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A Grid Synchronization Method for Droop

Controlled Distributed Energy Resources Converters

Chia-Tse Lee, IEEE Student Member, Rui-Pei Jiang, and Po-Tai Cheng, IEEE Senior Member

Abstract—The microgrid is a very effective way of inte- the transient and steady state power flow without any commu-
grating various distributed generation resources into the AC nication. This is a significant advantage in terms of system
power system. To provide electric power of high reliability, the reliability.
converters in the microgrid often rely on autonomous droop
control methods to reduce their dependency on communication,
and need to operate in both the islanded mode or the grid- Traditionally, the real power-frequency droop (P −ω droop)
connected mode. In this paper, a grid synchronization method for control and the reactive power-voltage droop (Q − V droop)
a multi-converter distributed generation system is proposed. The are generally adopted in the droop controlled DGS [6], [7],
proposed grid synchronization method allows multiple droop- [8]. The P − ω droop control can achieve accurate real power
controlled converters to adjust the frequency, phase, and am-
plitude of their output voltages to prepare for grid connection. sharing results. However, the Q − V droop control is highly
The entire synchronization process can be executed with very dependent on the line impedances seen from the converters
limited communication requirement. This paper provides detailed [9], [10]. Therefore, the Q − V̇ droop control method has
explanation on the proposed grid synchronization method. Ex- been proposed to overcome the impedance mismatch among
perimental test results are presented to validate the effectiveness converters and achieve better proportional sharing of reactive
of the proposed method.
power [11].
Index Terms—Distributed generation systems, droop control,
grid synchronization, Microgrid. To ensure the uninterrupted operation of its critical loads,
the microgrid must be capable of operating in both the grid-
connected mode and the islanded mode, and offer a smooth
transition between these two modes. Thus the grid synchro-
In the pursuit of low carbon emissions, renewable en- nization, which prepares islanded microgrid for grid connec-
ergy resources, such as solar power, and wind power, have tion, is a critical procedure of the entire operation. The grid
been widely adopted in recent years. Other alternative en- synchronization method has been elaborately discussed for
ergy resources have also become significant research topics. single grid-connected converter [5], [12], [13], [14]. However,
Considering their generation scale and characteristics, the it is not often explored for multi-converter oriented systems or
most effective way to utilize these alternative resources is to droop controlled DGS. Droop controllers are adopted in [15],
integrate them into a distributed generation system (DGS). The [16] during their islanded operation. However, during the grid
microgrid, for example, has demonstrated this concept very synchronization, the droop controllers are restrained and the
successfully [1], [2], [3]. power flow of converters are altered from their droop control
The control of distributed energy resources converters operating point in order to accommodate their synchronization
(DERCs) in DGS have been explored over the years. The design.
main approaches include the master-slave control [4], [5] and
autonomous droop control [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]. In the master- This paper proposes a grid synchronization method based on
slave framework, one converter in the DGS is assigned to be the frequency restoration and voltage restoration mechanism
the master, and it operates as a voltage stiff while the other of the P − ω and Q − V̇ droop controls [11]. The frequency,
converters in this system are controlled as current sources. the phase angle, and the magnitude of DERCs’ output voltages
This master converter acts as a virtual inertia [2], and will are smoothly adjusted so that the proportional sharing of active
pick up most dynamic power flows within the DGS. Therefore, power and reactive power among DERCs, an important feature
this master converter must be sufficiently large in its power of the droop controls, are not disturbed. To maintain the
capacity and sufficiently fast in its control bandwidth in order autonomous nature of the droop controls, a low bandwidth
to absorb all the transients in this system. A sophisticated communication is required only during the synchronization
communication network is also required to coordinate the process. A similar synchronization design had been presented
operations of all converters. On the other hand, the droop in [17] for a P − ω, Q − V droop controlled microgrid. A
control method allows multiple DERCs to proportionally share center-controlled frequency and voltage restoration mechanism
is required for its grid synchronization and for its islanded
C. -T Lee and P. -T. Cheng are with the Center for Adavanced mode operation, thus its dependency on the communication
Power Technologies, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Ts- increases. Test results are provided to illustrate the operation
ing Hua University, Hsinchu, 30013, TAIWAN (email:; R. -P. Jiang is with the Taiwan Army (email: of the proposed grid synchronization method under low band- width communication.
Distributed Generation System
PWM Bypass Switch Utility Grid
gate V1 θ1 R1+jX1
Autonomous signal

controller 1 Lf1
v1,abc Sensor feedback
DERC1 Load Communication signal
gate V2 θ2 R2+jX2 vPCC,abc vG,abc Switch CLOSE/OPEN signal

Autonomous signal

controller 2 Lf2
i2,abc Main controller
mode control

Central console

Fig. 1. Distributed generation system structure.

