all spheres of your activity: spiritual, intellectual,
everyday ... It is possible to write what you would like to purchase for the marked ten years of
things, what successes want to achieve in the works, which make a career, how to get an
education, and t. e. Be sure to mark the guidelines of the spiritual order.
Fourth, the lowest unit must define your short-term plans. For a year, a month, a week, or
even day. With this unit you will have to work more often. Personally, I use to plan the week
separate notebook, to which the appeal on Sundays. A scheduler daily task to me is a desktop
desk calendar. Every evening, getting ready for bed, I carefully write in it all that would do the
next day. Spending a maximum of three minutes, I achieve amazing results.
Life well-designed algorithm is that magic wand, upon which you will be able to reach such
heights in life, which so far had not thought. Using it as a weapon, this rod can be perfectly
ohazhivat passive side impulsive creatures. More effective means against him you are unlikely to
find. After all, if your short-term plans are crumbling, depression and despair you will not get
any. Turning to the three remaining block algorithm, you easily produces for itself new
installation. Nothing bad will happen even in the event that will be damaged just two, or even
three, (which is almost impossible), the algorithm unit. With faith in the Absolute and his own
immortality, you will not be lost under any circumstances.

Anyone who knows why he lives, who has set a clear and
very specific targets, achieves much more than the one
whose life was given to chance. To dream become a reality,
you need to become a part of this reality (that is, to objectify
a subjective), because our future is determined by what we
do rather than what we could do! ..

Among other things, making plans is good because it allows you to organize your activities in
various fields, both "horizontal" and "vertical". Instead of throwing from one extreme to another,
achieving rapid breakthroughs that on one, then on another sector of the front, you will slowly
but surely tread across the front line immediately. Thanks to well-made plan, you will not spend
forces on doing something, obviously useless and unnecessary. I agree that this approach is more
productive, since not only saves power, but also time. And, if you remember, it's money!

Well, now it is necessary to say a few words about the planning strategies. Very many
approaches to this issue rather lightly, but in vain. After all, all the same, we make plans to
implement them, and not to engage in their endless editing and rewriting. We have already said
that the problem put forward should be based on real possibilities. It would be quite pointless to
set a goal to become an astronaut, if you have a congenital heart defect or poor eyesight.

However, as practice shows, trying to determine "to what I'm capable of," it is a little better than
to underestimate themselves than to overestimate or to assess adequately.
The secret here is what is here. The plan of tasks for the day (or month, or a year, in this case,
it does not matter), we tend to believe the "perfect case scenario". I know that tomorrow I have
the day off and this weekend I decide to devote to domestic affairs. It is necessary to do the
cleaning in the apartment (it will take about two hours), and then go to the store (one hour), it
will be possible after that, (an hour or four) to work with the manuscript, and then ... And so on.
Fine! The plan for the day is ready. Begins tomorrow. But as soon as I take to clean as the
doorbell rings. He was my friend. He has absolutely nothing to do and sooner than a couple of
hours, he did not intend to leave. Needless to say, that put him out the door just as I can not ... I
Cover first. Cleaning is not occupied for two hours, as planned, but was delayed for four.
Go ahead. On the way to the store broke tram on which I was riding. This means that the trip
to the store will take much longer than one hour. This is the second overlay. Frustrated by the
fact that does not fit into my same plan drawn up, I can not get to work on the manuscript. And
time goes by. And on the manuscript lesson I have set aside four hours, and this is without taking
into account the time already lost ...
Summing up the results of the evening, I find that not cope with the planned and a half. Mood
- worse than ever. And the blame for everything ... That's right! Orientation to the "ideal
scenario". And okay even if I find the strength not to give up on everything by hand and do not
go back to the old, uncontrolled, spontaneous lifestyle. It can happen sometimes.
That's why making any plan better slightly underestimate their capabilities. I know that
cleaning takes a maximum, but, making a plan, otvozhu her four a couple of hours. I know that I
can run for an hour shopping, maybe a half, but in terms reserved for the case of two or even
three hours! This will insure me from all sorts of surprises. If the events will evolve on the "ideal
option" and all that is scheduled for the day, I'd have done by lunchtime, then inspired by such
successes, I redoubled start "overfulfill" plan, and in the evening, with a sense of profound
satisfaction, listed these results in a working notebook and lie down to sleep full of optimism for
the future.
Working notebook, this is another element of strategy planning. We strongly recommend to
have it to anyone who began to struggle with his second enemy. In this book you will bring their
achievements. All that you have done for the day, a month, a year ... On the one hand, such
records would allow to analyze and plan your activities more accurately, on the other hand,
looking at their own achievements, you will be fed with extra energy. On paper it all looks much
more convincing and tangible, whereas the human memory ... Well, how can you rely on it? A
man gets used to everything quickly. Not only to the poor, but also to the good. No matter how
much you make, you will always feel that this is not enough. Very little! And so, pulled out a
notebook and looked at it and realized that the panic-like and not why. The point is still moving,
and quite good.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one point of a subjective nature. Even in
their passive manifestation, impulsive creature turns out to be extremely impatient. When you
are sunbathing a purpose, it yearns for immediate results. Well, since everything happens is not
overnight, Impulsive Being very soon loses interest to the target and begins to exert its
corrupting influence on you at every opportunity, "inserting a stick in the wheel." In order to
avoid this, remember once and for all, the following rule. Important is not the goal "by itself",
the process is important, it is important to move toward the target. And if you learn to enjoy what
you are doing (it does not matter whether you have achieved the desired or not), no intrigues
impulsive creatures you will no longer be afraid.
Making each morning a complex set of gymnastic exercises, then performing fifty push-ups
and taking a cold shower, I never think about what I'm doing this in hopes to maintain a healthy,
strong, slender body to a ripe old age. If I thought about it, it probably would not have got out of
bed at the same time with a wake-up call. Well, and rising, it is unlikely to become so sleepy to

bother. Morning exercises, I take it as a preventive measure against the possible manifestations
of impulsive creatures. After completing the exercises, I realized the first point of the plan drawn
up by me. This is my first victory today for over impulsively Being. And every "do not want"
Bridging the day will make me stronger and make it to weaken. Doing morning exercises, I
know that victory will be on my side today. And it knows it better than me.

Chapter Six
In his youth, when I began to reflect on "what am I?", The soul to me invariably creeps in
silent despair. As should be readily materialist - I thought - to think that "he" is his corporeal
shell. Or psychologist, sees the essence of the human being in the flow of emotional and
intellectual experiences. It is much more difficult to answer this question idealist philosopher,
mystic and theologian, but they cope with their tasks, declaring the human "ego" of the particles
of the Absolute Idea, or some divine spark. The most interesting thing is that any of these
definitions in some way reflects the actual state of affairs, but as any reflection, it will inevitably
distort the truth. Sometimes beyond recognition.
Now that the days of militant materialism thing of the past, the claim that the "soul" and
"body" - the same thing, it is unlikely someone will be able to meet. And if the "normal" people,
solving the issue, have to limit the speculative reasoning, people who have experienced clinical
death, or at least mastered the simplest method of astral projection, we see this from experience.
Experience when you first see the "self" from the side, sleeping peacefully in bed or lying on the
resuscitation table, fundamentally changes the rest of his life. (If you have the strength and
patience to master given in the second chapter of this book, the projection method through a
dream, you can make sure of it personally).
In fact, my emotions and my intellect (ie, my mind), is not my "ego", I found through
meditation. When gradually extinguished first sensations of the physical body, then any
emotional distress and generated mind thoughts or images, and when, in spite of this, the
perception of their own "I" is, (and amplified even several times!), You begin to understand that
experimental psychology is still very, a very young science, and that if we deny fully all its
achievements and findings still not worth it, they need to be taken with great caution.
So what it is, at the end of it all, this mysterious human "I" ?! Where it is hidden and what is
contained in its essence? Definitions of the "Divine Sparks" or "absolute idea" of course fine, but
if they answer the question directly, and if our ignorance disguised as knowledge, rather than to
actually disperse the fog obscures our eyes? ..
Reflecting on their own rather than relying blindly on prepodnosimye you "ready-truths", we
can not understand that the world is much more complex than we imagine, and, at the same time,
it is much easier than it is described by the best minds of mankind. Even more amazing things
open to anyone who begins to comprehend the world, based not only on the mind but also on the
"intuitive feeling" that the vast majority of human beings are in a dormant state, and that opens
the inquisitive mind, like a flash of lightning, completely turning his view of reality. (In Zen
Buddhism this rebirth is called "Satori").
But if you understand the nature of "Higher Self" is quite difficult to understand something
that is false "ego" and how to fight it, it will be much easier. The third, the most dangerous and
"voracious" enemy, in fact, is not so terrible, but compared to your true "I", is altogether
microbe. And although we can not forget that an invisible eye microbe can topple a huge
elephant, you know - you win it is quite capable. The only important thing to always remember
about his treachery and be prepared for the most severe test. False winning "Ego", understands
the nature of the "Higher Self"! ..
And vice versa.

No one knows whether our civilization would be able to achieve such a high level, do not be
in a man of such inherent qualities as "the need of self-affirmation." According to many, this is
the engine of progress, and due to this or that person becomes an outstanding military leader, a
great scientist or a famous artist. Probably because it is. Since man is a social being, and life in
society is impossible without self-assertion, in each of us the very nature of this feeling should be
laid down, - a "feeling of self-importance." Whatever we do, whatever doing, eventually it is

important to our work, but rather the results, received approval from other people. In one form or
another, consciously or unconsciously, but each of us is committed to this.
Remember, Carnegie: "... It is the desire to feel their importance prompted uneducated and
downtrodden by poverty from the grocery store clerk to the study of books on law, found at the
bottom of the barrel with the household goods bought for fifty cents. You've probably heard
about it the clerk grocer. His name was Lincoln.
It is the desire to feel the significance of Dickens inspired to create immortal novels. It is
inspired by Sir Christopher Wren to create his symphony in stone. This desire made Rockefeller
save millions, which he was never to spend, and the richest man in your town build a house far
exceeds its size it needs.
This desire makes you dress up in the latest fashions, drive the latest brands and extend what
you have amazing kids' ...
Due to the inherent in man "self-affirmation needs", the company is developing. However, not
all that good for society, good for the individual. Let us think, and whether is our desire to make
a career, write a bestseller, become a super model "desire in itself"? Is it not an end in itself?
Arrogance, pride, vanity ... - that's the flip side. Very often, wanting to rise above the others, man
tries to achieve it at all costs. In the course are the most sophisticated means, spent an
unimaginable amount of energy, and for what?!.
This is the outer side of the False "Ego" - in the pursuit of an illusion, we are squandering our
power. And if the clerk was able to break out the grocer in the United States presidency, driven
by "a sense of self-importance", who will benefit from it, American society or the person
wearing the name of Abraham Lincoln? (Here, as at once, by itself, remember the actor John
Wilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln and driven, obviously, all the same "sense of self-importance").
And how do we know what really motivated Lincoln and Rockefeller (and especially Dickens
and Wren), a sense of self-importance whether, thirst for activity, karma or something else?
The outer side of success, does not mean that a person has achieved a certain status in society,
or having several million dollars really happy. That is why, before you rush to a particular
purpose, we should ask ourselves, "and whether it is something I really want to ..?", "Do not
need affirmation moves me ..?", "Does not the tricks of this false" ego "? .." otherwise, spending
a lot of time and effort, you can, like an old woman from a fairy tale about gold fish, left with
nothing. (That, incidentally, is another example of "human, personal sense of self-importance").
So, the first sign of the False "Ego" we know. This passionate desire to attract the attention of
others, to impress other people. This is the outer side of False "Ego". Toward the interior can be
described as "the need of self-esteem."
Yes Yes! In fact, not so important for us to respect others, as the ability to respect yourself.
Being illusory in nature, a false "Ego" is eager to prove himself his uniqueness, necessity,
importance. As psychologists say, "... self-esteem is determined by the ratio of the actual
achievements of the individual to what people claim, expects ...». American William James even
came up with the following formula:

self-esteem = Success / claims

It is well known that an increase in the numerator and denominator of a decrease, the fraction
increases. Consequently, to preserve the self-esteem a person must either to exert maximum
efforts in order to realize all our plans, or else to restrain the ardor and reduce claims the bar to a
level at which the most modest gains could not make it impossible for him to be happy with him.
Too many elected precisely this second way. I can not judge whether it is good or bad.
(Especially since the single answer to this question does not exist.) In one situation it is better to
abandon the obviously unrealistic or burdensome desires (such as in the case of planning
described in the previous chapter), whereas in other situations, like "underestimating" itself may
have been a disaster, (the passive side of impulsivity exist).

But what if we remove from the formula the most important thing? What if once and for all
abandon the "esteem needs" as such?!. For some reason we tend to think that to be proud, it's
good. Alas, we are so educated. But what do we benefit from this? Absolutely nothing! But really
lose a lot.
We have forgotten how to perceive the world in its entirety, having become hostages has
mastered the illusion of our consciousness. Now the more important for us is empty babbling of
our False "Ego". That is why we so often do not rush to where we really want to, but wherever
we have pushed IT. Where we are pushing the opinions of others, and the fear of losing self-
esteem. Gradually we become conceited, self-satisfied turkeys, are nothing special, but who
imagine themselves the center of the universe.
What can be said about an adult child, who had put on the head of a cardboard cover and
imagine that he is the king? Right! He is condescending smile: "What would the child have
anything he wants, he does not cry." But it is precisely these children ourselves we all code
allows False "Ego" use our (!) Energy for the sake of his self-assertion. Only by getting rid of
pride, only to realize that self-importance - an illusion that leads to nowhere, we can hope to
defeat them. Therefore, let us once again recall what was said earlier:

When you are suffering because you're being humiliated,

betrayed, he insulted; when you think that you are miserable,
empty, no matter what a person incapable; when you want to
complain about his fate, to their failures and sorrows, in fact
you do not suffer. In fact, your suffering false "ego." A valuable
energy spent on something to prove to myself (read: false
"Ego"), which you perfect what you important what YOU
irreplaceable ...

In practical terms, this idea can be expressed in the words of Carlos Castaneda: "Anyone who
is capable of playing the role of a fool without feeling at the same time wounded, he is able to
make a fool of anyone." Self-pity - it is the wrong side of a sense of self-importance. Feel sorry
for yourself, then spend their own energy for self-destruction. Does not this silly?!.

As I mentioned, false "Ego" can not exist without the smug murmurs. Constantly flowing into
your head inner monologue is nothing more than his voice. Even when you are not busy
glorifying his person, false "Ego" continues to seek confirmation of the importance of their own
existence. Describing the world in familiar terms, treating it just the way you are accustomed to
thinking of it, how do you describe his childhood, False "Ego" narrows the range of perception
of reality to a minimum. In this, (as well as in self-aggrandizement), it sees the guarantee of the
security of its existence. Perhaps that is why the interests of the majority of people do not extend
beyond what is relevant to their work or hobbies, and, to put it more precisely, on what
constitutes their false "essence".
That's what meditation is, we'll talk later. However, now it is necessary to mention that
meditation is one of the most powerful weapons against False "Ego". Why? Because it eliminates
the subjective factor, through meditation of the human consciousness. Consciousness remains but
objectified and then there comes a point of equilibrium between the external and internal worlds.
Focus through which the subject perceived the objective disappears! ..
In this state, it becomes possible to grasp the "thing in itself", it aspires to it any magic! And,
of course, this is most afraid of false "ego."
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Here are a few rules that will allow you to be always on
the alert and observing that you can prove to be incorrect "Ego" very decent resistance. To begin
with this is more than enough.


Rule one.

Reflection. Using positive programming method (see chap. 3), laid out in your subconscious
installation on the total control of any (!), Even the most insignificant, the manifestations of the
False "Ego". Now, in the respective situations as soon as you start to get irritated, feel sorry for
yourself, hate or criticize others, to experience complex "fear of being in an awkward situation,"
you feel the desire to assert themselves, and so, in a word, as soon as the false "ego" tries to you
influence your subconscious immediately send alarm consciousness. You are clearly aware of the
fact the action of False "Ego"!
Usually you have one of this awareness is enough to stop his evil inclinations. Awareness in
this case is identical to neutralization. However, sometimes you may need to show a certain
willpower. Be that as it may, the important thing is not to leave the alarm is ignored. Very soon
you will be able to get rid of the most harmful, dangerous and dark sides of his false identity, as
well as get a fair amount of available etheric energy, which in future could be used to implement
any of your plans.

Second Rule.

Inaction. In another way it can be called "execution of senseless actions", "forgetting

yourself" or just a "game." Game situation is very widely used in the occult practices of the
majority of the peoples of the world. In this case, the game aims to deprive the false "Ego"
habitual for it estimates a particular activity, destabilize and destroy it.
The work will consist of the following. Firstly, do not avoid the so-called "stupid situations."
Do not be afraid to be in the "fool", and, once, do not attempt to perform any act aimed at the
fact to convince the others. Let you humiliate or try to cheat. Play the role until the end! But
most importantly, in any case does not comfort themselves with the fact that "it's just a game."
The larger internal discomfort, you'll first with the experience, the greater will be the impact on
your false "ego."
Secondly, let yourself have some fun from time to time, in one's dotage. Humor at all, but
purely childlike in particular, have the most positive impact on the emotional side of the human
personality and to a large extent make false "ego" feel their meaninglessness, the illusory nature.
And finally, thirdly, faced with the need to perform a useless, devoid, in your opinion, the
meaning of work ... follow it with renewed vigor, as if doing something which affects your life
and your well-being. I can assure you that on the false "ego" it will produce the most lasting
impression. The only warning - do not forget the sense of proportion and not go too far.
Especially during the first two to three weeks.

