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By the end of this module, students should be able to:

• explain the importance of eating different colored fruits and vegetables regularly.
• describe various signs and symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Letters to the Parents
Lesson 1
Each module comes with a letter to
• pad paper and pen
parents explaining the key points that our
• video: Module 2 Glow Foods
students are learning in class. The letter also
• bond paper (one sheet per group)
encourages parents to model healthy nutrition
• coloring materials
habits at home. We hope that through these
Lesson 2 circulars, parents will become involved in their
child's learning process. Please remember to
photocopy and distribute the corresponding
• clear books (from previous module)
parent circular at the start of each module.
• file: GR05_M02_Lesson 2 Powerpoint
These letters can be found in the folder
marked 'Letters to Parents.'
Lesson 3
• manila paper (one sheet per group)
• markers
Many of the activities in these modules serve
as formative assessments for you to gauge
Lesson 4
each student's progress. You may use the PDF
• Pinggang Pinoy Cookbook (from file named 'Rubrics' as a guide for grading
previous module) major outputs and performance tasks.
• bond paper (5-10 sheets per group)
• coloring materials

module overview

let’s get started

Dear Teacher,

This Module Overview is a summary of the key learning points that we want our students to
watch & learn
understand and master by the end of this module. These key learning points are presented in the
video presentation and powerpoint that accompany this module. The supplementary activities further
reinforce these key points.
let’s discuss

1. Glow foods contain many vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to make our skin, eyes and
assessment rubric
hair healthy. These vitamins and minerals also help our bodies to prevent sickness, like colds and

culminating activity
2. Fruits and vegetables belong to this food group. According to the Pinggang Pinoy® guide,
approximately half of our plate should consist of fruits and vegetables.

3. We should make our plate as colorful as possible by eating many different colors of fruits
let’s try this
and vegetables. This is because specific colors provide specific health benefits, and by making
our plate as colorful as possible, we are assured that our bodies are getting all the essential
nutrients it needs.
listen & learn
4. Listed below are common micronutrient deficiencies among children and adolescents. Eating the
right amount of Glow foods in each meal can help address these deficiencies:

a. Vitamin A
i. Function: maintains clear vision, keeps skin smooth, helps in development of bones
and teeth, strengthens immunity
ii. Signs and symptoms of deficiency: night blindness (slow recovery of vision after
flashes of bright light at night or inability to see in dim light), weak resistance to
infectious diseases
iii. Significant plant sources of vitamin A: spinach, malunggay, pechay and other dark
leafy greens; broccoli; yellow and deep orange fruits (papaya) and vegetables (squash
and carrots)
b. Vitamin C
i. Function: supports wound healing and strengthens immunity, also an antioxidant (a
substance that prevents or delays some types of cell damage)
ii. Signs and symptoms of deficiency: weak resistance to infectious diseases, poor
wound healing, bleeding gums and loosened teeth
iii. Significant plant sources of vitamin C: citrus fruits, bell peppers, melon, tomatoes,
papayas, mangoes
c. Vitamin E
i. Function: antioxidant (a substance that prevents or delays some types of cell
ii. Signs and symptoms of deficiency: vitamin E deficiency is uncommon but deficiency
can cause a type of anemia
iii. Significant plant sources of vitamin E: leafy green vegetables
d. Vitamin K
i. Function: aids in blood clotting
ii. Signs and symptoms of deficiency: hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)
iii. Significant plant sources of vitamin K: leafy green vegetables
e. Iron (iron deficiency anemia)
i. Function: found in the blood which helps transport oxygen. Low iron results in low
hemoglobin concentration in the blood. Hemoglobin is the component in blood that
carries oxygen throughout the body for energy metabolism.
ii. Signs and symptoms of deficiency: fatigue, weakness, pale skin, poor cognitive
performance, impaired work performance and weak resistance to infectious diseases
iii. Significant plant sources of iron: leafy green vegetables
Lesson 1
module overview #80C342
let’s get started 10 Mins.

MODULE 1 & learn

1. Ask the students to take out a pen and a sheet of pad paper.
2. Instruct them to write down at least seven statements regarding Glow foods that they remember
from their lessons in previous years. These statements can reflect any facts and key principles that

let’s objectives
they remember related to Glow foods.
3. After each student has written down at least seven statements, tell the students to exchange
papers. They must go through their classmate’s list of Glow food statements and identify whether
they AGREE or DISAGREE with the statements written. Instruct them to write the words AGREE or
DISAGREE after the statement.
4. Ask the students rubric
to exchange papers with a third person. The third person must also identify whether
they agree or disagree with the first student’s statements. They will also write AGREE or DISAGREE
module overview
after each statement.

culminating activity
5. Instruct the students to return the papers to the original owner. Ask the students to give examples
of statements where they did not agree unanimously (i.e. one person disagreed and another person
agreed). Ask the rest of the class whether they agree or disagree with the statements, and allow

let’s get started

some students to explain their answers until the rest of the class comes to a consensus about those
let’s try this
watch & learn
listen & learn
10 Mins.

let’s discuss
1. Play the video for this lesson, Module 2 Glow Foods.