II. C ONTROLS OF DERC S as follows:

θdif f = θG − θP CC
DERCs are installed in the DGS as illustrated in Fig. 1.  
R1 + jX1 , R2 + jX2 , and etc. represents the line impedances, Vdif f = vGq2 + v2 − vP2 CCq + vP2 CCd
which may vary from one to the other due to the physical
distances. The bypass switch between the DGS and the utility The information of phase angle difference (θ dif f ) can be
grid may close or open depending on whether the DGS detected by subtracting the phase angle θ P CC from the phase
operates in the grid-connected mode or the islanded mode. angle θG .
The main controller detects the point-of-common-coupling The synchronous reference frame PLL (SRF-PLL) is a very
(PCC) voltage of the DGS and the grid voltage and pass the conventional PLL structure [18], [19], [20], and its operation
information to the central console. The central console collects under grid voltage harmonics and unbalance has been dis-
information from the main controller and other sources, and cussed in [19]. Therefore, in the proposed grid synchronization
determines whether the DGS should operate in the grid- application, this PLL is adequate to deal with the steady-state
connected mode or in the islanded mode. Assuming the DGS grid disturbances. If severe disturbances, such as ground faults
is in the islanded mode, and central console decides that the and phase jumps, occur in the utility grid or in the microgrid,
system should move towards the grid-connected mode, then then such situation may not be suitable for our microgrid to
the central console will broadcast required information via a re-connect with the utility. The resulting distorted output of the
low bandwidth communication interface to all the autonomous PLL can be used as an alarm of such severe event to override
controllers embedded in DERCs and commence the grid the grid synchronization process.
synchronization process. Details of the autonomous controller,
the main controller, the center console, and their interactions B. Autonomous controller
are explained as follows. The detailed control block diagram of DERC’s autonomous
controller is given in Fig. 3. The autonomous controller
consists of the voltage and current controller, the droop con-
A. Main controller troller, and the grid synchronization controller. The voltage and
current controller can track the voltage references produced by
Fig. 2 shows the detailed control block diagram of the main the droop controller, and it contains the outer-loop voltage PI
controller. The main controller senses the utility grid voltages controller and the inner-loop predictive current controller [21].
vG,abc and the DGS PCC voltages vP CC,abc , and then calculate The droop controller is composed of P − ω droop control and
the utility grid frequency ω G , the phase angle difference θ dif f , Q − V̇ droop control [11]. The P − ω droop is expressed as
and the voltage magnitude difference (V dif f ) between vG,abc
and vP CC,abc . ωx = ω0x − mx · (P0x − Px ) (1)
A conventional phase-locked loop (PLL) design [18] is where mx is the P − ω droop coefficients, ω 0x is the nominal
applied to track the frequency ω G , and the phase angle θ G frequency and P 0x is the real power set-point. ω x and Px
of the utility grid voltage v G,abc , and ωP CC and θP CC of the are the actual operating frequency and output real power of
DGS PCC voltage vP CC,abc respectively. Since the PLL uses DERCx. To achieve the proportional real power sharing, the
synchronous reference frame (SRF) transformation as part of P − ω droop coefficients in DERCs are set as
its computation, the SRF component v G,qd and vP CC,qd are
readily available. Therefore θ dif f and Vdif f can be calculated m1 · PR1 = m2 · PR2 = · · · = mx · PRx
Grid vGq
2 2 VG mode
vGa vGd vGq +vGd control
vG,abc abc vGq
vGb ωG 1 vPCCq Vdiff
to vGd PLL
Switch vGc qd+ s θG vPCCd vPCCq2+vPCCd2 ωG
Bypass signal θdiff
Switch Voltage magnitude difference calculation θdiff
abc vPCCq
vPCCb ωPCC 1 Bypass switch
to vPCCd PLL control Gate Vdiff
vPCC,abc vPCCc qd+ s θPCC
gate signal

Frequency and phase angle difference detection Control signals of bypass switch

Main controller

Fig. 2. Control block diagram of main controller.