Third Rule.

Comparison. Try at least once or twice a month, to get out into nature, into the woods. Since
the purpose of your attacks contemplation and meditation, it would be better if you go "for a
walk" one. Once in the woods, try to feel that the forest - it is a living creature. Find the biggest
and oldest tree, hug his trunk and press my cheek against the rough bark. Feel how your age is
negligible in comparison with the age of the tree, with the age of the forest ... then lowered to the
ground and talk with flowers, grass and insects. False for "Ego" such actions - pure nonsense,
and therefore at this point it is most vulnerable.
Very good results have given the contemplation of the starry sky and thinking about the
universe. The brighter you will be able to experience their own mediocrity, insignificance
compared to this giant organism, the easier later you will fight with the false "ego." Do not try to
"mix themselves with mud." The purpose of this practice: to understand that everything in this
world is relative, and how much a person is superior to animals, plants and minerals, so the

more developed entities that live in the universe, superior to him. Therefore, ultimately, there is
no bad or good; neither stupid nor clever; neither wild nor civilized ... Every good and valuable
precisely in its place.
False for "Ego" such arguments murderous.

Rule Four.

Think good. Pay attention to such a thing: it is much easier to see the faults of those around
us than their dignity. It is much easier to criticize than to give a positive evaluation. This feature
is directly linked with the activities of the False "Ego". After all, if the other person is stupid or
ugly, the "I" is automatically a smart and beautiful. If a book or a picture of a competitor
worthless, then the "My" own work automatically becomes the acme of perfection. And how nice
it is "just" to criticize someone or something, feeling how smart you become at the same time in
their own eyes, (and perhaps, you never know, and in the eyes of others).
To combat this side of False "Ego", there are seven "Do not ...", observing that, you can get
the most amazing results in terms of etheric energy savings. Here they are: never engage in self-
pity, is not irritated by trifles, do not think about the bad, do not be jealous, do not be jealous, do
not give in to discouragement, anything and never be afraid ... If desired, the list goes on.
One more thing. Instead of noticing in people and things around us are the worst hand, try, in
contrast, see only good. Practice this constantly - when walking down the street or riding in the
bus, when you watch TV or read a book. I can assure you that, in spite of plainness, the
execution of this exercise is not far from easy. But rewarding.

Thus, the characteristics and habits of the three great enemy we discussed. We sorted out
ways to track their destructive activities and methods to combat them. But in any case we should
not forget that no false "ego" or Being Impulsive or Alien Program never reveal themselves one
by one. All three enemies work together, forming a kind of coalition or alliance. As it happens, it
is easy to illustrate using simple examples.
Suppose you have decided to get up early in the morning to get to work on a new manuscript
or to go for a morning film session, (in this case, it is not so important). As planned, at exactly
730 rang alarm. In half asleep you feel for his hand, slap his hand on the button stop the alarm,
and "in good conscience" are off for two or three hours. What was the cause of your sleep?
Passive side impulsive creatures? Of course, but not only that. Being impulsive overcome
resistance would be much easier, if it is not used as an ally of another enemy - Alien Program. If
every day you get up until ten or eleven in the morning, a habit becomes a "program." Alas, that
is not able to make one enemy, make two.
Another example. To you fit your old pal and slapping you on the back, joyfully exclaims:
- Listen, man, this thing! Give to pay a hundred. We met with the guys in the bar, and money
to spare. You always come to the rescue, not what some. A true friend!..
And, despite the fact that "hundreds" in your wallet last, and to advance further on-ho-ho, you
bite the bullet and give money, knowing full well that the friend to your needs them for fun,
while you in the next few days will have to go "on short rations." What happened?
At first glance, the culprit false "ego." As well, you feel kind of special (... You always come
to the rescue, not what some ...), some (... a true friend! ..) sverhvelikodushnym. And admit that
you're broke, too, do not really want to. All the signs of the False "Ego"! Right. But I ask you to
lend anyone a stranger, and he would have got a flat refusal. So what's the deal?..
But the fact is that in this situation, in addition to the False "Ego" entered the game Alien
Program. Your friends are accustomed to perceive you as a man of generous and money, which
you can always take a couple of hundred, if necessary. And with you (ie, you and your friends),
so accustomed ourselves to meet this way, so accustomed to play along with each other, that the
stereotype of a purely external, harmless became a powerful internal program. Like this!

As you can see, your enemies one by one are extremely rare. That is why you must learn to
recognize them in a timely manner dissolving the work and accurately determine which of the
three enemies (as well as what their side - internal or external, passive or active), proved to be in
a particular situation. Without it, you simply have no chance to win over their final victory. After
all, if the cut off heads of the mythical Hydra, one, then decapitated time to grow until vozishsya
with survivors.
And another warning. I hope you have not forgotten that a false "Ego", impulsive creature,
and Alien Program together to form something that the average person takes over his identity. In
the language of psychology, "is relatively stable, more or less deliberate, experienced as a unique
system of individual representations of himself, on which he builds his interaction with others."
So, any work aimed at self-improvement of the individual, any attempt to use positive thinking
to improve the living status, produce results only if your mental-emotsinalnye aspirations
coincide with your ideas about yourself. In other words, because your false personality is a kind
of "setting in relation to himself" Only by changing the image of himself for the better, you can
use the method of positive thinking, as well as opposition to the three methods of the great
enemy of the most efficient manner. Remember this, it is useful in life.
In addition, you will greatly facilitate the task set before you the task, if you start to perceive
themselves (or rather, his triune, physical-astral-mental body) as a great, universal, unparalleled
and gave it to the full your disposal ... car (! ).
Actually, the way it actually is. If you've read the book up to this point, you should have
already understand that neither your intelligence (mental sheath), or your emotions (astral
envelope), or especially, the physical body does not have to do with your true identity, your
spiritual "I" nothing. All this is only the tools provided to you by nature (or God, that's how
someone nicer), for temporary use. If you take the "self" that way, then we can learn to
consciously control all three components of your "machine". This means to gain over the "a" full
authority. This means, firmly and confidently to lead his chariot in the direction in which you (!)
As possible. I will try to explain this on the basis of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, using just
mentioned the analogy with the chariot.
There is a very beautiful legend of occurrence of the system of the Tarot. According to this
legend, a group of wise men, knowing that the great library of Alexandria destroyed, gathered in
the ancient city of Fez, in order to figure out what can be done about it. After much deliberation
and debate, the sages decided to create a single book that encompassed all the wisdom of the
world, and that could not disappear with the passage of time. Knowing full well that the people's
desire for wisdom is extinguished, then, as the thirst for entertainment indestructible, they wrote
his book as a character, affecting the deepest layers of the human psyche, and hid it in the form
of the game. So there were 78 Tarot cards - 22, comprising the Major Arcana and 56 Minor
Arcana components.
Seventh card of the Major Arcana, designated by the Hebrew letter "Zain", called the "Chariot
of Hermes." The map depicts the battle chariot drawn by two sphinxes - black and white. Chariot
governs youth. His chest is protected by armor, arms tightly squeeze the reins. Canopy over the
driver's head depicts a starry sky, and the very chariot is decorated with an image of a tantric
symbol of the lingam, equipped with wings. It is very interesting to note that the kabbalistic
significance of the card: the desire to win, triumph.
In occultism Major Arcana Tarot is meant mainly for contemplation, not for divination.
Contemplating the "Chariot of Hermes", it is easy to understand the analogy that this card is
currently in hiding. At the beginning of the fourth chapter we have already mentioned this in
passing. Remember? "A human being can be likened to a chariot driven by a pair of winged
horses and a charioteer controlled. Auriga - a mind, a good horse - a conscious volitional
impulse, bad horse - unconscious passion and chariot - a physical body ... "
Then I would like to draw your attention to the functioning of the mechanism of the triune
physical-astral-mental body. That without the chariot horses will not be able to budge, and all the
efforts of the charioteer will not lead to anything. That if the charioteer loosen the reins, the

horses may overturn the chariot, or to start it did not go where it should. The fact that only a
coherent, harmonious unity of all three elements provides the passenger (ie immortal soul),
pleasant and exciting journey, and eventually leads him to the destination. All this is true.
However, now it is time to explain how this analogy can be used in a practical way.


With the help of positive programming give yourself the following setting: "From this moment
I (Full name), I will be able to control themselves at all three levels - mental, astral and
physical. From now on, I can manage my thoughts, emotions, as well as taking place in my body
by biological processes on their own. Now my chariot belongs only to me! "
Now, when the corresponding unit is in your subconscious mind, you will need to activate it,
and learn to work with your guides - mental, astral and physical. To do this, you again need a
clock with timer. Adjust the timer so that the audible alarm is triggered every one and a half to
two hours, and as soon as it works, put off all these things that you have been busy, and make
internal reflection on the three relevant levels. Here is a sample list of what you will learn how to

At the level of the physical body.

1. To be able to recognize and interpret biological processes such as pain, hunger, fatigue, the
need for sleep, etc. (Just be aware of this report).
2. Follow the organs of perception - sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, - and improve their work.
3. Watch out for eyes, speech, gait, gestures, facial expressions. Strive to be what you want to see
4. Be improved physically, (there are countless athletic complexes, developed by experts. Choose
the one that most corresponds to you).
5. It is necessary to abandon useless habits (such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.), harmful to
physical health and giving nothing in return.
6. constantly feels his physical body "like a car, your dominion."

At the level of the astral body.

1. Keep track of emotions, learn to control them. (In fact, to achieve this is not as difficult as it
2. Keep track of your desires and learn to control them. (It is also entirely within your power).
3. Strictly (!) Watch for emotional balance, that is, do not let yourself fall into the too
enthusiastic or too depressed state of mind.
4. Avoid like the vulgar austerity to satisfy their desires and vulgar epicurean.
5. Do not give in to laziness! In no case do not delay "for later" execution scheduled, if you
understand that going to do it just because of laziness.
6. keep a watchful eye to ensure that emotion does not use the mind as a justification "of its
correctness" cannons. (She can do it!)

At the level of the mental body.

1. Always keep a clear mind. For God's sake, do not stupefy themselves!
2. The mind must control the emotions and the body.
3. It is important to be able to recognize any occurring in your process (no matter what the
nature of it - the mental, astral or physical).
4. Learn to coherently express their thoughts.

5. Reflection mental images, or caring "depth" of the causal chain of thought. (This means that
at the moment when the work timer signal, you need to fix the idea, which at that moment was
occupied your mind. Then remember the thought that this idea has caused. Then, a thought that
caused it, and so on, how much is enough forces).
6. Learn to stop the constantly flowing into your head "interior monologue." (More on this

Practice these exercises for at least 3-5 months. Over this period, you must learn to freely
control his car without the help of any timer. And I can assure you the best skills you gained in
all previous life!

Concluding the topic of fighting the three great enemy, I would like to draw your attention to
this, having paramount practical importance, the principle as the "principle of Temperance."
Already in ancient Greece Moderation, (along with wisdom, justice and courage), considered one
of the four greatest virtues.
In ancient China, one of the "Tao" values was just moderate. Thus, according to Taoist
terminology, "Yin" is the things that are feminine in its archetype: cold, wet, winter, sensitivity,
emotion, intuition, passivity, etc. "Yang" is the things that are in their male archetype: hot, dry,
summer, aggressiveness, logic, will, activity ... While the "Tao" is the balance of the two. "Tao" -
it is harmony and perfection. In order for a person to become balanced, it must follow the "Tao",
that is, harmoniously combine as "Yin" and "Yang".
In Buddhism, the principle of moderation is perhaps the pivot on which are strung all the
teachings of Gautama. Very elegantly presented his discovery of the legend of the Buddha
"Middle Way" Bernardo Bertolucci film "Little Buddha."
After leaving his father's palace, the prince Siddhartha Gautama joined the sect of ascetics.
For six years he lived in the woods, feeding on rain water, a soup of mud or droppings of birds
flying by. Thus trying to get rid of suffering, Siddhartha made my mind is so strong that he
forgot about the body. But one day, he heard an old musician, swimming by boat and talking
with his disciples: "If you will pull the string too much, it will break. If the tension is weak, the
string will not sound ... "Suddenly, Siddhartha realized that these simple words lies a great truth
and that he was six years in the wrong direction. "The path to knowledge lies in the middle - he
understood. - This is a line extending between opposite extremes. "
In getting the secret, (from "Kabbala" -. "Tradition"), Hebrew esoteric teaching, which is
based on an interpretation of the biblical "Pentateuch", this idea is expressed through a system
called "three pillars". The first pillar, "Pillar of Mercy", symbolizes the active male principle.
The second, "The Pillar of rigidity", expresses the passive feminine. Between them is a "pillar of
moderation". The first pillar reads: "To be merciful, we need to have the wisdom to see the
results of their actions and understand that a victory could come through the wisdom and the
ability to be brave, and not only through force." The value of "Pillar of rigidity" - "To be strict,
we need to gain an understanding of the universe and the laws of force, in order to perform
properly, but do not give in charity, but only justice." Located in the middle of "Pillar of
Temperance" makes us understand: "For whatever you fought around should look Beauty basis,
trying to avoid both excessive rigidity and excessive charity." The only way to achieve success!
If you achieve any goal Cabal is defeated, he looks, where it was lost his balance. If the
preponderance hit the side of the "Pillar of Mercy", to establish a balance he can add some
features on the opposite side, that is, with the "Pillar of rigidity". And vice versa. Thus, he always
comes to the "Pillar of moderation".
As you can see, the principle of Temperance is given great importance in most philosophical,
religious and mystical teachings, both East and West. Moderation is what allows us to move
forward, precisely to the target. So whatever you do, whatever doing, always avoid extremes. Be
moderate in thoughts, deeds and feelings, then 90% succeed.
One more thing:

It is important to learn to perceive your life (and
everything that happens to you) as a dialogue with
something infinitely greater than oneself. As a dialogue with
your Higher "I", the dialogue with the Absolute, the
Universe ...

Love, as you know, can be either a mutual or unrequited. It is difficult to love God, to love the
world around us, if this love is one-sided. Very soon, this love becomes a fiction or turns into
indifference or even hatred. Learn to communicate with Nature to the very nature of language,
learning God's laws on their own experience, not from books, how would you set the "feedback"
and with nature, and with God. You begin to feel that you love and care about you. "…Ask, and
it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For
everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. "
Let us not forget that happiness is an internal harmony of the world with the outer world.
Happy and lucky one who inwardly renounced all human values, but apparently firmly
committed to them; happy and fortunate one who is able to internally accept any situation, any
event in life with joy and peace, and seemingly does everything possible to avoid trouble and
achieve better and better! ..
The truth is really trivial, but how many of us tend to put it into practice? ..

Chapter Seven
Typically, the path of self-improvement and the pursuit of truth one becomes at once. To him
go roundabout trails, not even realizing at first where to go and why. Usually it starts with a
desire to improve their financial situation or improve the social status. Mastering the success of
the mechanism, people willy-nilly comprehends the fundamental laws of life and is attached to
the highest values. Gradually mercantile interests recede into the background, and the thirst for
spiritual development overshadows all the other aspirations. Become relevant questions about
the "meaning of life", "First Cause", "world order" ... In fact, only from this moment begins the
man. Not species Homo Sapiens, a person realizes (or "Spiritual»), - Homo Consciens.
Of course, such a transformation would not be implemented in a single life. Everything takes
time. But the more it becomes a perfect being, the faster it starts to leak spiritual evolution. With
each new incarnation man inexorably approaching the moment when replacing small self-serving
claims comes the desire to understand themselves and the surrounding reality. However, nothing
could be more erroneous than the opinion that spiritual development should be carried out in
spite of material prosperity. One not only does not deny the other but rather on the contrary, is
the basis for it. In the need to respect the principle of "golden mean". A material wealth is an
inevitable consequence of all-round, harmonious development of personality. Therein lies the
secret of success.

Attempts to deliberately affect the objective reality begins with attempts to influence the
people around us. And this, of course, is not accidental. After all, social media is the primary
person. With it we interact primarily live in it and develop. Even the perception of nature and the
cosmos is largely due to the society in which we operate. Initially, any individual is a member of
a particular social community, and only then opens a world different from the social to him.
Very often the problem is the impact on other people, the problem of manipulating others,
rests on what is called "ethics." Does the right man to use to achieve their goals different? How
far he can go in this? Is this not something reprehensible, immoral? ..
At its core, the history of mankind is the history of the exploitation of man by man. And,
despite the fact that its gross form (such as, for example, slavery), has long been relegated to the
past, forms and more sophisticated all the time are used to this day. This planting all sorts of
ideologies, it is an ordinary advertising, and abundance of all kinds of benefits of "How to Win
Friends and Influence People" ... to manipulate us strive all who either laziness: the state, the
various political parties and financial institutions, so and individuals, (a colleague, acquaintance,
friend ...).
But do not come to such a horror. I can assure you that in an effort to manipulate the
"neighbors" There is nothing unnatural, immoral or sinful. Moral or immoral can be recognized
goal at the worst methods of manipulation, but not the principle. It's like an ax: You can chop
wood, and can be head. But the ax (as well as cuttings principle), it is neither "good" nor "bad".

There is a law of Genesis, according to which the impact

that one creature to another, carried on the downlink. (Yet
another aspect of the famous "As above - so below"). This
means that more advanced in terms of evolutionary form,
forced to use for their own development, less perfect form.
Moreover, this "exploitation" is advantageous not only for
"exploiter" but for "exploited". To evolve, we are forced (!) To
help develop other ...

