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SUN: 70% of the Neutrino Stream

Primary Yang force of our nature. Archetype of the father. Cannot separate the sun from the
earth. They are the prime yin/yang within us. The sun creates the electromagnetic field of
the solar cell in which we live .

The design sun represents the biogenetic themes inherited from the father. The personality
sun is the window through which the very light of who we are shines out on the world .

Whenever you see the sun, either conscious or unconscious, in an undefined center, it is as
though this person’s light is locked up in a room with all the shutters closed. They cannot
find consistent access to 70% of who they are. They are dependent on others and on
planetary conditioning to define the center. Thus the seduction of the harmonic gate is
huge because that person hooks them up to their inner light.

EARTH: Grounding & Stability

HD begins with basic duality of the Sun/Earth. They cannot be separate. Many attributes
given to the moon and Venus in astrology actually belong to the earth. The earth represents
the archetype of the Mother.

The earth is where we find our grounding and is our gravitational home. The energy of the
sun has to be translated by the earth. It is in our bodies that the neutrino stream is
grounded. The sun/earth relationship is thus the relationship between energy and matter.
Just as the plants on earth convert the sunlight into chlorophyll, so we humans ground the
solar energies through our lives. The more grounded we are, the clearer our light will shine.

The earth is about finding balance. Regardless of the stormy seas of life, if we maintain our
balance, we will get through. Conscious balance is about finding an integrative path for the
Personality. At the unconscious level, it is through the earth that we come to grips with the
world of form. Being the Mother, the earth is the backbone of our stability.

The Earth and Saturn have a connection with each other. They are both deeply concerned
about the material plane. Not just economics, money, material in that sense. It is about the
physical plane of the life itself as well.

MOON: What Drives & Moves Us

It takes the Moon 29.5 days to go around the wheel. In that time it activates every single
gate and line in the wheel and it does that 14 times a year. It stays in a gate for half a day.
Every two hours the Moon is shifting a line .

The Moon drives us all. It is the great driver. It is the great force that pushes us. It provides
us over and over again with the opportunity of illumination. It is always moving from
darkness to light. It is always taking us through a complete cycle. That cycle is so profound
that most of the calendars of the ancient world were lunar instead of solar.

If you want to see what is driving you, pushing you, look to see where the Moons are in
your chart. The Moon is pushing you toward illumination. You are not a helpless victim.
Look at your Moon in your chart and see where your illumination is and what it is all about.

The Moon creates the gravity field on our planet so we can stand up and so that plants can
grow upwards. It pulls the tides of the oceans and affects the rhythms of our life. It has a
magnetic pull upon the earth. In the mystical sense, we all have a lunar body, for our
geometry is conditioned by the Nodes of the Moon.

The Moon conditions the sleeping human and the rest of life on this planet. It is our deepest
connection to the totality. It is truly what moves us. Its influence extends far beyond its
impact on any gate. It is the Eldest Daughter who carries a responsibility to both
Mother/Earth and Father/Sun. The moon is able to take the place of the Father as a source
of illumination and makes possible the task of the Mother to drive and move the form, thus
ensuring evolution

MERCURY: What Must Be Communicated

Mercury activations in the Rave chart point to essential concepts needing expression. What
we need to communicate creates a pressure within us. We are after all communicative
creatures. Each of us has something very special to communicate to the other and you find
that where your Mercuries are .

Geographically, Mercury is closest to the sun and thus metaphorically has its ear. Mercury is
god of the mental plane and as such is the ‘creator’ of the Maya. In HD, Mercury has a
unique role in programming the Personality Crystal from the time it enters into the body
until birth. Mercury has a revolution around the sun of 88 days and thus has a direct
correlation with the 88 day period during which the personality crystal is programmed.

When the unconscious Mercury is defined and has access to the throat, one begins to notice
that surprising concepts get stated. This is often the ‘channeled voice or whispering angel’.
This can cause the discomfort of making profound statements without knowing their source.
It can be interpreted as either, ‘Why did I say that?’ (one way in which the unconscious can
communicate and stimulate the conscious) or ‘Who said that through me’?

When the activation is in an undefined center and is not connected to the throat, it is only
through others that the seed of their expression will come out. This is someone who will
always walk away from a conversation knowing there was something that they wanted to
say, but didn’t, and not know what it was.

