Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

*- Microbubble oxygen aquaculture for bibit udang dan ikan kakap < Pakai inverted

Aquarium , Bu Peny ada aquarium oleh dipinjam. < Ambil data di Jepara - sudah

- CAP untuk nitriding / Plasma nitriding steel (bisa dengan gas nitrogen dan
hidrogen) kalau cara konvensional biasa pakai ammonia
- CAP untuk sterilisai susu dan jamu Djago
- CAP untuk adhesive bonding metal
*- Cold Rolling Steel with LIN

- LIN eliminate sticky food processing problems , ease slice and cutting
- Crust freeze sesuatu yang mudah pecah jadi remah2 ketika dipotong supaya gak rugi
- Teknologi Praxair untuk mendinginkan es krim dari dalam.
- Nitrogen for better Galvanizing
- Lacroscopy co2
- Hash extraction tapi buat tanaman lain yang (kristal es menghancurkan sel)

- Carbon fibre curing

- Wire galvanizing
- Deburring Plastic and rubber
- Inject liquid nitrogen to soil (underground to freeze roots) removing tree
- Braided hose production - either to shrink the rubber hose to be fitted inside
braided metal - or to cool the rubber
- Dross cooling with argon (linde)
- Mushroom transport with snow co2
- China | Starbucks in China uses nitrous oxide from Messer to speed up the process
of making whipped cream. Instead of minutes of stirring, a quick blast of gas is
enough to turn the liquid milk product into a fluffy, creamy mass. In addition, the
bubbles produced have a flavour- enhancing effect on account of their size. The gas
is therefore used frequently in the food industry to froth up liquids and
emulsions. For example, the American coffee giant uses it to make coffees such as
mocha, con panna and frappuccino particularly creamy. Starbucks has some 2,600
- CGTFire Sprinkler Corrosion Prevention Systems are systems in which pipes are
filled with pressurized nitrogen, rather than water. The nitrogen holds a remote
valve, known as a dry pipe valve, in a closed position. Located in a heated space,
the dry-pipe valve prevents water from entering the pipe until a fire causes one or
more sprinklers to operate. Once this happens, the air escapes and the dry pipe
valve releases. Water then enters the pipe, flowing through open sprinklers onto
the fire. Nitrogen is used to prevent corrosion, more specifically,
microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) in the piping system.

Perishable solderability: While tin-plated metals are known for their excellent
solderability, this characteristic will diminish over time. The soldering lifespan
can be extended through proper deposit specification, appropriate substrate
preparation and proper packaging of the plated components. Sealing plated products
in nitrogen-filled bags has been known to result in a ten-fold increase of
solderability shelf-life.

- Vacuum Forming plastic for Koper atau alas kotak nasi - botol kemasan obat - bak
air - wadah kecil - toples , tepak plastik , bak plastik - aligator pattern bag -
dompet dari limbah spoon eva parbik sendal
- Centrifuge dryer - to crack egg - for coffe to settle ampas
- Layar portable yang di youtube
- Kaca surface treatment ACP
- Printing with ACP last longer , Omnifire print on all surface (like round object)
- Perkacaan , kaca yang opaque saat tdk dialliri listrik
- Use of liquid nitrogen to extract fruit / talas cuticle as fruit preserving
coating - Daun talas banyak kutikula nya- dikit bangettt
- Stabilizer for gasliquid bubble - emulsi mayonaise dengan nitrogen , beer , es
- Wet Adhesion Flex Tape , flex seal
- Plastic Bottle Cutter
- Zipper that is water tight kalau bisa airtight

dari aspek hukum, sosial ekonomi dan budaya, aspek pasar dan pemasaran, aspek
teknis dan teknologi sampai dengan aspek manajemen dan keuangannya

Dead Project

- Fumigasi CO2 , pH neutralization with co2 for alkaline waste water

- CO2 desinfection with sodium hypochloride in poultry/microbubble
- N2 untuk soldering electronic
- Microbubble O2 untuk pemingsanan ikan dan udang dengan co2

- Perangkap nyamuk dengan CO2- kalah sama autan
- Inflating ballon bed for medical surgical
- Ozone production from oxygen , lalu dissolving dengan Microbubble
- Liquid Nitrogen untuk menghilangkan daya magnetik
- Bladeless fan dan coanda effect exhaust hood blower
- Fluidized Bed Coating polyethylene ????
- Fluffing mayonnaise with nitrogen
- Ada tanaman hidroponik yang perlu o2 ? Barangkali awalnya ga bisa tumbuh di
dataran rendah jadi bisa tumbuh < ga yakin
- Untuk ngangkat benda yang sangat berat dari dasar laut / untuk mancing , jaring
yang ada selang LIN - Ga mungkin
superhydrophobic spray
laser guiding scissors
bola udara , di pantai bisa buat nyebrang laut ?

-Using Biosphere like nemo garden underwater , tapi pakai inverted aquarium -------
the oxygen will diffuse through !!! , uap air akan merusak produk yang disimpan
percuma jadi e
- argon double glass insulation sealed with water , cara ngisi pakai inverted
aquarium , percuma
Bisa buat nyimpen beras nih, jadi ga perlu pakai cocoon yang mahal - susah masukin
barangnya - percuma
- cannabis extraction with Liquid Nitrogen

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