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Assalamualaikum Wr.

Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin Washolatu wassalamu 'alaa asyrofil ambiyaai
wamursalin wa'ala alihi washobihi ajma'in.
Asyhaduala ilahailallah wa asyhadu anna Muhammadarrosullah SAW.
In the name of Allah,the beneficent,the merciiful, all praises and thank due to
Allah, the master of the universe.
Peace and salulation be upon the most honourable propet and messenger Muhammad
SAW. His family, all his disciples and those who follow themin goodness till the
The honourable

Ladies and Gentlement

In this occasion I desire to deliver my speech in little Handphon in Ourlive.
Ladies and Gentlement .
In this era of globalization, the development of science is increasing rapidly.
Thus humans can create new inventions,one of the findings of the information and
communications technology field, for example handphone. Handphone is communication
tool that is commonly used by people. Amost everyone must have a handphone. But
many phones are mis used by most people, especially teenagers. Example abuse of
mobile phones by teenagers now is to use chat application facilities that can
facilitate sending and receiving messages. Because they are sending and receiving
messages, teenagers are now wasting a lot of time that is supposed to learn or do
something useful, just keep silent infront of the handphone with their fingers
constanly moving. Even if someone else ask him to speak he was not responsive just
said "yes" without thinking first what he said.
This will make them lazy yo learn. They hold textbooks only to a mere formality. As
a result, the learning atmosphere feels boring and there is no willingness to
learn. They can't remember and understand the lessons and there is not any for
reach the achievement. The handphone has become a very useful tool as well as a
nations destroyer.
Ladies and Gentlement.
Teenagers who are included the students have difficulty concentrating because they
are busy with their handphone.Many cases found that teens slept on averge at
00.00,because they were busy playing with handphone whether playing with games or
chatting with friends.
But all of this depens on how a teenager uses his handphone.Wish teenagers can
use their handphone with useful ones that via handhones,teenager who make videos
and then upload sosial media.Besided that the handphone is also used as a place to
add friends and find useful information for example for students to look for school
assignments .
Ladies and Gentlement.
Not only that,the handphone also provides more interesting information through the
internet.Because there is an animated animation that attracts the attention of
users to see and read it.A lot of information is available and easy to get in
addition students are more often looking for information on the internet media,it
is one of the influences that can affect the value of their achievement,because
they can quickly get updated information in the media.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
In order to avoid the mis use of communication technology is to use it as needed
and its use in accordance with the conditions.For it's expected for the
community,especially us as adolescents to use our reason and mind in utilizing
communication technology. Let us use the tool in the right ways.For
example there is an assigment to make a paper will stimulate creativity
thinking,broaden the horizons of thinking and increase interest in reading.Using
technology that we master to estabish more intents relationships with friends or
people we previously knew in the real world,rejecting the invitation of friends to
see or save relating to pornography.when we are at home it is better to manage the
time between learning and using communication technology,avoid to download not
useful content.

Ladies and Gantlement.

Let's make life more orderly,disclipined,establish good relationships with
families.In this case the supervision of parents is very important. Considering
that the majority of delinquency was carried out by teenagers who locked the
attention of parents.We as children of the nation are the foundation of future
hopes and deferminants of the progress and feasibility of the nation. Therefore,we
must build this Indonesian nation into a nation that is
intelligent,strong,peaceful,and prosperous.
Ladies and Gentlement.
That's all my speechs apologize me for my mistakes.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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