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Is obesity protective for osteoporosis? Evaluation of

bone mineral density in individuals with high body mass
E. A. Greco,1,3* R. Fornari,1* F. Rossi,1 V. Santiemma,1 G. Prossomariti,2 C. Annoscia,1 A. Aversa,1
M. Brama,1 M. Marini,2 L. M. Donini,1,3 G. Spera,1 A. Lenzi,1 C. Lubrano,1  S. Migliaccio1 

Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia
What’s known Medica, ‘Sapienza’ Università di
Background: Obese individuals often present comorbidities while they appear Women with high body mass index seem to be Roma, Policlinico Umberto I,
Rome, Italy
protected against the development of osteoporosis. However, few and contradic- protected against osteoporosis. However, merging 2
Scienze Radiologiche,
tory data are now available on skeletal modifications in obese patients. The aim data on this issue are conflicting.
‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma,
of this study was to characterise bone mineral density (BMD) in overweight (BMI What’s new Policlinico Umberto I, Rome,
> 25 < 29.9) and obese (BMI > 30) patients. Methods: We selected 398 Italy
Morbid obesity may not be always considered as a 3
Istituto Clinico Riabilitativo
patients (291 women, 107 men, age 44.1 + 14.2 years, BMI 35.8 + 5.9 kg ⁄ m2) protective factor against osteoporosis in both
‘Villa delle Querce’, Nemi, Italy
who underwent clinical examination, blood tests and examination of body compo- female and male populations. The assessment of
sition. Subjects with chronic conditions or taking medications interfering with bone skeletal metabolism in severe obesity is Correspondence to:
metabolism, hormonal and nutritional status and recent weight loss were excluded. recommended. Dr Silvia Migliaccio, MD, PhD,
Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia
Results: Interestingly, 37% (n = 146) of this population showed a significantly Medica, ‘Sapienza’ Università di
lower than expected lumbar BMD: 33% (n = 98) of women showed a T-score Roma, Policlinico Umberto I,
)1.84 ± 0.71, and 45% (n = 48) of men showed a T-score )1.88 ± 0.64. When Viale del Policlinico155, 00161
the population was divided into subgroups based on different BMI, it was noted Rome, Italy
Tel.: + 39 06 49970721
that overweight (BMI > 25 < 29.9) was neutral or protective for BMD, whereas Fax: + 39 06 4461450
obesity (BMI > 30) was associated with a low bone mass, compatible with a diag- Email:
nosis of osteoporosis. No differences were observed in hormones and lipid profiles
among subgroups. Conclusions: Our results indicate that a subpopulation of
obese patients has a significant low lumbar BMD than expected for age. Thus, a None.
careful characterisation of skeletal metabolism might be useful in all obese individ-
uals to avoid fragility fractures later in life. *The contribution of the first
two authors must be
considered equal.
apparently exerting protection against bone loss after
menopause (8,9). The pathophysiological relevance  The contribution of the last
two authors must be
Obesity and osteoporosis are two increasing health of adipose tissue for skeletal integrity probably
considered equal.
problems in many countries (1–3). Overweight resides in the role of several adipokines in bone
results when energy intake exceeds energy expendi- remodelling through effects on both formation and
ture for a considerable period of time. Obese resorption. Recently, bone has been considered an
individuals are often affected by hypertension, dyslip- endocrine organ affecting body weight control and
idaemia, diabetes mellitus (4,5) and cardiovascular glucose homoeostasis through the actions of bone-
diseases (CVD) such as coronary heart disease and derived factors such as osteocalcin and osteopontin
stroke (1–5). Osteoporosis is a bone metabolic dis- (10–12). The cross-talk between fat and the skeleton
ease characterised by skeletal fragility, leading to an constitutes a homoeostatic feedback system in which
increased risk of developing spontaneous and trau- adipokines and molecules secreted by osteoblasts and
matic fractures (6). Both osteoporosis and obesity osteoclasts represent the link of an active bone–adi-
have been defined as social diseases because of their pose axis (10–12). However, the mechanism(s) by
high impact on mortality and morbidity, and of the which all these events occur remains unclear. In
alterations in the quality of life of patients affected particular, even though several data indicate that
by these two diseases (7). women with high BMI (25–29.9 kg ⁄ m2) are pro-
Interestingly, body fat and lean mass are correlated tected from osteoporosis (8,9), an increasing number
with bone mineral density (BMD), with obesity of evidence (13) seems to show conflicting results

ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, May 2010, 64, 6, 817–820
doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2009.02301.x 817
818 Severe obesity and bone mineral density in men and women

regarding this issue, suggesting that obesity (BMI 100 Total study population
> 30) might actually interfere with bone health. 90
The aim of this study was to evaluate BMD in a 80
Normal BMD
cohort of patients ranging from overweight (BMI = 70 Osteopenia
60 Osteoporosis
25–29), to morbid obesity (BMI > 40) and to assess
whether subpopulations of these patients might be at
higher risk for skeletal alterations such a decrease in 30
BMD. 20
Patients and methods OW Mild OB Severe OB
In this study, 398 patients (291 women, 107 men;
mean age 41 + 14 years; mean BMI 35.8 + 5.9 kg ⁄ m2) Figure 1 Bone mineral density in the total population
were selected from overall 500 patients admitted to (women and men). Data are presented as % of total
our Department for overweight ⁄ obesity. The study (100%)
received the approval of the Internal Review Board of
our Institution. Exclusion criteria were chronic medi- In particular, 29% of the individuals had a low BMD
cal conditions or the use of medications affecting bone consistent with osteopenia, whereas 8% had a low
metabolism, recent weight loss, hormonal and nutri- BMD consistent with osteoporosis, as shown in
tional status and prior bariatric surgery interventions. Figure 1. Interestingly, no significant differences were
Patients underwent complete medical history and found between obese female and male individuals, as
clinical examination and while lipid profile, glucose shown in Figure 2.
metabolism, cytokines, calciotropic hormones and More specifically, 45% (n = 48) of the male popu-
bone turnover markers were measured by standard lation showed a modification in lumbar BMD
methods as previously published elsewhere (13). 0.92 ± 0.16 g ⁄ cm2 with a T-score )1.88 ± 0.64.
Body fat, lean mass and BMD were measured by Going into further details, 55% had normal BMD,
Dual-Energy-X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) (Hologic 35% showed osteopenia and 10% showed osteoporo-
4500 RDR), with coefficient of variation of < 1% for sis and, surprisingly, this latter group had mean age
bone density and < 1.5% for fat mass (13). In this younger than that of the other groups. Considering
study, only vertebral BMD was considered because of the results obtained in the female population
the young age of the subjects. (n = 291), it was observed that 67% of the popula-
Anthropometric measurements included weight tion had a normal BMD, whereas the 33% (n = 98)
and height. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as showed a lumbar T-score of )1.84 ± 0.71 (BMD of
weight (kg) ⁄ height (m2) and subjects were divided 0.876 ± 0.083 g ⁄ cm2) so that 26% of women present
into subgroups according to their different BMI: osteopenia while 7% present osteoporosis.
Overweight (OW, BMI = 25–29.9); Obesity, also After this first evaluation, to further investigate
named mild obesity (MO, BMI = 30–40) and severe whether different grades of adiposity could differ-
obesity (SO, BMI ‡ 40). ently affect the skeletal health status, the population
Results are expressed as mean ± standard devia- was subdivided into three different groups depending
tion (M ± SD) and compared by means of ANOVA on BMI, as shown in Table 1. This characterisation
for repeated measures and least significant difference of the population allowed to appreciate a slightly dif-
test (planned comparison). Differences were consid- ferent pattern of BMD distribution among groups
ered statistically significant when p < 0.05 was (Figure 2). Subjects in the first group (overweight)
found. did not show any modification in skeletal health,
with higher per cent of individuals having normal
BMD and a low number of individuals with osteope-
nia ⁄ osteoporosis, confirming a protective role of
Conflicting results exist regarding the protective role slight weight excess (BMI > 25 < 30) for the skele-
of obesity against osteoporosis. In our study, we ton, as previously shown in the literature (8,9,15).
demonstrated for the first time that 37% (n = 146) In contrast, obese and severely obese subjects (BMI
of the evaluated population had significant skeletal > 30) showed a significant alteration in their BMD
alterations in the presence of obesity. In particular, levels, with an increased number of individuals having
this population had a low mineral bone density (at a low bone mass expected for age. Evaluation of hor-
lumbar spine BMD of 0.889 ± 0.118 g ⁄ cm2; T-score monal, metabolic and lipid profile did not show signif-
)1.85 ± 0.68) expected for both age and high BMI. icant differences among groups (data not shown).

ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, May 2010, 64, 6, 817–820
Severe obesity and bone mineral density in men and women 819

Female 100
90 90
80 Normal BMD 80 Normal BMD
Osteopenia Osteopenia
70 70
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
OW Mild OB Severe OB OW Mild OB Severe OB

Figure 2 Population is divided in women (left panel) and men (right panel). Each population is subdivided in group
upon grade of obesity as explained in Table 1 and in Results and Discussion

Table 1 Characteristics of the examined population

Normal Osteopenic Osteoporotic Total Age

Female population (n = 305)

BMI 25–29.9 15 18 5 38 46 ± 16.2
BMI 30–39.9 120 74 11 185 46 ± 14
BMI > 40 53 18 11 82 44 ± 13
Male population (n = 83)
BMI 25–29.9 11 7 2 20 51.4 ± 12
BMI 30–39.9 22 22 4 48 42 ± 13
BMI > 40 5 7 3 15 38 ± 12

conditions (8,9). However, recent studies show that

BMD seems to be an important long-term predictor
In accordance with recent studies, our results show of death (15,16). Furthermore, low BMD is a strong
that a subpopulation of obese patients has signifi- and independent predictor of cardiovascular mortal-
cant reduction in bone mineral mass for age ity, particularly in men (15,16). Thus, these data,
and for BMI. These surprising results could be taken together, suggest that a potential association
explained by hypothesising that obesity could be exists between osteoporosis and CVD, which deserves
considered an inflammatory status as also suggested further characterisation and focus (17,18).
by increased level of C-reactive protein, also associ- Indeed, in overweight or obese individuals weight
ated with increased production of proinflammatory reduction of 10% is recommended as it appears an
cytokines (data not shown), some of which are os- achievable goal able to reduce comorbid risk factors
teoclastogenetic (manuscript in preparation). In (19). However, some data show that in 10% weight
addition, we do not know at the present time loss results in 1–2% bone loss at different bone
whether some of the individuals evaluated might sites (20–23) even though the bone loss appears
have a condition of subclinical hypercortisolism, greater in normal-weight individuals compared with
which could worsen bone health status in these that in overweight or obese individuals (24). More-
individuals affected by morbid obesity. over, weight loss and weight-cycling throughout
Indeed, obesity is considered the most important adulthood have been shown to increase hip fracture
risk factor for CVD such as heart failure and stroke risk (25), thus further suggesting a strong correlation
(14), resulting from the significant metabolic changes between fragility fractures and pathological accumu-
associated with fat deposition in subcutaneous and lation of adipose tissue.
visceral deposits (1–5). In conclusion, this study provides a new clinical
Traditionally, osteoporosis has been considered as evidence that morbid obesity may not be considered
a condition only associated with fractures in old as a protective factor against osteoporosis in both
individuals and not related to other pathological female and male populations. Our results suggest a

ª 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Int J Clin Pract, May 2010, 64, 6, 817–820
820 Severe obesity and bone mineral density in men and women

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16 Johansson C, Black D, Johnell O, Oden A, Mellstrom D. Bone mineral
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