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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 62, NO. 3 (MAY-JUNE 1997); P. 831–841, 11 FIGS.

Magnetic and gravity anomaly patterns related to

hydrocarbon fields in northern West Siberia

Alexey L. Piskarev∗ and Mikhail Yu Tchernyshev∗

potential-field anomalies with the distribution of the oil and gas

ABSTRACT deposits. In the first phase of development (a time when suit-
able seismic data were not available), exploratory wells were
A study of the features of gravity and magnetic fields
drilled frequently on local gravity minima. Subsequently, seis-
in the vicinity of oil and gas reservoirs in West Siberia
mic mapping of uplifts and anticlines became the dominant
demonstrated a spatial relationship with the hydrocar-
exploration technique. We are now entering the next explo-
bon deposits.
ration phase; we have exhausted the inventory of undrilled an-
The relevant magnetic and gravity anomalies cover ap-
ticlines and must use a synergistic approach, which integrates
proximately 900 000 km2 in northern West Siberia. Am-
gravimetry and magnetometry with seismology, to find new
plitude and frequency were investigated initially using
double Fourier spectrum (DFS) analysis. This was fol-
Gravity and magnetic field anomalies in West Siberia are
lowed by (1) application of transformations, filtering, and
produced mainly by substantial heterogeneity or relief of base-
“moving windows” analysis; (2) compilation of maps of
regional and local anomalies, and potential field deriva-
A dense network of seismic profiles covers most of the West
tives; and (3) investigation of the distribution of param-
Siberian plate. In addition, pre-Jurassic layers have been drilled
eters in areas of known deposits.
at several points. This establishes that the lower boundary of
Hydrocarbon deposits are located mostly at the slopes
the Meso-Cainozoic cover lies between 3.5 km and 8.0 km in
of positive regional gravity and magnetic anomalies
northern West Siberia. It is assumed that this boundary sinks
which are interpreted as relating to deep riftogenic struc-
to a depth of 10–11 km at the northern margin of West Siberia.
tures. At the same time, it is established that the location
Three regional seismic refraction boundaries lie under the
of hydrocarbon depositions coincides commonly with lo-
pre-Jurassic suites and are characterized by specific veloci-
cal gravity and magnetic minima generated by lows in
ties. The upper refraction boundary Ir is 0.5–1.0 km below
basement density and magnetization. All known hydro-
the pre-Jurassic surface (see Figure 11). The middle refrac-
carbon deposits in northern West Siberia are in areas
tion boundary IIr (V = 6.0–6.4 km/s) hasn’t been confirmed
characterized by comparatively high gradients of con-
by drilling data. It is thought that boundary IIr separates the
stituent of gravity anomalies with a wavelength of about
Upper-Paleozoic–Triassic horizons from the lower Cambrian-
90–100 km. These newly revealed links between reser-
Riphean carbonate-dolomite complex. Refraction boundary
voirs and potential field parameters may be a means
IIIr (V = 6.4–7.2 km/s) is defined as a crustal basement sur-
to predict new discoveries in poorly explored territories
face. This is assumed because it has the same velocities as Pro-
and seas, primarily in Russia’s Arctic shelf.
terozoic gneisses and shales at the West Siberia margins. The
basement surface marked by the IIIr boundary is fragmentar-
ily traced from 8 km down to 20 km in this area. Most re-
searchers think this plate basement to be heterogeneous and
Analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies has been a per- heterochronous. The northern part of this basement consists
manent component of hydrocarbon exploration and discov- of basic rocks and can be compared with blocks of so-called
ery in West Siberia for half a century. The results, includ- “basalt windows” or “graniteless lithosphere.”
ing solutions of direct and inverse gravity/magnetic problems, Calculations suggest that some sources of the gravity and
are used to provide prospects in different structural zones. magnetic anomalies are located in pre-Jurassic rocks but that
There has also been direct comparison of spatial elements of they are concentrated in the basement. Source depths of the

Manuscript received by the Editor December 5, 1994; revised manuscript received July 29, 1996.

VNIIOkeangeologia, Anglijsky pr.1, 190121 St. Petersburg, Russia.
°c 1997 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