where PRx is the rated real power capacity. Islanded mode

The Q − V̇ droop is expressed as P ω Frequency
Phase angle mode
Q V restoration synchronization
V̇x = V̇0x − nx · (Q0x − Qx ) equalization
(2) FR=1 VS=1 PS=1
Vx = V0x + V̇x dt
Grid synchronization starts Bypass switch closes
where nx is the Q − V̇ droop coefficients, V̇0x and V0x
are nominal V̇ and nominal voltage magnitude, Q 0x is the Fig. 4. Relationships between control signals and the operation modes during
grid synchronization process.
reactive power set-point. V̇x , Vx , and Qx are the actual
voltage magnitude derivatives, actual voltage magnitude, and
reactive power output respectively of DERCx. To accomplish
the proportional reactive power sharing, the Q − V̇ droop synchronization method adjusts DERCs’ operation frequencies
coefficients in DERCs are set as and phase angles through the frequency restoration of the
P − ω droop control, and DERCs’ output voltage magnitudes
n1 · QR1 = n2 · QR2 = · · · = nx · QRx through the V̇ restoration of Q − V̇ droop control. As a result,
where QRx is the rated reactive power capacity. the grid synchronization is accomplished in an autonomous
This paper is to address the grid synchronization issue for manner, and the proportional sharing of real power and the
this multi-converter oriented and P −ω, Q− V̇ droop controlled reactive power accomplished by the droop controls can be
DGS, thus the grid synchronization control is implemented in maintained with negligible transients in the process.
the autonomous controller. The proposed grid synchronization
method regulates P 0x and Q0x of P − ω and Q − V̇ droop A. Frequency and phase synchronization based on P − ω
controller to achieve the operation of grid synchronization. The droop controller
details about grid synchronization operation will be explained Fig. 5 shows the block diagram of frequency restoration
in the following section. mechanism of the P − ω droop control, and how it can be
utilized for the frequency and phase synchronization. While
C. Central console in the islanded mode, the nominal frequency (ω 0x ) and the
To minimize the transients at the instant of grid connection, real power set-point (P 0x ) are set at 2π · 60 rad/sec and the
the frequencies, the phase angles, and the magnitudes of v P CC rated real power capacity (P Rx ) respectively as illustrated
and vG are closely matched by the proposed grid synchroniza- by the droop line of islanded mode in Fig. 6. The loading
tion method. The central console first commences the grid within the DGS forces the P − ω droop control to move its
synchronization process through the operation mode control. operating frequency ω x until DERCx handles its proportional
Once the synchronization is confirmed by all autonomous share of real power output P x . As the frequency restoration
controllers and the main controller, the central console can is commanded by the central console, ie. F R = 1, the P − ω
decide to go for grid connection by commanding the main droop control is re-defined as
controller to close the bypass switch. Fig. 4 shows the flow of ωx = ωG − mx (Px,F R=1 + ΔP0x − Px ) (3)
operation mode control signals and the sequence of the grid
synchronization process. where Px,F R=1 represents the real power output at the moment
when frequency restoration is initiated, and ΔP 0x comes
III. G RID S YNCHRONIZATION M ETHOD from the phase angle synchronization control block. As in
This paper proposes a grid synchronization method based on Fig. 6, this new droop line immediately restores the operating
the existing P − ω and Q − V̇ droop controls and their restora- frequency ω x to the grid frequency ω G while the DERCx
tion controls for all DERCs in the DGS. The proposed grid produces the same real power P x = Px,F R=1 .
ωG ωG Frequency restoration and
Vdiff θdiff Phase angle synchronization
θdiff V restoration and
Vdiff Voltage magnitude equalization
Operation mode Operation mode
Grid synchronization control
control control
Px Vx Q0x P0x

ix,abc abc ix,αβ αβ ix,qd ωf Px P-ω ωx

to to vxqixq+vxdixd
αβ qd+ s+ωf droop
Power calculation
Lfx vx,abc abc vx,αβ αβ vx,qd ωf Qx Q-V Vx
to to vxqixd -vxdixq
αβ qd+ s+ωf droop
Droop-based power sharing controller
vx,αβ ix,αβ vx,qd
vabc αβ vαβ* Lfx iref,αβ qd+ iref,qd vref,qd Reference
gate PWM to to PI generator
abc T αβ
signal ωx
Current controller Voltage controller

Autonomous controller x
Fig. 3. Control block diagram of autonomous controller.