2. After watching the video, ask the students to go back to the statements that they wrote on their papers
and add a few more statements that they were able to recall through the video. Call on some students
to share their additional statements with the rest of the class.

assessment rubric

culminating activity
1. Instruct your students to join their assigned groups from Module 1. Distribute a sheet of bond paper
and some coloring materials.
let’s try this
2. Tell your students to create a song about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables of various
colors. They will write out the lyrics of their song on the sheet of bond paper, and decorate the page.
This page will be included in their Pinggang Pinoy® Cookbook.
listen & learn
3. Make sure that each group member has a specific task and that all members are participating. Some
students may be responsible for coming up with the tune, while the others create the lyrics. The rest
can decorate the sheet of paper with colorful drawings.

4. Through this activity, you will be able to assess whether your students understand the concept of
“eating a rainbow”. Collect each group’s output at the end of the session and place each output in their
respective clear books (Pinggang Pinoy® Cookbook).


Ask some students to explain, in their own
words, the importance of “eating a rainbow”.
module overview
Lesson 2
assessment rubric

let’s get started

culminating activity 10 Mins.

Make sure that you bring each group’s clear book to class. Call on some volunteers to share the song that
let’s try& this
their group wrote in the previous session.

let’s & learn
discuss 30 Mins.

1. You will need the file GR05_M02_Lesson 2 Powerpoint for this lesson. Open the PDF file, and at the top
menu bar, select VIEW > Enter Full Screen. This places one page of the PDF file on the computer screen,
assessment rubric
and you can scroll up or scroll down to go through each page like a powerpoint slide.

2. In this presentation, students will learn about common vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies among
children and adolescents. Each slide describes:

culminating activity
a. the functions of a vitamin or nutrient

b. the signs and symptoms of its deficiency

let’s try this

c. Glow foods that are significant sources of that vitamin or nutrient

3. Instruct the students to listen carefully and take notes of all the information in the powerpoint

listen & learn

4. After going through all the slides, give students
about 10 minutes to compare their notes with
their seatmates’ notes. While comparing notes,
they should look for key points in their seatmates’ Some students may struggle to identify
notes that they were not able to include in their all the important points in a lecture. By
own notes. They can add the points that they allowing them to compare notes, this will
missed to their own notes. help struggling students to identify the key
points they missed and ensure that their
5. Ask the students to look at the numerous signs notes are complete.
and symptoms they copied from the presentation,
and identify the ones they are not familiar with or
have never heard of before.

6. Have the students call out these unfamiliar signs and symptoms as you list them on the board. For
their assignment, they must research what these terms mean and be able to discuss those terms in the
following class session.


Ask some students to share what struck
them the most in today’s lesson.

Before dismissing the class, remind them to continue

collecting different recipes for fruit or vegetable dishes.
module overview
Lesson 3
let’s get started 15 Mins.

1. On the board, write the unfamiliar signs and symptoms identified by the class during the previous
watch & learn
2. Ask the students to share what they learned from researching these terms.

3. Through this discussion, help your students understand what some of the more complicated terms
let’s discuss
mean before proceeding to the next activity.

assessment rubric
1. Instruct the students to join their groupmates from the previous sessions. Distribute a sheet of manila
paper, and instruct them to write their names on the back.

culminating activity
2. Draw the following chart on the board and ask your students to copy it on the manila paper:

Nutrient Function Signs & Symptoms of Sources

let’s try this

listen & learn

3. Tell your students that by the end of the program, they will replicate this table on a sheet of cartolina,
but in the meantime, they will use the manila paper to create a draft version.

4. Instruct the students to fill up the needed information using their notes from the previous session:

a. In the first column, write down a vitamin or nutrient discussed in the previous lesson.

b. In the second column, write down the function of that vitamin or nutrient in the body.

c. Under the column marked Signs & Symptoms of Deficiency, they are to list down the various
signs and symptoms associated with a lack of that vitamin or nutrient.

d. In the fourth column, they should write down significant food sources of that vitamin or nutrient.

5. As the students work in groups, go around the class to ensure that they are filling up the table
properly. Collect their manila papers at the end of the session, as these will be used again in Lesson 3
of the next module.


Ask some students to share two new things
that they learned from today’s lesson.

Before dismissing the class, instruct them to bring the recipes they
have been collecting. These will be used in the following class.
Lesson 4

1. Distribute each group’s Pinggang Pinoy® Cookbook.

2. Instruct the students to choose TWO of the symptoms in their table related to vitamin and mineral
deficiencies. Using the recipes they collected over the past weeks, challenge the students to come
up with two meals that are appropriate for someone exhibiting those signs or symptoms. In other
words, their meals should include Glow foods containing the nutrients that address the deficiencies
associated with those signs and symptoms.

3. On sheets of bond paper, have the students write down and illustrate the recipes included in the
meals they create.

4. Along with the recipe and illustrations, they must also include a brief explanation of why they
selected those recipes for their chosen symptoms.

5. Once finished, they can add the new pages to their Pinggang Pinoy® Cookbook.


Call on some students to explain their reasons for including
the recipes they chose for their Pinggang Pinoy® Cookbook.

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