Incredibly, perfecting the art of manipulation, the person not only achieves certain benefits
but also contributes to the development of who manipulates. It does not matter, he realizes it or
In the second chapter, we briefly touched evolutionary development principles. So it was said
that the universe is a unity of matter and spirit. Both the first and the second - the two poles of
one and the same substance. Periodically pole data is erased, and the universe takes on the
properties of homogeneous primordial substance. Then again there is its "separation" on the
matter and spirit. The universe is endowed with the properties of the world substance. World
substance consists of multiple interpenetrating each other plans, each of which has its own
spatio-temporal properties, and the substantial.
It was also said that the human spirit (soul) is a "particle" of the Absolute Divine Spirit, and
that other than the person in the universe, there are many other forms of spiritualized beings as
less developed than it (minerals, plants, animals), and standing on the evolutionary ladder above
him. In the development of Absolute Spirit, His "composite particles" are separated from him,
and put on the various forms of matter are the individual development cycle. There are macro
and micro-cycles of individual living Souls. Upon completion of each macrocycle world
substance "reborn" and acquires the properties of primary substance, which are immersed and the
individual living soul.
And now for something that will add to those already set out. Awakening occur in the
substantial conditional intervals, regardless of whether the separate individual completed
Showers varying Evolutionary waves corresponding macrocycles completely or only partially.
The individual soul, which managed to move forward in its development over the period of the
macrocycle only partially resume their "work" after Rebirth Substance back into the World, to

the point at which this "work" was interrupted. Such souls will be considered backward, and
their individual development of each "lag" will be more slow and difficult. As a result, it can lead
to the separation of the Individual Soul live from their evolutionary waves and joining it to the
next Wave, later.
This theory was very original is presented in esoteric philosophers of the Rosicrucian Order.
Macrocycles have called the "period", and each of Evolutionary Wave, they were given a certain
mythological name. Evolutionary scheme is carried through the five planes of World substance
seven Periods of Manifestation, during which the individual living souls should develop first in
man, and then to the Creator. Periods following names are:

1. Saturn Period
2. The Sun Period
3. The period of the moon
4. Earth Period
5. Jupiter Period
6. Venus Period
7. Period Vulcan

(Here we should immediately make a reservation, that these names have nothing to do with
the planets of the Solar System).
Individual living Soul Evolutionary Waves, humanity is the current period, (the Earth Period),
named "Virgin Spirits." Mankind previous period (the period of the moon), has been called
"Angels", the Sun Period - "Archangels" and the period of Saturn - "Lords of Mind." Despite the
mythological shell Rosicrucian concept fairly accurately reflects the real state of affairs. That is
why, wanting to illustrate the principle of "Evolutionary operation" of the lower supreme, I
decided to ask her. In my opinion, the use of myth making an example of a more vibrant and
emotionally intense.
Thus, according to the Rosicrucian theories, personal progress Individual living soul depends
on "how the essence of developing flexible, adaptable and malleable, to be able to apply to the
new conditions, or whether it crystallized, motionless and unable to change. Adaptability - a
quality which promotes progress regardless of whether the entity is on the high or low level of
development. The absence of this quality is the reason for the lag of the spirit and form of
recourse. This applies both to the past and the present and the future, and thus separation into fit
and unfit ( "backward", - AT) occurs by means of accurate and unbiased fairness Law Effect
( "Karma" - AT). "
Stragglers were each Evolutionary Wave Period everyone without exception. Essentially, the
stragglers in the Moon Period of the Angelic Evolutionary Waves in the Rosicrucians were called
"Spirits of Lucifer." In the minds of the average person's name Lucifer is associated with
something dark, devil, with the embodiment of one hundred percent evil. However, as already
mentioned, it is objectively in the universe there is no "evil" or "good."
Lucifer spirits in the Moon Period moved significantly beyond the bulk of those who is
currently the most advanced of our humanity. At the same time, they are not able to move as far
as the Angels. Thus, Lucifer appeared as a "restless." From its evolutionary waves are hopelessly
behind and ahead of our present humanity so much that it became impossible for them to take the
dense physical body, as we did. And yet, it needed such an internal organ, like the physical brain
for further development of the Spirits Lucifer. The only way they could find to express
themselves, was the use of physical human brain.
From the viewpoint of the Rosicrucians, further events developed as follows. At a time when
our ancient ancestors - apes - more than a little different from the animals come into contact with
the spirits of Lucifer them. It is they who have pushed the man to the further development. It is
thanks to them that our ancestors were able to stand out from the animal kingdom and acquire

the rudiments of reason. And they did this not out of love for man, or sentimentality. Lucifers
pursue personal, deeply selfish benefit (!) - to gain knowledge as gaining him a man.
"They brought him (the man - AT) pain and suffering to which it was not, but they also
brought him the inestimable pleasure of liberation from foreign influence and leadership, thus
fixing it in the development of his own spiritual powers - development, which, in the end, will
enable him to build himself with wisdom, like the wisdom of angels and other creatures, which
led to them before he first became a free will ... "
This legend is great, with the usual myth poetics, illustrates how the alleged "evil" turns into a
very real "good". As the desire to satisfy selfish interests can have a positive impact on both the
participants of the "action". Roughly the same thing happens in humans. Unless we were able to
understand the principles of humanity, humanity, do not be at the time of slavery? Unless it was
possible to jump over this "shameful" step in the history of mankind? Of course not!!. Likewise,
mastering the art of manipulating others, a specific person achieves those or other wealth,
develop spiritually and at the same time, it has a positive impact on the development of who

Art affect people has one feature. Manage (manipulate) others can only be consistent with the
relevant laws of the universe. And these laws are such that any negative, too selfish a thought,
and even more action, have a tendency to self-destruction, while the thoughts and actions of
positive qualities tend to the widening and strengthening. All these properties are derived from
the specific features of the Astral Plane to attract each other like qualities of form. However, at
the opposite poles of the Astral effect of this "attraction" is diametrically opposite. In higher
layers Astral Plane are similar in nature forms attracted to each other are combined. In the lower
layers of similar forms annihilate, disintegrate. Namely, the lower strata of the Astral are home to
all the negative, evil,
Thus, the well-known biblical saying "... Give, and it shall be given you" is not an empty
phrase. Before you learn to manipulate others, to learn to manage themselves, their thoughts,
desires and actions. Unrestrained desire to demand leads to the fact that a person loses more than
gains. Selfishness, envy, anger ... - all this is a sure way to ensure that the turn of the manipulated
manipulated. Confucius was right, laughed at the man to reproach a neighbor of snow on its roof,
when he himself was not Metheny threshold. And there is nothing unfortunate than to listen to,
for example, abuse of spouses, each of which accuses the other, considering it a source of their
own troubles.
Living in pre-fabricated house, I often become an unwitting witness to such hassles. In
adjacent to my apartment is not so long ago, the couple entered. I do not know what causes these
people to be together. Every day they started with a scandal. Husband accuses his wife is that she
continues to sleep, when he (OH !!!) is late for work. Breakfast she is not ready, the tea is not
brewed, his suit still has not ironed ... To which the wife responds quite reasonable: "I'm not your
maid!" "Leave me alone!", "You have to - you and (!) do it! "All of this is punctuated by the
choicest abuse.
In the evening they still sort things out. Again, mutual accusations and recriminations, a
scandal again. The funny thing is that each of them, in all seriousness, is trying to convince the
other that they are right. Each requires that instead of asking to himself. It is clear that in the end
both he and she are of the same opinion, and many hours of hassle gives nothing but a headache
and damaged nerves. Foolish is the one who allows another to sit down on his neck. Right! But
even more stupid one who flies with tenacity, pounding on the window glass, trying to climb the
opponent's range, despite the fact that he repeatedly shake out on the ground.
In contrast, I can give you another example. When I "finally and irrevocably" decided to
become a writer, (and I was then little more than eighteen years of age), I realized that in today's
world, a writer without a computer is like an artist without the easel and brush, or a surgeon
without a scalpel. Of course, the amount required for the purchase of such an expensive device I
have not had in a while. There was only one - to borrow money with an obligation to repay the

debt within one or even two years. Perfectly! But who would agree to lend a lot of money, and
even at such a time?!. The choice fell on one of my friends. A man by the standards of very
Knowing full well that require him six hundred dollars I have no right, I have patience and
began to wait for the right moment. Very soon, this moment has come. When, after a jump in the
dollar, the ruble began to plummet and all rushed urgently to put their "wooden" in horrible, (just
to have time to spend, while the ruble is not depreciated), the general temptation he could not
resist and my friend. It was then that I invited him to "invest" money in my computer.
Describing the benefits of this investment, I tried very hard to emphasize how for him (!)
Beneficial this deal (debt, I was obliged to pay at the rate of the dollar at the time of payment,
and this course has grown by leaps and bounds), and virtually no mention of the benefits that can
get the timely purchase of the computer itself. A few days later a brand new Pentium stood on
my desk. The dollar exchange rate has stabilized very soon, I found a suitable job and was able
to repay the debt well before the appointed time. That benefited from this friend of mine?
Absolutely nothing! But I really bought what I needed and it was then when it was just what we
needed. Truly: "... a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
In the most general form of the principle of manipulation it was beautifully presented by Dale
Carnegie more. Lately it has become almost the sign of a good tone out loud laugh at the books
by this author. Now it find fault with the same fury with which only a few years ago was praised.
And, by and large, in vain hayut.
Nobody argues Carnegie tips may not apply to all cases of life. And trigger its
recommendations are not always. However, the blame for this is not the author. Blame readers
themselves so quickly deify writer and blinded painted them prospects, who could not
understand the essence of this method.
After listing the basic situation of the art of manipulation, I will attempt to explain why so
often simply following the rules is not enough to succeed.



1. Take a genuine interest in other people.

2. Be friendly. Smile!
3. Learn to listen. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
4. Try to talk to your buddy circle of interests.
5. Sincerely let people feel their importance, (False "Ego").
6. Do not try to impress.
7. Try to emphasize the dignity of your interlocutor, and possible to smooth its disadvantages
(false "Ego").
8. To the best show their egoistic and altruistic intentions.

Inducement to their point of view.

1. Do not argue!
2. Respect the opinions of others. Never say that he is wrong.
3. If you are wrong, admit it frankly and directly.
4. Before starting the conversation, show your friendliness.
5. Try to talk so that the source from the beginning was forced to agree with you.
6. Ask questions rather than make statements. Let the other person feel that the idea belongs to
him (false "Ego").

7. Engage the interlocutor, playing on his "sense of self-importance," (false "Ego"). Throw him a
8. Even if you feel that your partner is not right, do not say it right. Try to see things from
another point of view.


1. Begin with praise and sincere recognition of the merits of his interlocutor (the opponent).
2. Pay attention to the people on their mistakes indirectly.
3. Before we criticize others, tell about their own shortcomings.
4. Give the person a chance to preserve the dignity, when he lost a bet, (False "Ego").
5. Sincerely praise for each person, even the most modest of his success (false "Ego").
6. Take care that the people were pleased to do what you want (false "ego," "Impulsive Being").
Use stimulus.
7. Create a specific person's image, so that he began to live in accordance with it (the external
manifestation of the "Alien Program").
8. Make a flaw that you want in a man eradicate looked legkoispravimym, and the case that you
want to inspire, legkovypolnimym ( "Being Impulsive").

As you can see, the three great enemy with whom you fought, can be not only enemies, but
also your allies. With that, of course, except that they will not be in you, and who you intend to
manipulate. (No joke!) And now the promised explanation.
Any interaction between humans is carried out in two main directions. Firstly, it is the
external form. This includes how behave contact members are saying to each other, to comply
with any social conventions resort. The second theme is man's inner world: what feelings he
experiences, engaging in contact, thinking that this is related to the other party or the opponent.
A person excessively emotional, who can not control themselves, between these two forms
there is a rigid connection. If he is dissatisfied with something or offended if the person he is
unpleasant, it's all there and then starts to be expressed outwardly through his words and deeds.
Not difficult to guess that such a person is not only not be able to manipulate others, but he will
continue to be provided as to who manipulated.
Quite often there are people who have a connection between "external" and "internal"
expressed not so tough. A man in a defined framework can restrain myself, not letting his
emotional impulses, and in some cases even show your opponent is not what is really going on in
his soul. In favorable circumstances, such people may have on the other a certain influence,
subduing them to his will, that is, to manipulate. Here are just a "favorable circumstances" does
not always happen. So chances are, what role would a man (as manipulative or as manipulated),
are equal, 50x50.

In full control others can only be one who "internally" in

any situation remains calm and friendly, without being the
interlocutor is absolutely no feelings (either positive or
negative), who always keeps a clear mind, and "external"
acts, as required by the circumstances, the strategy and the
supreme principle of ...

Even anger, such a person does not experience a single drop of anger; resenting, it retains the
friendliness and expressing gratitude, remains free of attachment and dependency. Without this,
no smile, no expression of genuine interest to the other party, nor the ability to listen, nor any
other tricks will not bring any tangible results. It is in this lies the secret of why so many
"knowledge of the principles" does not bring practical results.

The world around us is the greatest of mysteries. Do not think that by understanding what
kind of "Secret Knowledge" by learning to manipulate others, received a diploma of higher
education or passing through "fire, water and copper pipes" you at least a little closer to its
unraveling. Throughout his present life, and all subsequent life, you'll try to comprehend this
mystery, not even hoping for a positive outcome of your efforts. That this is the meaning of your
life. But never forget that you yourself no less a mystery than what surrounds you. The main
thing is to find its place among an infinite number of mysteries, firmly occupy it and ... And only
then can you move on. Go, as long as do not have the slightest idea.
Concluding the topic of manipulation of other people, I would like to give you some practical
advice, based on which you will be able to reach the peaks of skill in this difficult of the arts. Try
to take it seriously. Very often, that at first reading seem inconsequential, too abstract and
generalized, cut off from life, in fact, turns out to be the most valuable for everyday practice. As
quipped Daysetsu Suzuki: "What the person is thinking or reading, is only a shadow of the
object, not the object itself. No talk of water or creek views and a few sips of water completely
quench their thirst. "

1. Stay in the shade. A skilful manipulator will never put himself forward for all to see. Desire
to impress others, to become a recognized leader, he would prefer to stay in the shadows. To
achieve their goals can be different, not wasting wasting their energy. For example, using all the
same "upstarts" who want to get out ahead at any cost. And let moralists curve contemptuously
mouths, we are not concerned. From Alien Program, and thus on public opinion, by the heads of
the inhabitants stubborn prejudices, we are free. False "Ego" does not have any impact on us,
meet the "sense of self-importance," we do not need.
Being able to laugh at yourself, not perceiving themselves too seriously, we are not afraid to
look stupid. Let this mislead others, it is even advantageous to us. The dirty and hard work is
most easily done by proxy, perform the tasks of creative thinking. Staying in the shade is better
to see more and you can sleep tight. And among other things, this strategy he chooses a place of
battle, not allowing him to do it for the enemy.
2. Reset ballast. There is nothing funnier than you travel, bring a man to bed, so that the forest
was more comfortable to sleep, a dining table for meals, and a desk lamp, so as not to suffer from
the dark night. Any sensible person understands that in the campaign, all these things will be an
unnecessary burden. Similarly, in life there are things that we could not throw away with no
regrets! That is why it is necessary to throw out everything that is not really (!) Necessary.
The art of manipulation, it is not a short time of interaction between the two men one of
whom seek to use others to achieve their goals. It's a lifestyle. And if walking through life, you're
dragging behind a creaking wagon packed with rubbish as you manage to manipulate those who
are traveling light?!.
The Major Arcana of the Tarot card is a great present. It has rooms (or referred to as zero), but
despite this, is the central, unifying the other, as if attending a border all semerits, (the remaining
21 cards, displaying the order, in three rows, form three semeritsy, symbolizing , according to
one version, the three stages of human development). This map shows the Hebrew letter "Shin",
and called "The Jester" or "fool". The map depicts a man dressed in clownish clothes. It stands
on a meadow surrounded by high mountains, and holding a white rose - a symbol of purity.
Bundle, which he carries on a stick slung over his shoulder, not great. It is only the most
necessary. Try to contemplate this card for at least one to two weeks, and you will be much
clearer. "The bottom and walls formed of clay pitcher

3. Burn the bridges. Imagine for a moment that you are a gladiator, who appeared at the scene
of an ancient Roman amphitheater. Your enemy is armed and extremely dangerous. Someone
from the two of you must die, and so he set up very strongly. There is no place for weakness or
delay. Your opponent is closely monitoring your every move. Any mistake can be fatal and lead
you to death. Here he rushes to the attack ... How would you have behaved in a similar situation?

There is no dispute in modern life everything is different. But maybe that is why we so often
do not have a desperate determination and courage gladiator? As soon as we are faced with the
difficulty, we become lethargic and apathetic. It is much easier to give up on everything by hand,
letting things drift. Just think, exam! Peresdam another time. In fact, I, a cow, or something I
lose? Delayed by the salary, also no great loss. It is better to take a loan, than to run through the
courts in an attempt to restore justice. Even such a trifle as a car repair or cleaning of the
apartment is perceived by us as something extremely difficult.
The trouble is that, one way or another, but we always remain with the path of retreat. On the
one hand, it is quite natural. Think that "how I'd either led, all the same does not happen nothing
horrible" it is certainly quieter. But on the other hand, if we find ourselves because of this
approach to life in the state of Gogol's Akaky, the downtrodden and the weak-willed man? ..
Enough! Enough to deceive themselves. Only when you understand that any, even the most
seemingly insignificant thing, it's a battle for his life, (and we have to act not "later" and "here
and now!"), Only then, not before, you can to really succeed and learn to manipulate others.