VENUS: Our Values

Venus and Jupiter cannot be separated. Venus establishes values and long before a law can
be written in stone, it has to grow out of cultural values. Venus is where your morality is.
Venus is the heart of your prejudice, the core of your deception, your deviousness, your
hypocrisy, your cruelty. This is the moral conditioning element. Once that morality is correct,
then it can be embodied in law .

Venus in your chart focuses on the issue of the moral question. Where is the moral
question? What is the issue? And Jupiter is waiting to establish this as a rule, as a law. If you
do not live the moral truth of what you are, and if you do not honor the law, where you are
punished is where Saturn is.

There are two sides of Venus. One is linked to themes of love, art and beauty. She is wily
and for there is another, hidden side of her nature, a darker side. It is Venus as executioner.
She was worshipped by the Mayans as the ‘eye’ and placated with ritual mass executions at
her rising. Friday, Venus day, is still the day of punishment and execution in the Islamic

Where Moon holds on to the past, Venus rushes headlong towards the flames of the sun. It
is actually Venus that carries the fire of rebellion. Mars is cool iron. Venus gives direction to
Mars’ fury through the values she desires to impose or the values that she challenges.
Values are more powerful than laws. Venus activations tells us the basic values program that
will dominate in the life.

She is not here to maintain traditions. She is here to maintain female power. Earth is the
mother. Moon is the eldest daughter. Venus is the youngest daughter. As the youngest, she
is the worldly daughter who is not caught up in the responsibilities of the eldest daughter to
maintain the traditions of the Mother. It is the youngest daughter who brings rebellion, and
the mutation of set values out of experience .

When Venus is in an undefined center, the values it represents in that position are a
tantalizing lure, attainable one moment and inaccessible the next. Activation in an
undefined center is not to be trusted. It can lead to exhaustion and anger because it is never

MARS: Immature Energy

Mars is passive until aroused. It is passive in the sense of lethargic. It is misleading to see
Mars as an active force. It is, however, an uncontrollable force once it gets rolling. In the
trinity of yang roles, the Sun is the father, Mercury is the eldest sun reflecting the father’s
light, and Mars is the youngest son, free of responsibility. Mars is basically lethargic and will
not necessarily do anything about a problem until it is prodded .

Mars for me will always be a 14-year old boy. It is very immature, but saying that it is
immature isn’t to say that it is not powerful. That immaturity can be very sweet – the
sweetness of a teenage boy – or it can also be very violent, very ugly. It can overreact.

Immaturity does not apply to personality. Immaturity is applied exclusively to the energy,
not to personality. Once prodded, Mars energy quickly builds momentum at the expense of
awareness. Its capacity to build momentum can result in a mindless savageness where the
most basic inhibitions can be overwhelmed by energy.

JUPITER: Law & Protection & Expansion

Jupiter represents our own personal laws. Wherever Jupiter is in your chart, this is the law
that you must obey in your life. When you live out your law, you are going to feel correct.
When you honor a law, in the end you get your reward. Jupiter is where you get your reward
if you honor your law. Jupiter is the great lawgiver. Jupiter is Moses carving the word into
stone. It is Jupiter that is the king of kings and lays down the law. It is the great lawgiver.

Jupiter is a binary. It can bullshit you into hell or it can make you enormously rich in spirit
and material. It is a double-edged sword and that sword is whether you honor your law. The
gates where you have Jupiter, you can see the heart of your law. To honor your law is about
being yourself. If you are following your strategy, the truth of your law emerges.

Cycles of Saturn impact on our inner development, while cycles of Jupiter define our outer
development, our relationship to others, and our relationship to the whole.

Venus establishes the values that Jupiter will turn into law. The values of a 12-year old are
obviously different than the values of a 24-year old. Each Jupiter cycle brings such changes.
The fluid values of Venus, which are based on aesthetics, are hammered into stone with
each new Jupiter cycle. This is not the abruptness of a revolution, but a naturally evolving
transformation. Whenever Jupiter in transit creates a definition in your chart, it is a time of
potential transformation and the beginning of a new process. This is particularly significant
when the Jupiter activation is linking a split definition or connecting a Projector or Reflector
to either the Sacral or the Throat.

