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Global Change Biology (2016) 22, 1821–1840, doi: 10.1111/gcb.


Land use change emission scenarios: anticipating a forest

transition process in the Brazilian Amazon
A S S I S , E L O I L D A L L A - N O R A , P E T E R M A N N T O L E D O 1 , R O B E R T O A R A UJ
1 3,4
7 1
N O B R E and J E A N P I E R R E H . O M E T T O
Earth System Science Center (CCST), National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Ministry of Science, Technology and
Innovation (MCTI), Av. dos Astronautas 1758, S~ao Jose dos Campos, CEP 12227-010 SP, Brazil, 2Research and Postgraduate
Coordination, Emilio Goeldi Museum of Para (MPEG), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Av. Magalh~aes
Barata 376, Belem, CEP 66040-170 PA, Brazil, 3Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), Parque Estacß~ao Biologica - PqEB s/n°, Brasılia, CEP 70770-901 DF, Brazil,
Center for Environmental Studies and Research (NEPAM), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Cidade Universitaria
Zeferino Vaz, Campinas, CEP 13083-970 SP, Brazil, 5Amazon Regional Center (CRA), Brazilian Institute for Space Research
(INPE), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Parque de Ci^encia e Tecnologia do Guama, Av. Perimetral 2651,
Belem, CEP 66077-830 PA, Brazil, 6Tropical Ecosystems and Environmental Sciences Group (TREES), Remote Sensing Division,
Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Av dos Astronautas 1758,
S~ao Jose dos Campos, CEP 12227-010 SP, Brazil, 7Higher Education Improvement Coordination (CAPES), Ministry of Education,
Setor Bancario Norte, Quadra 2, Bloco L, Lote 06, Brasılia, CEP 70040-020 DF, Brazil

Following an intense occupation process that was initiated in the 1960s, deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon
have decreased significantly since 2004, stabilizing around 6000 km2 yr1 in the last 5 years. A convergence of condi-
tions contributed to this, including the creation of protected areas, the use of effective monitoring systems, and credit
restriction mechanisms. Nevertheless, other threats remain, including the rapidly expanding global markets for agricul-
tural commodities, large-scale transportation and energy infrastructure projects, and weak institutions. We propose
three updated qualitative and quantitative land-use scenarios for the Brazilian Amazon, including a normative ‘Sustain-
ability’ scenario in which we envision major socio-economic, institutional, and environmental achievements in the
region. We developed an innovative spatially explicit modelling approach capable of representing alternative pathways
of the clear-cut deforestation, secondary vegetation dynamics, and the old-growth forest degradation. We use the com-
putational models to estimate net deforestation-driven carbon emissions for the different scenarios. The region would
become a sink of carbon after 2020 in a scenario of residual deforestation (~1000 km2 yr1) and a change in the current
dynamics of the secondary vegetation – in a forest transition scenario. However, our results also show that the continua-
tion of the current situation of relatively low deforestation rates and short life cycle of the secondary vegetation would
maintain the region as a source of CO2 – even if a large portion of the deforested area is covered by secondary vegetation. In rela-
tion to the old-growth forest degradation process, we estimated average gross emission corresponding to 47% of the
clear-cut deforestation from 2007 to 2013 (using the DEGRAD system data), although the aggregate effects of the post-
disturbance regeneration can partially offset these emissions. Both processes (secondary vegetation and forest degrada-
tion) need to be better understood as they potentially will play a decisive role in the future regional carbon balance.
Keywords: Brazilian Amazon, CO2 emissions, deforestation, forest degradation, forest transition, scenarios, secondary
vegetation, sustainability

Received 10 June 2015; revised version received 26 September 2015 and accepted 4 October 2015

and deforestation-driven CO2 emissions. According to

Le Quere et al. (2015), CO2 emissions from fossil fuel
Several studies discussed the future of tropical forests combustion was 8.9  0.4 GtC yr1 from 2004 to 2013,
in the wake of global concerns over biodiversity loss while emissions from land use change, mainly defor-
estation, represented 0.9  0.5 GtC yr1 in the same
Correspondence: Ana Paula Dutra Aguiar, Av. dos Astronautas
1758, CEP 12227-010, S~ ao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil, tel. +55 12 period. Emissions derived from deforestation processes
3208 7799, fax: +55 12 3208-7903, e-mail: are considered one of the most uncertain components

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1821

1822 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

of the global carbon cycle. The high uncertainty reflects Recent analyses have discussed the role of commodity
both the complexity of the deforestation process itself prices and other economic factors, such as the soy and
and the variety of methodologies and data sources used beef moratoriums, in the slowdown of deforestation
in the calculations (Ramankutty et al., 2007; Le Quere rates, although most have unveiled the integrated set of
et al., 2015). In this context, improving the methodolo- actions taken by the Brazilian government to curb
gies for quantifying present and future deforestation- deforestation as a decisive factor (Malingreau et al.,
driven emissions is central to climate change, mitiga- 2011; Assuncß~ao et al., 2012; Macedo et al., 2012; Boucher
tion, and adaptation studies. et al., 2013; Nepstad et al., 2014). These measures
Moreover, it is in the future of the tropical forest included the creation of protected areas, the use of
areas themselves where an enormous source of uncer- effective monitoring and control systems, and credit
tainty lies. For instance, previous scenario modelling restriction mechanisms. In 2009, the Brazilian govern-
exercises (Laurance et al., 2001; Aguiar, 2006; Soares- ment also committed to an 80% reduction in clear-cut
Filho et al., 2006; Lapola et al., 2011) which have deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon by 2020 com-
attempted to project deforestation rates for the Brazilian pared with the 1996–2005 average annual rates (Federal
Amazon highly overestimated the deforestation after Decree 7390 of 9 December 2010). Thus, we can expect
2004 (Dalla-Nora et al., 2014). Until the beginning of the the deforestation and illegal land appropriation control
last decade, the aggressive deforestation and illegal actions to be maintained, at least in short term.
land appropriation processes in the region (Becker, In fact, some sectors of the society are pressing the
1997, 2004; Alves, 2002) seemed to be uncontrollable, government to go even further and adopt specific
peaking at 27 772 km2 yr1 in 2004 (INPE 2015). Clear- policies to reduce deforestation to zero (Vieira et al.,
cut deforestation rates have been decreasing since then, 2008). Moreover, one of the key issues of the current
oscillating around 6000 km2 yr1 during the last Brazilian Forest Code (Sparovek et al., 2012) is the
5 years. Figure 1a illustrates the difference in the mag- restoration of the legal reserves (LR) and permanent
nitude and spatial distribution of the deforestation pro- protection areas (PPA) in private farms that were ille-
cess comparing the 2001–2006 and 2006–2013 periods. gally deforested during the previous decades. In spite

Hotspots of new deforestation in each period

2001-2006 2006-2013 (25 x 25 km2 cell area %):
(a) 0%

Water, cerrado

Secondary Vegetation in 2008

(b) Total deforested area in 2013 (c) (25 x 25 km2 cell area %):
(25 x 25 km2 cell area %):

100% Water, cerrado
Water, cerrado

Fig. 1 (a) Changes in the deforestation hot spots comparing the 2002–2006 and 2006–2013 periods in regular cells of 25 9 25 km2
(source: PRODES); (b) total deforested area in each 25 9 25 km2 cell in 2013 (source: PRODES); (c) heterogeneous spatial pattern of the
secondary vegetation area in 25 9 25 km2 cells in 2008. (source: TerraClass).

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
A M A Z O N D E F O R E S T A T I O N E M I S S I O N S C E N A R I O S 1823