4. Forget yourself. American writer and speaker Og Mandino, author of numerous books on
the topic "How to Succeed" in one of his best-selling wrote: "I am - a lion! I refuse to walk in the
sheep flock. I'm not going to listen to the groans and complaints. The disease is contagious
losers. Them a place in the herd. " Perhaps someone such arguments seem indiscreet or even ...
ruthless. Meanwhile, ruthlessness, one of the most essential tools in the art of manipulation. By
and large, self-pity is a kind of "feelings of self-importance," (and hence the False "Ego"). This
Strategy will never feel pity nor to himself, nor to all the others. This allows him to achieve
tremendous results.
However, ruthlessness and cruelty, are two completely different things. Different, to say the
least - are diametrically opposed! Cruelty springs from weakness, while ruthlessness is a
manifestation of power. Be ruthless, does not mean to hate people, do not try to help in distress,
or build your own happiness on the bones and blood of those who are weaker than you. Be
ruthless means to perceive everything that is happening around you, calmly and reasonably.
Without sentimentality, which serve no useful purpose and, as a rule, only harm. Be ruthless
means to withdraw from yourself, do not be afraid and do not have to not regret anything. Only
then, as would say a classic, "the forces that lead us, will open the way for us and help us."

5. At the time to retreat. In life, quite often it happens that the circumstances are not in our
favor. And no matter what was the reason that the program karmic or elementary carelessness,
allowed to gain the upper hand over you to any of the three great enemy. It is important that
whatever you do, no matter what a Herculean effort not undertake - is all in vain. Remember at
such a moment that you are, it is just you. Do not consider myself a great and all-powerful. This
is the most dangerous delusion. Learn to step back in time! Defeated in battle, the war is not yet
lost. It is possible that a decisive battle ahead. Suppose that in such moments in front of you
stands the image of the Borodino battle in 1812, when the Russian army retreated to Moscow,
and then completely left the city, but it has kept its main forces.
Kutuzov superiority over Napoleon was the fact that the first relied on the destruction of the
enemy in several battles, while the second remained a supporter of the general strategy of the
battle. Never forget that after the withdrawal of the Russian army, and the surrender of Moscow
followed superbly conducted Tarutino maneuver, and then the battle of Maloyaroslavets, forced
Napoleon to abandon march on St. Petersburg and in the end, leaving Moscow to retreat through
the already war-ravaged areas. Demonstrating the ability to impose its will on the enemy,
Kutuzov put him at a disadvantage, and has achieved a breakthrough in the war in their favor.

6. The ability to wait. In something akin to the ability to step back in time, although it differs
from it. Here at an opportune fit sentence from the Book of Ecclesiastes: "Everything has its
time, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Time to be born, and a time to die; a time to

plant and a time to pluck a plant. A time to kill, and a time to heal; time to break down, and a
time to build; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time
to scatter stones and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain
from embracing ... "Faced with something unexpected or incomprehensible when faced with an
unsolvable problem at the moment, the best that can be done will be for some time to accept the
inevitable and move on to something else.
Only a fool tries to do everything, and this minute. One dulzhno implemented here and now,
and another tomorrow, next month or even a year. Carlos Castaneda has in this respect
remarkable words: "Warrior aims to success, so it saves time, without losing a moment. Warrior
compress time, and even moments are counted. " If you understand what is being said, good luck
from now on will always be only on your side. In order to learn the art of manipulation, it is
necessary to learn a different art - the art of patience. After all, even Nature, and she does not like
to rush. Festina lente! - "Hurry slowly!"

7. Improvise. There is a very instructive modern parable. Like most modern parables, it is
completely devoid of plot, but it perfectly illustrates what I mean. It is a parable about a house
painter and artist. At first glance, both men engaged in one and the same - smear paint on any
surface. Both deal with paint and brush. However, that's where the similarities end. Further, the
differences begin, and very significant.
Painter painting the house, it should be the order of the person who ordered the work. He does
not care what color to paint and what will happen to his "masterpiece" when it finishes. Artist
creating a picture, does not need anyone's advice and guided only by their own ideas about
painting. For it is a matter of paramount importance, and that he would write. The work of one
painter is almost impossible to distinguish from the work of another, while each artist has their
own unique style, sharply distinguishes it from the other artists. Painter task - to please the
customer. The artist does what he sees fit, he does not care how his work will treat others.
The list of similarities and differences can be continued, but, for sure, and so you understand
what is at stake. What would you do, treat the case as a true artist, not as a craftsman or painter.
Let your creative instincts spill out. Be guided only by their own ideas, not allowing anyone to
impose someone else's opinion of you.
If you are with something agree, take it into service, if not - throw away away from what
would be the authoritative source for you is not it. And, most importantly, do not be afraid to
improvise! This is the quality that distinguishes the true creator and host of his life from the
faceless masses, the artist from the painter and genius of mediocrity. Therefore, improvise!
Improvise !! Improvise !!!

Chapter Eight
The theme of health is perhaps the most topical in the mind of modern man. To some extent,
this stems directly from that of the environmental situation, which hit mankind at the turn of the
second and third millennia. About the upcoming ecological disaster and now say they write all
and sundry. Yes, from previous generations we really inherited a fair amount of garbage burning,
chemical and even nuclear waste. Yes, unfortunately, we largely do keep this predatory policy of
squandering of natural resources and environmental pollution. All this can not but affect our
health. And, despite the fact that medicine is doing everything in its power to help a person get
rid of the most severe diseases, its successes, alas, leaves much to be desired. In place of the
defeated by extreme costs and many lives ailment immediately come two or three new diseases.
Often even more terrible than those that doctors have learned to treat. Increasingly victims are
not only adults but also children.
So in the US, back in the sixties, doctors noticed a strange disease, later known as "The
syndrome of sudden infant death» (SIDS). According to world statistics, thousands of babies
from this mysterious syndrome die on average five. Kid, who was considered perfectly healthy,
dies suddenly in his bed. The cause of death can not be detected even after opening! Of infants
who die in the first year, more than half die precisely because of SIDS. Long-term studies of this
problem have not yielded little or no results. The only thing that could set it to anyone strange
deviation in the brain of deceased from SIDS children, because of which they, according to the
researchers, "just could not wake up." It has also been found that it is not a genetic disease,
because it is due to a host of other factors. For example, the immature nervous system. However,
and here serious pathology in a child is not found, that is, from the point of view of any
neurologist, "cure nothing."
Currently, the growth in the number of children freaks takes on the character of this epidemic.
Not long ago, doctors all over the world began to record another mysterious disease, "the disease
of accelerated aging» (Progeria). As in the case of SIDS, «a disease of accelerated aging" is not
inherited, so it can become a victim of any child under the age of one year. Without any apparent

reason, the children begin to age. In addition to the dramatic aging in diseased child develop
many inherent elderly ailments: rheumatism, arthritis, loss of hair and teeth. The five-year
children have sixty-year old man's body. A twelve-thirteen years they all die of old age, brain
hemorrhage or infarction.
About diseases such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc., which, it says, "for all
ages", I think, is not even worth mentioning. And scientists and doctors, with persistence of
Sisyphus, continue to look for cherished a panacea for all ills. Where once the focus was on
chemotherapy, it is now generally accepted genetic engineering becomes a favorite. And what
about the patients? A patient with a beating heart with delight continue to wait and hope, when,
finally, promised miracles will become a reality. It wonders, since the notion of "miracle",
communicates directly with the unexpected, occurring in spite of all the known laws of
"healing." That at one time demanded by Christ, this waiting and of modern science.
Always hate to see how deluded people still persist in their delusion, despite the fact that it
has everything you need to notice and correct their mistake. But more grievous to observe
similar processes occurring at the level of the whole society. And it is the case today. Look
carefully to the way we live. What you can see? "Rat race", devoid of any meaning, drug family
in an apartment on the contrary, the lust for power and money, violence and bodily pleasures ...
Problems of the general lack of spirituality of modern society, the loss of individual human
meaning of life ... And against all this, taken completely ridiculous attempts to cure the disease
of the Spirit at material assistance, of social or ideological means. What you see around - the
tragedy of Personality, overcome that it is possible only on the same individual spiritual level.
Other way simply does not exist!
Unfortunately, shocked consequences of environmental disasters, wars and natural disasters,
we completely forget that all this is just a consequence of our own desires and thoughts. material
order problems are the cause of his "Spirit of the disease." And the Spirit of our society is sick,
and sick very seriously. Let us try to illustrate this with an example ... at least our treatment of
animals. At the time, this problem is very much worried about me, and I gathered all appearing
from time to time in the press notes on the subject. Here are some excerpts of letters from
"... constantly faced with cruelty to animals. On the street. Gagarin wandering dog with its tail
cut off, around the coccyx skin was scalped. On the street. Sivkova I was picked up by a kitten
with a rugged urinary organs. The pain of three weeks cat constantly shouted, and his muzzle
permanently distorted seal suffering. I had it put to sleep ... "
"... On the street. Lenin two people uncertain sexual orientation raped dog. The poor man
screaming obscenities good. It was not until as long as the young man of the house, near which
happened lasciviousness, did not come out and slapped in the face with the fanatic ... "
"... In the eyes of children and adults Shepherd bitten the cat. Cat convulses, children crying,
and the woman persuades his dog: "Do not worry, calm down, let's go home!" The children of
homeless animals gouged eyes, pierced bellies shed from the upper floors ... "
"... This happened on Pushkin Street. Maniacs younger kittens buried alive in a children's
sandbox. Tired of messing around - as they explain their feats. Kittens they were given to play
traders animals with local flea markets ... "
"... In the South market have found their method of dealing with stray animals. Adult cats and
kittens dumped in rubbish bins, garbage pressed and sent out of town to the dump. There they
are crawling with crushed limbs and broken spine ... "
In my opinion, these examples illustrate the situation quite eloquently. How do we relate to
the surrounding nature, in the same way, and it belongs to us. What we sow, we reap. And no
matter how much our gallant doctors may try to rid us of disease using chemotherapy, genetic
engineering or any other tricks, all their efforts will not lead to anything as long as there will not
address the underlying causes of these physical ailments. And the reason for this, as already
mentioned, lies in the general lack of spirituality.

«Mens sana in corpore sano», said the ancient Romans. And is it any wonder that materialistic
science has taken this slogan with such joy. Of course! Being determines consciousness.
Meanwhile, there is nothing more wrong than this view. Not just wrong, but also harmful. After
all, what we think determines what we are. Therefore, do not: "In a healthy body, healthy mind",
but "a healthy mind, a healthy body." It is this view of things is the key to understanding the
nature of disease and the development of methods of healing. In this sense, Sri Aurobindo's
absolutely right, claiming that "no body is sick - consciousness is weakened."
Is there any sense of attaching backup to the walls collapsing house, if the house is standing
on quicksand? On the other hand, it will be enough to move house on solid ground, and no props
he will not need it! ..

In the matter of health, karma plays a major (if not decisive) role. In the third chapter, we
have already said enough about the nature of karma and mechanisms work, "Karmic Law." Then
the focus was on the success or failure of man to comprehend. Now, consider the action of karma
in terms of spiritual and physical health. Not difficult to see that there is a lot in common. The
disease can be considered as a special case collapsed on you bad luck. So, everything that was
said in the third chapter is fully applicable to the health topic. Thus, any illness is the result of
our practical or mental activity. We create our own health or diseases, and only us the strength to
make themselves completely healthy or terminally ill.
There is no point in repeating the details already set out. If you do not understand something,
go back and carefully reread everything that was said about karma, "principles of luck" and our
relation to the Absolute. Further conversation, we will build on the assumption that all the
questions you mentioned already learned. In your mind must print the following provision:

Disease as a failure, rather than retribution for their

actions already, as an attempt to block unwanted universe
coming events, the source of which you can be in power
generated and fixed in your mind a certain behavioral model.
It is your attitude to the fact that "from the point of view of"
the supreme law is undesirable, will cause illness ...

The term "payback for past" is applicable only in the sense that in the past you yourself have
formed himself as a present. His actions in previous lives, and partly in the present life, you just
created your real identity with the full range of its specific features and qualities. It is your
attitude to the world, related to the present, past and future, your world, your character forms. A
character largely determines the fate, and therefore health.
It should not, however, be confused with the character of temperament, talent and other
psychological characteristics of the individual (which, in practice, unfortunately, happens quite
frequently). Character is primarily a set of stable personality traits that determine our behavior in
certain circumstances. This kind of program is typical behavior in typical circumstances. And
unlike the temperament or talent, character is not given to man "once and for all."
If the temperament, primarily due to the type of nervous system in adulthood remains
virtually unchanged, "there is no such character that could not be corrected." This is the
opportunity that allows us to avoid the consequences of "bad" karma and maintain health, no
matter what.
Changing nature of the better, the man changed his attitude to life, starts to react differently to
the trouble, thus befall him, avoiding the already seemingly unambiguously predetermined the
fate of his disease.
Locking the disease is carried out by following very uncomplicated scheme. When false "ego"
of man becomes strong enough in his soul settles Pride. Pride is not nothing but a incredibly
proliferating and crossed the border of what is permitted 'sense of self-importance. " Under the

influence of pride, consciously or unconsciously, the man begins to "take a strong liking" to
those or other material things, considering them as their own.
He starts an absolute other people (if someone can be taller than me, so I can be higher than
anyone else!), And their understanding of the reality around him. As a consequence of all this,
man withdraws into his own little world, completely forgetting about the priority of him that
Universal system, a component of which he is. Considering himself the chief, he wants to live
only for themselves (or their immediate environment).
It is clear that the Universal Organism of such arbitrariness on the part of "single cell" is a
threat. Included safeguards and begins that at the individual level will be perceived as a "black
stripe in the life", a chain of troubles or failures. In fact, the universe is not revenge, but simply
trying to eliminate all something that people "become attached" and as a result lost contact with
"thin" layers of the universe. If an individual recalls the time when the level of his pride is
reduced to "authorized mark" all the stops by itself. If not, the events become more serious.
Rejection of the man, "black band" begins to be expressed through a stream of negative
experiences. There are grievances, depression, hatred, condemnation, jealousy, aggression ... And
the situation around it all falls apart and collapses. A "black band" and no end in sight ... It was
then, and come to a man's disease. Disease - is the last resort, that the universe is trying to "send
a madman on the right path." If, however, and it will not have much on the "intruder" no effect,
then there is only one thing - death! Thus, failure to form a first lock level, disease - second, and
death - a third, outermost.
Very often, people who first became acquainted with this theory, expressed bewilderment:
why, in that case, rascals and scoundrels, as a rule, never get sick and live much better than the
people are honest and good-natured?
Well, first of all, such a conclusion purest nonsense! "Evil and wicked" to live much more
difficult than the "righteous" are ill they are no less of others, and for the possession of material
goods they have to expend so much effort, it is better to have these benefits do not have at all.
Carefully observe the life, and you will see that this is true. In addition, dividing people into
"bad" and "good", we do so with a certain bias shares. Drop morality Everyman, and you will see
that just as there is no "good" or "evil", objectively there is no "bad" or "good". Any one of us, to
some degree, and it turns out so, and others.
And secondly, and most importantly, between what we do and the fact that this experience,
there is a huge difference. The fact that from the point of view of the individual, or even the
whole society might look "bad" criminal, evil, from the viewpoint of objective reality may be
quite acceptable and even "good". And it is precisely this point of view is dominant. So "good
citizen" of the universe is more dangerous than a "murderer" and "thief".
It is important not so much what we do, how much is the attitude to what is happening with
us. If you are robbed, take it easy, because the thieves through the universe is trying to awaken
you from sleep. And God forbid you throw at them curse! Externally, the "just" hate on subtle
levels can be much more destructive than the cold-blooded and calculated theft. If a pious old
woman begging for alms at the entrance to the temple, in the hearts curse "scum" who passed by,
spat in her mug, she had infinitely more likely to get sick than those of the same "scum" when,
making a cheeky trick, he I did not feel at the same time any negative feelings about the old lady.
So do not rush to judge. In nature, all have a place for both predators and herbivores. And who of
us is right and who is wrong ... "God's ways are inscrutable." He alone has the right to judge us.
And through the suffering of the flesh, the Spirit, as is known, only strengthened.
Health is the harmony between body and soul, the harmony of man with himself and with
what surrounds it. If you learn to respond correctly to comprehend your failures, then you are
half-healthy. Now you last left: to learn not to provoke the disease, when there are no
prerequisites to it from the universe simply does not exist. And this, alas, happens all the time. So
many sick just because unshakably confident that in certain situations the disease is inevitable. If
in contact with the patient any infectious or contagious disease, you are "firmly convinced" that
have become infected, you do whatever it takes to really pick up the infection. If you religiously

believe in hereditary diseases, as your father or grandfather, God forbid, diabetes, sooner or later
you are bound to join the ranks of diabetics.
It does happen that, having been ill, people hoping to benefit from it certain benefits. Ability
to get sick, attention and care of native ... And there is all this, as a rule, on an unconscious level.
Many people live in constant tension, and the disease can only bring a much-needed rest their
bodies. What to do in situations like this - you decide. The main thing is to extract from the
subconscious the true causes of disease, and there ... It may be that you really do not want to be
the simulator. For the same, to take a break, you can use other means.
All this fully applies to the aging of the organism. Incredibly, we grow old because we
consider this state of affairs something inevitable, fatal! In the meantime, you can live to a ripe
old age, while maintaining excellent health and a clear mind. Old age with its feebleness and
disease, not an inevitable destiny of every mortal. The fact that the aging process directly affects
the way that man gives himself. If he considers himself an old man - he is getting older, but if not
- it is still fresh and full of energy. And there is nothing unfortunate than to see a strong, healthy
man, is written off from the accounts themselves in forty years. At fifty, he would look at sixty-
five, sixty ... However, to sixty, he does not make it. "What to do? Old age!.."
The world-renowned healer, MD Deepak Chopra, said on this occasion: "We - the only ones
in the world beings who can alter their biology that they think and feel ... Unconscious life leads
to many disorders, while the participation of consciousness allows avoid them. At least what you
will with conscious attention relate to the functions of the body, rather than leaving them to their
autopilot significantly affect your aging. " Think about it. There is something to ponder.
The man - a multilevel system. I hope that you have long understood it and accepted it. As in
most other cases, work aimed at the prevention and treatment of disease will be done in two
main ways: the external (that touches the body) and inner (what concerns the "soul"). Of course,
between these two extremes there is a close relationship. However, as has been repeatedly stated
in all that regards the human, priority belongs to the Spirit (or "soul").

