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Dear researchers, for a long time the true calculation of Arudha did not give me rest.

I propose to consider one of the various constructions of Arudha Lagna.

I will try to present the fruits of my work in the most accessible language possible.

Arudha is a castle .

Finding Arudha Right is the Key

Arudhi Exceptions are Key Notches

Proper use of Arudha - the ability to enter the door

Where the door is the entrance to the correct interpretation of the card.

As one Astrologer and explorer of the Sutras of Maharishi Jaimini said at the end of his life,

that he has studied the Upa Sutras for more than 40 years, and now looking back with regret, he understands

that all was in vain, since the Sutras did not prove to be satisfactory.

Arudha builds much in the Sutras. Without proper use of it, it is impossible to understand the map.

To begin, remember the main thing that tells us the Classics.

आआआआ आआआआआआआआ-ārūḍha padādhyāya

Here is how Arudha Parasara Muni explains:

आआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ.

आआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआ आ

आआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ आआआ आआआआआ.

आआआआआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआ आआआआआआआआ आआआआआ.

Translation: Count the number of characters where the ruler of the house from Lagna is located.

Now, if you count the same number of houses ahead - this will be the Arudha of the house you are looking for.

Therefore, Arudha should be honored for all houses.

The most important is considered the Arudha of the 1st house called Arudha-Lagna (or Pada Lagna).

Maharishi Jaimini (as well as Parashara Muni) says -

आआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ

yāvadīśāśrayaṁ padamṛkṣaṇaṁ

- that all 12 arudhas should be used.

“Gautama Samhita” mentions only 8 arudhas

आआआआ आआआआआ - आआआआआआआआआआआआआ

gautama saṁhita - arūḍhapadādhyāyi

and calls their names:

आआआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआ आआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआ.

आआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ.

vijñānapūrvaṁ vidhivyaṁjaneca padaṁ nimittaṁ bhavarūpanāma |

pradeśamāruḍha mitibruvaṁti padābhidhānā yavanādayaśca ||

Gautama Samhita calls the following Arudhas and recommends their use:

Arudha 1st house, Arudha 2nd house, Arudha 4th house, Arudha 5th house,

Arudha of the 7th house, Arudha of the 9th house, Arudha of the 10th house and Arudha of the 12th house.

The most important are the Arudha of the 1st house (called Arudha Lagna or Arudha Pada),

Arudha of the 7th house (called Dara Pada) and Arudha of the 12th house (called Upa Pada).

The author of the treatise Uttara Kalamrita, Sri Kalidas, also singles out 8 Pad (Arudha) as the most important.

आआआआआआआ - आआआआआ आआआआआआआ - आआआआआआआआआआआआआआ

kāḻid āsa-uttara kālamṛtā -grahabhāvaphalkhaṇḍa

आआआआआआ आआआआआआआआ आआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआ

आआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआ

आआआ आआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ

आआआआआआआआआआ आ आआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआ

Sri Kalidas also pays attention first to Pada-Lagna, Dara-Pad, and Upa-Pad.

One of the 18 Sages, Lomasha Muni, narrates the calculation of Arudha (Pada) in Lamasha Samhita:

Oh, son of SUMATI, now listen to everything I tell you.

What kind of home should be grasped (considered) results (fruits),

such should be counted from his ruler (showing) results (fruits).

BHAVA-PADA (step at home).

It should also be (counted) from the place of its (ruler) location,

the same distance that he is removed from his abode.

BHAVA-ADHIPATI-PADA (step of the ruler of the house).

Thus, his (BHAVA and ADHIPATI) PADA calculations are known, which

allow to comprehend (see / understand) favorable and unfavorable results (fruits).

In other words:

To know the results of bhava, its ruler must be considered.

The same distance must be counted at which this ruler is removed from his bhava.

In this way, favorable or unfavorable fruits can be seen.

In this work, Lomasha Muni does not mention any exceptions.

Now turn to the followers of Maharishi Jaimini,

one of which is Sri Krishna Mishra and his son Sri Somash
Here again it should be remembered that Krishna Mishra is a direct follower of the
Maharishi Jaimini Astrology branch,

and his Navamsha (named in his honor for which Rangacarya told JH Rangacharya Krishna Mishra Navamsa )

in many cases, it displays better Sutras than the generally accepted Navamsha Parashara, as the research on the forum was conducted

Thus, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at Arudha proposed by Krishna Mishra.

Now let's try to figure it out and dot the i

It is advisable to use the northern style in this case, since it displays Kendra better.

The opinions of modern Jyotish authorities about Arudha are many. And for each of them they are different.