For the phase angle synchronization, the phase angle dif-

ference (θdif f ) is processed by a proportional-integral (PI)
regulator, and the output ΔP 0x shifts the P − ω droop line ωG FR=1

2π·60 ω0x
horizontally in a dynamic sense. As the loading within the Operation FR=1

DGS remains unchanged, this adjustment leads to the change mode control Px,FR=1
Px S/H FR=1
of operating frequency ω x and the phase angle of DERCx’s PRx FR=0
output voltage. Eventually this PI regulator settles into the Frequency restoration
steady state when θdif f become zero, which means v P CC ΔP0x
and vG are synchronized in both their frequencies and phase θdiff PS=1
PRx kp,Psyn
angles, and DERCx operates based on Equation (3) with 0 PS=0

ΔPx = 0. ki,Psyn 1
In the proposed phase angle synchronization control, θ dif f Phase angle synchronization
is first multiplied by PRx before being fed into the PI regulator
for the reason that the adjustment of the real power set- Fig. 5. Frequency restoration and phase angle synchronization controller.
points should be in proportion to their converter’s real power
capacities. This ensures that the same frequency change is
introduced for all the DERCx while their individual droop
lines are shifted. Therefore the relative phase angle differences
among all the DERCs are kept unchanged, and the proportional ω Droop line of islanded mode
After frequency restoration
real power sharing in the islanded mode can also be maintained During phase angle synchronization