The physical body takes only about three percent of the

human being! That is why what we think determines what we
are on the physical level. And, therefore, is not: "In a healthy
body, healthy mind", but, on the contrary: "A healthy mind,
healthy body"! To perceive the situation in such a way, then
learn how to generate the power of thought of their own
Based on this rule, let us briefly consider some aspects of the work with the physical body,
and then let's talk in more detail about what comes to work at the level of the spiritual. Thus, the
rules aimed at improving the health, to work on the "external" direction:

1. Power.Do not overeat! Gluttony is known to be one of the seven deadly sins. Arranging the
cells discharge, you support their activity. With moderate power cells are updated much faster,
and the body becomes less susceptible to disease. With regard to food regulations, there are no
universal rules, but rather "eat more often but less." Better yet, drop all the regulations, because
your body will know when he should eat.
The menu should be age-appropriate. So thirty women wrinkles appear later if they will
regularly eat liver and nuts. Older people need a b-carotene. After fifty years of foreign help keep
calcium in the form of bone, and magnesium - the heart muscle. Men over forty needs contained
in cheese and kidneys selenium. It significantly reduces the effects of stress. Fish dishes help
protect the heart and blood vessels.
2. Sleep. Sleep in a cool, well-ventilated room. Prove who sleeps at 17-18 degrees Celsius,
longer stays young and healthy. Metabolism, as well as manifestation of age characteristics
largely depend on the ambient temperature.
If you are tormented by insomnia, try the following method. Lie down, freely stretching his
arms and legs. Relax, find for themselves the most comfortable position. Now Freeze! Lie still,
even though there is a desire to move his arm, leg or change posture. Disconnect the internal
monologue. If you still do not know how to do it, try to at least get rid of the bothersome
thoughts. For this will be enough to allow himself to think only "meaningless" thoughts
(thoughts, completely devoid of internal logic, the individual words or phrases, replica). After
fifteen or twenty minutes, take a comfortable position, while maintaining the "inner silence."
Good night's sleep is provided to you.
3. Movement. Make it a habit every morning to perform simple gymnastic complex. In
addition to assisting in the fight against impulsive Being a positive impact on your physical
health. Even ten or fifteen minutes a day exercising and prolong life significantly strengthen
overall health. Science has found that in the process of movement in the body synthesized
special growth hormones (production of which is particularly reduced after thirty years).
Find a suitable job. According to the researchers, the work contributes to the youthfulness and
the one who does not work, usually looks (and feels) about five years older than her biological
age. And "work", it is not necessary - manual labor. According to sociologists, some activities
such as music lessons, studying philosophy, passion for painting and the like, particularly allow
to preserve youthfulness. Consciously living person much less experience depression than those
who passively drifting.

And now proceed to the chief. Of techniques to work on "internal" level, the most basic, (at
this stage), for you will be a meditation. In the sixth chapter, examining ways to deal with the
false "ego", we have already touched on this term. Now is the time to talk on this topic in more
Meditation (Latin «meditatio», from «meditor» -. Meditate, ponder), this mental action aimed
at bringing the human psyche in a state of profound concentration, followed by detachment from
everything that constitutes the basis of sensation, perception and thought. In various practices of
the meditation process usually consists of several sequential steps carried out in different ways.
However, the fact that meditation (though in different variations), is present in almost all any
significant religious, mystical, occult and even philosophies, says a lot.
Its highest development of the practice of meditation gained in Indian and Buddhist yoga. It is
widely used in the ancient "philosophical ecstasy," Platonic and Neo-Platonic, in the Orthodox
"smart doing", (so-called "logo-meditation", or "The Jesus Prayer"), in ekzertsitsiyah Jesuits, the
doctrine of the "Way" of Muslims -sufiev etc., etc. Do not shun meditation practices and some
schools of contemporary psychoanalysis (eg, Young's school).
The experience of the state of meditation radically changes the representation of the person
about the universe, its laws, and about himself. This experience can completely change your life
and transforms it by giving a higher meaning and opening up new opportunities for you.
Although the purpose of meditation, first of all, the very meditation, it will help you to solve a
number of problems. Having mastered this practice, you will be able to improve their health, get
rid of chronic diseases, significantly improve efficiency, find harmony of mind and body, to
reveal their abilities and talents, experience enlightenment, union with the Absolute, and much,
much more.
To describe what is going through a person in a state of meditation, exercise is not only
ungrateful, but also meaningless. You have to experience it for yourself! Any, even the most
colorful and meticulous descriptions in the best case will be "abstract sketches", but does not
reflect the fact that a person finds and feels. As an example, the description given by the famous
Russian therapist A. E. Tsvetkov.
"... With the deepening of the meditation process, the" I "is expanding more and more, and
there comes a time when the" I "as such ceases to exist. Its boundaries are dissolved, the person
loses shape, and there are new and qualitatively different - transpersonal - experience. It is going
beyond its own existence. Man gets new experiences, new knowledge. The intuitive flow to it
new perspectives, a new view of Genesis. Broken the shackles of their own ambitions, and the
creature gets a sense of the absolute inner freedom ... "

As you can see, despite all the efforts of the author, in spite of the fact that he is familiar with
the subject not hearsay, but from personal experience, (Ernest Tsvetkov studied meditation in
India, the USA, Thailand, in the mountains of Jamaica), all his description is reduced to dry
statement of facts. By learning to meditate, you will realize how such descriptions are far from
the true experience of the meditator.
Most meditation practices begin with the adoption of a posture. Typically, a "lotus position"
or posture, close to it. It is important that the head, neck and back form a strictly vertical line.
Absolute stillness, inaction, the gradual repayment of bodily sensations - all this saves energy
(Kundalini), which is concentrated in the area of the sacrum at the base of the spine, and that,
with the deepening in the process, begin to rise along the spinal column.
Most often are two types of meditation: "concentrating" and "open." Methods first reduced to
the fact that the focus on a particular object or phenomenon. This may be a point on the wall, a
star in the sky, or any physical sensation, such as breathing. If in the process of concentration of
attention deviates from the selected object, it is necessary to smoothly back into place. Inner
monologue should be discontinued in the head. Consciousness must be completely clean of
thoughts that are not directly related to the object of concentration. Nothing extraneous should
not interfere. Otherwise, all the work can go down the drain.
Methods of "revealing" of meditation directly opposite. Man strives to achieve maximum
sensitivity and openness to consciousness of what is happening inside and outside of it.
However, being aware of, or rather fixing what is happening, the meditator does not think about
it, but only observes the phenomena of his mind. Thus, consciousness is watching, but not
responding. The essence of the method is as follows: a person must contemplate everything that
happens to him or his entourage, without rejecting anything as unworthy of attention, but not
paying attention to anything priority. Realizing the emptiness of consciousness, the meditator
should not try to make up for it. Flashing in the minds of thoughts and images, follow the general
flow freely and easily, without leaving any traces, "like birds flying across the sky easily and
quietly fading away."
And in fact, and in another case, the meditator, in fact, tends to one and the same: to a
complete stop inner monologue (!). If you understand this now, then you will not have to
experience the frustration of useless sitting facing the wall. Fixed posture, concentration or
distraction, is far from being the most important. The most important thing is the inner silence!
In prepared for you a complex, I have tried, as far as it may combine the best aspects of both
"open" and "concentrating" types of meditation. In addition, the method is maximally simplified
and adapted for just beginners to master this difficult, but useful in all respects art. If done
correctly, the exercises listed here, doing every day (!) Is not less than 15-20 minutes, you will be
able to achieve tangible results within a few months or even weeks. Here, as in any other case,
the main thing - a regularity.


Step - 1.

The first preparatory stage can be called. His goal - to teach you the ability to focus on the
selected object. Duration of training 2-4 weeks (provided that the exercise is carried out on a
daily basis).
Take a blank sheet of landscape and cut it into four equal parts. You have to get a card the
size of 105'148mm. In the center of the first card, draw a fat black dot. In the center
of the second - two points, the third - three and four, respectively - four.
Now set the timer for five minutes, take the first card to choose the most comfortable position,
look closely at the image. Drives away all other thoughts. Your focus should be totally focused
on the point.

When you hear the timer signal, put the card aside, close your eyes and visualize the image
you have just contemplated the point. Try to make the image seem as much as possible "live" and
natural. Your goal - to keep in mind the image of the point as much time as you can. (Roughly, it
is possible to choose all the same five minutes). By learning to visualize the point of perfection,
go to the second card, then the third and fourth, until you learn to easily and naturally to keep in
front of the eye of the four points at the same time.
Working with the cards may take from a couple of weeks to a month. And, despite the
apparent ease of the exercise, take it seriously. On how well you will learn how to implement it,
the success in the development of the next stage.
Step - 2.

Navigate to it should be only after fully perfected stage №1. Not earlier!
Sit down, take a comfortable position and relax. Your back and neck must be straight, while
maintaining with respect to the ground plane angle of exactly 90°. Defocus opinion, giving
him the freedom to wander. After a few minutes, close your eyes.
Give your thoughts to complete freedom. Let them flow as they want. Do not attach any
attention to any of them. Just behold. Your focus should be like a mirror, reflecting the movement
of thoughts and images, but most are not involved in this movement.
Very soon you may have certain desires and emotions, but they should not have any effect on
you. Let them pass through you like a beam of sunlight through a glass window. You remain
completely indifferent to everything going on.
Stay in this state for as long as you can. The approximate time to complete the exercise for
15-20 minutes. It should be performed daily. Beginning to do, you will soon get the hang of, and
exercise will not only not be a burden, but it will be something nice for you.

Step 3.

The third stage is the logical continuation of the previous one. As soon as you dive into a
state of non-perception ( "the state of the mirror" or "window glass"), when the thoughts,
images, emotions and feelings pass through you without causing you any action, try to imagine
the front of the eye of a black point of the first exercise.
Focus your attention on it. All other thoughts and images will disappear by themselves. Some
time contemplate it (consciousness must be completely empty!), Then imagine, as the point
begins to grow, increasing in size.
Here it was the size of a dinner plate, then the size of the pelvis ... Black as pitch, the point ...
finally, it grows to such an extent that fully covers you. You seem to fall through into the dark
abyss. Around you have nothing! No sound, no visual and kinesthetic sensations. No thoughts.
No emotions. No experiences.
There is nothing! There is not even your own ...

Step - 4.

Once the Void will swallow you, try to see ourselves, or rather, his corporeal shell, as if from
outside. If you go beyond your own body! Do you see yourself intently meditating, you can see
the room in which at the moment are. If you have such a desire, softly "palpate" the objects in
the room, the walls, floor, ceiling.
You can easily "pass" through them and come out. Feel at ease. Increasing the speed, climb
over the house, and then even higher. You nothing should hamper. Finally, you go beyond the
stratosphere and find yourself in an open space. You see the globe that all smaller and smaller in
size, as your distance from him.
Do not be afraid. What surrounds you, is not a physical space. At the moment you are
traveling on the subtle substance of your consciousness. This is the place where energy and

information constitute a coherent whole. Do not worry about the time of your stay here. You can
control them by giving yourself the appropriate settings. Start with five to seven minutes.
Gradually you will be able to bring this time to an hour or more.
Something that can be revealed to you during this "trip" can be known only to you and
nobody else. Perhaps you will draw new knowledge and creative ideas. Perhaps you try to work
on a subtle level at the objects and events of the material level, in order to improve their position
in the physical world. You decide.
In order to complete the "journey", you will only wish to wake up, and at the same moment
you will find yourself in a dense body, open your eyes and smile .... Your soul will peace and

Meditating, you are not only me physically, getting rid of a variety of diseases and ailments,
you are also being transformed spiritually. As rightly pointed out, all the same Ernest Tsvetkov,
"Your ego, which before was a garbage pit, clean, and become cool, calm and contemplative.
What do you contemplative, the better and more effectively act. " The next step is to work with
the chakras.
Chakra (Sanskrit -. "Wheel, circle"), etheric body, etheric energy clot. Normally the human
body are seven chakras, in fact there are many more. Now, however, we are interested in the
seven major, with which we are to work. The chakras are located along the spinal column and
form something like a centralized energy system, coordinating and managing the entire
organism. Chakras are located in space and correspond to the physical level domains major nerve
plexus - ganglion. On how well the one or the other chakra, depends on the presence of certain
diseases in man, or the lack thereof.
Each chakra occupies a special place and has a set of qualities that are necessary for the
practical work with these energy centers.

Muladhara Chakra. It located in the sacrum, at the site of the spine, between the anus and
genitals. Its color - red. This chakra is a kind of "pump", supplying the entire body ethereal
energy, directing it upward through the spine.
Activities Muladhara spell largely determines the health of bones, feet, spine, colon and
kidneys. A person who has this center is functioning properly, has a sense of strength and vitality,
as well as the required amount of etheric energy. He said, "legs to stand on." He increased
disease resistance, vigor, stamina and determination in everyday affairs.
If this center is at least partially closed and its functions disrupted, blocked much of the
vitality of the body, it becomes sluggish, passive in the outside world. All this leads to the fact
that a person can easily become dependent or becomes a victim of the physical and
psychological levels. Physical symptoms may occur in diseases such as frequent constipation,
hemorrhoids, anemia, obesity.

Svadhisthana chakra. Located in the lower abdomen, between the navel and genitals. Orange
color. Chakra is responsible for sexuality, reproduction and performance of the body on all levels
(physical, astral, mental).
On the physical plane Svadhisthana chakra controls the circulation of fluids in the body. It is
most closely associated with the liver, spleen, gonads, uterus. Man with open Svadhishthana
center has a high sexual potency. He has the ability to be used to build and store energy in order
to ascend to the pure art and pure relationships with other people. He is free from lust, anger,
envy, greed and jealousy.
Due to the vast number of social conventions of this center is often partially blocked,
resulting in loss of the ability to deeply and quietly enjoy the exchange of energy, sexual
intercourse, as well as to excessive shyness, emotional stiffness and numerous complexes. The
total energy of the body is greatly reduced. Physical Svadhishthana locking symptoms:

impotence, frigidity, problems with intestinal motility, constipation, uterus, prostate, liver, and

Manipura Chakra. Located in the area of the solar plexus, between the twelfth thoracic and
first lumbar vertebrae. Its color - yellow. Chakra is responsible for getting the vital energy
(prana), its accumulation and distribution in the body.
On the physical level, this center is associated with the pancreas, small intestine, stomach and
liver. The function of this center is also directly related to the emotional life of man, willpower,
ability to exercise and control emotions. Ester bonds at the level of this chakra play an important
role in interpersonal communication, particularly manipulative interactions. The development of
the chakras is associated with the power of the individual, the ability to manipulate others and
resist the influence of others. If this center is open and functioning normally, the human emotions
in order, and the emotional life of rich and diverse.
Disruption of the Manipur chakra leads to a decline in vitality, nervous exhaustion, cramps,
stiffness and emotional instability, depression, colitis, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the
digestive system. It can also disrupt the activity of the pancreas.

Anahata chakra. Located in the center of the chest at heart level, between the nipples. Green
colour. The energy of this chakra is associated with a sense of love and compassion, the
manifestation of the higher emotions.
On the physical level chakra is associated with the thymus gland, lung, heart and hands. It
plays a significant role in the balancing of higher and lower chakras, as well as the transfer and
transformation of energy. A man with an open heart center open and emotionally liberated. He
gives love to everyone around, demanding nothing in return, and is able to see their uniqueness.
Violation of the functions of the center accompanied by a sense of emotional closeness, lack
of love and compassion, stiffness in communication, employment insignificant issues and
avoiding important. Physical symptoms: diseases of the lungs and heart, allergy.

Vishuddha Chakra. It located in the throat area. Color - sky blue. With this chakra activity
linked to the ability of creativity, communication and intuition.
On the physical plane it corresponds to the thyroid gland, shoulders, neck and skin. The effect
of the normal operation of the chakras: calm, clarity, clear, melodious voice; ability to spiritual
poetry; understanding of the higher laws of the universe and an inquiring mind.
Blocking or poor functioning chakras the physical layer is expressed as thyroid disease, a
throat (loss of voice, sore throat, laryngitis, etc.), frequent colds, neck pain, allergies.
Psychological symptoms include depression, communication problems, low self-esteem,
difficulty with creative expression.

