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Γράμματα μαθεΐν δ ίΐ καί μαθόντα νονν €χαν



Reading Greek

G R A M M A R , V O C A B U L A R Y


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© The Joint Association o f Classical Teachers' Creek Course 1978

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First published 197ft

Reprinted with corrections 1979, 1980
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Prcfacc ix Abbreviations x

A G r a m m a r, V o ca b u la rie s and E x ercises

fo r Sectio n s O n e-N in eteen
Alphabet and pronunciation i

Part One
Section One 5
Section Two 25
Section Three 34

Part T w o
Section Four 44
Section Five 58
Section Six 80

Part Three
Section Seven 97
Section Eight 10K
Section Nine 1 30
Section Ten >44

Part Four
Section Eleven 152
Section 'Twelve 174
Section Thirteen 193
Section Fourteen 201
Part Five
Section Fifteen 207
Section Sixteen 221
Section Seventeen 236

Part Six
Section Eighteen 241

Part Seven
Section Nineteen 24K

B Reference G ram m ar 2 59
A .i Preliminaries 2_sy
A .2 The Greek alphabet 260
A -3 Accentuation 26.4
A .4 Homeric dialect - the main features 2(, 7
B. Nouns 270
C .i Adjectives!pronouns ^71
C .2 Comparison o f adjectives 27 i

C-3 Nounjadjectiue endings - a summary 274

D. Adverbs 2 7>
E.i The verb - synopsis ~7 >
Έ.ζ Verb summary chart (uncontracted, tveak aorist) 27S
E 3 Irregular verbs 2iS 1
E.4 Important principal parts 2X4
F. Prepositions 290
G. Particles 292
H. ώς (ω ς) 297
I. Participles 298
J- Infinitives 2 99
K. Indirect speech 301
L. Temporal clauses 303
M. Purpose clauses and verbs o f fearing 304
N. Polite (potential) av
O. Conditionals 305
P. Wishes 306
Q- Commands (orders) 306
R. Deliberatives
C L a n g u a g e S u rv e y s 308
( 0 History o f the Greek language 308
(2) Active, middle and passive 310
(3) Aspect 310
(4) Optative 3 12
(5) Subjunctive and opt at we usages 3U
<<*) The uses o f av 315
(7) Verbs in -μ ι 3 i*
(8) Verbs with perfect force 318

(9) The negatives ov and μή 319

CIO) Morphology of the cases 320
(M) Use of the cases 322
(12) Use of the definite article 326
( 13) Vocabulary buiIding 32 7

D T o t a l V o c a b u la r y o f all w o rd s to be learn t 335

Finding the lexicon form o f a verb 335
Total Vocabulary 337
List o f proper names 353

E E n g lish —G re e k V o c a b u la ry 356
Notes 350
English - Greek Vocabulary 35 ^

F G r a m m a r In d e x 363
Index o f grammar 363
Index o f gram m ar - Greek 365

Cover picture: Athene with stylus and writing tablet. (Photograph

reproduced by permission o f the Staatliche Antikensaininlungcii
and Glyptothek, Munich.)

This book is written to be used in step with Reading Creek (Text) o f the Joint
Association o f Classical Teachers’ Greek Course. In it will be found:
(A) Running vocabularies (in alphabetical lists) and learning vocabularies for
each sub-section o f the text; and at various points, grammatical explanations
and exercises, which state clearly and reinforce the grammar which will have
been met in reading the T ext (pp, 1-258).
It is essential to note here that the grammar and exercises have been written on the
assumption that the text with udiich they go has already been read. Consequently, the
grammar and exercises should not be turned to until that point is reached in the reading.
(B) A Reference Gram m ar, which summarises and expands upon the essential
features o f the gram m ar met in the Course (pp. 259 -307).
(C) A number o f Language Surveys which look in detail at some o f the more
important features o f the language (pp. 308-34).
(D) A total vocabulary o f all words that should have been learnt, followed by a
list o f proper names (pp. 335-55).
(E) A vocabulary for the English-Greek exercises (pp. 356-62).
(F) An index to the gram m ar (pp. 363-7).
It would be impracticable to produce an exhaustive grammar o f the whole
Greek language. Students and teachers should bear in mind that the first aim o f
this gram m ar is to help students to translate from Greek into English, and that
w e have therefore concentrated attention on the most common features ot the
Acknowledgem ents o f the debt we ow e to the Steering Com m ittee and
A dvisory Panel arc to be found in Reading Greek (Text), p. xii.
J.A .C .T . Greek Course Peter V . Jones (Director)
Hughes Hall Keith C . Sidwell (Second Writer)
C am bridge c b i 2Ew , England Frances E. C orrie (Research Assistant)
N ovem ber 1977

abs.(olute) opt.(ative)
acc.(usative) part.(iciple)
act.(ivc) pass.(ive)
adj.(ective) pcrf.(ect)
adv.(crb) pi. (ural)
aor.(ist) plup.(erfcct)
art.(icle) prcp.(osition)
aug.(mcnt) pres, (ont)
cf. (=confcr) (Latin: ‘compare*) prim.(ary)
comp.(arativc) pron.(oun)
cond.(itional) q.(uestion)
conj. (ugatcd, ugation) rcdupL(icated, ication)
contr.(acted, action) rel.(ativc)
dat.(ivc) s.(ingular)
decl.(ension) sc.(ilicet) (Latin: ‘presumably )
dcf.(inite) see. (ondary)
dcl.(ibcrativc) seq.(uencc)
dir.(cct) sp.(eech)
f.(cminine) str.(ong)
fut.(ure) subj.(unctive)
gcn.(itive) sup.(erlativc)
impcr.(ative) tr. (ansi ate)
impf. (=impcrfect) uncomr.(acted)
inc.(luding) unfulf (illed)
ind.(icative) vb. ( = verb)
indcc.flinablc) voc.(ative)
indef.(inite) \vk. ( = weak)
indir.(ect) i st, 2nd, 3rd refer topersons of the verb, i.e.
inf.(initivc) ist s. = T
irr.(egular) 2nd 5. = ‘ you*
3rd s. = ‘he, she, it’
m.(asculine) ist pi. = ‘wc'
2nd pi. = ‘you’
3rd pi. = ‘they'
no m. (illative)
A Grammar, Vocabularies and
Exercises for
Sections One—Nineteen

Simplified alphabet and pronunciation

A a (alpha) pronounced la / p ’ or ‘ca lm ’

B β (beta) pron oun ced *b’ as in English
Γ γ (gam m a) a hard “g ', like ‘tfot’
Δ δ (delta) a clean ‘d ’ , like 'd o t'
E e (epsilon) short ‘o’ like ‘ pet’
Z ζ (zeta) like *w isd o m '
Η η (eta) pron oun ced as in ‘hiiir’
0 β (thcta) - b lo w a hard Y (‘ fare’)
/ t (iota) like ‘ b rad ’ o r like ‘ bin’
K κ (kappa) a clcan ‘ k ’ like ‘ skin’
A λ (lam bda) like ‘ /ock ’
Μ μ (m u) like ‘m o ck ’
N v (nu) like ‘ net’
Ξ £ (xi) like ‘ b o x ’
Ο o (om icron ) a short ‘ o ’ , like ‘ pot’
Π 7t (pi) a d e a n ‘ p \ like ‘ spot’
P p (rho) a rolled V , like ‘ rrat’
Σ o s (sigm a) a soft ‘s’ , like ‘jin g ’
T τ (tau) a clean ‘ t \ like ‘/ing*
Y u (upsilon) French ‘ lime’ o r G e rm an ‘ M ftller’
Φ φ (phi) - b lo w a hard ‘ p \ like ‘p o o l’
X x (khi) - b lo w a hard ‘c \ like ‘ cool*
Ψ φ (psi) as in Ma/wc*
Ω oj (om ega) like ‘ saw ’
Note ‘ clean’ indicates no ‘ ft* sound; 'blow hard' indicates plenty of h aspiration
(e.g. φ as in ‘ top-hole’).
A .C r M t i i t a r . I ’o c a h iila r ie i, L xcm h -s O

The most com m on diphthongs and double-consonants

ai as in ‘high’
av as in ‘how’
u as in ‘fiaiiav’
€V (pronouncc both elements separately)
01 as in ‘boy’
ov as in ‘ton’
γ γ as in 'finder'
Dwell on all double consonants, e.g. tt as ‘raf-frap . λλ as who//y etc.

Sigma and iota subscript

Observe that 5 is used as the end o f words, while σ is used elsewhere (sec
next example). Sometimes 1 is printed underneath a preceding a ( a ) , η ( rj) and ω

M -

* above a vowel indicates the presence o f an ‘h sound: above a vowe
indicates the absence o f ‘h’ sound, e.g.
0 a o j= ‘hosos'
o io s= ‘oios’

(i) This is a purposely simplified pronunciation chart. Taller and mor
accurate information is given in the Reference Grammar A .2 on p. 260.
(ii) The mark which indicates where a doubtful vowel ( α ,ι,υ ) is pronounced long ( a, T,
v) is only used on the endings in the Reference Grammar.
(in) Greek uses · for a colon and; for a question-mark.

The alphabet —cxerciscs

I . Write the following Greek words in their English form . Som e will just
require transliteration, others will need a few moments' thought.
S im p lifie d A lph a b et and pronunciation 3

Β υ ζ ά ν τ ιο ί' ΠαρΟΐνών
Ζΐικαι07τολις Χίος
Εύβοια άκρόπολις
Ζ-ηνόΟζμ ΐ ί (μπόριον
Ή γ 4στρατος

Write the following English words in their Greek form:

(e = ij;-u s= -o ff: -um = -ov)
drama, panther, crocus, geranium, hippopotamus, ibis, asbestos,

Section One
Running vocabularies and
learning vocabularies

Running vocabularies
TIk* vocabulary o f cach sub-section is given in alphabetical order.
N ote carefully that phrasesjoined in the text by a linking device (~or will befound
under :he first ward o f the phrase.

Learning vocabularies
A t the end o f each running vocabulary and after the Gram m ar o f One
A - G , T w o . Three and Four A - B , you will find a list o f words to be learnt.
These will not appear again in the running vocabularies.

(i) I f you find that the running vocabulary does not contain a word you need,
look it up in the Total Vocabulary (pp. 335-55), which contains all words that should
have been learnt, including place names and personal names.
(ii) I f you are in doubt about the name o f a person, turn to the list o f proper names (p.
353- 5)·
(Hi) In running vocabularies, the accentuation o f words is as in the text, except where
ivords are given in their lexicon form. In learning vocabularies, words are accented in
lexicon form.
(iv) In running vocabularies One to Ten, hyphens arefreely used to split words up into
their constituent parts (prefixes, stems, endings, etc.). The learning vocabularies present
the unhyphenated form.
A. Grammar. Vocabularies, hxcrcisvs

Vocabulary for Scction One A

l a n ( v ) (it/there) is rrpos τά? 'Αθήνας towards

ά κ ον -ο υ σ ι(v) (choy) hear
καί .nid Athens
β α ίν ε ι (he) g o o
ίίοί . . . καί lx>tli - - - and ■npos τψ'γψ· towards ihe
βλχη-ft (he) looks
μ<ν . . . Bi on the one land
βΧίΐΓ-ονσι(ν) (they) look
hand . . . oil the other προςτον Ilttpaia tow ards
5< and; but
<5 the the Piraeus
((V to. into
όΔ ίκ α ιό π ο λ ις Dikaiopolis t ( . . . κ α ι both . . . and
<i? Εύβοιαν to Euboij
(is το 7τΑοϊ-ο»' onto the ship όΖ η ν όθιμ ις Sdenotlieiim τίλος finally
d s X ί-ov to Chios o 'HytoTpciT-QS H epotnicos την the
ο κυβιρνήτ-ης the ca pia in την άκρόπολιν the A cropolis
(ΐο -β α ίϊ-(ΐ (he) embarks
ΐΙο -β α ίν -ο ν ο ι(v) (they) ό ραφ ω δ-ός the rhapsode τ ι; w hat?
embark oi the τόμ the
(i· in. on ol ναύτα< the sailors, crew τον IlapO(vaivu tile
tv Βυζαντίω in Byzantium ό ρ -q. (he) sees Parthenon
ΐνΕ νβοίφ inEuboia ό ρ -ώ ο ι(ν ) (they) see to the
iv X iw in Chios ot5>- so. therefore T0 7rAot-or the ship vessel
ίξαίφνης suddenly ίΐλ -« (it) sails ψ όφ -ον a noise
tn tir a then, next προ$ towards

Vocabulary to be learnt
5i and; but re . . . κ α ί A and β, bolh A
t v in a then,next andft
καί And

Vocabulary for Section One B

άκού-cu I hear (σ τ ι(ν ) (it) is jij ) d on 't

<ΐκού-ί(ί you (s.) hear Z tv Zeus ναί yes
άκοΰ-ομο' wc hear Ζηνόθίμι Sdcnothemis μϋν now
άκου-c listcti! (s.) i} die ό ΐ ί α ρ θ ί ν ώ ν the Parthenon
iAijftj die truth
ήάκρώτοΑιτ the Acropolis ό H ftp a itv s the Piraeus
αλλά but 1}μ«Γϊ \vc όρ-ώ Isec
ipa ?
ίδοΰ here! hey! look! (s.) όρ-g s you (s.) see
αδ&ϊ again καί also
οΰ no
βλiit~€ look! (s.)
καλ-όϊ beautiful
yap lor ούδίν nothing
καΑ-ή beautiful
οδν so, therefore
Btvpo here, over here καΑ-di' beautiful
οΰχ not
Δικαι&πολι Dikaiopolis κυβίρνη τα captain
tyu> I & φόφ-ος die noise
κυβίρνήτης captain
iytuy* I at least
π ο ύ ; where?
you (s.) are speak mg ο α φ - ώ ί clearly
ίλ θ - i cumc! (s.)
μο-Δ ία by Zeus
σύ you (s.)
Scciion One A -G

την άκρόηολtv the A cropolis τον Ilapma the Piraeus φόφ-ος a noise
tiV; w hat? τονφ όφ -ον the noise ώ O
τό ν ιώ ρι-ον the naval φρόντιζ-t w orry! (s.) (st ών how !
dockyard ’about it-)
τον Π αρθαχΰνα. the

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
άρα J ov you (s.)
Stvpo hen·, i»rrr Inn· τΐϊ," what? who?
* ' //
€yw to O (jtitinssing h'nuoiu )
καί al>o

Vocabulary for Section O nc C

αί the ίοτί(ι>) (they) are noi; w hereto?

a! όλχάδα the m erchant Ζττμ·όθ(μι Sdenothemis riooahov Poseidon (jyJot'ihr
shtp\ η μ (ϊς we M’il)
un'oii-dj 1 hear κ α λ - α ί beautiful, fine σ α φ -ώ ς clearly
ά κ ο ύ -ν μ α · wc hear καλ-ά beautiful. fine τα die
ήκον-t listen! (s.} χ α τ α -β α ίν -ο μ (ν we μι* dow n τ ά ί μ π ό ρ ι -a the markets
αλλά but xaruititv from below τό ϊ tlie
βαίι·-€Τ( you (pi.) are going λίγ-f say! is.) τα ΐόλκ ά δ α ; the m erchant
β λ ίπ - f Tf look! {pi.) μ ( ν - (τ ( you (pi.) stay ships
yap tor μή d on 't τι μ ψ ; so what?; o f eourw
btarl; w hy? όρ-ΰ) 1 see τονφ όφ -ον the noise
JiKaionoAt Pikaiopolis ο ρ -ώ μ tv (we) see νμ(ΐ< you (pi.)
(yutyt / 1 tor m y part ό ρ -ά τ ( you (pi.) see φίλ-ot friends
dat(v) (they) art' οΰκ not φροντίζ-(Τ( w orry! (pi.) (^c.
{λ θ -t tome! (s.) όφσφ-οs the noise ‘about it’)
ίλί?-(τ( come! (pi.) ηόθΐν; from where? (is h ow '

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
αλλά hm μ·ή Jon't
γ ά ρ /or ov, ovtt, ονχ no: «of
ή μ (Κ M'f ώί /llMI'.'

Vocabulary for Scction One D

άκού-aj 1 hear διά τι; why? cywyt / . I at least

άλ^βι) die truth ϋ<κα«>πολι Dikaiopolis in o u to t , trom
β λ (ΐτ-( look! (s.) Βι<όκ-(Τ( give chase! (pi.) (κ τού πλοίου from the ship
β ο η θ -(ΐτ€ help! (pi.) SiJ-ii (he) b sulking ίλ θ ί come' (\)
A. C rm m » . I o M r k i . Bxcrdsei

λ ί γ α (he) is telling ποι-€(ϊ you (s.) arc doing

ΐμαντ-ον myself ffot-ei (he) is m aking
μ ίν . . on one
ii Tj)W'V m (hi</your) right
hand . . on the other ρ ίιττ-ω I am th row in g (going
hand to th row )
vtxvrat sailors
ίχ-ω (I) have/am holding
i& S p a m -o s the fellow τ ά ν m y dear chap
ίΧ'<»ϊ you ('·) have/arc ( condescendingly)
Α Δ ικαιόπολπ Dikaiopolis
6 Ή γ ίο τ ρ α τ -ο ς Hegestratos τ ί; w hat?
ί χ - α (he) has/is ho Iding
οΓ/λο* oh dear! n som ething
Ztv Zeus τον ανθρατπ-ον the fellow
'Η γίστρατ-t Hegestratos οί ναύται the sailors, crcw
ό κνβ(ρνι yiTji the captain τον 'H ycarpaT -ov
κατα-βαίν-tt (he) goes down
op -art you (pi.) see Hcgcstr.ito\
κατα~βαίν-ομ(ν we go down
κατα- βαΐν-ονσι{v) (they) go op-ώ σ ι(ν ) (they) sec τόνφόφ-ον the noise
ovSc and . . . not t o π λ ο ί-cv chi ship
κατα-θΰ-<ι (he) is sinking ούδίν nothing νμ*1ς y o u (pi.)
κάτω below ούν so, then, therefore φ ςύγ-ια (I) a m o ti

κάτω θίv from below οδτοί hey, you! φίλ-€ friend

κνβ(ρνήτα captain όφ όφ -ος the noise φ ρ ό ν η ζ - t %v<u ry! ( v . ‘about
λαμβάν-ίτί you (pi.) ιτ<Α<κυϊ l »0
t a n axe
catch/seize ηίΧ*κνν I φ όφ -ον ovdfv'Q .inv iioiw.'
Acy-tis you (v) are saying ποι-ώ (I) am doing

Vocabulary to be learnt
oAijftj the truth oh> so, then, therefore
cywyc I; i df lean [for my pan τί; what?
ovhtv HrtJiing νμίΐς you (pl.)

Vocabulary for Section One E

ay* come on! (s.) κάτωβςν from below' ■προς rovs v a v ra s tow ards die
άΐ’α-βαίΐ'-οιχΗ (they) are μ( me sailors
coming up μ ιν . . . Si on the one p itrr-t th row ! (s.)
άνω above hand . . . on the other u<av7-ov yourself (s.)
βλίπ-d (he) looks μ ίν-ίι (he) stays/is waiting υ ώ ζ - ί save! (s.)
βοηθ-ονσι (they) help μ ίν-t stay! (s.) τρβα λή ττ^ the sea
&} then; now
ο Ζηναϋίμις Sdcnothemis τον 'Η γ έο τ ρ α τ -ο ν
δαίικ-ovaifv) (they)
ο Ηγ(οτρατ-ος Hegestratos H egestratos
pursue/(givc) chasc οί όνδ/χί the men ΤΟϋί die
«« τήνβάλατταν into the sea οίμοι oh dear!
rows wniras the sailors/crcw
ίκ τού «τλοίον out of the ship
οί ναύται the sailors/crcw φ (ν γ -ω (I) am o ff
^ Tjj βαλάττι; on die sea
όλίμβ-os thclife-boat
iarifv) (it) is φ ιν γ - u s you (s.) arc
ορ-ώ 1see
Ζην6θ<μι Sdcnothcmis ofT/running aw ay
woi; where. . . to?
now; already 4 *ν γ -*ι (he) runs o f f
τβηγι yes. already π ο ι-ίϊϊ you (s.) arc doing
4 *v y -t run aw ay! be off! (s.)
ιδού look! (s.) ffpoi τ6ν Ζηνόθ(μιΐ) towards
Section 0/ι<· A C

V o cabu lary to be learnt

μ(ν . . , 5 ( i'Mlilt one
hand . . . on the olhcr
ττοϊ; where to?
o ta v τόν yi>nrself(s.)

Vocabulary for Section One F

πϊτό troin tO T i(v ) u is ό χνβίρνήτης die ca pta in

aiTO rov πλοίου Ironi the Ζ ηνοθίμ ι Sdcnotllemis ό λ (μ β -ο ς thelit'e-boat
s h ip ζ η τ -ο ν σ ^ v) they look lor όρ-ιϊi I see
vTto-OvTjUK-u} Ijin dying Ή γ ( α τ ρ α τ - ( Hegestratos op-ps you (s.) sec
άπ ο-6 ν τ)σ *-ο μ ίΐ’ w t arc dying κ α κ -ο ί bad 6p-wat(v) (they) see
άττο-^ ν^ οκ-οναι(v) (they) arc κ α κ -ώ ς badly (tr. *a bad πού; where?
dying death') pi-n r-ovci{v) (they) throw
η ηο λν-ft (he) lets go/releases κ νβ ίρν ή τα captain τ·ηνφύγτ}ν their flight
άνη-χυιρ-'-ί (it) goes away μ ίν -ο ν σ ι(ν ) (they) wan τον Χίμβ-ον the litc-boat
β οτ]θ -ΐΐτf help! (pi.) μαίται sailors τοϋϊ άνθρώττ-ονς the tel lows
J ( » ’moVoAi Oikaiupolif ό Ή γ ίσ τ ρ α τ ο ς Hegestratos φ (ύ γ -ο υ σ ι(ν ) they run away
ί η -jr-UV7 themselves οί avOpojTT-oi the tcllows φ ρόντιζ-( w orry! (s.) (sc.
ti’s την θ άλ αττα ν in to die v a οίμοι alas! oh dear! ‘about it')
tio t ( v ) (they) arc οί μαΰται the sailors/crew

V o cabu lary to be learnt

οΐμ ο ι alas! oh dear!
tjov; where?

Vocabulary for Section One G

άίί always (μ-όι> mine κ α τ α -β α ίν - n (lie) goes dow n

ά κ ρ ιβ -ώ ς closely; in detail iv ίμ ο ι iii m y hands (lit. 'in κατα-δύν-Η (it) is sinking
άνα-βαίν-€ΐ (he) conies up (on m e') μ ίν -ti (he) remains
dcck) jvKtv&wqu in danger »>w now
άνω above (on deck) ίσ μ ίν we arc ο Δ ικ α ιό π ο λ ις Dikaiopolis
άττο-θντ}ακ-ομ(ν we arc dying ton(v) (it) is ό κνβίρνητης thecapuin
ά-πο-χω ρ- t i (it) goes away ή σ ω τ η ρ ία safety ό λ «μβ-o s the lifc-boat
β ίβ α ία assured ήμάς us όλ ιμ ή ν the harbour
δια τι; wrhy? θά-ομ (ν w e sacrifice ικρι-σκοττ-ώ (I) look around
^«καιόπολι Dikaiopolis θυσίας sacrificcs Πόο(ΐ& ον Poseidon {godof the
Ιγ γ ν ς nearby καί δή κ α ί and m oreover sea)
«is την θάλατταν into the sea KUK-cDf badly (tr. ‘a bad σιώπα be quiet! (s.)
cif τονλιμίνα. to the harbour death’) σκοπ-*ΐ (he) makes an
in τής θαλάττης out o f the sea κα,τα-β αίν -ω (0 go down exam ination, looks
I /i.VCn iX '
ΙΟ .1. (',Γ.ΜΙΙΜ)Η

0(ϋ·Ο( vlll' το jrAoi-oi' tliC'liip

σοι tnyou(v) τού? άνθρώπ-ονς inrii
σώ-ο»· viti
σύζ·< *ίνν! (ν)
70 ΐργ-ον ilu* t»i'k
σώζ-ίΐϊ you Μ ««■

V o ca b u la ry to be learn t
δια τί; why?
ΐ'ΰ- ρΐιΊΐ*

0 Running grammar - preliminaries

I The aim of this running grammar is to describe. in terms as simple
and practical as possible, the Greek language. *> tlu I students can understand the
text and translate from Greek into English with the minimum difficulty. The
Reference Grammar, at the end o f this book (pp. 259-307). contains a slightly
fuller picturc of the language and presents morphology and syntax in summary
form. The Language Surveys (pp. 30S-34) examine in detail certain important
features o f the Greek language.
H'lirrfMijj: this running grammar is written to help students understand Greek
and translatefrom Greek into Huglish. Students will need more information from
their teachers to translate English into Greek successfully, though help for the
Greek-English exercises has been given very fully in the Greek English voca­
2 The early chapters will stress one essential difference between Greek and
English - that is, that while in English the (in/cr in which the words occur is very
important tor determining the meaning o f the sentence, in Greek the same
function is expressed by the shape the words take. Consequently, words in a
Greek sentence can come in a tar greater variety of order than in English,
according to what is being emphasised in the context.
3 Greek abounds in particles like δί\ δτ}, οΰν, γάρ, αλλά, etc. We have tried to
v,i\c an English equivalent for each of these, but the resulting translation will
o ten seem strained. This is because particles often indicate gesture, intonation,
facial expression or attitude, which cannot necessarily be reproduced by a
vior - or-word translation. To get the particles right, vou will often have to
change your translation after the first effort (cf. Reference G ram m ar G ).

r Z Z ! m ‘Vl' * ” r " * · « — 1-« fi-’c 1 for

. „ sinipty „ M u a lt o/(/ll. It,m ! L y/ fix c J (u,,
O Section O n e . 4 - C i , 4—5

thi> part thv item ) and what pan changes (we call this part the ‘ending ). Von in// find
one or two slight inconsistent ies in rhis ternΐΜοΙοςγ.
It should he stressed here that the positioning of the hyphen should not he taken to
imply anything about the historical development of the lan^ua^e.

O Grammar for Section One A -G

Pres. ind. act. -α>, -άω, -coj
Pres, impcr. act. -to, -άω, -«υ
Dot. art. ό ή τό (nom., acc.)
κ'αΑ-όί -τη -όν ( ήμίτςρος) (nom., acc.)
άνθρωπος, ϊργον (no m , acc.)
Som e preps.
μ ίν . . . S i

Present indicative active, β α ίν-ω Ί go’
4 The forms o f the pres. ind. act. arc as follows:

.Sion linding Meaning Description

βαίν-w Ί go/I am going* lit person singular ( tst s.)
βαίν-ςις ‘you go/you are going’ 2nd person singular (2nd s.)
βαίν-ϋΐ ‘he/shc/it goes' (etc .) 3rd person singular (3rd s.)
βαίν-ομ(ν ‘ we go’ /st person plural (ist pi.)
βαίν-€Τ€ ‘ you go" 2nd person plural {2nd pi.)
β αίν-ουσι(ν) ‘they go* 3 rd person plural (3rd p i)

All uncontracted verbs ending in -ω follow this pattern. You have met ακούω,
βλέπω, μένω , φ ενγω , διώκω.

This way o f laying out a verb is called a 'conjugation .

Present indicative active ('contracted'), όρά -ω ‘ I see’ , notc-w Ί do,

5 ‘Contracted* verbs are verbs o f which the stem ends in 3 vowel (-α-, ·<- and. as
wc shall soon see. -o-), e.g. ορά-ω, ττοιί-ω, $ΐ)λό-ο>. The vowel coalesces with
the vowel o f the endings, with the result that the conjugation o f contracted
,7 A . ( ;™ »ι»κΐΓ, I , Γ:Μ rit-i.

verbs looks different from that of uncontraeted verbs; but the pattern on which

a,,d w “i with the,r e3r"er forn“ in

- - ti,c s ,m ,u n t ,c s -

(όρά-ω) ‘I see’
Mi i. op-to
i , όρ- V *
yds. 6ρ-ά β ρ ί 'Ο ‘he/shc/it sees
ΐίίρ/. όρ-ώμ^μ (ορα-ομ€ν) we see
2nd p i όρ-άτ€ ( ορά-€Τΐ) y o u se c ’^
yd pi ορ-ώοι(v) (ορά-ονσi(v )) ‘ they sec
,5fs. ποι-ώ (v o t i-v ) ‘I do, make
2nd s. ποι-€Ϊς ( wote-cts) you do
y d s. irot-tl ( 7Toi4~ti) he/shc/it docs
isfp/. 7τοι-ονμ(ν (ττοιί-ομΐ,ν) we do
2nd pi ποι-etr€ ^Trocc-cre^ you do
3rd p/. TTot-ovoi(v) (ττοιί-ονοt(v)) they do

O f these types of verbs you have met όράω, rroicw, σκοπέω , βοτηθέω.

(i) English may use a pronoun to show who is doing the action (e.g. ‘ J V you',
‘ we', etc.). In Greek this is shown by the ending of the verb, e.g.
βαίν-ω Ί go’
βαίν-ομίν 'wego'
(H) if die y d s. appears on its own with ho stated subject, it means ' he, she, it - s’ ,
according to context. 'Die sameform is used when the subject is stated, e.g.
βαίνει ‘he, she, it goes’
ο άνθρωπος βαiv« ‘the titan goes’
(tit) Note that Greek distinguishes between the s. and pi. forms o f ‘ you’ . Thus
βαίνΐΐς means 'you go’ where one person is addressed
βαινπ* means 'you go’ where more than one person is addressed


6 The following forms, called imperatives, are used to express orders:

ραιΐ'-ί go i'j ^addressed to one person)
Cn«r f ' ST€ g° r M essed to more than one person)
Contract forms are slightly different:
op- a (oaa-t) ‘ sec'1 /«I t
όρ-ίτ€ (ορά-ert) ‘see·’ (v\ I π C_€1. ( π0ί<-*) ‘do!, make!* (s.)
' (p i) M -e rc ) ‘do!, m ake!’ (pi.)
O Section Ota· A 5-8

(i) YVw will notice that the plural orderform is identical to (hat of the 2nd pi. of
the indicative, i.e. βαηΈτζ could mean ‘g o!' or ‘ you are going. I he context will tell you
which is right.
(ii) μή + imperative means ‘ don't’ e.g. μ η βαίνε ‘don’t go!'
(iii) Note the accent difference between noUi ‘do, act!’ , and π ο ιεί ‘ he does, he acts'.

7 The technical term for the form which a noun takes when it is the
subject o f the sentence is the n o m in a tiv e c a s e ; when it is the object o f the
sentence, the a c c u s a t iv e c a sk .
8 Consider the follow ing sentence:
ο Ή γ έ σ τ ρ α τ ο ς όρά τον άνθρωπον ‘ Hegestratos sees the man'
As long as the words are in that form , it would make no odds what order the
w o r d s occurred in; the sentence (apart from a slight difference o f emphasis)
w ould mean precisely the same - tor Ή γ ίσ τ ρ α τ ο ς is in the nominative case,
indicating that he is subject o f the sentence, and άνθρωπον is in the accusative
ease, indicating that it is object. And the definite articles also ‘agree’ with their
n o u n s ■ 0 (going with Hegestratos) is in the nominative, and τον ( άνθρωπον) is
in the accusative. If you wanted the sentence to mean ‘ the man secs Hegestratos*.
you w ould not need to alter the order o f the words; but you would alter their
case-forins, and make ‘man’ the subject (ο άνθρωπος) and 'Hegestratos’ the
object ( τον Ή γ ίσ τ ρ α τ ο ν )\
τον *Η γέο τρ α το ν όρά ό άνθρωπος ‘the man sees Hegestratos*
N ote now the follow ing sentence:
οί άνθρω ποι ορώσι τον Ή γ ίσ τ ρ α τ ο ν ‘ the men see Hegestratos
T he verb here has changed its shape, because the subject o f the sentence is no
longer singular (ό άνθρωπος ‘ man’), but plural (oc άνθρωποι "men ) —so the verb
must be plural too.
Finally, observe that, while w ord-ordcr plays a very important role indeed
for determ ining meaning in English. English words do also change their form
to indicate different functions, e.g-
book (s.), book-f (pi.)
I w alk, he w'alks
he/him; she/her; I/me.
‘the cat lies dow n’, ‘where is the cat’* bowl?*

There are infact fiv e casesfor each Creek noun or adjective, and each case has
a singular form and a plural form. (For the dual, see p. 2jg.) The cases are:
14 A. Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises
N O M IN A T IV E (nom.)
A C C U S A T IV E (acc.)
G EN IT IV E (gen.)
D A T IV E (dat.)
VO C ATIVE (voc.) ( We shall comment only occasionally on this case.)
We shall list all cases of nouns and adjectives t but for the moment you must concentrate
on nom. and acc. only and ensure that you know thoseforms.

The definite article and adjectives

9 The forms of the def. art., which corresponds roughly to English
‘the’, arc as follows:

o r j τ ό ‘ th e’

S. pi.

nom. at(. now . acc. Ja L

·.·.· · ·.·.· · -.·τ ·.·.
4 / < 401$
0 τov - . r# 01 τούς ιώ ν
maxulitK (used with masculine noutts)
C f <
η την αι τά ϊ τ α is
fem inine (used with fem inine nowii)
φ t t
to to τά τα τοί?
neuter (used with neuter nounsj

There arc three types of form, masculine (m.) forms, feminine (f.) form s and
neuter (n.) forms, since Greek distinguishes three types o f noun, m., f., and n.
The distinction of m., f., and n. is one o f ‘gender’ . The m., f. and n. genders do
not simply correspond to ‘male’, ‘female’ and ‘inanimate, e.g.
το ΛΛ1ftmt (n.)\ ‘the I----»
ό ψ όφ ος (m.) ‘the noise*
ή θάλαττα (f.) ‘the sea’
• »
to For the beginner, the definite article is very useful. For it marks the case, and
therefore thefunction of the noun for you. When you find ό, ή , οί, oX, linked to a
noun, you know it must be the subject; τόν, τ ψ , rovs. τάς linked to a noun
indicate that it is the object (unless preceded by a preposition). Y o u w ill already
a^ ° ^ servc^ ^lc usc devices in the text to help you in this respect.
Thus you can define the function of the following nouns without know ing
ow they decline, simply because you know the function of the definite article:
»V w&w, τόν^βασιλία, οΓγίροντ^, τ ά Γ τ ρ ^ * .
O Section One A ( &—14 '5

In the early chapters, the def. art. w ill almost always come before its tioutt.
1 1 This rule o f agreement applies to the relationship between all nouns and
adjectives, and is very important. Masculine nouns will force the adjective to
take its masculine form ; feminine nouns w ill force it to adopt its feminine form;
and neuter nouns, its neuter form .
12 Y o u have already met the adjective καλό? ‘fine, beautiful’ . Here it is in all its

κ α λ -ό ? -η -ό ν 'fin e, beautiful’

nom. acc. ££». Α ϊί. *10nt. acc. g t t i ; v v . dat<-:':; :::\

iii. ftraA-oy κ-αλ-o r *ctiA-oC κ<χλ~φ καλ-οί καλ-ούς καλ-ών ;' *αλ-οί$:
f. κ ο ,λ -ή κ αλ -ή ν καλ-α< καλ-άς καΛ?<3 *' κ α λ -α ί*
». κ αλ -όν κ αλ -όν κ α λ ιο ύ κ α λ -φ καλ-ά *α λ -ά KaXfois

(i) Compare together the forms o f the definite article and adjectives o f the
καλός type. Von w ill see pleasing similarities between all their forms which means that
learning one type lets )'(>« into the secret o f a great many other types.
(ii) Adjectives o f which the stem ends in p, e, 1 (e.g. ήμέτςρ-ος ‘our(s)’) decline like
ΛταΑόϊ, except that the feminine singular retains-a instead o f -η all the way through, i.e.
f . ημ€τ€ρ-α ημετέρ-αν ήμ£Τ*ρ-ας
(iii) Some adjectives o f the καλός type keep the masculine endings even when describing
feminine nouns. Such adjectives are dealt with at 1 4 1 .

A d verb s
13 These are undeclined forms, usually based on adjectives, nearly
alw ays form ed by adding -ώ ς or -έω ς to the adjective stem: e.g.
καλό? ‘ fine’ χταλώς ‘finely’
σαφής ‘clear* σαφώς ‘clearly’
ακριβής ‘accurate* ακριβώς ‘accurately’
βαθνς ‘ deep’ βαθέως ‘ deeply’
C f. Language Survey ( 1 3 ) (iii), p. 3 2 9 -

14 Here is the full ‘declension*, as it is called, o f all nouns like άνθρωπος>
which is classified as t y p e 2 a : almost all 2a nouns are m a s c u l i n e .
(6 A. Grammar. I Wahularies, Exercises

άνθρωπ-o s, o ‘man, f e llo w ’ ( 2a}


nom. acc. 0n, <&*-

άνθρωπ-os ανβρωττ-ον &ν0ρώπ- 6 \> dvtip&it-rip


not». ecc. ;:'i M-dat."

wOponi-ot άνθρώπ-ους

Here is the full declension o f all nouns lik e ίρ γ ο ν , classified as ty p i; 2 » an d


tpyov, 70 ‘task, duty, jo b ’ (2b)

s. pi

nom. acc. nom acc. dat. .

tpy-ov epy-ov tpy-a cpy-a ·; :'*ΡΥβ$!$.

Other 2b nouns you have met are vewpi-ov, ίμ π ό ρ ι-ο ν .

(i) Nom. and acc. are the same iti s. and pi. o f all neuter nouns. O n ly the
context will tell you whether (he word is to be taken as subject or objcct.
(ii) Neuter nouns normally take a S IN G U L A R V E R B , even when they are in the
plural, e.g.
τά εμπόριά «στι καλά 'the markets are fine’
(iii) Compare the declension of these two nouns wi(h the in. and 11 .forms o f the adjectives
like καλός and the def. ar(., and note the similarities.
(iv) The vocative case is used when addressing people. The vocative s. o f 2a nouns ends
in -c, e.g. ω ανθρωπΐ, τί irotits; *Fellow, what are you doing?’

■ , , N °te that « s into and 7τρός ‘towards4 take the acc. ease. N o te also
A ^rom ’ CK out °^ ’ ^rom a«d tv 'in’ take the genitive ( ά π ο , € κ )
von « * ^ C €V AND r ° OTHER t:ASFS· Consequently their meaning is fixed, and
them Yen»01 ° v thC momcnt a^out form o f the w ord which follow s
them. You w tf be dealing with gennives and datives later on.
O Section One Λ —G , 14—17 17

17 O ne extrem ely im portant feature o f the Greek language (and o f
Greek thought too) is the Greek love o f draw ing a contrast (even, at times,
when there is not really one to be drawn). Such a contrast can be signalled by
μ ίν ‘on the one hand’ , which w ill usually be picked up by h i ‘on the other hand’
later on. A sm oother translation results if you translate with ‘ w'liile* or ‘ but’ , e.g.
not on the one hand he runs aw ay, on the other hand the sailors pursue’ , but
w hile he runs aw ay, the sailors pursue or 'he runs aw ay, but the sailors pursue’ .

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt w ith the gram m ar for Section O ne A - G

ακ ον ίϋ h tiir, listen ev f-j-tlat.j m ;on ;an w n ^ see
ά ν α β α ίν ω ( ά ν α β α - ) * gojeom t (χ αι ( ο χ - ) * have: hold ττλίω ( π λ ίν σ - ) * sail
up Ο ά λ α τ τα ,ή sea ττλοΐον, τό vessel; ship (2b)
ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς, ό m an ;fellow ( 2 a) κ α κ ό ς ij όν b a d , evil, cow ardly. rroiitu m ake; do
από { + g c n .) from ; <iwuy from low ly, mean π ρός { + a « .) to : towards
α π ο θ ν ή σ κ ω ( ά π ο θ α ν - ) * die καλό; ή ov Jim ·, beautiful; g ood ρ ίπ τ ω throw
άηο x w p ito a w Jy . depart κ α τ α β α ίν ω σ ω ζ ω save
β α ίν ω ( β α - ) * g i f to m e, w alk ( κ α τ α β α - ) * go/to m e down σ ώ ο ς a ov safe
β λ ίπ ω look (at) κ νβ ΐρν ή τη ς, ό (aptain , σ ω τ η ρ ία , ή safely
β ο η θ ίω run fi< h e lp . help helmsman φ ίύ γ ω ( φ υ γ -) * run off; fle e
διω κ ιυ pur<ne λ ίγ ω ( tiiτ- ) * .«ay; sp eak; tell; φ ίλος, ό frien d (za)
(!ς i + m t.f to. into, onto mean φ ρον τίζω think; worry
f K i + p fn .l on to/ μ ίν ω ( μ ( ΐν - ) * remain; w aitfor
tXflf tome! (s.) ναύτη ς,6 sailor
* These parenthesised fo rm ' must he !earnt with the w ord. T h ey arc very im portant stems
o f the verb (th ou gh different, a%you can see. from the present), which will be introduced
fully in later sections. O

Exercises —notes

Y o u should o n ly do the exercises after the T e x t is read, the Vocabulary learnt,

and the G ram m ar understood.
For case o f reference there are five divisions in the exercises:
(a) Words - vocabulary-building exercises, based on w ords you have
already met. These are provided for Sections O n e -T e n only.
(b) Morphology pract^ n„ form s anc] their m anipulation in sentences.
(c) Syntax
(ci) English into Greek - preceded in Sections O n e-F o u r by G reek-En glish
patterns. E n glish -G rcck sentences appear from then on at convenient intervals.
Each section has a passage o f prose in addition. T here is an English—G reek
vocabulary at the end o f the book; please use this w herever you find problems.
It has been specially w ritten to help w ith the exercises in this volum e.
A. Gramm ar. I \vabu larks. lix era scs

(c) Test exeriises - these occur at the end ot each section (twite in One .ind
Six) and test grammar and vocabulary from the section just completed. They
should be done as written exercises. Without help from vocabulary or gram m ar,
after all other uvrh on a section has been i"oniplctt'tl.
No exercises arc provided for the unadapted sections (Fourteen, Eighteen and

Exercises for Section One A —G

(a) Words , ,
, From the words in the left-hand column («Inch yo.. have met) dcducc
the meaning of those on the right.
β&ίννΐ) ζκβθ-iVOJ
διώκω Εκδιώκω
θάλαττα θαλάrnoy α ον
κυβερνήτης κυβερνώ
ναύτης ναυτικό? ή όν
όρώ ςίοορώ
ττλίω 1 πλοίον ό ττλοΰϊ (~πλό -ος, contr.)
φεύγω αποφεύγω

(b) Morphology
ι. Translate each word, then give the plural form:
βαίνεις, βλέπ-ω, ποι~€ΐ, όρ-q., βοήθ-ει
2. Translate each word, then give the singular form:
φροντίζ-€τ(, κατα-βαίν-ουσι, άνα-βαίν-ομεν, όρ-άτε, ά π ο -χω ρ -ίΐτε
3 - Fit the appropriate form o f the definite article to the follow ing nouns:
ανθρωπ-ο», φοφ-ος, TfXol-a, λίμβ-ον (2a), vetορι-ov (2b), άνϋρώπ-ονς
4* Put the adjective and noun into the correct form:
a, ο καλ- άνβρωπ-
b. τά καλ- νεώρι-
C. το καλ- εμπόρι-
d. Tout καλ- άνθρώπ-
C. τον καλ- avQpu/n-

(d) English into Greek

Translate these pairs o f sentences:
1 . 6 Ζηνόθεμις βαίνει cis το ττλοίον.
The man runs off towards the boat.
S i ’ftiou O n e / / /

2 . κ α λ ό ? έοτιν ό Παρθένων.
The ship is safe.
3 . &ρα ονχ όρας αν την άκρόπ ο λ ιν ;
Can you (s.) see the men tot»?
4. δεύρο έλθετε καί βλέπετε.
C ome and help (pi.)! Chase the man! Don’t run away!
5- οι άνθρωποι άναβαίνουσιν.
The friends are waiting.

Test Exercise One A —G

I ranslate into English (n.b. underlined words are i»iven in the voca-

τό πλοίου αποχω ρεί μ έν από τής Εύβοιας, π λεί δέ προς τον IIα ρ α ιά , ό
μέν Ζηνόθεμ ις βλέπει προς την γ η ν . 6 δε Ή γεσ τρ α το ς κάτω μένει και
καταδύει το πλοίον. πέλεκνν γάρ έχει 6 άνθρωπος, άνω δέ εΐσιν ό
κυβερνήτης και ό Δ ικαιόπολις. βλέπουσι προς την γην και όρώσι τά τε
νεώρια καί τον Παρθενώνα, άλλα εξ αίφνης άκονονσι τόνφόφον. επειτα
δε καταβαίνουσιν.

ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗ ΤΗ Σ τις π ο ιεί τον ψόφον; άρα opqis, ώ Δ ικα ιό π ο λι;

ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣναί' όρώ έ γ ω γ ε ■ ό γά ρ Ή γ εσ τρ α το ς τον φόφον ποιεί.
πέλεκνν γάρ έχει εν τή δ ε £ ίά .
ΚΥΒ μ ή μ ένετε, ώ νανται, άλλά βοηθείτε και διώ κετε τον άνθρωπον.

ό μ έν Ή γ έο τρ α το ς φεύγει κάτωθεν, ό δέ Ζηνόθεμις άνω μένει, οί μέν

ναΰται άναβαίνονσι κάτωθεν, οί δέ άνθρωποι τούς ναύτας σαφώς όρώσι
και ρίπτονσιν εαυτούς είς την θάλατταν. et? την μέν θάλατταν φεύγονσιν
οι άνθρωποι, εν δέ τή θαλάττη άποθνήσκονσιν.

Vocabulary (in order o f occurrence in the text)

τ η ν γ ή ν t i l e l.llid (ξαίφ νης suddenly
κάται b e lo w φ όφ ος,ό iuiim- (_:λ)
καταδύω sink his right lurid
TtiXtKvv axt {iicr.) κ ά τ ω θ ι1 Irom below
v € u ip io v ,r 0 dockyard (.lb) ίαυτουϊ tlteimclveN

Vocabulary for Section One H

act .ihv.iys <1 you(s.)jrc < m ( + JC i.) over

άκρίβ-ώί t'loscly fart(v) he/there/it is ipojra-w avk

δή λόνi o n ( v ) iti\ to μ tv (we) .ire ήμάς us

S ia ( + j cc.) beej use o f <loi(v) (they)jre j} ν α ύ : ( li e s h i p

20 Λ . G ram m or. V\uak,hnes. Exenhes

otvonawvrov the wmc-faced ρ α φ ω δ - ό ς τ ις a rhapsode

koBij W n ji in a hollow ship σαφ ~ ΰ)ί clearly
sea (acc.)
κνβ(ρνά-οι steer ο ι ω π ά - ω be quiet
ό ναύτης the sailor
κ ν β ίρ ή τ α captain (voc.) τ ά ν my dear chap
6 Σωκράτης Socrates
μ(Χαιν(χ .black (nom.) (condescendingly)
οβα I know
μώ ρ-os -a -ov stupid τή ν ν ύ κ τα the nigh t/dark
οϊαθα y o u (s.) know
i'gutq sailor (voc.) τι to w hat's this?
oTBt(v) (he) knows
ναίται sailors (voc.) τ ον κ υβ ερν ή τη ν the captain
όμ ηρίζ’ **1 tjuoic H o in tr
foi/njs τΐϊ a sailor (nom.)
τ ο ν λ ιμ ε ν α the harbour
ότι clwt
rjJfioj a swift ship
ναΐζ-ω ( πρότ + acc ) joke (at) τοΰϊ μ α θ η τ ά ς the; Ins students
Mji μίλαΐντ} 3 black ship
ραφφ&-όϊ,6 rhapsode (23) τώ ττλοίω the ship
ννξ night (nom.)
tL airtp like
Vocabulary to be learnt
SijAosijov f/rtr; dwi«is ραψωδός, 0 rhapsode (2a)
Sn that {,early
ναίζω(ηρόί·\·οκ.) playijckr

Vocabulary for Section One I

άπαίδίντ-os-ov an μαΔ Ια. by Zeus π ο λ ε μ ικ -ό ς -nj -o v ot war
ignoramus ^cAatra black (nom.) ττολΑά many things (acc.)
γιγνωακ-ui know μίν οΰν no rather ττό τερ ο ν . . .η w h eth er. . . or
διότι bccausc μώ ρ-os -a -o v stupid ττώί how?
<ίμι lam ναί yes ■ π ώ ςγ άρον ; o fco u rsc
tl you (s.) arc ναντικ-ά, τ ά naval matters σ τ ρ α τ η γ ικ - ά , τ ά generalship
iar\(v) (lie) is (lb) (2b)
φ -ό ϊ-ή -ό μ my οϊαθα you (s.) know σ τρ α .τη γ ικ -ό ς -ή -όν o f 3
ϊμ π ιφ -ος -ov experienced Ομηρ-os, ό Homer ( 2a) (epic general
ϊργ-ον, τό work, task ( 2b) poet, author o f the Iliad and σ τ ρ α τ ιιο τ ικ - ά , τ ά soldiering
ijwuJs die ship
Odytsty) ( 2b)
ή or
n fPi ( + ice.) about, with τι S t; what next?
βο-άς-ή-όν swift
regard to
κοΐλ-οί- 17-o* hollow
rrtpl Ό μηρου about Homer

γιγνώοκω ( yvo- ) know;

μώροί a of ilupid; foolish
pcrceivc, resolve
w p if+ a c t .) ahottl
«μ π αρόκ skilled, expert
troAAo many things (act.)
*pyw. to task,job(ib)
val yes

Vocabulary for Section One J

αγαθ-ός -ή -όι> good
mi always at the same time
QplUT-Of -jj . 0μ ^ ef you (s.) are
«κριβ-ώϊ accurately
iv n .(v ) (hc/it) is
δήπου of course
<l<n(v) (they) arc
ο Section One H - J , 18-19 21

ίμ€ me μίλαγα black (nom.) o v r u f thus, in this way

17 ναύϊ the ship μ ίν τ ο ι yes indeed π α ίδίί children (nom.)
ήραψφϊίικη the rhapsode's μ ία τέχνη one and the same πότςρον . . . ή whether . . . or
skill skill (nom.) πώς γάρ ov; o f course
ή στρατηγική the general’s ναύται sailors (voc.) στρατηγ-ός,ό general (2a)
skill νη Δ ία by Zeus Σωκρατί-u) play Socrates
η or o i ~Ελλην<ς the Creeks τούς μαθητάς the/his students
βο-os -ή-όν switt olSef v) (he) knows τών Ελλήνων o f the Greeks
KoiA-os* -tj -or hollow ό Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς Socrates
μάλιστα yes. indeed ovkow not . . . therefore

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
act «j/u'dyjr tj or
ακριβώς accurately; closely ν ανς, ή ship
aptoros t) ov best; very good oU)a knou·
(Ιμί be π ώ ς γ ά ρ ο ν ; o f course
Έ λλψ ',ο Ciirek σ τ ρ α τ η γ ό ς ,ό general ( 2 a)

O Grammar for Scction One H-J

Pres, οί ΐΐμ ί, οιδα
N . pi. o f adjs.
re . . . κ α ί

V e rb s
Som e irregular presents, € ΐμ ί ‘ I ain*, otBa Ί kn ow ’
18 N o te die verb ‘ to be’ in the present:
€ΐμΙ ‘1 am ’ ist s.
ei ‘you are’ 2nd s.
€ o tt(v ) ‘he/she/it is’ jr d s.
€σμ€ν ‘w e are’ 1st pi.
€ot€ ‘y o u are’ 2nd pi.
€tai\(v) ‘they are’ 3rd p i
19 N o te the verb ‘to k n o w ’ in the present:
olSa Ί know ' ist s.
οΐσθα ‘ you k n o w ’ 2nd s.
oTSc ‘he/she/it/knows’ jr d s.
ισ μ ϊν ‘we know ’ ist pi.
W7TC ‘you know* 2nd p i
ϊσ α σ ι(ν ) ‘ they k n o w ’ jr d p i
A . Grammar. Vocabularies. hxercises o
Soies ..
(i) The verb ‘to be’ does not need to appear m a sentence tj it cati be assumed.
Cf. English 'Let'spretend that the sea is red, the sky (is)green and the air (is) blue\ and
the νσγ « ""’"°" KaX6s in* riPtions Greek P°ts\ e ^
Μίμνων καλός ‘ Metunott (is) handsome1
(,7) In the sentence ‘the Word was Cod', ‘ Word' is the subject, while 'Cod' is
traditionally called the complement. In Greek, the complement does not normally have a
definite article.
(iii) Complements always agree in case with the word with which they go; this is
normally the nominative case.

20 πολλά means ‘many things', ft is, in fact, the neuter plural o f an
adjcctivc meaning ‘much, many', and as neuter plural can take on the meaning
‘many things’ . In a similar way, στρατηγικός means ‘o f a general’ , but in the
neuter plural with a def art., τά στρατηγικά, it means ‘a general's business’, or
‘generalship’. This use of the n. pi. of an adjcctivc, especially when linked with
the def art.. is very common, e.g.
τα μαντικά 'naval matters’
τά στρατιωτικά ‘military matters’

21 Te . . . t€ and tc . .. καί link two words or phrases together
{‘both . . . and'), e.g.
o Tt JiKatorroAti καί ό ραφωδός ‘Dikaiopolis and the rhapsode’
op£ t« ο άνθρωπος καί φεύγει ‘the man sees and runs'
Note the position o f Tt in these phrases. O

Exercises for Section One H-J

(a) Words
rom the words in the left-hand column deduce the meaning o f those
on the right:
αποχωρώ irtpi χωρώ
βαίνω περφαίνω
ίιίΑΙ ίνΐίμι
Έλλτ,ν Ε λ λ η νικ ό * ή 6ν
μένω πΐριμίνω
στρατηγός στρατηγώ
Scctwii Otw 1Ί~), 19—21

(b ) M o r p h o l o g y
i. Translate each verb, then change to the singular or plural form as
εστέ, γιγνώ σκει, οΊσθα, ta r t, ϊσασι, παίζε, ειμί, ϊαμεν

(c) Syntax
ί . Translate these sentences:
a . ό ραψωδός εστιν "Ελλην.
b. ό Έ λ λ η ν εστιν άνθρωπος.
c. οτρατηγοί άριστοί εισιν οί ραψωδοί.
d. μώρός εστιν 6 ραψωδός.
e. κυβερνήτης ο άνθρωπος.

(d) English into Greek

Translate these pairs o f sentences:
1 . δήλον εστιν οτι ό Δικαιόπολις παίζει προς τον ραψωδόν.
It is clear that the rhapsode knows many things.
2. εμπειρός είμι εγω περί πολλά.
You are not experienced in the job.
3 . ο ί ραψ ω δοί είσι σ τρ α τη γο ί α ριστοι.
The best general is a rhapsode.
4- άρ ούκ οΐοθα οτι ό άνθρωπος παίζει αεί;
Doesn’t he know that the rhapsode is speaking accurately?
5. εμπειρος μεν ούκ εϊ, μώρος δε.
13ut I am not a fool: I know a lot.

Test Exercise One H—J

Translate into English;
το μεν ουν πλοιον πλει προς τον Πειραίά. οί δε νανται ούκ ισασι πού εστι
το ττλοΐοΐ’.
έρωτώσιν ουν τον κυβερνήτην πού εστιν. ό μεν κυβερνήτης λεγει οτι
εγγύς τού λιμένος εστί το πλοιον. εξαίφνης δε ό ραψωδός όμηριζει. και
εστιν οτι πολλά γιγνώ οκε ι περί 'Ομήρου ό άνθρωπος, ο δε
Δ ικαιόπολις παίζει προς τον ραψωδόν.

ΔΙΚΑΙΟΠΟΛΙΣ άρα γιγνώ σκεις τά ραψωδικά, ώραψωδέ;

ΡΑΨΩΙΔΟΣ πώς 6 ε ού; γιγνώ σκω δέ και τά στρατηγικα.
ΔΙΚ. τ ίλ ε γ ε ις ; ραψωδός γάρ ει καί ού στρατηγός.
ΡΑ Ψ. άρα ούκ οΐσθα ότι ό αγαθός ραψωδός εστιν άμα και στρατηγός αγαθός;
24 A. CrmmM, I Ouibuhrks. Kxvmses

d!K. ovk, σλλά olSa ότι συ μωρός tt,

ώ ραψωδέ, συ μ ΐ ιγ ά ρ ραψίο86ς
'Ελλήνων άριστος καI ίμπίΐρος nepi του Όμβρου, irepl τά
οτρατηγικά ούκ ΐμπεφος el, ovSe οΐσθα ov&h· ακριβώ ς.

eyyvs τού λιμό'Οί iHMrtlu' αγαθός ή όν good
harbour άμα ,η tltevum· time
ίζαΐφνης suddenly τών ‘Ελλήνων of the Greeks
δμηρίζω rente Homer oCSt And . .. not
Section Tw o
Vocabulary for Section T w o A

ΰγ€ c o n i c ! {s .) Α’ ά λ Α ι σ τ - ο ί -η -ot> v e ry , m ost πΐτττ-w ta ll, d ie

aAAijA-oi/s' one .mother (ace.) b e a u tifu l ρ η τορ ικ-ά , τά r h e to r ic (2 b)
β ά ρ β α ρ -ο ς ,ό barbarian, A oy- ο ϊ,ό s t o r y (2 .1) ρ ητορ ικ-ός -η -ov r h e t o n c jl
Persian ( 2.1) μ ά Α ίσ τ α y e s . in d e e d : v e r y ^ Γ α ^ α μ ιμ α S a L u m ( te c .)
β ραδ<-ω ί slowly w e ll τά π ρά γμ α τα e v e n ts
γ ίγ ν - f t a i (it) happens μάχ-οΐ'Ται (they) fight τ ά ϊ '/ t t h j v - a s A llie n s
By iidu . Hien {with Μη&ικ-ό, τά the Persian Wars τ η ν η μ ίτ έ ρ -α ν τόλμ-αν our
imperative) (2b) co u rag e
Sta-Aey-m'Tin (they) converse Μ φ -ο κ , ό P e r s i a n ( 2 a) την να υμα χί-α ν th e n a v a l
S t-tp x -fra i (lie) relates v a iir - c u s a i lo r s b a t t le
t K f i titere iije r - o f, ή is Ij i k I ( 2 .1 ) τη ν ν ΐκ -η ν d i e / o u r v i c t o r y
ipX -trai (it) « g o i n g οί Έ λληνα d ie G r e e k s τήν Σαλαμίνα S a l a m i s
<ρχ-όμ(θα (w e ) .ire going ο! να ντ-αι th e v u lo r s , c r e w n V a tp y a w h a t d e e d s ( a c c .)
ή δ ί-ω ϊ gladly. with pleasure όπ όσ-οι - a t -a how m any' τ ο ίς Μη&ικοϊς t h e P e r s ia n
tJSij n ow ονγάρ; is h e n o t ? Wars
ήμϊν to US irapa ( + a c e .) p a st. a lo n g τολμά-ω d a re , u n d e rta k e

ή αυχάζ-ω keep quiet TTtpi Ό μ η ρ ο ν about H om er τον 1 1 α ρ α ιά th e P ir a e u s

Vocabulary to be learnt
τ}£<α>ϊ with pfeam re , suvttlf
η&η by nou\ m>ir. already
παρά ( + Jcc. / a h n g , beside

Vocabulary for Section T w o B

άγα θ-ός -ή -o r good at ά πορϊ-α ι d ie p e r p le x itie s , α ί ί « τ ( ί - α ( th e su p p lic a tio n s

ά « ιδ - < s i n g ! (s.) d is tr e s s αί ιή « the ships
Vlihjrai-os, ό Athenian (2.1) a ! β ο-at th e s h o u t s Ql τ ώ ν Ά & η ν α ί- ιυ ν (the ships;
o t the A th e n ia n s
A. Grammar, \w
ocabu!arh's, f:.v trn x >

μάχ-ονται (they) tight τάςνανς their ships

aitopi-io be at .1 low. be
μ ψ ,ν ο ίλ ο μ ίν η ν destructive ταχί-ω τ quickly
wrath (acc.) τ ίλ ο ς finally
άφ-ίκν-οννται (they) Arrive
ν α ντικ -ο ρ ,το tliena\\ ( - b ) t t ) ν α ν μ α χ ί-ΐ} the naval battle
βάρβαρ-οί, 6 Persian.
νικά-ω, will TYjv Ε λ λ ά δ α Greece
barbarian (2 a)
Ξ ίρξον ϋΐίον βηοιλήος of τψ· π α τ ρ ίδ α thefiri tatherland
βίβαι-ο* -o -oij secure
Xerxes, the god-like king τήΐ'ττόλι»' tile city
β ραδί- w slowly
οί ‘Ελληνις the Greeks tt)v τόλμ~αι· their I'ouragt
yiyi'-ίται (it) becomes
οί Π ίρ ο -at the τψ· νβριν the aggression
διά ( + ,ηϊ.) on account tit
ολίγ-ot -fli -a tew ~οΓί f l t o i i t<' the μι>ds
d'o'jSdiV-u embark
όσ-οι -at -a how many! τ ό π λ ή θ ο ς superior num bers
ίλ(νβ(ρ-ούσι(v) (they) set free
ovrw r tluis. mi tojv ΆΟτ/ναί-οιν t)l the
η άηοpl-a die perplexity.
πίτττ-ω tall, die Athenians
ιτολλ-αί many (nom .) τ ώ ν ‘Ε λ λ ψ ί ο ν οί tilt· ( ireeks
ή ά ρ (τ -ή (the) courage.
ττοΑΑ-iJ much (nom.) r v iir O t-w v i >t tile g o d s
ttoA-us much, great (nom .) τ ώ ν I U p a - ώ ν ol the Persian
η iXtv8fpt-a (die) treedom
η σ τ ρ α τ ι-ά the Army ττοΑλά (ΐιχ-ονταί they make τά>ΐ’ OTparrpy-chi’ ot tlieir

ή τόλμ-α (die) courage many prayers generals

ή τώ(· Ελλήνων (the courage) π ροσ-ίρχ -(7αι (it) advances vrrtp τής ίλ ιν Ο ιρ ί-α ς Ittr
o f the Greeks π ροσ-ίρχ-ονται (they) treedom

θ ί-ά goddess (voc.) advance φ ό β -ο ς ,ό t e a r ( 2a)

θΰ-ω (make a) sacrifice τάς θυσί-ας the sacrifices φ οβ -ούν ται (th ey )te a r
κίνδκΐ’-οϊ,ό danger ( 2.1 )

Vocabulary to be learnt
αγαθός ή όι· ^ W , iK’Mr. βρα&ϊως slowly
fi'wrtJijeiiHi νικάιο win . ric/cdf
’j46ij»'Qioi, ό .-WIkhiii»f ) όσο? >; or lmn ■ijrt'.ii/
άνορί-ω be at ΰ loss; have no ~ in rw ( ~< c-) J a il, ihc
resources τίλος in the out, futility
βίβαιος ο,ον scaur

Vocabulary for Scction T w o C

«ywv the contest (nom.) ίΑ<υθίρ-οΰτ< free? (pi.) η α ν χ ί-α ν ίχ - tu keep quiet
nlwjf? the ships
Έλλψ'ϋιν Hi the Greeks η χ ί-ω echo
άλ>7<?ύί truthfully ίμ-όί -ή -w niy Γσω? perhaps
αμα ,u the tame time
ό·0α κ α ί ΐιϋα this w ay and ίτ« com e! (pi.)
όμπίω at daybreak that
ανΟις again κάΑΑιστ-os' - 1) -o r very tm e.
(v roiy βα ρβα ροις aniong the
άψ-ικι-tira t (it) arm vs most lovely
|3o--^T[t a shout καΛόι.·tik i Aoyol·· .1 tine tale
ImtBr) when
yiyv-troi there is. it b a onies Aoy-oj.o story, tale ( 2 a)
ζϊ)Τ€-ω seek, look for
γυναίκας your wives (aci.) μό-τοι still, nonetheless
η&η now, already
δή μοι to me
ι?μά· tons
«yyi-ΐ Γ«λαμι'ι·οί near Sal amis ναύτ-α* sailors (voc.)
ή οάλπιγξ trumpet
ιαυτικ-ό»’, ro navy ( 2 b)
StTfiiVj Two

νυξ night Σ αλα μ ιν ομ ά χ -η ς a soldier at το π οίη μ α die poem

οί Έ λ λ η ν α the C>reeks Salamis τώ ν'Ε λλ ηνιην of the Creeks
ovhkvX iy-w speak nonsense σ κ ο π ά -α ι be quiet τώ ν iJtp G -ών o f tile Persians
o v x o w not . . . therefore σ κ ο π ί -w look τώ ν π € τρ -ώ ν the rocks
nai'Sti children {v oc.) τ ά αληθή the truth ν π *ρ π άν τω ν tor everything
iratSas your children (acc.) τά π ρ ά γ μ α τα die events φής you (s.) say
π ά π π -ο ς , o grandfather (2 a) τάπ < ρΙ . . . (the events) φ όβ- oy, ό fear ( 2 a)
πατρί& ' ~ narpt&a fatherland around φΐν&ή lies (acc.)
(acc.) τά τώ ν Έ λ λ η vmv (the fme φ (νδ-ώ ς falsely
ττολλάκκΓ often deeds) o f the Greeks ω δ ( as follows, thus
iroTtpov . . . ή whether . . . or τη νβ ο-ή ν the shout ώστrep like
Σ α λ η μ ίν α Salaniis (acc.) to is βάρβαρο ις the barbarians

V o cab u lary to be learnt

ά μ α at the vi»rr time 1ησυχάζω be qu id, keep qtttfl σ ιο ιπ ά -tu be silent
ανθις again, κ άλ λ ιατος η ov most/very σκοττί-oj look (a t ), cii»<ider
βάρβαροί, ό barbarian, finejbeaulifiilfgood φ(υ&<1>ς Jalsely
tornyju T( ><1 / λ όγος, 6 >t<'ry. u/«- ( 2 a)
Ι μ ό ί ή ol·1 riiy.Niittc’ irorepov . ή irhrthcr . . . or

Vocabulary for Scction T w o D

άκ ό σ μ -ιο ς in disorder θ ΐ - ό ς ,ό god (i.\) όμόΐ'οι-α agreem ent (noni.l

aAArJAoii to one another κ α τ ά ( + .icl.) by. in, ο Ξ(ρζη·ς X erxes
«AAtJA-oi's one .m other (acc.) according to οΰκίτι no longer
άΑΑ-οί -tj -o other, rest tit χολάζ-ω punish o v r a a 111 this ss ay
άν α -χ ω ρί-ιι) retreat κόσμιχι in order ττολίμι-οι, οί the enemy ( 2 a)
άτά κτ-ω ΐ out of rank κνβ<ρΐ'ήτα captain ττόΑ(μ-05, ό war (2 a)
γίγ ν -ον ται (they) becom e Aα μ β άν -cj capture, take ποΑΑ-ij much, great ( 110 m.)
θ ίο ’-ός -ij -όν terrible, dire μ ά λ α very π ροσ-ίρχ -οντα,ι (they)
βιά ( + a c c .) beejuse of μ α χ -ό μ *θ α (wej I ^ advance
<A*t50ep-oi -a -ok- tree μ ά χ -ο ν τ α ι (they) 1 τάζιν rank (acc.)
ίξ α ίφ ν η ς suddenly, out of the Μ η δικ-ά, τά tile Persian Wars τό> ι·αι/ί the ships
blue ( 2 b) τ α χ ί- ω s' quickly
*jTfιδ») w hen. since, because ΛίήΒ-Οϊ,ό Persian (23) την άρ(τ-ήι· their courage
ίπ - ίρ χ - ο ν τ α ι they advance μ ι σ ί -oj hace τι)ι-ΐ'αι/μΛχι-αι^ the nas al
against μ ϊσας hatred (nom .) battle
« r i ( + 4cc.) to, against. ΐ'ανμα^ί-αΐ1 a naval battle την jioAh the city
toss ards (acc.) τηι νβρίί· the aggression
(ττι-ιτΑί-ω sail torsvard Ξ (ρ ξ -η i X erxes (nom .) τι a (nom .)
attack όβασιΑίύ? the king τοϊν Έ.\\ηαι the («reek»
«τι still oifi< (with οί μ*»·) others τοΑμο-ω lie daring
tv well o l μ€ΐ· (with ol St) some tot< then
η μ<τοβολ -rj the change όμονο€-ω be of one mind, τ ο φ ά σ μ α the phantom,
8 t - a r a i (he) w atches, gazes at agree apparition
,4 . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o

φ άσμ α τι yw attetiov a φ ΐύ rw v ’Ε λλήνω ν alas for

τούΐναιJr-o? the sailors
phantom in female form the Greeks!
τούί riipo-ατ the Persians
(nom. n,)
φ ο β -ο ύ μ α ι (I) fear
τών Πίρσ-ώμ o f the Persians
φ(ύ alas! φ οβ-€Ϊοθ< be afraid o f! (pi.)
τών ffpttyfiarwK of/ΐη things,
φ(ύ τον η ολ ίμ ον alas for the ώ σ τ η ρ like, as
φαίνεται (it) appears war!

Vocabulary to be learnt
ονκίτι no longer τβ χ ίω ί quickly
αναχωρίω tttfcet
ovrutfs) tbui, so, in <fiii way τ ι a , so m eth in g
&tά (+ ύ ΐί.) because cf
ττολίμιοι, οί the enemy ( 2a) τολμάω dare, be daring,
iXfiBtpos&ov fret
π ο Μ μ ιπ α ο ν hostile, enemy undertake
circi$ij U'iiffi
π ό λ ίμ ο ς,ο war ( 2a) tScnrep like, as
in i (+ac(.) against,at, 10

O Grammar for Section T w o

1 * 0 . ind,
1I 1U . act. -όω
<1L L . -O W

Pres. ind. and imper. mid. -ομαι, -άομαι, -«ομαι

βοή, απορία, τόλμα, ναύτης (nom., acc.)
Γ λπ pis. meaning ‘of’
Uses of def. art.
More preps.

Present indicative active o f contracted verbs in ό -ω , δ η λ ό -ω 11 show*
22 Here are the forms of the contracted verb Βηλόω:
δτ}λ-ώ (δτ^λό-ω^ ‘1 show’ etc.
δηλ-οί? ( Βηλό-ζις )
δηλ-οί (δηλό-ei)
Βηλ-ονμεν (Βηλό-ομςν)
δ^λ-ούτε (ΰ η λ ό -π ΐ)
ΖηΧ-θύοι(ν) βηΧ6-ονσι(ν))
*<*-<»; ί8ήλο-{ ; 'show!’ (S.)
^ (b M -m ) ‘show!’ (pi.)

“ * SCC° nd 511 f o ™ ' cTcd” m Ldk· * which

wnicn Τend
η Γinm-ομαι.
^ ' O O ff these
h” ' you
St’ifiii/i Tu>ot 2 2 —24 29

have met ΐρχομαι, γιγνομα ι, μάχομαι, φοβέομαι, θ^άομαι. Mere are their conju­
gations in full:

ϊρ χ-ομ α i Ί g o ’ φοβ-ονμαι ( i -ομαι) ‘ 1 fear’ θΐ-ώμοα ( ά-ομαι)'\ watch’

«ΡΧ-Ϊ7 ( “ ) φ οβ-ν ( e -y ) ( *-ν)
€px~€rat φοβ-ctται ( €-€ται) 0€-άται ( ά-€ται)
έρχ-όμεθα φ οβ-ούμίθα ( ς-όμΐθα.) θΐ-ώ μ ΐθα ( α-όμ^θα.)
€ρχ~€σθ( φ οβ-ςϊσθΐ ( 4-ΐσ θ ΐ) 0€-ά οθί. ( ά-€θθί)
Ζρχ-οντ at φοβ-οΰνται ( 4-ovrat) -ώνται ( ά-ονται)

Imperative form s
*ΡΧ~ον ‘go! (s.) φ οβ-ον(€-ον) ‘ fear!’ θ ΐ-ώ (ά -ο υ ) ‘ watch!’
ερχ-εσθς ‘go! (pi.) φοβ-€Ϊαθ€ fe-eofle^'fear!’ θΐ-άσθς fa-eofo^'w atchl’

N ouns
24 I lere are four further noun types, categorised as types la, lb, ic, id,
to add to the 211 and 2b types that you learnt in the last chapter. Note again the
similarities between these type 1 nouns, and their resemblance to the feminine
d ef. art. Types ia, b, and c are fem in in e; id is m a s c u lin e .

β ο -ή , Ύ] ‘ shout’ (la )
s. pi.

nom. acc. get). now. acc. ^ n: :: (fat. v

βο-ή βθ-ήν β®-*}?. βο-αί βο-άς jfro^QXlΐ

ν α ν τ -η ς , ό ‘ sailor’ ( id)
s. pi

tiom. acc. twttt. acc. Ψ»*· ·,, dot.

ναντ-ης ναντ-ην wio^T-OW;; vavr-ai ναύτ-ας ■wi«r-<3v yavr^ms

airopt-a , 17 *perplexity1 ( ib)

s. pi.

nom. acc, :r djit tioni. acc. ditf.

άπορΐ-α άπορί-αν « 7γο/«-85Γ &πορί~<£ άπορί-αι άπορί-ας άΐ?ορι~ών anvpt-cur
}0 A. G ra m m e Vocabularies. Exercises

τό λ μ -α , ή 'daring ( " )

Horn. «'<■<■· ·φ *ί' : U

T ilv . a τ« μ-α. τόλμ-αι

,1, type iwfliK. Iil-'f απορία, keep the a βII the way through the smX«lar. Ί hey
folk,,· the sente rule as « M y quoteijo, «ijettives of which the stem etuis m p < t < c f .n
’note). The final a may be long or short; thefinal λ in the nom. «hJ A *. <■ oj it minis ,s

Genitive case
25 All genitive plurals end in -ων, e.g. ανθρώ πω ν, Ζργω v, τώ ν , καλώ ν
ναυτών., ctc. The genitive case has a wide range of functions, but is often
equivalent to the English ‘o f (it is this function you must learn at the moment),

C g ‘
τών ανθρώπων ‘o f the men’; τώ ν Ιίργων ‘o f the deeds .
26 Note the order o f the genitive in the following sentences:
το πλοίο v τών ανθρώπων
τό τών ανθρώπων πλοιον
τό πλοιον τό τών ανθρώπων
τών ανθρώπων τό πλοίον
The basic meaning o f all these is ‘the ship o f the men, the m en’ s ship*. N o te
especially the norm, which is το τών ανθρώπων πλοιονt c.i*.
ορώ το τών ανθρωπων πλοίον ‘ 1 am observing the men s ship’ (in reply
to the question What are you d o in gi); but also note the very com m on:
το πλοιον ορώ το τών ανθρώπων ‘it's the men’ s ship I see’ (in reply to
the question ‘ Whoso ship do you see?’).
7 Note also the use o f the del. art. in the following phrases, especially its

τα 7τΐρι Σαλαμίνα πράγματα

τα πράγματα τά πΐρΐ Σαλαμίνα
events around Salamis’
τα πςρι Σαλαμίνα
Likewise, consider:

Λ Σ α λ “μ α ί t h c ' " ™ «> Salamis, those j „ S a b m K

at ev τ γ Παραιπ ‘the women in the Piraeus'
Thl: “ * ? * * M to extend a phrase. is very
ay “ * * genitive mages outlined a b o v e ! * '^ C° m m ° n· h w ork* in a similar
ο Section Two, 24-28

28 N ote 7Tapa-f-acc. 'along, alongside’; and cm-I-acc. ‘at, onto, to’ , and
δ ιά + a c c . ‘ bccause o f ’ .

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt w ith the g ra m m ar o f Section T w o

απορία, ij p erp lex ity ; lack o f π τ ίρ χ ο μ α ι ( (ΐτ (λ θ -) g o ο μ ό ν ο ια , fj agreement, harmony
provisions ( tb) against, attack (ib )
β ο ή , ή sh o u t(ta ) ί ρ χ ο μ α ι ( ί λ θ - ) g o , come ττρο οίρχ ομ α ι
γ ίγ ν ο μ α ι ( y t v - ) Jviomr,· /»<*; be ή σ ν χ ία , ij quiet, peace ( l b ) ( π ρ ο σ (λ θ - ) advance,
born; hap p en ; arise θ(ά,ή goddess ( l b ) g ofiom e towards
ί>ιςρχομαι ( Β π λ θ - ) g o through, μ ά χ ο μ α ι ( μ α χ ίο - ) β ght σ τ ρ α τ ιά , i} army ( tb)
relate ν α υ μ α χ ία , η n aval battle ( l b ) τ ό λ μ α , ή daring (tc)
fXtv6fpia, η Jreedom ( lb) vim ), ή victory, conquest ( l a ) φ ο β ίο μ α ι f e a r , be φ α ι ά (of)
(λ(νβΐρόω free, set tree

Excrcises for Section T w o

(a) W o r d s
D educc thc meaning o f thc words on thc right from
αληθή ή αλήθεια
α κριβ ώ ς η* αί κ ρ *Ω
ψ ϊΐα
άνθρω πος, ό ή άνθρωπος
βοή βοώ
εμ π ειρ ος ή εμ π ειρ ία
εργον ερ γά ζο μ α ι
f ίC /
ήΰεω ς ηοομα ι, η ηοονη
κακός ή κα κία
μάχομαι 6 μ α χ η τή ς, ή μ ά χ η , άμαχος ον
μώ ρος ή μ ω ρ ία
να νς/μά χομα ι να υμα χώ
νίκη/νικά ω α νίκητος ον
ττοιεω ό π ο ιή τη ς
πόλεμος ο π ο λ εμ ή τη ς, πολεμώ
σ ιω π ά ω ή αιωττη
σ τρα τιά ό σ τρα τός, στρατεύω , ό σ τρα τιώ της
τολμά ω ο το λ μ η τή ς, άτολμος ον, άτολμώ
φίλος φ ιλώ , ή φ ιλία
φ ο β ίο μ α ι 6 φόβος
φενΒώς φ ενδομαι
A. Cnwumir. I W M ihm s, ILxmises

(b) Morphology ci,angc t0 singular or plural as appropriate:

„ ^ ΡΧ<τα<, φοβοΟ ^, φοβούμαι, « W ft

, t f t £ £ form o f thc definite article to t h c * nouns:

' « Λ * . τόλμα,, * * ψ . / M r. v.V «, M W » . c r p a n a v , « f t p n p w .
νίκην, απορία
3. Put in thc correct form o f adjcctivc and noun:
ή καλλίστ- /3o- τήν ττολίμί- βο-
αι't (μ- βο- ταί καλ- νίκ-
την1 «μ-
» απορι-

(c) Syntax
t. T h c Athenians’ war’ = ο πόλεμος ό τών 'Αθηναίωνjo τών 'Αθηναίων
Put together the following groups o f words in thc same patterns, and
a. τά Ζργα+τών Πΐροών
b. ή στρατιά + τών βαρβάρων
c. ή βοή + €ν τψ λιμίνι
d. οί ναΰται+^ν τώ νλοίψ
e. τό ττλοίον Ί- τών πολέμιων

(d) English into Greek

Translate these pairs of scntenccs:
1 . ή ναΰί προς την ναυμαχίαν προσέρχεται.
The sailors converse with thc rhapsode.
2. ο αριστος ραψψ&οζ a ti καλλίοτονς rroift tovs λόγους*
The captain relates with pleasure our sca-battle.
3- «τ«τα μάχονται μ ίν οί 'Αθηναίοι, φοβούνται 6c οί τώ ν Πυρσών
Finally the Athenians arc victorious, while die Athenians' enemies are
4- μη αναχωρείτε ώ φί\οι, αλλά μάχ«σ0«.
Don t be afraid, sailors, but fight and become free
5. ισμ(νοτι προσέρχεται ή τών 'Ελλήνων στρατιά.
You (pi.) know that the Persians’ gcnerals arc retreating.

T est E xcrcise T w o
Tramlate into English
έπ α δ η οδν προσέρχονται ij τώ ν Π ςρσών στρατιά καί το ναντικόν, οι
'Α θηναίοι τα χέω ς €ΐσβαίνονσιν eis τάς νανς και προς την Σαλαμίνα
πλέουσιν. ίττειτα δε οι τε ‘Α θηναίοι και οί άλλοι Έ λλημίς ησνχάζουσι.
τέλος δέ ά φ ικνϊΐτα ι το τώ ν Πυρσών ναντικόν, καί έπ α δη γίγνςτα ι,
ίνθα και ένθα βραδέως πλέουσιν αί νή^ς. και επειδή γίγν€τα ι ή ήμέρα> οί
μέν Π έρσαι προσέρχονται ταχέω ς εττί ναυμαχίαν, οί δέ "Ελληνας
άπορούσι καί φοβούνται, τέλος δέ ουκέτι φοβούνται, άλλα τολμώσι καί
έπ έρχονται έπι τονς βαρβάρους, μάχονται ούν ΐύκόσμω ς και νικώσι
τούς βαρβάρους, οι μέν ούν βάρβαροι φ ίύ γο νσ ι, φ (ύ γ α δέ και ο Ξ έρξης.
όντω ς οδν έλίύθΐρο ι γίγνο ντα ι οί 'Έλληνας διά την άρςτήν.

ναν τικόν, τ ό fleet, ιΐ3 vy (ih ) ήμίρα,η d .iy (ib )
ά φ ικ ν ίο μ α ι arrive (ΐκ οσ μ ω ? iti good order
ι-ΰί night (n om .) &ρ<τή,ή cou ragc (la)
ϊν θ α κ αι Ζνθα up and d ow n
Section Three
Vocabulary for Section Three A
com e'(s.) Z(C Zeus όπόθα> w here from ?
at πολίμια.ι νήίί thc cnc m y ή λαμττάί the torch 7To<?tv fro m where?
ships ήμάϊ us ιτυρ-ά, τά firc-si^m l (ab)
άφ-ικνί-ομαι arrive, come -ή7τόλι? thc city Ζ’αλαμΰι SaLimis
-ή -όν dire, terrible ISov took! (s.) aTTtvh-oj hurry
Sjj then (with iniper.)
Kit'Sifvos some danger τγι νηαΐι) the island
δΐ}λό-αι show, make dear
διότι beta use την Σ α λ α μ ίν α Salamis
KtvSiW dinger
nSitPol·' som ething terrible
ίπι-οτρίφ-ω turn round
λαμπάδ-α a torch (acc.) τονλιμ ίν-α. die harbour
ίρωτά-αι ask
λαμπάδ-ύ rtfa a torch (acc.) Φής you (s.) say
«ί well
vt} τον Δ ί-α yes, by Zeus
ίΰθΰί immediately χ ω ρ ί-tu com e, go
νήσ-ος,η island ( 2 a)

Vocabulary to be learnt
ciyt fome!
fp w r iio ( e p - ) aifc
Αφικνίομαι ( άψικ-) arrive, ν οθ (ν ; from where?
•Sou W ! here! hey!
(Ctnt frvpa, τ ά firt-sig n a tfik )
«ft'Swcs, ό danger (2a)
δηλόω iiiou1. reveal oittvSut hurry
νήοος, η island (ία )
χωρίω go, rottic

Vocabulary for Section Three B

V<‘ tov neighbour (voc.) *«<σ< there, over there
Of-co run
δίΐμ-οϊ .ή tCTrjblc carryout
i(u> outside βόρυβ-os, o din, hustle and
**»-« 'P « k ! tell (mc)!
*v well bustle ( 2 a)
ιϊτα then
ή Σ αλαμ ίς Salamis *αΐδή yes (1 <t»i. . .)
‘ ««tv-a.ri those (acc )
κΊνδυνω danger
β<ά'°ί*«ι watch. gK eat
*f^o^-ost0 order ( 2a)
S ec tio n t h r e e

ίτοΑΛ-αΐ many (nom .) τηνναύν the ship

rroAA-oi άν8ρ-(ς many men τής οικίας the house
μ ίτ ά ίμ ο ύ with me (nom .) τονλιμίν-α the harbour
μοι to me π ολ-νς m uch. 3 lot o f (110 m.) τον τροτ!ο)τήρ-<\ the/his
ννξ niylit noρ ίύ -ο μ α ι jou n icv, conic. oar-loop
ό γ (ίτων Ii is neighbour
go τού Πώλου Polos*
ot άι'δρ-fv ilie men Π ρ ώ τ α ρ χ -ο ς , ό Prot.irchijs τοΰϊ άνδρ-ας the men
οΓκαβί home(wards) (2a) (an armed soldier on a τρίχ-ω run
οΐκί-α, rj house (i b) trireme) τώ λιμίνι thc harbour
όπ α ΐς thc slave ΓΙώ λ-ος, o Polos ( 2a) (a rower) τώ Π ίΐρ α κ ΐ the Piraeus
οττλ-α, τά weapons (2b) ταϊς ό8οΐς the streets νιτηρίσι-ον, τό cushion (2 b)
ονδαμοΰ nowhere τα ΰ τ-α τα these (acc.) φαίν-ομαι appear
ο ίτ -ο ίό this (nom.) τηνλαμ -πάδ-α the torch
οδτ-ος this {with θόρυβος)

V o cab u lary to be learnt

S f i K j f ij όν terrible, dire, {lever ο ικ ία , ή house (tb)
(δ w ell QtKa&t homewards
θ (ά ο μ α ι w atth , ju<jz c at όπλα, τά weapons, arms (il·)
θόρυβος, 6 noise, din, hustle iropevομαι march .journey, χο
and bustle ( ia ) φαίνομαι (φαν- ) appear, seem

Vocabulary for Section Three C

α ί Α α μ π ά β - ίΐ th e t o r c h e s ix<tv-av τ ο ν avSp-a th a t m a n Aoy-oy, ό word (2a)

α ί n j- f? t h c s h ip s Ι μ π α ρ ί- α ν τινά s o m e μανθάν-oj learn
ά Α Α ΐ}Λ -ο υ ί o n e a n o t h e r (acc.) e x p e r ie n c c μ ίγ α great (nom.)
o A A -o s - η - o o th e r, rest o f (v το ν τψ m e a n w h ile μ ίλ ίτά -ω practise
a A A -o ts o t h e r w i s e s in c e , b e c a u s e μ ίλ(τ-ή, η practice (la)
ά π ο -κ ρ ίν -ο μ α ι a n s w e r trt s till μ ίτά πολλής μίΜ τής with
atro-KTtiv-tu k i ll Z tv Z en s much practice
’/ Ι χ α ι - ό ϊ , ό A k h a i a n (2 a) θ α λ ά ττι-os -a -ov s e a , o f t h c μηδΐ and don’t
(Homer’s word fo r ‘ C reek ’) sea μιμνηοκ-ομαι remember
y a p ξ ή r e a lly , 1 a ssu re y o u καί Sy καί a n d m o r e o v e r μοι to me
γ * ίιΐρ γ-ό ς, 6 f a r m e r ( 2 a ) urai μ ή ν se e! μνρμ-ηκ- f i ants (nom.)
γη ,-η la n d ( l a ) κ α τ ά ( + s e c .) o n . b y naval
Βια-λέγ-ομαι converse K pari-ta h o ld s w a y , p o w e r ra v rw e , τά n a v a l m a tte rs

ίγγύ ς τον λιμίνος near the κ ω Λ ΰ -ω p re v e n t, sto p (2b)

harbour Α α κ ΐ& α ιμ όνΐ'ος, ό S p a r t a n ναντικόν, τό n a v ig a t i o n (2 b )
tlir-t speak! tell me! (2 3) id tn jp th e m a n
<KciV-oioi those (nom.) /1α κ < ΐα ιμ ό ΐΊ - 0 ϊ ovSt i s η o o iw & p -ts t h e m e n
«MtvOt they, those men S p a rta n ό Π ιρ ικ λ ή ς P e r ic le s
λαμ β ά ν-ω t a k e , c a p t u r e ονδα μ-ώ ς in n o w a y . n o t a t a ll
/!. (',r<wnn<u, I'ouibuhirit'i, l-.xcni^vs

iSSC IT lbtt', ί Ο Π Ίί το ττΑι)0οϊ the number

οΰδί .ind not
together, swarm τού Π ΐρικλίονς Periclcs
ovSfpiO lOus no ship (nom .)
τον my dear chap τουτ-o this (acc.)
οϋδιμι-αν ί μ ir tip l-a v no
(condescending) τοντ-οΐί these (with tom
a p fn c n c c (acc.)
ταντ-ην it. tilts (acc.) Λακ(&αιμονίους)
ov & tv -a any (acc.)
τ αύτ-τ)ν η)ι» this (acc.) τρι^ρΒρχ-βί,ό trierarch (ia)
ο ίτ-οϊ ό this
τίχν-ΐ},!} skill ( i a) τών v€(jjv of tile silips
οι/τω — ο ί τ ω ;
rjj in κλησίφ thc Assembly of νμών o f you
yrcpi τού ττολίμον *αΐ τών
the people {w h m a ll politiral ίφ ' Έ κ τ ο pi at Hektor’s
ναυτικών about the war
derisions were made) nicrcv (Hfl'Mr.1 / rcjan fieri>
2nd nival matters
Urώ α α -ω crouch, cower rijvTji the ship fci/Mfty /IWiiWrn#)

fa S t-u ts easily τ/vfs what? (nom.) φ-ής you (s.) say

.ΓαλαμΜΊ Salamis tic someone, one (nom.) φησί (he) says
Oi you (s.) (acc.) rw λιμίν-α the harbour φ όβ -ος,ό fear ( 2a)
χαλ<ιr-ώί with difficulty

Vocabulary to be learnt
άλλ^λονί eath ether, our κ α τ ά ( +acc.) in,on, by, Ol/Sf ilflrf «Of
another ( 2a) according to Λ ακί δαιμονιοϊ, o Sparta tt ( 2a)
άλλοϊ ij o other, thc rest o f λαμβάνω ( λαβ-) trtJif, capture τίχ ν η ,ή skill, art, expertise
γ·ή, ή fond (to) λόγος, o word. Speech: story, (t a)
fyyvs { +gett.) near, ricarhy tale ( 2 a) ravriKOt η όν naval
tliri spejk! tell me! μανθάνω ( μαί- ) leattt.
ίν *ώ ή when, since, because understand

Vocabulary for Section Three D

£-δι5νβτ-οϊ-ον impossible βί-α,τ) sight ( Ib) ούτως y< yes. he is
ol άνΒρ-ts the men θΰρ-α, η door (lb) ηοΐ slave!
βάλλί «s ίίόρακ-αϊ go to hell! καβίύδ-ω sleep ircpi τούτον τον
(lit. *to the crows') καλί-ω call, summon κιν&ύνov about this danger
βοά-ω shout (for) κ*λ(νοτ-ής, 6 boatswain ( Id) ττολ-ίϊ much (nom.)
γ ά ρ rrov of course, no need to «Λ ηνττ-^ϊτιϊ .1 boatswain Ζαλαμΐν< Salamis
say (he gave tht time to fiic oi you (acc. s.)
δίσπότ-ijs, ό master (id) rowers) ταύτ~·ην τήν this (acc.)
ίκ«ά'-ατά those (acc.) danger ταχύ quickly
im iv-ov him (acc.) κόιττ-ω knock t^vtjσψ thc island
tK<i»’-os he (nom.) μάλιστα y« yes. all right τήϊν<ώί thc ship
itcttcf there μ* me (acc.) Tc'va whom? (acc.)
ίμ ί me (acc.) μοι to me τούτ-ο το πράγμα this
«ι^οκ inside οίκοι at home business (nom.)
in still ό /ίυθοβημαι«ύί the member τρ ίχ -ti) run
ζη τί-ω seek, look for
ofKydathencdeme (a τριήραρχ-ot, ® trierarch ( 2a)
ήμ*τ«ρ-οί -a -ov our
district o f Athens) φ ίρ-t come now!
ή Σαλαμίς Salamis e w i j the slave
ήουχ-οί -οι» quiet, quietly Φής you (s.) say, mean
οδτ-οί he. the latter (nom.)
O Scction Three, 29 37

Vocabulary to be learnt
βοάιυ ihoul (for) καλίω tall, summon
irt still, ytI ttKTTiJi, 6 boatswain(ιό)
ζητίω lookfor, seek οίκοι athome
θΰρα,ή door(ib) τρίχω (Βραμ- ) run
Ka9tv&tu sleep τριήραρχοί,^ tnrrorth

Vocabulary for Section Three E

Atro-rrXi-w Mil off give thetime τάς vavs theshrpt
£1} then, now Kf^fv-ω order, give orders τηνrrarpiS-a our fatherland
ixfiv-ος theformer (nom.) ττάΑιμ back, again rot; θιοΐς to thegods
ίμ-βαίν-u) embark ιτολλάκΐί often vnip τήί σωτηρία* for our
yt well done! ilfouBov Poseidon (seagod) sjfety
pnycr(ia) (voc.) wraf=cu άναξ O lord!
(ΐϋχ-ομαι pray cot to you (s.) <£^Spc(=«S άνδρ-ts men'
ΐ}μ«ί«ρ-οϊ -a -oi' our oirtvi-at makea libaiton «AwSir in... out... m .. out
θναί-α, ή sacrifice (1b) OTTovh-t), η libation (1 a)
θύ-u) utrificc σ«/η)p vaviour (nom.)

Vocabulary to be learnt
5ij then, indeed ffuaia, ij asarnfife(tb)
ίμβαίνω (ίμβα-) embark 9vw sacrifice
<νχή.ή prayer (to) KtXtvu) t>tder
Εύχομαι pray aniv&oj pouralibation
ημ*τ(ρος a ov our «Tiretiij, 1} alibation(la)

O Grammar for Section Three

Χιμήν, ι/αΰί, Ztvs, οδτος, ίκΰνος, Ιγώ, σν, πολύς, μίγα ς (nom., acc.)

29 So far you have met nouns classified as types 1 or 2 (or 1st and 2nd
declension). These nouns, and thc adjectives like *aA<fc, and the def. art. all
showed very useful similarities, and their genders could for the most part be
^ .-1. (.jfrlMIJHjr, 1 Οΰΐ/>Ιί/ιϊ ί^Λ'ίΤΠΜ’-'

Here is thc most common type ot type 3 noun, classified as 3a.

λ ιμ ψ ( Χ ι μ ί ν - ) 'harbour' (ja )

ni>m. acc. " -xiitif. "■ fliWI. OiC.

λιμήν λιμεν-α λιμίν-ες λιμεν-ας

(i) The stem 0» H’/ifWi the noun is declined is N O T T H E S A X 1E A S I HE
N O M IN A T IV E S IN G U L A R . While patterns of stems will emerge over type f
nouns, you 1rill have to learn stems to start with, as you learn the noun. Thus you must
learn λιμψ' (λιμεν-), άνήρ (avbp-), λαμπάς (λαμτταδ-), so lhat yt>n can spof the
hohh 1W/01 if occurs in aform different from the nominative singular.
(ii) It is not always possible w predict the gender o f type 3 nouns, and these must be
learnt foo. But again, you in'// /ind io»ic patterns emerging as different type j «ou/ii are

30 Here arc two irregular nouns:

ναΰς, ή ‘s/iip’


nan. acc.
«ο »1· acc.
»αϋ? vaw
VT)CS ναύς ' '-vtwy^ ■ v^Vpif^)

Z e u s , o 'Z e u s '

Wm. rtff. gen. dot.

Z fv s Δ ία 4 ws A tL

Adjectiv cs/pronouns

When and; r “ * “ * » -'h e r „ adjcctivc*.

man’ , 'this woman', ‘that thing
thin»' etc., depending
I " !il'ΐ “ Τ ’ ' " ' ' ™ ‘hcy wiU mcan ,this
on context.
O *SY</fi'?/ 'I'hree. 2 9 -33


οντος ό ναύτης ‘ this sailor’ or ό ναύτης οδτος

τα ύτα τά €ργα ‘ these deeds’ or τά εργα ταϋτα n.b. the position
ς κ ίίν η η β ο ή ‘ that shout’ or ή βοη έκΐίνη o f the article
οντος ά φ ικ νΐίτα ι ‘this man is approaching’
αυται τρέχουσιν 'these women are running'

3 2 o vto s α υ τ ή τ ο ύ το ‘ this, this matt{woman (thing, (s)he, it’

οδτος declines ;is fo llo w s:


nom. aa. :: d i& HOW. act. d<u. \-y

w. οντ-ος TOVT-OV TOVT'-OV τοντ-ψ ο υ τ-ο ( τούτ-ονς ·: τοντ-iift' TQVT-Ol$
/- O.VT-7) ταντ-ην ταύτ-ης TOVTrJJ · av r-a i ταντ-ας τοντ-ων ■;r c t v r - a t s
H. to v t-o τούτ-ο τ ο ύ τ -ο υ r o v r -ψ ravr-a ταύτ-α TOVT~CJV 7QVT-01S

(i) Presence or absence o f τ- at thefront of the wordfollows the same pattern os
the def art.
(ii) α[η in the ending generates av in the stem; ο!ω in the endinggenerates ov in the stein.
(iii) Note especially the neuter forms τούτο, ταύτα.

33 e/ieiV-οϊ -η -ο *that, that nianfwotnanf thing, (s)he, it

(κείνος declines as follows:


MOfM. ίΐα. getu dat. nom. ,nx. gen.

»i. ίκ£Ϊν-ος tK€iv-ov tKeiv-ov Ικαν-ψ €K€»'-ot etfiiV-ot/f ίκίίν-ών fxtiv-ots
J- ΐκ€ΐν-·η tVttv-Tji’ it<eiv-i}f €x€tv-at
n. eKfiy-a (Kfiv-a fKCtv-tav ίκίip-<w
CKCtv-o fKfiv-o Itdiv-w €Κ(.ιν-ψ

Bo,h ο ίτ ο ς .m J can « « « h ere, * >

etc. This intensifies the pronouns, so that m y
A w e ', etc.
.4 . Grammar, Vocabularies, Excrciscs o
34 eyw Ί * ( p i *w e')t σν ‘ Y011’
Learn the following pronouns, <ya> T and σύ ‘ you’ .
s. pi.

twin. acc. nom. acc. j ® S

m m § .
1γώ ( ί)μ ί W «i ημάς J

σ ν 'yo u ’
ί. pi

how. acc. M lli nont. acc. ^ P l i l S$$sA

σύ σ€ W p *m ύμΰς νμάς

35 πολύς πολλ-η ττολυ ( πολλ- ) ' » »*ΜΐτίΓ

ττολυϊ (π ο λ λ -) and μ ίγ α ς ( μ ίγ α λ - ) go just like καλός: exccpt for the four form s
i. pi.

nom. acc. rtom . acc.

fH. fft)A-fe ΤΓθλ-W :j: ;1Τθλλτφ.
ττολλ-οί ττολλ-ουί 'ίίτοΧλ^ύϊνί yroX^^tiS
/. ΤΓθλλ-lJ πολλ-ήν ίτόλλ^ϊ: ftp)
πολλ-αί πολλ-άί #ο)ί)ί~$&
ri. πολ-ύ ποΑ-ύ :#ολλ^ί»ί w&3 ίτολλ-ά πολλ-ά

36 μεγας μ€γάλ-η μύγα ( μ ςγα λ- ) *great'

s* pi.

nom. act.
■·” ·
in. μ < γ -α ν μ ^ γ -α ν ^ c y o A - o i μ € ν ά λ - ο υ 5 . ·^ ^ < ^ ^ ^ | : 'μ ^ ^ ^ ^ έ .
/. μ < γ ά λ -η μ ίγ ά Χ -η ν μιέγ& ^?$ μ ^ ά λ - α ί μςγάλ-ας
.ιι# .ν « ί1 - «
, -, —■ - ΐ£ φ ίλ ^ ^
η. μίγ-α μέγ~α μ φ & ^ ν μ ,ιν ά λ ϊϊύ
Μ€ν“ λ-α pcyoA-a

37 Ca) As we have already seen, Greek leaves out the verb ‘ to be’ if it can be
assumed from thc contcxt. Likewise, other words can be left out if they arc
understood easily from the contcxt, e.g.

‘them’). Don t the Spartans practise?’ οΰκ, άλλα ήμςις κωλύομε ( understand
O Section Three, 3 4 -3 8 4,

(b) O b serve that what appears in Greek as an adjective m ay best be translated

into English as an adverb, e.g. ήσ υχος καθ^ύδει 6 δ ΐσ π ο τ η ς ‘the master sleeps
peacefully’ .
(c) O bserve thc w ay in which a Greek repeats a question which he has just
been asked:
A. ττόθςν η λ α μ π ά ς;
Β. ό π ό θ ςν; . . .
i.e. ό- is prefixed to the question w ord.
cf. a . rt ποΐ€Ϊς;
β. o r 1; ούδέν π ο ιώ .

N e g a tiv e s
3 8 (i) T w o or more negatives with the simple negative (o v) first in thc clause
reinforce the negative, e.g.
ούκ άφικνεΐτο.*. ovbeis ‘nobody comes’
ούκ άφικν€Ϊται ονδ^ις o v 84ttot € ‘no one ever comes*
(ii) W here thc simple negativc/i>//oH>i a negative, they cancel each other out,
ουδίί? ου* άφικνςΐται ‘everyone comes’ (i.e. ‘nobody does not com e’)

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt w ith the gram m ar

a.vTjp ( a v S p -) , o man { j a ) λιμήν ( ) , ό harbour (ja) ττατρίς ( π α τ ρ ώ - ) , -ή fatherland
γ ΐ ί τωμ ( γ α τ ο ν - ) , ό neighbour μίγας μ<γάλη μίγα (3<ι)
(34) (μ(γαλ-) great, big πολύς jtoAAtJ πολύ
€κ(ϊνος η ο that, (s)he, it ( ννκτ-), η night (ja) ( νοΧ λ-) much, many
Z tv s ( Δ ι - ) , ό Zeus(ja) οΰτος αΰτη τούτο this, (sfitc, it σωτηρ ( σωτηρ-) , ό saviour
Aoftiras ( λ α μ τταδ-) , -q torch τταΐς ( ιταιδ-), ό stave, child (3α)
(3&) <3α) Ο

Exercises for Section Three

(a) W ords
1. D educe thc meanings o f the w ords on the right from those on thc left:
an jp Qvhpttos o. ov
γη\ifyyov ό γ^ιοργος,
/ ) /
γιγνωσκω ayvofoj
<Κ€Ϊσ€ €Κ(ΐ, €Κ€Ϊβ(ν
ςμ π ΐΐρ ος άπειρος ον
θ ίά ομ α ι η 04α, ό θ ΐα τη ς, το θέατρον
A. Grammar, I Wabuhrit'S. Excrascs

θόρυβος θορνβίω
ο κίνδυνος KlvSw€VtO, οκινδυνοί ov
μανθάνω ο μαθητής
οικία οίκΐϊος α ον
οττλα ο όττλίττ^
τταϊς απαίδευτος, ή παιδεία, παιδεύω
φαίνομαι φανερός ά όν
Group together the words in this list which seem to share com m on
roots; translate the words:
όντως, βοηθέw, κεΧίύω, νμίτερος, σπέν&ω, Ικεϊσε, evBov, β ο ή ,
Ιμττ^ιρος, ίίχ ο μ α ι, ή μ ίΐς, βοάω, υμείς, σπονδή, οι/το?, κελΐυσ της, ευχη,
εκείνος, εμπειρία, ήμετερος, κατακελενω, εν, θεω

(b) Morphology
1. Change nom. to acc.:
a. ovτοςό άνήρ
b. τα ΰ τα τα epya
C. αντη ή λαμ πάς

d. αί βοαϊ αυται
C. ουτοι οί
2. Change acc. to nom.:
a. τούτον τον γείτονα
b. ταυras τάί λαμπάδας
c. τά πυρά ταΰτα
d. την πατρίδα ταύτην
c. τούτους τους ανδρας
3· Insert the appropriate form o f μ ίγ α ς or πολύ?:
a- (μ*γο·$) το ifryov.
b. ot av-gptf (-πολύς) εμ πειρίαν εχονσιν εις τ ά ν α υ τικ ά.
C- &κυβερνήτης τ τρ6ς (μ ύ γ ας) λιμένα κυβερνς..
d. ( πολύς J τα Scira.

(c) Syntax
ί- Translate the answers to excrciscs (b) 1-3 above.

<d) English into Greek

Translate these pairs o f sentences:

1' L lh " £ h 7 1* * * * Σ α λ α μ ΐν α T a* ^ P * ™
So the ship sails slowly towards that harbour.
Section Three 4}

μ εγα ς μεν γα ρ ο κινδι/ΐΌΐ ο τών Αθηναίω ν, πολύς δέ ό tw v άνδρΰ>ν

T here is much din, a lot o f shouting and many men appear.
fip o v k οϊσθα ποτερον εκείνοι ναύταί είσιν ή οΰ;
I don't see whether that fellow is a general or not.
ο αγαθός κυβερνήτης ούκ άκούει ταύτας τάς βοάς.
That stupid rhapsode is afraid o f these Spartans.
εκείνος μέν γάρ μώ ρος περί πολλά, ούτος δέ ττερι ούδέν.
T h ey are experienced by land, but these by sea.

T e s t E x e r c is e T h re e
Translate into English:
ή μ έ v ναΰς 7rAei παρά τήν νήσον, ό δέ ά ικαιόπολις λαμπάδα όρφ εν τή
νήσω , ό δέ κυβερνήτης εν οΐδεν οτι ούκ έστι λαμπάς, άΑλά τά πυρά.
σπεύδει ούν εις τον λιμένα1 δηλοΐγά ρ τά πυρά οτι οί πολέμιοι επέρχονται
έπι τούς *Α θηναίους. οί δέ άνδρες ol εν τώ λιμένι θεώνται τά πυρά και
οΐκαδε τρέχουσιν επί τά όπλα. ϊσασι γάρ οτι μ έγα ς ό kiVSuio?. φόβος δέ
μ έγα ς λαμβάνει τον ραφωδόν. φοβείται γάρ τους Λ ακεδαιμονίους, οι δέ
ναύται λέγουσιν ό τ ι % Αθηναίοι μέν κρατουαι κατά θάλατταν,
Λ α κεδα ιμόνιοι δέ κα τά γήν. και Λ ακεδαιμόνιοι οι) ρφδίωςμανθάνουσι
τήν ναυτικήν τέχνην, επειδή οΰν τό πλοιον άφικνεΐται εις τον λιμένα, ό
Α ικαιόπολις καί ό ραφψδός πορεύονται προς τάς ναΰς. καί δήλόν εστιν
οτι αί νήες αύται επέρχονται επί ναυμαχίαν, οι μέν γάρ κελευσταί
ζητονσ ι τούς τριηράρχους, εκείνοι δέ καθεύδουσιν ήσυχοι, τέλος δέ οί
τριήραρχοι οντοι άφικνούνται εις τον λιμένα καί έμβαίνουσιν. έπειτα
τάς θυσίας θνουσι καί τάς απονδάς σπένδουσι και ανάγονται.

αν ά γ ομ α ι set u il, put out to

Section Four
Vocabulary for Section Four A

άγρ-ός,ά field (pi. country) unlucky (acc.) τταιδί*ον, τό child (ib )

( 2a) κατα-λίίττ-ω leave behind 7Τ€ΐθ-ω persuade
αίτί-α, ή reason, cause { i b) κοΛάζ-α> punish fltp ix X t-a Pericles (acc.)
a m -οί -a -ov responsible κ ρ α τ t -ω hold sway ■πιθαν-ός -τ} -ov persuasive
άστ-όί, ό townsman ( 23) μ α κ ρ - ό ς - ά -6v long ττ λ ί-ω ς- a -ω ν lull
y «u p y-0s,0 farmer ( 2 a) μάλιστα particularly ττόλ-ts a city (nom .)
γ ν ν η (γ ν ν α ικ -),ή wife. μ< τα. (-fa ce .) after η ρ ό β α τ-α ,τά <ihccp(2 b)
woman ( 3a) μοι to me npos τώ ν θ (-ώ ν in the nam e o f
δ’ =δ< (+ a c c .) by . . . ! the gods
δαίμων (δαιμ ον -), 6 god, ΐ'ομιζ-ui think x (acc.) to be y πρώτον ( μ ίν ) first
darnion (ja) (acc.) π υ ρ -ά , ή funeral pyre ( I b)
δια-ττ<μπ-ομαι send across νόσ-os, ή plague ( 2 a) ρ ή τ ω ρ ( $ η τ ο ρ - ) ,ό politician.
δια-φθ(ΐρ-α) kill, destroy ο ΐκ ί-ω dwell in, reside in orator ( 3 a)
(ΐο-κομίζ-ομα< bring in oiiojo-tir d well in gs (110 m .) τα α κ (ύ -η equipm ent.
im -yiyi'-ομοι occur, follow οικ ίΐ-ος, ό member o f family furniture
Itc καί vvv even now ( 2a) ra s ο ΐκ ψ ι-(ις the dwellings
Ε ν β οι-α,ή Euboia(ib) oAiy-oi >ai -a few τά r t ίχ-η the walls (o f the
η πόλις city
όΧοφίιρ-ομαι lament, mourn city)
ή που surely
for την πόλ-tv the city
‘Hpa»rAfis Herakles’
όντ-α (acc.) ττ}ηόλ€ί the city
«ρ-όν, τ6 sanctuary (2b)
όντ- t i being (nom.) n v as som e (acc.)
κακο-δαιμωμ wretched,
όντ-α* (acc.) to άστ-u thc city (of
unlucky (nom.)
ό /?€ρικλήί Pericles Athens)
κακο-δαίμον-α wrctchcd,
όσον ττλήθοϊ what a loti τον /7«ρικλ«-α Pcricles
unlucky (acc.)
(nom.) τό ττλήβοί die people
κακό-έαίμομ wrctchcd.
ovK(V=owfn το π ρ ά γ μ α the matter
unlucky (nom.) OUO-G (nom.) τοσ-οΰτ-ον πλήθος so great a
κακο-δαίμον-e ; wretched, οδο-αν being (acc.) number
unlucky (nom.)
οΰα-ας (acc.) ui-or ,0 son (2 a)
κακο-δαίμον-α? wrctchcd.
Section Four A - B

υ μ / « ρ ·ο ι * o -o v y o u r fu 'liftf φ ιλ ί-w love, be w ell disposed u v bein g (n om )

’y o u ' = m o r e than on e) to
φ η ο ι he says χαλατ~ός-ή -o v d ifficu lt

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
γ ιω ρ γ ός , o fa r m e r (2 a ) ίτ ικ α ίν ΰ ν even n ow , still now
yvvr, ( y w a i K - ) , ij w om an , κ ρ σ τίω hold sw a y , p o w er
w ife (ja ) (o v a )
B a tp w v (Β α ψ ο ν -) , 6 god, ν η ( + α ( c.) b y . . . !
dainton ( j a ) ολίγος η ov sm all, f e w

Vocabulary for Section Four B

άΒίλφ -ός, ό b ro th e r ( 2 a) €ν-σ(βΐστατ-ος -η »ομ most o v r-a (acc.)

άλλ* = άλλά respectful o f thc gods o«Ja-a ■ being (n om .)
α -ν ο μ ί-α , ^ lawlessness ( i b) (nom.) o w -e t (*cc.)
άρ' — ίρ α *ύ-σ*βούντκ respecting the o v T t . . . o £r* n e ith e r . . . n or
ά - σ ί β ( ι - α , η disrcspect gods (nom.) ofiro? hey. you!
tow ard s thc god s, im piety tv -φρων well-disposed πατήρ ( n a r t p - ) , & father (Ja )
(ib) ΐφ -ήμ(ρ-ος -ov ephemeral, ναύ-ομαι stop
ά -τιμ ά ζ -w h old in dishonour short-lived παΰ-« stop!
Ά φ ρ ο Β ίτ - η ,ή A p h rod ite (la ) ή than ιτϊρΐ νόμων teal vfipttvf about
(goddess o f lo v e an d sex u al η . . . ή cither. . . or laws and aggression
p leasu re) ήΒον-ή,ή pleasure (la) π οθ ί-ω desire, long for
βα ρ -v s I . (n o m .) θάπτ-ω bury π ο λ ίτ -η ς ,ό citizen (id )
β ο ρ - ύ , ( h " vy (acc.) θανμάζ-ot wonder ττοΑύ trAij^oj a great n u m ber
β ί - ο ς ,ο life (2a) θ*-6ς , 6 \τί god (-dess) (2a) (nom .)
y tp w v ( yepot'T- ) , o old man Ονητ-ός -ή -6v mortal π ρ ό β α τ -α , τα sheep ( 2 b)
(ja) kwλν-α> prevent, stop π ρος 6<-u>v tn the nam e o f the
S*=« μάλιοτα very much gods!
ic c m o r-ijs , & m aster (id ) μήτηρ (μγ}τ*ρ·), ij mother π ν ρ -ά ,ή funeral pyre (lb )
StCp' = $€VpO (S*) σ ίβ -ο μ α ι show respect for
& ημ-θί, 6 d c m c (2a) ( local μιαρ-ός -Q -όκ foul, polluted ακ<ας o f a shadow
districts into w hich Attica was μ<σ«-ω hate raiy o ik t a n the houses
μοι to me tt) π6λ*ι the city
Βια-φθίίρ -ω kill waM-a9,0 young man (id) τ ή μ ιρ ο v today
Β ο ν λ -ο ς ,ό slave ( 2 a) vtxp-ύ ς,ο corpse (2a) την κόλαο-iy punishm ent
*_» » t ν<κρ-όν τιν-α a corpse (acc.) τιμ ά -cu honour
€n =€171
itr lv tK p o K o n top o f corpses 'νβρα/π* = ανθρωπι n V -ef; what? (nom .)
ίπ ι-βά λ λ -aj th row on to νόμ-ος,ό law. convention τ6 πράγμα the m atter

ίύ -δ α ΐμ ο ν -α fortu n ate (ruled (2a) r o ifitp o it the sanctuaries

by a b en ev o len t daim on) wkr-of.ij plague (2a) τούί ά-α<β*1ς those w ho arc

(acc.) y w now then disrespectful o f thc gods

Ivap a dream (nom.) tows *ύ-σ*β *ΐς those w ho
respect the gods
A. Cnmimar, Vocabularies, lixcrases
ώ τ ψ ϋ β ρ (ω ΐ wliat a g g rc « iv e
φόβ-o s ,o Ic jr ( 21 )
τρίπ-ομαι turn (oneself)
ώ τή> ανομία*; what
t v j t t - co strike
l.iwlcsMiess! J>»' being (nom .)
υί-όϊ, ό son ( 2.1)
w r iji ά α ιβ ίία ζ
φ ί ρ -ui iMrry
irrevcrcm e!
<{>13? you (s.) say

V ocabulary to be learnt
θνητός ή όν mutm/ μοσοϊ, η p lu g iK , d is r a t e i -M)
οτψ όζω WriilOHi'iir. /-.>/</ κι
κωλύω jjrtTfrti, ih’ji πυρά, ή j u n e i a l p y r e ( l h f
juriAtorn fs/'ffM/iy; τιμ άω honour
&ιαφθ(ίρω (&ι<χφθΐΐρ-) ilcittoy.
jwrnVjifiirf}·; >’*’> τύ π τω strike, hit
StorroTTji, ό HitiihTf Iti) ν ίκρός, ό t i'rpfi· ( 2 it) φ ίρω ( Ιν ίγ κ -) fiirry . Im t

0(ός, ο, ή ( 20 ) νόμος, ό line, fi'iii'i'iilii'ii (id ) φ όβος, ό Jftir (za)

O Grammar for Section Four A -B

πράγμα, πλήθος, ττόλΐϊ, πρέσβνς, άστυ, ζΰφρων, τις, Tty, ouSity, ωΐ>
(nom. acc.)

39 Here arc some more type 3 nouns, under the classifications 3b, c. e,
f. Note the genders which they tend to have - 3b, c and fare all N i i u r r . R ; 3c in -i?
are all ι ^ μ ι ν ι ν ι : , in -vs all m a s c u i i n i ; .

40 π ρ ά γμ α (π ρ α γ μ α τ -), τό ‘ thing, matter’ ( β )


»0»H. flfi.

πράγμα πράγμα η ρώ ^ μ ατ^


nom. acc.
Smi'oh Four A - B , 39-44 47

4 1 π λ ή θ -ο ς , τό 'mimfor, crowd, people’ (jc)


nom. acc. gen. dat. nom. acc. gen. dat,

πλήθ-ος πλήθ-ος αληβ-ρνς πλήβ-α πλήθ-η ττλήθ-η ττληθ-ών ιτληθί~οι(ν)

42 7τόλ--is, η ‘ city-state’ ( je )
i. pi

mmi. acc. gen. dai. nom. acc. gc*. dat.

ττόλ-is πόλ-ιν jtoA-ki^f πόΑ-ή πόλ-ας πόλ -€15 'Ttt>X-€UiV ηόλ-(θι(v)

π ρ ίσ β - ν ς, 6 ‘ old man* ( p i ‘ ambassadors’) ( je )

s. pi

iwm. acc. gen. daL nom. acc. gm. dal.

ττρίοβ-υς ττρίαβ-υν ΐτρ^θβ-€οκ 7Τρ*σβ~€ί (then like πόλις)

43 α σ τ - v , τό ‘ city’ ( o f Athens) (3f)

s. pi-

nom. acc. gen. 4at. nom. acc. :g*"· dai.

άστ-υ άστ-υ αστ-ίως οστ-t i άστ-Ύ] άστ- η άστ-ίων &ar-fci(v)

(i) Be careful not to confuse jc types like πλήθος with 2a types like
(ii) Note the appearance o f-t- in the ending o f these nouns. ( The -ονς ending was once
-coy, the -η ending once -ea J
(iii) Some j a nouns have an acc. s. in -iv, e.g. χάρις (χ α ρ ιτ-) ‘grace’ acc. s. χάριν.

44 There are a number o f adjective types based on type j nouns, just as
you have met κ α λ ο ί - type adjectives based on type 1 / 2 nouns. Note the simi­
larity between the endings o f these adjectives and o f the type 3 nouns you have
met so far (29):
48 Λ . G r a m m a r , V o c a b u la rie s , E x e rc is e s

ς ν φ ρ ω ν e ν φ ρ ο ν ( € ν φ ρ ο ν - ) 'w e l l - d i s p o s e d '


nom. acc. dat.

m .[f. ΐΰ φ ρ ω ν ΐν φ ρ - ο ν-α ^fiT

ii. etJφ ρον eύφ ρον ΟΚ*ϊ>

p i.

nom. acc. g™* dat.

m .[f. (ΰ φ ρ -ο ν -es (ν φ ρ -ο ν -α ς ς υ φ ρ -ύ ν τφ ν έ υ φ ρ τ -ρ ^ ιζ ν )
Η. (ϋ φ ρ - ov-a cΰ φ ρ 'θ ν -α ίνφρ~6ν~{νν t&f>p+a-tn(v)

45 In these adjectivcs, the same form describes both m. f. nouns.

46 ■) 4a , a c e r t a in , s o m e ’
τ ι ς , T t ( tiv ■

i. pt-

now. acc. jew. dat. MiW, da. "ifet.:::':,,.·;:;

m .tf. T (j τ ιν - α 1} riv-oi T<V-t
τιμ -ίί x ty-as 1
η. τι Tt J Ttv-a τιν -α j

rls τ ί ( τ ί ν - ) 'w h o ? w h a t? w h ic h ? ’


nom. acc. gen. dau nom. Off.

tn.ff. tis τ ίν -α 1} /
Τ»μ*0< ; τ iV-i·;
τίν - t i rtV-as 1 ■Τ
II. T{ rt 1 ! «r jr ifp / '
TiV-a τ ίν - α I

(i) As above, die in.[f.J'onus are identical.
(ii) Note the difference between τίς ('u'lio, which, what?') and theform Tty (*someone,
a, a certain'). IJ τ ι$ is accented, the accent will fall on the last syllable, e.g. τ ι ν ά .

47 οΰδ-ciy ovBe-μία ovh-tv 'no, no one, nothing’

1tom. M(m
m. οΰδ-et? ούδ-tv -a
/. οΰδί-μί-α ovSf-μί-αι Qv$€+Jii- α ΐ ον.$€*μϊ*φ\
»». οΰδ-«ν οΰδ-ev 4 ύδ**<··«<$?'
O Section Four A - B , 44-48 49

(i) Remember that both τις, τις and ούΒΐΐς, when on their own, stand as
nouns ('who. someone, no one'); when describing a noun, as. adjectives ('whatperson?',
'some woman’ , 'no boy’).
(ii) ονδζίς is simply ovBc (‘ nor, not’) + els Cone). Observe that the feminine is -μια.

48 Here is the declension o f ‘ being’, the participle form o f the verb ‘ to
be’ :

ών ονσα ον ( ό ν τ-) ‘ being*


MOIII, acc. g?n· i: dat, i lltVII. acc. Λ™· dat.,,

m. ών ovr-a OVT-4S Svr-i οντ-es οντ-ας OVT-OJV' oS-atfv)
f ο & χ -α ova~av ■ oiIovjjs tw o ·-# ovo-an ο υ σ -α ί QVG-ών p w -a ts
kt w . V
If. OV ov o v r -O f w t -( ovr - a ό ν τ -α oyt-rtav ov-<n(v)\

(i) The endings of the m.In. forms are like those of ev<f>pwv (29) but based<>;/
the stem out-; the {. declines as the tc noun τόλμα (24). This 'mixed' declension has
already been met in ovBeis ούδ*μία ούδίν (see 47)·
(ii) A number o f verbs take a participle to complete their meaning. One such is
φ αίνομαι, Ί appear to . . .. 1 seem to . . .’. Thus φαίνομαι ών means 7 seem to
be’ - with the implication that you really are whatever it is you seem to be. Thus it
comes to mean 7 am obviously . . .' (cf. 54).
(iii) Note the range o f possible translations of ών, e.g. ‘being’ , ‘since bein g',4although
being', ‘ while being’ , ‘as being’ , ‘ who j which is/are\

V o cab u lary to be learnt with the gram m ar

ά σ τ ν , τό iity (o f Λ them ) ( jf) πλήθος, τ ό number, crowd; the τ ά ξ is, ή battle-array, order,
κακο&αίμιυΐ· κακό&αιμοι· rank (je )
( κ α κ ο δ α ιμ ο ν -) unlucky, ιτολκ, ij city (state/ (je ) n'f τ ί ( t»V- ) who? u'luit?
dogged by «mi ei·itdaimon π ρ ά γ μ α ( π ρ α γ μ α τ -), τι·ίτι(τιν ~ ) a.aiertaiu ;
οΐκησιτ, tJ i/nr//i»n>(;{e} τό thing; mutter; affair; (p i . ) someone
ovStif ον&ίμία ov&4v trouble.* ( Φ)
( οΰ&(ν-) no; μ»' ι>Μ«·, iiothtag CKtvi], τά gear, furniture tjc) o
A . G ra m m a r, 1 'ivjfcii/cinVs, Uxcrci*t>

Exercises for Section Four A -B

(a) Words
Ocduce thc meaning o f thc words on thc right from those on thc left
άπαίδΐυτοί η παίδ^υσις, το παίδΐυμα
αποθνήσκω ( άποθαν- ) \L αθάνατο? ον, ό θανατος
θνητός \I t
γίγνομαι ( y£ v- ) η γίν€θι?
δηλόω η δηλωσις
ΐμβαίνω ( 4μβα-) η ΐμβασις
ί ρωτάω τό Ερώτημα
ζητέω ή ζήτησις
βίάομαι το θίαμα
καλ4ιο ή κλήσις
καλός τό κάλλος
κρατίω τό κράτος
μανθάνω η μάθησις, τό μάθημα
voiiti} τό ποίημα, η ποίησις
στρατηγός τό ατρατηγημα
στρατιά τό στράτευμα
ταχέως τό τάχος
τιμάω η τιμή, άτιμο? ον
τολμάω ή τόλμησις, τό τόλμημα
φΐυ&ώς τό φΐΰδος

(b/c) Morphology and Syntax

ί . Tramlatc into Greek thc italic phrases in thc following scntcnccs, using
a part o f ών οδσα ον:
a. Since I am unhappy, I shall leave thc city.
b. HY u'/ιο urr few shall not defeat you who^are many.
c. /4 s/rit'tids. indifs. you do not quarrel.
d. I, an Athenian andfortunate, hate you, Sfwrfiw that you arc and haled by fhe
c. IV/ic* arc you to threaten me?

(d) English into Greek

Translate these pairs o f sentences:
I. tycu yap θνητός ών ούκ ατιμάζω τούς θ(ούς.
Sincc you arc a farmer you know thc laws.
Si'inot) Four C '-D Si

2. c κείνους ovv, ΐμ π ε ίρ ο ν ς όντας κατά γ ή ν , 'Α θ η να ίο ι νικ ώ α ι κ α τ ά

As sailors \vc hold sw ay on die sea.
3. τ ο δ ’ ά σ τν καλόν ον ον τιμ ώ .
I am not afraid o f thc number o f corpses, though it is large.
4. ό δ * σ τρ α τη γό ς ούτος, άριστος ώ ν , ον φ οβείται τούς Λ α κ εδ α ιμ ο νίο νς
π ο λ εμ ίο υς όντας.
M y w ife, w ho is unlucky, is afraid ol thc plague, which is evil.
5. ο ί γά ρ άνθρω ποι, κα κο δα ίμ ο νΐς ovreς, τιμ ώ σ ι τούς τώ ν θεώ ν νόμονς,
άρίστονς όντας.
The people, since it is good, does not dishonour the gods, w ho arc

Test Exercise Four A - B

Translate into English:
Ν Ε Α Ν ΊΑ Σ Scvp * (λθέ και e iW . δ ιά τ ί όλοφύρη, ώ φ ίλς; άρα υιόν τινα,
κακοδαίμονα ον τα, όλοφνρη, η θ νγ α τίρ α η γυ να ίκα ;
ΓΕΡΩ.Χ κα κο δ α ίμ ω ν δη ty r ε γ ω γ ΐ , ώ φ ιλ ί, τούτο ποιώ . ολοφύρομαι γάρ τόν re
υ ιοί' τον ο νκ 4 τ * όντα και τη ν θυγατέρα την ήδη νεκρόν ονοαν.
ΝΕΑΚ. κακοδαίμιυν δη φαίνη ών. ά λ λ α τ ί αΐτιόν ϊσ τ ιν ; π ώ ς άποθνήσκονσιν οι
άνθρω ποι;
ΓΕΡ. δ ιά την νόσον, ώ φ ιλ ί, ι’€κροι ΐπ ΐ ν€κροϊς π ίπ το ν σ ι και άποθνήσκονσιν
άνθρωποι κακοδαίμονςς οντ^ς.
Λ '£ Λ Λ \ πολλά δή π ρ ά γμ α τα Ζχομεν δ ιά τήν νόσον, ορώ γάρ ϋγω γ€ τό μ *ν πλήθος
τω ν ανθρώ πω ν κακόδαιμον ον, την Sc πολιν πολλή tv απορία ονοαν, τούς
5 « ανθρώπους έφ ημςρονς όντας και κακοδαίμονας .
ΓΕΡ. μ ή ονν α τίμ α ζε τούς Οζους μ η δ ΐ άσ ίβει εις τήν πόλιν, ά λ λ α τόλμα και
τίμ α τονς θεούς.

ο λ ο φ ύ ρ ο μ α ι lament trrii'opotV on top oi’ corpses Ι φ ή μ ΐρ ο ^ ο ν ".hurt-lived
ν ΐό ς , ό >οη (;,t) π ρ ά γ μ α τ α , τά troubles ( 3b) ά οέβ«χ ) comm it irreverent
θ ο γ ά τ η ρ (θ υ γ α τ € ρ - ) , τ} πολλ*} . . . a jr o p t p much ,iCt\(on)
daughter ( u ) perplexity

Vocabulary for Section Four C

ά -τοττ-ος -ο ι· strange Sicuv-oi'T-if pursuing ( 110111.)
(ίττ-άγ-ιυ lead j w j y
ά π α ν τ α .ill (n om .) α,ύτ- o v him (arc.) δοίλ-ο ϊ. ό slave ( ’ a)

a v r - o v i them (acc.) unfortunate

α π ο -φ ΐύ γ - w escaping
(n o m .) 6ijA*of clearly (nom .)
A . CnnmHrfr, I ο ΰ ίΜ ιίπ Υ ί, Ι'.μ π ϊη >

Σ ά τ υ ρ - ο ς ,ό S a ty ro s ( 2 a)
£ev-os, ό (or ftiV o s , ό)
(κο'ΐ'ω τ ΰ ί(ρΰ thatsanctuir\
stranger. foreigner ( 2 .1 ) τ ΰ ν φ ίv y -o v r-a the man
Ιζαίφνί)1: suddenly running o ff
%1 1 = οτ
* ίf oSot-Trop-os. ό traveller Ua)
ίψ τονς evhtKtx the Eleven
οί <νδίκα the Eleven (a M y of
ίχ-ων having, wearing
dfpfii magistrates responsible rp(V-o|xai turn (oik*self)
(nom.) τ ρ ίχ -ω ν running (n om .)
Ή/χίκλ< 1 -βί -O -Ol' of for the prisons and Jot
summary justice) τυ γχάν-ω happen 10 be
όρΟ-ώς correctly (-in g ). be actually -m g
ίίρ-όι>, τό sanctuary (ab)
ό<τι-θ! -a -ov sanctified uirijpiT-tfi, ό public slave (id )
ϊκ (« ί-α , ή supplication { ib)
ούτοτ! φαίν ο μ α ι appear to be (-in g )
ititr-ij?,ό suppliant (id)
ό φ ίύ γ -tiiv the mail running ά«ύν-ο»'τ-α l Λ- (a n ·)
ίσω ς perhaps ^ 1 J} runningot
running off1
off φ ΐύγ -ω ν I (nom.)
κ α ιμ ψ look!
π ά σ χ -ω suffer, experience. φ ΰάν-ω anticipate X (acc.) by
καίττίρ although (-ing)
κ ή ρ υ ξ(κ τιρν κ -),ό herald ( 33) undergo -in g

λανθάν-ω escapc the notice ol ττοτί ever χλαμ ύς ( χλαμν&~), ή short

ττρόί Διάς under Zeus cloak, travelling cloak ( 3 a)
x(acc.) in -in g
μά (+ a c c .) by . . .! (ι»κύΙΙχ. protection ώ τήν ανομ ίας wliat

'no, by . . . ! ' ) rtpoa-τ ρ ίχ -o v r-a running lawlessness!

μοι to 11K towards (acc.)

Vocabulary to be learnt
ανομία, ή liwlfistifii ( ib) βοΰλοϊ, 0 ildl’C(Jilj fw st(’ii)
άπάγω ( άτταγαγ-) leadjtakr Upov, τό sanctuary ( 2 b) ορθός ή or straight. correct,
away Ικ ίτη ς,ό suppliant ( id) right
άττοφίνγω ( άποφνγ- ) cscapc, μ ά ( + α « .} fcy . . .!
runoff ξίνοςίξΐϊνος, ό foreigner, guest.