during the frequency and phase synchronization operations. ΔP0x

Please note that all DERCs must use the same kp,P syn and ωx
ki,P syn gains in their phase synchronization PI regulator in ωG
order to uphold the proportional real power sharing during the ω0x=2π·60
Px=Px,FR=1 P0x=PRx P
B. Voltage equalization based on the Q − V̇ droop controller
Fig. 6. Illustration of the frequency restoration and phase angle synchro-
Fig. 7 shows the V̇ restoration and the voltage magnitude nization operations.
equalization control. The V̇ restoration is an inalienable part
of Q − V̇ droop control to maintain the voltage magnitude
1 The capacity of DERC2 is two times of DERC1. The key
Vx s QRx kp,Qres Q0x
0 waveforms in the main controller are shown in Fig. 9(a), and
V restoration
Operation ΔQ0x waveforms in the autonomous controller are shown in Fig. 9(b)
mode control
and Fig. 9(c).
Vdiff VS=1
QRx kp,Qsyn Before t = t1 = 30 sec, the DERCs are operated in
0 VS=0
1 islanded mode. A step load change from 345 W + j200 VAR
ki,Qsyn s to 1000 W + j200 VAR is presented at t = 15 sec. As shown
Voltage magnitude equalization
in Fig. 9(b) and Fig. 9(c), the power sharing P 1 = 359 W,
Fig. 7. V̇ restoration and voltage magnitude equalization controller. P2 = 719 W, Q1 = 88 VAR, Q2 = 107 VAR is achieved by
P − ω and Q − V̇ droop control. Because of the operation of
the droop controls, the operating frequencies ω 1 and ω2 and
V Droop line of islanded mode
After V restoration the operating voltage magnitudes V 1 and V2 are deviated from
During voltage magnitude equalization
the nominal frequency and voltage magnitude. This results in
the variation of θ dif f and Vdif f shown as in Fig. 9(a) when
the load is changed.
This frequency difference due to the operation of droop
V0x=0 controls can be solved with the engagement of frequency
Qx Q0x=QRx Q
restoration at t = t1 = 30 sec, which is activated by
issuing F R = 1 from the central console. As the frequency
restoration is accomplished, ω P CC is restored to be the same
Fig. 8. Illustration of the V̇ restoration and voltage magnitude equalization as ωG , and θdif f in Fig. 9(a) no longer varies, and the
operations. power sharing is maintained at P 1 = 361 W, P2 = 718 W,
Q1 = 88 VAR, Q2 = 107 VAR. The voltage magnitude
equalization is initialled by the command (V S = 1) issued
while accomplishing the proportional reactive power sharing from central console at t = t 2 = 40 sec. The DERCs start to
in the islanded operation. The V̇ restoration controller adjusts raise their reactive power set-points Q 01 and Q02 to derive
the reactive power set-point (Q 0x ) by integrating − V̇x , so the the positive V̇1 and V̇2 as shown in Fig. 9(c). Thus the
Q− V̇ droop control reaches its steady state at V̇ = 0 to main- PCC voltage magnitude increases to equalize the grid voltage
tain a constant output voltage magnitude after V̇ restoration magnitude, and then V dif f in Fig. 9(a) is reduced to zero.
as illustrated in Fig. 8. The voltage magnitude equalization The output power of DERCs P 1 = 382 W, P2 = 759 W,
is constructed on the top of this restoration mechanism. The Q1 = 94 VAR, Q2 = 114 VAR are increased because of
voltage magnitude difference V dif f is processed by an PI the voltage magnitude equalization. At t = t 3 = 50 sec,
regulator, the resulting ΔQ 0x then shifts the reactive power the central console begins the phase angle synchronization
droop line in a dynamic sense. As the reactive power con- (P S = 1). The negative real power set-points P 01 and P02
sumption within the DGS remains unchanged, this shift leads are generated by the negative θ dif f at this moment, and then
to certain nonzero V̇x and drives the DERCx output voltage the operating frequencies ω 1 and ω2 are slowed down to match
magnitude towards the magnitude equalization of V dif f = 0, the PCC voltage phase angle with the grid voltage phase angle.
which means vP CC and vG are synchronized in their voltage As the phase angle synchronization is completed, the power
magnitudes. sharing is still maintained at the same level as in the islanded
QRx is also added before the PI regulator to ensure the same operation, where P 1 = 382 W, P2 = 759 W, Q1 = 92 VAR,
V̇ change is introduced for all the DERCx while their indi- Q2 = 116 VAR. At t = t4 = 70 sec, the DERCs goes into
vidual droop lines are shifted. The relative voltage magnitude the grid-connected mode with some transients power flows.
differences among all the DERCs are thus kept unchanged, and After the DERCs operate in the grid-connected mode for 20
the proportional reactive power sharing in the islanded mode seconds, the central console commands the DERCs to go back
can be maintained during the voltage magnitude equalization to the islanded mode operation again. The grid synchronization
operation. Please note that all DERCs use the same k p,Qres , process shown in Fig. 9 verify that the operation of P − ω,
kp,Qsyn and ki,Qsyn in their controller in order to uphold the Q − V̇ droop controlled DGS can be transferred from islanded
proportional reactive power sharing during the process. mode to grid-connected mode without affecting the original
power sharing results by the proposed grid synchronization
The power sharing during t 1 and t4 are not affected be-
The aforementioned grid synchronization method is tested cause the proposed grid synchronization method takes all the
with computer simulation. A DGS composed of two DERCs DERCs’ power capacities into account. Thus the regulation of
as shown in Fig. 1 is investigated, and their line impedances P01 , P02 , Q01 , and Q02 shown in Fig. 9(b) and Fig. 9(c) are in
are set as the same, R1 + jX1 = R2 + jX2 = 1 + j0.754 Ω. proportion to their DERC’s power capacities, and then ω 1 , ω2 ,
The parameters used in the simulation are listed in TABLE I. V̇1 , and V̇2 are shifted with the same variation. As a result, the
Fig. 9 shows the simulation results of the proposed grid relative phase angle difference θ 1 − θ2 and the relative voltage
synchronization with DERCs of different power capacities. magnitude difference V 1 − V2 between DERC1 and DERC2
are maintained, thus the original proportional power sharing FR = 1 PS = 1 Islanded operation
Step load changes V S = 1 Bypass switch closes
accomplished by the droop controls are not affected. 377.2
t1 t2 t3 t4 t5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The DGS test bench shown in Fig. 10 is constructed to 377.2 ωP CC

validate the effectiveness of the proposed grid synchronization 377
control method. Two DERCs are installed in the testbench in 376.9
the same configuration as in Fig. 1. The detailed descriptions 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

of this DGS are stated as follows. 0.4

θdif f

• The system voltage is V L−L = 220 Vrms, and the 0
frequency is 60 Hz. The power line impedances are R 1 + −0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
jX1 = 1+j0.754 Ω and R2 +jX2 = 1+j0.754 Ω. A total 15 Vdif f
of 1000 W and 200 VAR are made up by resistor loads 10

and an unloaded induction machine. The bypass switch 0
is implemented by anti-parallel connected thyristors. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
• The DERCs are three-phase, hard-switched PWM con-
verters switching at f switch = 10 kHz. The output filter (a)
inductor is Lf = 2 mH, and the output filter capacitor is FR = 1 PS = 1 Islanded operation
Step load changes V S = 1 Bypass switch closes
Cf = 10 μF. The 400Vdc bus of the DERC is supported t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
by a DC power supply. 750