SATURN: The Judge

Saturn stays in a line for 28 days .

Saturn brings judgement in the gate where it activates. If you break your own law in
Jupiter’s gate, you don’t get punished there. Where the Saturn is is where you get punished.
Look at where Saturn is in your chart because every time that theme appears as a difficulty
in your life, you know that you have broken your own (Jupiter) laws. Saturn will always
punish you in the same place, both consciously and unconsciously. Although Jupiter brings
you rewards, Saturn can also make you feel good inside. When Saturn does not punish you,
life feels good. It doesn’t praise you. It doesn’t pat you on the head. It leaves you alone.
There is no greater reward than being left alone by Saturn .

Saturn tells you where you are punished. No matter what you do that is incorrect in your
life, no matter where you do it, you end up being punished where your Saturns are. Over
and over again. If you really want to see how life punishes you as the not-self, all you have
to do is look at those two positions of Saturn and they will tell you where you pay the price
for ignorance. It is the pain and suffering of our lives, but it is the pain and suffering of a
spanking, not of a nailing on the cross. Saturn is not the reaper or a sadist. It is a punishing
parent. It punishes you, but it doesn’t kill you. It just hurts .

Understand something. We are not here to suffer. The greatest test is for Saturn to touch
something in your design and everything is o.k. It brings enormous peace if you are correct
or it denies you peace within if you are not. You cannot pretend and you cannot hide. It
takes a wall of lead 10,000 light years thick to slow down a neutrino. You are not going to
hide from Saturn. But you don’t have to be punished and you don’t have to suffer if you live
your strategy. It is very simple. It is very mechanical .

For most of human existence, our life cycle and our experience has been compressed by the
28.6 cycle of Saturn. Since the discovery of Uranus in 1781, we have lived a new cycle of 84
years. The hold of Saturn on the collective life is changing. Although much of human
consciousness still responds to the old cycle, its Saturn’s new role is not yet known. The
movement of Saturn to Uranus can be seen as an expansion of human consciousness. Three
Saturn 28.6 cycles roughly meet the 84 year Uranus cycle. Saturn is now beginning to impact
more on our inner cycles of development.

The first Saturn cycle marks a period of trial and error, but rather than defining our entire
life, it is followed by a different process of observation and aloofness.
If the Saturn is in an undefined center, it is dormant and will emerge when conditioned by
outside forces. Saturn in our chart always points to the place where difficulties in our life will
surface. In an undefined chart, these people will always meet their own limitations through
others and transits .

When people suffer according to the gate Saturn is in, it is a sure sign that they are not
following their strategy or honoring their authority in life. Saturn, our shadow, always
sounds the alarm first. This is modern Saturn’s most important role, to warn us when we
stray from our essential mechanics.

URANUS: Chaos & Order

Uranus stays in a line for 79 days.

Uranus is strange. It rotates backwards, like Venus, the only two planets rotating on their
own axis backwards. There was a cataclysmic event 2.5 billion years ago…probably the thing
that pushed Pluto and Chiron out where it is…also created most of the moons of Uranus.
Uranus was hit by something so hard that it was knocked on its axis. It was totally knocked
on its side. Because of that, Uranus has a magnetic field that whips, in big loops, all the way
around the solar system. If you could see Uranus magnetic field as light, you would never
see another star in the sky. It’s all around us.

Only out of darkness comes light. It’s the whole secret of form. It is the nature of the Big
Bang. Light emerges out of darkness in us. The moment that our form is correct, the light is
there. Every time you meet an obstacle is your opportunity for light. Every time there’s
something that gets in the way of your expectation, there’s an opportunity for light.

In the Rave chart, Uranus will focus attraction to chaos upon the theme of a particular gate.
It always brings a quality of unusualness to its gates in design. Uranus dance with chaos
lasts until the midlife point (the breathing-in of prana) after which the chaos is brought to
order (the breathing-out of prana). The creation of form out of chaos is the Uranian
medium. Uranus needs chaos as its muse. It will distance itself from the rules, it will see itself
above all rules. This is not to be confused with rebellion. It is in fact Uranus who sees Saturn
as both rebel and a boring slave to order.