of the controversies and uncertainties about the effects trol the old-growth forest degradation process. In other
of the recent changes in the law (including the amnesty words, the old agricultural frontier mentality (Becker,
to farmers that deforest in the Amazon basin before 1997, 2004) still underlies the regional economic, politi-
2008), the LR and PPA regularization items – if enforced cal, and institutional contexts, co-existing with stronger
and incentivised – may induce a considerable restaura- environmental enforcement.
tion process in the Amazon, which could amount Currently, almost 19% of the original forest in the
~80.000 km2 (Soares-Filho et al., 2014). Alternatively, Brazilian Amazon has been (clear-cut) deforested
the Forest Code also allows the regularization of the LR according to the PRODES system (INPE 2015). A new
though a compensation mechanism, protecting avail- land-use monitoring system develop by INPE and
able old-growth forest areas in the same biome. Also on EMBRAPA (TerraClass, available for 2008, 2010, and
a positive note, we can mention the establishment of 2012), and approximately 62% of the deforested area in
the Low Carbon Agriculture Program (ABC Plan), led the Brazilian Amazon is converted to pasture. Highly
by the Brazilian Agriculture Ministry, focusing on envi- mechanised agricultural systems, such as those for soy-
ronmentally safe agricultural practices and recupera- bean crops, are mostly found at the Cerrado Biome bor-
tion of degraded lands (Galford et al., 2013). Finally, the ders and account for 5% of the deforested area. The
environmental service payment programs such as TerraClass results for 2012 estimates that approxi-
REDD+ combined with global environmental aware- mately 23% of the deforested areas are later abandoned,
ness, resulting in consumer-oriented certification pro- with secondary vegetation taking over – a slight
grams and multisector pacts such as soy and beef increase in the overall area of secondary vegetation area
moratoriums (Nepstad et al., 2014; Gibbs et al., 2015) in relation to 2008 (21%) and 2010 (22%). On the other
may act as a counterforce to the possibility of the re- hand, in 2012, TerraClass estimated the suppression of
establishment of aggressive deforestation practices. 25% of the total secondary vegetation area that had
However, multiple other forces can potentially con- been identified in 2008. As Fig. 1c illustrates, the sec-
tribute to the return of high deforestation rates in the ondary vegetation presents a heterogeneous spatial dis-
next decades. Among them, the rapidly expanding glo- tribution inside the deforested areas. These differences
bal markets for agricultural commodities fuelled by the emerge from the multiple actors and land-use trajecto-
increasing world0 s population and consumption (Lap- ries in the region (Perz & Skole, 2003; Costa, 2004;
ola et al., 2010; Foley et al., 2011; Lambin & Meyfroidt, Aguiar et al., 2007; Almeida et al., 2010). Some land-
2011), large-scale transportation and energy infrastruc- scapes are highly dynamic, with shifting patterns of
ture projects (Fearnside et al., 2006), and – no less impor- active agricultural production, fallow and land aban-
tant – weak institutions (Vieira et al., 2008). Besides, the donment (Mello & Alves, 2011; Vieira et al., 2014). A
threats to the forest are becoming more scattered and multitemporal (1997–2006) remote sensing analysis
difficult to control. Farmers have shrewdly changed (Almeida, 2009) points out that the half-life of the sec-
their deforestation methods and are now clearing smal- ondary vegetation varies across the region, ranging
ler patches of forest in an attempt to disguise them from 21 to 3 years (5 years in average) depending on
from the current satellite monitoring systems, which the level of deforestation in each area (Box S3.1).
may be underestimating the forest hazards (Rosa et al., As Fig. 1b illustrates, most of the deforested areas in
2012). Moreover, large areas of the old-growth forests the previous decades concentrates in a region known as
have been annually disturbed by illegal logging activi- the ‘arch of deforestation’, which has most of the cities
ties and forest fires during the last decades (Cochrane and roads infrastructure, and is more connected to the
et al., 1999; Nepstad et al., 1999; Barlow et al., 2003; rest of the country (Aguiar et al., 2007). As Fig. 1b also
Asner et al., 2005, 2006; Arag~ ao & Shimabukuro, 2010; illustrates, the percentage of old-growth forest is close
Alencar et al., 2011) – resulting in a forest degradation to 0% in some of the opened areas, despite the legisla-
process (Thompson et al., 2013) that leads to a reduc- tion regulated by the Brazilian Forest Code (Sparovek
tion in the capacity of a forest to produce ecosystem et al., 2012), which, since 2001, has stipulated that in the
services, including carbon storage. Recent remote Brazilian Amazon biome every farm must preserve
sensing assessments (INPE0 s DEGRAD system) have 80% of its area as forest. Previously, since 1965 (Federal
identified 103 000 km2 of degraded forests due to ille- Law 4771), the limit was established at 50%. On the
gal logging and fire activities from 2007 to 2013 – while other hand, the historical deforestation outcome has
the total (clear-cut) deforestation area in the same per- helped keep intact the bulk of the ‘Terra Firme’ forests
iod was approximately 56 000 km2 (Figure S4.1). There- (Fig. 1b), which host some of the most richly biodiverse
fore, although the environmental protection actions of areas in Central and Western Amazonia (Peres et al.,
the last decade contributed to the decrease of the clear- 2010). A significant amount of these old-growth forests
cut deforestation rates, they were not sufficient to con- are formally allocated as protected areas, currently

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1824 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

accounting for 60% of the Amazon biome (Figure S3b).

New scenarios for the Brazilian Amazon
Several studies showed how effective such units may
be at retaining the deforestation frontier (Soares-Filho In such contexts of high level of uncertainty about the
et al., 2010; Nolte et al., 2013). Although the fate of the future, the scenario techniques are recognized as a use-
forest areas outside such a network of protected areas ful mechanism to explore and understand the conse-
is more uncertain, the forests sheltered in protected quences of alternative pathways in environmental
areas may still suffer the impacts of illegal logging and studies (Wollenberg et al., 2000; B€ orjeson et al., 2006;
of political and economic pressure to give way to agri- Alcamo, 2008; Wilkinson & Eidinow, 2008). Scenarios
cultural expansion, major infrastructure, and natural are ‘plausible, challenging, and relevant stories about
resource extraction projects (FSP 2013; Ferreira et al., how the future might unfold, which can be told in both
2014). In addition to all these direct and indirect land- words and numbers. Scenarios are not forecasts, projec-
use-change-related threats, climate change effects may tions, predictions, or recommendations. They are about
also affect carbon stocks through the intensification of envisioning future pathways and accounting for critical
extremes events (e.g. frequency and intensity of uncertainties’ (Raskin et al., 2005). Environmental sce-
droughts) and vulnerability of the forest to fires (Mar- narios were largely exploratory (‘where plausibly are
engo et al., 2011). In summary, all these factors may we heading to?’) in the past decades. Normative/back-
pose distinct levels of threats to the remaining forest casting approaches (‘what do we want and how do we
lands, both in public and private areas (Vieira et al., get there?’) gradually become more popular and more
2008). widely applied over the last decade, due to the rising
Finally, it is important to stress that, although the popularity of the strongly normative concept of sustain-
greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss ability (Vergragt & Quist, 2011).
derived from the deforestation process drew interna- In this study, we propose three updated scenarios for
tional attention to the region, any discussion about a the Brazilian Amazon until 2050, focusing on their con-
sustainable future must also consider the population sequences in terms of net CO2 emissions. The scenarios
well-being. Decreasing deforestation rates does not were built combining exploratory and normative
automatically bring socio-economic development (de approaches, participatory methods, and qualitative and
Santos-Junior et al., 2010), as the region0 s rural econ- quantitative elements (Raskin et al., 2005), adapting the
omy is largely based on the natural resources exploita- method developed by (Folhes et al., 2015) to the regio-
tion (forestry, mining) and cattle-ranching sectors. nal scale. Qualitative scenarios about the future were
Furthermore, the combined results of the fall of defor- discussed with representatives from different sectors of
estation and increased agricultural productivity in the society during two workshops held in Brazil. After a
agribusiness have additionally led to a political weak- first workshop, quantitative and spatially explicit mod-
ening of a sustainable territorial management model elling results were fed backed to the stakeholders in a
that includes participation of local populations (de second workshop, to subside a discussion about the
Santos-Junior et al., 2010). Agricultural settlements also future, especially actions that would lead to a more sus-
suffer from lack of proper infrastructure, limiting the tainable future. The computational models (Aguiar
economic opportunities for those actors. The Brazilian et al., 2012a,b) represent some of the aspects discussed
Amazon has a population of 24 million people, 75 per during the workshops to estimate regional net CO2
cent living in urban areas (IBGE 2010). In recent years emissions.
(2000–2010), urban areas have experienced an increase The modelling approach proposed here is capable of
of 30 per cent in the number of dwellings they contain representing future alternative pathways of the clear-
(IBGE 2010). The perspective of better services and cut deforestation, the secondary vegetation dynamics,
employment attracts the rural population to urban and the old-growth forest degradation processes – inte-
areas (Parry et al., 2010). The urbanization process in grating them in a spatially explicit framework to
the Amazon region, however, has not been followed estimate deforestation-driven CO2 emission. For clarifi-
by proportional investments in urban infrastructure cation, in this study, (clear-cut) deforestation denotes
(Perz, 2000), and the cities also lack basic services and the complete removal of trees from an old-growth
employment (Guedes et al., 2009; Santos & Brondizio, forest and the land-use conversion from forest into agri-
2011; Eloy et al., 2015). In fact, there is an increasing culture, urban, mining, etc. Secondary vegetation
concern about deteriorating quality of life in the dynamics denotes the (intentional) abandonment of the
peripheries of mid- and large cities related to the previously (clear-cut) deforested areas (due to shift cul-
intense rural–urban migration (Kanai, 2014). Violence tivation practices, lack of proper pasture management,
rates in the region, both in rural and urban areas, are or regeneration purposes), and the cyclic removal of
also alarming (Waiselfisz, 2013). the secondary vegetation. Finally, old-growth forest

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1824 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

accounting for 60% of the Amazon biome (Figure S3b).