• The main controller and the autonomous controllers 250
0 P1 P2
are implemented with the digital signal processor 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
TMS320F28335 individually, and the sampling frequency 377.2 ω1 ,ω2

is programmed at f sample = 20 kHz. The coefficients of 377.1

main controller and autonomous controllers are given in 376.9
TABLE I. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

• The communication interfaces are implemented with RS- 6000

232 to transmit and receive data among the central

console, main controller, and autonomous controllers. −6000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The bandwidth of these communication units are set at x 10
approximately 152 Hz. θ1 − θ2

Fig. 11 shows the experimental test results of the proposed −5

grid synchronization method with two DERCs of the same −10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
power capacity. Waveforms of key variables of the main
controller are shown in Fig. 11(a), and those of DERC1 and (b)
DERC2 are shown in Fig. 11(b) respectively. Before t = t 0 , FR = 1 PS = 1 Islanded operation
Step load changes V S = 1 Bypass switch closes
DERC1 supports all the load in the DGS while DERC2 is t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
starting up. At t = t0 , DERC2 engages its droop control and

operate in parallel with DERC1 in the islanded mode opera- 50
Q1 Q2
tion. Load changes are introduced by line-starting an induction 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
motor and connecting a resistor load bank. P 1 = 472 W, 50

P2 = 560 W, Q1 = 107 VAR, and Q2 = 90 VAR shown in 30 V̇1 ,V̇2

Fig. 11(b) indicates that both DERCs share the loading evenly. 10
Their P − ω and Q − V̇ droop controls respond to these load −10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

changes by adjusting their operating frequencies and output 12000

Q01 Q02

voltage magnitudes, thus V dif f and θdif f in Fig. 11(a) exhibit 4000
certain variations when the inductive load and the resistive 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
load are added.
At t = t1 , the central console issues the command of

frequency restoration (F R = 1). The operating frequencies 178

V1 V2
of DERC1 and DERC2 are immediately set to the grid 175
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
frequency ω G , Now vP CC and vG have the same frequency, Time[sec]
thus θdif f no longer varies. At the instance of the starting
of frequency restoration, the power sharing is affected by the
sudden change of P 01 and P02 . However, the power sharing is
Fig. 9. The responses of main controller and DERCs during grid synchro-
still maintained at P1 = 422 W, P2 = 600 W, Q1 = 116 VAR, nization process with the DERCs of different power capacities.
and Q2 = 78 VAR.

Main controller
PLL kpllp = 0.025 rad/Vsec, kplli = 0.75 rad/Vsecsec

Autonomous controllers
Section IV Section V
P − ω droop control m1 = 2 · m2 = −18.85 × 10−6 rad/Wsec m1 = m2 = −18.85 × 10−6 rad/Wsec
Rated real power capacity 2 · PR1 = PR2 = 2.0 kW PR1 = PR2 = 1.0 kW
Q − V̇ droop control n1 = 2 · n2 = −8.0 × 10−3 V/VARsec n1 = n2 = −2.0 × 10−3 V/VARsec
Rated reactive power capacity 2 · QR1 = QR2 = 2.0 kVAR QR1 = QR2 = 1.0 kVAR
V̇ restoration kp,Qres = 0.025 V−1
Phase angle synchronization kp,P syn = 20.0 rad−1 , ki,P syn = 15.0 rad−1 sec−1
Voltage magnitude equalization kp,Qsyn = 1.0 sec/V, ki,Qsyn = 1.0 V−1
Synchronous voltage PI controller kV p = 0.04 A/V, kV i = 6.0 A/Vsec
Predictive current controller kC = 30.0 V/A