Of all the planets ,none is closer in spirit in our nature and process than Uranus. Since
Uranus was discovered in 1781, the quality of life on this planet for our species has
improved at an astonishing rate. The Uranian cycle of 84 years has become a universally
attainable life span. With the discovery of Uranus, humanity transformed from millennia of
seven chakra format into a nine-centered Rave. Humanity as a whole has not yet adapted to
this new cycle. Evolution takes time. The flowering of mankind will come in hundreds of
years with the arrival of the Aquarian Age.

Where you see Uranus in your chart is where the light can emerge in you. You can be clear
about that. No matter how intellectually competent you are in being able to grasp all of this,
there is no way that any mind can compensate, control and work with the program. You can
only do that mechanically. Where you see Uranus in your chart doesn’t mean you can pull
the light out. You can only be yourself and you can wait for it to emerge. You have to have
the experience.

PLUTO: Truth

Pluto stays in a line for 235 days.

Pluto brings the forces of the unconscious to the surface. It represents rebirth and brings
intensity to the gate that it activates. Pluto is the grandmother, is a yin force, and can be
associated with the dark faces of Lilith or Kali. It is the archetype of the crone.

Pluto will always tell you the Truth. Wherever you see Pluto in your chart, this is really your
Truth and it is a whole lifetime process to be able to explore that Truth. The other side of
Pluto is about darkness. Pluto requires that we each go down into our own dark side in
order to find our own Truth. Wherever Pluto is in your design, that is a dark place within
yourself that you must eventually meet .

Pluto is about the subjective truth of what you are as yourself. In other words, what is the
truth for you. After all, the moment that you are living out your authority, no other truth
matters. This is about individual human rights, not political rights. It is the individual human
right to be your own authority. And to be your own authority because you are acting
correctly as yourself .

Whenever a Pluto transit impacts you directly, it is always something that is very deep. After
all, it is dealing with this thematic of what truth is for you. It is the teaching of Pluto in that
specific place to bring you to that truth.

Where Pluto is in your chart is where the truth is for you in this life. It is the truth that you
are here to discover. The transit in Pluto is different in the sense that it is not personal truth;
it is the truth that is there that all of us look at in that time. Pluto is going to be in that gate
approximately three years so for three years we’re pointed at the same subject of truth.

Pluto can stay in a gate for 7 years and will not complete full revolution around the wheel
until sometime in the 22nd century. For people born before 1930, Pluto operates at an
entirely unconscious level. Because it stays for so long in a gate, it has a very deep impact
on the whole planet. Discovered in 1930, which coincided with the flowering of psychology.

You have two Pluto’s within you. You have a Personality and a Design Pluto. You have a
Pluto that you identify with and you have a Pluto that is a mystery to you. That is part of the
unconscious that you have no direct access to.

NEPTUNE: Illusion & Spirituality

Neptune stays in a line for 156 days.

Neptune places a veil over the future. It both fires our imagination to try and pierce that veil
and also demands we surrender to the greater mystery. When we do not, it can bring great
confusion and delusion to our lives. Neptune makes us wonder ‘why’ and then, if we cannot
let go of trying to answer the why, we get lost in the illusions and murkiness of those
depths. Neptune colors the gates it touches with this feminine power of the sea.

Neptune veils. The seven veils. Neptune loves to bring you to good whiskey and sweet
drugs. Anything to try to get through that veil. Anything to try to get through that veil.
Anything to try to find what’s there. You will never find out. Neptune won’t let you in.

The minute you have a problem with that, you have a problem. It is just what it is. The
mystery of Neptune is not here to be solved. It is here to be experienced with wonder.
Neptune is the only truly magical force you meet all the time. When you see Neptune in
your chart and you see what it is veiling, that’s where your mysteries are. That’s where your
magic is. Be yourself and the mysteries are revealed, specifically in those places.

If you have Neptune conjunct a planet, if it is standing beside something in a gate, it is also
veiling that other object.

Because it takes 165 years to go around the wheel, we never get to experience the full
potential of Neptune’s programming. It can occupy a single gate for up to 3 years and has a
generational influence. Design Neptune is a direct inheritance from the grandmothers. It is
known that we have more in common with our grandparents than with our parents.
Neptune represents the continuity and depths of the genetic pool.

Doaa Abu Garbieh

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