832 Piskarev and Tchernyshev

magnetic anomalies are estimated as ranging from 8–10 km of the magnetic field, with wavelengths of 30–70 km, are similar
to 14–15 km (Surkov and Zhiro, 1981). Magnetization of the to the spreading anomalies of the modern oceans. Comparison
source bodies is between 1 and 5 A/m, typical for basic and ul- with the known scale of magnetic field inversions allowed the
trabasic rocks. Gravity anomalies do not correlate with either assumption that the basalt series of Ob paleoocean bottom is
the basement surface or with the Moho boundary. Gravity min- preserved in the basement of this zone. This idea was initially
ima are more often above basement uplifts than above depres- proposed in B. V. Gusev (1974).
sions. If the thickness of the laterally heterogeneous basement
is estimated as 10–20 km, the density difference between the
adjacent blocks would be 0.05–0.1 g/cm3 . These values are sim- The studied area lies north of the latitudinal reaches of the
ilar to common density differences between adjacent series of Ob River and extends to the Kara Sea Shelf (Figure 1).
Precambrian shield rocks. This region includes several giant oil and gas deposits
There was an attempt to determine the periodic components (such as Urengoy, Yamburg, Kharasavey, Krasnoleninsky arch,
of the potential fields (Aplonov, 1992). This required a range Northern arch) and many smaller fields.
of basement density from less than 2.6 g/cm3 to more than The interpretation is based on the gravity and magnetic
3.0 g/cm3 to satisfy the measured gravity data. Because such maps that were issued after amalgamation of data of many
a range of densities is not typical of crustal basement series, surveys. An ordinary density of gravity measurements is 1
the results of the gravity operations must be deemed less than point per 10 km2 ; accuracy of Bouguer anomalies is better
encouraging. than 0.8 mGal. An ordinary space between lines of aero-
The study of magnetic anomalies in the meridianal zone magnetic surveys is 2 km, and accuracy of magnetic anomaly
along the Pur River seemed more successful. The components measurements is better than 5–10 nT.

FIG. 1. Area of interest. Dashed line represents the boundary for maps shown in Figures 4, 5, 6, and 9. AA0 represents the line of
cross-section (see Figure 11). SG-6 refers to the ultradeep hole.
Patterns of Anomalies at West Siberia 833

Modern methods of data analysis have allowed a recently uplifts and depressions in sediment-covered structures along
revised geologic picture of this area based on gravity and with an alternating series of steeply declined basement lay-
magnetic data. Amplitude and frequency of gravity and mag- ers (whose constituent rocks have different physical proper-
netic anomalies were initially investigated using double Fourier ties) are related to alternating positive and negative gravity
spectrum analysis. This was followed by application of trans- and magnetic anomalies. DFS reveals a relationship between
formations, filtering, and “moving windows” analysis. Then so- anomalies with different wavelengths, and gives possibility to
lution of direct and inverse problems and investigation of the choose correctly the parameters of filtering, transformation,
distribution of parameters in areas of known deposits were and subdivision.
executed. Moving windows analysis is the next step. Potential-field
The double Fourier spectrum (DFS) analysis is the first derivatives that generate gradient, variation, and dispersion
method (Nettleton, 1976; Mesko, 1984; Davis, 1986). This values (along with many other parameters) are calculated for
method generates a 2-D potential-field spectrum in the form of windows of various sizes.
contour lines of energy (Figures 2 and 3). DFS diagrams clearly The third step is analysis of sources and the nature of the
show the amplitude, frequency, and spatial characteristics of anomalies via solution of direct and inverse problems. For
the potential fields. DFS synthesis of different harmonics allows investigation of gravity sources, a grid-approximation base is
presentation of anomalies from the perspective of different used because it allows computation of densities in the prespec-
wavelengths and orientations. DFS are the best approximating ified limits at the fixed geometry of the cross-section (2-D solu-
functions (when compared to power series) when data consist tion) or whole lower semispace (3-D solution). These limits are
of repetitive spatial sequences. In the studied area, alternating set with the help of existing petrophysical data. The presented

FIG. 2. Double Fourier spectrum of anomaly gravity field at the area 625 × 1000 km2 . Period of anomalies along
the x-axis: Tx = 625/x km; period of anomalies along the y-axis: Ty = 1000/y km. The gridded gravity field is
centered by an inclined plane before DFS analysis, so the energy of T0 is 0. Values for the various shadings are in
percent of maximum energy. α refers to a location on the x-axis which represents a wavelength of approximately
100 km.
834 Piskarev and Tchernyshev

