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Are video games containing violence appropriate for elementary school

children? NO!!


● DENOTATION: Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or
● DEFINITION BY LAW: strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.

Synonyms: brutality, brute force, ferocity, savagery, cruelty, sadism, barbarity, brutishness


LOGOS (logic):

● The issue is really about public health.

● In one study involving college students, participants played either a violent or nonviolent video
game for 20 minutes then watched a 10-min video featuring real-life violence involving actual
courtroom outbursts, police confrontations, shootings, and prison fights. Those who had played
a violent game showed less physiological response (lower HR and GSR) to the video of real
violence (Carnagey, Anderson, & Bushman, 2007; see also Engelhardt et al., 2011).

● The effects of violent video games may also be cumulative. College students who played violent
video games for just 20 minutes, three days in a row, showed increasingly aggressive behavior
and hostile expectations compared to people who played nonviolent games (Hasan et al, 2012).

● The American Psychological Association (APA) has released a new 2015 report on violent video
games. Based on a thorough review of recent studies, the report concludes: “The research
demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and heightened aggressive
behavior, aggressive cognitions, and aggressive affect and reduced prosocial behavior, empathy
and sensitivity to aggression.”

● the Journal of the American Medical Association found that habitual violent video game playing had a
causal link with increased, long-term, aggressive behavior.
● According to video games pro con . org 60% of middle school boys and 40% of middle school girls
who played at least one Mature-rated (M-rated) game hit or beat up someone, compared with
39% of boys and 14% of girls who did not play M-rated games.

Other sides Counters:

Crime rate goes down- Bullying rate goes up.

Studies claiming a causal link between video game violence and real life violence are flawed. - There is
broad consensus among medical associations, pediatricians, parents, and researchers that violent video
games increase aggressive behavior.

The US Supreme Court ruled that violent video games do not cause youth to act aggressively. In Brown
v. Entertainment Merchants Association (2011)- Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-
hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior.

Playing violent video games does not cause kids to commit mass shootings.-Many perpetrators of mass
shootings played violent video games.

Violent video games allow players to release their stress and anger (catharsis) in the game, leading to
less real world aggression.- Violent video games desensitize players to real-life violence.

Violent video game players know the difference between virtual violence in the context of a game and
appropriate behavior in the real world.- By inhabiting violent characters in video games, children are
more likely to imitate the behaviors of those characters and have difficulty distinguishing reality from

-According to the NPD 91% of children play video games.

- During adolescence there are changes to personality thinking processes

-because so many kids play video games during this is Crucial to their

-we can say that violent video games are not only inappropriate but they are
causing damage to the youth


-DENOTATION: Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill

someone or something.

- DEFINITION BY LAW: strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural


-The American Psychological Association (APA) has released a new 2015 report on
violent video games. Based on a thorough review of recent studies, the report concludes:
“The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and
heightened aggressive behavior, aggressive cognitions, and aggressive affect and
reduced prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression.”

-Violent behavior and Aggressiveness has a direct correlation with Negative efects so
why do we allow it This issue is really about public health.


-Call of Duty
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-Crime rate goes down- Bullying rate goes up.

-Studies claiming a causal link between video game violence and real life violence are flawed. - There is
broad consensus among medical associations, pediatricians, parents, and researchers that violent video
games increase aggressive behavior.

-The US Supreme Court ruled that violent video games do not cause youth to act aggressively. In Brown
v. Entertainment Merchants Association (2011)- Simulating violence such as shooting guns and hand-to-
hand combat in video games can cause real-life violent behavior.

-Playing violent video games does not cause kids to commit mass shootings.-Many perpetrators of
mass shootings played violent video games.

-Violent video games allow players to release their stress and anger (catharsis) in the game, leading to
less real world aggression.- Violent video games desensitize players to real-life violence.

-Violent video game players know the difference between virtual violence in the context of a game and
appropriate behavior in the real world.- By inhabiting violent characters in video games, children are
more likely to imitate the behaviors of those characters and have difficulty distinguishing reality from

-Bobo doll what is an authority figure

-No correlation The American Psychological Association (APA) has released a new 2015
report on violent video games. Based on a thorough review of recent studies, the report
concludes: “The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video
game use and heightened aggressive behavior, aggressive cognitions, and aggressive
affect and reduced prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression.”

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