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How to Take Vital Signs

These instructions are for people who are interested in checking their own vital signs or
wanting to know their health standards. Vitals signs should be often taking so that an
individual can learn more about their body condition.

Things that are needed when taking vital signs

-Digital thermometer that uses an electronic probe to measure body temperature.

-Plastic Cap



What are Vital Signs?

Vital signs are measurements of the body's most basic functions. The four main vital
signs routinely monitored by medical professionals and healthcare providers include the

 body temperature

 pulse rate

 respiration rate (rate of breathing)

 Blood pressure
Vital signs are useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems. Vital signs can be
measured in a medical setting, at home, at the site of a medical emergency, or

Note: For People who are taking vital signs from their home it may limit the amount of
vitals signs that can be taking (Due to the limited availability of the required equipment
in one’s home).

What Is Body Temperature?

Body temperature can vary depending on the gender, recent activity, food and fluid
consumption, time of the day, and, in women, the stage of the menstrual cycle. Due to
the causes of these symptoms they can have an affect on the normal body temperature
that may cause it to be a little off or odd. Normal body temperature, according to the
American Medical Association, can range from 97.8° F (or Fahrenheit, equivalent to
36.5° C, or Celsius) to 99° F (37.2° C).

Familiarization of the Thermometer

Become familiarized with the thermometer as shown below. There are different varieties
of thermometers that are used to take body temperature. Most of the time people use
the more modern digital thermometers that use an electronic probe to measure body
temperature. There are numerous ways to take body temperature. For example, body
temperature can be taking by the mouth, rectum, and by the ear. If there any reason
that may seem a little confusion turn back to this particular page.
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Step 1- Have the patient sit in an upright position. (Patient should not move and be
relax as possible).

Step 2- Insert the probe bulb into the plastic cap.

Warning: If the plastic cap is not wrapped on the thermometer, germs can easily be

Step 3- Tell the patient to open his or her mouth wide with his or her tongue upward,
and gently place the thermometer underneath the tongue.

Step 4- Once the thermometer is underneath the tongue ask them to close his or her
mouth and then begin taking their body temperature.

Step 5- Push the button. The thermometer will beep and a number will appear,
indicating in degrees Fahrenheit the temperature of the patient’s body. When done with
this procedure, dispose the plastic cap in a sanitary manner.
What is the pulse rate?

Taking a pulse rate is checking the number of times the heart beats per minute. When
checking a pulse it also checks the heart rhythm and the strength of the pulse. For
example, the strength or weakness of the pulse indicates overall heart-health. The
normal pulse for healthy adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Step 1- Relax the patient arm on the table. The patient’s palm should be facing the
ceiling and the fingers should be relaxing as well.

Step 2- Use the first and second fingertips, and place it on the patient’s wrist or where
the forearm meets the upper arm press firmly but gentle on the arteries until one can
feel a pulse. (As the picture shown below)

Step 3- Keep hand on the pulse and begin counting the pulse. Count the second hand
on whatever the number that was start from. Count pulse for 60 seconds (or for 15
seconds and multiply by four to calculate beats per minute).

Note: When counting, concentrate on the beats. Try not to watch the clock
continuously, so it does not become confusing.

Step 4- Chart down the results when done. If one is unsure about the result ask
someone to watch the clock while one counts the beats.
What Is the Respiration?

Respiration is the number of breaths a person takes per minutes. While counting the
number of times a person’s chest rises. When taking respiration it is important that one
pays close attention to the chest. A normal respiration would be 15-20 breaths per

Note: When taking respiration do not tell the person that he or she is being watching
breathing. A person tends to breathe differently when they are aware of someone
checking their respiration.

Step 1- Tell the patient to sit up straight and relax and breathe.

Step 2- As the patient is breathing gently place hands on their upper chest and middle
back. Then look at the chest as it rises.

Steps 3- When the chest rises then begin to count to a full minute. Once the counting is
finished then record how many times the chest rises and that will be the answer.

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. Each heart
beat pumps the blood in the arteries, the highest blood pressure as the heart contracts.
If one does not have an electronic blood pressure monitoring then they are not able to
take their blood pressure without this particular equipment.

When measuring blood pressure there are two numbers that should be recorded, they
are systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure is the higher
number of pressure inside the artery when the heart contracts and pumps the blood
throughout the body. On the other hand the diastolic is the lower number of pressure
inside the artery when the heart is resting and is filled with blood.

Note: When measuring blood pressure rest for three to five minutes without taking a
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Step 1- Sit patient in a comfortable chair, with his or her back supported with legs
uncrossed. (No movement should be allowed).

Step 2- Place patient arm on a table or hard surface. Make sure the arm is being
relaxed and patient is comfortable.

Step 3- Wrap the cuff carefully around the patient upper part of the arm.

Note: The cuff should be sized easily for the patient, so that it would have enough room
for one fingertip to slip underneath.

Step 4- Place the stethoscope in the care giver ear. Then place the Diaphragm
underneath the cuff on the artery.
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Step 5- Care giver should pump the cuff to make sure that it works. Also turn the knob
to make sure there is no air in the cuff.

Step 6-The Care giver should begin pumping the cuff until the measurement says 180.
Slowly unleash the turning knob and listen to the heart beat.

Warning: If the cuff is pumped over the amount that is giving, it can cause serious
damage to the patient health.

Step 7- The first heart beat should be measured, and the least beat should be
measured and that will indicate the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.

Conclusion: It is very important for people to learn about their vital signs. It does
not necessary means doctors or health provider can take vital signs but an individual
can also. This particular technique can be use for any one, regardless if they are in the
health field or not.

Reference :

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