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Dr. Uday Shah: +91-9820867237

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Dr. Mikao Usui’s master symbol

Name: Dai Ko Myo.
Color: Violet
Meaning: “Buddha in me is the Buddha in you.”

Note: Dr. Usui’s Healing statement of light invocation is: “I invoke the light of god
within me. I am a pure & perfect channel. Light is my guide.”

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What is Psychic Surgery?

It is a process of operating without physical cut, through the subconscious mind with
the help of crystal and spiritual healing.

When is Psychic Surgery needed?

If body is functionally disturbed, general healing can give results. If pathologically or

structurally disturbed then Psychic Surgery is needed.

How many sittings are needed to heal a problem using Psychic Surgery?

It totally depends upon severity of the problem. In an average, it takes 5 to 15 sessions

to heal the problem performing once or twice a week. In case of emergency, sessions
for even 4 hourly can be performed.

Is there any side effect of Psychic Surgery? Does it interfere with other

No. There are 0% side effects. It doesn’t interfere with other treatments because the
process is through the sub-conscious mind. On the other hand, it helps any treatment
taken parallel with the process.

What are the benefits of Psychic Surgery?

 It is a safe process without any side effects.

 It gives permanent result to any problem.

 It requires no medical knowledge.

 It heals the associated problems.

 It cures disease condition from root cause.

 It improves mental & spiritual status.

 It can be done distantly using the photo (or without) of the patient.

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 It can be proved scientifically by repeating the investigations.


1. Invocation: To all Gods, masters, healing angels and spiritual helpers, please
bless me with energy to perform Psychic Surgery.

2. Charging:

a) Self-charging (All the 7 major Chakras and Palm Chakras). Do Aura Spray
on self to expand the Chakras & Aura which will help in multiplying the
effect of healing. Visualize Dai Ko Myo going into each chakra for 3 times
(+ KR Symbols). 9 Chakras to be considered are as below:
 Crown Chakra (Sahastrara Chakra)
 Brow/Third Eye chakra (Ajna Chakra)
 Throat Chakra (Vishudhha Chakra)
 Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra)
 Navel/Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura Chakra)
 Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra)
 Basic/Root Chakra (Muladhar Chakra)
 Left Hand Chakra (Rahu Chakra)
 Right Hand Chakra (Ketu Chakra)

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b) Room charging (Room in which you will be performing Psychic surgery).
Visualize Dai Ko Myo symbols (and spray the Aura Spray) in 4 corners and
center of the room 3 times.

c) Crystal charging (crystal balls that are provided or your personal crystals
and patient’s crystals). Take both the crystals in your left hand, place right
hand over it. Visualize Dai Ko Myo (+ KR Symbols) going into the crystals
minimum 21 times or 1-2 minutes.

3. 3rd Eye Connection:

 Program the 1st crystal ball by placing it on your third eye chakra and saying
‘Through this crystal, I am doing a psychic surgery on ______ (patient’s
name) for his/her ________ (mention all the problems that are to be healed)’.
 Keep the crystal on the floor/table or you may even place it on the photo of
the patient if doing distantly. Give it to the patient to hold if patient
physically present.
 Visualize a silver cord connecting your God’s/Guru’s third eye chakra region
with crystal’s third eye chakra region. This is the procedure to connect with

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the patient’s subconscious mind and to give commands to the subconscious
mind of the patient.

4. Skull opening:
 Visualize the Skull of the patient in front of you.
 Take the 2nd Crystal in your right hand, rotate the crystal around the head
with an intention “I am opening the skull Cut-Cut-Cut”.
 Keep the Skull aside

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5. Removing the negative energy:
 Send symbols few time into the brain.
 Remove the negative energy (in general) present in the brain with the same
crystal ball for 2-5 minutes and throw into the visualized salt water bowl or
fire. It is always suggested to keep a physical salt water bowl.
 Remove the negative energy specific to your problem for 3-5 minutes and
throw into the visualized salt water bowl or fire.

6. Reprogramming/Adding Positive Energy:

 Charge the crystal again present in your right hand for 1-2 minutes by
placing the same crystal over left hand, keeping right hand over it and
applying Dai Ko Myo + Karuna Karma Soul & DNA Healing symbols or
just spray once over the crystal with Aura Spray to cleanse them.

 Take the crystal back to you right hand, pointing to the patient patients skull
and apply Dai Ko Myo + Karuna Karma Soul & DNA Healing symbols for
minimum of 21 times or 2-3 minutes. The more you apply, better the

 Positive Visualization & Affirmations: Visualize as if the problem didn’t

exist at all and the solution has been manifested. You are enjoying the
moment with feeling & joyful emotions. The more strong emotions you feel,
results are better. Apply positive affirmations reverse to you problem as if
the solutions has been manifested. For eg. Considering XYZ as name of the
 XYZ is full of positive energy
 XYZ is very healthy and fit
 XYZ kidney stones are dissolved and easily externalized through toilet
 XYZ is practicing meditations regularly

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 XYZ is jumping very happily
 XYZ is hugging people with joy and happiness expressing his/her relief
 XYZ is running and cycling as the pains are completely vanished
 Multiple sources of income are being created
 Bank balanced is increased
 Relationships with friends, family members and colleagues is very good
 Mind is very peaceful
 XYZ is having very strong concentration and memory power
 Anything XYZ eats is easily being digested

 Visualizing colors (optional): You may visualize colors spreading into the
entire brain or even entire body via the brain. Visualize only lighter shades of
the colors. Few colors are:
 White for purifying and for giving energy.
 Blue for pain relief/peace.
 Green for enhanced healing energies.
 Pink for emotional/mental healing/love/compassion/relationship healing.
 Gold for regeneration (Useful for any organ/part which is not functioning
 Yellow for cementing (especially good for bone fractures)
 Violet for spiritual energy.
NOTE: Do not use black, brown, red, grey or any dark colors.

 Chanting of mantras/prayers which ever you wish to send, so that their

energies enter directly into the subconscious mind. For eg. Gayathri Mantra,
Mrutynjaya Mantra, Lord’s Prayer, The Great Invocation, 99 Names of Allah

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7. Closing of the Skull:
 Place to skull back to its normal position.
 Seal the skull with the same crystal ball by rotating it around the head and
with an intention – I am sealing the skull, Seal Seal Seal!

8. Disconnecting the 3rd Eye Connection:

 Now keep aside the crystal which you are currently holding.
 Visualize the silver cord disconnected and going back to your God/Guru.

9. Thanks giving prayer:

 Express the gratitude to Masters and Guru’s for the healing and for choosing
us as an instrument to perform the healing. Thank all Gods and Goddesses,
Universal/cosmic energy, Psychic Surgery, Karuna Soul & DNA healing (can
include any other systems you have already learned), all spiritual souls,
universal masters for performing the healing on behalf of us.
 Thank the patient’s soul for accepting Psychic Surgery.
 Lastly, thank your soul for performing and being an instrument for the
 If physically present, then ask the patient to thank the above mentioned
people and to slowly and steadily open his/her eyes.
 Cut the cords three times from your navel/solar region.

# Put the crystal balls into salt water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Remove it
later and wash it in plain water. Wipe it with a cloth and charge it again before
reusing. Or you may simply just spray the crystals with Aura Spray and use
immediately for next healing.

# Before leaving the room, always remember to charge the room with symbols /
Aura Spray so that it is totally free from negative energy.

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