transection (Figure 11) has been computed as 2.5-D solution, along the x-axis. The most likely sources of gravity anoma-
i.e., an extent of bodies along the y-axis, perpendicular to the lies are upper mantle or lower crust heterogeneities. The main
image plane, was taken into account. contributor to the magnetic regional anomalies is probably the
The final step is statistical analysis of the relationship be- upper part of the “basalt” layer of the crust because magnetiza-
tween different components and characteristics of 1T and 1g tion of rocks at depths greater than 15–20 km declines rapidly
with respect to lateral distribution of oil and gas reservoirs. (Piskarev and Pavlenkin, 1985).
Parameters related to known hydrocarbon deposits are then Intermediate-class anomalies (those with wavelengths of
compared with data from the entire region to predict possible 100–200 km) are generally produced by sources at a depth
new deposits. These parameters can also be used to compile of more than 10 km. We can, when analyzing the nature of
similar probability maps for poorly surveyed territories. sources, estimate only their maximum depths. However, the
The original programs for all methods of analysis were writ- ratio of an anomaly’s period and the depth of its upper bound-
ten, and then they have been realized on personal computers. ary is generally between 4 and 10 (Kane and Godson, 1985) and
this leads directly to the above assumption about intermediate-
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS class anomalies. DSF outlines two distinct groups in this class:
Double Fourier spectrum analysis and synthesis (1) a dominant group of meridianal anomalies with periods
of 125–156 km along the x-axis and length ratios along the
DFS of gravity and magnetic anomalies were computed us- x and y axes of 1 : 2 . . . 1 : 5; and (2) a group with maxima at
ing grids of 12.5 by 12.5 km. the first-second harmonics along the x-axis (periods of 625–
As a first consideration of the gravity and magnetic spectra, 312 km) and at the fifth-tenth harmonics along the y-axis (pe-
note the similarity of the characteristics of their long-wave (re- riods of 200–100 km), showing the contribution of latitudinal
gional) components. Four of the five harmonics that most con- anomalies. It’s difficult to find an essential difference between
tribute to anomaly recognition coincide. The distinct maxima the spectra of gravity and magnetic anomalies of the interme-
of field energy relate to the same harmonic that characterizes diate class. However, gravity energy attenuates more quickly
anomalies extending along the y-axis and has a 300 km period when anomaly periods decrease. And, remarkably, the distinct

FIG. 3. Double Fourier spectrum of anomaly magnetic field. Designations are the same as in Figure 2.
Patterns of Anomalies at West Siberia 835

energy maximum of gravity anomalies corresponding to the Regional magnetic anomalies (Figure 5) were obtained in
sixth-seventh harmonics on the x-axis has no analog in the a similar manner from the synthesis of 19 DSF harmonics.
spectrum of the magnetic anomaly. A positive regional magnetic anomaly along the Pur River is
Last, local class anomalies, those with less than 100 km pe- again clearly visible and, indeed, the northwestern branch of
riod, have sources near the pre-Jurassic surface or below the the anomaly is imaged more clearly than in the gravity synthe-
crustal basement surface at its uplifts. The most remarkable dif- sis. Most of the oil and gas fields are on the periphery of the
ference between spectra of local magnetic and gravity anoma- drawn anomaly.
lies is the distinct maximum at the eighth-ninth harmonics The map in Figure 6 shows gravity anomalies created by
along the x-axis of the magnetic spectrum; this corresponds the synthesis of 20 DSF harmonics with wavelengths less
to meridianal anomalies with periods of about 70 km. than 200 km. This map shows that the main direction of these
Regional gravity anomalies were obtained by synthesizing anomalies is north-northwest, 20-30◦ from the direction of
18 DSF harmonics with wavelengths of more than 200 km and regional gravity and magnetic maxima. Hydrocarbon fields
energy exceeding 5% from maximum (Figure 4). The most tend to coincide with negative anomalies.
remarkable anomaly is the positive anomaly along the so-called This relationship of such a tie to gravity or magnetic fields
Koltogor-Urengoy dipped rift (see Figure 11). Its source can was established by comparison of local anomaly values over
be approximated by the lens of the basic-ultrabasic rocks. The all of northern West Siberia with values at areas of known
upper arch of this lens is approximately 18 km deep. Oil and deposits. After the primary data were averaged in 100 by
gas fields are located mostly at the periphery of that regional 100 km windows, the local magnetic and gravity anomalies
maximum in the zones of maximum horizontal gradients on were computed by subtraction. Figures 7 and 8 show distri-
the maximum slope. butions of these anomalies above significant oil and gas fields.

FIG. 4. Regional gravity anomalies—DFS synthesis of harmon-

ics with periods T > 200 km, contour values in mGal. Approxi-
mate boundaries of oil and gas fields are shown. Largest oil and FIG. 5. Regional magnetic anomalies—DFS synthesis of har-
gas deposits: 1–Urengoy; 2–Yamburg; 3–Kharasavey; 4–Varie- monics with periods T > 200 km, contour values are in units
gan; 5–Northern arch. of 10 nT.
836 Piskarev and Tchernyshev