Vocabulary for Scction Four D

ayop-ά ,ή agora. δηλ-ώι· showing, nuking «ΰ-νομί-α/ij, 15 good
market-place (ib) clear (nom.) governm ent (ib -a)
q-£ik-os -ov unjust δι£άσκαλ·ο$, ό teacher ( 2a) cu-7iopi-a/rj, ή solution o f
αττο-κόπτ-ω cutoff Δ υανομί-η,ή bad difficulties; plenty (il>-a)
oiro-KTtiV-ω kill
government (la) €ψ ~ f7Tt
•J * * t

άπο-φαίν-ω make to appear δυο-τυ^ήί unfortunate tJ ttou surely

ορτι-οϊ -a -oi' pcrfcct (nom.) ικ(«7ΐ-οϊ -a -o»> o f suppliants
α-σ<β(ΐς irreverent (nom.)
ty-jftip-ific-ov, ro dagger ( 2 b) (Zeus' title)
αύτ-όν hini(acc.) eipijvj) peace
άψ-cXx-w dragawiy tK trti-a, η supphcation (1 b)
<77« τού βωμού on thc altar καθ- ίζ-ομαι sit do wn
βασιλ<-α τον μίγαν the Great
(ΐΜ-καλί-ομαι call upon (to
King (of Persia) χ αθ-ορά-ω look dow n upon.
βία,ι-ος -q -oi> violent see clearly
οϊι-κολ-ουμ(Γ·οί Calling nairrtp although
βο *ών shou ting (no m.)
upon (nom.)
δ^λ-os dearly κήρνξ ( KijpuK- ) t ό herald ( 3 a)
cw-κοσμ-οϊ -ov in good order
Ααμ^άνομο* take hold o f
ο S ection h o u r C - D

μ η δ ΐίς μ η δ ΐμ ί- α μη&(ν no, no πλίΐστ-οί -τ; -ov very m.iny τ ο ύ ς φ (ύ γ -ο ν τ -α ς the ones
oiic jroAei to the city running o ff
μ ισ ί- ιο lu te π ο ρ α ι-ό μ ίν-οϊ travelling τυ γ χ ά ν -ιο happen to be. be
m i ται σ ιώ by thc tw o gods (uom.) actually (-in g )
f Castor and Pollux) (a typical πρ(αβ~(ΐς, oi a mbassadors τώ ττολίμψ (the) w ar
Spar tan oath) (3i·) ΰ β ρ - is, ij aggression ( 3c)
ν (μ ( σ -1 ?, ή nemesis, π ρ ίσ β ΐυ τ-ή ς,ο ambassador ν π η ρ ίτ - η ς ,ό public slave (id )
retribution ( u ’) (id) viro Ttov Ά θ η ν α ί-ujv at the
£ fn -o s -u -o y o f πρό-γον-ος, o ancestor (2a) hands o f the Athenians
guests/strangers ffj'r/ι· of Σ ά τυρ-ης,ό Satyros (ia) φ αίν -ομ αι appear to be (-m g )
Zeus) τή π ό λ α (he city φής you (s.) say
(5Aoφ ν ρ -ό μ (ν -ο ς lam enting τονίττι-καΑ-ουμί^-οι· (he one φ ιλ-wv being well-disposed
(for) ( 110111 .) calling on (acc.) to ( 110 m.)
δμιυς nevertheless τού βωμού the altar Xtlp ( χ € ψ -), ή hand (ja)
ίτάι,τ* = ιτάι/τα τονς ά-σ(β-ούντ-ας those ώ τή ς ανομία? whac
π α ρ -4 χ -ω give, provide who are being irreverent lawlessness!
ττάαχ-ω experience, suffei τους ϊχ-οντ-α ς theones who ώ τής ά σ ίβ ίία ς what
παΰ-ομα» stop (-m g ) have irreverence!
ϊταΰ-ί stop! (s.) (-in i;) τούς τρίττ-ομίν-ονς the ones

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
άποκτ<ι«υ ( αττοκτίu’- ) kill μι otto hate νβρις, τ} aggression, violence
άαίβ€ΐα, y) irreverence ft>fiic ολοφύρομαι lament, moumjor (.if)
gods(ibf πάσχω ( ιταθ- ) suffer, υπηρέτης, ό servant, slave ( id)
αύτόν »}t' 6 hint, her, it, them exper ience ,un tiergo φαίνομαι ( φ α ν -) seem W be.
άφίλκω ( ά φ ίλκνο-) drag ofl παύομαι stop appear to be { + p a r t.)
βασιλιάς, ό king (jg ) πρ€θβ(ντής, ό ambassador (1 d) φθάνω anticipate X (ate.) in
βωμός, ό altar (2<ι) π ρίσ β ί if , ol ambassado rs (j e ) —ing (nom. parr.J
έπικαλίομαι call upon I f<> τρέπομαι ( τ pair-) turn, turn in ώ w h a t. . . ! { + gcn .)
witness ) flight
κήρνξ ( KtfpvK- ), 6 herald d a l τυγχάνω ( τ ν χ -) happen to he
λανθάνω ( λαθ- ) escape notice -ing, be atmolly--nig
of X(ace.) in - »y» fpart.) ( + nom. part.)

o Grammar for Section Four C —D

Sim im rtry;
Pres, part. act. and mid. (nom., acc.)
Vbs. taking parts.
βασιλεύς (nom., acc.)
Adjs. translated as aclvs.
Elision and crasis
54 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Izxerciso o
49 As ‘ to be’ gives us a participlc-form ‘ being’ , so most verbs have a
participlc-form. e.g. to run - running; to stop - stopping. T h c participles arc
inflccccd like an adjective. Participles based on the present stern decline as

50 Present active participles (uncontr.): τρ έχ -ω ν -ο ν σ α -ο ν ‘ running*

nom. aa.
ui. τρ€χ-ω ν τρ ίχ -ο ν τ-α
f. τρίχ-ονσ-α τ ρίχ-ουσ-αν etc. as ών ονσα ον 48
μ. τρίχ-ον τ ρ4χ·ον

Learn the nom., acc., s. and pi.

These areformed by adding -ων -ονσα -ov to the present stem.

51 Present middle participles (uncontr.): παυόμο>-ο£ -η -ον *stopping1

?n. τταυ-όμίν-os
/. παν-ομςν-η ett. as καλ-os -ή -όν 12
n. ναυ-όμζν-ον

Learn thc nom., acc., s. and pi.

The ifufriigs are the same asfor καλός type adjectives. The -μεν- marks the
middle participl

52 Contract verbs have endings as follows in participle forms:

οράω: ορών όρώσα όρων ( όρωντ-) ‘ seeing’ ( = όρά-ων όρά-ουσα ορ α -ο ν
fopa-owr- ) )

ττοιαυ: ποιων ποιούσα ποιούν ( ποιουντ- ) ‘doing’ ( —rroLf-wv ττοι4-ovcect

π ο ίΐ-Ο ν ( 7T01C-0V7-))

&ηλόω: δηΧών δηλοΟσα Ζηλούν (δ η λο νντ-) ‘showing* ( = δηλό-ω ν

SijAo-ouwi δτ^λο-ον { hfjXo-ovr- ) j
βίώ μν,ος -η -ον ‘ w a tc h in g ' f « f c a - ^ - o s -η -ο ν )
φοβάμαι: φοβούμωος - n - 0w ‘ fearin g { = φ ο β ε -ό μ ^ -ο ς -ij -ο ν )
O S en ion I:our C ~ D t 4 9-57 ^

Uses o f the participle

53 A very common Greek usage is to join a participle with a definite article and
use it as a noun: e.g.
τρ ίχ ω ν = ‘running’
6 τ ρ ιχ ώ ν = lhe
who runs, the man who is running’
οί τρ 4χοντ€ς = ‘those who run, the men who arc running, the running
αί τρςχονσαι = ‘the running women, the women who run’

54 Note the following expressions which tend to include a participle:

τυγχάνω ( φ ϊύ γω ν) Ί happen, chance to be, actually am (fleeing)’
λανθάνω ( at φςνγων) ‘I escape die notice o f (you, in fleeing)*
φθάνω ( a t φ ίύ γω ν) Ί anticipate (you, in fleeing), I flee before you
παύομαι ( φ*νγωv) ‘I stop (fleeing)*
δήλός είμι ( φ ΐύγwv) ‘I am obviously (fleeing)*
Kairrep (φ ευγω ν) ‘although (fleeing)*
Cf. 48 (ii). Note that the participle will change to agree with the noun to which
it refers, e.g. at γυνάίκςς τυγχάνουσι φ<εύγονοαι ‘the women happen to be

N oun
55 Here is another noun-type, classified as 3g:

β α σ ιλ -cv s, o ‘ king’ (jg )

s. Pl

nom. acc.

βαοιΧ-tfc βασιλ-ία
ΙΙρ ίΒ ίΒ β nom
............. ^ _ ....

I d io m
56 You have already met one adjective in Greek ('ησνχο* peaceful) which is
best translated adverbially (‘peacefully’; 37 (b))· Another one isS^Ao? ( obvious,
dear’), when used in the phrase δφλόί i o n + participle, i.e. he is obviously . . . .

E lis io n a n d crasis
57 (1) Observe the following sentences and note the loss o f vowels.
Btvp* <A0e ( = B tvp& Ιλ θ έ )
56 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

βαρύν 8* οντα φέρω (βαρνν δέοντα φ ίρω )

&ρ' ον σέβτ) τονς θεούς; (άραον . . .)
άποθνήσκονα 8' οι άνθρωποι ( άποθνήσκουσι δέ ο ί . . .)
When a word ends in a short vowel, it may be dropped if thc next word begins
with a vowel. This is called elision .
Observe what happens to the following words in elision:
από ίππου—*άφ' ίππον
εατι ·ημ€τερος—*εσθ* -ημετερος
διά ασέβειαν—1►δι* ασεβεί αν
Prefixes to verbs may be affected in the same way, e.g.
κατα-όράω —*■
άπο-όράω —*αφοράω
So with μετά (μ ςτ \ μεθ') and επί (ε π \ εφ') prefixing words beginning with
vowels, τ becomcs Θ and π bccomcs φ before a rough breathing.
(2) Observe thc loss o f vowel in:
ώνδρες ( ώ άν&ρες) ‘men’
This is callcd ‘crasis*. It occurs when a vowel or diphthong at thc end o f a word
contracts with one at the beginning o f the next word. Consider further:
τάγαΒά ( τά αγαθά) ‘good things’
ούπί (6 επί) ‘the one on .. /
άνηρ ( ο άνηρ) ‘ the man'

R evise
-οι and contr. vbs. pres. act. 4—5, 22
Type 2 nouns (and 1/2 adjs.) 9-15
οίδα ι8 εΐμί i9

Exercises for Section Four C -D

(a) W ords (on word-bmUmg, φ U »g«agt Survey ( , j ) , p. 3 27):
_ educe the meaning o f the words on the right from those on thc left:
« « Β ·"· m οίβας
Upov ό U ptvs
μιοέω το μίσος
V £*νία, ξεν ίζω
τνγχάνω (δυστυχή s η τύχη
Section Four C —D , 57

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y a n d S y n t a x
t. Translate these sentences, completing the second sentence in each o f
thc pairs by using a participle or combination o f participle-}-definite
e.g. τ ις ε π ικ α λ ε ίτα ι η μ ά ς; οι δούλοι άφελκουσι ( το ν επικα λονμ ενον).
a. τ ίς τρ έ χ ε ι; ο ν χ ορώ ε γ ω γ ε . . .
b. τίν ε ς ολοφ ύρονται; πο ΰ είσιν . . .
c. οίδα τις α π οφ εύγει, ον γ ά ρ λανθάνει εμ ε . . .
d. τίνες φ ενγονσ ιν; άρ* όρ^ς . . .
e. ό άνηρ ά π ο τρ έ χ ει και ον π α ύ ε τ α ι . . .
ΐ. α ί γ υ ν α ίκ ε ς αεί φ οβούνται, διά τ ί ου τταιίονται . . .

(d) E n g lis h in to G r e e k
Translate these pairs o f sentences:
1. ε γ ώ δ* ο ύ χ ορώ Λ α κ εδ α ιμ ό νιο ν ονδενα φ εύγοντα.
W e see thc men running.
2. άρα λανθάνει υμάς ό δ εσ π ό τη ς σκεύη Ζχων;
D on’ t you (s.) see that thc slave is dragging the suppliant away?
3. of γ ά ρ π ρ έσ β εις φθάνουσι το ύ ς νττηρέτας ά ποφ εύγοντες.
The Spartan runs into the sanctuary before his pursuers.
4. ό κ ή ρ νξ ού π α ύ ετα ι μ ισ ώ ν τούς ξένους και φοβούμενος.
The stranger docs not stop calling on us and shouting.
5. άλλα δηλος ε ΐ Ικέτης ώ ν και τυ γ χά ν εις όλοφυρόμενος το π ρ ά γ μ α .
The man is clearly an ambassador, and happens to be escaping.

T e s t E x e r c is e F o u r C - D
T ranslate into English:
ξένος δε τ ις τρ έχω ν τυ γ χά ν ει εις τό 1Η ρ ά κ λειο ν Ιερόν. και δηλός εστιν ό
ξένος δεινόν τ ι π ά σ χ ω ν , επειδή τα χ έ ω ς προσέρχονται άνδρες τινές,
δ ιώ κ ο ντες α υ τό ν . ό Sc ξένος φθάνει τους διώ κ οντας εις τό Ιερόν φ ενγων,
ε γ γ ύ ς ον. άφικνούνται Se οί διώ κοντες και έρ ω τώ σ ι τονραψ ω δόν πού
τ υ γ χ ά ν ε ι ώ ν ό ξένος, δ ή λο ν γ ά ρ εσ τιν ο τι ο ξένος ου λανθανει τον
ραψωδόν άποφ εύγω ν. επειδή δε ο ί δ ιώ κ ο ντες όρώσιν αυτόν εν τ ώ tερφ
οντα , ά π ά γ ο υ σ ι, καιπ'ερ β ο ώ ντα και τούς θεούς επικαλονμενον. και ό μεν
^ ίνοϊ ον π α ύ ε τα ι όλοφυρομενος και δ η λώ ν τ ι πά σ χει, ο δε ραψωδός και ο
Δ ικ α ιό π ο λ ις ή σ υ χά ζο ν σ ι, φοβούμενοι τούς ενδεκα.
ο ύ τω ς ονν η τε ανομία και η άσεβεια γιγνο ντα ι εν τ ή τώ ν Α θ η να ίω ν


τώ ΐ*ρώ the sanctuary
■nj πΑλα the city
Section Five
Vocabulary for Scction Five A

άγρ-οικ-ος -οι· from tlic Ι-λάμβαν-ι(ν) (she/he) used ολ-09 -η -ον ( ό ) .ill o f
country to t.ikc,kq>t Liking όΐ'ίΐρο-ττολί-ω dream (of)
eyp-um -os -ov sleepless (λαμβάν-ω^ ore w h en
aiτ ί-os -a -ov responsible, to ί-λοι&ορ-ονμ(8 α we kept ov&trroTt never
blame arguing ( λοώορί-ομαι) ovBirrto n ot yet
&πορίγ perplexity ί-μάνθαν-ί( v) (he) used to ουτοσί α ντη ί τ ο ν τ ο ί this h ere
ά σ τίω ί the city (of Athens) learn ( μανθάν-ω) fJhHJIfillJJjl
αστΐίί-όϊ -η -oc Iron) thc city ίξ = ίχ όφ (ίλ-ω o w e
βαθύς deep (nom.) (,-τταν~6μίθα (wc) used to πατήρ ( ffa re p - ), ό fath er (3.1)
βαθί-ως deeply StOp(irCU-OJAGtJ Trepi tou traiSof a b o u t the
βαρία heavy (nom.) (-a w i-e(v ) (he) was saving child
β ίο ς , o life (2a) ( σώ ζ-ω ) w«pt τώ ν ιττττ-iDv ab ou t horses
γ ά μ - ο ς ,ό marriage (2a) ί-φινγ-ον (I) was running TTiKp-ό? -a - 6 v bitter
δάκν-ω bite, w orry
away from (φίύγ-ω) ^Tpc^toS-ijf , o Strepsiades
8απάν-η,·ή expense (1 a)
ήδΰί sweet (nom.) (id)
δια-φθ(ίρ-ω ruin
^icout (lie) used to hear σχίδον nearly
St-t-Xty-tTO she used to
( άκονω) raA as unhappy me!
converse ( Β ια -λ (γ -ο μ α ι) ή I Was ΐ ο ΐ ϊ ό κ ί ρ ο ΐ ϊ m y dream s
(it) was ruining
ήμίρ-α, Y) day (ib) roTt then
(&ια.-φ6ίίρ-w j
(shc/it) was wi-os, 6 son (2a)
StV-η, ή lawsuit ( ia)
ιού alas* νττν-ος,ό sleep(2a)
δ ίκ -ψ ’λαμ βάν-ω exact one's
Ιηττο-μαΛ’ης horse-mad Xflts yesterday
(nom.) Xpi-o, τά debts (3c uticontT.)
Birt-ijv <-λάμβαν-οΐ’ ύι ey k ept
Γττττ-οί, o horse (2a) χ ρ ή μ α ( χ ρ η μ α τ - ) , τ ό thing;
trying to cxact their due
καί γάρ yes.ccruinly size; length (3b)
Sum btcjuvc
καί δή «αί and moreover χρι?μα τ-α ,τά m oney (3b)
ί-δίωκ-ομ (ihcy) kept on
κίψαΑ-ή,ή head (la) χρήστ-ης, & creditor (1 d)
pursuing (ΐ>ιώκ-ω )
Λο(δορ<-ομα« argue
v) (she) Marled to χ ρ ό ν-ο ϊ,ό time(2.i)
i eavi-as, ό young man (1 d) ώνί»ρο-7τόλ-€ΐ he used to
bring injcause (ά σ -φ ίρ .ω )
ο δυσ-τυχήϊ thc unlucky one
f-rafliuS-oi' ] was sleeping dream o f ( ivtipo-TroXt-u))
(ifaOoji-u) ωσπ<ρ ίχ « ιΐ just as y o u are
5 ί'(7 /<>» i i i ’ c ,1 - β

V o c a b u l a r y t o b e le a r n t
cutcos' a ou responsible ( for). δίκην λαμβάνω ( λ α β -) exact ovSf-τω ovnoj nol yet
guilty (οβ one's due; punish οφ(ίλω out
βαθύς deep (7rapa-\-geti.) π ατή ρ ( π α τ ( «) p - ) , ό father
βαρύς iffdl'y διότι fuYdiijr (Wj
βίο<ς, 6 life, w ill us. livelihood ϋνστυχής unlucky σχ<&όν near, nearly; almost
(MJ ήδί"; suvet, pleasant τ ό τ ί then
γ ά μ ο ς, ό marriage (2a) ίίσφ έρω ( ciaevtyn -) ftriMj» iti. υ ίό ς,ό son (za)
δια λέγ ο μ α ι converse carry in χ ρή μ ατα, τά money {j h )
δ ίκ η , ή hursmt; penalty; justice Γττποΐ, ό horse ( 2 a)
(la) όλοι ij ot· whole oj

Vocabulary for Section Five B

σ,τττ-ω ligh t ot (φ ο β έ-ο μ α ι) οΐμ ο ι τώ ν κακ-ώ ν alas for m y

ά ργ-ός -ή -ov lazy Tj/ucl·· (w e) w ere troubles!
β α θ ΐΐα deep (n om .) jJσαν (they) w ere ore w hen
γέρω ν ( ycpovr-) , ό o ld mail ιού hurrah! π α ν-tu stop x (acc.) - i n g (acc.
(3a) κ α ίπ ιρ alchough ( + p.irt.) part.)
γ ιώ μ - η ,ή p la n ( li) κακά έ-ποί-ονν they w o u ld ττ(ίθ-ομαι o b ey
έ-κόλα ζ-ο ν (they) used to (re:U badly ( κακά π οιέ-VJ) τιίΛας unhappy me!
punish { κ ο λ ά ζ-ω ) κ λ α ί-tn w eep , be punished τ ώ λ ν χ ν ώ the oil-lan ip
Ζλαι-ον, τό o liv e -o il (2b) κ ο λ ά ζ-aj punish yo u (s.) say
ίμ α ν τ-ά ν m yself κόλασ-t?, punishm ent (je) χρέ-α , τά debts (3c u n con tr..
(ν-αμι be in λ υ χ ν -ό ς,ό o il-la n ip (ia) gen . pi. x p t-ώ ν)
i -ικ ίθ -ο ν τ ο they w o u ld o b e y w a ^ i-a f, ό y o u n g man (id ) χρηστ-ός -ή - 6 v g o o d , fine
( ττ<ίθ-ομαι) I'f-o s-a-o r y o u n g
έ-φοβ-ούντο (hey w e re afraid ο ΐ κ ό - ^ ϊ , ό house-slave (id )

V o c a b u l a r y to b e le a rn t
άτττω light;fasten,Jix νέος a op φής yon (s.) Say
ίν ίιμ ι he it1 otVfTTjfy, ό house-slave f id) χρηστός ή όν good,fine,
κακά | , treat had!y; ttανω slop serviceable
. J ttqkw
κακώ ς I tlo nartu to ττ£Ϊθομαι ( ττιθ-} trust, obey
κολά ζω punish ( + dat.)
κ α ν ία ς , 6 young μμη ( I d) χ ρ ία , τ ά debts (j c uncontr.)

O Gram m ar for Section Five A -B

Im pf. ind. act. and m id.
Position o f adj.
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Excrcises
V erbs

hnperfea indicative active and middle l-n m o v , ν , ο υ ό μ ψ Ί was slc p p iηχ·

(and contracts)
58 T h e form s o f thc im p erfect indicative active are as fo llo w s:

τιμ -ά ω 7TOt-€tO Β η λ-ό ω

τ τ α ν -ω
'[ was stopping, ζ-τίμ-ω ν f -ΊΙθί-θνν i -δήλ-ουν
e-τταυ-ον / I
1 stopped' ( a-f>v) ( €-θν) f o -o v J

‘you were stopping, i -τίμ -ας €-ττοί~£ΐς €-Βήλ-ους

you stopped* ( a -c s ) (t-cs) ( o-esj
e -n a u -cf v) ‘hc/shc/it was i -τίμ-α. €-7T01-€l ΐ-δ η λ -ο ι»
stopping*, ctc. ι (*-*) (o -f)
, ( a ‘ €!
€-τταύ-ομ€ν ‘we were stopping’ €-τ ιμ-ώμςν i-irot- οϋμίν i -Β ηλ-θΰμΐν
(ά -ο μ ίν ) ( t -ομ ΐν ) ( ό - ο μ ΐν )
c-π α ϋ -ίτ ΐ ‘you were stopping' ί-7 ίμ -ά τ( €-7T0t-CtTC €-$Ί]λ-θύτΐ
( ά-ί Τ€ ) (t-tre) (6-€Τΐ)
ΐ-τταν-ον ‘they were stopping' i -τιμ-ω ν έ-ττοί-ονν ΐ-δ ή λ -ου ν
(a -ον) (e-o v ) ( o -o v )

59 T h e form s o f die im perfect indicative m iddle are as fo llo w s:

ί-τταυ-όμ-ην ‘1 was stopping' e - τιμ-ώμην €-ποι-ονμην ί-δτηλ-ούμην

(α-όμ η ν) ( e -ομην) ( ο -ό μ η ν )
e-παυ-ου you were stopping' t -τιμ -ώ (-π ο ι-ο ύ e- δ η λ - ο ϋ
ctc. as 58 above

(ά -ο υ ) ( 6 -ο υ )

I- ιταυ-ίτο e- τ ψ - ά τ ο €-ποι-€Ϊτο ί-β η λ -ο ΰ τ ο

(ά - ί τ ο )

(0 - € Τ θ )

(-παν-ομίθα Ι-τιμ-ώμςΒα. ί-τ τ ο ι-ο ύ μ ε θ α ΐ-δ η λ -ο ν μ ΐθ α

(α -ό μ € 0 α ) (€-όμ(θα ) (ο -ό μ € θ α )
Ι-'Τ ιμ -άσθ* i- n o L - t ia O e i -δη λ -ο ν ο θ ί
* 9 (ά-ΐσθΐ) ( έ-ςσ θ ς ) ( ό - ia d t)
C-tTCUNOl’TO > m
€ -τιμ -ςυ ν το Ε-ττοι-οΟντο € -δ η λ -ο ύ ν τ ο
( ά-οντο) (ί- ο ν τ ο ) ( ό -ο ν τ ο )

auem en/rLi^ /L^5? ^ 11!51'!·"^ ° f a Past e tense is the presence o f the

With a «m W .rte ^ * -β α ι'’ον· ’·ΙΊ ,“ '

οΙκίω ~ *ω Κονν Ί was livin g

Μ ούω ~ *ϊ)ΚΟυον Ί was listening’
€χω-»€ίχοΐ' had'

*λ *υθ(Ρ6<»~+·ηλ*νθίρουν Ί was freeing’

O Section F iv e Λ —Β , 5 » “ 59 6i

U s e th c f o llo w in g ch art to d e te rm in e th e a u g m e n t o n verbs b e g in n in g

w ith v o w e ls :

unaugm ented augmented

vow el vow el

a \ t , q., a t , cl η , j?

O , Ot < --------------- > OJ, CO

αυ|*υ<---------- > ηυ
€ -------------- — > €t|lj

(ii) T h c imperfect is based on the present stem o f the verb. T a k e the present stem and
add an augment to the beginning and the appropriate personal endings.

(iii) T h e augm ent is added to the base verb, not to any p r e fx e s it may have acquired.
T h u s the imperfect of:
δ ια β α ίν ω is & ι-€ -βα ινον
€io β α ίν ω c ia - 4 - β αίνον etc.

(iv ) Y o u have already seen how , in the imperfect, δ ια β α ίν ω becomes δ ιίβ α ιν ο ν .

O b serve Ιιοιν other prefixes to verbs react to the addition o f an augment.
κ α τ α -β α ίν ω κ α τ - ίβ α ινον
ά π ο -β α ίν ω ά ιτ- 4βα ινον
Ι π ι- β α ίν ω έπ -4β α ινον
μετα-βαίνα> μ & τ-ίβ α ιν ο ν
€ κ -β α ίνω 4ζ-ύ β α ιν ο ν
€ μ -β α ίν ω ( = 4 ν -β α ίν ω ) iv -e β α ινον
€ γ -κ α \ ώ ( = h>-KaXa)) £ν-£κάλονν
π ρ ο -β α ίν ω π ρ ο -έβ α ινο ν ( or π ρ ο νβ α ιν ο ν)

( ν ) T h e imperfect tense carries the meanings:

‘ I was - in g ' Ί tried to -
'/ used t o - Ί began - in g , I kept on - in g ’
Ί continued -in g '

In other words, they denote an action continuing or going on in the past, as a process
rather than as a single event.
(v i) N o te the irregular imperfect o f the verb *to be’ :
ή (ν ) I was etc.

ij r t ( ή σ τ€ )
ήσα ν
Λ . Grammar. I'oaifw/anVi, bxcrctics

fo^Observc the <ub* Greek use o f the, mi,ion o f the adjective in r o l l o n to its
noun+ def. art. to indicate a slightly different meaning:
(a) o σοφος avijp the w ise man
(b) ό an jp ο σοφος thc wise man
but: (c) οοφος ο ανήρ ‘ the man is wise
(d) ό άνηρ σοφός ‘ the man is w ise’
This distinction applies to all cases ot the noun, e.g.
ποΧΧψ τ ψ δαπανην tiVe'fcpev ‘ m uch the expense she cau sed ’
i.e. ‘the expense w hich she caused was m uch’ ; cf.
π ο λ λ ψ δαττανην άσϊφ^ρεν ‘she caused m uch expense
W hen the adjective stands outside the def. a rt.+ noun phrase and is n o t lin k e d
with it by a preceding def. art., it w ill carry this ‘ p redicative’ m ea n in g (as in (c)
and (d) above). O

Exercises for Section Five A—B

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
i. Translate each sentence, then change the verbs fro m the present to
imperfect tense:
a. καθευδω cyw, αλλ’ €τι διώκουσι μ* οί αΐ'δρες ο ίτ ο ι.
b. n y a m o s εστιν; 17 γυνή. a ti yap λαμβάνει τον mow καί S ta A cy tra t
τώ ν ίππων.
c. ο γάμος ω ς πικρός εστιν. att yap πικρον π ο ιά το ν γ ά μ ο ν η γ υ ν ή .
d. νεοΐίσμεν και κολαζομεν τονς οικετα?. ourtos y a p χρη σ τοί γίγνοντ<χι οί
e. ού φοβούνται τούς δέσποτα* οί δούλοι, ουβέ π είθ ο ντα ι.
nslatc each vtrb , then change to singular o r plural as a p p ro p ria te
num crs in brackets indicate w hich person, w h ere there is a m b i­

δ ιίλ^ ομίβ α ίβ ίώ μ ίβ α , ίι'οίψίρον ( 3). ώ φ « λ „ , ίΒ ίά α β ί,

«οβο„. c*o/Wo, π ίκ Μ μ ψ ι l7 ,auo„ (Ι) ^ 1 φ ο β ο . ' ( $ ίά τ ο

(d) English into G reek

Translate into Greek-
Section h iv e C - D , 60 63

3. Y o u n g m en used to be g o o d , and o b e y .
4. W e used to g iv e o rd ers, bu t the slaves m istreated us.
5. W e w o u ld shout and stop the slaves co n v ersin g .

Vocabulary for Section Five C

αϊτί-α, responsibility (tb) μάτην in vain, to no purpose ττοιήσ-ω I shall do (rrote-ω)

άκούσ-ομαι I shall listen μηδαμ-ώς in no w ay, not at TT01ήσ-ας you will do
( ά κ ο ύ -ω ) all ( ιτοιί-ω)
avpiov tom orrow μο( to me Γϊοσΐΐ& ώ ν ( iloatiSm v- ) , ό
Sia-voc-o/nai intend, have in w v 1 = vvv Poseidon (3 a)
mind vw mind mos somehow
Sta-vot-a, ή plan { I b) ov&irrort never σμικρ-ός -ά-όν small
Διόννν-ος,ό Dionysos ( 2a) ονχί= ούκ 001 to you
( iW o f nature, esp. wine) ηάνυ very σ-ός<τ-ήσ-όν your
ήκου-ομί. <■.<·. - πανσ-ομαι I shall stop/cease σώσ-ft (it) will save (σψ ζ-w)
M m pericct 01 ακου-cu
ήκου-e ;I ( τταύ-ομα,ι) Φ αδιππ tfi-iji, ό Phcidippides
Γιτπι-o j -a -ov o f horses, ττανσ-όμίθα wc shall stop, (id)
horsey ccasc ( τταν-ομαι) Φίΐδίίπτιδί-ον dear little
ίσως perhaps ■παύα-ο) I shall stop ( τταν-oj) Phcidippides { 2b)
KtXfvu-ω [ shall order π α νσ- t i (it) will stop ( nav-w ) φιΧ(~ω love
( KtXtV-U) ) rreia-ομα 1 1 shall obey φιλήο~ω I shall love (φιλιί-ω)
KfXtva-fis you (s.) will order ( π (ίθ -ο μ α ι) φιλήσ-fts you (s.) will love
( KtXev-w ) ntio-y you (s.) will obey ( φΐΧί-tl) )
λίξ-ω I shall tell (λίγ-ω ) ( π (ίθ -ο μ α ι)

V o c a b u l a r y t o b e le a rn t
air ία, -η reason, cause, ovStnoTt never Ttojs somehow
responsibility (ib ) Ποο£ΐδών ( Ποσΐίδων-), ο φιλίαi love, kiss
διανοίομαι intend, plan Poseidon (god of sea) (ya)
διάνοια, ή intention, plan ( tb) (voc. Πόσα&ον; acc.
v o w , ο ( νόος contr.) mind, Π οσαδώ)
sense ( 2a)

Vocabulary for Section Five D

ά-δικ -os -ov unjust άκριβίΐς cxact, accurate (acc.) barefoot

αΐβοΐ uggghh! ανθραζ ( άνβρακ-), ό charcoal άπο-βλίττ-w gaze at, observe
άκούσ·ομαι I shall listen (3*) closely
( axov-oj ) avTt'-Sttf-oi, -ov adversary (in avpiov tomorrow
άκονο-jj you (s.) will listen court) ( 2a) αντ-οί myself (nom.)

( άκον-ω) άν-νιτό-δητ-ος-ον unshod.

A . G ram m ar, Vocabularies, Excrciscs

τταρά τώ ν μαθητώ ν fro m the

βοήο-ομαι I 'hall shout ή ή tiittut!
Ούρι-or, τό little door (2b) students
(βοά-ω )
in m -ος -a -ov o f horses. 7ΐαύσ-€ται (he) w ill stop
βραδύς slow (ποιη.)
horsey ( π α ν-ο μ α ι)
γ( at least; ves. and
καί δη και and m oreover ττανο-όμΐθα. w e shall cease
γοτηο-ομαι 1 shall becom c
καλοί re κάγαθοί jo lly good ( τταν-ομαι)
( γιγν-ομα«)
γ ipwv ( ytpoi’T- ), 6 old man chaps, real gentlemen ■παύσ-ω I shall stop (ιτυ.ύ-ω )
κόπτ-ω knock (on) τκίθ-ιυ persuade
γνώο-ομαι I sliall get to know κόφ-ω I shall knock (on) v t la -ομαι 1 shall o b ey
( γιγνώ σκ-ω ) ( κόπτ-ω) ( ττ( ίθ-ομα ι)
δίχ-ομαι receive λ ίξ -tii you (s.) w ill say τκίσ-η yo u (s.) w ill o b ey
Βήτα then ( Χ ίγ-ω ) f 7Τ(ίθ-ομαι)
δια-φθ(ρ-(ΐ (it) will get rid o f Χήφ-ονται (they) w ill get π π γ ίύ ς ,ό o ven (3g)
(δια-φθ(ϊρ-ω) ( Χαμβάν-ω) νοιήα-ω I shall do ( ττοιί,-ω)
διδάσκ-ω teach Χόγ-ος, 6 argument (2a) π οιήσ-α ς y o u (s.) w ill do
δίκαι-0? -a -or just μαθήο-ομαι I shall learn ( TTOIC-O»^
δ»ώ{-α» I shall chase (διώ κ-ω ) ( μονθάΐ'-ω) ττονηρ-ός -ά ·όν w ick e d , nasty
δύο tw o (acc.) μαθήα-ονται they shall learn οοφ ισ τ-η ς,ό sophist (id )
( 1(μ ή ) if (not) ( μανΟάν-ω ) σο φ -ό ς-ή -όν w ise, clever
tlo -ίρχ-ομαι enter μαθητ-ής, 6 student (id) ταί? δίκαι? their lawsuits
ίΐο - ίψ ι I sh.ill enter μη not τής οικίας the house
( t lo -ίρχ-ομαι) μοι to me τήμιρον today
eio-ti (you) (s.) w ill enter νικήο-α (he) will win τον Σ ω κράτη Socratcs
( (Ισ-ίρχ-ομαι) (ι^κά-ω) φεύξ-ομαι I shall run o f f
iia -n o i(v ) (he) will enter ι·ικήσ-ονσι(v) they will ( φ (ύγ-ω )
(<la-i ρχ-ομαι) delcat ( ι·ικά-ω ) φιΧο-σοφί-α, ή philosophy
ΰσ-ιμ(χ w e will enter νικη-φόρ-ος -ov victorious (lb)
((Ισ-ίρχ-ομαι) vw tlien φροντιοτήρι-ον, τό
(ίς κόρακας to hell! (lit. 'to the οικίδι-ον, τό little house (2b) think-tank, m ental im tm ite
crows') ομι»$ nevertheless (2b)
(Κ-βαΧ-ώ 1shall throw out όνομα ( όνοματ-), τό name Χαιρ(φώι· ( Χ α ιρ ΐφ ω ντ-) , ό
(ίκ-βάΧΧ-ω) (Jb) Khairephon (3a)
«δον inside ούδαμ-ώς no w a y . not at all χρήστ-ης, ό creditor (id )
ci-oiKf-w live (111)
οΰκουν not . . . therefore
ΦυΧ~ή.ή soul ( ia)
(νζ-πμαι 1 shall oftcr prayers ούραν-ός,ό sky (2a) ως that
ovrt . . οΰτι neither . nor ώχρ-ός -ά -όι· pale

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
άδικοί οι· uniust
έ ρ χ ο μ α ι (tlaiXO.) n ita
avpiov fi>inorri>ii· ovrt . . . ovrt neither . . . rior
ivSov inside
Yt at least (denotes some sort oj nddoj fH'rmadc
και δη και rnoreoi'tr
Ttscri'atwn) αοφ{στής,ό sophist, thinker
K077TW knock (on), cm
δ<χομαι receive (id)
Χόγος,ό arguwetit; word,
διδάσκω teach σοφός ή όν wise, clci’ i r
speech; story, tale: reason (ja)
δίκαιο? a or just
μαθιμής, <5 student (:d)
O Section f iv e C - D , 61-62

O Grammar for Section Five C -D

Fut. ind. act. and m id.
A ct./m id . distinction
Indef. w o rd s
Σ ω κ ρ ά τη ς\τρ ιή ρ η ς (nom ., acc.)

V erbs
F u tu r e in d ica tive active and m id d le π α υ σ ω , π α ύ σ ο μ α ι Ί sh a ll sto p '

61 T h c form s o f thc future ind icative activc are as follow s:

π α ύ σ -ω Ί shall stop ’ etc.
π α ν σ -α ς
π α ύ σ -et


π α ν σ -ο υ σ ι( ν )
62 T h e form s o f the future ind icative m iddle arc as follow s:
π α ν σ -ο μ α ι Ί shall stopVff.
π α ν σ - 7} ( -€i)
π α νσ-€ τα ι
π α ν σ -ό μ ίθ α
π αύσ-€θθ€
π α ύ σ -ο ν τα ι

(i) T he distinguishing signs o f the future are two:
(a) most commonly, the presence o f someform o f a- suffix at the end o f the present stem,

Troivuj—>πανοιν ‘ I shall stop
ίΰ χ ο μ α ι—*€ υζομα ι Ί shall pray '
κ ό π τ ω —>κόψω 'I shall knock
π ( ίθ ω —*7T€ioto */ shall persuade
Observe that κ σ —*ξ and π σ -* ψ .
or (b) an -€ω sujfix, after a stem different from that o f the present, e.g.
δια φ θ ςίρω —*$ια.φθ(ρ<2>( - ε ω ) I shall destroy
ν ο μ ίζ ω —*νομιώ (~€ω) ‘ 1 shall think
This frequently applies to verbs whose stem ends in λ, μ , v or P
(ii) T he endings for the future active and middle are identical to those fo r the present.
.1. ( Ihwtnhit, I ocuhulanes, lixercise* o
fin) Coiiir. i'1'S. lengthen the final vowel of the stem and a d d a -, e.g.
ttoU io — *π οιήσω ' I shall do
δηλόω -+ Β ηλώ σω ‘ / shall show'
τ ιμ ά ω -* τ ιμ ή σ ω Ί shall honour
Soticc thiU a lengthens to η , cf. τόλμα, τόλμης ami α κ ο ύ ω , η κ ο νο ν (hut n.h. p e t a l 12
(ii) and 24 (note)).
(iv) The meaning of the future is:
Ί will/shall
‘ / am about to
‘ I tim going to

S onic important futures

63 T h c follow in g tutureslook irregular, but 111 tact fill into a pattern w h ic h y o u

w ill soon com e to recognise:
μανθάνω—*μαθήσομαι ‘1 shall learn'
λα μ βάνω -*λή φ ομ α ι ‘I shall take’
γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ ω —*γνώ σομαι M shall get to k n o w '
γΙγνομαι-*γ€νήσομαι ‘ I shall becom e'
N .b. the use ot the middle torm s in the future does n o t affect the m ean in g.
64 Ensure that you k n ow thc future o f ‘to be':
Ισ-ομαι Ί shall be 'etc.
ea-rj (-€ i)

and the abnormal future Ί shall g o ' (note accent and cf. €ι’μ ί Ί a m ’):
€»μι ‘ 1 shall go' etc.
Tacif v )

M iddles

m.ddleaL VOU Η ' ' Τ ' T * * hkh tavc a a iv e fo ™ « · “ <*'c r h s w h ic h h ave

o (l ’n, * J ’C'
Γ ap tlr· y ° U haVC ,m t v crb ' A «««Play b o th types

πανω 1 stop χ* π α ύ ο μ α ι Ί stop m v s e lf

-« β ω Ί persuade' «,'Οομα, Ί pcrsu.dc m yself. I trust.
I believe in’
O Section F iv e C - D , 62—66 67

V e r y c ru d e ly , the d ifferen ce can be described as fo llo w s: that in active verbs, thc

action m o v e s o u t fro m the d o er, but in m id dle verbs, it m o v es o u t fro m the
d o er and back again - i.e., in m id dle verbs, the d o e r’s interest is in v o lv e d .
C o n sid e r the fo llo w in g exam ples:
φ έρω Ί carry, bear’ φ ςρ ο μ α ι Ί carry o f f fo r m yself, w in ’
λύω Ί release’ λ ύ ο μ α ι Ί release for m yself, ran som ’

N ote
T h is ‘ rule’ only applies to verbs which display both active and middle form s in
any one tense. It does not apply ,Jor exam ple, to 63 above, where the middle form o f the
fu tu re is thc o n ly form the verbs have. Vi>»< w ill f n d quite a few verbs which have active
present form s and middle future forms — but the meaning is not affected by the change
because these w ill be the onlyJorms they have, e.g.
α κ ο ύ ω ‘ I hear’ ά κ ο ύ σ ο μ α ι ‘ I shall hear’

In d e fin ite s /In te r r o g a tiv e s

66 Y o u alread y k n o w the distinction betw een τ ίς and τ ις . T h e accented form
m eans ‘ w h o ? ’, thc unaccented form means ‘ so m eon e’ . T h is distinction is carried
across a w id e range o f G reek w o rd s, o f w h ich y o u h ave recently m et π ώ ς and
π ω ς . T h e accented fo rm means ‘h o w ? ’ , the unaccented form m eans ‘s o m e h o w ’ .
T h ese w o rd s arc also connected w ith form s used in o th er con texts and built
o n d ifferen t roots, characterised either b y the absence o f the initial π (hencc ώ ς
‘h o w !’ w h ich y o u h ave already m et), o r b y the presence o f 6 before the
consonant (to g iv e in this case ο π ω ς). T h u s the co m p le x of w o rd s π ώ ς; οπ ω ς,
π ω ς , ώ ς all m ean basically ‘h o w ’ , ‘som eh ow ’ , and G reek uses each in accordance
w ith the co n tcx t. N o te thc fo llo w in g chart;

D ir e ct question Indirect question In d efin ite Relative

‘H e asked w h ere . . etc. ‘S o m e w h e r e . . .’ ‘ H e goes w here .

π ο ύ ‘ w h e re at?’ όπ ον που ου, οπού
π ο ϊ ‘ to w h ere?’ 07rot ποι οΐ, οποι

πόθςν ‘ fro m w h ere?’ όπόθςν ποθ^ν δ θ ίν, οποθζν

π ώ ς ‘h o w ? ’ οπω ς πως ώ ς, οπ ω ς

π ό τε ‘ w h en ?’ όπότ€ ποτ€ ore, ό π ό τ ί

N .b . T h c indefinite form s are all enclitics (see Reference G ram m ar A . 3 (5)).

N oun
H ere is the n o u n -typ e to be denoted 3d, like Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς (in the
singular), and τριή ρης (3 trireme) in the plural.
f>S Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, hxtrciscs

67 Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς , o ‘ Socrcitcs’ ( j d )

not». acc. gen. dm.

Σω κράτ-ης Σω κράτ-η Σ ω κράτ-ονς Σ ιοκ ρ ά τ-H


nom. acc. gcn~ dat.

τριήρ-ets τριήρ-ας Tfur\p-i>sv τρίήρ-€αι( v)

(i) 11 ord< ending in -ης could be either like id ναύτης or j d above,
(ii) The vocative form o f j d types is quite common: it is Σ ώ κ ρ α τ-^ ς. O

Exorcises for Scction Five C—D

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y a n d S y n ta x
1. Translate these sentences, then change the verb(s) in each fro m thc
present to the future tense:
a. ό πατήρ K€Acuct τον υιόν.
b- τ ί λ έ γ ίις , ώ τάν;
C. ού διδάσκομ€ν τούς διδασκάλους,
d. οί άνδρίξ πολλά χρήματα δέχονται,
e ούκ άκουομ^ν τους λόγους.
f ίγ ώ ζίμ ι σοφός, οντος δ ’ ού νικά μ€.
g. ό νιος ού φ ιλζϊ τον πατέρα.
h. ή διάνοια σ ώ ζα ημάς.
ί. κόπτω τήν θύραν και βοώ.
j. τί? νικά τά? δίκας;
k. ού παύονται μανθάνοντ€ς οί μαθηταί.
1. τίνες tlaiv οί σοφοί;
2. Translate each verb, then change to singular or plural as appropriate:
παυσ€ΐ, «σονται, άκο υοόμϊθα, δια φθερςΐς, (ύζεσθί

(d) E n glish in to G re e k
Translate into Greek:
i. T he young men w ill learn thc unjust argum ent.
Section F iv e B - F , 67

2. T h c g o o d son w ill a lw a y s lo v e his father.

3. T h is horse w ill not stop running.
4. T h e student w ill go into the house.
5. T h e w ise m an w ill be ju st.

Vocabulary for Section Five E

άγρ-οικ-ος-ον Irom thc i -παύσ-ατο he stopped παιδί-ον, τό slave, slave dear

co u n try ( παύ-ομαι) (2b)
ά-μαθή ignorant (acc.) (TTfl w licil πάΧιν again
ά-μαθής ignoram us (nom.) e-iτή δη σ-((ν) (it) leapt πηδά-ω leap
ivory t open! ( ττηδά-oj) πήδημα ( πηδηματ- ), τό a
ά£ι~ος -a -ov w o rth y o f Ι-ποίηα-ας (you) (s.) did leap (3b)
ά π -ί-κ οφ -α ς you (s.) cut o f f ( π ο ιί-ω ) πόδαί see πούς
( ά π ο -κ ό π τ-ω ) ι-ττοΐηα-αν (they) did iroTf ever
άρτι recently .ju st now ( π ο ιί- ω ) ττούς (π ο δ -) ,ό foot (3a)
βάΧΧ' (Ις κόρακας g o to hell! ή truly πρώτον first
δάκΐ'-ω bite, w orry ήκ-ω I have com e ρφδΐ-ως easily
i -βόησ-α I shouted ( β ο ά -ω ) θ α λ -ή ς, <
5 Thales ( I d) (early σοι to y'ou
i -βόησ-ας y o u (s.) shouted C'.reek scientist and iurentor, a Σω κράτονς Socrates'
( βοάω ) by-wordJor cleverness) τ ήνόφρ-ϋν the eyeb ro w
(-β ό η σ -((v) (he) shouted θαυμάζ-ω w onder (at) τής σοφίας the cleverness!
( βοάω ) θ ίμ ι-i, ή right, lass till (lit. law τής φΰΧΧης o f die flea
ί-θ (-σ α ν they placed ( τίθ η μ ι) sanctioned by the gods) (3a) τ ί hi, w hat next?
(Ις κόρακας to hell! 0 ( ρ μ - ό ς - ή -or hot τ ίδ ή τ ’ w h y then . . .?
f ir a then Katncp although ( + part.) τίθημι I place, put
(κ -β ά λλ-ω th row out Κίφαλ-ή, ή head (1 a) τού ΌΧυμπικού ατιφάνου the
t-KtXtva-a (Γ) gave the order κηρ-ός,ό w ax (2a) O ly m p ic crow n

( K(\t ύ-ω ) ΚικυννόΟιν from thc dem e φροΐ'τίς ( φροντιδ-), ή

<-κ(λ(υσ-ας yo u (s.) g ave the K ik ynna thought (3a)

Xv - oj release, undo φροντιστήρι-ον, τό
order ( κ(Χ(ύ-ω )
μ (τ ρ ΐ-ω measure (fut. think-tank, mental institute
ί,-κοφ-α (I) kn ocked at
μ ίτρ ή σ -ω ) (2b)
( κ ό π τ-ω )
μοι to n ic Χαιρ(φώντος Khairephon’s
ί-κ ο φ -e (he) knocked at
μ όν-οΐ -η -ov alone χωρί-ον, τό space, distance
( KOΊΤΤ- w )
ιώ mind (2b)
ΐ-Χ νσ-αν they undid ( Χύ-ω)
όπόσουςτούς(αυτής φύΧΧ-α,ή flea (ic)
ίμ β ά ς ( ίμ β α δ -), ή slipper (3a)
π ό δ α ς h ow many o f its φνΧΧης flea’s
l -μίτρ ησ-α ν they measured
o w n foot lengths φυχρ-ός-ά -όν cold
( μ (τ ρ ί-ω )
ουτος hey. you! ώς as
e-πανσ-άμην I stopped
( παύ-Ομαι)
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o
V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
αγροίκος ov jrem the country, x a h tp ύΙ/ΙιοιιχΙι ( +part.) ραδίως easily
κίφαλή, η head ( t a) φροντίς ( φροντ»δ- ) , η thought,
λύω release care, concent (ja )
βάλλ’ t li κόρακας go to hell!
Βάκνω(Βακ-) bite, worry ότ( when ώς as

(κβάλλω (ΐκ β α λ-) throw out ττονς ( noS-), ό foot (ja )

(v νώ ΐχ ω intend, have in mind ράδιου a ov easy

Vocabulary for Section Five F

ά-δυι·ατ-οί -ov impossible ί-βόηο-ας you (s.) shouted Λ α κ & α ίμ ω ν ( Α α κ ί,Β α ιμ ο ν -) , ή

'/ΙΟήΐ'-αί,αί Athens (la) (βοά-ω ) Sparta (3a)
ανα-μ€τpi-ω measure lip ίγγνς ημών near to us μ ο ι to me
άττ-(λθΐ go away! i -θαύμασ-ας you (s.) were ό λ ο φ υ ρ -(ΐσ θ ' = 2 η ά pi. fut.
άρα then, in that ease amazed (θαυμάζ-ω ) (contr.) o f ό λ ο φ ν ρ -ο μ α ι
άοτρο-νομί-ω observe the tva one (acc. m. o f « ς μία iv) ό π ο υ where?
stars ίνταΰθα here ο ύ ρα ν -ό ς, ό sky (2a)
άοτρο-νομι-α, ή astronomy inel since νάνυ very
(ib) tv i τής κρ<μάθρας in thc παπαΓ g o o d heavens!
αύτ-ός Himself, thc Master basket π ίΐ'0 -ο μ α ι believe
(nom.) Εΰβοι-α, ή Euboia ( I b) ■ntpi-oh-ο ς , ή map (2a)
βολβ-ός,ό truffle (2a) Ή ράκλίΐς Hcraklcs! π ο ρ ρ ω far
γιω μ(τρι-α,η geometry (ib) θαυμάζ-ω be amazed ■ πρω κτ-ός,ό rum p (2a)
γης o f thc earth &ηρί-ον,τό beast (2b) τα ύ τη with this
δήμ-os, ό deme (2a) καθ-ίζομαι sit down χ ρ η σ ιμ -ο ς -η -ov useful
ΰικαστ-ής,ό dikast.juror (id) κατά γης below the earth

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
αδύνατο? ov impossible 07701/ where? where
Άθήναι,αί Athens( ta)
ουρανός, ό sky. heavens (ia)
δήμο?, ό deme ( 2aj
πείθομαι (π ιθ-) believe, trust
θαυμάζω wonder at, he amazed

Grammar for Scction Five E -F

W k. aor. ind. act. and mid.
όφρνς (nom. acc.)
o Section F iv e F - F , 6&-60
V erbs

W ea k norm indicative active and middle ίτ α υ σ α , ί-παυοάαην Ί

stopped '

68 T h c fo rm s o f thc w eak aorist indicative active arc as follow s:

Ζ -π α υ σ -α *1 stopp ed ’ etc.
€-1τα νσ-α ς
e-7τ α ν σ -(( v )
69 T h c form s o f thc w eak aorist indicative m iddle arc as follows:
i -π α υ σ -ά μ η ν Ί stopped* etc.
€-7τα νσ -ω
€-7τα ύσ -α το
i -π α υ σ -ά μ ίθ α

N otes
( i) N o te thc presence o f the augment, to denote the past tense (cf. 59 (iii)).
(ii) T he distinguishing mark o f the wk. aorist indicative is the augment, and a - ( σ )α -
sujfix added to the stem (which is sometimes different from that o f thc present):
κ ό π τ ω —*■
ΐκ ο φ α ‘ I knocked’
δ ιδά σ κ ω —►εδιδα^α ‘ I taught’
δ έχ ο μ α ι —>(δ εξά μ η ν ' / received’
Note the stem change in μ ίν ω - ϋ μ α ν α , δ ια φ θ ΐίρ ω -δ ιίφ θ α ρ α .
(Hi) Contracted verbs lengthen the f n a l vowel o f their stem (cj. 62 (iii)).
ττ ο ιίω —>€7τοίτ)σα ' I did’
τ ιμ ά ω —> ςτίμ ησ α ‘ I honoured’
δηλόω — ή λ ω σ α '/ showed’
(iv) Aorist indicatives indicate that something has happened in the past without
reference to the duration o f time over which it occurred. They regard the action as a
single even t, not as a process (contrast imperfects at 59 (n i)). Iranslate them as.
7 - e d ’ (sometimes, also, Ί h a d -e d ’ , sometimes Ί have -ed ’ .)
A ( ,uw im ar, I ‘o d jbu in ii'y . f:X<nts€>

N oun
I lore iv the final noun-type, denoted 3I1:

70 ό φ ρ -ν ς, ή ‘ l ycbrow ' ( j h )


* ■........... : ·& ? - ' ............. * >■* ·■

nom. ii((. ~ d tf
»h>»n. .Iff.
ο ό ρ -vts όφρ-ΰς θφ ρ-νσ*(ν)
6φρ-ύ<; όφρ-ύν ■ρφρ-'άύς $φρ~ύί

Excrciscs for Section Five E—F

(b e) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
1. Translate each sentence, then change the verb into thc aorist:
a. τ « κόπ τ€ ΐ την θύραν;
b. τις β ιά ζίτα ι tU το φροντιοτήριον;
C. ά λλ’ ανθις κόπτω και ου παύομαι κόπτω ν.
ά. λέζω οοί.
C. τέλος δ* τα.9 (μβά&α$ λύοομβν.
Γ. τ ί δ ή τ ’ cKitvoi· τ ο ν Θ α λ ή ν θαυμάζομαι';
2. Translate each sentence, then change thc verb into the aorist:
a. ή φ ύ λ λο νηΙ>ά ent την κίφαλην την Σ ω κ ρά το υ ς.
b. άλλα ττώ? μ ΐτρ η σ ίΐ'ί, ώ Χαιρ^φών;
C. τέλος δέ μ€τροϋμ(ν το χωρίον.

d. ζητούσα· οντοι τα κατα ytjs καί ού παύονται ζη το ΰ ντες.

C- τ ι δ η λ ο ϊ τ ο πράγμα, ώ Σώκρατνς;

(d) E n glish into G re e k

Translate into Greek.
The tarmcr gave a shout and a knock on thc door.
Don't they know that you received this idea w ith pleasure?
3 The sophist did not persuade the clever y o u n g inen.
4. T hc just man, though clever, was astounded at the unjust a r g u m e n t .
5. Ί hey stopped lookin g at thc horses
Section F iv e G - H , 70

Vocabulary for Section Five G

ά (ρ ο -β α τί-ω tread thc.lir iirt κρ*μάΰρας in a basket ονδίνλίγ-<*> \pcak nonsense

ά-μαϋής ignorant (nom .) tire τούτης τής κρ*μάθρας in oviirroTi never
άι'α-μίτγχ'-ω measure up this basket όφρ-ΰς,ή eyebrow (3h)
ά π -ίρ χ -ο μ α ι depart ί- σ χ - t f v) (it) had ( (χ -ω ) π(ρι-φ ρονί-& surround ss ith
β ιά ζ-ο μ α ι use force, force ΐ- τ ν χ -t (it) happened to. thought.
o n e ’s w a y actually w a s f τιτ/χάν-a>) circum conternplate
δρά-ui do Ιφ -ήμ(ρ-ος -oi’ lasting a day. Π (ρσικ-ός -ή -όν Persian
Ι - γ ί ν - π ο (it) becam e creature o f a day ττηδά-aj leap
( γ ίγ ν -ο μ η ί) ήλΟ-ον 1ca me ( ΐρ χ -ο μ α ι) ■πρώτον first
<-δα»ο-< (it) bit ( δάκν-w ) ήλϋ-(ς (you) (s.) cam e σ -ό ςσ -ή α -ό ν your
<-0<-τί y o u (pi.) put ( τίθ η μ ι) (ίρ χ -ο μ α ι) Σαικρατίδι-ον dear Socrates
(IS-ον (1) u w ( όρά-w ) ήλι-ος, ό sun (23) (ib )
ίΤδ-cv (you) (s.) saw ( όρά-w ) ήρ-ου you (s.) asked τής γης die earth
ct7T-c (he) said ( λ ί γ -w ) ( «ριυτά·α)) τί; w h y 5
d r a then, next θ (ρ μ -ό ς-ή -ό ν hot φροντιστήρι-ον, τό
(-λά β -(Τ ( y o u (pi.) took κατά τ ί; tor what? think-tank, mental institute
( λαμβάν-ιο ) κ ηρ-ός,ό w a x (2a) (-b)
ϊ-\ α θ -(ς y o u (s.) escaped thc Κικυννόθη- from the dem e Χ αιρίφώ ντος ot Khairephon
noticc o f f λαΐ'θάν-ω ) K ikynna χω ρί-ον, τό space, distance
e-μαθ-ον (I) learnt κρίμάθρας a basket (-b)
( μανθάν-cj ) μ ίμ φ -ομ α ι blam e, find tault φύλλ-α, η flea ( I c)
(μβά ς ( ίμ β α δ -), η slipper (3a) w ith φυχρ-ός -α -όν cold
ίξ-(ν ρ ίσ κ -α ι ( ( ξ ίν ρ - ) find μ (τ ίω ρ -ο ς -ov in the air ώς that
o u t. discover μοι me
ί ξ-ηΰρ-ον (1) found out. όπ όσουςτονς(α υτής
discovered ( (ξ-(νρίσκ-α>) πόδας h ow m any ot its
o w n foot lengths

V o cab u lary to be learnt

ά πΐρχομ α ι ( ά π ίλ θ - ) depart,$0 πηδάω leap,jump τί, u-hy*
away 77όρροι fa · jar of) ( τίθ η μ ι) f}( - pul. piA t
β ιά ζο μ α ι use force πρώτος η οι» first χαιρίον, τό place, space, region
d r a then, next πρώτον first, at first (ib )
(ξ(υρίσκαι ( (ξ(υ ρ -) find out 077όσος η ov how nutty
ήλιος, ό mu (ία ) Σ ω κράτης, ό Socrales ( id)

Vocabulary for Section Five H

Ά πόλλων ( Vi ττολλίον- ) . yipoii ( ytpoirr- ), ό old man

ά-μαθής ignorant (nom )
ά-μαθή ignorant (acc.) ό A pollo (3a) (acc. ( 3-0
νίττόλλαι) γνώ μ -η .ή plan (la)
ά να -τ(λ-(ϊ (it) w ill rise (fut. Ol
A . Grammar, Vocabularies. Uxcrcisc> o
hrriK-ή, ή horse-tever (la) ττότ( ρ -ο ς - a -ov w h ich (ot
δαι·*ίζ-ω lend (money)
ΐ-πο-μανή horse-mad (acc.) tw o)?
S-ήτα then; indeed
κατα- κλΐνηθι lie down! (s.) π ρ ο σ - α γ ο ρ ( ύ - ω address
δ ρ ά - ω ( δ ρ α σ - ) do. act
κλίτττω steal σία ντον your ow 11
ί-γ(ΐ·-όμηι· 1 became
κόρ-ις,ό bug (}e) σ< λή ν-η ,ή m oon (la)
( γ ίγ ν -ο μ α ι)
κρ(ίτ 7ων Kpt ΐττον σ ιγ ά - ω becjuiet
l-y iv -ου (you) (s.) became
( κρίiττοΓ- ) stronger. σ -ό ς σ - ή σ - ό ν your
(γ ίγ ν -ο μ α ι)
greater Σ ω κ ρ α τ ίδ ι- ο r dear Socrates
(i if
(l ά ρ α w hedier. indeed λήσ-ω I shall escape notice (2b)

ίκ φ ρ ο ν τίζ-ω think out (flit οίλανθάν-ω) τή 8c^id right hand

f -λαθ-οΐ' I escaped notice μή not τ ή μ ίρ ο ν today

( λανθάν -CL>) μην ( μην-), ό month (3a) ΰ π ο -χ ρ ί-ω ς -ω ν m debt
ίμ α ν τ-ό ν myself(acc.) ι-υκτι at night φ α ρ μ α κ ίς ( φ α ρ μ α κ ιδ - ) , ή
ΐ- - α θ - ο ν 1 experienced. όπως; how? w itch, sorceress (3a)
suffered ( π ά σ χ -ω ) otc; what? φ ρ ο ν τ ια τ ή ρ ι-ο ν , τ ό
( 7τΙ τής κλίνης on tiie couch outos hey,you! thm k-tank. m ental institute
tr tp -ος -a -o»· thc one (of 2) πάνυ at all (ib)
ήλθ-ον (I) came ( Ζρχ-ομαι) π (-ος,τό penis (3 c) χ ρ ή σ ιμ -ο ς -η -ov useful
ήττω ν ήττον χ ρ ή ο τ -η ς , 6 creditor (1 d)
( ή ττον -) weaker. lesser

Vocabulary to be learnt
αμαθής ignorant ei if ουτοί hey there! hey you!
άρα then, in that case ( injernng) ίμαυτόν myselj πάνν very (much); at all
γίρων ( yrpoi’T- ), o old man Ιτίρος a ov one (or the other) oj πότ(ρος a ov which ( o f two)
( j a) two σ(λήνη, ή moon(1 a)
γνώ μη, ή mind, purpose, ήττων ήττον ( ήττον- ) lesser, σάς σή σόν your ( when ‘ you’ arc
judgment, plan (ta ) weaker one person)
δ ιξ ιό ς ά ό ν right κλ(τττα) steal τήμ(ρον today
δ (ζ ιά , ή right hand ( ib) κρίίττων κραττον χρήσιμος η ov useful, profitable
Βήτα then ( x p t i t t o v - ) stronger, greater
δ ρ ά ω ( δ ρ α ο - ) do, act

O Grammar for Section Five G -H


Str. aor. ind. act. and mid., intcrrogativcs

S '™ 'i M ica iiv e a c r e and middle ίλ α β ο ν ί λ α β ό μ η ν ' I to o k '

" ’ *· i s ? · r s r
f -λαβ-ςς
Ζ -λαβ-((ν)
O Section F in · Η , 71—73 7>

€ -λ ά β -€ Τ ΐ
ϋ-λα β -ον
72 T h e form s o f thc strong aorist indicative m iddle arc as follow s:
i - λα β -ό μ η ν ‘ I to o k ’ etc.
i -λά β -ο υ
€ -λ ά β -£ Τ Ο
i -λα β -ό μ ζθ α
€-λάβ -οντο

(i) Verbs which take strong aorist forms nearly always undergo a more radical
stcm-change than weak aorists. These stem changes have to be learnt. Some you should
already recognise from earlier learning vocabularies.
The most important and common verbs taking strong aorist forms are:
μ α νθ ά νω —*€μαθον 7 learnt'
λ α μ β ά ν ω —* Σλάβον ‘ I took’
τ υ γ χ ά ν ω —* ΐτυ χ ο ν ‘ I happened'
γίγνομαι^*Ιγς.νόμτ)ν 7 became’
ευ ρ ίσ κ ω —*ηύρον Ί fo u n d ’
Ζχω —►
Ζσχον ‘ I had’
λ€ γω —*€Ϊπον ' I said’ N ote the use o f a
ό ρ ά ω —*€Ϊδον 7 saw’ completely different stem for
έρ χ ο μ α ι—+ήλθον 7 came/went’ the present and aorist
τ ρ ίχ ω —^εδραμον 7 ran’ (cf. English ‘go’ : ‘ went’).
(ii) T he endings o f the strong aoristforms are ju st the same asfo r thc imperfects (see 58 ,
59J. The difference lies in the change o f stem, because thc strong aorists have a stem o f
their own which is different from that o f the present and imperfect. The imperfect adds
endings to thc present stem; the strong aorist adds endings to the strong aorist stem, e.g.
μανθάνω impf. €~μάνθαν-ον ( μανθαν- is present Stem)
μανθάνω aor. Ζ-μαθ-ον ( μ α θ- is strong aorist stem)
(iii) T h e meaning o f the strong aorist is ju st the same as the weak. i.e. 7 -e d ’ (see 69
(iv )). (O n finding the lexicon form , cf. p. 335).

73 O bserve that τ ί, w hich you have learnt to mean ‘ w hat?’ can also,
and very com m o n ly, mean ‘w h y ?’ . W hen τ ί does mean ‘ w h y ?’ , it is 111 the
accusative case and being used adverbially. Its literal m eaning is ‘ in relation to
w hat?’ or ‘in rcspect o f w hat?’ - in other words, ‘ w h y ?’
A . Grammar. Vocabularies. Exercises

Pres. mid. 23
T yp e 1 nouns 24

Exerciscs for Section Five G—H

(b) Morphology
1 Form the aorist (1st s.) o f these verbs and give thc aorist stem:
e.g. παύω έπανσα παυσ( a )
κ λίπ τω
φ ιλίω
π ο ιίω
2. G ive the aorist (1st s.) o f these verbs and give the aorist stem:
e.g. τρέχω ίδραμον δραμ~
ίξΐυ ρ ίσ κ ω
3- Give the meaning o f each verb (unaugmented stem in brackets), then
pair aorist with present from thc list below :
tlhov ( ιδ - ) , €t770v ( α ιπ -), ΐλ α θ ov f λ α θ -) , ηνρον ( e v p -) , Ζμαθον ( μ α θ - ) ,
ήλθον ( έλ θ -), ίγ€νόμην ( y cv -), έπ αθον ( π α θ - )
γιγνομαι, Aeyto, πάσχω , λανθάνω, (ύρίοκω , έρχομαι, μανθάνω , όράω

(d) E n glish in to G reek

Translate into Greek:
1. Thc student said that he
discovered how big thc space was.
2. Thc farmer happened to be an ignoramus.
3 · The old man departed.
4 The father bccame unjust.
5· 1 noticed that you were a bumpkin.
Exorcises for Section Five

(a) Words
i. D e d u c e d ie m e a n in g s o f th e w o r d s in th e r ig h t-h a n d c o lu m n s f r o m
th o s e in th e left:
α δ ύ ν α το ς ή δν ν αμ ις δύ ν α μ α ι
α ίτ ι ο ϊ /α ίτ ί α α ίτ ιά ο μ α ι
β ιά ζ ο μ α ι β ία ιο ς α ον ή β ία
δίδασκα» ό δ ιδ ά σ κ α λ ο ς ή δ ίδ α ξ ις δ ιδ α κ τ ικ ό ς ή όν
δ ίκ η j δ ίκ α ιο ς ον ό α ν τ ίδ ικ ο ς ά δ ικ ο ς ον
|ά δ ικ έ ω ό δ ικ α σ τ ή ς δ ικ ά ζ ω
δράω τό δ ρ ά μ α
δ υ σ τυ χ ή ς δ υ σ τ υ χ ίω
θαυμάζω θ α υ μ ά σ ιο ς α ον τό θ α ύ μ α θ α υ μ α σ τ ό ς ή όν
ίπ π ο μ ανή ς μ α ίν ο μ α ι ή μ α ν ία
ίπ π ο ς ιπ π ιο ς ή ιπ π ικ ή ό Ιπ π εύ ς
κ λ έπ τω ό κ λ έπ τη ς ή κλοπ ή
μανθάνω μ α θ η τή ς άμαθής μ α θ η μ α τ ικ ό ς ή όν
νούς δ ια ν ο έο μ α ι δ ιά ν ο ια νοέω οτοεω

ο ικ έτ η ς ή ο ικ ία έν ο ικ έω


ό ο ίκ ο ς ο ικ είο ς α ον
σ οφ ό ς ή σ οφ ία σ οφ ισ τή ς ή φ ιλ οσοφ ία
φ ιλ έω
T r a n s la te these p airs o f w o r d s : w h a t is th e sig n ifica n ce o f th e c h a n g c
f r o m left to rig h t?
γ έρ ω ν γίροντιον
θ ύ ρα θυρίδιον
ο ικ ία ο ίκ ίδ ιο ν
π α ΐς π α ιδ ίον
πατή ρ π α τ ρ ίδ ιο ν
Σ ω κράτη ς Σ ω κ ρ α τίδιον
Φ ειδιπ π ίδη ς Φ ειδιπ π ίδιον

(b /c ) M o rp h o lo g y an d S y n ta x
i. T ra n s la te this passage (if y o u did n o t d o T e s t E x e rcise T w o ) ; th en
c h a n g e th c tense o f th c v erb s to im p e rfe c t o r a o rist as in d ica te d :
€7Τ€ίδη οΰν π ρ ο σ έρ χ ο ν τα ι (A o ris t) ή τώ ν ΓΙερσώ ν σ τ ρ α τ ιά κ α ι το
ν αν τικ ό ν , οί 'Α θηναίοι τ α χ έω ς εΐσβ αίνουσιν (im p e rfe c t) eiV τά τ ναΰς κα'ι
A . Griimmer, Vocabularies, Exercises

προς τ ψ · Σ α λ α μ ίν α π λ fe u » » (aorist). « « .τ α δ έ <» « Ά β ψ α ΐο < κ « ί οί _

L · W * « ° - (-Perfect). W A* Μ < ™ *> "
τ ώ „ [ J fp o o iv ι-αυτικοΐ', καί ί ™ δ ή „ « y i y ^ r m (, , ν β α κ α ^
/3ραδ«υ? τ,λίο υ ο η · (aorist) αί ^ e s . καί £ « ιδ ή y t y v t r o * (aorist) V W ‘ Pa ·
ol μέν Π έ ρ ο α ι προσέρχονται (aorist) τ α χ έ ω ς επ ί ν α υ μ α χ ία ν , οι δε ^ ^

" Ε λ λ η ^ ς άπορονσι (aorist) καί φ οβούνται (im p erfect). r & o s δ* ουκβτι

φοβούνται (im perfcct). άλλα τ ο λ μ ώ σ ι (im pcrfcct) και ε π έ ρ χ ο ν τα ι
(aorist) άτι τ ο ύ ς βαρβάρους, μ ά χο ντα ι (im perfect) ού»/ ε ύ κ ό σ μ ω ς κ α ι
ν-ικώσι (aorist) τού? βαρβάρους, οί μ έν ουν β ά ρβαροι φ εύ γ ο υ σ ι
(im perfect), φ εύγει (aorist) 8ε καί ό Ξ έρ ξη ς. ο ύ τω ς ουν ελεύ θ ερ ο ι
γίγ νο ντα ι (aorist) οί "Ε λλη νες διά τήν α ρ ετή ν.

ίνθ α κ α ιίνθ α up and dow n π λίω a or ϊπ λίυ ο α
ήμίρα, ή day (lb ) αφικνέομαι aor. αφικύμην
€ύκόσμως in good order φ(ύγω aor. ϊφνγον
αρ(τή,τ) co u ragc(ia)

(d) English into Greek

Translate into Greek:
An old man and his son, a y o u n g m an, w ere talk in g ab o u t m o n e y . T h e
youngster, as it happened, o w ed a lot o f m o n ey. A n d because o f this,
his creditors w ould not stop pursuing his father. T h e father did n o t
punish thc son (for his m other stopped h im ), b u t co n ce ive d a c le v e r
plan. W hen therefore the father m anaged to persuade his son, the b o y
w ent obediently to the sophists and learnt a great deal. T h e sophists
alw ays persuaded him , taught a lot o f clever stu ff and received a lo t o f
m oney. So thc son learnt qu ickly thc just and unjust a rgu m en ts,
always w inning his case. But when thc yo u th cam e h o m e , this plan did
not put a stop to his debts. T h c yo u n g man did not like his father (w h o
was a yokel), but hated him . So the b o y never stopped m o c k in g his
father. Finally, the old man threw him out.

Test Exercise Five

Translate into English:
« a n a s S i τ,ς ϊ τ ν χ ι π ο Μ χ ρ ή μ α τ α δ ^ ί λ ω ν δ .ά rip . ο ύ τω ς ο ίν
θ μ < ν π α τή ρ a n τα ς δ ικ ο ί τ ά ς τώ ν χ ρ η σ τ ώ ν ίφ ίυ γ ίν . ο ! Be Υ ο ν σ τ α ι
Α ω κ ο , αυτό, «ο! ούκ i W o . r o Β Ι κ η Τ λ Ϊ φ ΐν ο ν τ ' ς . &ια λ4 γ ο ,τ α . o f , ο'
τ« π α τή ρ κ α ι η μ η τη ρ.

ΠΑΤΗΡ ο ύ Φ α ί „ αιτία ο ίσ α τών ίμ ώ ν κ α κ ώ ν , τ ις γ α ρ

Section F iv e G - F I 79

ε λ ά μ β α ν ε τό ν υιόν κ α ί ίτερί ίπ π ω ν δ ι eA cycro, e i μ η σύ; τ ις ουν

ίπ π ο μ α ν ή (π ο ίη σ ε το ν υιόν, e l μ ή σύ; τ ί νυν π ο ιή σ ω έγ ώ ; π ώ ς
π α ύ σ ω τά χρέα ;
Μ Η Τ Η Ρ σ ύ δή α ίτ ιο ς eZ, ώ άνερ. α μ α θ ή μ ε ν γ ά ρ κ α ι ά γ ρ ο ικ ο ν ό ντα σέ ού
φ ιλ ς ΐ ό νεα νία ς ούδέ π ε ίθ ε τ α ι, εμ έ δέ ά σ τ ικ ή ν ούσα ν μ ά λ ισ τ α
φ ιλ ε ΐ.
ά λ λ α μ ή φ ρ ό ν τ ιζε , έ χ ω γ ά ρ διά νο ιά ν τ ι να ε γ ώ . π ε ίσ ω κ α ι
δ ιδ ά ξω το ν υιόν ε γ ω γ ε , π είθ ο υ σ α δε π α ύ σ ω εκ τή ς ιπ π ο μ α ν ία ς.

ά λλα δ ιδ ά σ κ ο υ σ α κ α ι π είθ ο υ σ α ούκ εκ ώ λ υ σ ε τον νεανίαν ή

μ ή τ η ρ , ούδέ επ α ύ ετο ό υιό ς ίπ π ο μ α ν ή ς ώ ν. τ έ λ ο ς δε ήλθεν ό
νεανίας €ΐς τό τ ώ ν σ ο φ ισ τώ ν φ ρ ο ν τισ τή ρ ιο ν και μ α θ η τή ς
έ γ έν ετο . π ο λ λ ά δε σοφά κ α ί €ΐδε και ή κ ο υ σ ε , π ο λ λ ά δε έδ ίδ α ξα ν
ο ί σ ο φ ισ τ α ί. ο τε δε έμ α θε τό ν τε δ ίκ α ιο ν κ α ι το ν ά δικο ν λό γ ο ν ό
υ ιό ς, €ΐπεν ό π α τ ή ρ .
Π ΑΤ. ίου ιο ύ , νυν γ ά ρ ού λή φ οντα ι ο ύ κ έτι ο ί χ ρ ή σ τ α ι τά χ ρ ή μ α τ α , ό
μ έν γ ά ρ υιός νικ ή σ ει τά ς δ ίκ α ς δ ιά τό ν ά δικον λό γ ο ν , τόν
κ ρ είττ ο ν α ο ντα , η μ ε ίς δε φ ευ ξό μ εθ α το ύ ς χ ρ ή σ τ α ς .

ιπ τ η κ -ή ,ή horse-fcver ( ι a) α σ τ ικ ό ς r) ον irom the city
μ ή τ η ρ ( μ η τ ( < ) ρ - ) ,ή m other τής Ιττπομανίας his
horse-mad ness
χ ρ ή σ τ η ς ,o Creditor (id ) νπττομανής horse-mad (nom.
ιττιτομανή horse-mad (ace. s. '■ m )
Π1) Ιού Ιού hurrah!
α μ α θ ή ignorant (acc. s. m.)
Section Six
Vocabulary for Section Six A

αΧήθα-α,ή truth (ib ) tIBivat to k n o w ( οίδα ) π α ίζ -α ν to jo k e , to p o k e fun

ανάγκ-η,ή necessity (la) (ταίρ-ος, 6 friend (2a) at ( π α ίζ - ω )
ανάγκ-η ίσ τί it is obligatory ή than πάντα e v e r y th in g (acc.)
for x (acc.) to - (int.) jj-tt (he) w ent (im pl. o f παρά rut θ (ώ in the g o d s
ά~ο-κρΐΐ'-ομα( (ρχ-ομαι (Ιμ ι) presence
( αποκριν~) answer θορυβί-ω make a din παρ-€χ-(σθαι to present
βουλ-ομαι w ish,w ant UVat to g o ( ΐρχ-ομ αι .(tp-i) ( π α ρ -ίχ -ο μ α ι)
yap δή I assure you: indeed ίσω ς perhaps
ιτοι-(ΐν to d o ( π ο ιί- ω )
yap . . . nov o f coursc (no καί μήν m oreover ττοτί oncc
need to ask) A ty-tiv to speak, say. tell ΓΙυΟί-α, ή the P ythian
8tt it is ncccv«ary for x (acc.) (Xiy-tu)
priestess (1 b) (who a i t on a
to - (inf.)
Χογίζ-ομαι rcckon, consider tripod and delivered A p o llo ’s
Λ(λφ-οί, ol Delphi (2a) (sicr 0/ μ α ντ(ί-α ,ή answer,
oracle to ihv pit eft, who
Apollo's I'hirie)
pronouncem ent (ib )
Δ*Κφοΐς Delphi interpreted it)
μ α ιτ (ΰ-taOai to consult the
δια-βάλλ-ttv to slander σοφί-α, ή w isd o m ( lb )
δια- βάλλ -ω (διαβαλ-) slander σοφ ώτατ-ος -η -ov w isest
μαιτ(ύ-ομ αι get from the
hw-βοΧ-ή,ή a slander (la) (σοφ -ός)
διδάοκ-ίιΐ' to teach σοφώτ€ρ-ος -a -ον w iser
μαρτυρί-ω bear witness
St-e-βαΧ-ον they slandered ( σοφ-όs )
μάρτνς ( μαρτυρ-), 6 witness
(aor. ot ΒιαβάΧΧ~ω ) σφοδρ-ός -ά -όν im p etu ou s
h6£-a, ή reputation (ic) φαν-ούμαι I shall appear (fut.
μ ίντοι how ever
iauT-όν himself o f φ αίν-ομαι)
v’cou youth

V o cab u lary to b e learn t

άλήΟίΐα,ή iriiih(ib) «αυτόν him self
βούλομαι ifiili, W'Jrir ή tlidM
b^aβάλλw ( ύιαβαλ-) slander iou>s prrliopi
δόξα, ή reputation, opinion ( i f ) σοφία, ή wisdom ( t b )
Section S ix A - C Si

Vocabulary for Scction Six B

α ισ χνν-ομ α ι be asham ed iv -Ο ονσιασμ-ός,ό inspiration ούτωσ» as fo llo w s

ά νά γκ-η ( σ τ ί it is o b lig a to ry ( ’ a) παρ-όντ-<ς present (part o f
fo r X (acc.) to - (inf.) (iT (v fld fro m that point. π ά ρ -α μ ι)
ά π -ή -α I w en t o f f (im pf. ot fro m there παρά-ομαι try
ά π -(ρ χ -υ μ α ι\ά π α μ ι) ( π (1 w hen ποίημα ( ποιηματ- ), τό poem
'Α π ό λ λ ω ν ( 'Α π ό λ λ ω ν -) , ό r}-a I w ent (im pf. o f (3b)
A p o llo (ju ) (.ice. Ά π ό λ λ ω ) ίρ χ -ο μ α ι ί ί μ ι ) ποίησ- 1?, ή p o e try (3c)
απορία p e rp le x ity ζή τη σ -ις, ή in q u iry (3c) ποιήτ-ης,ό poet (id )
άποφαίi'-ccv to reveal, to θίμνζ law fu l (lit. β ίμ ις , ή law πολιτικ-ός -ή -όν concerned
sh o w ( ά πο-φ α ίν-ω ) o f the gods (3a)) w ith thc city
α ύτώ fo r him θ (ό-μ α ντ-ις, ό proph et ( je ) 7totc es’er
γάρ δή I am positive; really και γάρ lor really σοφώτατ-ος -η -ov wisest
γονν at any rate k v o jv (k v v -), ό d o g (3a) ( σοφ-ός)
8(t it is necessary for x (acc.) λ ί γ -eiv to say. to tell ( λ ίγ - ω ) σοφώ T cp-os-G -ov wiser
to - (inf.) λ ο γ ίζ-ο μ α ι reckon, consider ( σοφ-ός)
SoKt-w seem; consider oneselt μ α ν τίΐ-ο ν , τό oracle (2b) χρησμ-ωΒ-ός,ό soothsayer
to ( + inf.) μ (τ ά ( + acc.) after (ia)
(tS(vai to k n o w ( oiha) μ ω ρότ(ρ-ος -a -ov m ore χρόν-ο s', ό tim e (ia)
€ΐΒότ-(ς know ing· (noin.) stupid φ ν ν -κ ,ή nature (3e)
( oiBa ) i'oc-ui mean φίύΒ-ομαι tell lies
elS-ώ ς k n o w in g (nom .) όμω ς nevertheless ώμην I thought ( οίμαι)
( olha) ό τ ι w hat ώς that
ch a t to b e ( ( ίμ ί) ον γάρ Βήπου . . . yc it call t
( λ ί γ χ -eiv to refute ( ί λ ίγ χ - ιο ) be t h a t . . .

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
ανάγκη «στί it is obligatory [for Set it is necessary/or X (arc.) voioj think. ritWiVf, ine<m. intend
.X (itu. or diit.)) to - fin/.) to (inf.) π ά ρ α μ ι he present, he at hand
ανάγκη, ή necessity ( It1) iv r (ύθ(ν from then.Jrom there π οιή τη ς,ό poet (id )
άποφαίνω reveal, show λογίζο μ α ι reekon, (aUnlatc. 770TC onee. ever
γάρ Βή really; I assure yon consider ώς that

Vocabulary for Scction Six C

tiBtvai to kn ow ( otha) ( ξ - ίτ ά ζ -w question closely
άπορ-ttv to be at a loss
t ίδότ-c? k n o w in g (nom .) (pojr-av to ask (tpiora-iu)
( άπορ(-ιυ )
(olBa) (ύρίοκ-u) find, discover
β α ρ ύ -at serious (nom .)
(ίδ ό τ-cjv k n o w in g (gen.) >J-a I w ent, cam e (im pt. o f
Βια-βολ-ή, ή slander (1 a)
( olBa ) ϊίρχ-ομαι (Ιμ ι)
δια-φθ(ίρ-<υ corrupt
tlvai lo b e ((Ιμ ί) ζΒ-η 1 kn ew (past ofofSa)
Βοκ-d v to seem ( δ ο κ ί-w )
( ξ - ίτ ά ζ -etv to question ήΒ-ομαι enjov
Bokc - oj seem; consider oneselt
closely ( (ξ -ίτ ά ζ-α ί) κατά-Βηλ-ος -ov obvious
to -
Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

Totovros το ια ύ τη τ ο ιο ν τ ο (v)
Aty -en to say. tell ( λ (γ -ω ) παρά-ομαι try
. . . x a t the sam e sort o f
μ ό τ ο i h ow ever, but ■πλονοι-o? -a -or rich
woi-f ΰ· to m ake ( noit-tu) ... as
μίτ<ωρ-α, τά things in thc air
πολλάκις often νβριστ-ής, ό b u lly (td )
(2b) ΐητόγής beneath th c earth
πρ(αβύτ(ρ-ος, 6 older man
μή not
(2a) φ ιλό-σοφ -ος,ό p h ilosop h er
μιαρώτατ-ος -η -or most
οοφώτατ-ος -η -ov wisest (2a)
abom inable (person)
( σοφ-ός) χ α ρ ο -τ ίχ ν -η ς ,ό craftsm an
σοφ ώ τ(ρ-ος-a -ov wiser (id )
νομίζ-tw to acknow ledge
( σοφ-ός) ώ μην I th ou gh t (u n p f. o f
( νομΐζ-ω )
σ χ ο λ -ή ,ή leisure (ta) οΓμαι)
οίμαι think
όργίζ-ομαι get angry ταντηat τής ζη τή σ ίω ς this
ηάθ-ος, τό experience (3c) inquiry

V ocabulary to be learnt
διαβολή,ή slander (la} ϊΐδω ς etovta ccoo? (vpioKtu ( (ΰ ρ -) β nd, {cine
Βίαφθ(ίρ<ν (€ ιδ ο τ - ) knowi η# (part. 0/ upon
(Βιαφθαρ-) corrupt; kill; oiBa) μή not; don’ t! ( with imper.)
destroy ( ίμ ι (hallgo; livai Η*$ο;ήα I οίμαι think ( impj. ώ μ η ν )
Βοκίω seem; tonsidcr oneself went τταράομαι ( n t ιρ α σ -) try, test
to - ΐξ ίτ ά ζ ω question (losely ηολλάκις often

O Grammar for Scction Six A -C

Pres, in f act and mid.
C o m p , and sup adjs.

Present in fin itive active and m iddle n a v e tv , π α ύ ^ σ θ α i ‘ to sto p *
74 Infinitives based on thc present stem are form ed as fo llo w s:
A ctiv e infinitive: add -tiv to the present stem , e .g . π α ύ -civ ‘ to stop*
Middle infinitive: add -ca6ai to the present stem, e.g. παύ-€σθαι ‘ to stop ’

(i) a-contracts have act. inf. in -άν, mid. -άοθαι ( τ ιμ ά ν , τ ιμ ά ο θ α ι)

e-contracts have act. inf. in -elv, mid. -ΐΐσ θ α ι ( Troielv, ί τ ο ι £ ι ο θ α ι)

o-contracts have act. inf. in - o w , mid. -ούσθαι (ΖηΧούν, Β ηλοϋσθα ι)

(ii) \ o tc the following infinitives·
ftvai ' to be'
leva 1 '10 go’
fi&evai Ίο know’
ο Section S i x A C, 74—
77 «3

(iii) T h e negative with the infinitive is usually μ ή (cf. Language Survey (g)).

Som e uses o f thc infinitive

75 C e rta in verb s take in fin itiv e con struction s, e.g .
βούλομαι ‘ I w ish to ’ + mf.
δ«ί ‘o u g h t to, m ust’ 4 - inf.
α νά γ κ η i a r i ‘ o b lig a to ry to ’ + inf.
S okcoj ‘ I seem to m yself. I think that Γ + inf.

\ ’ote
α ν ά γ κ η and 8 ei pu t the person who m ust into the accusative case, e.g.
δεί μ ε ιίν α ι 7 must g o ’
ά ν ά γ κ η i a r l το ν θ ίό ν Acyeir ‘ thegod is obliged to speak’ (sometimes τ φ dew)

A d je c tiv e s
76 C o m p a r a tiv e and superlative adjectives o f the καλός type are fo rm ed as
fo llo w s:
σ ο φ -ό ς ‘ w ise' σ οφ -ώ τ^ ρ -ο ς -a -ov ‘ w iser σ ο φ -ώ τ α τ -ο ς -η -ov ‘ wisest
δειν-ό? ‘ clever* δ^ ιν-ό τςρ -ο ς -a -ον ‘ m ore c le v e r’ δ^ ιν-ό τα τ-ος -η - ον ‘ m ost clever*

N otes
( i) Com paratives also mean ' rather fa irly ‘ quite superlatives also
mean ‘ most — , ‘ extrem ely —\ ‘ very — .
(ii) IVhen two things are being compared, G reek uses ή = ‘ than , e.g.
ό άνήρ €στι σ ο φ ώ τ ίρ ο ς ή ό τταϊς *the man is wiser than the boy’ . i\ote that
the two things being compared are in the same case.
(iii) D ifficult comparative forms are:
ά γα θ ό ς, ά μ ζίν ω ν , ά ρ ισ το ς ‘good , ‘ better , best
κ α κ ό ς, κ α κ ιώ ν , κ ά κ ισ το ς 'bad , ‘ worse . ‘ worst C o m p a ra tives decline
κ α λ ό ς, κ α λ λ ιώ ν , κ ά λ λ ισ τ ο ς ‘f in ? . ‘f in er , fin est
like (ΰφ ρω ν 44
π ο λ ύ ς , π λ ο ίω ν , π λ ε ίσ τ ο ς *much , more , most
μ έ γ α ς , μ ς ίζ ω ν , μ έ γ ισ τ ο ς ‘ big . ‘ bigger , biggest

V erb s

$α Ί w e n t’
7 7 €Ϊμι Ί shall g o ’ has an irregular im perfect:
tJα Ί was g o in g , I w e n t’ etc.

fo c v

A . C.nm nm ir, I'o c a h u h r ie s , F.xcnisci

Exercises for Section Six A -C

(b e) M o r p h o lo g y a n d S y n t a x
i. C h an ge the fo llo w in g verbs into thc in fin itive fo rm . T h e n , a d d in g
subjects where indicated, use them to com p lete the sentences. T ra n s ­
late thc sentences:
λέγ ω , δια βάλλω , δοκέω , άττοφαίνω, δ ια λ έγ ο μ α ι, 8ι α φ θείρω , ε υ ρ ίσ κ ω ,
ε ιμ ι, είμ ί, οΐδα
a. δεί (you) (pi.) την αλήθειαν (tell), καί μ ή (slander) Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η .
b. ού βουλόμεθα (to seem) ά ρ ισ τοι, άλλ" (to be).
c. οι σοφοί δοκούσί τι (know ), ουκ ά δ ο τες.
d. ανάγκη ήι· (Socrates) (to go) προς τούς σοφούς και (to talk) π ερί σ οφ ία ς,
c. Σ ω κ ρ ά τη ς, ώς εγώ ο ίμ α ι, ού π ειρά τα ι (to corrupt) το ύ ς νέους.
f. Σ ω κ ρά τη ς έβούλετο (to discover) πότερον τή ν α λήθεια ν λ έ γ ε ι 6 εν
Δελφ οΐς θεός ή οΰ. και π ολλά κ ις έπειράτο Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς (to sh ow ) τοι· θεόν
ού τάληθή λέγοντα.
ί . Pair up com parative form s w ith positive. A d d the superlative w h e re
yo u can:
αγαθός, βέβαιος, δεινός, κακός, καλός, μ έγ α ς, μ ώ ρ ο ς, π ο λ έ μ ιο ς , π ο λ ύ ς,
φίλος, χρήσιμος
καλλιών, μ ειζω ν, φ ιλτερος, π ο λεμ ιώ τερ ο ς, μ ω ρ ό τερ ο ς, δ εινότερ ο ς,
βεβαιότερος, άμείνων, χρη σιμ ώ τερος, π λείω ν, κ α κιώ ν

(d) E n g lish in to G re e k
Translate into Greek:
i. 1 was obliged to go to the poets.
2 Y o u must question me closely and consider carefully.
3- I am tryin g to discover h o w the poets sh o w their wisdom.
4 · Y o u kn ew that you w an ted to slander me.
5 - From then on 1 appeared to be corrupting the y o u n g , alth ou gh 1 k n e w

Vocabulary for Section Six D

ακούσ-ας upon hearing
αμφότιρ-οι -at -<i both
(nom. s. ιη.χ'ακού-ω ; answ ering ( αττο-κρίν-ομαι)
ai-Spii-ως bravely
αλλαμίν&ή . . . y t but die απορήσ-ας on being at a loss
απο-κρίν-ομαι answer (fut.
fau isih at f . . (nom . s. ni.) ( απορί-ω )
άμαθιϊς ignorant (num.) apcr-ij , ή excellence, virtue
απο-κριν-άμ(ν-ος in answer. (la)
Section S i x D - F ^5

γ ά ρ δ ή π ο i ot course (ύθύς at on ce AvKti-riv, τό L yk cio n (2b) (1

γ ( 8 ή certainly (-φην (I) said ( φ η μί) training ground, wlnrc yotinq
γ (λ ά -ω { γ ιλ α σ - ) laugh (-φη (he) said ( φ η μ ί) and old met)
γ (λ ά σ -α ς o n lau gh in g, w ith a «α»s' w hile μ ( τ ( α ) αλλο)ν πολλών w ith
laugh (110in. s. in.) ήδ·ομαι enjoy m any others
( γ (λ ά -ω ) ή ν δ 'ίγ ώ I said μ η δ ί and d on 't
ΔιονυσόΒιυρ-ος, ό ή δ 'ο ς he said ν(ανίσκ-ος, ό y o u n g mail (2a)
D ionyM jdoros (2a) ήρυθρίασ-tv set' ίρνθριά-oj προ-τρΙπ-<υ urge, im pel
cfcv w e ll, all righ t then! και μήν look here τοιίτω this interval
ivai rtov ημώ ν ill front o f u< κατα-λαμβάν-ω φιλοσοφί-α, ή philosophy
Ιι·θάδ( here ( κ α τα -λα β -) com e upon (ib )
t pvOptd-u) blush Κ λ (ΐν ί-α ς , 6 K iem ia s(id ) χ θ ίς yesterday
(ρώ τη μ α ( ίρ ω τ η μ α τ- ), τό Κ ρίτω ν (Κ ρ ιτ ώ ν -) , ό K riton
question (3b) ( 3·»)
Ε νθύδημ-ο<,ό E uthydenios

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
avBpcio? a ov hrtii'e, wanly δήπου of four sc, surely ν(ανίσκος, ό young man ( i a )
αποκρίνομαι ήδομαι enjoy, be pleased π ρ ο τ ρ ίπ ιυ urge on, impel
( άποκριν-) ansuvr ή ν δ 'ίγ ώ I xiiii φιλοσοφία, ή philosophy ( ih}
apeτή , ή vinut·, excellence ( taj ή δ ’ ό ϊ he said

Vocabulary for Scction Six E

άμαθ(ΐς ignorant (nom .) $°~T( y o u (pi.) kn ew (past ol π ά ν νγ( yes indeed
διδάσκαλ-ος, ό teacher (2a) olBa) ttcj yet
e-φη (he) (φ η μ ί) μ ίΐρ ά κ ι-ο ν ,τ ό vouch (2b) ώ μ θ-λόγ-d (he) agreed
ή σ -μ ίν w e k n ew (pasc o f ( ό μ ο-λα γί-ω )
V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
διδάσκαλος, ό tcachcr ( 2a)
ομολογία} agree
ούκονν therefore
ονκουν n o t. therefore

Vocabulary for Scction Six F

α μ α θΰς ignorant (ποιη ) eκ-δ ίχ-ο μ α ι take up. receive (ύθύς at once

άπορίφ perplexity in turn (~φη (he) ( φ η μ ί)

άρτι just n o w ίμ -π ίπ τ -ω tall into θορ νβήσ -α ντ-(ς m aking ,ι

γ (λ ά σ -α ν τ -α laughing, with ίντανθα at this point din. with a din (nom. pi.
(π-αιν*-α> praise (aor. 111.) ( θ ορ υβί-ιο)
laughs (110m. pi. m )
(π-ήν(σ-α) κ α ιδ ή let’s suppose
( γ (λ ά -ω )
οφ αΐρ-α, ή ball ( I b)
(κ -δ (ζ-ά μ (r-o f receiving 111
turn ( ίκ -δ ίχ -ο μ α ι)
86 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o
V o c a b u la r y to b e le a rn t
γ (λ ά ω ( γ ί λ α σ - ) laugh tnaii’toj ( <7ταιι·«σ-) praise
«νδίχομαι rtYfii'f in turn (ύθύς at once, straightaway
{μττίπτω ( (μ ττ(σ-) fall inw, oh ( + «■ or (Ις) φ η μ ί (φην I sayfl satj

O Grammar for Scction Six D -F

W k. aor. part. act. and mid.
ήδη, φ ημί, ϊφην

P a rtic ip le s
78 Y o u have already met participles based on the present stem o f verbs,
e.g. β λίπ ω ν ‘looking*, τρ ίχ ω ν ‘ running* (50). G reek also has participles based on
the aorist stem o f verbs. T o form the aorist stem take the aorist indicative , and
discount (i) the augment, (ii) the personal endings, e.g.
Ζ-παυσ-α aor. stem: π α ν σ -(a )
η-κουσ-α aor. stem: ά κο υ σ -(a )
άπ-ε-κριν-άμην aor. stem: ά π ο κ ρ ιν-(a )
T o form thc weak aorist participle, add endings as fo llo w s to the aorist stem:

H eak aorist participle active π α ν σ α ς ίτα ν ο α α α n a v c a v (7 τ α υ ο α ν τ - )

‘ stopping

acc. gen, dat.
πανσ-ας navo-avr-a ττ&ύ0>-Q.vr-os ναύσ-αντ^ι
J. π α ν σ -α σ -α παύσ-ασ-αν ν α ν Φ '-ά ο -η ξ παν<ι~ά~σ~τ)
η. π α ΰ σ -α ν π α ν ο -α ν ir a w - a v r - o ? ‘*ταύίΝ<πτ~*


nom. acc. gtn. dat.

tn. τταΰο-αντ-(ς ηαύσ- αντ-ας ίτ<ιve-tovr^ufv -πa()0-'<i0t(v)
f. παύσ-ασ-αι ιταυσ-άσ-ας ττα%Η?·>ο.ν-ών τταΐΜ?-<ίθ'*Οιι?
η ττανσ-αιη-α -παΰα-αντ-α rrav0-6vr~tav miwj-cufif ν )

For the endings (n o t the stem) o f the nctivc participles cf. ενφρων (45) ,M
tn., n., and τ ό λ μ α (24) for the f . Leant them as τ τ α ύ σ α ς τ τ α ύ σ α σ α π α ύ σ α ν
(τ τ α ν σ α ν τ -) .
O Scction S i x D - F , 78-80 87

79 nV dfe aorist p a rticip le m iddle π α υ σ ά μ ζ ν ο ς π α υ σ α μ έ ν η π α υ σ ά μ ζ ν ο ν

'sto p p in g '

Hour. acc. gen.

in. π α υ σ -ά μ ΐν -ο ς παυσ-άμεν-ον 77ανσ~ο.μ(ν~ον

παυα'Ό.μ€ΐ'~η£ cli. just like κ α λ -ό ς -ή -όν
./'· ■παυσ-αμίν-η πανσ-αμ€ν-ην
II. π α υ σ -άμ ίν -ον 7τανσ-αμεν-ον πανσ~αμ€ΐ'-<>ν

Learn thc n o m ., acc., s. and pi.

W h a t is thc differen ce in m eaning betw een, say, πανώ ν and π ανοα ς, or
between β λ ίπ ω ν and βλέφ ας? O n e vital thing to say is that thc difference is
N O T N E C E S S A R I L Y O N E O F T IM E , π ανσας or βλέφας need not be
translated ‘ h a v in g stopped’ , or ‘ having lo ok ed ’ . T h e difference is one o f w hat is
called A S P E C T , and is thc sam e as thc difference that has already been shown to
exist betw een the aorist and im perfect indicatives — i.e., the difference between
regarding the action as a process (im perfect) and an event (aorist). A present
participle regards the action «is a process (and is therefore sometimes called
‘im p erfective'), w h ile the aorist participle regards it sim ply as a single event.
Thus it is possible to translate both β λεπ ω ν and βλεφας as lookin g , in the
form er case, it w o u ld be understood that the look went on, in the latter that it
sim ply to ok place. Indeed, there m ight be a case for translating an aorist
participle by a N O U N to sh o w that the idea o f tim e is not necessarily involved,
e.g. βλέφ ας προς *μ€ ήρνθρίασεν m ight best be translated ‘ with a glance at me. he
blushed’ . A lte rn a tive ly, one m ight co-ordinate the sentence and w rite ‘he
looked at m e and blushed’ W hatever else you do, it is essential that you pay
close attention to actual ( ’.reek usage. A t times thc distinction between the tw o
aspects m ay seem quite arbitrary to an English speaker. (O n aspect in general, c .

Language S u rv e y (3), p. 310.)

T w o ir r e g u la r v e r b s rjS/j 7 knew’ , φημί I >aY

80 T h e past ot οΓδα is as fallow s:
ήδη I knew etc.
ί στ€
fjaav ( ήδεσαν)
/I. Gram m ar. Vocabularies, lix e r iiic s O

81 φ ημί *1 say’ inflects as fo llo w s in thc present and im perfect (th o u gh n ote that
the imperfect usually carries an aorist m eaning Ί said'):
όημί ‘I ·*■
’ ctc. ίφην Ί ^ id etc.
ώης ot όή* έφησΟα or έφης
Φησί Ζφ7}
φαμέν εφαμεν
φα τέ έφα τ€
φασ ί( ν) Ιεφασαν

S o le
Do not use φ ημί if you are translating English ‘ say that' into (jreek. i se
λέγω οτι for the moment. See further Reference (irammat k ( i ) , />. f o i . q

Exorcises for Scction Six D—F

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
1 Translate into Greek the italic phrases, using either aorist o r present
participle to suit the sense:
a. W e sat silently, all the time perplexed as to his m eaning.
b. IVith a glance at me the teacher began to speak.
c. T h e spectators heard his arguments and applauded.
d. Dionysodoros replied with laughter constantly in his voice.
e. The wom an picked up the argum ent and replied.
f He happened to say in answer.
2 Form the aorist participles o f these verbs:
β λ έπ ω δέχ ομ α ι
φ ροντίζω β ιά ζ ο μ α ι
ρ ίπ τ ω λογ ίζομ αι
σώ ζω μ άχομ αι ( μ α χ ςο -)
π α ύ ο μ αι α π οκ ρίν ομ αι ( ά π ο κ ρ ιν - )
3 · Form the aorist participles ot these contracted verbs:
π ο ίΐω ίλίυΟερόω
βοηθάω τολμ άω
απορ€ω θ εα ομ α ι ( θ ( α σ - )

(d) E n glish in to G reek

Translate into Greek:
■· The teacher answered and sa.d .hat the love o f w isdom was a virtue.
Scction S ix I ) 8l

2. D io n yso d o ro s laughed and took up the argum ent.

3. T h e sophist, w ith a glancc at m e, agreed.
4. I praised them and said, ‘ U rg e them on at o n ce .’
5. O n c e in a state o f p erp lexity, the student tried to escape.

T e s t E x e r c is e S ix A - F
Translate into English:
Kriton reports how he and Socrates discussed the nature o f expertise and
decided that an expert’s opinion is more valuable than another man's.
(From Plato, Kriton)
'σ ύ μ έν , ώ Σ ώ κ ρά τος', έφην έγ ώ , 'έ ξ έ τ α ζς , έγώ δ ’ ά π οκρινοΰμ α ι.'
‘σκοπεί ουν', ή δ* ος 6 Σ ω κ ρ ά τη ς, ‘καί ei τι έχ^ις άντιλέγ€ΐν, ά ντίλεγς,
καί π είσ ο μ α ι έ γ ω γ ί.'
'κ α λ ώ ς δοκ€Ϊς λέγ€ΐν , ήν δ* έγ ώ , 'ώ ς εγ ώ ο ίμ α ι.'
*eteν’ , έφη, 'άρα αληθή λέ γ ει ό φιλόσοφος ό λέγω ν οτι ού Set ημάς
€7ratveiv πάσας τά ς δόζα ς τώ ν άνΟρώπων; τ ί φής; άρα αληθή S okc I
λ έ γ α ν , τα ΰτα λ ίγ ω ν , η ού; ά π οκρίνου.'
'ά λη θ η , έφην.
'ούκοϋν δει η μ ά ς τά ς μ έν άγαθάς δόζα ς έπ α ινα ν και τιμ ά ν, τα ς Be
κακά? μ η ;'
ώ μ ο λό γο υ ν.
'φ έρ ΐ 8η , έφη ό Σ ω κ ρ ά τη ς, 'έ π α δ ή η νόσος έν έπ ιπ τ ΐ και δ ιέφ θ ΐιρ ί
την 7τόλιν, 7τοΐ ήεισθα σύ, πότςρον προς τούς φ ίλους, η προς τόν ιατρόν;
'προς τόν ιατρόν f j a , ήν δ ’ έγ ώ , 'ήσαν δέ ένταύθα και οί φ ίλοι, η δ ΐΐ
γά ρ ό Ιατρός τά π€ρι τής νοσου, ςμπ€ΐροτ€ρος ων η οι άλλοι.
' έ μ π ΐι ρ ό τ α τ ο ς δή έφ αίνξ το ω ν ο ια τ ρ ό ς , ή δ ος ο Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς . f8ci ουν
σ έ π ρ ο ς τόν ια τ ρ ό ν ίέν α ι, κ α ι ο υ δ ίν α άλλον;
•'C %,ςw * ω/.
φ1 η ν ΐγ
"πζρι τή ς νόσου α ρ α ου δει η μ άς β π α ιν α ν κ α ι φ ο β α σ θ α ι τ α ς τω ν
π ο λ λ ώ ν δ ό ξ α ς , ά λ λ ά τήν τώ ν ια τρ ώ ν , et τις έ μ π ζ ιρ ό τ α τ ο ς τυγχάν€ΐ ώ ν;
ο υ τ ω φ αμ έν ή ο ύ ;
'φάμ^ν νή τόν Δ ία , ίφ ην.

ά ν τ ιλ ίγ ιυ o b je ct Ια τρ ό ς, 6 d o cto r (~j)
(Uv w ell then (ιτ α ύ θ α here
π ά σ α ί all (acc. pi. t.) φ οβίομα» respect
φ ΐρ€ com c!
A . Cjrcvtumr, Vocabularies , Hxerases

Vocabulary for Section Six G

ΐ-γν ω -ο α ν they recognised μαθ-ονσ-αι upon

Ά μαζώ ν ( Ά μ α ζ ο ν - ) , η
(them) (aor. ο ίγ ιγ ν ώ σ κ -ω ) u n derstan din g (n o m . pi. f.)
A m azon (3a)
d o - 7τ«?-οντ-<ς attacking, ( μανΟάν- ω*€-μαθ - ον)
άν-f ίλ-οΐ' thc> took up (aor.
falling upon (nom . pi. m.) μ ίντο ι h o w e v e r , but
o fav -a tp i-w )
( d o - π ίπ τ-ω elo- (-π (σ -ο ν ) νομίζ-ω th ink x (acc.) to be y
ά ν-ίλ όντ c? on taking up
Ιμ~ π(θ~όντ-(ς attacking, (acc.)
(nom pi m.)
falling upon (nom . pi. m.) π α ώ ο-π οιί-ομ α ι b e g e t
( ά να ιρέ-ω ά ν-ΰλ-ον)
( (μ - π ίπ τ-ω \Ιν-(-π (σ-ον) children
άι·(μ ος, ό w in d (23)
(λθ-όντ-(ς upon co m in g π(ρι-ονσ-ας s u r v iv in g (part.
άπ-^λθ ονσ-αι upon g o in g
aw ay (nom. pi. f.) (nom pi. m.) θ ίπ (ρ ί-(ΐμ ΐ)
(άπ -ΐρχ-ομ αι'άπ -ή λθ ov) ( €ρχ-ομαι\ήλθ-ον ) πλησίον n ea rb y, near ( + gen .)
άνο-βάσ-αι upon (π-ομαι fo llo w Σ κύθ -η ς,ό S cyth ia n ( id )
disem barking (nom pi. f.) yjwtp w here σ τρα τοπ & ίύ-ομα ι m ake
( άπο-βαϊν-ω\άτΓ'(-βην) ηνρ-ον they cam e upon (aor. cam p
ά το -π ίμ π -ω send oft o f t νρίσκ-ω ) τή θαλάτττ) the sea
άφ ικ-όμ(ν-αι arriving (nom ίδ-ονσ-at upon seeing (nom . rfj μάχη thc battle
pi Q p l.f.) (όρά -ω. (Ιδ-ον) της μάχης the battle
(άφ -ικνί-ομαι άφ-ικ όμην) ίππο-φόρβι-ον, τό herd o f τριοι πλοίοις th ree ships
a<b ικ-οντο they arrived (aor horses (2b) φυλάττ-ω gu ard
o f άφ-ικνί-ομαι) λαβ-όντ-^ς upon taking φων-ή, ή la n g u a g e , spccch
γν-όντ -is know ing. realising (nom. pi. m.) (.a)
(nom pi m.) ( λα μ β ά ν-ω Ι-λα β-ον)
( γιγνώσκ-<ν'(-γνω-ν ) λαβ-ούσ-αι upon taking
hi-αρπαζ-ω k y waste (nom pi f.)
(λαμβάν-ω € λαβ-ον)
V o c a b u la r y to b e le a rn t
avaipitu ( av(X -) p h i up μάχη, ή fight, battle ( ια)
αποβαίνω( άποβα ) leave, μ ίντο ι however, hut
νομίζω think, Mknowledge
ϊπ ο μ α ι(ΐσ π -) follow φνλαττω guard

Vocabulary for Scction Six H

αγαγ-οΰσ-αν bringing (acc s.
f.) ( a y -ω ή γα γ-ον) α φ -ικ-όμ (ν-οι u p on a rriv in g
(ά π ο-λα χ-) obtain by lot (nom . pi. m.)
ά γ-ω (α γ α γ-) lead, bring
απο-λαχ-όντ-€ς upon
a lh i but they (ο.φ -ικνί-ομα ι\ά φ -ικ-όμ ην)
obtaining (nom pi m .)
Αμαζων ( Ά μ α ζ ο ν -) t ή γίν-όμ€ν α ,τ ά w h a t had
( άπο-λα γχά ν-ω ά π -ί-Χ αχ-ον ) happened, thc h ap p en in gs
Amazon (3a)
αΰτ-ην herself
απ-(λθ-ών going away (nom. ( ycyv-ο μ α ι!(-γ (ν -ό μ η ν )
αΰτ-ή she herself
s. m.) γννα ιK d -ος -a -ov w o m a n 's
αύτ-οί they themselves
(άπ-ίρχ.ομαι άπ-ήλθ-ον) Si α σημείου b y m eans o f
αύτ-ός he him self
sig n -b n g u a g e
ο Section S i x G -/ 7
9 i

δ ια-βάντ-€<; cro ssin g, o n cc (ττ-αν-cp x-ομαι νό μ -ο ς,ό cu stom , u sjg e (za)

across (n o m . pi. m.) (ίτ τ -α ν -(λ θ -) return oiavToi the same
( 8 ια -β α ίν -ω .δ ι-(-β η ν ) cpr/ά ζ-ο μ α ι p erfo rm , do ο ικ ί-ω d w e ll in
δ ι-α ρ π ά ζ-ω lay w aste (ΰρ-όντ-^ς on fin d in g (nom . όμον togeth er
8 νν-ά μ(θα (w e) arc able pi. m.) (€υρίσκ-ω\ηύρ-ov) πάλιν b a ck .a g ain
δυο t w o (nom .) Ιπ π ά ζ-ομ α ι ride horses ν ο τ α μ -ό ς ,ό river (2a)
i -δύν-ατο she w as able κ α τα -λα β-ώ ν on c o m in g σημα ίν-ω g iv e a sign
(δ ύ ν -α μ α ι) across (nom . s. m.) Σ κ ύ θ -η ς , «5 Scyth ian (id )
c -δύν-ηντο th ey w e re able ( κα τα-λα μ β άν-ω σνν-οικ 4-ω liv e togeth er
(δ ύ ν -α μ α ι) κ α τ -ί-λ α β -ο ν ) τα is ά μά ξα ις tlieir w ag g o n *
ci\π-οϋσ-αι say in g (n o m . pl. κ α τα-λα μβάν-ω (Scythians were nomads)
f.) (λ (γ -ω \ * Ιπ -ο ν ) ( κ α τα -λα β -) co m c across Τ ά ν α -ις,ό Tanai*(3e)
t#fci there κ τή μ α ( κ τ η μ α τ -) , τό tt) voTfpalg. on thc n ext day
ίλ θ -ό ν τ -α ς on g o in g (acc. pi. possession (3b) τ ή ς γ ή ς τ α ύ τ η ς this land
m .) (Ζ ρ χ-ο μ α ΐ'ή λ θ -ο ν) λοιπ -ός -ή -όν oth er, rest o f to at' t - ο die sam e
ίλ θ -ώ ν u pon c o m in g (n om . s. μ α θ -ό ντ-(ς on learning τ ο κ -ή ς,ο ί parents (3g)
m .) (ίρ χ - ο μ α α ή λθ -ο ν) (nom . pi. m.) τ ο ξ ιν -ω use b ow san d arrow s
t ξ-α να -σ τ-ά ντ-^ ς upon ( μανθάν-ω c-μ αθ-ον) τούτω τώ χώ ρ ω this land
g e ttin g up and g o in g o f f μ ί θ ' ήμώ ν w id iu s varepai-a, ή n ext d ay (ib )
(n o m . pi. m .) μ ίρ -ο ς , τό share, p ortion (3c) φ ω νϊ-ω sp eak ,con verse
( ίξ-α ν -Ισ τα -μ α ι\Ιξ-α ν-(-σ τη -ν)μ *τα . τώ ν ΰ μ ίτ ίρ ω ν φ ω ν-ή ,ή lan gu age (la)
i ξ -α ν -ισ τά -μ (θ α w e g et up γυναικώ ν w ith your χρά -ομαι h ave intercourse
and g o o f f w o m en w ith
ΐξ-ομ € ν w e shall h ave (fut. o f ^ t r a ( + acc.) after χώ ρ -ο ς, ό place, region (2a)
ί χ -w) μόν-ος -η -ov alone
ίπ -α ν -ΐλ θ -ό ν τ -α ς upon
retu rn in g (acc. pi. m .)
( ίπ -α ν -ίρ χ - ο μ α ι (ττ-αν-ήλθ-ον)

V o c a b u l a r y t o b e le a rn t
ά νω ( ά γ α γ -) lead, bring ( κα ταλα β -) come across, ποταμός, ό river (2a)
» / ft I ,·
αυτός η o selj overtake σημ(ϊον, τό sign, signal (2b)
διαβαίνω (δ ια β α - ) (wss κτήμα ( κττ)ματ-) , τό νμ 4τ€ρος a ov your
δύναμαι he able possession (jb ) φων 4ω speak, utter
δύο two μ ( τ ά ( + α α .) after φωνή, ή voice, language, speech
(ΐτα νίρχομα ι ό αυτός the same (1 a)
( (τταν(λθ-) return ο ικ ίω dw ell( in), live
καταλαμβάνω 77άλα1 back, again

O G ram m ar for Scction Six G—H

Str a o r part, act and m id
α ύ τός, <5 α υ τό ς, αυτόν
δ ύνα μ α ι
1)1 ,4 . Grammar, 1'ocahitlaries, Exercises

Participles .
82 V erbs w ith w eak aorists form their aorist participle o n the w e a k aorist stem ;
verbs with strong aorists form it on thc strong aorist stem, as M o w s :

83 Sfrwi£ aorist participle active λα β ώ ν 'taking

act. $*»· dat.

Αα/3-ώ»' λαβ-όντ-α Χαβ-όντ-ός λαβ-όντ -1

Χαβ-ούσ-■α Χαβ-ούσ-αν Χαβ-ούο-ης Χαβ-ούσ-#
Χαβ-όν Χαβ-όν λαβ-όντ-ο$ λαβ-Qvr-t


twit. acc. m - dat.

λαβ-όντ-■€5 Χαβ-όντ-ας Χαβ^οΰόι(ν)
Χαβ-ονσ ~αι Xαβ-ούσ-ας λαβ-ουο~ών Χ αβ-ονα-αις
Χαβ-όντ -α λαβ-όντ-α λάβ~όνχ-ΐίίν Χαβ~ούσι(ν)

. Strong aorist participle m iddle λ α β ό μ έ ν ο ς ‘ taking*

nom. act. λ’*»·

,λαβ-όμίν- 05 Χαβ-όμεν-ον Χαβ^-σμένΌν'
Χαβ-ομίν-■ν Χαβ-ομ£ν-ην λαβ-ομ(ν-τ}ς e tc . , like καΧ- 9 9 9
Χαβ-όμΐν-■ον Χαβ-όμ€ν-ον λ<φ^μ4.ν-ζηι

Learn the nom ., acc., s. and pi.


7 hi 1 tidings for these participles are exactly the same as for present participles
(50 , 51). (t or a full snri'ey of παύω, see Reference Grammar £ ./, and c f ii.2 .)

A d jectiv es/P ro n o u n s
> / t /
α ν τ ο ς , α ν το ν

85 T h e declension o f a ir 6 s (‘self, same1); α ύ τ ίν (‘h im . her, it’) is as fo llo w s :

w in . act. :
»«. αύτ-os αύτ-όν αύτ^ον

{;«■ ^Τ
avrΊ αίττ
-0 αύ*~οΰ c if tike ««λ- * -v

Learn thc nom ., acc., s. and pi.

O Section S i x G - H , 82-90
86 It has a v a riety o f m eanings. A s an ad jective, it m eans ‘ s e lf1, e.g .
Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς α ύ τό ϊ ‘Socrates h im se lf’
τό ν άνδρα α υ τό ν ‘ the m an h im s e lf’ (acc.) (or αυτό», τό ν ά νδρα )
87 It is used in the reflexive form s
ί μ α ντ-ο ν m y s e lf’ pi. η μ ά ς α υ το ύ ς, ctc.
σ £ α ντ-ο ν (or ο α ν τ-ο ν ) ~ον:·ϊφ'· ‘ y o u r s e lf pi, νμ ά ς α υτούς, etc.
€ αυτ-ον (or α ντ-ο ν) h im se lf pi. (α υ το ύ ς (or α ντο νς), etc.
N ote
R efle x iv e form s are used when 7 ’ 'y o u 1 ‘ he’ etc. refer to the same person as the
subject o f the clause. In indirect speech, they can refer to the subject o f the main verb ofthe
sentence, e.g. η Α μ α ζ ω ν (ττασ^ τόν ανδρα α ντη ν \ v tiv ' T he A m azon persuaded the
man to release h e r’ (i.e. the A m a zo n ).
88 P reced ed b y thc d efin ite article, it m eans ‘ same*, e.g.
ο α υ τό ς νεανίας ‘ the sam e y o u th ’
89 U sed as a p ron o u n , but never in the n o m ., n or as tirst w o rd o f a clause, w hen
it w ill a lw a y s m ean ‘s e lf’ , it means ‘ h im ’ , ‘ her’ , ‘ it’ , ‘ th e m ’, e.g.
efiSiv α ύ το ύ ς τρ έχο ντα ς ‘he saw them ru n n in g ’
ΐλ α β ο ν α ντη ν Ί c a u g h t h e r ’ but
α υ τό ς ςΐδον τό ν ανδρα ‘ 1 m y s e l f s a w t h e m a n ’

V erbs
90 N o te the - a - d om in ated δύναμαι ‘ I am able, I can’ and cf. ά νίο τα μ α ι
at 98.
δ ύ ν α -μ α ι ‘ I am able* etc.
δύνα -σ α ι
δ ύ ν α -τα ι
δ ν ν α -σ θ ΐ
δ ννα -ντα ι

R e v is e :
T y p e 3 nouns 29-30 , 40-3
ο ΰ το ς 32
*γώ \σν 34 Ο

Exercises for Section Six G—H

(b/c) Morphology and Syntax

1. F o rm the aorist indicative o f these verbs, then construct the aorist
Λ . Grammar, Vocabttlaries. Exercises

γ ίγ ν ο μ α ,, μανθάνω . όράω , ά φ ικ ν ίο μ α ι, Ιρ χ ο μ α ·, λ α μ β ά ν ω , Ευρίσκω ,

αίρέω , π ίπ τ ω
Translate the fo llo w in g sentences, c o m p le tin g th em w ith the aorist
participle o f the verbs indicated.
o l νεανίσκοι (α π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι) ά π ο ν ταύτα π ρος το ύ ς λ ο ιπ ο ύ ς .
αί 'Α μαζόνες (κ α τ α λ α μ β ά ν ω ) τούς μ α ν ία ς , δ ιελ ύ γ ο ν το π ρ ο ς α ν τ ο ν ς .
. ό νεανίας (ό ρ ά ω ) την 'Α μ α ζό ν α , π ρο σ ή λθ εν π ρος α ν τ ψ .
. ο ίΣ κ ύ θ α ι (ε υ ρ ίσ κ ω ) τά ς 1Α μ α ζ ό ν α ς , π λη σ ίο ν ά φ ικ νο ύ ντα ι.
. ο ί νεανίσκοι, π λη σ ίο ν ( ά φ ικ ν ίο μ α ι), εσ τρ α το π ε& ε υ σ α ιτο .
. ο ί Σ κ ν θ α ι (ά ν -α ιρ έ ω ) τούς νεκρούς κ α ί ( μ α ν θ ά ν ω ) γ υ ν α ίκ α ς ο ΰ σ α ς ,
In the fo llo w in g sentences, translate the italic w o rd s b y thc co rre c t
form s o f α ύ τό ς> αυτόν , ό α υτός.
. W e saw them approaching.
b. T he same man did this too.
c. She herse// brough t another A m a zo n w ith her.
d. D id yo u sec the same w om an as 1?
c. W h at docs he him self think o f it?
Γ T h e y all speak about the some things.
g, 1 myself do not enjoy sentences.
h. 1 saw the young men themselves b eh avin g like this,
i. W om en ? W e lo ve them! M en? W e hate them.

(d) English into Greek

Translate into G reek:
1. T h c men picked up the bodies o f the w o m e n and w e n t a w a y .
2. C o m in g upon these w o m en , the y o u n g m en wrere am azed .
3. O n ce friends, thc yo u n g men are able to con verse w ith those w o m e n .
4 · T h e w om en said these things and persuaded the y o u n g m en.
5· A fter this the y o u n g men returned to their houses and to o k their

Exercises for Section Six

(a) W o rd s (m word-buiUing, cf. Language Survey ( , } ) , pp. ,2 7[f.)

■Deduce the m eaning o f the w o rd s in thc righ t-h an d c o lu m n s fro m
those m fh n left:
in the
ανάγκη αναγκαίο? a ον α να γκ ά ζω
Scction S i x
lJ s

γελάω ό γελω ς γ ε λ ο ίο ς α ον
δ ια β α ίν ω η δ ιά β α ο ις
δ ια φ θ είρ ω η δια φ θορά
δύνα μ α ι δ ν ν α το ς η ον η δ ν ν α μ ις
ετταιΐ’εω 6 «τίταοΌ?
κτήμα κ τά ο μ α ι η κ τ ή σ ις
λ ο γ ίζ ο μ α ι ό λ ο γ ισ μ ό ς
όμολογεο η ο μ ο λ ο γ ία
π είρ ά ο μ α ι ή π είρ α
φ νλάττα» ό φ νλαξ η φ νλα κ ή
i . G r o u p this p o o l o f w o rd s into sets o f co g n ate w o rd s. G iv e the m ean in g
o f each w o rd :
μ ά χ η , α λη θ ή ς, δ ια β ά λ λ ω , σ ο φ ία , άττοφαίνω, λ ό γ ο ς, η δ εω ς, νεος, ο ικ ε ω ,
φ ά σ μ α t δοκεω , νεανία ς, Β ια β ολή , μ ά χ ο μ α ι, λ ο γ ίζ ο μ α ι, φ α ίνο μ α ι,
η δ ο μ α ι, δ ό ξα , σ οφ ό ς, ο ικ ία , α λήθεια

(d) English into Greek

T ran slate in to G reek :
W h e n the A m a z o n s had killed the A th en ian s, th ey cam e to the land o f
th e Scyth ian s. O n arrival, th ey fou n d horses and fo u g h t w ith the
S cyth ian s. T h e Scyth ian s, d efeatin g them and learning ab o u t them ,
w ish ed to b e co m e friends. T h c y o u n g m en therefore fo llo w e d closely,
bu t did n o t figh t; and the A m a zo n s, seeing this, k ep t qu iet them selves.
A t last th ey b ecam e friends and lived togeth er; bu t it vv3s necessary fo r
the y o u n g m en and their w iv e s to cross the river and inhabit another
place. ‘F o r’ , said the A m azo n s, ‘ w e do not w an t to liv e in y o u r land,
since on arrival w e fo u g h t y o u .’

Test Exercise Six

T ran slate into English:
*Α μ α ζ ό ν ε ς τιν ες, εις τη ν τ ώ ν Σ κ ν θ ώ ν γ η ν α φ ικ ομ ενα ι κ α ι αττο τώ ν
ττλοί<ον ά π ο β ά σ α ι, ε ίυ π ε ο ο ν σ α ι τη ν γ η ν Β ιη ρπ ασαν. οι Βε Σ κ ν θ α ι, εν
μ ά χ η νικ ή σ α ν τες α ν τά ς, το ν ς νεκρονς ανεΐλον και μ α θο ντες γ ννα ικ α ς
ο ν ο α ς, εβ ο νλο ντο εκ τώ ν Ά μ α ζ ό ν ίν ν π α ιδ ο π ο ιεΐο θ α ι. κελενοντες ουν
το ν ς νεα ν ίσ κ ο νς μ ά χ εα θ α ι μ εν μ η δ ε π ο τ ε , π λη ο ιο ν δ ί ελθόντας φ ίλους
γ ίγ ν ε σ θ α ι, ά π επ εμ φ α ν α ν το ν ς π ρος τα ς Α μ α ζ ό ν α ς , at St Α μ α ζό ν ε ς ,
ιδ ο ΰ σ α ι α ν το ν ς ττληοίον μ εν εττομενονς, μ α χ ο μ εν ο ν ς δε ονΒ εποτε, ο ν κ ετι
εφ ρ ό ντιζο ν α ν τώ ν . ε π ειτ α Βε Σ κ ν θ η ς τ ις , καταλαβουν Α μ α ζό ν α τινα
μ ό νη ν ούσαν, κ α ι φ ίλο ς γενομ ενος, εκ ελενε τ ο ν ς βλλοΐίϊ π ο ιεΐν το α ντο ,
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

καί, ’/Ιμαζονας τινάς ΐύρόντας, φ ίλους γ ίγ νεσ θ α ι. €ττ€ίθοντο ονι> ο ί

άλλοι, « λ ο ί S f σννώ κοννοΐτ€ Σ κ νθ α ι καί αί 'Α μ α ζ ό ν ζς . ά λ λ 'α ί
'Αμαζόνες ονκ ΐβονλοντο ςπανιέναι €ΐς το τώ ν Σ κ ν θ ώ ν π λή θ ος, ‘οι) yap
δννάμ(θα\ ίφασαν, 'σννοικϊΐν μ€τά τώ ν γυνα ικ ώ ν τώ ν ν μ β τίρ ω ν . ον γάρ
οί αυτοί οί ήμέτςροι νόμοι καί οί τών Σ κ ν θ ώ ν .' λαβόντβς ονν τά κτήμ α τα
καί διαβάντ^ς τόν ποταμόν, ηνρον χω ρίον τι π λη σ ίον ον και ώ κησαν

βιαρπάζω lay waste
μΐ}δΐ'ποτ( never

Section Seven
Vocabulary for Section Seven A

ΰγορ-ά, ή n u rk c t-p L u e . ή γ ΐ-ο μ α ι lead τι·(ρι-μό'-α> w ail around (fut.

agora ( i b) xuO-opa-oj ( κα τ-ιδ- ) see, TTtpi-μ ς t'e-o j)
αΓτί-ο!,* -« ·οι· responsible for notice π ολίτ-ης, ό citizen (1 d)
di- ά κού-οιμι I w o u ld listen to Kcti'-our, ro basket (2b t-ov ττροΰ-δραμ-ών if c
άν-ίστα -μ πι get up .uul leave, contr.) (holdingstnnfitial προα-τρίχ-ο)
cm igra te mu'til and kni fe) προσ-ιών approaching (nom.
άττ-ιόντ-α g o in g o f f (acc s. κόραξ { κορακ-) , 6 Crow (3a) s. m.) (part, o f
m.) (p.irt. o f κνρι-ος -a -ov w ith p ow er. προσ-(ρχ-ομ(ιιττρόσ-€ίμι)
ά π-έρχ-ομ α ι ά π -α μ ι) sovereign προσ-τρέχ-ω
* f tt
α-πραγμιον α-ττραγμον λαμβάν-ομαι ( λα β -) take ( ττροοδραμ-) run cowards
( ά πραγμον-) free from hold o f Tjixctpi his hand
trou b le Αίγ -0 ιμ ιά ν I w ill tell (you) τής ot the (s.)
άσπάζ-ομα,ί greet Aey-otTc w w o n 't you (pi.) τής βο-ής die she u t (after
β ίλ τ ι a r -t m y v e ry g o o d please tell me? αίτιος)
friend μ (τ 'α ν τ -ο ν w ith him τής βο-ής (Κ(ίν-·ης that shout
β (λ τια τ-ο ς -η ~oi‘ best μ (Τ ' <V<iv-ov τού (after α ΐτιος)
βίλτια*μ β ίλ τ ιο ν κΰρακ-ος w ith that cro w τής ττατρίδ-ος ou r fatherland
( β ίλ τ ιο ν - ) better μ ( π 5τού ραφ(οΒ-οΰ w ith the τής τού Δ ικαιοπόλ-tcus (the
διά τού ttAij0-ous th ro u gh the rhapsode hand) o f Dikaiopolis
c ro w d μ ώ ν surely not? τής χα ρ -ο ς thc hand (after
(Ktiat (to) there οίκίζ-νυ found (a city) (iut. λαβ-όμ(νος)

ίκκλΐ)σί-α , ή .assembly. otKii-o)) τίν-ος άνθρώπ-ον; o f which

ckklesia (ib ) οττιοβΐν behind man? whose?

* * ·■» ό £ τιλ β ω ν ίδ -ο ν Stilbonides* τόττ-ος, 6 place (2a)
«' τουτω m ean w h ile
son τού o f thc (s.)
r SX«*p‘ o n his/your hand
ό τού Π ολΐμά ρχ-ον row ΐμ -ο ν Ιματί-ον iny cloak
tr a lp -o s.o friend.
Polem arkhos’ w n (after λαμβάντ})
com p anion (23)
/ 7(ΐ£τ-ίτοιρ-οί, ό Peisetairos τού Ενίλπίδ-ον o f Euelpides
ίΐυ ίλ π ΐδ -^ ί, 6 Euelpides (1 d)
(2a) (' Pe rsuas ive-friend') TOvtKtT-ov o f thc suppliant
('G reat hopes')
νΠ>(μών ( ήγςμον-), ό leader (33) ιτ4μ π -ω send
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, bxerciscs

because ot you
τού 'ιματΐ-ον his cloak (after Polem arkhos
χα ίρ -( hello! greetings!
Ααμβάν-(ται) τών o f the (pi.)
uiy ( + <icc) to
ToC Π<«ρα,-ώϊ thc Piraeus «\ί«κα o f the Eleven
τού Πολιμάρχ-ον o f ν μ -ώ νίνίκ α for you r sake.

Vocabulary to be learnt
Αγορά, ή markel-ploee. agora ίν τ ο ν τω meanwhile π έ μ π ω Strut
(,b) ή γ ΐμ ώ ν ( ή γ(μ ον-), 6 leader π ο λ ίτ η ς ,o fifteen { id)
π ρ ο σ τρ ίχω ( πανοΒραμ-) rut:
β ίλτίω νβ ίλ T to r (3a)
(β(λτι0V-) better ήγίομαι ledd( +dat.) tOU'MiU

β ίλτισ το ίη ο ν best καθοράω ( κ α τώ -) see, look χα ΐρ( lit'!lo! Uirettvll!

ίκ da€ (tv) there down on xelp ( χ ( ιρ - ) , ή 'iJild (3 «)

Vocabulary for Section Seven B

άδικ ί-ω do wrong die gods ( tv -δαίμων ) ρήτω ρ ( ρ η το ρ -), ό politician,

άδ-ω sing ev-Βαιμοv-(UTcp-os -a -ov speaker (3a)
άμ-ιστα-μαι pet up and go, m ore w ealth y, m ore τ α ίτ -ijt r iji η ό λ - ίω ί than this
emigrate blessed (ev -δαίμω ν) city (alter μ ϊίζω ν )
άττ-ολ-οΰσι they will destroy ήγί-ομα,ι consider x to be v τ ίτ τ ι ζ ( T fT n y -) , ό cicada,
βαρί-ws φίρ-ω find hard to ήμ-ών άν-αιτί-ων 5ντ-ων US, grasshopper (3a)
bear, take badly although w e were innocent τή ς άπορί-ας p erp lexity ( after
δήμ-οί,ό thc people (2a) ( ajter κατΐφηφίααντο) π λ ίω ς )
Βικαστήρι-ον, τό law-court κατα-φηφίζ-ομα* condem n τ ή ί π ό λ -ίω ς the city (after
(2b) ^λαυβμ-όί, ό lamentation (2a) ew); ot the city
ίικ α σ τ-^ ί,ό juro r.d ik ast(id ) μάρτνς ( μαρτνρ-) , 6 witness τής τό λ μ -η ί the brazenness
<ίκότ-ωί reasonably (3*) (after πλί'α)
ίκκληνί-α, ή assembly, μ€>Ί(Γτ-οϊ -ij -ov greatest τ ιμ ή ν; o f course
ekklcsia (tb) (μ ίγ α ς) το ι-ο ΰ τ-ο ϊ το ι-α ΰ τ-ij
fTtit sincc μ ΰ ζ ω ν μ ίΐζ ο ν τ ο ι-ο ν τ -ο (ν ) lik e this, o f
ΐπ ϊ τών δικ-ών on their ( μ κ ζο ν -) greater ( μ ίγ α ς ) this kind
lawsuits μών surely not? νπip σοΰ for y o u (s.)
«πιτώ νκραϊ>-ών ontlicir οΐκτίρ-ω pity ^itAo-rroA-if ( φ ιλο-π ολώ - ), o,
branches πάθ -ο ϊ,τ ό expcricncc (3c) 17 patriotic
ip-tlς you (s.) will say πα^ταχού everyw here χρόν-ος,ό tim e (ia)
( ΐρ ί- ω ,ίυ ι.ο ϊλ ίγ -ω ) πιρί τού δικαστηρί-ον και τώ ν ψ«*ίο-μαρτυρί-(ΐ, ή
ίρπ-ω go along, take its δικαστ-ών about the false-witness, perjury (ib )
law-courts and the dikasts
<ύ-δα<μοΡ-(στατ-οϊ -η -ον π λ ί-uis -a -ων full o f
wealthiest, most blessed by
ποί-οϊ -a -ov; what? w hat sort o f?