Ajna Chakra. ("Third Eye"). Located in the center of the head, at the level of the forehead,
between the eyebrows. Color - deep blue. It relates to the ability to render understanding mental
concepts propensity to self-knowledge, and intuition clairvoyance.
On the physical level, the center is related to the pituitary gland of the brain hemispheres,
eyes. Man with open Ajna center is largely exempt from the effects of karma created by him. He
is calm, balanced and happy with everything that comes with it. In favorable circumstances it
may develop occult and paranormal abilities.
Impairment of the function of this chakra causes headaches, nightmares, epilepsy, mental
abnormalities and neurological diseases. Disturbed hearing and vision, up to their complete loss.
Possible failures in the total regulating body processes. Weakened imagination and creativity, as
well as reduced ability to implement their ideas.

Sahasrara Chakra. ( "Thousand-petalled lotus"). Located in the top of the head, in the space
just above the crown of the head. Color - a dazzling white. This facility provides communication
with the human spirit and integration into the body integrally formed on different levels.
On the physical plane is associated with the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, cerebral cortex
and the entire organism as a whole. Full disclosure of this chakra leads to enlightenment and
union of man with the Absolute, and is extremely rare. The effect of the valuable work of chakra:
the acquisition of the ability to superconscious, gaining a holistic perception of the world, the
realization of the fullness of life.
Violation chakra functions leads to mental illness, epilepsy, disorder in interactions thin
bodies and body systems. Psychologically, a person feels a martyr deserving of much in life, but
forced to manifest itself extremely selfish to achieve their goals, to constantly fight.

Study of the chakras is nothing complicated and is focusing on the respective energy center
with simultaneous visualization of its inherent color and the vibration of the sound you want.
Despite its apparent simplicity, exercise is the most powerful (!) Means of self-regulation and is
yielding positive results, both at the level of the physical body, as well as psychologically.
(Personally, I am, thanks to this technique, was able to get rid of the allergy to pollen, torturing
me for years). In addition, the study of the upper level of the chakra (Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddha
and partly Anahata) allows you to develop in man hidden features, often referred to as occult or

study of Chakras

1. Immediately after the meditation, sit in a chair or lie down on the floor. (Position "sitting",
when the spine is upright, preferably). Sit back, arms and legs should not be crossed. Focus on
the Sahasrara Chakra (the space above the crown).
Imagine that on your head is glowing bright white ball, slightly larger than a tennis ball.
Experience of this ball coming from energy. Strengthen your concentration, as far as possible!
glow ball should increase, energy will begin to flash.
Without taking his attention from the chakra, type in the chest as much air as possible and
begin to vibrate the sound "And-and-and ...". Sound originates in the diaphragm area and, rising
higher reaches Sahasrara. Your task - to both "see" the chakra in a bright white light and
distinctly feel the vibration in the place of its glow. Do 3-5 repetitions vibrating.
After finishing vibrate, imagine from the pulsating bright white light down thin Sahasrara
shining ray. Upon reaching the area Adjna chakra beam expands, forming another light bulb, a
size slightly smaller than the first. Its color - deep blue.
Now inhale again and begin to vibrate again: "And-and-and ...". Do 3-5 repetitions, then
project the luminous beam in the chest, between the nipples on the level. Beam expanding in a
bright green ball. Sound vibration, "Ah-ah-ah ...". Then go to the Manipur Chakra. Color -
yellow, vibration, "Oh-oh-oh ...". Similarly, the two remaining work through chakra. The chakra
corresponds to the orange color and the vibration of "Oo-oo-oo ..." Mula - red, vibration as
"Oo-oo-oo ...".
After finishing vibrate Muladhara, relax and return to the normal rhythm of breathing. In
front of your inner eye should shine all the seven chakras, each according to her color. The
chakras are connected by a thin light cord. Been seeing this "glowing pillar", feeling powerful
energy pulsing.

2. Learning to perfectly carry out this exercise, add the following to it. Now, with a focus, in
addition to the color and the corresponding vibration, mentally focuses on those functions that
each chakra in your body performs at its correct functioning. (See. The above list of

3. The next step is study your task with "ignition" chakras, mentally projected in the space
corresponding to the color beam. Each ray is projected on an imaginary white screen placed in
front of you at a distance of three to four meters. The exception is the Sahasrara. From it directs
the light beam is not on the screen and upwards. In infinity.
In addition to overall health, this exercise will allow you to deliberately emit etheric energy
and influence the people around them.

4. For the final, fourth stage can start only after a thorough mastery of the previous three.
Consistently fulfilled all three stages, focus your attention in the Muladhara chakra. Strengthen
energy vibration. Then imagine a small golden snake, which, with a barely noticeable hiss
begins to unfold from the glomerulus, which has been previously folded, and slowly climb up the
Feel it going! Feel her head touches each chakra, through which it passes. The snake
represents the hidden force (Kundalini). Do not try to speed up or slow down its movement. Let
things happen naturally, by itself.
Once she reaches the Sahasrara, gently rotate it and send it down. Going up, the snake moves
on the right side of the spine, and falling - on the left. You can synchronize its motion with
breathing: inhale - on the rise, an exhalation - on the descent. Reaching Muladhara snake
(required !!!) should curl up into a ball again.
Perform this exercise every day, but not more often than once a day. getting better and better
with each repetition, it will turn out. Be extremely careful, avoiding any negligence. Upon
completion of the exercise, the snake must necessarily be in the Muladhara Chakra in the folded
As you already understood, and "Meditation" and "Study of the Chakras" constitute a single
set of exercises. At the initial stage of its development, you will likely not feel anything special.
But after a few months (provided that the exercises are performed on a daily basis!), Dramatic
changes may occur in your life. Your health will improve dramatically the mood stabilized.
Failures and disappointments retreat. Gradually begin to improve your financial situation.
However, all this is utter nonsense. Most importantly, before you begin to open up a whole
new, fantastic, another unknown world. World subtle level. Probably, it would take years, but if
you are persistent in their quest, and are constant in carrying out the necessary practices, sooner
or later, it will happen. Believe me, it's worth it!
From that moment, watching or being in a dream state, for this life as well as during the life
of the following, (as well as in the spaces, referred to as the "Death" between them), your
consciousness will remain inseparable! Ceasing to be a puppet in the hands of fate, you will lead
a meaningful existence, making the most of everything that happens to you, developing, and
helping to develop others.

Chapter Nine
A few days ago I happened an interesting story. Passing on a fairly busy street, I came across
a dying kitten. His head was broken, one eye almost completely fallen out of orbit. Kitten lying
in a small pool of blood. All this happened in front of the kindergarten and the kids, which
parents take home, watched with interest at an unusual sight for them. What happened to the
kitten, I did not understand. To the nearest road, it was thirty or forty meters, and then hit by a
car, he could not. As I passed, the kitten several times pulled back foot. He was dying, but was
still alive.
Of course, my first movement, purely reflex was to go and try to help the dying animal.
However, beyond the emotional and the mental act of this impulse has not shown itself.
Externally, absolutely calm, I walked past, took the tram and went. "What could I do? .." - I
thought the rest of the way. And well aware that it is absolutely nothing. However, a bad feeling
in the soul of this only intensified. It was somehow impossibly creepy. Living creature dies in
front of everyone, and people pass by indifferently, as if not noticing anything ...
Now, thinking back a few days ago, I try to analyze my feelings. It was my experience the
banal remorse, or I, it is not giving this report, presented himself at the place of the dying animal,
and the indifference of the people walking by me offended, filling the soul with suffering and
resentment? ..
"Remorse - Nietzsche - is as foolish as bickering dog stone". Fully agree with him in this.
That which we call conscience, no more than an internal conflict between the laid down in our
subconscious certain moral attitudes and inappropriate these settings, thoughts or actions.

Morality, or morality, there is an element of social consciousness by means of which the Society
governs the relationship between individuals. No need to be a rocket scientist to understand that
the moral criteria developed by the society, are far from perfect. And of course this morality has
nothing to do with the Supreme, the Divine "morality."
From the point of view of human morality would be mediocre highest total absence of any
kind was the morality in general. For a man as spiritual development is completely unacceptable
moral plain, which he perfectly replaces intuition. That's why, being in any unpleasant situation, I
no longer feel remorse, just doing the appropriate conclusions.
As for the second assumption, then, I am forced to admit, completely get rid of the projection
of their feelings, experiences and thoughts on the environment I do things or to other people, I
have not been able to, (although I conduct some work in this direction). Unfortunately, human
nature to endow the surrounding phenomena and objects of purely human qualities. In fact, a
dying animal had to relive their pain, their near-death differently. In the animal kingdom reign
completely different laws than people in the world. The animal is a qualitatively different form
of our existence, and, consequently, the perception of objective reality is radically different from
ours, despite some external similarity in the behavior of animals and humans.
Generally, anthropomorphism occurs in the earliest stages of social development. And,
despite the fact that he has been criticized by the ancient Greeks, (eg Xenophanes), this
phenomenon is safely reached our days. True it is now more anthropopathism, that is, the
empowerment of objects and phenomena of human passions and other states of mind, rather than
a simple transfer them outside of human attributes. However, essentially it does not change.
Unfortunately, even the most brilliant minds do not look at the world only through the prism
of the human perception of the world. And this applies not only to everyday life, not only of
religion or art, but also the philosophy and science! Something that goes beyond the limits of
logic is beyond human perception, even though it can play a pivotal role for humans. From age
to age, we repeat the exact same mistake. We completely reject that part of the universe that we
still unknown and much simpler (sometimes to the point of absurdity), that its area, which
studied more or less tolerable. We either put the Earth the center of the universe, or reducing it to
an insignificant speck in the vast expanses of the universe revolving around the most, that neither
is, an ordinary star and became the "cradle of the mind" only by chance ...
In the same way as in the Middle Ages the Christian Church is a recognized authority and the
sole interpreter of the "Truth", today this role is played by science. Faith in science, expressed by
its absolute "truth" in our day is so great that often comes to fanaticism. But it is infallible, this
"arrogant lady"? So whether its absolute methods and theory, as it is commonly believed? Upon
closer inspection, it turns out that there is. Not! In fact, the history of science is a kind of
"Assembly of error" (and their "exposures"), successive one another and belonging to the truth
with the same degree of conditionality as the dogmas of the Christian Church.
The process of cognition is the most difficult and controversial of all historical processes. One
can hardly imagine a more tortuous and thorny path than this. Back in the early XVII century the
English philosopher Francis Bacon developed the doctrine of "idols", which reflects the main
obstacles faced by the mind on its way to the Truth. "Idols" are false ideas and prejudices that
prevent human knowledge.
According to the point of view of Bacon, there are two types of "idols": birth, or those which
derive from the very nature of the human mind (which is fed by the will and feelings, coloring
things in the subjective tone and distort their true nature), and acquired that move into minds of
the common opinions, speculative theories and perverse evidence. Are congenital greatest danger
"idols" which, unlike acquired, it is impossible to eradicate. However, you can become aware of
their nature and effect on the human mind and, thus, prevent the multiplication of errors, but do it
very, very difficult.
All four groups released "idols". First, it "kind of idols." As a rule, people are predisposed to
believe in the truth of the preferred and trying every way to support and justify what interested.
How great would be no significance and number of circumstances indicate the contrary, they are

either ignored or wrongly interpreted. In addition, a person characterized by a tendency to
idealize. He wants to see things in better order and uniformity than it actually is, that he does not
stint to bring into the nature of the alleged similarity and matching carry excessive distraction
and to visualize dynamically changing the static and fixed.
Second, it is the "idols of the cave." Every person by virtue of his individual characteristics,
generated by the nature of his psychological make-up habits, education, environment in which he
lived, and many other circumstances is peculiar only to his corner of the world. "His own cave
which divides and distorts the light of nature." So some minds Bole tend to see things in a
different, others - similarity. First grasp the most subtle shades and particularly the second
capture other imperceptible analogies and create unexpected generalization. And those and other
"idols of the cave" is pushed to extremes that have nothing to do with the actual perception of
The first two "idols" of the group are congenital. Next come the "idols" acquired. Bacon calls
them "idols of the market" and "idols of the theater." The first penetrate the consciousness of the
natural connections and relationships between people from spontaneously imposed by this
communication stamps conventional wisdom usage. The pressure of these "idols" is especially
true when the new experience opens for words meaning different from that which he attributes to
an old tradition, when old values lose their meaning and the old language of symbols can not be
understood by all. At such moments, something that should bring people together and be a factor
in their understanding, draws its strength against reason.
"The idols of the theater", this blind faith in authorities and canons. Possessed of such "idols"
are trying to enter into the diversity and wealth of the world in the unilateral scheme of abstract
designs. So human intellectual activity products are separated from them in the future is already
confronted them as something alien and dominant over them.
All expressed a great thinker in the far away time, it remains relevant to this day. Unanimity
in the philosophical and scientific opinions are not always based on the freedom of opinion and
research. Most often it is programmed authority. The one who, while not denying the common
achievements of mankind, not afraid at the same time to go their own way, who wants to get as
close to understanding the truth, should follow the well-known rule: "In the doubt, do not deny
it!" Do not forget that the current wisdom yesterday was considered madness. And the fact that
today is called madness, revered for their wisdom yesterday.

"True", it is always the compound extremes skewed in

either direction (or in equal proportions), plus a number of
"other" views on this subject, plus a certain element of
uncertainty. Understanding this, free from the temptation to
fall into the illusion of omniscience, absolute alleged "truths",
but in the end prove to be Fate in the cold ...

In 60-ies of our century American historian and philosopher Thomas Kuhn put forward the
theory of scientific paradigms. History of science he considered (and not without reason!), As the
constant competition of successive different scientific communities - paradigms. Paradigm is the
special sample research activities (experimental, methodological, theoretical, ideological, and
others.), A kind of "explanation model" or "disciplinary matrix". Originating in certain historical
conditions and being able to explain and predict certain phenomena are best of all other
knowledge systems, this paradigm forms around itself a certain circle of scientists who make it
up and the scientific community.
For a time, the paradigm is the dominant, prevailing over all the others. However, very soon it
comes the crisis caused by the abundance of the backlog of "anomalous" facts or problems
unsolvable within it. Then begin to create new paradigms that fiercely and jealously challenged
each other's right to the championship. The crisis allowed the victory of one of them, that marks
the beginning of a new "normal" period, and the whole process repeats. The complete triumph of

a new paradigm comes only when the representatives of the old paradigms leave the scene, and
in their place come the young scientists to easily accept new ideas.
Personally, I here do not recall Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno, persecuted and destroyed
by churchmen, but rather Gibbs, Meyer or Boltzmann. In short, those who persecuted and
ridiculed "by his own." So Mayer, in an atmosphere of persecution and isolation, trying to
commit suicide by jumping out the window (but still alive). But Boltzmann to commit suicide
failed, and his ideas were recognized only a few years after his suicide.
"My friend, - confessed before his death Lomonosov academician Staehelin, - I see that I
must die, and quietly and calmly look at death; the only regret is that I could not accomplish all
that I have undertaken for the benefit of the fatherland, for the increment of Sciences and
Academy of Fame, and now at the end of my life is to see that all my intentions helpful
disappear along with me. "
Roughly the same thing and wrote Lebedev, a well-known Russian physicist. It took half a
century to the time of Lomonosov, but the "Lomonosov" working conditions, "when hundreds
die creative ideas and great ideas, and if that is achieved, it is achieved in spite of them"
survived. It is impossible not to remember and about the genetics and cybernetics, so zealously
announced in due time pseudoscience.
A very interesting example of scientific inertia and limited results F. Yu Siegel. In 1772, the
Paris Academy of Sciences signed a great Lavoisier published a paper stating that "... the fall of
stones from the sky is physically impossible." And when the meteorite yet been witnessed, and
very respectable witnesses, - the municipality and the mayor - Academician Berthollet
exclaimed: "How sad that a municipality enters into folk tales protocol, giving them a really he
had seen, while not only physics, but and anything else you can not reasonably explain it. "
Such "mistakes" found in the history of science all the time. And it is very unfortunate that its
apologists turn a blind eye, flaunting a scientific "victories and achievements." This approach
does not benefit neither science nor simple townsfolk. The first begins to consider himself
infallible and omniscient, and the latter have to pay for this error.
Expressing all this, I am not in any way do not want to in any way diminish the importance
and value of a scientific approach to the question of understanding of objective reality. Just a
scientific vision of the world is not only possible and by no means exhausts the whole diversity
of the universe. Besides, the "scientific world" constantly changing, and because of its absolute,
at least, unwise. Today the universe, with its mysteries and laws seems to us so, but tomorrow it
could be brought before us in a very different form. And if the vestiges of anthropomorphism
scientific views is largely free, then go beyond human logic, beyond our mind Science, alas, is
simply not able to.
However, from this it is not required. With the duties she copes, and here we are with you, if
we really want to develop and improve, you have to go on as anthropomorphic images and
rational judgments. After all, neither sense nor imagination, nor even the mind's perception of
reality is not limited. Man is capable of infinitely more! Let me explain why.
All of you surely know that the child is taken from a tribe of savages, standing on the lowest
rung of the social development, and trained in accordance with our so-called "European"
standards, grows quite civilized person. But Young even the most highly developed species of
monkeys and prosimians, and remain on the animal level, how do you educate them either. In
their mental abilities of our ancestors, who lived about forty thousand years ago, in fact no
different from modern man. But between man and animal is an insurmountable gap.
The thing is that here, as well as possible, the action manifested the dialectical law of
"transformation of quantity into quality." Being in those early days of Homo sapiens, man has
become to them immediately and in full. And in the course of the subsequent history of it just to
implement what already had. And this potential is exhausted is far from complete. Each of us has
such capabilities, which most modern people knows absolutely nothing (as an ordinary Cro-
Magnon did not know about the "scientific manner wash", though he could have, unlike apes, to

think "scientifically", teach him to anyone this), and that will become commonplace for a person
in a very, very distant future.
If you remember, in any evolutionary wave has its "leading" and "lagging". On the "laggards"
we said, and "forward-looking" are the ones who discovers his abilities that the bulk of the
creatures of the evolutionary wave will be opened soon. In ancient times, such people become
sorcerers, shamans, priests ... Then thinkers or philosophers. In short, individuals stood out
sharply against the background of their countrymen, and having, in comparison with them
significant benefits. There are people among us. But the important thing is that these "hidden"
abilities has everyone! And the only thing you need is to be able to realize them. Make it
difficult, but possible. Now you know what I mean by saying that the mind is not the highest
point of the development of human faculties, and that man is capable of more? ..