New scenarios for the Brazilian Amazon
Several studies showed how effective such units may
be at retaining the deforestation frontier (Soares-Filho In such contexts of high level of uncertainty about the
et al., 2010; Nolte et al., 2013). Although the fate of the future, the scenario techniques are recognized as a use-
forest areas outside such a network of protected areas ful mechanism to explore and understand the conse-
is more uncertain, the forests sheltered in protected quences of alternative pathways in environmental
areas may still suffer the impacts of illegal logging and studies (Wollenberg et al., 2000; B€ orjeson et al., 2006;
of political and economic pressure to give way to agri- Alcamo, 2008; Wilkinson & Eidinow, 2008). Scenarios
cultural expansion, major infrastructure, and natural are ‘plausible, challenging, and relevant stories about
resource extraction projects (FSP 2013; Ferreira et al., how the future might unfold, which can be told in both
2014). In addition to all these direct and indirect land- words and numbers. Scenarios are not forecasts, projec-
use-change-related threats, climate change effects may tions, predictions, or recommendations. They are about
also affect carbon stocks through the intensification of envisioning future pathways and accounting for critical
extremes events (e.g. frequency and intensity of uncertainties’ (Raskin et al., 2005). Environmental sce-
droughts) and vulnerability of the forest to fires (Mar- narios were largely exploratory (‘where plausibly are
engo et al., 2011). In summary, all these factors may we heading to?’) in the past decades. Normative/back-
pose distinct levels of threats to the remaining forest casting approaches (‘what do we want and how do we
lands, both in public and private areas (Vieira et al., get there?’) gradually become more popular and more
2008). widely applied over the last decade, due to the rising
Finally, it is important to stress that, although the popularity of the strongly normative concept of sustain-
greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss ability (Vergragt & Quist, 2011).
derived from the deforestation process drew interna- In this study, we propose three updated scenarios for
tional attention to the region, any discussion about a the Brazilian Amazon until 2050, focusing on their con-
sustainable future must also consider the population sequences in terms of net CO2 emissions. The scenarios
well-being. Decreasing deforestation rates does not were built combining exploratory and normative
automatically bring socio-economic development (de approaches, participatory methods, and qualitative and
Santos-Junior et al., 2010), as the region0 s rural econ- quantitative elements (Raskin et al., 2005), adapting the
omy is largely based on the natural resources exploita- method developed by (Folhes et al., 2015) to the regio-
tion (forestry, mining) and cattle-ranching sectors. nal scale. Qualitative scenarios about the future were
Furthermore, the combined results of the fall of defor- discussed with representatives from different sectors of
estation and increased agricultural productivity in the society during two workshops held in Brazil. After a
agribusiness have additionally led to a political weak- first workshop, quantitative and spatially explicit mod-
ening of a sustainable territorial management model elling results were fed backed to the stakeholders in a
that includes participation of local populations (de second workshop, to subside a discussion about the
Santos-Junior et al., 2010). Agricultural settlements also future, especially actions that would lead to a more sus-
suffer from lack of proper infrastructure, limiting the tainable future. The computational models (Aguiar
economic opportunities for those actors. The Brazilian et al., 2012a,b) represent some of the aspects discussed
Amazon has a population of 24 million people, 75 per during the workshops to estimate regional net CO2
cent living in urban areas (IBGE 2010). In recent years emissions.
(2000–2010), urban areas have experienced an increase The modelling approach proposed here is capable of
of 30 per cent in the number of dwellings they contain representing future alternative pathways of the clear-
(IBGE 2010). The perspective of better services and cut deforestation, the secondary vegetation dynamics,
employment attracts the rural population to urban and the old-growth forest degradation processes – inte-
areas (Parry et al., 2010). The urbanization process in grating them in a spatially explicit framework to
the Amazon region, however, has not been followed estimate deforestation-driven CO2 emission. For clarifi-
by proportional investments in urban infrastructure cation, in this study, (clear-cut) deforestation denotes
(Perz, 2000), and the cities also lack basic services and the complete removal of trees from an old-growth
employment (Guedes et al., 2009; Santos & Brondizio, forest and the land-use conversion from forest into agri-
2011; Eloy et al., 2015). In fact, there is an increasing culture, urban, mining, etc. Secondary vegetation
concern about deteriorating quality of life in the dynamics denotes the (intentional) abandonment of the
peripheries of mid- and large cities related to the previously (clear-cut) deforested areas (due to shift cul-
intense rural–urban migration (Kanai, 2014). Violence tivation practices, lack of proper pasture management,
rates in the region, both in rural and urban areas, are or regeneration purposes), and the cyclic removal of
also alarming (Waiselfisz, 2013). the secondary vegetation. Finally, old-growth forest

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1826 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

depends on the project goal. In this work, we selected four ele- the road’), combining premises of the two extreme scenarios.
ments of storylines related to the natural resources and land- SI2 illustrates the differences regarding the temporal evolution
use dynamics (Theme I of the participatory workshops, of the spatial drivers in each scenario.
Figure S1.3) characterizing the different scenarios, to estimate The quantification of the Sustainability scenario (Scenario
net CO2 emissions and generate spatially explicit maps: (a) A) considers that institutional and political conditions would
environmental law enforcement representing the institutional favour the decrease of the old-growth forest degradation and
context; (b) future clear-cut deforestation and old-growth for- clear-cut deforestation rates until 2020, reaching a ‘zero
est degradation rates; (c) secondary vegetation dynamics in (nonauthorized) deforestation’ target by 2025 (Vieira et al.,
abandoned areas after clear-cut deforestation; and (d) changes 2008) – even surpassing the current Forest Code regulation.
in the major spatio-temporal deforestation drivers: protected Only a residual 1000 km2 yr1 deforestation would be autho-
areas and roads infrastructure (Aguiar et al., 2007). Table 1 rized under Scenario A, related to urban sprawl, infrastruc-
synthesizes the elements used for the quantification of each ture, and mining projects requirements. Scenario A also
scenario, including the intermediate Scenario B (‘Middle of considers the regeneration of all illegally deforested areas

Table 1 Scenario quantification: natural resources and land-use theme elements (basis for quantification)

Quantification element Scenario A: sustainability Scenario B: middle of road Scenario C: fragmentation

(a) (Envrionmental) Forest Code Restoration (LRs Forest Code Restoration (LRs Forest Code is not respected
Law enforcement and PPAs) and Conservation and PPAs) measures are and deforestation control
measures are enforced, satisfied by compensation measures are descontinued.
incentivezed and even mechanisms, such as remote Protected areas are not fully
surpassed, promoting a forest quotas, instead of local implemented and protected
Forest Transition process and restoration. Forest code
a “zero” deforestation conservation measures are
situation after 2025. Protected respected, deforestation
areas are fully implemented control mechanisms in place,
and respected and the deforestation target
set to 2020 is achieved and
(b) Future clear-cut Deforestation rates follows Follow the lower Deforestation rates start to
deforestation and old the current slowdown trend deforestation trend up to the rise from 2014 to 2020 and
growth forest degradation and achieve the deforestation target 2020 (3900 km2 yr1), continue uncontrolled until
rates target set to 2020 (3900 km2), but stabilize after that at this 2050, at historical levels prior
and then a new “Zero” level (around to 2004. Degradation rates
(residual <1000 km2 yr1) 4000 km2 yr1). Degradation maintains current average
deforestation target after rates maintains current (14 700 km2 yr1)
2025. Degradation rates average (14 700 km2 yr1)
decrease to 1000 km2 yr1
after 2025
(c) Secondary Percentage of secondary Follows the current dynamic Follows the current dynamic
Vegetation vegetation in relation to the (less secondary vegetation in (less secondary vegetation in
Dynamics deforested area in every cell more densely occupied areas, more densely occupied areas,
increase to 35% from 2015– ~5 years half-life), except in ~5 years half-life), including
2030. Existing areas of old occupation areas where areas of old secondary forests
secondary vegetation are not old secondary forests are
disturbed after 2020 preserved
(d) Changes in Roads On-going paving concluded Same as Scenario C, but All paving and planned
spatial drivers network in 2017 (BR-163, BR-319 and accompained with measures roads (Federal and State)
BR-230). No major federal or to avoid uncontrolled built, distributed in 2017,
State roads built after 2017 occupation 2025, 2030 and 2042
Protected Maintenance of the 2010 Same as Scenario A in terms Decrease in the extension
areas-PAs protected areas network. of area, but less protected in and level of protection of the
Fully protected more densely occupied areas PAs, gradually returning to
the 2002 extension in 2022
(2018 = 2006; 2020 = 2004;
2022 = 2002)