Vocabulary to be learnt

™ 2 Ζ ϊ ' <άνα° Τα~} &elUP’ j uror■dikast(td)

ίΒαιΙώίδω sine t tmRt*te δ ή μ ο ϊ,ό people; deme (2a)
O tK o o n jp io v , t o law-tourt (2b)
Section Seven

Ικκλησία , ή assembly, ekklcsia μ ίγ ισ τ ο ς ij ov greatest (sup. o f πάθος, τό experience, sttffering

(ib ) μ ίγ α ς) (3<)
ςνδαίμω ν ίυδαίμοί' μ (ίζω ν μ (ΐζο ν πανταχοΰ every where
( (νδ α ιμ ον-) happy, rich, ( μ π ζ ο ν - ) greater (comp, o f ρήτωρ ( ρήτορ-) 6 orator,
blessed by thegods (comp. μέγας) politician (ja)
(ύδα ιμονίστ(ρος aov; sup. μών; surely not? χρόνος, 6 tim e(ia)
(ύ& αιμονίστατος ij ov) οικτίρω ( αΐκτιρ- ) pity

Vocabulary for Section Seven C

αγρφ the co u n try topr-ij, ή festival (1 a) τταραοκίυ-ής equipping (after

ά γ-ω live in. be at e n d since ττλίωζ )
ά λ λ ’ ονν h o w e ve r that m ay be ctti α ύχίνι upon ou r neck ittpi ΐίρήν-ης about peace
άνάγχττ/ o l necessity ΐτο ΐμ -ο ς -η -ov ready (to) Π ίρικλής Pericles (nom.)
αν βουλ-οίμη ν (I) w o u ld like ( + inf.) π λ ί-ω ς -a -wl· full o f
to « 5-δό»αμ-θί -ov w ell thought noie-ομαι m ake
άνα-π€ΐθ-ω bring o v e r to of ττλήν except
o n e ’s side ζν γ-ό ς, 6 y o k e (2a) ττλοντ-ο v r iches, w eal th (after
uv ποι-οίην (1) w o u ld do iJtoi indeed ττλία)
ίν τ ί χα ρ ό ν-ω ν instead o f ή γi -ομαι consider (x to be v) σίτ-ον food (after jrAta)
w orse ijSoi'-ijs pleasure ( after ττλία ) σττίύδ-οιμι αν I w ou ld hurry
ά£ *-0ί-α-0μ w o rth ‘ Η ρά κλΐΐς Hera kies! (voc.) σπονδ-αί, α ί truce, treaty' (1 a)
ά ττ-ολ-ΐί (he) w'ill destroy κ α ί . . . ncp although σ υ γ γ (ν-ή ς,ό relation (jd)
άττορί-ας lack o f provision: καίτοι nonetheless τά β (λ τ ί-ω the better things
p erp lexity (after irAco) κακά λ ίγ -ω speak ill o f (acc.)
ά-πράγμω ν ά-πραγμον KapTtpi-ω endure, put up τάν m y dear chap
( άπραγμον- ) free from w ith ( condescendingly)
trouble κατ<χ-φηφίζ-ομαι condcm n τ ίτ λ α μ ΐν w e endure
άρχ-ομαι begin (+ inf.) (x on charge o f y ) rjj ίκκλησίφ die assembly
ούτ-ού . . . ττοντ}ρ-ον KCirat (tliey - ταΰτα) lie; rrj wji the ship
όντ-ος him . , . being (it - ζνγός) lies τής jjoTpiS-oi m y i 3therland
wicked (after κλοπ-ή, ή theft ( t a) Tijs jroA-etos ot thc city

κατίφηφίσαντό) μ ό ν ο ; -i7 -ov alone τον Π (ρικλ( -α Pericles

ά χν-ύμ ιν-ος -τ/ -ov grieving vc-ών o f ships τόπ -ος,ό place (ia)
β ΐλ τ ί-ο υ ς better (nom./acc ) νόσ-ου disease f afterπ λίω ς) τφ δήμ-ω the people
yi'-oiif knowing (nom. s. m.) vw then ν γ ΐΐί-α ς health (after π λία )
( γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ -ω ) οϊν-ον w in e ( after π λία ) φ (ρί com e! (s.)
γοννασι lap (lit. ’knees’) οί Bi others <£tAo-iToAif patriotic (nom.)
S e f *-<>s -ά -όν clcvcr, handy o lμ ίν some φιλό-σοφ-ος,ό philosopher
δικαιοσύν-η, ή justice, being ό Π ερικλής Pericles (>a)
ju st (i a) ό τ ι w hat χαλ(π-ός -ή -όν difficult, hard
δώρ-ον, τό g ift (2b) o n becausc o f χ ΐίρ -ο ν ς w orse (nom.)

ftKos it is likely ou£cv& nothing (after άξιοι) jfeiρωνχβίρον

ίίρ η ν -η ,ή peace (la) πάντ -fov o f all (%fipov-) w orse


V ocab u lary to be learnt \<

ίτ ο ΐμ Ο ί η ov roiii)’ ( Ιοι ( + inf./ ηοΐίΟμαι wuli e
a y tu ( ά γ α γ - ) lire in .b r Jt.
o n o f S a i . o t tr fiity , (ruce ( I J / ut
ήγίομ < ιι th in k , consider. lettd
Ir~'i. bring K
f + dat. / σίτοi , ό foodfja/ (pi. σ ϊτα . τά
άίιοςαον wvilli. ii’Otfhy W
ή&Οΐ'ή. ή pleasure ( lilt zb)
< -*-gen.i
o i/y y o ijt, ο γι /<ι/νή ( u h ίI
aroA c'ut I ' lu ll kill, d e w y Η ρ α κ λ ή ς , ό I Icrakles ( id
UtH'Otllt ) ray my dear (Imp it?
δ < £ ι ό ϊ ά o r i/ irfT . right-hand
λα μβά ι-ομα ι lake ItoldoJ ( condescendingly >
S iar-i-g fti.) through
νπ ίρ ( + g f’ i· > h'r· ‘’n behalf ol ih
t y y v il+ g c n .l I + gen. I
μ ί τ ά ΐ + g e n .l iriiJt ύπό ί +.?<·» ) by. at the handf of
ilpTjii), ή pi'Jit I I** I
μόιΌν tj o r j/i’ ftr φιλόσοφος, ό philosopher i 2a)
(Ιρήιτ)ΐ· ά γ ω live lit1be at peat C
I'm- fit*·» (ct - ΐ'ϋν in 'ir) χαλίπό?ηό»· difficult .hard
<Ya»-Tt'oi· ( i eppon tc. in
ό μ ίν . . i h i 1W . . . JHi’ fiirr χΐίρινν χ(ϊρο v ( χ ά ρ ο ν -) wot sc
fro n t of

irrti mice jrcpi ί -i-gni.) about

i v l t + g r t r ) «’ ri rrXiuti a a »»1 full ol I + g e n . I

(λ< if fi-o s « - « « -ο ι- c o i i t r .)

O Grammar for Scction Seven

G e n . (all t y p e s ) , a n d u s a g e s πι.

I rr. c o m p ., a n d c o n t r . c o m p . /-
I*res. o p t . a c t . a n d m id . Μ.
a i' + o p t .
ά ν ίσ τ α μ α ι , α π ο λ ύ ω , τ ι + p a r t .. U v a i, ιώ ν , Π € ρ ι κ λ ή ς ir.

n r.

Nouns/adjectives /-
C fw iiiV ri m
9 ϊ T h e f o r m s o t th e g e n i t i v e s in g u la r a n d p lu r a l a c r o s s t h c r a n g e o f tt.
n o u n a n d a d j c c t i v c ty p e s y o u h a v e m e t a r c a s f o l lo w s :
[ ,-
pi I ii.

nom. μ , gen del.

β°~ή> V
iwopi-β, >i
• »




I ».
arjopi-oy &rttrpl~ai l/.
am pl-ay άττορι-wv Awapl-tus
κ ή τ 6Χμ~α» Τολμ-·ης I II.
r<WfS*5 1 τνλμ-αι νόλμ^ας [] τολμ-ώ ν τ όλμ~α#
id m n -γ;, & ναύτ-τρ ναΰτ-ου I I"·.;/-
vtavi~ast ό ντβΜ-αρ ν* α νί-ο ν ν*αν(~μ
ρούτ-at vawr-as vavr-ajv Tevr-Qiy lir.
ωίροΛτ-Οί,ό άνΟρνπτ-ον avQptljTi-ov ανΒρωττ-ψ
$ν&ρ<#η-α apftptoir-Owf άνθρωπ-ων 6>$pW 7- 0\S..
*ργ-νν, Η ίργ-ον ΐργ-ον
3» λ·μ^ν. & λιμίν-α λιμί ν. 0ς λ ψ ίν -i.
ipy-& *ρν~*
'Μ μ 4ν~<$ . λψ & ~ας
f fry-my
λιμ ίν-ω ν
l ti.
ο Si : Ison St l ' f l l , 91 101

π ρ άγ μ α, τό Τίρό,γμΛ πράγματ-ος ττμ άγ μ ατ-i tip v y fia r-n . π ρ Α γ μ α τ-n -ττραγμάτ- αιΐ’ π ρ ά γ μ α - θ ι( ν
TfAlj^-Ο ί. τό 7 τλή#-Οΐ ηλήΟ-ον; νλήβ-u τ>λήθ-·η ττλι}0 Ί} πληΟ-ών ηλχ}9 - ( α ( ν )
τ ρ ιή ρ -φ . V τ ρ ιή ρ - γ τριήρ-ους Tfni}p-ti τ p*$p~tt£ τριήρ~(ι$ τριήρ-ων τρίήρ~<σι{ ν)
A 4
7ro*Ws> η ■κ6λ-\ν ι
ττόλ-ίω·; τ τό λ 'ί t ττολ-ί « 5 ττόλ-« ς tr0 A -«ov ν)
n pt< f$-vs, ο π ρ& τβ -ν ν ί
δίττ-ι», r<i a o t-v ά σ τ -ε ω ϊ α σ τ - ft 5 ΰτ~η ά α τ-η ά ο τ -ciui.* i a t - t a i ( ν)
/JamA-cv·?, ό βασιλέα βασιΧ-ΰος / ϊα Λ λ -« ί /3 ασ«λ-ι$ί
j β α ο ίλ - ΐα ς ^οοιλ-ίαιι· β α α ιλ -< ύ α *( ν
ό φ ρ ν - f , >} όφρύ- ο< ο φ ρ ό -ι οφ ρ ύ -nt 6φρύ~ς οφ ρ ν -ojv $φ ρν- 0 χ{ ν) ■

Irregular nouns
V0.VS, ή ΐ'ΰύΐ' «ωί νηί νήΐϊ ναΰς VfUiV νανσί(ν)
ypow , ^ γ ρ α ν ι· γραός γραί yp tits γραύϊ γραώ ν yp$\toi( ν )
6 Δ ία iJioi; δ <;

Personal pronouns
• /
cyu> (ifr i ( ί)μ ο ν (*)μ ο ί ήμΰς ήμαϊ ημών ήμίν
αύ Of σοϋ σο! νμΰϊ ύμάί νμιυν νμχν

A t ljfc t il· l>

ί frtiA-^Y ι««λ-<>μ :: καΛ-ού :::ίΝΛΑ·'Λύϊ;::>:: ■κ<ιλ-<ον

Λαλ-νΐ ic<iA-ot5.
κύλ-ij κολ'ήν Λ«Λ-ϊ)ν frtiAjj : : . κιαλ-ών ■
κ<ιλ-$γ :■■ ■κ/ίλ-όκ ; «■πΑ-w .χαΛγα ;iiiiA-^ί καλ-wv κρλ-cnt^.
^μ^Τίμ-Οΐ ήμί·74ρ-ον ήμ<rep-οv $μ{τ£ρ-ύικ rjptrtp-dii- :ίαμίτίρ-ivijt;
ήμ<τίρα ήμχτίρ-αν ΐ)μ<Τίρ-η·ί ;ι}μίτ^Ρ-α : ήμ( 7*ρ-<ΧΪ ήμ(τίρ-ων ημψτψ-άκ
ήμ^τtp~<tv ήμίτΐρ-ον ήμ*τ*μ-ον ::ί^ί<Τ^ρ-ί« ΐ)μ( T(p-(J)V
ουτ-οί τοντ-ον ταντ-ον . ro«ir-<{j : TOWT-OWj;:·:.... VT-LUVTC ?όύτ-ρνί
ο.ΰτ-17 iWT-ψ rai>T-t)i αίτ-α» ravr-ίίί \-\::::• rovr-ωι·
τοίτ-Λ r©t>r-o τοντ-ον ίΌίίτ^ώΙ .·:·:··· TOVT-tA}V
«K'iil'-flS ix'Cti'-oi1 ( « ir -οιι rK<tV-*j :: (KCtV~Qi:
. . Ixtiv-tav
tfCftV-st) ift4(v-ipr <Μίν-ης ixetV'at
. . (Κ(ΐν-ιυν
Ikciv~</ <Ktίι·-ον iVcivwi tK€lf-(OV .

♦': * »
; .fXV7~f}i< .«iirrOMS ai’r-tur ..afe-j&i' ;;.::vv
αντ~os «Wr-fiV αντ-ού ■ύ$?ψ ;;
alJr-iJ : ηι’τ·ΐ)ί <StV¥->J ' ■ . VVT-<xt twr-av OlJr-tOI'
:': :> y·:·:·: avt-wv .
ηύτ-6 <tvr6 X: «ΰτ-ού ά&Ϋ’-'φ'
-ρολ-νς JloA'W v:j. ^οΑΑ-οϋ WoAA‘Jii ;'·.'·ϊ: i'cfMrO* πολλ-ών ::^^Λλ?<5ίΒ*ν "

νολΧ-·ή ϊτολΑ-ι^κ , πολλ-ϊ)\ : #Τ<>Αλ·^ϊν

Ϊ-" . πολλ-ών ί '* ''

ηολ-ν νολύ 770ΑΑ-ού .ν<ίλλ~ώ • 1 w>A,W 4 νϊΐί:

. ττολλ-ών
« & Λ A + ^:!: ; y
&ολλ*όίί ; :

ίΰφροίν tVlftpOV-tk ίΰφρον-ο> \fii$pav-t (ΰφρρν-/^ ίύφρόν-ιαν .· *ityp0~pi{ϋ}

*.ΰφραν tifyjpov ϊ ίΰφρον-ος Ιΐνφρα*·* ίΰ^ρο^-« ;', tV<i>p0\t-lLiV . ίΰ$ρΰ-αί{ν;)
rti :■
'T<V*e · TtV-Οϊ riv^x Τ «ρ-ey
ί ν - ΐ ΐ '
T ll'- W l' rt'-aifv)
η . ·. r « · · :% ..· T i r - O i tiVrtV T ll'- iU I ’ rxfatfr.·}. ··:

· ·:·:·» ·. , ; ! ; Λ ν . ν Λ

©ftS-ciy* θ ί δ - < ν ό ΐ < h / 3 '< v <

· , ! :''- . - ί ·: '·

οΰδί-μιάί - *.v‘" . ,*v-ν.·····■
ο ύ δ < - μ Α > ,,
:- . ' . ·. ·:?.·:■ ;·.·.%
,·; ■ .■ · -·-

οΰδ-ί^όΐ vv.v.’.v.v.v.·.·.·. .
■ > ■
. V '. '. ‘ Λ ν . Λ '. '. ' . * · - . ·■

102 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o
όι·τ-ο? w t-t; otT-as· OVT-ViV t 'v - o if v ) '
■:: e&7-<U ova-utv
f. o&J-a. 000-at1 οΰσ-η·;
SvT-i ■: όντ-α ■$ντ-α OVT-WV θ ίΐ'· ΰ ί(ν } Y*·.
II. όν 5v ■' Ol'T-Of
ΐα ά τ Ά η Ίΐ ■πανο-αντοί παυό-αντί iraw -ev ref ήανα-αΐ'ταϊ: π α να -αντοΊ’ v w c f- a o t{v )
III. WttWf-β ϊ
ττανο-άσης jraiw-όο^ -ττανσ-οσαι ττα τταυσ-ασωι· πιχνο-άοάιϊ
J- παμσ-iwu srow-affw
παΰϋ-αΐ' rja va - a i’TOi *rcw-:wr«. . rrotkr-evra π<ινσ·αντ<* jra irff-arroov> )
. Ii. iravtirP*·'

(i) Genitive plurals all end in -cor.
(if) Genitive singulars of type j mmiii/dif/iYlfVes all originally ended in some form t>/
-ο?. Liter contractions and changes createdJbrnts in -ous t»Jii -ίω ? .
(iii) Watch the changing patterns of α!η in ist declension nouns (cf. 24 ) and note the
gen. s. of ναύτης: ναύτου .

Uses o f the genitive

92 T h c most com m on uses o f thc gen itive are as follo w s;
(i) to correspond to English phrases introduced b y ‘of* in such senses as:
(a) possession, e.g. ή τοΟ J ικαιοπόλέως οΐκια ‘ the house o f D ik a io ­
(b) description, e.g. το τώ ν π ο λ ιτώ ν π λή θος ‘ the c ro w d ο ί citizen s, the
citizen cro w d ’
(c) source or origin , e.g. οί λό γ ο ι οί τού ανθρώ που ‘ the w o rd s o f the
fellow , and ή τώ ν "Ενδεκα α νομία ‘the lawlessness o f the E leve n ’
(d) a part, e.g. oAiyoi τώ ν ανθρώ πω ν 'fe w o f the m en ’
(ii) with certain adjectives, e.g.
α£ιος ‘ w o rth y o f ’
a m o s ‘ responsible for*
πλέω ς ‘full o f
(iii) w ith certain prepositions, e.g.
από ‘aw ay from*
ex ‘ out of, from ’
μ*τά ‘in com pany w ith ’
διά ‘through’
«>€κα for thc sake o f ’ (comes aiti k the noun)
η ρ ΐ ‘conccrning, about' (rnd cj. Rcfm m c Crmmwr F , p. 2Qo)
(iv ) with certain verbs, e.g. ‘
ακούω ‘ 1 hear' (a person)
λαμβάνομαι ‘1 seize, take hold of*
καταδικάζω *1 condem n’

h™ r ' o f «1- type

* bv p u « ,„B a1 * thini!
w i t h o u t ii b v m t t 1 1311
com c a n a *s o e x p r e s s c o m p a r i s o n
parcd in thc g cn itivc c g Σ ^ ά τν
O Scction S e v e n , 91—95 ΙΟί

σοφ ώ τ€ρός e o n το ύ το ν τ ο ν ανθρώ που ‘ Socrates is wiser than this fe llo w ’ (as
o p p o sed to the m eth o d described in 76, w h ich gives: Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς σ ο φ ώ τίρ ό ς
( σ τ ιν rj ο δ το ς ο άνήρ).

\ o tv
R evise 26. and see Language Surveys (10 ), (1 1 ) .

Further comparative forms

93 N o te thc fo llo w in g irregular com paratives and superlatives.

ά γα β ό ς β ΐλ τ ίω ν β έ λ τ ισ τ ο ς ‘ g o o d ’ , ‘ better’ , ‘ best’
μ έ γ α ς μ ς ίζ ω ν μ έ γ ισ τ ο ς ‘ great’ , ‘greater’ , ‘greatest*
C f . 7 6 , and note the alternative com parison o f αγαθός.

\ ;ote
Com parative jorm s in - ( ι )ω ν may form the acc. s. m .[f., the pom. pi. and the
acc. pi. from an alternative stem without the - v w h e r e the vowel o f the stem and that o f
the ending contract, e.g.
β ε λ τ ίο ( ν ) α —+ β ίλ τ ίω (acc. s., m.[f.; nom.face. pi. n.)
β ε λ τ ίo ( ν)€ ς—*β € λτίονς (nom. pi. m .[f.)
β ΐ λ τ ί ο ( ν ) α ς —* β ΐλ τ ίο ν ς (acc. pi. m .jj.)
94 O b s e rv e also that adjectives end in g in -wv like κα κοδα ίμ ω ν have com para­
tives and su perlatives in
-ον 4στ€ ρ-ος -a -ov (com parative)
- ο ν ίο τ α τ - ο ς -η -ov (superlative)

° '8 *
€νδαιμον€στ€ρος ‘ m ore lu ck y
(ύ δ α ιμ ο ν έ σ τ α τ ο ς ‘ m ost lu ck y , very lu ck y

V erbs
Present optative active and middle π α ν ο ιμ ι, ττα ν ο ιμ η ν
95 T h c form s o f the present optative, active and m iddle, for non -con -
tractcd verbs are as follow s:

A ctiv e .Middle
τταιί-οιμι ιτα υ-οίμ η ν
π α ύ -ο ις π α ν -ο ιο
π α ν -ο ι παύ~οιτο
π α ύ -ο ιμ ε ν τταν-οίμ^θα
π α ν -ο ιτ€ π α ν -ο ισ θ ε
π α ύ -o itv π α ύ -ο ιντο

N ote
Look fo r a present stem with an -01- in it.
104 ·Ί· (»Γ«>,,Ι,,,ι,Γ> I /:.Υί'ΠΊΜ'.' Ο

Prfjf»/ tfpffltH’f ψ contract verbs

96 T h c form s for contractcd verbs in thc active arc as fo llo w s. N o te that

thc forms arise from contracting the vo w el w ith the endings - m > , - ο ί ψ , -ο ιη in

the singular.
a-fOHirnefs τ ιμ -ω η ν e-contracti τ τ ο ι- ο ίψ o-co»tracts Β η λ - ο ίη ν

τιμ -φ η ν ( - α - ο ίψ ) ττοι-οίψ ( - € - ο ίψ ) Β η λ-ο ίψ ' ( - ο - ο ί ψ )

τιμ -ώ η ς ( -α -οίη ς) π ο ι-ο ίη ς (-€ -ο ίη ς) Β η λ-οιη ς ( - ο - ο ιη ς )
Τίμ-ΐϋΐ} ( -ο,-οί7}) ττοι-οιΐ} { -€-οιΐ)) δΐ)λ-011] f-o - o n j j
τιμ-ώ μίΐ' (-ά -θΐμ€ ν) π0ΐ-0Ϊμ€ν ( - έ -ο ιμ ΐν ) δτ)λ-θΐμ€ν ( - ο - ο ιμ ΐ ν )
τιμ-ώ τ€ ( - ά -o ire) π ο ι-ο ΐτε ( - i - o m ) δηλ-o trt ( - ό - ο π * )
τιμ-ω€ν ( -ά-οΐ€ν) π ο ι-ο ΐίν ( - 4-ο α ν ) Βηλ-oU v ( - ό - o u v )

Middle forms contract with thc m iddle endings as 111 95, e.g . τ ιμ - ώ μ η ν ,
ττοι-οίμην, &ηλ-οίμ·ην (see also p. 280 (ii)).

av and op(<uii>i’

97 T h c optative form s are used w ith the particle av to express λ ‘ p o lite ’

request or agreement. Sometimes ’ polite’ requests arc d ifficu lt to distinguish
from a straight request. T h e best translations in vo lve using thc English form s
‘w ould’, ‘ would like to', ‘can', or the simple future ’ w ill’ , e.g.
Aeyot? άν μοι; ‘W ou ld you tell me? W o u ld y o u like to/can yo u /w ill
you tell me?’
λέγοιμι av ‘ 1 would/would like to/can/will tell y o u ’ .

Τ μ φ m fw to watch fo r

98 N ote arίσταμαι I get up and go, 1am leaving, em ig ra tin g ’ , the stem
o f which is dominated by -a- in thc present:
άνίατα-μαι ‘ 1 leave* <>fr.
infinitive: άνίστασθαι ‘ to leave’
Partuiple: άνιστά-μ^ν-ος -η -ον ‘ leaving’
C f. Βύνα-μαι Ί am able’ (90)
99 Note twroAtoj ‘I shall destroy ruin Will* - j l » c
future rcfcrcncc. ’ *” ™ lhc α7Τθλ’ stenl for
ο S i d ion Seven, 96—102 105

A com m on G r e e k construction

100 N o te the G reek lo v e o f re 4 · participle, and thc variety o f possible

translations it takes:
τι βουλόμ^νος το ύ το π ο ιΰ ς ; (lit.) ‘ W an tin g w h at do yo u d o this?’ , i.e.
‘W h a t d o y o u w ant w hen y o u do this? W h at do yo u h ave in m ind in doin g this?
W h a t is y o u r m o tiv e for d o in g this?’
τι π α θ ώ ν το ύ το λ ίγ ς ις ; (lit.) ‘ Su fferin g w hat do yo u say this?’ , i.e.
‘ W h a t did yo u suffer to m ake yo u say this?’
N o te also that π ά σ χ ω basically means Ί have som ething done to me*, so that a
p erfectly g o o d translation w o u ld also be ‘ W h at made yo u say this?’

101 R evise €ΐμι Ί shall g o ’ (64), and rem em ber the in fin itive form Uvat ‘ to g o ’ ,
and the participle form Ιών 'g o in g ' ( ιώ ν Ιούσα Ιόν (Ι ο ν τ -) ) . These form s are not
used in a futu re sense (cf. 74 (ii)).

102 U n con tracted 3d typ e nouns dcclin c as follow s:

Π ε ρ ικ λ ή ς , ό 'Pericles' (3d)

nom. aa . gen. <&*/.'

Περικλής ( = Π ίρικλ(-ης) Πίρικλέα Π(ρικλ<ονς Π ΐρίκ Α«

These are restricted to proper names. C f. also Η ρ α κ λ ή ς , but contrast thc

contracted Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς at 67. (For f u l l noun survey, see Reference Grammar B , p.

Pres, parts. 48-54 Reference G ram m ar I
D ef. art. Language S u rvey (12) O

Exercises for Scction Seven

(a) Words
1. D edu ce the m eaning o f the w ords on thc right from those on the left.
ά δ ικ ίω τό α δίκημα
ά νίσ τα μ α ι η αναστασν!
ά ζιο ς ά ξιο λόγος ον
&ήμος\κρατ4ω η Βημοκρατια
.-4 . Grivuitiar, Vocabularies, Excrciscs

ή γ εμ ώ ν η η γ εμ ο ν ία
κρατέω κ ρ ά τισ το ς
π έμπω V ττομπη , , ,
π ο λ ίτη ς η π ολιτεία π ο λ ιτ ε ν ω π ο λ ίτ ικ ο ς η ον

χ α λεπ ό ς χ α λ ε π α ίν ω
χειρ ε π ιχ ε φ έ ω

(b/c) Morphology and Syntax

ί . Translate thc w h o le passage in to E n glish, p u ttin g the b ra c k e te d w o rd s
into the gen itive case:
άλλα t is αίτιό? έσ τι ( ο ντο ς ό π ό λ ε μ ο ς ) κ α ι ( α ΰ τη η α π ορία j ;
οί ρήτορες, « ί οΚ>* ότι, αίτιοι ( το ύ το τό π ρ ά γ μ α ) , η γ ά ρ π ό λ ις π λ έ α
( θόρυβος) και ( β ο ή ) διά τόν τε π ό λεμ ο ν κ α ι τη ν ( οί ρ ή τ ο ρ ε ς ) τ ό λ μ α ν .
τ ις γά ρ ούκ οίδ* π ερί ( ή τ ό λ μ α ) ( α υ το ύ ς);
άλλ’ ο ύ κ αιτίους ( τα ΰ τα τά π ρ ά γ μ α τ α ) η γ ο ύ μ α ι τ ο ν ς ρ ή τ ο ρ α ς ε γ ω γ ε ,
άλλα β έλ τισ το υ ς ( ά νθ ρω π οι) . άει γ ά ρ μ ά χ ο ν τ α ι π ε ρ ί ( τ ό π λ ή θ ο ς ) κ α ι ( ή
ίτόλιϊ ) , ώ ς φασ'ιν αυτοί.
ν α ι. άλλα φευΒή λέγ ο υ σ ι. κακόν γ ά ρ τ ό ( ο ΰ το ι οί ά νδ ρ ες) π λ ή θ ο ς κ α ι
ούδείΐ χείρω ν ( ρ ή τω ρ ) . οι γ ά ρ ρή τορες λ α μ β ά ν ο ν τα ι ( ή ε κ κ λ η σ ία ) κ α ί
( το δικαστηριον^.
2. C o n v e rt these verbs in to the p olite fo rm (o p ta tiv e -Hay) a n d translate:
(a) fitveis (e) άττοκρίντ?
(b) λέγ ω (f) κελεύεις
(e) βουλόμεθα (g) παύομαι
(d) πείθεσθε (h) φέρομεν
3. Translate these sentences and contrast the use o f the p re p o s itio n in each
a (i). ο ξένος επ ί το ν β ω μ ο ύ κ α θ ίζετα ι.
(ϋ). η ναϋϊ επ ι τους π ολεμ ίο υ ς επ έρ χ ετα ι.
b (i). εϊμ ί ανριον cig την αγοράν μ ετά τώ ν φ ίλω ν.
(ϋ). μ ετα δ« ταΰτα επ ά νειμ ι είς τη ν οικία ν.
c (ί). το πλοΓοι/ ιτλεϊ παρά τήν νήσοι*.
0>). 6 σ ο φ ί α ς πολλά χρήματα ϊ,ίχ π α ι παρά τών μαβτ,τών.
,·■; °, Τ“? "Ρ°Π*δΡ“μΓ "ΡΟ! ήμ&ς, βιαζόμνος Τ0ο πλήβους.
'">■ Ύ>W Υ™ ) φοβάται το αστυ διά ττ,ν νόσον.
4 . Com pare Dionysodoros unfavourably w ith E u th yd em os using the
words listed below and these formulae:
■dioTOooSojpot κακιών 1 , I ΕύθνΒήμου
Χ 'ίρ ω ν [ toT ‘ ( " I \ j Εΰβύ&τ,μος
°5· “ tyQS· ζϋφραιν, iyo0M, μώροΓ, σοφός
Section S even
10 7

(d) E n g li s h in t o G r e e k
1. T ra n sla te in to G re e k :
1. T h e m a n ’s slave go es up to thc rh ap sod e and grabs his hand.
2. W h o is responsible for those shouts, w h ich arc v e ry loud?
3. Y o u are a sophist and w o rth n o th in g.
4. W h y are thc p olitician s rich er than the p eo p le o f the city? T e ll me!
5. W c su ffered m a n y bad exp erien ces, bu t fo u g h t against the Persians
fo r fre e d o m .
2. T ran slate in to G reek :
d ik a io p o l is L o o k ! I sec a slave ru n n in g to w a rd s us. W h o se slave are y o u ?
slave A s it happens I am slave o f E uelpides, y o u r friend.
d ik . W o u ld y o u please say w h a t y o u w a n t, and for w h a t reason y o u ran to
m e?
sla Vi- I w ill. For I m ust, as E uelpides ord ered , ask y o u to w a it.
d ik . T h e n I shall w a it. H u llo , E uelpides and Peisetairos. W h y are y o u
le a v in g thc city? W h e re are y o u o f f to?
p e is e t a ir o s W e h a v e to g o a w a y to a n e w and m ore useful city.

Ν (φ ίλο κ ο κ κ νγ ία , ή ά μ α θ ίΐς ignorant (acc. pi. m.) μ ΐτ ιίν α ι inf. o f
C lo u d -c u c k o o land (1 b) μ (τίρ χ ο μ α ι accom pan y
Section Eight

Vocabulary for Scction Eight A

dAAijA-οΐϊ to cjch other Orjpt-ov, TO K\lst (ib) αοι to you you
βο-rj j shout IJllt ’ χρώμαι! καί w ell. all right: look (μ-π€σ-ίϊτα*/
Βρόμα (δ ρ α μ α τ -), τό dr.una, κακο-8α!μον-ι αιΟρώττ-ιν σ ο ύ ΐνικ α tor you r sake
plav (jb) όντ-ι unlucky,'ill-favoured Σ ω α ί-η ς, 5 (id)
δι;α*τυ^(ί unlucky Igocf u’iih ηι,ιι» ilu t you .ire TtV-ι towluim'(v)
κακο&αίμονι αι·$ρώττω όιτι I tcma-Xi.y-v> rots to/with/by the
ιμ -m o -ίΐται it will bclall ( K a r-tiv-) recount. tell τοις θΐατ-αΐς to the ju d ietu e
(tui. ot ίμ-τίιττ-ω) μοι ti> me τώ to/witli/by tile
ΐμπρόοθιν {+ gen.) in front •Ξανβί-οί,ό Xam τώ TrXtjO-a to tlu* irm vd
of. before
οι-ος· -a -ov w lu t Hirt o f χρά-ομαi use, em ploy
6tar~Tji, ό spectator. mcmbei
τολλ-οίϊ oiou· being im n y
o f the audience (id)
iftiH's with rol<i θίατ-αϊς)

Vocabulary to be learnt
δράμα (δραματ-J, τό play,
dtama (jbj
Βιατ-ήι, 6 ipt(Mh’r. nu’whcr of
andirmt (id)

Vocabulary for Scction Eight B

anu above, up there
ήουχ-os -ov quict(ly)
affopi-9 perplexity μοι kp-ο μ ΐν-φ to me asking
Kara-nvytitv κατά-tiwyov όνομα ( όνοματ - ), τό name
αΡΧ-ή.ή beginning ( i j)
( Kararrtr/ov- ) homosexual,
i-yvtu he rejlived (jb)
( y*yv<LQti-ia ,ΐ-γν<ο-ν) οΰ μην άλλα nonetheless
ήμ-jV to us κ<λ€νΌντ-ι him ordering
rronjp-ό ϊ -ά -όμ w icked, bad
(ajtft in ιθόμτθα)
ήμ-ίν ίρωτ-ώσα> to us asking ταντ- tf rtf ΐ'όα -ω to this
KVwv(tcvν· ),6 dog (33)
S ectio n H ighi A -I :

tt) in/with/by the τώ δίοπότ-τ) to the master φ ιλό-κνβ -ος- ον lover o f dice,
rj) ττόλ-(ι the city τώ ττατρ-i to the fa tlu· r gam bler
τοι-οΰτ-οί r o i-α ν τ-η Φ*’p( co me! φ ιλό-ζ cv-ος -ον loving
τ ο ι- ο ν τ - ο ( v) o f such a ^ iAo- love «rangers, hospitable
kind, like tlm φιλο-Οντ-ης, 6 lover o f Φ ίΑ ο ίίΐ-ο ί, <5 Philoxenos (2a)
τώ άΐ'δρ-ί to the man v u r itic o ( i d) ((i noted homosexual)

V o c a b u la r y to b e learn t
qvoj up,above rotouroy τοιαντη
■ήσυχος ον quirt, peaceful Totovrof v) o f ih is kind, o f
όνομα ( ονοματ-), τό 11ame fitch ά kind
(3b) φίρ< come!
πονηρός ά 6 v wicked, wretched

Vocabulary for Section Eight C

άνα-πίίθ-ω persuade, ijAkjot-tjs, ό ju ror in the toi0<75c τοιάίχ τοιόΐ'δί like

convince Eliaia court (id) tliis, as follow s
άπορί-φ perplexity θύρ-q, τα'-ί a door τούτ-οιϊ rois {ικτν-οΐ( with
aCA-ij, ij courtyard ( u ) θνράζ( out o fd o o rs these nets
αμτ-ώ . . . άνα-πΐίθ-οντ-ι him καθ-ίζ-ομαi sit dow n τοΰτ-οΐΓ το if μόχλ-οις with
. . . tryin g to persuade (him) καίτοι furtherm ore tliese bars
(after (π (ίθ(το) κήμ-ος, 6 funnel (Ta) {through τώ yipQv-r-i to the old man
αντφ τώ τνμπάν-ψ drum and u·inch the voting pebble goes τώ Βικαατηρί-ω the
all into the voting urn) law -court
βαρί-ω ς φ ίρ-ω take hard, κορνβανΎίζ-ιο introduce into τφ π ατρ-Ι his father (after
find hard to bear the K orybantic rites (a {μ-πία-ούο-α)
Βδ( λν-κ λίω ν ( Β&ίλυκλ€ων- ) , mystery religion involving τώ οώ νί-ώ your son (after
6 Iidetyklcon (ja) fL o ath er wildness oj all kinds, and the ntia-jj)
o f K Icon’) beating of drums) τώ υ ΐ-φ r o v r -ω to tliis son
γράφ-vj w rite θΜΐρο-πολ<-α> dream here
Δ-ημ-ος, ό I>cnios (ia) f«J παρα-γράφ-oj w rite alongside νμ -tv . , . ovot to you (pi.)
notably handsome young man) πλησίον nearby being
δικ ά ζ-cu b ca ju ro r.d e cid e a πολλ-οϊς rt o io t και φ ιλ -η λ ιά ο τ-η ς , <5 lover o f
caw μ ( γ ά λ -ο ιΐ being many and being a juror in the court o f
fy-xAei-tu shut in large fjjw i with τούτ-οις the Eliaia (id)
Ιζ-ίρ χ -ο μ α ι go out τοΓϊ μ ό χ λ -o ti) Φ ιλ ο - κ λ ίω ν ( Φ ίλ ο κ λ ιω ν - ) , 6

in 1 1 when τ ή ί η μ ίρ -as during the day I’hiloklcon (3a) (‘Lover o f

ip a o r-iJ j,0 lover (id ) tijs vvKT-6 s during die night K leon’)

V o c a b u la r y to b e learnt
άναπςίθω persuade over to one’s δικάζω be ajuror 1 make a (frci when; Since
side judgment καθίζομαι sit down
βαρίω ς φ ίρω take badly .find (ξίρχομ αι ( ίζ<λθ-) go out; καθίζω sitdw n
hard to bear come out πλησίον nearby ,(+ g en .) near
Λ . (ίηίΗΜΜίΐΓ, I o(iihidaru <, l: \ c r iin ’*
I 10

V ocabulary for Scction E igh t D

κατη·-ώ . . . ΐξ - ιό ν τ - ι s m o k e c o t to you (s.)

άναζ ( « ΐ'α κ τ- j , o lord (J j)
c o m in g o u t fii/'/cr ο μ ο ι-ο ς) rάλας w rttd ic d (m e)
β ο -fj J shout (atter χ ρ ή τ α ι)
καην-ός, ό smoke (λι) r t y O i , τό root ( 3c)
ΐ μ -oi to me
λ o y -ω in w o r d (i.e. τί oi; to w h o m ? (pi.)
( μ -o iy t to me Jl least
supposedly) Tots δουλ-ois' to the slaves
όταΟθο. (from ) here
μ η χ α ΐ'-η , ή d e v ice , schem e τολμ-r) hrazennessifj/irr
(ν-τκ γχά ΐ’-ω (ev -τ ν χ - ) m eet.
chance upon <■*) χρήται)
epy-ui tii fact. indeed (i.e. μ ο ι to me τώΦιλο-κλ€ΐον~ι lMiiloklcon
actually) ojuot-os -a -ov like (after όμοιότίρος)
■ήμ-ΐν to us οττ-·η,·η hole (i λ) Φιλο-κλίιον-ι lMiiloklcon
ή μ -iv KaOevh-ovaiv us ο τι; what? (after όμοιος)

sleeping (after ίντυ χώ ν ) ούδο'-ί no one (after χρά-ομ αt use. cm ploy ( 3 rd s.

irrv-os, ό o ve n (2a) ό μ ο ιό τ ίρ ο ς) χρήται)
κάπν-ΐ}, η chim ney ( i a) η ο λ λ -fj σττονδ-ή with much φοφί-ω n u k e .1 noise
urgency (i.e. very urgently)

Vocabulary to be learnt
a v a l ία να κ τ- ), 6 prince, lotti, μ ίλ α ? μ ΐλ α ιν α μ ίλ α ν
kiitg (fa) ( μ ίλ α ν - ) Hack
ό-ταύθα iirrc. rtf ώ is point τάλας ra A a tm τάλαΐ'
( τ α λ α ι- ) u’Tctfhed, unhappy

V ocabulary for Section E igh t E

αμονοι· better ΐγ-κλΐί-υ) shut in Ό δ υ σ σ - ίύ ;, ό O d y s s e u s (}g )

avoiyt open1. ίκ -φ ίν γ -ω ( i n -φ ν γ -) escape ό μ ο ι-o s -α -oi·· lik e
άττο-δραμ-ών i f f ά υ ο -τρ ίχ -ω ίμ ο ι- y t to?/ir on because
άπο-τpc'x-ω ( άπο-δραμ- ) run e£-ay-w bring out, lead out O i -T ti N o - i m n
aw ay ήμίον-ος, 6 mule (z i) π α ν τ-υ ιν o f all
/4ττο-δρασ-ιππ-ίδΐ}ϊ, ό the Ί θ α κ ή σ ι-ο ς,ο (an) lihakan π α ρ α -ο κ ΐυ ά ζ-ο μ α ι d e v ise ,
son o f U unaw ayhorse (id) ( 2a) prepare
((emu name)
κάτω below, underneath ηοδαττόί fro m w h ic h
αντ-ois Tois
λήσ-ίΐ he w ill escapc notice c o u n try?
κανθηλί-οΐϊ pack-saddle (fut. οί λαι»6άμ-ω) π ρ ά μ α τ α π α ρ - ίχ - ω c.iusc
and all
λ ίθ -os, ό stone (2a)
p ro b lem s (fu t. rrα ρ -(ξ -ω )
βώλί-ομ, τό clod o f earth (2b)
μ η κ ίτ ι no longer TtcoXe-cj sell
δίκrv-ov, τό net (2b)
μ ια ρ - ό ς -ά -ov foul σ οί to y o u (s.)
δυμ-α/μ^ν 1 w o u ld be able
μ οι me (after iv iv ta t ) ; my σοΰ shoo!
(opt. o f δυμ-αμαι)
(after ta rt)
ty-K A fto-aoi . . . ήμ-ΐν to us σττουδ-ij ντάσ-ij with all
νου-μηνί-α, η first o f the
shutting (him) in urgency (i.e. most
month (ib ) (market-day) urgently)
ο Scction Eight A - E , 103

στίν-Μ ιίΓοί» τ ώ Ό δ υ σ σ -ίΓ O dysseus/;i//cr φ ύ λ α ξιν ο δ α ι (to us) bcin^

στρουΟ -ή··;, ά sp .irro w (i,ij ο μ ο ιό τ α τ ο ς I g u a rd s (goes with
τ α ϊί w it h y o u r h .u uK ύφ -ίλκ-οο d ra g fro m b e m u ih ίγ κ λ ίΐσ α σ ι . . . ή μ ιν)
τή ά γ ο ρ -ά th e n k i-t-p b c c φ θ ή σ -ςτα ι h e w ill .in tu ip a tf ibBe-cj push
τ ώ δ ι κ τ ν -w w ith th e net ( fu t . ο ! φβάν -w )

V ocabulary to be learnt
ά μ ( ivtuv άμ€ i vop ή μ ίο νο ς, 6 m ule ( _M) πράγματα παρέχω tan?*’
( α μ ί ΐ ν ο ν - ) hciter μ η κ έ τ ι ;λ> Um^er trouble
ά ττο τρ ίχιυ ( άττοΒραμ-) run μ ια ρ ό ς ά ό ν fo n t, polluted π ω Α ά υ <ell
away ό μ ο ιο ς a ον lik e , <iunl,it ft* ativoi yjriMii
( γ κ λ ΐία ι shut in . lock iti ( + dat.f χρ ά ο μ α ι use, employ ( + dal./
( κ φ ίύ γ ω ( ( κ φ υ γ - ) escape τταρίχω ( π α ρ α σ χ -) /i>,
(ζά γ ο ) ( Ι ξ α γ α γ - ) lead)bring provide

O G ram m ar for Scction Eight A - E

D a t. (all typ es), an d usages
4ρ ω τ ά ω , λ α ν θ ά ν ω

103 T h e fo rm s o f th e d a tiv e sin g u la r an d p lu ra l across th e ra n g e o f
n o u n a n d a d je c tiv e ty p e s y o u h a v e m e t are as fo llo w s :


BOW. i . dat. ...nonty ; - · 4ί£:\ · £<·#, dat.

& Ν ί · :;:'ν ·
111 ^ ::: : β °-Φ \ βο-11 β 0 ~άί ;; · jfifo-tw β ο -α ΐς
lb ; Λ π 'ύ ρ ί-ν; ή ; aft?pi'& y : : άΐϊρρ(- 4ΐς άπορ-ία W tppfcai ά π ορί-σ χ ά#όρ t-w r ά π opt-atf
1C τό λμ ?α , iji -toX^c^av: τ ό λ μ ~ φ τό λμ -η TuXfi-^K τόλμ~α$ τ σ λ μ -ώ ν τ ό λ μ -αι*
id ναότ~η$> 6 ναύτ-ήν VUUT-0V vavr~T) I
ν$0τ~4χι vavT^af rwr-~<x>y ναύτ-ats
νϊαϊ&ά,ςίό : :: .vt/avi·'ον ν(ανί-(ρ }
2Λ &γθρψ·η-ος, ο α.νθρώπ*ον ά νθρώ π -ον άνΟρώπ-ψ 5vilpom -M dv&p&rr-cfvs vytyptAnt^w* άνβρώ π-οις
lb Zp y-w lp y -O v *py-(o ί ρ γ -xi 2ργ~ιχ f/xy-wp ΐ ρ γ -o n
. τό
3·* Χ ίμην, ο Χίμ 4ν~α λ ίμ & 'Ο ΐ Ai/ifV-i λ ιμ ϊν - ΐί λψέ».~α$ λ*/*ή'-«χ>ν λ ιμ ί - σ ι ( ν)
π ρ 4γ μ α τ-ο $ π ρ α γμ α τ-t ττρό,γματ-α ν-ράγματ-α πραγμάτ-α>ν η ρ ά γ μ α -σ ι(ν )
3b π ρά γμ ο., τ 4 προ,γμν.
πλήβ*<>νΐ π λη θ- fi ττλήύ~·η ιτλη&~ί5ν ττλήθ-*αι{ ν)
3i ττλήθ~ρς, π\'η&'' Of
3d τρ ή ρ -η κ ή τρνηρ-ονς τρ<ήρ-(.ι rp rfp -tis Tpt^p-tvi TpkT)p~oj* τ ρ ιή ρ -ίσ ι(ν )
.·}. G u u n n id , I octibuliiriis, hxcriist’* o
s. pi

dat μ »η. da. gen. Jill

ΙΗ>«Ι. Λα. ρη.

roA-is, ^ πϋΧ-ir | n,<5A»itf ττόλ-twv π όλ-< σ ι(ν)

’ πόλ~*οχ πόλ-(ι πόλκας
η ρ ίο β -w . δ πρΐοβ-νν *
άστ-υ, τό CJTt-V άστ-ctws άστ-tt αοτ-ΐ} άστ-ΐ) <U3T~tMV QOT-fOlf ν)

βααιλ-ίνς, ό βασιλ- 4α βα.οιΧ-ί<ν< βασιλ-ti βαοιλ-ής 1ι β α οιλ-ία ς β α σ ιλείω ν βασ ιλ -ίύ σ ι( ι

βα ν ιΑ-ίΓί 11
οφρν-ς, tJ άφρύ~ν όφρνΌς όφρύ-1 έφρύ-t { όφρύ-ί θφρν-U/V 6φ ρυ-αι( ν)

Irrt'guliir nouns

ναΰί, η ΡΟΰΐ' y<ws νηί %·ήα ναιΗ ρςών ι·αυσί( ν )

γραϋς, ή γρανν γραόί γραΙ ypcuf ypa^s ypoui»v Υρανσ ί( ν)
Ztv$, ό Δ ία Λιο> Ju

Personal pronouns
* /
tyai <ί)μί (ί) μ θ ύ ( ί) μ ο ί ήμ<ί( ήμάϊ ήμών ήμα
αά ο< οού αοί ν μ { 1ί ύμ·ά ΐ ύμώ ν ύ μ ϊν

κ α λ -ώ χ ά λ -ό ν ■ «·αλ«(>ύ$ κα λιώ ν · : καλ-υίς
■ ^ ·: . ; · .. . ,:x ■ :>:*£·.
*«λ-γ:·-:·;&'· ·;:;ίΓκηΧ-ψ AViA-jfs ~ · κ α λ -rj ·· - ϋ ί:
ΚαΑ“.<£ΐ..^^ S& ΚΟ X - ati
καλώ *α λ-ά ν καΛ-<3ν : ' καλ-ots
c$ fffttrtfy-ov ήμ€τ<ρ-ω ήμ&τ<ρ~(Η 'ήμ£Τ*ρ-<Μ>. ήμ€τ€ρ-αις
7}ptT(pa yfiiTfp~<i$ } ήμ<τίρ-$ \^ ^ μ ^ έρ '< α ν ή μ (τίρ -α ι*
W&'tp'Vy '$Mty£ripri>v ημντίρρν' ήμ(τίρ-ω faiex{p~itiv ή μ ίτ ίρ -η ις
, * . |. · ": ·' 'i'·'·--··;»
Ol/T'OV TWr-yCitf 7<>ι>τ-ου τούτ-αι ... το υ τ-ο κ
i''ra v j~ iw η ιν τ -η γ ταύτ-τ)
3 ·Λ , V ■ «W ^y ταύτ-α «ί
Y©t>TTW τοντ-αι χ·:·:···Ν
.·: * ''<^·;#*&^'':^νν;’·ν· ,
,T U W *tt ,ν* TOUT-GK
,γ;.;.>ν··.·;.χ.νΧν^· · ^ ;.; yXy!>wij»;.-.-.;l·.· ...... '‘‘ν·
fe<iM>v ScKcfcW* CHilv-O) t K y . <Kfά'-ois
ΐκ(ίι·-·η c ^ ’:· iV 'O K
• ; focil'rOC.».;;* (K iiv -ψ «K'itvrq ^ £ . (κΰν^·Λ ,.■/&- £kcm-vo>i' ...;..i; (κ€ίν-οι<
4«·τ-φ > y. a p r -η ί £..: αύτ-ή , , ·*" wv^ss·»:· :?·•xvt- wv
'·'·■ α ΰ τ-οΓν'
RVi.-W αι5 τ-αϊ\'
- Ϋ Cut-4 ..' < < lV -6^ : αι'τ-φ ,.f #· .y’‘w.·..... · .■Ayi^'.'i'.'.v. ,,
< lV r y ^ 'Γ ai"r*o<S'
•x{; *roA-<>i:·^ JNjAA-'ov 7Ιθλλ-ώ ■vo)lX-i>{··· ■·■■ pt> xtyvi.y » o M *0 > ' ττολλ-ο ΐς
ίΤΟλίλ-^ν.; «ώ λΛ -'ζί ττοΧΧ-ή
ΐτ&λλ-ϋί ΙΤθλλ- i t itt)X\-^tV .:'■ ττοΑΑ-ακ
Λολλ-οή- ττολλ-ώ wAA*<i ·;ί::: noAA^iriiS*; τ,ολλ-οΐς
<!ίφράν-ο$ (ΰφρον-ι
Ένφρηχ'Άς .:·(ΐιφρόν-ρ}v ίύ φ ρ ο -ο ι(v)
<νφρΰϊ <ΰφραν~ο$ ιΰφραν-t
···* . ' *U pw ~ n <νφρΜ-« ^ (ΰφ ρ& Ιω ν Τνφ ρο-οι(ν)
rtv-e TM'-OJ’: Τ|1'-|

·Λ< ' lrii-rk . »..»» r*»?-<yH τ ι-σ ι^ ι ^
TU'-oy τιι·-»
ftv '-a iv τ ι - σ ι ^ ΐ ’^
οΰ6~ό·ί* wS-tv&i θύ δ - f r i # Κ -^ Μ ΐ
' ewRe»jiifa> ουδ«-μκΪ5 οvb t-μιά
*ν δ .-« · υ ν δ ^ ς
fivS-tvi •
O Section Eight A - E , 103-104


aa. $Cti. dm. now. <U( ■Lt


ώτ iKf-4 OVt-Oi OVT-l οντ~τς ovr- as 5 itr~o>v ov-a i( t>)

Ol5(7-0 via-ufi οΰσ-τ) ova-ας ονσ-ών ova-a ις
w οντ-ος OVT~l ovr-a wrT~a ovr-ufp ο υ ·σ ι(ν )
ni. *τ<ιύθ~αντοί παύσ-αντ i rm vo-avtts πο,νν-ανταί ΐ*Μ>0-άρrtuv πηΰο-ασ ι( v)
J irwio-aaa ito va^ x x ru y πανο-άοτγ; rrava-aar) ττανα-ασαι ■XtXVQ-OXJQif ηαυα-αχτάν παυσ-ασακ
t\. nnvO-rQ» rraO tt'O .i' Tcceuo-'ixvro^ τταΰσ-αντι n a w - a vro κΆ νο-α ντα va v a - n v T ta v τταΰα-αοι( v )

( i) D ative singulars all end in -i (whether subscript or not).
(ii) D ative plurals all end in -ις or - σ ι ( v). (Hut note ή μ ΐν, ύ μ ΐν .)
( ιϊι ) Typ e j sterns in -ο ν τ- have dat. pi. in -ο ν σ ι (e.g. participles like π α υ -w v with stent
π α υ ο ί'τ- and dat. pi. π α ύ ο υ σ ι). Those in -c u t- have dat. pi. in -n a i.
(iv ) Typ e f s with single consonant at the end of the stem either drop it in the dat. pi.
( λ ιμ ή ν , stem λιμ^ ν-, dat. pi. λ ιμ ίσ ι) or let it coalesce (φ υ λ α ξ , stem φ υ λα κ -, dat. pi.
φ υ λ α ζι ( = φ ύ λ α κ - σ ι) ) .

Uses o f the dative

104 T h e m ost co m m o n uses o f the dative are as follow s:
(i) to express English indirect object phrases introduced by "to*, e.g.
το ύ το μ ο ι ττα ρ ίχίΐ he offers this to me
λ ίγ € rot? θ ίά τ α ις 'speak to the spectators
(ii) to express the idea o f possession w ith the verb ‘ to be*, e.g.
eorrt μ ο ι π α τήρ (lit.) ‘there is to me a father’, i.e. Ί have a father’
(iii) to sh o w the means b y w h ich som ething is achieved, usually expressed by
the English ‘ b y ’ or ‘b y means o f ’ or ‘ w ith . e.g.
φ υλάττομ€ν τον γέροντα τοΐς δ ικ τύ ο ις ‘ w e guard the old man with the
(iv) to show the w ay in w hich som ething is done (rather like an adverb),
usually expressed by the English ‘ w ith again, e.g.
π ο λ λ ή σ π ο ν δ ή ‘ w ith m uch enthusiasm, enthusiastically’
(v) N o te the tw o expressions:
(a) α υ το Γ ί τ ο t? κ αν θ η λ ιοις baggage and all
(b) λ ό γ ψ μ4ν . . . (ρ γ ω 84 - - - ‘ in w o rd . . . but m fact*, i.e.
o u tw a rd ly som ething appears to be the case, but the reality is very different
(vi) C ertain verbs take the dative, e.g.
χράομαt *1 use, have to do w'lth
π είθ ομ α ι ‘ 1 o b ey , trust in
€μπίπτ<ν "I fall on, attack

14 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

ίντυγχάνω Ί meet with

(πομαι Ί fo llo w ’
SoKei μοι ‘it seems to me'
(vii) Certain adjectives take the dative, e.g.
όμοίος ‘ resembling, like (to)’
(viii) W ith prepositions, e.g.
* 4· «
€v in
€7jί ‘on, for the purpose o f ’
παρά ‘w ith, near’
πρός ‘near, in addition to’
συν ‘ with the help o f ’
(cf. Reference Grammar F , p. 2Q0, and Language Surveys ( t o ) , ( 1 1)).

T im e phrases
In time phrases, the accusum't’ case expresses tim e th rough out, or du rin g w h ich
something happens (English ‘ fo r’), e.g.
καθ(ύδα ολην την ημέραν ‘he sleeps for the w h o le d ay’
T he genitive case expresses time within which som ething happens (English ‘ in
the course o f ’ , or simply ‘ in’), e.g.
τής νυκτός κρίνα ‘he judges in the night, in the course o f the n igh t’
The dative case expresses the point o f time at which som ething happens
(English ‘at, on’), e.g.
τή voTepaiq. άπήλθ^ν ‘he left on the next d ay’

A visual representation may help:
the accusative case (‘ during') may be considered as a line ----------
the daiive ease ("point at which') as a dot ·
the g en itive case as a circle O ( the action is taking
place somewhere within the circle but one doesn't know where.)

V erbs

M ore optatives, « ρ ω τ ά ω , λα νθά νω

105 Y o u have already seen h o w -a- dominates certain verbs in

indicative, e.g. δύναμαι 90 and άνίσταμαι 9$· It continues to dom inate in the
optative, e.g. δυναίμην, Svvaio, δύναιτο etc. (cf. 95).

ιοό Note the past o f ίρ ω τ ά ω ‘1 ask’ is ήρόμην *1 asked’ (stem ep-). Distinguish
this stem from tp-coi Ί shall say’ (future o f λίγ ω )·
ο Scction Eight A - E , 104-107
* *5

107 T h e principal parts o f λ α ν θ ά ν ω arc

λ α ν θ ά ν ω ‘ I escapc the notice of*
λ ή σ -ω (fut.) Ί shall cscape the notice o f ’
Ζ -λ α θ -ο v (aor.) Ί escaped the notice o f ’

Excrciscs for Scction Eight A -E

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y a n d S y n t a x
1. G iv e die d ative singular and plural o f the fo llo w in g nouns:
ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς , β ο ή , α π ο ρ ία , άνή ρ, γυνή , π ό λ ις , β α σ ιλ εύ ς , γ έρ ω ν , ναύ τη ς
2. Translate the sentences, dien change underlined dative singulars into
plurals or vice-versa, as appropriate:
a. cart π α τ ή ρ μ ο ι, π ά ν υ π ον η ρ ός ών.
b. μ ί γ α κ α κ ό ν σ ο ι Ιμ π ς σ έ ΐτ α ι, κ α κ ο δ α ίμ ο ν ι οντι.
C. λ ό γ ω μ€ν c ν τη π ά λ α ούδ^ις ά μ ΐίν ω ν ί σ τ ί τ ο ύ π α τ ρ ό ς , ΐρ γ ω ο ύ δτις
χ€ΐρω ν.
d . A eyt τ ω θ ία τ ή τον το ύ δ ρ ά μ α τ ο ς λόγ ον π ά σ η π ρ ο θ υ μ ία .
e . β ο α ΐς χ ρ ώ μ ΐθ α μ ΐγ ά λ α ις .
f. τ ο ΐς π λ ο ίο ις €τυχον οντ^ς οι ν α ύ τα ι.
g. rots’ Ktλ ίύ ο υ σ ι Set η μ ά ς π ά θ ί,σ θ α ι.
h . τ ι τ ο ο ν ο μ α τ ώ β α σ ιλ ίΐ;
ϊ. διά τ ί π ί ι ρ ά ο θ ΐ ά ν απ (ίθ € ΐν €μ€ τ ο ύ τ ω τ ω λ ο γ ω ;
j . τη δ ’ ύ σ τ ΐρ α ίφ 6 υιός (8 ίω ξ ( τον π α τ έ ρ α π ά λ ιν €ΐς την ο ικ ία ν το ΐς
μ ^ γ ά λ οις Β ικτύοις.

(d) E n g lis h in to G r e e k
Translate into Greek:
1. T h is spectator’s nam e is Philoxenos.
2. H e is speaking to you and to the spectators.
3. T h e y w ill find sitting in the court hard to bear.
4. I shut m y father in by using m any slaves.
5. T h e politicians persuaded the people w ith fine words.

Vocabulary for Scction Eight F

άλ(κτρυώ ν(άλ(κτρυον - ) . 6 άν-ίστασο get up! (s.) δ«ν-ό<; καθ*ύ8<ιν clcvcrat
cockcrcl (3a) (α ν-ίοτα-μα ι) sleeping
άναγκάζ-ω force, com pel arap but Suy-oi φαΥ-*Ιν clcvcrat
άνα-μίν-w hold on, w ait y ti'-to ia i tobecom c eating
around (γΙγν-ομαι'ΐ-γ€ν-όμην) i i ' ολίγον after a «hort while
1. Cihmnuir, I ’oi'tihularics, Exertin'*

ίξ-ή π γ κ -α ς you (s.) brought orroHev from w here

δικάσ-αι co give a judj^inciK
out (aor. o f ίκ-φ ίρ-ω ) o n ; what?
( δ ικ ά ζ -ω )
* f -ο ίσ -ω I shall bring out ονπιο — ονδ(πα> not VCt
δννήα-ομαι I w ill be able (tut-
(tut. Ot ίκ-φ ίρ-ω ) παρά ( + pen.) troni
οΐδύν-α μ α ι)
(σβί-ω (φ α γ-) eat πάντ-α every tiling (ace.)
SunJo-jj vou (s.) w ill be .iblc
ήκ-ω Λ»me πάσ-τ) προθυμί-q. w ith all
(fut. ot δύ»·-αμαι)
ίου hurrah! eagerness (i.e. m ost eagerly)
ίά - ω ( ία α -) allow
κατά-οκοπ-ος,ό scout, spy. πανο-ασϋαι to stop; to cease
iy‘€tp-ω wake up
inspector(2a) from ( + gen.) ( π α ΰ -ο μ α ι)
££-ομαι I (tut. ot
κατήγορος, 6 prosecutor (2.1) π ιθ-ίσθα ι to o b ey
λαβ-ttv to exact ( π (ίθ -ο μ α ι 1-π<θ·όμην)
( 9(X-w w ish . w. ant (to)
(λαμβάν-w ί-λα β -ον) ποιήσ-αι to act on ( π ο κ - ιυ )
€ κ -φ ίρ -ω ((ξ -(ν (γ κ -) carry
μακρ-ός -ά -οι' long πΰρ (π υ ρ -), το tire, brazier
f’wyK-< Iv to bring μιαθ-ός, ό pay (2a) (jb )

( φ ίρ-α.\ήνιγκ-ον) μόγις with difficulty nV-i τρόπ-w h ow ? 111 w h at

(rffaSt here ol-ός τ ’ ίίμ ί be able (to) w ay? {τρόπ-ος, 6 w ay (2a))

ίξ-€στι it is possible (tor x (+ in f.) φ α κ-ή ,ή len til-vou p (la)
(dat.) to -) όμω ί nevertheless, how ever χρή it is necessary (for x (acc.)
ί ξ -fvp-civ to discover to )
( ίξ-€ υρίσκ-ω ίξ-η ύ ρ -ο ν )

V ocabulary to be learnt
αναμίνω ( άναμαν-) wail, hold (κ φ ίρ ιυ ((ζ(ν ίγ κ -) curry out: όμω ς nevertheless, however
on (often: carry outJ ot burial) ό rt; what? ( in reply to τί;)
άτάρ but ti'OaSf here χρή il ί> iirfrssflry (for X (atc.)
Setvos ή 6v (lever at( + inf.); (ξ(θτι it is possible (for X ( dal.) to - (inf.))
dire, terrible to - (iiif.))
(άω ( «ασ-) allow ίσθΐω ( φ αγ-) eat (Jut. ϊδ ο μ α ι)

Vocabulary for Scction Eight G

άκούσ-ατί listen! pay ίξ-(ν ίγ κ -α τ( letch out! (pi.) κ λ (φ υ δ ρ -α ,ή w a te r-d o c k
attention! (pi.) ( άκού-ω) (ΐΚ -φ ίρ -ω ',ΐζ-ή ι·(γ κ -α ) (lb )
ακουσ-οv listen! pay t ϋξ-aaOt pray! (pi.) κυμβί-ον, τό cup (2b)
attention! (s.) (άκού·ω ) (ίΰ χ-ο μ α ι) λ ίξ-ο ν out w ith it! ( λ ey-w )
άμίς (ά μ ιδ -),ή chamber-pot θ(-αθαι to cast μηδαμ-ώς ill n o w av
(3a) ( τιθίμαι ί-θ ί-μ η ν ) πάντ-α everyth in g; all (110111.)
m«u ( + gen.) w ithout ΐθι come! (s.) ( ΐρχ-ομαι (Ιμ ι) ττάντ-ις all (110111. pi. 111.)
άπ-ιθι go away! (s.) ΐοθι know ! (s.) ( οίδα) πάσι to all (dat. pi. 111.)
( άπ-ίρχ-ομαι άττ-f ιμι) κάδ-ος, ό voting-urn (2a) παύσ-αι stop! (s.) ( παύ-ομαi )
αρίοκ-ίΐ it pleases (+ dai.)
κάδ-ων (ΐ·(κα because o f the πίθ-(αθ( obey! (pi.)
άρχ-ομα* begin ( + put.) Urns
ίασ-ον leave me be! (s.) ( π ( 1θ - 0 μαι\ί-·πίθ-όμην )
καί δη w ell, all r igh t (you πιΟ-οΰ obey! (s.)
( ia-u>)
have my attention)
(κ -τ ρ ίχ -ω runout ( π ( ίθ - ο μ α ι\ ( - π ιθ - ό μ η ν )
καλώς yc tine!
π λ ή ν ( + gen.) except
ivtyn-{ fetch!
κατηγοpt-w accusc,
(φ ίρ - ω ’ην(γκ-ον) πΰρ ( π ν ρ - ) .τ ό fire (,?b)
φ ή φ - ο ς ,ή vote (2a) (lit.
ο Section Eight A - E , 108-109

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
ά ρ χο μ α ι begin ( + inf, or / w r f .) rrapt ιμ« he present
( κ τ ρ ί χ ω ( ίκ δ ρ α μ - ) run out ττάς πάσα τιάν ( τταντ- ) ,ill
t i'f K a ( becj use. j or the ό π ά ς the whole oj
utkc of (usually placcd after πλήν ( + g tn .) except
the noun) irvp (7τυρ- ) , τό fire ( lb)

O G ram m ar for Scction Eight F - G

A or. inf. act. and mid.
Aor. imper. act. and mid. (inc. € ψ ί, ί ϊ μ ι , οϊδα)
φ ίρ w , ίξ ς σ τ ι, δ(ΐνο ς, πας
V e rb s

A o r is t in fin itiv e s, active and m iddle: π α ύ σ α ι, π α ύ ο α σ θ α ι Ίο stop’ .

λ α β ζ ΐν , λ α β ζ σ θ α ι Ί ο ta k e’

108 Y o u have already met present infinitives (infinitives based on the present
stem). Greek also has infinitives based on the aorist stems (weak and strong).
Their forms are as follows:
l le a k aorist active: π α ύσ -α ι ‘ to stop’
W eak aorist middle: παυσ-ασθαι ‘to stop*

Take the weak aorist stem and/or active verbs add -a t,fo r middle verbs add
-ασθα ι. N ote the dominance of the - ( a ) a - ending in the stem again (cf. aorist indicatives
at 68 and 69).
Strong aorist active: λ α β -ctv ‘to take’
Strong aorist middle: Χαβ-ίαθαι ‘to take

N ote
Take the strong aorist stem (without augment) and for active verbs add -fiV,
Jor middle verbs add -ίσ θ α ι. Observe that the endings (except for accent) are just the
same as the endings for the present infinitives active and middle, B L - 7 I H h S I h \ t IS
D I F F E R E N T . ( C f. present infnitives at 74 and strong aorist participles at H z-4 .)

A sp ect in the in fin itiv e

109 T h e difference in meaning between present and aorist infinite es is
not one o f time, but one of aspect (cf. on participles at 79 (··*))· l3oth π-αιχι^ and
π αύσαι mean ‘to stop', but the present infinitive carries the idea o f process with
11S A . Grammar. Vocabularies, Exercises o
it (‘ keep on stopping’ ), the aorist looks at the action as a sim ple e v e n t B u t this
distinction is often a very fine one and ‘ rules’ as such are v e r y difficult t<> m ake.
It is far better to observe closely actual Greek usage.

Aorist im peratives, active and m iddle: π α ν σ ο ν , ττα ύ σ α ι ‘ s to p !’ λ α β έ ,

λ α β ο ύ ‘ ta k e!’

n o Y o u have already met present imperatives (sec 6), w h ic h arc based

on the present stem. T h ere are also imperatives based on the aorist stem. T h e ir
forms are as follows:
H'Vdfc aorist imperatives active: s. παύσ-ον ‘ stop!’
pi. ττανσ-ατί ‘ stop!'
M eak aorist imperatives middle: s. π α ύ ο-α ι ‘ stop!’
pi. πα ύσ-ασθ( ‘ stop!’
Again observe the dominance o f - ( o ) a - in the aorist stem. S o te particularly
carefully the singular imperative form in -(a )-o v .
Strong aorist imperatives active: s. λ α β -ί ‘ take!’
pi. λάβ-€Τ€ ‘ take!’
Strong aorist imperatives middle: s. λαβ-ού ‘ take!’
pi. λά β -(σ θ( ‘ take!’
As with strong aorist participles ( 8 2 -4 ) and strong aorist infinitives ( 1 0 8 ) , the
endings of the strong aonst imperatives are identical to those for present imperatives, but
based on the aorist stem.

c o ,? !?in
course ",1'the
?! 1,Τ )0,i hat € hee” MCeting ~°mC *tronx aorist imP ^ t iv e s all through
forms: Λ the
ίλ θ έ ·comeΓ (ήλθον)
f t W •say!’ (ά π ον)
'ώ ού Ίο °Μ ’ (dh ov, middle)
Aspect in the im perative

o n e n o t o f t i m e o u t o f i s i f ' - i T f 11011 b u ' ' CCn p r c s c n t - ™ d a o r is t i m p e r a t i v e s is

difficult indeed to tell t h c d ilf o J r e bTtw” CqUllly' “ is somctim« « r y

a writer used this rather tU 1 <’U1 tWW’ ° r to e x a c tly w h y
w i n s to use φ {ρ€ aiuJ b H ' " ο c ^^V Γ ' C — ° W' " ” ° (A r is to Phancs 1
when it can be made is bcrw * · “ ,scnnunatoly)· T h e distinction,

doing ,t (prcsciu in ipcrativcj^n d 3 ο ι ι Τ Γ Τ 10,1 ^ · ΐ S° methil,S and k c e P on

imperative). ° ° somethitig. but just oncc (aorist

* B c d c . how could o,K | , „ c a p4s, ,mp„ at|vc?.

Q Sectiot; Light F - G , 1 0 9 —1 1 6 119

S o te
It is natural that ccrtain verbs have, by their very nature, a tendency to lean
towards one aspect or the other. Thus, for example, λαμβάνω Ί take' tends to use the
aorist form s o f participle, infinitive and imperative, because ‘ taking’ is the sort of thing
that occurs once or at once and does not involve a long-drawn-out process. On the other
hand, a verb like ζ η τ ίίυ ‘ seek ', which naturally implies a process, tends to appear in the
present form s o f participle, infinitive and imperative.

F o u r imperatives
1 1 2 N o t e the im p erative form s o f €ΐμι ‘ I am . €ΐμι I shall g o , οιδα I


ίίμί ei/Mi °^ a

s. ΐσ θ ι ‘ b e !’ T0 t g o !’ Χαθι ‘ k n o w ! ‘
pi. e a rc ‘ b e !’ trt ‘ g o !’ ^ ^ ?στ€ ‘ k n o w !’
N . b . the im p e ra tiv e fo rm s o f αι Ί σ τ α μ α ι: ανιστασο get up.^
ά νίσ τα σ θΐ get up!

1 1 3 O b s e r v e the irregular verb φ^ρω:
φίρ-oj Ί bear, carry, put up with*
oio-ix) fut. *1 shall bear
ήν€γ κ - ο v ( e v e y * - ) o r ψ € γ κ - a (aor.) ‘ I bore, earrici

l ( e a r t + in fin itiv e ‘ I»r perm itted to' and S w + > » fi'"liv e ‘ e l m r

„ 4 Y o u h a v e already met Κ ( = χ ή ) . w hich m e n s ' « « oughi

and takes an accusative and infinitive (75)· rlnr it

€ ξ(σ τι ‘ it is perm itted, it is p e b b l e ’ w o r k ,
takes a dative (not accusative) o f the person, t t,- ς .
man is p e rm itted /allo w e d to go out. the man ma> ι,ο o w v le v e r at
. O / . f — V l (> v r r . i / - m i ! e . C . O c u o s AcyCi i' C l t v c r a i
1 1 5 N o t e also + in f —
speaking’ .

A d je ctiv cs
ττάς π ά σ α π ά ν ( π α ν τ - ) a l l , t i ltry
, . β O b s e r v e that „ * goes exactly fike an aorist P.m ,c ,Ple o f the

7τανσας typ e (see 78), i.e.

πά ς ( τταντ-) m.
πάσα J■ Q
παν ( τταντ-) η.
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, kxerctses

Exerciscs for Scction Eight F -G

(b/c) M orp h ology and Syntax

. Write down the aorist o f these verbs. Then construct the aorist
παύομαι φ ίρω οραω
ακούω γιγνομο. ι ττΐίθομαι
ττοιέω μανθάνω π ίπ τ ω
άδικέω Χαμβανω
λέγω άφικνέομαι
2. Translate these imperatives. Give in brackets the person and aspec t (i.e.
s./pl . pres./aor.):
μάθ€Τ€, Xcyf, e'nri, φίύγ€Τ€, ζ ή τ α , opa, Βήλω σον, ισ θ ι, μ α ν α τ€ , γςνο ύ ,
α φ ίκ ίο θ ί, €ΐ’(γκ€, Γτ£, φ οβζίοθς, πιθού, fup€T€, 7τα υ σ α τί, ι8ου, π α ύσ α ι
3. Put the verb in brackets into the present or aorist infinitive as
requested, and translate the sentences:
a. βούΧομαι (Β ικ ά ζω ) (aorist) tv τή ο ικία , άλλ’ ό ι/tos ούκ la μ€ ( δ ικ ά ζ ω )
(present) ίνθάΒ*.
b. 8 (ΐ ημάς πάντας ( <ίξ(ΐμι) (present) €ΐς τήν αγοράν.
c. τ ί χρή σ€ ( π ο ιέω ) (aorist);
d. ΐ ζ ί ο τ ι ΦιΧοκΧΐωνι ( κατηγορέω ) (present).
c. ό υίός ούκ eiaae τον πατέρα ( € ΐμι) (aorist) €ΐς το Βικαστήριον.
f. πώ ς ττ^ίσω σ«, ω π ά τίρ , ( α κούω ) (aorist) π ά ντω ν τω ν λόγω ν;
g. διά τ ί ού βονλ-η ( έκφέρω) (aorist) Φ ιλοκ λέω να , ώ ήμίον€;
h. Set σ£ δικαστήν ( γ ίγ ν ο μ α ι) (aorist) έν τή οικία .
*· ΧΡ7} ουτους ( μανθάνω) (aorist) τονς τού δράματος λόγους.
j. βούλεται αντος (Χαμβανω) (present) πάντα τον μισθόν παρά το ύ υιού.
k. ουκ έάσω αυτόν (άφ ικνέομα ι) (present) eij τό δικαστήριον.
1. ( ξ ίσ τ ι μ ο ι ΐνθαδ( και ( λαμβανω ) (aorist) π άντα τον μ ισ θ ό ν και ( έ σ θ ίω )

(d) English into Gr< *·

Transhtc into Greek:
1. Father, you must stay here and give judgments.
2. It \\ ill be possible for you all to sell your mules.
3. Everything is here except the fire.
4 Bring out the torches, slaves!
5- O u t with it. what were you looking for when you ran out?' ‘What?
Scction Iiight H - J 121

Vocabulary for Scction Eight H

άγαθ-ός -ή -<*ι· good (.it) tla -ir w let him com e in! κ υ μ β ί-ο ν. τό cup (2b)
( + mf.) ( ( ΐο - ίρ χ - ο μ α ι ( ΐσ -t ι μ ι) κύα>ι· ( κυν-) , ό d o g (3.1)
6 from the (ΐσ -κ α Χ ί-ω call in. sum m on Α ά β η ς ( Λ α β η τ - ) ,ό L a b e '
denic Aixone (3g) ί λ - tiv 1 . , (3.1) (‘d ra b b e r’)
I see αιρ<-ω
αιρΐ-υ» ( i X - ) convict fX-tT( I μ ά ρ τνς (μ α ρ τ υ ρ -) , ό witness
atrt-uj ask (lor) ΐΧ ττίζ-ω hope, expect (to) (3·*)
άκου-ω listen (to) ( + gen.) ( ξ -α π α τ ή σ -tn · to deceive μ ( λ λ - ω be about (to)
άμφότ(ρ-οι -at -a both ( (ξ-α π α τά -ιυ ) μ ίρ - ο ς ,τ ό share (3c)
άνα-βάς going up ϊ ζ ω outside μ ονο-φ α γ-ίσ τα τ-ο·; most
( άνα-βηίΐ'-ω άι-(- β φ ) (■π-ίυτα-μαι k n o w how (to) selfish (lit. ‘alone’) eater
άνα-βήν-αι to go up ( + inf.) πολύ much
( άι·α-βαίν-ιν'άι·-ί-βην) tv y t w ell done! hurrah! π ρ ο -κ α τ α -γ ιγ ν ω σ κ -ω prejudge
άΐ'-ί-β-η (he) went up η Χ ιά ο τ-η ς,ο ju ro r in the πρός ( + gen.) in the name ot
( άνα-βαίν-ιυ «ι»-t- β ψ ') Eliaia court (id) π p oo-ιόντω ν let them com e
άν-αίτι-ος -ον innocent Of-aOa ι to cast forw ard!
άπας άτταο-a απα* (r ifU -μ α ι i-O f-μ η ν ) (ιτ ρ ο ο -ίρ χ -ο μ α ι ττρόο-(ΐμ ι)
( άτταΓτ - ) .ill καί δη and indeed π ρ ο ο -ίτ ω let liim com e
άττο-Αογί-ομαι speech και μην .mil look . . . forw ard
lo r tlu· defence κατά-βηΟ ι gel d ow n! (s.) (ττρ οσ -ίρ χ-ομ α ι π ρ ό σ - ΐίμ ι)
άπο-λογήσ-ίσθαι to m ake the ( κ α τα -β α ίν -ω κ α τ -(-β η ν ) σ ιγ ά -ω be cjuiet
defence speech κατ-€θΟί-ω ( κ α τ α -φ α γ -) eat α ττ(νδ-ίτιυ let him hurry!
αυαυ w o o t ! w o o l ! up ( ο π (ύ δ -ω )
o i again, m oreover κατηγορ(-α) prosecute, make τυ ρό-κ νηοτις ( τυροκνηατιδ- ) ,
γραφ-ή, ή indictm ent, charge a prosecution speech η cheesc-grater (3.1)
(l.l) κ α τη γο ρ ί-α , ή prosecution τνρ -ός, ό cheese (2.1)
γράφ-ομαι indict X (aec.) tor Ob) φ α κ -ή ,ή len tii-ioup (ia)
' (gen.) κ η ρ ν ττ-ιυ announce φαΐ'(ρ-ός -ά -όν clear, obvious
δικανικ-ά, τά court affairs. κ λ ίπ τ -η ς , 6 thiet ( rd) φ (ύ γ -ω be .1 deteiidani
legal nutters (2b) κΧυπ-ή, η theft ( I a) χ ν τ ρ -ά , ή cookm g-p ot

διιυκ-ΐυ prosecute Κ υδα θί]να ι-ίύς, 6 man trom φήφ-ος, η vote (2a) (lit.

iO fX -ω wish, want (to) th edem e Kydathene (3g) ‘ votin g-pcb b le’)

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
ά κούω hear, listen to ( + g ilt. oj δ ιώ κ ω prosci w/r. pursue πολύ (adv.) ui 1/γ/ι

person/thing) ίθ ίλ ω w ish, traitt (to) πρός ( -f-gen.) in the name of.

ά π οΧ ογίομ α ι defend oneself, κατηγορία» prosecute X (gen.) wider the protection oj

make a speech in one's own a charge o f }' (ate.) 4>tvyu> ( φ νγ- ) be <1 defendant,

defence κα τηγορία , ή speechJot the he on trial; flee

γραφ ή, ή indii tinenI. charge. prosecution (11>) φήφος, ή rote, voiiug-prhNe

ease (ια ) κύων ( κυι·~), ό dog ( ία) {M}

γράφ ομαι indiit. charge μάρτυς ( μ α ρ τ υ ρ -), ό witness
γραφήν γράφ ομαι indict X (.W)
(acc.) on charge of V (gen.) μ ίρ ο ς, τό share, part ( jc)
\22 *1 . Gram m ar. Vocabularies. h\ercisef

Vocabulary for Scction Eight 1

κατα-ΙScti-r-os getting dow n οΐ-ός τ ’ ί ΐ μ ί be able (to)

αίβοϊ \ u k !a r g h h !
( g e n . 111.) όφ ίλ-ος, το use (3c)
αιρί-ω ( iX - ) c o n v ic t
( κατα-βαίν-ω κ α τ - (- β η ν ) παιδ l-ov, τό pupp) (2b)
a lrt-io -l'k
κατά-βηθι get dow n! (s.) τταρά (4 -gen.) from
άμφότ(ρ-ο ι -ac - a b o th
( κατα-βαίν-ω κ α τ - ί- β η ν ) τκρι-βαίν-ω surround
άΐ'ά- βηθι g o up! (s.)
κατα-βήναι to get dow n πονηρ-ός -ά - 6v poor.
( άνα-βαίν-ω ,άι·-(~βην)
άιτι-βολί-ιυ b e g . plead ( κατα-βαίΐ’-ui' κα τ-(·βην ) w rctched
κατα-βήο-ομα ι I shall get π ρόβα τ-α ,τά sheep(2b)
(w ith )
άπο-λογί-α, ή dct'ence speech down σ π ί-α , τά provisions, tood

(lb ) ( κητα-βαίν-ω κ α τ - (- β η ν ) (2b)

άττο-λν-ω a cq u it κατα-δικάζ-ω convict, find σ υγγνώ μ -η ν ίχ~ιυ lo rg iv e
ά—ο-λνσ -α τ( pi. a.<ijto a whole guilty (+ gen .) τό δ ί see oSf
jury κατα-κνά-ω grate τοσ-οΰτ-ος, τοο-αύτ-η

άρχ-ομαι b e g in ( + gen.) K(ir-(aOi-a> eat up τ ο σ - ο ύ τ - ο (ν ) so great

αύ aga in . fu rth er κιθαρίζ-ω play the kithara τνγχά ν-ω ( τ ν χ - ) chance on.
δαιμόνι-t lily g o o d tellow (i.e. be educated) happen upon, hit upon
htiKpv-iu w e e p κλίτττ-ης, 6 thiel ( Id) ( + g™·)
I . , λόκ-ο?,ό w olt (2.1) τνρό-κνηστις ( τυ ρ ο κ νη α τιδ - ) ,
} see aipe-ω
( λ -ovr-a ι μ ίγ α loudly η diccse-grater (3a)
ίλπίζ-ω h o p e, ex p ect μ ίν ο υ ν no. rather νφ-αιρί-ομαι ( ΰ φ - (λ - ) steal.
(ξ-απατά-αι d c c c iv c μ η δ (ίς μ η δ (μ ί -a μ η δ (ν take by stealth tor on csd t
«ττ-ίστ α-μαι k n o w (h o w to) (μ η δ ί ν - ) no ύφ-αιρήα-(θΟαι to steal
( + m f.) νυνι = νυν ( ϋφ -α ιρί-ο μα ι)
θάνατ-ος, ό death (2.1) 6 δ ( ή δ ( τόδί this φ(.ύδ-ομαι he
KQiTOt .md yet οΙκτίρ-α τ( pi. as ij fu ιΐ whole

V o ca b u lary to be learnt
a l p iiu ( i X - ) take, capture. αυ again, moreover παιδίον, τό child . slave ( jb )
convict ίλ π ιζω hope, expect ( + /ut. παρά ( -hgen.J from
α ιτίω ask ( J ot) inf.) τ ν γ χ ά ίω ( τυχ· ) hit. chance on,
ΰ/ιφότ(ροι at a both θάνατος, 6 death (ia ) happen on. be subject to
απολογία, ή speech in one's καταδικάζω condemn. convict ( -hgen.); happen (to), he
ou'H defence (th )
(X (gen.) oh charoc o f Y actually ( + part.)
άρχομαι begin ( + g e n .) ; begin (acc.)) ΰφαιρίομαι ( ΰ φ (λ - ) steal, take
to ( + part, ot inf.)
κ λ ίπ τ η ς ,ό thief (id ) lor oneself by stealth

Vocabulary for Scction Eight J

άγωνιζ-ομαι contest
α πο-λν-ω .lcquit
δα ιμ όνι-( m y dear fellow
ακων άκονο-α &κον
α ττο-φ ίνγ-ω (άιτοφ νγ-) be δ η λ ώ ο - t iv to reveal ( δ η λ ό -w )
(ά κ οντ·) unwilhng(ly)
(κ ώ ν ίκ ο ΰ ο -α ΐκ ό ν
απο-δακρύ-ω burst into tears β α δ ίζ-w walk
( ( κ ο ν τ -) w illing(ly)
ο Section Uight H - J, 1 1 7 - 1 1 8 1^3

ΐζ-απατά-αι deceive μ ίλ λ - ω be about to πρότίρ-ος -a -ον first ^ot"

ίπ-αίρ-ω raise up. lilt όδ( ijSt Toh< th is (here) tw o), form er
ΐπ -ίατα-μαι know (h o w to ) S vt - ojs really σ νγγνώ μ -η ν ΐ χ -tu torgivc
( + int.) ότι because f + d.U.)
(u'/c hurrah! πατρίδιον daddy dear (ib) ττ)δ( this w ay
tif - i pul! (s.) (τ ίθ η - μ ι[- θ (- ) π (ίο-ομ α ι I \hnll suffer (fut. ot τήνδ( see o0c
6 (- Ις putting (noin. s. m.) πάσχ-o>) ΰ δ ω ρ (ΰ δ α τ - ), τό water (3b)
( τίΟ η - μ ό -θ ί- ) 7Τ(ρι-άγ-α} lead round C a rtp - ος-α -ον last (of tvso).
κ ά δ - ο ς ,ό v o tin g-u m (2a) π«ρί-πατ-ο«, ό w alkabout further
κατ-ΐσΟί-ίι.' eat up (^a) φ α κ - ή ,ή lentil-soup(ia)
κιΟαμίζ,-ω piav the kithara πολυ-τιμ ητ-ος-ον 4>ip< ■. πΐριάγω com e . . . let
(i.e. be educated) m uch-honoured me take you round

V o c a b u l a r y to be learnt
άττολνι» M.juit, release μ ίλ λ ιο be about to ( + ju t. m j.), ονγγι>ώμη* ΐχν* Jc rg ie e ,
(ξα π α τ ά ω deceive, trick intend ; hesitate ( + pres. inf.) pardon ( +d<it.j
i π ίσ τα μ α ι know how to ό δ ( η δ ( τόδ ι this C a r tp o i a oi' later, last ( o f tw o )
(+ understand ότι because C arepov later, further

O Gram m ar for Scction Eight H —J

3rd person impcr. pres./aor., act. and mid.
Fut. inf. and usages
ακούω, αίρέω , τίθ η μ ι, έττίσταμαι, βα ίνω , π ά σ χω (principal parts)


T h ir d person im peratives, present and aorist, active and m iddle

117 As well as having second person imperatives, which you have

already met (HO and 6), Greek has third person imperative forms, w hich mean
‘let him ‘ let them Here are the imperative forms o f παύω in full, with the
third person imperatives taking their place beside the second persons:

118 P resent im peratives

Active: 2nd s. παν-€ .Middle: 2nd s. τταυ-ου

y d s . παυ-ί'τω ‘let him stop’ y d s . π α υ -ίσ θ ω
2nd pi. παύ- fr f jn d pi. ™ύ-«σ0ί
v d pi. π α υ - ό ν τ ω ν ‘let them stop’ y d pi. π αυ-ίσθω ν
Λ . (dam m ar. I ocabularics. Exercises
ι: 4

119 -Ίοπ'ί/ imperatives (w eak)

Active: 2nd s. παΰο-ον Λ/ΐιΜ/r: 2nd S' π α ύσ ~α;
y d s . πανσ-άτω ‘let him stop jr d S. π αυσ-α σθω
2nd pi. τ τα ύ σ - a r c V1 ™ ιίσ - α σ 0 <

j , d Pl. παυσ-άντων Met them stop' jr d pi. π αυσ-άσθω ν

120 Aorist imperatives (strong) ( λ α μ β α ν ω , λ η μ β α ν ο μ α ι)

Active: 2nd s. Χαβ-ί Middle: Jnd s. Χαβ-ού
jrd s. Χαβ-έτω Met him take’ jr d s. Χ α β-ίσθω
2nd p i λάβ-ίτί 2nd pi. Χάβ-iaO f
jrd pi. Χαβ-όι-των Met them take' jr d pi. Χ αβ-ίσθω ν

( i) Sote again the similarity oj endings between aorist (strong) and present
forms o f the third person imperative.
(ii) Third person imperatives are fairly rare, hut note that the present plural form (in
-οντων) and the aorist plural form (in -σαντων) could be mistaken for present and aorist
participles in the genitive plural! The presence of a stated subject in the nominative
andjor lack oj any other possible finite verb-jorm will tell you that the third person
imperative is being used, e.g.
άττίΧΟόντων ot *Αθηναίοι "let the Athenians depart!'
διω κόΐ'τω ν τον αΐ'δρα ‘ lei them pursue the man!’ Β ί 'Ί
ακούω των Χεγόντων 7 hear the men talking '
(Hi) S o le the full imperatives o f ά μ ί Ί am’ , ςιμ ι 7 shall g o '. οίδα 7 know':

€lH·1 ζ ιμ ι o lh a
2nd >. ισθι be! iB i'g o!' ισθι 'know !'
jrd s. €ατω ‘ let him be!' ικ .ΐτ ω 'let him go!' ΐ'Κ .ΐστω ‘ let him know !' etc.
2nd pl.eaTf itc Γστ€
jrd pi. έστων ιόντων ιστώ ν

Future infinitives active and middle: 7ταύσ^ιν, π α ύ σ € σ θ α ι Ί ο he about

to stop’

121 Here are the tor ms o f the future infinitives active and middle:
Active: παύσ-eiv ‘to be about to stop*
Middle: τταύσ-ίσθαι ‘to be about to stop’

(t) lnf i nil«’r* ba r the meaning ‘ to be about to, to be t>oin<> to’ .

(ii hey areformed by taking thefuture stem and adding -αν o, -eoOai as appropriate
(endings the same as for present infinitive<. C f η4)
O Scction Light H - J . 1 1 9 - 1 2 6 12s

U ses o f the future in fin itive

122 O n e com m on use ot the future infinitive is with verbs that offer
some future hope, intention or promise, for example:
έλπιζα/ I hope/expect to . . . e.g. έλττίζω νίκ η σ α ν ‘I hope/expect to
μ έλ λω Ί am about to . . I am on the point o f . . .' e.g. cpeAAc
7ταύσεσθαι ‘he was about to stop’
υττισχνεομαι ‘I promise to . . e.g. ύττισχνάται λήφεσθαι ‘he promises
to take’

F iv e verbs to fo llo w

123 N ote the principal parts o f αίρέω (‘I take, capture; condemn’),
αίρέομαι (‘ I take tor myself; 1choose’):
α ίρέ-ω ‘ 1 take' α ίρέ-ομαι Ί choose’
α ίρή σ -ω (tut.) ‘1shall take’ αιρησ-ομαι (fut.) ‘ I shall choosc’
εΐλ-ο ν ( έ λ - ) (aor.) Ί took’ ά λ -ό μ η ν (aor.) ‘ 1 chose'

124 τίθ η μ ι Ί put, place’ (middle τίθεμαι) has a present stem in t i Oc -and an aorist
stem in It will be dealt with in full later on (together with other -μ ι verbs),
but for the moment note:
θές \ active 1 .
Oov M r· middle Ph c c ! pU‘ !
θ ίΐν α ι active . . .
aor. infinitives I to put. to place
125 Revise δύναμαι and ά νίσταμαι (90 and 98) and note that έττίσταμαι Ί kn o w ’
conjugates in the same way.

έττίσταμαι followed hy an infinitive means 'know how to’ , e.g.
έττίσταμαι κ ιθ α ρ ίζα ν 7 know how to play the cithara .

126 Principal parts o f βαίνω ‘ 1 g o ’ are:

β α ίν-ω ‘ I go'
β ή σ -ο μ α ι (fut.) Ί shall g o ’
έ-β η -ν ( β α - , β η - ) (aor.) Ί went
έβη-ν is what is called a ‘root aorist: it simply adds personal endings onto the
root έβη- without any intervening vowels, i.e.
έ-β η -ς
126 Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, Bxereises
Infinitive: βήναι
Participle: βάς, βάσα, βάν (β α ν τ -)

127 Principal parts o f πάσχω *1 suffer, experience, have something happen to

me’ are:
π ά σ χ-ω ‘1 suffer
7τείσ-ομαι (fut.) ‘ I shall suffer"
ε-παθ-ον (π α θ -)(Λ θ Γ .) ‘ I suffered'
Note here that the principal parts o f π είθ ω ‘ I persuade’ are:
πείθ-ω Ί persuade*
π εία-ω (fut.) ‘ I shall persuade*
ε-πεισ-α (aor.) ‘ I persuaded’
The middle form o f π είθω is π είθ ομ α ι, which means ‘ I trust, believe in’ , the
future o f which will be π είσομα ι Ί shall trust, believe in’ - exactly the same
form as die future o f π ά σ χω . O n ly the context will tell you whether π ε ίσ ο μ α ι
means ‘ I shall believe in’ or Ί shall experience’ .

128 ακούω ‘ 1 hear’ takes a genitive o f the person heard, e.g.

ακούω τούς λόγους Ί hear the speeches’ , but
ακούω σού λεγοντος ‘ 1 hear you speaking*.

hnpf. tense 58-y
Fut. tense 61-4
Aor. tense 68-9, 7 1-2 O

Exorcises for Scction Eight H —


(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
1. Sort this list into present, aorist and future infinitives:
ττλίίν, φροντιεΐν, βοηθήσαι, δ ιώ ζειν, άποχω ρεΐν, εσεσθαι, μ α χ εσ α σ θ α ι,
μαθτηοεσθαι, αφικεσθαι, σπεύδειν, όλοφ υρεΐσθαι, κ ρ α τή σ α ι, π ο ιη σ ειν,
οφαλειν, παυσεσθαι, δεξεσθαι, βιά σα σθα ι, λησειν

2. Give the aorist imperative, infinitive and participle o f these verbs:

δέχομαι, δρα o j , έρχομαι, γ ιγ νο μ α ι, κω λύω , Ιπ α ινεω , β ά λ λ ω , π α ύ ω
Section Light H - J , 126-128 127

3. G ive meaning o f verb and part shown in right-hand column. Then

pair up the right column with left:
α ίρεω λή σ ειν
α π ο θ νή σ κ ω λά β ετε
βάλλω ελεΐν
γ ίγ ν ο μ α ι ιδώ ν
* r
αμι λα θώ ν
ε ιμ ι ίλ θ έ
έρ χ ο μ α ι λήφ εσθαι
ερ ω τά ω άπεθανε
εσ θ ίω γενη σεσθα ι
ευρίσ κ ω ερόμενος
εχ ω μα θό ντες
λα μ β ά ν ω γενεσθε
λανθάνω δραμεΐν
μανθάνω οϊσουσα
οιδα τυχούστ)
όραω ενεγκατε
■πίπτω είναι
τρ έ χ ω ιόντος
τυγχάνω ηδεσαν
φερω τ}εισθα
β α λειν
ευ ρήσε ιν
π εσόντι
σ χες
( C f list o f important stems in Language Survey (13 ), p. JJ2.)

(d) English into Greek

Translate into Greek:
1. Let the dogs come in!
2. Let the thief steal this d o g ’s share!
3. 1 expect the defendants will make a good defence speech.
4. This juror is going to condemn the dog to death.
5. Let the prosecutor begin the prosecution!
•1. Cirattnnar, I oiiJbuhirifs. h.\trii*u·

Exercises for Section Eight

(a) W o rd s
Oeducc the meaning o f the words on die right from those on the left:
αιρε ω καθαιρεω

γράφομαι το γράμμα
ελπίζω ή ελπίς
έττίσταμαι ή επιστήμη

μάρτυς ή μαρτυρία, μαρτυρεω

ονομα ονομάζω
πονηρός ή πονηρία

(d) English into G reek

1. Translate into Greek:
A young man had an old man fora lather. T h e yo u n g m an’s name was
Bdelykleon. the old man’s Philokleon. The old man, it happened, had
a terrible disease - he never stopped wanting to ju d g e in the law-
courts. The young man tried to persuade him not to ju d ge, but the old
man would not obey him. for all his persuasion. Finally, the youn g
man locked him m the house. The old man was in despair and tried to
escape, using all sorts o f arguments. Hut he was not able to escape
without being seen by the slaves, w ho guarded the house.
2. Translate into ('.reek:
BW:i YKii.o.N Once and tor all, father, listen and obey me. I shall not
allow you to leave the house and judge in the courtroom.
i’hii oKi ι on Why aren t I allowed to? 1expect vou to tell me every­
huh Because you are the wickedest man in the city.
»mui . Well, what am I allowed to do? What do you intend to do?
»w»n 1 shall allow you to pass judgment here in the house. W ou ld
you like that'
mu . Yes, I would. Tell me quickly, what must I do?
Him Wait here. 1 shall fetch out the legal equipment.
(Fetches gear; sets up the court)
U t the advocate eomc forward! Let the trial begin! W here is
the prosecutor? Com e here. dog. and prosecute. Get up and
speak. Tell us who has made the charge and lor w hat re.ison.
ather. 1 hope you will pay attention.
>·«" · Don't worry. C ome on. dog. speak up'
Scction Light \H )

T e s t E x e r c is e E ig h t
Translate into English:
Philokleon laments his luck to the passing jurors, and prays to Z eu s and Lykos to change
his appearance, so that he w ill he able to escape; the jurors send for help to rescue him.
(From Aristophanes, IVasps)
Φ ΙΑ Ο Κ Λ Ε Ω Ν i t c, πάντ€ς φίλοι, ΐτ€. ακούω γάρ υμώ ν φδόντων, ά λ λ’ ούχ οιός τ*
€ΐμι α δα ν εγώ . τ ί π οιήσω ; ουτοι γάρ μ ε φυλάττουσιν, καίττ*ρ
βουλόμ^νον μ ^ θ ' υμώ ν ςλθάν ττρός τό δικαστήριον και κα κόν τι ποιήσαι.
ά λ λ * ώ Ζ ( ΰ , ιταύσαι πράγματά μ ο ι π αρίχω ν και φίλος γ€νοΰ και ο ΐκτιρον
τό πάθος, σώσόν μ ( , ώ Ζ ( ΰ . ή μ e ποίησον καπνόν ί ξαίφνης, ή δήτα λίθον
μ€ ποίησον, 4φ* ου τάς φήφους άριθμούσιν. τόλμησ ον, άναξ, σώ σαίμ€.
Δ Ι Κ Α Σ Τ Α Ι τίς γά ρ ΐσ τ ιν ό ίγ κ λ ά ω ν ae; λ ίξον, α ιτο ύ μ ίν a t .
Φ ΙΛ ό ϊμ ό ς ν'ιός, ίύ ΐσ τ ί. άΛ/\ά μ ή β ο ά τ (. και γάρ τυγχάνει ούτοσι πρόσθ^ν
Δ ΙΚ . τίνος tv e x a ο ύ κ Ζ ξ ΐσ τ ίσ ο ι μεθ* ήμώ ν συνςλθόντι άκοΰσαι τών τ€
κα τηγορούντω ν και τών άπολογουμίνω ν;
Φ ΙΑ . ό υιός ο ύ κ kά μ€, ώνδρ€ς, δικά ζ α ν ο ύ δ ( δράν ούδίν κακόν. άλλά ζ ητά τε
μ η χ α νή ν τινα, αιτώ ύμάς. μέλλω γάρ Ιγ ώ τ ήμερον άκούσίσθαι τώ ν τ«
διω κόντω ν και τώ ν φξυγόντων.
Δ ΙΚ . ούκ άν δυναίμ^θα, ώ φ ίλ (, σώ σαί a t . φυλάττουσι γάρ σe οί ο ίκ ά ο ι
π άντ(ς, και ο ύκ ςξζστί σοι φυγςιν.
Φ ΙΛ χ ρ ή ούν μ€ ΐϋξασθαι τοΐς θίοϊς, ϊλπίζοντα φ*ύξ*σθαι. άκουόντω ν ονν οί
θΐ,οί, και βοηθούντω ν. ώ Λ ύ κ € δέσποτα, γ€ΐτων ήρως - σύγά ρφ ιλίΐ< τό
δικα σ τήριον — ο ΐκτιρον και σώσόν μ€ tv απορία οντα.
Δ ΙΚ . (addressing slaves who are leading them)
καί ύ μ ίΐς, ώ παίδ^ς, τ ρ ίχ ^ τ ί καί βοάτ€ καί Κ λ ί ω ν ι ταΰτ’ άγγίλλ€τ€ καί
κ (λ ( υ€Τ€ αύτόν ήκ€ΐν. ό γάρ Βδΐλυκλ^ω ν A fytt ο τι χρη μ η δικαζ€ΐν
δίκας. ί τ ω ούν Κ λ ί ω ν και σω τηρ γ α ’€σθω τ ώ γ^ροντι.

V ocabulary
κ α π νό ς,ό sm oke (2a) ο ίκ ΰ ο ς ,ο fam ily member (2a)
λίθο ς, 6 stone (2a) ή ρ ο ς ,ό hero (his shnne was
ίφ 'ο ν on w hich m x t to the lan-iourts)
ά ρ ιθ μ ίω count α γγ έλλω tell
π ρ ό α θ ίΐ in front ήκω com e
μ η χα νή , ή device (la)
Section Nine
Vocabulary for Scction N in e A

ei what, which ( n.) ΐρ π -ω g o along. take its τταγ-κα τά πυγυν totally
aray*rti£-fa> compel course lascivious
ai'tu ( + gen.) without ή w ho (imm. s. t.) ιτα ρ -ίρ χ -ο μ α ι
a»· ϊό-οιμ« 1 would (like to) sec κα τα-λύ-ιυ bring to an end (n a p -eX fl-) co m e fo rw a rd
( όρά-ω , < ι δ - ο ΐ ’) Κλ<ονΙκ-η, ή K le o m k e (ia ) TToojo-iias ai' w ill y o u (v) do
αν ποιήσ-αιμι ! will do /Ιάκαιΐ'-α, η Spartan w om an ( n o ii-o j )
( —ο ΐ(-ω ) (ic) π ο ιή σ - t it av w ill (he) do
άττας άττασ-α άτταν A v o t-σ τ ρ ά τ -η ,ή I ysisirata ( 7TOIC-W)
( ά τ α ϊτ - ) all. the whole (la) (‘ Destroyer o f the ο ν μ -φ η φ ιο -α ίμ η ν άι· 1 w ill
α π -ίχ-ο μ α ι retrain trom arm y’) vote w ith ( + dat.)
( 4 -gen.) μ ά λ λ ο ν . . . ή rather than ( α υ μ -φ η φ ίζ -ο μ α ι)
άφροδίσι-α,τά vex. (2b) μ ίλ λ - ω intend σ ν μ -φ η φ ίσ -α ιο ά ν w ill y o u
βαδίζ-ιυ walk μ η χ α ν -ή ,ή plan, scheme (1.1) (s.) vote w ith
γ ΰ - ο ς ,τ ό race.kind (3c) Μ νρρίν-η, ή M vrrhine (1.1) ( σ υ μ -φ η φ ίζ -ο μ α ι) ( + dat.)
hat tlien rat r <li aioj (SparMti dialei f ) by ov r-h o K -ti it seems a g o o d
&ακρν-ω weep the T w o G ods! (Castor and idea to x (dat.) also
δοκ- d it seems a good idea (to I’ ollux) σώσ-αιμ<ΐ' άν w e m igh t save
x (dat.) to v (inf.)) 0 what, which (jec. s. n.) ( θ φ ζ -Oj)
ίΟ(λήσ-αιμι άι- I w ould (like 01 w ho (n om .p l ni.) rot then
to) ( ϊθ ίλ - ω ) οΰδαμ-ώί not at all. in no w ay roivvv so. then
(iTttp it indeed, it really (-n tp oik which, w ho (ace. pi. 111.) φ ίλ τα τ-ο ς -η -ον m ost dear
sttatgthcns the u'ord10whuh οφ-6μ(θα w c shall see (fut. o f ( φ ίλ -ο ς )
it ISJttJiInd) όρά-tu) χ ή μ ϊν = κα ι ήμ ϊν

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
ά πίχομα ι refrain, keep ilway
β α δ ΐζ-co w alk,go {Jut. κα τα λύω hritig fo an cud; finish
(jiroin) ( + g tn .)
β α δ ιίο μ α ι)
άττας άττασα άπα»· μ η χα νή , ή det’ u e. phlll ( la)
δοκίΐ if ifciiij a good idea to X ονδαμώ ς w no way. not at all
( άτται τ - ) all. the whole
(dat.) to do Y (iu t.); X (dat.)
dairies to do Y(inJ.)
Scitio n X in c

Vocabulary for Scction N ine B

η κ ρ ό π ο λ -ις ,ή acropolis (jc) ί-γ νω -ς yo u (s.) recognised ός w ho (110111. s. ni.)

arayKti£-tti com pel ( γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ - ω (-γ ν ω -ι·) o i whose (gen. s, m.)
άττο-ττίμττ-νι send a w ay. e-γ ν ω (she) recognised παρά ( + dat.) w ith. at. beside
dismiss ( γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ -ω ΐ-γ ι-ω -ν ) παρα-μ<ν-ω remain beside
ά ργνρ ι-υν, τό silver (ib ) (ξα ίφ νη ς suddenly π α ρ α -α κ ίν ά ζ-ο μ α ι prepare
(deposited iti tin Parthenon; ή w inch (110111. s. f.) προσ-αγορ(ύ-ο> address
these h'ere re*· r^es built up i}v w hich (ace. s. f.) σ ν ν -(ξ -α π α τ ή σ -α ιμ ' αν 1 will
from the a i m mines <it Ιού oh! jo in w ith x (dat.) in
l^uiriou) κ α ϊμ ή ι· look! deceiving
a p n ju st n o w , recently Κ ιιη σ ί- α ς ,ό Kmcsms (id) ( α υ ν-(ζ-α π α τά -ιο )
a? w h o (.u\. pi. f ) (after tS a ) ( comic iitiiiie implying sexual σ ν ν -ο ικ ί-ω live (with)
γ ν -ο v o -n ieco giiism g (num. prowess) ( + dat.)
s .t . ) ( γ ιγ ν ώ ο κ - ω ΐ-γ\·ο>-ι·) Α α κ ίδ α ίμ ω ν ( Α α κ (δ α ιμ ο ν -) , τρ ιή ρ -η ς ,ή trirem e (3d)
γ ν ώ -rat to recognise ή Sparta (3.1) riV-i τρ όπ -ψ how ? 111 w hat
( y iy i’ojati-aj t -γ ν ω -ν ) . Ια μ π ιτώ , ή L im p i to (voc. w ay?
γρ α νς ( y p a ~ ),»} old woni.111 Α α μ π ιτ ο ϊ) φ (ρ- oj lead

(3·») S w hich (ate. s. n.) ω w ith w hom (dat. s. in.)

δώ ρ-ον, τό gift, bribe (2b) όδ -ό ς, ή road (2j) ών whose (gen. pi. f.)
i-yrtu-»· (I) recognised 0Γ w h o (110111. pi. m.) i i? ( + acc.) to
( γ ιγ ν ώ α κ -ν ι t-y vu i-v ) ο ίμ ώ ζ - ω cry οΐμ οι

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
α να γκ ά ζω J o n e , «i»»ipel {ξαίφ νης suddenly
ά ρτι ju st non·, ttcn illy παρά ( + dat.) w ith, beside, iti
γρ α νς ( γρ α - ) , ή old wom.ut (j the presence o f
in .) (tin . s. γ ρ α νί'ϊ iiii. pi. σ ν ν ο ικ ίω live w ith, live
γρ α νς) together
δώ ρον, τό gift .bribe ( jb )

Vocabulary for Scction Nine C

ά -λ ο υ τ-ο ς -o»· nnwaslied δ ω σ -α ς you (s.) will give ίκ - κ α λ ί- ω callou t

αν διδ -ο ίη ν 1 w o u ld like to ( δ ίδ ω - μ ι]δ θ -) ίκττοδώΐ’ o u to t the way

g iv e ( δ ίδ ω - μ ι δ ο -) δ ώ σ -ο νσ ι they will grant tv γ ί hurrah! good!

γοΰν at any rate (δ ίδ ω -μ ι δ ο -) ή w ho (110111. s. f.)

δα»μοιΥ-α m y dear lady t -δο-οα ν they granted Οίράττίοι- ( θ(ρα~οι·τ-) , ό slave.

διά σ τό μ α oil her lips (δ ίδ ω -μ ι δο- ) servant (3a)

διδό-ι αι to i»ivc δό-r t grant! (pi.) κ α ιμ ψ - look!

( δ ίδ ω - μ ιιδ ο - ) ( δ ίδω -μ ι] δ ο -) κ α λ-ώ 1 shall call (fut. o f

δ ίδ ω -μ ι 1 give, otter δ ν ο -τ ν χ -ή unlucky (act. s. κα λ(-ω , t -ω contr.)

111.) μ α μ μ ί-α , ή m um m y (1 b)
δώ σ ·υ) 1 shall g iv e
tu t· very well μ ή λ-ον, τό apple (2b)
( δ ίδ ω - μ ι δ ο - )
.Ί. (ίηι/ΗΗΜΓ. I o a ib u h n o . L\trti>ts

π ρ ο σ -α γορ (ν-ιο a d d le '' φ ίλ τ α τ - ο ς -η -ον dearest

Mippnidioi M> rrlnne babv
σ~ασ/ι- ό ς ,ο discom tort (2a) ( φ ίλ - ο ς )
ό which (.nt. v » )■w hich
φ ν λ α ζ ( φ ν λ α κ - ) , ο , η guard
σπου&-ή, if haste (la)
(110 m. s. n.)
τ<ΐχ-ο>>', το w all (ol a ι it\) (3*·) <.W)
q[-oc -α -or w lu t sort ol
to TtK-f ii1 to be a m o tlu r. ω w ith/to w h o m ( s. in.)
o k to w hom ( pi. m.)
m otherhood ώ ς since, because
o-ep what indeed, the very
thing w hich (acc. v n.) ( τ ίκ τ - ω \ ϊ- τ ( κ -ο ν )

ός w ho (noni. v. m.) νττ-ακον-ο) o b ey, listen to

Ila tov iS -ης, o ot the dcm e ( + dat.)

Paioms (id) (totnuiniine
implying sex iu l prowess)

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
οίον a o»· what a! what sort of ii! φ ίλτα -ο ς η or most dear
-ροοαγορ(vo> iiddn'SS, speak to ( φ ίλος )
σπουδή, ή haste, zeal, φ ύλαζ ( φ ν λ α κ - ) ,ο , η guard
seriousness ( hi/ (3»)
τάχος, τό m ill (o f a (it)’) ( i c )

Vocabulary for Scction N ine D

ά -μ ( λ -( ϊ uncaring (dat. s. m.) ίκττοδώΐ’ o u t o lt h c w a y μ ν ττ} ρ ( μ ν τ ( * ) ρ - ) > ν n io th er

α -μ ε λ ίσ τ ίρ -ο ς -a ~ov more t v -τ ν χ ί-α , ή good luck (1 b) (3a)
uncaring ( ά -μ ιλ -ή ς ) 0(ράTTcuv ( Otpairovr-) , 6 ός w h o (nom . s. 111.)
ά-μ^λ-ή uncaring (acc. s. m.) vervain. slave (3a) π α ν -ο μ α ι cease fro m ( + gen.)
ar δράσ- tit (he) m ight do και δή there! π ρ ο σ -ά γ -ιυ b rin g (to) ( + dat.)
( δρά-ω ) *.·αιτοι and yet π ρ ό τιρ ο ν b efore, first
βαδι-ούμαι I shall walk (tut. κ α τα -γ(λα σ τ-ο ς π ν λ - η ,ή gate (la )
ot"βαΒίζ •ω: i-o j contr.) -or laughable, silly TCKi’-o»’, τό child (2b)
βαδι-ή you (s.) w ill walk (fut.
κα τα -κ λίν-ομ α ι lie d o w n Toi then
υ ίβ α δ ίζ -ω: (-ω contr.)
*AiriSi-or, τό little couch (2b) φ ίρ ( . . . φ ιλ ή σ ω c o m e . . . let
γ λ ν κ - d - a s\s cet (110111. s. f.)
Μ αν-ής, ό M anes (voc. me kiss
γ λ ν κ -ii sweet (nom. s. n.)
M a i- ή) (id) φ ίλ η μ α ( φ ιλ η μ α τ - ) , τ ό kiss
γλυ κ -w sweet (act. s. ni.)
μ ίμ φ -ο μ α ι criticise ( + dat.) (3b)
γ λυ κ -vs sweet (110111. s. m.)
μ η δ α μ -ώ ς noc at all χα μα ί on the g ro u n d
δ να -τυ χίσ τΐρ -ο ς -a -or more
unlucky ( δ νσ -τνχ-ή ς)

V ocabulary to be learnt
καιτυι and yet
^ ή τ η ρ ( μ η τ ( ( ) ρ . ) ι ί! ,,,ο ώ ,Ί
κοτακλίννμαι lie down
μ*μφομαι hlam c, (n tiu se .fin d
παύομαι cease fiom ( + ^-u.)
Ja u lt with ( + > i(Y . o r dat.)
rot the» ( infer fine)
μηδαμώς Hot a t. ill. IMno Wfiy
ο Scc tion X in c

V o cab u lary for Scction N in e E

ά λ (ίφ -ο μ α ι a n o in t (oneself) € κ -ό ν-ο μ α ι undress (gen. pi. n.) (lit. ‘as m any
ά μ ( λ α ot course f -λιττ-οΐ' fee λ ( ίπ - ω as’)
άνα-π-ηδά-ω ju m p lip ή δ -ύ sw eet. pleasant (nom . s. ό σ -τ ΐί he w h o (nom . s. m.)
ά π - ο λ - ο ίμ η ν m ay I die n.) ποΐ-09 -a -ov; w hat sort ot?
( ά π - ό λ λ - υ μ α ι\ ά π - ο λ - ) κ α ιδ ή there! ν ρ ο ο -κ ίφ ά λ α ι-ο ν , τ ό pillow
ά π - ό λ - ο ιτ ο n iav lie die κ ά κ ισ τα m ost badly (tr. ‘.in (2b)
( ά π - ό λ λ - ν μ α ι α ττ-ο λ-) a w fu l death ’) rrpo-Tctv-ω stretch forth
“Λ ρ τ ( μ ις , ή A rte m is ( u ) (acc. κ α τα -κ λίν -η Ο ι lie d o w n ! (s.) ’ Ρ ό δ ι-ο ς -a -or from Rhodes
“Λ ρ τ ( μ ιν ) (goddess ι'/ limiting κ λ ιν ίδ ι-ο ν , τό small conch α ιο ύ ρ -α , ή bl.m ket ( ι b)
and iha>tity ) (2b) σ τρ ό φ ι-ο ν, τ ό sash (2b)
β ι» (-ιυ m ake lo v e (to) κ υ ΐ’€-ω ( κ υ σ - ) kiss τα χ ύ q u ickly
( colloquial) λ ( ίπ - ω ( λιττ-) leave ν π ο -λ ύ -ο μ α ι undo o n e s shoes
γ ο ύ ι· .it any rate λ ν - ο μ α ι undo (one’ so w n ) φ ιλ ί- ω kiss
δα ιμονί-α m y d e a r y μ η & ίίς μ η & ίμ ί-α μη0€Γ φ ν λ ά τ τ - ο μ α ιμ ή take carc not
Sc-ομαι need, ask io r ( + gen.) ( μ η δ (ΐ’- ) no one. n oth in g (to)
δ ια - τ ρ ιβ -ή , ή delay ( u ) μ υ ρ ίζ - ω anoint w ith m yrrh φ η φ ίζ-ο μ α ι vo te (fut.
δός gr.m t! (s.) ( δ ίδ ω - μ ι δ ο - ) (int. μ υ ρ ΐ( - ω ) φ η φ ιί-ο μ α ι )
δ υ σ - τ ν χ ίσ τ α τ - ο ς -η -o r m ost μ ν ρ - ο ν ,τ ό m yrrh (2b) φ ία θ - o i, ή m:ittrew> (2a)
u n lu ck y ( δ υ σ - τ ν χ - ή ς ) λΐυ ρ ρ ιν ίδ ιο ι· M yrrh m e, ώ ν w h ich (gen. pi. f.)
δ ώ α -ω I sli.ill g iv e darling
( δ ί δ ω - μ ι 'δ ο - ) 5 w h at, w h ich (acc. s. n.)
( -δ ω κ -α ς y o n (s.) g a v e ό ζ - ω M iiell o f ( + gen.)
(δ ιδ ίο -μ ιΐδ ο - ) ο σ -ω ΐ’ o f.ill the things w Inch

V o c a b u la r y to be learn t
ά μ ( λ ή ϊ (< uncaring μ η δ ί ί ί μ η δ (μ ία μ η δ ίν wharf ever)
γλυ κύ ς cia ύ sweet (μ η δ € ΐ·-) no. ιιο one π οιος a ov; what <ort oj?
γ ο ύ »■di any rate οςή ό who. wlnit, which φ τιφ ίζομα ι rote (Jut.

δ ίο μ α ι need, ask.h eg ( 4 -g a t.) oorrep η ~ (ρ o ~ (p whoiwhich φ η φ ι(θ μ α ι)

δ ίδ ω μ ι ( δ ο - ) g it’e.grant indeed
(κ δ ν ο μ α ι uudre<> όστιν ήτικ ο τ ι w ho(ever).

O G ram m ar for Section N ine

A o r. t·»p t. act. and mid.
Β ίΒ ω μ ι, γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ ω , α μ € γ λ ν κ ν *

A . Grammar, I ’ocabularies, Exertises

V erbs
A o rist optatives, active and m iddle: π α ύ σ α ι μ ι , π α ν σ α ί μ η ν ; λ ά β ο ι μ ι ,

λ α β ο ίμ η ν
129 Y ou have already m et present optatives (95-7). H ere arc the forms
o f the aorist optatives, based on the aorist stems:

A c tiv e ( w eak) Λ lid d le ( w eak)

π ανσ-αι μ ι παυσ-αιμην
τταύσ-αα? ( -α ις ) π αύσ-αιο
παύσ-eic ( -α ι) π α ύσ -α ιτο
παύσ-αιμ€ν π α υ σ -α ιμ ίθ α
παύσ-αιτ^ παύα-αισΟί
παύσ-€ΐαν (-a ie v ) π αύσ-αιντο

(i) Lock for the aorist stem + αι or ei.
( ii) S o te the alternative forms o f the 2nd and jr d s. and jr d pi. oj the weak active. ( O n
optative in general, c f Language Survey ( 4 ) p. J 1 2 . )

Active (strong) Middle (strong)

λά β -οιμ ι λαβ-οίμην
λάβ-οις λάβ-οιο
λάβ-οι λάβ -οιτο
λάβ-οιμ€ν λα β -ο ίμ ίθ α
λά β-Ο ΙΤ € λά β -οισ θ ί
λά β -ote ν λάβ-οιν το
( i) Observe yet again that the endings of the strong aorist optative are identical
to those for the present. Look out for aorist stem +01.
(ii) As you will hardly need informing by now, there is no difference o f time between
present and aorist optative: the difference is one o f aspect, if there is a difference at all
which is really noticeable in translation.
130 Note the phrase απολοιμην (sometimes just ολοίμην) to express a
wish — may 1 die! damn me! (cf. the item άπολ- noted at 99). This use ot the
optative without av to express a w ish for the future will be fully introduced laiter

δ ίδ ω μ ι ‘ J g iv e '

'n . ^ ^ ^ave alrcady made a brief acquaintance with one -μ ι verb,

c o l l ΓΓ ,2c t m d ,n ° tCd " S Λ ·η" «-■ H « « n ow . in f u l l ,s the

njuymon o f δ,δα,μ,. 1, w.ll give you the key to all -μ , verbs, a, yo u will see.
O Section N in e , 1 2 ^ 1 3 1

Present indicative active Participle Infinitive Imperative O p ta tive

Stem: Βιδο-

δ ίδ ω -μ ι διδο-ύς διδό-ναι δίδο-υ διδο-ίην

δίδω-ς διδο-ύσα διδό-τω διδο-ίης
δίδα>-σι( ν) διδό-ν δίδθ-Τ€ διδο-ίη
δίδο-μ*ν (δ ιδ ο ν τ -) διδό-ντων διδο-ίμςν
δίδθ-Τ€ δΐδθ-ΙΤ€
διδό-α σι( ν ) διδο-Uv

Present indicative middle Participle Infinitive Imperative O ptative

δίδο-μαι διδό-μ€ν-ος δίδο-σθαι δίδο-σο διδο-ίμην

δίδο-σαι -ν διδό-σθω διδο-ΐο
δίδο-ται -ον δίδο-σθί διδο-ΐτο
διδ ό -μ ΐθ α διδό-οθων διδο-ίμΐθα
δίδο-σθΐ διδο-ΐσθ€
δίδο-νται διδο-ΐντο

Imperfect indicative active

Stem: 8i8o-

i -δ ίδ ο -υ ν
i -δ ίδ ο -υ ς
e-δ ίδ ο -ν
e-δ ίδ ο -σ α ν

Imperfect indicative middle

e-δ ίδ ο -σ ο
€ -δίδο-το

Participle Infinitive Imperative Optative

A orist indicative active
Stan: δο-
δο-ύναι δό-ς δο-ίην
ΐ -Btυ-κα δο-vs
δό-τιυ δθ-ίη$
e-δ ω -κ ας δο-νσα
δό-τ€ δο-ίη
€-δ(υ~Κ€ δό-ν
ι A . (Grammar. I Wabularies, h x e ri »><■

δό -ντω ν δο-ιμ€ν
e-δο-μίΐ' (δ ο ν τ-)
δ ο -lev
e-δο-σαν ( e -δω -κα v)

Imperative O p ta tiv e
Aorist indiiiUivv middle Participlc
δό-σθαι δο-ν δ ο -ίμ η ν
c-δό-μην δ0-μ€ΐ>-ος
δό-σ θω δ ο -ΐο
e-δο-υ ~V
δ ό -σ θ ί δ ο -ΐτ ο
c-δο-το ~ov
δό-σθω ν δο-ίμ^θα
e-δο-σθ€ δο-ΐσθ€

€-δο-ντο δο -ΐντο

Putin c active

(ch ., like πανσ-ω )

Future middle
(etc., like τταύσ-ομαι)

(i) Cjii’t'ii tlnu one keeps a firm grip on tlu stems ('διδο-, δο-j, ίΐκιτ is 1'try
little here that is difficult to recognise. The most remarkablefeature is the aorist inflection
with us change from ii-δω -κα , -κα ς, -κε to c-δο-μο’, -tc, -σαν in the plural.
(ii) τίθημι Ί place, put’ follows exactly the same pattern. For διδο-, δο- write τ ι 0c-,
6e- ami note that
(a) διδω- δω- ioriesponds to τιθ η- θη-
(h) διδου- δου- corresponds fi> nOet- 0ei- (but note the impf. ετίθ η ν), and
you have theJorms of τίθημι. In summary form, they are:
Indicative Participle Infinitive Imperative Optative
Present (active) (item nOe-): τίθ η -μ ι τ ιθ ϊ-ίς τιβε-ναι n'0c-i τιθα-ίην
Present (middle): τίθε-μαι τιθ 4-μ€νος τίθε-σθα ι τίθ ζ-α ο τ ιθ ε - ίμ ψ
Imperfect (active): i -τίθη-ν
Imperfect (middle): e-TiOe-μην
Aom t (active) (stem Oe-): e-θη-κα θ<-ίς Oe-ivai θ ί-ς 0e - i >
Aonst (middle): Ι-Οέ-μην Ο ί-μ ο ο ς de-oOac θ-ον Ο ϊ-ίμην
I mure (active): θήσ-ω (regular)
Future (middle): θήσ-ομαι (regular)
(On - μ ι verhs in general, see Language Survey (7).)
O Scction N in e, 13 1—133

A n o th e r ‘ root’ verb

132 T h e aorist ot γ ι γ ν ώ σ κ ω Ί know , perccivc, resolve’ is as follows.

e- γνω- ν I knew
c-y i’w
e- γ ν ω - μ ΐ ν
e- γ ν ω - τ f
t -γνω-σαν
Infinitive: γ νώ - να ι to know
Participle: γΐ’ούς, γιΌνσα, γνόν ( γ ν ο ν τ - ) ‘know ing’
It is another ‘root’ aorist, like βα ίνω , ΐβ η -r (cf. 126).

Ζγνων Ciin also he translated ‘ I made up my mind, / was convinced'.

A d jcctiv e s
α μ ελή ς, γλυκύς

133 The declension o f adjective-types like ά μ € λψ and yAu*ik is as follows

ά μ ς λ - ή ς - ς ς ‘ uncaring’


nom. ace. g a t. iLit. noitt. ακ. g a t. d<u.

ά μ (λ ~ ή ς ά μ ε λ -τ} ά μ ( λ - ο ΰ ς ά μ ί λ -ci αμ(λ~ΐί<: ά μ ( λ ~ ( ΐς α μ ( λ - ώ ν α μ € λ - ϊ ο ι ( ΐ ')

ιι. ά μ (λ -(ς ά μ ίΑ -ό ί ά μ ( λ - ο ν ϊ ά μ ί λ -ec ά μ (λ ~ ή α μ (λ -ή ά μ ίΛ -tiu ά μ ί λ - { σ ι ( »·)

γ λ υ κ ν ς - € t a - ύ ‘ sw eet'

Mt>m. diC. g a t. dat.

III. γ λ υ κ - v s γ λυ κ -ύ ν γλυ κ -(ο ς γ Χ υ κ -tt

(. γ λ υ κ -tt-a γ λ υ κ - t l- a v γλνκ-d -a c γΧ νκ-tt-n

γ λ υ κ - ίϊ

n. γλυ κ -ΰ γ λ ιικ -coi'



p i.

diC. g a t. dat

in. γ λ ν κ - € Ϊς γ λ υ κ - ( ϊ< γ λ υ κ -fo ji y \ v K - io i( 1')

f- γ λ ν κ - (ΐ·α ι γ λ ν κ - ( ί- α κ γ λ ν κ - ( ι- ιο ν yA u N -€ i-ais
n. γ λ ν κ -ca γ λ ν κ -c a γ λ ν κ -(ω ΐ γ λ ν κ - 4θ ι ( y )
t (.Μ·*»***. 1 *. l-vr**»·*·
, f * >vt«* ffcjf. w*»*r ®#j« * · l*r *rfw* Μ ν μ ,\w ώ* ι** «*♦ j -
v A»’ *■!%'·, *»r * miAfdJntr*\**m t in ·* W « t i r i W » v - i
«««>. ti>t I df\hm«T 1.4. 4 » ' if* In*·#** lewtw ■■**!« f O ^ t u i f r r 4* · J50 >
M il FW 1 <·*.«.»■* - ·«» W M fc <*1 »*· * 7 Γ * ’* ^ ir n f ir i u « ■· r- *r
* n r Jr.if* .·*·» · ·**■ w N p · ·.. i. r Jwi f <4 ·- * . * 7 ) >·’» .<"»/>*'“ * - » '· <
7 -τ ΐ,ί>«·Μ» I. 1 I. ΓΓ ft I
^ ^49 1^4 /tf^ ^iJ1 _i Pm
- rt#i t t *.* if I ί fW I »*t. i*/
, . . , . , · - · · *. / I
«,*»-·%-» 'e * t rft M A r * *»·*»». 1 »·η . π ι ^ , ι ϊ ι ι , ν κ . r·*·*, **«ι»ι( * i.

? ) k <>i j f ! l ' U( <| ή u t s ' . u U u l ·

l}4 ΓΚτ ρ»ιΛ>ιΐ*· .inl*ur«

* « * ,V · H f· · mt fo · ι- -

• • • » ♦
J •ft • H
• •
r 4 ΛΙ ί|Γ ν
< 4«
• • • • • P f
Λ * **» • « <K<
- -- - _ . —

V *r.
- 1 U rrU irit >·# fftr m s* ψΜ · , r t i.rfy Mrr tin Jefm ttr
k f f.
,M * " J* '* m^rrr *4· fcHiw· ,·( A f frl^+xj * txWf with th f Srt\*vtt
* ' ’■
^ -r=* " rt itAirvlr^.» ( * «* ««
IJ* |"'-«- τλϊ *τ»^.· («.(VHin miin*
»·Ιι ■· th «iiwti
»fv. *K..»n *t> *h.w tu»
«*! wV'iti . if
*L»t u. !«* b<% *»th »K*fe «Kiim
the lu lV m m g

? ί ** * * * * ” Λ **Γ * ' ’ **-« " f ^V* ***» n-» r fcfT JimJvnS

« »*i 1 w the |xvS II,,
4 y · ^ h *·* »···« 'tfvr HDitun ^Wjr / ΚΛ γ·
T 4^ “ Te ,h< **>*' * ***«»· I f»vr frr j r r t,
*·* > * V | ® ^ tS< Ktitw* u> * k n h ! * /
*U y t * n . · . , ^ |ln- Wi»fT(cn iritfc u b . >r I ft41 //*
^ *>'~*“1 *· ^ '-*· - *»»« α ν m wtiHh I fa Y -
t the fc U o \ t . r rM . .jj£ ^ v f d w h tch it p i k « up (th e (rc h n K iil
O \ W . ι j j - l J6

M i l . t *r th e ‘A o iv l it p i i k v u p i ' \uitc vct lcm " thus the .m t e c e i le m o f tlu* first

p h r j v : t« w i - m j n ' , o f the w m u l p l n ^ e ’K » v ' . on* ) in gender .uul number
i M n p u l j r o r pint »li. b u t its*.»\e is e n ti r e ly i l e t e i m i n e d b v the f u n c t i o n it t u l t i K m
the · η j ti vv c h u * i\ \ m i i‘.iM sec I i o i i i tlu* example*· g i v e n

W un
OJ V»*nr/iiij|·» riif JnrtiCiiail n suppressed. In that the relative w ill me, m
thr ih jh ·♦γη> tht Ux'/ u h o 't 'tlu' thing w h n lt'. depending on ιts gender, e g .
<5 i l V l i u , iWi.if you it'.nit, you have' (i e ‘ the things w huh you
ua^t ‘>
£> οί ά η υ ΐ ^ Α ΐ ι ι·Λκ 'whom thegods love, die* yount*’ (i.e.
'he whom '/
-1 * f i’M «ιim my /r«*r*i //i*· al>orf fx .i m plet. ( #nvi.· uv/Ar* rather like Γ η ^ Ικ Ιι in tht> respett
( n f It th* intr.c.U'nr is m f/ir jvriifn Y er i/.jmiy ni.*r, the ( ,reek relative ts μ»η> γμη(*λ
a l h j t h J ι·ιw irie»petlii"t' of the fm ution it diould have in tin" relative thane,

n u t άι tyn/»· im yiyrtu ox o j ‘ioniem tn^ the m m whom I rerogm w'
ι tl r us»u*J n tfti ro w (iityxu»· ru*k yiyvc/niwctf, m ite 'w h o m ' »» thr obftit of
/>wf thf relativr i**un>nnd inM r/ic i.i»r .»/ i/» anie.edent άιΛ/κήΐ' am i hetomrs
«** imifr j./ <·/ »»i”< /
13Λ I h r r c l . i t o c p r o n o u n ilocs l u \ e .» miml>er ot* othe i fo r m s , t h o u g h its
m e a n i n g it <»nl\ ' h g h t l v j h c r c . l th e r e in
oanrμ (όο·π/ρ) 'the verV o n e w h o
rt<rn« ( ·χ - τ ι< ;) ' a n y o n e w h o ' . I 'l n w ic i line* .» f o ll o w s .