DERC1 controller 1 connection mode smoothly with little transients. The system
operates in the grid connection mode for nearly one minute.
At t = t5 , the central console commands the DGS to go back
controller 2
DERC2 into the islanded mode.
As shown in Fig. 11(b), the grid synchronization process
Central between t1 and t4 does not affect the power sharing accom-
bypass switch console plished by the droop controls in the islanded operation. This
outcome shows that the proposed grid synchronization method
DC Main effectively preserve the relative phase angle difference and
sources controller voltage magnitude difference between DERC1 and DERC2
while adjusting their operation frequencies and output voltage
Line Load
Test results in Fig. 11(b) shows errors in the sharing of
Fig. 10. The constructed DGS in the laboratory. real power and reactive power. The finite resolution of the
phase angle look up table (2π × 10 −3 rad) with respect to
the droop slope (m 1 , m2 ) can be one potential cause. The
VAR consumption of the filter capacitor must be removed from
At t = t2 , the central console initiates the voltage equal- the reactive power calculation before the Q − V̇ controller.
ization (V S = 1). The positive V dif f in Fig. 11(a) raises the However, it is estimated based on the capacitor name plate
reactive power set-points Q 01 and Q02 in DERC1 and DERC2 value, thus the reactive power calculation may have certain
respectively. This leads to positive V˙1 and V˙2 in their Q − V̇ errors. The unbalance within the testbench, which comes from
droop controls so their output voltage magnitude increases, the filter inductors, filter capacitors, and the three-phase line
and then the PCC voltage magnitude rises to match the chokes which emulate the power line impedance, may also
grid voltage magnitude and complete the voltage magnitude contribute to the power sharing errors.
equalization. In the meantime, the output power of DERCs are Note that DERCs’ real power output P 1 , P2 , and reactive
increased as P1 = 452 W, P2 = 640 W, Q1 = 123 VAR, and power output Q 1 , Q2 show certain deviations in the grid-
Q2 = 100 VAR as a result of the raised voltage magnitude. connected mode as shown in Fig. 11(b). A power flow con-
At t = t3 , the central console starts the phase angle trol [17] at PCC can be implemented in the central console to
synchronization (P S = 1). The real power set-points P 01 and adjust the droop control set-points of autonomous controllers
P02 of DERC1 and DERC2 increases as a result of the positive to mitigate such problems.
θdif f at this moment. The operating frequencies of DERCs go Fig. 12 compares the line-to-line voltages of the util-
up because of their P − ω droop controls, and the phase angle ity grid, PCC, DERC1, and DERC2 at various instances.
of vP CC gradually catches up with the phase angle of v G and After the frequency restoration is accomplished, v G,ab and
reduce θdif f to zero. As the grid synchronization completes, vP CC,ab have the same frequency, and v G,ab leads ahead
the power sharing of DERCs is maintained at P 1 = 496 W, of vP CC,ab by 85.8◦ . The voltage magnitude difference be-
P2 = 610 W, Q1 = 121 VAR, and Q2 = 95 VAR. tween |vG,ab | = 212.6 Vrms and |vP CC,ab | = 206.7 Vrms
At t = t4 , the central console confirms that the grid is also obvious. After the voltage magnitude equalization is
synchronization is accomplished, v P CC and vG are matched completed, The magnitude difference is effectively eliminated
in their frequencies, phase angles, and magnitude. So the and these voltage magnitudes become |v G,ab | = 214.0 Vrms
command of grid-connection is issued to the main controller. and |vP CC,ab | = 215.0 Vrms. By commencing the phase
The bypass switch is closed and the DGS enters the grid angle synchronization, the phase angle difference driven down
Voltage magnitude Bypass switch Voltage magnitude Bypass switch
equalization is closed equalization is closed
2 DERCs Frequency Phase angle 2 DERCs Frequency Phase angle
Islanded mode Islanded mode
are connected restoration synchronization are connected restoration synchronization
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
ωG ωG
377 377
4rad/sec 4rad/sec
0 0
4rad 4rad
0 Vdiff 0
10V 10V

377 377
ωPCC 20sec

(a) Detected information in the main controller. (ωG , ωP CC : X-axis: (a) Information in the main controller during the grid synchronization
20s/div, Y-axis: 4rad/sec/div; θdif f : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 4rad/div; process with 91 Hz communication bandwidth.
Vdif f : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 10V /div) Voltage magnitude Bypass switch
Voltage magnitude Bypass switch equalization is closed
2 DERCs Frequency Phase angle
equalization is closed Islanded mode
are connected restoration synchronization
2 DERCs Frequency Phase angle
are connected restoration synchronization
Islanded mode t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 ωG

0 1kW
0 θdiff
Load change P1 P2 4rad

1kVAR Vdiff
Load change Q1 Q2 10V

0 ωPCC
P01 P02 4rad/sec

20sec 20kVAR
Q01 Q02
(b) Information in the main controller during the grid synchronization
(b) Responses in the DERCs. (P1 , P2 : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 1kW/div; process with 65 Hz communication bandwidth.
Q1 , Q2 : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 1kV AR/div; P01 , P02 : X-axis: 20s/div,
Y-axis: 50kW/div; Q01 , Q02 : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 20kV AR/div) Fig. 13. Experimental test results with different communication band-
width. (ωG , ωP CC : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 4rad/sec/div; θdif f : X-axis:
Fig. 11. Experimental test results of grid synchronization process as the 20s/div, Y-axis: 4rad/div; Vdif f : X-axis: 20s/div, Y-axis: 15V /div)
rated power capacities of DERCs are the same.