LR, legal reserves; PPA, permanent protection areas.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
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inside private properties (LR and PPA), as measured by pressure for food, fibre, and biofuels, environmental protec-
(Soares-Filho et al., 2014), according to the Brazilian Forest tion loses space to the agricultural expansion. Scenario C
Code, will be successfully implemented though the restaura- assumes an average of 15 000 km2 yr1 based on a recent
tion mechanism, and other incentives will favour an even modelling result. Dalla-Nora (2014) modified a global general
wider restoration process. Institutional mechanisms will be in equilibrium model (GGEM) to estimate the deforestation rates
place to protect and value the secondary forests as an impor- for the Brazilian Amazonia and Cerrado. Dalla-Nora (2014)
tant mechanism of ecosystem services provision (Vieira et al., model combines the effect of intraregional policies applied
2014). Thus, Scenario A assumes the secondary vegetation after 2004 (such as the credit restriction and the creation of
would not be removed periodically, as in the current dynam- Protect areas) and the global demand for commodities, based
ics (Almeida et al., 2010; Mello & Alves, 2011), being allowed on population and GDP growth projections until 2050. In the
to grow and became a secondary forest. Besides, the percent- worst scenario, compatible with the Scenario C premises, the
age of secondary vegetation increases from 22% to 35% from model estimated an average rate of 15 000 km2 yr1 for the
2015 to 2030, in average 1% per year. Amazonia until 2050. Scenario C also does not consider the
These four premises regarding the natural resources in Sce- Forest Code will be respected. The secondary vegetation
nario A (decrease in the old-growth forest degradation, clear- dynamics follows the current dynamics, including a compara-
cut deforestation, and secondary vegetation removal, allied to tively higher percentage of abandonment close to the forest
secondary forests expansion) would lead to a ‘forest transi- border, and a shorter life cycle in more consolidated areas.
tion’ process in the Brazilian Amazon. A forest transition is a Old-growth forest degradation through selective logging and
‘land use transition from a land use system characterized by fore will continue at current levels, both in Scenarios B and C,
exploitative use of forests (and thus associated with declining based on annual rates observed by the DEGRAD system
forest cover) to another characterized by a sustainable use of (14 700 km2 yr1), (Appendix S4.1).
forests and thus associated with recovering forest cover’ (Mey-
froidt et al., 2010; Meyfroidt & Lambin, 2011). In a broader
Modelling tools parameterization
sense, the regeneration of the forest cover in a forest transition
process may result from multiple trends, for instance, the nat- Our land-use spatially explicit modelling approach combines
ural regeneration of forests, forest plantation, and adoption of a new version of the CLUE model (Verburg et al., 1999) imple-
agroforestry. In Scenario A, we quantify the CO2 emissions of mented in the LuccME Modelling Framework (Aguiar et al.,
a potential forest transition process based on the passive regener- 2012a) and the INPE-EM emission modelling framework
ation (Hall et al., 2012) of previously (clear-cut) deforested (Aguiar et al., 2012b). We use LuccME to generate annual
areas in the Brazilian Amazon. The concept of forest transition deforestation maps and INPE-EM to represent the subsequent
usually refers to process at a regional or national scale here we secondary vegetation dynamics in the deforested areas:
refer to a subnational case. Scenario A does not necessarily
implies a Forest Transition in Brazil (Pfaff & Walker, 2010), as LuccME. is an open-source framework for the development
deforestation might continue in other parts of the country, of spatially explicit land-use and cover change models devel-
especially in the Cerrado Biome (Dalla-Nora, 2014). oped at INPE, built as an extension to the TerraME program-
In Scenario B (‘Middle of the road’), we assume deforesta- ming environment (Carneiro et al., 2013). To build the model
tion rates will reach 3900 km2 yr1 in 2020 (according to the in this study, we used the LuccME components derived from
voluntary emission reduction national targets) and stabilize at the CLUE model for continuous land-use variables (Verburg
this level up to 2050. It is important to notice that Scenario B is et al., 1999) to generate annual deforestation maps. In the case
also a ‘zero (nonauthorized) deforestation’. But, in this scenar- of deforestation, cells with a positive change potential
io, future deforestation takes place over legally available for- received a percentage of the annual change that must be allo-
ests according to the Forest Code, which sums up cated to the whole area, proportionally to their potential. The
~200.000 km2 (Soares-Filho et al., 2014; Martini et al., 2015) In current LuccME version differs from the original CLUE model
other words, the forest surplus use is not limited by urban (Verburg et al., 1999) and also from the initial version adapted
sprawl or infrastructure purposes, but fully considered for for the Brazilian context (Aguiar, 2006). The original CLUE
agricultural expansion. Also differently from Scenario A, in model relied on the linear regression method to estimate the
Scenario B secondary vegetation will follow the current cell potential for change. We created an alternative method
dynamics, maintaining a relatively low percentage and based on the spatial lag regression method (Anselin, 2001;
lifespan in more densely occupied areas (Almeida, 2009; Mello Aguiar et al., 2007) accounting for spatial autocorrelation (Spa-
& Alves, 2011). Therefore, Scenario B assumes that a restora- tialLagRegression component). Using this component, we were
tion process will not take place. This Scenario assumes that the able to dynamically update the potential of change at each
regularization of the Legal Reserves will occur through the time step considering not only the temporal changes in the
compensation mechanism in the same biome, as also allowed by spatial drivers (according to the scenario premises), but also
the Forest Code (Soares-Filho et al., 2014; Martini et al., 2015) the distance to previously opened areas. The allocation mecha-
On the other hand, the Fragmentation scenario (Scenario C) nism was also modified. In the LuccME version (Alloca-
assumes a recrudescence of the deforestation rates in the fol- tionClueLikeSaturation), there are parameters to control the
lowing years, returning to historic levels prior to 2004, due to amount of change that can happen in each cell each year. This
political and institutional changes in Brazil. Allied to a global mechanism can be used to represent distinct law enforcement

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1826 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

depends on the project goal. In this work, we selected four ele- the road’), combining premises of the two extreme scenarios.
ments of storylines related to the natural resources and land- SI2 illustrates the differences regarding the temporal evolution
use dynamics (Theme I of the participatory workshops, of the spatial drivers in each scenario.
Figure S1.3) characterizing the different scenarios, to estimate The quantification of the Sustainability scenario (Scenario
net CO2 emissions and generate spatially explicit maps: (a) A) considers that institutional and political conditions would
environmental law enforcement representing the institutional favour the decrease of the old-growth forest degradation and
context; (b) future clear-cut deforestation and old-growth for- clear-cut deforestation rates until 2020, reaching a ‘zero
est degradation rates; (c) secondary vegetation dynamics in (nonauthorized) deforestation’ target by 2025 (Vieira et al.,
abandoned areas after clear-cut deforestation; and (d) changes 2008) – even surpassing the current Forest Code regulation.
in the major spatio-temporal deforestation drivers: protected Only a residual 1000 km2 yr1 deforestation would be autho-
areas and roads infrastructure (Aguiar et al., 2007). Table 1 rized under Scenario A, related to urban sprawl, infrastruc-
synthesizes the elements used for the quantification of each ture, and mining projects requirements. Scenario A also
scenario, including the intermediate Scenario B (‘Middle of considers the regeneration of all illegally deforested areas

Table 1 Scenario quantification: natural resources and land-use theme elements (basis for quantification)

Quantification element Scenario A: sustainability Scenario B: middle of road Scenario C: fragmentation

(a) (Envrionmental) Forest Code Restoration (LRs Forest Code Restoration (LRs Forest Code is not respected
Law enforcement and PPAs) and Conservation and PPAs) measures are and deforestation control
measures are enforced, satisfied by compensation measures are descontinued.
incentivezed and even mechanisms, such as remote Protected areas are not fully
surpassed, promoting a forest quotas, instead of local implemented and protected
Forest Transition process and restoration. Forest code
a “zero” deforestation conservation measures are
situation after 2025. Protected respected, deforestation
areas are fully implemented control mechanisms in place,
and respected and the deforestation target
set to 2020 is achieved and
(b) Future clear-cut Deforestation rates follows Follow the lower Deforestation rates start to
deforestation and old the current slowdown trend deforestation trend up to the rise from 2014 to 2020 and
growth forest degradation and achieve the deforestation target 2020 (3900 km2 yr1), continue uncontrolled until
rates target set to 2020 (3900 km2), but stabilize after that at this 2050, at historical levels prior
and then a new “Zero” level (around to 2004. Degradation rates
(residual <1000 km2 yr1) 4000 km2 yr1). Degradation maintains current average
deforestation target after rates maintains current (14 700 km2 yr1)
2025. Degradation rates average (14 700 km2 yr1)
decrease to 1000 km2 yr1
after 2025
(c) Secondary Percentage of secondary Follows the current dynamic Follows the current dynamic
Vegetation vegetation in relation to the (less secondary vegetation in (less secondary vegetation in
Dynamics deforested area in every cell more densely occupied areas, more densely occupied areas,
increase to 35% from 2015– ~5 years half-life), except in ~5 years half-life), including
2030. Existing areas of old occupation areas where areas of old secondary forests
secondary vegetation are not old secondary forests are
disturbed after 2020 preserved
(d) Changes in Roads On-going paving concluded Same as Scenario C, but All paving and planned
spatial drivers network in 2017 (BR-163, BR-319 and accompained with measures roads (Federal and State)
BR-230). No major federal or to avoid uncontrolled built, distributed in 2017,
State roads built after 2017 occupation 2025, 2030 and 2042
Protected Maintenance of the 2010 Same as Scenario A in terms Decrease in the extension
areas-PAs protected areas network. of area, but less protected in and level of protection of the
Fully protected more densely occupied areas PAs, gradually returning to
the 2002 extension in 2022
(2018 = 2006; 2020 = 2004;
2022 = 2002)