$ r'

Ju l «.'(It J.. χΊΊΙ ihtt

• • ♦
m OOT4· th-rn <1 cn*rii»X y>ru t OIT1H* oporirai w irdtur ntarta t( v )
f ή·ηι n ψ»η»«( ijm I αΓπι n <ίστι»(*\ IVITll'llll' a la r m if t )
m <>τ· ilrt u'rii 1 iTrii'o ΟΤΙΙΌ (urni'wi 1 o larto if v )

f t ι th is 1* innply a lompoumi of of iihJ tis, eath *rparattly deelmed.
S^iwri*ir< tht lu v wontt appeal Ji one ( e g at dft! turdtthove), 1it ollnr times they iirt
*tp t, t f 0% tis, (* τι rh
Itii 7 hr followntti iMriitrif form · iirr allowed
$en o n tv for ounros.’ οτοη· for (u rriiiu r
άι/ ότω /(>r ω π ιΊ, oroci for u ln rta t
nom /Mf p i ή ττη lor a n r a
/n»> o o r . i t jm hr w e d 10 niirodm t indite «f question* ((J. 60, .i»r/r/ir.Ar the l,*t of relative
u u g e t thr re/.
Λ. Grammar , Vocabularies. Exercises
R e v ise
l>rcs. inf. 74~5
Aor. parts. 78-9» 82-4
φ η μ t 81
αυτό? 85-9

Exorcises for Scction N ine

(a) W o r d s (cf. Language Surrey (13 ), pp. 3 27I f ·)

1. Deduce the meaning o f the words m the right-hand colum ns trom
those in the let t:
αμελής μ έλει
δίδω μ ι ά π οδίδω μ ι ή δοσις η α ν τιδ ο σ ις
δώρο ν ή δωρέα Scopeω
μηχανή μηχανάομαι
σπουδή σπουδάζω σπουδαίος α ον
συνοικέω ή συνοίκησις
τ ίΐχ ο ς τ ε ιχ ίζ ω

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y and S y n t a x
1. Translate each sentence, then convert present optatives to aorist:
a. προσαγορεΰοις αν εμέ.
b. ήδέως αν παυοίμην τού τιολέμου.
C. έθέλοιμεν άν σπονδάς ποι€Ϊσθαι π ολλή σπουδή.
d. ούκ άν ττοιοίην τα ϋτα , ώ μητερ.
C όρωην άν ε γ ώ τη ν πόλιν.

2. Translate each sentence then substitute the correct part o f δίδωμι for
a. αρα παρέξεις μ ο ι δ έχεις;
b. παρείχε τα χρή μ ατα τή γυνα ικί.
C. τ ι ούκ έθ έλίΐς παρέχειν μ οι α δέομαι;
d. τί παρέχεις μοι τούτο το μήλον, ώ Μυρρίνη;
C. εξαίφνης παραοχώ ν τά χρή μ α τα α έδεΐτο ή γυνή , άπηλθεν ό ά νθρω π ος.
3· Translate each o f the following pairs o f sentences. Then join them
together into one sentence, following these patterns:
(a) Λ υσισ τρά τη γυνή 'Α θηνα ία έ σ τ ί · Λ υ σ ισ τρ ά τη λέγ ει.
= Λ υσισ τρά τη , ή γυνή ' Α θηναία έσ τί, λέγει
(b) τίνες εισιν ουτοι, τίνες διώ κουσι τον άνδρα;
τινες εισιν ουτοι, οι διώκουσι τον άνδρα;
Scction X in c

a. Κ ιν η σ ία ς έσ τίν άνήρ Μ υρρίνης. Κ ιν η σ ία ς β α δ ίζε ι προς τη ν ά κρόπ ολιν.

b. αι γ υ ν α ίκ ε ς ε ίσ ιν iv τη ά κ ρ ο π ό λει. α ΐ γυνα ίκα ς β ο ώ σ ιν.
C. οι άνδρες τά ς μ ά χ α ς μ ά χ ο ν τ α ι. οι άνδρες ούκ έθέλο νσ ιν ο ύ δ α μ ώ ς τον
π ό λ ε μ ο ν κ α τα λ ΰ σ α ι.
d. τ ί έ σ τ ι το ύ το ; τ ί (θ έλ ε ις λέγειν;
c. αί γ υ ν α ίκ ε ς έθ έλουσιν ά κούειν το ύ ς λό γ ο υ ς, τούς λόγο υ ς λέγ ει
Λ υ σ ισ τ ρ ά τ η .
ί. α ί γ ρ ά ες έχ ο υ σ ι τη ν ά κρόπ ολιν. εγ ώ τά ς γρα ΰς ιδεΐν δύναμαι.
g. π ο ύ έ σ τ ι Κ ιν η σ ία ς; Μ υρρίνη έσ τίν η γυ νή αύτού.
h. π ο ύ αί γρά ες; το εργον εσ τιν α υ τώ ν φ υ λά ττειν τά χ ρ ή μ α τα .
ί. αρα γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ ε ις τον άνδρα; ό άνήρ π ρ ο σ έρ χετα ι.
j. δει η μ ά ς ειρήιηjv ά γειν. ή ειρήνη α ιτία έσ τι π ο λλώ ν καλώ ν.

(d) E n g lish in to G reek

1. T r a n s l a t e in to G r e e k :
ι . W i l l the w o m e n refrain f r o m the bribes w h i c h the m en w ill g i v e
th e m ?
2. T h e s e g u a rd s are u n c a ri n g and g u a rd w it h 110 zeal.
3. T h e o l d w o m e n are m a k i n g a plan b y w hi ch they will capture the
4 . It s e e m s a g o o d idea to us w o m e n to b ri ng the w a r to an end.
5. W o n ' t a n y o n e force the m en to stop fighting?
2. T r a n s la t e into G r e e k ( w o r d s iti italics are g i v e n in the voc abulary):
1 vsisi k .\ i a W e must stop the w a r and m a k e a truce. W e will persuade the men.
w h o s e d u t y it is to fight, to d o w h a t w e want.
woman I sh ou ld like to. Hut h o w is it possible for 11s. w h o are w o m e n , to d o
this? S a y w h a t y o u ha ve in mind.
1 vs. W o u l d y o u d o w h a t I order?
w ο m r n W e w o u ld , by Zeus
* vs. T h e plan I h a v e in m i n d happens to be difficult. Listen then to the
w o r d s I speak, and o b e y . W e must all refrain fr o m λ λ !
mykruini I w ill not d o it!
κ 1 I:()\iki: N e i t h e r will 1!
1 Ys- Is there a n y o n e w h o will d o w h a t I orderr
*ΛΜΡ110 W e must bring peace and stop the men who fight the w a rs. I will rote
with y o u .
* v s· Dear Lampito! (rive me your hand.
1 λ m i* . H er e, I g i v e it.
1 Ys. G o then to Sparta and persuade the Spartans.
1 λ mi*. I will g o at once.
i 42 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

V o c a b u la r y
sex αφροδίσια, τα (*b)
vote with σνμφηφίζομαι
( + dat.)
Sparta /1ακ«δαίμω»'
( Α α κ(Β α ιμο ν-), η (3a)

Test Exercise N ine

Translate into English:
A Spartan envoy arrives. After he has explained how things stand in Sparta,
he and his Athenian counterpart agree to come to terms with Lysistrata.
Lysistrata states the conditions on which a return to work might be agreed.
(From Aristophanes. Lysistrata)
ΛΑΚΕΔΑΙΜΟΝΙΟΣ π ο ύ ή τ ώ ν 'Α θ η ν α ί ω ν β ο υ λ ή ; έ θ ε λ ή σ α ιμ ΐ άν ά γ γ ε ϊ λ α ι νέον τι.
ΑΘΗΝΑΙΟΣ σύ δέ τίς ει ος δεύρο βαίνεις π ρ ο ς τό τείχο ς, π ο λ λ ή σ πουδή β α δ ίζ ω ν ;
ΑΑΚ. κήρυξ ε γ ώ , ναι τ ώ σ ι ώ , και έβην ά ρ τ ι από Σ π ά ρ τ η ς π ε ρ ί ειρή νης.

Αθ. τ ί δ ’ ε σ τ ί σ ο ι τόδε, ο εχ ε ις εν τ α ΐς χ ε ρ σ ί;
ΑΑΚ. σ κ υ τ ά λα Λ α κ α ι ν ι κ ά .
Αθ. εΰ οιδ' ο λέγ εις. ά λ λ α τ ί γ ί γ ν ε τ α ι εν Λ α κ ε δ α ιμ ό ν ι; εϊπ ο ις άν.
ΑΑΚ. εΐποιμι άν ή δέω ς. κακόν γ ά ρ τι μ έ γ α ένεπεσεν ήμΐν- α ι τ ί α δε Λ α μ π ι τ ώ , ή
εξ Α θ η ν ώ ν άναβάσα έπεισε τ ά ς γ υ ν α ίκ α ς ά π έ χ ε σ θ α ι τ ώ ν ά φ ρ ο δ ισ ίω ν .
Αθ. και π ώ ς έχε τε ; κ α κ ώ ς π ά σ χ ε τ ε , έξ ώ ν λ έ γ ε ις.
ΑΑΚ κ α κ ώ ς π α θ ώ ν τ υ γ χ ά ν ω , ναι τ ώ σ ιώ . δει ουν η μ ά ς , π ε ιθ ο μ έ ν ο υ ς τ α ΐ ς
γ υ ν α ιξ ί, σπονδάς ποιή σ α σ θα ι, ας κελεύσουσιν α ύ τ α ί, καί καταλΰσαι το ν
π όλεμον.
Αθ τ ί ου καλοΰμεν δ ή τα τη ν Λ υ σ ισ τ ρ ά τ η ν , ή ποιησαιτ’ αν ή μ ΐ ν σπονδάς
μονη, επαθομεν γ α ρ και ημείς τούτο τό κακόν.
ΑΑΚ ναι τ ώ σ ι ώ . τίς άν εΐποι π ο ύ έστιν ή Λ υ σ ι σ τ ρ ά τ η ;

Αθ α λ λ η μ ά ς ου δει καλεΐν αυτήν α υ τή γ ά ρ , ά κ ο ύ σ α σ α ά έ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν , ήδε

βάσα τ υ γ χά ν ε ι

ΑΥ Σ ΙΣΤΡΑ ΤΗ ιτε, ανδρες τ ώ ν λ ό γ ω ν ακούετε ώ ν λ έ γ ω . ε γ ώ γ υ ν ή μ έ ν ε ί μ ι, νούς

8 €V€OTi μοι. τι νυν ό ν τ ω ς μ α χεσ θ ε και ου π αύεσ θε τ ή ς μ ο χ θ η ρ ία ς ΰ μ ε ΐς,
οίς οι αυτοί εισι β ω μ ο ί και αι α ν τ α ι θυσιαι; τ ί νύν "Ε λ λ η ν α ς άνδρας και
πόλεις ά π ό λλυ τε, οις αντί τούτων έξεσ τιν ειρήνην ίδεϊν, φ ίλο ις τ ’ ούσι
και σ ν μ μ ά χ οις,

ΑΑΚ ΚΑΙΑΘ καίτοι ούδέν άλλο δώρον δεόμεθα η βινεΐν δννασθαι.

ΑΥΣ απαντες ούν σπονδάς ποιησάμενοι καταλύσατε τον π ό λε μ ο ν , κ ά π ειτα
την αυτού γυναίκα λ α β ώ ν ά π ί τ ω έκαστος
Scction \ 'in c

β ο ν λ ή ,ή C o u n c il o f Five
H un dred (i.i)
r a i rw oiw b y the T w o G od**
σ κ ντά λα Λ α κ η ιν ικ ά 3
c o d e -s n ft* *
α φ ροδίσ ια, η ί sex (2b)
η γ γ ίλ λ ω an n ou n ce (aor.
ή γ γ (ιλ α )
μ οχθηρ ία ,Τ ) nastiness ( I h)
ά π ό λ λν μ ι d e s tr o y
α ν τί ( + g e n .) instead o f
σ ύ μ μ α χ ο ς, <5 a lly (2a)
β ιΐ'ίω n u k e lo v e (colloquial)
ΐκ α α τ ο ς η ο ν each

* T h e tw o go d s — C astor and Pollux.

** T h e m essage was w ritten on a leather strip wrapped round the pole and w hen rem oved
was u nintelligible: the recipient w ou ld have a similar staff for use in decoding.
Section Ten
Vocabulary for Scction Ten A

ayoptv-oj speak κάθαρμα ( κα θα ρμ α τ-) , τό Ι Ι ν ύ ξ ( Π υ κ ν - ) ,ή l’ n y x (3a)

ά γρ -ό ς,ό country (2a) purified place (3b) (mceting-place o f the ekklesia)
ά-βάνατ-ος -or imm ortal κάτω dow n π ο θ ί-ω desire
Ά μ φ ί-θ ( -ο ς ,ό Am phithcos κη ρ νττ-ω proclaim .herald. npoadtv in front
(2a) (comic name: "god on announce πρύταν-ις,ό p rvtan is(3c)
both sides’) κύρι-ος -a -or sovereign, with (current administrative officer
άπαγόντω ι· . . . αντών them pow er of the βο υλή )
leading (him) o ff μίνοντος 'Α μ φ ιβ ίο υ σιγά-υ> be quiet
άττο-βλίττ-ω look out Am phithcos remaining σ χοιιΊ-ον, τό rope ( ’ b) ( this
ti ros ( + gen.) inside όπω ς h ow . that was stained with red dye. and
ίρ ή μ -ος -oi’ em pty, deserted όργίζ-ομ α ι become/be made swept up and down the agora
(ΰ-νονς -ονι· well-disposed angry hy slaves to drive the citizens
(φ -obι-α , τό όφ( laic into the ekklesia)
travclling-cxpcnses, τταριλΟόντων πάντυΑ" all τ ο ξό τ-η ς , ό archer (id )
journey-m oney (2h) com ing forw ard (Scythian archers in Athens
ήκ-ω come παρ-ί'ρχ-ομαίιπάρ-ίιμι were public slaves used for a
θορυβί-ω clamour, raise a ( rraptXd-) com e forw ard variety o j policing duties)
χ ρ η μ α τ ίζ-ω do business

V o ca b u lary to be learnt
άγορ<νω speak (in assembly), θορυβίω make a distmhame.
ν ρ ντα νις, ό prytanis (3c)
proclaim din (m em ber o f the βουλή
αγρός, ό field, country! side) κάτω below
com m ittee currently in
κηρύττω announce,proclaim charge o f public affairs)
αθανατος ον immortal
όπω ς how? (answer to π ώ ς;), ο ιγ ά ω be quiet
ά ποβλίπω look Steadfastly at how (indir.q.)
(and awayjrom evi ry thing
π αρίρχομαι ( vaptXO-) come
Joru-ard, pass by, go by
vkui conic
Scction Ten «45

Vocabulary for Scction Ten 13

ά -γ ρ α φ -ο ς -ov unw ritten (μ -β ά λ λ - ω bum p into οσ -οι -at -a as many as

άδι κ -ο ν μ ΐ^ α w e arc being ( oktu > eight
w ro n g ed ( ά ϋ ικ ί- oj ) (£ -απατ-άοΟ αι to be deceived oA-oirro may they die
ά δ ικ -ο ν μ έ ν -ο ις being ( ίξ - α π ίΐτ ά ·ω ) ( ό λ λ ν - μ α ιό λ - )
w ro n g e d ( n h in i-ω ) ΐξ-α ·π α τ-ώ μ (Ι )a w e.ire ntiO-eoOai to be persuaded
άκα>ν ά κ ο ν υ -α dfcot' (being) deceived ( TTIl0-Oi)
( ά κ ο ν τ - ) lin w illin g(ly) ( (ξ-αττατ ά -o j) π αβ-όμ ^ ι -ος being persuaded
ά ν α γ κ ά ζ-(τ α ι lie is forced Ιξ-η -π α τ-ά ιμ ίΐ’-ος being ( 7Tfi0-O.>)
( ά ν α γ κ ά ζ-ω ) deceived ( ( ξ -η π η τ ά -ω ) irtlO-ovrai they are (being)
ανα γκαζ-όμ€ ν-οι· being ( ζ - ίσ τ α - μ α ι get out ol the persuaded ( ττ(ίΟ-ω )
forced ( ‘ΐν α γ κ ά ζ -o j) w ay 7τολ(μί-ίυ m ake war
α ν α γ κ ά ζ ο ν τ α ι they .ire toToi let it be: ό be it π ό ρ -os, 6 w ays o f raising.
(being) forced ίΰ-δαιμοΐ’ί-ω be happy provision (2.1)
( ayay«tt£-iu) <ΰ-ι·ου\ -oui’ well-disposed π ρ (σ β (ν -ο μ η ι deal with
avtv ( + gen.) w ith ou t ίφ -ό δ ι-α , τή travelling ambassadors
ά π -ο λ λ ύ -μ ι()ιι w e .ire being expenses (2b) σ νμ ~ β ονλ(ν-ω g iv e advice
m ined ( ά ττ-όλλν-μ ι άττολ-) O ta- 1?. ή n u k in g foe) σ ν μ ·μ α χ - ο ς ,ό ally (2a)
ά π -ο λ λ ν -μ * r -οι being ruined Αιοπ (ν-όμίν-ο< being τιμ -ά τ α ι (he) ι* (being)
( ά ττ-ό λ λν -μ ι) flattered ( Ourntv-w) honoured ( τιμ ά -ο ι )
ά π -ό λ -ο ιν το m ay they perish! Oio-ntv-tatiai to be flattered τ ρ ιή ρ -ψ , ή trirem e (3d)
( ά π -ό λ λ ν -μ α ι άττολ-) ( Oojncv-oj) τού Δ itfaitmoAtiu*
ά ρ χ -tr a i (it) is ruled ( ά ρ χ-tu) OujTHv-tu H.itter δόντος Dikaiopohs givin g

ά ρ χ -ω rule ltp - ά ,τ ά s.iirifice<(ib) τώ ν άλλίυν π ο λ ιμ ο νντω ν the

ά τίχ ρ -ώ ϊ really, utterly κά κ ισ τα most horribly others m aking war

γ (γ ρ α μ μ ίν -ο ς -·η -ov w ritten μ ίγ(0 -ο ^ , τό great si/e (3c) χ ρ η μ α τ ίζ -oj do business

8ια-φ 0(ΐρ-όμ(\·-ος being μΐ)τ< . μΐ)τ( neither . . . nor φαίη he m ight say (w ith άν)

corrupted ( δ ια -φ θ ΐίρ - ω ) rtw pt-ov, to dockyard (2b) (opt. Of φη(it)

δ ρ α χ μ -ή ,ή drachm a (la) όδοι-ιτόρ-ος, ό traveller (2a) Φ ιλ ί-aj be accustomed, used

e?fy .ill right then όδ-rk , η road (2.1) to

( κ - δ ικ ά ζ -ui n i.ikeju dgn ien t 01s' what (after rrei’.θ-ομαι)

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
pay for tw o days’ kdl: (in pass.) b 'k illed . die.
aKojv ακουοα άκον
attendance at the ckklcsiay perish (Mr. ώ λόμην)
( ά κ ο ν τ -) nnwiUinglly)
tltv very in 'll then! όσος η ov a* nniih as (pi. as
α τιόλλνμι ( άττολεσ-,
tvvovf ov r well-disposed nhmy as)
άπολ-) k ill, tuiti . destroy;
μ ή τ ( . . . μ ή τ ί neither . . . nor π ο λ (μ ίο ι nirikc ivar
( in p jfs .) be killed eft. (tior.
όδο irropotfO traveller (2d) τρ ιή ρ η ς,ή trireme (jd )
ά ιτω λόμην)
όΒό\, ή road, tray/2a) φ ιλ ίω he used to; lore, kiss
άΐ'ίυ ( + gen.) without
ολλνμ ι (όλ<σ-, ο λ - ) destroy. χ ρ η μ α τίζω do h i fines*
δρα χμ ή, ή drachma (to ) (coin;
146 A . Grammar, Vocabularies. Exercises o

Vocabulary for Scction Ten C

Jio vvo t-α ,τ ά festival ot ν ίκ τ α ρ ( v e n ra p -) , τό nectar

αιβοΐ yuk!
Dionysus (2b) (3b)
dipt-ομαι choose
δόι το? 'Α μ φ ιβ ίο υ A m phitheos ό ζ -uj smell o f ( + gen.)
αίοθάν-ο μαι
g iv in g ό ξ - ν τ α τ -a m ost sh-.rplv
( αίαθ-) perceive. notice
ήΒιστα most pleasurably ( ο ξ - ύ ,)
άμβροσί·α, ή ambrosia (lb)
ά ρίσκ-ω please ( + dat.) ( ή&·νς) τταρ α -σ κ'(υ-ή.ή p on .

ό member o f the λα β ό ιτω ν αυτώ ν them taking eq uip p in g (ia)

dome Akharnai (3g) (111 . 1ακ« δαιμόνιω ν . . . όλιαάντιον π ίν τ ίτ - η ϊ -«ς tor ti\ e years
central Attica, in the path oj the Spartans destroying τρ ία three (n. of τρ (ΐς)

Spartan attack's) Α α κ ΐ& α ίμ ω ν ( Λ α κ (8 α ιμ ο ι·-), τρ ια κ ο ν το ύ τ-η ς -cy for thirty

γ(ύμα ( γ ΐ ν μ α τ - ), τό taste, ή Sparta (3a) years

sample (3b) λ ίθ -ο ς ,ό stone ( n ) χ α ίρ α ι· π ολλά
γιύ -ο μ α ι taste Μ αρα θω νο-μάχ-ης, ό fighter κ ίλ ΐν ω v b iddin g a lon g
BcKtr-ης -ts tor ten years at the battle o f Marathon farew ell to
Δ iKaiorroXdus . . (ΐττόι/τος ( which took place in 490) (1 d)
Dikatopolis saying μ η -ncj not yet

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
α'ιρίομαι ( ί λ - ) choose γ ( ύ μ α ( γ ( υ μ α τ - ) ,τ ό taste. oSe and I but lie
αισθάνομαι (α ίο θ -) perceive, sample (jb ) o lS e and/hut they
notice γ ίν ο μ α ι fajfc οξύς d a v sharp; hitter; shrill
aptanoj please( + dat.) ή δ ισ το ςη ο ν most pleasant ■napaOKcvrj, -ή preparation,
άρχομαι be ruled (sup. o f ήδνς) equipping;force ( h i)
άρχω rule ( +gen.) λίθος, ό stone (2a) τ ρ ΰ ς τ ρ ία three

O Grammar for Scction Ten

Pres., impf. pass.
Gen. abs.
Comp. adv. and two-tcrmination adjs.
Opt. o f φημί


Present and imperfect passive

verbs which lK‘ VC " K'“ ,"d lcJnU v,:rb' «hich ir e aaivc m ami
(active verbs in " , d,stmcnon lus usually been one o f form
° r •f“ - middlc ' “ b* ■» -MaO. «hough occasionally .he
O Scction T en , 137-140

m e a n i n g has been radi cally altered b y the co n v er s i o n o f an act ive v e r b into a

m i d d le , e.g.
π είθ ω ‘ I pe rs ua de’
π είθ ο μ α ι ‘ I b eli ev e in. trust’
W e n o w c o m e to the third and final v o i c e - the passivi.. T h i s does ha ve a
specific m e a n i n g , w h i c h c a nn o t be ig n o re d . It signifies that the subject o f the
sentence is having something done to it, e.g. ‘ the slave is b ei n g b eaten’ , ‘ the soldiers
w e r e cut d o w n ’ , Ί shall be d ef e a te d . ’
m i : M l D D L l l . S o y o u h a v e n o n e w learning to do; but y o u must n o w be alert
to the possibility that w h a t y o u are used to as a m idd le f o r m m i g h t be
passive - and th er e fo re carr y a different m ean in g.
138 C o n s e q u e n t l y , to take an e x t r e m e e x a m p le , π είθ ο μα ι coul d mean ‘ I trust',
but it c o u ld e q u a ll y be the passive f o r m o f π είθ ω and mean ‘ 1 a m being
p er sua ded ’ . L ik e w i se , π α ύο μ α ι c o u ld mean ‘ I stop m y s e l f ' or Ί a m being
s t o p p e d ’ . In practicc, o f course, the c o n t e x t will m a k e it clear w h i c h meaning is
required. T o help y o u g et used to the n e w m ean in g, passive fo rm s will a lw ays
be a c c o m p a n i e d b y ύπό + g e n it iv e = (‘ b y ’ a person), o r b y a dative (‘ b y ’ a thing,
or ‘ w i t h ’ a thing), e.g.
π είθ ετα ι ύπο εμού ‘he is bei ng persuaded b y m e ’
επαύοντο ύπο τ ώ ν άνδρών ‘ they w e r e bei ng stopped b y the men
φ υ λα ττό μ εθ α το ΐς δ ικ τύ ο ις* ‘ w e are being guarde d b y nets’
εβαΧΧόμην τ ο ΐς Χίθοις ‘ I was bein g pelted wit h stones

G e n it iv e absolute
139 W h e n a no un + participle stand together in the gi .nitivi ·, they
must often be translated b y a clause be g in ni ng wit h ‘ w h e n ’ , ‘a s , ‘since’, ‘alter .
‘ because’ , as best suits the co nt e xt , e.g.
κεΧεύοντος τού κήρυκος, τ ί μενεις; (lit. ‘ the herald order ing , w h y do
y o u w a it ? ’) ‘ w h y wait w h e n the herald orders?’
τώ ν ανδρών φ νγόντω ν, επαντήΧθον. (lit. the men flt-ting, I r e t u r n e d )
‘ w h e n the men fled, I returned’

A dverbs
C o m p a ra tiv e and superlative adverbs
140 T h e c o m p a r a t iv e a dv er b is the accusative singular neuter ot the
c o m p , adj., e.g.
• O b tc rv c tlu t φ υλαττόμεθα τα δίκτυα m en u \v e gu.udi.ig ourselves against the nets’ ,
or *\vc are w atching out for the nets .
. 1. Grammar, I oialntlaries. Exercises o
σοφ ώ τίρος ‘ more wise *- * σ όφ α ιτίpov “more wisely
KdKLOjy worse —>κακιον πι λ w ors e w.t\ * w or s t
The superlative adverb is the ace. n. pi. o f die superlative adjective, e.g.
σοφ ώ τατος 'most, very wise —>σοφιοτατα most, v c iy wisely

S o te
Irregular adrerhs μά λλον ’ more, rather (more)'
μ ά λισ τα ‘ much, very much, a great deal'

A d je ct ivcs
Two-termination adjectivc<
141 You have already met some types o f adjective that decline the
same in the m. and t. (e.g. κακοδαίμω ν). There are a number o f adjectives like
this of the καλός type as well, which do not decline -η -ην etc. in the f., but, like
the masculine, -os -or, etc. These are called two-termination adjectives because
they have only two sets ot endings one for m .ft'., one for 11. Y o u have already
met one ot these, έρημος ‘deserted’ , which has occurred m the sentence έρη μ ος η
Πι-υξ the Pnyx is deserted . One would have expected έρημη, but the adjective
is two-termination, using the same form for m. and f.
Most two-termination adjectives are compounds, e.g.
ά-δικ-ος -or ‘unjust'
ά-Οάνατ-ος -or ‘immortal*
cv-δόκιμ-ος -οι· ‘o f good reputation’
ά-δννατ-ος -ov ‘impossible’
but there are a number ot other adjectives which are two-termination without
being compounds as such, e.jr.
β ά ρ β α ρ -ο ς - ov ‘ b a r b a r ia n , f o r e ig n '

V erb
O p tative of φ η μ ί

142 Note the optative ot φ η μ ί *| say'

φ α -iTt.

C.en. case 9 1 - 2 P res. o p t. 9 5 - 7
Section I'cn. 140-142

Exercises for Section Ten

(a) W o r d s
1. Deduce* the meaning o f the word*, on the right from those on the lef t:
αίσθάνομαι ή αΐσθησις
ά κω ν έκώ ν
πρντανις το πρντανίΐον

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y and S y n t a x
1. Translate each sentence, then, making the necessary changes m nouns
and verbs, change from active to passive:
a. τιμή. τούς χρησ τού ς ό δήμος.
b. αναγκάζει ημάς σπονδάς π ο κΐσ θ α ι η . Ιυσιστράτη.
C. ά Βικοΰσ ιν οι ρήτορας την πόλιν.
d. έζαπατά ό ρήτω ρ τον δήμον.
C. θωπ€υομ€ν την Εκκλησίαν τοΐς λό γο ις.
f. 7TeiOere τούς πολίτας cΙρήνην ά γα ν.
g. τά δώρα έπ€ΐ0€ τον δήμον.
h. 01 λόγοι τώ ν ρητόρω ν Ί]δίκουν την έκκλησίαν.
1. τά τ ( ίχ η έφ ύ λα ττ c την πόλιν.
j. α ί μ η χα να ί τώ ν γυνα ικώ ν ήνάγκαζον τούς ανδρας σπονδας ποι^ΐσθαι.
2. Translate each pair o f sentences, then join them into one. using the
genitive absolute construction:
a. ά π ή λθον ot άνδρες. ή μ ίΐς Se προς την πολιν (ττορίνομΐθα.
b. έδ ω κέ μ ο ι τό άργύριοι· ή γυνη. έγω 8 απήλθον.
C. 6 θίός μ έ ν α . ο ί δ ’ Α θ η ν α ίο ι ού βούλονται άκούαν.

d. οί ά λλο ι π ο λίμ ο ύ σ ιν . έγώ Β ’ ο υ πολ€μησω.

e. ή πόλις ά δικίΐτα ι ύπο τών ρητόρων, οι δ Αθηναίοι ονδΐν φροντιζονοιν.
f. ή έκ κλ η σ ία π€ρι τον π ολίμον <χρημα τιζ εν . ο δέ Jt/caiOTTO/W ονδίΐ
g. ή έκ κλ η σ ία ύπ ’ ούδο’ός άρχ€τα.ι. ο δ( δήμος π οιά ά (θ έλ α .
h. οί Ά χ α ρ ν ^ ΐς λίθους έλαβον. έγώ δ έφε>/γην.
ι. ό μ έν Ά μ φ ίθ (ο ς €0ωκ€ τας σπονδας- ικαιοπολις δ (δίπατο.
j. ό μ έ ν κήρυζ έκήρνζίν. ό δ € θί,ος εσιγησ^ν.

(d) E n glish into Greek

Translate into Greek:
1. T h e h e r a l d w a s m a k i n g h is a n n o u n c e m e n t w h i l e th e p r v t a n e s c a m e

into the assemblv.

A . Grammar, !' ociihularies, hxerci>es

2. The people were being persuaded to make war b y the politicians,

while the farmers gazed out into the countryside.
3. The politicians are said to be well-disposed towards the city.
4. Τ ί κ Spartans arc destroying our land while w e are being deceived by
the politicians.
5. The assembly is ruled by no one.

2. Translate into Greek:

1lere arc the prytanes! Now they have come, you can be sure that the
politicians will come forward, wishing to speak. W e farmers will keep
quiet, looking out into the country, forced against our w ill to hear the
words spoken by them. I3ut they will not tell the truth. T h e y always
say that the city is ruled by itself and is beloved o f all the politicians.
But they arc well-disposed only to themselves. T h e city is being
destroyed by them; but no one will move business about that, or about
peace. The whole thing is not at all to my liking.

Test Exercise T e n
Translate into English;
Dikawpoln defends his action in getting a pence treaty fo r him self with the
Spartans. Hi gives his on n version of the causes o f the Peloponnesian War.
(From Aristophanes, Akharnians)
ΔΙΚΛ10Ι10Λ1Σ μη θοpufcire, ώνδρας οί θεώμενοι, εί πτω χός ών ή κ ω εγώ και εν
^ βίαιοι? λίγω ν άρχομαι περι τής πολεως, κω μω δίαν ποιών. το γάρ
ικα π νο ώ ε και κωμωδία. εγώ δ ϊ λεξω δεινά μ ίν , 'δίκαια 6 *. ού γά ρ μ *
Τ / 6 διαβ α λ(Ι οτι, ξένων παρόντων , ύπ’ εμού κα κώ ς λέγετα ι η
™ ις. αυτο£ γάρ ίσμεν, κοΰπω ξένοι πάρεισιν. Ιγ ώ δε μ ισ ώ μέν
Λακεδαιμονίους σφόδρα. άπόλοιντο αύτοί και οί παϊδες καί αί γ υ ν α ίκ α .
^ αυτω*' VaP ή αμπέλια μου κόπτεται, ημείς δ ’ iv τή πόλει
τS δέ νόαψ άπολλνμ<θα, «V «ί r o w ά γροί,ς « ί

^ (ύ μ ™ y ip ο! " f * " * ΦΟ») "ώ *

u * u 2 T Z rr~ . 4μών (o ix i τήν ,τόλ.ν λ4γω.
o S d r - Λ “Τ « · ™ . , μ ά λ ,ο τ α Sk lU p .K * V
VS r i r ' * ayopa,
Λακεδαιαον' \ ° μ€νειν. t o jv δε Μ εγα ρέω ν και τών

αυτή η α ρ χη το ν πολέμου.
Section Ί \ η 1 51

I 'ocahulary
τττωχόί,ό b egg ar (2.1) σφόδρα very m uch ητταρος,η mainland (2a)
f Dikaiopolis fuis borrowed άμ ττ(λία, ή vineyard (1 b) άφ αιρίομαι
some rags from Euripides fi> ατάp but (α Φ *λ -) withdraw

gain sympathy) μ ί μ im)oO( rem em ber ψ ήφ ιΟ μα,τό decree (3b)

κωμωδία, ή c o m e d y (1 b) Ο νλύμτ. r«os the O ly mpian α ρχή, ή c ju v ( ia )

αυτοί alone, by ourselves τίθ η μ ι pass ( o f J law)

Section Eleven
Vocabulary for Scction Ele vcn A

Note: from now on. prefixes in compounds will not be hyphenated, and new
torms will be glossed as a whole, without hyphens.
άλλον . . . άλλοι· ο ικ ·. .. (7cpo< . . trcpoi· one .. . ov w here (at)
another .mother (ot tw o) ό χ λ -o<. ό erovv d (i.i)
α-ίφ -<κ -or inexperienced m ΕΐΗ .ργίύ-ηϊ, ό t uerijidcs ( ι d) Σ τρ νμ ό δ ιο ρ -ο \, ό
( + ty.u.) tit Jil;,nti S trvm o d o ro s(i.i) (a young
’.Ίττολλόδωρ-οί, o 1μά η-οι·, τό ilo.ik (jb) dikastl
;\polU>iloroN ii.\) Κ ω ;*ι-ος,ύ Konii.\\(uU ί>ι τ ν χ - η , »/ to iiim e. piece ot
1protecting in the ui>«' 1 JikiHti lin k (l.l)
άσπήζ-ομαι vtreet. w elioine λ η μ π ρ - ο ς - ά -or tamoiis. χρήμ< *(χρημ«7- ) , τ · ·
διατρίβ-α> p.iw time, be notorious .ΐΜοιιινΙιιημ M/e. am ount
6ικανικ-όί -όι· μ η & ί . . . μ φ ί neither .. . nor (3b)
in tv f fa ih ti Int. 111Γ. ot •Vatp-a.jJ N eaira(ib ) iLOt-tu vhoVe
ίίτιτ/χή νω (Jtleiufant in the ease)
ότιτ/χάι·-ω meet ( + d ll', ν η κ α ια ύ ·/( and you. loo

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
άλλο* .. . άλλοι1 one . . . jnothei trfp o i . . . tripuv ι·ιιι , τν χ η , ή i htiiit e , /ortnne ι jVi>i/i'r
άσχάζο /iru fleet, wekoim onothei M two) h a d )I id>
ύικανικός τ) όί ittilii iiil ΙμάτνΗ-,τό rlo.iktjh j m Oiw push, .^horc
1ι·τνγχή ι·ω (ίι·τν χ-) meet μη&ί . . . μ ΐ)ό ϊ neitlii r . . . not
with,tome ii/n'ii f,ijt.)

Vo cab ul ary for Scction El even B

·*γω ιίζ-ομα ι to I v\\ β^μ·^(βημ>*τ-).τή (ϊκ*>ς riyhtly, re.iMinably
‘ΐ-ο ϋ ,θ ω -μ ί(α π ο ό ο -) pledge. podium Ubi
(ΐτ< <?r# whether or
Hiv e ruck 6iti4>fp-uj nuke .1 dittei eiu e ικάτΐ(>-ο< -a -o»· e.uh (of two)
Scction lilct’ cti A —D

tv fp y (7 (-iu benefit κ ο ιν -ό ς -ή - ό ν com m on. π ρ ο σ ίχ -ιυ τον co w pay

εΰνοι-α, ή g o o d w ill (ib ) undivided attention
εφν-ν be, be naturally (from κ ύρ ι-ος -a -ov valid τιμιυρέ-ομαι revenge oneself
φ ν-ομα ι) ξ ε ν ί- α ,ή alien status (ib) on
ε χ θ ρ -α ,ή h ostility, en m ity όττωί see to it that ( + hit ύπ ά ρχ-ω begin, start ( + geil.)
(ib ) md.) φ ιλόπ ολις
καί μήν w h at's m ore όρκ-os', ό oath (2a) φ ύα- is', 17 nature (3c)
κατά ( + act.) in accordance ττολιτπράγμων φ ν-ομα ι g ro w ($α εφ υν)
w ith ιτολνπραγμον meddling χ ρ ίμ π τ -ο μ α ι clear one’s
κ α τ ή γ ο ρ -ο ς ,ό p rosetm or, τ;ρ οκα τ α γιγ ν ώ ο κ -w throat
accuser (2.1) ( π ρ ο κ α τα γνο -) pre-judge

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
διαφ έρ-ω make a difference, εύνοια, ή g ood u -ill( lb) κατήγορος, 6 prosecutor (2a)
differJrom ( + g fn .); be κα ί μ η ν what's more; look! όρκος, 6 oath (2a)
superior to ( + gen.) κ α τά ( + a n .) according ro; ■προσέχω τον vow pay attention
«*Tt . . . ίΓτ< whether . . .o r down; throughout: in relation to( + dat.)
ΐκ ά τ(ρ ο ς a o v hoth fo j two) to

Vocabulary for Scction Eleven C

άγω ν ( ά γ ιο ν - ) , ό trial, con test εχΰρ -ός, ό an enem y (2a) κατέστησε (he) placed
(3a) τ)δικΐ]Οτ} (be) was harmed. ( καθίστημι κ α τα ο τη σ -)
ά γ ω ν ίζ-ο μ α ι g o to l.iw . fight w ronged ( ά δ ικ έ-ω ) μεγά λα very much, greatly
αδικηθείς harm ed, w ro n ged ήδικήθην I was harmed, όπως see to it diat ( + Jut.
(nom . s. m .) ( ά δ ικ έ -ω ) ssronged ( ά δικέ-ω ) md.)
ά δικηθέντες harm ed, θυγάτηρ ( θ υ γ α τ (ε )ρ -) , ή ον μόνον . . . άΛΑά καί not
w ron ged (ηοιη. pi. 111.) daughter (3.1) only . . . but also
( άδικέ -ix>) καΟ ίστη-μι ( κ α τα ο τη σ -) set ττενί-α, ή poverty ( I b)
άναστάντες standing ιιρ ιιρ. put, place (χ in > π ιο τεύ-ω trust (+ d at.)
(nom. pi. m.) position) νροδιηγέ-ομαι g iv e a

( ά ν ίσ τ α μ α ιά ν α σ τ α -) κ α ΐγ ά ρ intact prch m im ry outline o f

α ντίδ ικ -ο ς, ό contestant (2a) καταστάς being put (ηοιη. s. πώποτε ever, yet
Στέφ αν-ος, ό Stephanos (2a)
ά ρχ-*).ή start (1 a) πι.)
δ ια τε λ (-ω continue ( καθίσταμαι, κα τα σ τα -) (who lived with Seatra in
coiKt it seems κατέστην I svas placed Athens)

<οχατ-ος -η -ov furthest, ( καθίσταμαι κα τα σ τα -) τιμιορε-ομαι take revenge on

svorvt κα τέσ τη he ssas placed τιμω ρί-α , ή revenge (1 b)

( καθίσταμαι κα τασ τα -) νπάρχ-ω begin ( + gen .)

ευ π οιέ-ω do g o o d to. treat
well κατέστ7)μεν we svere placcd
Ιχ θ ρ -α ,ι J hostility (ib ) ( κα θίσταμα ι κα τα σ τα -)

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
άι·τίδικοα,ό contestant in cv TTOttix) treat well, Jo good to
άγω ν (ά γιον- ) , ό contest, trial
έχθρα, ή enmity, hostility ( ib)
(J*) lawsuit (2α)
αρχη. 7 beginning. start ( in) εχθρός, ό enemy (2a)
α γω νίζομ α ι contest.go to law
I >4 A Grammar. Vocabularies, ixercisvs

ον μόνοι’ . · αΑΑα κα« tiof τ ιμ ιυ ρέομαι hike riTCHiJf i)»j

έχθρό'; ά or h o lile . enemy
(irl/)’ buialn' τιμ ω ρ ία , ή revenge, ι engeance
Ooj—fvoj fitntei
τ ιο π υ ω fn i'fi (lb )
καί γάρ in /«ii/; yet. certainly
υπάρχω begin ( + g i’n J

Vocabulary for Scction Eleven D

άδικηθ(ίς wronged. harmed (7τ ιδίΐ’κι·ι/-μι τταρά ( + a c t.) against

(110111. s m.) (ά δ ικ έω ) ( ίτ τ ώ α ξ - ) demonstrate, π αρακαλέ-ω encourage, urge
αίσχϋΐ'-ΐ), ij sense ot shame. prove παρανόμων as illegal
humiliation (1.1) ίσ χα τ-os' -η -οι· worst, most rrtvi-a, ή poverty (1 b)
dAAorpi-os -a -oi‘ .llicn severe π ροίξ ( ττροικ-) , 1) «.low r> (3a)
flianSp-os -oi· cowardlv. έταίρ-α, ή w hore, prostitute rrportpov p reviously. first
feeble (ib) σ υμ φ ο ρ -ά ,ή chance.
ά σ ίβ ί-ω tU comm it sacrilege v)bικήθην I was w rouged. misfortune, disaster (1 b)
upon harmed ( άδικέω ) τιμά -co tine ( + dat.)
άτιμ-ος -οι· depris ed ot all Ουγάτηρ ( θιιγατ( t ) p - ), ή τ ίμ η μ α ( τ ιμ η μ α τ - ) , τό a tilie
rights daughter (3a) (3h)
ά ώ α φ έ-ο μ ιι take s (acc.) καταστας τοσ-οΰτοϊ -αυτή - ο ύ τ ο (v ) so
trom s (ace.).1 1.11in ( κ α τ α σ τ α ιτ -) placed, put. great
βονλtv r -ής, ό member ot made ίβ ρ ίζ act violently
βουλή (id) ( καθίσταμαι κα τα σ τα -) against
γράφ-ω propose καταστήσας Φ άσκ-ω allege
δ η μ ότ-η ς,ό member o f ( κα ταστησαντ-) placing, φράτηρ ( φρατίρ- ) , ό m em ber
deme. demcsman ( ι it) putting, making o f a phratry (3a) (aphratry is
έγγυά-ω give 111 marriage ( καϋιατημι κα τα ο τη σ · ) a group o f families: as such it
t 'σάγ-ω ( tio a ya y - ) introduce καταστήσ<σϋαι to be put Julfilletl various religious and
ίκ τ ίι-ω ( tK Ttio-) pay (a tine} ( καθίσταμαι κα ταστα - ) social functions)
ίλάττοΛ· ( ίλα ττο ν -) less. καταφροι·έ-ω despise. hold 111 φ (υδ-ής-ές false, lying
smaller (comp. ufoAiyot) contempt ( + gen.) ΦήφιΟμα ( φ ηφ ισ μ α τ-) , τό
ti& d -a , ή poverty {ι b'· otK tt-oso relative (2.1) decree (3 b)
ίξ(λέγχ-ω convict, expose οΓός τ ’ ί ΐμ ΐ be able to ( + mt.) χάριν οίδα be grateful to
ίττιίοθησαν (they) were όνΐι& ίζ-ω rebuke, reproach ( + dat)
persuaded ( ττίίθω) (

V ocabu lary to be learnt

α σ ΐβ ίω (U commit sacrilege άφαιρέομαι ( άφ( A- ) lake Λ daughter (3a)
(an.) from ) tiiti.). cl,mu κ α ό ισ τ η μ ι( κα τα ο τη σ - ) set
αλλότριος a or someone fisc's, α σά γω ( (Ισ αγα γ-) introduce
tilini up, make. place. put X (act.)
έσχατος η ov uvrst. furthest. in ( « κ ) V
ά τ ιμ ο ς ov deprived of citizen IilSI
ngllts κ α θ ίσ τα μ α ι( καταστα- ) be
θ υ γ ά τη ρ (θ νγ α τ(( )ρ ·) . ή
placTil, bt pur, be made
O Scction Pleven .Ί D , 143

οΐ ό ς τ ' ί ΐ μ ί In 'jl’lt to ( + i n f ) rrportpov (adv.) pn‘viou<ly φ ίν Β ψ ίς Jalse, lying

rrapa (-\-acc.) against; to; τιμααι f i t i e ( -f- dat.) ψήφισμα (φ η φ ιο μ α τ-),
compared with; except; along, τ ίμ η μ α ( τ ιμ η μ α τ - ) , τό aline τό decree ( fh)
beside (jh)
π ΐν ία ,ή poverty ( ih ) τοσούτος αύτη ο ύ το (ν ) so
νρότ(ρο<; a ov first ( oj tw o), g ni}l

O Gram m ar for Scction Eleven A - D

Aor. pass.
ΐσ τ η μ ι, κ α θ ίσ τη μ ι

V erbs
A o r is t p a ssiv e ετταύ\σ\θην Ί was stopped '

143 T h e forms o f the aorist passive are as follows:

Indtcati re Participle
e-π α νσ θ -η ν ‘ I was stopped’ etC- τταυσθ-eis -ila a -ev ( cvt - ) ‘stopped’
€ -παύσθ-ης
c-π α ύσθ -η
i -π α ύσθ-ησ αν

S o te s
(i) l ltc aorist passive m eans '/ was —ed ’ , regarded simply as an event, not a
process (cf. the imperfect passive, which regards the action as a process— I was /wing
-e d ’ ).
(ii) Son- tht augment, to show the past tense, and the stem/endings in -θη-. \ o t all
verbs have the Θ in the aorist passive, but the -η- will give the clue. e.g.
γρά φ ω —*·£γράφ-η-ν.
( Hi) S o te that the form of the aorist passive is impossible to predict, though it is usually
easy to recognise (the O-η gives the clue), e.g. π αύω —>1παύθψ’ or ίπαύσθην,
κ ελεύω —* ΐκ ΐλ ΐύ σ θ τ ) ι»; κ ω λ ύ ω —*€κωλνθτην.
(iv) S o te the change o f the final consonant of the stem before -Θ in:
ττίμττ-ω ( €π€μπ-θην)-+£ττζμφ-θψ’
δ ιώ κ ω ( ΐΒ ιώ κ -θ ,η ΐ')—*ΙΒιωχ-0'ηι·
φ νλά ττω ( iincontr. aor. Ιφ νλα κ -σ α )—*£φνλάχ-θψ·
Por verbs which use the aorist passive form, but are active in meanings, m 206.
( v) S o te the nor. pass, of διδωμι-' e-δόθ-ην.
.Ί. Cirammar, I ’ocabularies, I.xer cists o
ΐσ τ η μ ι ' I *Ct u p ’
144 Y o u have already met άνίσταμαι Ί get (myselt) up and g o 98: here
now are the details ot the verb ot which it is a com pound.
Remember two things:
(a) the basic meaning is ‘ I am in the act o f setting something up’ ;
(b) (i) one set o f forms, the active ones, carry the meaning Ί am setting
something up\ and will always have an object in the accusative so that yo u
know what it is that the person is setting up;
(ii) another set o f forms, called ‘ quasi-passive’ , mean Ί am in the act o f
setting myself up', i.e. Ί am in the act ot standing’, and need 110 object;
(iii) the last set o f forms, called ‘ middle’ , mean Ί am setting x up tor
myselt’ . A number o f these middle torms are the same as the quasi-passive.
Here are the principal forms and meanings o f ΐσ τ η μ ι divided according to

(a) A c tiv e (taking a dircct object)

Present indicative Participle In fin itiv e Im p erative Optative

Ί am setting x up': present stem Ιστα-
ΐσ τη -μ ι Ιστά-ς Ιστά-ναι ΐσ τ -η Ισ τ α -ίη ν
ΐσ τη -ς ιστά-σα Ισ τ ά -τω ίσ τ α - ίη ς
ΐσ τη -σ ι( ν ) ιατά-ν ΐσ τ α - τ ζ ίσ τ α -ίη
ΐστα-μ εν ( ισ τ α ν τ -) * /
ιο τα -ν τιο ν ιστα-ιμΐν
Γστα-τ£ ίσ τα -ΐτ€
1στά-σι( ν ) Ισ τα -icv
Im perfect indicati ve
‘ 1 was setting x up’
ΐστα -μ ίν

AoflSt IfldlCiltll’C Piirtirinh* Τ τ

f In fin itive Im perative O p ta tiv e
I (did) set x up’ : aorist stem ο τ η σ (α )-
t -οτηο-α r ,- '
(etc., like έπαυσα) W -α ? -ασα-ακ σ τή σ -α ι σ τή σ -ο ν σ τ η σ -α ιμ ι
ο Section I-leven A - D , 144

I'u tin e indicative

Ί will set x up*

σ τ ή σ -ω
(etc., like π α ύ σ -oj)

\o te s
(i) S o t e similarities with δ ίδ ω μ ι - τ ίθ η μ ι (sec 131 and S o te s). T h e present
stem is ίσ τ α - , Ια τ η -, and that controls the shape of all present and imperfect forms:
where δ ιδ ο - β ίδ ω - occur , obsetve now ισ τ α - β σ τ η - . I he future and aorist stem is
σ τ η σ and gives absolutely regular weak aorist and future forms.

(b) Q u a s i-p a s s iv e (taking no direct object)

Present indicative Participle Infinitive Imperative O pta tive

Ί am in the act o f standing up’ : present stem Ιστα-

ϊσ τ α -μ α ι ίστά-μζν-Ο'ς ΐσ τα -σ θ α ι ιστα-σο ιστα-ιμ ην
ΐο τ α -σ α ι -V Ιστά-σθα) ίστα-ΐο
ϊσ τ α - τ αι -ον Γστα- σ θ ΐ Ιστα-ίτο
ίστά-μεΟ α ίστά-σΟων ίστ α-ίμςθα

Ισ τα -σ θ ζ ίστ η-ΐσθί
ισ τα -ν τ α ι ί στα-ΐντο

Im perfect in d ica tive

Ί was in the act o f standing up'

ΐσ τα -σ ο
ισ τα -σ θ ζ

Aorist in d ica tive P articiple In fin itiv e Im p eia tive O p ta tiv t

I did stand up, I stood up’: aorist stem σ τ η - Ισ τ α -

οτή-θι στιχ-ιην
c-οτη-ν στά -ί σ τ ή -i'fit
e- σ τ η - ϊ στή-τιυ στα-ό ]<
t* στα-ίη
€-στ7) στή-τ€
στά-1'rojv στα-ΐμ€ΐ·
*-θ τη -μ ζ ν ( σ τα ντ-)
V στη-ΐτ€
σ τα-ic ι
^ -οτη-aar
, -s A . G ram nnu . I 'ocabulartes, Exercises
Future indicative

‘ 1 shall stand up
σ τή σ -ο μ α ι
(ctc., like π α ν σ -ο μ α ι)

( c) M id d le (taking a direct object)

Forms arc the same i.. the present and imperfect as for the quasi-passive. N o t e
the middle aorist: ‘ I set up x for myselt .

A orist indicative

l -σ τη σ -ά μ η ν
i -σ τή σ -ω
e-σ τή σ -α το
ς -σ τη σ -ά μ ζθ α
ς-σ τη σ -α σ θε
e-σ τή σ -α ντο
C f. the aorist indicative active.

S o tes
(i) This is all absolutely predictable in the present, imperfect and future - t
forms are tin regular middle forms based on the active. T h e single oddity is the aorist
€στην ( σ τ α - , σ τ η - ) (cj. the root aorist ϋβη-ν 12 6).
(ii) Interestingly, you arc not yet in a position to be able to say in G reek ‘ I atn standing.
You can say ‘ / am in the process of standing' , but not actually' here I stand'. 7 o say that,
yon will have to use the (as yet unmet) perfect tense in the form which m eans ' I have set
myself up’ - and consequently am standing.
(Hi) If you note nothing else, hold on fo the vital difference in form and meaning between
the aorists (since you will tend to meet these most o f all in reading):
ίσ τη σ α ( σ τ η σ - ) ‘ I did set (someone) up’ (needing an object)
Ιστην (στα-, σ τ η - ) Ί stood' (no object needed)
(iv} The 'true' aorist passive is i - σ τ ά θ - η ν Ί was set up’ .
145 The most important compound ot ΐσ τ η μ ι is κ α θ ίσ τη μ ι. In its ijffiVi' forms
( καθιστημι, καθιστην, κα τέσ τησ α , κ α τ α σ τή σ ω ) it means ‘ I put som eone tu
(usually tU) a certain position ; in its middle forms ( κ α θ ίσ τ α μ α ι, κ α θ ισ τά μ η ν ,
κατέστην, κ α τα σ τή σ ο μ α ι), it means Ί am put into a certain position’ , or ‘ 1 am
ckctui, 1 am made, I become\ c.t».:
κατέστην cis πενίαν Ί was placed in poverty, 1 became poor’
κ α τ ΐσ τ η σ ί ημάς €ΐς απορίαν ‘he ptaccd us in despair, he made us
despair, he reduced us to despair’ O
Section E leven A - D , 14 4 -14 5

Exercises for Scction Eleven A - D

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y a n d S y n t a x
1. Translate the passage, choosing the form o f the verb w hich fits the
Ά τ τ ο λ λ ό Β ω ρ ο ς έ μ έ ή δ ίκ η σ ε μ ε γ ά λ α καί ( κ α τ έ σ τ η Jκ α τέσ τη σ α ν ) η μ ά ς
π ά ν τ α ς €ΐς π ο λ λ η ν α π ο ρ ία ν, μ ά ρ τυ ρ α ς γ ά ρ φ α υδά ς ( ά να σ τά ς(
α ν α σ τ η σ α ς ) έν τ ω δ ικ α σ τ η ρ ίω elXev έμ έ κ α ι τ ίμ η μ α ήτησ€ μ έ γ α . έγά>
ούν ο φ ά λ ω ν το τ ίμ η μ α τ η π ά λ α κ α ι €ΐς α τ ιμ ία ν ( καταστα?/
κ α τ α σ τ ή σ α ς ) , έκ τ ή ς π ό λ ζ ω ς ( έ ζα ν έσ τ η σ α (έξα ν έ σ τ η ν )· έπ€ΐτα δέ, έκ
τ ή ς π α τ ρ ίδ ο ς ( ά ν α σ τά ς (α ν α σ τ η σ α ς ) €ΐς Μ έγα ρ α ά π ή λθ ο ν, ου ζ ΐς πενία ν
( κ α τ α σ τ ά ς { κ α τ α ο τ η σ ας ) έμ ενον δυο έτη .
2. Translate each sentence, then change present tense to aorist:
a. ή γ ά ρ έ μ ή θ ν γ ά τ η ρ €ΐς π ενία ν κ α θ ίσ τ α τ α ι διά τα ύ τη ν τη ν δ ίκ η ν.
b. Α θ η ν α ίο ι ουν ά ν ίσ τ α σ ιν έκ τ ή ς Α ίγ ίν η ς το ύ ς Α ίγ ιν ή τ α ς .
C. υ μ ά ς δέ, ώ ά νδρςς δ ικ α σ τ α ί, κ α θ ίσ τα το €ΐς π ο λλη ν απορία ν τά ς έμά ς

θ υ γ α τ έ ρ α ς κ α τ α δ ικ ά σ α ν τ ζς έμ οΰ.
d. ό Sc κ α τ ή γ ο ρ ο ς ο ύ τ ο σ ί ά ν ίσ τ α τ α ι έν τ ω δ ικ α σ τη ρ ίω και το ν φ εύγοντα €ΐς
φ όβ ο ν κ α θ ίσ τ η σ ιν .
3· Translate these aorist passives, then pair with their present forms:
έ κ λ ή θ η σ α ν , έλή φ θ η , ή π ορή θ η ν, κ α τα δ ικ ά σ θ η τς, έ ζη λ έ γ χ θ η ς (convict),
έ ζ ΐδ ό θ η μ α ν (give in marriage), ύβρίσθη (do violence to), δ ιη λλά χθ η σ α ν
(be reconciled to), έγρά φ ην, ώ ργίσ θητ€ (be made angry), (λέχ θ η ,
έ β ιά σ θ η μ ς ν , κ α τη γ ο ρ ή θ η , άπ^λύθης, απ€ ΐτΐμφ θησαν (send away),
έ ξ η π α τ ή θ η ς , έ π ΐίσ θ η ν
π €ίθ ω , λ έ γ ω , κ α λ έ ω , λ α μ β ά ν ω , β ια ζ ο μ α ι, € κδιδω μ ι, ο ρ γ ίζο μ α ι, υ β ρ ίζω ,
έζα π α τά ω , άποπ έμπ ω , έ ζ^ λ ςγ χ ω , δ ια λ λ α τ τ ο μ α ι, γρα φ ο μ α ι,
κ α τ η γ ο ρ έ ω , ά π ο ρ έω , α π ο λ ύ ω , κ α τ α δ ικ α ζω
4- Translate these sentences, then change the aorist passive verbs, with
their subjects i f necessary, to singular or plural as appropriate:
a. ot μ έν γ ά ρ δ ικ α σ τ α ί ύπο τή ς α π ο λο γ ία ς ουκ € π ασθησα ν, €γω δ(
κ α τςδ ικ ά σ θ η ν .
b. άλλα μ η ν ού δ ια φ έρ α μ ο ι €ΐ ούκ α π ζλυ θ η ς, αλλα κα τςδικ α σθ η ς.
C. και γ ά ρ ο ύ το ς 6 Aoyo? έλέχθ η υπο το ν α ντιδικ ου
d. ύ μ ά ς δέ ή δ ικ ή θ η τζ ύπο το ύ το υ μ ΐγ α λ α .
5- Translate these sentences, filling m the correct tbrm o f the aorist
passive participle:
a. έγ ώ evvoiav έ χ ω €ΐς τον άνδρα τον υπο Σ τέφ α νο υ α δικ η θ — .
b. ή μ ΐΐς δέ π€ ΐσθ— ύπο το ΰ ά ντιδικ ο υ δ ίκην (λα β ο μ ςν
1^0 Λ . (ίίιίπιπίι» , I Ouibuliirit'<, I:.xcrci>t’>

c. τή ς δε γ υ ν α ικ ό ς εξα ττα τη θ - ύττο το ν ά τ ιμ ο υ κ α τ α φ ρ ό ν η σ α ' ο α νη ρ . ^

d. βιασΟ - δ ’ εμ ο ύ ά σ ά γ α ν το ττα ιδ ίο ν α ς τ ο ύ ς φ ρ ά τα ρ α ς, ή Ο υ γ α τη ρ α ς
ςχθραν κ α τ έ σ τη .
ο. ίμο'ι 8k ά τ ίμ ω ο ντι και ά ττορη θ- ο ί φ ίλ ο ι ^ β ο ή θ η σ α ν.
f TOls δε γ ερ ο ύ σ ι τ ο ΐς ύττο Κ λ ίω ν ο ς έ ξ α π α τ η θ - ττολλά ς 8 ρ α χμ α < ζ δ ο μ α '.

(d) E n g lis h in to G r e e k
Translate into Greek:
1. Apollodoros was grievously w ro n ged by Stephanos and N eaira.
2. A b ig fine was asked for by Stephanos.
3. Apollodoros faced the prospect o f getting into terrible trouble.
4. Stephanos put A pollod oros in great danger.
5. Apollodoros w as persuaded to take vengeance against Stephanos.

Vocabulary for Scction Eleven E

α ισ χν ν-ο μ α ι l t d Mu me. be ίΐκ ό ς right(lv) σ ττουδ ά ζ-ιυ be co n cern ed

a\lum cd € κ δ ίδ ω - μ ι( ( κ δ ο - ) g iv e in σττουδα ΐ-ος - a -or m ip o t.
a V * 5or-os'-or unm arried n u rru g c ' serums
αρχ w b e jjn ( + pcn.) κα τα φ ρονί-ιυ despise ( + gen.) 7€ κ μ ή ρ ι-ο ν , τ ό e v id e n c e ( ib )
ά τ ψ ί - α ,ή h W r . g l m ( i b ) wdiTiS cv cry o n c
γ α μ ί- ω m arrv __ · , , . . , , .
^ π ρ ο ιξ ( ν ρ ο ικ - ) ,η d o w r y (3a)

V o c a b u l a r y to be learn t
α ισχύνομα ι ht ashamed .feel <,V0« likely, probable. σ π ο υ δ ά ζ ω he com erne J,
reasonable, fair «rrtons; Jo >r»ion>fy
αΡΧω hcyiitf + g in .) ,tu lc καταφροι·(ο} despise, look σ π ο υ δ α ίο ς « or important.
^ doll’ll on I -(-(.Ifpij serious
α τιμ ία , ή loti oj iitiz a i ri\>hl>

O Grammar for Scction Eleven E

Ace. (nom.) and inf.

A ccu sative and infinitives

Βούληιΐί, *|l a^rc^ y mct " o r d s w hich take an infinitive (e.g-

infmitivc 'h ™ X 8° ^ ^ xvords w h »«-'h can take an accusative and
Here irc !>m . “ *“ T “ ‘ I " U'St BO'; Ρ°ίλ °Ι*αί « Ιίναι Ί want vou to «o').
M>,,U m° rC- bl" o f ■
>«M fc™ , type. T hey .,11 introduce « m e *>'rt o f
O Section Iileven Ii, 1 4 6 -14 9

indirect speech (i.e. w o rd s, thoughts, feelings etc. not directly quoted, but reported
as takin g place), and it is this indirect speech w h ich goes into the accusative and
ο ΐο μ α ι Ί think that . . .’ (but not necessarily very strongly)
φημί Ί say t h a t . .
ν ο μ ίζ ω Ί consider t h a t . .
ηγούμαι Ί think t h a t . . ( o f a firm ly held opinion)
φάσκω ‘ I allege t h a t . .
147 T h e subject o f the ‘ that’ clause appears in the a c cu sa tiv e and the verb in
the ΙΝΠΝΙΤΙvh. R e m e m b e r to start y o u r translation w ith the w o rd ‘that’, e.g.
ν ο μ ίζ ω σ€ μ ώ ρ ο ν εΐν α ι ‘ I consider that y o u arc foolish’ (cf. English ‘I
consider y o u to be foolish’)
eφ η Ν ε α ιρ α ν κ α τα φ ρ ο ν εΐν τ ώ ν θ εώ ν ‘he said that Neaira despised the
148 O b s e r v e that the tense o f the infinitive tells you w hat was actually said. If
the speaker said o rigin ally ‘ w e will k n o c k ’ , this becom es εφη η μ ά ς κόφ ειν ‘he
said that w e w o u ld k n o c k ’ {future infinitive).
149 If the subject o f the ‘ that’ clause is the same as that o f the main verb, it will
either not appear, or else w ill appear as a nom inative, e.g.
εφ ην ά φ ίξ ε σ θ α ι ‘ I said that I w o u ld com e
εφ ην εκ είν ο ν ά φ ίξ ε σ θ α ι ‘ I said that he w o u ld com e
η γ ε ίτ ο α ύ τ ο ς σ οφ ό ς είν α ι ‘ he considered that he was him self wrise
η γ ε ίτ ο α ύ τό ν σ οφ όν είν α ι ‘he considered that he (i.e. someone else) was
w ise’ O

Exorcises for Scction Eleven E

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y an d S y n t a x
i- Translate each statement, then, using the verbs given, turn them into
indirect statements. H o w is the translation altered i f you use the past
fo rm o f the verb?
1. ο κ α τ ή γ ο ρ ο ς σ π ο υ δ α ιό τ α τ ο ς εσ τιν άνθρω π ω ν. (φ η μ ι/εφ η ν)
2. ε γ ώ εις μ ε γ α ν κίνδυνον κ α τέσ τη ν . ( φ η σ ιΙεφ η )
3- α εί λ ε γ ο υ σ ί τ ι δεινόν ο ί ά ν τίδ ικ ο ι. (τγ γ ο ύ μ α ιΐη γ ο υ μ η ν )
4· ό Σ τ έ φ α ν ο ς ε ισ ή γ α γ ε ν €ΐς το υ ς φ ρατερας τους α λλο τρ ιο ν ς π α ΐδα ς.
( φ α σ ί{εφ α σα ν )
5- η Ν ε α ιρ α ο ύ κ α ίσ χ ύ ν ετα ι καταφ ρονούσα τώ ν νομώ ν, ( τ ι ς ουκ αν
ο ΐο ιτ ο ;(τ ίς ούκ ο ΐε τ α ι; )
6. εβ ο υ λό μ εθ α τ ό τ ε τιμ ω ρ ε ίσ θ α ι τ ο υ ς εχθρούς, (φ α μ εν/εφ α μ εν)
Ih2 /I. (Jratmnar, I ouihularics, Exercises o

Vocabulary for Scction Eleven F

Ά θ ή ν α ζ ί to Athens ήθΐ-ο<, 6 bachelor (>a) συν€ρχ~ομα ι (avvcX O -) to m e

ά σ τ-ή , ή female citizen (la) κ α τα θ ΐίν α ι to put d o w n togeth er

άστ-ός, ό male citizen (2a) ( κατατίΟ ημι κ α τ α θ (-) σώ μα ( σ ω μ α τ - ) , τ ό b o d y (3b)

ίθ η κ ίν lie put dow n Κ ό ρ ιιθ - ο ς ,ή C o rin th (2a) τ (κ μ ή ρ ι- ο ν , τ ό evid en ce.
( τίθ η μ ι 6 c-) Λ υ σ ί-α ς, ό L y s ia s (id ) (lover oj p r o o f (2b)
(λήφΟηααν aor. pass, o f .\teianara) T iO tva t to be p u ttin g d o w n
λαμβάνω Μ ιτ ά ν α ρ -α , ή M etaneira (la) ( τ ίθ η μ ι)
io p r-ή, ή festival (t.i) (slave oj Λ ’ikarete) τοίνυν w ell n o w (resinning
(■πιδίίκνν-μι μ ικ ρ -ό ς -ά -όν small narrative)
( Ιττι&ίιξ- ) show, prove μ ν ί -w inm ate τ ρίφ-α> rear, raise
(ρ α σ τ-ής, 6 lover (id) μ ν σ τή ρ ι-α , τά the M ysteries φαν(ρ-ό<; -ά -όν clear, o b vio u s
ΐρ γ ά ζ-ο μ α ι w ork. earn a (2b) Φ ιλ ό σ τ ρ α τ -ο ς , ό Plnlostratos
living Ν ικ α ρ ίτ -η , ή N ikarete (la) (2a) (Lysias' friend)
ίτα ίρ -α , ή w hore, prostitute ( slave—owner) ws (+ a o r.) to (die h ouse of),
(ib) π αιδο π οίΐ-ομα ι have children w uh

V ocabulary to be learnt
Ά θ ή ν α ζ ί fo Athens ( σ ) μ ικ ρ ό ς ά ό ν small, short, τίθη1ι ι ( θ ( - ) put, plact", make
ά σ τή , ή Jitnalc itltzen (ta) little φ α νιρός ά όν (tear, obvious
αστός, ό male citizen (2a) π α ίδ οπ ο ιίο μ α ι have children (Is i+ d ff.J towards, to the
era ίρα, ή whore, prostitute ( ih) συνέρχομαι ( σ ννίλ θ - ) come house i>J
έταίρος, ό (male) companion together
(2,1) τεκμήριο ν, τό evidence, proof

O Grammar for Section Eleven F

τίθ η μ ι

V erbs
τ ίθ η μ ι Ί place, p u t ’

•I nn, n l‘ 5° Y T ' : r ' C alr<:acly b<:cn alort,;d to tl,c s*m'l>riti« between τίΟ η μ .
I put. place and δ.8ωμι (scc , 3I (ii)). Here are the forms in full:

P n s a u i, P v r n d p l e l „ / i ,u n „ e O p M iv r
Sfciii: τ ιθ ί- 1

\ fZ -7 Τΐθα ' [ ς τιθέ-να ι τίθ ς -ι τ ιθ ζ-ίη ν

τ ι € ΐοα τ ιθ ΐ- τ ω τ ιθ ί- ίη ς
O Seition lileven Γ, 150

Participle Infinitive Imperative O p ta tive

τίθ·η-σι( ν ) τιθ ί- ν τίθε -re τιθζ-ίη
τίθε-μεν ( τιΟξντ-) Ti0e-VTOJV τι Οζ-ϊμζν
τ ίθ ί-τ € τιθζ-ϊτΐ
τι04-ασι( ν ) TiOe-iev

Present indicative middle{


τίθς-μαι τιθζ-μζν-ος τίθί-σθαι τίθϊ-σο τιθς-ίμην

τίθζ-σα ι -V τιθί-σθω τιθς-Ιο
τίθς-ται -ον τίθ^-σθ e τιθζ-ΐτο
τιθί-μ ζ θ α τιθί-σθω ν τιβζ-ίμΐθα

τ ιθζ-οθΐ τιθ ΐ-Ισ θ ί

τίθς -νται τιθς-ιντο

Imperfect indicative active

i -τίθζ-ις

Imperfect indicative middle /

i -τίθί-σο
f -τ ίθζ-το
t -τιθϊ-μζθα
f -τίθ ζ-ν το

Aorist indicative active

Stem: 6e-
β€-[ς θ€-ίναΐ θί-ς θΐ-ίην
€-θη -κα
*-θη-κας θ ς-ΐσα
64- t w θ € -ιη ς
θ ί- τί 0€-ιη
Ζ-θη-«€ θέ-ν
ΘΙ-ντων θ€-ίμα'
ί-θς-μ ^ ν ( θ α ’Τ-)
Ζ-θ€- τ <
θ ί -u v
€-θί-σαν ( ( - θη-κα ν)
164. A . Grammar, Vocabularies, lixcrcises V-

A o r ist indicative middle Participle Infinitive Im perative O p t a t iv e

(-θ(-μψ> θ€-μ€ν-ος θ ί-σ θ α ι θ -ο ϋ θ ζ - ίμ ψ

€-θ-ον ~V θ ΐ- σ θ ω $€-ΐο
e-θ ε-τ ο -ον θέ-σθ€ θ ς - ίτ ο
Ζ -θ ί-μ ίθ α θ ί- σ θ ω ν θ ξ -Ιμ έ θ α
(-θ ξ -σ θ ί Bc- ΐσ θ ζ
θ€ -tvro
€-θ€- 1'ΤΟ

Aorist indicative passive

Stem: T€0-
€-τ4θ-ην τ ΐθ - ΐίς τ ΐθ -ή ν α ι τέθ -η τι τ ζ θ - ζ ίη ν

i -τ ίθ -η
1- τ 4θ-ημ€ν
( A ll quite regular, like c-ττανσθ-ην)

Future indicative active

θ ήσ-ω
(etc., like τταύσ-ω)

Future indicative middle

(etc., like π ανσ-ομαι)

S o les
(i) Remember the stems τιθ€-, 0t-.
fn) S o te the aorist active ϊθ η κ α (cf. ίδ ω κ α )

list lZ m
,h""""t t '"f'™
a as the passive of τίθημι. 'he''«*■* «<*««ά*
'"•’ r<'hoh«y ° f « * * ™ * K ii. -νμ>. c.x . bciKv-υ μ ι. These <md «
ϊ ί ΐ ΐ τ ! 7 » S,C" 'S + ’ a" d “ S' Kh « * « # * " U * f«l. Seiicu .or.

Jof the !" " " m " " Ρ^ “ " mUl jm Pe,/M ll'X aP'
Present active: Partieinb i c ■
WtKvv-u, s ' Infimtwe Imperative O p tative
δάκνυ-ς €ΐκνν-ς - σ α StiKvv-yai beU v v Β α κνύ-οιμ ΐ·

δ ΐίκ ν ν -σ ι(ν ) etc.

ο Scction hleven /·’, 150

Present middle:
Participle Infinitive Imperative O p ta tive
δ ζίκ ν υ -μ α ι etc. δ ζΐκ νύ -μ € νο ς -η -ον δα 'κνυ-σ ϋα ι δεικΐ'ΐ/-σο δ α κ ν ν - ο ίμ η ϊ
Intpetjeci <icitve:
eSeiK rv-v
cSctKV-υ ς
eSeiK-υ etc
Im petjed middle:
(δ ε ικ ν υ -μ η ν eti.

Exercises for Scction Eleven F

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y a n d S y n t a x
1. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences, then change the tense or aspect o f
the verbs as indicated:
a. ύττςρ δε τή ς Μ ΐτ α ν ίίρ α ς ό σ ο φ ισ τή ς π ο λλά ς δρ α χμ ά ς τίΟ ησιν (aor.).
b. τ ιθ ς ν το ς (aor.) δε rot; σ οφ ισ το ν τά χ ρ ή μ α τ α ύπερ Μ ςτα ν ά ρ α ς, ή
Ν ικ α ρ ίτ η ούκ έδίδου (pres.) α ύτή ούδέν, αλλά καΟίστη (aor.) εις απορίαν
τή ν π α ΐδα .
c. εττειτα δε, τή ς π α ιδος €ΐς άπορίαν κ α τα σ τά σ η ς (pres.). |δο£ε τ ώ σοφ ιστή
τ ιθ ίν α ι (aor.) π ο λ λ ά ς δρ α χμ ά ς €ΐς τά μ υ σ τή ρ ια .
d. ι£γώ δε’, *φη, ‘ούτα> π ο ιω ν τά χ ρ ή μ α τα τα ΰτα ύττερ Μ ίτ α ν ίίρ α ς θήσω
(aor.) α ύ τ ή ς .'
C. £λθών δ ' Ά θ ή ν α ζ ζ 6 Α υ σ ία ς και π ολλά ς δρα χμ ά ς θζίς (pres.). καΟίστησι
(aor.) τή ν Λ7ικ α ρ ίτ η ν και Λ7ετάΐ'ειραΐ' ώ ς Φ ιλόσ τρα τον.

(d) E n g lis h in to G r e e k
Translate into G reek:
1. Stephanos will say that Apollodoros began their enmity.
-2. Apollodoros yud that he wanted to avenge himself on Stephanos.
3· Apollodoro·* will say that he did not wrong Stephanos.
4- M an y men put dow n a lot o f money on Neaira’s account.
5· A p ollodoros says that Stephanos is living with a slave as his wife.

Vocabulary for Scction Eleven G

^ i + o p t . ) ‘ w o u ld ' όρχω ι· ( α ρ χ ο ν τ - ), ό nrehon <1 (-fo p t.) ‘it . were m ’

e *'( + im pf.) ‘w o u ld 1 (3.1) « (-H m pf.) ‘ i f . . . w o r e - m g ’
ατ?αί once hiatipiv-ui determine, ju d g e (ΐ& ίίην optative o f oiSa
Λ . Grammar, I ocabttlarics, I:xcriisc> o
μαρτυρί~σ. ή evidence. π α 'τή κ ο ν τα fitly
ίΐθί (+opt.) 1 wish that!
witness (lb) π λο ν θ ι-ο ζ -a -or rich,
w ould!
μ ίν τ ά ν = μ ίν τ ο ι άν w ealth y
toiKt it seems (reasonable)
μ%·(ί-α, ή mention (lb) Σ ό λ ω ν ( Σ ό λ ω ν - ) , ό S olon
imκαλΰτττ-ω conccal. hide
μι-ημοΐ'(ύ-ω remember (33) (famoih statesman)
όίτω< ( + fut. iud.) sec to it σ υ γ γ ίγ ΐ’-ο μ α ι ( airyytv- ) be
(Ιπιλαθ-) forget (+ gcn .)
'/jMri-as, ό Hippias (id) (a w ith (+ d .it.)

<0phi si) πίι-ης ( ττΐΐ·ητ-) , ό p oor man φ ύ σ -ι c. 17 nature (30)

καταλty-w tccitc. list ( 3-*)

V ocab ulary to be learnt

ar (usc of. 111 conditionals. fee κα τα λέγω ( κ α τ α π - ) recite, list tt€ν η ί ( ττίνητ- ) , o poor man
Grammar l$ I - Z ) μα ρτυρία, ή « ί dencr, witness ( }d) (or iidj. poor)
iffle I +opt.) I wish that! would (ih ) π λούσ ιος a ov rich . wealthy
that! μι (ία , ή mention <lb) ο υ γ γ ίγ ν ο μ α ι ( σ υ γ γ< ν-) he
ίττιλανθάνομαι μνημονεύω remember w ith, have intercourse with
( ί-ιλ α β - ) forget ( +gcn.) όπω ς ( + ftit. ind.) see to it that ( + Jat.)

O Grammar for Scction Eleven G

Flit, remote, pres, unfulf. cond.
Wishes for fut.
όττως-f fut. ind.
Opt. €ΐμί, ίιμ ι, οιδα

C on dition al sentences (w ith άι»)

151 So tar. you have met a r-f optative in the sense ‘ would you . . ·.
would you like to . . expressing a polite request or agreement ( c f 95 and 129).
If however you find a v + optative linked with (usually preceded by) *1
(‘if )+optative, the sentence will express something like: ‘ If x were to happen, v
ii'otifif result', e.g.
ci μ ί παθοις ττΐΐσαας, λ (γ ο ιμ ι (ΐττοιμι άν σοι ‘if you were to persuade
me, 1 would tell you’
ci φενγοι^ν,φυγοκν , διω κοιμςν διώζαιμ^ν άν ‘ if they were to flee, we
would pursue’


Πιγ difference in inclining between present and aorist optative w ill, as usual,
be one not of time but oj aspect.
/ins construction is called a ‘f uture remote or improbable condition’ .
0 Scction Eleven C , 15 1-15 5 167

152 If, h o w e v e r , y o u re p lace the op tatives in the ab o ve sentences with imperfect

indicatives, .the m e a n in g w ill n o w b e altered to the formula: ‘If x were the case
now, y would now he resulting', e.g.
cΓ μ€ €π€ΐ&€ς, Ζλςγον άν ‘ i f y o u persuaded (were persuading) me. I
w o u ld tell (be te llin g ) ’
cl c<f>cvyov, £διώκομ€ν άν ‘ it they w ere fleeing, w e w ou ld be pursuing’
In other w o r d s , the ac tion is b e in g referred not to the future, but to the present.

N ote
(i) T h is construction is called a 4present unjulfilled condition'.
(ii) The negative in the ‘ i f ’ clause is μ ή . Observe that μ ή , where one might expect ov,
gives a conditional 4colouring ’ to utterances which do not appear to he conditions, e.g.
πώς αν t i 6 cit 6 τ ις τή ν φ ήφον, μ ή μνημον€υσας τούς λόγους; ‘ How can one vote, not
remembering (i.e. i f one does not remember) the speeches?’ Hatch out for μ ή with this
force in participle and relative clauses.

W ishes fo r the fu tu re
*53 Y o u h a v e alrea d y m et άπολοίμην ‘ m ay I be killed . expressing a
wish for the fu tu re (cf. 130). S u ch wishes are m ore often expressed by cWc or ci
y a p -f o p ta tiv e (a lth o u g h the plain op tative is found), e.g.
cl yapieifle γ€ νοίμ ιη νιγιγνοιμτ)ν σοφωτξρος W o u ld that I were to
b e c o m e m o r e c le v e r !’

N ote
W ishes fo r the past are often expressed by ( cl γάρ'/ S c ) ^ X o v + in fim n v e .
C-S· ( cl γ ά ρ ]€Wc) ώ φ ίλο μ € ν έλθ ά ν 41M d that we had goner
Note also that άν is N O T used in wishes. (C f. Language Survey (4), P- J 12 )

07ra>s + fu tu r e in d icativ e ‘ see to it that - . .

154 T h is m eans ‘ see to it that . . . . e.g.
οπό»? σώ φ ρω ν co ci ‘see to it that y o u are sensible
0770»? μ ή π αύσ η ‘see to it that y o u do not stop

V erbs
I hree optatives
*55 See to it that y o u do not forget the follow in g opt.

* 1μ ί ‘ I a m ’ ο ιδ α ‘ I k n o w ’ €ΐμι 1
cirjv clhcifjv ιοιμι
€ΐης elSctys ιοις
A . (jhitnniiir, ( 'ooihularies, I:.\cni<c<

ε ιη € tb c h 7 ΐο ι

€ΐμ€ r d’S c i^ e v ΐθιμ€ν

* tt
£to€iT€ toire
€ί€Γ clBclev ioiev o

Exorcises for Section Eleven G

(b,c) M o r p h o l o g y a n d S y n t a x
I. Translate the follow in g statements; then change them into wishes for
the future (make a free choice o f construction and aspect o i the verb).
a. βούλομαι δικ α σ τή ς καθίστα σθαι καί τίθ εσ θ α ι τή ν ψήφον.
b. έθέλω σοφ ιστής γ€νέσθαι.
c. β ούλομ αι σ€ €ΐς έ μ e χρ ή μ α τα 6civat.
d. ούκ (θέλω άπολέσθαι.
C. βούλομαι ύμάς ίΐδένα ι τα ΰτα .
f. έθέλω σοφ ιστήν π ο ίίΐν τον π αϊδα.
g. βούλομαι αύτόν μ νη μ ο νίύ σ α ι τήν μ α ρτυρία ν.
h. (θ έλω αυτούς έπιλαθέσθαι το ύ τω ν τώ ν λόγων,
ι. βούλομαι πλούσιο? elvai.
j. έθέλω τούς οικ€ΐους €ΐναι π λουσίους.
2. Translate each parr o f statements (omitting ei). then link them by
making them future remote conditions or present unfulfilled condi­
tions (see Grammar 151-2).
a. ( e l) τιμ ώ τίμ η μ α μέγα\δίκην λ α μ β ά ν α 6 ά ντίδ ικ ο ς.
b. ( e l) ol δικασταί πίίβονται ύττο τού κ α τηγόρουτον φ ίύ γ ο ν τ ο ς
καταδι κάζουσιν.
C. ( e i) υπαρχ€Τ€ τής έχθραςιτά τεκ μ ή ρ ιά έσ τι φαναρά.
d. fet^ μνείαν π ο ιίΐς τώ ν α στώ ν,ούκ έπιλανθάν€ται 6 κ α τ ή γ ο ρ ο ς .
c. ( e i) οι αστοί εταιρώ ν π α ιδοπ οιοϋντα ι ΐσ μ ίν σαφ ώ ς.
f. ( α μ η ) οι π λούσιοι τα ΐς έταίρα ις σ υ γ γ ίγ ν ο ν τ α ι το ύ ς π ίν η τ α ς
ασπάζονται έκ6ΐναι.
J. Translate these commands. Turn each into an exhortation using οπ ω ς
or όπως μή fut. ind.
a. προσ€χ€ τον νούν και ακου(.
b. μή θωπίύίτε τού? δικαστά?.
C. μη έπιλανθάνου τώ ν λόγω ν.
d. κατ€ΐπ€ τον τού δράματος λόγον.
C. μνημόν€ν€ τούς λόγους.
Section Illevcn I I /, 155

t. μ ή π α ιδ ο π ο ΐ€ ΐσ θ ξ £κ τ ώ ν ετα ιρ ώ ν.
g. ev riflci το πράγμα.
h. μ ή καταφρονεί τού Εταίρου.

V o c a b u la ry for Scction Eleven H

ά γ α π ά -iu lo v e ( ύ π ο ρ ί- α ,ή resources (lb ) π α ν τ α χ ο ΐ e v e ry w h e re

άττο&ιΒράσκ-ω ru n o f f Ocpairatv-a, ή slave g irl (ic) π ρ ο ίσ τα -μ α ι m ake x (acc.)
ά ρ γ νρ ι-ο ν , τ ό silver, m o n ey θ ρ $ τ τ - α , ή T h ratta (ic ) (one sponsor o f v (gen.)
(2b) o f X eaira's slaves) Ίτροιτηλακίζ-ω treat like dirt,
ά σ (λ γ ώ ς d isg ra ce fu lly ίκ α ν -ό ς -ή -oV sufficient insult
8 cittv -o v , τό d in n e r-p a rty (2b) κ α τ ά γ -ο μ α ι lod ge σοβα ρ -ός -ά -όν p om pous
Β ια τρ ίβ -ω spend tim e κ α τ α τ ίθ η -μ ι ( κ α τ α θ ΐ- ) pay ο υ σ κ ιυ ά ζ-ο μ α ι gather up,
Β ιη γ ί-ο μ α ι reveal, describe. Κ ο κ κ α λ ίν -η , ή K o k k a lin e (la) collect
explain (shift' of X eairaj τοίννν w ell then (resum ing
θ ιο ίκ η σ - ις , ή m an ag em en t κα>μάζ-ω revel argum ent)
(3c) M ty a p -a , τά M egara (2b) (a τ ρ ό π -ο ς, ό m anner, w ay (2a)
cm' (+ d a t.) fo r d ie p urpose o f town on the isthmus) Φ ριηΊω ν ( Φ ρ ννιω ν- ) , ό
(τη 8 η μ (-ω c o m e in to to w n , ο ίχ - ο μ α ι g o P hrynion (3a) (owner o j
live ο λ ίγ α φ -ο ς -ov con tem p tuou s Xeaira)
itriO vpc-uj desire (4 -gen.) ό ρ γ ίζ - ο μ α ι g r o w an g ry w ith χ ρ υ σ ί-ο ν , τό g o ld (trinkets or
( τ -ο ς , τ ό year (3c) ( + dat.) m oney) (2b)

Vocabulary to be learnt
σργυριον, τό silver, money ( jh I το ίν νν w ell then (resuming and
Βίατρίβιο pass tim e, waste time p u s h in g argument on further)
ο ρ γ ίζο μ α ι grow angry with τρ ό π ο ς, ό way. manner (la )
( +dat.)

V ocab ulary for Section Eleven I

ά δ ικ η θ ή σ ίσ θ αι 'w o u ld be δυοΐν tw o (sc. ’reasons') Έ ρ μ - ή ς ,ό ilc r n je s ( id )

harm ed' ( ά δ ι κ ί ω ) Δ ω ρ ό θ (-ο ς, 6 D orotheos (2a) θρ<φ- = fut./aor. stem o f
Ά θ ή ν η σ ι at A th en s (Athenian householder) τρίφ ιυ
άπτ-ομαι touch ( + gen.) < ίσα χθή ο(σθα ι ‘ w ou ld be κ α τ α τ ίθ η -μ ι ( καταθ€-) pay
’Α ρ ίσ τ ω ν ( Ά ρ ισ τ ω ν - ) , ό introduced' ( ( ΐσ ά γ ω ) κ α τ (γ γ υ ά -ω com pel χ (acc.)
A riston (3a) (N eaira's son) Έ λ ΐυ σ ίν ι- ο ς -a -or o f F.Icums to g iv e securities
a rc A ii-a , ij exem p tio n , ( λ π - ίς ( ίλ π ι δ - ) , ή hope (3a) Κ λ α ν ό μ α χ -ο ς , 6
im m un ity («£ i£ - = fu t. stem ο ί ΐ χ ω K lem onw khos (2a)
ά τ ίλ ( ία ς = free) (l b) (ττιδημί-ο) be in tow n (Athenian householder)
άφ ίσβα ι fut. inf. o f ά π τ ο μ α ι € ργά ζ-ομα ι w ork κ ο μ π ά ζ-ω boast
170 Λ. Grammar, Vocabularies. kxrra .'O o
■πρός { + dat.) before Φράτηρ ( φ ρ ο ,τ(ρ -), o m em b er
κόρ-η, ή girl, maiden (la)
ττρόσοδ-ο?, ή incom e (2a) o f phratry (3a) (agroup of
Μ ίγ α ρ -α , τά M egara (2b)
ττννθάΐ’-ο μ α ι ( ττνθ-) learn, fam ilies, with certain religious
μ ΐτ α ζ ν ( + gen.) between
hear, discover and social functions)
oiVt'8t-or, τό house, small
ο νκοφ α ντί-α , ij inform ing φ ιΟ νριστ-ής 6 w hisperer (id )
house (2b)
(ib) us' ( + tut. part.) in ord er to
τρ ίφ -ω (θ ρ (φ -) maintain, ώ ς ά ξω ν in order to take
( π αρα λαβ-) take
π ολ(μ α ρ χ-ο ς, 6 Pole march keep ώ* (ξουν in order to have

(2*1) f stall· official) Φ α νώ , ή I’ hano ( Seaira's ώ? (ργααομϊν-ην α υτή ν και

ΓΙρόξ<r-os, ό Proxeiios (2a) daughter I θ ρίφ ονσαν in ord er for her

(&?« o f Xeaira) to w o rk and m aintain

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
Ά θ ή ν η ο ι( ν ) at Athens ίρ γ ά ζο μ α ι w ork. perform παραλαμβάνιυ

ϊλ η ίς ( ( > ν ιδ - ) ,ή hope, κα τα τίθ ημ ι (κ α τ α Ο ΐ-) put (ν α ρ α Χ α β -) take, receive

expectation (ja ) down. pa y. perform from
(π ιδ η μ ίω come to town, be in 01 κίδιον, τό small houte ( 2b)

O Grammar for Scction Eleven Η —I

Acc. and part.
Fut. pass.

A ccusative and participle

156 You have already met verbs which take an accusative and infini­
tive construction (see 146—9). Some verbs, however, prefer an accusative and
participle to express their ‘that’ clauses, e.g.
°® a ‘ 1 know t h a t . . .’
πυνθανομαι Ί learn by inquiry that . . ., hear’
μανθάνω '] lcarn tJlat ·
γ ιγνω σ κ ω ‘ I recognise that . .
Precisely the same principles apply to these clauses as to those already
described in 146-9. It the ‘ that’ clause has a subject different from the main verb,
the subject and us participle will go into the accusative; if subjects are the same,
n cre will be no accusative and the participle will go into the nominative. T h e
tense o f the participle will point to the tense o f what was originallv said.
Consider: 0
οΚα σοφός ών M know I am wise'
οίδα σ* μώ ρον οντα ·] know you arc foolish’
ο Scction Eleven H —I, 156—157

€μάθομ€ν φ εύγοντα ς αυτούς ‘ w e learnt that they were Heeing*

(ττνθοντο η μ ά ς π α υ ο α μ ίν ο υ ς ‘they heard that we had stopped*
( O n indirect speech in general, see Reference Grammar K , p. jo t.)

V erbs

F u tu r e p a ssiv e π α υ σ θ ή σ ο μ α ι ‘ I sh a ll he sto p p ed *

*57 T h e forms o f the future passive indicative are as follows:

ττα υ ο θ -ή ο -ο μ α ι Ί shall be stopped’
π α υ σ θ -ή σ -ζτ α ι
π α υ σ θ -η σ -ό μ ίθ α
π α υ σ θ -ή ο -ο ν τα ι
Iηβη itive: ττα υ σ θ -ή σ -ίσ θ α ι

N otes
( i) O n ce you have the appropriate stem, these endings are entirely regular .
being like the endingsJor the present middle/passive.
( ii) T h e stem is always based upon the stem o f the aorist passive, less augment plus σ.
£παύσθην—+ π α υσ θ ή σ -ομ α ι
ή δ ικ ή θ η ν—+ ά δ ικη θ ή σ -ο μ α ι \ r.D. loss of augment
€ ΐσή χθ η ν—*€ ΐο α χθ ή σ -ο μ α ι
Look Jor the -θ η - o f the aorist passive followed by a - a -, the give-away clue to the
future, and translate ‘ w ill jshall be - e d ’ (if. aor. pass. 143).

R e v is e
Oat. case 103-4, Language Survey (ιο )- ( ι 1) O

Exorcises for Section Eleven I

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y an d sy n tax
1. Translate these future passives. Then pair each with its present form,
c ισ α χ θ ή σ ο μ α ι, ίξ ίλ ίγ χ θ η σ ό μ ^ θ α (convict), ά ναγκασθήσει,
ό ργισ θ ή θ € τα ι, ζημιωθήθ€θθα.ι (hue), α δικ η θ η σ ο ιτα ι
α ν α γ κ ά ζω , d o ά γ ω , αΒικ€ ω , (£ (λ (γ χ ω , ο ρ γ ίζο μ α ι , ζη μ ιο ω
2. Translate each statement, then, using the present tense \erbs given,
turn them into indirect statements. What difference does the useot the
past introductory verb make to your translation:
Λ . Ciammar. loiabularies. lixacisi's

a. ή γυνή άδικηθήαεται υττ’ ουδο'ό*. ( φαμένίεφαμεν)

b. οί τής εταίρας παίδες πολΐται γενησοι'ται. (οιεται/οΛετο)
C. άφίξονται Στέφανος καί Χέαιρα εκ τώ ν Μ εγάρω ν Ά θ ή ν α ζ ε .
( ήγείτ αιΙήγήσατο)
d. άναγκαοθήσομαι παρά Φρυνίωνος τήν N iaipav άφαιράσθαι.
(φ η σ ίν Ιίφ η )
3. Translate each statement, then, using present tense verbs g iv e n , turn
into indirect statements. W h a t difference does the use of the past
introductory verb m ake to y o u r translation?
a. ό Φρυνίων ήδικήθη ύ π * εμοΰ καί ώργίσθη έμοί. (οιδα/ηδη)
Ιν ή Νέαιρα επεδήμει καί ήλθεν ώς Στέφανον, (ορά/εΐδεί’)
c. ήδικήθημεν ύπο τού κατηγόρου και κατεδικάσθημεν ύπό τώ ν δικαστών.
( αισθάνονται/ήσΟοντο )
d. ήδικήσατε τήν πόλιν καί τώ ν νόμων κατεφρονειτε και ησεβεΐτε εις τους
θεούς, (γιγνώ σκετε/εγνω τε)
c. εταίρα εΐ καί παιδοποιεΐ εξ άστών. ( οισθα/ήδεισθα)

(d) English into G reek

i Sentences
Translate into G reek:
1. I f o n ly I could rem em ber the argum ents o f the prosecutor!
2 . It 1 w ere a sophist, I w o u ld be rem em b ering these argum ents.
3 . I f 1 could rem em ber the evidence. I w o u ld cast m y vo te ju s tly .
4 . P h ryn io n kn ew that N eaira was in to w n and had the m o n ey.
5 . Stephanos says that N eaira w ill be w ro n g ed b y n o b o d y.
2 . Prose
Translate into G reek:
Apollodoros. w ronged and put into a dangerous position b y S te ­
phanos, is contesting this suit. Fo r the laws do not a llo w a citizen to live
with a prostitute as his w ife. A p o llo d o ro s says that he w ill g ive clear
c\ idenic that Stephanos is doing this v e ry thing. It Stephanos w e re
doing this, it w ould clearly be a v e ry serious m atter. C o n se q u en tly. 1
hope that A pollodoros w ill w in the suit. I f he w ere to w in it. it w o u ld
be a good thing for the city.

Test Exercise Eleven

Translate into English:
The proset,nor describes how thr man Timarkhos. on trial fo r immoral
behaviour, left Antikles to lire with the slave Pittalakos. Timarkhos soon
desirhd Pittalakos to live with He^esantiros.
(Fro m Aiskhines Timarkhos, 53 6 2 )
αλλα τά μ (τ ά ταΰτα (put. οπως α κο ν θ (ο Ο (, ώ ανδρί,ς όικη α τn i . ώ\ ‘/ tip
απηλλαγη παρα τον /ΙρτικΛίοικ Τιμαρχος ούτοαί, ό ιη μ έρ ίνιι ο rot
κ ν β (ι ω . τώ ν δ ( κ υ β (ν τώ ν έστι τις IΙιτ τά λ α κ ο ς , ο'ικέτης τή< πόλαυ*
οντος ιδαιΐ' 7 ιμαρχον έν τω κ ν β (ίο j άνέλαβ(ν αυτό» και έσχι παρ' έαυτώ
και τας νβρ(ΐς ας έγώ οιδα σαφώς γ(νομένα>; νττο τού άνΗρώπον
τούτον ( ις I ιμαρχον, έγώ μά τοι· J i a τον 'Ολύμπιοι· ούκ άι τολμήσαιμι
ττρός υμάς d rrd i· . ι·ή J i a , κ ά κ ισ τ ' άπολοίμιρ· (ι μνείαν ποιούμαι τώ ι
τοιοντω ν. έγω γάρ, ( ι έν ύμΐν ( ιποιμι ά ούτυσι (πραξα·, ο ν * άν δνναίμην
(τ ι ζην.
έ ν δε τούτα» κα τα π λίϊ δ (νρ ο έζ 'Ελλησπ όντου Ί Ιγήοανόρ>>κ, ον τοι
τρόπον άδικον οντα και όλίγωρον ύμ(1ς ΐσ τ ( κάλλιον ή έγώ. ( ίσφοιτών δ ’
οντος ώς τον IΙιτ τ ά λ α κ υ ν σ ν γ κ ν β (ν τ ή ν οντα, καί Τίμαρχον έ κ (ϊ πρώτον
ιδώΐ’, έβ ο νλ (το ώς αυτοί' άναλαβ(ΐν. και γάρ ήγήσατο αυτοί- έγγύ\ (ΐναι
τής αντον φ νσ(ω ς.
ΊΊιν f ilia l Pittalakos. trying to get lunaikltos had:, is beaten up for lti> pains
and next J a y takes refuge at an altar, where Tim arklh'? appeasi ·him
ώς δ ' άπηλλάγη μέν παρά τον IΙιτ τ α λ ά κ ο ν , ά κλήώ θ η ό ( ύπο
ΊΙγ η σ ά ν δ ρ ο ν , ώ ργίσθη ό Π ιττά λα κος, γνούς τοσοντον άργύριον μάτηι
ύττέρ Τ ιμ ά ρ χο υ καταθείς, και έφοίτα έπι τήν οικίαν τήν Ή γ η σ ά ν δ ρ ο ν
πολλάκις. ό τ ( δ ' αύτώ ώργίζοντο φοιτώντι 7 Ιγήσανδρος και Γίμαρχος,
( ί ο —ηδήσαντ(ς νύκτω ρ ( ις τήν οικίαν ου ω κα ύ Π ιττά λα κος, πρώτον
μ ( ν συνέτριβον τά σ κ (ύ η , τέλος 6 ( αυτόν τογ ΙΙιττά λ α κο ν έτνπτοι πολνν
χρόνον, τή δ ' ύστ(ραία, όργιθθ(Ις τώ πράγματι ό ΙΙιττά λα κο ς έρχ(ται
γυμνός (ίς τήν άγοράν καί καθιζ(ΐ έπι τόι· βω μόν τον τής μητρος των
0(ώ ν. όχλον δ ( σννδραμόντος, ο τ ( Ή γησ α νδρο ς καί ο Τίμαρχος
τρέχονσι ττρος τον βω μόν και ττ(ριοταντ(ς (δ (ο ν τ ο τον ίΐιττα λ ιικο ν
άναστήναι, φάοκοι·τ(ς τό όλοι· πράγμα παροινίαν γα έσ θα ι. και αντός ό
Τ ίμα ρχος (φ α σ κ ( πάντα πραχβήο(σ(1αι ύφ' αύτού, τον I Ιιττα λάκον
άναστάντος. τέλος πίίθονσιν αυτόν άναστήναι άπό τον βω μόν.

I o ca b u la ry
άπηλλά γη ,ι ο γ . pass, of μάτην to no purpose
άναΛΛάττω relc.isi* φοιτάω (ί-
Βιημίρ<.νω ^K'lui mu' ' J.1V' ι-VKTwp -it Illicit
κνβ*ϊοι· ,τύ casino. ονι τρίβω Miu‘h up
μ·!ΐηΜιιιμ·Λ3ι:η ( 2 b ) vartpma, η iutm d.i\
κι·βΐντή< ,ό μ,ιηιΜιτ ( ivi' ή or n.iked
ζψ mi. ο Γ ζά ω In c όχλο ς, 6 crow d (2j)
6\ίγιυρο< οι· iii\ iL n n lu i ^u<7aui jsm .ti
«ιοφοιτάιυ £o in to rrufW Jivia, η d ilin k c ll
ο ν γ κ ν β (ν τ ή < it. κ ν β ΐ ΐ ’τής b e lu M o iir ( i b )

^ΐ'σ«ί, η 11JIUIC ( lt‘J

Section Twelve

Vocabulary for Scction Twelve A

Α ίγ ιλ - (ύ ς , ό o f the dome ΐν ια ν τ -ό ς , 6 year (la) ittpnriirT-io ( 7Tcpiirca-) m eet

A igileia (3g) (ξαττατηϋήναι ‘had been w ith (+ d a t.)
ά κολα οί-α , ή extravagance deceived' ( ίξ α π α τ ά ω ) ττολ(μαρχ-ος, 6 the
(lb) (ζ(δ ό θ η aor. pass. ot (κ δ ίΒ ω μ ι Polem arch (2a) (magistrate
άν (+ a o r. indie.) ‘ w ould ( ξ ΐ λ ί γ χ -ω con vict dealing with lawsuits
have . . €πιδ(ίκνυ-μι involving aliens)
ά να ιρ ΐ-ομα ι ( ά^ίλ - ) u k e ( ΐ π ι δ ( ι ξ - ) show , πρίν betore ( + int.)
aw ay dem onstrate π ρ ο ίξ ( irpoiK -) , ή d o w r y (3a)
areSpa 3rd v aor. o f ίρ γ ά τ -η ς , ό w o rk in g man ττρόζ ( + dat.) before
αποδιδράσκω (* d) π υνθά ν-ομ αι ( π υ θ - ) learn,
άττο&ιδράακ-ω ( άττοδρα- ) rim ζ η μ ί- α ,η penalty (lb ) hear
otT ή π ίο τα το im p t.o f Σ τ ρ ν β ή λ - η ,ή S tryb elc (1.1)
ά π οδίδω -μι (άπ ο& ο-) return, ίττίστα μ α ι k n o w h o w to ( Phatto'sformer name)
give back (+ in f.) ο ν λ λ ίγ - ο μ α ι m ake, co llect
άποπίμιτ-α) 'end aw ay, καΐ Βή and really, and as a τριά κο ντα thirty (indecl.)
divorce nutter o f fact ΰβρίζ-ω treat disgracefu lly
άφ ίσ τα -μ α ι give up any claim κ α τα μ α ρ τνρ ί-ω ΐζΐ vo νβ ρ ιοθή να ι ‘had been treated
to ( + gen.) evidence against (+ g e n .) d isgracefu lly’ (aor. pass. inf.
γ α μ ί-ω ( γ η μ · ) marry κ α τ(γ γ υ ά -ω demand ot υβρίζω )
γνήσ ι-ος -α -oi· legitimate securities from Φανούς Phan» (gen. s.) (see
διαλλάττ-ομαι προ? be κιΐ'δ υκ ν-ω run a risk o f List o f Proper Sam e's fo r fu ll
reconciled with ( + inf.) dee tension)
(γ γ υ ά -w engage, promise κόρ-η, ή maiden, girl (la) Φανώ Phano (acc. s.) (see List
<t ( + aor. md.) ‘i f . . . had κόσ μι-ος -α -οι* w ell-behaved oj Proper S a m es fo r f u l l
-ed . , KVf-w be pregnant detlension)
ΐκ β α λ λ -tu ( (κ β α λ -) divorce Χ αγχάν-ω ( λ α χ - ) bring (suit) Φράστω ρ ( Φ ρα σ τορ-) , ό
ίκδ ίΒ ω -μ ι ( (κδο - ) give in against ( + dat.) Phrastor (3a) (Phano's
Μ ίγ α ρ α , τά M egara (2b) hushand)
<κττίτττ-ω ( ( κ ν ( σ - ) be μ ν-ά , -η mina ( = 60 drachmas) φύσ-ις, ή nature,
divorced (ib)
tem peram ent (3c)
Scction T w elve A - B

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
ά π ο δ ίδ ω μ ι ( άποθο - ) give € κπίπ τω ( in rr to -) he thrown κ α τ ίγ γ υ ά ω demand securities
hack, nturn out. divorced Jrom ( +acc.)
ά π ο π ίμ π ω send away, divorce ( ξ ( λ ( γ χ ω convict, refute. κόρη, ή maiden, girl f ια ι
ά φ ίσ τα μ α ι expose μ νά , η inιιια (όο drachmas) fib )
( ά π ο σ τ α - ) relinquish claim ζ η μ ία , η fin e ( ι h) π ρ ο ίξ ( π ρ ο ικ -) , ή dowry ( f a)
to; revoltJrom ή π ισ τά μ η ν impif. of υ β ρ ίζω treat violently,
(γ γ ν ά ιυ engagi, promise ίπ ισ τ α μ α ι know how to disgracefully
(κ β ά λ λ ω ( ( κ β α λ - ) ihrou· out; ( + i»J.) φ ύσις, ή ikiture, temperament.
divorce καί 8η and really ; as a mailer oj character (jc )
( κ δ ίδ ω μ ι ( ίκ δ υ - ) g ive in fact; let us suppose; there!
marriage look!

Vocabulary for Scction T w e lve 13

ru’ ( + a o r md.) 'w o u ld iotK -ώ ς ( ( ο ί κ ο ι - ) reasonable πρίν before ( + inf.)

have . ( π ιμ ( λ (- ο μ α ι take C.ire ot προθύμω ς rca d il}. actively
ά να λα μ β ά ν-ω take back ( + gen.) πρόσφορ-ος -ov useful tor
άνθράιπ ir-os -η -ov hum an, (π ισ κ ο π ί-ο μ α ι visit ( + dat.)
m ortal ep-ήμος -ov Kicking in ( + gen.) τ ίκ τ - ω ( τ ( κ - ) bear
ά π α ις ( ά π α ιδ - ) childless (T(K( see τ ίκ τ ω τώ ν θ(ραπ€υσόντων 'ot those
α π ίθ α ν ΐν anr. ot α π οθνήσ κω ί χ - ω ( + adv.) be (in x w ho w ould look after him*
( ά π ο θ α ν -) die condition) ΰ γ ια ίν-ω be healthy, well
a a O fv f-ω tall ill Otpa?Ttv-ω look after ύ π ισ χ ν ί-ο μ α ι
γ α ·ν ή τ -η ς , ό m em ber ot genos κάμν~ω be ill ( ΰ π ο σ χ -) prom ise (to)
(a smaller grouping oj families κν<-ω be pregnant ( + fut. inf.)
within the phratry) (id ) λ ο γ ισ μ -ό ς , ό calculation (2a) φράτηρ ( φ ρ α τ(ρ -) , ό member
γ ν ή σ ι-ο ς -a -ov legitim ate μ ία - os', τό hatred (3c) o f phratrv (family group)
δ ια τ ίθ ( -μ α ι be put m x (adv.) o tK (i-o i, ό relative (2.») (}*)
state opy- ή , ή anger (1 a) φ υχα γω γ€ -ω w in over

δ ια φ ορ-ά , ή disagreem ent, π α λα ι-ό ς - ά -όν ot old ujs (-H ut. part.) in order to
differences ( ι b) παρούσα being w ith ( + ω ς θίραπ^νσονσαι κ α ι . . .

(part, o f π ά ρ α μ ι) ίπ ιμ ιλ η σ ό μ ίν α ι ‘ to look
t l ( + .ior. ind.) ‘ i f . . . had
-ed ‘ π (ρ ιγ ίγ ν -ο μ α ι survive after and take care o f

( κ π ίμ π - ω d ivo rce πονηρώς poorly (nom. pi. f.)

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
λο γ ισ μ ο ς, o calculation (ja ) πρόθυμος -ov ready. eager.
ά να λαμβά νω ( α να λα β -) take
μ ίσ ο ς, τό hatred (jc ) willing, acrive
back, take up
ο Ικ(ϊο ς, ό relative ( 2a) φράτηρ ( φ ρ α τ(ρ -) . ό member
ά π α ις ( άπαιδ- ) childless
oiK fios a ov related, domestic. o f a phratry (a grou p ot
ί κ π ίμ π ω send out, divorce
fanulic% with certain
c π ιμ ( λ ίο μ α ι care for ( -f-gen.)
ορ γή , ή anger ( ια) religious and social
ίρ ή μ ο ς o»' em pty, deserted:
π αλα ιός ά όν ancient, old, oj old functions) (j a i
devoid oj ( + vjoiJ
πρίν (-\-inJ.) before ω ς ( + fu t part.J m order to
ΐ χ ω ( + iidi·.) he (m X
Λ . (if.mmiiii , locabu laiies. l:\ehises o

O Gram m ar for Scction T w e lv e A - H ________

Sum m ary:
Aor. ml. pass.
Put. part.
ω ς + flit. part.
ττρίι + mt.

V erbs
,-lon>i in fin itiv e passive ττα υ σ θ ή να ι Ί ο he sto p p ed ’
158 T h e form o f the aorist passive infinitive is as tollows:
77ανσΟή^ναι ‘ to be stopped

The fonnation depends on the aorist passive stem + ( η )va i. C f.
ήδικήΟην άδικηΟήναι
eγράφην γρα φ ψ 'α ι.
Cf. aor. pass, at 143·

I'Utnre participle active, m id d le , passive: ττα ύ σ ω ν ‘ about 10 s to p ’ etc.

159 The forms o f the future participles are as follows:

. Ii/mt: τταΰο-ων -ovaa -or ( -o v r -) ‘about to stop*
.Middle: ττανσ-όμεν-ος -η -ov ‘about to stop’
Passive: παυσΟη-σόμα'-Ο'; -η -or ‘about to be stopped'

(i) I he meanings of the future participle ate about to . . on the point
of . . .. intending 10 . .
( ii) I lie fniine active and middle are based on the future stem, to which piesent participle
endings (aciire or middleJ are added.
I he Iinure passive paiticiple, like the infinitive and indicative (see 157^, is based on
the future passive stem. e.g.
7το,νιο (iiriiuofli)t'J *7τηνοθΐ]οομ(ΐι —>77αυσ0^οό/ί£ΐ’θϊ

cos' -f futu re particip le ‘ in o rd er t o ’

160 Observe the use ot oa‘ +future participle to denote purpose (lit. ‘as
on the point ot ) with the intention ot . 111 order to As vou have already
met in accusative and infinitive/participle constructions (146, 156). if the subject
ot the ών clause is the same as the main verb, the participle will go into the
nominative; it ditterent. into the accusative, e.ti.
' ’ ί*1*
O Scction T w elv e A B, 158-161

ήλθον ώ ς α ξω ν Ν ία ιρ α ν ‘ I came with the intention o f taking Neaira*

N ote
From now on, the G reek practice of changing the subject in certain clauses to
the accusative if it is different from the subject o f the main verb (or leaving it in the
nominative (or not quoting it at all) i f it is the same) w ill be referred to as 'C hange o f
subject in the accusative

π ρ ιν ‘ b e f o r e ’
161 π ρ ιν means ‘ before’ 3nd takes an infinitive, e.g. πριν ά π ΐλ θ ίΐν
‘before departing’ . T h e tense o f the infinitive has no temporal, only aspectual,
force. C h an g e o f subject in the accusative, e.g.
π ρ ιν α π ίλ θ ίιν eύξαντο ‘bctore they left, they prayed*
ά φ ικ ό μ η ν π ριν Ν ία ιρ α ν Ά θ ή ν α ζ ί £λθ(ΐν ‘I arrived before Neaira went
to Athens’

Exercises for Section T w elve 13

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y and S y n ta x
1. Pick out from the following list the future participles. Clive their 1st s.
pres. ind. form and its meaning:
έκ β α λο ύ ντι, λα βουσης, iv r t υξομένη, c ισαχθησόμενος, θιοττίύσαντος,
ύπ α ρ ζά σ α ς, κ α τα ν τή σ ο ντι, π α ρ έ ζο ν τ α , τιμ ώ σ α , (κδω σοντα,
ά δ ικ η θ ίΐσ ι, £ρών, θησόντιυν, καταφ ρονούν^ , άφαιρηοόμ^νος,
ά γιονιοα μ ένα ις, γ νω ο ο μ ίνη ν, ο λ ίο α ο ι, ληαονοαν, €λον, ίοομ^νον,
ά ν α γκ α ο θ η σ ο μ ίνω , £πιδ€ΐζονο<χ>ν, π(υοομ€νΐυν, γραφαμ^νψ,
αποθανονμίντ), παραληφ ομίνΐ), €ργαααμ€νον$, €κπ€σονμ(νο ι,
έ κ π ίμ π ο ν τ ι
2. Pick out from this list aorist passive inis. Give their pres. md. form
W hat verbs do the other infs, m the hst belong to?
eivai, πεισθήναι, £κπ€μφθήναι, aScvat, αποδιδοναι, ζξαπατηθήναι,
θ ζΐνα ι, έ ξ ίλ ίγ χ θ ή ν α ι, δακννναι, άπολλυναι, υβρισθήναι, (κβληθήναι,
άποδονναι, άφιστάναι, διατεθήναι, τιθ&'αι
3 · Translate these sentences, changing the form o f the bracketed uord to
fut. part., to complete the sense:
a. ήλθον ckcivoi (m τ ψ οικίαν τ ψ Σ τίφ ά ν ο υ ώς ( i y w ) τ ψ ΛΥαιρα.·.
b. άπήλθον a ! ywaiKCS Ά θ -ί,να ζί ώ ί (& α τ ρ !β ω ) ίν τή Στ(φ άνου o.V.'o καί
( Ε ργά ζομ α ι).
178 .Ί. Grammar, Y'ocdbularies, Exercise*

C. β α δ ίζω ούν π ρος αύτόν ώ ς ( λ έ γ ω ) ά λη θ ή και ( ά κ ο ύ ω ) ψ ϊυ δ ή .

d. ciorjXOcv c k το δ ικ α σ τή ρ ιο ν ό άνήρ ω ς ( ά π ο λ ο γ έ ο μ α ι) κ α ι ( α π ο λ ύ ο μ α ι) .
4. Translate the introductory statement and each o f the bracketed sen­
tences; then change the bracketed sentences into 7rptV + inf. clauses,
dependent upon the introductory statement. Translate y o u r answers.
a. ό Σ τέφ α νο ς clarjyaycv ά ς τ ό δ ικ α σ τή ρ ιο ν τον Φ ρ ά σ τ ο ρ α
(i) ( ό Φ ρ ά σ τω ρ έγρά φ α το γ ρ α φ ή ν)
(ii) ( τ ό τή ς Φ ανούς π α ιδ ίο ν έγέν^ το )
(iii) ( τό π α ιδ ίο ν ά νίλή φ θ η νττο Φ ρ α σ τ ο ρ ο ς )
(iv) ( Ι γ ν ω ο τι έ ξ ίλ ίγ χ θ ή σ ζ τ α ι α δ ικ ώ ν )
b. ό Φ ρ ά σ τω ρ ά ν ζίλ ζτο τήν γραφ ήν
(ί) ( (Ισ ή λ θ ίν €ΐς τό δ ικ α σ τή ρ ιο ν )
(ii) ( έξέπ€μπ€ τή ν Φ α νώ )
(iii) ( ύ π ισ χ ν ζΐτα ι άναλήφς,σθαι τό π α ιδ ίο ν )
(iv) ( έλέχθησα ν ο υτοι οί λ ό γ ο ι ύπο τ ή ς Ν ^ α ίρ α ς)

Vocabulary for Scction T w e lv e C

αΒ(λφ-τ), ή sister (la) ίγ γ ρ ά φ - α» enlist, register voot-io be sick
άν ( + aor. ind.) 'w o u ld have* (γ γ υ η τ -ό ς -ή -όν legally ό μ ν υ -μ ι ( ό μ ο σ - ) sw ear
άττοψηψίζ-ομαι vote agamst. married ■η(ριφαν-ής v e r y evid en t
reject (+ g e n .) cc ( + aor. ind.) ‘ i f . . . had π ρά τ τ -ω ( ττρα ξ-) d o
άσθ(ΐ·(ΐ-α , ή illness (lb ) -e d ' π ρ ο κ α λ ί-ο μ α ι ch allen ge
aaOivi -OJ be ill kn-wv -ονοα -όν w illm g(ly) Σ ά τ υ ρ - o s , ό S a tyro s(2 a )
Bpirrih-at, ot the lirytidai (3a) ί π ι 0€ΐκνν-μι {lather o f Phrasior’ s new wife)
(iiiimi' of genos (0 u’liuh (ίπ ιδ ίΐξ -^ sh ow , p rove τ ( λ π - ο ς -a -ov pertect.
Phrasior belonged) ή μήν indeed, truly unblem ished
y o n jr - ijs , ό member o f $;rnoj Ofpairev-w tend, look after τό + inf. = noun
(id) c(p-α, τά sacrifices (>b) τό ά π α ις tivat childlessness
γ ίν - ο ς ,τ ό genes {a smaller κατά ( + gt*n.) b y. 111 nam e o f to aoOtvttv illness
group o f families within the λα'/χάν-ω (λ α χ - ) brin g (suit) τό θ (ρ α π (ύ (ΐν care, lo o k in g
phratry) (3c) against ( + dat.) after
γ ιή σ ι-ο ς -a -oi' legitimate λ ΰ π - ω (X m -) leave, abandon τό μιθ€Ϊν h atin g, hatred
4 ίφιλ-ος, ό Diphilov (2.1) (the Μ (λ ιτ -(ύ ς , ό o f the dcm e τό looeiV b e in g sick, illness
brother o f Phrasior'\ Ht ir u ile) M elite (3g) ώ ? τ ά χ ισ τ α as soon as

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
a o 6< m a ή illness, weakness within the phratry) ( y ) A a y ^ o > ( δ ίκ η ν ) ( λ α χ - ) h in ti
γνήοιος α oi legitintnie. iV'/iui>i, (suit) against, obtain by lot,
άσΛ«»«ω ht ill, fa ll ,//
ty γράφω t nrol. enlist, register run as iamliilaie for office
yivvijTij^, ό nuntlur 0/ genos ικάιν ovaa 01* w ilhngflyj
id} Xtinoj ( λιττ- ) IfiU’t', abandon
t -πιδιικννμι ( ) prove, vaaitit be siek
y«»os, τό g t iifs (smaller
thou·, Jenionii an-
g ro u p in g ot families ομνυμι ( όμοσ· ) sweat
Ofpantvw look after , ten,]

O Section iw e lv e C , 162

O G ra m m a r for Scction T w e lv e C

Sum m ary.
Past uniulf. cond.

C o n d i t i o n a l sentences w ith a v

162 Y o u have already met ‘future rem ote conditions* (151) and
‘ present unfulfilled conditions’ (152), the form er indicated by an optative in
both clauses, the latter by an imperfect in both clauses, and both sh o w in g άν in
the main clause.
Past unfulfilled conditions show an a o k is i in ij ic a i iv p in both clauses. with άν
in the main clause, and take the form ‘ If x h a d —, y would have resulteJ e.c.
ct η μ ά ς ϊτ τ ίΐα α ς , ή κ ο ύ σ α μ ίν άν ‘ if yo u had persuaded us. w e w ould
have listened’ .

( i) T h a i completes unfulfilled conditions. S o t e that one can hare m ixed
conditions, e.g. *I f I had done this, I would n o w he happy’ , and in these cast s G reek
follow s the individual rules for each clause separately - in this case, the 'if ’ clause would
be aorist, the main clause imperfect.
( it) W here no άν appears, translate normally, without using ‘ w ould ' , ‘ should' .e tc., e.g.
ct σοφ ός c ιμ ι έ γ ώ , σύ μ ω ρ ό ς ci ‘ if I am wise, you are foolish’
( O n conditionals in general. Reference Grammar O ; and Lm guage Surrey (6 ).)

Exerciscs for Scction T w e lv e C

i. Translate each pair of statements (omitting ci). then link the tw o

statements by making them into past conditions with a r
a. ( c l ) ατταις ά π ο θ νή σ κ α Φ ρ ά σ τω ρ o l o I k c I o i λ α μ β ά ιο υ σ ι τά αυτού
b. ( c i ) ά σ τή ς θ υγ ά τη ρ έστι Φ α ν ώ ουκ ο ρ γ ιζ( τ α ι Στέφ ανος
C. ( c l ) οίδί Φ α ν ώ λ Ί α ίρ α ς ουοαν θυγατέρα ο Φ ρ ά σ τω ρ έ κ β ά λ λ α ώ ς

τ ά χ ι σ τ α αυτήν
d. ( c i ) Φ α ν ώ ξέχ-ης θυγάτη ρ κ α λ ΰ τ α ι Φ ρ ά σ τω ρ ούκ έ ξα π α τά τα ι
C. ( c l ) ού λ α γ χ ά ν α Στέφ ανος τήν δίκην ταύτην',ού γρ ά φ ίτα ι Φ ράστω ρ
αυτόν γραφήν
A . Grammar, I ’ocabularics, kxeriise*

Vocabulary for Scction T w e lv e D

μ α ρ τ ν ρ 4- ω g iv e evidence. το άπαι( flv a t childlessness

α ηοφ ηφ ιζ-ομαι rejCCt, vote
bear witness τό ά π ο φ η φ ίζ ΐσ θ α ι r ije c tio n
against ( + gen.)
γ α μ ΐ-(ν ( γ η μ - ) marry π (ρ ιφ α ν-ή ς -(9 ve ry dear τό /ιή (ί(λ (ΐιΊ (0 (λ ή σ ο ( not
(Tri8fiK i’V-w = ίπ ιΒ (ίκ ν ν -μ ι π ρ ά ζ-ts, ή deed, action , fact w a n tin g , refusal
κα τα μ α ρ τ ν ρ ί-oj give (3c)
cvidcncc against ( + g c n .) τό + inf. = noun

V o c a b u l a r y to b e lea rn t
άττοφηφίζομαι reject ( + g i’H.) μαρτνρία> give ( v id t n it , bear
γ α μ ίω ( γ η μ - ) marry witness
κα τα μ α ρ τνρ ίιυ give evidence π(ριφ ανής ts very clear
against ( + g en .)

O Gram m ar for Scction T w e lv e D

ro + inf.

Infinitives as nouns
163 τό + infinitivc fulfils the function o f a noun, e.g.
τό φιλζΐν, or τό φιλήσαι Moving, lo ve’
τό μ ισ ΰ ν ‘hatred, hating'
Th ey arc used exactly as nouns are in Greek, e.g.
διά τό μ ι σ ΰ ν ‘ because o f his hatred’
τώ μ-η ahixelv ‘by not com m itting a crim e’
τού άπολογίΐσθαι evena ‘tor the sake o f his defence’
τό πλουσίου elvai ‘ wealth’
164 Observe that, since the infinitive is a t't’r/j-form. it can have a subject; and the
change o f subject in the accusative rule applies, e.g.
Neatpa αττήΧθί δια το κακοΒαίμων eivat ‘ Neaira left because she was
A cai pa απήΧΘc δια το Φραστορα μ ι σ ΰ ν αυτήν ‘ Neaira left because
Phrastor hated her’

Pay attention, as far as is possible, to the aspectual sense o f the verb. T h u s to

φ ι λ ™ means-loving? (permanently), while τό φ ά ή σ α ι means demonstrating φιλία by

an act, e.g. k,ssmg\ By using the article with the infinitive, it was possible to indicate
dijjerences o f aspect which nouns could not indicate.
S a tioti Ί 'ιπ Ί ν ι’ D Ii, 163—164

Exorcises for Section T w elve D

(b c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
1. I r a n s l a t e e a c h s e m e m e , th e n c o n v e r t the u n d e r l i n e d word-* o r clauses
i n t o e x p r e s s i o n s u s i n g τό, τού, τώ - f i n f . :
.1. κακόν έσ τιν ή α σΟ ΐνΐία
b. Φράστυνρ άνέλαβε τό παιδίον διά τήν νόσοι και τό μ ίσ ο ς τό πρός τούς
ο ικ είο υ ς και τήν άπαιδίαι·.
C. Σ τέφ α νο ς δήλος tJ i · α δικώ ν, διότι ούκ ώ μοσεν.
d. φάνερόν £σ τι τό τταιδίον ξένης όν, διό τι ο< γεννήται άπεψηώίσαντο αύτοΰ
και ούκ ένέγραφαν ίΐς τό γένος.
e. ο ί δέ γεννήτα ι έβιάσΟησαν άποφηφίσασΟαι τού π αιδίον, διό τι ήδεσαν
α υτόν ον γνήσιον οντα.
f. άγαΟόν έσ τιν ή Oepaπ ΐία .
g. και μνείαν έποιήσα το τοντιυν, ότι ήσΟένει και ίίς άπορίαν κατέστη και
ό τι ύπο Ν εαίρας έθεραττίύζτο.
h. μ έ γ α γάρ κακόν έστιν ή ασέβεια.
i. ήναγκάσϋην daeXfleiv βιαζόμει<ος.

(d) E n glish in to G r e e k
T ran sla te into G reek:
1. S t e p h a n o s w e n t to P h r a s to r . i n t e n d i n g to p r o m i s e h i m P h a n o in
m arriage.
2. P h r a s t o r m a r r i e d P h a n o b e f o r e h e k n e w she w a s N e a i r a ' s d a u g h t e r .
3. If P h a n o h a d no t l o o k e d after P hr as to r. h e w o u l d n o t h a v e ta ke n hack
t h e e h i ld .
4. P h r a s t o r t o o k h a c k P h a n o ' s ehi ld b ec au se o f his b e i n g ill .md be ca u se o f
P h a n o ' s l o o k i n g aft er h i m .
5. If the c h i l d ha d be en l e g i t i m a t e . P h ra s to r w o u l d h a v e s w o r n the o a th .

Vocabulary for Section Twelve E

eyc-os -a -oi· ln>l\ ά ττόρρη τ- o i -ov fo r b id d e n (3μ) I 'M fi i'f/ h d . in ili.irfc (>f

«κυρ-ον - o r mv.ilid ά ρ ρ η τ -ο ς -ο ι M-trct. n iM M important religion·

•iru ifln ή ih.m u-lc'.N iu·''· mysterious ι ilt’i I

Ub) αρ χ - ή , ι) u ttii'c . p o s itio n (1.1) β α υ ιλ ίΐi-u) be /’J.'i/i h>

tnrtip-af ~ov il)t‘\pt‘rlrU« II» nrjtff-jjs -t< t llllio lv . im p io u s δ (ό ή λ ιο κ -α I h .n i· %Iio\vii

( + 1*1-11. > β α σ ιλ - tv i, 6 Ι\ιίΙ< tt> iirJh'it ( δ η λ ό - ιυ )

A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o
Β ιη γ ί-ομ α ι explain Itp -ά, τά rite\. sacrifice (2b) π ( π ο ίη κ - £ ( ν ) (she) has done
Jco i-υσ-ος, ό D ionysos (2a) καταττιφρό%’η κ - ΐ( v) lie has ( it o u w )

(god v f nature, especially of despised ( κα τα φ ρονίω ) π ρ ά ξ - ις , ή fact, action (3e)

ii 'im I λαγχάι·-ιυ ( λ α χ - ) run as π ράττ-ω ( π ρ α ξ - ) do. act
10-o s, τό m anner. habits ( 3 c) (candidate tor office) π ρ ο α ή κ - n it is fittin g, right
Ιμφ q»’-ijs - fs «pen μ < τ ίχ -ω take part in ( 4-gen.) (for. + d at.)
(νγα ·-ή ς -t? well-born. o l (to) where τ(0 υ κ ~ ((v ) (she) has sacrificed
aristocratic ojroi-os -a -ov o f w h at sort ( Ονω )
(νλά β (ΐ-α , η respcct (lb ) ό τ ο ν = ο ν τ ιν ο ς ( δ σ τ ις ) φ ά σ κ -ω allege, claim
θ ί ο γ ΰ - ψ , 6 Thcogciics ( 3 d) τιάρίΒ ρ-ος, 6 assistant (2.1)
(Phatio’f husbandJot a short πάτρι-α, τά ancestral rues
while) (2b)

Vocabulary to be learnt
άπορο? oi· inexperienced in β α σ ιλ ίύ ω be king, be king όποιος a or of what kind
( +gett.) archon π ρ ά ξις, ή Jact, action ( je )
αρχή, ή position, office; start; ΐμφαί’ή? <? open, obvious πράττω ( π ρ α ξ - ) do, perform,
rule ( ta) (θος, τό maimer, habit ( j i ) fare
άσίβής is unholy U pa, τά rues, sacrifices ( ib )
βα οιλ(νς, ό king, king archon 01 (ta) where

O Grammar for Scction Twelve E

Perf. ind. act.

T he perfect indicative active 7τίπ α υ κ α ‘ I have stopped1
16 5 T h e fo r m s o f the perfect indicative a ct iv e are as f o l l o w s :
π ίπ α υ κ -α ‘ 1 h a v e st o p p ed ’
ττΙτταυκ-ε( ν )

ττ€Ίταΰκ-ασι( ν )

(i) At an early stage oj the language, the perfect meant ‘ I am in the position
having -e d ', i.e. there is a strong present force to it, e.<>.
τ4θι·ηκα( θνήσκω) ‘ lam dead’ cf. ολωλα (perfect o f όλ\υμι) m e a n in g Ί am
donefor, ruined’
ίστηκα (ίσταμαι) ’ / am standing’ (cf. 1 4 4 (ii))
ο Section T w elve li, 165

Iti Classical Greek, it also acquired the meaning '/ have —ed’ (a meaning often
associated, though not exclusively, with the -κα suffix). Sometimes the same perfect
form can l*ave both forces. It is important to bear the early meaning in mind.
(ii) The mark o f the perfect is the reduplicated stem, rhis is in fact afeature you have
already met with the -μ ι verbs (e.g. δο, διδο; 0e, nOe), so it is not wholly new. This
reduplication is maintained throughout all theforms (participle, infinitive, etc.) and is
not dropped as,for example, the augment isfor non-indicativeforms o f the aorist. Verbs
reduplicate after prefixes (cf. on augments 59 note (iv)).
(iii) Observe the following patterns o f reduplication:
(a) normal:
παύω — πέπαυκα ‘ I have stopped’
λύω — λέλυκα ‘ I have released'
(b) θ, φ, χ reduplicate with τ, π, κ, e.g.
θύω — τέθυκα ’ I have sacrificed’
φαίνω — πέφηνα ' I have revealed’
χαίρω — κεχάρηκα 7 have rejoiced'
(iv) Xote the perfect ofS ίbω μ ι-+8έ8ωκα 7 have given’ , o f τίθ η μ ι-* τέθηκα 7 have
placed' , and o f Εκίκνυμι—* δέδαχα Ί have shown’ . Their forms in the perfect are
entirely regular. O

Excrcises for Scction Twelve E

(b/c) Morphology and Syntax

1. W rite down the perfect reduplication o f the following verbs, going no
further than the first three letters (e.g. for θνω, write τ(θ~: do not count
τιμ ά ω , θωπεύω, μαρτνρέω, γίγνόμαι, φαίνομαι, πυνθάνομαι,
έπιΒημέω, έπιδίίκνυμι, καλ(ω, τιθημι, π ίίθ ω , εκβάλλω, γράφω,
έκπ έμ π ω , π ρ ά ττω , βιάζομαι, λείπω , λύω , νικάω, χράομαι, φύω, γαμέω

2. Translate and g iv e the 1st s. pres. ind. act. form o f each o f these regular
perfects (consulting the G reck-English vocabulary where nccessary).
Change singulars to plural and vice-vcrsa.
λελύκασι, μεμ α ρ τνρή κα π , ννίκ η κ *, τ (τιμ η κ α μ γ , έ π ^ δ ή μ η κ α ς,
γέγραφα, β φ ή κ α τ ί , κεκέλ(υκ(, χτίττράχαμεν, πίφίληκα, κίχώρηκας,

πίφ ροντίκασι
184 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o

Vocabulary for Scction Twelve F

ά κ α κ ί-α ,ή innoccnce (lb) δ ιο ικ ΐ-ω administer π υνθ ά ν-ομ α ι ( π ν θ - ) learn.