The proposed method maintains the phase angles relation-
ship and voltage magnitude relationship among DERCs during
to zero. At this point, v G,ab and vP CC,ab have the same the synchronization process, therefore the proportional power
frequency, the same phase angle, and the same magnitude, sharing accomplished in the islanded operation mode can be
so their waveforms are closely matched. Finally the bypass maintained. Laboratory test results show the frequency, the
switch is closed and the DGS becomes grid-connected. phase angle and the magnitude of the PCC voltage are matched
to those of the grid voltage without disturbing the real and
The proposed method achieves the grid synchronization by reactive power output of DERCs, and then the DGS moves into
transmitting the PCC information from the main controller to the grid- connected mode smoothly. The proposed method is
the central console, and then to the autonomous controllers built upon the foundation of the P − ω and Q − V̇ droop
through the RS-232 communication links. Fig. 13 shows the controls of the autonomous controller within each DERC.
grid synchronization test results of the proposed method under The central console only transmits the frequency, phase angle
slow communication with equivalent bandwidth of 91 Hz and voltage magnitude. Based on these information, the au-
and 65 Hz. Test results show that the proposed method can tonomous controller fine-tunes the droop control set-point, and
accomplish the grid synchronization operation even with the manipulates the output voltage of its DERC. This architecture
low-bandwidth communication. uphold the autonomous nature of the DGS by constraining the
Bypass switch closes

Islanded mode
P-ω, Q-V Frequency Voltage magnitude Phase Grid-connected mode
droop control restoration equalization synchronization

After frequency restoration After voltage magnitude equalization After phase angle synchronization After grid connection

vG,ab vPCC,ab 200V vG,ab vPCC,ab 200V vG,ab, vPCC,ab 200V vG,ab, vPCC,ab 200V
10msec 10msec 10msec 10msec

vDERC1,ab , vDERC2,ab 0
vDERC1,ab , vDERC2,ab vDERC1,ab , vDERC2,ab vDERC1,ab , vDERC2,ab

Fig. 12. The variations of line-to-line voltage of the utility grid, PCC, DERC1, and DERC2 during the grid synchronization process. (VG,ab , VP CC,ab ,
VDERC1,ab , VDERC2,ab : X-axis: 10ms/div, Y-axis: 200V /div)

role of the central console in the synchronization process. Thus [12] F. Blaabjerg, R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and A. V. Timbus, “Overview
the proposed method can operate with the very low bandwidth of control and grid synchronization for distributed power generation
systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 5,
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[13] J. Rocabert, M. S. Azevedo, I. Candela, F. Blaabjerg, and P. Rodriguez,
“Connection and disconnection transients for micro-grids under unbal-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ance load condition,” in Proc. IEEE Power Electronics and Applications
(EPE 2011), 2011-14th European Conference, 2011, pp. 1–9.
This research is funded by the National Science Council of [14] M. Rizo, E. Bueno, A. Dell’Aquila, M. Liserre, and R. A. Mastromauro,
Taiwan under grant NSC-98-2221-E-007-121-MY3. “Generalized controller for small wind turbines working grid-connected
and stand-alone,” in Proc. IEEE Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2011,
2011, pp. 51–55.
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Chia-Tse Lee was born in Tainan, Taiwan in 1985.
He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineer-
ing from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan in 2007, where he is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree.
His research interests include power electronics on
distributed power systems and applications of power
converter controls.

Ruei-Pei Jiang was born in Taichung, Taiwan in

1985. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engi-
neering from Feng Chia University, Taichung, Tai-
wan in 2008 and M.S. degree in electrical engineer-
ing from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan in 2011 respectively. He is currently with
the Taiwan Army. His military service will end in
September 2012.
His research interests include power electronics on
distributed power systems and applications of power
converter controls.

Po-Tai Cheng (S’96-M’99-SM’09) received the

B.S. degree from National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan in 1990 and Ph.D. degree from
the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA in
He is currently a Professor in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua Univer-
sity, Hsinchu, Taiwan. He is an associate editor for
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications. His research
interests include power quality issues, high power
converters, power electronics technologies for smart grid and microgrid.

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