LR, legal reserves; PPA, permanent protection areas.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
A M A Z O N D E F O R E S T A T I O N E M I S S I O N S C E N A R I O S 1829

Table 2 LuccME parameters (in bold the differences between the three scenarios)

General parameters

Spatial scale Extent Brazilian Amazon Rain Forest area

(according to PRODES mask)
Resolution Regular cells of 25 9 25 km2
Temporal scale Extent 2013–2050 (scenarios)
Resolution Yearly
Calibration/validation 2004–2010–2013 (PRODES)
Land use/cover classes Percentage of forest, deforest, no-data (cerrado, clouds, water) in the cell

Potential: SpatialLagRegression parameters

Deforestation spatial determinants* dependent† Std B Significance

W_log_def Spatial autoregressive coefficient 0.769 0.000

Constant Regression constant 0.012 0.000
connMkt_SPNE Connectivity index via the road network to S~ ao Y 0.046 0.000
Paulo or Recife(source: DNIT and PAC2)
log_distRoads_PAVED Euclidean distance to the closest paved road Y 0.039 0.000
(log10 transformed) (source: DNIT and PAC2)
log_distRoads_ALL Euclidean distance to the closest road (log10 Y 0.029 0.000
transformed) (source: DNIT and PAC2)
log_distWoodProdPoles Euclidean distance to the closest timber 0.084 0.000
extraction and processing center (log10
transformed) (source: IMAZON)
settlProject_AGR Percentage of cell area covered by agrarian 0.048 0.007
projects for agricultural use (PA) (source:
landFertility_HIGH Percentage of cell area covered by soils of high 0.044 0.000
fertility (source: EMBRAPA/IBGE)
protPublicForests_ALL Percentage of cell area covered by Indigenous Y 0.103 0.000
Lands, Conservation Units, Sustainable
settlement projects and Military areas. (source:

Allocation: ClueLikeAllocationSaturation parameters

Deforestation allocation parameters Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C

maxError Maximum allocation error allowed for each 1000 km2 1000 km2 1000 km2
land use
minValue Minimum value (percentage) allowed for that 0% 0% 0%
land use as a result of new changes.
maxValue Maximum value (percentage) allowed for that 50% 50% 80%
land use as a result of new changes
changeThresholdValue Threshold applied to the level of saturation in 40% 40% 40%
each cell. The saturation level is dynamically
computed, according to the available forest in
a 10 9 10 neighborhood, deconsidering the
protected areas. According to the threshold
the speed of change of a given land use in the
cell is modified
maxChange Maximum change in a given land use 4% 6% 6%
allowed in a cell in a time step until
(saturation) threshold
maxChangeAbovethreshold Maximum change in a given land use 3% 3% 3%
allowed in a cell in a time step after
(saturation) threshold

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1830 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

Table 2 (continued)

Demand: PreComputed Values

Deforestation rates (km2/year) Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C

Decreasing to 3900 (2020) to Decreasing to 3900 (2020) Incresing to 15000†† (2020)

1000 (2025) and stabilizing and stabilizing until 2050 and stabilizing until 2050
until 2050

*Data souces: DNIT – Transport and infrastructure National Department. PAC2 – Program for Accelerated Growth Phase 2. INCRA
—Brazilian Institute of Colonization and Homestead. MMA – Environment Ministry. FUNAI—Brazilian National Foundation for
Indigenous Peoples.
†S2 presents the spatiotemporal changes in the drivers for the different scenarios. S6 provides a link to the complete regression
models. Here we present the StdB to allow intercomparison of the drivers.
††An alternative quantification of Scenario C was run for the AMAZALERT project, adopting the annual rate of 19 500 km2 (aver-
age from 1996 to 2005) after 2020. All the other parameters are the same. Although we do not discuss the emission estimates of this
version here, as they are comparatively similar to the 15 000 km2 version, the shapefiles are available (S6).

considerably higher than the clear-cut deforestation rates, degradation component and analyse the potential
especially in 2008 and 2011, as Figure S4.1 illustrates. The impacts of the new component on the emission esti-
model estimates for each cell the amount of carbon lost after mates.
each event and the derived 1st order CO2 emissions. The sys-
tem does not discriminate if those areas have or not been
explored by selective logging, nor the intensity of the degrada- Clear-cut deforestation and secondary vegetation
tion. Therefore, for the scenarios, we assumed an average of dynamics
40% of carbon loss (Berenguer et al., 2014), including immedi-
ate release by fire and post event mortality. We parametrized Figure 2 illustrates the integrated LuccME/INPE-EM
the period for the regeneration of the total biomass loss as modelling results regarding the (clear-cut) deforesta-
50 years based on Blanc et al. (2009). The model would pro- tion process and secondary vegetation dynamics in
vide biased information if the previous degradation (prior to subsequently abandoned areas. Figure 2a presents the
2007) was not considered, given the aggressive occupation spatially explicit deforestation distribution for the dif-
process in the region during the last decades. Therefore, we ferent scenarios in 2050, generated by LuccME. Scenario
assumed the same average rate of degradation observed from A and Scenario B show similar deforestation patterns
2007 to 2013 (14 700 km2 yr1) since 1980.
around the current existing frontiers (compare with
We use (Nogueira et al., 2008) as the spatially explicit
Fig. 1). Scenario B spatial patterns are very similar to
information regarding the forest above-ground live biomass
Scenario A in 2050, except for the larger spread of the
(AGBL). The other carbon pools considered are also based
on Nogueira et al. (2008) and included in the model as per- deforested areas around the roads in Central Amazo-
centages of the AGBL: roots as 25.8%, dead wood as 8.8%, nia. Scenario C shows a more intense concentration of
and litter as 4.9% of the AGBL. The primary forest deforesta- the deforested areas around previously opened areas,
tion emission parameters are the ones used in Aguiar et al. but also shows the emergence of new frontiers around
(2012a,b), which consider that the 50% of carbon in the some planned roads (for instance, in the Amazonas
above-ground biomass in the cleared area is instantaneously State), in a heterogeneous pattern resulting from the
released by fire, and the remaining is released gradually spatial drivers and law enforcement restrictions built-in
during the following years by biological decomposition and in the model allocation procedure (Table 2).
cyclic fires. It is important to note that the CO2 emission esti-
Underneath the similar deforestation patterns in Sce-
mated values should be analysed comparatively among the
narios A and B lays the difference in the area of sec-
scenarios, acknowledging that there is a marked large varia-
ondary forests allowed to regenerate. As Fig. 2b
tion in the magnitude and spatial distribution among
different biomass data sources (Aguiar et al., 2012b; Mitch- presents the spatially explicit distribution of the
ard et al., 2014; Ometto et al., 2014). secondary vegetation in the different scenarios, result-
ing from INPE-EM model runs. Although the main goal
of INPE-EM is to estimate net carbon emissions, the
framework also generates as a by-product the annual
We first present the spatial projections and emission maps of the resulting secondary vegetation spatial dis-
estimates derived from the clear-cut and subsequent tribution. In Scenario A, according to the rules imple-
secondary vegetation dynamics in abandoned agricul- mented for the scenarios (Table 1), a major process of
tural areas. Then, we add the old-growth forest regeneration takes place in a large portion of the previ-

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
Table 3 INPE-EM parameters (in bold the spatio-temporal parameters and differences between the three scenarios)

Parameter values

Spatially 1960–2001
Parameter name Description explicit (nonspatial mode) 2002–2013 Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C

SecondaryVegetation component parameters

AgriculturalUseCycle Number of years it takes for n 2 years idem idem idem idem
agricultural land to be
abandoned or rest after
InitialAbandonment Number of years of n 3 years idem idem idem idem
Cycle abandonment, before the
secondary vegetation can
be identified by remote
sensing images
AreaPercVegSec Percentage of the deforested y 21% average Based on 0% after 2020 Dynamically Dynamically
area in a given year that will TerraClass 2008 TerraClass 2008† updated updated for
be abandoned and become each year† each year†