So let's ask ourselves again the eternal question: "what is man". The man primarily as a
spiritual being. It is clear that, just as on any other fundamental question in this regard, there are
countless of various theories and opinions. I thought for a long time, what is the point of view to
offer you as a kind of "support", based on which you are able to build their own "theory of man."
After all, it is important not just to disassemble set before us the problem, but to consider it in
that perspective, how much and how its decision will help you in the future to maximize the
benefits, particularly in practical terms.
I stopped my choice on the previously mentioned book "The Gospel of Morpheus." And it's
not even here that the author considers the human being in the process of active interaction with
the objective world, (although this is very important). More important it seemed to me that the
proposed theory of man is not taken as something static, complete and isolated from the general
evolutionary process, but the person as a kind of transitional stage from the animal world to the
world of creatures standing on the evolutionary ladder rung higher than it himself. Looking Back
and Looking towards the future, we will be able to understand his own nature far deeper than if
we perceive ourselves that kind of "crown of creation", standing apart from the evolution of all
other creatures, and unable either to the outer or the inner change.
"This theory, - says the author of" The Gospel of Morpheus "- means not a single person, as
such, as an individual, in a cycle of reincarnation of his development.
In total, from the condition of the animal and to being more perfect than himself, a person
goes through four stages of states of consciousness. The first stage is the stage of "forced labor."
Here a man for the first time separated from the animal kingdom and is aware of his "I" begins to
purposefully influence the world around him, moved to the external, objective reasons. He
works, produces, processes the material at its disposal by nature. Such a person does not notice
anything and do not want to notice around himself, except that directly concerns his "doing".
Step by step, life after life, the individual passes its first stage from beginning to end, and now
he is the number two stages. Here, he suddenly realizes that it is around the whole world.
Incomprehensible, beautiful, mysterious! .. Man comes in amazement, he amazed! And then he
begins to admire this world, sing it, enjoy what this world is. Rough "forced" labor of the people
he leaves the first stage, and if he performs it as unpleasant, harsh necessity. Man goes to the
"aesthetic contemplation." Is the name of this step.
But life gives way to life, and that's the simple contemplation of the human world is no longer
satisfied. He feels a burning need to know how this world works, why something is happening
so, and something else. He begins to learn the reality around him. This stage of "instructive", the
philosopher and scientist.
After studying and knowing the same, (in so far as it was possible and necessary), this created
by someone the world, a person reaches the fourth, the highest stage. Stage "creator", the stage of
genius. Closed spiral turn, he again begins to "do", but now it is not a harsh necessity, due to
something external and passionate inner need. Now this is not just a "processing" of the material,
but sublime and inspired creativity! .. "

We have already said that the human being can be conditionally divided into three basic
levels: physiological, emotional and intellectual. In any person, without exception, there are
three listed item. However, depending on the degree of development is dominant, either the first
or the second or the third. Based on this, you can easily determine to which of the four stages of
development you are currently in.
If you are inert and passive, if all your circle of interest is reduced to problems of material and
social nature, if you get the satisfaction of physical labor, or by mechanical, requiring no
application of creative efforts of intellectual activity, then, according to the theory presented
here, you are a "producer" . If you are an impulsive man, enthusiastic if emotional beginning
predominates in you at the beginning of an intellectual, if you gravitate to art or poetry, all this
speaks in favor of the fact that at this stage of your personal development you are going through
the stage of "beholder".
For "instructive" is peculiar penchant for analytical work, the desire to understand the essence
of them are interested in the subject. Before these people constantly raises questions: "Why?",
"How", "why?" ... It thinkers in the full sense of the word. Fourth, the highest level, means a
harmonious combination of all the previous qualities and, at the same time, the overall
predominance over them. However, such a genius, or "creators" are extremely rare.
Trying to determine which of the four types you belong, or any of your surroundings, do not
ever forget about two things. First, each step involves, as if in miniature, all four stages (the
whole "ladder"). This means that there is no "pure" instructive or spectators, or manufacturers.
Each of us, in some way, is all of these at once. Thus, the more relevant are the definition of the
"contemplative-cognitiv" or "cognitiv-maker." And secondly…
Second, the social organization of our life is far from perfect. And so it is very often a person
takes a completely alien to it social niche. Or, in other words, it is not who he really is. So, if you
look carefully, you can be surprised to find "instructive" in the wiper or the driver and, on the
contrary, "manufacturer" in the director of a large commercial enterprise or artists. One can not
ignore the differences between men and women. Despite the rapid development in today's
society the processes of women's emancipation and feminist movements, the woman remains a
woman and a man a man. All this must be taken into account.
Among other things, in terms of the theory of "four steps", the structure of our society is a
sort of pyramid: to a "creator" is necessary, say, ten "instructive"; on a "Cognitive" - ten
spectators; and for each "beholder" in a dozen "producers". This confirms the well-known rule,
stating that less advanced in terms of evolutionary forms are present around us in greater
numbers than the forms of advanced features and serve as a kind of "material" or foundation for
the development of the latter. So do not be surprised if you find that all the time you are
surrounded by "producers" or, at best, "contemplate." Just them much more, as they form the
base of the pyramid.
However, do not turn up their nose when you thought yourself "instructive" or, even steeper,
"the creator". The fact that you have advanced in evolutionary terms on the other, does not mean
that you are better. We are all just people, and in the face of the Absolute between us there is no
difference. In addition, at the time they rise to the level of "creator", and then will move higher,
giving place to the incoming souls to replace them, "the former animal." It is only a matter of
Of the total, just above, suggests a simple, but very important from a practical point of view,
the conclusion:

At whatever level of evolutionary development you are,

you should always strive to be the "creator"! Everything you
need for that you have. Becoming a "creator" within your
level, you will automatically move on to the next higher level
for the last step of any category, is the first step the
following categories ...

Remember the parable of the artist and Malaria. Remember the popular expression of
Friedrich Nietzsche: "Man is something that must be overcome." So get over the person in
yourself! Get something a little more perfect than human. Become a great man or even not afraid
of this expression, become a superman. You deserve it! Sooner or later, we'll have to do this step.
All, without exception! You also now have the necessary knowledge to carry out this "transition
to a higher" faster and earlier. Really, having a grand opportunity you prefer inaction and
stagnation in development? .. Of course not!

So, the world is far richer and more varied than its reflection in our minds (which we so often
feel identical to the world). Whichever way, but our perception of reality is not limited only to
the five senses, but also the space-time frame, and the limitations of our thinking, and many,
many others.
And if you take into account also the human, the historical experience of representation of
reality, it can be seen that despite the tremendous support received by the individual, based on
the shoulders of previous generations and generations of his contemporaries, he also gains the
most powerful, well built and developed, a self-sufficient program, which dictates to him how he
should perceive what surrounds it. And this, in turn, is another limitation.
From the epistemological point of view, the reality can be divided into its constituent parts:
"the world honest report" and "the world of the unknown." Needless to say that the first is related
to a second as a grain of sand and oceans? "World of honest report" is limited to our daily
environment, our thoughts and feelings, our experiences. In this little world we live in and are
functioning like a shipwrecked and stranded on a tiny island seamen, while around us extends
the vast ocean of the unknown.
Become a "creator" means to break that stereotype and discover the other side of reality. To
know the reality in all its diversity, going beyond the human nature and fully tasted unusual and
grandeur that for the vast majority of people remain out of reach.
At first glance, this statement may seem something unrealizable and fantastic. But is not
science fiction were a hundred years ago, a TV and telephone, computer and space travel? The
difference between these things and the "new possibilities of perception" is only in the fact that
the achievements of scientific and technological progress does not depend on the wishes and the
will of a single person, while access to the "other reality" is open to everyone, regardless of
historical time , social status or intelligence.
Strongly from earlier, a limited vision of the world, escaping from under the burdens of all
kinds of bosses, popular belief, ideologies, and one-sided concept, you find yourself in front of
the door leading to the "transcendent." The only thing you are required is to be able to open it
and fearlessly cross the threshold that divides "that" the world and "this". The most important
thing is to change the consciousness, and the rest, as they say, a trick.
There are many methods to awaken dormant in a person 'hidden' skills and use them in
practice. Very significant here are mastering the art of meditation and study of the chakras. That
is to say, the necessary minimum training before embarking on this paper. But the practice of
"lucid dreaming," it is already working. It is through dreams (lucid dream!), Lies the easiest and
most affordable way, leading to the "subtle levels."
Since the purpose of this book is, first and foremost, is to help you live comfortably and
harmoniously here in the densest of the levels, the theme of "the beyond and the unknown," we
touched on only briefly. More thoroughly and in detail, I hope to talk to you about this in the
following books. However, how well you cope with the already offered you a job, will depend on
whether you will be able to further step into the "unknown". Therefore they are related to the
exploration and development of all the material with the utmost seriousness. For information on
how best to work with the book, I'll discuss in the next and final chapter. And now a few words
about what exactly is this mysterious "unknown."
Every healthy person has five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. Each person also has
a very wide range of emotions and mind. Thanks to all this we perceive what is called reality.

Now imagine that for some reason you suddenly lost it all at the same time maintaining a sense
of his own "I", ie consciousness. World for you has turned into nothing. The vacuum in the
vacuum. It is this: the blind unfeeling stone you are at the moment in terms of human, develop
the ability to perceive the world not only on the dense, physical level, but on a higher plane.
Now try to imagine that you back the ability to move and feel the touch of the subjects. In
alignment with your previous state, it is already a lot! Then you come back feeling of taste and
smell. Now you, like a worm or an insect, can purposefully move in search of food, and if you
are lucky enough to get some satisfaction from its use. Then you begin to return the hearing and
sight. You can see and hear. Magnificent purchase! Is not it? And finally, back to you the
emotions and mind. You have regained the fullness of life, the ability to be happy, to enjoy the
works of art, books, cinema, speculation ... and how your increased opportunities for self-
realization as compared to what you were when you lost it all!
This analogy gives a pathetic representation of what you will experience, what will become,
and what are the prospects open to you when you:
a) will gain the ability to maintain consciousness, like "Day", twenty-four hours a day;
b) when your memory boundaries move apart to such an extent that the events of ten, twenty,
forty years ago, (as well as the key points of your previous incarnations), you will be
remembered as well as the fact that there is only faith or last week;
c) When you learn to predict future events;
d) when the etheric, astral, mental plane will be for you no less tangible than the physical
plane ...
Of course, in order to obtain all this, one life is not enough. However, a person's available !!
Even slight progress in that direction is a huge change in the life of a particular individual.
Changes in the form of its existence and behavior, and perception of the world. And the sooner
you start the movement to what is now, perhaps, you think unbridled fantasizing and
mythmaking than your desire to be insistent and regular employment, the faster the results will
be shown in front of you. The faster the "fairy tale" will start to become true story. But nothing
ventured, (!) Water, as we know, does not flow. Think, as it should, above all this, pushing fetter
your imagination and your mind conventions.

Chapter Ten
This chapter is the shortest. In it you will not find any reflection or wise counsel and special
practices. All that was necessary has already been said. Now our task is to take stock and make
sure that this work was not another "dead" book, adding to the ranks of its dusty useless fellow.
Don Juan, the central character in the works of Carlos Castaneda, in his book "The Power of
Silence" expressed unbelievable in its depth and practical value of the idea.
"The difficulty of implementation of these simple steps, - he said - is that almost no one wants
to accept the fact that their implementation, we need very little. Usually we expect instruction,
training, conductors, teachers, and when we are told that one of them we do not need, we do not
believe this. We become nervous, then lose faith, and finally sit down and disappointed. The real
help that is really needed is not in the way and in the right tips, (underlined by me - AT). If
someone gives us an opportunity to understand what is necessary to get rid of self-importance,
this is a real help. Sorcerers say that we do not need anyone's belief that the world is infinitely
more complex than our wildest imagination. So why are we so dependent? Why are we so eager
to find a conductor, when all you can do it yourself? "
I sincerely hope that this book will be for you to just such a "right tip", and all that is
necessary, you will make for yourself. As for the books at all, then there is probably no more
than a pleasant pastime than reading an interesting book. However, books are different, and
therefore the goals they pursue, may differ significantly from one another. Leaving aside the
purely artistic and entertaining literature, let us see what is the so-called "smart" reader, who
takes up the study of books like this.
I have plenty of friends, literally "swallow" all kinds of occult, philosophical and esoteric,
psychological and other "tracts". When dealing with them, these people give the impression of
deep experts of the subject. Of them and strewed quotes, replicas, sermons ... They know
everything about everything. However, in regard to their personal lives, their affairs are not the
best. As a rule, they are provided with the material is bad, sick at all, at least other, and special
spirituality, alas, do not shine. So what's the deal? Where such a glaring discrepancy?!.
Actually no inconsistency here, of course not. First, the vast majority of books provide the
reader purely speculative information. Describing and responding to the question "why?", They
disregard the question "how?". How to implement what is written in them, how to apply the
declared their knowledge in practice. And secondly, the readers, for the most part, are passive,
passive listeners, not more. The only thing they want is to satisfy their curiosity. On more, they
do not apply.

It happens so that, eager to fundamental changes, people mistakenly believe if this will be
enough of a knowledge. I read a book, and immediately your things went uphill. The more you
read, the better you feel, the better things are going. The funny thing is that no one in the head
does not come to imagine such nonsense in relation, say, to the study of martial arts. Everyone
knows, in order to master the "Karate" or "U-shu", you have to train every day rather than
collecting books on the subject. However, when it comes to self-improvement, the spiritual
development of the magic or healing, people expect a miracle. We believe, quite forgetting that
"faith without works is dead."
There is such a fable. A man comes to God, making pitiful face and says to him: "I'm hungry!
A You are a great and all-powerful. Give me some meat or fish, so I was able to satisfy his
hunger, and I will glorify thy name for ever. " God looked at the man smiled and said, "I tell you
the fish, of course, will not give, but the bait - please. Go and himself Obtain what you need. "
The book is exactly the same rod. And in order to benefit from it, it is necessary to be able to use.
The first is, of course, reading. The book should not just "run" from cover to cover, but a
thorough study. I personally every serious book read at least two or three times. Thanks to the
first, informational reading, I would grasp the main idea of the work. It turns out, so to speak, an
overview of the proposed material to me. After a couple of weeks, I start re-reading.
This should be done with a pencil in hand. Carefully vchityvayas in particularly difficult
places, underlining and marking on the most important information fields. Finished reading and
make notes, try to read the book for the third time, outlining, (ie, writing a separate book), the
most significant of what you napodcherkivali. (In order to facilitate you this job, I specifically
made the most important moments in the frame, and singled out in the course of the narrative
one or another phrase in italics, underlined or bold).
The next stage of work with a book, or rather with what was written in it, can be called
"mozgovaniem" or "deliberation". Taking as a basis for their notes, think about how you are
preparing for exams at school or university. All proposed material you must expand your
consciousness "on the shelves". How you do this is up to you. Best of all, if you set yourself
critically analyze every thought, every single item as if you have to start with the author of the
text in a tough debate. Do not dismiss anything immediately, without thinking, but do not agree
to anything without first subjecting it to the test "the strength" (or, more precisely, "in the truth").
If necessary, please refer to reference books or encyclopedias. Read books on the subject. The
best option would be to pick up a book on a "balancing of opposites." If, for example, I take up
the study of Christianity, first I read the original sources, ( "Bible" of the book "Church Fathers",
etc.), then turn to the history books, and then to take over the development of the philosophical
books of the Christian issue. And by reading any of the apologists of the teachings, I followed it,
read the works of author-materialist, as a rule, adjusted critically.
Having considered the question you with the most diverse, often diametrically opposite points
of view, you are largely free of bias, a distorted understanding of the issue you are interested in
and have everything you need to make up their own minds.
Having carefully studied and deliberately, start drawing up a work plan. (Here, of course, I
mean literature aimed at the practical implementation of the ideas contained in it). Consider this
a concrete example: the example of the development of this book. For a reference point,
conventionally, take the 1st of August this year. So, from 1.08., At 1.10. you read, pondered, and
outlined everything that I have been written here. Two months is more than enough. From
October 1st you have to start a "new life."
All the practical exercises in the book are in italics and marked with a special header. (For
simplicity and convenience, the complete list of practices contained in annex №2, at the end of
the book). Your task - to paint by the numbers, exactly when you need to proceed to the practical
development of a particular exercise. Do not try to practice all at once. It's pointless and
impractical. In the words of a classic, "when building a road, the stones are laid one after the
other." Start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex.