ακακ-ος -ov innoccnt iX (4-co pity hear, discover
άνθρω π-ος, ή w om an (2a) (Υκ’α nine (indecl.) ovve8pi-ov, τό council bo.ird
ά ντιβολ(-υί entreat (ζα π α τ η θ ίίη he was deceived (2b)
arztXaw-w exclude, reject ( ίξ α π α τ άω ) ΰ π ισ χ ν ί-ο μ α ι
Ά ρ ιο π α γ ίτ - η ς , 6 m em ber o f ίττίχ-ιυ ( im ο χ - ) hold o l f ( ύ π ο σ χ - ) p ron m e
the Areopagos council (id) ζη μ ίό -ω fine φ α ίν-ομ α ι (-4- int.) seem
'A p e -o i ττάγ-ος, 6 Areopagos I k ctcv - iu beg to - (but not in tact to -)
hill (2a) (ivhcre the council κηΒ€υ-ω ally oneself by XaXcmos φ ίρ -ω be a n gry.
m d) marriage to (+ d a t.) displeased
άρρητ-ος -or secret. κρίν-ιο ju d g e, accuse φ ίύ Β -ο μ α ι lie
mysterious πάρί&ρ-ος, 6 assistant (2a)
άρχων ( ά ρχοντ-) , ό archon (3a} πρόνοιαν π ο ιΐ-ο μ α ι show
βουΧ-ή, ή council (la) concern

Vocabulary to be learnt
άνθρωπος, ή woman (2a) ικ ΐτ ΐύ ιυ he.ij, supplicate φ αίνομαι ( + inf.) seem
άρχων ( ά ρχοντ-) , ό archon κρίνω ( κρ ιν-) judge, decide to (but not ut Jact to ~)
(}a ) πννθάνομαι ( π ν θ - ) learn, hear χ α λ ΐπ ώ ς φ ίρ ω be angry at.
βονλή, ή council ( ta) by inquiry displeased with
8iotκ ίω administer, run φ(ύΒομαι lie, tell lies

O Grammar for Section Twelve F

Aor. opt. pass.
Opt. in indir. sp.
Fut. opt.

Hie aorist optative passive ττανσθείην
l66 The forms o f the aorist passive optative are as follows:
τ τ α υ α θ - ζ ίη ν
τ τ α υ σ θ - ( ίη ς
7τ α υ σ θ - ( ί η
■ π α ν σ θ -ϊΐμ ζν
π α υ σ θ - ( ϊζ ν
O Scction T w elve F . 166-168
1 «5

Look fo r these by the presence o f the aorist passive stem in -Θ- with the endings
dominated by -a~.

Use o f the optative in indirect speech

167 Indirect speech which uses the indicative after (for example) o n
‘that can use the optative in place o f the indicative (without altering the meaning at
all) when the verb introducing the indirect speech is imperfect or aorist. The
optative will adopt the same tense as the indicative and will, like the indicative,
indicate what the speaker himself actually said, e.g.
Indicative: έλεζεν οτι έπαναατο
‘he said that he had stopped*
Optative: έ λ ίζ ίν οτι παύσαιτο
Indicative: ήδη οτι παύονται ‘ I knew that he would stop’
Optative: ήδη οτι τταύσοιτο
S o te
From now on we will use the term ‘secondary sequence’ to mean that the main
verb oj the sentence is imperfect or aorist, and the term ‘primary sequence’ to mean
that the main verb o f the sentence is present, future or perfect. ( Cf. also Reference
Grammar K , p. j o t .)

Future optative π α ύ σ ο ιμ ι, παυσοίμτην

i68 T h e forms o f the future optative are, in the active and middle, the
same as for the present, but based on the future stem. e.g.
Active: π α ύσ-οιμ ι , παύσ-οις, etc. I ^
Middle: παυσ-οίμην, παύσ-οιο, etc. j
For the passive, they are like the present middle but based on the future passive
stem, i.e.
Passive: παυσθησ-οίμην, πανσθήσ-οιο, etc.

7 '/it· future optative is used only in indirect speech as indicated in 167·
Distinguish carefully παύοιμι (pres.), παύσοιμι (fut.) and παυσαιμι (aor.). O

Excrciscs for Scction Twelve F

(b/c) Morphology and Syntax

1. Translate these sentences, then change the subordinate verbs from
indicative to optative:
a. oi δικασταί ήροντο ο τι ίπ μ α ξ ν 6 Στέφανος και οποία ήν ή άσέβεια ή τής
Neaipas και όπω$ τήν πόλιν ηδικησ^ν.
\S6 Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

b. ού γάρ f/hei ο Θ (ογένης οτου θυγάτηρ ε σ τ ί ούδε ο τ ι η ρ γ ά ζε τ ο τω

σ ώ μ α τι.
C. Θ εογένης εΐπεν ο τι ούκ ηδει οπ οίοι ήσαν οί τή ς Φ ανούς τρ ό π ο ι κα ι ο τι

έπείσθη ύπο Στεφ άνου π οιεΐν τούτο.

d. ή βουλή χαλ^πώς εφερεν το π ρ ά γ μ α , οτι Φανό) έξεδόθη τ ώ Φ ρ ά ο το ρ ι και
ώς τά ιερά ύπέρ τής π όλεω ς έπράχθη ύπο ξένης.
C. άρ* ούκ ήκουες ώς εις τό δικαστήριον εισή λθομ εν και ώ ς έκεΐνοι οί
άνδρες κατεδικάσθησαν και α τ τ α έλέχθη έν τη κατηγορίφ ;

ά ττα — άτινα

2. Translate the fo llo w in g questions, then turn them into indirect ques­
tions, using ηρόμην as the introductory verb, and altering direct
question words to indirect (see 66 and 136), and indicative verbs to
optative e.g:
τ ί έπραξεν ο Στέφανος ;= ή ρ ό μ η ν ο τ ι πράξειεν 6 Στέφ ανος.
a. τίς ταύτα έποίησεν;
b. πώς επραξεν οι άρχοντες;
C. τίς ήν η γυνή ή Θζογένους;
d. ποια γυι>η ήν ή Φανώ;
e. πόθίν εξέβαλε την γυναίκα ό Θεογένης;

Vocabulary for Scction Tw elve G

α Ιοχρ-ός -ά -όν base. καταιτ€φρονηκ(ναι to have π ο Χ ιτ(ύ -ο μ α ι g o vern
shameful despised ( καταφ ρόνια)) π ρό γον-ος, 6 forebear,
αποφαίνωσι (they) display Xtirovpye-iu perform (a state ancestor (2a)
( άποφαίνω ) duty) σ νμ φ ορ-ά , ή disaster (lb )
γ(γίντ}μα ι 1 have b ccom c. λίιτουργί-α, ή a state duty σ φ ίτ (ρ -ο ς -a -ov their o w n
been (γ ίγ ν ο μ α ι) (ib) τ(-τριηραρχηκότα h avin g
Βιαπράττ-ομαι do Χ (Χ(ΐτουργηκίναι to have served as trierarch
Βιαπναραγμίνον having done perform ed ( Xenoupryew ) ( τρ ιη ρ α ρ χ ία ,)
( Βιαπράτ7ομαι ) ν€νικηκίναι to have w on τριηραρχ(-α> serve as
διοττίττράχβοι to have done ( νικάω ) trierarch
( Starrράττομαι ) ο ΐά ν w h o (ever) φ ά σ κ-ω allege
ίΐκότω ς reasonably π ολιτίΐ-α , ή state, φ ιλ ό τ ιμ -ο ς -ov am bitious
ίΰ<ργ«σί-α, η go od scrvice. constitution (ib) χ ο ρ η γ -ό ς, 6 chorus-financier
public vcrvicc (ib) 7Γ(7!ολίτΐνμαι I have (2a) (a duty which the slate
καθιστώτα h iv in g been governed ( π οΧ ιτ(ύομ α ι) imposed on the rich)
made ( καθίσταμαι j
Scction T w elv e G —J r8?

Vocabulary to be learnt
α ίσ χ ρ ό ς ά όν ban·, shameful; act, perform ττολιτΐύο μ α ι be a citizen
ugly (o j people) (comp. <ίκότα>ς reasonably, rightly πρόγονος, ό forebear, aneestor
α ΐσ χ ίω ν ; sup. α ΐσ χ ισ τ ο ς ) ποΧιτ€ΐα, η state, constitution (2a)
Siatrρ ά τ τ ο μ α ι ( δ ια τ τ ρ α ζ-) do, (tb ) φ ά σ κω allege, claim, assert

Vocabulary for Scction Twelve H

ά μ α ρ τά ν -ω m ake a m istake introduced ( teoaycu) π ίπ ρ α κ τ α ι (it) has been done

Ιαχνρ-ός -ά -όν strong, ( π ρά ττω )
άπόλα>λ*ν he is don e for
powerful π ΐφ ΰκ α σ ιν (they) are born to
( ά ττό λλνμ ι)
καταμ(μαρτνρηται he has had ( φ ύ ομ α ι) ( + inf.)
γ ιγ ιν η μ ίν η ν h a v in g been
evidence brought against π ΐφ υκυϊα ν born (acc. s. f.)
( γ ίγ ν ο μ α ι)
him ( καταμαρτυρίω ) ( φ ύ ομ α ι)
«Γλτ)φ( he has taken
κ ίχρ ή τα ι he has used φ α ίν-ω reveal, declare
( λαμβάνω )
φ ύ -ω bear; mid., grow
(ιρητα ι (it) has been spoken ( χράομαι)
(!φ ν ν = 1 am naturally)
( λ ίγ ω ) παλλακ-ή, ή kept slave,
concubine (la) ωοτ€ so that; and so
€ ΐσ ηγμ (νος having been

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
ισχυρός α όν strong, powerful (ίληφα (perj. oj λαμβάνω) I
άμαρτάνω ( ά μ α ρ τ-) err; do
(ΐρημαι (perj. of λ ίγ ω ) I have have taken
wrong, make a mistake
φύω bear;mid..grow;aor. mid.
άπόλωλα (pcrf. o f been said
ί,φυν, perf πίφυκα be
άπόλλυμαι) I am lost καθίστηκα (perf. pass, o f
καθίσταμαι) I hare been naturally
yey (νημαι (perf. o f γίγνομα ι) I
φαίνω reveal, declare, indict
have been made, put

Vocabulary for Scction Twelve I

καταττίφρονηκίναι ti> have
ή δ ικ η μ ίνο ι having been
άκηκόατί you have heard despised ( καταφρόνια))
( ακούω )
injured (nom. pi. m.)
μάλλον ή rather than, more
δίκην δίδω μι ^δο-^ pay ( ά δ ικ ίω )
ήθ(βηκ€ναι to have been
penalty, be punished πίφ υκότα s' inclined by nature
ίιργασται he has done
impious ( άο(β 4ω)
(acc. pi. m.) ( φ ύομαι )
ήθ(βηκότων having been
( εργά ζομα ι) τιμω ρίαν rroii-ομαι take
ίλα ττω ν ( ίΧαττον-) smaller
impious (gen. pi. m.)
revenge on ( -f-gcn.)
(ύ σ ίβ ΐ-ω act righteously ( ά θ (β ίω )
ύβρισμίνοι having been
ήοίβηκυΐαν having been
ηδικηκότας having violently treated (nom pi
committed crimes against impious (acc. s. t.)
m.) ( υ β ρ ίζω )
(acc. pi. m.) ( ά ο(β ίω )
isS A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o
Vocabulary to be learnt
ακήκοα (perf. c f α κούω ) I have (λά ττω ν ((λ α τ τ ο ν -J smaller,

heard less, fewer

δίκ ην δ ίδ ιυμ ι ( δ ο - ) he (ύ σ (β (ω act righteously
punished, pay penalty μ ά λλο ν ή rather than; more than

O Grammar for Scction T w elve G -I

Perf. ind. mid./pass.
Perf. inf., part,
lrr. perf.

Pcrject indicative middle and passive ττέτταυμαι ‘ I have stop p ed, been
stopped ’
169 The forms o f the perfect indicative middle and passive arc as
πέπαυ-μαι ‘ 1 have stopped' or ‘ 1 have been stopped’
π ίπ α υ-σα ι
π ίπ α υ -τα ι
π ίπ α υ -ο θ ζ
π ίπ α ν-ντα ι (or π ίπ α υ - μ ίν -ο ι -αι ίισ ίν)

(i) Since the middle and passive forms are the same, we shall distinguis
passive meaning to start with by the use oj υπό ‘ by ’ or a dative of instrument, ‘ b y , with’ .
(ii) H u rt is an alternative third person plural form to -ντα ι- that is, -μ ίν ο ι ί ΐσ ί( ν )
(i.e. perfect participle+ €ΐμί).
(ui) Note that, after a pcrfect, 'by a person’ can be expressed by the D A T I V E , e.g.
πάνθ’ ημίν πςποίηται ‘ everything has been done by us’ .

Perfect infinitives and participles

170 The torms o f the perfect infinitives and participles are as follo w s:


Active: πζπαυκ-έναι ‘ to have stopped’

Middle/Passive: πίπαύ-σθαι ‘to have stopped/been stopped’
O Section T w elv e G - Ί , 169—171 f^

N ote
Look fo r a pcrfect reduplicated stcm + -€vai or -σθαι.

P articiples

Active: π€παυκ-ώ ς -via -o? ( - o r -) ‘having stopped’

M iddle j Passive: π επ α ν -μ ίν -ο ς -η -ov (n.b. accent) ‘having stopped,
having been stopped’
(i) The active participle is o f mixed declension, with the m. and n. declining
like j a nouns on the stem -or- and t h e f declining like ib nouns.
(ii) The middlejpassive declines like καλός.

R eg u la r and irregulat perfects

171 N o t e the fo llo w in g perfect forms and changes involved:

(a ) R eg u la r changes

ά σ φ ί ω —ϊ ’ησζβ'ηκα Ί have acted im piously’

a h iκ4ω —*ήΒ(κηκα ‘I have done w ro n g ’
ί β ρ ίζ ω —*ΰβρικα Ί have acted aggressively'
ά γ γ 4λλω -+ η γ γ€ λκ α ‘ I have announced’
ζ η τ 4ω —*€ζήτηκα ‘ I have sought’
σ τ ε ρ ίω —^έστέρηκα ‘ I have deprived’
ρ ίπ τ ω —*€ρριφα ‘ I have hurled

(b ) Irregular changes
Ζρχομα ι—*· έληλυθα Ί have come*
λ α μ β ά νω —>ςΐληφα Ί have taken
λ ίγ α )—>£Ϊρηκα Ί have said (from stem €p — cf. 106)
φ ίρ ω —*Ινηνοχα *1 have carried, endured
π ά σ χ ω —>π4πονθα *1 have suffered
ίσ τ α μ α ι —>ϋστι]κα *1 stand (participle βστ-ω? standing,
( C f. Language Survey (8), p. 318.)

N ote
C f. perfect έστηκα and aorists (θηκα, εδινκα.

R e vise :
A o r. opt. 129 Reference Grammar N
Βίδιυμι 131
άμζλ·ής\γλνκνς 133
Reis. 134-6
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Hxcrciscs

Excrciscs for Scction Tw elve I

(b/c) Morphology and Syntax

i. Translate the sentcnccs, then change singular verbs to plural and
a. εύ πεπολίτευσαι.
b. ήδικήμεθα μεγάλα ύπο Στεφάνου.
c. ουτοι ot λόγοι ύττο τής Ν εαίρας εΐρηνται.
d. τεκμηρίω φανερώ κέχρησθε, ώ άνδρες.
C. εγώ αύτός καταμεμαρτύρημαι ύττ’ έμαντον.
Γ. έκεΐνοι δε οι άνδρες ταΰτα διαπεπραγμένοι εΐσίν.
g. ό Φανούς παϊς εισηκται ύπο Στεφ άνου εις τούς φράτερας.
h. ουτοι αίτιοι γεγενημενοι είσι πολλώ ν κακώ ν έν τή π ό λ ε ι .
ι. μεγάλα, ώνδρες, νβριοθε και ήδίκησθε.
J. τούτο δ* εϊργασται 6 κατήγορος.
2. Use (a) οΐδα (b) φάσκω to change the above sentences into indirect
statements using norn./acc. + part. w jth 0$>a and nom./acc. + inf. with
φάσκω (use verbs in ist s.).
3. Do the same as in 2 with the follow ing sentences:
a. (tσμενίφαμέν) Στέφανος ούδέποτε δίκην δέδωκεν.
b. ( εύ οΐδαίφ ημί) Φανώ ζένη πέφυκεν.
C. ( ηδεισθαΙεφασκες) ή Νέαιρα ήοέβηκεν €ΐς τούς θεούς.
d. (ΐστε/φ ατέ) δικασταί καθεστήκατε.
C. (οισθαΙφης) ως την αυτού θνγατερα τήν Φ ανώ έκδέδωκεν 6 Σ τέφ α νος .

(d) English into Greek

i. Sentences
Translate into Greek:
1. 1 have shown that Phano has made sacrifices on behalf o f the city.
2. The council asked what sort o f wife the king archon had married.
3. Theogcncs said that he had been deceived by Stephanos.
4- Stephanos has governed well and performed many noble deeds.
5. W e all know that nothing noble haN ever been said or done by
2. Prose
Translate into Greek:
Once Phano was proved to be Neaira’ s daughter, Phrastor divorced
her. She, divorced, waited for a short time, intending that Phrastor
Section T w elv e Q —I

should take back her child. A n d , not long afterwards, Phrastor fell ill.
A n d , because he hated his family and did not want them to get his
property, he took back die child before he recovered, not wishing to
die childless. C learly, Phrastor w ould never have taken back the child
had he not fallen ill; for when he recovered, he married a legitimate
wife, according to the laws.

T est E x e rcise T w e l v e
Translate into English:
M enekles put away his wife, since he could not give her children. But, being
childless and aging, he wished to adopt a son. He optedfor one o f his ex-w ife’ s
two brothers. T he adopted brother here describes how Menekles made this
(From Isaios, M enekles, 10-13, 46-7)
μετά δε τα ύτα εσκόπει ό Μ ενεκλής οπως μ ή εοοιτο άπαις, άλλ* έαοιτο
αύτω π α ϊς, ος τις θεραπεύσοι αυτόν πριν άποθανεΐν και τελευτήσαντα
θάφοι και είς τον επ ειτα χρόνον τά νομιζόμενα αύτω ποιήσοι.
επειδή ούν ηύρισκεν ούδένα άλλον οικειότερον ήμών ονθ * έαυτώ,
Aoyou? προς ήμάς επ οιεΐτο, και 'ή τ ύ χ η ', εφη, ‘ούκ ειαθ€ εκ τής αδελφής
τή ς ύμετερας παιδας εμ α ντώ γενεοθαι. ού μην α λλ εκ ταυτης τής οικίας
επαιδοποιησάμην άν, ει οΐός τ* ή. ύμών ούν βούλομαι τον ετερον
π οιήοασθαι υιόν.' και ό αδελφός εμός άκουσας ταύτα επηνεαε τε τους
λόγους αύτού και εΐπεν οτι ό Μ ενεκλής διά το τε γέρων είναι και το
ερήμος είναι δέοιτο εμού ώ ς θεραπευαοντος αυτόν, εγω μεν γαρ , εφη,
αει α π οδη μ ώ , ώ ς σύ οιαθα~ ό δε άδελφος ουτοαι , εμε λ ίγ ω ν , ος αει
επ ιδημεϊ, τώ ν τε σών επ ιμ ελή οεται και τώ ν εμών. τούτον ουν ποιηααι
υιόν. και <5Μ ενεκλής καλώς εφη αύτον λεγειν, και ούτως εποιεΐτο με.
Ί he brother, who claims to have looked after Menekles from then until his
death, ends his case with a plea to the jurors not to allow his opponent, who is
challenging his ri^ht to Menekles’ property, to take away his estate and Itavt
Menekles without heirs.
ο δ* άντίδικος ούτος νυνί άκληρον μεν εμε ποιεϊν, απαιδα δε τον
τελευτήσαντα και άνώνυμον βούλεται καταοτήοαι. μτ) ουν, ω ανδρες,
πεισΟεντες ύπο τούτου άφαιρεΐσθέ μου τό όνομα, ά λ λ ’ επειδή τό πραγμα
€ΐς ύμάς άφϊκται και ύμεΐς κύριοι γεγένησθε, βοηθήσατε^ και ήμιν και
έκείνω τώ εν "Α ώ ου οντι, και μεμνημενοι τού νόμου και τού δρκου ον
ομω μόκατε και τώ ν ειρημενων ύπερ τού πράγματος, τα δίκαια κατα
τους νόμους φηφίσασθε.
iy2 Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

I ’pcabulary
τίλ«>τάω die dSt λφ ός, 6 b rother (2a) m a k in g th e decision)
θ ά π τω bury άποΒ ημ έω g o abroad iv "A tS o v in H ades
ι·ο μ ιζό μ (ν α , τά custom ary άκληρ ος ov disinherited μ ίμ ν η μ ίν ο ς p erf. p^rt. o f
rites (2b) ανώ νυμος ov nameless μ ιμ ν η σ κ ο μ α ι
ά ίχ λ φ ή , -η sister (la) κύριος a ov responsible (for ό μ ιυ μ ο κ α perf. o f ό μ ν υ μ ι
Section Thirteen
Vocabulary for Scction Thirteen A

α δ ίκ η μ α ( ά δ ικ η μ α τ - ) , τό ( λ ή λ ν θ α ’ she has go n e κ ν ρ ι-ο ς -a -ov able.

c rim e (3b) ( ίρ χ ο μ α ι) em p ow ered
ά μ (Χ (ΐ-α , ή in differen ce (1 b) "Ε λλα ς ( Έ λ λ α δ - ) , η G reece μ ισ θ -ό ς , ό pay (2a)
ά τ ιμ ω ρ η τ -ο ς -ov u n aven ged (33) ό λ ίγ ω ρ -ο ς -ov contem ptuous
γρ α φ ή να ι aor. inf. pass, o f e’m (+ d a t.) for die purpose o f π ίπ υ α θ ( yo u have learnt
γρ ά φ ω κ α θ ’ ή μ ίρ α ς daily, day b y day ( π ννθάνομα ι)
* % ·,«
ta v it καταλ^ίττ-ω π ο λ ΐτ ις ( π ο λ ιτ ιδ - ) , ή fem ale
ίγ ν ω σ μ ίν η ν k n o w n ( κ α τ α λ ιπ - ) bequeath, citizen (3a: but acc. s.
( γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ ω ) leave by righ t ν ο λ ϊτ ιν )
ίΐρ γ α σ τ α ι she has w o rk e d κ ο λ ά σ η τ ί y o u punish π ο ρ νίν-ο μ α ι prostitute
(Εργάζομαι) ( κο λά ζω ) oneself
σ ώ μ α ( σ ω μ α τ - ) , τ ό b ody,
person (3 b)
V o c a b u la r y to b e learnt
ά δ ίκ η μ α ( ά δ ικ η μ α τ - ) , το crime in i ( + dat.) fo r the purpose of, κύριο? a ov able, with power,
(jb) at, near by right, sovereign
(λή λν θ α perf. i f ίρ χ ο μ α ι I ή μ ίρ α , ή day ( lb ) μ ισ θ ός, 6 pay ( 2a)
have come καταλ(ίττιυ ( κ α τ α λ ιπ -) leave σ ώ μ α ( σ ιυ μ α τ -) , τό body,
Έ λ λ α ς ( Έ λ λ α δ - ) , ή C retce (ja ) behind, bequeath person ( jb )

Vocabulary for Scction Thirteen 13

ά δ α -α , ή freed om . άρρητ-ος - ov secret. Jiovi«7-oi, ό D ionysos (2a)

carie-blanche (ib ) mysterious (god oj nature, and especially
α νοη τ-ος -ov foolish, β ο ύλω ντα ι they wish o f trine)
thoughtless ( β ο ύ λο μ α ι) (κ α σ τ-ος -η -ov each

α η ο φ η φ ίζ-0μ α ι acquit διτηγί-ομαι explain, g o (ΐττητί you say ( tUτον)

(+ g c n .) dirom;h in tiS a v when (ever)
194 Λ . Grammar, V ocabularies, Exercises

(τη μ ίλ-ή ς -is caretul όλίγω ρ-ος -ov contemptuous ομοίω ς equally w ith (-fd at.)
«ρητά» she asks ( ήρόμην) ο μ ό γ ν ω μ ω ν ( όμογνωμον- ) in ττύθωνται they learn

καταξιό-ω think it right agreement with, content ( ίπ υ θ όμ η ν)

μ<τΙχ-ω share in (-f gen.) with, acquiescent in σώφρων ( αωφρον-) sensible,
μνημονικώγ indelibly (+dat.) law -abiding
ό τι av w hatever

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
άποψηφ'ιζομαι acquit ( +gcn.); ίκα στος η ov each
reject ( +gen.) ΐπ ιμ ίλ -ή ς ίς careful
διη γίομα ι explain, relate, go μ ( τ ίχ ω share in ( + gen.)
through όλίγω ρος ov contemptuous

Vocabulary for Scction Thirteen C

άκυρ-ος -ov invalid ίλ ίγ χ - ω refute, argue against ο ί αν ot w hom ever
ανοψηφιοωμίθα w e acquit «π<ιδάν when (ever) πολΐτ-i? ( πολιτιδ-), η female
( αποφηφίζομαι) λίγτ) (he) speaks ( λ έ γ ω ) citizen (3a)
βούλωνται they wish μ ίλ * ι x (dat.) is concerned πόρν-η, ή prostitute (la)
( βούλομαι) about y (gen.) ovvciraίν-ω join in praising
γ^ δψτου o f course οΓϊ άν with whomever τύχω σιν they happen upon
ca»' if ό τι άν whatever ( ΐτ υ χ ο ν )

V o cabu lary to be learnt

άκυρος ov invalid μ ίλ ιι X (dat.) is concerned
ia v ij(evcr) about V (gen.)
(λ ίγ χ ω refute. argue against πολΐτις ( πολιτιδ- ) t ή female
in tih iv when(ever) citizen fja: hut acc. s.

Vocabulary for Section Thirteen D

άνίκδοτ-οϊ -ov unmarried βούλωνται they wish ήντινα άν w hom ever
άζίιυμα ( ά ζιω μ α τ-), τό ( βούλομαι) ίκαν-ός -ή -όν adequate.
reputation (3b) γαμώ οιν (they) marry sufficient
άποδιδώ (it) gives ( γ α μ ίω ) καβ(οτήκτ) he is placed
( άποδιδωμι) iiaKpiv-iu difTercntiate ( κα θίστηκα )
άττολυΟ^ (she) is acquitted between κάλλιαν better
(απολύω) Swtjtqi he is able (δύναμαι) μ ίτρ ι-ο ς -α -ov reasonable,
άπορηθτ) (she) is ui dire straits δυνώμΐθα sve arc able acceptable
(airoptw) (δύναμαι) νομοθίτ-ης, ό lawgiver (id)
βοί’ληται (he) wishes
ipyaoi-a, ή function, work όφ-ις, ή face, looks (3c)
( βούλομαι) (ib)
Section Thirteen

παιδοποιώ νται (they) have ■πόρν-η, ή prostitute (la) τιμ -ή , ή privilege, honour
children ( π α ιδ ο π ο ιίο μ α ι) σ κ ο π ίω όπως sec to it that (la)
π α ν τίλώ ς com pletely, (-H ut. ind.) τρ ίφ -w rear, n isc
o u tn g lu τ (Χ ίτ -ή ,ή rite ( ι a) ώς άν in whatever w ay

V o cab u lary to be learnt

διακρίνω dectdt, judge between τιμ ή , ή honour, privilege, right
Ικανός ή 6v sufficient, able ( la )
πα ντίλώ ϊ completely, outright τρίφ ω ( θρ(φ-) rear, raise,
■πόρνη,-ή prostitute (ία ) Jeed, nourish

Vocabulary for Section Thirteen E

ά π ο β λ ίπ η τ ΐ you gaze at <m ( + gen.) on. concerned όταν when (ever)
( αποβλέπω) with αυγγϊγν-ομοΛ ( airyytr-) have
άσ(Χγ-ής -<s disgusting cmμ ίλ ίΐ-α , ή care, concern (ib) intercourse with ( + dat.)
γ ίν η σ θ ΐ you arc ( ίγ ίν ό μ η ν ) ή τ ί you are ( ( ίμ ί) σωφροσΰν-η, ή discipline,
ϊλ ίγ χ - ο ς , 6 examination, όμ<χ>μόκατί you have sworn sense o f right and wrong
refutation (όμι-νμι) (la)

V ocab u lary to be learnt

ίΧ ΐγ χος, ό examination,
refutation (2a)
(π ιμ ίΧ ίΐα , ή care, concern ( ib)
οταν whenever

Vocabulary for Scction Thirteen F

αποΧυθή (she) is acquitted θώμ*θα SVC cast ( τίθημι θ(~ ) svilling

( απολύω ) Γω 1go (subj. ot *ϊμι) στόμα ( στοματ - ) , τ6 mouth

ασπάζω νται (they) greet καταδικασθή (slie) is (3b)

condemned ( καταδικάζω) τρίίόβολ-ον, το three obols
( ά σπ ά ζομα ι)
(δ ρ -α ,ή scat(ib) κνκΧ-os, ό circle (2a) (dikast’s pjy) (;b)
toiKt it seems, it is reasonable λ ίγ η (he) says ( Χ ίγω ) 4>Xvapi-*»i talk nonsense

«ρωνται (they) ask •ntpiiXK-tu drag round

( ήρόμην\}ρωτάω) θυμί-ομαι be eager.

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
to iK t ir seems, it is reasonable, it
resembles ( + dat )
A . CiTiwrnuir, Vocabularies, Exercises o

O Grammar for Scction Thirteen

Indcf. with αν

V erbs
77ic subjunctive
172 T h e forms o f almost all subjunctives in all aspects depend upon the
following endings attached to the appropriate stems:

A ct ire (and aorist passive) M id d le and passive

stem -f-ω stem + -ω/χαι

-ητε -ησθε
ω σι( ν) -ω νται
Consider the following subjunctives:

Present active Present m iddlejpassivc

τταν-ω ~·ης -η etc. παύ-ω μαι etc.

Aorist active A orist middle

τταύσ-ω, τταύσ-rjs etc. παυσ-ω μαι etc.

Aorist passive
παυσθ-ώ, ττανσθ-γ}ς etc.

Perfect active Perfect m iddlelpassive

tt€7to.vk-oj, ττετταύκ-·ης etc. ττετταυμένος ώ , πετταυμενος $S etc.
or: πεττανκώς <L
πετταυκώς $ς etc.
S e c tio n T h ir te e n , 1 7 2 - 1 7 4

C o n tr. subjunctives, € ΐμ ί and €Ϊμι

A c tiv e
7TOi€-OJ τ ιμ ά - ω δτ]\ό-ω
7τοι-ώ (ε-ω ) τ ιμ -ώ (ά·■ω) δηλ-ώ ( ό -ω )
TTOl-ijS ( *- ϊι*) τιμ -ά ς («' ■
Ίίs ) δηλ-οΐς ( ό -φ )
TTOl-fj (έ-Ώ ) τιμ -ά (ά·■ν) δη λ-οϊ (ό~ ν)
ποι-ώ μεν ( ε-ω μ εν) τιμ -ώ μ εν (ά·-ωμεν) δηλ-ώ μεν ( 6-ω μεν)
TTOl-TjTt ( e-y ™ ) τιμ -ά τε (ά·■ητε) δηλ-ώ τε ( ό-η τε)
) ( έ -ω σ ι) τ ιμ -ώ σ ι(ν ) (ά- ω σ ι) δη λ-ώ σ ι(ν) ( ό -ω σ ι)

M id d le f Passive

ττοιά-ομαι τιμ ά -ο μ α ι δ ηλό-ο μ α ι

ττοι -ώμαι (ε-ιυμαι) τιμ-ώμαι (ά-ωμαι) δ η λ - ώμ α ι (ό-ωμαι)

ττοι-fj ( ε -rj) τ ι μ -q. ( ά -Tj) δ ηλ - οΐ ( ό -rj)
ποι-ήται (ί-ηται) τιμ-άται (ά-ηται) δηλ-ώται (ό-ηται)
7τοι-ώ μεθα (ε-ώ μ ε θ α ) τιμ -ώ μ εθ α (α -ώ μ εθ α ) δηλ-ώμεθα (ο-ώ μ εθ α )
ττοι-·ησθε (ε-η σ θ ε) τιμ-άσθε (ά -η σθε) δηλ-ώσθε (ό^ησθε)
π ο ι-ώ ντα ι (έ -ω ν τ α ι) τιμ -ώ ντα ι ( ά-ω νται) δηλ-ώ νται ( ό-υυνται)
N o te the subjunctives o f ε ιμ ί Ί am' and ειμι 7 shall go'
Ο) ιω
ύ ι71
ωμεν ΐωμεν
ήτε ΐητε
ώ σ ι( ν) ΐω σ ι( ν)

Su bjun ctive ο / δ ίδ ω μ ι
174 A very few verbs keep the -ω - all the way through the conjugation
e subjunctive, e.g. δίδωμι.

Present active Present middle (passive

διδώ δίδώμαι
διδφ ς διδώ
διδώ διδώται
διδώμεν διδνομεθο.
διδώ τε διδώσθε
διδώ σ ι( ν ) διδώνται
lyS A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises O

A o rist active A o rist middle

δω , δω ς, δω etc. δ ώ μ α ι, δω , δώ τα ι etc.
C f. eyvtuv ( 132), with aor. subj. γνώ , γνω ς, γνώ ctc.

αν a ga in
175 So far, the force o f av in a sentence has been to im part the idea ot
English ‘w o u ld ’ in a variety o f what were called ‘ unfulfilled conditions’ . In these
cases, άν took the optative or indicative.
av attached to a conjunction or relative, follow ed by a subjunctive, makes a
statement ‘ indefinite’ in application - a force best brought o ut b y the English
‘ever’ , e.g.
οστις αν τούτο ποιή\ττοιήσγ] . . . ‘ w hoever docs this . . .
τρόττω ω άν βούλωνται ‘in whatever w a y they w ill’
δταν €λθωσι\ΐωσι ‘ whenever they g o ’
176 N ote that άν need not be translated by ‘ever’ when it refers specifically to the
future (especially when the main verb is future), e.g.
tav ττοιώμ€ν\ποιήσωμ€ν τούτο, τταύσομζν τούς π ο λ ΐμ ίο υ ς ‘ if w e do
this, we shall stop the enem y’
ϊάν οικάδ t €ττανί·η\€7τανελθ-η, οφεται τήν γυναίκα ‘ if he returns hom e,
he will see his wife'

av combines with conjunctions as follows:
ΐ ΐ + άν = €άν, ήν and sometimes άν
δτ€ + ά ν= δ τα ν
€π€ΐδή άν = έπαδάν

R evise
Pres, and impf. pass. 137-8
Gen. abs. 139 Q

Excrciscs for Scction Thirteen

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
1. Translate these sentences, changing the verbs underlined into the
su junctivc requested to make the Greek grammatical:
a- ο ΤΙ άν μαρτνρούοι (pres.) καί λέγουσιν (pres/) oi μ ά ρ τυ ρ α , ά*ί kiτιμελώς
Section I h iit c e n , 17 4 -17 6 , 99

b. έπειδάν λέγ ει (pres.) και πείθει (pres.) ήμάς ό κατήγορος,

κα τα δικά ζο με ν.

C. C7τ€ΐδάν ή αστός τις α γω νίζετα ι (aor.) ή οί γεννήται άποφηφίζονται

(ao r.) πα ιδίον έκ ξένης τίνος γενομένου, οί νόμοι σώζονται.
d. δς άν μ ή κ α τα δ ικ ά ζετα ι (a o r.), αΑλ’ απολύεται (aor.) υπό τώ ν δικαστών,
τούτον ά ν α ίτtov είναι οίόμεθα.
e. eav εις α τιμία ν καθίσταται (aor.) πονηρός τις, πάντες οί πολΐται
ί. δταν βούλ€ι (pres.) λέγειν τι δεινδν και δηλοΐς (pres.) τάληθή, άεί
τιμ ω ρή σ οντα ι σε οί έχθροί.
g. ο άν δίκαιον ήγεΐσθε (pres.) καί τιμάτε (pres.), τούτο τό τίμημα, ώ
δικασταί, ό καταδικασθείς οφείλει τή πόλει.
h. ήτινι αν δ π α τή ρ προίκα μ ή δίδωσι (aor.), τούτη Ικανην την προίκα
παρέχει ό νόμος.
i. eav έπ ιμ ε λ ώ ς προσέχατε (aor.) τον νονν προς την κατηγορίαν και
προθυμεΐσθ€ (p res.), καταφηφιεΐσθε τής Νεαίρας.
J. έπειδάν είσέρχτ) (pres.) εις τήν οικίαν και έντνγχανει (aor.) σοι η γυνη,
δ πω ς θωπ€υσεις αύτήν.

(d) E n g lis h in to G r e e k
T ra n sla te in to G re e k :
1 . W h e n the dikasts g o h o m e, their w ives g r e e t thcm _
2. W h en a w o m a n gets hold o f m on ey, she bccom es i i c u t.
3 - I f y o u p a y atten tion to the defence speech, you \vi acquit
defen d an t. . .
4. W h e n prosecutors speak, they ^ “ “ V y o T w h a tc v c r
5· I f y o u are lo v e d b y y o u r daughters, they fc.
y o u w a n t.

Tran slate into G reek : ,
W h en Stephan os m akes his defence- speech,
O b v io u s ly h e w ill claim that he has bccn J g ° ° ^ 10ti,ing noble
p erfo rm e d m an y n o b le d e e d s ^ n d V ^ ^ ^ r d o f any
or g o o d has ever been d o n e by him . forefathers are
such th in g at all? Y o u h ave not; fo r neither he nor h.s
naturally in clin ed to p iety, but to im piety.
200 Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

T est E xercise T h irte e n

Translate into English:
In Lokrts, because o f a singular method o f treating the legislator, only one new
law has been passed in a very long time. The story involves a one-eyed man’s
search for justice.
(From Demosthenes. Timokrates, 139-41)
βούλομαι δ’ ύμιν διηγήσασθαι ώς iv Λοκροΐς νομοθετούσι. έκει γάρ
οιονται τούς πολίτας δβίι· τοΐς πάλαι κειμένοις νόμοις χρήσΟαι και τά
πάτρια φυλάττειν. ώστε εάν τις βούληται νόμον καινόν τιθέναι, έν βρόχψ
τον τράχηλον έχων νομοθετεί, και εάν μεν δόξη καλός και χρήσιμος είναι
ό νόμος, ζή ό τιθεις και απέρχεται, ει δε μή, τέθνηκεν έπισπασθέντος τού
βρόχου, και γάρ τοι καινούς μεν ού τολμώ σι τιθέναι νόμους, τοΐς δέ
πάλαι κειμένοις ακριβώς χρώνται. εν πολλοΐς δέ πάνυ έτεσιν εις λέγεται
νόμος καινός τεθήναι. νόμος μέν γάρ έν Λοκροΐς κεΐται ο τι, εάν τις
οφθαλμόν έκκόφτ), δει τον έκκόφαντα παρασχεϊν τον έαυτού οφθαλμόν
άντεκκόφαι. έχθρός δέ τις λέγεται άπειλήσαι έχθρώ ός ένα οφθαλμόν
έτυχεν εχων, οτι έκκόφοι τούτον τον ένα οφθαλμόν, γενομένης δέ τούτης
τής απειλής, χαλεπώς ενεγκουν ό έτερόφθαλμος, και ήγούμενος άβιιοτον
είναι τον βιον εαυτώ τούτο παθόντι, λέγεται τολμήσαι νόμον τοιόνδε
εισενεγκεΐι·· eai* τις ετεροφθαλ^ιου τινός τον οφθαλμόν έκκόφη, δεήσει
αυτόν αμφω τους οφθαλμούς άντεκκόφαι παρασχεϊν. ούτιο γάρ τό αύτό
πάθος αμφοτεροι παθοιεν αν. και τούτον μόνον λέγονται Λ οκροι θέσθαι
τον νομον ei» πλέον η διακοσίοις έτεσιν.

ιχ>μοθ(τίω frame laws ζά ω live άπίιλί'ω threaten ( + dat.)
πάλαι long ago (ττιοπασθΐντος aor. part. pass. ( U f f v - ) one
x t ίμαι be established Ot im on au j draw tight «τίρόφ θαλμος, ό one-eyed
ώστ< and so ίτος. τό year (3c) man (2a)
καινός ή όν new οφθαλμός, ό eye (2a) αβίω τος ov unlivable
βρόχος, 6 noose (2a) αντίκκότττω knock out in άμφω both
τράχηλος, ό ncck (2.1) return διακόσιοι ai a tw o hundred
Section Fourteen
Vocabulary for Section Fourteen A
children (do not) die* ποτάμι -os -a -or from a river
α ίτί-ομαι b e g, ask
θ ίλο νσ α = (0 ίλ ο υ ο α 1τρόσθΐν (+ g en .) in front o f
ά λοχ-ος, ή w ife ( i i )
θ ίρ ά π α ιν -α ,ή female servant προσπίτν-o j = -npoarlnr -cu fall
ά σ κ ί-ο μ α ι adorn onesclt
άω ρ-ος -ov untim ely, before (ofAlkcstis) (ic) upon, embrace
θνήσκ-ω ( βαν-) die π ροτιμά -tu hold in honour
ΐσ τα -μ α ι ( σ τ α -) sund σ υ ζίύ γνυ -μ ι ( συζ«υ£ -) join in
y tw e i- o f -a -ov noble, fine
ΐστω γυνή 'let the woman marriage
h ion oiv-a , ή mistress (jc)
know (that she)' τίκ\’-ον, τό child (ib)
δ όμ -ο ι, oi house, hom e; (with
κατά (4-gen.) be neath rtKovaa, ή mother (nVroi
κίδριν-ος) chest, b ox (2a)
καταθνήσκ-ω die aw ay (fut. ( τ ( κ ·) bear)
cκ . . . (λούσα Liking out from
Ttprrv-os -ή -όν joyful.
ίκ π ίμ π Χ η -μ ι κατθανοϋμαι)
κ α τ(ΰ χ-ο μ α ι prav earnestly
plea van t
( ΐκττλη α -) com plete
ΐ·δωρ ( υδα τ-) , τό w a ter <3b)
(να ντιό-ομα ι deny, disagree tea τθαΛ’ο ν μ ίΐ’η fee κατοθνήσκα»
υτΓ€ρβτβλημϊνην ‘w ho
(νδ ίΐκνυ-μ α ι x ih p n -o t ·η -ov ot cedar
Mirpa'ses' (sc. Alkesti·»!
( ϊ ν δ ίΐ ξ - ) declare oneself as κ λν-tu hear
( ΰπ (ρβάλλομαι)
( + part.) κόσ μ -os, ό decoration (;a)
v~tpd*-fjOK-uj ( vrriptiav-) die
ίσθης ( € σθητ-), ή clothes (3a) λ ίυ κ -ό ς ~ή -όν white
for another
Έ σ τ ί-α , ή household hearth λον-ιυ wash
vito (■+*dat.)under
(ib) μ α κ ρ φ by far
χθώ ν (χ$ ον-). ή earth (ja)
<νκλ<-ής - i i glorious, ot όρφα >’«ν·ω look after as
χο ρ -ό ί, ό chorus (ot
good reputation orphans
townsmen) (»a)
fim p tn -ής -es becom ing. παννοτατ-ος -ov tor the
xpws (xptuT-). ό skin, flesh
proper very last time
(ja) (ai c χρόα)
ϋσ θ ίθ'= ·ήσ Ο (το (aor. o f πατ ρώ -ος -a -ov father\.
αισθάνομαι) ancestral
θανίΐν , . . παίδας ‘that mv rroa-n, ό husband (3c)

V o c a b u la r y to b e learn t Ϊστημι ίσταμαι iti up,

ytm-aiof a 01· noble,fine ιυπρ<·πής is teetnly. p <·I
δέσποινα, ή n m tr tfs (n ) beiommg
κατά ( +£<n > ^ ,cu'
δόμοι, o l houtf, home ( j j ) QvfjOKta (Oa*- ) die
202 A . Gram m ar, Vocabularies, Exorcises

κα τα θ ι·η σ κ ω ( κ α τ α θ α ν -) die π α νυσ τα τοί η ov f o r the very t 4k v o v , to ch ild ( j b )

away last lim e tI k t w ( τ ( K - ) bear, g iv e birth to

κ λ ύ ω hear π α τ ρ ώ ο ς a ov o f one's fa th er, ν δ ω ρ ( ΰ&α τ - ) , τ ό water ( j b )

κ ό σ μ ο ς, o decoration. ancestral ύπο ( + dat.) under, beneath

ornament; order; universe (2a) ττόσις, ό husband, spouse (ye) χ ρ ω ς ( χ ρ ω τ - ) , ό f le s h , skin
μ α κ ρ ός ά όν large, big, long π ροσττίτνω f a l l u p on , embrace (acc. χ ρ ό α ) ( j a )

Vocabulary for Scction Fou rteen B

*Α δ μ η τ - ο ς , ό A d m e to s (2a) Ιχ θ α ίρ -ω hate μ ( θ ί σ τ η - μ ι c h a n g e , alter

ά κ λ α ιη -ο ς -ov u n w eep in g θ ά λ α μ -ο ς , ό b e d ro o m (2a) OKve- ω shrink fro m ( + m f.)
άστ€νακτ~ος -ov w ith o u t κ ά ζ ίσ τ ΐφ ΐ= κ α ·1 c£cσ τ ΐ φ ί π α ρ θ (ν € ΐ-ο ς - a -ov m aid en ,
lam entation κάττ€ΐτα = κ ο ί ίττίιτα v irg in
δ α κ ρ ύ -ω w eep κατά ( + a c c .) th ro u g h o u t η ρ ο δ ίδ ω - μ ι ( π ρ ο δ ο - ) b etra y
ίσ π ίπ τ-ιυ ( e o ir t o - ) fall into, κ ο ρ ίύ μ α τ -α , τ ά m aid en h o od π ρ ο σ € ν χ -ο μ α ι address m
on (3^) p ray er
Ικ σ τ Ιφ -ω garland, c ro w n « κ τ ή σ « τ α ι (she) w ill h av e σ ώ φ ρ ω ν ( σ ω φ ρ ο ν -) m o d est,
«τνθα there gained ( κ τά ομ α ι ) chaste
c v u h -ή ς -ές gracefu l, pleasant λ ίκ τ ρ - ο ν , τ ό bed (2b) τονττιόν — το ciTιό ν (pres. part,
( ύ τ ν χ - ή ς - ίς fortunate λ ίχ - ο ς , τό b ed (3c) n. o f ϊπ ίρ χ ο μ α ι)

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
δακρύω weep
Α τ υ χ ή ς ts fortunate, lucky σ ώ φ ρ ω ν ( σ ω φ ρ ο ν -) modest,
(Ιο π Ιν τ ω ( (Xarrta-) fa ll into,
θ ά λα μ ος, ό bedchamber (2a) chaste, discreet, sensible,
κ τά ο μ α ι acquire, g el, gam law -abiding, prudent,
ίνβ α there
προδίδω μι (τιρ ο δ ο -) btlray disciplined, temperate

Vocabulary for Section Fourteen C

ά γ κ \ Χ -ΐ),η arm (la)
δάκρυ- ον, τ ό tear (2b)
άθλι-os a -ov pathetic. κ λ α ί-w w e e p
Β ίμ νι-ο ν, τό b ed , b ed d in g
miserable κ ο ίτ - η , η bed (ia)
(usu. pi.) (2b)
ά κ ο ιτ -ις, ή w ife (3c) κ ό ρ -ο ς, ο su fficien cy, e n o u g h .
δ ίύ -ω w et, b e d e w , besprinkle
ά λγ-ο ς, τ ό pain, agon y (3c) fill (2a)
ίμ ττν ί-ω breathe
άλλοτ’ άλλον n o w one. now K w c- ω kiss
ίξ η ρ τ η μ ίν -ο ς clin gin g to
the other λ ί λ ή ο ΐ τ α ι h e w ill h ave
( + g c n .)
αμήχαν-ος -ov hopeless, fo rg o tte n (λ α ν θ ά ν ο μ α ι)
Ιτπ οτρ ά φ η she turned back
impossible λ ίσ σ -ο μ α ι b eg
( ί -nισ τ ρ ίφ ω )
ανγ-ή,-η ray (la) μ α ρ α ίν -ο μ α ι die aw 'ay (pass.)
(ο θ λ-ό ς -ή -όν noble, fine
β ά ρ -ος,τό w eigh t, burden ο ΐκ -ο ς , ό h o u seh o ld (often
ή που no doubt
(ic) pi.) (2a)
κάρριφ(ν — καί eppuptv
o iw o t c never
O Scction Fourteen, 177 203

ο ΰ τ ις ( ο ύ τ ιν - ) n o o n e 7τροσλ€γ~ω α φ ί h c (= A d m c to s)
ό φ θ α λ μ ό π γ κ τ - η ς -ov w e llin g ( ττ ρ ο σ α π - ) address (aor τ α μ ή χ α να = tq α μ ή χα να
fro m the e yes pass, π ροσ(ρ ρή θη ν) τά ν = τ ο ι άν 'tr u ly , h e w o u ld
•π α ρ α μ ίν -ο ς -ij -ov exh au sted n p oreiv -u f stretch ou t have
π ίπ λ - ο ς , 6 r o b e (ia ) σ μ ικ ρ - ό ς -α -ό ν = μ ικ ρ ό ς τ ο ισ ίδ ' = τ ο ΐσ δ (
π λ η μ μ υ ρ ίς ( π λ η μ μ ν ρ ι δ - ) , ή α τ ί γ - α ι , a l house (ic) φ θ ίν-ω die, w aste a w a y

flo o d (3a) σ τ ( ίχ - ω go χ α ρ ό ς i.e. on A dm etos’ hand

π ρ ο ν ω π -ή ς - ί ς fo r w a r d , ο τ (ν ά ζ-ω w e e p , lam ent Xepoiv ‘ in both hands* (dual

h e a d lo n g σ τ(ρ < -ω d ep rive ot ( + gen.) form )

V o c a b u la r y to b e lea rn t
ά θ λ ιο ς a ov pathetic, miserable, ο ίκ ο ς , 6 household, house (20)
wretched ο ΐτπ ο τί never
β ά ρ ο ς, τ ό w eight, burden ( j c ) ο ΰ τ ις no one
δάκρυον, τό tear (2b) π ρ ο σ λ ίγ ω address
ίσ θ λ ό ς ή όν n o b le, f i n e . good α τ ΐ ί χ ω g o , come
κ λ α ίω weep

O G ram m ar for Scction Fourteen

Fut. perf.
T r a g ic usages and iam bic trimeters

V erbs

T h e fu tu r e perfect
177 T h e re is o nc ly one formfnnire
of theDerfect
future This
p c n mis . the middle/
passive fo rm , as follow s: . .
. . . .
Indicative: „ι
τη π α ν· -σ ο μ α ‘ i1 chall
sna ι have stopped
tf (been stopped) ctc.

π€.7τα ύ -σ ΐτα ι
ττίτταυ-σόμ ζθα
Infinitive: ττετταύ-σεσθαι
Participle: πετταυ-σομενος
Optative: π επα υ-σοιμ ην

NoU's ,. , . ι Λ#ι ,#avvear in thisform , and most prefer

( i) This is a rareform many ι <rb> «*■ PI
either the passive meaning (most usual) or tin niit ‘ i
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Bxercises o
Look for a perfect m i d d l e Ipassive stem (no -κ - , but reduplication), with fu tu re middle
endings i.e. -σομα ι -arj -a era i etc. e.g.
λελύσομαι ( λ ύ ω ) Ί shall have been released’
(λ ύ ο μ α ι) 7 shall have ransomed’
π επράξεται (π ρ ά σ σ ω ) 'it w ill have been done'
πεπαύσομαι ( πανομαι.) I shall have ceased
A s usual the middle verbs will carry an active meaning:
κεκτήσομαι ( κ τα ο μ α ι) I shall have obtained
(ii) In meaning, particularly in poetry, it can be used as an emphatic fu tu re, e.g.
κεκτήσεται ‘ she w ill possess’
φράζε και ττεπράζεται ‘ speak, and it shall be done *
(iii) The active 7 shall have -e d ’ is supplied by the perfect active participle and the
future o f the verb ‘ to be’ e.g.
λ ΐλυ κ ό τες εσόμβθα ‘ we shall have released’
The passive may also be formed with the passive participle:
λελνμένος eσομα ι ( = λ ε λ ύ σ ο μ α ι) 7 shall have been released’

T r a g ic usages
178 N ote the follow ing tragic usages:
(i) Observe the elision or crasis displayed by the fo llo w in g phrases:
1. 2$ κάπ€ΐτα (κ α ί ί π ε η α )
1. 16 τάμά ( τά €μά)
1. 38 κάρριφεν ( και ερριφεν)
1. 47 ταν ( τοι άν)
1. 9 ησθεθ' ημέραν ( ήσθετο ημέραν)
Verse displays far more features o f this type than prose, though doubtless crasis
and elision occurred in spoken language, even i f they w ere not indicated in
(ii) Note the prefixes to:
1. I καταθνήσκω
1. 13 κ α τΐύ χομ α ι
1. 22 προσεύχομαι
1. 45 π ρ οσ λίγω
The basic meaning o f the word is retained, but the prefix shades its meaning
differently. This subtlety is one you should try to take into account when
(iii) W ord order in verse can be far more flexible than in prose; again,
utterances can be far more oblique and tightly packed w ith meaning. Since this
matter o die individual author s style, only w ide reading in an author will
accustom you to his particular quirks.
O S e n ion F ourteen , 177—179

N ote particularly the splitting o f preposition from its verb (‘tmesis’):

1. 11 €κγ8 έλουσα κ έ δ ρ ιν ω ν δ ό μ ω ν ‘ taking from the cedar b o x’
(iv) O bserve the use o f the poctic forms (e.g. το ΐσ ι for rots in τ ο ισ ίSc κακοΐς,
1. 49), a n d th e fig u r a t iv e use o f w o r d s , e .g .
1. 11 Β όμω ν, usually ‘house’ , here = ‘chest, b o x’

T r a g i c v e r s e m e tr e
179 English verse can be described in terms o f the number o f ‘beats’ to
a line, and sometimes in terms o f rhym e as well, e.g.
‘A s I was going up the stair
I met a man w ho wasn’ t there.
He wasn’ t there again today.
I wish, 1wish he’d stay aw ay.’

There arc fo u r ‘beats’ to each line, and the lines rhvme a a , bb.

Greek verse does not rhym e; nor is it to be described in terms o f ‘beats’ , but in
terms o f the value (long or short) o f each and every syllable which makes up the line.
e v e r y s y l l a b l e c o u n t s in g r ee k v e r s e . (On determining long and short

syllables, see 228.)

The com m onest metre o f Greek tragedy is the i a m b i c tr im e te r (nearly all the
dialogue o f Greek tragedy is written in iambic trimeters). A trimeter is com ­
posed o f three ‘ m etra’ . An iam bic ‘ m etron’ is w — w — (i.e. doubtful syllable,
called ‘anceps’ , w'hich can be either long or short, + long-short-long syllables).
(Sometimes it is helpful to speak o f iambic ‘feet’, i.e. ^ - or — .)
Thus an iam bic trimeter looks like:

v — —1

O ne m ight express it ‘blank turn-ti-tum, blank tum-ti-tum, blank tum-ti-tum .

In some Greek metres (and the iambic trimeter is among them) one long
syllable can be replaced by tw o short syllables. This resolution o f one long into
tw o shorts is m ore com m on in some authors than others, and in some parts o f
the line than others.
Here arc five lines o f the passage from Alkestis scanned, i.e. with the longs and
shorts marked and the line split up into metra:
— — ^ \-/ —
7rcas1 8* ο ύ κ ά ρ ισ \ τ η ; τ ι ς 8 εν α ν \τιω θ € τα ι,
w — — — — v_y — ^ —
τ ι χ ρ η γ ε ν ε ο \ θ α ι τ η ν ιπ τε ρ ίβ εβ λη μ εν η ν

V “ “ “ “ W ^
γ υ ν α ί κ α .; ττως ' 8* ά ν μ ά λ λ ο ν εν \8 ειζα ιτο τι<
206 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Txercises o
— u — — — v-/ — V-/ — —
ττοσιν προτι\μω σ ’ i? &λοι»|σ’ ύπερθανειν;
— — ^ — w —
και ταυτα μεν | δι? ττασ’ επισίταται π όλις.

The last syllable counts L O N G for the purpose o f scansion, whatever its

R e vise
Aor. and fut. pass. 143, 157 Language Survey (2)
ΐστημι 144 Language Survey (7)
τίθημ ι 150
Acc. + inf./part. 146—9, 156 Reference G ram m ar K , p. 301. O

' '«s

Section Fifteen
Vocabulary for Scction Fifteen A
α,θυμώς ΐχ - ω be g lo o m y . *frlYVr -ys· ό Adviser (id) κάθαρσ-is, ή purification (je)
disheartened (ξω ( + gen.) outside πύλ-η, ή gate (ta)
ο.ττ(λ(νθ(ρ-α, ή freed w o man coiK-a seem συμφορ-ά, ή divaster.
(•b) ΐτπ-ποιήκα he had done occurrence (ib)
Α πολλόδω ρ-os, ό ( ηοί(ω ) σι/Γτυγχάΐ'-ω
A p o llo d o ro s (2a) (friend o f εττΐττόνθη I had m i tiered ( συντυχ-) meet with
Arislarkhos) ( πάσχω ) (+ d at.)
Α ρίστα ρχ-os, 0 A ristarkhos (ΰθΰς ( + gen.) straight ταφ-ή, ή burial (la)
(2a) (whose story is told) towards ύβριστ-ής, o violent, criminal
Α ρίστω ν, ο A riston (3a) ήδικήκα (he) had w ronged character (id)
(father o f Arislarkhos) ( nSiKfoj ) ύπό ( + acc.) up under, along
&ι*£*ρχ-ομαι ( δ ΐίξ ( λ θ - ) tell. θ ίό φ η μ -os, 6 Theophem os under
g o through in detail (2a) (enemy o f Arislarkhos φον(ύ-ω kill, murder
δΐ€π(πρακτο (he) had done and responsible Jor the death of χωρί-ον, τό farm (2b)
( διαπράττομαι) afreedwomatt)
«ι'θνμ ί-ομ α ι take to heart Ίλισ-ός, 6 River Hison (23)

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
α π ίλΐύθίρος, ό freedman (2a) ίύθΰς (+ g en .) straight towards υβριστής, ό violent, criminal
α·π(λ(υθίρα, ή freedwoman fib ) πύλη, ή gate ( ta) person (id)
δι*ζ€ρχομαι ( δ κ ξ ίλ θ - ) go συμφορά, ή disaster, mishap, ύπό ( + a a .) under, along
through, relate occurrence ( lb) under, up under
( + gen.) outside αυντνγχάνω ( συντυχ-) meet χω ρίον,τό farm; place. space.
ίοικα seem, resemble with ( + dat.) region (2b)

Vocabulary for Section Fifte en L3

Μ ν μ έ .ω be g lo o m y . g lo o m y how ever that m ight be
disheartened, dow nhearted ακο-ή, ή hearing ( ιι) α-ποκριττττ-αι conceal, hide
οθ υ μ η τίο ν (you) should be ά λ λ ’ ουν well, anyw ay; βρα χ- u f - e ia - v brief, short
208 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises o
γ(γα·ημ(\·α , τά events Μ (γ α ρ ά δ ( to M eg3ra ο κ ίτ τ τ -ο μ α ι consider

δπγγητίον 1 (dat.) must μ ή ( + a o r . subj.) d o n ’ t σκ€τττίον w e (dai.) m ust

tell/rclatc π α ντώ ς in e very w a y . w h o lly consider

StnX-ovs -ή -ovv double πάνυ μί,ν oSv certainly σ υ μ β ο υ λ ίΰ -ο μ α ι debate w ith,

€Ϊσομαι fut. o f olSa jTfρ ίπ α τ-ο ς, ό w alk, stroll (2a) take counsel w ith
(ΐτ ίχ -ω ( έ π ισ χ - ) hold on, n v iy -oς, τό m idday heat, σ χ ο λ - ή ,ή leisure (13)

h old back stifling heat (3c) φ ο β ί-ο μ α ι μ ή I am afraid

(τπ α κ ώ ς pretty, fairly π ρ ο θ ν μ ί-ο μ α ι be eager, ready that/lest (+ s u b j.)
(ΐτιθυ μ (-ω desire π ρ ο θ υ μ η τίο ν (you) should be χ ά ρ ις ( χ α ρ ιτ - ) , ή thanks (3a)

(.nirrfiei-os -a -ov suitable ready (for acdon) χ ά ρ ιν οΐδα feel gratctu l to

Γνα (+ su bj.) in order diat π ρ ο σ ή κ -ω ν -ουσα -ov fittin g ( + d a t.)
κάθη-μαι be seated for (+ d a t.) ώ στ€ so that, and so

V o ca b u lary to be learnt
αθνμέω be downhearted, restrain, check σ κ έ π τ ο μ α ι exam ine, look
gloomy Ιπ ιθ υ μ ίω desire, yearn fo r carefully at
ακοή, ή hearing ( ια) ( +gen.) σ χ ο λ ή , ή leisure (ta )
άλλ’ o w well anyway; however ( π ιτ ή δ ίιο ς a ov suitable, useful φ ο β ίο μ α ι μ ή Jcar that/lest
that may be for ( + subj.)
βραχύς «ία i short, brief κά θημα ι be seated χά ριν οίδα be grateful to
γ(γ(νημένα , τά events, μ ή ( + aor. subj.) don't ( + dat.)
occurrences (ib ) πάνν μ ( ν ovv certainly, o f courst χ ά ρ ις ( χ α ρ ι τ - ) , ή thanks, grace
ΐ π ί χ ω ( ίπ ι σ χ - ) hold on προθυμέομαι be ready, eager (3a)

O Grammar for Section Fifteen A -B

μή + aor. subj.
φοβούμαι μή
-τέος v c rb -fo rm s

V erbs

Pluperfects (very rare) €π€παυκη, ϊπ ζ π α ν μ η ν 7 had stopped, been

stopped ' ^

18 ° T h c fo rm s o f the p lu p erfect arc as fo llo w s:

A u iv e M iddlefP assive
€ττΐτταυκ-η I had stopped έττεπαύ-μην ‘ I had (been) sto p p e d ’
€π€τταύκ-ης Ιττίπαυ-σο
eTrerravK-ei iiriirav - t o
ίττ,-ηαύκ-εμεν ίπειταύ-μεθα
€7Γ€7Γαύκ-£Τ€ ταυ-σθί
ίπετταύκ-εσαν ίττέτταυ-ντο
ο Section Fifteen A H , 180-183

(i) T he pluperfect means ‘ I l i a d - . It is very rare.
(ii) Spot the pluperfect by the presence o f the augment before the reduplication. In other
words, the pluperfect pushes the perfect one step further back in time (cf. present, and
augmen ted aoristfimperfect).


181 Y o u have already met μή + present imperative to mean ‘don’t’ ,

e.g. μή ακουε ‘d o n ’ t listen’ . (Cf. 6.)
μ ή + aorist subjunctive also means ‘don’ t’ . The phrase has an aoristic aspect
and it m ay im p ly ‘d o n ’ t do it just this once’ , e.g.
μ ή άκούστ)ς ‘don’ t listen’ (s.)
μ ή ΐλ θ η τ ΐ ‘d o n ’t g o ’ (pi.)

Verbs o f fearing

182 φοβούμαι means

(i) ‘I fear, am afraid o f ’ (+ object)
(ii) Ί am afraid to ’ (-(-infinitive)
(iii) ‘ I am afraid that/lest’ . In this sense it takes μή + subjunctive if the fear
refers to the future; otherwise, the natural tense o f the indicative, e.g.
φοβούμαι μή cXdrj ‘I am afraid that he will com e’
φ οβούμαι μή ή λθ ίν ‘I am afraid that he came’

Verb-form s iti - τ ί ο ς
183 These forms are based upon die vcrb-stem e.g.
ά θ υ μ ίω —*άθυμητίος ‘to be disheartened’
π ρ ά ττω —*πρα κτίος ‘ to be done’
π (ίθ ω —>7τ€ΐστ€0ς ‘to be persuaded’
Observe particularly ο ίσ τίο ς ( φέρω) ‘ to be carried’
ireos (<3μι) ‘ to be journeyed’
These carry the idea o f necessity, i.e. that something must take place or be
done. T h ey are used in tw o ways:
(i) as straight adjectives, meaning ‘to be ed , e.g. netareoi οι άνθρωποι eiaiv
‘the men arc to be persuaded, must be persuaded’ .
(ii) in the form -τ ίο ν |« m ] as if=S«i+infinitive. The subject can go into the
accusative or dative; the -τίο ν form remains (usually) quite unchanged (if there
is a change, it will be to the neuter plural, -τία ), e.g.
ημιν / r, . „ 'we must do this’ (8e Γ ήμάς ποιειν
ήμάς π ο ιη τ ή ν [ t a n ] ταύτα .
αυτοις ‘they had to write the letter’ (eSei
Υραπτ€ον ήν τήν Επιστολήν αυτούς τήν επιστολήν γράφαι) Ο
A . Grammar, I ocalmlarics, Excrciscs

Excrciscs for Scction Fifteen A - B

(b/c) M o rp h o lo g y and S yn tax

i. Translate these commands, then change into negative com m ands
using μή + aorist subjunctive:
a. κω λύσατί τον άνδρα.
b. τιμω ρήσασθ€ τούς φίλους.
C. καταφρόνησον τ ώ ν θεών.
d. θού τήν φήφον.
C. επιλάθεσθε τούτου τού π ράγματος.
f. κάτειπε τον τής απολογίας λόγον.
g. μνημονεύσατε πάντας τούς λόγους.
h. παράλαβε νεανίσκους.
1. επίσχες.
j. επιθυμήσατε.
k. άθύμησον.
2. Translate the following sentences:
a. φοβούμεθα μή ταΰτ’ άκούσας άθυμήυη ο άνήρ.
b. δεινώς άθυμώ μή ον ποιη τούτο ό εταίρος.
C. ορα μή φευδή λ ίγ η ς προς τούς δικαστάς περι τώ ν γεγενημένω ν.
d. φοβούμαι μή τούς άνδρας ούκ εσωσεν 6 Δημοσθένης.
3- Translate these statements, then using the pool o f -τεος verb-forms,
convert them as follows:
e.g. δει έ μ ϊ ποιεΐν τ α ύ τ α —*εμοι,έμε π ο ι ητ ί ο ν τ α ύ τ α or ταύτα ποι ητε α
a. Set ημάς ακριβώς σκοπεΐσθαι περι ταύτα.
b. σ€ ιεναι οΐκαδε.
c. Set αυτούς βοηθεΐν.
d. δίί τον άνδρα φερειν τήν συμφοράν.
C. δει ύμάς π ολεμςΐν.
f. δ^Γ οικαδε π ί μ π ς ι ν σε.

σκεπτΐος, οίστρος, ιτζος, πολεμητεος, βοηθητεος, πεμπτεος

Vocabulary for Scction Fifteen C

άττοστίλλ-ω send out γράφ -oj propose (a decree) ( ξ ίρ χ -ο μ α ι end, finish
άφθον-ος -ov unlimited δίαν it being necessary ( S d J it being possible ( ΐ ζ * ο τ ι )
β οήθ ίΐ-α , ή rescue operation διά τάχους with all speed
O Section Fifteen C , 184-185 211

ΐνα ( + subj./opt.) in o rd er πριάσθαι to buy (aor. inf. o f σχοινΐ-ον, τό rope (2b)

that, to ώ νίομαι) τριηραρχί-ω serve as
κομίζ-ομ αι co llcct πρός ( + dat.) in addition to trierarch
νιώρι-ον, τό d o c k y a rd (2b) προστάττ-ω ΰπάρχ-ω be in supply
δθ(ν from w here ( π ροστα ξ-) instruct, order Χ αιρίδημ-ος, 6 Khairedem os
όθόνι-ον, τό sail-cloth (2b) σ κ (ύ-η , τά ship’s gear (pi.) (2a) (proposer oj a decree about
παραδίδω-μι ( παραδο-) hand (3C) ship’s gear in J57)
over στά σ-ις, ή revolution (3c) ώ ς τάχιστα as quickly at
■napaoxfν ά ζ-ω equip, στνπ π (ΐ-ον, τό to w , coarse possible
prepare flax (2b) ώ σ τί consequently, so that,
Παραι-€ύς, 6 Piraeus (3g) σύμμαχ-ος, o ally (2a) and so

V o c a b u l a r y t o b e le a r n t
βοήθίΐα, ή help, rescue παραδίδωμι ( παραδο-) hand σύμμαχος, <
5 ally (2a)
operation ( ib) over τριηραρχία) serve as trierarch
γράφω propose (a decree); write παρασκινάζω prepare, equip ώ νίομαι ( πρια-) buy
Stov it being necessary πρός ( + dat.) in addition to. near <is(+sup.) as - as possible
(ζόν it being permitted, possible σ κ (ύ η ,τ ά ship's gear; gear, wart so that, with the result
δθιν from where furniture (je) that, consequently

O Gram m ar for Section Fifteen C______

A cc. abs.

Accusative absolute S tov Ut being necessary’, ifov ‘it being

184 Stov, Ιξόν (neuter accusative participle) are the forms adopted by
Sci, Ζξεστι w hen they are being used absolutely (cf. *39)’ c -8· .
Se'o , ■***> -it » « * “ “ * for US' ° 8° · k t 8 (
‘since w e must go . . .’) . , r f_ OQ w c
Ιξόν ήμΐν ίλθ ειν, ίμείναμεν ‘it being permitted fo
remained’ (or ‘although w c could go . . ·)

ώ ς + s u p e r la tiv e _ as ssible\ e.g.

185 N ote the use o f ώ$ + superlative to
ώ ς τάχιστα ‘as fast as possible φ
ώ ς μ ά λισ τα ‘as much as can be
212 Grammar, I ocabulariei, lixcrriscs o

Exorcise for Scction Fifteen C

(b/c) M o r p h o l o g y a n d S y n t a x
i . Translate the follow ing pairs o f statements, then join into one sentence
by the use o f acc. absolute:
a. Sci τον οφείλον τα rrj π ό λ ΐΐ τά σκεύη παραδιδόναι τώ τριηραρχήσοντι\
€γώ ώς τον Θίόφημον προσήλθον.
b. €ΐτα ούκ ϊξ ε σ τ ί μοι τήν τριήρη π α ρ α σ κ ίυά ζίΐν προσήλθον προς τήν
C. (δ α ήμάς παρασκ^υάζαν ώς τά χισ τα τάς ναΰς\γράφ€ΐ Χ α ιρ ίδ η μ ο ς
d. ούκ €ξήν tv τώ Π ΐΐρ α ΐίΐ ούδίν πριάσθαι ών Ζδΐΐ,οι τριήραρχοι ούκ
ίδύναντο π αρα σκίυά ζΐΐν τάς ναΰς.

Vocabulary for Scction Fifteen D

άδ(λφ -ός, o brother (2.1) E vepy-os, ό Euergos (2a) όπ όταν w henever

ά λλοθ ιv troin elsewhere ( Theophemos ' brother) ού w here (at)
άτταιτόα) demand x (acc.) ΐνα ( + opt.) 111 order that, to ού σ ί-α , ή property (lb )
from v (acc.) κακά λ ί γ -w curse. insult π λ ΰ σ τ - ο ς -η -ov very m any,
ά π α μ ι be absent (+ acc.) most (sup. o f π ο λ ύ ς )
άρχ-ή, ή board o f officials κοιν-ός -rj -όν com m on, φ ρ ά ζ-ω m ention, talk
(la) shared χω ρ ίς separately, apart
διαλ<ιττ-ω (δ ια λ ιπ -) leave κομίζ-ομαι collect

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
αδιλφός, 6 brother (la ) κοινός ή όν common, shared φ ρά ζω ιifftr. mention, talk
άπαιτέω demand X (acc.) jrom κ ομ ίζομ α ι collect χ ω ρ ίς apart; separately; ( prep.)
V (acc.) όπόταν whenever apart I separatelyfrom
άττΐίμι he absent ov where fat)
δ ια λα π ω (διαλιττ- ) leave ουσία, ή property, wealth (ib )
ΐνα ( + subj., opt.) in order to, πλ(ϊστος η o»- very much, most
(sup. o f πολύς)

O Grammar for Scction Fifteen D

ΐνα + subj./opt.

iva ‘ in order that’

186 When followed b^, a subjunctive (in primary sequence — see note
Scction Fifteen D -Π , 186

to 167), or by an optative (in secondary sequence), ίνα means 'in order that, in
order to, to, so that’ , e.g.
τηίθτ) \ , „ « .

epxerat iva J τους ανόρας he is coming to persuade the men

ήλθ€v iva τούς άνΒρας ‘he came to persuade the men’
rrd oeu

(i) όπως and ώ ς can be used instead oj ΐνα in such clauses.
(ii) C j. ώ ς -{-future participle (160). O

Excrcise for Scction Fifteen D

(d) E n glish in to G reek

Translate into Greek:
1. D o n ’ t be downhearted, my friend.
2. A re you afraid that you will suffer again at the hands o f these rogues?
3· A lthough Theophem os is obliged to hand over the gear. I cannot force
him to do this.
4· 1 shall go to the council, so that they may draft a decree.
5. I went to a friend's house, to find out where Theophemos lived.

Vocabulary for Section Fifteen E

α*ολο ν θ (- ω fo llo w , ( ΐ'ίχ υ ρ - ο ν , τ ό security, pledge οπόr f when

accom pany ( + op t. = whenever)

( 2 b)
δ ΐίκ ν υ -μ ι ( δ ( ΐ ξ - ) show μ (Τ (ρ χ -ο μ α ι ( μ ( τ ( λ θ - ) send νιτακον-ιο reply, answer

διάγραμμα (δ ια γ ρ α μ μ α τ -) , το for
register (3b)

V o c a b u la r y to b e learn t
8fίκνυμι ( Sci£-) Show
όπότί when
(+ o p t. = whenever)
υπακούω reply, answer; obey
( + dat.)
214 Λ . Grammar, Vocabularies, Excrciscs

O Grammar for Section Fifteen E

Indef. in see. scq.

‘Indefinites’ in secon dary sequence

187 Y ou have already met av + subjunctive to denote the idea ‘ever’ ,
e.g. όπόταν ‘ whenever’ , eav ‘if ever’ , όστις av ‘ w h o ever’ (cf. 175, 176).
In secondary sequence, however, the idea o f ‘ever’ is expressed not by
civ+ subjunctive, but by the plain optative, with no av at all, e.g.
όπότ€ (λθοι\ϊοι 'whenever he cam e’
όστις τούτο ποιοίη\ποιήσ€ΐε ‘ w hoever did this
So whenever you meet a w ord like όπότ€, €π*ί, ό ς ( τ ις ) , consider translating
with ‘ever’ i f the verb is optative.
188 Do not confuse the above construction with the use o f the optative in
secondary sequence in indirect speech. In 187 the optative is being used in a
sub-clause, prefaced by, e.g., ‘ when(ever)*, ‘ who(ever)’ etc. A n optative in
indirect speech will be used in place o f the indicative for a main verb, and will
not alter the meaning at all. e.g.
(λ ίξςν ότι πλίθοι ‘he said that he was persuading’
tJ8ci ότι π ΐίσ ζκ. ‘he knew that he had persuaded’
ή&ει ότι 7Ttiaot ‘he knew' that he w ould persuade'
189 Revise die forms o f the future optative as laid out at 168. O

Exercise for Scction Fifteen E

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
1. Translate the following sentences, then change from primary to past
sequence or vice-versa (remember to change both introductory and
subordinate verbs):
a. φ ουλόμην κομίζ^σθαι τά σκ€ύη, ΐνα τήν τριήρη παρασκευάζοιμι.
b. φοβούμαι μή Εύζργος ού δ(ίξτ) (use opt.) τό πράγμα τώ Θ ίο φ ή μ ψ .
c. Ικίλαυον τόν τταΓδα καλίσαι τούς πολίτας, ΐνα μ άρτυρίς μ οι eUv τών
d. ού παύομαι ίπ όμίνος, ΐνα τά γ^γςνημένα μαθώ.
2. Translate the following pairs o f sentences:
a. (i) οτ€ €ΐσ(λθοι, eώρα καθιζομένην τήν γυναίκα.
Scction FiJttrn Π- F , 187—189

(ii) otc (lorjXOti·, et6e τήν γυναίκα €πί τού β ω μ ού κ α θ ιζο μ ίιη ν
b. (i) ήρόμην τον παΐδα, οττου €ΐη ό δεσπότης.
(ii) (KfXcuov τήν άνθρωπον μετελθεΐν τον δεσπότην, οπου ειη.
c. (i) ήδη επεπύσμην εγώ , οτι τύχοι γ εγ α μ η κ ώ ς.
(ii) ό δεσ π ότη ς εκέλευεν αυτόν άποδιδόναι τή πόλει, ο τι τύχοι ε χ ω ι.
d. (i) ό π 'ΐ·ς εκάλεσεν εκ τής οδού πάντας τούς πολίτας, οϋς εΐόεν, ώ ς
μ α ρτυρ ή σοντα ς.
(ii) εκελεύσθη ό π αΐς καλέσαι εκ τής οδού πολίτας ώ ς μαρτυρήσοντας,
€t τινας ίδοι.
C. (ΐ) ήμ ΐν εδοξεν χρήναι έκαστον λόγον περί "Ε ρω τος είπεΐν ώς δύναιτο
κά λλιστον. (Plato abridged)
(ii) /Ιιίσανδρο? Be άφ ικάμινος εις Α ίγινα ν άπέδωκς τήν πόλιν
Α ιγ ιν ή τ α ις , οσους εδύνατο π λ(ισ τούς αύτών άθροίσας. (Xenophon)

I ocabttLiry
χρήναι inf. of χρ ή
α θρ οίζω collect, gather

Vocabulary for Scction Fifteen F

α γ α ν α κ τ ί-ω be an gry δ ιά κ α - μ α ι be in \ (adv.) state μ<τρ<-ογ -a -0» reasonable.

ά λ ισ κ -ο μ β ι ( ( i) a X - ) be δ ια κ ω λ ύ -ω prevent fair
convicted, cau gh t (aor. ίά λ ω (ι'ι' ά λίο κ ο μ α ι π α ί-ω 'trike
ίά λω ν) (ΐκ ο σ ι tw enty (m ded ) π α τ α κ ό σ ι- ο ι- a i - a ( n c
ά λώ ιαι to be co n victed ( ίσ α γ γ ( λ λ -ω liundred
( ά λ ϊσ κ ο μ α ι) ( ( ίσ α γ γ * ίλ - ) impeach v i i r t live
άλώσ«τπ« he w ill be *ϊ(χυρ-οι·, τό 'ccu rit\. pledge ΐΓ<ποιϋώί >5 Ί had sulVcred"
convicted ( ά λ ίσ κ ο μ α ι) (>b) (1τάοχω )
ά μ νν-ομαι defend onesell ττληγ-η, ή blow (la!
(π(τ:όι-θη I had Miifered
άι·(ΐυγμ(νη open (pert. part. ττνξ w ith the fist
( πάαχω )
paw. of άνοΐγι-νμί) σ τόμα (σ τ ο μ α τ - ), τό mouth
t η (π ν ο μ η ν I had ascertained
άπόα τολ-ο<. ό sn h n g . mission ( πννθά ιο μ α ι ) (.*b
(2a) ο ν γ κ ό π τ ·ω hit. stnke (aor
«jri#(-f dat.) at. tin
pass σΐ'ΚΛΟτΓ-ηΐΊ
ow^rj-κα I released ( άφίτημι) «me ix-rj< -c? fail, moderate
βουλίυτ-ή·ς, 6 m em ber ot σΐΓγχωρ*~ω agree w ith. Cf
(ν ιμ α ρ τύ ρ -ο μ α ι Call as
council (u l) witnesses ( + dat >

γ (γ α μ η κ ω ς ( ΐη he w as ζη μ ιό -ιυ tine, punish

married (pert opt. o f Λ7ησ-ι%, ή judgm ent (jjcl
γ α μ ίω ) μ € τίρ \-ο μ α ι ( μ * τ * λ θ ·) send lor
.4. Grammar, I'ocabulatics, Excrciscs o
Vocabulary to be learnt
Ιν ίχ υ ρ ο ν , τό seturity, pledge μ ίτ ρ ιο ς a ov Jair, moderate
άλίσκομαι ( ά λ - ) be (aught,
convicted (aor (άλω ν) (ib) icasonable
(ττί ( + d a t .) at, on; fo r the σ τ ό μ α ( σ τ ο μ α τ - ) , τ ό tuo.
β ο νλ(ντή ς, ό member o f council
(td) purpose o f (3b)
δια κω λύω prevent ζη μ ιό ω fin e , penalise, punish συγχω ρά agree w ith, to

κΐκοσι twenty κ ρ ίσ ις, ή judgm ent, dispute, ( + d a t .) ; yteld to

(Ισ α γ γ ίλλω trial, decision ( je )

( ( ίσ α γ γ α λ - ) impeach μ ί τ (ρ χ ο μ α ι ( μ ΐ τ ( λ θ - ) send
fo r , chase after

O Grammar for Scction Fifteen F

Perf. opt.

V erbs
Perfect optatives π ε π α ν κ ο ιμ ι, π ε π α ν μ έ ν ο ς eirjv
190 T h e forms o f the perfect optatives are as follows:

A cti ve M iddlejpassi ve
ττ€ττα.νκ-οιμι or ττ€ττα.νκως €νην ττετταυμίνος eiTjv
-οις ττΐτταυκώς ζϊ·ης ττετταυμίνος (irjs
-οι etc. πίτταυκως evq etc. τπττα,υμίνος (ϊη etc.

ά λ ίσ κ ο μ α ι

191 N ote the principal parts o f αλίσκομαι ‘be captured, found gu ilty ’ :
αλισκομαι ‘ 1 am captured’
αλωσομαι (fut.) ‘ I will be captured’
^^ £αλω-ν ( αλ~) (aor.) I was captured’ (root aorist, cf. 126, 132)
ίάλω ν keeps its ω all the w ay through the indicative and subjunctive (cf. tvvwv,
132), and has
Participle: άλονς (c f γνούς)
Infinitive. σλών&ι (cj. γνωναι)
Optative: ά λ ο ίψ (cf γνοίην)
Subjunctive: αλώ, άλως, άλω etc. (c f γνώ ).
O Scction Fifteen F - G , 190-193
*· *7

R e v ise
C on d ition s with at/ 1 5 1 - 2 , 162, Reference Gramm ar O p. 305, Lan­
gu a ge S u rvey (6)
to -f inf. 163—4 Rcfercncc G ram m ar J
Perf. 16 5 -6 , 169-^71 Language Survey (8) O

Vocabulary for Scction Fifteen G

άΟ υμί-α, ή lack of spirit. 17771- o v -a - ov m ild π ν ΐγ -ο ς , τ ό stifling heat (31)

depression (lb ) Ί Ι ρ - α ,ή Hera ( ib ) f w if e o j π ο - ά , ή grass ( I c)
αλλά μ η ν . . . y t but natu rally Z eu s) π ρ ο ά γ -ω lead on
άΐ'απαυ-ομαι rest, take a ιω μ (ν let us g o σ κ ι - ά , ή shade (ib )
breather κ α θ ιζώ μ (θ α let us sit σ κ ό π ω μ (v let 11s survey.
Β ιά κει-μα ι be in x (adv.) κ α τ α γ ω γ -ή , ή place, spot (la) consider
condition κ α τ ίχ - ω restrain, hold σ ν λ λ ίγ -ω gather, collect
8 ια τ ( λ ί-ω finish, co m p lete μ έν ω μ *ν let lis stay τ ( κ μ α ίρ - ο μ α ι conclude, inter
(Ισ α γ γ (λ ί-α , ή im p eachm ent τταυώ μ(θα let us stop τ ί μην; ol course (so w hat
(.b ) ττ(ρνπατ(-ω w alk, stroll follows?)
tV ti there π λ ά τ α ν -ο ς, ή plane-tree (2a) ύφ ηλ-ός -ή -όν high, tall
( π κ ικ - ή ς -f's fair, m oderate π λ ίο ν (any) m ore
(ω ς άΐ' ( + Mibj.) until π ν(ΰμ α ( irw i ιμ α τ -) , τό breeze
V o c a b u la ry to be learn t
άΟυμία, ή lack of spirit, end then’ π λ ίο ν more (adv.)
depression ( ib ) (ttic iKtjs ts Iit11, reasonable, π ρ ο ά γ ω lead on
8 ιά κ (ιμ α ι be in X (adv.) state, moderate σ υ λ λ ίγ ω colleit, gather
mood toi? av ( + subj.) Τ ΐκ μ α ίρ ο μ α ι (Otuludi, in/er
(Ισ α γ γ ίλ ία , ή impeachment until
<lb )

O G ram m ar for Scction Fifteen G

1st person orders
€ ΐυ ς a v

S u b ju n c tiv e ord ers ‘ let us*

192 T h e subjunctive, used on its o w n in the 1st person plural, means
let us’ , e.g. μ ίν ω μ ς ν ‘let us wait*, π υθώ μεθα ‘let us inquire .

€a>s *until’
193 € w s a v means 'until such time as’, and the verb goes into the

subjunctive. T h e implication behind this sense ot ‘ until is that the time ot the
A . (ΐια η ιη ια ι , I'ofabularies, Excrciscs Ο
event awaited in the ‘ until’ clause is view ed as bein g not entirely ceitain, or as
K in g in the indefinite future (cf. on indefinite use o f av, I 75“ 6)* c -£-
μ ίν ω μ ε ν c«K α ν ίπ α ν έ λ θ η 6 δ ε σ π ό τ η ς ‘let us w a it till such time as the master
return''* (whenever that m ay be). O

Vocabulary for Section Fifteen H

α ικ ( ί- α ,ή assault (lb ) ■ήκιστα least ot all, not ΰ π ισ χ ν ί- ο μ α ι

ά κ ο λ ο υ θ ί-ω fo llo w κ α τ α δ ίκ -η , ή tine (la) ( ΰ π ο σ χ - ) p ro m ise (to)
ά ν α ίτι- o i -ov innocent κ η δ (σ τ -ή ς , 6 cousin (id ) ( + fut. inf.)
α ντί ( + j»en.) instead ot μ ά λα v irtu ally , q u ite, v e ry ά ο β ς-ο μ α ι μ ή tear th at'lest
ά π ο λα μ β ά ν-ω ( άττολαβ-) take Μ ν η σ ίβ ο υ λ -ο ς, ό M n esib ou los ( + op t.)
αύτίκα at on cc. directly (;a) (T h eop h em os' cousin)
(ν θ ν μ ί-ο μ α ι take to heart τράττίζ-α, ή bank (ic )

V o c a b u l a r y to be lea rn t
α να ίτιος ov innocent ήκιστα least of all, no, not ( ύ π ο σ χ - ) prom ise (fo)
α ντί ( + g eit.) instead oj. Jo t κ α τα δ ίκ η , ή fine ( ία) ( + Jut. inf.)
α πολαμβά νω ( ά π ολα β- ) takt μ ά λα very, quite, virtually (cf φ ο β ίο μ α ι μ ή fear tlmt/lest
ίν θ ν μ ίο μ α ι Like to heart, be μ ά λλ ο ν , μ ά λ ισ τ α ) ( + opt.)
angry at ν τ τ ισ χ ιίο μ α ι

O Grammar for Scction Fifteen H

φοβούμαι μή + opt.

φ ο β ο ύ μ α ι a g a in
194 ^ 011 have already met φ ο β ο ύ μ α ι μ ή + subjunctive to mean ‘ fear
that something will/ma\ happen . W hen the verb o f fearing is in secondary
sequence, the μ η clausc will take the optative, e.g.
εφοβειτο μή ούκ άφίκοn o ή στρατιά ‘lie was afraid the arm y m ight not c o m e ’

^ 1 u ^Uli * >10w ,illt thrie constructions in which the verbs are in the s u b j u n c -
• if and optative in secondarv sequence, i.e. ΐνα (l8 6).
indefinites (187) and here with verbs offeanug. You should bear this principle m mind,
, hC awMV Cm k /« this lespect is very flexible and you will find the
subjunctive used m places where you would expect the optative. O
Scction Fifteen H , 193—194

Excrciscs for Scction Fifteen F -H

E n g lis h in to G r e e k
Translate into Greek:
1. T h e decree dem anded that the trierarchs get back the gear in
w h a teve r w a vJ was most easv4 for them.
2. W h e n e v e r the trierarchs cam e across someone not handing over
the gear, they w en t back to the council.
3. Let us sto p tr a v e llin g and sit d o w n .
4 W c shall stay here until w e feel better.
5- B efore returning h om e , let us sit d o w n over there until the sun
be com es m ore tolerable.
Translate into Greek:
Since it w as impossible to get the gear, the city w a s in great danger. So
th e council had to do som ething, so that w e might equip a rescue-torce
o f triremes as soon as possible. I had gone to Theophemos* house, but
he was not in. I was afraid that he w ould not hand over the gear. So
K hairedem os drafted a decree. And the trierarchs. whenever they
cam e across som eone w h o w o u ld not give back the gear, showed him
the decree.

T e s t E x e r c i s e F if t e e n
T ranslate in to English:
Apollodoros claims that the defendant Polykles would not take over a triremt
Jrom him , although he had been appointed as its joint-trieranh for tlu m.xt
year, and that he him self served several months overtime with the boat a> a
consequence. Apollodoros relates what happened when he tacklid I ol) kits tin
first lime in I hasos.
(From D em o sth en es. Polykles. 29-37)
έπειδή ο ντος ά φ ικετο cις Θ άσον, παραλαβών εγώ μαρτνρας τώ ι ^
π ο λιτώ ν ώ ς έδυνάμην π λείσ το υς και τους επ ιβ ά τα ς, προσέρχομαι αν. ώ
Θ ά σ ω έν τ fj α γορά , και έκελευον αντον την ι( ιαύν παραλαμβα
π α ρ * έμοΰ ώ ς διάδοχον οντα, και τού ΐπ ιτίτρ ιη ρ α ρ χ ^ ΐ*^ °J? χ ρ ° ι^ου
αποδιδόναι μ ο ι τά άνα λώ μα τα. λογισασθαι δ ηθελοι αυτώ καθ
έκα στον , έω ς μ ο ι μάρτυρας παρήσαι· τ ώ ϊ α νηλω μενω ι , ιι a, c i τι ^
α ν τιλέγ ο ι, ευθύς έ ζε λ έ γ χ ο ιμ ι. έγεγραπτο γαρ νπ εμού ακριβώς τα
220 A . G ra m m a r , Vocabularies, Exercises

άναλώματα. προκαλουμενου δε μου ταυ τα, ά πεκρίνατό μ ο ι Π ο λυ κ λή ς

οτι ούδεν αύτω μελοι ών λεγ ο ιμ ι.
Apollodoros gets no further on the next occasion either. Returning from a
voyage ordered by the general Timomakhos to Thasos, he decides to go direct
to the top and have the general there when he tries fo hand over the vessel
formally to Polykles for the second time.
καταλαμβάνω ούν και Ιίο λυ κ λεα εκεί και τούς τριη ρά ρχους και τούς
διαδόχους και άλλους τινάς τώ ν π ο λιτώ ν, και είσελθώ ν εύθύς εναντίον
τού στρατηγού λόγους πρός αύτόν εποιούμην, και εκελευον αύτόν τήν τε
ναύν παραλαμβάνειν π α ρ * εμού, και τού επ ιτετρ ιη ρ α ρ χη μ ενου χρόνου
άποδιδόναι μοι τά άναλώ ματα. ταύτα δε μου προκαλουμενου αύτόν, ‘τίς
άνδύναι τ ” , εφη , ‘ τήν σ ή ν μανίαν καί πολυτελείαν ύπ ο μ εΐνα ι, ος σκεύη
ίδια μόνος εχεις τώ ν τριηράρχω ν και άργύριον π ολύ δίδω ς το ΐς ναύταις;
κακών γάρ διδάσκαλος γεγονας εν τώ στρατεύμ α τ ι, διαφθείρας τούς
ναυτα? και τούς επιβά τας, δεον σε τά αυτά π οιεΐν το ΐς ά λλοις
τριηράρχοις.' λεγοντος δε αύτού ταύτα, άπεκρινάμην α ύ τω , *περι μεν
τών ναυτών καί τώ ν επιβατώ ν, ει φής ύ π ’ εμού αύτούς διεφθάρθαι,
παραλαβών την τριήρη αύτός σαυτώ κατασκεύασαι και ναύτας και
επιβατας, οιτινες σοι μηδέν άργύριον λαβόντες σιγΑπλεύσο^ται. τήν δε
ναύν παραλαβε' ου γαρ ετι μ οι προσήκει τριηρα ρχεΐν.' λεγοντος δε μου
ταύτα, αποκρίνεται μοι οτι ο συντριηραρχος αύτω ούχ ήκοι επι τήν ναύν
‘ ούκουν παραλήφομαι μόνος τήν τριήρη.'

ί π ι β ό τ η ς ,ό marine (id) α ν τ ιλ ίγ ω object ό oOrds (+ d .it.) the sam e as
δ ιά δ ο χ ο ς , ό successor (2a) ττροκαΧίομαι challenge κ α τ α σ κ ίυ ά ζ ο μ α ι p ro vid e
ίπ ιτ ρ ιη ρ α ρ χ ίω serve (as μα νία, η madness (ib ) σ υ μ π λ ίω (fut.
trierarch) over one's time TToXvreXtia, ή extravagance σ υμ π Χ (ύ σ ομ α ι) sail w ith
άνάΧιυμα ( ά ν α Χ ω μ α τ-) , τό (ib ) π ρ ο σ ή κ α it is the business ot
expense (3b) νπομίνα) ( νττομαν- ) endure (dat.)
< w s(+ in die.) while ίδιο? a ov private σ υ ντρ ιη ρ α ρ χ ος, ό
άι^λωμό-οί perf. part. pas*, ο τ ρ ά τ ίν μ α ( σ τ ρ α τ ε υ μ α τ -), τό join t-tricrarch (2a)
ot αναλίσκω spend arm y (3b)
Section Sixteen
V ocabulary for Scction Sixteen A
o&ntp w here
άκόλονθ-ος -ov break open
ττ<ντήκοντα fifty
accom p an yin g ( + d a t.) (KTtv-<u ( (K T fta -) pay
irtar-ός -ή -όν trustw orthy.
QvayKai-ος -a -ov necessary (κ φ ο ρ ί-ui carry o f f
ά ηοφ ίρ -ω carry b ack , return ίπ α σ ίρ χ - ο μ α ι
π ο ιμ α ίν-0 1 tend
άρια τα -ω h ave breakfast ( titeioeX ff-J invade
π οιμ ή ν ( π ο ιμ (ν -) . ό shepherd
ά ρ π ά ζ-ω seize, plunder ca » ?(+ o p t.) until
f/ζαν '«·«■ασαιυ (34)
φσσ-ω dart, dash
ττοϊμν-η, ή flock o f sheep (ta)
αύΧ-ή, η co u rtyard (la) θ (ρ ά π α ιν-α , ή servant (ic)
π ρ ΐο β ύ τςρ -ο ς -a -ov older.
άφ ΐίθη she was let g o (aor. ίπττόδρομ-ος, 6 racc-coursc.
radier old
pass, o f άφ ίη μ ι) d o w n s (2a)
π ρ ό β α τ·ο ν, τό sheep (2b)
ά φ α μ ίν η let g o . released χ ή π -o s, ό garden (2a)
πρό< ( + 111 addition
(perf. pass, o f ά φ ίη μ ι) xXci-ui close
π ύρ γ-ος, ό tow er (2a) (to
άφήκ( (he) let g o (aor. o f κ ρ α υ γ -η , η shouting, tum ult
τίτ θ -η , ή nurse (la)
άφ ίημι) (la)
ΰδρί-α , ή h y d ru , large v c w l
y tm p yi-w farm μα Χ α κ-ός *η -ov soft-fleeced
(ib )
δ ια ιτά -ο μ α ι live μ (ΐρ ά κ ι-ο ν , τ ό youth (2b)
νττόλοιπ-οζ -ov remaining.
Smxkov-os, ό servant (2a) t x μ α ρ α κ ίο υ from a y ou n g
left over
δια φ (ΰ γ-ω ( δι αφχτγ-) get boy
6 t p -UJ lead
aw ay from ο ίχ -ο μ α ι be o ff. be gone
χ α λ κ -ο ύ ϊ -ή -ovv bronze
(κ-βαλΧ -w ( (κ^αΑ- ) όρ μ ά -ο μ α ι ch/irge

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt trustworthy, reliable

avayKQios a ov necessary ΐττΐισίρχομα ι
π οιμην ( π οιμ *ν-) , ό shepherd
άιτοφίρω ( a itfv ty x - ) carry ( inaofXO- ) attack
tuti( + opt.) until
back ιτρκσβντίρο-ί a ov older, rather
αυλή, η courtyard ( ια ) θ ΐρ ά π α ινα , η maidservant ( tc)
άφίημι ( άφ<-) release, let go ttXcioj close, shut ττρό\ ( -f- ‘h it·) h i <>r, im addition
διαφ ίνγιυ ( δ ιο φ ν γ - ) get away, όρ μ ά ο μ α ι charge, set off, make
fice a move
φίραι ( fv ty x -) lead
(κβάΧλω ( ίκ β α λ - ) break open, οδ π (ρ where
χο-λκονς ή ovv bronze
throw out ττιστός ή όν faithful,
.4. (»Γιtm m a r , I ouihnlcirivs, h.xerciscs Ο

O G ram m ar for Scction Sixteen A

€ως + opt.
( ά φ )ΐημι

ecus ‘ u n til’
195 hi secondary sequence €ακ w hen it means ‘ until such tim e .is' takes
the optative (cf. 193). E.g.,
€μίνομεν €£0? cAfloi ‘ w e w aited until he should c o m e ’

V e rb
( ά φ ) ϊ η μ ι ‘ release, let g o , shoot’

196 Y o u have already met -μ ι verbs ΒίΒωμι (131), τ ίθ η μ ι (150). ΐσ τη μ ι

(144), and have seen h o w their torms arc related, ΐη μ ι is no exception , and
follows most closely the pattern ot τ ίθ η μ ι. ά φ ίη μ ι, the c o m m o n co m p o u n d , is
used here.

Present indicative
active Participle In fin itiv e Im perative O p ta tiv e S u b ju n ctiv e
Stem: άφιε-
άφίη-μι άφ ιε-ίς ά φ ιί-να ι άφΐ€-ι ά φ ιε-ίην ά φ ι-ώ
άφίη-ς άφιε-ισα ά φ ιί-τ ω άφΐ€-ίης άφ ι-ής
άφ ίη-σι( ν) ά φ ιί-ν άφΐ€-Τ€ άφΐ€.-ίη ά φ ι-ή
ά φ ίΐ-μ ςν ( άφι^ντ-) άφ ιέ-ντω ν ά φ ιε-ιμ εν άφι-ώμ€ν
άφί(-Τ£ άφι-ήτ€
ά φ ΐ€ -ίπ
άφι-άσ ι( ν ) η φ ι-ώ σ ι( ν)

Present indicative
middle (passive Participle Infinitive Im perative O p ta tiv e Su b ju n ctive
άφίς-μα I α φ κ-μ εν-ος άφίε-σθαι άφ ΐ€-σο ά φ ίζ-ίμ η ν ά φ ι-ώ μ α ι
άφΐ€ -σαι
-ν άφιί-σθο) a<bif-io ά φ ι-ή
άφί(-ται -ον ά φ ίε-σθί (Ιφις- ιτο ά φ ι-ή τα ι
ά φ ιί-σ θ oji> ά φ κ -ίμ (θ α ά φι-ιόμέθα
ά φ ΐϊ-ίσ θ ΐ ά φ ι-ή σθ(
άφί<- ΐ'ται
ά φ ιΐ-ιντο άψι-ίΰΐ'ται
O Scciioti S ix teen A , 195-196

Imperfect in d icative

ά φ ίί-μ εν
ά φ ίε-τΐ
άφ(€ -σαν

Imperfect indicative
m iddle I p assive

ά φ ιί-μ η ν
ά φ ιί-μ εθα

A orist indicative
active ParticipU In fin itiv e Im perative O pta tive

Stan: ά φ ΐ- (note augmented form is άφη- or ά φ (ΐ-)

άφή-κα αφ ε-ίς ά φ ΐ-ΐνα ι ά όε-ς ά φ ί-ιψ · άφ-ώ
άφή-κα< ά φ ί-ΐσ α άώ ί-τιο άφε-ίης άφ-ή<
0·φή-Κ€ άφί-ν άφ(~Τ€ άφ(-ίη άφ-fj
ά φεί-μ^ν (ά φ ε ν τ - ) άφέ-ντων άφε- ίμεν άφ-ώμεν
άφεΐ-τε άώΐ-ίτε άφ-ήτ€
ο.φεΐ-σαν ( α φ ή -κα ν ) άόε-ΐεν άφ -ώ σι( ν)

Α>π>! indicative
middle P articiple In fin itiv e Im perative O p ta tiv e Subjunctive
ά φ ίί- μ - η ν άφ(-μ(ν-ο<: ά φ ί-σ θ α ι άφ-ού άόε-ίμην άφ-ώμαι
άφ ΰ-σο -η ά ώ ΐ-σ θω ά ό (-ΐο άφ-ij
άφεϊ-το -ον άφ(-σβ( άφε-ΐτο άφ-ήται
άφε ί-μεθα άφί-σθιυΐ άφ(-ίμςθα άφ-ώμεβα
άφει-οθε d<t>(-ioth άό~ήσθ(
άφει-ντο ά φ ς-ΐιτο άφ-ίΰνται
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

A o rist indicative
Participle Infinitive Imperative O p ta tive Subjunctive

Stem: άφεθ-
άφείθ-ην άφεθ-είς άφεθ-ήναι ά φ εθ -η τι ά φ εθ-είην α φ εθ-ώ

άφείθ-η μεν
άφείθ-η τε

Future indicative active

αφή σ -w (regular, like τταύσ-ω)

Future indicative middle

άφήσ-ομα ι (regular, like τταύο-ομαι)

Future indicative passive

άφεθ-ή-σομαι (regular, like παυσθ-ήσ-ομα ι)

Perfect indicative active

άφεΐκ-α (regular, like πέπανκ-α)

Perfect indicative middle/passive

άφ εΐ-μα ι (regular, like πεπαυ-μαι)

(i) Common compounds oj ΐη μ ι are συνίημι ‘ understand' andμ ε θ ίη μ ι ‘ letgo
o f.
(it) Aiaiti stems oj ΐημι are ιε-, e- or el-. For τιθε- in the present and imperfectforms of
τίθ η μ ι, you will fin d ίε- in ΐημι. For θε- in the aorist, you will fin d e-; hut remember
that for augmented Jorms, you will find the εθε- o f τίθ η μ ι replaced hy ή - or ci-, e.g·
εθηκα-^ήκα, εθεμην- ^ΐμην.
(iii) O n - μ ι verbs in general, see Language Survey ( j) . O

Excrcisc for Scction Sixteen A

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and S y n ta x
l. Translate these sentences. Say what each o f the other choices o f ver
would mean:
a. ή θεράιταινα υπο τού ττατρός τοΰ εμού άφ ειται ελεύθερα-
( άφείθηΐάφεθήσεταιΐάφίεταιΐαφίετο )
S eitio n S ix tee n B , 196 225

b. ο δ ί π α τή ρ ό i μ ο ς άφήκ€ τήν θεράπαιναν.

( άφ ίησιΐάφ ςΐκείάφ ίζιΐάφ ήσα )
C. ή γ ά ρ θεράτταινα, ά φ α μ ί ν η ( λς υ θ ί ρ α ύττο τού ττατρός, συνωκησςν άνδρι
ά φ ζ ι μ ί ν ω και €Κ€ΐνω ύττο το ύ δεσπότου.
( ά φ ζθςίσα /ά φ (θίΐ’τι:ά φ ΐ( μ(νη j ά φ κ μένιυϊάφίθησομένη Ιάφζθησομένω )
d. τούς γά ρ δούλους τούς iv (κ ίίν η τή ναυμαχία ναυμαχήσαντας άφεΐσαν ο ί
1Α θ η ν α ίο ι.
( άφ€ίκασιΙάφίασιν(άφήσουσιν(άφί€σαν )

V ocabulary for Scction Sixteen B

Ά γ ν ό φ ιλ -o s , 6 H a g n o p h ilo s Έ ρ μ ο γ < ν -η ς, 6 H erm ogencs παριόντας part, o f

(2a) (a frien d o f Arislarkhos) ( 3d) π α ρ ϊρ χ ο μ α ι, pass by

ά γ χ - ω th ro ttle , stran gle (ώ ρ α im p f. o f όράω (3rd s.) ttcAc-o? -ά -όν bruised

ά λλω ς τ ί κ α ί especially Ιω ς ( + »nd.) until π (ντηκθντα fifty

α μ υ χ -η , η scratchin g, tearing ή κ η κ ό α plup. o f α κ ο ύ ω (3rd π ίν -w ( 771- ) drink

(la) s.) ττορθe -ω ransack

Ά ν Ο (μ ίω ν ( Ά ι θ ί μ ι ω ν - ) , 6 θ(ρά ιτω ν (θ< ρα π οντ-) , ό npie άν (+ su b j.) until

A n th e m io n ( ja ) (a servant (3a) 77p iV (+ o p t.) until

κ α ρ π -ό ς, 6 w rist (2a) π ρόβα τ-ον. τ ό sheep (2b)
neighbour o f Arislarkhos)
K fi-μ α ι lie π ρ ο ο κ α λ (-ω sum m on (aor
ά π α γ γ ίλ Χ -ω an n ou n ce,
κ ό λ π -ο ς , 6 bosom . lap (2a) part. pass, π ροοκληθ(ίς)
κ ρ α ν γ - ή ,ή shout, cry (1 a) σ τή θ -os, τό chest (3c)
a n α γ ο ρ ίν -w ( ά π α π - ) fo rb id
κ ν μ β ί-ο ν , τό Cup (2b) r e y -ος, τό r o o f (3c)
ά π α ντά -ω m eet ( + dat.)
λ ο ιπ -ό ς -ή -όν left, rem aining τ ιμ ά -w value, rcckon
anfirrt see ά π α γ ο ρ ίύ -ιυ
ο ΐχ -ο μ α ι g o . depart τ ίτ Ο -η ,ή nurse (la)
ά π ο σ τ ρ ίφ -ω tw ist back
π α ρ α γ ίγ ν -ο μ α ι ( τταραγ(ν-) be τρά~τ(ζ-α, ή bank (ic)
βρ α χίω ν ( β ρ α χ ιο ν - ) , 6 arm
present, turn up τρ ά χ η λ- OS, ό throat (2a)
( 3a)
π α ρ ά κ6ΐ-μ α ι lie beside ΰφ αιμ-ος -ov bloody
Β ια τίθ η -μ ι ( δ ι α θ ΐ - ) dispose
!Χκ -ω drag (-f-dat.)
( ν τ ίθ η - μ ι( 1 ν θ ( - ) insert, put in

V o c a b u la r y to b e learn t
■πίνω ( n-ι-) Jnnk
ά π α γ γ ίλ λ ω servant ( ja )
77piv άν (-\-subj.) until
( ά π α γ γ € ΐλ -) announce, κ ( ΐμ α ι lie, be placed, be made
πριν ( + opt.) until
report λ ο ιπ ό ς ή όν left, remaining
πρόβατον, τό sheep ( ib )
ά π α γο ρ ίύ ω ( ά π α π - ) Jorbid ο ΐχ ο μ α ι be off, depart
π ρ ο οκ α λίω summon, tall (Mr
hiarlBη μ ι ( 8iαθ(~) dispose, put π α ρ α γίγν ο μ α ι ( παραγεν-) be
pent. pass, π ρ ο σ κ λ η θ ώ )
X in Y (a d v .) state present, turn up at ( + dat.)
τιμ ά ω value, reckon, honour
(ντίθ η μ ι ( ίν θ ( - ) place in, put π α ρ ά κ α μ α ι lie beside, be placed
τίτθ η , ή nurse (ta )
in beside ( + d a t.)
τρ ά τκ ζα , ή bank; table ( ic)
θΐράττων ( θ ίρ α ττοντ-) , 6 π(\·τηκοντά fifty
226 Λ . Grammar, I oidbularies, I.xercises O

o Grammar for Scction Sixteen Li

tws + ind.
π ριν αν + subj., πριν + opt.

διατίθ-ημι, Β ιά κ ίΐμ α ι

€α>ς ’ while, until’

197 Y o u have already met 'ίως meaning 'until' (193, 195). and it has
been explained that, when it takes a su bjun ctive-fav or an optative, there is
uncertainty or mdefinitcness about the time o f the ‘ until' clause. W h en it takes
the indicative, it means either ‘ until’ (and the action o f the ‘ until’ is ktwwu to be
completed), or ‘while’ . O n ly the context will tell yo u w hich is correct, e.g.
ί β ό η σ ΐ €ως €κ4λ (υ ο ν τταύσασθαι ‘he shouted, until I told him to stop’
μ ί ν ω μ ζ ν Ζως Ζξεσ τιν ‘let us wait while it is possible’

7τρίν 'until'
198 Y ou have already met πριν-f infinitive, when it means ‘before
(161). When ττρίν is followed by α ν-f subjunctive (primary sequence) or opta­
tive (secondary sequence — cf. 194 note), it means ‘ until’ ; and, like ΐω ς , it can
also be followed by the indicative, when it will still mean ‘ until’ but the action
o f the ‘until’ clause will have been completed, e.g.
ούκ άπήλθον ττριν c δ α ξα τήν οδόν ‘ they did not leave till I showed
them the road’
ov XPV V-€ ο-ττΐλθΐίν πριν άν ιδω τήν γυναίκα ‘ I must not go till I see my

\ 7ote

You will find that, as with έω ς , av sometimes drops out o f the construction
with the subjunctive, especially in poetry. ( In general, see Language Survey ( 6 ) , p . J .
and Reference Grammar L , p. 303.)

V erb

δια τιθ η μ ι\δ ιά κ € ΐμ α ι ‘ treat, be treated ’

199 δια τιθ η μ ι means I dispose, I treat’ s o m e o n e in a certain w a v ; to
express its passive fo r m G reek n o rm a lly uses δ ιά κ ςιμ α ι Ί a m treated, disposed
111 a ccrtam w a y (cf. 150 note (iii)).
O Section S ixteen B - C , 197—199

The mam parts ot κείμαι are:

Present: κ ίΐ- μ α ι, (part.) κ ίίμ α ο ς , (inf.) κείσθαι, (imper.j Kfiao!
Imperfect: i - κ ίί- μ η v
Future: κ ίίσ -ο μ α ι

Exercise for Scction Sixteen H

(b ,c) M o r p h o l o g y an d S y n ta x
ι. Translate the follow in g sentences;
a. at μ€ν θζράπαιναι €μ€ΐναν iv τώ πυργώ €ως άπήλθον οί άνδρες.
b. ή δ( γυνή ητει τον θ ίό φ η μ ο ν μ ή λα βίΐν τά σκίύη πριν ςπανίοι ο άνήρ.
C. ‘άλλα μ ή α ϊτ ίΐ μ η δ ί τούτο', ή δ ’ δς 6 γ€ΐτων. 'ύβριστα'ι γάρ οντ€ς οί
άνδρες ουτοι ού πηύσονται ά ρπάζ ον τ ίς τήν οικίαν πριν άν άφαίραινται
π άν τ α. '
d. έ γ ώ δ ' ή ν iv Γ Ιίίρ α id , ειυς ή οικία ή €μή Ιπορθ€Ϊτο, και ούκ άττήα οί καδί
πριν ά π η γ γ ί λ θ η μοι €Κ€ΐσ€ τά γ ί γ εν ημ ί να .
e. πριν ε ζε λ θ ίιν €κ τής οικίας, ίιρήκη τή γυναικ'ι ώs' το άργύριον κέοιτο i πι
τή τ ρ α π ίζη .
2. C o m p le te these sentences by inserting the correct word from the
brackets. Then translate:
a. ή γραύς κακώ ς (<ίΚ€ΐτοΐδΐ€Κ€ΐτο) διά τό συγκοπήναι.
b. θ (ό φ η μ ο ς και Ε ύ ίρ γ ο ς ούτ ω (ίθίσαν/διέθεσαν) την γραύν ωστ€
ύφαιμοι ΐγ ίν ο ν τ ο οί βραχίονες.
C. ή γυνή είπε τώ Θ ίοφ ήμιυ οτι τό άργύριον (δ ια κ (ΐτα ι[χ ΐΐτα ι) f πι τή
τραπ έζη.
V γρσϋς ( ΐνίθηκενίδιίθηκίν) €ΐς τον κολπον το κυμβιον ο

( παρ€Κ€ΐτο/δΐ€Κ€ΐτο) αύτή.

Vocabulary for Section Sixteen C

a y V ( A -o f, o m c w e n g e r ( 23) διαμαρτνρ-ομαι beg earnestly ιατρ-os. ό doctor (ia)

κακά . . πολλά Xtyoj curse
<*κολουθί-ω fo llo w . δ ια τρ ιβ -ή , ή delay (la)
accom pany Β ίκ - η ,η line (ta)
καταφ ίρ-ω carrv dow n
«‘'δράττοδ-ον. ro slave (2b) (δυνήθηι· aor. of δ νια μ α ι
απόκρ,σ.,ς, ή repiy (3c) κατηνίχθη aor. pass of
ίκ τ ίν -w ( (κ τ (ιο -) pay
αΡπάζ-ω seize. plunder ίκ φ ο ρ ί-ω carry off
αντικα at once Kdbut fL’-oj be in danger, run
ΐμ π ο ιί- ω engender, cause
δίκα ten a mk.
ttuBtv a rd a w n
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Excrciscs o
r p o r tp a i-o i -a -ov previous, hundred
λιθοκόπ -ος, «5 stone-mason
o f previous day ύ π ό λ ο ιπ -ο ς -ov rem aining,
μνήμα (μ ν η μ α τ -), τό rrj ττροπραίφ on the left
prcvtom day vo rep a t-o s -a -ov n ext, o f
memorial, m onum ent (3b)
μόλις scarcely, reluctantly η ύ ρ γ -o s, & to w er (2a) next day

όβολ-ός, ό obol (2a) (one-sixth ο υ γ κ ό π τ-ω beat up (aor. pass. tt) vorcpaiq t 011 tlic next

oj a drachma) συν(κόπην) d ay
Π ίΐρ α ι-ί,νς, ό Piraeus (3g) σφόδρα very m uch, χ ίλ ι- ο ι -a i -a thousand

7τλ«οι·£Κτ<-ω be greedy exceedingly XP<l-a, η need, necessity (2b)

π λη σ ί-os -a -ov nearby τρ ια κ ό ο ι-ο ι -ai -a three φ ν χ -ή , ή life, soul (la)

V ocab u lary to be learnt

ά γγ (λο ς, ό messenger (za) ίκ φ ο ρ ίω carry o ff σ υ γ κ ό π τω beat up, strike (aor.
ακολουθία/ follow , accompany κ α τα φ ίρ ω ( κ α τ (ν (γ κ - ) carry pass, σ υν(κ όπ η ν)
απόκρισις, ή reply, answer ( je ) down σφόδρα very much, exceedingly
αρπάζω <eize, plunder, match κινδυΐ'(ύω be in danger, rnti υπ όλο ιπ ος ov remaining

δ ίκ α ten risk, be likely to ύσ τ(ρ α ΐο ς a ov next day

διατριβή, η delay; pastime; π λησίος a ov nearby χ ίλ ιο ι at a thousand
discussion; way o f life ( ta) προτεραίος a ov previous, o f φ ν χ η , η soul, life (1 a)
δίκη, ή fine; case; justice ( ta) previous day
Ικ τίνω ( ( κ τ ( ΐσ - ) pay π ύργος, ό tower (2a)

O Grammar for Scction Sixteen C

ώστ€ + ind./inf.

ο ΰ τω ς . . . ώ σ τε ‘ so . . . that’
200 Y o u have already met ware at the start o f a sentence, meaning
‘consequently, as a result’ . It can also introduce a clause 011 its o w n , when it
means ‘so as to’ (and will be followed by an infinitive — change o f subject in the
accusative rule), or ‘so that’ (when it will be followed by an indicative), e.g.
μηχανήν ενρίσκουσιν ώ στς ίκ φ ν γ ίϊv ‘ they find a plan so as to escape
(or ‘an escape-plan’) (but do they escape?)
μηχανην ηυρον ώστ€ ςξέφυγον ‘they found a plan so that they escaped
201 Frequently, ω α π is preceded by ο ΰ τω (ς) ‘so’ (or by words such as τοσοντος
so g re a t, τοιοϋτος o f such a sort’ , τόσο? ‘so many’), to form what is called a
‘ result’ or ‘consecutive’ clause, o f the form ‘so . . . that’ . T h e ώστ€ clause will
btill take an indicative or infinitive, e.g.
ούτως ανοητος €στιν ωστ€ ( λ π ίζ ΐΐ ϊκφεύζςσθαι ‘he is so foolish that he
hopes to escape*
Section Sixteen (?, 200-203

‘he is so foolish as to
ο υ τ ιυ ς α ν ό η τ ο ς έ σ τ ιν w a n έ λ π ί ζ €ιν έκφ εύξίσθαι
hope to escape’ (but docs he actually hope to escapc?)
( O n infinitives in general, see Reference GrammarJ, p. 2gg.)

202 There is sometimes a very fine distinction between the force o f the clauses
taking an infinitive or an indicative, and it is often not possible to make as clear a
distinction as we have done.

N u m erals

203 Cardinals Ordinals Adverbs

(‘one, tw o ’ etc.) (‘first, second’ etc.) (‘once, twice’ ere.)
t / "
I €ΐς μι α €V π ρ ώ τ - ο ς -η -ον άπαξ
2 δύο δ ΐ ύ τ ς ρ - ο ς -α -ον δίς

.} τ ρ ς ΐς τρ ία τ ρ ί τ - ο ς -η -ον τρις

4 τ (T ra p es τ έ τ τ α ρ α τέτα ρ τ-ο ς (etc.) τετρά κις

5 πέντ^ πέμπτος π ΐν τ ά κ ις
ν ·
6 έκτος εξακις
7 €7ΐτά έβδομος έτττάκις

8 OKTU) ογδοος όκτάκις

έννέα ένατος ένάκις

10 δέκα δέκατος δεκάκις

11 €1>δίκα ένδέκατος ένδεκάκις

12 Β ώ δ εκ α δωδέκατος δωδ^κάκις

τρ ίτο ς καί δέκατος τρισκαιδΐκάκις

»3 τ ρ ε ις και δέκα
τ έ τ α ρ τ ο ς και δέκατος τ ΐτ τα ρ α κ α ιδ ΐκ ά κ ις
«4 τ έ τ τ α ρ ς ς και δέκα
π έ μ π τ ο ς και δέκατος π ε ιτ ΐκ α ιδ ίκ ά κ ις
*5 ττ€ντ€καίδ€κα
16 έκ κ α ίδ ζκ α έκ τος και δέκατος
έβδομος και δέκατος έπτακαιδζκάκις
»7 έπ τα κ α ίδ ίκ α
οκ τω κα ιδίκ άκ ις
(8 ό κ τ ω κ α ίδ ε κ α ογδοος και δέκατος
*9 έν ν ε α κ α ίδ ΐκ α ένατος και δέκατος
20 ίίκ ο σ ι( ν) ίΐκ ο α τό ς
30-yo -κ ο ντά -κ ο σ τό ς _ /
100 έκ α τό ν έ κ α τοσ τό ς
- κοσιάκις
200—900 -κ ό σ ι ο ι - α ι -α -κ ο σιο στός
χιλιάκ ις
1,000 χ ίΧ ιο ι -α ι -α χ ιλ ιο σ τ ό ς
10,000 μ ύ ρ ιο ι- α ι -α μ υριοστός

0 ) A ll ordhuh. and cardinals in the io o ’ s and decline in fu ll like

κ α λ - ό ς - η -όν, or ή μέτ€ ρ-ο ς -α -ον.
2 Grammar. V ocabularies, h.xcrcisi’*

The Jcclcmion o f ‘ otic’ , 'tw o’ , ‘ three’ , 'four’

ζΐς ‘ one δυο ‘ tw o’

am. dal. tiont. acc. gen . dat.

Horn. ii(C.
t /
m (U eva evos fl’t
m.ff.ln. δύο δύο δ υ ο ϊν δ υ ο ϊν
μ ία μ ία ν μιάς μ ια
11. €V ev «VO? €Vl

1 rerra p e? 1'four’
τρεΐς ‘ threr

Hl.ftf. τ ρ ΰ ς rpci? τ ρ ιώ ν τ ρ ισ ί( v) m.(J. t€t rap e? tc tt apa$ Τ € τ τά ρ ω ν τ ί τ τ α ρ σ ι ( ν )

11 τρ ία τρία τ ρ ιώ ν τ ρ ισ ί( i’ ) n. τίτταρα τ ίτ τ α ρ α τςττα ρω ν TCTTapotf ν)

Exercise for Sixteen C

(b/c) M o r p h o lo g y and Syn tax

i. Translate these sentences, then convert indicative to infinitive in the
ώστ€ clauses and translate the new versions:
a. ο ύ τ ω π ο ν η ρ ο ί ή σ α ν o l ά ν δ ρ ί ς c k c i v o i w a r e ε τ υ τ τ τ ο ν τ η ν γ υ ν α ί κ α κ α ι
ά φ ε ίλ ο ν τ ο α π ’ α υ τ ή ς τ ο κ υ μ β ί ο ν .
b . α λ λ ’ ο υ τ ω α ισ χ ρ ο ί η σ α ν e K e i i o i w a r e ο ύ κ η σ χ ύ ν ο ν τ ο e l s τ η ν γ υ ν α ί κ α
c. ττάν τ τ ο ιο ύ σ ιν w o r e δ ίκ η ν ού δ ιδ ό α σ ιν .

d . c is τ ο ύ τ ο α σ ε β α α ς ή λ θ ε ν ο α ΐ'θρω ττος ώ σ τ ε e la e X 9 w v e l s τ ο le p o v ι κ έ τ η ν
ά φ ε ί λ κ υ σ ε ι· α π ό τ ο ύ β ω μ ο ύ .

Vocabulary for Section Sixteen D

αίσχννθψ αi aor. inf. o f eis τούτο (gen.) ΐρχομ α ι reach ΐύλα βήθητι aor. imper. s. o f
αίσχύνομαι such a pitch o f . . . (ύλα β ίομ α ι
άλλη in sonic other way ΐμνησθην jor. ol μιμι-ήσκομαι ίφάνησαv aor. o f φαίνομαι
άαίλγ<ι-α, ή disreputable ίν γ ίν * i σοι related to you iarp-os, o doctor (2a)
behaviour (lb) ‘ ζψ /ντ-ήτ, ό Adviser (id) κν μ β ί-ο v, τό cup (2b)
αίπίκα at once (κτ-ος -η -ον sixth μ ιμνήσ κ-ομ α ι remember
άφοοιό-ομαι purify oneself ίτταγγίλλ-ιυ όνομαστί by name
ίβονλήθη aor. o f βούλομαι ( iTrayydX-) order όρμηθήναι aor. o f ό ρ μ ά ο μ α ι
ί&υνηθην aor. o f δύναμαι cr-os. τό year (3c) τταραινί-w advise
*1μή τι άλλο if nothing else (ν λ α β ί-ο μ α ι μ ή take care not
to ( + subj.)
Q Section Sixteen C - D , 203-205
-3 1

φ ίρ -ω ( ίν ( γ κ - ) endure
<£όι·-ον, 6 murder (2.1)
χ θ ίς yesterday
ώρμήθησαν aur. o f όρμάομαι

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
αΰτίκα nl ivift'
ΐπ α γ γ ίλ λ ω ( ( π α γ γ π λ - ) order
( tο ς ,τ ό y e iv ( n )
Ιατρός, 6 doctor i2ii)

0 Grammar for Section Sixteen D

Aor. pass, imper.
Mid*», with pass. forms m aor.

V crbs
/h>rr>f passive imperatives (and others) τταυσθητι 'be stopped!
204 The forms o f the aonst passive imperative are as follows:
2nd s. τταυσΟ-ητι ‘be stopped!' (and -ηθι, e.g. κ α τ α κ λ ίιφ ‘lie down!')
ird s. -ήτω ’ m a y he be stopped! etc.
2nd pi. -ητ€
- d 'T C JV

eyvcov Ζβην ϊσ τ ψ

2nd s. γνώ-βι “k n o w 1, βή-θι ‘go!’ στή-θι Maud!*

ird α. γνώ -τω β ή -Tcj σ τη -τω

2nd pi. γνώ -rt βή-τί στή-τ€

βά-ΐ’τω ν στά -ντω ν
3rd pi γΐ'ό-ντων

Learn the imperative o f φημί Ί say":

φά-θι \ay!' etc.
φα~i' toji’
Revise aonst imperatives asa whole (110—12).
A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises

M iddles which adopt aorist passive forms

206 Many middles become passive in fo rm (not in meaning) in the
aonst. Check the following list:
βού\ομαι-*€βονλήθψ Ί wished’
δύναμαι—^έδυνήθην ‘ I was able'
δέομαι~*iSeήθην ‘I begged’
έπίσταμαι-^ήπιστήθην ‘I knew ’
ηδομαι-^ήσθην Ί found pleasure in’
μιμνηακομαι—*εμνησθην ‘ I remembered’
διαλέγομαι-^διελέχθην ‘ I conversed’
οϊομαι—*ωήθην ‘ I thought’
φοβέομαι —►
έφοβήθτην ‘ I feared’
χαίρω ~~*1χάρην ‘ I rejoiced*
οργίζομαι—*ώργίσΟψ· ‘ 1 grew angry’

Subj. morphology 172-4 Language Survey (5) Q

Vocabulary for Scction Sixteen E

άλλιοί otherwise πλανά-ομαι wander, roam enthusiasm o f (+ d a t.)
άνόητ-ος -ον foolish about r ( γ ίν ω μ α ι; w h at w ill bccom c
βονλιν-ομα ι discuss iT ol τ ρ ά π ω μ α ι ; where am I to o f me?
ΐω θ ίν daybreak turn? τ ί δ ρ ώ μ ίν; w hat are w e to do?
κοινή together, in com m on σνμ βο νλ(ύ -ο μ α ι discuss with Tt ποιήσω ; what a in 1 to do?
o n χρώ μαι Ιμαυ τώ ; what 1 ( 4-dat.) it is raining
am to do w ith myself? συμττροθυμί-ομαι share

V ocabulary to be learnt
άλλιος otherwise; in vain ( + dat.)
ανόητος ον foolish σνμπροθυμίομαι share
βονλΐύομαι discuss, lake advice enthusiasm o f ( + dot.)
νυμβουλίύομαι discuss with

O Grammar for Scction Sixteen E

O Section S ix te e n , 206-2 ίο

‘ W h a t a m I to do?’
207 A question-word followed by a subjunctive (nearly always in the
first person) turns the question into an appeal, best translated into English by the
form ‘ W hat am I to fare we to - ? ’ , e.g.
ττοΐ τ ρ ά π ω μ α ι ; ‘ W here am 1 to turn?’
τι γ εν ω μ α ι; ‘ W hat is to become o f me?’
τί τις λεγη ; ‘ W hat is one to say?* (where ‘‘one’ really = T )
This is called the ‘deliberative’ subjunctive.
208 This construction sometimes appears after βο ύ λομ α ι, e.g.
βουλή €i7τω τούτο; ‘ D o you wish me to say this?’ (lit. ‘that I
should say this’)
β ο ύ λ -Q π ο ι ή σ ω τ ο ΰτο ;Ί)ο you wish that I should do thisr
(N.b. π ο ιή σ ω is 1st person aor. subj., not future!)
(C f. in general Reference Grammar Q , R , p. jo t .)

V erb s
χ ρ ά ο μ α ι Ί use, have to do w ith ’
209 This w ord means basically Ί use’ or Ί have to do with It is used
quite often in deliberatives to mean ‘what am I to do with . . e.g.
τί χρώ μαι εμαυτώ ; ‘ W hat am 1 to do with myself?

C o rrela tiv es
210 Y o u have already met the sentence:
ov y a p τ ο ύ τ ο υ ς ό ν τ ω ς μ ι σ ώ ώ ς ε μ α ντο ν φ ιλώ 1 do not hate these as (so)
much as I like m yself’
Note the parallel o f ο ύ τ ω ς ‘as/so much with ω ς as . In the same wa\. Greek
parallels such words as το ιο ύ τ ο ς ‘o f such a sort with oios a s . τοσούτος so great
w ith οσος ‘as’ , e.g.
ούκ έ σ τ ι μοι. τ ο ια ύ τ η ε π ισ τ ο λ ή οια ( ε σ τ ι ) σοι 1 do not have a letter o f
the sort that you have’
ούκ έ λ ε γ ε το ο ο ύ τ ο υ ς λό γ ο υς όσους σύ ( ε λ ε γ ε ς ) ‘he did not speak as
many words (make as many speeches) as you

Excrcises for Scction Sixteen

(d) E n glish into G reek

i. Sentences
Translate into Greek:
1. The maidservants did not wait until they were caug t.
A . Grammar, I ocabularies . Lxeriises

2. They didn't stop carrying furniture out ot the house until they had
grabbed everything.
; Thcv were taking o f f my son, until a neighbour told them that he
was the child o f a citizen, and not a slave.
4. I was angry that the rogues had put my nurse into such poor
condition that she was actually in danger ot her life.
5. They were disdainful enough to enter m y house and carry out my
2. Prose
Translate into Greek:
M y wife got angry and said, ‘ D o not seize this furniture. Have you not
already got fifty sheep? Wait for a while; you must not go ott till my
husband returns.' T h ey took no notice o f m y w ife’s words, but took
everything and left. A messenger came to the Piraeus to tell me what
had happened. When 1heard the news. I risked being angry enough to
strike Theophemos myselt. But I went to him the next day and
ordered him to follow me to the bank, to collect the m oney which was

T e x t E xercise S ix te e n
Translate into English:
Socrates and Phaidros are taking a walk at midday, when most people take a
snooze. Socrates tells the story o f the cicadas and their close connection with the
Muses 10 explain his reasonsJor jeeling that philosophic discussion should be
the order of the day.
(From Plato, Phaidros 258e-2.syd)
ΣΩ Κ ΡΑ ΤΗ Σ δια λεγ ω μ ε θ α ούν, ώ φιλε Φ α ιδ ρ έ- σ χ ο λ ή μ έν δή, ώ ς εοικε.
και αμα μοι δοκούσιν οι τ ε τ τ ι γ ε ς ημά ς καθοράν, αδοντες και ά λ λ ή λ ο ις
διαλεγομενοι. ει ούν ιδοιεν και η μ ά ς ώ σ π ε ρ το ύ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς εν μ ε σ η μ β ρ ία
μ η διαλεγομενους, α λ λ α καθευδοντας και κ η λουμ ένους ύφ ' α υ τ ώ ν δι
αργίαν τή ς διανοιας , δικ αίω ς αι> κ α τ α γ ε λ ώ ε ν , η γ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ι δο ύλους τινας
ώ σπερ π ρόβατα περι τη ν κρηνην εΰδειν. εάν δε όρ ώ σ ιν η μ ά ς
δια λεγομένους και ακ η λή τους π α ρ α π λ έ ο ν τά ς σφας ώ σ π ε ρ Σ ε ιρ ή ν α ς ,
τ α χ αν δοΐεν η μΐν ησθεντες εκείνο το δώρον, ο π αρά θεώ ν εχ ο υ σ ιν
ανθρώποις διδόναι.

ΦΑΙΔΡΟΣ τι το δώρον; μ η άποκρύψης. άνήκοος γά ρ , ώ ς εοικε, τ υ γ χ ά ν ω ών.