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
secondary vegetation.
Source: INPE (2015)
AreaAccPercVegSec Percentage of the total y 0% 0% Increases for each 0% 0%
deforested area that will cell from 2015 to
be allowed to regenerate 2030† to reach 35%.
in addition to the percentage
defined by AreaPercVegSec
RecoveryPeriod1Perc* Percentage of original n 70% idem idem idem idem
biomass recovered
during Period 1
RecoveryPeriod1* Number of years n 25 years idem idem idem idem
of faster recovery
RecoveryPeriod2Perc* Percentage of original n 30% idem idem idem idem
biomass recovered
during Period 2
RecoveryPeriod2* Number of years n 50 years idem idem idem idem
of slower recovery
Halflife Number of years it takes to 50% y Decreases from Dynamically updated After 2020, equals Dynamically Dynamically
of the secondary vegetation to be 19 years (1960) to each year based 10000 (assumes no updated each updated
cut, following an exponential 5 years (2001) on Almeida (2009)† removal) year† each year†
curve. Source: Almeida (2009)
A M A Z O N D E F O R E S T A T I O N E M I S S I O N S C E N A R I O S 1831
1832 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

ously deforested areas (Fig. 2c and d). In Scenario B,

‡See S5 for the component description. In this version of the model, considering instantaneous and subsequent death and decomposition of AGBL, i.e., 1st order emissions.
average (14 700
we maintain the current secondary vegetation dynam-
Scenario C ics (with current intraregional differences, see


km2 yr1)
Appendix S3). However, in Scenario C, the percentage

of secondary vegetation (in relation to the total defor-
ested area) even slightly decreases to 19% (Appendix
S6), as the model spatially represents the premises of
less secondary vegetation in more densely deforested
areas, including in areas of old secondary forests. The
Scenario B


km2 yr1)

decrease is also a result of deforestation following a

(14 700

highly concentrated pattern in Scenario C, reaching


80% of the area in most of the deforested cells, due to

the parameters representing the lack of law enforce-
ment we adopted in the allocation component
<1000 km2 yr1

(Table 2).
Decrease to
Scenario A

Figure 2d illustrates the CO2 net emission estimates

resulting from the land change processes established

for Scenarios A, B, and C comparing the contribution of

the primary and secondary vegetation for the net emis-
sions in each case. Figure 3 compares the net emission
differences in decadal periods for each scenario (see

Appendix S5 for complete tables). The contrasting sec-


ondary vegetation dynamics in Scenarios A and B lead

each cell
area in

to very different net CO2 emission estimates. In Sce-


nario A, as Figs 2d and 3a illustrate, we estimate that

the region could become a carbon sink after 2020 in
relation to deforestation-driven emissions. In Scenario
(nonspatial mode)

†See S3 for the details on the generation of the secondary vegetation dynamic parameters.
After 1980, 2007–

B, net carbon emissions remain positive. This happens

2013 average

because the carbon uptake due to the growth of sec-


ondary vegetation is continuously compensated by the

50 years

removal of the old-growth and secondary vegetation.

Carbon uptake is slow (in our model, it takes 25 years
to accumulate 70% of the original biomass, and another

50 years to reach 100%, according to Houghton et al.,

*Model of biomass accumulation based on Houghton et al. (2000).

2000). On the other hand, according to our half-life pre-


mises, around 6% every year is being removed, which

summed to the old-growth forest removal offsets the
that year by fire/logging events
The area identified as degraded

Number of years to recuperate

the lost biomass (source: Blanc
OldGrowthForestDegradation component parameters‡

ao et al., 2014)
Percentage of AGBL lost as a

Net emission differences between Scenarios B and A

result of the event (source:

can be attributed to the composed effects of decreasing

Berenguer et al., 2014).
(source: INPE, 2015)

deforestation rates, halting the suppression of the sec-

et al. 2008, Arag~

ondary vegetation removal and expanding the existing

secondary vegetation area. To illustrate the contribution
Other compartments not included).

of the secondary vegetation cyclic suppression emis-

sions, we run a variation of the Scenario B (named sim-
ulation B*), assuming the existing secondary vegetation
suppression will cease after 2020 – maintaining the old-

growth deforestation rates. The simulation also


assumes the deforested areas after 2020 are not going to

Table 3 (continued)

be further abandoned. Our results show the net emis-


sions are significantly smaller in Simulation B* than

that in Scenario B, close to zero but still positive, as
Fig. 3a illustrates. This means that even with 21% of the
historically deforested area regenerating (prior to 2020)

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
A M A Z O N D E F O R E S T A T I O N E M I S S I O N S C E N A R I O S 1833

Total deforested area in 2050

(a) Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C (25 x 25 km2 cell area %):

Water, cerrado

Scenario C Secondary vegetation in 2050

(b) Scenario A Scenario B
(25 x 25 km2 cell area %):

Water, cerrado

(c) Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C

1.5 1.5 1.5
Crops, pasture and other
1.2 1.2 1.2 land uses
Area (Mkm2)

Area (Mkm2)
Area (Mkm2)

0.9 0.9 0.9 Secondary vegetation

0.6 0.6 0.6 Total deforested

0.3 0.3 0.3

0 0 0
(c) 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C

1500 1500 1500
CO2 emissions (MtonCO2)

Net (CC + SV emission

CO2 emissions (MtonCO2)

CO2 emissions (MtonCO2)

1200 1200 1200

– SV absorption)
900 900 900
Clear cut (CC) emission
600 600 600
300 Secondary vegetation
300 300
(SV) emission
0 0 0
CC + SV emission
–300 –300 –300
–600 Secondary vegetation
–600 –600
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 (SV) absorption
(d) 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Fig. 2 LuccME/INPE-EM scenario results – (a) Spatial distribution of the deforested areas in 2050; (b) spatial distribution of the secondary
vegetation areas in 2050; (c) evolution of total deforested area and secondary vegetation area from 2000–2050; (d) evolution of CO2 emissions
from 2000–2050.

– and consequently absorbing CO2 – the annual absorp- A and C, for example, would be approximately 9 PgC,
tion rate is of the same magnitude than the old-growth from 2015–2050 – of the same order than the estimated
forest annual deforestation-driven emissions (at the at annual global CO2 emission from fossil fuel combustion
the 3900 km2 yr1 level). In Scenario A, the negative (Le Quere et al., 2015). The net emission results in Fig. 4
net emission estimates are the combined result of the do not clearly capture the point raised in previous
very low authorized deforestation rates (in average works that deforestation frontiers in the Brazilian Ama-
1000 km2 yr1) and the suppression of secondary vege- zon are moving to areas of higher biomass (Loarie et al.,
tation removal, boosted by the increase of the sec- 2009; Ometto et al., 2014). However, a simple compar-
ondary vegetation area to 35% of the previously ison (Table S5.1) of the average biomass in the defor-
deforested areas. ested area in the following decades, based on Scenario
As expected, Scenario C shows very high emission C spatial projections and three biomass data sources
estimates in comparison with Scenarios A and B. The (Nogueira et al., 2008; Saatchi et al., 2011; Baccini et al.,
cumulative CO2 emission difference between Scenarios 2012), actually confirms the previous works conclu-

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1834 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

sions. For instance, using Nogueira et al. (2008), the (Fig. 4a), CO2 absorption was 33% of the average 1st
average AGBL in the deforested areas is 245 Mgha1 in order clear-cut deforestation emissions and 70% of the
the 2001–2010 decade, but is 263 Mgha1 from 2041– degradation 1st order emission.
2050. Using Baccini et al. (2012), for instance, it Finally, Fig. 3b synthesizes the regional balance
increases, respectively, from 249 to 280 Mgha1. considering the three INPE-EM components (Old-
GrowthForestDegradation, ClearCutDeforestation, and Seco-
ndaryVegetation). The complete tables are available in
Including the old-growth forest degradation component
Appendix S5. Including the forest degradation compo-
Figure 4a presents 1st order forest degradation emis- nent increases significantly the historical emissions, as
sion estimates from 2007 to 2013 using the spatially exemplified by the 2000–2010 period (compare with
explicit OldGrowthForestDegradation component of Fig. 3a). However, counterintuitively, in the long run
INPE-EM (Appendix S4), comparing different percent- (1960–2050), the inclusion of the forest degradation
ages of the AGBL loss as a result of the degradation, component (according to the premises in Table 3) does
based on the field work performed by (Berenguer et al., not show a significant increase in the net emissions of
2014). In their study, losses from 18% to 57% were Scenarios B and C. On the contrary, there is a decrease
reported, considering a diversity of burned, logged, (mainly after 2030, compare with Fig. 3a). The explana-
and burned and logged plots. Our results illustrate tion for this is the aggregated effect of the past old-
how significant the forest degradation emissions might growth forest degradation result in a large carbon
be when compared to 1st order clear-cut deforestation uptake that offsets the new degradation emissions. On
rates, especially in years such 2011 (compare Fig. 4a the other hand, controlling future degradation in Sce-
and b). For the 2007–2011 period (Fig. 4a), in average nario A increases the magnitude of the carbon sink
(considering the intermediate 40% biomass loss level), already estimated for that Scenario (compare with
the gross degradation emissions represented 47% of the Fig. 3a) – at least while the old-growth forest is recover-
clear-cut emissions. The results show a consistent ing from past degradation and part of the previously
decrease in the clear-cut deforestation emissions deforested area is also undergoing a regeneration pro-
according to the increase in the carbon loss of the dis- cess (until 2070 and 2095, respectively, according to the
turbed old-growth forests. This changes represent the model premises, Table 3).
aggregated effect of the decrease in the old-growth for-
est biomass in cells where later PRODES detected a
clear-cut deforestation event (see Appendix S5). On the
other hand, our estimates also illustrate how the carbon The focus of this paper was to present an innovative
uptake resulting from the past regeneration (since 1980) and spatially explicit approach to represent alternative
may also be considerable. For instance, considering the pathways of CO2 emissions in tropical forest areas. We
intermediate 40% biomass loss level from 2007–2011 proposed new updated spatially explicit scenarios for

