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The fractional yield Ypq of produvt p

from reactant q is defined as the ratio
of product p to the rate of production
which would be attained if the entire
rate of depletion of reactant q could
be allocated to produce p alone.
Title: Introduction to Material and
If product p is the desired output of
Energy Balances
nd the process, then the yield is a
May, 2 2017 Source: Reklaitis. 1983. Introduction
measure of the efficiency with which
to Material and Energy Balances.
p is produced from reactant q. A
Canada: John Wiley and Sons.
yield near 100% indicates that the
most of the reactant is being
converted to the desired product, a
yield less than 50% indicates that the
most of reactant q is wasted in
undesirable side reactions.
A familiar and commonly used
measure of the progress of a chemical
reaction is fractional conversion, or
simply conversion of a species s. The
Title: Introduction to Material and
specification of the conversion of a
Energy Balances
species amounts to the imposition of
May, 3rd 2017 Source: Reklaitis. 1983. Introduction
a relationship between the input and
to Material and Energy Balances.
output flow rates of the species in
Canada: John Wiley and Sons.
question. This relationship can,
together with the corresponding
species balance equation, be used to
calculate the rate of the reaction.
Electric and hybrid vehicle sales are
growing worldwide and the
popularity of companies like Tesla is
incredible, but there continues to be
Title: The instantly rechargeable
strong challenges for industry and
battery that could revolutionize
consumers of electric or hybrid cars.
electric cars (and mean you'll never
May, 4th 2017 The biggest challenge for industry is
have to sit by a power point to charge
to extend the life of a battery's charge
your phone again)
and the infrastructure needed to
actually charge the vehicle. The
greatest hurdle for drivers is the time
commitment to keeping their cars
fully charged.

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