Something that should be practiced only a certain time, and then, having achieved success, to
stop the practice and go to the next. Others, such as "meditation", "working through the chakras,"
"lucid dream", etc., you can practice indefinitely (life!), Step by step, reaching more and more
skill. If you carefully read the book, and it zakonspektirovat some time pondering set out in it the
ideas and principles, drawing up "work plan" for you is simple. Reaching as it immediately
begins to act!
Now, the only difficulty with which you can still encounter this time. Typically, over time
practitioner enthusiasm wanes, and the results it hopes to achieve, do not come immediately.
Sometimes for their manifestation takes months and even years. Very often on the way there are
difficulties occur all sorts of conflicts of life, that and strive to displace us away, get back down
into the usual for everyday life. As a result, leaving attempts to spiritual perfection, you are
disappointed, you say: "All this is nonsense! So I tried it, and nothing I did not work! .. "
In order to avoid this, it'll give you a few simple tips:
1. Always remember the "three enemies." Whatever happens, do not let even one of them prevail
over you. If this does happen, in any case, do not take your battle to lose! It can be any number
of times to retreat, and then start all over again, but if you show persistence, sooner or later, the
victory will be on your side. Personally, I have for the first five years could not get to do the
exercises every day. However, since I did not give up my life, albeit slowly, but became
transformed, changing for the better. Now the daily activities I was not only not a burden, but
they are exactly the same need, like food or air, and, it should be noted, is a great pleasure.
2. continuously records your scores and achievements. At first, the changes in your life will
happen very gradually, almost imperceptibly. Well, thanks to keeping a diary, you can always see
for themselves that these changes are still taking place. In the moments when you're ready to
quit, an appeal to the diary will be able to fill you with renewed vigor. For many, this is a very
strong incentive.
3. Standing on the path of self-improvement, as much as possible, read and meditate on the
subject. Nothing is more uplifting, like a good book. Nothing is more useful than an independent
active mental work. Do not be a parrot, repeating the words of others. Strive to be a pioneer in
everything. And let the ridicule of others about what you "reinvent the wheel" you are not
confused. "Nothing new under the sun" and the fact that you yourself discovered what a "well-
known" truth, says only that you progress, you are on the right track.
4. Do not forget about the Absolute (God)! Stronger support than he, you simply do not have.
The more often you will refer to him and the more sincere to your appeal, the sooner you will
feel that he responds to you. Let your whole life, everything that happens to you, good or bad, is
perceived by you as a kind of dialogue with the Absolute (God). With such an approach, your
success is guaranteed.
5. Once and for all, set the priority of the spiritual over the material. Let your practice will
become the meaning of your life. All the rest - again. When you understand that without it, it
makes no sense no business, no work, no relationships with other people, from the harsh
necessity of the practice will become a welcome delight. The main thing is not the results, the
main process itself. Never forget that!
6. Continuously expand your circle of interests. Do not believe those who say that it is
impossible to grasp the immensity. Let each new day will be an event for you! And everyone,
even the most insignificant event, will be open! Not focus either on the past or the future. Think
every day of his life as the last. Very soon you will open those aspects of the universe, which
now do not even suspect.
7. And most importantly - create! Be creative !! CREATE !!! Become a creator in the true sense
of the word. Comprehension of the truth is impossible without creativity. And happiness is
impossible without striving to understand the truth.
Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" said that "the highest wisdom is not based on one's
mind, not the secular sciences, physics, history, chemistry, etc., into which intellectual
knowledge. The highest wisdom is one. The highest wisdom has one science - the science of all

the science that explains the whole universe, who has a man's place. In order to accommodate
this knowledge, it is necessary to clean and refresh the inner man, and because before,
(underlined by me - AT) than to know you have to believe and be improved. "
The book you have just read, was aimed at just that - to prepare, "clean and refresh" your
"inner man." Not an easy task, requiring from you a lot of time and effort. But if you still
managed to get over yourself, if you are firmly on the path of spiritual progress, then, our
conversation does not end there.
So, see you! Good luck, and may God help you.


(From the essay of Dr. Yudin "Sleep and Dreams").


Getting to the analysis of the sleep mechanism, it is necessary to make a breakdown of the
question for a few basic parts (aspects), through the consistent consideration of which we come
to an understanding of what is the mechanism of sleep.

1. physiological aspect.

In physiological terms of a dream - a state of rest of the body; its natural periodic rest,
determines the basic daily biorhythms and accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of a
number of physiological processes, decrease the excitability of the central nervous system,
shutting down the daily consciousness, muscle relaxation, slowing of cardiac activity and
respiration, lower blood pressure, etc. Eyes during sleep are usually closed, the optic nerve to the
brain stops sending-stimulation signals. Ear muscle that controls the auditory ossicles (hammer,
anvil and stirrup), and is in a relaxed state, because many are not too loud sounds the ear is not
captured. The physiological activities of all bodies is reduced, thus, to a minimum.

2. The aspect of neuro-brain.

In terms of neuro-brain activity during sleep occurs rest and recovery of the nerve cells of the
cerebral cortex. Here a dream - it is a process of protective inhibition, an exciting-cell cortical
neurons and gradually spreads to the deeper parts of the brain. In this case, the neurons cease to
respond to coming to them-stimulation signals, and are in the braking condition. In the
mechanism of sleep along with the cells of the cortex and subcortical departments involved. Son,
so is the result of two-way communication of the cortex and subcortical brain apparatus.

3. Chemical aspect.

The chemical aspect of the mechanism of sleep takes a secondary place. Its essence is as
follows: in the process of waking in the brain and human blood accumulate certain chemicals
that cause fatigue and from which the body is released during sleep. However, observation of the
Siamese twins, having general circulation, but separate nervous system, found that twins tend to
sleep at different times - when one head sleeps, the other is awake. If a chemical factor was
falling asleep in one of the dominant role, ie, if sleep comes only due to the increase of certain
chemicals in the blood, the twins always and necessarily be filled simultaneously. However,
nothing of the kind is observed. Thus, it becomes clear that the chemical factor in the mechanism
of sleep is not the most important thing.

4. Dukhovny aspect.

Here we come to the most important in determining sleep, because it is the spiritual factor
plays a major role sleep mechanism. In fact, he is the cause of sleep, while the three previous
factors have only the consequences of his manifestation.
As you know, man is not only a physical one, but of several interpenetrating, (existing "in one
place", but as it were "in different dimensions"), tel. At this stage of the evolutionary
development of the Center for Human perception is in the physical body. It was for this reason
that we can easily perceive it, and everything with which it communicates by means of the five
senses, but did not take our "thin" body and the worlds in which they operate.
So, their activities during the waking hours astral and mental bodies constantly "destroy" the
physical body. On the other hand, essential (or energy, a "thin", although belonging to the
physical plane) the body always seeks to restore balance and reinforce what more subtle body
"destroy." When the physical body is tired and comes in exhaustion, (a healthy person in normal
conditions, it is connected with a certain biorhythm), two "top" of the body, astral and mental,
leave it and go up to their respective plans. Now, the physical body is only penetrate the body

and is essential in the condition described in subsection 1, "a physiological aspect." It must be
remembered that during sleep, although the astral and mental bodies are separated, they are still
associated with physical bodies, (Dense and ether). Complete separation of the bodies occurs
only at the moment of death.
Thus, the "thin" body recover while sleeping on their respective levels (plans), while the body
of essential works on the restoration of the physical body. It is because it neutralized poisons and
other harmful chemicals accumulated in the body during wakefulness (Section 3, "Chemical
aspect"), and recovering the tissue and nerve cells (section 2 "Aspect neuro-brain").

Sleep thus is a result of separation of a dense and "thin" bodies with a view to their
relaxation, recovery and put in order, resulting in a decrease in physiological and neuro-brain
activity of the physical body and indirect cause of which was the appearance of certain
chemicals in the blood, causing tiredness and fatigue and enabling thus the physical body to

It should be noted that the amount of time required to complete precipitation, the individual
quantity. Typically, it ranges from 6 to 9 hours, although some people can be quite 2 hours to
sleep, another is missing and 12. In addition, the time required for sleep, increased or reduced in
accordance with human health, his age and some other factors.


Dream - an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness; way to respond to the soul in a
dream of the stimulus, (internal and external).
Dreams - as the necessary work of the brain as normal mental activity. The dream is not a
dream offender, but, on the contrary, protects sleep, eliminating the violation of his (mental)
stimulation by hallucinatory satisfaction. Dreams are necessary for the person as well as
breathing or digestion. People deprived of the ability to dream, there are neuroses, feelings of
fear, anxiety, tension.
Sleep with dreams, it's a special condition of the body, in which the brain works the same
intensity as in the waking state, but the work is organized differently and much more "secretive".
During sleep, the brain is not a passive state: half the neurons in his wake work even more
actively than in the afternoon. This applies primarily to the deep parts of the brain.
Dreams, therefore, is part of the spiritual life in a dream, which is known analogs with
psychic life in the waking state, and at the same time reveals sharp differences from it. One of
these differences is that the consciousness of the sleeper is usually devoid of critical ability, that
is, the most incredible, fantastic events in a dream are perceived sleep as something ordinary,
natural, while day-consciousness critical ability has always and without fail, (if the person
healthy and mentally normal).
Usually, three of the five senses are involved in the dream of a sleeping man: sight, touch and
kinaesthesia rumor. Sometimes, however, these may be added as the sense of smell and hearing.

· Returning to the sleep mechanism, it should be noted that the normal sleep is
divided into fast and slow. The man in the slow phase of sleep is calm and
motionless, all the physiological functions of its minimized (see. P. I. 1.) The
person is in a phase of rapid sleep (also known as "paradoxical"), increase
in breathing, heart rate changes, can move or twitch hands and feet, there is a
rapid eye movement, facial muscles. It is in a phase of REM sleep a person sees
the dream! 6-8 hours of sleep, REM sleep (dreamless sleep), lasting about 60-
90 minutes, several times replaced sleep fast - for 10-20 minutes. Thus, a
person per night is 4-5 "ten-dvadtsatiminutok" when the mind allows itself to
take a walk in the country of dreams.
What caused the dream? Recall that in the dream state, two "top" of the human body, (astral
and mental), separated from the physical body and climb higher, the corresponding plans. There
they are busy restoring his rhythm, while the etheric body is working on the restoration of the
physical body. Center the consciousness (the "soul", the Ego), may at this moment be in either
one of the higher bodies, or else climb still "higher" plans to Buddhi or Nirvana (the actual
unconscious region). In any case, since the higher the conductors are separated from the wire
broadcasting, the memories of what he saw and experienced in the "thin" plan on waking a
person, as a rule, is not saved.
It was such a complete separation of the bodies corresponds to the phase of the non-REM
sleep. REM sleep, in contrast, corresponds to the phenomenon when higher vehicles for 10-20
minutes "down" and come into contact with the body etheric. It is at such moments a person has
a chance to see and store certain fragments of his "other-worldly" life - a life in the "thin" worlds.
Of course, most muddled dreams as "the axis of perception" is strongly skewed because of
improper relationship between bodies. Memory is also distorted by this incongruous position of
the conductors, causing the majority of dreams forgotten man or immediately upon waking or
after a relatively short period of time.

By studying the dream, you can make the following classification:

1. The game is when the mind "aimlessly" and "pointless" wanders, sending consciousness
whimsical pictures and images. In this case, the center of consciousness is most often found in
the body astral. It is these dreams carry hallucinatory satisfaction of certain psychological needs
that interfere with normal sleep, and are thus obereganiyu and maintain sleep.

2. The message is very often our subconscious is trying to convey a specific message to
consciousness, however, as in the waking state, this exercise is not possible, the subconscious,
"decides to" take advantage of dream and convey your message to consciousness in the form of
symbolic images. In this case, the center of consciousness is in the body of the mental.

3. The game-message, or a compilation of all of the above. "Game" and "Message", as it were
combined, mixed in a dream, with the result that the dream becomes more mysterious and
unusual. The center of consciousness is constantly moving and can be found both in the astral
and the mental bodies.

· It is on three types of data dreaming Freud based his work on the analysis
and interpretation of dreams. Getting to the interpretation, Freud proceeded
from the fact that the dreamer is required to know what is his dream, but is
unaware of what he knows, and therefore believes that he knows nothing. What
is commonly referred to as a dream, Freud called dreams the text (or clear
dream), and what you need to find what is expected of a dream - the latent dream
thoughts. The purpose of the analysis: the apparent turn a dream into a hidden
and imagine how this last becomes the first.
Initially, Freud demanded of the dreamer to get rid of the impression explicit dream,
directing his attention from the whole, the individual fragments of dream content and
offering report in order of everything that comes into his head about each of these fragments,
which had an association if he will consider them separately. Here we must not forget that
the associations to the dream is not yet a latent dream thoughts. The latter are contained in
the associations, both in the mother liquor, but not entirely. In this case the scheme: reaction
to extraneous stimulus-word is the intermediary between the word and the complex affected
by them, as a reaction to the dream (ie, derived from the complex) is the deputy of the
unconscious, that is, of how this dream came.

Very common opinion that it is impossible to dream of what previously would have been
perceived by the brain. (In support of this, not infrequently, it is the fact that blind people from
birth can not see in a dream of visual images). This is true, but only partly. The center of our
consciousness (our ego), is in a physical body. From the moment of birth to the moment of death
we can, ( "we are allowed"), operate only with the information that we receive directly, using the
five senses of the body. It is for this reason that the world etheric, astral and mental images is
limited to objects, physical images which we perceive the physical senses. Those images, which
snatches the consciousness on the higher planes in addition to "permitted" for the return of
consciousness in the physical body, as a rule, erased - forgotten. However, there are no rules
without exceptions. (By the way, developed specific techniques and exercises that allow train
"blind from birth" to see the reality of things. And this is achieved by awakening in him the
ability to astral or etheric "vision"). There is a kind of dream, which gives an opportunity to see
what we could never see before. Moreover, not only see, but also to "bring" seen with, and even -
to save it in the memory of the physical body. This is not quite normal, and most rarely occurring
type of dream is called "astral projection" or "astral activity." And this is achieved by awakening
in him the ability to astral or etheric "vision"). There is a kind of dream, which gives an
opportunity to see what we could never see before. Moreover, not only see, but also to "bring"
seen with, and even - to save it in the memory of the physical body. This is not quite normal, and
most rarely occurring type of dream is called "astral projection" or "astral activity." And this is
achieved by awakening in him the ability to astral or etheric "vision"). There is a kind of dream,
which gives an opportunity to see what we could never see before. Moreover, not only see, but
also to "bring" seen with, and even - to save it in the memory of the physical body. This is not
quite normal, and most rarely occurring type of dream is called "astral projection" or "astral

4. Astral activities, less frequent, and the most significant of all four types of dreams. In sleep,
the astral employed activity, the center of consciousness is one of the top conductors, usually in
astral Explorer. Man perceives and contemplates using the corresponding astral "senses" the
events occurring on this plane, and then, in full consciousness and preserving the memory of
what they saw, "returned" in the physical body.
Climbing to the highest Ego plans starts with lower vehicles. At the time of REM sleep, when
the thinnest wires in contact with the ethereal body consciousness passes into them, and then
rises above together with them, leaving etheric body during periods of slow wave sleep to work
on the restoration of the physical body. It must be remembered that this transition is performed
intentionally, and that the mind of man, for the transition, is fundamentally different from the
consciousness of ordinary sleep. A person engaged in the astral activity, despite the fact that he
was asleep, the mind has the critical ability, that is, like an ordinary, waking consciousness.
Some people are able to see this type of dreams given from birth, naturally, but most, in order
to master the technique of astral activity requires special training and long practice.

Sais, 1996.


List of exercises proposed for the practical development.

1. The system of mental magic.
2. Using the "lucid dreaming."
3. The method of positive programming.
4. Astral recapitulation.
5. Confrontation "Being impulsive."
6. Confrontation "false ego."
7. The method of purposeful reflection.
8. The art of manipulation.
9. Meditation.
10. Study of the Chakras.


Chapter one
"I" and "we" - Mechanism of our lives - The path to the "awareness" - about the meaning of life and the
immortality of the soul - philosophy and science - Alignment - Relative Knowledge - From "Metaphysics" draws
its expertise - About God

Chapter Two
The relativity of knowledge - Fluctuation "scientific" view of the world - of the universe - "As above - so
below!" - system of mental magic - the four kingdoms of nature - the theory of reincarnation - About the dream -
work with "lucid dreaming" - the reincarnation mechanism - Evolution

Chapter Three
On Faith - Religion - "4 steps believer" - Bhakti Yoga - How to react to the failure - "4 the principle
manifestations of failures" - as a setback turns into a fortune - About Karma - "Failure absolutism" - Positive
thinking - the illusory "Dobra "and" evil "- positive programming method

Chapter Four
On the Role of the Teacher - "In the doubt, do not deny it" - "4 Great Hedge" - Energy and etheric body - "3
Great Enemy" - Alien Program - recapitulation technique - Astral recapitulation - Reflection and conscious
energy redistribution

Chapter Five
Being impulsive - Getting rid of bad habits - Confrontation "impulsive Being" - algorithm life - planning

Chapter Six
What is the "ego"? - On the "sense of ownership significantly" - false "Ego" - Confronting False "Ego" - "3
Great Enemy" as a whole - "Image-I" - "man-machine" - method of deliberate reflection - moderate

Chapter Seven
About manipulation - Art of manipulation - the "internal" and "external" - "7 Principles of manipulation"

Chapter Eight
About Health - Spirit and body - disease and karma - of aging - "Body Rules" - On Meditation - Meditation -
the chakras - chakras Study

Chapter Nine
Anthropomorphism and morality - epistemology - "Idols" Francis Bacon - paradigms and examples of
"scientific inertia" - more than reason! - "The theory of 4 stages" - "acquainted" and "the Unknown" - go to "the

Chapter Ten
How to read this book - How to work with this book - How to work without this book

Annex 1
Appendix - 2


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