(a) Annual average from 2007-2013 (b) 2011

900 900

600 600


300 300

0 0

–300 –300
No 18% 40% 57% No
18% loss 40% loss 57% loss
degrad loss loss loss degrad
PRODES (emission) 446 433 417 405 PRODES (emission) 363 351 337 327
DEGRAD (emission) 0 93 196 268 DEGRAD (emission) 0 150 309 415
DEGRAD (absorption) 0 –61 –137 –193 DEGRAD (absorption) 0 -62 -140 -197

Fig. 3 Annual emissions (1st order) comparing the clear-cut deforestation emissions (based on PRODES) and old-growth forest degra-
dation emission and regeneration uptake (based on DEGRAD) Regeneration uptake considers degraded area since 1980: (a) average
from 2007 to 2013; (b) 2011. Notice how the (gross) degradation emission almost equals the clear-cut deforestation in 2011.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
A M A Z O N D E F O R E S T A T I O N E M I S S I O N S C E N A R I O S 1835

the Brazilian Amazonia, generating annual deforesta- models, in the scope of the AMAZALERT project (see
tion and secondary forest maps until 2050. Updated Appendix S1 and S6 for the project details) and other
quantitative scenarios for the region were necessary initiatives. Moreover, the resulting scenarios can be
because, as discussed by (Dalla-Nora et al., 2014), none nested to the global SSPs (O’Neill et al., 2014), facilitat-
of the scenarios available in the literature plausibly cap- ing comparison with other studies and their use for dif-
tured the overall trajectory that has been observed dur- ferent purposes.
ing the last decade in the Amazon (Laurance et al., To generate the spatially explicit results, we developed
2001; Aguiar, 2006; Soares-Filho et al., 2006; Nepstad new components of the LuccME and INPE-EM mod-
et al., 2008; Lapola et al., 2011). But, different from the elling frameworks (Aguiar et al., 2012a; Aguiar et al.,
previous modelling exercises, here we did not focus on 2012b). The LuccME components are derived from the
the quantitative ‘prediction’ of deforestation or agricul- CLUE model (Verburg et al., 1999) for continuous land-
tural expansion, nor on the development of purely use variables (area percentage of each land use in each
exploratory or BAU (Business as Usual) variation type cell). The use of area percentage information to repre-
of scenarios (Soares-Filho et al., 2006; UNEP 2008). sent the land-use distribution facilitates the application
Instead, we adopted a normative scenario approach, the model for large regions, while preserving the essen-
combining qualitative and quantitative elements, tial information. The main adaptations include using a
adapting the method developed at (Folhes et al., 2015). spatial lag regression technique (Anselin, 2001) to
The proposed scenario approach is in consonance with assess the change potential and the incorporation of
recent sustainability-oriented studies (Vergragt & allocation mechanisms to control the amount of change
Quist, 2011), combining environmental and social for each cell at a given time, based on dynamically
concerns in a broader discussion about the future we updated neighbourhood attributes (Table 2). Using
want and how to get there. We believe the scenario these improvements, there was no need to regionalize
methodology we describe in Appendix S1 could be the study area, as in previous modelling exercises
replicated in other regions and even for different prob- (Aguiar, 2006; Soares-Filho et al., 2006), to correctly allo-
lems. The resulting spatially explicit quantitative sce- cate change across the 4 million ha area. The heteroge-
narios are already being used as the basis to explore the neous spatio-temporal patterns emerge during model
impacts of the land use changes through environmental run according to the spatial drivers, proximity to previ-

(a) Components: ClearCutDeforestation and (b) Components: ClearCutDeforestation, SecondaryVegetation

SecondaryVegetation and OldGrowthForestDegradation
1200 1200
2001-2010 2011-2020 2021-2030 2001-2010 2011-2020 2021-2030
Average annual net CO2 emission in the decade

Average annual net CO2 emission in the decade

2031-2040 2041-2050 2031-2040 2041-2050

900 900

600 600


300 300

0 0

–300 –300

A B* B C –600
A B* B C
2001-2010 867 867 867 867 2001-2010 943 943 943 943
2011-2020 268 291 306 466 2011-2020 219 329 343 494
2021-2030 –172 13 188 731 2021-2030 –290 41 212 711
2031-2040 –317 –1 178 770 2031-2040 –418 0 175 705
2041-2050 –328 –7 168 782 2041-2050 –413 –23 152 689

Fig. 4 Net CO2 emission estimates: scenario comparison per decade. (a) Results without including the OldGrowthForestComponent,
using INPE-EM spatial mode (ClearCutDeforestation + SecondaryVegetation). Emissions become negative only combining low old-growth
and secondary vegetation suppression rates (A and B*). (b) Results combining the tree components (OldGrowthForest + ClearCutDefor-
estation + SecondaryVegetation), in the nonspatial mode (as we do not have future spatial projections of the degradation).

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1836 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

ously opened areas and allocation model parameters. may modify the growth rate at different areas (Zarin
Our results reinforce the previous understanding about et al., 2005; Wandelli & Fearnside, 2015). Carbon uptake
the role of the roads as major drivers of the deforesta- from alternative reforestation mechanisms (for the
tion (Pfaff, 1999) and the importance of the protected restoration of APP and LR, for instance) could also be
areas (including indigenous lands, conservation units, explored. Besides, our results also reinforce (Table S6)
and sustainable settlements) as barriers the frontier the large discrepancies in the magnitude and distribu-
expansion (Soares-Filho et al., 2010) (see Table 2). But it tion of the available forest biomass (Mitchard et al.,
was only when incorporating the connectivity to mar- 2014; Ometto et al., 2014), which must be addressed to
kets variable that we corrected captured the spatial pat- decrease the level of uncertainty in the emission esti-
terns from 2002–2013. The connection to markets mates.
variable was initially developed by (Aguiar, 2006; Concerning the old-growth forest degradation process,
Aguiar et al., 2007) as a proxy to the insertion of Ama- our results confirm the potential impact of forest fires
zonia in the national and international productive sys- and selective logging emissions as discussed in the lit-
tem, to represent the knowledge that roads that offer an erature (Asner et al., 2006; Arag~ao et al., 2014; Beren-
easier access to markets concentrate a greater propor- guer et al., 2014). From 2007 to 2013, we estimated the
tion of deforestation (Alves, 2002). They represent the average gross emission to be 47% of the clear-cut defor-
influence of places and cities outside the Amazon in the estation gross emissions in the same period. However,
deforestation patterns, linking the results to the current previous work did not fully consider the aggregate
teleconnections understanding of land use changes effects on time of the subsequent regeneration in the
(Cardille & Bennett 2010; Seto et al. 2012). These results carbon budget. According to our results (Fig. 4), the
indicate the importance of developing and exploring regeneration can partially offset the emissions (Figs 3b
the impacts of new connectivity measures in future and 4). Our results also provide the first annual assess-
research, especially considering the importance of the ment of the impacts of the degradation in the old forest
huge multimodal transport network projects underway biomass (in a spatially explicit way) and later in the
in the region to decrease the soybean export costs clear-cut deforestation emissions. However, there are
(Fearnside, 2015). also many uncertainties that need to be addressed in
The INPE-EM model proved capable of representing future research. First of all, at this point, we are only
alternative secondary vegetation dynamics and old-growth providing rough average 1st order emission and carbon
degradation and their impacts on the net CO2 balance. uptake estimates based on the available literature.
Our approach contributes to the refinement of the car- There is a need to refine the knowledge about instanta-
bon balance estimates in tropical regions. Previous esti- neous and lagged emissions, including combustion
mates for the region that do not consider the secondary fractions of live and dead biomass, subsequent three
vegetation cyclic removal effect overemphasize the role mortality (Barlow et al., 2003) and the regeneration
of the secondary vegetation as a potential sink in the rates through long-term monitoring of postdisturbance
past and current emissions (Houghton et al., 2000; Ara- dynamics within permanent plots (Arag~ao et al., 2014).
g~ao et al., 2014). Furthermore, Scenario B net emission There is also a need to better discriminate selective log-
results illustrate how the continuation of the current ging from fire events, and consider the intensity of the
dynamics of relatively low deforestation rates and short events through the development of improved monitor-
life cycle of the secondary vegetation would maintain ing systems. All these improvements would allow us to
the region as a source of CO2 – even if a large portion of build a 2nd order emission model. Besides, the use of a
the deforested area is covered by secondary vegetation as the finer scale resolution grid would minimize the uncer-
TerraClass system points out. Only in simulation B*, in tainty about the recurrence of events in the same loca-
which we halted the secondary vegetation removal, we tion (see Appendix S4). Second, the impacts of the
reach a ‘zero net emission’ situation. But, even in this degradation though fires and selective logging need to
case, the region does not become a sink because the be assessed not only from changes in carbon stocks.
clear-cut deforestation emission still offsets the sec- Previous studies have shown increasingly disturbed
ondary vegetation uptake. These results reinforce the primary forests become more and more similar to
need to better represent the role of the secondary forest young secondary forests with the changes in structure
dynamics in the regional carbon balance. Further and composition (Barlow & Peres, 2008; Berenguer
research is needed to improve the understanding about et al., 2014). Therefore, the detrimental impact on biodi-
their growing process (carbon uptake) and suppression versity also needs to be considered. Third, our Scenario
cycle (emissions). Currently, we are using a simple lin- C premises regarding the old-growth forest degrada-
ear growth model based on Houghton et al. (2000), dis- tion rates are maybe conservative, considering that the
regarding biophysical and socio-economic factors that high in the clear-cut deforestation rates in that scenario