ΣΩΚ τι δρω; δήλον οτι έμε δει σοι λ έ γ ε ι ν ττρέπον γ ά ρ φ ιλόμ ου σ ον καλεΐσθαι
σε, φοβούμαι μ η άμουσος είναι δοκης, τ ώ ν τ ο ιο ύ τ ω ν άνήκοος ώ ν.
^ Ύ ίτ α ι δ ω ς π ο τ ήσαν οι τ ε τ τ ι γ ε ς άνθρωποι, πριν τ ά ς Λ ΐούσας
S c c tio n S i x t e e n

γεγονεναι. γενομενων δε Μουσών και φανείσης ώδής οΰτο>ς άρα τινέ<

τώι· τότε ανθρώπων έξεπΧάγησαν ύφ' ήδοΐ'ής άκούοντες, ώστε αδοντες
ήμέΧησαν σ ίτω ν τε και π οτώ ν , και έΧαθον αυτούς τεΧευτήσαντες. και εκ
τούτιον τώ ν ανθρώπων το τών τεττίγω ν γένος μ ε τ' εκείνο φύεται, δώρον
τούτο παρά Μ ουσών Χαβόν, μηδέν τροφής δείσθαι, άλλ’ άσιτόν τε και
αποτον ον αδειν, ευις άν τεΧευτήση, και μετά ταύτα έΧθον παρά Μονσάς
άτταγγέΧΧειν, τίς τών ανθρώπων τάς Μούσας τιμά. ποΧλών δή ούν ένεκα
Χεκτέον τι και ου καθευδητέον εν τή μεσημβρία.
Φ Λ ΙΔ . Χεκτέον γάρ ουν.

τ ίτ τ ιξ ( τ ΐ τ τ ι γ - ) , & n c iJ .l (3.1) σφης them ώ 8η , ή ν.>ηιζ. M ngini; (ia )

μ ίσ η μ β ρ ία , ή m idd.iv (ΐ.ϊ) α ποκρύπ τω conical (ξίπ λά γη οα ν aor paw. ot

κηλία) bow ill'll άΐ’ηκοος ον unaware (ot) (κττλήττω astound

ά ρ γ ία ,ή I.i/iiicvi (lb ) ( + μηι.) α μ (λ ίω ικ'μΙι'ΐ'Γ (+ Jii'ii.)

πρ<πα it is fitting ποτά, τά drink (2b)
κρψ ’ΐ?. ή fountain (la)
yfyortV ai pert lilt. Ot τροφή, jj nourishment (la)
ακήλητος ον uncharm cd
παραττλ(θ) t t π λ ίΐο γίγνομα ι
Section Seventeen
Vocabulary for Scction Seventeen A

άίστό-αι destroy (π ισ κ ο π ί-ο μ α ι n p iiT d it is fittin g, suitable

άμηίσχ-o> surround, clothe ( ί-π ια κ ΐφ -) review Π ρ ο μ η θ - ίύ ς , 6 P rom etheus
άοπλ-ος -oi' unarmed (ν λ ά β ίΐ-α , η care (lb ) (3g) (‘F oresigh t’)
ά σθίν-ής - ίς weak ισ χ -ΰ ς , ή saen gth (3b) ηροοάττ τ -ω attach, g iv e
αύξάν-cu ( α υ ζ - ) make g ro w , κ α τ ά γ α -ο ς -ον under the ιτρ ο ο τ ά τ τ-ω
increase earth ( τ τ ρ ο σ τ α ξ - ) order (4-dat.)
ycvco-if, η birth (3c) κ(ράννυ-μι m ix w-njv-os -ή -όν w in ged
&νναμ~ις, ή pow er, faculty κ ο ο μ ί-w equip Ομ ικ ρ ό τ η ς ( σ μ ικ ρ ο τ η τ - ) , ή
(3«) μ ίγ ΐϋ - ο ς , τό size (3 c) smallness (3a)
ίΐμ α ρ μ ίν -ο ς -η -ον allotted μ η χα νά -ομ α ι contrive, devise τά χ -os, τ ό speed (3 c)
ίνδον (4-gen.) inside, within μ ίγ ν υ -μ ι ( μ ι ξ - ) m ix ruirt-ω fashion, shape
ίπανισό-ω put on a par. m ake νίμ -ιυ ( ν ( ΐμ - ) allot, τ ώ ν o f those things
equal distribute, assign φ ν γ - η ,ή fligh t (Ia)
Έ π ιμ η θ -(ν ς , ό Epimctheus όϊ τλ ίζ-ω arm φ ώ ς (φ χ α τ -), τ ό lig h t (3b)
(3g) (‘Aftersight’) ττα ρ α ιτί-ο μ α ι beg

V o cab u lary to be learnt

α οθίνης ί ς weak, ill ( e π ιο κ ίψ -) review irpoararrw ( π ρ ο σ τ α ξ - ) order
y 0 w « s, ή birth ( je ) μηχανάομαι devise, contrive ( + dat.)
8ύνα μις,ή power, ability . νίμχο ( ν ι ιμ - ) distribute, allot, τά χ ο ς , τό speed ()c)
faculty ( je) assign φ ν γ η ,η flig h t (1 a)
ίπ ιο κ ο π ίο μ α ι ιταρα ιτίομαι beg

Vocabulary for Scction Seventeen B

άλληλοφθορι-a , η mutual α,μφιίννυ-μι dress, clothe α ντοφ ν-ης -<? natural
destruction (ib) άναλίσκ-ω kill, consum e βο ρ -ά , η food, m eat (lb )
άμύν-ω keep off. withstand άναιμ-ος -ον bloodless β ο τά ν-η , ή grass (ia)
Section Seventeen

δίνδρ-ον, τό tree (ib ) θ ρ ίξ ( τ ρ ιχ - ) , ή hair (3a) (dat π ο ρ ίζ-w provide, offer

δέρμα ( Β ( ρ μ α τ - ) , τ ό skin (3 b) pi. θριξί)
π ροσά π τ-ω give, attach to
δ ια φ νγ-η , “η m eans o f cscapc Ικαν-ός -ή -όν sufficient ( + d 3t.)
from (la) (4 -inf. ‘ to’) νυκν-ός -ή -όν thick
δ ννα τ-ό s - -η -όν able (sc. *to κα ρ π -ός, ό fruit (2a) ρ ίζ-α , η r o o t( ic )
w ithstand’) καύμα ( κ α ν μ α τ -), τό heat a T ffx -ός -ά -όν hard
(κ π ο ρ ίζ -ω supply ( 3b) οτρ ω μ ν-ή , ή bedding (la)
ίιτα ρ κ (-ω p ro v id e en ou gh o iK ti-ος -a -ον personal τ ο ν ν τ * ν θ (ν = τό (ντίΰ θ (ν next
(of) ό λ ιγ ο γ ο ν ί-α , η production o f τρ ο φ -ή ,η fo o d (ia )
ϊ σ τ ι . . . o is ‘to so m e' fe w y o u n g (ib ) ίιιτάρχ-ιο serve as. be
(ν μ ά ρ ίι-α , ή c o m fo rt (lb ) όττλ-ή, η h o o f (la) ν π ο δ ί-ω shoe
evv-ή, ή bed (la) ottuk ( 4-o p t.)= iV a (-fo p t.) χ α μ ώ ν ( χ α μ ώ ν - ) , ό winter.
ζψ -ον, τό anim al (2b) π ο λ ν γ ο ν ί-α , ή fertility (lb ) storm (3a)
ώ ρα, ή season (lb )
V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
άμύνω keep off, withstand ( κ π ο ρ ίζ ω supply, provide Ίτροαάπτω give, attach to
α ναλίσκω ( α ν α λ ω σ -) spend; ζώ ο ν , τ ό animal, creature, (•\-dat.)
use; k ill living thing (2b) στρω μνή, η bedding ( la)
δό'δροι·, τ ό tree (2b) Ικανός η όν sufficient, capable, τροφή, η food , nourishment
δέρμα ( δ(ρμ ατ~ } , τ ό skin ( jb ) able ( ■
+■inf.) (ia )
διαφ υγή, η flig h t, means o f όπο)ς = Γιό ( + subj.fopl.) in χ α μ ώ ν ( χ ιιμ ω ν - ) , S winter,
escape ( ia ) order to storm (ja )
δυνατός ή όν able, possible π ο ρ ίζω provide, offer

Vocabulary for Scction Seventeen C

Ά θ η ν -ά ,-η A th en e ( i b) δ ω ρ ί- w b esto w , giv e as a gift κ τη τ-ό ς -ή -όν possessed

ά κόσ μ η τ-ο ς -ον unprovided ( γ χ ω ρ ΰ it is perm itted for x νομ-ή, ή distribution (la)
for (dat.) οίκημα (ο ίκ η μ α τ -), τό
ά κρ όπ ολ-ις, ή acropolis (3e) ά μ α ρ μ ίν -ο ς -η -ον allotted. dw elling (3b)
άλογ-ος -ον speechless appointed ό τ ι χρήοακτο what he should
τα ά λογα brute beasts < μ μ (λώ ς ί χ - ω be well o f f for m a k eo fit
α μηχαν-ος -ον im practicable, ( + gen.) π ολιτικ-ός -η -ον political
impossible ίμ π υ ρ - ο ς -ov o f fire πρός (adv.) in addition
άμηχανον -fjv it was ( ΐτ ( χ ν - ο ς -ον artistic ovv (4-d.U.) with, with the
impossible to (inf.) (ν π ο ρ ί-α , ή abundance. help o f
ανυπόδητ-ος -ον unshod means (ib ) σχόμ*ν~ος -η -ον being in
άοπλ-os -or unarm ed (φ ιλοτ*χν*ίπ )ν the tw o o f (+ dat.) (aor mid. ο ί ϊ χ ω )
ά στρω τ-ος -ον w ithou t a bed them practised their skills ταντχ) in this way
arc in tlm , since, seeing that frrtp as T tO — T l V t

(+ p art.) Ή φ α ισ τ-ο ς, ό Hephaistos φοβ*ρ-ός -ά ·όν terribie.

γυ μ ν-ός -ή -όν naked (2a) (god o f fire) awe-inspiring

δη ovv but καταναλισκ-ο» φυλακ-ή, η sentinel, guard

δίκη μ (7 (ρ χ ς τ α ι a charge o f x ( κα τανα λω σ-) spend (ia)

φώς ( φ ω τ -) , τό light (3b)
(gen.) is b rought against y lavishly
(acc.) κ λοπ -ή, ή thett (la)
1. ( ',rd in n hv , I ’otabuhirics. /:λτγ<ιμ’>

V o ca b u lary to be learnt
bcapew bestow. give ·τ> a gilt dwell nig Ijb )
ακόαμητο< ο» unprovided for
ιιμ α ρ μ ίν ο ί η or allotted, π ο λ ιτικ ό ς ή όν political
άκρό"roAii, ή aitopolis. *1tadfl
appointed ττρόί (adv.) hi addition
tVTTOpta, ή abundanit. means σύν w ith, together with ( + dat.)
nAoyos oi' speechless, without
( l b) φ ο βίρό ς ά όν terrible.
κλοπή, ή theft (i a) frightening
αμήχανο* or impossible.
ϊό μ η , ή distribution ( l a ) φ νλα κ ή, ή <ctiiiiiel, guard ( ia)
οίκημα ( ο ικ η μ α τ -), τό φ ώ ς ( φ ω τ - ) , τ ό light (jh )
άοπλος oi' unarmed

Vocabulary for Scction Seventeen D

άγαλμα ( ά γα λμ α τ-). τό lacking π α ντα χή in every respect

uvugc, statue (lb) ί7τιχα ρ(-ιυ undertake. set to τταραοκίνασμίνο\· pert, p.irt.
άθροίζ-ω gather. collect work p.i*s. ot τταρασ kc νάζια
arc Miicc. vem i; (-f part) (σθης ( ίσ θ η τ - ) , ή clothes (3a) prepare, equip
βοηΟ-ός, ό helper, assistant flci-o-i -a -or divine π ο λ (μ ΐκ -ό ς -η -όν m ilitary.
(2a) θηρί-ον, τό (2b) martial
Βημιονργικ-ός -ή -όν ιδρν-ομαι erect σκίδάη·ν-μι scatter
ΒιαρΟρό-ομαι articulate (i.e. κ τ ίζ-ω found σποράδην scattered. 111 groups
invent) μοιρ -α . ή portion (lb) σ ν γ γ ίν α - α , ή kinship (lb )
ΐι-δι-ής nmiftnnent. μόνον alone am ong ( + gen.) ν π ό δ ίσ -ν ί, i) shoe (3c)

V o ca b u lary to be learnt
άγαλμα ( ά γα λμ ατ- ) , τό image. ίπ ιχ α ρ ίω undertake, sit to Ο η ρ ίον,τό beast ( jb )
statue (jb) work ( -f inf.) π ο λ (μ ικ ό ς ή or military, oj
αθροίζω gather, collcit (σθης ( ίο θ η τ -) , ή clothing tja ) war, martial
art since, seeing that ( + j\irf θαας a ot· 1/1rim· a ir/y tv a a , ή kinship ( lh)

Vocabulary for Section Seventeen E

αιδ-ώς ( -ώ -ονς -ο ι), ή respect Ιατρικ-ός -ή -or medical σ νμ β ο νλ-ή , ή discussion.
for others
ιδιω τ-η ς, ό private advice (ia)
ά ν ίχ - ο μ α ι put up with citizen (id) CTl/raytuy-Of -or uniting,
( + gcn.)
ΐό α i (to) be conducted, (to) unifying
δ ΰ δ -ω ( b a a - ) fear go along σω φ ροσύν-η, ή m oderation.
δεσμ-όϊ, ό bond (2a) KTtiv-ω kill good sense (ia)
δημιονργικ-ός -ή -όν technical
μίτ*σ τι x (dat.) has .1 share in TtKT ονικ-ός -η -όν
δημιουργ-ός, ό expert (ia) v (gen.) architectural
ή justice (ia)
δ ικ α ιο ο ύ ν - η ,
w«pi( + dat.) about φ ιλία , ή friendship (ib )
c’ s' μία ό. ( ( i- ) one
προσήκα it is fitting for ώ δ ι thus, so
ικτός (-f-gcn.) outside
( + dat.)
O Section Seventeen, 211-213

V o ca b u la ry to be learnt
αιδώ?, η respect fo r others <M(. δικαιοσύνη, ή jiistue (ia ) π ροσήκα it is filling tfort
αιδώ; gen. αιδούς, Jill, α ίδ ο ϊ) t U μ ία tv ( t v - ) one ( + d ai.t
ανίχομα ι pul up in th ια τρικός ή όν medual, of συμβουλή, ή dt<1115<I1<11,
( + g in .) hriifing recommendation ( ia)
δ ίσ μ ός, 6 b on d ( 2at ιδ ιώ τ η ς, ό layman, private σωφροσύνη, ή >noderanoi\.
δ η μ ιο υ ρ γικ ο ί ή όν tdU nual, of citizen ( id) good sense ( itif
a workman KTtivui ( KTtiv- ) kill φ ιλία, ή friendship ( ib)
δημιουργός, ό craftsman, TTtpi ( + d at.) about ώ δ ί thus, as follows
workman, cxp tri (2%

O Grammar for Scction Seventeen

Dels, in see. seq.
arc 4-part.

D e lib e ra tiv e s again

211 W hen a deliberative question is reported in indirect speech (e.g.
‘he wondered what he was to do ) the question will be followed by the optative
in secondary sequence, e.g.
(direct) τίν α μ η χ α ν ή ν cvpw; ‘ What device am I to fmdi
(indirect) ή π όρςι ή ν τιν α μ η χ α ν ή ν cΰροι ‘he did not know what device
to find’

a r e - f p articip le ‘ because, as’

212 Translate ατ€ by ‘as' or ‘because’, and make the participle an
indicative, e.g.
are οι) ττάνν τι σοφός cuv . . · (lit. because (as) not being too smart)
‘because he was not too smart
(O n participles in general, see Reference Grammar 1, p. *9$ )

D uals
213 W hen a verb has two people or things as its subject, or when a
noun or adjective represents tw o people or things, the words can adopt a special
form known as the dual.

1 'erbs
Verbs are restricted to duals in the 2nd and 3rd person plural only
240 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, Exercises O

Watch out for the following endings attached to the stem + vo w e l-e n d in g o f
the part in use:

A ctiv e M iddle/passive

2nd -τον -σθον

jrd -τον (primary) -σθον (primary)
-την (secondary) -σθην (secondary)
e.g. παύσετον ‘you two/they both will stop’
Ινανσάτην ‘ they both stopped’
π α ύ σ α ιτο ν ‘you tw o stop’ (aor. optative active)
παυσαίσθην ‘ they both stop themselves’ (aor. optative middle)

The dual forms o f « μ ί arc:
Ιστόν (ind.)
J)tov (subj.)
ctrov (opt.)


Watch out for endings in accordance with the fo llo w in g chart:

Nominative/accusative G en itiv efd a tiv e

Types 1/2 -ω Types -oiv
-a , / 2/ j -a iv
Types 3
e.g. τα» σοφ ώ άν θ ρ ώ π ω ‘ the two wise men'
τα ϊν oSoiV ‘in the tw o roads’

D efinite article in the dual

nom.facc gen.fdat.
Wl. TU) τ ο ίν

/· τά (τώ ) ταΐν ( τοΐι )

n. raj τοίν

μτί+aor. subj./subj. orders 181, 192 Reference Grammar Q
Negatives, Language Survey (9)
Indcfs. (prim./past scq.) ι 79-« , i87 R rf<. r c n c c Grammar L, Language
Survey (6)
Opt. in indir. sp. ,67, ,88 Reference Grammar K O

Section Eighteen
Vocabulary for Scction Eighteen A

αγ-ομα ι brin g in m arriage (φ ια τα -μ α ι ( ( π ίσ τ α - ) stand o l to him . her (dat.) (goes with

α ίχ μ -ή , ή point o f a spear (13) near (+ d a t.) eJSoi'Tt)
άκόντι-ον, τ ό ja v e lin (ib ) (w 6u>i ( ( u iO o t - ) accustomed δ λβ ί-ος -a -ov happy, blest
αληθάη = ά λή θ α α to (+ in f.) ov a ρ-ος, ό dream (2a)
άνδρίώι· ( ά νδρ α υν-) , 6 m en ’s i w v r o v = (αυτόν ούδαμή (to) now here
apartment (3a) etuVTw = ia v r u i οννομα = όνομα
ά π ο λ(α = ά π θ λ (ΐ (fut. o f ή λ ιξ ( ή λ ικ - ) , ό com radc, οντ(ρος = ό tT tp o i
ά πόλλυμι) com panion (3a) π ρ ή γ μ α = πράγμα
"Α τ-νς, 6 A ty s (3c) (C roesus’ * a T a (+ a c c .) in relation to, οη μα ίν-w tell, announce,
healthy son) concerning point out
βά λλ-ω ( β α λ - ) hit. strike κα τα ρ ρω δ(-ω fear o«5»jpt-os -η -ov iron, metal
(aor. pass ΐβ λή θ η ν) κ ρ ίμ α -μ α ι hang over (-f-dat.) Σ ό λ ω ν ( Σ ό λω ν- ) , ό Solon
βληθίντα aor. part. pass, o f Κ ρ ο ΐσ -ο ς, ό Croesus (ia) (3a) (Athenian lawgiver)
βάλλω (king o f Lydia) σ τρ α τη γ (-ω lead (as
διίφ θαρτο he was disabled κω φ -ός -ή -όν d ea f and dum b commander) ( + gen.)
(ptup. pass, o f δια φ θ(ίρω ) λόγον δ ίδ ω -μ ι take counsel συννί-ω pile up
δοράτι-ον, τό spear (2b) with ( -f-dat.) τά π » τ α in all respects
(κ κ ο μ ίζ-w carry out Λ ν δ - ο ί, o l the Lydians (2a) τοϊσι = ο !ς which (relative)
f ζ ι γ tip -ομ α ι w ak e up (aor. (Croesus' people) ιώ ν = ώ ν o f w hom (relative)
*ζ*ίΥ<ρθην) μ ιν him . her (ace.) (goes with χ ρ ίω ν τα ι = χρώ νται
t n t ir t when (i) β λη θ ίντα 1. 3; (ii) f ωθότα ών= ovv
<ίδ -(11 sleep uts (ΐχ ά ο α ι to make a
ν ( μ ( ο - if, 17 retribution (3e) reasonable guess

Vocabulary to be learnt
& "φ β ά ρ -μ η ν MW. M W

7 Z Z
. 1 . (.luiumuu, I ottibuhu 1 0 , I:xcrciH'f

Vocabulary for Scction Eighteen B

λφ (όν =«&< λφόι" p .u t. pass. (ξ(λη λα μ (ν -ο < ~η ν ο μ ίζ-ο μ α ι be accustom ed

Ά Β ρ η α Ύ -ο ς,ό Adrastos(2a) -ον) τά ν ο μ ιζά μ ΐν η the

(’ Unable to escape’) in ttr e w hen custom ary things ( ’ b)
ii(Ktui- —aKioi‘ iTTtKupi-u) receive, partake ot o lx i-a , τά palace (2b)
ά μ (ίβ -ο μ α ι j w u c r . reply ( + gcn.) 0n6(Uv = οπόΟίν tron i w here

ά μΐ)χιιι·(-ω be in need ot (ττίστι-os -ov suppliant οι·ομ ά ζ-ΐο nam e, call

( + gcn.) (■πιχώρι-ος -η -or ot the land, rrapaπ λ ή σ ι-ο ς -η -or similar
άττικι·(£7αι = α φ ικΐ'ίϊτα ι native Σ ά μ Β ι at Sardis ((.roe>n>‘
βα σ ιλή ϊ-ος -rj -or ot the king. (itfilial) καθαίρ-to ( κα^ηρ-) ilc.m se. o T fp i-w d ep rive ot ( + gcn.)
γ α ·(-ή , ή birth (ia) purity (pert. part. pavs.
yereos= y(rou s (gen. s. o f καΟαρ-ός -ή ·όι· pure, cle.111 ΐΟ Τ(ρημ(ΐ·-ο< -η -Or)
y<V-o?.ro' fam ily (3c)) καόάρσ ι-or, τό purification σ νμ φ ο ρ ί J= σνμφορφ
Γ opSc-us, ό (io rd u * (yen. s. {Λ) ονμφορτμτ = συμφοράν
fopStem) ( I d) κάΟαρσ-ις, ή purituaiioii (3c) το ΐσ ι = το ίς
ly e ifo = <yeYou KcpSaU'-to protit (hit 0 o vtv -o i kill, m urder
ih it r o — ib tir o Kfphav(w) Φ ρ ν γ ι- ή ,η I’ h rygia (ia)
CKyor-os, ό m»ii (ia) KoOtv = π ό β α · Φ ρ ΰ ξ ( Φ ρ υ γ - ) , 6 P hrygian
«μ«α>υτοΰ = «μαντού κονφ-ός -17 -or light (3»)
cr η μ ιτίμ ο υ in our house Λ υδοίσι = A t>bois χίίραν in respect ot Ins hands
ϊνΟα w heie (relative) Μ ιδ-α\, ό Midas (gen. s. XPWa (XPVli a r ')> ™ th»Hg
e^tAau -w drive out (pert. Λ/iSttu) (id) (3t>)

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
άί kvjv —i'iKO)f Dropping oj <i<pir,ites tit fomr a r tp iw deprive of (+ £ 111.)
ίμ « ojurov = «μαντό»· verb iompi’iiiiil· . c.y. tpcrj. pan. p,i<$.
c r f + £ < " .) in tin· Iwiih iif αφικι-ίομαι — ά.7Τικΐ(υμαι *αΤ(ρημίνο·ί)
cu»i‘=<5r ι-ομίζομαι be a«u>hmied τοΐσι = τοίς
to jv r o v — iavT oi’ ono^ir (όκόΟ α·) from trhere XPVPO. ( χ ρ η μ α τ - ) , τό thills’
tVtiTf when, m iif οΰνομα = ό ιο μ π (jl>)

Vocabulary for Section Eighteen C

άμ(ίβ-ομαι reply
-(O k - suffix implies ol ίρ χ ο μ α ι )
c o iit m u iit ic ii r e p e titio n ) κ υ νη γ ίσ ι-ο ν, τό dog-pack
(αναφαν-) appear
(ξ α ιρ ί-ω ( ( ξ ι λ - ) rem ove (2b)
yu-ίται — γΐγι·(7αι
«ττ-σ?, τό w ord (3c) (uiuontr. λ ο γ ά ς ( XoyaB-) , ό picked.
δϊηκτ-α.ή dwelling (ic) pi. <it( u ) chosen (man) (3a)
δ ια κ (λ ιν -ο μ α ι exhort, direct ίρ γ - οι·, τό result o f w ork (i.e. Μ ύσι -os -η -o r 111 M ysia
( + dat.)
tilled field) (2b) Μ υσ - ot, ό a M ysian (za)
διαφ Ο {ψ (ακΐ= δΐ(φ Ο (ιρ( (the
ιονσι dat p|. m. ot Ul>v (part.
S cction l:i$htccn

προβνμ(όμ(νοι = σ<£ι to them

vtrjvi-ης, ό = ν ία ν ία ς
προβυμονμινοι χρ»»ια
i(dya^i-o< -οι* n e w ly m arried
-ρ ό ς { + g e n .) .it die hinds ot jity a μΐγιατον huge
Ό λνμη-ος, ό M l ί ^Ivinpos
irpoahe-ομ α ι beg x (gen.) for monster ot >1 boar
(i.i) i s , ό boar (jh)
ό/κοί=όροι»ί (gen v o i όρος, Y (.tec.)
χώρ-η, η country ( u j
oci» = oou
τό mount Jin (3c})
σ ν μ π ίμ π -ω vend w ith a»»' = our
~ o U to to i' — tVotou»· (f/if -<σκ· w«« a<r ( + w bj.i so that, in
Stijfix Wiplti'i lOHtiniltlltO" , ( + dat.)
order that
avvt£txtpi-t» (ow t£fX ~) jo in
x (dat.) in destroying

V ocab u lary to be learn t

Xuft η for a in. <\<J · X^PV
γίνομαι —γίγνομαι
χωρη, η fanii(ta)
( τ=.χώρ<ι), συμΦορη
ujv = ovv 'i‘ , therefore
tVot, τό word t u ) luntottlr pi.
( αυμόορα) eh.
S o te uwotitrMtcd ttt όρ(ος
( = όρους ) , ττροθνμ(όμ*νοι
ν(·ηνίης a v it t n a j
( ττροϋνμούμίνοι) (tf.
ονμπίμπω send with ( + dtlt.)

Vocabulary for Scction Eighteen D

ato«j(u~ aov
ayp-η, ή h u n t (1.1) κοΐος = ποιος
αώηρί-ος -η -οι· metal, iron
α ίχ μ -ή ,ή s p e a r - p o m t (ia) KOTt » n o T c
σφι to them (dat.)
α μίίβ-ομαι r e p ly . a n s w e r κ'αιν = rrcus'
- ά = ά what (relative)
μ ( τ - ί η μ i allow ; let g o
αποκληΐ-ω s lu it X (.ICC.) o t l Tfotat —not with w h at^ W i
μ ι τα γιγνώ σκ-w change on e’s
troni y (gen.) with όμμααι)
άττοχρί-υμαι b e c o n t c u t w ltll m ind
T(v = n t'o f
( + dat.) μούνος — μόνος την~ ψ which (relative)
άχαρίί άχαρι ν(όγαμ-ος -ov n ew lv w ed
ro(J. y) thrs
ό&ονς (ό&οντ-) , ό tusk (3a)
( αχαριτ- ) disagreeable rot =001
οΐκ( — (oiKt resemble, be like τών — ujr u lu t (relative)
δαλί-η, η cow ardice
διοκΑίτττ-ω steal (i.e. snatch <+ d a t) urrt-os, ό sleep (22)
from the jaw s o f death) OKcui ~ οΐτιυς «Ji. ό K u r (3I1)
όλιγοχρόι ι-ος -ot' short-lived
cmJtmi-oi·, to dream (zb) φοβ4αι=φοβτ)
όμμα ( ό μ μ α τ-), τό eve (jb )
m ( + gen.) m the tim e ot φ ο ιτΐ-tv go
«στι rjj it is the case that otmp-ov, τό drcuin (ib ) φοπτ(ονταί (undfTfttiitJ.t.g·.
(νδοκιμ(.ω w in a glorious οφ-ις, >J sight, vision (jc) avSpas, i c. ’that men
reputation παραλημβάν-ια undcriakc should g o . ')
παρορά-w ( παριδ-) notice \ ώνλακήν ίχ ω take care
<Φιατα~μαι ( ίπ ισ τα - ) stand
by ( 4 -dat.) (a c c ) in v (dat ) χρήν past οίχρή
& - η ,ή life (ia) πολιήττ/α — πολϊταις
πρός ( -f-aec.) w ith .1 nnnd to
Oyp-y. η hunt (ia)

Vocabulary to be learnt
ή spear-point ( ia) Int ( +gen.) »« t,,,U (+dJt.)
αμ *ϊβομ αι «wisircr. reply 10 μ ( Τ - μ ϊθ ΐη μ * (μ < θ< -)
( +!}((.) let go
-44 A . Grammar, I'ocabularies, Uxcrcises

παραλαμβάνω (παραλαβ-) τ θ ι= σ θ ι 'lin y ’ :

undertake; take from ύπνος, ό sleep (2a) Attic: σ φ (ΐς σφάς αφών
παροράω (τταρι&-) iii'lur ί? , ό hoar (3b) σ φ ίθ ι(ν )
σίοΙσ(υ = σον jN’oir κ for π in e.g. κοτ( ( π ο τ () , Ionic: σ φ (ΐς σ φ ία ς σφ ίω ν
σιδηρίος η ον iron, inffdf κοΐος ( π οιο ς), κω ς ( π ω ς ), σ φ ί(ν ) (σ φ ία η .)
σφι to than (dat.) 6 κόθ(ν (όπ όθ α ·) etc.
tcv — τίνος Note the declension o f ο φ ΰ ς

Vocabulary for Scction Eighteen E

άγρ~η,ή hunt (la) ti-Oa w here (relative)
π λ ή ο ο - ω strike (pert. part.
ά ίθ λ-ο ϊ, τό contest (2b) «τί δηλησι bent on m isch ief
pass, ττΐπλταγμένος)
άλλως in other circumstances cu πρι;οσαι = fu π ρ ά τ τ ω
πολ λαχτ} for m an y reasons
άττημιον άπημον
ψ α = ^α (past o f i ρχομαι\(ϊμι)
π ρ ο π ο ι ί -tt) d o first, do before
(άττημον-) unharmed Γσ χ -ω hold back, restrain
π ρ ο σ δ ο κ ά - tu exp ect
άπολαμπρΰν-ομαι distinguish καθαίρ-ω cleanse, purify π ρ ο σ έ τ ι besides
o n cv :lfin (-tai = -ii!ij 2nd s. κακοΰργ-ος -ov evil
ρ ώ μ - η , ή strength (1a)
pres, (possibly fut. here)) Κ€χρημίνον ‘for one w h o has
άπονοστί-ω return τοιόσ δί τοιΐ}6ί τοιόνδί like
m et’
£χαρις άχαρι
χλωψ ( κ λ ω π -) , ό th ie f (33)
ΰ π ά ρ χ - ω be, be sufficient
( άχαριτ-) unpleasant
μ ι τ α π ίμ π -ο μ α ι send for
ΰ π ο δ έ κ - ο μ α i w elco m e.
δαπάν-η, ή expense, m oney
οίκί-α, τά palace (2a)
(la) entertain ( = ΰ π ο δ ( χ - ο μ α ι)
οΙκός= *Ικός lik ely
δηλησ-ις, η harm (3c) φ α ν ίω σ ι= φ α ν ω σ ι (3rd pi. aor.
όμηλιξ ( ό μ η λ ικ -), 0
διακ(λίύ-ομαι exhort, direct subj. o l φαίνομαι)
com panion (3a)
(*cai = -ei’j7 2nd s. pres.) Φ ρύξ ( Φ ρ υ γ - ) , ό Phrygian
ο να δ ίζ-ω blam e x (acc.) 011 Y
(7v(K(v~(vfKa (2a)
ίΐπ α ς — ΰπιυν (\vk. aorist is χ α ρ ίζ - ο μ α ι o b lig e ( + dat.)
παρα = πάρ<στι it is in on e’s
(ϊπα Ί said’) Xpcov ί σ τ ι = χ ρ ή
p ow er, possible
ίμ ίΰ = ίμ ο ΰ Χ Ρψ Ι -w desire

V o cab u lary to be learnt

“ yP7?· V hunt (ia)
νπάρχω he, be sufficient; begin ί contr. verbs only, but
ev πράττω fare well, be
( +£<»-,) occasionally o f other verbs as
υποδέχομαι welcome, entertain well, e.g. δ ια κ ίλ ίν (α ι,
πάρα, πάρίατι it is possible for
χαρίζομαι oblige; please; be
X (dat.) άπολαμπp w ia i (where the c
dear 10 ( + dat.)
τοιοσδί τοιήδί τοιόνδί of this riwy indicate the future tense).
Note that -eat is usedfor - a or -rj
in the 2nd s. middle, mostly of

Vocabulary for Scction Eighteen F

ayycAA-u> announce, report
άμαρτάΐ'-ω miss (4-gCn )
(fut. oyytAtu») βάλλ-ω ( β α λ -) hit (aor. pa«-
απολ ω λ ( κ ώ ς pcrf. part. Qf
άκοντίζ-ω throw javelin at (βληθην)
βαρυονμφορ-ος -ov accursed
Section Eighteen, 214 ^45

iJSef isjJSf i (past o f oIBa) jππονθιός perf. part, o f

β ιώ σψ -ος -ov worth living
ηισα»'=^σα»' (past ot πάσχω
βόακ-ω nurture, feed
έρχομαι ( 'μ ι) ττ(ριημ(κτ(-ω be grieved at
γ ίγ ο ν α irr. pert. o f γ ί γ ν ο μ α ι
θάτττ-ω b u ry ( + d .u )
(part. γ€γονώς or γ ίγ ώ ς )
Ot-w run *€ριιστα-μαι
Γορδί-ας, o Gordias(ld)
καθαίρ-ω p u rify, clcanse (ττ(ριστα-) stand round
(gen. Γ ο ρδ ιί-ω )
κα θά ρ α -ο ς -ov (sc. *?,cu<, προ (+ g eu .) in front o f
δ<ινολογί-ομαι g rie v e
god*) o f purification ηροσημαίν-ω prophesy
cl μη όσον ex cep t in as far as
κ α τοικ τίρ -ω pity ττροτΐίν-ω stretch out
( h —t ! y o u are
Σάρδ i-fi, at Sardis (Crocsut'
(κπίμπλη-μι ( €κιτΧ·ησ-) fulfil κου = που
κνκλ-ος, ό circle (2 a) nipt ia!)
t\Oa w here (tr. ‘at this p oin t’)
λ ο γ ά ς (λ ο γ α δ -),ό selected σ ή μ α (σ η μ α τ-),τό mound
(ζαρτυ-ω equip
(3 b) (marking agrave)
(ζίρ γά ζ-ο μ at d o a deed μαρτΰρ-ομαι in voke
Μ ίδ -α ς ,ό Midas (id ) (gen. σ η μ α ίι-w tell
( ίξ(ργάααο = ΐξη ρ γ ά ο ω ,
συγγιγνώ σκ-ομαι
2nd s. aor J Λ/ιδ<-α»)
(7il €K(ivj) ‘in addition to that μόρ-ος, ό fate (2a)
συνταράαο-ω overwhelm
(previous tragedy)* otKrji-ος -"η -ον personal
rov 8i ‘and 011 Zeus as
ίπικατασφάζ-ω slay X (acc.) οΐκ ί-α , τά palace ( 2b)
(Ύαιρψος, because . .
over v (dat.) ο ίκ ο ς — (Ικός
rot· μ(ν ‘and on Zeus as
«τίστι-o f - o v (sc. ‘ Z eu s, g o d ') Ό λ υ μ π -ο ς, 6 O ly m p u s (23)
(ττίστιος, because.
o f die hearth ονομάζ-ω nam e
τνμβ-ος, ό grave (2a)
Ισακοντίζ-ω hurl a ja v e lin at &πισθ( behind
φημ-ιh ή prophecy (ia)
ίταιρηΐ-ος (sc. 'Z e u s, god") o f όρ-os, τό m ountain (3c)
φον-ίΰf, 0 murderer Og)
friendship πάλαι lo n g ago

V ocab u lary to be learn t όρ-ος, τό mountain ()c)

ογγίλλω (ά γ γ α λ -; Jut. ό θα where, there
ΐτάλαι long ago
ο γ γ ^ λ ίω ) report, ιιηποιιη<υ 6tu) run
kov — ιτου
όμαρτάν-αι ( ά μ α ρ τ - ) miss; καθαίρω (καθηρ-) Ρ '*Φ >
ττρό ( +gen.) before, infront oj
make a mistake cleanse
■προτάνω stretih out
βάλλω (β α λ - ) hit (aor. pass. μ α ρ τ ν ρ ο μ α ι ini'oke, fall to
σ η μ α ίν ω tell, signal
tβληθην) witness
y ty o i- α irr. ptrf. o f γ ί γ ν ο μ α ι οικία, τά pahice (ihf
(part. ycyov-ώ s or γ ( γ ·ώ ς ) οίκός —ttKoS

O Grammar for Section

Herodotus’ dialect
Acc. o f respcct

ού<^ 1' j c’ Ionic dialcct ,

T h e m a in features o f H c r o d o tu , lo ^ . (cipl, , lllv after p ,«. ·>.
214 Herodotus may have η ^ lcrc
c g. ττρήγμα ( A ttic πρ ά γμ α ).
Give the Attic f o r m for \>€f)vir)S, ονμΦ°ρή
246 A . Grammar, Vocabularies, I:.\ercise> 0
215 H e ro d o tu s uses σσ for Attic r r, e.g. θάλασσα (Attic θ ά λα ττα ).
Give the Attic form for πρήσσω, φυλάσσω.
216 Herodotus can have
ei for c e.g. ^cit'os (Attic ξένος)
ου tor o e.g. οΰνομα (Attic οι>ομα)
■ηι for et e.g. ( ταιρήϊος (Attic (ταιρίίος)
Give the Attic form for μοΰνος, εΐνεκα.
217 Herodotus may not contract € verbs, nor nouns with ί in the stem. e.g.
φ ιλίω (Attic φιλώ)
rxotcctr (Attic noiciv)
eSetro (Attic cSttro)
opeo9 (Attic ορούς)
σ 60 (Attic σου)
N.b. co can change to ev, giving e.g.
ock (tor σ«ο, Attic σου)
μ€υ (for Attic μου)
ποκύμίνα (tor ποιεόμ^να, Attic ποιούμενα)
G iv e the Attic form for c y c v to , καλεόμίνος, ά π ο λ ία , π οίΐύμεν.
218 Herodotus uses -coi for the gen. s. o f id nouns (e.g. νεηιήεα», not νεηνιου).
and -coir tor the gen. pi. o f all type 1 nouns, e.g. θνρίιον, not θνρών.
Girt’ the Auic form for Π ζρσίων.
219 Herodotus uses -σι in die dat. p). o f type 1/2 adjectives and nouns, e.g.
τούτοισι (Attic τούτοις)
τοϊσι (Attic τοΐς)
C>ive the Attic form for ταύταισι, χρηστοΐσι.
220 Except for ος, I lerodotus uses the form o f the definite article in place o f the
relative, e.g. τταΐς τον φυλασσ€ΐς (Attic παΐς oi' φ υλάττεις).
221 Herodotus often omits aspiration in composition (i.e. words with prefixes,
etc.), e.g.
απικνΐομαι (Attic άφικνέομαι)
μ€τίημι (Attic μ ϊθίη μ ι)
222 Note the following important Hcrodoteau forms:

Herodotus A ttic
ων ‘therefore’ ούν
€ων ‘being" ών
caiuToi* ‘ himself* f αυτόν
ίμζωυτάν ‘ m y se lf’ ΐμαυτόν
κοΐος ( οκοΐος) ‘o f w h a t sort ποιος
KoTe(oKoTe) ‘when’ 7τόre
O Scction Eighteen. 215-224

κώς ( ό κ ώ ς) *1ΐΟ\ν’ πώς

Ρ ιν him. her (acc.) no comparable Attic form
ol ‘ to him, to her* (dat.) very rare in Attic

It should be stressed that these are general rules, applying to most cases; that
some o f them illustrate simply alternative forms; and that the ‘rules’ are in factfar more
complex than they are made to seem here (which is why you will be able to spot what
look like inconsistencies).

A c c u sa tiv c o f respcct
223 Y o u have already met τι in the sense ‘why?’, when it was explained
(73) that the literal meaning in this context was ‘m respect o f \\ hat?’ This use o f
the accusative to mean ‘ in respect o f ’ is very common, especially after adjec­
tives. and should be carefully looked for, e.g.
ού καθαρός χεΐρας ‘not pure in respect o f his hands’ (i.e. ‘with impure
διεφθαρμένος τήν ακοήν ‘disabled in respect o/'his hearing [i.e. ‘d e a f)
This construction is very common in poetry, and Homer is full o f examples,
c g-
πόδας ώκύς Ά χ ιλ λ ε ύ ς ‘Achilles, swift in respect o f his feet’ [i.e. ‘swift-

ου φ η μ ί
2 2 4 0 bserve that this means ‘ I deny th a t. . i.e. ‘ I say that x is not the
case’ (cf. Latin ‘nego’). It does not mean ‘1 do not say th at. . . , e.g.:
Κ ρ ο ΐσ ο ς ούκ εφη τον παΐδα σ νμ π εμ φ ε ιν Croesus said that he would
not send his son’ ‘C . denied that he would send his son

R e v ise
ecu? (all uses) 193, 195, 197 Reference Grammar L
πρίν (all uses) 161, 198
ώστε 200—2 Reference GrammarJ ^

Section Nineteen
Vocabulary for Scction Nineteen A

5.γτ)σι = άγ$ (3rd s. pres. subj.) Δυμας ( Δ ν μ α ν τ-) , ό D ym a s ίο/if»·= ΐ ω μ ( ϊ

άγ-ομαι lead in m arriage (3») KdOcvbc — ίκήθ*ν8(
Ά θ ή ν - η ,ή Athene (ia) (&-os, τό seat (3 c) κάλλιον 1understand ea rl) it
αΐγλ-η, ή light, radiance (ia) t f i σά μ α ’-ος -η -ov lik en in g X better
% ♦ I f
e u ci= a ci (acc.) to y (dat.) κ ά μ α τ -os, ό w eariness (ia)
αιθρ-η, η clear sky (la) ίην = ήν Kt=av
aKijS-tjs - « u n o r c d tor £ΐδόμ£ν-ος -η -ov m akin g κ ΐχά ρ ισ το 3Γ4^ s- Ρ*·*Γ^·
άμα ( + dat.) at the same tim e oneself like ( + dat.) χα ρ ίζο μ α ι
is εΐματα, τά clothes (3b) κλντ-ός -η - όν fam ous
άμαξ-α, ή w agon (ic) ΐμ μ ίν α ι = (ΐν α ι κονρ-τ}, η m aiden (ia)
»# »
ά ΐίμ -ο ς, o w ind (2a) £»'l — IV λ ίν κ - ό ς - ή -όν w hite
άι·ίφ*λ-ο<; -ov unclouded tvvv-μαι put on μάκαρ ( μ α κ α ρ -), 6 blessed
άττό . . . (Ιμ ί be distant from (ΐ'τύν-ομαι get oneself ready μ ίθ η μ ω ν μ ίθη μ ο ν
(+ g e n .) ( ivrvviai — 2nd s. subj.) ( μ ίθ η μ ο ν -) lax, careless
apa straightaway, then ΙττώίΒρομ€ν (it) i\ spread over μνά-ομαι w o o , court
άρημίν-ος -η -ov overcom e (perf. o f (π ιτρ ίχω ) μνθ-ος, ό w o rd (ia)
apioT-tvi, 6 nobleman (3g) ίπιπίλνα -μαι com e near Λ α Μ κ κ ά - α , ή N a u sik a a (ib )
ασφ&λ-ή'ί -ίς sate, secure ίττισιν-ομαι hurry to ( + acc.) (daughter of Alkinoos, king of
αΰτάρ but in orp νν-ω urge, persuade litc Phainkiims)
βή = 1βη * t
ι α υ σ ικ λ ίΐτ-ό ί -t) -όν fam ous
γ ΐίια τ ο =<yeiW ro ca a i'u fo ti (2nd s. tut. o f for ships
ytiv-ομαι ( γ α ν - ) bear *‘f-· νυ = νυν
γλανκώπis ( '/λαυκιυνιδ-), ή ίφοπλίζ-αι get ready Ό δ υ σ σ -evs, ό O dysseus ( 3 p)
grey-eyed ζώ σ τρ-ον, τό belt, girdle (;b) όθι w here; in w h ich plaie
δίμι·»-α, τά bed (2b) */ *
η( = τ) 5μβρ~ος, ό show er, rain (-a)
Sc ύ-ω besprinkle, bedew ήμαρ (ή μ α τ -), τό day (3b) όμ η λι Kt-t} ot same age a·»
hrjv lor a lo n g time ηώθι 77ρό before daw n (+ d a t.)
δ«(ττίφραξχ aor. o f ήώς, ή dasvn (dat. ήοϊ) Ονλι>μιτόνΒ( to O ly m p o s
διαφράζω speak to θνμ-ός, ό heart, soul (aa) όφρα — ΐνα (+ su b j.) in order
δί-ος -a -ov godlike ινα (+ in d .) sshere. when to
S e i t i o t i Λ ' /m n v n

κότνια lady (110m. v t.)
τταρθίν-o>, η m aiden . T tv a a o -w shake
ttpos · ■tiTrti addressed X
um vcdded g irl (2.1) to i 'let me tell you look here’
(acc.) to * (act.)
ττίπλ-ος, o ro b e, m an tle (2a) 70iat . . ot=avToi< ot "tor
—ράσφημι speak to
π<τάνι·ι»-μι spread o u t (pert. those w ho'
ρήγ-os, TO rug. blanket (3c)
pass. ττίπταμαι) τώ = αι!τώ
αιγαλό- f is -faaa -tv
πλνι-ός, ό w ash in g p la te (2a) v~ip ( - f g e n ) above
(αιγαλο(ί'τ-) shining
πλιίν-α» wash (tut. π λυΐ'(ω ) Φ α ΐη κ ίς,ο Ι Phaiakiam (ja)
σ τ ή — ίστ·η
m ot-ή, ή breath (la ) φαινομίνηφι =φαινομΐντ)
ovitpifi-oK, η fellow-worker,
jro8coocfν) — π ο ο ί(ν ) o n fo o t φάτ-ις, η reputation (je)
companion (2a)
( now) χαίρ-ω rejoice
τα = αΰτά ’ things'
πόληος = π ό λ ί ω ν χιάιι· ( χ ιο ν ·) , ή snow (3a)
Tcprr-0/ια» enjoy oncselt
ττολλόν tar, .1 lo n g w a y <Sj thus, so
TT7= ai)rj5 (i.e. Dvinas’
πολντλας lon g-s» tierin g

V o ca b u la ry to be learn t
* · * * κονρη — κόρη, ή daughter.girl
aiei = cui
(la )
apa 'ihiigliltiii'iiy
χα ίρ ω rejoice
ασφαλής (ς safe, Secure
ω ς thus, so
Βίμνια, τά bed, bedding (~b)
K tfx tv ) (enclitic) = άν

Nineteen 13
Vocabulary for Scction
ήμαι be seated (ήσχο 3rd s.
tyetp-u> rouse
ayau-os -ή -όν n ob le past}
άγ-ομαι bring for oncselt ίγ(ΐρ( = ήγ*ιΡ( ή μή· i.e. her mother
ίΐμ α τ -α , τά clothes (3b)
ayxt close ηώς, ή daw n
1 ft/asO'
αιδ-ομαι tcel reticence ab out ei θαλΐθ-ο) thrive
(ξονομαίν-w ( (ξο νο μ ψ - ) βαλ(ρ~6ς -ή -όν fruitful
l + inf.)
m ention βϋραζί to the outside, out
αλιττόρφνρ-ος -ov purple
toiKt it is righ t for (-f-dat.)
Ά λκίνο-ος, o A lk in o o s (2a) ίμ(ραι = «Viai
ί’ο ιτ α I. 31 take with oot I. 31 iia (-H iid .} vshere
(king of the Phaiakians.
ίό ντα ς 1. 22 utuierstand ‘parents* καϋαρ-ός -ή -or clean
Stiufikaa's father)
ομφίττολ-ος, η servant, ίρ χ ιν - ΐρ χ ο ν •reWtor= (κόλοι*
• · κίλ-ομαι command ( + d j ( )
handmaiden (2a)
(αχάρ~η, ή hearth (la) ( ΐκ ίκ λ ίτ ο 3rd s aor.)
αττήν-η, η w ag o n ( i a)
(ΰθροι-ο·; -or lovely. κιγχάν-w (κ ιχ η σ -) meet
αηοθαυμάζ-w w o n d er at
fair-throned vActr-0i -ή -όν fa mom
αραρυΐαν fitted (acc. s. f. pert.
(νκνκλ-ο\ -o»· w ith line κλντ~ό·ς -ή -6v splendid.
part, ot άραρίσκυ))
αφαρ at once wheels lovelv
et/wcTrA-osr -ov fair-robed μίγαρ-α, τά house. paljiC
ytydaoiv 3rd pi. perf. o f
<φθ7τλίζ-αι get ready (tut. (-'b)
S‘a ( + acc.) through
(φοΎτλΐοΟίο) μίμηλ*ν pert ot p*\fi
ίχ ο ν τα 1.32 lake with ao1 1. 3 1 μ (τά ( + .UV./ am ong
&μώς (&μω . ) t it slave (3a)
■ηίθ(-ος,ό bachelor (2a) ( + dat.) among, m companv
(dai. pi. δμάιίσσι*')
ήλάκατ-α, τά w o o l (on the with
8ώματ-α, τά house, palace
(3b) d isu fl) (2b)
A . Grammar, V ocabularies, Exercises

iriiT t five νπ (ρ τίρί-η , ή coverin g.

μύθ-ot, ό w ord (2a)
ttAiV-oi wa«.h (fut. ιτλυι·('ω) canopy (la)
vcorrAi'T-os -ov newly washed
ξνμβΧητο = ξννίβΧητο (3rd s. —p o o itiv t = vpoatiTif spoke νφηΧ-ός -ή -όν high

aor. mid, o f to φθον-ίω b egru dge ( + gen.)

ζνμβάλλομαι meet {χρνπω μίv-os -η *ov dirty φρήν ( φρα·-), ή heart, mind
(+dat.)) οτρω^ά-ω twist, spill (3a)
όκυί-ω be married τ ίκ-ος, τό child (3c imcoiUr.) χορός, ό dancc (2a)
ττάττίτα?, o lather (voc. τοκ-(νς, ό parent (3g) Xptl>i, ό b o d y , flesh (dat. χροί)
■ττάττπα) τώ = α ύ τώ (i.e. father)

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
άγομαι ( ayay-) bring (for ΐφοπλίσσιυ) tjXvi ui wash (fur. t XvvI w )
oneself), lead, marry ηώς, ή dawn ( = Attic (u>s) npoatlnov ( v pooitm ov) spoke
(ΐματα, τά clothes (jb) (acc. t)w ;gen. ήονς; dat. ήοϊ) X (acc.) to 'Y (act.)
totK( it is right for ( +dat.) μ(τά ( + dat.) among, in Lack of augment on pan tenses
• » *
c n = cv company with e.g. στη = (στη,
* »
i9=«cy μ νθος,ό word, story (ja) κάλ€ον = (κάλουΐ’ etc.
(όο-Χίζιο equip, gel ready (fut.

Vocabulary for Scction Nineteen C

ay pi-os -η -ov wild t ydp-ομαι (aor. ννμφ-η, ή nym ph (ia)
αίπ(ΐν-όί -ή -όν steep ( γρό-μην) wake up olxovhf hom e, hom ew ards
άμφίρχ-ομαι (aor. lywv = cytL όρμαίν-ω debate, consider
αμφήΧνθ-ον) surround (ζ-ομαι sit Ί7(ΐρήσομαι let m e try (aor.
(-face.) (μβάΧΧ-ω ( ίμβαΧ-) throw in subj. ot πιιράομαι)
άμφίττοΧ-ος, ή handmaiden (+dat.) πνγ-ή . η source (ia)
(Μ ) (νώηις ((ύω π ιδ-), ή beautiful ■πίοί-α, τά m eadows (3c
αΰδι}-«ί -(σσα -tv ζ(ύγνυ-μι ( ζ (ν ξ - ) yoke uneontr.)
(αύδη(ντ-) speaking w ith ? (dir. or indir.) π οιή-ας -(σσα -cv
human voiccs ^ double question ( ποιη€ντ-) grassy
a i r t again, on the contrary. ήδ( and που somewhere, anywhere
this time θ(ον$-ήs -es god-fearing (enclitic)
όντ-ή, ή cry. shriek (ia) θήΧ-νς -eta -1» female
*A _ _ Ήτνσσ-w ( π τν ζ-) fold
αυ-w scream θνμ-ός, ό heart (2a) ρα=άρα
βασίΧχι-α, ή princess (ib) ίκάν-ω come σφαΐρ-α, ή ball (ib )
βροτ-ός, o m oru) (2a) κάρην-ον, τό peak (2b) σχίδόν ( + gen.) near
yol-a, ή (ic)= yi7 μ(τά ( + acc.) to TfOJV= Tll/UIV
γΧανκώπις (γΧανκωπιδ-), η νί-ομαι return φιλόξαν-ος -ov loving
grey-eyed vot-w plan strangers, hospitable
iiv -η, ή eddy (ia)
νό-os, ό=νοΰς, 6 φρήν ( φρ*ν-), η mind (3a)
bi-os -a -ov god-like W r= wy
ώ ί = Γνα ( + subj./opt.) in
order that
Scction Nineteen

V o c a b u la ry to be learnt
αμφιρχομαι surround ( + acc.) voiw plan, device; notice
(aor. άμφήλυθον) w = wi· (enclitic)
άμφίττολο-i, ή handmaiden (ia) φρήν ( 6 fx v .), ή heart, mind
γλανκώ πις ( γλανκω πιδ-) , ή (ja )
grey-eyed {used of Athene) ως { + subj./opt.) = ΐνα in order
δίος a ov godlike toIthat
θυμός, ό heart, anger (>a)

Vocabulary for Scction Nineteen D

άγρότ(ρ-ος -η -or w ild ground όρΐθίτροφ-ος -ov

άη-μι b lo w upon (o f wind) ή.. . either . . . or mountain-bred
άλκί strength, prowess ( ή . . . rj whether . . . or όσο( both eyes (nom.)
άλλνδις (ά λ λ η ) in different ψώ ν ( ήιον-), ή shore, strand ■παχ-νς -d a -v thick, clenched
directions (ja) π(ΐρά-ω UM( + gcii.)
άλμ-η, ή brine (ia) θάμν-ος, ό bush (2a) πτποιθώς trusting in ( + dat.)
άντa face to face θάρσ-ος, τό courage, boldness (pcrf. part, o f π(ίθ-ω)
άποσταδά at a distance (3 C) ττ(ρ = καίπ(ρ
αντόρ but. now Ικάΐ'-ω come to, com e upon 7T(pl ( + dat.) around, about
αΰτιυς simply “μ{ν = ΐ(ΐ·αι ττροίχ-ω ju t out
γαοτηρ ( γ aarep-), ή stomach, κακό-ιο disfigure τττόρθ-ος, ό branch (2a)
hunger (3a) κίλ-ομαι order ττνκιν-ός -ή -όν dense.
yotjr-α, τά knees (2b) « ρ δ α λί-ο ί -η -ov cunning thick-foliaged
(take yovvwv after λαβών xepStov more profitable ρν-ομαι protect, hide
‘taking hold of*) κλάζ-ω break σμΐρδαλί-ος -η -or frightful,
yvi-a, τά limbs (2b) λίαα-ομαι beseech terrible
γνμν-ός -ή -or naked μ *ιλίχι-ο ί -η -or winning, τ·ή=αντί)
δαί-ομαι blaze toothing τρί-ω tremble, flee
8t -ο?, τό fear (3c) μ(ρμηρίζ-ω consider, debate νλ-η, ij bush, tree (ia)
δοάσσατο it seemed to x (dat.) μ(τίρχ-ομαι attack (+ dat.. νποδν-ομαι emerge from
• * * Ο Γ+μίτά+acc.) (+ S«i·)
c = αι/τον
in . . . ΐΐλ ίτ ο (aor. o f μηδ(-α, τά genitals (3c ΰ-ω rain (upon)
ίξαιρίομαι) rem ove from uncontr.) φροr t-ω consider
( + g e n .) μήλ-ον, τό sheep (2b) φνλλ-ον, τό leaf (2b)
ίλαφ-ος, ή hind (2a) μίγνν-μαι meet with ( + dat.) φως ( φΐίΐτ-), ό mortal (3a)
(νπλόκαμ-ος -ov with pretty (fut μίξομαι) χολό-ομαι be angry with
hair όίtaoiv dat pi. o/otT (+dat.)
{ύώιτις ( εΰωπιδ-) , ή beautiful ot-of -η -or alone Xprfui, ή need
ό*?, ό, ή sheep χρως, ό flesh, body (dat. χρο!)
(χ-ομαι ( ο χ -) hold one’s

V ocab u lary to be learnt

ΐμ€ν — Ιίναι χρως, ό flesh (Attii χρ ω τ- ja j
γούνα, τά knees (2b)
λίοσομαι beseech (Ionic!Epic aee. χρόα,-χιΐι.
(sometimes your α τα (jb))
ό ή τ ό he. she, it χροός; dat. χροί)
Ικάνω come, come to/upon
( +ace.) φρονίω think, consider
2>2 -1. C.rJinnuir, I'ocahulaiics. fixcrdscs

Vocabulary for Scction Nineteen E

άγα-μαι adm ire, look at in cpr-oc, τό y o u n g stem (}C) ό μ ο φ ρ n ve-w be 111 agreem en t,

aw e i o o f = ( i y o u (s.) aie co m p a tib le

αγχιστα most closels ίΰ μ ο ίτ -ιρ τ . ό friend (id ) ό μ ο φ ρ ο ν ίo i’Tt n u m . part,
* * i #
aify —u(i (ύρ-v i - itα -v broad, w id e dual
αΐνώς terriblv (νφροσι>ν-η, ή pleasure (la) ό μ ο φ ρ ο ο ν ν - η , 17 co m p a tib ility

aAy-o», τό source of grief (3c tXCs=CtX€S' M

uncoiHr.) (iiiuhr>t,inJ ‘ these (χ η 7οι· ‘ the tw o i>f them ό π ά ζ - α ) grant
things .ire . . .’) keep* (3rd dual) όφΟαλμ-ό<:, ό ey e (2a)
αμφιβάλλ-ομαι ή or όφ ρ α = ΐι·α ( + s u b j.) 111 ord er
( άμφιβαλ-) put on i)8 ( and that
άνααο-α, ή princess ( if ) ήμαρ ( ή μ α τ -), τό day (3b) ττάροιΟ(ΐ· b efo re then
ά ιΐρχ-ομ α ι ( άνηλνΟ-) com e Οάλ-ο<, τό b ud ding branch —evO-ος, τ ό grief (31)
up (.Κ) rrcpi (-f-dat.) in
άτττ-ομαι touch ( + gcn.) Ούίλλ -α, ή storm (ic) ττόι’τ -os', ό sea (2.1)
ape tor beKer Ιαίν-ω w arm π ό τ ν ι- α lady (110111. s. f.)
“Άρτ(μι< ( Ά ρ τ ( μ ι 8 - ), ή ικνί-ομα ι ( I k - ) com e to που so m ew h e re , a n y w h e re
Artem is (_?a) (goddess oj κάββηλί = κατί\ 3αλί (enclitic)
hunting dm/ iluiuay) κασίγνητ-ο<, ό brother (2.1) tt«w yet (enclitic)
βρίΟ -ω load dow n καταβάλλ-oj ( κα ταβα λ-) Cast ράκ-ο<:, to tattered g a im cn t
βροτ- 6<. 6 m ortal (2a) d ow n (3 C)
γ α ΐ-α . »; ( ic ) = y q h'etr-Os'= t * f tr-οτ σ ί β α?, τό respect (3c)
γονί'ό-ομαι beseech K fict = (K(iat octo = σού
Sd'Stn I tear Kt)8e-a, τά troubles (3c anctp-or, τό g arm en t (2b)
JijA-o?, ή Delos (ia) (ishmd uncontr.) σ φ ισ ι = σ φ ι
hirthphue ,inj <jntiu,iry of κήρ ( κ η ρ ·), τό h e a r t(33) τίθ η ττα be astonished (pert.)
Apollo) κλν-w b eiesp ected (past (Τ(θήπία)
8 ήν for a lon g time κραιπν-ός -ij -όν sw ift τίλ(-ο> co m p lete, b rin g to
δόρυ (bopm - ), τό piece o f κύμα ( κ νμ α τ-), τό w ave (3b) pass (fut. TtAe-ω)
w ood, shaft (3b) λα-ός, ό people (2a) Ti}8 ( here
Βνσμα-ής, ό enem y λίυσσ -ω see f take λ(νσαόντοιν TOt = o t
(e 8v-a, τά gifts (’ b) with σφ ισιΐ T0 t- 0 ? = rotof'Tos'
« ΐκ ο σ τ-ό Ν
' -ή -όν tweiuieth μάκαρ ( μακαρ-) blessed τόσ-ος -η -ov as m any (hike
eI8 -o>, τό looks, appearance (μακάρτατ-οϊ -η -ον is the with Sans ‘as m an y as’)
M sup.) τοϋ = τούτου (gen. ot
(ίλυμα, τό w tapping (3b) fttycO -os', τό si/c (3c) com parison)
ίΐΐ'ίκ α = « ϊκ α
μ(νοινά-ω desire τό φ ρ α for so lo n g
ctoK-u> liken x (acc.) to γ μ ο γ ί-ω suffer
τ ρ ισ μ ά κ α ρ ( τ ρ ισ μ α κ α ρ - )
(dat.) in /. (acc.)
ΐΌ ΐίτά-ω dw ell thrice-blessed
(Ισοιχv(-u) enter
νόημα ( ΐΌηματ- ), τό thought φ ο ίν ιξ ( φ ο ιν ικ - ) , ό, ή
(ΐσορά-w behold, look upon (3 b)
(K 1. 2 6 yJ0 fj U'lf/lyaiTJi date-palm
οΐκόι δι hom e, liom cw ards φ ο ρ ί-ui carry
«λιπιρ-ω show mercy
οίνοφ (οίναττ-) w ine-faced φ ν -ή , i) stature (ia)
(ξοχον ( 4 -pen.) above, more
(w ine-d.irk) χ ά ρ μ α ( χ α ρ μ α τ - ), τ ό source
οι-w think
o f jo y (3b)
Scction \ ί tic n r η

χϋιζ-ό< -ή -όν yesterd ay's (jr. Ώ γ υ γ ί- η ,ή O g y g ia (la)

‘ y e ste rd a y ’) (island oj Kalypso)
χΟάιν ( χΟ ον-) , ή earth (3.1) ώ ς 8 ' αντω ς in the same w a y
χο ρ-ό ς, ό dance (2a)

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
άνασσα, ή princess, queiti (ic) ■ij or οφθαλμός, 6 eye ( 3a)
άπτομα ι touch ( + gen .) ήμαρ ( ή μ α τ-), τ ό day f i b ) TTCpt f + dat.) in. on
βροτός, ό mortal (za) ΐκνίομαι ( ίκ - ) Come to, arrive πον somewhere, anyu-here
y u i a , ή = γ·ή 1II (enclitic)
(Ισοράω ( ε ΐσ ιδ -) behold, look K ftv oi = f Kctros* nw yet (enclitic)
at μέγεθος, τό size f iC) το/= 0Γ (relative)
ia o i = c l you (s.) arc ο ΐκ ό ν 8 ( hom e, homewards χορός, ό dance; chorus (ja )

Vocabulary for Scction Nineteen F

άλό -ομαι w ander Βυσμΐν-ής - t t hostile λ(υκώ λ(ν-ος -ov w hite-arm ed

Ά λ κ ιν ό ο ιο = * Α λ κ ιν ό ο υ δνστην-ος - o v wretched λού-ui wash
ά μ μ ι= ζή μ ΐΐ' (Ο ίλτ)σιν= (θ(λ$ (3rd s. pres. μ(γαλητω ρ (μ (γα λ η το ρ -)
α ΐ'ίμοιο = ανέμου subj.) great-hearted
άν(μος, ό w in d ( ’ a) ίκ (I. 25) governs τού όλβ-ος, ό happiness, wealth
άντιά-u) m eet, encounter ΐμ μ (να ι — C ivai (2a)
άντίον in reply ίμ - η ς doubtless, at any rate π ολυ κλυ σ τ-ο ς-ov
απάν(υθ( tar a w ay I n i o i K t it befits, it is right for loud-roariiig
αΰ8ά-ω speak, say ( + dat.) -ό ιτ -ο ς , ό ica (2a)
αφριυν άφρον ( άφρον- ) (ττί . . . ϊ σ τ ' is. is found πόσ{; (to) where?
stupid, thoughtless Ιπ ιμίσγ-ομα ι have to do w ith πόσ-ις, ή dn n k (3c)
β ί-η , ή d o m in ion (la) ( + dat.) -p o y ( + gcn.) under the
β ρ ώ σ -ις, η m eat, fo o d (3c) t ύνλόκαμ-ος -o v w ith pretty protection o f
γ ίνη τα ι (1. ’ y) ‘(he) w ill ever hair πτίυχ-ός, ό beggar (2a)
be’ (subj. in general ί χ - ο μ α ι( ίκ ) depend (on) σκίπας, τό covcr. shelter (sc.
statement) ij (I. 26) «he spoke ‘from*)

8(ύ-ομαι lack ( + gen.) (fut. ή μη surely you d on ’t ταλαττ(ίρι-ο\ -ov w eary

δΐυήσομαι) η δ ί and τΐτ\άμ€ν to endure (pert*, mf.
Βηϊοτης (δ η ϊο τ η τ -) , ή κά ρτ-ος, τό p ow er (3c) ot τλάιο)

slaughter (3a) κ ο μ ΐ-tD look alter, care tor φώς ( φ ω τ-) . ό m o ra l, man

S ifp -ός -ά -όν livin g λα-os', ό people, inhabitant (!*)

8όσ-ις, ή g ift, g iv in g (3c) (M)

V o c a b u la r y to be learnt
όν(μ ο ς, ό w in d fia ) τ)δί and ™ τ ο ς . ό sea fja)
fμ μ ΐν α ι — (ΐναι λαό%, ό people, inhabitant (ja ) φ<ϊη (φ ω τ-). ό man. mortal
(ύτ,λόκαμos' o.· with pretty hair λούω wash (mid. u ash oneselfi ( ja )
A . C u w u n a r , I 'ocobuhnivs, H xcrciscs

Vocabulary for Scction Nineteen G

αδμης ( ό δμη τ- ) , ή unw ed δηρόν for a lo n g tim e ν ίζ-ο μ α ι w ash x (acc.) fro m y
attKtXi-ος -η -ov w retch ed ΙΒητνς, η fo o d (3V1) (acc.)
ά ίκ η τι against the w ill ot (ζ-ο μ α ι sit ΐ’ώ τ -o r , τό b ack (2b)
( + gen.) tK y ty a u ia b o rn of ( + gen.) Ό λ ΐ'μ τ τ -ο ί, ό O ly m p u s (2a)
at γ ά ρ = d γάρ (110111. s. f.) ο νλ -ο ς -η -ov th ick , bush y
αΙ£>ί-ομαι feel shame at (λα ι-ον, τό o liv e oil (2I1) όφρα = ΐνa ( + subj.) m o rd e r
( + inf.) (ττιμίογ-ομαι m eet w ith that
άλ(ίφ-ω anoint ( + dat.) ΠάΧΧας (H aX X aB -), η Pallas
ά λμ -η , ή brine (ia) «ΰρ-ιίί - d a -v broad (3^)
αΧοιφ-ή,ή ointm ent ( u ) >5 indeed τταντοϊ-ο\ -η -ον o f all kinds
ά λ ί^ ά λ -^ ,ό sea (3a) fjtV= -f)V ττάρ’= τταρά beside (ad v.)
αμττίχ-ω cover, lie thick ήνωγον they ordered τταρΟ(ν-ο\, η m aiden (2a)
upon Ί}σθ( = ήσΟκ (he) ate ττάοσων -ον
αμφί round about (adv.) >5 rot then indeed ( v a a o o v -) b road er
σ μ φ ί. . . ό ’νυμαι put on (aor. Οηί-ομαι lo o k at ad m irin gly π€ ριχ(ύ-ομαι in lay, g ild x
ίσσάμην) θίς ( Otv- ) , 0 shore (3a) (acc.) 011 y (dat.)
ό ιδ ά ι-ω ( άδ- ) please ( + dat.) Χ&ρκ skilful, cu n n in g (nom .) π ολύτλας 6 lo n g -e n d u r in g
άνθ-os, τό flow er (jc) ίσαν = $σαν they w en t nop< (she) p ro v id e d , g a v e
άντην face to face, in front o f κ ά δ = κατά (3rd s. ot ΐπορον)
(sc. ‘ y o u ’) κάδ ( = κ α τά ) . . ΐζ-ο ) to ττόσ-ις, ή drink (3c)
αι·τίθ(-ος -η -ov go d -like seat (aor. d o a ) ττρόσΟί «■ p revio u sly
ανάι·(υθ(ΐ' afar o f f κάλy\-oc, τό beauty (3c) ρο-ή, ή stream , cu rren t (ia )
ατταστ-οϊ -or not havm i; χάρη ( κ α ρη τ-), τό head (3b) σκίττας, τό c o v e r , shelter
tasted ( + g e n .) καταχίό-ο) p our d o w n \ Ο μ ήχ-ω w ip e
ojτό . . t o r ά· has been absent (acc.) 011 ν ( o v e r / στίΧ β-ω shine
(from + gen.) (act.) T(Xd-u) co m p lete
απολονσομαι 1st s. .ior. subj. κ ί-ω go νακίνΟιν-ος -η -ov o f a w ild
ot αττολον-ομαι wash o ff κ ό μ -η ,ή hair ( u ) h yacin th
o n c v lf
λ(υκώ λ(ν-ος -ov w hite-.irnied ΰγρ-ός -ή -όν m o ist
αττό—pofW fir o f f
ληκυθ-ος, ή oil-jar (23) φάρ-ος, τό cloak (3c)
άργνρ-ος, ό silver ( 2a) Xtna richly χαρί-<ι? -to o a -tv
άρτταΧίως greedily
* · ) t λ ο ίσ σ α τ ο 3rd s. aor. m id. o f ( χ α ρ ίϊ ΐτ - ) gracefu l
α τρυγ(τοιο= α τρνγ(του λούω
χ ιτώ ν ί’χιτω»’-^, ό tunic (3a)
arpirytT-os -ov unharvested
λ ο ίσ σ ο μ α ι fut m id. o f λούω χι·ό-09, ό scum , s c u rf (2a)
αντάρ then, but
μ<γαλήτΐι)ρ ( μ ίγ α λ η τ ο ρ - )
αυτόθι here χρί-ομα ι anoint o n eself
great-hearted Xpi/oc-ος -η -ov gold en
βρώσ-ις, ή meat, food (je)
μ*τανδά-θ) mv (to)
γνμνό-ομαι strip ώ μοιιν ’ fio m m y tw o
μ ιτ ίρ χ - ο μ α ι ( μ (Τ (Χ ϋ-) g W
btaro he seemed shoulders" (gen. dual o f
am on g (+ d a t.) ώμος)
δ<δαο> 3rd s. perf. o f
μ ι μν-υ) = μίι·υ)
δ ι - δ ά -OKU) ώ μ -os, ό shoulder (2a)
ιαΐ€τά-ω d w ell, live
ο S ir lion \ 'i net ecu, 225

V ocabulary to be learnt
ά π ά νζυθ ίν afar o ff (κρατ- (jb ); Attic) head παρθΐνος, η maiden (2α)
avSacu speak, say μ(ταυδάα) speak to πρόσθ(ν ( + g cn .) previously,
αύτάρ then, but μ(Τ€ρχομαι ( μ ( τ ΐλ θ - ) go before
(ύρΰς d a v broad, wide among ( + dat.); attack χρ υ α ίο ς η ον golden (Attic
κ ά 8 = κατά ( +dat. or μ (τ ά ); sendfor χρ υ σ ο ύ ςή ούν)
κατά ( + g e n .) down from , όφρα = 'να + subj./ o p t. in ώ μ ο ς, ό shoulder (2α)
agamst; below order to/that Genitive S. o f type 2 nouns (-010
κάρη ( κ α ρ η τ- ) , τ6 = κάρα ττάρ = παρά for -ov)

O G ram m ar for Scction Nineteen

H o m eric dialect, syntax and respelling
H om eric hexameters
Verse quantity

S o m e v ita l features o f H o m e r ic d ia lect and syn ta x

225 T h e Reference G ram m ar (A .4) contains a fuller list o f features o f
H o m eric dialect. M eanw hile, note the follow in g highly characteristic features:
(i) lack o f augm ent - βάλον = ΐβαλον; Ζμβαλζ = Ινίβαλε;
(ii) dative plurals in -at, -to o t e.g. Βώροισι, ττόδεσσι;
(iii) dative plural τα ΐς appears as τή ς, rfjot; so all type ia b c nouns (e.g.
(iv) gen itive singular in -oto — Swpoio; and in -ao, -ew, in place of -ου o f id
(v) infinitives in -μεν, -μ€ναι, -€ναι (ίμ€ν, εμμεν, εμεναι, €μμ€ναι = €ΐναι,
ΐμ * ν (a t) = Uvac, άκουίμ€ναί=άκούαν)',
(vi) use o f ol to mean ‘ to him, her , and rot meaning to you (2nd s.),
(vii) definite articles ol, at appear also as τοι, rat;
(viii) presence o f η where Attic has a or e, e.g. χώ ρη=χώ ρα\
βα σ ιλή α ς = βασιλέας',
(ix) use o f definite article to mean he , she , i t , they ,
(x) 'tmesis’, i.e. the splitting o f the prefix o f a verb from the verb with which
it is (111 Attic) norm ally joined, e.g. npos μύθον U m tv - μ υ θ ο ν jrpooeeiiw he
addressed a w o r d ’;
(xi) K€v ( K€, k *) is used in place ot av.
A . Grammar, I'ocahularies. Exercises o
S o te
It should he stressed that the above list does not represent a series o f
hard-and-fast rules, which will always apply; the examples given arc the most
important alternative/or/»:; that Homer uses. ( C f. Reference Grammar A . 4, p. 267.)

H o m e ric h exam eters

226 A hexameter is made up o f six feet, each foot being either a dactyl
or a spondee.
A dactyl scans: - (long-short-short, ‘ tum -ti-ti’)
A spondee scans: — (long-lon g, ‘ tu m -tu m ’).
In Homer, the iiRsr i-o u r 1-if1:1 can be cither dactyl or spondee;
the Ν Π 11 ro o r is usually a d actyi;

the si xth 100T is a l w a y s a s p o n d i .i i f w e a ssu m e a final s y ll a b l e is

a lw a y s treated as lon g.
Thus a Homeric hexameter looks like:

or or or or

There arc a number o f peculiar features o f Homeric scansion, o f which the
three most important are as follows:
(ij ‘ correption’ — that is, that a naturally long vowcljdiphthong at the end of a word
becomes short if the next word begins with a vowel, e.g.
V-/ — —

και ημϊν
(a ) the influence o f ‘ digamma' ( F) on the scansion. By classical times, digamma as a
itu i had droppidout oj tin alphabet, but its influetne wasJelt so strongly that in Homer
[u r i a c t i l i i t if it were still there. If was originally pronounced like Iznglish

— — —
W — VJ VJ “*
τώ ot €:7Γ€κλώ|ααΐ'το βίΙοί o L kovBc νέ\€θθαι ' him the gods fated to return

J hi ruh of correption makes 01 s/iori before εττεκλώσαντο, but why then is not τ φ shott
befori 01, and Oeoi short before oikov S c ? 7he answer is that ol was once f 01 and οΐκόνδε
was onct ροΐκον&ε. Consnjiu’Hfl)' the words do not really start with a vowel and the mle
of correption cannot apply.
(Hi/ effects of metre on the language:
lln paiurti of the dactyl-spondee rhythm of the Homeric /uwimicii’r imposes certain
O Scctio n X in c tc e n , 2 2 5 -2 2 8 ,^

limitations and makes some words unusable. Homer get* round tins by a number of
( 1) words which are naturally long-short - long are scanned long-long Ιοης, e.?

Ιστιη is scanned Ιστιη.

(ii) words which arc naturally short-short-short have the first element lengthened,

ά κ α μ α τος — ά καμα τος ‘ unwearied'

L/ U SJ —u u
avcpa - avepa ' man’ f a f f j
^if ^}' the use o f alternativeform s, e.g. dative in -eoot rather than -eat rjj. Ζπεσσι

or «Wat, etc.
I :inally, observe that in some cases one is given a choice whether to scan dactyl or
spondee, e.g.
— — — — — W W — “ ■

*Αργ€ί\φοντης or Ά ρ γεϊφ ο ντη ς 'slayer oj Argos’ (epithetfor Hermes)

Here are the first five lines o f the H om er extract scanned:
— w W — W W ““ W W —1 — — W W — —

ώ ς ο μ€ ν ένθα καίθίνδε πο,λυτλας | διος Ό δνσσευς,

— — — W W — — — W W — W W —

ύττνψ | και καμα τω ά\ρημ€νο\ς. αύταρ *Α\θψ>η

βη ρ* ές 1 Φαιη',κων άν\δρων δτ]\μον re πο\λιν τ€

— — — “ U VJ — W W Vjij
ή δ ’ ave\μου ώς | πνοιη έ\ττεσσυτο | δεμνια | κουρης
— W W — WW— w
σ τη δ ’ άρ* ύ {π€ρ κεφαίλης, και | μ ιν ττρος | μύθον ekin ev

H om eric respelling
227 T h e text o f H om er as w e have it is based on a third-century
Hellenistic edition. W e do not kn ow what earlier texts would have been like,
but it does appear that some modernisation ot the text took place. This has
sometimes produced artificial forms in the text, such asctaK lor what must have
been ήος.

G r e e k m etre
228 Greek verse is made up o f regular sequences o f syllables, each o f
which counts .,s long or short for the purpose o f the metre hvery syllable
counts. In order therefore to determine what any metre is. * e must Jcu d e the
2sH A . (Jrnmmar, Vocabularies, lixercises o
q u a n tity o f e a c h syllable - w h e t h e r l o n g o r sh o rt. T h e q u a n t i t y o t th e sy ll i b le is
d e term in e d b y the v o w e l(s ) and co n so n a n t(s) w h i c h m a k e it u p .

Basic rules
S y lla b le s c o n ta in in g η, ω and d ip h t h o n g s , a n d ά, T, v (these last th re e
h a v e to be k n o w n , o r a d d u c e d f r o m c o n t e x t ) are a l w a y s i n N t ; in v e r s e , n o
m atter w h a t. ( N .b . the n o t e o n I l o m e r i c c o r r e p t i o n at 226 (i).)
Syllables c o n ta in in g e, o and ά, l, ϋ are a l w a y s s i i o h t in ve rse . u n i 1 ss t h e y are
f o llo w e d b y t w o co n so n a n ts ( in c lu d in g ζ ( σ δ ) , ξ ( κ < ) a n d φ ( π \ )) w h e n , f o r the
purpose o f the scansion, th ey w ill (ount as lo n g . T h e r e is o n e m a j o r e x c e p t i o n to
this rule - any c o m b in a t io n α ( π τ κ φ θ χ β & γ + λ μ ν ρ n e e d n o t n e c e s s a r ily
m a ke the p re c ed in g syllable l o n g fo r scansion pu rp o ses. T h u s , π α τ ρ ό ς can scan
w or w

(i) Ignore word-division for the purpose o f scansion. Thus the o of ά ν θ ρ ω π ό ς
τις scans L O S C l , because it is followed by two consonants, σ τ.
(ii) Hatch out for elision o f short rowels at the etui o f a word (cfi 5 7 , 1 7 8 ). 7 7 ms should
not i'ause problems since your texts will usually elide out >uch vowels for you anyway,
(in) Hits is a highly simplified account oj a complex subject. Its main weakness is to
confuse v o w e ls which are p r o n o u n c e d long or short, with s y lla b le s which c o u n t as
(but were certainly not pronounced as) long or short Jor metrical purposes. Consider
έρχονται. Hie first two vowels arc short by pronunciation, and would certainly have
been pronounced short in all circumstances. But for the purpose of scansion, they c o u n t
as long, because they are followed by two consonants. O

O A. i Preliminaries

S o m e definitions
(i) A spcct
This refers to the wav in which a rrr/i-form sut»nots that the reader should l<*ok
at the action under consideration. The clearest example oi aspect can perhaps be
best seen in Greek's use o f the imperfect and aonst to refer to ac tion m the past
the imperfect suggests that the action should be viewed as continuing. ** λ
process, the aonst suggests that it simply took place as an event Participle*,
infinitives, imperatives, optatives and subjunctive^ are virtually always differ­
entiated in their present and aonst forms bv αψ(<ί. not by time (necessanly)
Their present forms suggest that the action should be viewed as continuing,
their aorist forms suggest that die action should be viewed as simply happening

(ii) C han ge of subject in tht aicuiatwe

In clauses which take a verb m the infinitive or participle, the subject is placcd m
the accusative if it is different from that ot the main verb, e.g.
otBa o f fj.wpoi' ovta ’ / know that you are luolish
<ι·ομ ί ζ ο μ ν τους Έ λληνα* rτα'ώας «Va. V f used to consider that ihf
C reeks· were children’

(iii) Sequence
‘ Primarv sequence’ m ean s that the mam verb n present, tuturc o* pc»test.
‘secondary sequence’ m e a n s that the mam v erb is aonst. imperfect or pluperfc*. t
Sequence plays an important part m determining whether rhe u jh » u n *U 'c ot
optative is to be used in certain constructions
H. Rcfnnuc C.riminuir o

o A . 2 Th c G reek a1pha be t

Before the fourth century there were many forms o f the tircek alphabet in use
in different cities. Alter 403 Athens and eventually most other cities adopted the
so-called Ionic form o f the alphabet, which is the one in use todav.
One important letter which does not appear in the Ionic alphabet is the
digamma ( e ). This was originally the sixth letter o f the alphabet (cf. English
t'F). and had the value o f English ‘ w ‘. The Attic and Ionic dialects lost the sound
at prehistoric date, and consequently the letter was not used in their alphabets.
Other dialects maintained the sound, and the letter continued in use in these
dialects down to the adoption o f the Ionic alphabet in the fourth century. Alter
this, traces o f digamma are found, sometimes represented by Greek β, e.g. a
I lellenistic text writes ρίζα ‘ root* in Sapphic dialect as βρίσδα, using the β to
represent the digamma which Sappho used (fp ia h a ).
The importance ot the digamma lies in the fact that I Iomeric scansion may
react to it <» if it were <iill there. Thus one would expect, for example, eri οΐκω in
Homer to elide into cr οϊκω : but no, tor it was originally ροΐκος, starting with a
consonant. (See further notes on Homeric metre in the Running Grammar

Alphabet and pronunciation

Greek (tTcck used in this Pronunciation Phonetii
capital minuscule course* ( recommended) transcription

A a {alpha) a E n glish *ciip’ (Italian \jm are*) ΙΊ

(w h en
long) E n glish Υ ,ιΙη Γ (lt.ili.ui ‘ aniiirc.*’ )

as a ( m o r e e o r r e i tly , w ith -1 at tlicr end ) (a :i|

(1C English ‘liyjjr Jail
av English ‘hi>u·' |.ui|
av as ου (w ith tir\t c le m e n t lo n g ) | .i: i*l
H β (beta) h .is English *b’ |b|
Γ γ (gamma) £ English \ ’ot ; b e fo r e *·, χ , y , .is 'in k '
or ‘ soiijj* It;: Ol
Δ δ (delta/ Λ 1‘ reneh d (w ith t o n g u e o n teeth, n u t
gum s) |tl|
E f (tpstlonj e English *prt’ |e|
English ‘fianciY* ( ( ie r m a n ‘ U m ‘) |o:|
C o c k n e y ‘ brlt (Italian Yiilogi.»*) [cii|
ο A . 2 T he Greek alphabet

Greek Greek used in this Pronunciation Phonette
capital minuscule course* (recommended) transcription· ·
z ζ (seta) sd English ‘ w iii/om* [zd]
1 1
H V (m ) e English ‘hairy' (French ‘ tfte’) (ε:|
n as η (more correctly, with -i at the end]1 |ε:ι)
ηυ as (v (with first element long) ίε.-uj
Θ Θ (theta) th English */op* (emphatically pronounced 1;
later, as in 'thin') [thi
I t (iota) i English ‘ bit’ (French ‘ vitcsse’) I|i)f
Γ English ‘brad’
long) [*:]
K κ (kappa) k English ‘sfein’ [kj
Λ λ (lamhda) 1 English '/eft-
M μ (mu) m English ‘wan’ [mj
N v (nu) n English ‘net* fn|
•4 X English ‘b o x ’
ξ (* i) fksj
0 o (omicron) o English ‘pot’ (or German 'Gott) io|
ot English *bt>y’ foij
ov English ‘ too’ [u:I
Π IT (pi) P English ‘spin’ ipl
P p ('ho/ r Scottish ‘rolled’ r lr!
Σ o, ς (sigma) s English *iing\ ‘leiion’ M
T τ (tau) t t (with tongue on teeth, not gums) It)
Y v (upsilon) u, y u. as in French ‘L<ne* (Germ*n ’Miiller’) (y|
(when u. as in French ‘ ruse* (German Miihle’)
V i> :|
VI close to French ‘hurt’ fyi]
Φ Φ (phi) ph English ’pot' (emphatically pronounced;
later, as in fe a r') IphI
X X (khi) kh English Vat’ (emphatically pronounced;
later, a\ in Ίο./Γ) fkhj
Ψ Φ (ρύ) P' English ‘la^5c' ίρ Ί
Ω ω (omega) o English \ i w ' 1*1
at As ω (jiiore correctly, w ith -i at the end) fo.ij

* See also notes on p. 33 2·

· · II*A w-itcm. in which add' length, th. ph. kh iik jii ^pir.ucd t. p. k

( i) Most Greek texts use two forms o f minuscule sigma: ς at the end o f the
word, a elsewhere (e.g. όσος). Some Greek text print a ‘ lunate’ sigma, c, which is used
in all positions (e.g. oeoc). ^ f
(li) For the principles o f transcription of name>from Greek into English, see X o testo
the Text, p. xv.
62 B. Reference Grammar Ο

Use the following poem by the fifth-century poet Kallias to memorise the
α β Υ δ *
Ιστ άλφα, βήτα, γά μμα, δέλτα και το J ,

ζ η θ ι X λ μ
ζήτα, ήτα, θήτα, Ιώτα, κάττττα, λάβδα, μυ,

ν ξ ο ττ ρ σ,ς τ ν
νύ, το ου, ττ€ΐ, ρώ, το σίγμα, ταυ, το υ

Φ X Φ ^
φ ίΐ, χ€ΐ τ€ και φ ΐί και τζλζυταιον τό ώ.

(ϊ) ζ, ξ> a,Jd Φ indicate a double consonant:
ζ is written for σδ
ξ is written for κς
φ is written for πς
(ii) Vowels do not always indicate a distinction o f length (or quantity):
€, o always indicate a short vowel
η, ω always indicate a long vowel
α, ι, υ are usedfor both long and short vowels.
(Hi) A ll double consonants are given theirfu ll value in pronunciation, e.g.
ίτττ is pronounced as in ‘ hip-pocket’
τ τ is pronounced as in ‘ rat-trap’
σσ is pronounced as in ‘ disservice’
λλ is pronounced as in 'u’/iolly' (cf. ‘ holy’ ).
The exception isyy, which is pronounced as in ‘ finger1 (and so too γ κ (as in ‘ in k ’),y £
(as in ‘ lynx') andγ χ (as in ‘ ink-horn’ )).
(iv) H'ords beginning with a t'on'fl sliou» a ‘fwciilmig' mark over the first (sometimes
the second) letter, either ’ or \ e.g.
όρος (‘oros’)
όρος (‘ horos’ )
The ’rough’ breathing, \ denotes the presence o f ‘ h’ .
The ‘ smooth’ breathing, *, is merely a convention to denote the absence oj ‘ h’ .
Note that all words beginning with p take a rough breathing, e.g. ρήτwp (‘ rhetor )■
This may have indicated a special pronunciation.
(v) \ oil will already have noticed that Greek words have accent marks, i.e. ' (acute),
(grave), (circumflex). These denote the musical pitch at which the accented syllable
was pronounced — high pitch ( ') , low pitch ( ') , high pitch falling to low (~: originally
written as a combination of acutc-t-grave/'. Ί his accent is only jound on long vowels,
Ο -1.2 I he Cjreek alphabet ^

<w</diphthongs,/. Γ/ιere is no reason why you should not attempt to 'pitch1 the accent,
but you wilt fin d it Jairly difficult to do without constant care and ,mention. I:m>lish
speakers natwally ‘ stress' syllables. If you cannot ‘ pitch’ , then you must ‘stress' the
accented syllabic . eren though this may obscme the accent which is being used ( whether
‘ or *). Learn the word with its accent .is part o f its pronunciation. That is why the
accent is there.
For afu ller, though by no means complete, account o f Greek methods of accentuation,
see the Reference Grammar A .j.
(vi) There are Jour punctuation marks in ('.reek, though we hare used some foolish
ones in places to ease reading. 1 he Jour Greek marks are:
. full stop, as in Fnglish
, comma, as in Fnglish
• colon or semi-colon (note that ■is placed slightly above the line)
; question-nunk (?)
(vii) Xow the (ruth must be told that a fifth-century Greek would hardly have recog­
nised a single one o f all these conventions you have just learnt. Fifth-century
Greeks wrote in C A P I T A L LF.TTF.R S, with X O G A P S l i F T l l F L X l l O R D S .
with X O A C C F .X T S . with X O S M O O T H B R F A T II I X G S and vinually X O
P U X C T U A Γ Ι Ο Χ * A ll these conventions sprang up later, some rery much later
indeed. Modern Greek continues to use most of them.
(viii) Greeks generally liked their language to run smoothly, and to achieve this they
regularly ran words togethet. or modified their endings (as we do too, e.g. ‘ isn t for 'is
not’ , ‘ we’re’ Jor 'we are', 'Tom np Jeiry’ J o r ' lom and Jerry ). ff e shall not do this
until Section Four, but in the meantime, notice the changes that the C>reek for no(t)
undetgocs in response to its environment:
* Consequently the iirf o f reading for <ui iinctnit Creek must hare required a high level oj
iitui {omentration. esfiei tally sinic the endings of the worth ere so <nu <al for
nHwiiuq. h is had enough in Unglish: here is >1 trttnshued extttUt front Plato * Republic.

/•4 R L P S S IA C R P P S O Iί liC A X T H A I UllOM P.RS. 1Y IX C

Ol·' 7 7 //;< ; θ D S A X D A l Ί 7 0 / 7 IH LPU-SSLAI ( 11ΊΤΚ
S I: V/. 1.1) T l ll il //I PP't X X ) P S A S 77 II: V H A T C H ΙΊ ) 111:PI 1.11iS ΊΊ ■
H U S T L lX C l ’P A S D D O l I \ H llil IA 1.1. 'I O l R A R C l'M P X T
IΙ Ό Ι Ί .Ι )Χ 7 >11. L O U ’ 77 1Λ P C A LI. I / ΛIY A R C I 'M /:ΛΎΜ·Λ Ο I
L J K l:H }:R l:P L U :l)IX A X Y lil'E X T ll'H C A X T A L I.O l\ Π
A X D S l R L L Y H L M U S T l'A L t 7; TR I >l Ί IP V l . S l S SI IK , HI- Ϊ .
Mid ,<i> «in.
I he Creek looked roughly asJollott’s:
110 Λ Υ Μ Ε Ν Τ 01Ι 1Δ 1-0 Σ 0 YKO YSH O M H PO ΥΟ ΥΔΕΤΑ
Δ Α Ρ Ε Ν Ω Ρ Τ Ο Γ Ε Λ Ω Σ Μ Α Κ Α Ρ Ε Σ Σ ΙΘ Ε 01Σ IΧ Ρ Ω Σ Μ Q.\

I 'E U E P lflO A A O Y I I O lI I T E O N ..
264 β Reference Grammar Ο
Δ ικαιόπολις ού βαίν€ΐ πρός . . . ‘ Dikaiopolis does not go t o . . . '
Α ικαιόπολις ονκ eortr cv . . . Dikaiopolis is not in
Αικαιόπολις ούχ όρα τόν . . . 'D ikaiopolis docs not see the
Greek uses ov before a consonant
ούκ before a vowel with no ‘ h’ sound (‘ unaspirated’)
ούχ before a vowel with an ‘ h’ sound (‘ aspirated’ )
Observe also that -v is used at the end o f some words to smooth over ‘ hiatus’ (the
awkward transition between two vowels, one ending a word and the next beginning a

word), e.g.
βαίνονσι πρός . . . 'they go towards . .
βαίνουσιν €ΐς . . . ‘ they go into . .

O A .3 Acccntuation
General remarks
1. Accent-marks were invented about the third century. T h eir purpose
was to indicate the musical pitch o f the syllable on which the accent was placed.
2. There are three accents:
the acute ' (high pitch)
the grave * (low pitch, or perhaps λ falling o f the voice)
the circumflex * (high pitch falling to low^)
3. Most Greek words have their own accent, which has to be learnt with the
word. Observe the differing accents on:
άνθρωπος, πλοΐον, βοή, οΙκία.
In n o u n s and A o ji.c im s . the accent is persistent — that is. it nearly always
sta\s where it occurs in its dictionary form unless forced to m ove or change by
tin rules o f accent which follow. Y o u must leant where the accent falls when you
learn the word.
In vi r » s . accentuation is almost entirely predictable: a basic grasp o f the rules
o f acccntuation will give you almost complete mastery over all verb a cce n ts.
I lu position o f the accent
If a word has an accent, it w ill fall on one o f the last three sylla b les,
w following diagram shows you where it is possible for accents to fall:

Thud-last Second-last Last

syllable syllable syllable
(antepenultimate) (penultimate) (ultimate)
ο Λ . ? {ca n fiu K io n

οιι may hnd it


ox y tone
' barvtone
Circum flex: propenspomenon perisponienon

(i) I'hc iKiitc '

This can fall on any o f the laM three syllable'.. If the last syllable h a s λ

long vo w el or diphthong, the accent can only fall on the last two. e.g.
άνθριυπος, ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ν .
If the acute tails on the last svllable, it will become grave when followed b\
another w o rd in the same sentence ( u n le s s j comma intervenes, or the following
w ord is an enclitic, q.v.), e.g.
πόθΐν η β ο ή ; ή β ο ή τού α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ .. .

( ii) ΊΊιν ciicumfit x ‘

This can only fall on the last two syllables; it can only stand on a long
vow el or a diphthong.
If the last svllable
* is ι o s c , a circumflex cannot stand on the second last. e.g.
οντος, αΰτη.

(Hi) ΊΊιν grai’c '

This can only stand on the l a s t syllable, and will only do s o w hen the
word is followed dirccrlv by another word in the same sentence w Inch is not an
enclitic (see (i) above). Observe the change o f accent on the last syllable in:
κ α λ ή ή γυνή. ή γ υ ν ή βαινα. η γ υ ν ή καλτ^.

L tu liliiS

N ot all w o r d s have an accent o f their ow n. Those which do not are

distinguished into tw o types:

( i ) Proclitns
These are accentually linked to the word which follows them, and
only show an accent when the word which f o l l o w s is an enclitic. The com -
266 β. Reference Grammar
τις (‘ a certain', and all indefinite w o rd s, e.g. π ου ‘ s o m e w h e re ’), u n ein p h atic μ€,
μ ου, μ ο ι, ac, σου, σ οι, €ΐμί (‘ I am ’) and φ η μ ί (‘ I say') in the p r e s e n t in d ic a t iv e
(though not the 2nd s.)» ye.

A n enclitic cannot stand first in a clause. Observe that there are other words
which cannot stand first in a clause, but these are not necessarily enclitics, e.g. γ ά ρ , 8e,

(a) Acute on the last remains acute i f the fo llo w in g w o r d is enclitic, e.g.
άνηρ βαίν€ΐ, άνηρ τ ιs βαίνει.
(b) If the preceding w o rd has an acute on the third last syllable, o r a circu m flex
on the second last, that w o r d w ill take as well as its normal accent an acute 011 its
last syllabic, e.g.
άνθρωπός τις
πλοϊόν τι
(c) If the preceding w o rd has a circum flex on the last syllable, the enclitic sim ply
loses any accent, e.g. o w €στι
(d) Strings o f enclitics w ill th ro w accents back o n to each other, e.g.
άνθρωπός τ ις π ο τ ί μ οι «iAeyc . . . *a certain m an once said to m e . ·
(do not confuse τις here w'ith r i s ; = ‘ w h o , w hat?’)
(e) Forms o f τις with tw o syllables will accent the last i f th ey follo w a
paroxytone w ord, e.g.
7τρός οικίαν τινά ‘ to a certain house’
{τινά cannot throw its accent back onto οικίαν because οικία ν does n o t h a ve an
acute on the third-last or a circumflex on the second-last. N o t e that the accent
on τις; falls on the first syllabic in all its forms, e.g.
πρός τίνα οικίαν β α ίν α ς ; ‘to w hat house are y o u g o in g ? ’)

Som e general hints

(a) N o u n s, pronouns , adjectives

(i) For the purposes o f accentuation ( n o t m e t r e ) , -01 and -a t o f nom

pi. count sh o rt at the end o f these words. T h u s άνθρω ποι, δ ιά νο ια ι.
(ii) W ords o f 1st and 2 nd declension w ith an acute on the last syllable o f nom.
s. take circumflex in the genitives and datives, e.g. αγαθός — αγαθού α γ α θ ώ
αγαθής αγαθή αγαθών αγαθοί? άγαθαϊς.
(in) a il 1st declension nouns have a circumflex 011 the -ώ ν of the g e n i t i v e
plural (no matin inhere the accent was originally), e.g. νίκη gen. pi. νικώ ν ; so with
3rd declension nouns in -ος (σ κ ευ ώ ν), i f contracted (cf. σ κ ίυ ΐω ν ).
(iv) Note especially πολεω ς, π^ λίω ν, breaking the rule o f 4 (i).
(v) Monosyllables o f the 3rd declension are accented o n the final syllable o f
Ο A . 4 H o m eric d ia le d - the m ain features 26 7

the g e n it iv e a n d dative; e.g . 7τούς: gen. s. π οδός; dat. s. ποδί\ gen. pi. 7τοδώ κ dat.
pi. 7TOOL.
(vi) N o m s . and accs. accented on the final syllable arc acute, unless co n ­
tracted; e.g . ο Π α ρ θ ένω ν but ό Π ερ ικ λή ς ( Π ερ ικ λ ε-η ς).

( h ) V erbs
(i) T h e a c c e n t n o r m a l l y g o e s back as far as it can, and is n early a lw a y s acute
(but see u n d er c o n tra c te d verbs later on).
(ii) F o r the purp oses o f accentuation ( n o r MirrRl·.), - a t counts sh o r t (excep t in
the o p ta tiv e , in w h ic h b o th -at and -ot c o u n t lo n g), e.g.
α π ο κ ρ ίν ετα ι, λύεσθαι but νο μ ίζο ι
(iii) i f the in fin itiv e ends in -vat, the infinitive w ill be accented 011 the second
last (acute o r c irc u m fle x ), and its n o m . s. ni. participle on the last syllable:
λελυκ ενα ι — λ ε λ υ κ ώ ς (gen. m./n. λελυκότος)
διδόναι — διδούς (f. διδούσα; gen. m./n. διδόντος)
λυθήναι — λυθείς (f. λυθεϊοα\ gen. ηι./η. λυθεντος)
(iv) S tro n g aorists accent 011 the last syllable in infinitive and participle active,

c -g-
φ νγεΐν, φ υγώ ν (contrast φεύγειν, φεύγων o f the present)
(v) For co n tra c te d verbs, exa m in e the un con tra cted form and determ ine w here
the a ccen t w o u l d c o n ic o n that. I f an accented syllable is in v o lv e d in the
c o n tra c tio n , the accent w ill be circumflex 011 the resulting contraction, if the
rule u n der 4 (ii) does n o t a p p ly. I f 4 (ii) does apply, the accent w ill be acute, e.g.
7τοιε-ει — π ο ιε ί
επ ο ίε-ε — εποίει
όρα -ο ίην — όρωην

Ο Α·4 H om cric dialect - the main features

N ouns
Second declension Third declension
First declension
Gen. s.: ends 111 -010 .is well Acc. s.: ends in -iv as well as
Types 1a h c (f.)
-tSa, e.g. γλαυκώ ττιν and
as -oi/, e.g. nfhioio .md
Nom. s: ends in η, even γλα νκ ιό ττιδ α .
after p, (, t e.g. χώρη, not Ending1»in -η α
Gen. + dot. dual: ends in
χώρα. correspond to -fa, e.g.
-oiiv, so tmrouv, not
Some nouns end in ά. β α σ ιλή α = βασιλέα.
Gen. />/.: usually ends in Gen. s ■ endings in - ηος and
Dat. p i . ends in -οισι and
-acuv, -iu>v, e.g. ν υ μ φ ά ω ν , -ιόν correspond to
-οις, e.g. φύλλοισι and
not νυμφών. e.g. βασιλήος = βασιλέως:
Dat. pi.: nearly always ends
B. Reference Cranmnn

Second declension T hird declension

First declension
Types hi b c (j.)
in - η σ ι ( v), o r -17?, e .g . ττόλιος = πόλανς.
π ύ λ η ο ιν = ττνλαΐ'ί. Λα\ p i: endings in -ηας
correspond to -eas, e.g.
Type id (m.) βασιλήας = βασιλέας.
lXotn. s.: may end in ά, n o t G ett. pi.: endings m -ηιον
-η ς , e .g . Ιτητότά, n o t correspond to e.g.
ιπ π ό τη ς. βασιλήω ν = βασιλέων.
Gfn. s.: ends in -ao, -civ, Dat. pi.: e n d s m -eaoi and
not ου, e.g. 'ArpciSao, not -σι, e.g. ττόδεσσι, ίτπσσι.
Ά τρ ίίδ ο ν.

y * * i i· · * τ ι ς ' who, what, which 1
€ γω , σ υ I , you Ίι im
C fM . s.: έμ€Ϊθ, έμέο, Cμ ( ΰ , Gen.: cio, lo, eu, c6ev. Is declined:
μ€υ, €μ(θ(ΐ’. So with D ai.: t o l, ol. τις
συ - ocio, ot ο, etc. τίνα
o<f>€ 'th em ' TCO TcO
η μ ^ ΐς, ύ μ ζ ΐς 'w c ', 'you /Ur.: σφί, σφίας, σφαs'. T € ll)

Α((.: ήμέας, ά μ μ ΐ . (icn.: σφείων, σφέιυν. Gctl. pi.: τέων.

G e n .: ήμ^ίω*·, τ/μέων. Dat.: σφι, σφισί. ό ή τ ό Ί ι ε , sh e, it or
Dili.. άμμι(ν). So with
Xottt. pi.: oi, at, or τοι, τat.
Dal. pi.: τοΐς, τοίσι, της,
Note τήοι as svell as τoii.
(i) Observe the Homeric alternation between -σ - ami -σ σ - (which can bt
maritally useful), e.g. τόσος—*τόσσος, μ ίσ ο ς - * μ ίσ σ ο ς , ττοσί—*ττοσσι.
(ii) The termination -φι (-ο φ ι) may be used for the dat. s. and pi. o f noun > and
adjectives (and sometimes the giή . s. nm i pi. l o o ) , e.g.
βιήφι 'by force’ , Βακρύοφιν ‘ with tears’ , όρέσφιν ‘ in the mountains .
I crbs
Person endings
-v tor -σαν, e.g. «σταν tor έστησαν in 3rd pi. .ict.
3rd pi. mid./pass, otten ends in -αται, -α το, e.g. ηατο = τιντο.


f uture: generally uncontracted, e.g. epeω ( ϊρ ώ ) , τ ίλ έ ιο (τ ε λ £ σ ω )·

Present/Imperfect: sometimes reinforced by λ form in -σ κ - im p lyin g repeti­
tion. e.g.
φύγίσκον ‘ iltey kept on miming iiu'dy’ .
Ο Λ . 4 H om eric dialect - the main features

Aorist/Imperfect: in both the augm en t m ay be missing e.g. βάλον (ϋβα λον):

ob serve d ie necessary adjustments in com pounds, e.g. Ζμβαλς (ς ν ίβ α λ ε ) .

M oods
(i) appears w ith a short v o w e l, e.g. ϊο μ € ν= ϊω μ € ν
(ii) has 2nd s. mid. in -η α ι, -eat
(iii) has 3rd s. act. in -σ ι, e.g. φορ£τ}σι=φορτ]
(iv) is used in place o f the future; and can be used in general remarks.

It appears w ith the endings -μ€ν, -pcvat, -vat for -etv, -vat e.g.
δόμ^ναι = δούναι; ϊμ € ν= ΐ€ να ι; εμεν, Ζμμεν, €μμ€ναι = €ΐναι; ακου€μ€ν(αι) =
άκούς ιν.

C o n tra cted verbs

In contracted verbs, w here A ttic lias -w -, w e can find -ow -, -m u - in
placc o f - a o - , e.g. ό ρ ό ω ν τ ς ς tor Attic ο ρ ώ ν τ ίς .
Sim ilarly, w h ere A ttic w o u ld contract ae to a, and act to a, H om cric Greek
can sh o w αα,' αα.

A dverbs
N o t e the w a y the fo llo w in g suffixes used to create adverbs:
-Se ·w hither·, as i„ * £ * * μ Μ , 'to the war' N X - & here is a u M „> ,hc « r .; w „//
the rest, the suffix is attached to item.
·* I <
-Bov ‘ h o w ’ , as in κ λ α γ γ η δ ό ν ‘ with cries
-6ev ‘ w h e n c e ’ , as in ύφόθ^ν ‘from abo\t
-Ot ‘ w h e re ’ , as in ύφόθι ‘on high
C f. L anguage S u rvey (13) (*” )·

N o t e particularly the use- and force o f the follow , n 8 particles:
αρα (ά ρ , ρ ά ) ‘so. next' (showing transition)
8 ,; -iiideed' (emplusisingl
ij ‘surelv' (emphasising)
mp -just. even (emphasising)
T£ -and· (or to show a general remark)
I01 ·, tell v o , . ( a c t i o n ) ( l im it may also «»■,

*U> you. for v o n ’.)

C f. Uefcrcnce G ram m ar C».
270 B. Reference Grammar Ο

Β . N o u n s

Here is a summary chart o f the noun- types which have been met:
s. pi-

nom. acc. gen dat. nom. acc. gen. dat.

la βο-η,-η βο-ήν β ο -ψ βο-rj βο-αί βο-άς βο-ώ ν βο-αίς

lb απορί-ά, ή Ιπορί-άν άπορί-ίς άπηρί-φ άπορί-αι άπορίΛς άπορι-ών άπορί-αις

1 C τόλμ-α, ή τόλμ-αν τόΧμ-ης τό λμ -r) τόΧμ-αι τόΧμ-άς τοΧμ-ών τόΧμ-αις

id ναύτ-ης, ό ναύτ-ην ι ναύτ-rj ι

ναύτ-ου ναΰτ-αι ναύτ-άς ναντ-ώ ν ναύτ-αις
veavl-άς, ο vcavi-av 1 νΐανί-φ '

2a άνθρωπ-ος, ο άνθρωπ-ον άνθρωπ-ον άνθρω ττ-ω άνθρω π-οι άνθρώπ-ους ανθρώπ-ων άνθρωπ-ο ι$
2b ΐργ-ον, τό (ργ-ον ίργ-ου epy-ω Ιργ-α ( ργ-α ί ρ γ -wv epy-ot?

3 » Χιμήν, ό Χιμίν-α λ ιμ εν-Ο ί Χιμίν-ι Χιμίν-τς Χιμίν-ας Χιμ4ν-ων Χ ιμί-σι( ν)

3b πράγμα, τό πράγμα ϊτ ρ ά γ μ α τ -ο ί πράγματ-ι πράγματ-α πράγματ~α π ρ α γ μ ά τ-wv πράγμα-οι(ν)
3C πΧήθ-ος, τό πΧήθ-os πΧήθ-ους πΧήθ-ft πλήθ-η πΧτ)θ-Ύ) πΧηθ-ών π Χηθ-€θΐ( ν)
3 d τρ ιή ρ -ψ ,ή τριήρ-η τριήρ-οι/? τριήρ-tt τρϊηρ-ttS τριηρ-ας τ ρ ιΐrjp-WV Τ pl 7)p-fOl( ν)

30 ττόλ-cs, ή πόΧ-ιν
| πόλ~€ΐυς πόΧ-ti πόΧ-τις πόΧ-(ΐς πόΧ-ί,ων πόΧ~(σι( ν)
πρίοβ-υς, ό πρ(σβ-υΐ’
3f άστ-υ , τό άστ-υ άστ-(ως ά σ τ-ο άοτ-η αστ-η ά ο τ-twv άστ~€θΐ(ν)

3 g βασιλ-(ύς, ό βασιλ-(ά βαοιΧ-ας \ 0

βασιΧ-ίως βαοιΧ-el . } ρασιΑ-e a ? βααιΧ-tiuv βασιΧ-*νσι(ν)
ρασιλ-ης ι
3h όφρύ-ς, ή οφρύ-ν οφρύ-ος όφρύ-ι οφρύ~οι( ν)
οφρύ~€ς όφρΰ-ς οφρύ~ ων

A number o f nouns are contracted, e.g. πλους 'voyage', contracted from
7τΧόος, νους ' mind1 contractedJrom νόος, όστονν 'bone' contracted from οατίον.
for comnut rules see Rtference Grammar li.2 note (ii).

Irregular nouns
s. pi
nom. α((. gen dat. nom. acc. gen. dat.

vavs, ή ναΰν ν^ώς vTji νή(ς vavs veutv ναυσί( ν)

ypaOs, ή γραΰν γράός γράί γρά(ς γρανς Υραών γραυσί( ν )

Ζ(ύς, ό Δία Δ ι os Δ ιί
O C . / Adjvttw i’slpronouns 271

Personal pronouns

tyil) (*)μ ί (ϊ)μ ο ΰ (ϊ)μ ο ί ήμΰς ήμάς ημών ή μ ίν

ov of οοΰ οοί ΐιμ ( i? υ μά ς υμώ ν ν μ ίν

( O C iIiit'C S

I he form o f die vocative is the same .is the nominative in most

instances in the singular and all instances in the plural. Forms o f the vocative
different from the nominative are:
id ναΰτα, vcavia
2a άνθρω πί
3d Σ ώ κ ρ α τ ς s', Π ίρ ίκ λ ίΐς
3 c π ό λ ι, ττρέοβν
3g β α σ ιλ ε ύ
3h όφ ρύ

X otc
Observe the shortening in thefollowing vocatives:
λ ί ω ν ( A e o i 'r - ) —>λέον

(λττίς (Ιλ τ η δ -)-+ έ λ 7τί

Owr-ηρ ( σ ω τ η ρ -)~ *σ ώ τ € ρ
δ α ί μ ω ν ( δ α ι μ ο ν - ) —*δα.Ιμον

άνηρ ( ά ν δ ρ - ) —>a.vep
O n morphology. see Language Survey (10); on noun-fonnation see L in g u a e
Survey ( i f ) ( i ) ; o h i<>(· o f cases, see Index and Utnguage Surrey ( it ) .

C .i Adjectives/pronouns

Here is a summary o f all the .uljective/pronoun types you lu v c met.


<>rn. dat.
Jar. nom.
nom. acc. yn.
λοΛ-ovc κ α λ-wv καλ-οίς
»ι. καλ-φ α:αλ~οΐ
καλ-ός καλ-όν καλ-οι)
*αλ-{κ καλ-ιϊ» καλ-αϊ·;
/ καλ-·η καλ-ή< καλ·ή XO>Wi
καλ-Τ)Υ καΑ-ά καλ-ών καλ-oii
κ. καλ·φ καλ-ά
καλ-όν καλ-όν καλ-οΰ
ή μ ΐτ ίρ - ο ι ήμ*Τ(ρ~ον\' ήμ(ΤΪρ~ΐον η μ*τίρ~ οις
»». ήμ 4τ(ρ-ο< ι) μ ( Τ ίρ - ο ν ήμ(τ (p-ov ήμ< τ<ρ-ω
η μ (Τ (ρ -α ι ήμ<τ<ρ-άϊ ή μ ίτ ίρ - ιυ ν η μ ^ τίρ -α α
t ήμ < τ< ρ-μ
ή μ ίτ ίρ α ή μ < τ ί ρ - ά ι· ή μ ( τ ίρ - ά < ήμ<Τ(ρ-α ή μ ϊτ * ρ -α ή μ ίτ* ρ -ιν ν ή μ (τ{ρ -ο ις
Μ. ή μ *τ (ρ -ο ν ιί μ ί τ ΐ ρ - ο ι ' ή μ ίτ ( ρ - ο ι · ημ < τ ip - t p
272 B. R c fe r c n ic G ra m m a r


gen. dat. nom. Λ((. gen.

nom ιΐίί.

τούτ-ω ούτ-οι το υτ-ου ς το ύ τ-ω ν το υτ-οις

nt. ουτ-oi τούτ-οι· τούτ-ου
ταντ-τ) α ντ-α ι τα ύτ-α ς τούτ-ω»· τ α ύ τ -α ΐί
αυτ-η ταύτ-ην ταύτ-ης
/· το ύ τ-ω ν τούτ-οις
τούτ-ο τούτ-ου τούτ-ω τα ΰτ-α τα ΰτ-α
n. τοΰτ-ο

tK tiv-ου €Κ(ίν-ω IKtlV-Ol έκ(ίι·-ους ΐ Κ ^ Ιν - ων Ctf«V-OK

in. (Kth’-ος tKllV-OV
f KtiV-ηι· fKfU’-TJV ίκιίν-τ) (Ktiv-ai CKciv-άς ίκ ά ν - ω ν (Kciv-ais
1 <κ€ΐν-η
{Vtiv-ou ίκ ( ίν-ω Ικ ιίν -α t«tV-a ίκ€ ίν-ω ν (Kfif-OtS
n. , (K(iv-o «KCtV-Ο

αύτ-όΐ’ αυτ-οΰ αντώ α ύ τ-οί α ύτ-ονς α ύτ-ώ ν α ύ τ-οϊς

in. αντ-ός
* / . τ αύτ-αΐς
αυτ-η α ύτ-jji· αύτ-ής α ύτ-f) α ύτ-α ί α ύτ-ώ ν
f. % / α ύ τ-ώ ν α ύτ-οΐς
n. αΰτ-ό αύτ-ό αΰτ-οΰ αύτ-ώ αντ-α αΰτ-ά

πολ-ύν πολλ-αϋ ττολλ-ώ π ολλ-ο ί πολλ-ούς π ολλ-ώ ν πολλ-οίς

III. πολ-υς
ττολλ-ή πολλ-jjv πολλ-ής π ολλ-fj π ο λλ-α ί πολλ-ά ς π ολλ-ώ ν π ολλ-α ϊς
πολ-ύ πολ-ύ πολλ-ού πολλ-ώ ττολλ-ά ιτολλ-ά π ολλ-ώ ν π ολλ-ο ίς

in.If. t (ΰφρων (ΰφρον-α (νφρον-ος (νφρον-ι ίΰφ ρον-ις €ΰφρον-αϊ ιύφ ρόν-ω ν ίΰφ ρο-σ ι(ν )
ινφρο ι· ίΰφρον-οϊ ινφρον-ι £ύφρον-α ΐΰφρον-α €ύφρόν-ων (ΰ ώ ρ ο -σ ι(ν )
ίι. ΐίΰφρον

ιη.Ι/.ΐτις τιι>-α ΤΙΓ-Οϊ TU>-t r u f-6 5 τ ιν-α<; τιν-ω ν τ ι- σ ι( ν)

η. 1 rt τι τι»>-ι τα»-α τιν-α τιν-ω ν τι-σ«( ν)

m. | ovb-ιίς ούδ-tv-α ούΒ-η·-όί Οΐ5δ-ίΙ'-ί

J. I ovht-μ ί-α ον8<-μί-αν ovbt-μί-άς ού8(-μί-φ
Μ. I θύδ-€1’ ovh-iv αύδ-ίν-ός OvS-ft’-t
ηι. ων οντ-α oi’T-ος όντ-ι OI/T-C9 οΓτ-αν όντ-ω ν ο υ -σ ι( ν)
Μ ¥
/· ■ούσ-α ονσ-αν ουσ-ης ουσ-τ) ουσ-αι ονσ-άς ούσ-ώ ν ονσ -α ιί
¥ m
Μ. I ον ον οντ-ος OVT-l οντ-α οι·τ-α όντ-ω ν ο υ -σ ι(ν )

«I. ί παύσ-ας -αν τ-α -at t - os -αΐ'τ-ι -avr-cv -a iT -a s -ά ντ-ω ν -ά -σ ι(ν )

/· παυσ-ασ-α -αα-αν -άσ-ης -άσ-τ) -d a -a i -ασ-άς -α σ-ώ ν -άσ-αις
rt. I τταύο-αν -αν -αντ-ος -α»'τ-ι -α^τ-α -αντ-α -ά ντ-ω ν -ά-σι^ ν)

ιη. | παυσβ-(ίς


- ό ’Τ-OS

- ό ·τ - ι -cVr-ci -(ντ-ω ν

-ό 'τ-α ς
/· I ττουσβ-<ΐσ-ο -tlo-av -ei σ-ης -eia-i) -α σ -α ι -ciσ-άς -α σ -ώ ν -(ίσ -α ις
it. I πανσθ-ίν -ο 1 -Iv t - o s -ό τ-ι -ίν τ-α -ίν τ-α -ίν τ -ω ν -€Ϊ-σι(ν)
m. | π<ϊταιικ-ws -ότ-α -ότ-ος ότ-ι -ό -σ ι( ν)
-ότ-cs -ότ-α ς -ότ-ω ν
/ < ττίτταυκ-υΐ-α -υι-αν -νί-άς -υί-ά -υΐ-α ι -υί-άς -υ ι-ώ ν -υί-α ις
η. l π(ΐταυκ-ός -ός -6τ~ος -ό -ο ι( ν)
-ότ-ι -ότ-α -ότ-α -ότ-ω ν
m.y -ΐά μ ίλ -ijj αμ(λ-ή άμίλ-ούς άμ<λ-(Οΐ\
ήμ<λ-ίΐ ά μ ελ -ίΐς α μ(λ-ώ ν
η. • αμ(λ-(ς ά μ ΐλ -ίς άμ(λ-ούς ά μ ίλ - ιϊ ά μ(λη άμίλ-·ή ά μ (λ-ώ ν ά μ (λ -(θ ΐ(ν)
m. ι γλνκ-νς γλυκ-νν γλυκ-tos γλν κ -tt γλνκ-(1ς γ λ υ κ -tts γλυι<-{ων γ λ ν κ -ίθ ΐ(ν )
f ί γλυκ-ίί-α γλυκ-tl-av γλνκ-ti-as γλνκ-ίί-ΐ}
n. 1 γλνκ-ύ γλνκ-ύ Υλυκ-ίος γλυκ- ti γ λ υκ-ία γ λ ν κ -ία γ λ υ κ -ίω ν γλιικ-*ο*(ι )

Cf. Language Survey (13) (iii).

Ο ('■- ('oniparison of adjectwes 1"X

S o tc
. 1 ntunber of adjemvi >are contracted e.g. χρυσούς χρυσή χρυσούν of ^old'
(ire the contracted join ts of χρυσίου χρ υ σ ία χρνσεον. C'f. χαλκούς of bronze",
αργυρού s' 'of silver' -
. o-ionttact adjectives is διπλού s' διπλή όιπλούν 'double', contracted from
διπ λόος δ ιπ λό η διπλόον.

I:or contrail rules see Reference ( tranunar l i .j note (it)

O C .2 Comparison o f adjcctivcs

Mom com paratives end in -τερ-ος -a ~ov (some irregulars end in (1)0n ).
M ost superlatives end in ~τατ~ο< -η -ov (some irregulars end in ( ι)σ το ς ).

R egular comparative forms

δεινός ‘clever* δεινότερος δεινότατος
σοφώτερος σοφώτατος
σοφός ‘wise*
γλυκύς ‘ sweet* γλυκύτερος γλυκύτατος

α μελής ‘careless’ αμελέστερος αμελεστατος

ενφρων ‘ pleasant* εύφρονεστερος ευώρονεστατος

Irregular comparative form

άμείνων άριστος
αγαθός ‘good*
βελτίω ν β ελτ ιστο<
α ισχίω ν αΐσχιστος
αισχρός ‘disgraceful
ή8ίο)ΐ· ■ηδιστος
ήδύς ‘sweet*
κακίων κάκιστος
κακός •bad*
χείρω ν χ^ίριστος
καλλιών κάλλιστος
καλό* ‘tine*
μ είζω ν μέγιστος
μ εγα ς ’great*
ελάττιον (λάχιστος
ολίγος ‘little, tew*
ττλείων ττλε ιστός
πολύς ‘ much*
ράων ράστος
ρόδιος ‘easy’*
θόττω ι τάχιστος
ταχν< swift’

“quite fairly rather

Superlatives basically mean ’ esc, most . \er\ , ix tu im %
274 ΰ· Reference Grammar ^

Construction w ith com paratives

W hen tw o things are being com pared (using English ‘ than’), G reek
(i) uses 77=‘ than\ and puts the tw o things being com pared in the same case,
e.g. Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς σ ο φ ώ τερ ο ς ίσ τ ιν ή Κ ρ ιτ ώ ν ‘ Socratcs is wiser than K r it o n ’ ; o r (ii)
puts the thing compared into the genitive (110 77), e.g. Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς σ ο φ ώ τ ζ ρ ό ς £στι
Κ ρίτω ν ος ‘Socrates is wiser than K rito n ’ .

(i) Comparatives in -ω ν decline like ςυφρων.
(ii) Comparatives declining like εΰφρων can drop the final v and contract in the
nominative and accusative, e.g.
βελτ7ο( v )a β ελ τ ίω
β (λτϊο ( ν )-ξς
β ελ τίο υ ς
-α ς

Ο C .3 Noun/adjcctivc endings —a sum m ary

The follow ing chart summarises the endings o f the noun and adjective types
you have met:

110»!. acc. gen. dal. how . acc. gen. dal.
Type 1 mnins /· -ηΙ-α -ης -ας
(and adj. like (a, b, c)
καλή, ήμ^τίρα, ην\-αν -ΐ}\-φ -a.i -ας -ώ ν -αις
ο υσα)
in. -ης\-ας -ου
Type ζ nouns »μ . -ος
-01 -ους
(and adj. like ω
καλός, ήμίτ(ρος) -ον -ον -u> -ων -οις
(and adj. like 11. -ον
-a -a
καλόν, ήμ(Τ€ρον) (b)

Type 3 Tii'iins m.[f. (a) -α


-€ς -ας

(and adj. like (d) -ης -ν -ου?

κακοΒαίμων, (e) -ts -υς -ιν\-υν ί
-(c)t - α ς -€ΐς -( €)wl\~(o.\€)oi
αληθής, γλνκνς) (g) -ci»s -«α 1 (adj.) -CUOl
-ης -(ας
00 -υς -ι/ι» -υος -VI -υς -νς - vojv -υοι
s. pi-
nom. acc. gen. dat. nom. acc. gen. dat
Type j nouns n. (b) -a -ov\-av -a\-ov\-av -ος -a -a
(and adj. like (adj.) (adj.)
κακόδαιμον, (c) -o<»|-es -o s |-e s -ους -(<)l -v -v -( e)ων -( α,()σι
αληθές, γλυκύ) (adj.) (adj.)
ω -V -fa j? |-e o s -e a -e a

C f. L an guage S u rv e y (10).

O D. Adverbs
M ost adverbs are form ed b y the addition o f -ω? to the stem o f the adjective, e.g.
σοφός ‘ wise' σοφ -ώ ς ‘ wisely’
β α θ -ύ ς ( β α θ * -) ‘deep’ βαθέ-ω ς ‘deeply’
σώ φ ρω ν ( σω φ ρον-) ‘sensible’ σωφρόν-ως ‘sensibly’
C o m p a ra tiv e and superlative adverbs are formed by using the neuter singular
com parative o f the adjective (for comparative adverbs) and the neuter plural
superlative o f the adjective (for superlative adverbs), e.g.
σοφώς ‘ w ise ly ’ σοφ ώ τςρον ‘ more wisely’ σοφ ώ τατa ‘ most wisely*
κα κώ ς ‘badly* κάκιον ‘ worse, more e v illy ’ κάκιστα ‘very evilly’
τα χέω ς ‘q u ic k ly ’ θάττον ‘more q uickly’ τάχιστα ‘very quickly’
€v ‘ w e ll’ άμςινον ‘ more well, better* άριστα ‘ best*
μ ά λα ‘m uch’ μ ά λλον ‘ rather, m ore’ μ ά λισ τα 'very much’
C f. Language Survey (13) (iii).

Ο E. 1 T he verb —synopsis
Here fc a com plete picture o f π α ύ * \ ™ ο μ α, in all forms:

Present active (stem π α ν -) '/ stop’

Imperative Optative Subjuttcltve
Indicative Infinitive Participle
1st S. παυ-οιμι nav-cu
nav-w π ο ύ -e iv παν-ων
παν-€ rrav-oif τταν-τ)ς
s. na ν-(ις πηύ-ουσ-ο
3'd s. παυ-(τα> rrav-oi ιταύ-τ)
ιταν-fi παν-ον
παν-οιμ(ν ττα ν -ίυ μ ίν
‘ si pi. ι?αν-ομ(ν ( παυοντ- )
2nd p i rrav-CTt π α ύ -ίτί παν-oiTt ιταύ-ητί
3^ p i ηαν-όντων n a v -o itv ■παύ-α*οι( ν )
^7^» H. Reference ( ',nuumar Ο

Present middle and passive (stem π α ν -) Ί stop ( m y self), am stopped’

Indliillll'i Infinitive Ihrtiiiplc Imperative Optative Subiututii'c

1 Ί >. ττηΰ-Ομαι παύ-cottai παυ-όμ(ν-ος π αν-οίμην παΰ-ιυμαι

2nd s. jtαν-(ΐ( τ)) nav-ov παν-οιο παν-τ)
frd ν τταν-crni •ον τταν-ΙσΟω ιταύ-οιτο παύ-ηται
i.'f pi. ίταυ-όμιΝα τταν-οίμΐΟα τται>·ώμ(θα
jn d pi. ~αΰ-(αΟ( παύ-(θθί πην~οιοΗ( π α ν -η σ Ο ί
j r d ρ Ι. —av-ovTnt •nav-colhuv παν-οιντο παύ-ιυνται

Imperfect active (stem τταυ-) Ί was slopping'

/.</ j. ΐ-τταν-ον
2HJ s. ΐ-π α ν-ις
jr d ». <--zav-c(v)
Ist pi. (-irav-oficr
2nd pi. t - 7rav-cTt
_ird pi. (-ηαυ-οι·

Imperfect middle and passive (stem π α ν - ) Ί was stopping

(m yself), was stopped’
HI * . (-π α υ -ό μ ψ ’
2nd <. t -παύ-ου
jrd s. f-7rcw-tTO
1st pi. 1 -τΐα ν-ό μ (0 α
•Λΐιί Jll. ί-ΤΤθύ-€θΟ*
in i pi. <-rrai/-oiTo

Aorisi aaive (stem ττα υ σ -(α )), Ί stopped’

1st S. ί - 77αυσ-α nava-ai πανσ-ας
2nd S. (-77<ινο-(χς παυσ-αιμι -α υ ο -ω
παύο-άο-α παυσ-ov
jrd <. ( ~navo-t(:■) τταύσ-αας ( -a is) πανθ-flf
τταΰα-αν ίταυσ-άτω
I ft pi. ΐ- π α υ σ - α μ ιι· π α ν σ -α ((ν ) ( -α ι) τravo-fj
2nd pi. c-T T uio-art τταύσ-αιμ*ν π ανο-<νμ*1'
y d pi. t - π α ν σ - av παύσ-ατί παύσ-αι Τ( π α ν θ -η τ(

“ αυσ-άι·τ<υΐ' πηνσ-ααν ( -η ιιν ) πηνο-ιοοι(*')

Aorist middle (stem ττα υσ-(α )) Ί

stopped myself ■
t it s. *-πανα-άμψ· rrai’O-noOat
2nd «-τταύσ-ω ffavo-a/uv-ot ηανα-ιομοι
λ. παυσ-αιμην
.irJ s. i -τταΰσ-aro ■v !ταΰσ-αι ηαύσ-αιο π α ν ο -y
iflpl. -Ol· παυο-άοθω ιταύο-ηται
i - τ τ αυο-άμ<Πα 7ταΰο-αιτο
2nd pi i~77a io-aoOt πανο-<όμ<βα
jr d p i. • /
< *ffaua-ai'ro τταϋο-ααΟι παύσ-αιοθc π avo-ijo^t
TTavo-aoOoji- ττανσ-αιντο πανσ-ωΐται
E B M M E S B M H M B H H B H H S M a a K H n H B R n B H S iS K H H B ··

/:./ 77le Verb - synopsis -7 7

Aorist passim ' (stem ττα υσθ-) '/ was stopped'

Imperative Optative Suh/unetiee
Indicative Infinitive Participle

ηίΐνοθ-(ίς παυοθ-tiTjv τταυθϋ-<ν

Ists. ί-π α ύ α θ -η ν παυσθ-ήναι
παυσθ-ΐΐσ-α πανσθ-ητι πανσΟ-(ίηΐ ναυσβ-ΐρ;
2nd s. ίπα ΰσΟ -ης
ττηναΟ-ίΐ ■πανσθ-ήτω ταυαθ-ΐίη πανοθ-ή
jr d s. ί-π α ν σ θ -η
τα υα θ-ίϊμ(ΐ’ π η ν ο θ -ώ μ (ν
tst pi. i-TtaύαΟ-·ημ(ν ( ιταυσθ(ΐ’τ- )
τταύοθ-ητ( Ίτανσθ-€ΐτ{ παυσΟ-ψί
2nd pi. (-π η ν α Ο -η τ ί
ιτανσϋ-ίντοΛ’ rraυαθ-titv τανθθ-ύ>σι( ν)
jrd pi. i -παύσθ-ηααν

Future active (stem π α υ σ -) ‘ I shall stop1

jiava-utv πανσ-οιμι
ι St S. π α υ σ -tu τταυσ-cu'
2nd s. πανσ-etc
etc., exactly like the present active, on the stcm καυσ-

Future middle (stem π α υ σ -) Ί shall stop (m yself)

ists. παυσ-ομαι nnvc-eaOai παυ σ-ομ(ν-ος
2nd s. Tsava-ti (or -i))
etc.. exactly like the present middle, on ihr sum τ7αυσ'

Future passive (stem π α υ σ θ η ( σ ) - based on aorist /)<!--»» c)

Ί shall be stopped’
tst s. παυαθήσ-ομαι παυσθήσ-<αθαι παναβηο-ομίν-os
2nd s. παυσΟήσ-ν ,
M l , like Λ , prfH'tit *»

Perfcci active (item ττίπ α υ κ -} Ί h avestopp id

1st S. ITtnODK-O !7(I 7 0 UK-CVftl π(ΐταυκ-tos T!tnavK-J)s
TTtrravK-f* xetravK-οι·;
2 tui s. πίπαυκ-ας rrtrravn-oi mttavx-f)
π(πανκ-όΐ TriMU»r-f™
jr d s. π ίπ α υ κ -ί(ν ) πί'τανκ-οιμίν π*πανκ-οίμ*ν
1st pi. π<πανκ-αμ(ν ( π(πανκοτ-) τατανκ-ητ*
rrtnavK-nt vcnavK-oiTt
2nd pi. rrcjTαΰκ-ατί η ιπ α νκ -ίτω οα * irtvavK-oitv 1Τ(παύκ·ω<}ΐ( ι )
jrd pi. τΐίηαυκ -άσ
-u uι(
n v»'j)
O n ly in verbs w here die perfect lu s j p roen t meaning (very rare).

