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The Big Ask

Jan Philemon series

Free Your Slave
Philemon 8-10

BACKGROUND: The Host Family of the church (v2b) had a run‐away

A Cause for Hope ‐ Past Growth
6 Philemon 1‐7 slave (v16) who became a Chris an through Paul (v10) and now Paul is
Promises Future Growth
sending him back home (v12)

1. In Christ, Leaders Look at Mo ves more than Outcomes (v8‐9a)

13 The Big Ask ‐ Release Your Slave Philemon 8‐10
 As I seek to influence others, I will concern myself with WHY they are going along,
not just THAT they are going along.

Sound Reasoning ‐ We Should Be

20 Philemon 11‐16

Let's Fix the Past ‐ We Can Forgive and

27 Philemon 17‐20 2. In Christ, We Respect the Freedom of the Individual (v9a)
Move Forward
 I will stop trying to manipulate people toward my desires, but will be pliable.


Follow Up ‐ Make Sure there is Las ng

3 Philemon 21‐25
3. In Christ, We Lead from a Place of Weakness (v9b)
 I will set my mind on the strength of Christ’s cross and will take up my cross.

10 Gospel of John series begins

Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church Pastor Tim and Rachel Schmoyer

3300 Seventh Street 131 Cornerstone Place
Whitehall, PA 18052 Whitehall, PA 18052 4. In Christ, Brotherhood Changes Our Natural Disposi ons (v10)
 I will put love of the brethren into ac on this week and make me for fellowship.
office 610-434-8661 pastor cell 610-739-8008
rachel cell 484-557-8898

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