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
A M A Z O N D E F O R E S T A T I O N E M I S S I O N S C E N A R I O S 1837

may increase the remaining forest susceptibility and in place, including the monitoring systems and the
the effects of climate change and the frequency of legal framework protection (Table S1.1).
droughts were are also not considered (Arag~ao et al., On the other hand, the possibility massive forest
2008; Alencar et al., 2011). transition envisioned in Scenario A raises several
In spite of the inherent uncertainties in any sce- issues. First, even if the current Forest Code demands
nario process, our quantitative results illustrate the the regularization of LR and PPA that are below the
magnitude of the carbon sink that would result from legal limits, it is not economically reasonable to assume
Scenario A, in which the three processes are halted farmers in the Amazonia will opt for abandoning pro-
to a minimum level: old-growth forest deforestation, sec- ductive areas for restoration purposes – unless some
ondary vegetation suppression, and forest degradation. finance mechanism is in place to incentivize and
More broadly than carbon, the expanded and pre- enforce the contrary. Otherwise, the compensation mech-
served forest area in this scenario could also play an anism (through the possibility of protecting existing
important role in the provision of ecosystem services, old-growth forest areas in the same biome) seems the
maintaining partial genetic diversity and flows, and most consistent choice. Besides, the use of the restora-
in hydrologic functioning (Almeida et al., 2010). But tion mechanism would induce more deforestation, both
is this forest expansion feasible considering the socioeco- from a legal perspective (as more old-growth forest
nomic and institutional context of the region? And how areas would be available according to the Forest Code)
do this forest transition process relates to a broader transi- and also from a purely economic perspective (in a logic
tion to sustainability? What is the feasibility of each of demand–supply), as discussed in (Soares-Filho et al.,
scenario? We close the paper with a discussion on 2014; Martini et al., 2015).
these topics. Second, the literature identifies some nonexclusive
pathways of forest transition occurring in different
parts of the world (Rudel et al. (2005). In the Brazilian
Feasibility of the scenarios
Amazonia, historically the existing secondary vegeta-
Specifically regarding the deforestation rates, a recent tion resulted from the lack of land appropriation con-
modelling efforts (Dalla-Nora, 2014) reinforce the per- trol and proper technical assistance during the past
ception of the stakeholders about importance of the decades, which favored extensive cattle ranching, shifting
intraregional actions as a balance to the global demand cultivation and land abandonment practices (Becker, 1997;
for commodities (as summarized in Table S1.2) – and Pacheco, 2012; Aldrich et al., 2013). Therefore, the sec-
the feasibility of the contrasting deforestation pathways in ondary vegetation in the region was part of the domi-
our scenarios. As mentioned, Dalla-Nora (2014) modi- nant productive systems, at least until 2004. The small
fied a GGEM to simulate how the interaction of global increase (1%) in the overall area of secondary forests
demand for commodities and regional land-use poli- identified by TerraClass from 2008 to 2012 might indi-
cies would interfere in the deforestation rates (de- cate some subtle change in the current secondary vege-
mand) for the Brazilian Amazonia and Cerrado tation dynamics in the direction of a forest transition
Biomes. Using premises of intraregional actions process. On the other hand, also according to Terra-
aligned to Scenario A, the model estimated deforesta- Class, approximately 25% of the area identified as sec-
tion rates of approximately 2000 km2 yr1 after 2020 – ondary vegetation in 2008 was replaced by other uses
rates between the ones we adopted for Scenarios A in 2012. However, from 2010 to 2012, this percentage is
and B (Tables 1 and 2). Using premises of aligned to 20% – possibly indicating an increase in the suppres-
the ones in Scenario C, on the other hand, the eco- sion rate – the opposite of what we would expect in for-
nomic model projected that deforestation rates may est transition process.
reach 15 000 km2 yr1. However, we must note that There is a need for future research to unveil the dif-
the premises of Scenario C in relation to institutional ferences in the local processes behind these numbers,
context are highly pessimist, giving the current society analysing different contexts, through comparative local
concern with the environmental changes. On the other studies – as some authors report local forest transition
hand, the framework provided by the Forest Code processes, while others the suppression of secondary
allows the future (legal) deforestation of 119 000 km2 – forests to give away space to palm plantations (Yui &
if the LR are regularized through the compensation Yeh 2013; Lees & Vieira 2013; Brondızio 2011). Besides,
mechanism – or 200 000 km2 – if the regularization understanding the role of secondary forests play in dif-
happens through the restoration mechanism (Soares- ferent human-modified landscapes may help us maxi-
Filho et al., 2014). Therefore, the deforestation rates of mize the environmental services provided by them as
Scenario B could be considered the more likely ones, (if) they expand throughout the region. It is also impor-
but since the current institutional conditions are kept tant to improve our understanding the impacts of the

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840
1838 A . P . D . A G U I A R et al.

deforestation control actions after 2004 on different capacity of the models to represent (and influence) the
types of actors, including intensification and abandon- paths actually pursued by social actors depends on the
ment trajectories. The enforcing of environmental pro- social uses – in the public debate and political arenas –
tection of old-growth and secondary forests though of these analytical tools.
legislation (Vieira et al., 2014) seems to be inducing
some level of intensification for some actors (de Santos-
Junior et al., 2010; Galford et al., 2013; Pacheco & Poc-
card-Chapuis, 2013). However, there is a need to under- We thank all the colleagues and stakeholders who discussed the
stand if the lack of options for the less capitalized scenario premises with the authors, especially at CCST and dur-
ing the AMAZALERT stakeholder workshops. We thank Kas-
actors (small-scale agriculture, traditional population,
per Kok, Dorian Frieden and Naomi Pena for the fruitful
settlements) may be boosting land abandonment and discussions about the qualitative scenario approach in the scope
migration, worsening the already chaotic urbanization of AMAZALERT. We also thank the students and researchers
process in the region – exactly the opposite of what is from INPE and other institutes that contributed directly or indi-
envisioned as a sustainable future from the social per- rectly to the development of the LuccME and the INPE-EM
modelling frameworks during the last years. We especially
spective in Scenario A, in which the structural social
thank Dalton Valeriano, Juliana Kury, Thelma Krug, and the
problems of the region are solved, not made worst. Sce- Ministry of Environment colleagues for the forest degradation
nario A is a future with well-structured cities, high discussion. The authors were partially funded by the following
quality of life for the entire population, diversified eco- projects: AMAZALERT (Seventh Framework Programme Pro-
nomic activities in all sectors, natural resources pre- ject 282664), Rede Clima (MCTI), FAPESP (Project n. 14/50627-
2), and INCT Mudancßas Clim aticas (CNPq).
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Appendix S2. LuccME: scenario-dependent spatiotemporal
Springer, New York. drivers.
Santos-Junior RAO, Costa FDA, Aguiar APD, de Toledo PM, Vieira ICG, Camara G Appendix S3. INPE-EM: scenario-dependent dynamic sec-
(2010) Desmatamento, trajetorias tecnologicas rurais e metas de contencao de ondary vegetation parameters.
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109, 7687–7692.
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Appendix S6. Information for download: model code, data
zon basin. Nature, 440, 520–523.
Soares-Filho B, Moutinho P, Nepstad D et al. (2010) Role of Brazilian Amazon pro-
and results.
tected areas in climate change mitigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 107 , 10821–10826.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 22, 1821–1840

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