Perfect middle(passive (stem π * π α υ -) Ί have stopped

(m yself)r have been stopped' Μ π α νμ ίνος tir/v π τια ν μ ϊνο ς ω
τη ττα ν-μ (ν-ο ί
tst s. πίτταυ-μαι ττιιταύ-οθαι
(ϊηί ιJ*
2 nd s. π ίπ α ν -ο α ι
-V “ V ί
-ον -πιπαν-αθω
jrd S. ττίπαν-ται ττ(ττανμ(νοι ( ΐ μ α τ τ ΐη α ν μ ίν ο ι ώ μ ι *
>st pi. jtcjtαύ-μιθα ( ΐτ ( ήτ(
2nd pi. π ίπ α υ -aOt tu r tL o i( ν )
jrd pt. ΐτίτταν-ί'ται
( ττιπαυμΐΐ'οι (Ιοί)
27 « β. Reference Grammar o
Future perfect middle/passive (stem π ίττα ν-) Ί shall have stopped
(myself), been stopped'
hnlieaiii’e Infinitive Partidple Im ita tive Opuiti i<« Subjunctive
ISIS. π ( παύ-σομαι irtnav-ataOai rr«ταυ-σόμο-οί π<παυ-σοιμην
2nd s. TTtnav-oti (ot -rj) ~11
t * «oc
)f d S. ntvuv-CtTai
lit pi. πΐτταν-σόμ<Οα
jnJ pi. π<τταΰ-αια6(
ltd pi. ntnav-aot rai

Pluperfect active (stem cttctτανκ-) ‘ / had stopped’

tst S. i-rrenavK-ti ( - w )
2Mii 5. ί-·Π(7τανκ-η<; ( -ti$)
ltd*. i-rrtrravK-ti(y)
tst pi. ί-τα π α ΰκ -ΐμ ίΐ·
jnd pi. i-irtn a vK -ert
jr J pi e-T T tT T u vx-fO M ·

Pluperfect middle/passive (stem in e n a v -) ‘ I had stopped

(myself), had been stopped’
lit S. i-rrfnav-μψ·
2 nd s. f -πίπαυ-σο
jrd s. l-ntrtav-TO
ISt pi. ί-τ:<παύ-μ«βα
2nd pi. ί-ττίπαυ-αθι
jrd pi. i-TTtnav-i-To

O E -2 Verb summary chart (uncontracted,

weak aorist)
Indicative forms ( temporal)
In general, these forms point to the tune at which the action happened,
it v <ik aonsI aittve ί-ττπυο-α middle *-ττ<Μσ·αμψ’ Aorisi passive ί-ηούσθ-ην
Ί ~cd' A A Ί was cd'
Future active
παύο-ω Middle
nova-ομαι Putine passive
Μ shall
ι ^ ‘I shall be cd'

Present active
- ' _i_
£αυ-ω md.jpass. πού-ομαι
‘I am -m g ’ Imperfect active ϊ - τταν-ον mid./pass, i - τιαν-ομψ'
Ί was · tup’

Perfect active
mid./pass. nirrav-um
*1 have -cd’ ----------- > = predictable relation­

Vluperfea active
ί -wcrrαύκ-η mid./pass. i-m vaA-μ ψ
ship between forms
----------- > = possible relationship

1 had --cd’ ------- ‘ between forms

li.2 Verb summary chan
-7 9

N on -in dicative form s (aspectual)

In general, these forms point to the aspect o f the action (see Refere
Grammar A i (i)).
The ending'» are added to the appropriate unaugmented stem o f the verb.

active -eiv
Present, Future
middle Ipassive -eoOai
active ~ai
Aorist middle -ασθαι
passive -ήναι
active -('rat

middle (passive -σθαι

active -ojv -οναα -ον ( -οντ-)

Present, Future


Aorist middle
middle/passive -όμ^ν-ος -η -ον
-άς -άσα - α ν ( -αντ-)
-άμεν-ος -η -ον
passive -ΐίς -€Ϊσα -tv ( -ςντ-)
\active -ώς -υϊα -ός ( -or-)
[middle/passive -μέν-ος -η -ον

- i -fTw -ere - o v t w v
^rcSent [middleIpassi ve -ον -4οθω - i o 9e -4σθων
active -ov -aroj -arc -άντων
Aorist middle -at -άσθαι— ασθ( -άσθων
passive -Ί)π -τ;τα> ~ητ€ -ίντων

-ο ιμ ι -οις -ot
Present, Future, Perject or or or }-ο ιμ (ν -o ire -o uv
active -ο ίη ν -οίΐ)ς - ο ϊ η ,

Present, I'uture, Perfect -ο ίμ η ν -οιο - οιτο -οίμ^θα -οισθ( -οιντο

-α ιμ ι -etas ( α ις ) ~cic(α ι) -αιμ^ν - air€ - α α ν ( - a u v )
Aorist active
-α ίμ η ν -ato -a tτο -αιμ(θα -αισθς -αιντο
-eirjv -( ίη ς -(ίη -(ϊμ (ν -(ΐτ€ -ctev
H. Reference Grammar Ο

Active (and Aorist -ω -rjs -y -ωμ*ν -ητ€ -ω σ ι(ΐ’ )
Middle(passive -ωμαι -η -ηται -ώμζθα -ησΟε -ωνται

In general, see Language Survey (3).

(i) Strong aortsts, in their active and middle forms, have
(a) IX D IC A 7 7 1T: IiX D IX G S like the IM P L R V liC T
(h) A L L O T H IiR I iX D I X G S like the P R liS I iX T , e.g.:

Aorist indicative active A orist indicative middle

€-λαβ-ον i -λαβ-όμην
€-λαβ-(ς e-λάβ-ου
ί-λα β -t €-λάβ-€ΤΟ
k-λάβ-ομίν k-λαβ-όμ^Οα
€~λάβ-€Τ€ £-λάβ-€σθ€
e-λαβ-ον e-λάβ-οντο
Infinitive: λαβ-ΰν λαβ-ίαθαι
Participle: λαβ-ών λα β-όμα ’ος
Imperative: λαβ-( λαβ-ού
Optative: λάβ-οιμι λαβ-οίμην
Subjunctive: λάβ-ω λάβ-ωμαι
X.b. the aor. pass, ϊλήφθ-ην is regular in endings.
(ii) Contracted verbs form different endings, owing to the contraction of their final vowel
with the ending. Rules of contraction are, in summary form:

Cl I V 71 o ον 01 ω ω
a α α a a i a a w w w c u t u
€ η €i ci ci η tj ου ον 01 ω ω
O ω ου οι οι ω οι ον ου οι ω oj

Hie first vowel is in the L/:/-7 -H A X D column, the second in the Ί Ο Ρ R O Π read
off the resultant contraction where they intersect, e.g. a + i = ai.
(Hi) It is only in indirect speech that paiticiples, infinitives and optatives can take on <1
specifically temporal function. In all other cases, their function is aspectual - i.e. they
give a particular view about the way in which the action is taking place, not when it i.<
taking place.
(iv) i'or -μι verbs, see Running ( itammar: δίδω μι ΐβϊ.* τίθημι 150; ϊσ τη μ ι Ι 44 «
αφνημι 196; Reference ( >rammar /;. j and I^ui^ua^e Survey (7).
Ο /:. ? Irregular verbs

Ο Ε ·3 Irregular verbs
> /ι / ;
e i /χι / <i »m

Indicative Infinitive Participle imperative Optative Subjunctive
1 / t
l St s. €ΐμΐ etvai ών ΐιην CO
€L ovo-a laOi ΰη ς
2nd s.
jrd s. eo ri( ) ov (OTU) (ΐη i
ist p i Ισ μ ίν (ονT-) (ΐμ ΐν ώμ(ν
* / * 1)7C
2nd pi. €OT€ core 6176
jrd pi. e lo lf v) ovroiv ciei' <Lot( v)

Im perfect' I was’

nt s. v ( v)
2nd ν. ήσϋα
jrd s. i)v
lit p i ήμ€ΐ·
2nd pi. ητ(
jrd pi. ήσαν

Future '/ shall be'

isi s. ϋσομαι ΐίσ-€σϋα.ι ί σ - ό μ ε ΐ'-ο ν ίσ -ο ιμ ψ ’
2nd s. eaet -V eo-oio cu.
ird s. (στα ι ~ov
l SI p i. εσόμ^θα
2nd p i. eaeaOf
jrd pi. ζσονται
282 B. Rcfcreucc Gram m ar Ο
€Ϊμι Ί shall g o ’
Future Present
Indicative Infinitive Participle Imperative O p ta tiv e Subjunctive
ist s. cΐμι uvai to go ιω ν going ιο ιμ ι ιω
2nd s. cf ΐο ύσ -α ϊθι ΐοις
»/ ■1 w
jrd s. €ΐσι(v) LOV ITU ) ΙΟΙ LV
ISt pi. ΐμ(ν (Ιο ντ-) ιο ιμ ίν ιω μ (ν
2nd pi. itc iT t tOtTC ίη τ(
jrd pi. ΐάσι(v) ιό ν τω ν loiev ΐω σ ι( ν)

Imperfect '/ went'

ists. fja frja v )
2nd s. rjeiaOa ( fjcis)
jrd s. ijeif v)
1st pi. $μ(ν
2nd pi. $tc
jrd pi. ήσαν ( rjheaav)

οΐδα ‘ I know
Indicative Infinitive Participle Imperative O p ta tiv e Subjunctive
ist s. οίδα ci8ci >ai €ΐδ-ώς ςίδςίην elSoj
2nd s. οισθα -υ ΐ-α ΐσθι €ΐδίίης ζίδής
jrd s. ot8c
-OS Ίστω (Ιδζίη eiC.ciSrj etc.
ist pi. ίσμεν ( CtSoT- )
2nd pi. iarc
ia rc
jrd pi. iaaat(v)
ισ τώ ν

P a st 41 knew'
ist S. ή δ η Ο ίδ ε ιν )
2nd s. ηδησθα ( τ/δας J
jrd s. ffiti(v )
1st pi. -βομζν
2nd pi. fjOTt.
JT(l pi· fiaav
O H .j Irregular verbs

Future Ί shall kn o w ’
l St S. eta ο μ α ι or tlhrjoo)
2nd s. ciaei etc. ςιδή σ ίΐς etc.

φ η μ ί 1I say’

Indicative Infinitive Participle Imperative O ptative Subjunctive

1st s. φ ΐ)μί φάναι φάσκ-ων φαίην φώ
2nd s. φής -ουσ-α φαθί φαίης φής
jr d S. φ ησίζν) -ον φάτω φαίη etc. φγ} etc.
1st pi. φαμέν (φαοκοντ-)
2nd pi. φ α τί φάτε
jrd pi. φ ά σ ί(ν) φόντων

The form φάς, φάσα, φάν ( φαντ-) for participle isfound: also φαμενος -rj
-ov often in Homer. Both have the same meaning a>φάσκωv

Imperfect ‘ I said’
ist s. ζφηv
2nd s. Ζφησθα or Ζφης
jrd s. ζφη
ISt pi. (φαμεν
2nd pi. ζφατε
jrd pi. Ζφασαν

in Homer middle forms often occur, e.g. ίφατο for (φη.

A orist ‘ I said’
t st s. 2φησ-α
2nd s. Ζφησ-ας etc. (regular)

Future ‘ I shall say’

ist s. φήσ-ω
2nd s. φ ήσ-ας etc. (regular)
284 B. R efcraice Gram m ar Ο

Ο Ε.4 Important principal parts

The following list gives the main principal parts o f verbs learnt in the first half o f
the Course which may be said to be difficult. A few other verbs arc also included
for reference, and should be learnt as well.

I'frfc Main stem Futttre Aorist Perfcct Aorist passive

(no αιις.)
άγγίλλ-ω ά γγαλ- oyycAc-ω ήγγα λ-α ήγγ(λκ-α ηγγίλθ-ην
oy-cu άγαγ- άζ-01 ήγαγ-ον ήχθ-ην
‘ lead’
9601 ( άΐίΒ-ιυ) φσ-latia- φσ-Ομαι $ο-α τ)θθ-ην
OlYt-CU alvfo- α ιιίσ -ιυ j)V€a-a ■fivtK-a ■ηνίθ-ην
alpf-w iX- αΐρησ-ω €Ϊλ-θν ήρηκ-α Τ]ρίθ-·ην
‘take’ (mid. ‘choose’^
• 1·
αΐρ-ω ( ά(ίρ-ω) αρ-/α*ιρ- άρί-ω ήρ-α ήρκ-α ■ηρθ-ην
‘lift, remove’
αίοθάν-ομα ι αισθ- αίσθήσ-ομαι J7θθ-όμ·ην ί)σβη-μαι
’ perceive'
αίοχύν-ω αιαχυν-( θ)- αίσχυνί-αι rίσχνν-α
‘disgrace' (pass, ‘be ashamed') άισχιη·(-ομαι (pass.) Τ)σχννθ-ην
ακου-ω ακονσ- ακονο-ομαι ήκουο-α ■ηκούαθ-·ην
αλίοκ-ομαι άλ- άλώο-ομαι taXoj-v ίάλω κ-α
‘be caught’
όλλάττ-ω άλλαζ- αλλάξ-ιυ ηλλαζ-α. ήλλαχ-α ήλλάχΟ-ψ' ι
change, exchange*
• » I ηΧΧάγ-ψ' 1
αμαρταν-ιυ αμαρτ- αμαρτήσ-ομαι ήμαρτ-ον
«err, · ήμάρτηκ-α ήμαρτήθ-ην
άμύν-ιυ άμυν- άμννί-w ήμυν-α
‘ward o ff’ (mid. ‘defend oneself’^
άναλίσκ-ω άναλωσ- atuAoia-iu άνάλωσ-α ι άνάλωκ-α i άι>αΧωθ-Ύ)ν |
atrqXtoa-a ί ά ^ λ ω κ -α I ανηΧόιΟ-ην i
άνίχ-ομαι άναοχ- ανίξ-ομαι
$put up with1 · ΐ)ν(αχ-όμ ·ην

ai'Oiyw-μι άνοιξ- ανοίζ-ιο ανίψ ζ-α avtury-μαι (pass.) άν(φχθ-ην

άτττ-ω άφ-\άφθ- άφ-ιυ ήφ-α ήμ-μαι (mid., pass.) ηφθ-ψ’
‘fasten. light* (mid. ‘touch’)
apioK-w άρ*σ-(θ)~ άρία-w fjpto-a ήρίαθ-ην
’ please*
άρπάζ-αι άρπασ- • /
% · dp7TdO“W ήρπασ-α ηρττηκ-α ■ήρπάοθ-Tjv
Ο E-4 Important principal parts
Verb M a in stem Future Aorist Perfect Aonst passive
(no aug.)
άρχ-ω άρχ-'άρξ- άρζ-ω ήρξ-α ήργ-μαι (mid.) νρχθ'1}·'
'rule: begin* (usti. mid.)
αφικνί-ομαι άφικ- άφίζ-ομαι άφικ-όμ·ην άφΐγ-μαι
β αά'-ω βη-\βα- βησ-ομαι (βη-ν βίβηκ-α
βάλλ-ω βα\-\βληθ- β α λί-ω ίβαΧ-Ον βίβΧηκ-α. ίβΧηθ-ην
’throw , pelt’
βΧάτττ-ω βΧάφ-βΧαβ- βλάφ-ω ίβΧαφ-α βίβΧαφ-α 1(βΧάβ-ην
‘harm* 1ίβΧαφθ-ην
βούλ-ομα i βονΧ-\βουληθ- βουΧήσ-ομαι β<βοΰλη-μαι ίβονΧήθ-ην
‘wish* Ί wished*
γαμ(-ω γημ· γαμ(-ιυ ίγημ -α γίγάμηκ-α
‘m arry’
γ(λά-ω γ<λασ- γ(Χάσ-ομαι ίγίΧασ-α ίγίλάσθ-ην
’ laugh’
Ytyv-Ομαι γ£ν- γ€νησ-θμαι ίγ*ν-όμ·ην γ*γίνη-μαι |
‘bccom e’ γίγον-α /
γιγνώσκ-ω γνο-\ yvw- γνώο-ομαι ϊγ ιιυ -ν (γνιυκ-α (γνιόσθ-ην
γράφ-w Υραφ- γράφ-w (γραφ-α γίγραφ-α i γράφ-ην
’ w rite’
ScLKV-lo δακ-\δηχθ- δηξ-ομαι (δακ-ον δ<δηγ-μαι (pan.) ίδήχθ-ην
SfSoi κ-α £ίΐσ-|δ<δοΐχ-|δίΐδ-■(χία-ομαι (δασ-α
δΐίκνν-μι δ α ξ- δ<ίζ-ω <δ<ι(-α δί& ιχ -α (δίίχθ- ην
‘show ’
δί'χ-Ομαι δ(ζ-\δ{γ- δ<ξ-ομαι (δ<ξ-άμην δ<δ<γ-μαι ίδίχθ-ην
δ ί-w δ<ησ- δ(ήσ-ω (δίησ-α δ<δ<ηκ-α {δ<ήθ-ην (mid.)
want. need’ (mid. ‘ask’ ; δ<ϊ ‘it is necessary’^
διδάοκ-w δι δαξ- διδάξ-w ΐδίδαξ-α δ*δίδαχ-α ΐδιδάχθ-ψ ’
δίδω-μι ίδίο-κα δ*δωκ-α ίδόθ-ην
διδο-\δο- huxj-aj
‘g iv e’ (δό-μην (mtd.)
δρά-w (δρασ-α δίδρακ-α ίδράσθ-η ν
δρασ- δράα-ω
‘do, act’
δύνα-μαι δ*δΰνη-μαι (δννήθ-ην
δννα-',δυνηθ- δννησ-0μ0Λ
'be able’ Ί was able'
•/ (Ιάθ-rjv
€a-ui ΐασ - (άσ-ιυ ( ίασ - ο (ΐακ-α
ήγαρ-α ίγρηγορ-α ήγ ίρθ-ην
*Ytip-ti> iy tip . h/tpi-w
‘arouse’ Ί am awake’
(StX-aj ίθΐΧφ/- (θίλήο-ω ■ηθΐΧψι-α ηθίληκ-α
2 S6 B. Reference Grammar o
Main stan Future Aorist Perfect Aorist passive
I ’erb
(no αιιχ.)
* 1 • 1 (σ -ο μ α ι $ (v )(im p f.)
«μι οντ- <i-
• (Ιμι jja (imp/.)
(ιμι I-
’ shall g o ’
(κπΧήττ-ω (κΐτΧηξ- (κττλήξ -tu ϊξ ίπ λ η ξ - α (κ π ίπ λ η γ -μ α ι ( pass.) (ζ(ττλάγ-ηι-

ίλανν-ιο (λασ-\(λα- ίλ ά -ω ήλασ-α (ΧήΧακ-α ήλάθ-ην
(λκ-ω (Χκνα- Ζλξ-ω
ΰΧ κυσ-α (ΐλκυ κ-α c ίλκύσθ-ην
‘drag’ (λ κ ύ σ -ω )
Ιλ π ίζ-U) f Χπισ- (λ π ιί-ω ήλπισ-α
‘hope, cxpcct'
ίπίστα-μαι ίπιστα-)·η- (πιστησ-ομαι ήπιστήθ-ην
‘kn ow , understand' Ί knew*
«ττ-ομαι στ7- (φ-ομαι ίσπ -όμην
"follow ’
tp'/άζομα i ίργασ- €ργασ-ομαι ( ι ρ γα σ α -μ ϊ)ν (ΐρ γ α σ -μ α ι €ίργάσθ-ην
‘w ork’ (pass, ‘be made’)
(ρχ-ομαι (Χθ- ί’λίύσ-ομαι 1 ήλθ-οι· (λήλυθ-α
*S°’ (ΐμ ι
ίρωτα-ω ίρ-\(ραη~ησ~ (ρήσ-ομαι t ήρ-ομην ϊ
‘ask’ (ρω τήσ-w J ήρωτησ-
ηρώτησ-α J ήρω τηκ-α ήρωτήθ-ην
(οθί-ω <6-1 φαγ- ίδ-ομαι ίφ αγ-ον (&·η8οκ-α ήΒίσθ-ην
(vpioK-u) (ΰρ- (ΰρήσ-ω ηδρ-ον ηΰρηκ-α ηΰρίθ-ην
‘have, hold’
!( r
σχησ-ω )
ι ΐα χ-ο ν ( σχηκ-α (,σχίθ-ην

ζά-ω ζησ-\ζω- ζήσ-ω (ζω ν 1

ήδ-ομαι ■ησθ- ήσθήσομαι
ίζη ν / )
‘be pleased, enjoy’
"I enjoyed
-1)μαι( καθ- ) ήμ- ημην(καθήμην
‘be seated’
ή ν δ 'ί γ ώ , Ι,& ’ ό ς ,ή
Ί said’ ‘he said’
θάπτ-ω θαφ- θάφ-ω (θαψ-α τίθ α μ -μ α ι (pass.) «τάφ-ην
-θνήακ-οί( άπο') θαν-



’ die’
ήσ-ω ή-κα ίϊκ -α (ΐθ-ην
‘shoot, let go. send’
ιστη-μι σ τησ-στο· ατήσ-ιο (θτ-ησ-a
‘ set up‘ (mid. ‘stand’) ίσ τά θ ·η ν
ίσ τη -ν (mid.) (στηκ-α (mid.)
καί-ω καυο- /
κανο-w ΐκανσ-α
’ burn’ κίκαυκ-α (καύθ-ην
Ο Ε ·4 Important principal parts

Verb Main stem Future Aorist Perfect

( no aug.) Aorist passive

κα λί-ω κ α λ ισ -, κληθ- κ α λ ί-ω (κάλΐσ-α κέκληκ-α (κΧήθ-ην

κάμν-ω καμ- κ α μ ί-ο μ α ι Ζκαμ-ον κίκμηκ-α
Κίϊ-μαι K(l- κ(ίσ -ομα ι (KCt-μην ( impf.)
‘ tie, be placed'
κλαί-ω κλανσ- κλανσ-ομαι ίκΧανσ-α κ(κ\αυ(σ)-μαι (pass.) ΙκΧαύοθ-ην
‘ w eep’
κλίπ τ-ω κλ(φ - κΧίφ-ω (κλ(φ~α κΐκΧοφ-α (κΧάττ-ην
κλίν-ω κλιν-\κλιθ- κΧιν€-ω ΐκΧιν-α κίκΧι-μα ι ΙκΧίθ-η ν 1
‘cause to lean’ (pass. Mean, lie’) (.κΧΙν-ην )
κότττ-ω κοφ-\κοπ- κόφ-ω ίκοφ-α κΐκοφ-α ίκόιτ-ην
Kplv-U) κριν(α)-\κριθ- κ ρινί-ω t κριί'-α κίκρικ-α (κρίΟ-ην
κτά-ομαι κτη - κτησ-ομαι ίκτησά-μην κ£κτη-μαι (κττήθ-^.ν
κτ(ίν-ω ( αιτο ) ( ά π ο)κτ(ΐν-\κτα ν- ( απο ) kt €V(-ojι ( an)ίκ τα ν -α ( αττ) ί κτον-α
‘kill’ ( art )ίκταν-ον
Χαγχάν-ω Χαχ- Χηξ-ομαι ΐΧαχ-ον (ϊΧηχ-α (Χήχθ-ψ'
’obtain by lo t’
Χ&μβάν-ω λαβ- Χήφ-Ομαι ίλαβ-ον (ΐληφ-α εΧήφθ-ην
Χανθάν-ω Χαθ- XrjO-u) (Χαθ-ον Χ(Χηθ-α
cscapc noticc o f 1 {mid. 'fo rg e t')
Χίγ-ω Χ ( £ - !(Ι π -!(ρ - Χέξ-ω 1 (Χ(ξ-α I €Ϊρηκ- ο (Χ(χΟ-ην
‘say’ ip t -ω 1 tirr-ov >
AftjT-ω Χ<Χθΐ7Τ-α (Χ(ίφθ-Τ)ν
Χιπ- Χ(ίφ-ω (λιπ-ον
‘leave’ Ί have left/have failed*
μανθάν-cj μαθ- μαθήο-ομαί (μαθ-ον μίμάθηκ-α
‘ learn’
μάχ-ομαι μ α χ ί( σ)-ο μ α ι (μαχ(σ-αμην μ<μάχη-μαι
μ α χ ισ -
μ(λλ-ω μ ( λ λ ( η σ )- μίΑ λήσ-(ο (μίΧλησ-α
μίΧ-ti μ(Χήσ~<ι ϊμ(Χησ-( μ(μ(Χη-Κ(
μίΧ ησ-
it concerns’
μίν-ω ίμ ιιν -α μίμΐνηκ-Ο-
μαν- μ(ν(~α>
μίμνη-μαι (mid.) ίμνησθ-ην ( mid.)
μίμνη σκ-ω μ νη α (θ )- μνήο-ομΟΛ ΐμνησ-α
‘remind* (mid. ’ ren icn ibcrV
νΐνίμ'ηκ-α. ίν<μήθ-ην
νίμ-w ΐ'ίΐμ - ν(μ(-ω <ί)·*ιμ-α
‘distribute’ • * Δ
ι’°μ ίζ-ω ίνόμια-α ιννόμικ-Λ
*I· .
νομισ- νομ ι«-ω
think, consider’
2SS β. R eference G ra m m a r

A o rist Perfect /Ιογιλγ passive

I Vr/i \ Jain stan F uiure
(no auf.)
οΐδα cl&- (ΐσ -ομα ι rjh-η (imp/.)

‘k n o w ’
Οιη- οΐήσ-ομαι ΰι-μ-ην ( imp/.) φ ή θ-ην
‘ think' Ί th o u g h t’

5Χλυ-μι( arr) oXeo-joXo- ό λ ί-ω ώ λ ίσ -α όΧ<1ιλ(κ -α

‘destroy’ (mid. ‘ p em h ’ J ω λό-μ ην (mid.) όλιυλ-α (mid.)

ο μηι-μ i ομοσ- ο μ ί-ο μ α ι ώ μοσ-α ό μώ μ οκ-α <1>μό(σ )θ-ην

όρά-at i&- όφ-ομαι eiB-oi’ (ώρακ-α ΰιφθ-η ν

όρνυ-μι opo- ορμ- όρο-ιο ώρσ-α όριυρ-α (mid.)
‘raise’ (mid. 'rise. rush’ ^ ώ ρό-μην (mid.)
όφ(ίλ-ω οφ ((i)X- 6φ( ιΧήσ-w <1>φΐ ίΧησ-α
‘o w e ’ ώ φ (λ-ον (’ w oulId th at’)
όφλιοκάν-ω όφΧ- οφλήσ-ιυ ωφλ-ον ά>φληκ-α
‘incur charge o f'
πάσχ-ω παθ- ττΐίσ-ομαι (ΐταθ-ο ν 7!(.ΊΤ0νθ-α
‘ cxpcrience, suffer*
πίμττ-ω ιτ(μφ- π ίμ φ -ω ίιτ(μφ -α πίττομφ-α i n ίμ φ θ-η ν
riv-oj rri- ηί-ομα ι £771- 01/ πίπνυκ-α ίπ ό θ -η ν
η ίπ τ-w ιτ(ο- Ίτΐσί-ομα ι (ττ€σ-ον π ίπ τ ω κ -α
πιμττλη-μι ■πΧηο- πλήσ-ω !πΧησ-α ηίττΧηκ-α ίπΧήσθ-ην
‘ fill'
ττίμττρη-μι πρησ- πρήσ-<ν <7τρησ-α (■πρήοθ-ην
π ίπ ρ η -μ α ι (pass.)
‘bum up’
TtXt-oj 7tX(VO- ττΧ(ύσ-ομαι (πΧ(υσ-α (Τίλ( ύσθ-ην
η ρ ά ττ-oj πραξ- rrpay- π ρ ά ξ-ω Ιιτρα ξ-α ττ(7τραχ-α (π ρ ά χ θ -η ν
"act. fare*
π ίπ ρ α γ-α (Ί h ave fared’)
πυνθάι-ομαι ττνθ- τκ ν ο -ο μ α ι (ττυθό-μην π ίπ υ ο -μ α ι
"hear, inquire’
ττωλ(-ω ττωΧ-ήα-ω αιτίδό-μην π(ττρακ-α ίϊτ ράθ-ην
ρήγνυ-μι fa t - ρ ή ξ-ω <ρρηξ-α (ρρωγ-α (ρ ρ ά γ -η ν
1/ Ί am broken"
pl7TT-tu ριφ- ριφ- ρίφ-w ϊρ ρ ιφ -α ΐρ ρ ιφ -α ( ρ ρ ίφ (θ )-ψ '
‘th row ’
OKOTTC-UJ οκ(φ- οκίφ -ομαι ( Οκ(φά-μην ΐα κ (μ -μ α ι
( σ κ ίπ τ-ο μ α ι)
‘ vie w ’
OTit ΐ'δ-ω σπασ-
aird a - ω (οιτ£ισ-α Ζσπ(ΐο-μαι
*pour a libation’
οτίλλ-ω ΟΤ€ΐλ- στίλί-α ι (θτ( ιΧ-α ίο τα λ κ -α
’ send’ ίστά Χ -ψ '
o Important principal parts

I 'erb Main stem Future Aorist Perfcct Aorist passive

(no aiig.)
σω ζ-ω aoja- σ ω σ -oj «σωσ-α atouiK-a ίσώθ-ην
τ ίμ ΐ’-oj τ (μ - τ(μ(-α> ίτ{μ -ο ν τίτμ ηκ-α (τμήθ-ην
τίθη-μι TlOf- Oi- θησ-ω ΐΟη-κα tcθηκ-α ίτίθ -η ν
‘place, put. m a k e ’ iOc-μην fund.}
TIKT-CU TCK- τ ίζ - ω -ομαι ίτ(Κ -0 ν tcto κ-α
riV-ω τ ισ - ιτ ίΐσ - τ ( ί )ίσ-α> ί τ ( c )ισ-α ?<τ( t)iK-a ίτ ( t )ίσθ-ην
τιτρωσκ-α> τριοσ- τ ρώ σ-ω (τρωσ-α r t r ρω-μαι (pass.} (Τράιθ- ηι·
τρ ίπ -ω τρ(φ - τρα η- τρ ίφ -ω €τρ(φ-α τίτροφ-α ΐτρίφ θ-ην )
'turn' (τρ α π ό -μ η ν(Ί was turned') ίτρ ά π -ψ · 1
τρίφ -ω θρϊφ- θρ(φ-ω (θρίφ-α τίτροφ-α (Ορίφθ-ψ·
'rear, nourish'
τρ ίχ-ω Βραμ- Βραμί-ομαι (Βραμ-ον &(Βράμηκ-α
τνγχάν-ω τυ χ- τ(ύ£-ομαι ίτυ χ-ον τιτΰχηκ-α 1
‘ happen, chance’ τέτ(υχ-α )
TWTT-Ui τυττ- τν πτήσ-ιυ (τύπτησ-α (τύπ-ην
f /
νπισχι>(-ομαι νττοσχ- νηοοχτησ-ομαι νπισχό-μϊ)ν νπίσχη-μαι
φθ.iV-(u φαν- φ ανί-tti (φην· α πίφαγκ-α ι ίφά*( θ)-ην

reveal (mid. ‘appear, seein g πίφην-α 1mid.) ί

φίρ-ιο ήν(γκ-ον 1 (ΐ'ήνοχ-α ψ 4 χθ-ην
(ν(γ κ - οΐσ-ω
hear, carry* »
ην(γκ-α 1
φ(ΰγ-(ν φυγ- φ(ΰζ-ομα( ίφυγ-ον ττ<Φ(νγ-α
tffe. run o f f '
φημΐ φα- φησ-ω ίφησ-α
‘say" ΐφ η-ν ( itnpf.)
φθάν-ο) φΟα( σ )- φθησ-ομαι (φθασ-α !
"anticipate" (φθη-ν ι
(φθαρκ-α ίφθάρ-ψ·
φ θ ίίρ -^ Β ια ) φΟ(ιρ- φθαρ- φθ(ρ(-ω ίφθαρ-α
destroy, co rru p t'
φν-w ίφνσ-α πΐφνκ-α (mnl.)
φυ-,7Τ(φυ( κ )- φνα-ω
produce (mid. 'b e . be n atu rally’ ) ΐφυ-ν (tnid.) » ·
κ(χάρηκ-α (χαρ-ψ·
XacP~oj Xa p- χαιρήσ-ιο
Ί rejoiced’
rcjoice. bid farew ell' * * Λ
κίχρη-μα ι ίχρηΟΟ-ην
χρά-ομαι χ ρ η σ (θ )- χρησ-ομαι ίχρηοά-μψ '
l,sc· Co»sult oracle" (ail. ‘u iv e oracle")
XPV ( f )χ ρ ψ ’ ( " " P f >
it is ncccssary’
ίώνη-μο,ι ίωνήθ-ψ'
<W-oMai ώ ^ί-,πρια- ω ΐ’ησ-ομαι (πριά-μην
‘buy* ·| have bought 1 have
been bought'
2yo β. Rcfert m e G ram m ar o

O F· Prepositions

It is worth noting that prepositions were originally adverbs and so used in

conjunction with verb*; e.g. tla -φ ίρω , €κ-βάλλω. T h e original meaning (w'herc
it is possible to determine it) is indicated in the first column. O bserve how the
original adverbial meaning is modified according to the case the preposition

Accusative G en itiv e D a tiv e

άμ<1>ΐ ’ about, near'
(‘around’) άμφί St ίλην
’about evening’
ol αμφι Πλάταινα
‘ those around Plato’, i.e.
‘follow ers o f Plato’

α»α ’ up, through, by’

(‘up) cu’a τον ποταμόν
‘up die river’
ά ι·α τόν τιόλίμον
’ through the v\ar’
άΐ'ά t κατόν
‘bv hundreds’
• »
a i'T t
‘ instead of, for the SaiUc o/ '
(’against) αντι πολίμου
‘ instead o f w ar'
αντί άδίλφού
‘tor the sake o f a brother’

‘f rom ’
(‘from ’)
άπό τής πόλους
‘from die c ity ’
δ»ά 'because of, through’ ’ through’ (time, place)
(■through’) διά τούτο δια ννκτός
‘because o f this’ through the night’
διά τής τραπίζης
‘through the table’
(ifltf ‘ into, until, up to’
‘ to the house o f ’
(’ into’) (if Σ ικίλίαν (if Αΐδον
‘into Sicily*
‘to the house o f Hades'
if Tj<l>
‘until dawn*
i κατόν
’ up to 100’
O F. Prepositions

A ccu sative G en itiv e

* D a tive
CV 'at the house of"
'in, in the power o f
(•in’) iv K ροίσου iv Σπάρτη
In Croesus' house" 'in Sparta"
«V χΐιμ ώ νι
"in winter"
» * /
« ' (μοι
‘in m y p ow er’
$ '/rt»wi‘
(‘from out o f ’) cV Σπάρτης
'from Sparta’
€Κ τών παρόντων
'from , with an eye 011. present
tni ‘at, against, over' 'on; in the time of; at' ‘on;Jor the purpose of,
('at. o n ’)
because o f
in i βασιλέα (π ϊ βωμού in i τή θαλάττί)
'against. at the k in g ’ ‘on the alt-ir’ 'on die sea’
in i nivre (τη in i ίμ ο ν eni Sdnvu
'o ve r five years' 'in m y time' ‘tor dinner’
ίπ ι σχολής in i τούτοις
‘at leisure’ ‘because o f these things
011 these conditions’
κατά ‘ down, hy; according to’ ‘ down from, beneath, against'
(‘d o w n ’) κατά τον ηόταμον κατά τής n trράς
"dow n river’ 'd ow n from the rock'
«■ατά Θάλατταν «ατά χθονός
‘b y sea’ 'beneath the earth"
κατά τους νόμους κατά ίμοΰ
‘according to the law s’ ‘against me’
(κτά ‘f o r , after’ 'with, in company with'
('a m ong’) μ^τά χρυσό»' μ ίτά τών φίλων
‘ for, after g o ld ’ ‘ w itli his friends'
μ«τά τον ττόλ(μον
‘after the w ar’
παρά 'to, throughout, against’ 'from beside, from’ 'with, near'
(‘alongside’) παρά τους φίλους παρά τών ν(ών παρά ήμΐν
‘ to m y friends’ (house)’ ‘from beside the ships ’ with us. at our
παρά τον ΐνίαυτον παρά τών μαθητών house’
‘ th rough out the year' ‘from the students’
παρά τον νόμον
"against the law '
nepi ‘ about, near' 'concerning' 'about, concerning'
(‘around, ircpt τό τίΐχο ς ntpl πατρός Seioavr«s ntpi τή
about’) ’ near die w all’ ‘concerning father' στρατιή.
nepl πολλού ποκϊσθαι 'fearing for (concerning)
ττΐρι τούτον τον χρόνον
'about diis time" 'to value h ighly’ the arm y'
2y2 B. Ri'Jt'rt'tur ( ί ratmnat
Accusative G e n itiv e D a tiv e

'in front »*/. before'

rrpo tcoi' tivpaiv
"in front ot the doors
rrpo Βΐίττί'ου
‘before slipper’

'towards: with a rit’ir to’ ‘ in iuwii1 of; front; 'by. in addition to'
-ρος τψ· ττόλιν under the protection of:
("co. At. by")
‘towards the city !i> the ndvantage o f
\ ·
~pos* Οίών 77pO\ Tip Ttvpi
ττρος τά ττάροντα
‘ with a view- to the ‘in tlie nam e ot the gods!' 'b v the fire’

present’ ;rpo? J mk ιτρος τούτοι

‘from Z eu s’ or ’ in ad dition to this"
‘ under Zeus"
irpoi ήμάιι
"to our'

συι· ‘ with the help of:

("with the help o f ’) in company with'
cvv τοΐς 0(θις
"w ith the h elp o f the gods
σύι· ημϊν
"w ith us'
T7€f p
X ‘orcr. exceeding' iiii behalf of: over’
(‘over’) v~ip την Οάλατταν vrtip τής ττόλ(α>ς
"over the sea’ ‘on behalf ol the city ’
vnip δύναμιν vnip τής κ€&αΧής
"beyond one’s p o w er’ ‘over m y head’

vito ’ up to and under, at' 'under, by'

(‘ under’) vtio τά τ(ίχη Vito τής γής
"under the walls' ‘under the earth’
vrro νύκτα ύϊΐο τούτον τού άνδρός
"at night" "by this ιιυ ιΓ

O G. Par tides*
General renitirks

i. ParticU> are short invariable words which

(i) connect an item o f utterance to a preceding item, whether that item
uttered by the same speaker or by a different speaker (‘and’ , ‘but’ , ‘so . . .’ etc.)
(ii) qualify an item (‘even*, ‘also*, ‘anyw ay’ , etc.)
(lii) ‘colour’ an item, expressing what is com m only expressed in sp oken
* This section w js contributed bv a m em ber o f the A dvisory Panel (see Heading CIrerk
(text), p. xii).
O C . P a n ic le s

English b y v o lu m e and tone o f voice (‘he told me!’, ‘he told me', etc.) and in
written b) , e.g., italics, exclam ation—marks, inverted commas etc

apa, η , α λλά , κ α ί

2. Four particles - αρα, -ή, αλλά, κ α ι -n o rm a lly come first in the

sentence or part o f the sentence to which they belong dpa and tJ introduce
questions, e.g.
αρ’ ηκουσας; ‘ Did you hear?’
άλλα τ ις σόι δ ιη γείτο ; ή αυτός Σω κράτης; ‘ But who told you? Socrates
3. α λλά ‘but' and κ α ί ‘and' are w idely used as m English, e.g.
ούχ η μ ε ίς ά λ λ ’ εκείνοι ‘not we, but they’
αλλά τ ις σοι διη γείτο; ‘but w ho told you?’
η μ είς και εκείνοι ‘ w e and they'
και τ α ύ τ ’ άττοκρινάμενος άπήλθεν ‘and with that answer he went
aw ay’
4 · κ α ί may be repeated to give the sense ‘both . . . and . . e.g.
και η μ ά ς ε ζή τει και εκείνους ‘he was looking both for us and tor them
5· κ α ι is also used in the senses ‘actually, also, even’, etc., and where English
raises the vo lu m e o f the voice, e.g.
εζητουν και εκείνον ‘ I was looking for him too (or ‘ . . . for him also ,
‘ . . . also for h im ’)
εκείνον και εζητουν ‘ I was (actually) looking for him
τ ί και βούλεσθε; ‘ W hat do you (actually) wantr (or, ‘ What is it that
yo u want?)
τά το ια ν τα αίσχρον και λεγειν ‘it s disgraceful (even) to ipcak of things
like that’
ούδεν αν μ ο ι μ ελοι ει και άποθάνοι ‘ I wouldn t care (even) if he did die

y a p , ovv
diatel f ^ ° Nt ° ^ lcr P‘u r’t ^Cs <irc postpositives, i.e. they cannot come
fa ' ^ 1 tcr a P,UlS(-'. *md usually com e close after the word which does follow
η ' C" ^ lc t,lrce most important are δε, γάρ and ούν.
mi r} S tr^ns^lt,l^ c b y ‘“ id , ‘ but’, or not by anything, according to context; one
k λ it the basic connective’ between sentences, e.g.
τι δ ει αποθανοι ; ‘ Hut what i f he were to die?’
καθενδει, εγώ δ ’ αγρυπνώ ‘lie’s asleep, and/but /’in awake'
,s Wh α * ° υσας άπήλθεν ‘(and) having heard it he went away’
precedCn * Conib*nc<^ 'vith a negative, the form ονδε/μηδε is used i f the
*teni is negative, but otherwise ούΐμή follow .s δε, e.g.
2y4 β- Reference Grammar

ον τα ντ' (ΐπον ονδ' άν ίπαινοίην ‘ that isn't w h a t I said, n o r w o u l d I

c o m m e n d it' (or * . . . and 1 w o u l d n 't c o m m e n d it’)
ταύ t ‘ (Ittov, 6 Sc Σωκράτης ονκ έπ ψ ει ‘ that is w h a t 1 said, b u t S o c r a te s
did n ot c o m m e n d it'
9. ο ύ δ ^ Ι μ η δ ί is the o p p o s ite o f κ α ί in s o m e o f the senses o f §S a b o v e , e .g .
ο ΰδ ’ c k c i W ί ζ ή τ ο ν ν Ί w a s n 't l o o k i n g fo r h i m either*
Tt epei? lav μ η δ ' α π ο κ ρ ίν ετα ι; ‘ W h a t w ill y o u say i f h e d o e s n 't e v e n
a nsw er?'
10. γ ά ρ intro duces the reason tor the p r e v io u s u tte ra n c e ( t o r , b e c a u s e ), e .g .
Ζ φ ΐ υ γ ί ν (δ ίω κ ον γάρ ‘ h e ran a w a y , fo r/ b ec a u se t h e y w e r e p u r s u in g

h im ’
11. In a response to a p r e v io u s speaker γ ά ρ is s o m e t im e s tra n sla ta b le as
‘W h y .. . ‘Y e s , . . ‘N o , . . e.g.
re γ ά ρ άν 7>οιοΙη; ‘ W h y , w h a t w o u l d h e d o ?
π ώ ς γάρ ov; ‘ Y e s . o f c o u rse ’ (or ‘ Y e s , i n d e e d ’ ; lit., ‘ F o r h o w n o t ? ’)
ον γάρ μ ’ ίώ σ ιν ‘ N o . they d o n t let m e
12. ovv is the co n ve rse o f y a p , i n t r o d u c in g the c o n s e q u e n c e o f th e p r e v i o u s
utterance (‘ therefore, so, then’ ), e .g .
(δίωκον· Ζφ(νγ€ν ovv ‘ th ey w e r e p u rs u in g h i m . so h e ran a w a y ’
13. T h e consequential sense o f o w is, h o w e v e r , s o m e tim e s v e r y ‘ f a d e d ’ , so that
it a p p ro x im a tes to ‘ th e n ’ in the sense ‘ n e x t ’ , o r to ‘ W e l l , . . .’ o r ‘ S o . . . ’ in
collo q u ia l English narrative.

άρα, δ ή τα , μ η ν, τοίνυν
14- O t h e r im p o rta n t particles w i t h a c o n n e c t iv e sense are ά ρα , δ ή τ α ,
μην and τοίννν.

15. apa is o fte n translatable as ‘ then’ o r ‘ so*, e sp ecia lly ( t h o u g h n o t o n l y ) w h e n

the speaker perceives a co n clu sio n to be d r a w n t r o m a situ a tion o r p r e c e d i n g
a rg u m en t, o r w h e n he envisages a p o ssib ility, e .g .
ο νκ άρ αγαθον ο π λο ύ το ς ‘ so w ealth is n o t a ble ssin g a fte r a ll’
ηκονσα αυ τώ ν ω ς ap ούδcv Ζλαβίν ‘ I’ m to ld b y th e m th a t h e d i d n ’ t
receive a n y th in g , it seem s’
α δ άρα και α δικίΐς . . . ‘ b u t it b y a n y c h a n c e y o u are in the
w rong . . (or \ . i f . . . a c tu a lly ’ , ‘ i f . . . a fter all’)
16. δήτα is c o m m o n e s t in questions o r n e g a tio n s r e s p o n d in g to a previous
speaker, e.g.

π ώ ς δ ή τ ’ h τραξ€ν; ‘ S o h o w did he m a n a g e ? ’ (or, ‘ H o w d id h e m a n a g e ,


ου δήτα ‘ N o indeed!’ (a c c o rd in g to c o n t e x t , ‘ N o . I w o n ’ t!’ . ‘ N o , he

d id n ’ t!’ , etc.)
Π C . Par ticks

17. μ ψ is mostly found in combinations with other particles (see below) but
note one independent usage with in te r r o g a te s and one with negatives, e.g.
( α λλά ) τ ί μην; ‘ (but) what, thcn(, if not that)?’
οϋτε Κ α λ λία ς ο ν τ€ Φ ιλΐνος ού μ ψ οχ)δί Σωκράτης ‘neither Kallias nor
Philiinx nor, indeed, Socrates’
18. τοίνυν introduces an exposition or a stage in an exposition, like English
‘N o w ,. . Λ ‘W ell, now'___ \ ‘ Well, then.


19. r e is a peculiar particle in that it may either connec t an item to what

precedes or look forw ard to what follows (the former usage is not very
common in prose), e.g.
τέθνηκέ re ‘and he is dead’
Ιγώ τ€ και av ‘ (both) I and you'
20. οΰ τζΙμ η τ€ is used in pairs or series in the sense ‘neither. . . n o r ..
‘not. . . or . . ‘not . . nor . . ., nor . . e.g.
ονθ * ημάς etSes ο υτ’ e/ceίνους ‘you didn’t see us or them’ (or ‘you saw
neither us nor them’)

y c , δ ή , μ ί ν , ΤΟί
21. T h e com m onest particles o f which the main function is to ‘colour’
the item with which they occur rather than to connect it with what precedes are
Y<. δή, μ£ν and rot.
-2. ye sometimes has a limiting sense, like ‘anyway, at least, at any rate in
English, but is used in Greek far more than those expressions in English, e.g.
£κ€Ϊνόν γ€ Ινίκησας ‘you defeated him' (implying even it you didn t
defeat anyone else’ or ‘ I don’t know if you defeated anyone else)
23- yc is also com m on in responses to a previous speaker s utterance, especially
to a question, e.g.
τι αοι δ ο κ ίϊ 7τοΐ€ΐν;' ~ ‘ What do you think he s doing.
'μ έμ φ ίσ θ at ye τώ σ τ ρ α τ η γ ω — ‘Criticising the general.
'c a n rtj· ο >δον;' ~ Is anyone in?
'ο ύδίίς y e .’ — ‘No, nobody.
24· Thirdly, y e corresponds to an cxclamation-mark with words which con λ
Pra‘se, blame or some other emotional reaction, e.g.
αμαθής y * ef ‘W h y , you arc stupid!’
fv ye ‘ W ell done!’ ,
25· δη is equivalent to an increased volume o f voice on the prece mg
t0 3n emphatic gesture designed to sustain or revive the hearer s att . . .
Uscd especially vvidi quantitative words (‘m o st, man> , least,
B. R c fc m u T Grammar Ο

etc.). with points o f time (giving ‘then* and 'now ' a colouring o f ‘ then at last’
and ‘just now'), and with expressions such as 'it is obvious or ‘ n ow , con­
sider . . .'I t is rarely translatable. There is one special usage in which it has the
effect o f showing that the word which it accompanies is quoted from someone
else, or r e p r e s e n t s someone else s way of thinking, and this usually imparts a
tone o f scepticism or sarcasm.
z(y. μ ί ν a c c o m p a n i e s the first item of a pair, usually when there is a conti ast, but
when the word which it a c c o m p a n i e s is repeated the effect may be cumulative
rather than contrastive, e.g.
οι μ€ΐ· Λακεδαιμόνιοι ίπαινονσιν αυτόν, το ίς Sc Θ ηβαίοις ούκ ά ρ ίσ κ α
‘the Spartans praise him, but he doesn’t please the Thebans’
τά μ ίν μ ά λ ' ακριβώς εργάζεται, τά δ ’ ά μ ε λ ά ‘some things he produces
very carefully, but there are other respects in which he is careless'
πολλοί μα· άπίθανον, πολλοί δ ' έζω γρήθησαν ‘ many were killed and
many captured'
27. Toi expresses the sp eaker's feeling that the hearer’s attitude o r conduct ought
to be affected by what is said: a threatening ‘ Let me tell yo u !’, a firm but friendly
‘do remember’ o ra gentle ‘ Y o u </<>realise, don’ t you?' S o m e t i m e s , h o w ever, it
conveys little more than ‘ Look, . . .’. ‘ . . ., you know , . . ‘. . yo u see. . . or
‘after all’ in English.

Particle combinations

2.X. A very large number o f combinations o f particles occur, and some

of them are written as a single word: yc-f-οίjtv as γοΰν, καί-\~τοι as κα ίτο ι and
μ£Γ+τ οι As μζντοι. ου + τοι is also written ουτοι, and ο ΰ -f-oui'as ουκουί'or ούκούν
(see §32 below).
2y. γούν is an emphatic ‘at least, at any rate’ .
30. κχιιτοι is an emphatic ‘ and , sometimes implying ‘and y et’ (a contrast with
what precedes) and sometimes and moreover (the sccond premise ot an
argument troni which a conclusion is going to be drawn).
3 1· μεντοι can function as a connective, meaning ‘ but, h o w e v e r’ , but also as
emphasising a demonstrative or personal pronoun, e.g.
Ίγώ ; - ‘What, me?’
‘σύ μ ίν τ ο ι' - ‘ Yes. you!'
32. When the sequence o f letters ουκουν occurs, the sense sometimes requires
therefore . . not but sometimes therefore T h e latter sense can often be got
b\ punt tuating the utterance as a question, not as a statement (turning ‘so he was
not successful into wasn t he successful, then?’), but ancient grammarians
recognised a usage ουκοΰν=ουν, with ουκουν (accented on the negati­
ve) = ο ύ + οδν.
ο II. ώ ς ( ώ ς )

In other combinations the second element is most commonly γάρ, yc, δή,
μην or ούν.
34. άλλά + γάρ may = αλλά, e.g.
βονλοιμην αν, αλλ ου γαρ οιος τ ’ €ΐμι ‘ I d like to. but I can't’
35. In κ α ί+ γ ά ρ , γάρ has its normal sense (§11) and καί as in §5.
36. κ α ι+ y e and 5 e-{-ye, usually tound in response to a previous speaker,
correspond to ‘ Yes. a n d . . / and ‘Yes. b u t . . . ' respectively.
37. γάρ δή and μ ίν δή are not distinguishable in translation from γάρ and μ ίν
respectively, but και δή imparts a lively tone. ‘ Look___!’ . ‘See. . . .!’ . some­
times 'A n d . w hat’ s more . . .'
3K. και μην is an emphatic ‘and ; there is considerable overlap o f meaning
between καί δή and καί μήν.
39. T h e combination μ ίν ούν, when it does not combine the usual senses ot*μ ίν
and ούν (§§i2t.. 26) - as it very often does - has a special sense, 111 which the
speaker corrects previous words o f his o w n or o f another speaker, e.g.
όφ ί λ ίγ ω ; χθες μ ίν ούν και πρώην ‘ Did I say "lately” ? W h y. it was
only the other day!' (lit., ‘yesterday and the day before yesterday’)
This correction often takes the form o f suggesting that the previous speaker has
not gone tar enough, and thus expresses emphatic agreement, e.g.
'ου ταύτά σοι δοκ€ΐ:'
9 - ‘ Don’ t vou
4 think so?’
*πάνυ μ ίν ούν.' — ‘ Very much so.’ (or ‘ Yes, certainly!’)

Ο Η. ώς ( ώ ς )

This w ord has a wide range ot meanings, which are summarised here:
(i) = ‘as, when, since, because’ ( + ind. or part.) e.g. ώς άφίκετο, (ίσήλθεν
‘ when he came, he entered': ώς ίμ ο ιγ ί δοκίί ‘as it seems to me ;
(ii) = * h o w ! ' e . g . ώ< καλά τά δίνδρα ‘h o w tine are the t r e e s ! ;
(iii) = ‘ that’ e.g. ίλ ίγ ε ν ώς ‘he said th a t. . . (cf. ότι);
(iv) = ‘ to. 111 order to’ ( + fut. part.), e.g. ϊίσήλθ™ ώς μαθησόμενος τά γίνομίνα
‘he came in to learn what had happened ;
(v) = "to. in order to’ ( + subj./opt.), e.g. ά σήλθΐν ώς μάθοι τά γίνόμα-α ’he
came in to learn what had happened (ct. fra);
(vi) = ‘as - as possible’ ( + superlatives), e.g. ώς π λά στοι 'as many as possible';
(vii) = "to’ (-face.), e.g. fjMkv ώς Φιλόστρατον "he came to Philostratos’
(viii) (j s w s ) = ‘ s o . t hus ’ ;
(ix) = ’so as to’ (-fm f.; see Reference Grammar J (iv)).
β. Reference Grammar Ο

Ο I. Participle s ___________
The main uses o f the participle arc as follows:
(i) as an adjective, when it may best be translated by a relative clause, e.g.
άνηρ κ α λώ ς π επ αιδευμ ένος *a well-educated man’ , or ‘a man w ho has
been well educated’
(ii) as a noun, when it is used with the definite article, e.g.
ol τ ρεχοντες ‘ those who run, runners'
(iii) to show the aspect o f an action, e.g.
τα ντ’ εποίησε βασιλεύων ‘he did this when he was basileus'
(iv) to denote cause, e.g.
τα ν τ' εποίησε βονλόμενος νικησαι ‘he did this because he wished to win
(n.b. ώς and άτε are often attached to these usages)
(v) to denote purpose (usually + future participle), e.g.
ταντ ’ (ποίησε ( ώ ς) νικησων ‘he did this to win'
(vi) conditionally, e.g.
νικήσας άπεφνγεν άν ‘ winning (i.e. ij he had won) he would have
(n.b. negative κ μ ή when such participles are conditional)
(vii) concessively, when they mean ‘although’ , and are often used with καίπερ,
( καίπερ) δυνάμενot φνγεΐν, εμείναμεν ‘ being able (i.e. although we were
able) to escape, we stayed’
In all the above cases, the participle and its noun go info the genitive when the
clause which they form plays no other part in the sentence, c.y.
τών πολέμιων απελθοντων, οι στρατιώ ται εστρατοττεδεύσαντο ‘ when
the enemy departed, the soldiers pitched camp’
(viii) Observe the following idioms:
φθάσας ‘sooner’ (‘anticipating’)
λαθών ‘secretly’ (‘escaping notice’)
κλαίων ‘to one’s regret’ (‘ weeping’)
εχων, φερων, αγων, λαβών, χρώμενος ‘ with’
τι παθώ ν. . ‘ what has one experienced to . . .? w’hat has made
one . . .?’ (lit. ‘suffering what?’)
(ix) A number o f verbs take a participle to complete their meaning. A m o n g

τνγχανω happen, chance, actually to ; e.g. ετνχε φνγών ‘he actually

did escape’
O J- Infinitives
2ψ )

λανθάνω ’escape the noticc o f’; e.g. ίΧαθί μ ι φ νγάν Ί did not « c him
φθάνω ‘anticipate, do something first'; e.g. φθάνω at φ€νγων Ί escape
before y o u ’
φαίνομαι -seem, appear’; e.g. φαίνονται φιύγον τ « -they seem to be in
flight (and are)'
δήλός\φαν€ρός *ίμι ‘be obviously, openly’; e.g. δήλός Ιστι fo{ryo>v ‘he
is obviously running away’
(x) In indirect speech; see Reference Grammar K (iii).

O J· Infinitives

The main uses o f the infinitive arc as follows:

(i) to express the English ‘ to - ’ in certain contexts controlled by verbs, e.g.
ayutiov €οτι μάχζσθαι ‘it is good to fight’ (where ‘fight’ is the subject
o f the sentence)
βούλομαι μ ά χίσ θα ι ‘ I wish to fight’ (where ‘fight* is the object of
‘ wish’)
κ(λ(ύομ€ν σ€ μςν€iv ‘w e order you to stay'
€κά>λν(ν αυτούς (λθ(ϊν ‘he prevented them /row/ going
ού ττίφυκΐ δουλί ύ€ΐν ‘he is not born to be a slave
ώρα c c r tv άπιίναι it is time to depart
Set 1
, 1 ημάς (λθ(ΐν ‘it is necessary for us to j>c>’
( ζ ίο τ ι μ οι λίγ€ΐν it is permitted tor me to speak
8 o k € i tivai σοφός ‘he seems to be wise
φ αίνζται αγαθός dvai ‘he appears to be good (but isn t)
(ii) in certain constructions with adjectives, e.g.
δανός λίγ^ιν ‘clever at speaking
δυνατός rroictv τούτο ‘able to do this
επ ισ τήμω ν λ ίγ α ν και σιγάν ‘knowing how to speak and be silent
(iii) to limit the extent o f application ot a word, e.g.
λόγοι χρήσιμοί ακούσαι ‘ words useful to hear
πράγμα χαλ^πόν rroiftv an action difficult to do
θαύμα ιδίσθαι ‘a wonder to behold
(iv) in certain parenthetical phrases (usually \Mth u>sloaov), e.t,.
ώ ς €ΐπ€ΐν ‘so to speak
ώ ς άπα κά σα ι ’ to make a guess
ολίγου δα ν ‘almost’ (lit- ‘to want a little*)
Ii. Reference ( Iramnuif Ο

(v) as .111 i m p e r a tiv e , e .g .

μη ηττΐο< eirai ‘ Don t be Mitt!
(vi) with the definite article, standing as a noun. e.g.
τούτο i o n t o ABikcw ‘this is injustice’
διά TO ξένος «rat ’ because o f his ahemiess’
τον TTifir ζττιΟυμια “desire tor drink
τώ μάχςσθαι ‘by fighting
(\ii) note the number o f possibilities with verbs o f prevention or hindrance:
eipyci ot τούτο ττοιςίν
etpyet σ* τού τούτο ττοιίΐν ^ prCvcnts you from doin g this'
etpya oc μη τούτο τwieiv
etpyti Οί τού μη τούτο ττοκΐν
(N.b. το μη is quite com m on in expressions im plying hindrance, prevention.
(viii) in indirect speech; see this Reference Gramm ar K (iii).

So tc
The negative with an infinitive is nearly always μ η .

Impersonal verbs
These verbs have only 3rd s. forms in finite tenses, an accusative s. n.
participle, and a regular intmitive (e.g.
8cί, δ ΐή σ α , (δ α ; δίον; δ(ΐΐ' and escort, ( ξ (σ τ α ι, £ξήν; (ζόν; (ξ^ιναι)
The subjects of such verbs appear in the accusative or dative; and the verb which
follows the 1mpers011.1l goes into the infinitive, e.g.
( ζ ζ σ τ ί μοι iXOeh· ‘it is possible for me to g o ’
δίοι· μ€ (AOetv ‘it being necessary for me to g o ’
νομίζω (ξζΐνα ι αντω iXOetv Ί think that lie is permitted to go '
The most common impersonal verbs are:
δίΐ -f acc. and inf ‘must, ought'
XPV >, ,, 'must, o ugh t’
Ζξςστι +dat. and mt. ‘it is permitted, possible’
77pc?ret ,, tf ‘ it is proper’
7τροοηκα „ jt ‘it is appropriate’
^OK€‘ »» m seems best’ 1 these also appear 111 regular forms .11
συμβαίνω „ ‘it happens’ j are not restricted to impersonal use

Result clauses

These express the idea so that or ‘so . . . that’ and indicate the result o f
an action. The that clause is expressed 111 Greek by ώστ€, w hich can take either
an infmiti\ e (change ot subject in the accusative) or an indicative. T h e infinitive
Ο Κ. Indirect speech
' 301

usage is best translated ‘as to\ hut the difference between the two is often
marginal, e.g.
ο ϋ τ ω ς α ν ό η τ ο ς Ι ο τ ι ν ώ σ τ € trt ιλανθάν^ται τ ώ ν β ιβ λ ίω ν
‘he is so foolish that he forgets his books’
ώ σ τ€ επ ιλα νθά νίσ θα ι τ ώ ν β ιβ λ ίω ν
‘he is so foolish as to forget his books’ .
These clauses are usually set up by ο ύ τ ω ς ‘so’ , or by a word such as το σ ο ύ το ς ,
τ ό σ ο ς (‘so great’ , ‘ so m an y’), το ΐο ς (‘o f such a kmd’).

O K. Indirect speech

O n e can distinguish between three basic types o f utterance - statements, ques­

tions, and com m ands (i.e. orders). These can be quoted directly (when, as a rule,
inverted com m as will be used; e.g. he said, ‘W hat shall 1 do? I shall go . . .’), or
indirectly (e.g. he wondered what to do, and decided that he would go . . .). In
Greek, indirect questions and orders arc expressed in largely the same way as
English; so too are those indirect statements introduced by the Greek o n ‘ that’ ,
but there arc a num ber o f verbs which use different methods o f expressing
indirect statements.

(i) Verbs taking ο τ ι ( ώ ς ) , and indirect questions

Verbs taking o n , and indirect questions, quote what was originally-
said, o n ly changing the person, e.g.
iAeyii' οτι ά φ ίξίτ α ι ‘he said that he would come’
T h e original statement was Ί shall com e’ . Changing the person only, Greek
writes ‘ he said that he shall come ’ ; this converts to the English form ‘he said that
he w o u ld c o m e ’ .
η ρ ΐ τ ο 07701 Σ ω κ ρ ά τ η ς β α ινα he asked where Socrates was going
T h e original question was ‘ Where is Socrates going? This becomes indirectly
‘he asked w here Socrates is going’ (no need to change persons here). English
changes this to ‘he asked where Socrates was going .
N o te that, in secondary sequence, verbs in such clauses can be turned into the
optative w ith o u t affecting the meaning, e.g.
ί λ <Υ“ ’ °'T‘ ΰφ *£ύίτ01 ‘lu, Mld tlut hc would come-
άφ ίξεται J

(ii) Indirect orders

Indirect orders are expressed as m English, i.e. by the use ot the
infinitive, e.g.
κ€λ€ύω σ€ a m iva i *1 order you to depart
B. Reference Grammar o
A ccusative + in fin itive or participle
More difficult arc those cases m w hich a ‘ that* clause is expressed in
Greek not by o n ‘ that’, but by putting the verb o f the ‘ that’ clause into an
infinitive form (cf. Latin accusative and infinitive) or a participle fo rm . T h e re is
an English parallel for the infinitive usage here; e.g. ‘he k n o w s that 1 am w ise', or
‘he knows me to be w ise . In these cases, the infinitive will sh ow the time at w hich
the action took place by its tense, e.g.
ζφη μ€ ίλ θ ΰ ν ‘he said that I had g o n e ’ (orig. ‘y o u w e n t’)
ζφη μ€ Uval ‘he said that I was g o in g ’ (orig. ‘ y o u are g o i n g ’)
ζφη μ€ άφ ίξίσθαι ‘he said that I w o u ld c o m e ’ (orig. ‘y o u w ill c o m e ’)
Some verbs take a participle in the ‘ that’ clause rather than an infinitive, e.g.
olha σ* μώρον οντα ‘ I k n o w that y o u are stupid’
€ττύθ(το Ncatpav α φ ιξομίνη ν Ά θ ή ν α ζ ί ‘he learnt that Neaira w o u ld
come to Athens’
N.b. all the above examples have put the subject o f the ‘ that’ clause into the
accusative. Where the subject o f the ‘ that’ clause is the same as that o f the main
verb, 110 subject in the ‘ that’ clause will be stated; or i f it is, it w ill be in the
nominative, e.g.
ί φη (λ θ ίϊν ‘he said he had gon e’ (both ‘he’ s are the same person)
ϋφη αυτόν (λ θ ίϊν ‘he said that he had g o n e ’ (the ‘he’ s are different
Indirect speech is very common in Greek; and it is v e r y likely suddenly to
emerge in a quite unexpected context, w atch out for t h e a c c u s a t iv e an d

i n h n i t i v e /p a r i i c i p l e c o n s t r u c t i o n all th e t im e . W h e n y o u co m e across it,

begin your translation with the English ‘ t h a t . . - this w ill rem ind y o u that
you are in indirect speech.

(Hi) I erbs taking infin itives and participles

T h e follow ing verbs generally take the i n f in i t i v e in indirect speech:

φ ημ ί ‘say t h a t . .
‘believe, think t h a t . .
υττισχνίομαι ‘ promise to’
ελπ ίζω ‘hope to’
C-f. γιγνώ σκω ‘determine h o w to, recognise h o w to ’
μανθάνω ‘learn h o w to'
» ' ‘kn o w h o w to’
O L. Temporal clauscs

T h e f o llo w in g generally take the p a r tic ip le :

ακούω ‘hear that . . .’
π υνθάνομαι ‘ascertain t h a t . . .’
α ισθάνομαι ‘perceive that . .
olha ‘k n o w t h a t . . .’
γ ιγ ν ώ σ κ ω ‘ascertain that . .
α γ γ έ λ λ ω ‘announce t h a t . . .*
μανθάνω ‘ learn t h a t . .
N o t e the distinction between φαίνομαι, δήλος, φανςρός 4 -participle (which all
mean it seems to be the case that , with the strong implication that it really is the
case), and φ α ίνομ α ι, δήλος, φ α ν ζ ρ ο ς infinitive (where the implication is that
w h at seems to be the case is not really the case).

O L. Tem poral clauscs

D e fin ite tem poral clauses

‘ D efin ite’ temporal clauses express the time at which an event took
place; the verb goes into the indicative, e.g.
€ως Ζμ€ν€, άπηλθομεν ‘ while he waited, w e left’
exret έδ ιω ξα ν, άπέφυγον oi π ολέμ ιοι ‘ when they pursued, the enemy
£μ€ΐναμ€ν £ως £κέλ€υ€ ημάς ά π ζλθ ίΐν ‘w e waited until he told us to g o ’
7τρίν ‘b efo re’ takes an infinitive (change o f subject in the accusative), e.g.
π ρ ιν ά π ζλθεΐν, €υξατο ‘ before departing, he offered up a prayer’
π ρ ιν η μ ά ς άπ€λθ€Ϊν, €υξατο ‘before w e departed, he offered up a

In d efin ite tem poral clauses

‘ Indefinite’ temporal clauses express the idea o f generality (i.e. not
‘ w h e n ’ , but ‘ w h e n eve r’), or ot uncertainty about the actual completion ot the
event, w h ich is made to seem to lie in some indefinite tuture. In these cases, the
verbs in the tem poral clause go into the subjunctive+ <zr in primary sequence,
or the optative in secondary sequence, e.g.
έ ζία σ ιν οταν β ονλω ντα ι they go out whenever the\ wish
έξή λθον 0T€ βούλοιντο ‘ they went out whenever they wished*
έμ€ΐναμ€ν €ως κ ίλ ίύ ο ι ημάς α π ίλ θ ΐΐν w e waited until Mich time as he
should tell us to leave’
μη το ύ το npiv i v μ ί θ Ώ! τα Υ<νόμ<να 'd o not say tins beforc/unol
y o u learn w hat has happened’
B Ri ft rt m e Grammar o
Observe that the rules tor ‘definite' or ‘ indefinite’ utterance apply equally to
relative clauses. c g.
οστις άν τούτο non), ανόητος Ιστιν “whoever does this is stupid'
I k & m v αυτόν αγεσθαι Ιατροί ον βούλοιτο ‘he ordered him to bring a
doctor, whomever he wished/he ordered him to bring whichever
doctor he wanted*

It mmΊ be said that Grech is, as usual, flexible in its usages on this point:
<omenmes one finds the subjunctive where one would expect the optative, and sometimes
av drops out.

Ο M. Purpose clauses and verbs o f fearing

Purpose (Clauses
A purpose clause indicates an intention in the mind o f the speaker, and
is often expressed by the English ‘in order to’ , or simply ‘ to’ , e.g. ‘he has come
here in order to insult us', or ‘ Ίο cross the railway, passengers are asked to use the
Perhaps because an intention is expressed o f which the fulfilment is quite
uncertain Greek uses a quasi-indcfmite construction in one instance, i.e.
tva + subjunctive hi primary sequence (no av) and optative m secondary, e.g.
άφικνΰται tva ημάς ττζίΟη ‘he is com ing to persuade us’
άφίκ€το a a ημάς ττΐίθοι ‘he came to persuade us’
But Greek also expresses the idea o f purpose in tw o other com m on w ays. i.e.
(i) o>s +future participle (lit. ‘as intending to ’), e.g.
άφικνίΐται ώς ημάς ττςίαων ‘he is com ing to persuade us’
(ii) os + future indicative (lit. ‘w ho will/intends to —’)
6 άνηρ άφικ ΐ'ίΐται 09 ημάς Tritact ‘ the man is com ing to persuade us’
(lit. ‘ who will persuade us’)
(i) όπως, ώς can be used in plate of tva.
( ii) 11 In n Γι α takes an indicative, it means ‘ where’ .

I i rbs o f fearing

Fearing in case something may happen in the future attracts the same
construction as purpose clauses, i.e. subjunctive in primary sequence,
optative m secondary, e.g.
φοβούμαι μή Σω κράτης ίλθη Ί am afraid that/lest Socrates mav/will
Ο Ο . C^otiditiottals

ίφ ο β ή θ ψ μη Σ ω κ ρ ά τη Ν
- «λ«οι Ί was afraid lhat/lcsc Socrates mmht'
w o u l d ι ό me' ν '
Hut if the fc .r U e x p re s s ) toi something that h.K happened already, the M.nnle
indicative is used. e.i*.

φοβούμ(ϋα μη eneiocv ήμά< ‘w e are afraid that he persuaded Us

Ο N. Polite (potential) av

av w ith the optati\ e expresses a future' action ns dependent on circumstances or

conditions, and is best translated by the English *mny, might. could, would, can.
w ould like to*, or 'possibly, perhaps*. Hut there are times when it is very
difficult to differentiate between this ‘potential* use and the straight future ‘ v\ ill,
shall'; e.g.
Λ4γ υ ις άν μοι ‘can you tell me?/woiild you tell me?/tell mel/would
you like to tell me?/’will you tell me?*
€<f το»’ αυτόν ποταμόν ούκ άν ίμβαίη ς ‘ you could not;would n ot:
cannot step tw ice into the same river’

O . Conditionals

C onditional sentences (i.e. sen ten ces with an ‘i f clause) should be translated by
some form ot English ‘ would* or ‘should* when they show arm the main clause,
as follow s:
(1) optatives m the' ‘ if ’ clause (called the ‘protasis) and the main clause (called
‘apodosis’ , or ‘p a y -o ff’), with άι· in the apodosis too, make the condition refer to
the 11 l UKi, and should be translated ‘ if . . . were to, . . . would . e.g.
ft KcXtvom, ττΐΐΟοίμην av ‘if you ircic to order. I would obc\
(ii) im perfects in the protasis and a p o d o s i s , with av m the a p o d o s i s , should bi
translated ‘ i f . . . were (n o w ).. . . would (as referring to the pitHtit), e.g.
€Ϊ μ€ ix c Aiues'. €7Τ€ΐ0όμην άν ‘ if you .rcrc (now) ordering me. I would
( ill) a o r i s t s in t h e p r o t a s i s a n d a p o d o s i s , w i t h άν in t h e a p o d o s i s . s h o u l d b e
translated ‘ i f . . . had___ w ould have’ (as referring to the / e g .
f t μ€ eV«i,W«s', ίπ ιθόμην άν ‘if you had ordered me. I would have
o b eved ’
β. Reference G ram m ar Ο

(i) These conditions can be mixed. Creek w ill then treat each clause on its

mirth. L g ^ ^ ^ , χ(υσας^^ Μ μ ψ £Vm‘ I f you had ordered me, I would (now) be

(ii) li hen there is no av, translate normally without ‘ wouldf should’ , e.g.
€1 ά μ α ρ τ ά ι-ζ ΐς , μώ ρος i f ‘ i f you make a mistake, yon are a foot’ .
(iii) Observe that when a tion-‘ would/should’ refers to future time, Greek w ill treat the
•if clause as an indefinite clause (since there can be little ccrtainty about the outcome o f a
future conditional event) and use iav with subjunctive, e.g.
€0 r μ€ ττάθτ)ς, ούκ απ€ΐμι ‘ if you (w ill) persuade me, I shall not go away’ .

o P. Wishes

W ylies for the future in Greek are expressed by the optative (e.g. ά π ο λ ο ίμ ψ
‘ may I perish!’), or by cW t'el γάρ el + optative (e.g. « γάρ π ζίΟ οιμ ι τον άνδρα ‘if
only I could persuade the man!’).
Unattained wishes for the present or past use the im perfect o r aorist indica­
tive (cf. unfulfilled conditions, w hich they closely resem ble), e.g.
τούτο in oU i ‘ if only he w ere doin g this!’
it γάρ τούτο ίποίησ€ ‘ it only he had done this!’
Alternatively, they can be expressed by using a form o f ωφ*λον -f infin itive, e.g.
( (W e) ώφελον n o u lv τούτο ‘ w ould that 1 w ere d o in g this!’
( it γά ρ ) ω φ (λ( ποιήσαι τούτο ‘ w ould that I had done this!’
Observe the ditterence to the tense w hich the infinitive m akes here.
N .b. av is ni vi r used w it h wishes.

O Q- Commands (orders)

Greek uses one set o f forms for 2nd person im peratives (‘ D o this!’ ‘ D o that! )
and another for 3rd person orders (‘ Let him/them do this!') and another for ist
person commands ( Let us do this!’). T h e 2nd and 3rd person form s appear
under the imperative forms in the verb tables.
The distinction between orders using the aorist fo rm and the present form is
one ofaspect - the aorist form suggests the order applies to a particular instance,
the present to a continued or repeated occurrence (cf. ‘ Pick up that b o o k !’ and,
‘ Pick up all the litter!’). But when the order is negative (‘ D o n ’ t do that!’ ‘ Let him
ο R . Deliberatives

not do that!’) C rock uses μ ή + Λ ο ή * subjunctive to express the aorist aspect, n o t

μ ή + aorist im perative, e.g.
μ η -ποίησης τούτο ‘don’ t do this (once)’
μ η rroici τούτο ‘d o n ’t do this (at all, ever)’
O bserve also that the subjuncti\e is used after certain w ords to express an order
or a quasi-order, e.g.
φ ίρ ί π οιή σ ω τούτο ‘com e, let me do this’
β ο ύ λ α π οιή σ ω τούτο ‘do you wish I should do this?’
π οιή σω here is aor. subj., X O T fu im e .
T h e subjunctive is used to express the idea Met us . . e.g.
ΐω μ ίν ‘ let us g o ’

O R. Deliberativcs

W hen a first-person question appears in the subjunctive, it carries the idea

‘ (W hat) am I. to . . .?', e.g.
7Γ0Γ τράττωμαι; ‘ W here am I to turn?"
τ ί γ ίν ω μ α ι; ‘ W hat is to becom e o f me?’ (lit. ‘ W hat am I to become?’)
If such a ‘deliberation’ occurs in past time, Greek uses !6ei + in fin itive, i.e. 'w hat
ou gh t I to have . . .?’ , e.g.
■nol Hhci μ€ τραπέσθα ι; ‘ W here was I to turn?* (lit. ‘ W here ought I to
have turned?’)
If a deliberation in the subjunctive is reported, in secondary sequence, it w ill turn
into the o p tative, e.g.
η ρ ζτο μ€ 7rot τρά π οιτο ‘he asked me where he was to turn to .
c Language surveys*

O Language Survey (i): a brief history o f

the Greek language

Greek belongs to the great fam ily o f Indo-European languages, w hich includes
English and most modern European languages .is well as Persian and the
languages o f north India. It has the longest recorded history o f any o f them,
running from the fourteenth century dow n to the present day. Its apparent
similarity to Latin is due, not to any specially close relationship, but to the fact
that both languages are recorded at an early date; in some w ays. Greek is also
close to the ancient language of India, Sanskrit.
The earliest record o f the Greek language is contained in the clay tablets
written in the Linear B syllabic script in the M ycenaean palaces ot Knossos and
the mainland (fourteenth to thirteenth centuries). This represents an archaic
form o f the language, but demonstrates firm ly that Greek had developed as a
separate language well before this date. T h e alphabet was introduced from
Phoenicia, probably in the early eighth century, and although the shape o f the
letters and the pronunciation has changed, this script has been in use ever since.
The two great poems ot Hom er were probably com posed during this century,
but their written form is a modernisation o f 1 lellenistic (third century) date.
The earliest inscriptions are mostly brief records ot names, but before the end ot
the eighth century someone had scratched on a vase at Athens a line and a bit o f
verse, given here in modernised spelling:
ος νύν ορχηστών πάντων άταλώτατα π α ίζα ,
τού τόδί - . .

♦ Ilnur surveys were contributed by member* ot the Advisory I’ .mel. m indicated 111
Reading (. '.reck (h x i) . p. xii.
Ο ( Ο History o f the Creek lan£ua$c

W h o now of all the dancers sports most delicately,

this is his . .
T h e early inscriptions show tlm dow n to the end o f the fourth century every
G reek city its ow n dialect and otten its ow n peculiar form o f alphabet. W e
can group the dialects into four main types:
(i) W est G reek, or D oric, the type spoken by most o f Athens* enemies m the
Peloponnesian War; it was used m literature for choral lyric poetry
(ii) Arcadian and C y p rio t, without any literary use
(iii) A eolic. spoken in Thessaly, Boiotia and Lesbov. the personal lyric poetry
o f Sappho and Alkaios (c. 600) is in a form o f Lesbian.
(iv) Ionic, spoken m the central and east Aegean, used by 1 lomer and all epic
poets, and also by Herodotus; together with Attic, the speech o f Athens, which
is the first dialect you will meet in learning Greek. The amount and quality o f
Attic Greek vastly outw eighs the surviving Greek o f other dialects.
Attic Greek was used in modified form by Thucydides and the tragedians,
and in its purer form by Aristophanes, Plato and the orators, liut in the third
century it yielded to another slight modification, which became the standard
language o f Hellenistic Greece and most o f the eastern part o f the ancient world,
this was called ή κοινή διάλεκτος ‘ the com m on speech*. Its grammar and syntax
changed little for over a thousand years, though there was some development m
vocabulary; but the pronunciation underwent major changes, while retaining
the old spellings. Thus a know ledge o f Attic will not only enable you to read
Athenian literature; it supplies.! key to the other dialects used in literature and to
the w hole o f later ( ireek literature.
After the fall o f Constantinople to the Turks in A .D . 14s3· Greek was still
maintained as the language o f the O rthodox Church, and continued to be
spoken w'idely. W ith the liberation o f Greece in the early nineteenth century
attempts w ere made to revive the old language tor official purposes, and Greeks
today still respect ancient form s as ‘ more correct than those they use collo­
quially. Despite its many changes, modern Greek is much closer to ancient
Greek than Italian is to Latin. I he difference in pronunciation will prevent u n i
from understanding the spoken language, but many public notices will be
intelligible, and there is a real sense ot continuity in the modern language.
For exam ple, some o f the signs to be seen on shops and offices 111 Greece toda\
will be easily understood, such as 7ταιτο7τωλ€Ϊον General store (i.e. where
everything is sold), or ’Ε θνική Τράπεζα, τής Ελλάδος National Hank ot Grecte
(τράπεζα ‘table* had already in antiquity acquired the sense ot ‘bank ). A notice
sometimes to be seen in parks or woodland reads
Α Γ Α Π Α Τ Ε Τ Α Δ Ε Ν Δ Ρ Α ‘ He kind to the trees’
W ords found on M ycenaean documents (the earliest Greek we kno\
j ιο C . Language Surveys

to c. 1400) but still in use today with only slight change o f pronunciation

Ζχω ‘I have’
θεός ‘go d ’
μελι ‘honey’
παλαιός ‘old

O Language Survey (2):

active, middle and passive

Grammarians traditionally use the term voice to describe those verb -form s o f
which the basic function is to signal the relationship betw een the subject and the
action denoted by the verb. Thus m any languages, G reek included, h ave an
active voice, used when the subject is doing the action (e.g. ‘ D ikaiop olis goes to
die agora’, ‘Neaira hates Phrastor’, ‘Socrates deceived the y o u n g ’); and a passive
voice, used when the subject is having som ething done to it (‘Phrastor w as hated
by Neaira’ , ‘ the youn g w'erc deceived by Socrates').
In addition to these, Greek also has a so-called middle voice. It has a variety o f
meanings, but the most im portant is that o f doing som ething/or oneself. Thus
αιρεΐν means ‘to take, capture’; its middle αίρεΐσθαι means ‘ to take for oneself, to
choose’ . Again, προσάγω means ‘ to bring x up to y \ but προσάγεσθαι means ‘ to
bring x to oneself, to w'in x over to one’s o w n side’ . T h e act o f en gagin g in a
lawsuit is δικάζειν (active), seen from the point o f v ie w o f the ju d ges, but
δικάζεσθαι (middle) from that o f the litigants, w h o arc in it for their o w n
benefit. Consequently, the active form s mean ‘give ju d g m e n t’ , the m iddle
forms mean ‘go to law ’ .
The forms o f the middle and passive are the same in the present, im perfect
and perfect, but differ in the aonst and (usually) in the future. M any verbs occur
only in the middle or only in the passive; others, such as άκου- ‘ hear’ , h ave an
active form in the present (ακούω Ί hear’), but a m iddle fo rm in the future
(ακουσομαι I will hear ). Q uite a num ber o f middle verbs use the passive form s
in the aorist (see 206).

O Language Survey (3): aspect

The tenses o f the Greek verb fall into four systems:
System (i); present, including im perfect
System (ii); future
ο (3 ) A s Pcct
System (iii): aorist
System (iv): perfect, including pluperfect and future perfect
Each o f these system s carries its o w n particular meaning and this apphcs to all
moods in the system , including participle, imperative and infinitive
O n ly one o f these systems has an exclusively temporal force, and that is the
future. Each o f the three other systems may refer in time to either the present or
the past. O b se rv e that in A ttic G reek, past time is normally marked by the
presence o f the augm en t, though this is optional in certain kinds o f verse.

( i) T h e present system

T h is co n v e y s w h a t is kn o w n as the ‘ im perfcctive’ aspect. This means

that the system sh o w s the action o f the verb to be a continuing action, a process,
e.g. 77Oi€t he is (in the process of) m aking ; or the process may consist o f
repetition, e.g. ή σ τρ α π τε ‘ there w ere several flashes o f lightning, n went on
lightning for som e tim e’ .

( ii) T h e aorist system

T h e aorist system , b y contrast, conveys that the action is regarded as an

event or a fact, n ot a process, e.g. Ιττοίησΐ ‘he made' (often used on vases with
the m aker’ s signature); ήσ τρ α φ ί ‘ there was (a flash of) lightning’ .
(N .b. i f the speaker so wishes, he is quite at liberty, o f course, to regard any
action as im p crfcctive (i.e. continuing) or aoristic (i.e. happening as a fact or
event). T h us som e m akers w rite on their vases I ttoU i ‘he was the maker’; and
lists o f O ly m p ic victors can have ζνίκα ‘he was the victor’ .)
It is often stated that the aorist participle has reference to past time. e.g. rairra
ά πω ν ά πήλθξ can b e translated ‘h aving said this he went aw ay’ . But this arises
naturally fro m the fact that one action must have preceded the other; it would
be equally co rrect to translate ‘saying this he w ent away; he said this and went
away; w ith these w o rd s he w en t a w a y ’. T h at the aorist participle does not have
to refer to past tim e is evid en t fro m the com m on phrase ύπολαβωv t φη he said
in reply’ (not ‘h a v in g replied’ !).

(H i) T h e perfect system
T h e perfect is n o t a past but a present tense; past time is indicated by the
pluperfect. T h e perfect indicates a present state resulting from a past action, e.g.
αποθνήσκει (present) ‘he is on his death-bed
α π ίθα νε (aorist) he died
TcOwyKc (perfect) he is (now) dead
ίτ ΐθ ν ή κ α (pluperfect) ‘he was (at that time) dead'
This cxpUins why so n ic perfects arc used with present m a n iu g (sec Language
Survey (8)). e.g.
ofδα ‘I have perceived, (therefore) I k n o w ’
μεμνημαι Ί have called to mind, (therefore) I rem em ber·
The first sentence o f Thucydides* history is an excellent exam ple o f the
aspectual system s at w ork:
Θουκυδίδης ’Αθηναίος ξυνεγραφε τον πόλεμον τώ ν ΙΙε λ ο π ο ιν η σ ίω ν καί
*Αθηναίων, ω ς επολεμησαν ττρος άλλήλους, άρξάμενος ευθύς
καθιστάμενου και ελπίσας μεγαν τε εσεσθαι καί ά ξιο λο γ ώ τα το ν τώ ν
π ρ ο γ ε γ ε ν η μενών, τεκμαιρόμενος οτι α κμα ζοντες τε ήσαν ες αυτόν
άμφότεροι παρασκευή τή πάσ-η και το αλλο Έ λλη ν ικ ο ν ορών
ξυνιστάμενον πρός εκατερους, το μεν εύθύς , τό δε διανοούμενον.
T h u cyd id es o f Athens w rote the history (event) o f the w ar betw een
the Peloponnesians and Athenians, h o w they fo u gh t (event) each
other. He began (event) as soon as it started (process) and expected
(event) it w ould be (future) im portant and m ore notable than any that
had occurred previously (perfect), draw in g conclusions (process) from
the fact that they were undertaking (process) it at the height o f their
powers (process) in every departm ent and seeing (process) that the rest
o f the Greek nation were inclining (process) to one side or the other,
some at once, others having only the intention (process).'

O Language Survey (4): optative

(i) Forms

The distinguishing feature ot the optative m ood is the presence o f -i-

preceding the personal endings (occasionally the iota w ill be w ritten subscript,
but it is always there). In the 3rd s. active form s there is usually no
ending, so that the wore! ends w ith -01 or som etim es -at. T h e tull set ot endings
(other than duals) is as follows:

A ctiv e (also aorist passive)

1st s. -μ ι παυοιμι, π α υσα ιμι, ειπ ο ιμ ι, π α υ σ ο ιμ ι , ίο ιμ ι

-ην τιμω η ν, φιλοιην, ειην, τιθείην, θείην, παυσθείην
2nd. s. -ς παύοις etc.
-ας παύσειας (this ending only in wk. aor. act.)
-ης τιμ ω η ς etc.
Ο (*) Optative
jr d s. τταΰοι etc.
-€ (v) π α ύ σ < « (v) (,llis cl,JinX only m m j
-η τ ιμ φ η etc.
tst p i -μ π π α ύ ο ιμ η ,. τταύοαιμπ, τ ι μ ά μ ε , τιθ*ϊμ <ν etc.
2nd pi. -re ^avoiTt, ττανσαιπ, τιμ φ τε, τιθ (ΐτ( etc
y d pi. -ev ττavoiev, τιμώ^ν, τιθζΐςν etc.
-αν ττανσααν ( this ending only in wk. aor. act.;

M id d le

ist S. -μ η ν τταυοίμην, ττανσαίμψ , ΧαβοΙμην, μ α θ ά μ ψ etc.

2nd s. -ο τταιίοιο etc.
jr d s. -το παύοιτο etc.
1st pi. -μ (θ α παυοίμεθα ctc.
2nd pi. -aOf ττανοισθς. ctc.
y d pi. -ντο π ανοιντο t'tc.
Y o u w ill ob serve that these endings resemble the endings o f the past indicative
tenses (e.g. Ιτταυόμην, ίττεπανμην) - a fact which it may be helpful to connect
w ith the use o f the o p tative in ‘secondary sequence’ (167) governed by past main

( ii) U ses

In very broadest outline, die indicative is the mood for what is factual.
the subjunctive for w hat is prospective (i.e. sometime in the future), the optative
for con tingencies w h ich are more remotely prospcitive. This basic force o f the
optative surfaces in three ways:
(a) in subordinate clauses o f various kinds, the optative replaces the subjunc­
tive (som etim es the indicative) w hen the clause is in secondary sequence. See
R unning G ram m ar 167, 186—8, I94” 5 » 21 *·
(b) the o p tative is used to express a wish for the future, e.g.
ά π ο λο ίμ η ν ‘ ma\ I perish! damn me!’
Boirj τ ις 7tcXckvv ‘it o n ly someone w ould give me an jxe!
γενοίμτην a te ro i ‘ w o u ld I w ere an eagle!
(c) the o p ta tive w ith av is used to characterise some event or situation as a
future possibility (die so-called ‘ potential use ot the optative in which, with
trifling exceptions, it is alw ays 111 Classical Greek accompanied b\ <xv). English
usually e m p lo ys for this purpose such w ords as may . might . can . could .
’ w o u ld ’ , ‘sh o u ld ’ , (sometim es) ‘ w ill’ , e.g.
A«yoK a»· ‘ yo u m ight tell me (i.e. ‘ please tell me )
Χ έγοιμι άν ήδη ‘ I w ill tell you now
314 C . Language Surveys O

t i { m a t iM o is , ίγ ώ άν aot ίπ ο ίμ η ν 'i f yo u w ere to g o there. I w o u ld

follow you*
άΛΛά €?trot rt? av ort . . . ‘but som eone m ay say that . . .’
N ote that while a potential optative virtually alw ays has av a cco m p a n yin g it,
the av may very well not be adjacent to the verb. N o te also that the optative
usages o f types (a) and (b) never have an av, i.e. an optative accom panied b y an
av is always potential.

O Language Survey (5):

subjunctive and optative usages

As remarked under the optative (Language Survey (4)), the subjunctive m o od is

appropriate to events and situations view ed not as actual but as prospective. In
several constructions, accordingly, the d ivid ing line betw een the subjunctive
and the future indicative can be rather fine; on the w h ole, the difference is that
the future indicative gives an impression o f greater definiteness and certainty.

In independent sentences

T h e subjunctive is used only

(i) in first person exhortations (ΐω μ ε ν ‘ let us go*)
(ii) in deliberative questions ( τ ί ίίπ ω ; ‘w h at am I to say?’)
(iii) in prohibitions (aorist only) {μη μβ ϊπ ιτ ρ ίφ η ς, ώ Έ ρ μ η ‘do n ot destroy
me, O Hermes’)

In subordinate clauses

T h e subjunctive is found in m any types o f clause w h ich h ave an

indefinite or prospective sense, e.g.
indefinite relative clauses w ith av (175)
indefinite clauses o f time, place (etc.) w ith av (175, 193)
conditionals relating to the future (introduced b y ia v , ήν, av) (176)
‘fear’ clauses relating to the future (182)
purpose clauses (sometimes w ith av, though iva ‘in order that’ n ever takes
άν; ΐνα av, if it occurs, will mean ‘ w h erever’) (186).
Observe that, where av accompanies a subjunctive, the particle w ill alm ost
always com e directly after the conjunction or relative in tr o d u c in g the clause
(often the tw o fuse together into one w o rd , e.g. δταν, eav, ineiBav).
In secondary sequence (167), the subjunctive in all these subordinate usages is
genera y replaced by die optative; this use o f the o p ta tiv e is n o t ‘ p o te n tia l’ , and
accordingly there is n o av.
Ο ( 6 ) T h e uses o f άν

O Language Survey (6): the uses o f άν

T h e particle & has tw o entirely different fields o f usage, which fortunately need
never be confused because in one field the verb associated with iv will always he
subjunctive, w h ile in the other field the verb will never be subjunctive. In a rather
vague sense the tw o usages m ay lie thought to have some elements in com m on,
but it is better to treat them quite separately.

(a) Attached to a conjunction or relative (with the verb in the


av has the effect o f m aking the clause indefinite (like the English ‘-ever'),
or prospective (referring to future contingencies rather than present facts), e.g.
(i) ίττα&Ύ) ε ισ ή λ θ ΐν , Ιχαίρομβν ‘ when he came, w e were glad'
(ii) €π€ΐδάν α σ έλθ η , χαιρήσομεν ‘ when he comes (whenever that will
be) w e w ill be glad’
(i) refers to a k n o w n tim e in the past; (ii) refers to an unknown time in the
(iii) ω τρ όπ ω i βονλοντο ‘in the w ay they wanted’
(iv) ω άν τρ όπ ω βούλω ντα ι ‘in whatever w ay they w ant’
(iii) refers to a particular type o f treatment that was applied: (iv) gives carte-
blanche to app ly any kind o f treatment.
(v) €i μ η ά π ίδ ω κ ί, δ ιώ ζο μ α ι αντόν ‘if he hasn’ t paid, 1 11 sue him
(vi) eav μ η αποδώ, δ ιώ ζο μ α ι αντόν ‘i f he doesn t pay, 1 11 sue him
In (v), the debtor has already in fact either paid or defaulted, though the speaker
docs not k n o w w hich ; in (vi) it is still a matter o f speculation whether he will
pay or not. A n alternative to (vi) is:
(vii) tt μ η άποδώσ^ι, δ ιώ ζο μ α ι αντόν ‘if he is not going to pay. 1 11 sue
h im ’
(vii) suggests, in contrast w ith (vi), that the speaker has already half-decided that
the debtor w ill not pay volun tarily, so the process o f law is all the more certain.

(b) Accompanying a verb in the optative (typically, though not

always, in an independent clause)
av signals that the optative is ‘ potential’ (sec Language Survey (4) (11)


(c) A cco m p a n y in g a verb in past tense (im p/., aor., plup . I \ D I C Α ­

;i6 C . Language Surveys U

άν signals a hypothetical statement (or question) based on a condition

con era rv to tact ( unfulfilled ), e.g. ^
ει Λακεδαιμόνιοι ταύτα εποιησαν, ευθύς άν καθειλκύσα τε διακοσίας
ναύς ‘i f die Spartans had done that, yo u w o u ld have launched 200
ships at once’
ει άδικος ήν, ούκ άν ενθάδε νύν ή γω νιζόμ η ν, άλλα εκώ ν άν εφευγον ‘if I
were in the w ron g. I w ould not now be standing trial here, but
w ould be m voluntary exile.’
Observe that you w ill sometimes find άν accom p an yin g an in fin itive or
participle. In such cases (usually in indirect speech), the force ο ί άν w ill be
potential or occasionally hypothetical (i.e. (b) or (c)); the verb o f a clause
containing an άν o f type (a) m u st be subjunctive, otherw ise the άν sim ply cannot
Often in Hom er you u, ill find κε or κεν perform ing just the same functions as
άν: but die strict principles laid dow n above for the use o f άν and o f the
subjunctives and optatives do not apply in their entirety to H om er, w here there
is much m ore freedom in the use o f moods.

O Language Survey (7): verbs in -/lu

W e divide all Greek verbs into thematic or -ω verbs and athem atic or -μ ι verbs.
The tw o classes mainly differ in the present and im perfect (som etim es in the
aorist too); also the conjugation o f the -μ ι verbs is far less predictable than that o f
the —o j verbs.
In the pres, and im pf. the -ω verbs (-παύω, φερω, τ ιμ ά ω etc.) show an -o- or
-e- vow el (the so-called thematic vow el) between the root and the personal
endings, while the -μ ι verbs do not: contrast π α ύ -ο-μ εν, τταύ-ε-τε (ττα ύω ) or
τιμ ώ μ εν , τιμά τε w hich derive from τιμ ά -ο -μ εν , τ ιμ ά -ε -τ ε ( τ ιμ ά ω ) with
τιθε-μει>, τιθε-τε ( τ ιθ η -μ ι) , δεικνυ-μεν, δείκνυ-τε ( δ ε ίκ ν ϋ -μ ι), φ α-μεν, φ α-τε
( Φ ψ μ ί), εσ-μεν, εσ-τε ( ε ΐ-μ ί) . The -μ ι verbs have different endings from the -tu
verbs in the singular o f the ind. pres, active: contrast τταύω, π α ύ εις, παύει w ith
τιθη -μ ι, τιθη-ς, τιθη-σ ι or δεικνϋ-μ ι, δείκνϋ-ς, δείκνϋ-σι (but notice the irregu­
lar patterns o f eiμ ι, ει, εστι I am . . . and ε ΐμ ι, εΐ, εϊσι ‘ I shall g o ’). T h e 3rd pi.
ind. pres, o f the -μ ι verbs tends to end in -αα i( v ) (but ε ισ ί ‘ they are’ is again
In the impf. and aorist active the -μ ι verbs have a 3rd pi. in -σαν: cf. ετίθε-σα ν
(impf.). εθε-σαν (aor.). Ιδίδο-σαν (im pf.), εδο-σαν (aor.), ίδε'ικνυ-σαν (im pf. o f
δείκνυμι, the aorist εδειξαν is like έπαυσαν), ήσαν ‘ they w ere’ , ησαν ‘ they were
g o in g .
Ο (7 ) Verbs i n -μι

In the m iddle the -μ> and -a, verbs have sim .br endings but in the -n, verbs
the 2nd s. ,nd,c., ends in -σα. in the present (τίβ,-σα. etc.) and in -ao in the
im perfect ( t r ^ - o o ) · . it m ay be helpful to remember that the equivalent forms
o f the -ω verbs, παύτ, and ίτταύου arc contracted from ή and (παύ(0
In the -μ . verbs the infim tivc active pres, ends in -ra, (and not m as in the
-ω verbs): τ ιθ ίν α ι, SiSovai, SciKi/iJrat, efvac, Urn, etc. Tlie middle inf. ends in
-σθαι as in the - ω verbs: τίθεσθαι, κεΐσθαι etc.

M ost -μ ι verbs preserve in the present and impf. a ctiv e -so m e also in the
aorist - a contrast in the vo w el o f the stem; the s. has a long vow el or diphthong
and the dual and plural have a short vow el: cf. τ ί-θ η -μ ι (ist s.) vs. τί-θε-μεν (ist
pi.), Β ί-Β ω -μ ι (ist s.) vs. Βί-Βο-μει / (ist pi.), Βείκνϋ-μι (ist s.) vs. Βείκνύ-μεν (ist
pi.), φ η - μ ί (ist s.) vs. φ ά-μέν (ist pi.), είμι (ist s.) vs. ΐ-μεν (ist pi.) etc. The ‘short’
stem n orm ally appears in the optative and in all the middle forms.
T h ere is no ‘ regular’ conjugation o f the -μ ι verbs parallel to the conjugation
o f e.g. π α ύ ω . T h is is partly because most o f the -μι verbs are archaic formations
w hich have undergone a number o f changes (remember how irregular is the
inflection o f ‘ I am* in English). T he most ‘ regular’ type is that o f the -νυμι or
-ννυμι verbs (Βείκνυμι, κεράννυμι etc.), which all inflect in a similar manner,
differ from the - ω verbs only in the present and imperfect, and form the other
tenses from the root w ith ou t the - ( ν)νυμι suffix (the aorist is mostly sigmatic: cf.
Βείκ-νυμι vs. εΒειξα). These verbs have present optatives similar to those o f the
-oj verbs (cf. Βεικνύοιμι, Βεικννοις, Βεικννοι etc., just like παύοιμι, παύοις, παύοι
etc.). T h e other -μ ι verbs like τίθ η μ ι, ΒίΒωμι etc. follow the type: ist s. τιθείην,
2nd s. τιθ είη ς, 3rd s. τιθείη, ist pi. τιθεϊμεν, 2nd pi. τιθεΐτε, 3rd pi. τιθεΐεν (cf.
ΒιΒοίην, pi. ΒιΒοϊμεν from ΒίΒωμι; ΐσταίην, pi. ισταΐμεν trom to τη μι; ειην, pi.
εϊμεν from ειμί). T h e opt. o f εΐμι ‘1 shall go ’ follow s the normal pattern o f the -ω
verbs (ΐοιμι, pi. ϊοιμεν etc.).
A m o n g the - μ ι verbs w hich do not belong to the Βείκνυμι type (and are not
defective like ε ιμ ί ‘ I am ’ and εΐμι ‘ I shall g o ) τίθημι, ιστημι, ΒιΒωμι and ΐημι are
the m ost frequent and show very similar inflections, ιστημι has a sigmatic aorist
έσ τη σ α Ί set’ w ith a transitive meaning and an aorist εστην Ί stood’ used
intransitively, τ ί θ η μ ι , ΒίΒωμι, ΐημι, and only these three verbs, form 3orists in
-κ α ( εθηκα, εΒωκα, ή * α ) where the -κ- appears in the singular only (εθηκα,
εθηκας, εθηκε, pi. εθεμεν , εθετε, εθεσαν). It is important not to confuse these
form s w ith the perfect w hich w ould have a reduplication (τέθηκα, ΒεΒωκα,
- ε ικ α ) rather than an augm ent and w ould keep the -k - all through the inflection
o f the indicative.
; ιS C . Language Surveys o

O Language Survey (8):

verbs with perfect force

As vou have seen (165) the earliest function o f the perfect in Greek was to
describe a situation in the present arising from some past event. T h e tendency as
the language developed was to lay more emphasis on the past event, so that in
Classical Greek the perfect is often to be translated ‘ I have - e d ’; but there remain
considerable relics o f its older function. In addition to w hat was said at 165, note
the following:
(a) die perfect passive is often to be rendered ‘it is - c d \ as against ‘ it has been
-ed ' e.g.
ταΰτα εν τοις Σόλωνος νόμοις γεγραπται ‘this is written in the laws o f
Solon’ (i.e. ‘it has been written dow n and can still be read’ )
τέτρωται ‘he is wounded’ (i.e. ‘he has received a w ound and still suffers
from it')
τά κρέα εζώτττητ at ‘the meat is cooked’ (i.e. ‘ has been cooked and is
ready to serve')
(b) a number o f verbs which arc perfect in form have virtually the sense o f the
simple present. You have already met εστηκα ‘ I stand’ , οίδα Ί k n o w ’.
Some others are:
μ ίμνημα ι ‘ I remember’
πεφυκα Ί am — by nature’
°i βάρβαροι εχθροί ττεφύκαοι τοΐς Έ λ λ η σ ιν ‘T h e barbarians are
natural enemies to the Greeks’
κεκραγα Ί shout’
γέγηθα ‘ I am glad’
SiSotKa ‘ I am afraid’
εγρήγορα ‘la m awake’
ειωθα *1 am accustomed to’
ϊοικα (i) Ί seem to - ’ (ii) *1 resemble’ (-(-dat.)
κεχηνα Ί gape’
(c) another relic o f an earlier state o f the language is seen in the use o f active
forms o f the perfect o f a few verbs in what seems like a middle or passive sense.
Sometimes these active perfects actually parallel middle o r passive present
tenses, e.g.
γιγνομαι I become, come to be. com e into existence’
γεγονα ‘I am - by birth-
τ ί γεγονεν; ‘W hat has happened?’
Q (g) T h e negatives ού and μή
άλίσκομαι Ί got captured, I get convicted·
έάλωκα Ί have been capturcd/convictcd’
Note also:
κατεαγε ‘it is broken’ (κατάγνυ-μι)
πεττηγε ‘ it is fixed* (ττήγνν-μι)

Language Survey (9):

the negatives ov and μή

Greek has tw o negative particles, ου and μή. They arc both normally transla­
table as ‘not’ , and the main difference between them is simply the contexts in
which they are used. These may be summarised as follows, but note the
qualifications and further points at the end o f the summary:
w ith the indicative, ov is used (except after el, tva)
w ith the imperative, μ ή is always used
w ith the subjunctive, μή is generally used
with the optative expressing a wish, μή is always used
with all form?; o f potential, ov is always used
w ith all form s o f the infinitive, μή is generally used.

(i) In accordance with the above, in conditional sentences μή is used in the'if’
clause, and ov with the statement based on it. e.g.
εάν μ ή εισελθτ), ον λήφεται το άργνριον1if he doesn’ t come, he won't get the
(ii) The infinitive is usually negatived by μή, except mainly in indirect speech, where
the negative is the one used in the direct context.
(iii) A participle (and this is one o f thefew cases where the distinction between the two
negatives matters for the understanding o f the text), may be negated by either ov or μή.
The difference here is that the use o f μή gives the participle a conditional flavour, so
that the sentence above could have an alternative form, i.e.
ον Χήφεται τό άργνριον μή ειοεΧθον ‘he won t get the money unless lie
It is thus necessary to distinguish between, e.g.
τ ί δράσ α», τον ίτατρός ονκ εύ φρονονντος ( — εττει ονκ εν φροιεΐ) Η bat
shall I do, seeing that my father is not in his right mind?
τ ί δράσω τον ττατρος μή εν φρονονντος ( =ea>' μη εν φροι ή) 11 hat .ball
I do i f my father is not in his right ntind?
3 20 C . Language Surveys

(iv) Where the same negative i.< repeated in a clause, the negatives either reinforce each
other or cancel one another (sec $8).
But combinations o/ ό ifferent negatives ( ού μ ή or μ ή o v ) have special meanings:
(α) μ ή ov with an infinitive means the same as μ ή alone, e.g.
ού μ ι σ ο ύ μ ε ν τ ά ς Α θ ή ν α ς μ ή ον μ ε γ ά λ ο ς efcai * 11V do not hate A thens
(wishing) that it should not be great'
(b) μ ή ov with verbs ofjearing:
φοβούμαι μ ή νικήση Ί fear he may win
φοβούμαι μ ή ον νικήση Ί fear he may not win
(c) ον μή with future indicative expresses a strong proh ib ition , e.g.
ον μή φλυαρήσεις 'D o stop talking nonsense!’
(d) ον μ ή with subjunctive expresses a strong denial, e.g.
ον μ ή π ο τε ά λ ώ I shall certainly never be caught
Observe that (c) and (d) arc easily confused; but remember that in the second person
(which is by far the most frequent), the meaning is alw ays p ro h ib ito ry (i.e.
' don’ t . . 'do stop . . as in (c)).

O Language Survey (io):

m orphology o f the cases
A t first sight the Greek declensions g iv e the impression o f a b e w ild e rin g va riety
o f forms. In order to recognise the cases it is useful to concentrate on the
similarities and to notice that som e o f the differences are due to later changes
(contractions etc.),

X o m . and acc. s.

In all declensions the nom . s. ot m. and t. nouns and adjectives either

ended in -ς ( ναντης, νεανίας, άνθρωπος, π ό λις, π ρ εσ βνς, όφρύς, β α σ ιλ ε ύ ς ) or was
equal to the stem, though m ostly the last v o w e l was lengthened (β ο ή , λ ιμ ή ν ,
π α τήρ). Accented w ords ending in consonants, end o n ly in -ς , - v, -p so that if
any other consonant occurred in final position this was dropped; that is w h y w e
have nom . like λέω ν vs. the gen. λεοντ-ος or ώ ν vs. the gen. οντ-ος.
In typ e I the n o m . s. f. ends in -a , -a or -η: n o rm a lly - a appears after - ε - , - ι - ,
-p- (κόρη is an exception).
T h e acc. s. m. and f. ends in -v in types i and 2 (the preceding v o w e l is the
same as in the nom .). In type 3 the ending tends to be -v after v o w e l, as in π ό λιν,
and -a after consonant, as in λιμένα . Form s like τριήρη and β α σ ιλέα are due to
contraction (~ εα -+ -η ) or to a sw itch ing round o f the quantity o f the v o w e ls, the
so-called quantitative metathesis ( - η α -^ - ε ά ) .
q ( ιο ) M orphology o f the cases

«ypc^2 the nom ./acc. n. ends llkc thc a„ m /f ^

ending o f its o w n a n d 1S h k c thc stem (allow ing for the dropping „ "
consonants d t f f c r c n t f r o m -κ. -p). c f ^ γ μ α , g c n . ^
words llkc π λ ή θ ο ς, αμ< λ( ς do not break the rule by introducing an -c end;
the -s is part o f thc stem . nS·

G e n . s.

T h e gen. s. ends in -TO in type 2 and in thc m. o f type 1; the other nouns
o f type 1 add -s to thc final vo w el o f the stem ( -d - or -η-, never -ά -). Type 3 has
an -os ending. T h e term inations -ovs and -« o s o f e.g. Tpnjpous, irAijiow and
noAews, β α ο ιλ € ω ζ are due to contraction (-e o s —*-ovs) or to quantitative
metathesis ( - η ο ς - * - ( ω ς ) . T h e accent o f -noXeois is comprehensible if one thinks
o f the o ld er fo rm π ό λη ο ς.

D a t. s.

T h c dat. s. a lw a y s ends in -t, w hich follow s a long vowel in types I and

2 and is w ritten subscript ( β ο ή , άνθρώττω). N otice that in πλήθα, τριήρα, πό\α,
β α σ ιλεΐ ctc. the -e - is part o f thc stem (observe the contraction and metathesis in
thc gcn.).

N o m . and acc. p i.

In the plural thc n o m . o f the m. and f. ended in -at or -ot in types ι and
2 and in -€ς in ty p e 3. -es som etim es contracted with a preceding vowel o f the
stem to yield -η ς o r - α ς ( β α σ ιλ ή ς but π όλεις, τρ ιή ρ α ς).
T h c acc. pi. (m . and f.) a lw a y s ends in thc endings are -άς and -ους in types
1 and 2; in ty p e 3 n o rm a lly an acc. s. in -a calls for an acc. pi. in -as. Other types
arc either equal to the n o m . ( π ό λ α ς ) or have forms closely related to the acc. s.
(όφρΰς vs. όφ ρΰν, β α σ ιλ έ α ς vs. β α σ ιλ ίά ).
T h e n o m .—acc. n. pi. en d ed in -a in all types. In forms like πληθη and αστη (3c
and 3f) -η d erives fro m a con traction o f -ea.

G e n . p i.
T h e gen . pi. o f all types ended in -ων; in type 1 this ending always
carries a circu m fle x accen t because it is contractcd from -αων.

D a t. p i
For the dat. pi. w e h ave endings in -αις and -οις in t) pes 1 and * and
-σι in type 3; so m e -σ ι datives alter the shape o f their stem mainly in or
avoid co n so n a n ta l g ro u p s n o t adm itted in Greek (e.g. ουσι where we exp
?22 C . Language Surveys KJ

T h c pi. vocative is always identical to the nom inative; in thc s. the
vocative is cither identical to the nom. (in all neuters, the f. ot type i and in most
nouns o f type 3) or appears in a form which is identical to thc stem (i.e. without
the -ς- o f the nom. in the m. and f.) though thc final vo w el m ay change (cf.
ναύτά, ανθρωττβ, τριήρες, πάτβρ, βασιλεύ etc.).

D u a l Jornts
The dual is not found very frequently but unlike the other dialects
Attic preserved it up to Hellenistic times. It has on ly tw o form s for cach
noun-type, one for thc nom./acc./voc. and one for the gen./dat. In type 1 these
end in -a and -aiv (nom./voc./acc. βοα, ναύτά, gcn./dat. βοαΐν, ι>αύταιν), in type
2 in -ω and -oiv both for m., f. and n., and in type 3 in -e and -oiv again in all
genders. Norm ally thc o f thc nom./voc./acc. contracts w ith a preceding
vowel; hence forms like nom./voc./acc. dual τρ ιή ρ ίΐ, πόλει ctc.

O Language Survey (i i):

use o f thc cases

Greek has five cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive and dative. The
last three may - though they need not - occur in elose association with a
preposition but the first two cannot.

Vocative case

Thc vocativc may be treated separately from thc other cases; its
position is peculiar in that (a) often it is not m orphologically distinguished troin
the nominative, and (b) need not occur in a sentence but can be used 011 its own
in exclamations or when addressing a person or thing ( ω Ζ ε ύ , ώ Δ ι κ α ι ό π ο λ ι ) .
Even when it occurs in a sentence its link with it is tenuous; it could be rem oved
without making the sentence ungrammatical. In Attic it is norm ally used after
the particle ω; if ω is absent this denotes strong emotion or a desire to keep the
person addressed at a distance.

Nom inative case

As in Latin, the nom. indicates thc subject o f a sentence; syntactically

this is defined by the fact that thc verb agrees with it in number (an exception is
thc nom. pi. n. which can take a s. verb): cf. 8. T he nom . is also the case o f all
nouns, adjectivcs, articles ctc. which agree with the subject, either as appositions
Ο ( α ) Use o f thc cases

or as attributes or complements. Finally, Greek may use the nom. as the c,tnt,on
case or as a title or heading: d . thc numerous inscriptions which start with the
phrase τυχη άγαθη.

Accusative case

T h e acc. is the case which most closely defines and specifies thc
meaning o f thc verb. It indicates thc object’ o f the sentence and in English it
corresponds to thc noun which immediately follows the verb (without any
intermediate preposition). N otice, however, that if we had to translate into
Greek a sentence like ‘He gave John the toy\ wc would use the acc. for ‘toy’ but
not for ‘John’ , w hich w ould go in the dative (the sentence is equivalent to ‘He
gave the toy to Joh n ’ but not to ♦‘He gavejohn to thc toy’). On the other hand
Greek has som e verbs w hich take a double accusative; αίτέω Ί ask’, κρύπτω Ί
conceal , 8 i8clokoj I teach ctc.; cf. διδαοκε τον οόν λόγον lteach me your
argument’ . In other instances, when w e find a verb joined to two independent
accusatives one o f thc tw o has predicative value: έαντόν δεσπότην πέποιηκεν ‘lie
made him self master’.
T hc link w ith thc verb is less close when the acc. is used (with transitive,
intransitive or even passive verbs) to indicate extent o f space or time or in
adverbial function: απέχει . . . σταδίους έβδομήκοντα ‘it is seventy stades dis­
tant’; εβασίλευσε πεντη κοντά ετεα ‘he was king for fifty years. It is often
difficult to draw a line between these uses and those o f the so-callcd acc. ot
rcspect: πόδας ώ κύς νίχιλλβ ύ ί ‘swift-footed Achilles’, δεινοί μάχην ‘terrible in
battle’ ctc. Som e accusatives used in adverbial function often became fossilised:
cf. άρχην ‘initially’ , πρόφασιν ‘under thc pretext o f’, χάριν ‘for the sake ot, on
behalf of, on account o f ’; cf. also τρόπον τινά ‘in some way etc.
T h c acc. can also indicate movements towards or direction; in prose this
usage calls for a preposition (είς, επί, πρός etc.) or for a construction where the
acc. is follow ed by thc particle -δε (*Α θήναζε= Αθήνας+δε).
[For thc so-callcd acc. absolute, see 184.)

G en itiv e case
Som e uses o f the gen. have been listed in 92· ,s customar)
distinguish first thc so-called adnominal gcn. which is used in close connecno
with a noun, ju st as phrases introduced by ‘o f are in English, it* meaning ^
according to the meaning o f the nouns in question, so that it ca . "
possession, origin, part ctc. (cf. 26 for thc relative order o f the gen. an t c
on which it depends). . . , r, mm-irical
W e often find the gen. in close connection with the vcr m t c j, «^
slot norm ally reserved for the acc. With verbs which mean to eat,
} 24 C Language Surveys

thc gcn indicates that a part only o f what thc noun refers to is taken, eaten etc.:
c f τής γης έτεμον ‘they ravaged (part of) the land’ vs. την γή ν πάσαν ετεμον
‘ they ravaged all the land’ and compare the similar use o f *dc\ ‘d u ’ etc. in French
(j ’ai mange du pain’). In this partitive function w e expect the gcn. to alternate
with all cases and not only with the acc.; this docs in fact happen but less
frequently in Attic than in e.g. Homer.
The lien comes to be regularly associated with some verbs; in most instances
this may be explained by its partitive function but w e must also m ake allow ance
for the fact that the gcn. can indicate origin, cause, m ovem ent from ctc. (this is
because it continues both an ancient gen. and an ancient ablative case w hich had
these functions).
Some o f the most frequent verbs which take the gen. belong to the fo llo w in g
to touch, to come in contact or to tail to do so; cf. ά π τομ α ι, εχο μ α ι, αμαρτάνω
to share, to participate; cf. μέτεσ τι, μ ετέχω , κοινωνέω ctc.
to aim at, to desire; cf. επιθυμέω, έράω etc.
to reach, to obtain, cf. έφικνέομαι, τυγχάνω etc.
to start, to begin; cf άρχω, άρχομαι etc.
to remember, to care for, to forget, to despise; cf. μ ιμ νή σ κ ω , φ ρ οντίζω , μέλει,
άμελέω, καταφρονέω etc.
to admire, to be amazed at, to envy, to reproach, to be angry; cf. θα υμάζω ,
ζηλόομαι, οργίζομαι, ονειδίζω etc.
to hear, to perceive, to come to know ; cf. ακούω, αισθάνομαι, πυνθάνομαι etc.
to order, to dominate; cf. άρχω, κρατέομαι etc.
to need, to lack; c f απορεω, στερίσκω, δέω, δέομαι ctc.
Notice that the adjectives which have these or similar meanings also can take thc
Like die acc., die gen. can be used to indicate time or place (less frequently)
normally with a partitive nuance; cf. ημέρας ‘by day’ , νυκτός ‘by n igh t’ and sec
104 tor thc difference in meaning between dat., acc. and gen. in these construc­
In more specialised contexts the gcn. indicates price or value (especially with
\erbs which mean to buy , to sell etc.), crimc and penalty (w ith verbs which
mean ‘ to convict’ , ‘ to punish’ , ‘to bring to trial etc.). cf. πόσου ; ‘how m uch’ ’ ,
εργαζεσθαι^ μισθού to W'ork for pay etc., άσεβείας γράφε iv ‘ to prosecute for
impiety , ασεβείας φεύγ^ν ‘ to be tried for im piety’ .
The gen. is regularly construed with comparatives and superlatives: cf.
με ιτος γλυκίων sweeter than honey , αοφώτατος ανθρώπων ‘ wisest am ong
Ο ( ι Ο Use o f the cases

A fte r prepositions the gcn. is used in a number o f functions, but whenever

separation, or m ovem ent from , is indicated the preposition takes thc gen (cf.
εκ, από etc.).

Finally w e should notice thc use o f the gen. in the so-called gem m e absolute
constructions: see 139.

D a tive case

T h e dative case may indicate the indirect object o f a verb, where

English w o u ld norm ally have a phrase introduced by ‘to* or ‘for’ (cf. 104)·
τα ϋ τα δίδω σιν α ύτοΐς ‘he gives these things to them’, Xeyei ταύτα αντοϊς ‘he says
these things to them ’ . W ords which refer to thingsor persons or abstractions are
put in the dative to indicate that something is done to their advantage or
disadvantage: ηδε η ήμερα τοΐς Ε λλη σ ι μεγάλων κακών άρζει ‘this day will be
die start o f great sorrow’s for the Greeks’. Related to this usage is that o f the
possessive dative w ith thc verb ‘ to be* or related verbs, ταύτά μοί
έστι/γίγνεται/ύττάρχει ‘ I have these things’ Notice also the idioms τ ί ταΰτ* έμοί,
τ ί εμοι και σοί; literally ‘ what (arc) these things to me5’, ‘what (is) there to me
and you?’ , i.e. ‘ w hat have I to do with . . .?’
Since the Greek dative continues an ancient dative but also two other cases
which have m erged with it, the instrumental and the locative, we m i) expect to
find traces o f the functions o f these two cases in its usage In tact, thc dat may be
used (as the ancient instrumental) to indicate the manner 111 which something is
done, or means or tools used: ταΐς μαχαίραις κόπτοντες ‘smiting them with
swords’ etc. T o indicate accompaniment or association prose normally uses a
preposition (σ υ ν ) w'ith the dat. but a survn al o f the ancient usage is found in the
constructions o f αυτός with the dat.. τώ ν ιεών μία αύτοΐς άνδράσ ιν one o f the
ships with its m en’ .
In poetry the dative w ithout a preposition was used (w ith its earlier locative
value) to indicate place at which or time whin, 111 prose this usage survives in a
limited num ber o f instances (it is more frequent with place names and time
expressions), but the normal construction calls tor εν and the dative, cf.
Σαλαμΐνι ‘in Salamis’ but εν Σπάρτ-η ‘in Sparta ; τριτώ μηνι in the third month

but Iv τ ώ χ ειμ ώ ν ι ‘in the winter’.

Some verbs are regularly construed with the dative where Eng isi won
have a non-prcpositional phrase in equivalent sentences. The most trequ'
meanings are: , , , ,
to help, to please, to displease, to blame, to envy. ct. βοηθέω, αρεσκω, ε
οργίζα,, φ θονίω etc. , '
to o b ey, to serve, to trust, to cf. π'ίβομα., iovteva,. «·>«"
326 C Language Surveys o
to meet: cf. απαντάω, ττεριτυγχανω ctc.
to follow , to accompany: cf. έπομαι, άκουλουθέω ctc.

Addenda. In passive constructions thc ‘agent’ is norm ally indicated by ύττό w ith a
qemtivc if the word reters to a person, or by a simple dative if it refeis to a
‘thinu’; cf. the examples given in 138 πείθεται υπό εμού ‘he is being persuaded
by me*, εβαλλόμην τοϊς λίθοις Ί was being pelted by/with stones’ . H ow ever,
som etim es thc simple dative can indicate thc personal agent, especially when the
passive verb is perfect or pluperfect and is used impersonally: εμοι πέ π ρ α κ τα ι ‘it
has been done by me’ .

O Language Survey (12):

use o f the definite article

General features
Greek has only one article, 6 ή τό ‘ the’ . W hen English uses ‘a’ Greek
either has the simple noun without an article or (less often) makes use o f the
indefinite pronoun τις 'a, a certain, some’ .
There is a certain amount o f agreement in the Greek and English use o f the
definite article but the overlap is by no means com plete. Here are some o f the
mam differences:
(a) Greek can (but need not) use thc article with personal names and place
names: ό Σ ό λ ω ν ‘ Solon’ , ή Ά α ί α ‘Asia’ .
(b) Greek can use the article with abstract nouns: ή αρετή ‘courage’ , ή χάρις
‘grace’ .
(c) In general statements Greek may use the article where English w ould om it
it: ό άνθρωπος ‘ man’ (i.e. the class o f all men).
(d) Greek uses the article before possessive adjectives: ό εμός υιός ‘ m y son’ .
(c) Greek does not use the articles with nouns used as predicates: νύξ ή ήμερα
εγενετο ‘ the day became night’ (ννξ could not have the article).

T h e article as noun

O ne o f the main features o f classical Greek is that the article can be used
with almost any part o f speech (adjectives, adverbs, participles, infinitives,
whole phrases) to form noun phrases: ό σοφός ‘ the wise man’ , ό λ ε γ ω ν ‘ the man
who is speaking’ , τό θανεϊν ‘the fact o f dying, death’ . In this w ay Greek
introduces the aspectual distinctions o f verbs into nominal constructions and
can distinguish for instance between 6 θάνατος ‘death’ and τό θνήσκειν or to
Ο ( 12) U se o f the definite article

f a w f c A n articlc m ay also be follow ed by an adverb, or a gemtival or

prepositional phrase: cf. o, fa r f ‘ the men there, Ή ρ ά κ ^ τ ο ν 'those
round H eraklcitos (i.e. ‘ Herakleitos and h,s school'), τά τώκ Ά β ψ α ίω ν lit ‘the
things o f the Athenians' (the meaning o f τ ί is determined by the context) τά iv
/ W 8 a c > v . 'the things/events in Sparta’. The articlc also allows a noun to be
determined by an adverb: 6 Αρβώς κυβίρνψ ης ’he who is really a p.lot, a real
pilot’ .
Finally the neuter article may introduce phrases which though not nominal
in origin are treated as such, t o Atav "fjooov επαινώ τον μη8εν άγαν Ί approve thc
“ too m uch” less than the “ nothing in excess” ’, i.e. Ί approve o f excess less than
o f m oderation , θανμα,στον Sc μοι φαίνεται και το ττειοθηναί τινας ‘ I also find it
amazing that som e people m ay have been convinced.’ This use o f the article
allowed an im m ense stylistic and semantic flexibility which Greek literature and
philosophy exploited in full.

T h e position o f the articlc

N o rm a lly the article precedes thc noun but notice that in a simple
phrase o f articlc, adjective, noun the articlc can take various positions even
though the m eaning does not change substantially: ό σοφός άνηρ, ό άνηρ 6
σοφός, άνηρ ό σοφός (rare) all mean ‘the wise man’ (cf. 60). However in the
phrases σοφός ό άνηρ and ό άνηρ σοφός, σοφός is used as a predicate and the
meaning is ‘the man is w ise’ .
Some adjectives (often o f pronominal origin) - οντος, ο8ε, εκείνος,
πάς — take the predicative position: οντος ό άνηρ, ό άνηρ οντος this man .
Notice, on the other hand, thc contrast between ό αντος άνηρ the same man
and ο άνηρ αντός, α ντός ό άνηρ ‘ the man himself’ .

Demonstrative uses
A ttic preserves only a few traces o f the original demonstrative value o f
the articlc: cf. ό μ έν . . . ό 8ε ‘ the one . . . the other* and also the expressions και
os, ή δ’ δς ‘and he . . ‘he said’ (notice that in these phrases the nom. iso? and
not <5though the form must not be confused with that o f the relative pronoun).

O Language Survey ( i 3):

vocabulary building

The follow in g list o f prefixes and suffixes attached to nouns, adjecri * ^

and verbs will help you to d eterm ine the meaning o f roots or stems \
C . Language Surreys

recognise but thc d u p e o f which m ay be slightly unfam iliar. F o llo w in g this list
o f prefixes and suffixes a table o f useful com m on roots/stems is g iven .

( i) Formation o f nouns
T h c follow ing suffixes w ill be frequently met:
(a) to denote actions:
-σις f. (je ) τταίδευσις ‘ training* ( π α ιδ εύ ω )
- a t a f (ib ) εργασία ‘ work* ( ερ γά τη ς)
-μός m. (2a) διω γμός 'pursuit ( δ ιω κ ω )
(b) to denote the result o f an action:
-μα (-μ α τ ο ς ) n. (βb) πράγμα ‘ thing (done)’ ( π ρ ά τ τ ω )
(c) to denote the agent:
-τήρ m. (jta) σω τήρ ‘ saviour’ ( σ ω ζ ω )
-τω ρ m. (ja ) ρητωρ ‘orator (cf. ερώ)
-τής m. (id ) ποιητής ‘ maker, poet’ ( ττοιέω)
(d) to denote means or instalment:
-τρον ii . (2b) αροτρον ‘ plough (ά ρ ό ω )
(e) to denote profession or class o f a person:
-εύς m. (jh ) Ιερεύς ‘ priest’ (ιερ ό ς)
-της m. ( id) πολίτης ‘citizen’ ( π ό λις)
(f) to denote quality:
-της ( -τη τος)J . (ja ) ισότης ‘equality’ ( ίσ ο ς )
-σννηJ. ( ι a ) σωφροσύνη ‘ m oderation’ ( σώ φ ρω ν)
- ia f. ( ib) σοφία ‘ w isdom ’ (σοφ ός)
(g) to denote place where an activity occurs:
-τήριον n. (2b) δικαστήριον ‘law -court’ ('δικάζω )
-εΐον n. (2b) κουρεΐον ‘barber’s shop’ ( κούρεύς)
(h) to denote a small example (familiar or contem ptuous):
-ιόν n. ( 2b) παιδίον ‘child’ ( π α ΐς)
-ίδιον n. (2b) οικίδιον ‘small house’ (ο ϊκ ο ς )
-ισκος nt. (2a) νεανίσκος ‘ youth’ (νεανίας)
-ισκηJ . (ia) παιδίσκη ‘ young girl’ ( π α ϊς )
(i) to denote ‘ son o f (often used as a person name. cf. English names 111 ‘-s o n ’)
-αδης in. (id) Βορεάδης ‘son o f Horeas’ (Β ο ρ ε α ς)
-ιδης m. (id) ΓΙριαμίδης ‘son o f Priam ’ (Π ρ ία μ ο ς )
(j) to denote thcJeminine form:
-ις (-ιδ ο ς )]. (ja) νεάνις ‘young girl’ (νεανία ς)

(ii) Formation o f adjectives

Adjectives are formed either by derivation (i.e. the addition o f suf-

O ( i 3 ) Vocabulary building ^

fixes), or b y com position (in w hich tw o elements are compounded, or juxta­

posed) and the m eaning is deduced from the sense o f the tw o elements. These
elements m ay co m e from nouns or verbs or prepositions. If the first element is a
noun or adjective, it has either the bare stem (e.g. εύρύ-πορος, from ευρύς
broad ), or a v o w e l -o- inserted (e.g. ψ υχ-ο-πομπός ‘escorting souls’ from
φ υχ-ή). If the first elem ent is a verb, thc form sometimes ends in -<r or -at, e.g.
φ ερέ-νίκος ‘b rin gin g victo ry’
ελκ εσ ί-π επ λ ο ς ‘trailing robes’
T h e prepositions are very com m only used in compounds and sometimes
have special m eanings (sec below under ‘Formation o f verbs’).
N o te especially:
(i) die frequent adjective form ation with et)- ‘g o o d ’
ευδα ίμ ω ν ‘h aving good deities, happy’
(ii) the prefix a- or av- w hich carries a negative force, e.g.
ά γα μ ος ‘ unmarried*
άνώ νυμος ‘ unnam ed’
But bew are o f the small num ber o f words where a- means ‘ together w ith’,
c -g·
ά λοχος ‘ w ife ’ (lit. ‘b ed fellow ’).
Som e o f the m ore com m on adjectival suffixes are listed here:
(a) to denote λ general relationship:
-tος: π ο λέμ ιο ς ‘en em y’ ( πόλεμος)
-ικ ό ς, φ υσικός ‘natural’ (φ ύ σ ις)
(b) to denote material:
-ινος: λίθινος ‘o f stone' (λ ίθ ο ς)
-εος: -ους: χρυσούς ‘golden (χρ νσ ος)
(c) to denote inclination, or tendency:
- μ ω ν : μ ν η μ ώ ν ‘ m indful’ (cf. μ έ - μ ν η - μ α ι )

(d) to denote aptitude:

-ιμ ος: χρ ή σ ιμ ο ς ‘useful (χρ α ο μ α ι)
(c) to denote passive force or capability:
-τος: σ χ ισ τό ς ‘d ivid ed ’ ( σ χ ίζ ω )
ορατός ‘ visible ( οραω)
(0 to denote obligation:
-τεος: τιμ η τέο ς ‘that is to be honoured’ ( τιμ ά ω )

( iii) Form ation o f adverbs

M ost adjcctivcs form adverbs by adding -ως (.·£,· κακός
άληθης - άληθώ ς. Those in -υς add -ea*, e.g. ήδύς - ήδέως.
T h e neuter accusative m ay be used adverbially as well, e.g.
330 C . Language Surveys w

πολύ ‘ much*
μεγάλα ‘greatly'
μόνον ‘alone’
There arc also many adverbs that do not fall into a regular pattern, e.g.
τάχα ‘quickly’
ευθύς ‘at once’
παντάπασι ‘in every respect’
Special types are:
-δον, -αδόν, -ηδόν κννηδόν ‘like a d o g ’
όμοθυμαδόν ‘unanim ously’
-δήν, -αδήν κρυβδήν ‘secretly’ (cf. κρύπ τω ‘hide’)

(iv ) Formation o f verbs

Verbs arc form ed from nouns (or adjectives) b y such suffixes as these:
-άω τιμάω ‘honour’ ( τ ιμ ή )
-έω πονέω ‘ w o rk ’ ( πόνος )
-όω δονλόω ‘enslave’ ( δούλος)
-εύω βασιλεύω ‘ reign’ ( βασιλεύς )
-ζω αγοράζω ‘b u y’ ( αγορά)
-ίζω π λουτίζω ‘ enrich’ ( π λούτος)
-ύνω ήδύνω ‘ sweeten’ ( ήδύς)
T o denote a wish:
-ιάω στρατηγιάω ‘ to W'ant to be a general’ (σ τ ρ α τ η γ ό ς)
-σείω γελασείω ‘ to want to laugh’ (γελά ω )
Verbs are frequently compounded w ith prepositions, thc sense o f w hich is
sometimes subtle and difficult to render. Apart from their norm al senses, note
the follow ing special senses o f prepositions as com pounded to form both verbs
and adjectives:
άνα- withdrawal άναχωρέω ‘retreat’
repetition άναβιόω ‘com e to life again’
άντι- exchange άντιδίδωμι ‘give in return’
equality αντίθεος ‘god-like’
against άντίδικος ‘opponent at law ’
απο- return αποδίδω μ ι ‘give back’
completion απεργάζομαι ‘finish o f f ’
for the defendant άπολο γέομαι ‘defend oneself’
δια- separation διαλύω ‘break up’A
disagreement διαφωνέω ‘disagree’
succession διαδέχομαι ‘take thc place o f ’
completion διαπράττα) ‘accomplish’
Ο ( 13) I ocabulary building ^(

έπ ι- ορposition επιστρατεύω ‘march against"

addition έπιμανθάνω ‘learn besides*
superiority έπιβιόω ‘survive*
κα τα- thoroughness καταμανθάνω ‘learn thoroughly’
to destruction καταλύω ‘destroy utterly’
μ ετα - change μεταγιγνώ σκω ‘change one’s mind, repent’
share μέτεστι ‘share in’
παρα- deviation παραβαίνω ‘overstep, transgress’
περι- intensity περικαλλής ‘very beautiful’
προ- abandonment προδίδωμι ‘betray’
anteriority προοράω ‘foresee’
ύπερ- excess υπερβάλλω ‘overshoot, exceed’
ύπο- subjection υπήκοος ‘subject’
moderation υπόλευκος ‘ whitish’
stealth ύποσπάω ‘withdraw secretly’

( v) C h a n g es in root syllables
Y o u w ill have noticcd that thc root sylhbic. r f G r « k words arc
sometimes m odified, especially in their vowels. This is a in .'w “
where w e have such patterns as 'sing', ‘sung . sang or to o t, cc .
in Greek are very com plicated, but it is worth noting the pattern * tad. '
by -o- o r b y * ™ . i e. t h , vow el disappears completely.
vow el is in som e contexts, especially where λ , μ , ν, ° ΓΡ ari 11
by α. T h e fo llo w in g table gives a few examples.
πέτομαι ‘fly* π οτάομα ι “hover* έτερόν '™ n* '
λείπω ‘leave’ λέλοιπα (perj.) ελιπον (aor.)
φεύγω ‘run a w a y ’ εφι/yov (aor.) φυγή ‘Hight*
φέρω ‘bring* -φορος ‘-bringing’
πατέρα (acc.) ‘father* πατρός (gen.) πατράσι (dat. pi.)
βέλος ‘ missile’ βόλος ‘cast’ βάλλω ‘throw’
τέμνω ‘cut’ τόμος ‘slice’ εταμον (aor.)
πένθος ‘g rie f’ πέπονθα ’suffer* (per/.) επαθον (aor.)
θείνω ‘kill’ φόνος ‘ m u rder ’ έπεφνον (aor.)
...... ..««*«'·* \ reptaccnient
The last exam ple shows another strange teature.
Similarly w e find τ replaced by π, e.g.
/ > ι ν
τις w ho?
πον where.
71 . .
r ι
τινω pay » ποινή ‘penalts
' r
πέντε ‘five’ π εμ τττο ς ‘fifth’
332 C . Language Surveys o
(v i) Latin transcriptions
T h c Greek words that have been b orrow ed into English have nor­
mally com e by w ay o f Latin; only a few (e.g. ‘kudos’) arc taken directly from
thc Greek form. Sim ilarly, thc proper names o f G reek are frequently given a
Latin form in English, which is occasionally different from the G reek (e.g.
Achilles for ’Λχιλλεό?), but usually follow s a regular rule o f transcription. M ost
equivalents are obvious, but note thc follow ing:
0 = th
φ = ph
X = ch
K— C

OV — U
Thus, for example, Θουκυδίδης appears as ‘Thucydides’ .
Vow el-length is not shown and the corresponding English vow els are often
different. Thus "Ομηρος becomes ‘Hom crus’ , English ‘ H 6m cr\ C f. also Σ ό λω ν
becomes English Solon. For transcriptions in this course, see p. 260.