I recall:

K.N.Rao - says that there should be no exceptions.

Sanjay Rath - says there should be four exceptions.

Sri Patel - says that there should be three exceptions.

Sri Rangacharya - says that exceptions are for dual signs only.

This Iranganti Rangacharya method explains in detail

in two of his works " A Manual of Jaimini Astrology " and " Jaimini Sutramritam "

and about which I wrote here and would like to initially share, since there is a grain of
Wisdom in it.

This is a grain in dual signs.

The bottom line is that dual signs being in Kendra rule

at the same time two Kendras having at the same time on one owner.
In red, I singled out a place where it says that exceptions should be made only for dual signs,

Fixed and fixed signs must be considered without exception.

Further, in green I singled out a place where it says that Lagnes in Lagna makes this Lagna Arudha.

Blue, I singled out something that is worth paying close attention now,
and what will be the starting point for further research.

Classic teaches about some movements that are compared with animals.

Driving directions such as Kala Chakra Dasha should not be not clockwise, not against it,

and mixes both directions, thus making jumps in motion.

There are classics about these races, for example, BPHSH in chapter 48: 96-98 explains Gati-Rashi in Kala Chakra Dasa.

There are three types of movements (Gati) Rashi in Kalachakra: Manduk, Markati and Simhavlokan.

Movement through Rashi is known as Manduk-gati (frog jump).

The reverse movement to the previous Rashi is called Marcati-gati (monkey jump).

The movement to the 5th and 9th Rashi is called Simhavlokan-gati (a jump of a lion or as others say - the look of a lion).

It is explained that there are also other types of Rashi’s movement in Classical works, for example,

Punarhamana (disappearance and appearance), Sarpa (snake), Kukkuta (rooster) and others.

Parasara Muni does not elaborate on these types of movement,

perhaps because in ancient times they were widely available and known to all.

Here also, the fidelity of the direction of the movement of Arudha should be key.

Those who have gone deep into what I am trying to convey will understand the sutras 1.3.20 and 1.3.21.

In order for the sutras to be fully carried out, it is exactly the kind of calculation I will give below.

In the meantime, let us recall once again how Sri Rangacarya explained:

Exceptions when calculating Arudha are used only if the Lagna in the dual sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).

Further rules only for dual signs as explained by Sri Rangacarya:

1. If the master of Lagna is in Lagna, then Lagna will be Arudha

2. If the owner of Lagna is in the 4th, then the 4th from Lagna will be Arudha

3. If the owner of Lagna is in the 7th, then the 10th from Lagna will be Arudha

4. If the owner of Lagna is in the 10th, then the 10th from Lagna will be Arudha

Thus, we have here only one exception in paragraph 3.

Let's fix this schematically:

Where Sri Rangacarya proposes to put Arudha I put +

And in parentheses I indicate which bhava is controlled by his master.

It turns out that in the 10th bhave there are two Arudhas, and in the 7th not one.

In my humble opinion, this is also not quite true, as with the others named above,

who tried to solve the mystery of Arudha as the sutras 1.1.31 and 1.1.32 are not
fully implemented

I also decided to try to resolve this issue.

Probably initially because I also have Lagna in the dual sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter in it,

that according to Sanjay Ratha and Sri Patel-Arudha becomes the 10th from Lagna,

that (based on my map and the results given by Maharishi Jaimini) I was doubtful.

And according to K.N. Rao and Sri Rangacarya (since I have Lagnesh in Lagna)

this is also Arudha in my Lagna, which also raised doubts.

Before each study, and in this case the study of the question of Arudha,

every time I go to Sri Ganesha to help and remove obstacles and to Sri Siva for blessing.

And so, solving the mystery of Arudha in various ways and Meditating on the revelation of higher powers,

I finally got an insight with which I want to share.

Why did I choose Meditation to solve Arudha ...

The fact is that in our time of Kali-Yug it is impossible to gain knowledge with the help of Mind,

and Sacred texts say that true (true) Knowledge can be obtained only thanks to Reason, the source of which is in the Heart.

Or directly from the Guru after initiation (initiation).

Thus, in order for this Knowledge to begin to open

Sacred texts speak of Meditation as a necessary means to receive them.

I will not go into details of this anymore, everyone who is close - I understood already, and who is far away - he will not understand.

And so, in Meditation, to solve the riddle of Arudha, I got the image of the Swastika.

Swastika - 卐 or 卍 - आआआआआआआआ - from Sanskrit in the expanded sense is translated as Well-being.

That is why it is very important, for the couple’s well-being, that Arudha-Lagna from Dara-pada be in Kendra

The square is the figure of the Swastika symbolizing well-being.