( vii) Useful stents

ά γ γ (λ- announce, proclaim, ά ττο λο γ- defend

report απορ- wrant; ignorance,
a- (p refix) no, not doubt
άγορ- gather, frequent; talk άποστα- revolt, part from ,
άγρ- country, field, hunt, stand aw ay
savage άρπ- seize, plunder
άγω ν- contest, fight άΡΧ- rule; office; begin
α ίσ θ - feel, apprehend, notice άσθεν- w eak, ill
ά ίτ ι- cause, accuse, blame ά σ τ- city; clever
ά κ ο (υ )- hear β α \β η - go, w alk, stand
άλ- be captured β α λ\β ο λ- throw , strike
ά ληθ- true βαρ- heavy, serious
ά μ α ρ τ- miss, err, fail, do β ια - force, violence
wrong β 40 -
life, livelihood
compel, force. β ο α \β ο η - shout, demand, roar
necessity βοηθ-
άνδρ- cry for help, help,
man, manliness.
βουλ(€ )(ν). plan, advise, resolve
deceive, trick β ουλ-
ό,ποκρι- wish
reply, answer; separate γαμ- marry
Ο (13) Vocabulary building 333

yev- b cco m c, be, be born ηγε- Icad; think

γνο\γνω- perceive, be aware, ηδ- sweet, pleasant,
decide pleased
γραφ- w rite, propose; ησυχ- calm, rest, silence
law suit θαν-\θν- die, death
γυναικ- w o m an , fem ale θαυμ- wonder, amazement
δεικίδειξ- sh o w , reveal. 6ea- see, wonder
dem onstrate θεραπ- cure, look after, serve
δημ- people, live, inhabit θνητ- mortal, death
διατρφ - spend tim e, waste time θυ- sacrifice
διαφθερ- destroy, corrupt θυμ- heart, anger.
διδασκ\διδαξ-• teach enthusiasm.
δικ- justice; law; penalty; courage, purpose,
court will
δο- g ive Ιατρ- cure, medicine, doctor
δρα- do. act Ιδ- see
δυνα- be able, possible kp- holy, sacred, priest.
δυσ- bad. poor, evil temple
(Ιδ- see; kn ow ; shape, κακο- evil, wicked, bad,
figure corrupt
άκ- reasonable; yield; κατηγορ- accuse, charge, prove
κελεν- order
tw enty
€ΙΤΤ- - announce, herald.
say, speak κηρι*γ\κηρνξ·
eAey*- proclaim
disprove, exam ine.
κινδνν- danger, risk
(λευθ- free κλεττ-'κλο π- steal
Έ λλ- κλη- call, summon
6λ7Τ- κοιν-
common, shared.
ϊζε τ α ζ- united
question, search
€ΟΙΚ- power, sway, control
be like; be reasonable κρατ-
εττα,ιν- κριν\κρισ- judge; reply, discern
ίρ γ . κτ- kill, gam
do, w ork
εταιρ- λαβ- take
friend, companion
€U- λαθ- secret
w ell, good
evp. speak; words; reason
find, discover, broad λεγ λογ-
ei 5v_ λιπ'λοιπ- leave, abandon
*χθρ- μαθ- learn
hostile, enem y witness, evidence
ζ*\ζω- live μαρτυ(ρ)-
μαχ- fight
fine, penalise
ζ*)τ- large, size
seek, search μ εγ (α λ)-
334 C. Language Surveys o
μ ελ- carc, conccrn σ ιγ - silcnce
μηχαν- devicc, contrive σκ€7τ1σκο77- see, r e v ie w , consider
μ νη (μ ί ­ rem em ber, m ention σ κ ευ - prepare; gear,
μ ια - hate furniture
ναν- ship, nautical σοφ- w ise, in telligen t
νικ - conquer σπ€ν8\σ7τ ov8- libation , pour
νθ( €^|ΐΌΙ- notice; plan; intend; σ7τ€υδ|σπουδ- h urry; enthusiasm ;
mind serious
νομ- custom; law; think, be σ τρ α τ- a rm y , m arch, cam p
used to σω - safe, sound
ΐ'οσ- disease, illness ταχ- speed, h u rry
&V- stranger; guest; alien τεκ μ α ιρ - w itness, evid en ce
live, house, inhabit, τ ε λ (€ ν τ )- end, finish, death

serve τεχν- art, skill, means, trade

όλ- destroy τ ιμ ( α )- h on our; value; punish,
ομ - swear, take an oath penalty
όμο- at one w ith τ ιμ ω ρ ( e ) - ven geance
οργ- anger, passion τρζφ ^τροφ- rear, nurture
όφ- sight, vision τυχ- chance, happen
τταθ- experience, suffering νβρ - violen ce
παι(Β)\παιζ- child; educate; play φασ ·φαν- appear, seem
παν- all, every φ ιλ- lo v e, respect
7Τ€ΐθ- persuade φοβ- fear
7T€lp- try. experience, test φρην φ ρ ο ν (τ)- ■m ind; w o rry ; thought
ττεμττίττομττ- send φ υγ- flight
7Τ€α- fall φ νλακ- guard, protect
ττιστ- faithful, trust φυ- nature, naturally
ττλ€(υ)\πλοι-• sail, voyage φων- voice, speech
77Oie'|7T0 tT7 - make, do ΧαΡ~ please; charm ;
ττολεμ- war, enemy w elco m e
πραγ ττραξ- act, do, accomplish ΧΡΨ use; useful; o u gh t
7τρεσβ- old, embassy χ ω ρ- g o , place
ττυθ- learn, inquire φευΒ- false
σαφ- clear φηφ- vote, decree
σημ- sign, show, signify φυχ- soul, life
D. A total vocabulary of all words
to be learnt

Finding thc lcxicon form o f a verb

The essence is to isolate the present stem, since it is most often this form \%hic

will be show n in the lexicon . ,,»Λιιη1ίηποη.

(i) L ook at thc fron t o f the w o rd , and rem ove any augmen .
η could be thc augm ented form o f a, ε, η
at, €i
71 ’· "
αν, €υ
ηυ ,, »»
co ,, ”
ω ,, ” ot
ι, v
t, υ ,, >>

Bear . “ m ind that L augm J m ight be J d L by a prefix such as

πρό, εις, εν, so check the prefix as well.
π ρ ο ν β α λ ο ν ~ π ρο-ε-βο-λον
εξέβαλον = εκ-έ-βαλον
ενέβαλον fro m εμβά λλω
Here is a list o f com m on prefixes, w ith their varioi ^

ο.νά av ’ €V t ττρό ττροε- ττρον

άττό α π 'ά φ ' ε π ί ε π 'ε φ ' ανν συμ -ουγ-
διά δι’ * ατ<ί κ α τ' , ύπό irn νφ'
ίΚ.'4 . ^ ' ‘ " ’ ' ‘ l/red u p U ca a o n a n d prefix.
(ii) Having made an adjustment for augnit .n(ii,ics. u ·
the stem and th e e n d in g . R e m o v e a n y persona ^ f o llo w s , it is p r° J *
(iii) If the rem aining stem ends in ο, ζ , Φ> *"*P’ ααΖ=\ύω) ° r converting o to
an aorist. T r y d rop pin g the oa (e g· €
336 D . Total Vocabulary

( 1-νόμισ-α = ν ο μ ίζω ). T ry restoring a ξ —>κ or -+ ττ

( € -π ρ α ξ-α = π ρ ά ττω ), and a terminal φ to π ( ( -π ε μ φ -α = π έ μ π ω ).
If thc stem ends in some form o f θη, rem em ber that χ m ay hide τ τ or κ
( έπράχθην = π ρ ά ττω ), φ m ay hide π or β ( έπέμφθην = π έ μ π ω ).
(iv) If there is no augm ent, check the endings for som e sign o f σ ( ξ , φ ) or
f-contract in the stem, when it may be future. C h eck also endings fo r signs o f
participle, infinitive, ctc. and rem em ber that the stem yo u so isolate m ay be
present or aorist or perfect or future (see Reference G ram m ar E.2).
(v) If you arc still stumped, isolate thc stem and look that up in the vocabu lary
or the stem list (Language Survey (13) (vii)). I lig h ly irregular stems have been
placed there for your peace o f mind.
T otal Vocabulary

t for Principal Parts see Refer- i W '«<>'b ’m* · “ *■ < ' “ '“ J ? “ f ' " 1'
cnce Grammar E-4 (pp. 284!?.) H v .ta .b c a.
t t these form s o nvly appear »ρηνηναγω
e« · ' li^ in //beat
li\cm heat etSow: dat.
^ etdoi)
with the prefix as sh ow n, but peace ate* =c<i
, , . . ,
should still be looked up w ith - άγών (ά γω ν-), o contest, tna α.ρίομ ^ ^ ^ Cipturc.
out thc prefix in E.4. ( 3a) convict
• see appropriate sections o f αγωνίζομαι contest, go to aw
Reference G ram m ar or Lan­ άδίλφός, ό brother (2a) f αισθάνομαι
guage Survey. άδικςω be unjust; commit a (α ίσθ ·) perceive, notice
(+acc. or gcn.)
crime; w rong
A αισχρός ά όν ugly (o f people);
αδίκημα ( άδικηματ- ) , τό
άγαγ~ aor. stem o f άγω base, shameful (comp.
crime, w rong (jb)
αγαθός -η όν good; noble; αίσχίων: sup. αισχιστος)
άδικος ov unjust
courageous ^αισχύνομαι be ashamed, feel
αδύνατο? ov impossible
άγαλμα ( άγαλματ-), τό shame (before)
t$Sw = a€t8io
image, statue (3b) αιτίω ask (for)
aei always
t άγγίλλω ( άγγ€ΐλ~ ) report, αίτια, ή reason, cause;
|άί»δω sing
announce responsibility (ib)
άίκων — άκων
αίτιος a ov responsible (for),
όγγ(λος, o messenger (2a) αθάνατος ov immortal
aye come! (s.) guilty (oi) (+gen.)
Ά θ ή να ζ( to Athens
αΙχμή, ή spear-point (Ja)
άγομαι bring for oneself; Α θήναt, at Athens (ia)
άκηκοα pcrf. ind. o f ακούω
lead; marry Αθηναίος, ό Athenian (2a)
άκηκοως via ός ( -οτ~) pert.
αγορά, ή gathering (-place); Άθηνηοι at Athens
part, o f ακούω
market-place; agora (ib) άθλιος a ov padicbc,
ακοή, η hearing (ta)
αγορίύω speak (in assembly); miserable, wretched
άκολονθίω follow.
proclaim αθροίζω gather, collect
accompany (+dat.)
°·γρη, ή hunt (1 a) άθυμίω be downhearted. ακόσμητος ov unprovided for
Qypoiκος ov from the gloom y, disheartened
f ακούω hear, listen (to)
country; boorish άθνμία, ή lack o f spirit, (-f gcn. o f oerson. gen. or
αγρός, 6 field; country (side) (2a) depression (1 b)
33^ O . T otal Vocabulary

acc. o f thing) (fut. άναβαίνω ( άναβα- ) g o up. άοπλος ov unarm ed

άκούσομαι) com e up απαγγέλλω
ακριβώς accurately, closely άναβάς (ά ν α β α ιτ-) aor. part ( ά πα γγ< ιλ-) announce,
άκρόπολις, η Acropolis, o f αναβαίνω report
citadel (3 c) άΐ’αγκόζιυ forcc. com pel άπαγορ(ύω ( άπ<ιπ-) forbid
άκυροί ov invalid αναγκαίος a ov necessary άπάγω ( ά π α γ α γ -) lead, take
άκων άκονσα άκον ανάγκη, η necessity (ia) aw ay
(άκοντ-) unwilling(ly) ανάγκη to r i it is o b lig ato ry άπαις (ά π α ιΒ -) childless
άλ- aor. stem o f άλίσκομαι (for x (acc. o r dat.) άπαιτέω dem and (x (acc.)
άλήθ(ΐα, η truth (lb) to - (inf.)) from y (acc.))
αληθή, τά the truth άναιρίω ( ά ν(λ-) pick up άηάνίυθ<( v) afar o f f
"\άλίσκομαt ( ά λ-) be άι-αιτιοίον innocent αττας άπασα άπαν
convictcd; be caught άναλαμβάνω ( άναλαβ-) tak C ( άιταντ-) all, the w h o le o f
άλλ’ ovv well anyw ay; back, up άπέβην aor. o f άποβαίνω
how ever that may be ■{■αναλίσκω ( άναλωσ- ) spend, άπέδωκα aor. o f άποδίδωμ»
αλλά but use, kill άπίθανον aor. o f αποθνήσκω
άλλήλονς each other, one αναμένω ( άναμ(ΐν-) w ait, άτι (ιμ ι be absent
another (2a) hold on άπαρος ov inexperienced in
άλλος η o other, thc rest o f άναξ ( άνακτ-), 6 lord, prince, ( + gen.)
άλλο5 . . . άλλον one . . . k in g (3a) άττ£λ(νθ(ρος, ά, ή frecdm an,
another άναττ(ίθω persuade over to freed w o man (2a)
άλλότριος a ov someone else's; one’s side άπ€λθ- aor. stem o f
άνασσα, fj princess (ic) απέρχομαι
άλλως otherwise; in vain άναχωρέω retreat απέρχομαι ( ά τκ λθ -) g o
άλογος ov speechless; w ithout dvfipeios a ov brave, manly a w a y , depart
άν(μος, o w ind (2a) άπέχομαι (ά π ο σ χ -) refrain,
άμα at thc same time
άνίστ-ην I stood up (aor. o f keep a w a y from ( + gen.)
αμαθής«S ignorant άνίσταμαι) άττήλθον aor. o f απέρχομαι
ΐάμαρτάνιο ( άμαρτ-) err; do
άνίοτηκα I am standing (perf. άπιίναι inf. o f
wrong; make a mistake;
o f άνίσταμαι) άπίρχομ αι\άπ(ΐμι
miss (-f gen.)
άν€θτώς ώσα ός άπιθι im pcr. o f
άμαρτ( 3rd s. (str.) aor o f
( άνίοτω τ- ) standing (perf. άπίρχομαι Iant ιμι
αμαρτάνω (no augment)
part, o f άνίσταμαι) άπικνίομαι = άφικνέομαι
άμιίβομαι answer, reply to
άνιν (-f-gcn.) w ithout άπιών ονσα άν part, o f
|άν^χομα« pul up w ith
άμ<ίνων άμανον ( άμανον- ) απέρχομαι/ά π€ΐμι
( + gen.)
better άπά ( + gen.) from , a w a y
ά ν ή ρ ( ά ν δ ρ - ) , ό man (3a) from
άμ<λής (s uncaring
άνθρωπος, ό man, fello w (2a) άποβαίνω ( άποβα-) leave,
άμήχανος ov impossible,
άνίσταμαι ( άναστα-) get up, depart
stand up, emigrate
ΐάμύναι keep off. withstand αποβλέπω look steadfastly at
άνόητοδον foolish
ά μ φ ί ρ χ ομα» (and aw ay from everything
ανομία, η lawlessness (ib)
(άμφΐ)λνθ-) surround else)
(•face.) αντί ( + gen.) instead o f. for
άποΒίΒωμι ( άποΒο-) g ive
άντίδικο?, ό contestant in
άμφίηολοί, ή handmaiden (2a) b ack ,retu rn
lawsuit (2a)
ομφ6τ*ρος α ov both άποδο- aor. stem o f
άνω above
( 4 - ind.) conditional αποδίδωμι
άξιος a ov w orth, w orthy o f
(+ opt.) potential; ( + subj.) άποδραμ- aor. stem o f
(+ gen .)
indefinite ά νοτρίχω
T o ta l V ocabulary 339

straightaw ay α ντά ρ but, then

α π οδ ώ σ ω fut. inf. o f
*&pa ? (direct q.) α ντίκ α at once
άργνριον, το silver, money α ντόν ήν ό him. her, it, them
άποθαν- aor. stem o f
(2b) α ν τ ό ς ή ό self
^άρίσκω please ( + dat.) ό αντός the same
^αποθνήσκω ( ά π οθα ν-) die
αρΓτή, ή courage, excellence. άφαιρέομαι ( α φ ίλ - ) take X
(ate.) from v (atv Λ. claim
quality (ia)
( άποκριν- ) answ er
άριοτος η ov best, very good Ο ^ α λ ό μ ψ aor. o f άφαιρίομαι
αποκριά ις, τ) rep ly, answ er
^αρπάζω seize, plunder. α φ ΰ να ι aor. inf. o f αφίημι
(3c) Ί^ά^ίΑκα» ( α.φ<λκνο- ) drag
αποκτ(ίνυ) (ά π ο κ τ α ν -) kill snatch
άρτι just n o w . recently o ff
άπολαβ- aor. stem ot αφίλ- aor. stem o f οφαιρέομαι
άρχη. V beginning; rule,
^ α φ ίη μ ι ( άφ<-) release, let
office, position; board o f
άπολίσ- aor. stem o f
magistrates (ta) g°
απόλλνμι ■\άφικνέομαι (αφικ-) arnve,
άρχομαι (mid.) begin
^άπόλλνμι (ά π ο λ (σ -) k ill, come
(4. gen./inf./part·)'- (pa«·)
ruin, destroy: mid./pass, be άφικόμψ aor. o f άφικνίομαι
killed (aor. άπωλόμην): be ruled over
αφίσταμαι relinquish claim to
f άρχω rule ( + gen.); begin
perf. mid. I h ave been (+ gen,). revolt from
killed. I am done for (+ g e n .)
άρχων (ά ρ χ ο ν τ -),ό archon (+ gcn·)
( άπόλωλα )
άπολογίομαι m ake a speech ( 3»)
ά ο ίβ ίΐα . ή irreverence to thc
in defence, defend o n eself B
απολογία, ή speech in o n e ’s gods (ib ) βο&ίζν walk, go (*ut-
ά σ ίβ ίω ( d s ) com m it βαδιονμα·)
defence (lb )
sacrilege upon
απολ- aor. stem o f άπόλλυμαι βαθύς do- ν
άσ<βης « impious, unholy +βαίνω ( β α - ) go. come, walk
απολύω acquit, release
όσθέναα, ή illness, weakness ϊβ ά λ λ ω ί β α * - ) hit. throw
ΰιτόλωλα perf. o f άπόλλνμαι
αποπέμπω send a w a y , fib ) β ά λ λ '" ? κόρακας g o to

divorce άσθ(νέω be ill. fall >11 hell!

άπορέω have no resources, be άσθ(νήs€S w eak, ill βάρβαρέ· ό barbanan.
άσπάζομαι greet, welcom e foreigner (2a)
at a loss
i o r j ' t female citizen (M) ^ .g h t . burden (3c)
απορία, η lack o f provisions,
αστός, <5 male citizen (2a)
perplexity (ib )
Oirorpijjio ( άποδραμ-) run άστυ, το city (3O uU b ’·
άσφ αλφ « safe, secure find hard to bear
aw ay, run o f f
άτάρ but king- a,c
αποφαίνω reveal, sh ow
άτ( since, seeing that ( + P arl·
otro^cpto ( auevrγ κ - ) carry
ά τιμάζω hold in dishonour, b .k in g .X ^
archon. be queen
αποφ(ύγω ( ά π οφ ιτγ- ) escape, dishonour
i r v i o . A low o f citizcn right* βέβαιος ( * ) ov
run o ff
» f
αποx<opcu) g o a w a y , depart (ib) β έλτισ τος η ov ***1 .
άτιμος ov Mmrived
a e p ri' cu o f citizen
αιτ°ψτ}φίζομΑΐ vo te against;
rights better
reject; acquit (+ g e n .)
a«5 again, moreover β ιά ζ ο μ ε uscfo^ livelihood
απτομαι touch ( + gen.)
taJTToi light, fasten, fix ανδάω speak, say
απΰ)λ(σ α aor. o f ά π ό λλυ μ λ a W ti *gain (ia)
α ν λ η ,Ι courtyard (ia) βΧέιτο» lo°k (at)
apa then, consequently
avpiov tom orrow
(marking an inference);
UO D . T otal I 'ocahulary

γεωργός, 6 farmer (2.1) δέκα ten

βΧηθίίς (Ισα c
(β λ η θ ίΐτ -) aor. part. pasv γ ή , ή land, earth (la) δέμνια, τά bed. b ed d in g (2b)
γη μ- aor. stem o f γαμέω δένδρον, τό tree (2b)
o f βάλλω
βοάω shout (for) "\*γίγνομαι (γ€ν-) bccomc. δ ( ξ ιά ,ή right hand (lb )

βοή, ή shout (ιλ) be born, happen, arise ά όν righ t, clcver

βοήθίΐα, ή help, rescue ■
j‘γιγνώ σκω ( γνο-) k n o w . "{δέομαι need, ask, beg
operation (lb) think, resolve (+gen.)
βοηθέω run to help ( + dat.) γίνομαι — γίγνομαι δέον it bein g necessary
βονλινομαι discuss, take γλαυκώπις ( γλανκωπιδ- J, ή δέρμα (δ (ρ μ α τ -) , τό skin (3b)
advice grey-eyed δ ΐσ μ ό ς, ό bond (2.1)
βονλίυτής. ό member ol yAi/κύί ( ία ύ sweet δέσποινα, ή mistress (ic)
council (id) γνήσιος α ον legitim ate. δίσττότη ς,ό master (id )
βουλή, ή council (ia) genuine δ(ΰρο here, o v e r here
"fβούλομαι wish, want γνούς γνοϋαα γνόν "{δέχομαι reccivc
βραδέως slowly (γνοΓτ-) aor. part, o f *δή th en .in d eed
βραχύς eία ύ short, briet γιγνώσκω δήλος η oi> clear, o b vio u s
βροτός, 6 mortal, man (ia) γνώμη, ή judgm ent, mind. δηλοω sh ow , reveal
βωμός, o altar (2a) purpose, plan (la) δημιουργικός ή όν technical,
*γοΰν at any rate o f a w o rk m an
Γ γούνα, τά knees(2b) δημιουργός, 6 craftsm an.
*γαΒέ— άγαθέ (sometimes γούνατα (3b)) w o rk m a n , expert, (2a)
γαΐα (ic) = y^, ή (la) γραΰς ( γρ α -), ή old w om an δήμος, ό people; dcm e (ia)
ty α μ fω ( γη μ -) marry (3a; but acc. s. γραw ; acc. pi. δήττου o f course, surely
γάμος, 6 marriage (2a) γραΰς) *δήτα then
*γάρ tor *διά (+ n cc.) because o f
γραφή, ή indictment, charge,
γάρ δή really, 1 assure you case (la) ( + gen.) through
*y£ at least (denotes some sort δ«ά τί; w h y?
γραφήν γράφομαι indict x
(acc.) on charge o f γ (gcn.) διαβαίνω (δ ιά β α -) cross
γζγένημαι perf. o f γίγνομαι διαβάλλω (δ ια β α λ-) slander
γράφομαι indict, chargc
γίγατημένα, τά events,
t γράφ-ω propose (a decree); διαβολή, ή slander (la)
occurrences (^b) (perf. pan. write διάκα μα ι be in x (adv.) state,
o f γίγνομαι)
γυνή (γυνα ικ-), ή wom an, m ood
ycyovQ perf. o f γίγνομαι
wife (3.1) διακρίνω (δια κριν-) ju d g e
(part, γιγονώς or ycyoi?)
betw een, decide
γάτω ν (γ(ΐτον-), ό neighbour Δ διακωλύω prevent
(3a) δαίμων (δαιμον-), ό god. διαλέγομαι converse
tyfAaco ( γΐλασ -) laugh demon (3a) διαλΐίττω (διαλιττ-) leave
y« '- aor. stem o f γίγνομαι
Ίϋάκιχο (δα κ -) bite, w orry διανοέομαι intend, plan
γέινσις, ή birth (jc)
δάκρυον, τό tear(2b) διάνοια, ή intention, plan (ib)
γενναίος a οι- noble, fine δακρύω weep διαπράττομαι (δια ιτρα ζ-) do.
γ α νήτης, ό member o f a ^enos *δέ and. but
(id) perforin, act
Seijaei fut o f δ(ί διατίθημι (διαθ€-) dispose.
γένος, TO ztnos; race, kind (3c)
it is neccssary for x (acc.) put x (acc.) in y (adv.) state
γίρων ( ytpoi-τ-;, ό old man
to - (inf.) διατριβή, ή delay, pastime,
\δάκννμι (δ ΐΐξ - ) show discussion, w ay o f life (la)
γ*νμα (γίυ μ α τ-), τό taste.
δανός ή όν terrible, dire, διατρίβω pass tim e, waste
sample (3b)
astonishing, clcver; clever time
γίνομαι taste
at ( + i nf.)
διαφέρω differ from (gen.);
Total Vocabulary

δόξα, ή reputation, opinion (ΐδον aor. ot όράω

make a diffcren cc; be
άδώ ς (ίδνΐα c«5 os
superior to (gen.) (lc)
(d b o r - ) k n o w in g (part o f
δούλος, o slave (2a)
Scαφ(ύγω (διαφνγ-) get
δονς δούσα δον (δ οντ-) aor ofSa)
aw ay, flee titv v e ry w e ll then1
part, o f δίδωμι
^διαφθιίρω (διαφβ(ΐρ-) *tW( ( + o p t .) 1 wish that*
δράμα (δ ρ α μ α τ -),τ ό play,
corrupt; destroy; kill w o u ld that! i f only!
dram a (3b)
διαφυγή, ή means o f escape, «wcos p rob able, reasonable,
δραχμή, ή drachma (coin)
flight (ta) fair
(pay for tuO days’ attendance
διδάσκαλο?, ό teachcr (23) (Ικοσι(ν) tw en ty
at ekklcsia) (la)
|διδάσκα> tcach <{*ότω< reasonably, righdy
■^δράω (δ ρα σ -) do, act
|δίδωμ» (δ ο- j g iv e , gran t (ίληφ α perf. o f λαμβάνω
δίκην δίδω μι be punished, ■^δύναμα» be able
(Ιλόμην aor. o f αίρέομαι
δύναμις, ή p ow er, ability.
pay the penalty ΰμαρμένοϊ η o»’ allotted.
(acuity (3C)
δΐΐξέρχομαι ( δ κ ζ ί λ θ - ) g o appoin ted
δυνατοί ή όν able, possible
through, relate (tut. (ΐματα, τά clothes (3b)
δύο tw o
διέξ(ιμι) -J·** ΐμ ί be
δυστυχή? « unlucky | ·« μ » I shall g o (inf. tfvat:
διέρχομαι (δκΧ Ο -) g o
δώκαν 3rd pi- aor. o i δίδωμι
through, relate i m p f $a 1 went)
δω ρ ίω bestow , give a< a gilt
δΐΐφθάρμην plup. pass, o f tivai to be (int. o l (ψί)
δώρον, τό gift, bribe (2b)
διαφθΐίρω dir- aor stem o f λέγω
διηγέομαι explain, relate, g o d V c speak! tell me!

through f l*ov aor. o f λέγω

έ- juynent (remove this and try ΰρηκα I have said (perf act.
δ(κάζω be a ju ro r; m ake a
again under stem oftvrb) ot λέγω) .
judgm ent
*iav ( + subj.) if (ever) ,ΐρημαι I h a v e been said (p er -
δίκαιος a ov just
έαντόνήνό himself/herself/ pass, o f λέγω)
δικαιοσύνη, ή justice (ia)
δικαιΊκός ή όν ju d icial itself
* * rαγω
* *Κρήνην . " Cei!'e
»'C „ „ b C1>
δικαστήριον, τό la w -co u rt •ftato allow
έγγράφω enrol, eiih't. peace
register • e f c l+ a c c .) to. into, onto
δ ικ α σ τή , ό ju ro r, dikast (1 d)
έγγυάω engage, promise
δίκη, ή lawsuit; justice; iff μία (ν (*v~) 0t1C
ίγγύ> (+ g c n .) near, nearby (ΐσαγγίλία . η u n p caA m cn
penalty (ia)
έγκλ(ίω shut in. lock 111 (ib )
δίκην δίδω μι be punished,
ίγνω ν aor. ο Ιγ ιΥ * ή ακω (Ισαγγ*λλω
pay thc penalty
δίκην λαμβάνω punish, Ιγώ 1
eycoyc I at least, for niy part ( 1σάγω ( *ισαγαγ·)
exact one's due from
έδόθην aor pass, ot διδωμι ( 1σ<ληλνθω< via os
(παρά + gen.)
έδομαι fut. Of ίσθίω (.or·) P ^ f " ' 0
διοικέω administer, run
έδωκα aor. o f δίδωμι (ίσέρχομ*‘
δΐος a ov godlike
\έθέλω ( έθ(ληο-) wish, sv ant
διότι becausc „W *- **■iKm °
νιωκω pursue, prosecute
έθεσαν 3 r d p i- a o r . ot tia(pX °Pal t , ter
έθηκα jo r.o fT ifti# « (ϊσέρχομ^ ( <ia( . .
δο- aor. stem ot δίδω μι I ,o r ο ίίίο α γ ω
έθος. τό manner, habit (j <ΙσήγαΥον Λ°
&οκΰ it seems a good idea to x
,Ισήα imp»
(dat.) to do y (inf.); x (dat.) ·«* if
ci in d * o f <‘V * ilotpx°hal ^ Τ - ομαι
decides to - (inf.) . -A0ol. a o r . o f i ^ c p x ^
d o c · aor. 'tciti έαω
δοκέto seem, consider (self) to
be (Ιδ(ίην o p t.o fo ffia
<1δέναι mf. oloISa
δόμοι, ot house, hom e (ia)
D. Total Vocabulary

((K O V T-) w illin g ( ly )

«ν«κα ( + gen.) bccause, for
dolivai inf. o f
(λαβοι- aor. o f λαμβάνω thc sake o f (usually follows
d o έρχομαι Ιαοαμι
Ζλαθον aor. o f λανθάνω its noun)
d o uiv οΰσα όν (-οντ-) pari.
«λάττων (λαττον ( (λαττον- ) hf(ir(oov aor. o f (μττίπτω
o f (Ιαίρχομαι\(ΐσαμΐ
smaller; fewer; less (νίχυρον, τό security, pledge
ίΐοομαι fut. o f ο/δα
ϊλαχον aor. o f λα>»χάνω (2b)
(Ισοράω ( doth-) behold,
ίλ(γχος, ό examination, ίνθα there, w here
look at
refutation (2a) ίνθάδ( here
darrto- aor. stem o f (Ισηίητω
ίλ ίγ χ ω refute, argue against (νθυμέομαι take to heart, be
(Ισπΐτττω ( dtrrrco-) fall into,
«λ- aor. stem o f αίρ<ω/ομαι angry at
on 9 / *
cΙσφίρω ( d ow ry *-) bring, (λ(υθ(ρια, ή freedom (ib) m = cv
ίλ(ύθ(ρος a ov free ΐντανθα here, at ihis point
carry in
ίλ(νθ(ρόα> set free (ντ(ΰθ(ν from then, from
(Ira then, next
t ' f t . . . fir* w hether. . . or ίλήλι/θα perf. o f ( ρ χ ο μ α ι there
i λήφθην aor. pass, o f λαμβάνω ίντίθη μι ( (\·θ(-) placc in, put
ΐ'χον inipf ofc.voi
ίκ (-f gcn.) out o f (λθί comc! (s.) in
<κασtos -η ov each ίλθ- aor. stem o f ϊρχομαι evrvyxavut ( (ν τυ χ-) meet

i κάπρος a ov each (of two) ίλιττον aor. o f λίίττω w ith , co m c upon (+ d at.)

ίκβαλ- aor. stem o f ίκβάλλω Έλλας ( Έ λλα δ- ), ή Greece i£=cV

ίκβάλλω ( (κβαλ-) throw (ja) (ζά γ ω ( (ξα γα γ- ) lead, bring
out, divorce; break down, Έλλην ( Έ λλη ν-), 6 Greek ou t
break open (3a) (ξαίφνης suddenly
(κβληθίίς (ίσα iv ( -tvr-) aor. |<λ»Γίζω hope, expect ( + fut. (ξαιτατάω deceive, trick
part. pass, o f ίκβάλλω inf.) (ζ(βαλον aor. o f ίκβάλλω
(κΒίχομαι receive in turn (Xttis ( ίλττιδ-), ή hope, (ξίδόθην aor. pasvot (κδίδωμι
(κ&ί&ωμι ( ΙκΒο-) give in expectation (3a) (ξίδω κα a o r ..le t.o f eκδίδωμt
marriage (μοβov aor. o f μανθάνω (ξ (λ ίγ χ ω co n vict, refute,
i κδο- aor. stem o f έκδιδαιμι Ιμαχηόν tjv myself expose
(κδνομαι undress (μβαίνω ( ίμ β α -) embark (ξ(λθ- aor. stem o f Ιξ(ρχ°μa*
(Κ(ϊ there ίμίινα aor. o f μίνω (ξίρχομα ι ( (ξ(λθ -) go out.
txftvos η o that. (s)he (μ(ωυτόν= (μαυτόν com e out
(Ktivooi that there (pointing) (μμα'αι= (ΐναι (ζ (ο τ ί it is possible for x (dat.)
€κΰσ( there, (to) there ίμός ή όν m y, mine to - (inf.)
(κκλησία, ή assembly, (μτταρος ον skilled, ϊξ ΐτ ά ζ ω question closely
ekklcsia (ib) experienced Ιξ(υρ- aor. stem o f (ξαιρίσκω
Ικ-πίμττω send out, divorce (μη(σ~ aor. Stem o f cμχτίτττω ίζ(υρίσκω ( (ξ(νρ -) find out
(KTt(a~ aor. stem o f «κττίτττω ίμηίπ τω ( (μτκσ-) (iv ) (ξήλθον aor. o f (ξίρχομαι
(κττίτττυι ( (Kirto-) be thrown (d<i) fall into. on. upon (ζ·ψ€γκα w k . aor. ο ((κφίρ<*>
oui, divorced (μφανής « open, obvious (ζΰ ν α ί inf. o f
i κ-ττορίζω supply, provide (+ gen .) in the house o f (ξίρ χομ α ι/ΐξα μ ι
ttim V m ( ixTtio-) pay (+ d a t) in, on. among (ξόν it being permitted.
Ικ τρ ίχ ιυ ((κϊ>ραμ-) run O U I cv τούτω meanwhile possible
**4*ρω(ίξ(ν*γκ-) carryout; (v- Mem o ft is one <ξω ( + gen.) outside
{often: carry out for burial) ίναντίον (+ gcn.) opposite, in ϊοικα seem; resemble (+dat.)
Ικφ<νγω ((κφι/y-) cscapc front o f (oitcf it seems, is reasonable;
ίκφορίω carry off (vSov inside is right for (+ d at.)
ίκφνγ- aor. stem o f ίκφ(ύγω cvtyx- aor. stem o f φέρω (παγγίλλίο
inwv ούαα &v (ναμι be in ( (τταγγαλ-) order
Total Vocabulary 343

(~αθον aor. o f ττάσχα> (π ιτήδαος a or suitable. (+m f.)

^ ίπ α ιν ίω (iito iv to -) pr.nsc. useful for rros, τό year (3c)
agree cV»x«pkiu undertake, set to ίτρατιόμψ aor. o f τρίβομαι
(VottAff- aor. stem o f w ork (τυχόν aor. o f τιτ/χάνω

{ττανί'ρχομαι ^««σμαι ( o v - ) follow ev well

ίνανίρχομαι ( 4 -dat.) tv ηοΰω treat well, do

((■ηανίλθ-) return (ττος, τό w ord (jc) (uncontr. good to

pi. area) tv πράττω fire well, be
f ττανήλθον aor. o f
ip - sec (ρωτάω or tpttu prosperous
\(ργαζομαι work, perform (ύδαίμων ίνδαιμον
f’rrfi since, when
ϊργον, τό task, jo b (2b) ( (ύ&αιμον-) happy, rich,
•cTTttSm· (+ su bj.)
epea> fut. o f Χίγω blessed by thc gods
when (ever)
(ρήμος or em pty, deserted. tv9v$ at once, straightaway
ί’π«δΐ} when. since. becausc
(+gen.) straight towjrds
(irttaipxομα» devoid o f
ίΰνοια, ή good will (ib)
(t-ntiotXe- ) attack "{■«ρχομα» ( (ΧΘ-) go. come
ίΰνοικ ovv well-disposed
(vtira then, next f (ρωτάω ( cp-) ask
s · ίύπΧόκαμος o»* with pretty
(π(ίτ( when, since <?= CtC
ίκίρχομαι ((ττ(λθ-) g o (οθή·ϊ ( (σθητ- ), ή dotlnng
(Lrrropia, ή jbunctance. means
against, attack (3a)
ί 7τ«τχον aor. o f (π ίχ ω feoOtcu ( φαγ-) eat
timptirijs f? Mrcmly. proper,
«Γ£χω (« τισ χ- ) hold on, kσθλός ή όν fine, noble, good
restrain, check ίοομ αι tut. o f ΐίμ ί (be) (3rd $.
tip -, aor. stem o f «υρίσκω
*ini (+acc.) against, at, to femu) tvprjtca perf. o f (ΐφίακω
(•f gcn.) on; in the tim e o f ΐοττόμην aor. o f (ττομαι
Ί(ΐ>ρίσκ(υ (tvp-) find, comc
( + dat.) at, near; for the «σσι=€? you (s.) arc
purpose o f corat 3rd s. fut. o f ά μ ί (br
tvpvy d o v broad, w ide
ίτπδίίκνυμι ( ΐη ώ α ζ - ) prove. eoToi· they stopped (3rd t-
(νσφ ίω act righteously
show, demonstrate aor. o f ίσταμαι) ιΰτνχής i f fortunate, luck v
<7ηΒημίω com e to tow n, be (στίρημίνο·,' η ov perf part.
(νχη, ή prayer (ia)
in town p.iss. oi orep(ω
ίνχομαι pray
(πΐίικής (ς reasonable, (Οτηκώς via os ( - o t - )
standing (pert. part, ot
moderate, fair (φάι-rjv aor. o f φαίνομαι
νπιβόμην aor. ot 7Τ(ίθθμαι ίσταμαι) ίφ ψ im pf οίφημι
ΐοχα τοζ ij ο»1 worst, furthest, Ιφοπλίζω equip, get ready
νχιθνμίω desire, yearn for
(+gen.) last ίφυν be naturally (aor. o f
ιπικαλίομαι call upon (to (σχοι· aor. ot ίχω φύομαι)
Witness) iraipa, tj prostitute, ίχθρα, η enmity. hc»tiltty
πιλαι^οΐΌμαι courtesan (tb) (ib)
ίταίρο?, ό male companion ΐχθρός, 6 enemy (2a)
( trrtXaO- ) forget ( + g cn .)
«Ίιμίλίΐα, ή concern, care (2a) ίχθρός ά ot· hosnle. enemy
< Ob) crtpoi a ov one (or the other) f<Xta>( οχ-) have, hold
o f tw o (+adv.) be (in x (adv.)
«»ιμ<λ«ομαι care for ( + gcn.)
Σ μ ίλ η ς ίς careful tripos - . trtpov one . · · condition)
another «■»w ίχω have w mind.
ί ϊ »οκθ7Τίομα»
(trnοκ(φ-) review i n s a il yet intend
4» t i n xai vvv even now, still ΐώ ν—ών being
' ιατ^μαι know h o w to
now (ώρα 3rd s. impf. otopQM
(+inf.); understand
ΐτο ΐμ ο ί ί} ov ready (to)
f7Tl0X- aor. stem o f ίπ ίχ ω
D . Total Vocabulary o
Θ ήκ((ν) 3rd S. aor. ο ΐτ ίθ η μ ι
ΐω ς, ή dawn ήν δ' (γώ I said
ήνιγκον aor. o f φ(ρω (tto augment)
V w s ( + a r + s u b j) until
ήπιστάμην impf. o f θηρίον, τό beast (2b)
( + opt.) until
(ττίσταμαι θήσ(σθ( 2nd pi. tut. o f
(+ ind .) while; until
Η ρακλής, 6 Herakles (3d τίθ ίμ α ι
uncontT.) Ί-θνήσκω ( θαν-) die
θνητός ή όν m ortal
z ήρόμην aor. o f ίρω τάω
Ztvs ( Δ ι- ) ,ό Zeus (3 a) ήσαν 3rd pi. impf. o f eΙμί θορυβίω m ake a disturbance,

ζημία, ή fine (ib) ήσθα 2nd s. impf. o f (Ιμ ί dm

ζημιόω fine, penalise, punish ήοθομην aor. o f αισθάνομαι θόρυβος, 6 noise, din,
ζη τίω look for, seek ήσυχάζω be quiet, keep quiet clam our, hustle and bustle
ζώοι-, τό animal, creature, ήσνχία, ή quiet, peace (lb) (2a)
living thing (2b) ήσυχος η ov quiet, peaceful θυγάτηρ ( θ υ γ α τ(e)p- ), ή
ήτ< 2nd pi. impf. o f (ιμ ί or daughter (3a)
H 2nd pi. subj. o f (ίμ ί θυμός, ό heart; anger (2a)
ή- augment (if no/ under ή- look ήττων ήττον ( ήττον- ) lesser, θύρα, ή d o or (lb )
under a- or i-) weaker θυσία, ή sacrifice (ib )
ή or; than ηνρον aor. o f (ΰρίσκω θύω sacrifice
ή 1st s. impf. o f (Ιμί (be) ήώς, ή ( =·(ως, ή ) dawn (acc. θώ μΐθα 1st pi. aor. subj. o f
ή or ήώ\ gen. ήοΰς’, dat. ήοΐ) τίθ ίμ α ι
ή δ ' ος he said
ήα impf. o f ίρχομαι/ίΓμ» I
ήγ€μών ( ήγ(μον- ), o leader θ ιατρικός ή όν m edical, o f
(3a) θάλαμος, ό bedchamber (2a) healing
ήγίομαι lead (+dat.); think, θάλαττα, ή sea (ia) Ιατρός, ό do cto r (2a)
consider θαν- aor. stem o f θνήσκω 18- aor. stem o f όράω
ήδί and θάνατος, ό death (2a) ιδιώ της, 6 laym an, private
τβα 3rd s. past o f οΐδα θαυμάζω wonder at citizen (id )
rjSfoai· 3rd pi. past o f olSa θ ΐ- aor. stem o f τίθημι ιδον 1st s. aor. o f όράω (no
ήδίως with pleasure, sweetly θ (ά ,ή goddess ( I b) augment)
ήδη by now , now. already θίάομαι watch, gaze at ιδού look! here! hey!
ήδη past o f olBa θίατής, 6 spectator, (pi.) itv a i inf. o f ίρ χ ο μ α ι^ ΐμ ι
Κήδομαι enjoy, be pleased audience (id) U p a , τά rites, sacrifices (2b)
with (+dat.) θΰος a ov divine ttpov, τό sanctuary (2b)
ήδονή. ή pleasure (la) 0€»ro 3rd s. aor. opt. o f 1Θ1 i m pcr. s. o f ίρχομ α ι! (Ιμι
ήδύς €ία ύ sweet, pleasant τιθίμαι Ικανός ή όν sufficient; able to
(sup. ήδιστος) θ(μ(νος η ov aor. part o f ( + inf.); capable o f ( + inf.)
ήκιστα least o f all, no. not τιθίμαι ικάνω com c, com e to/upon
ήκω come θ(6ς 6 η god (2a) (+ a cc.)
ήλθον aor. o f ίργρμαιΙ(\μι θ(ρα·παtva, ή maidservant Ικ€τ(ύω beg, supplicate
ήλιος, 6 sun (2a) (ic)
Ικίτη ς, ό suppliant (id )
ήμαρ (ή μα τ-), T6 day (3b) Ofpamvw look after, tend \ΐκνίομα ι ( ίκ - ) com e to.
ήμΐϊς wc
θ(ραττων ( θ(ραττοντ- ), 6 arrive at
ήμ*ν i st pi. impf. o f «ιμί servant (3a)
ίκόμην aor. o f ίκνίομαι
Vh<pa. η day (ib) θίς place! set1, put! (aor. Ιμάτιον, τό cloak (2b)
ήμίτιρος a ov our
imper. (s.) o f τίθημή *tva ( + subj./opt.) in order
ήμίονος, o mule (2a)
θίσθαι aor. inf. o f τίθ(μαι to/that; ( + indie.) w here
ήν 3rd s. impf. o f «μ/ θΰο run
ΐττηος, ό horse (2a)
Total Vocabulary 345

Ισ α σ ι(ν ) 3rd pi. οΓ οίδο κακα ( κακώ ς) ποιέω treat κατατίθημ ι ( καταθί-) put
ιαμ<εν I st p i. o f οίδα b a d ly, d o harm to down. pay. perform

ιare 2nd pi. o f olSa κ αλ(σ- aor. stem o f καλίω καταφέρω ( κατ(νν/κ-) carry
f ιστημι ( σ τ η α -) ser u p . raise fKaAco) ( κ α λ ισ -) call, down

ίσταμαι ( σ τα -) stand sum m on καταφρονέω despise, look

Ισχυρός ά όν stro n g , p o w e rfu l καλλιστο? η ov most (very) down on (+gcn.)
fine, g o o d , beautiful κατεγγνάω demand securities
ίσως perhaps
καλός ή όν beautiful, good from (+acc.)
ιω subj. o f έρχομαι)(Ιμι
κάρη ( κα ρη τ-), τό head (Attic κατέλαβαν aor. o f
Ιών ιοΰσα ιόν ( Ιοντ-) part, o f
κάρα ( κρατ- ), το (3b)) καταλαμβάνω
ίρχομα ι/ίίμι
•κ α τά (+ a c c .) in, on. b y, κατέλιττον aor. o f καταλί««Ό>
accordin g to; d o w n , κατέστην 1 was put (aor. oi
throughout, in relation to καθίσταμαι)
( + g c n .) b e lo w , d ow n from , κατέστησα I put (aor. of
κάδ — κατά
against καθίστημι)
καθαιρώ ( καθηρ-) cleanse,
καταβαίνω ( καταβα-) g o κατηγορέω prosccutc x (gcn.)
d o w n , com c dow n on charge o f y (acc.)
καθίστηκα I h ave been put
κατηγορία, η speech for thc
(perf. o f καθίσταμαι) κατα δικά ζω condemn;
co n vict x (gcn.) o f y (acc.) prosecution (ib)
καθεστώς ώσα os
κατήγορος, o prosccutor (2a)
( καβ(στα>τ-) h av in g been καταδίκη, ή fine (la)
κατθανών aor. part, ot
made (perf. part, o f καταθ<- aor. stem o f
καθίσταμαι) κατατίθημ ι
κατιδ- aor. stem o f καθοράω
καθ(ύδ<*) sleep καταθντ^σκω ( καταθαν-) die
κάτω below
t t κάθημαι be seated aw ay
Kt (κ (ν )-ά ν (enclitic)
καθίζομαι sit d o w n κατακλίνομαι lie dow n
^κομαι lie, be placed, be
καθίζω sit d o w n καταΧαβ- aor. stem o f
καθίσταμαι ( κα τα σ τα -) be καταλαμβάνω
κςΐνος η ο = ίΚ€Ϊνθ5
placed, put. m ade καταλαμβάνω
κέλ(υσαν $τά pi. aor. ot
καθίστημι ( καταστη σ-) set (καταΧ αβ-) overtake,
κ(λ(ύω (no augment)
up. make, place, put x (acc.) co m e acro«s. seize
κέλtvot 3rd s. aor. o f
in ( e»s) γ καταλέγω ( κ α τ(ΐη -) recite,
κ(Χίύω (no aunrrtatt)
καΒοράω ( κ α τ ώ -) see. lo o k list κ(Χ(υστης, ό boatswain (id)
down on κ α τ α Χ (ίπ ω ( καταΧιη-) leave
κςΧ(ύω order
*kcu 3nd, also, even behind, bequeath
*Tf . . , Ka; both A and b καταλήφομαι fut. of
κίφαλή, η head (ia)
*«αι γάρ in fact; yes, certainly καταλαμβάνω
κήρνξ(«ηρν«->·ο herald (3a)
*καί δη and really; as a m atter καταλύω bring to an end, κηρύττω announce, proclaim
o f fact; look! let us suppose finish κινδυν<ύω be in danger run a
*καl δη καί m oreover κ α τ α μ α ρ τ υ ρ ίω g iv e evidence
risk; be likely to ( + «>0
*καί μ ψ w h at’s m ore; lo ok !; against (gen.) κίνδυνος, ό danger (2a)
yes. and; and a n y w a y καταστάς όσα άν
κλαίω ( κΧον0' ) vsCCp
»«uncp although (+ p a r t.) (κ α τα σ τα ντ-) being
κλ€ίω dose, shut
*καιτοι and yet placed, put (aor. part, o f
κλέτττηί, ό chief («Λ
κακοδαίμων κακόδαιμ ον καθίσταμαι) *κλέ-ητω iteal
{ κακοδαιμον-) u n lu ck y, καταστήναι to be put (aor.
κληθ(ίς tiaa έν
dogged by an evil daim on inf. o f καθίσταμαι) (κληθίντ-) aor- Ρ»
κακός ή όν bad, evil, καταστησομαι fut. o f o f κηλέω
cowardly, mean, lo w ly καθίσταμαι

λαθ- aor. stem o f λανθάνω under-'tand

κλοπή, ή thett (la)
Λακίδαιμόνιος, o Spartan (2.1) μ α ρ τυ ρ ίω g iv e evid en ce, bear
κλνον 3rd pi. aor. o f κλύω (no
λαμβάνομαι ( λα β -) take hold witness
o f ( + g c n .) μαρτυρία, η evid en ce,
κλντ( and pi. ιmper. o f κλύω
ή[λαμβάνω (λ α β -) take, testim o n y (ib )
κλύω hear
capture μαρτύρομαι in v o k e , call to
κοινός ή όν com m on, shared
δίκην λαμβάνω punish, exact witness
on e’s due trom μάρτυς ( μ α ρ τυ ρ -) , ό witness
κολάζω punish
κομίζομαι collect (παρά + gen.) (33)
Ίνόϊττω knock on; cut λαμπάς (λ α μ π α δ -), η torch μ ά χη , ή fig h t, battle (1 a)

κόραξ ( κορακ-), ό crow (3a) (3a) μ ά χομ α ι ( μ α χ ίσ - ) fight

βάλλ' ets κόρακας go to hell! ^λανθάνω (λ α θ -) escape μ (γά λο ιο gen. s. m . o f μ(γα ς
κόρη, ή maiden, girl, noticc o f x (acc.) - in g μ ίγ α ς μεγά λη μ ίγ α
daughter (la) (nom . part.) (μ € γ α λ -) great, big
κόσμος, ό decoration. λαόί, ό people, inhabitant (2a) μ ίγ ίθ ο ς , τό size (3c)
ornament; order; universe λαχ- aor. stem o f λαγχάνω μ ίγ ια τ ο ς η ον greatest (sup. o f
(2a) tAc'yo» ( ( in - ) speak. say, tell, μ ίγ α ς )
K O T < — TTOTC me.111 μ ίθ ( ς 2nd s. aor. im per. o f
K O V = TTOV ■fAetwai ( λ ιπ -) leave, abandon μ ίθ ίη μ ι
κ ο ύρ η ,ή = κ όρ η ,ή girl, λίληΟΐ 3rd s. perf. o f λανθάνω μ (θ ίη μ ι ( μ ( θ ( - ) a llo w . let go
daughter (1.1) ληφθ- aor. pass, stem o f μ ίίζ ω ν μ (ΐζο ν ( μ α ζ ο ν - )
κρατίω hold sway, pow er λαμβάνω greater (com p, ο ίμ ίγ α ς )
over (+ g en .) λήφομαι flit, o f λαμβάνω μ ίλ α ς αινα αν ( μ (λ α ν -) black
Kptiττων κρΰττον ( κρ(ιττον- ) λίθος, ό stone (2a) ϊμ ίλ α χ (dat.) is concerned
stronger, greater λιμήν ( λ ιμ ΐν - ) ,ό harbour (3a) about ( + gcn.)
■JvpfVto ( κριν- ) judge, decide λίσσομαt beseech ■{■μίλλω be about to ( + fut.
κρίσις, ή judgm ent, decision; λογίζομαι calculate, reckon. inf.); hesitate; intend
dispute; trial (3c) consider ( + pres. inf.)
ΐκτάομαι acquire, get, gain λογισμός, ό calculation (2a) μ ίμ φ ο μ α ι blam e, criticise,
■jVTCiVto ( κ τίΐν-) kill λόyo9, ό speech, tale, w o rd , find fault w ith ( + acc. or
κτήμα ( κτηματ- ), τό reason, argum ent (2a) dat.)
possession (3b) λοιπός ή όν left, remaining *μ ίν . . . Sc 011 one
κνβίρνήτης, 6 captain, λούω wash (mid. wash hand . . . 011 the other
helmsman (id) oneself) *μό>τοι h o w e v e r, but
κύριος a ov able, with power. λύω release tμ ev ω ( μ α ν - ) rem ain, w ait
sovereign, by right for
κύωv ( Kw-), 6 dog (3a) M μ ίρ ο ς, τό share, part (3c)
κωλύω prevent, stop μά b y !(+ a c c .) *μ€τά ( + acc.) after
κως = πως μαθ- aor. stem o f μανθάνω ( + gcn.) w ith
μαθήσομαι fut. o f μανθάνω ( - f dat.) a m o n g , in
μαθητής, ό student (id) com pany w ith
μακρός ά όν large, big, long μίτα υδά ω speak to
λαβ- aor. stem o f λαμβάνω
μάλα very, quite, virtually μ (τ(λθ - aor. stem ot
^αγχάνω (λ α χ -) obtain by
μάλιστα f μάλα^ especially, μ cτep χ ομαι
lot, run as a candidate for
particularly; yes μ ίτΐρ χ ο μ α ι ( μ ίτ ( λ θ - ) send
μάλλον ( μάλα) . . . ή more, for, chase after; go am ong
δίκην λαγχάναι bring suit
rather than (-fd a t.); attack (+ d a t. or
μανθάνω (μ α θ -) learn. μίτά+ACQ.)
Total Vocabulary

μ < τίχω share in (-‘-p e n .) ν«ιμ- aor. stem o f ν ίμ ω όθ(ν from where
μ ίτ ίη μ ι = μ ( Θ ιη μ ι νεκρός, ό corpse (2a)
ο ί— αντώ to him. her (dat.)
μίτριο< a ον m o d e ra te . W w ( ν α μ - ) distribute, (tome)
reasonable, fair a llo t, assign o l (to) where
*μή not vtov a ov y o u n g f* o K a know
( + u n p e r .) d o n 't! νη b y ! ( + acc.) χάριν olha be grateful to
( + a o r . subj.) d o n ’ t! νήσος, ή island (2a) (+ d a t.j
μηδαμώ ς n o t at .ill. in n o w a y 'νθρω π ς — άνθρω πί οίκο&€ homewards
* μ η & · · . μ η δ ί n e ith e r . . . n o r νικά ω w in . defeat οΓκ< = {οικ( resemble, be like
μηΒ ΐίς μ η δίμ ία . μη&€ν νίκ η , ή v ic to r y , conquest (la) (+dat.)
(μ η Β (ν -) n o , n o o n e ν ο ίω plan, devise; think, ο ίκίΐο ς, ό relative (2a)
μ η κ ίτ ι n o lo n g e r m ean , intend, notice οΐκίϊος a ov related, domestic,
*μήτ( . . , μ η τ ( n e ith e r . . nor νομή, ή distrib u tion (la) family
μ ν τ ηρ ( μ η τ ( ( )P~)· V m o th e r νο μ ίζο μ α ι be accustom ed ο ίκ ίτ η ς ,ό house-slave (id)
(3a) ■^νομίζω a ck n o w le d g e , think ο ίκ ίω dw ell (in), live
μηχανάομαι d e v ise , c o n tr iv e x (acc.) to be γ (acc. or οίκημα ( οικηματ- ), τό
μηχανή, ή d e v ic e , p lan (la ) ace. + inf.) dw elling (3b)
μιαρός ά όν to u l. p o llu te d νόμ ος, ό la w , con ven tion (2a) οικηοις, ή dw elling (3e)
μικρός ά όν sm all, sh o rt, little ν ο σ ίω be sick οικία, ή house (ib)
t μ ιμ νή σ κομ α ι ( μ ν η σ θ -) νόσος, ή illness, plague, οικία, τά palace (2b)
rem em b er, m e n tio n disease (2a) oikiS iov, TO small house (2b)
μιν h im , h er (acc.) (enclitic) νούς, ό ( νόος) m ind, sense οίκοι at home
μ ισ ίω hate (2a) olKovSe home, homew ards

μισθό5, ό p ay (2a) ev νω ΐ χ ω h av e in m ind, οικος, 6 household, house (21)

μίσος, τό h atred (3c) intend ο ίκός— (ίκος reasonable

μ ν ά ,ή m in a ( 10 0 drach m as) vv — νυν οίκτίρω (ο ΐκ τ φ -) pitv

(lb ) νυν n o w , then (cnditic) |οΓμα( think

μίνια , η m en tio n ( lb ) vvv n o w οιμοι alas! oh dear!

νύξ ( ν υ κ τ -) , ή n ig h t (3a) οιος a ov what a! what sort o f
μνημονεύω re m e m b e r
μνησθ- aor. stem o f a!
oios τ ' (ίμ ί be able to ( + inf.)
μιμ νήσ κομ α ι
οΐχομαι be off. depart
μονός η ov alo n e
ξ (ΐν ο ς = ξ ( ν ο ς όκόθ(ν=όπόθ(ν
μόνον o n ly , m e re ly
ή fo re ig n w o m a n (ia ) όλ- aor. stein o f όλλνμαι
01» μόνον . . . αλλά κ α ί n o t
ξ ίν ο ς , ό fo re ig n er, guest, host όχ(σ - aor. stem ot όλλυμι
o n ly . . . b u t also
(2a) όλίγος η ov small, few
μύθος, ό w o r d , sto ry (2a)
όλίγωρος o»· contemptuous
μώ ν surely not?
όλλνμαι (aor. ώλόμην) be
μωρός a ov stup id, fo o lish 0 killed, die. pensh
ό ή τ ό the: m/<j/»c=he, she. it
ό λ λ υ μ ι (όλ<σ-) destroy, kill
Λ* ό α ντό ς th c same
ό λο ςη ο ν whole o f
vai yes o S i an d /b u th e
ολοφύρομαι lament
ναυμαχία, ή n aval b attle ( lb ) ό μ ί ν . . . o 8f o n c . . . another
Ί’όμνι/μι ( ομοο-)
να ΰς,ή ship (3 irr.) 5 τ ι; w h at? (sometimes itt reply
όμοιος a. ov like, «nuhr to
ναύτης, ό sailor (id ) to τί;)
νσντικος ή όν n aval ό8< ή8* τόΒ( this
όμολογίω agree
w x m a s .o y o u n g m an ( id ) όδι this here (pointing) ομόνοια, ή agreement.
νεανίσκος, ό y o u n g m an (2a) οδοιπόρος, ό traveller (2a)
harmony (ib)
ν*ηνιης, o ~ νεανίας, ό όδός, ή road, w a y (2a)
}48 D. Το/λ/ Vocabulary

όμως nevertheless, however ovSiiru1 not yet •πάνυ μ(ν ούν ccrtain ly, o f

όνίΐρος, ό dream (2a) o v k = o v no, not course

οΐΌμα ( όνοματ-), το name οΰκίτι no longer παννστατος η ov for the very
* o v k o v v therefore last time
οξύς da ύ sharp, bitter, shrill *ονκουν n o t . . therefore πάρ = παρά
όπλα, τά weapons, arms (2b) •ούν therefore •παρά (4 -acc.) alon g, beside;
όπόθιν from where οννομα — όνομα, τό against, to; com pared with;
όποιος a ov o f what kind ovntp where except
οπόσος η ov how many, h ow ο ν π ο τ ί never (4 -gcn.) from
great ονπω not yet (4-dat.) w ith , beside, in the
*όπόταν whenever ( + subj.) ουρανό?, ό sky, heavens (2a) presence o f
•otrort when; whenever ovata, ή property, wealth 7τάρα = 7τάρίστι it is possible
(4-opt.) (ib) for ( 4 -dat.)
όπου where? where •οΰτί . . . o v t c neither . . . noi παραγίγνομαι ( napayev-) be
*όπως how (answer to ττώ?;); οδτις ( οντιν-) no one present, turn up at (4-dat.)
how (indir q.) οντος avrrj τούτο this; (s)hc παραδίδωμι ( παραδο-) hand
,+ fu t. ind.) sec to it that οΰτος hey there! you there! over
(4-subj. or op t.)= iva in οΰτοσί this here (pointing) παραδωσ*iv fut. inf. o f
order to/that οντως/ουτω thus, so; in this παραδίδωμι
|όράω ( IS- ) sec way παραιτέομαι b e g
οργή, ή anger (la) ονχ= ον παράκαμαι lie, be placed
οργίζομαι grow angry with "\6φ(ίλω ow e beside ( 4 -dat.)
(+dat.) οφθαλμός, ό eye (2a) παραλαβ- aor. stem o f
ορ(ος=όρους gcn. o f όρος, τό οφρα (+subj./opt.) = iva παραλαμβάνω
ορθός ή όν straight, correct, (+ind./subj./opt.) while, παραλαμβάνω
right until ( παραλαβ-) take, receive
όρκος, ό oath (2a) όφις, ή vision, sight (3c) from ; undertake
όρμάομαι chargc, set o ff
παρασκ(νάζω prepare, equip
όρος, τό mountain (3c)
παρασκ(υή, ή preparation,
ός ή 5 who. what, which Π equipping; force (ia)
όοος τ) ov how great! as παθ- aor. stem o f πάσχω παρασχ- aor. stem o f παρέχω
much/many as πάθος, τό suffering, napcy(νόμην aor. o f
όοττ(ρ ήττίρ οπ(ρ who/which
experience (3c) παραγίγνομαι
παιΒίον, TO child, slave (2b) πάρκιμι be at hand, be present
όοτις ήτις ότι who(evcr).
παώοποιεομαι beget, have (+ d at.)
children ■παρέλαβον aor. o f
•όταν ( 4 -subj.) whenever
παίζω play, jo k e at παραλαμβάνω
ότί when
(ττρό?+ acc.)
οτι that; bccause παρΐλθ- aor. stem o f
πάίς (π α ι8 -),ό ,ή child; slave παρέρχομαι
• ο ΰ ( ονκ, ούχ) no, not
(3a) παρέρχομαι ( π α ρίλθ -) pass,
ου μόνον , . . άλλα καί not
πάλαι long ago
only . . . but also g o by, com c forw ard
παλαιός ά όν ancient, o f old. πάρ(στι it is possible for
ονΖαμώς in no way, not at all
ovhi and not (4-dat.)
πάλιν back, again
ούδίίί ούδίμία ούδό- παρέχω ( παρασχ- ) g ive to,
πανταχοΰ everywhere provide
(ovh<v-) no. no one.
παντ(λώς completely. πράγματα παρέχω cause
ouitirort never trouble (to)
•ττάνυ very (much); at all παρθένος, ή maiden (2a)
Total Vocabulary 349

πάριτε 2nd pi. im p ei. o f trustw orth y, faithful πορεύομαι march.journey.

παρέρχομαι/παρε ιμ ι κλίματος η ov very much. 8°
παριών ονσα όν (-o v r -) part. most (sup. o f πολύς) πορίζω provide, offer
o f παρέρχομαι πλέον m ore (adv.) (com p o f πόρνη, ή prostitute (la)
παροραω (τταριδ-) notice πολυί) νόρρω far. afar off
παρών οΰοα όν ■{■πλίω ( rrXcvo-) sail Ποσίώών ( Ποσαδων-), ό
(παροντ-) part, o f πάρειμι πλέως α ων full o f (4· gen.) Poseidon, god o f sea (3a)
πάς πάσα πάν ( π α ν τ-) all πλήθος, τό num ber, crowd; (voc. Tloatihov. acc.

ό ηάς the w h o le o f the people (3c) Ποσαδώ)

^πάοχω (τταθ-) suffer, πλήν (4 -gen.) except πόσις, ό husband, spouse (3c)
πλησίον nearby ποταμοίο gen. s. o f ποταμός
πατήρ (π α τ (ε )ρ -), ό father πληοίος a ov near, close to ποταμός, o river (za)
(+ g e n .) ποτί once, ever (etuhiic)
( 3 ·ί)
πλοίον, τό vessel, ship (2b) πότερον . . . ή whether . . . or
πατρίς (π α τρ ιδ-), ή tatherland
πλούσιος a ov rich, wealthy πότερος a ov; (of two)?
-που somewhere, anywhere
πατρώος a ον ancestral, o f πλύνω wash
πόθ<ν; from where? (rnclitie)
one’s father
ποΓ; w here to? πού; where?
παύομαι stop ( + part.); ccase
π ούς(π οδ-),ό foot (3a)
from (4 -gcn.) ποιέομαι make
πράγμα (πραγματ-), το thing,
παύω stop x (acc.) from Y ποιέω make, do
matter, affair (3b)
(<*4-gen.); stop x (acc.) κακά ( κακώς) ποιέω treat
πράγματα παρέχω cause
doing y (acc. part.) badly, harm
κάθομαι ( π ιθ -) believe, trust, ποιητής, 6 poet (id)
πράξις.ή fact, action (3e)
obey ( + dat.) π ο ι μ ή ν ( ποιμεν-) , 6 shepherd
^πράττω do. perform, tare
πείθω persuade (3a) πράττω
πειράομαι (π ειρ α σ -) test, try ποιος α ov; w hat sort o f?
πείσομαι fut. o f -πάσχω o r π ο λ(μ ίω make w ar
imbaswtai (jc)
πείθομαι πολεμικός ή όν o f war,
m ilitary, martial .p e r f " " * ·4 .mb»»»1»'
'f πέμπω send
πένης ( πενητ-) poor man πολέμιοι, ot the enemy (2a)
πρεσβύτερος a ov older.
(3a); (adj.) poor πολέμιος a ov hostile, enemy
rather old
πενία, ή poverty (lb ) πόλεμος, ό w ar (2a)
.*piv(+>nf.) before
πεντήκαντα fifty πόλις, ή city, city-state (3c)
ττρίν όν ( 4 subj.) um·1
*περί ( 4 -acc.) about, πολιτεία, ή state, constitution
rrpiv (+opt.) unol
concerning (»b) πρό ( 4 -gen·) before, m «ront
(+ gen .) about, around πολιτεύομαι be a citizen
(+dat.) in, on, about πολίτης, 6 citizen (id)
προάγω l« d on
περιφανής ές very clear, πολιτικός ή όν political
πρόβατον, τό sheep (
obvious πολΐτις ( 7τολιτιί>-), ή female
πρόγονος, ό forbear,
πιο- aor. stem o f πίπτω citizen (3a) ancestor (-a)
πέφνκa tend naturally to πολλά m any things
(perf. o f φύομαι) πολλάκις many times, often
npoSo- °
πηδάω leap, ju m p πολύς πολλή πολύ
aor. stem o f πείθομαι ( πολλ- ) much, many
twiVo> (iri-) drink πολύ (adv.) much
ηρόθυμκο* «**>·
tmwrto ( TTta-) fall, die πονηρός ά όν wicked.
wretched w j · dowry (3 »)
πιστεύω trust (4· dat.) προίξ (*(*>'*'>’
πιστός ή όν reliable. πόντο?, ό sea (2a)
350 D. Total Vocabulary

πυΟ- aor. stem o f πυνΟάνομαι σοφός ή όν ά isc . clever

*-po? (-face.) to. towards
(+ gcn.) in thc naine/under π ύλη,ή gate (la) "\σπένδω pour a libation

thc protection ot "^πυνθάνομαι (πυΟ-) learn, σπίύδω hurry

(4-dat.) in addition to. near hear, get to know σπονδαί, ai treaty, truce (la)
προσαγορ(ύω address, speak π ν ρ (π υ ρ -),τ ό fire (3b) σπονδή, η libation (la)

to πυρά, τά fire-signal (2b) σπουδάζω be concerned; do

■προσάπτω give, attach to πυρά, ή funeral pyre ( Ib) seriously
(-f dat.) πύργος, 6 tower (2a) σπουδαίος a ov serious,
προσ&ραμ- aor. stern o f πω yet (enclitic) im portant
προστρέχω Ίττιολέω sell σπουδή, ή zeal, haste.
itpoatΐπον I spoke X (acc.) to Y πως som ehow (cnclitic) seriousness (ia)
(acc.) (προοέαπον Ionic) πώς; how? στάς ατάσα στάν
7rpoatXO- aor. stem ot *πώς γάρ ov; o f course ( σ τα ντ-) standing (aor.
προσέρχομαι part, o f ίσταμαι)
προσέρχομαι P σ τ(ίχω go. com c
( προσίλθ-) go/come ρφδιος a ov easy στένω groan
towards, advancc ρφδίως easily στίρέω deprive o f
προσέχω bring near, apply to ρέστος η ov very easy στή = έστη he/she stood (aor.
προσέχω τον ΐ'οΰ»' pay ραψωδός, ό rhapsode (2a) o f Ισταμαι) ( no augment)
attention to (+dat.) ρήτωρ ( ρητορ-), ό orator. στήθ’ = στήτ(
προσήκ(ΐ it is fitting for x politician (3a) στήτς stand! (2nd pi. impcr.
(dat.) to - ( + nif.) "fpiπτω throw aor. o f ίσταμαι)
προσήλθον aor. o f στόμα ( σ το μ α τ-), τό mouth
προσέρχομαι Σ ( 3b)
πρόαθί,ΐ' previously; before σαφώς clearly στρατηγός, ό general (2a)
(+gcn.) ο(αυτόν yourself (s.) στρατιά, ή arm y (lb)
π poo ιών ονσα ό»' at λ ηνη, η moon (ia) στρωμνή, ή bed (ia)
( ττροσιοιτ-) part, o f σέο— σού o f you σύ you (s.)
προσέρχομαιίπρόοίίμι σίΰ — σοϋ o f you σνγγίγένημαι pert, o f
προοκαλίω summon, call σημαίνω ( σημην-) tell, signal σνγγίγνομαι
προσλέγω ( π ρ ο α ιπ -) address οημιΐον, τό sign, signal (2b) ονγγένιια, ή kinship (lb)
προοπίτνω fall upou. οιγάω be quiet σνγγ(νής, 6 relation (3d)
embrace σιδηρέος η ov o f iron, metal σνγγίγνομαι ( ουγγ€ν-) be
προστάττω( προσταξ-) order σίτος, ό food (2a) (pi. αίτα, τά w ith, have intercourse,
(-f-dat.) (2b)) dealings w ith ( + dat.)
προστρέχω ( προσδραμ-) run σιωπάω be silent σνγγνώμη, ή pardon,
towards ΐσκ<7ττομαι examine, look forgiveness (13)
προπίνω stretch out carefully at σνγγνώμην έχω forgive,
προτεραίος a ov o f thc σκίύη,τά gear, furniture; pardon
previous day ship’s gear (3c) σνγκόπτω beat up, strike
πρόrtpov formerly.
οκοπέομαι look at, consider (aor. pass, συνζκόπην).

ϊ οκοπέω consider, examine σνγχωρέω agree with, to;
πρότίρο s' a ov first ( o f tw o); σμικρός ά όν small, short, yield to (+ d at.)
previous little συλλέγω collect, gather
προτρέπω urge on. impel σός σή σόν your (s.) αυμβουλ(ύομαι discuss with
πρύταης, 6 prytaim (3c)
σοφία, ή wisdom (ib) ( + dat.)
πρώτον first, at first
σοφιστής, ό sophist, thinker συμβουλή, ή discu.ssion,
πρώτος η ov first
(id) recommendation (ia)
Total Vocabulary

σύμμαχο?, o ally (2a) τάχος, τό speed (3c) this

ονμπίμττω send w ith ( + d a t) T( . . . καί both . . . and
τράττ(ζα, ή bank (rc)
ονμτϊροθνμίομο-ΐ share τ(ΐχος, τό wall (o f a city) (3c)
τραη- aor. stem ot τρέπομαι
enthusiasm o f (+ d a t.) τικμαίρομαι conclude, infer; τράς τρία three
ονμφαρα, η disaster. mishap, assign, ordain
τρέπομαι ( τραπ-) turn (self).
oceurrcncc (lb) τ*κμήριον, τό evidence, proof turn in flight
σνμφορη= ανμφορα (2b) |τρ«που cause to turn, put to
*σνν (-f-dat.) with the help of. TtKvov, τό child (ib) flight
together with τιλ(υτάυ> die. end. finish t τρέφω ( θριφ-) rear, raise,
αννίρχομαι (σνν(λθ -) com e τίλος in the end, finally feed, nourish
together Tf.u = η νος t τρέχω (Βραμ-) run
συνήλθαν aor. o f συνέρχομαι τίχ νη , ή skill, art. expertise τριηραρχέω serve as a
ουνοικίω live w ith, together (la) tnerarch
(+dat.) τήμ€ρον today τριήραρχος, o trierarch (2a)
συντυγχάνω ( σνντυχ-) meet τι a. som ething (eiuhtic) τριήρης, ή trireme (3d)
with ( + dat.) rt; what? w hy? τρόπος, ό way. manner (2a)
οφάς they (Attic σφάς υφών "fτίθημι ( θ ( - ) put. place τροφή, ή food, nourishment
οφίαι) (Ionic σφ(ΐς σφίας ■fTiVroj ( t ( k - ) bear, give («a)
οφίωι- σφι) birth to ^τυγχάνω ( τνχ-) chance,
οφι to diem (dat. o f αφ*ϊς) τιμάω honour, value, reckon; happen (to be -ing + nom.
οφό&ρα very much, ( + dat.) fine part.) be actually -tng
exceedingly τίμ η , ή privilege, honour (la) (+nom . part.)
ο χ - aor. stem o f Ι χ ω / ί χ ο μ α ι τίμημα ( τιμ η μ α τ-), τό fine ( + gcn.) hit. chance/happen
οχώόν near, nearly, alm ost (3 b) on. be subject to
σχολή, ή leisure (la) τιμωρέομαι Like revenge on ^tuittw strike, hit
fow fw save, keep vife τιμω ρία, ή revenge. τυχ- aor. stem o f τυγχάνω
Σωκράτης, ό Socrates (3d) vengeance (ib) τύχη, ή chance, good/bad
οώμα ( σωματ-), τό b o d y. τι? τι ( nv~) a certain, fortune (ia)
person (3b) som eone (tncUtit)
οώος a ov safe τίς τ ί ( τίν-); who? what? Y
Οωτήρ ( owTηρ-), 6 saviour which? ύβρίζω treat violently.
(3>) τίτθ η ,ή nurse ( Ia) disgracefully; humiliate
οωτηρία, ή safety (ib) *τοι then (injerenie) ΰβριί.ή aggression, violence.
οωφροούνη, ή good sense. Toi = σοι insult, humiliation (3c)
moderation (ia) το ί= ο Γ (rclanvc) υβριστής, ό violent, criminal
Οωφρων (αα>φρον-) >ensible. *τοίνυν well then (resuming person (id)
temperate, modest, chaste, argument) V&wp ( νΒατ-), TO water (3b)
discreet, prudent, τοιόσ&( ηδ( όνδί of this kind νΐός.6 son (2a or. except for
law-abiding, disciplined τοιοΰτος αύτη οντο ol tins acc. s.. like m. forms o f
kind, o f such a kind γλνκύς)
τοΓσι = τοϊς νμ(ΐς you (pi.)
τάλας αινα av wretched, τόλμα, ή daring (it) νμΐτίρος a o** vour (pi. I
unhappy τολμάω dare, be daring. υπακούω reply, answer, obey
™1' n,V dear chap undertake (-t-dat.)
(condescending) τοσοντος αντη οντο so great tπτάρχω be. be sufficient.
τ“ί 1?, ή order, rank, τότ« then begin (+ goi-)
battle-array (3c) τούτω dat ot oiJtos *Crnip (+gen.) for. on behalt
ΓαΧ«ω? quickly cv toiJtw meanwhile, during of
D. Total Vocabulary

be a defendant, be on trial b y nature

ύττηρίτης, ό servant, slave
φίΰξομα ι fut. o f φεύγα/ φ ω νίω speak, utter
■[φημί say φωνή, ή vo icc, language,
φής you say speech (la)
(ύποσχ-) promise (to)
φήσω tut. ot φημ1 φως ( φ ω τ-) , τό light (3b)
(+ fu t. inf.)
φήσ€ΐ€ν 3rd s. aor. opt. o f φως (φ ω τ -), ό man, mortal
ΰιτνος, 6 sleep (2a)
•υπό ( + acc.) under, along φημί ( 3a)
under, up under ■\φθάνω (φθασ-) anticipate X
(-f gcn.) by. at thc hand o f (acc.) by/in -in g (nom. X
(-f dat.) under, beneath part.) χαίρ( greetings! hello!
υποδέχομαι welcome, φιλία/ love, kiss; be used to tarcwcll!
entertain (+ in f.) -f-χαϊραΤγχα ρ -) rejoice
υπόλοιπο? ov remaining φιλία, ή friendship ( i b) χα λΐπ ός ή όν difficult, hard
υ?, ό boar(3h) φίλος, 6 friend (2a) χα λίπ ώ ? φ ίρω be angry,
ΰοτίραΐος a ov ot the next day φίλος η ov dear; one’s ow n displeased at
vortpov later, further φιλοσοφία, ή philosophy (lb ) χαλκού? ή ovv o f bronze
varepos a ov later, last (of φιλόσοφος, ό philosopher (2a) χαρίζομαι ob lige, please; be
two) φίλτατος η oi' most dear (sup. dear to (+ d a t.)
(It « s ot φίλος) χάρις ( χ α ρ ιτ-), ή thanks,
νφ = t r t T O
νφαιρίομαι ( νφ(λ-) steal, take φοβίομαι fear, be afraid of. grace (3a)
for oneself by stealth respect χάριν οίδα be gratctul to
φοβίομαι μή (-f dat.)
Φ (+subj./opt.) fear that. lest χα μ ώ ν ( χ α μ ώ ν -), ό winter,
φαίνομαι (φαν-) appear, seem φ>οβ(ρός ά όν terrible, storm (3a)
(to be) (-f nom. part.), seem frightening Xeip ( χ α p -), ή hand (3a)
to be but not really to be φόβος, o fear (2a) χάρω ν χάρον
(+m f.) φόνος, 6 murder (2a) ( χάρον- ) worse (comp, o f
Υφαίνω ( φην-) reveal, φράζω utter, mention, talk κακός)
dcclarc, indict φράτηρ ( φρατιρ-), ό member χθ ίς yesterday
φάμαΌς η ov aor. part. mid. o f phratry (3a) χ ίλ ιο ι at a thousand
o f φημί ( ίφάμην) Φρήν ( φρίν-), ή heart, mind χορός, o dance; chorus (2a)
οΰ φάμ^νος saying . . . not, (3*) •[χράομαι use, em ploy
refusing φρονco> think, consider ( 4 -dat.)
φάναι inf. o f φημί φροντίζω think, w orry χρία , τά debts (3c uncontr.)
φανίρός ά όν dear, obvious φραντίς ( φροντιδ-), ή txpi? it is necessary for x
φάνη 3rd s. aor. o f φαίνομαι thought, care, concern (3.1) (acc.) to - (infin.)
(no augment) φ νγή,ή flight (i a) χρήμα (χ ρ η μ α τ -),τ ό thing
φάοθ' you say (2nd pi. mid. o f φνγον ist s. aor. o f φΐύγω (no ( 3 b)
Φημί) augment) χρήματα, τά m oney (3 b)
φάσκω allege, claim, assert φυλακή, ή guard (ia) χρηματίζω do business
φάτο he spoke (3rd s. aor. φΰλαξ (φυλακ-), ό guard (3.1) χρήσθαι pres. inf. o f χράομαι
mid. o f φημί) φυλάττω guard (Ionic χρήσιμος η ov profitable,
φί-pt comc! φυλάσσω ) useful
t φ ίρ ω ( ί κ γ κ - ) bear, endure; φύαις, ή nature, character. χρηστός ή όν good, fine,
lead; carry
temperament (3c) serviceable
χαλίττώς φ(ρο> be angry, ΐφύω bear χρήται 3rd s. pres, o f χ ρ ά ο μ α ι
displeased at
(aor. mid.) ίφυν be naturally χρόα acc. o f χρώς
\φ ιύγ ΐΐ} ( φ ν γ - ) runoff, flee;
(perf.) πίφυκα be inclined χροί dat. o f χρως
Total Vocabulary

χρόνος, 0 tin1*- (^a) ψιυδώς falsely ώμην impf. o f οϊμαι

χροός gen. o f χρώς ψηφίζομαι vote ώμος, ο shoulder (2a)
χρνσίος η ov golden ψήφισμα ( ψήφισμα τ- ), τό ών ονσα όν ( όντ-) part, o f dpi
χρώς (χ ρ ω τ-), ο flesh, skin, decree (3b) <1)V=Z0UV
body (3a) (Ionic 3 CC. χρόα: Ψήφος, ή vote, votiug-pcbblc Ί’ωΐ'ίομαι ( πρια-) buy
gcn. χροό?; dat. χροΐ) (23) *ώς how! as; that
χιορίιο go, com c φνχή· ή soul, life (ia) (+acc.) cowards, 10 thc
χώρη, η land (la) (Attic χώρα, house o f
η Ob)) Ω (+ fu t. part.) in order to
χιορίον, το place; space; ώ- augment ( if not tinder w- (+sup.) as*-as possible
region; farm (2b) look under o-) (+subj./opt.) = *»'a in order
χωρίς apart, separately ώ w h a t. .*( + gen.) to/that
(from) (+ g cn .) ώ O ( + voe./nom .) ώ? thus, so
(addressing someone) ώσιHp like, as
Ψ w8( thus, 3s follows *ώοτί so that, with thc result
iptvhrjs ίς false, ly in g ώ θίω push, shove that, consequently
ψίύδομαι lie, tell lies ώλόμην aor. o f όλλνμαι (+inf./indic.)

List o f proper names

Most names o f peoplc(s) and all names o f places will be found in thc running
vocabularies w h ere th ey o ccur. T h e names which recur several times and are
not repeated in the runn in g vocabularies are listed here for convenience o f

"Α δ μ η τ-ο ς, 6 A d m eto s (2a) Άττολλόδωρ-ος, 6 Apollodoros (2a)

(husband o f Alkestis) (prosecutor o f Neaira and
Α δρηστ-ος, 6 A drastos (2a) Stephanos; friend o f Aristarkhos)
(‘U nable to escape’ ; m em b er o f the 'Α π όλλω ν (Α π ό λ λ ω ν -), 6 Apollo
Phrygian royal fa m ily and (3a: but voc. usu. Ά π ο λλον ; acc.
suppliant o f Croesus) Ά π ό λ λ ω ) (god o f prophecy, with

Α θ ψ -η Ι-ά , η A th en e (ia/b) oracular shrine at Delphi)

Ά ρ ίσ τα ρ χ -ο ς, 6 Aristarkhos (2a)
(goddess o f craftsm anship and
(friend o f Apollodoros. narrator o f
protectress o f Odysseus)
his legal troubles at the hands o f
ΑΧκίνο-ος, ό A lk in o o s (2a) (king o f
Theophem os and Euergos)
the Phaiakians and father o f
Nausikaa) Ά φ ρ ο δ ίτ-η , ηAphrodite (ia)
(goddess o f love; used often as
Α μφ ί-θε-ος, ό A m p h ith eo s (2a)
synonym for sexual pleasure)
( God on both sides’; goes to Sparta
Β δελυκλίω ν ( Βδ(λυκλ(ων-),
to get D ikaiop olis’ private
6 Bdelykleon (3a)
D. Total I ocabulary

(‘ Loathe-Kleon’; son o f (experienced dikast)

Philoklcon) Λάβης ( Λ α β η τ-), ό Labes (3a)

^ικαιόττολυ, o D ikaiopolis (3c) (‘ G rab b er’ ; d o g indicted on a
(‘ just citizen’ ; Attic farm er in search charge o f stealing chccse)

o f peace) Λ υ Β -ο ί, oi Lydians (2a) (C roesus'

ΔιονυσόΒωρ-οζ, o Dionysodoros people) (see m ap, T e x t, p. 157)
(2a) (sophist, brother o f Λ ν σ ί-α ς , o Lysias (id ) (the fam ous
Euthydemos) orator, lo v er o f M etaneira)
Έ ιτιμ η θ -ίύ ς, o Epimctheus (3g) Λ υ σ ι σ τ ρ ά τ - η , rj Lysistrata (1 a)
(‘ Aftersight’ ; brother ot (‘ D estroyer o f the a r m y ’ ;
Prometheus) p rim e-m o v cr o f thc w o m e n ’ s
'Ε ρ μ -ή ς, o Hermes (id) (Zeus’ scx-strike)
messenger) M e ra v a p -a , η M etaneira (ib ) (a
Ε ύΐργίΒ -η ς, o Euergidcs (id) slave and prostitute in N ik a rc tc ’s
(experienced dikast) brothel, lo v e d b y Lysias)
Ε ύζργ-ος, o Euergos (2a) (brother o f Μ υρρίν-η, η M y rrh in e (ia) (friend
Theophcm os and his helper in o f Lysistrata and w ife o f Kinesias)
seizing Aristarkhos’ goods) M v a -o i, ol M ysians (2a) (sec m ap,
ΕύθύΒημ-ος, 6 Euthydem os (2a) T e x t, p. 157)
(sophist, brother o f D ionysodoros) Ν α υ σ ικ ά -α , η N ausikaa (ib )
Θ ςογίν-η ς, o Thcogencs (3d) (basileus (unm arried dau gh ter o f A lk m o o s,
archon and for a short time husband k in g o f the Phaiakians)
o f Phano) N ea ip -a , η N eaira (ib ) (‘ w ife ’ o f
Θ ίόφ ημ-ος, o Theophem os (2a) Stephanos; indicted b y
(enemy o f Aristarkhos and A p o llo d o ro s for liv in g w ith
responsible for thc seizure o f his Stephanos as his w ife and
goods) pretending that her children w ere
ΊΧισ-ός, ό river Ilisos (2a) (sec map, citizens)
T ext, p. 19) Ν ικ α ρ έτ-η , ή N ikarete (ia)
Κ ινη σ ί-a s, ό Kincsias (id) (brothel-kecpcr; form er o w n e r o f
(‘ Sexually active'; husband o f Neaira)
Myrrhinc) Ξ ανθί-ας, 6 Xanthias (id ) (slave o f
ΚΧζινί-ας, 6 Klcinias (id) (a yo u n g B dclykleon)
friend o f Socrates) Ό δ υ( a ) σ -cvs, 6 O dysseus (3g)
ΚΧςονικ-Ί), η Kleonike (1a) (friend (cunning G reek hero, w h o
and fcllow-conspirator o f w andered for ten years after the
T rojan W a r before finally
Κροισ-ος, 6 Croesus (2a) (king o f returning to Ithaka, his kingd om )
Lydia) (see map, T ext, p. 157)
’ Ο μ η ρ - ο ς , ό H om er (2a) (epic poet,
Κ ω μ ί-α ς, o Komias (id)
author o f the Iliad and the Odyssey)
List o f proper names

Π ε ισ -ίτ α φ -ο ς , o Peisetairos (2a) B d elyk lco n )

(‘ Pcrsuade-fricnd’ ; frien d o f Φ α ίη κ -e s, o l Phaiakians (3.1)
Dikaiopolis; plans to leave A th en s (A lk in o o s’ people)
with Euelpides) Φ α ν -ώ , η Phano (acc. Φ αν-ώ; gcn.
Π ερικλ-ής, o Pericles (3d: u n con tr.) Φ αν-ούς\ dat. Φ α ν-ot) (daughter o f
(political leader in A th e n s d u rin g N eaira; m arried to Phrastor, then
thc m id-fifth cen tu ry) T h cogen es)
Προμηθ-€υς, o P ro m eth eu s (3g) Φ ζίδπ τττιδ -η ς, o Phcidippides (id)
(‘Foresight’; b ro th er o f (‘ Son o f Phcidon and horse’;
Epimetheus) ch ariot-racin g, horse-m ad son o f
ΠώΧ-ος, 6 P olos (2a) (a r o w e r on Strepsiades)
board a trirem e) Φ ιλ ο κ λ έ ω ν ( Φ ιΧοκΧςων-) ,
Σ τίφ α ν-ος, o Steph an os (2a) ό P h ilokleon (3a) (‘ L o ve-K lco n ’;
(‘husband’ o f N eaira; in d icted b y ju ry -se rv ic e -lo v in g father o f
A pollodoros fo r liv in g w ith a B d elyklcon )
foreigner as his w ife and try in g to Φ ρ ά σ τω ρ ( Φ ρ α σ το ρ -), 6 Phrastor
pass o f f her ch ild ren as citizens) (3a) (for a tim e husband o f Phano)
Στρεφιάδ-ης, ό Strepsiades (i d) Φ ρ ν view ( Φ ρ ν vttov-) , o Phrynion
(T w is t and tu rn ’ ; d eb t-rid d en (3a) (form er lover o f Neaira. from
farmer, father o f Phcid ip pides) w h o m Stephanos rescued her)
Στρνμόδω ρ-ος, o S tr y m o d o ro s (2a) Χ α ιρ εφ ώ ν ( Χ α ιρ εφ ω ν τ-) ,
(inexperienced dikast) o K h airephon (3a) (good friend
Σω σί-ας, 6 Sosias (id ) (slave o f o f Socrates)
E English—Greek vocabulary


(a) This vocabulary has been compiled from all thc w ords needed to complete
successfully all thc English-Grcek Exerciscs in b o o k O n e. I f you find difficulty
with a particular phrase, look in this vocabulary under thc main w o rd in the
phrase. Y ou will normally find some helpful suggestions as to h o w to tackle it.
Remember that you may often have to rethink the English phrasing, particu­
larly in the prose passages.
Please note that this vocabulary is for use w ith the Exercises in this book. It
may be misleading to apply it to other prose exercises.
(b) Remember, especially if you try the prose passages, that G reek uses many
more connecting and other particles than English. For this reason you w ill not
find many particles given in this vocabulary. But they arc im portant to the
composition o f good Greek. So try to use at least μ ίν . . . U , h i, αλλά, γάρ, 8ή
and ovv in your u ritmg, all o f which you w ill meet very often in y o u r reading.
See further Reference Grammar G.

a (certain) r u π ( Tir-) afraid that, be φ ο β ί-ο μ α ι μ ή at all πάνυ or omit

able, be able δύναμαι (+ m f.) + subj./opt. allow ΐά ω ( t a a - )
about nep! (4-ace./gen.) afraid th a t. . . not μ ή . . . ού already ήδη
according to κατά (+3CC.) after μ ιτ ά ( + 2CC.) although καίπςρ + part.. M
account, on x ’s vrrtp ( + gcn.) afterwards, not long oi> διά plain pari.
accurately ακριβώς πολλοί) always aci
acquit απολύω again ανβις amazed, be θαυμάζω
actually indicating default' against one's will άκων Am azon Ά μαζών
statcmeni. me inrfudiire verb άκουοα άκον (ά κ ο ν τ -) (Ά μ α ζα ν -), ή (3a)
advocatc άντΆικος, ό (2a) agree ό μ ο λ ο γ ίω ambassador πρ<σβίυτή<, ο
a tra id o t.b c φοβί-ομαι all ττάς ττόσα ττάν ( -παντ-) (id)
( + atc.) all sorts o f use -nds And καί
Htigtish-Greck Vocahu\ary

and yet καίτοι d o x before y φθάνω y (acc.) dearly, be δήλός io n

angry, be made οργίζομαι doing x (noin. part.)
(+ n o m part.); or us? δήλον
(aor. ώργίσθψ) begin άρχομαt ( + gcn. or io T ivότι
announce, make an part.); υπάρχω ( + gcn.) clever σοφός ή όν
announcement κηρύττω beh alf of, on xrrip ( + gcn.) closely πλησίον
another άλλος η ο beloved use pass, o jφ ιλίω collect λαμβάνω ( ληβ-)
answer αποκρίνομαι best άριστος η ον come (ρχομαι ( ίλθ -)
(άνοκριν-) better, feel συλλίγω Ιμαυτόν have com c ήκω
anyone in negative sentnne utt (ist pi. ημάς αυτούς) comc! (λθί
ovScis ούδ(μία ούδεν big μ ίγ α ς μ(γάλη μίγα com c across καταλαμβάνω
(oibtv- ); if no Iieg.. use τις (μ€γαλ-) ( καταλαβ-)
any such tiling τι τοιοντο boat πλοΐον, τό (2b) come forward προσίρχομαι
Apollodoros 'Απολλόδωρος, body ν(κρός, 6 (2a) ( προσίλθ-)
0(2.1) boy παΐς ( παιδ-), ό (3a) (to address
appear φαίν-ομαι; δοκία» bribe δώρον, τό (zb) assembly) ταρϊρχομαι
archon άρχων ( άρχοντ-), ό bring άγω ( ά γαγ-) ( τταρίλθ-)
(3*) bring ou t (κφίρω ( i ξ(ΐ·(γκ-) com c in(to) άσίρχομαι
argument λόγος, ό (ia) bring to an end καταλύω ((ισ(λθ-)
arrive άφικνίομαι ( άφικ-) bum pkin άγροικος ον come on1 άγ(
as uk ών ονσα όν ( όντ-)\ ώς business, m o ve χρηματίζω com c upon (ΰρίσκω ( d p - )
+ ind.;tis + n o u n (fut. χρηματιώ: (ω contr. conceive διανοίομαι
as —as possible ώς + sup. but άΛλά (first word); S« condemn x (person) to v
adv./adj. (secend word) (punishment) καταδικάζω
ask ίρωτάω ( ip- ) by κατά (-f-acc.) x (gcn.) to v (acc )
•uk tor a ir iw by land κατά γην conscqucndy ώστ(
assembly ίκκλησία, ή (ib) by! (oath) νή ( + acc.) consider σκοπίω θαυμάζω by (agent) υπό (+ g e n .) contest άγωΐίζομαι
(+acc.) converse (with) διαλέγομαι
ci?(+acc.) call upon ίπικαλίομαι (πρός+ jcc.)
at once (νθύς captain κυβερνήτης, ό (id) corpse κκρόί, ό (2a)
at thc hands o f {mo (-J-gen.) capture alpiω ( (λ -) (fut. corrupt διαφ&(ίρω
Athenian Αθηΐ'αΐ-ος, ό (2a) αΐρήσω); καταλαμβάνω council βουλή, ή (ia)
attention, pay use aor. o) ( -λα β -) (fut. -λήφομαι) countryside αγροί, ο! (~λ)
α«ονω\ προσέχω τον νούν Carefully άκριβώς court (room) δικαστήριον, το
(+dat.) carry out ίκφορίω (2b)
cast (a vote) τίθίμαι (6 t-) creditor χρήστη·;, ό (id)
bad κακό; ή όν caught, be άλίσκομαι ( άλ-) cross διαβαίνω
k n k τράττίζα, ή ( i C) charge, make a γραφήν
bdelyklcon Βδ(λυκλία)ν γράφομαι ( γραφ- * danger κίνδυνος, o (2a)
(-(ωι·-), ό (3a) chase διώκω danger (of), be in ki*-6w*cw*»
be «ΐμί (ir«#n’+acc.)
child παιδίον, τό (ib)
bear ^ ρ ω daughter θυγάτηρ
childless άπαις ( άπαιδ-), 6
flnd har‘l to bear βαρίως ( θνγατ(*)p-), η ( *a)
Φ*Ρω (fut. οίσω) citizen άστός, ό (2a' dear φίλος η ο*
kcausc δ.ότ, death θάνατο*, o liat
city πόλιτ, ή (3e)
because o f δ,ά (+acc.) claim φάσκω (tut. φί,σω) debt' xpia. τά [}C uncontr.)
comc γίγν-ομαι (γ *ν-) clear δήλος η ον deceive ίξαπατάω
c rrplv ( + Inl ) it is clear that δήλn «στο· ότι decree φήφισμα. το Ο**
35ί> Ε. Hnglish-Grcck Vocabulary Ο

deed tpyov, τό (lb); or u x ». enough . . . to οΰτω . . . ώστε fo llo w ίπ ο μ α ι ( οπ- )

pi. adjcntvcs + inf. (= a c c o m p a n y ) άκολουθίω
defeat νικάω ( νικηο-) enter άαέρχομαι (tla e λ θ -) (+ d a t.)
dcfcnce spccch άττολογια, η (ci? -face.) fool(ish) μώ ρος α οι*
( i b) equip παρασκευάζω for γάρ (second word)
make a dcfcncc equipment ακκύη, τά (3c); or for (prep.) νπέρ ( + gen.)
spccch άπολογέομαι use τ ά +gen. (oj what it force αναγκάζω (άναγκασ-)
defendant φ(ύγων belongs to) forefather πρόγονος, ό (2a)
(φ*νγοντ- j , ό (3a) cscapc ά“ θφ ίύγω ( άποφυγ-) fortunate (ύδαίμων (ΰδαιμον
demand κίλευω Euelpides Ε ύίλπίδης, ό (id ) ( (ΰδαιμον-)
depart απέρχομαι (άπ(λθ-) ever 7τοτ€ (cnchtic) free έλ(ύθ(ρος α ο»·
deposited, be κάμαι ιιι indej. sentences add άν to freedom (XevOepia, 17 ( Γb)
despair απορία, ή (lb) conjunction and use subj. verb friend φίλος, ό (~a); φίλη, ή
be in despair άττορέω everything translate ‘ all 0a>
destroy διαόθ(ίρω\ άπόλλυμι {things)' furniture σκ(ύη, τά (3c)
die αποθνήσκω (άποθαν-) evidence τικμήριον, τό (ib )
difficult χαλ(πός ή or evil κακό? ή όι* gaze ou t (into) αποβλέπω
Dikaiopolis .4 ικαιόπολι?, ό except νλήν ( + gen.) (ίίς + acc.)
(3C) expect ίλ - ίζ ω ( + fut. inf.) gear α κίύη , τά (3c)
dikast δικαστής, 6 (id) experience πάθος, τό (3 c) general στρατηγός, 6 (2a)
din θόρυβοί, ό (2a) experienced (in) ίμ ικ ιρ ο ς ov get λαμβάνω ( λα β -)
Dionysodoros Διοννσό8ωρος, (Trept+acc.) get back κομίζομαι
i(a ) get hold o f λαμβάνομαι
discover (ίξ)(υρίσκω face the prospect o f μέλλω ( + gen.)
(((ξ)™ρ-) ( + fut. inf.) get into καθίσταμαι
disdaintul ολίγωρος ον fall ττίτττω ( καταστα- j(c t? 4 - acc.)
disease νόσο», ή (2a) fall ill άσθο’ίω get up άναβαίνω ( άναβα-)
dishonour ατιμάζω family οΐκ<ΐοι, ol (2a) g ive δίδω μι (S o -)
divorce ίκβάλλω ( ίκβαλ-); larnier γ(ωργός, ό (2a) glance βλέπω (aorist aspect)
father πατήρ ( τιατ(c)ρ -), ό g o (ρχομαι (( λ θ -) (fut. (Ιμι\
do «οι«ω; δράω (δραο-); (3a) subj. ίω; perf. (λήλυθα)
feel better ονλλέγω t μ αντόν go aw ay (off) απέρχομαι
dog κυων ( κυν-), 6 (3a)
(ist pi. ημάς αυτούς) ( άπ(λθ- )
don't μ^+iinpcrative;
fetch out έκφέρω (flit. g oin g to. be μέλλω (-H ut.
μή + aor. subj.
€^οίσω) inf.)
door θυρα, ή (ib)
few ολίγοι αι α g o up to προσέρχομαι (-(λθ -)
downhearted, be άθυμέω fifty π ίΐ’τηκοντα
( άθυμησ-) (rrpo? + acc.)
fight μάχομαι
draft γράφω god θ(ός, ό (2a)
(μ α χ(σ -) (with, good καλός ή όν: χρηστός ή
drag 3way άφέλκω
against) πρός ( + acc.) όν; αγαθός ή όν or translate ύί
duty translate 'must'
finally τ«λο?
adverb, 'well'
find (ύρίσκω (tv p -) grab λαμβάνομαι ( λαβ-)
easy ρόδιος a ov find out ττυνθανομαι ( ττνθ- ) ( + gcn.)
fine τίμημα ( τιμηματ- ), τό great μέγας μ(γά λη μέγα
most easy ρέστος -η ον
( 3b)
end, bring to an καταλύω (μ (γ α λ -)
fine (adj.) καλός ή όν
enemies ττολίμιοι, oi (za) govern πολΐτ(ύομαι
enmity ίχθρα, ή (ib) fire ιτΰρ ( πυρ- ). τό (3b)
grievously μίγά λα
flatter θωττίύω
guard φυλάττω
English-Greek Vocabulary

guard φνλαζ ( φ νλα κ -), ο η ign oram us αμαθής ές let (άω ( ia a -); or use jrd
(3») ill. be ill ά σθινίω person imper. or ist pi. subj.
im pious, be άσ(βέω life φυχη, η (la)
hand χ(ίρ ( χ α ρ - ) , η (3 ^) in cv (-fd a t.); ένδον (adv.) like φιλέω (φ ιληο-)
at the hands o f υπό ( + gen.) be in. present trapet/xt liking, be to one s άρέσκα
hand over παραδίδωμι inclined to, be naturally (+ d at.)
( παραδο-) πέφυκα ( + inf.) listen (to) άκούω ( + gen./acc.
happen (to be) τυγχάνω inhabit οικέω o f thing)
(™X-) (+n«m Part) intend μέλλω (-f fut. inf.) live (in) οίκέω ( + acc.)
happen, occur γίγνομαι intending to ώς + fut. part, live together συνοικέω
(γ(ν-) (perf. γεγένημαι) into c«s (+ a cc .) live with συνοικέω (+ dat.)
harbour λ ιμ ή ν (λ ιμ * ν -), ό (3a) itself (reflexive) i αυτόν lock in έγκλΐίω (ev-f dat.)
hard, find hard to έαυτηνέαντό long after, not ού διά πολλοΰ
bear βαρέως φέρω (fut. look (at) βλέπω
οΐσω) jo b έργον, τό (2b) ( ft’s/Trpof + acc.)
hate μίσΐω ju d g e δικάζω look! Ιδού (s.)
hated by thc gods κακοδαίμων g iv e , pass ju d g m en t δικάζω look after θ€ραπ(ύω
κακόδαιμον ( κακόδαιμον- ) ju ro r δικαστής, ό (id) look for ζητέω
have έχω (οχ-)', tort ( + dat.) ju st δίκαιος a ov lot, a use πολλά
have in mind έν'νώ έχω ju stly δικαίως a lot o f πολύς πολλή πολύ
have to δ ά x (acc.) to y (inf.) ( πολλ-)
hear άκούω ( άκουσ-) K haircdem os Χαιρέδημος, ό loud μέγας
here ivUa&e (23) very loud μέγιστος η ον
home(wards) οίκαδ( kill άποκτ(ίνω (ά π οκτ(ΐν-) love φιλέω
hope (λπίζαι ( + fut. inf.) k in g (king archon) βασιλ(ύς, love o f wisdom φιλοσοφία, ή
horse ίππος, 6 (2a) ό ( 3 g) (lb)
house οικία, ij (lb ) knock (on) κόπτω ( + acc.)
how? πώς; gave a knock use aorist maidservant θ(ράπαινα, η
how (indir. q.) πώς, όπως k n o w γιγνώσκω', οΐδα (part. 00
how big οσος η ov] otτόσος η (ίδώ ς, inf. (ίδ(ναι) make ποιέομαι
ον man άνθρατπος, ό (2a); άνηρ
hullo! χαιρς lady γυνη ( γυναικ-), η (}3.) (άνδρ-). ό (3a)
husband άνηρ ( άνδρ-), ό (33) Lam pito Α α μ π ιτώ , ή (voC. managed to (x) use aorist of
Λ αμιτι τοί) (x)
1 cya>( orjust ist s. o f verb) land γ ή ,η ( ΐΛ ) many πολλοί at ά
>dca γνώμη, ^ ( i a) by land κατά γήν marry γαμέω ( γη μ-)
«seems a good idea to δ ο κ ά large μέγας μεγάλη μέγα matter πράγμα ( πραγματ-),
to x (dat.) to do γ (inf.) ( μ€γαλ-) τό (3 b)
if «» messenger άγγίλος, ό {2a)
last, at last τέλος
, f (fut t,mc) {άν ( + subj.) laugh γ(λάω (γ (λ α σ -) mind, have in έν νώ έχω
if - ·. were —, . . . law νόμος, ό (2a) mistreat κακά ( κακώϊ j jtouui

'"‘ O uld- f i+ o p t., opt. -fa y law -court δικαστηριον, τό ( + acc.)

w c r c - ing >. . . w ould be mock (at) παίζω (πράς+ icc.)
« + im pf., im pf. + iv learn μανθάνω ( μ α θ -) money χρηματα>T° (3b)
1 - - had -c d ----- w ould have mother μψ~ηρ (μητ(()ρ~). η
leave απέρχομαι ( άπ(λθ-)
fi+ a o r.. a o r.-f άν (από-f gcn.) (3a)
,ff not «V* move business χ ρ η μ α τ ίζω
legal translate 'o f the court’
(fut. χρ η μ α τιώ : -(a> contr.)
n,y tl®€» f ‘ γάρ ( + opt.) legitim ate γνήσιος a ov
360 E. E n g lish -C rcek Vocabulary o
old man γέρων ( γεροντ-), ό pick up άναιρέω (άνζλ-);
much rroAik πολλή ττολυ
έκ8έχομαι ( έκ 8 (ξ-)
( n ολλ-) (33)
old wom an γραΰς (γ ρ α -), ή pious, be €υσ(βέω
mule ήμϊονος, ό (2a)
Piraeus Π α ρ α κν$ , 0 (3g)
must So x (acc.) to do γ (inf.) (33 ιτ·)
on may indicate aorist aspect place χωρίο ν, τό (ib )
my ίμός ή όν
(e.g. 'on seeing him*) plague νόσος, ή (2a)
myself use αυτός
011 (preposition) κατά plan γνώ μη, ή (la); μηχανή, ή

name ονομα (όνοματ-),τό (+acc.) (ia)

once, once and for all may plan, m ake a μηχανήν
naturally inclined, to indicate aorist aspect (e.g. ττοιέομαι
be ττίφυκα (+m f·) ‘stop that once «ind for all!’) pleasure, w ith ή8έως
Neaira Sia ip a, ή (ib) aorist aspect; or. use γίγνομαι poet ποιητής, ό (id)
necessary. it is btl (past. ISei) ( ycv- ) (e.g. ’once friends’); politician ρήτωρ ( ρητορ-), ό
for x (acc.) to y (inf.) or use a gen. absolute (e.g. (33)
neighbour γΐίτω ν (γ€ΐτον-), 'oncc this had poor condition πονηρώς
ό (3>) happened.. . .’) position turn qualifying adj.
neither if it means ‘ arid not' use once, at see at oncc into noun
ουδέ (phrased so that another only μόνον possession κτήμα ( κτη μα τ-),
ov precedes it) or ή τό (3b)
neither . . . nor οΰτι . . . οΰτι order, give orders κ ίλϊύω possible for. it is β ξίσ τι for x
never ού8έττοτ< ( κ(λ(νσ-) (dat.) to y (inf.)
new use άλλος η ο our ήμέτίρος a ov since it is possible ϊξον
news (‘ the news’) emit in out o f ίκ ( + gcn.) praise ίπαινέαι (tn a iv ta -)
translating out with it! use aor. imper. of promise in marriage Ι γ γ ν ά ω
next day rfj vartpaiq. λέγω property use τ ά +gen. o f
not ου, ούκ, ούχ (accented οΰ ow e όφ(ίλιυ person who owns it
at end of sentence) prosecute κατηγορέω
(with infinitives) μή, except prosecution κατηγορία, ή
in indirect speech peace ά ρ ψ 'η , ή ( ι λ ) (ib)
notice use ού λανθάνω ( λαθ-) Peisetairos ΓΙασέταιρος, ό prosecutor κατήγορος, ό (2a):
(’x (nom.) does not escape (2a) hiojxw v ( 8 iw k o v t - ), 0(33)
the notice o f γ (acc.) doing z people δήμος, ό (ia); πλήθος, prospect o f. face the μέλλω
(nom. part.)’) τό (3C) ( + fut. inf.)
nonce of. take προσέχω τον perform 8ιαττράττομαι prostitute ίταίρα, ή (lb )
row ( + dat.) perplexed, be άπορέω prove 8ηλόω
number πλήθος, το (3c) ( άπορησ-) prytancis πρντάνας, oi (3c)
Persian Πέραης, o (id) punish κολάζω
oath όρκος, ό (ia) persuade πάθω (π (ισ -) pursue διώκω
obediently use part, of persuasion use the verb pursuer διώκω»' (8ιω κοντ-), ο
παθομαι Pluno Φανώ, ή (acc. Φανώ·, (33)
obey ιτ(ίθομαι ( + dA i.) gen. Φανούς) put down κατατίθημι
obliged u<e Biov (acc. absol.) Philokleon Φιλοκλέων ( καταθε-)
( x (acc.) is obliged to γ (-ewv-), ό (3a) put in(to) καθίστημι
Philoxenos Φ ιλόζ< νος, 6 (2a) ( καταατηα-) X (acc.) in(to)
be obliged, compelled Phrastor Φράστωρ y («V + acc.)
to ανάγκη έοτί for x (acc.) (Φραοτορ-), ό (3a) be put into καθίσταμαι
to \ (inf.)
Phrynion Φρυνίων ( καταστα-)
obviously δήλόν eartv ό τ ι (Φρυνιων-), ό (3a) put x into such a y state.
Etigliih-Greek Vocabulary

condition διατίθημι sea θάλαττα, η ( l c) speak up! use aor. imper.

(διαθε-) X (acc.) οΰτω Y by sea κατά θάΧατταν spectator θεατής, ό (id )

(adv.) sca-battlc ναυμαχία, ή (lb ) steal νφαιρέομαι ( νφ ελ-)

see όράω ( ιδ -) Stephanos Στέφανος, 6 (2a)
question . . . closcly εξετάζω d o n 't y o u see? me λανθάνω stop (doing) παύομαι
quickly ταχέως (e.g. ‘d o in g y (nom . part.) ( + parc.)
quiet, keep ησυχάζω does he a vo id your stop (som eone doing) παύω
n otice?’ - translating ‘ your (acc. + part.)
reason, for what διά τ ί; τ ί notice* as ‘ you’ (a(c.) (put a stop to) παύω ( 4 -acc.)
βουλόμενος; seem δοκέω stranger ξένος, ό (2 a)
for χ (gcn.) reason ένεκα seem a g o o d idea δοκεΐ to x strike τύπτω
(prep, after noun) (dal.) to y (mf.) student μαθητής, ό (id )
rcccive δέχομαι ( δ εξ-) seize Χαμβάνω (λ α β - ) stupid μώρος a ov
recover άνίσταμαι sell ττωλέο) such/so . . . that οΰτω . . . ώστε
refrain ανέχομαι (fut. serious βαρύς εΐα v + inf./ind.
αφέζομαι) set up ποιέομαι sufter π άσχω ( π αθ-)
(from) (+gen.) share μέρος, τό (}c) suit δίκη, ή (la); γραφή, ή
relate διέρχομαι (διελθ-) sheep πρόβατον, τό (ib ) (la); άγων ( ά γω ν-), ό (3a)
remember μνημονεύω ship πλοίου, τό (2b); ναύς, η sun ήλιος, ό (2λ)
reicue-forcc βοήθεια, ή (lb ) (3a irr.) iuppliant ικέτης, ό ( id)
responsible (for) α ίτιο; a ov short ( o f tim e) ολίγος η ον sure βέβαιος ον
(+geii.) should use άν + opt. sw ay, hold κρατέω
retreat άναχωρέω shout βοάω sw ear όμννμι (ό μ ο σ -)
return «77ανέρχομαι (-(ΧΘ-) gave a shout m e aorist sw eetly ήδέως
rhapsode ραψωδός, ό (2a) shout, sh outing βοή, ή (ia)
rich ευδαίμων ενδαιμον sh ow δηλόω: άποφαίνω
(ενδαιμον- ) shut in εγκλείω ( έ γ κ λ α σ - ) take λαμβάνω (λ α β -)
risk κιΐ'δυ^ύω ( + inf.) since n.<t· ών ova a όν ( όντ-) or take back άναλαμβάνω
river ποταμό?, ό (2a) participle ( άναλαβ-) (tut.
ro8uc υβριστής, ό (id) sit (dow n) κ α θ ίζω ; καθίζομαι άναλήφομαι)
rule άρχω u k e o f f άγω
slander διαβάλλω
run τρέχω take up εκδέχομαι
slave δούλος, ό (2a); δούλη, ή
run away φεύγω talk διαλέγομαι
(ia); υπηρέτης, ό (id ); wais*
runoff φ<ύγω teach διδάσκω (δ ιδ α ξ-)
( τταιδ-), 6 ( 3a)
uii out ικτρέχω ( έκδραμ-) sleep καθεύδω teacher διδάσκαλον, ό (2a)
rUn “ wards προστρέχω slow'ly βραδέως tell λέγω ( ειπ -)
(-δραμ- j (ττρό?-fact.) so ούν (second word) tell me! είπέ (s.)
so that terrible δ^νά; ή όν
Mcri»'ce θύω
(intent) ίια + subj./opt. than ή
•TWkc sacrifices θυσίας θύω som eone re? ( τ ιν -) that (conj.) ότ«
safe σώος α οι·
soil νίός, ό ( 2.ι) that (adj.) εκείνος η ο
Μ>1 πλέω
soon as possible, as ώ ί so that
ia,l° r *'««"’75. ό (id) τάχιστα (result) ώστε + int./ind.
Τ *ι ; α&* ί '* τ η τ ό α ύ τ ό sophist σοφιστής, ό (id ) their (belonging to
Υ,( λ ί> ω ( ( i n - ) + 0 T t , space χωρίον, τό (2b) subject) έαυτών
^ + a c c ./ n o m . + mf. Spartan .Λακεδαιμόνιος, ό (2a) them αυτούς αύτάς
J Mld ^δ'έγώ speak λέγω themselves αυτοί αύταί
speak in assembly αγορεύω (reflexive) εαυτούς
362 K. l:ti\>lish~Grt'i'k I ocabuhiry o

then δή (emphasising previous ews + opt. (past); «ωί + iiid. while n.<f μ ίν . . . δ« (‘on the
(definite) one hand ( μ ίν ) x is
then, from then on <»tcvfftv = before πριν ar + subj. happening, w hile ( δ ί)
Theogenes θ(θ)·ίνης, o (3d) (primary); πρίν + apt. (past) γ . . ’): t’r use gen. abs.
Theophem os θΐόφημος, ό urge on προτρέπω while, a ολίγον χρόνον

(2a) use χράομαι (+dat.) who? τις; τί; ( τι»>- )

there, over there ίκ ά used to use unperject w ho use ών ονσα όν ( όντ-); or
therefore oiv (second word) useful χρήσιμος η ον ό ς ή ό (relative)
they ίκΰνοιΙούτοι w hy? διά τι; τι; τι παθών; τί
thief κλέπτης, ό (id) βονλόμ(νος;
vengeance on.
thing πράγμα ( πραγματ-), τό wicked πονηρόςά όν
take τ ιμ ω ρ € θ μ α ι ( + acc.)
(3b); or use m. oj adj. or wife γνΐ'ή ( γνναικ-), ή (3a)
very (‘ this very thing*) αΰτο
pronoun w ill, against one's άκων
this οντος αντη τούτο άκονσα άκον ( ά κοιτ-)
victorious, be νικάω
though i«c ών ovaα όν ( ovt-) win ηκάω ( νικησ-)
virtue άρΐτή, ή (la)
or Kah(p+part. wisdom σοφία, ή (ib)
vote ψήφος, ή (2a)
throw out ίκβάλλω ( (κβαλ-) wise σοφός ή όν
time χρόνος, ό (2a) Wish βούλομαι
to (intention) <iy+fut. part; wait μίνιο (fut. μ<νώ: eta with ( = by means of) use
Για + subj./opt. comr.) dative case
to. towards πρός ( + .»cc.); ft? wall τάχος, τό (3c) w ithout being seen by use
(+acc.) want (to) βούλομαι (4-inf.); λανθάνω + ri»im. part.
(of persons) ώς (+acc.) (Οίλω ( ίθ(ληα-) wom an γννή ( γνναικ-J, ή
tolerable μέτριος a ov war πόλΐμος, ό (2a) (33)
too καί way τρόπος, ό (za) w ord λόγος, ό (23)
torch λαμπός ( λαμπαδ-), ή we ημάς (or just tst pi. oj verb) w o rry φροντίζω
(3a) well cd svorth άξιος α οι· (+ gcn .)
towards πρός ( + acc.) well-disposed (to) fui-ους ovv would use imprrfect or άν + opt.
town, be in ίπιδημίω (+dat.) w rong άδικίω ( άδικησ-)
travel πορεύομαι what? ό τ ι; (reply to question
trial αγών ( άγων-), ό (3a) τί;)
yes ι αί; or just repeat question as
tnerarch τριήραρχος, ό (2a) what (indir. q.) όστις ήτις ό τι
tnrcnic τριήρης, ή (3d) statement
what sort o f όποιος a or
trouble use κίνδυνος, ό (2a) yet. and yet καίτοι
whatever όστις άν, ήτις άν,ό
truce σπονδαί, ai (la) yokel αγροίκος ov
τ ι άν
truth αληθή, τά; άλήβ«ια, ή you (s.) σύ (or just 2nd S■o j
w hen ξτ€, «weiS?;, Ιπ ά , όττότί
Ob) verb)
when(evcr) (indef.) ίπ ( ιδάν,
try παράομαι (pi.) υμάς (or just 2nd p i o j
οταν, όπόταν
( vtipao-) + in{. verb)
where? πού;
young νίος a or
where (indir. q.) πού, όπου
uncaring άμ(λής ίς younp man νίανίας, ό (id);
whcre(ever) (indcf.) όπον
unhappy κακοδαίμcov ν(ανίσκος, ό (2a)
ά ν + subj. (primary);
κακόδαιμον( κακοδαιμον-) your (s.) σός αή σόν
όπον + opt. (past)
unjust άδικος ον (pi.) νμίτιρος a ον
w here to? ποί;
unlucky κακοδαίμων
whether . . . or πότίρον . . . ή
κακόδαιμον (κακοδαιμον- )
which use u>v ova α όν ( όντ-) zeal σπουδή, ή (ia)
until ΐιος άν+subj. (primary);
or ός ή ό (relative) Zeus Ζ ίύ ς ( Δ ι - ) , ό (3»)
F Grammar Index

Numbers in bold type refer to thc running gram m ar; references by capital letter refer to the
Rctcrcncc Grammar (pp. 259-307); refcrenccs prefixed by .S'uri*. refer to the Language Surveys (pp.
The Reference Grammar and L an gm gc Surveys g iv e the general picturc; thc running gram m ar
picks up points as they arise.

ibnract nuuns 20'. see also nouns com pounds Sirrv.(i3), p 33s
icccnt 46-7, i 34(")· A.2(v), A . 3 conditions 1 5 1—2, 162, O . Snri'.(4), (6),
accusative 7 ,8 , 43(iv)· 73» I04» Μ6-9» I 5^·. (9 )(i«i)
164,183-4. 22}, A.i(it). B. C , F. K . conjugation 4; see <ilso verbs
&αρ.(ΐθ), (ll) consonants I43(iv), 228, A .2(1), (iii)
accusative absolutes 184 contraction 5, 6, 22, 23, 58-9, 62(111). 69(111),
active Sim'.(2)
74, 96, IJ(note). C . I (note). K.2(ii)
idjcctucs 12, 20, 3 1 -6 , 44“ 7 . 56. 60, 7 6 , correlatives 210
85-9 . 93- 4. " 6 . *3 3 . »4 i . C .1 - 3 . .Surt·. 1 3(11) eras is 57, 178
adverbs 13, 103, 140, A . 4, P . S h « '. ( i 3)(‘ 1’)
agreement 9 -12 , I5(iv). 54 dative 8, 103-4,169(111). 183,13. C . F,
alphaba A .2. Siirr.i
Snri'.(io), (11)
antecedent 135
declension see adjectives; nouns
aorist indicative 6 8 -9 ,7 1 -2 , <43. ιΛ ζ> ^ definite article 9 -10 , 27, 53, 60, 163-4, 213,
aspcct 59(v). 69(v). 79, 109, 1 11 , 129 (note).
G . .Snri\(l2)
164 (note). A.i(i). Surv.3
deliberative questions see questions
Attic dialect Siirt'.i
dialect Snri'.(i): sec also H erodotus’ dialect:
attraction of relative 135
\ fom eric dialect
Wfibutivc -adjectives 60, Siin\(i2)
digam m a 226(11). A .2
»«gmcnt 59,69(1), A .2
dual 213, Surt>.(io)
elision 57, 178
enclitics 66, A. 3 (5)
fi« 7- 8 , Suri>.(io). (11); sec also accusative,
Epic dialect sec H om eric dialect
dative; genitive, nominative; vocativc
euphony A. 2
comparison 76, 92(v), 93_ 4. C .2
complement i 9(u)-(iii)
fearing 182, 194, M . .Siirr.(y)
364 Grammar Index

paruciplcs 48—54» 78 “ 9 , 82—4, 100, 139,156,

form ation o f w ords Sim>.(i 3)
159-60, 170, 184, 212, C . i , E, I
future indicative 6 1—2, 154» * 57 » E
particles 3, 17» 2 I » A .4. G
future pcrfcct 177» E
passive 137- 8 , M 3 » 157 . *66» *69 » *72 . 204,
gender 9, 24» 29, 39 206, E, Suri>.(2)
genitive 8 , 25-26, p i - 2 , 104, 139» B . C . F. perfects 165, 1 6 9 -7 1 , 190, E, Sim -.(8)
Snn'.(io). ( ll) pluperfects 180, E
genitive absolutes 139 potentials (polite) 9 7, N , Snri'.(4), (6)
G reek language (ancient and m odern) prepositions 16, 2b, F. Surr\(i3)(iv); see also
Si«v.(l) accusative; dative: genitive
present indicative 4—5 » M ~ 3 » *37“ 8» E
Herodotus' dialect 214-22
primary sequence see sequence
hexameters 226
hiatus A.2(viii) principal parts E.4
pronouns 3 1—4 , 4 ^“ 7 . 8 5 - 9 , A . 4, B , C .i
Homcric dialect 225, A .4
p ronun ciation A.2
iambic trimeter 179 p unctuation A .2 (iv)
imperative 6, 23, n o , 117-20, 181, 192, 204,
purpose 160, 186, M
E .Q
im perfect indicative 5 8 -9 ,1 3 7 -8 , *52» E, O ; quantity 228, A .i(ii)
see also aspect questions 66, 73, 207, 2 1 1, R
impcrsonals 7 4 ,1 14 ,13 9 ,18 3 -4 , J reduplication 165
indefinites 6 6 ,175~<>. 18 7,19 3 ,19 5 ,19 7 -8 . L. reflexives 87
Surv.U), (5), (6) relatives 66, 134 -6, 175, 210
indirect spccch 8 1,14 6 -9 ,15 6 ,16 7 -8 ,18 8 , result 200-2, J
224, K root aorists 1 2 6 ,1 3 2 ,1 9 1
infinitives 7 4 -5 ,1 0 8 -9 ,1 1 4 -5 ,1 2 1 -2 ,1 2 5 ,
M i - 9 . 158 ,16 1,16 3 -4 ,170 ,2 0 0 -2 , E.J scansion 179, 226, 228
intcrrogativcs see questions sequence i67(note). 194, A .i(iii)
Ionic see Herodotus' dialect stems E.4. surv.(i3)(vii)
irregular verbs E.3, E.4 strong aorists 7 1—2, E.2(notcs)
subject 8 -9 , A .i(ii)
Latin transcriptions SuriM3(vi) subjunctive 1 7 2 - 4 ,1 8 1 - 2 ,1 8 6 ,192-3» *98 ,
lexicon form o f words p. 335 207-β, E. L. M . P. Q , R, W . ( 5 ) , (6). (9)

metre see verse superlative 76, 93-4, 185, C .2

-mi verbs 124, 131, U 3 (v). 1 4 4 - 5 , 1JO, tem poral clauses L
l65(iv), 1 7 4 , 196, 204, Sun/.(7) tim e phrases 104
middles 2 3 ,6 5 ,6 9 ,7 2 ,1 6 9 , 170, 172, 206, E tmesis I78(iu)
1, E.2, Surv. (2) tw o-term in ation adjcctivcs 141
mixed declensions 48(1), 78, 133, 170(1)
verbs A .4. E .1-4, Surt>.(i3)(iv)
negatives 6, 38, 181, 224, A.2(viii), Sun/.fo) verse 179, 226, 228
nominative 7, 8, 1 9 , Sim-.(io). ( 11) vocativc 8, I5(iv), 67(11). B . Surr.(10). (1 0
nouns 14, 1 5 , 20, 24, 29-30, 3 9 - 4 3 , 5 5 , 67, voice Surv.(2)
70, 102, 163-4, A .4. B, C .3 .J, Surv.(10). (11)
(I2 ).(lj)(i) wishes 130 ,153, P
numerals 203 word-form ation see formation o f
optatives 95-7, 105, 129 -3 0 ,151, 153, I55, writing 227, A.2(vii), (ix)
166-8, 186-8,190, 194-5, 198, 2 I I , e, κ . O ,
P. Sun>.U). (5). (6)
Grammar Index ( Greek)

All nouns/adjcctivcs and verbs arc also sum m arised in thc R cfcrcn cc G ram m ar ad. loc

alpiw 123 Ιρω τάω ΙΟό

άκούω 128 (ω ς 193 . * 9 5 . * 9 7 . L
άλίσκομαι 191
ό* 97. *5 * - ι. * 6 ί , I75“ 6 , *93 . i98(notc). L. Zcvs 3°
Ν, 0 . Surv.(6)
άνίσταμαι 98, 144-5 ινα 186
άηόλλνμι % 130 Μ τημι (κ α θ -) 144 - 5 . *6 5 (0 · *7 *. 104
art 212
.* /
ούτόϊ 85-9 κάμαι 150(111), 199
αφΐημι 19^
λανθάνω 107
βαίνω 126,204 λΐγα ι ΐ6 6 , 171

γιγνώσκω 132, 174 » 204 μέγας }6

μ€ν . . 8( 17
δ« 75.184
μή , ού 6, 38, ι 8 ΐ , 182, 214, Q .
δίίκνυμι Ι50(ίν), 165 Ον)
Ιιατίθημι 199
ναΰζ 30
δίδωμι 131, Ι43(ν), *65(>ν). *74
νυ A .i(v iii)
δοκίω 75
δύναμαι 90, 105
δυο 203(ii)
οΐ&α 19, 8ο, 112, Iio(iii)
όπως 154.186
<y«o 34 όσττςρ *36
όστις *36
»8, S9(vi).64, i l l , I 20(ni), 173» 1*3» ^ 3 ούδβ'ς 47
tfyu 64,77» *01, 112 , I 20(iii), 173» Ε·3
<fe W3(iii) Λ^τοί 3 *—2
wcwos 33
«{«στ. i i 4, *®4 ττάς 116
«ίσταμαι 125 πάσχω ΙΟ Ο , 117 , * 7 *
*ΡΧομαι 171 πολνς 35
•τρίν ι 6 ϊ , 198, L
366 Grammar Iudex (Creek)

pei 12, 24, 62(iii) υιός 1330»)

σύ 34
φέρω 113, Ϊ 7 1
T€ . . . καί 21 φημί 8 ΐ, 142, 204 , 224 , Ε -3

~τ€ος 183
rerrapes 203(11) χράομαι 209
τίθημι 124, 150, l6s(iv)
τίς; τις 46-7, 100
ώς Η
rp ei? 203(ii)
ώστ€ 200—2, J

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