(by this principle one can define relationships with others,

for example, Arudha-Lagna and Arudha 5th (A-5) will show relationships with children, etc.)

It is about the direction of the Swastika movement and is referred to in the sutras 1.1.31 and 1.1.32.

These are not exceptions - this is an example! This is the direction of travel!

In the Maharishi Jaimini Sutra says:

The sutras speak of Swasthe daraha as the key to discover the secret of Arudha.

The phrase Swasthe , which Sri Rangacarya spoke about, can be translated as - Swastika.
Swarksha is not so much the 4th bhava as Rangacarya says,

Maharishi’s explanation of the transition (jump) to the 4th through the rest.

It's like in chess - a knight's move. The same four cells.

This is all - Swastika.

You have already noticed that the movement on the Swastika can be in one way or the other.

(and remember that only for double characters, since only they have one ruler in two Kendras).

In double signs there are odd and even signs and movement on the Swastika will be direct or reverse based on odd / even

Odd (Gemini, Sagittarius) - forward direction

Evens (Virgo, Pisces) - direction back

The scheme in which the direction of travel goes for the place of Arudha is the Swastika.

For a better understanding, let me give you a drawing drawn by me:

That is, if the ruler of Lagna is in Lagna in an odd sign (Mithun, Dhana) -

then the direction of movement (let's call this type of movement on the Swastika - the wing or the wave of the bird) will go straight (on the

And if in an odd sign (Kanya, Mina) - then the direction of movement for Arudha will be back (against the zodiac).

(here you can still assume that the Vakra (retrograde) Graha can change, when calculating Arudha, the direct movement to the reverse).

In the first example, Lagna Dhana is an odd sign, meaning the direction of movement along the Swastika is forward.
In the second example, Lagna Kanya is an odd sign, meaning the direction of the movement of the Swastika back.

Now let us return to the retrograde movement, since it is precisely the direction of the movement of Graha that determines the position of
Arudha Lagna.

Recall that if Graha is Vakra, that is, visually moves backwards, then it is commonly called retrograde.

Not everyone knows that in fact Vakra-Graha (Planet moving backwards) gives inverse aspects.

This is especially important when analyzing the state of Mangal (Mars) and Shani (Saturn).

Being directly moving, Mangala aspects the 4th and 8th bhava from himself, and Shani the 3rd
and 10th.

But if the Grahas move in the opposite direction, then they give aspects back,

that is, Mangala aspects the 4th and 8th and Shani the 3rd and 10th, from itself, but in the
opposite direction.

An aspect in Sanskrit is Drishti and is translated as a glance.

And Graha who looks (gives aspect) in his direction of movement.

If Graha moves straight, then it aspects Bhava ahead of itself,

and if it moves back, it aspects the bhava behind it.

Now, as I explained, let's move on to building Arudha, taking into account the same principle -

direct or retrograde Graha governs Lagna - if direct, then we count according to the Zodiac, and
if reverse, then against the Zodiac.

That is, Maharishi Jaimini, when he said in the sutras,

that Arudha cannot be in the 1st or the 7th from himself, implied

that with an odd sign - Arudha turns into the 4th (from the ruler) along the zodiac,

and even in the 4th (from the ruler) against the signs of the zodiac.

The rule of Maharishi Jaimini is fully implemented and this method

finally ceases to contradict the sutras 1.3.20 and 1.3.21

It should be noted here that when analyzing Arudh it is recommended

apply Ayanamshu Yukteshvara and not Lahiri.

Further rules only for dual characters of odd characters:

1. If the master of Lagna is in Lagna, then the 4th bhava from Lagna will be Arudha

2. If the master of Lagna is in the 4th, then the 7th bhava from Lagna will be Arudha

3. If the master of Lagna is in the 7th, then the 10th bhava from Lagna will be Arudha

4. If the owner of Lagna is in the 10th - then Lagna will be Arudha

Now the rules for dual characters of even signs only:

1. If the master of Lagna is in Lagna, then the 10th bhava from Lagna will be Arudha

2. If the master of Lagna is in the 4th, then Lagna will be Arudha

3. If the master of Lagna is in the 7th, then the 4th bhava from Lagna will be Arudha

4. If the master of Lagna is in the 10th, then the 7th bhava from Lagna will be Arudha

The remaining signs (except dual), that is, moving and stationary are considered in the usual manner.

How much from the sign to its owner is as much forward (the direction will indicate the parity or oddness of the sign).

Once again I remind you that if Graha is retrograde, then the calculation is carried out in the opposite direction (as explained above).


 five

 A complaint

NEXT ENTRY Individual calculation of Muhurta (favorable time)

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