More than 80% of the fields in this area are within negative with lower horizontal gradients. Figure 10 shows the essential
contours. differences between gravity gradient distributions of the entire
It is interesting to investigate interrelationships between territory (1) and the hydrocarbon- bearing areas (2). When
known hydrocarbon deposits and anomalies synthesized from only areas of large deposits are considered, the difference is
DFS maxima. All valid maxima on the DFS diagrams corre- larger (3).
spond to anomalies which have source bodies of specific out-
line and origin. Thus, studying the relationship of hydrocarbon Gravity modeling
fields to these types of anomalies means studying its relation-
ship to bodies and structure that were formed at a particular The density cross-section along line AA0 (see Figure 1) indi-
stage in the region’s geologic history. cates possible sources of the observed anomalies. This line tran-
Figure 9 illustrates such an interrelation. It shows the hori- sects the northern part of the West Siberian oil and gas province
zontal gradient of gravity anomalies synthesized from five ad- in an east-northeastern direction from the Mansy syneclise at
jacent DSF harmonics with the maximum energy harmonic at west, across the Northern arch, to the Baikh depression in the
x = 6, y = 0. The amplitudes of these anomalies, north- north- east. The upper part of the cross-section, compiled from seis-
west in direction, increase to the west of the Taz River and onto mic and drilling data, includes 5 km of sediment cover (laid
the left bank at the lower Enisey River (i.e., at the hydrocarbon- down in the Jurassic through Cenozoic) which has an average
bearing areas). All the region’s known oil and gas reservoirs density of 2.31 g/cm3 . The sediment layers below it, estimated
are at sites characterized by the higher horizontal gradients of to be Upper-Paleozoic–Triassic in age, have an average density
the synthesized anomalies. Hydrocarbons aren’t found at areas of 2.61 g/cm3 . It is thought that a basalt trap series replaces
the sediments near the Koltogor-Urengoy dipped rift, and this
causes density to increase to 2.73 g/cm3 . Note that ultradeep
hole SG-6 is drilling now in a depression near Urengoy. A
depth of 7.5 km has been reached and the proportion of basic
trap rocks increases with depth. Complete Triassic sequence is
drilled through, and Upper-Permian trap rocks are recovered
at the depth of 7.3 km.
Fragments of the supposed folded suite of Cambrian-
Riphean age are shown below. The density of this suite is
derived from inverse gravity computations and is equal to
2.69 g/cm3 . All sedimentary densities used in the computations
are in accordance with the petrophysical data (Ozerskaya and
Podoba, 1967).
The computed density of the basement rocks ranged from
2.64 g/cm3 to 2.84 g/cm3 (which is a common range for pre-
Cambrian basement rocks). Oil and gas fields in the area
are mostly at the periphery of depressions and above base-
ment suites with lower density. At the same time, basement
suites of high density are often under the centers of sediment


An assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the

former Soviet Union, made 20 years ago, was based on sedi-
ment basin volume and paleosedimentation rate (Kontorovich
et al., 1975). Only depths of the anomaly sources (mostly in
basement) were used from gravity and magnetic data. Later,
correlations of gravity and magnetic anomalies and gradient
zones with swells, uplifts, and arches were used because of
the lack of seismic data. Today, new theories about genera-
tion and migration of oil and gas provide new bases for ex-
ploration by potential fields methods. The correlations of hy-
drocarbon reservoirs with geoblock junctions are intensively
studied. Riftogenic structures and deep faults, characterized
by the contrast gradient zones of 1g and 1T , acquired a new
Petrophysical evidence suggests that extensive microcracks
exist in most mature source rocks which are undergoing the
major stage of hydrocarbon generation and migration (Vernik,
FIG. 6. “Middle class” gravity anomalies—DFS synthesis of 1994). Consequently, gravity and magnetic data can reveal tec-
harmonics with periods of 200 km > T > 100 km, contour tonic zones and structure which are favored routes of fluid
values in mGal. migrations.
Patterns of Anomalies at West Siberia 837

A positive regional gravity anomaly, and almost coinciding that lateral density differentiation is the main factor influenc-
with it a positive regional magnetic anomaly, outline an area of ing “middle class” gravity anomalies, and it can also influence
riftogenic structure of Permian-Triassic age. The source of that the features of local and long-wave anomalies.
anomaly, as a first approximation, can be assumed to be a lens Oil and gas fields are located mainly within contours of local
of basic-ultrabasic rocks. Oil and gas fields in the region are negative gravity and magnetic anomalies, i.e., above basement
located at the periphery of that lens, especially near its western zones with decreased density and magnetization. We know that
margin. decreasing density and magnetization are frequently observed
Figure 11 shows high-density basement zones below the sed- in basement series as a result of secondary alteration. Conse-
imentary depressions. It is also remarkable that construction of quently, the revealed negative anomalies are in good agree-
a model that satisfies the observed gravity anomalies does not ment with the theory that epigenetic processes play an impor-
require any consideration of the deep crustal boundary relief tant role in the generation of hydrocarbon deposits (Lebedev,
(including the Moho surface). The cross-section demonstrates 1992).

FIG. 7. Comparison of distributions for (a) local gravity anomalies of the entire province, and (b) local gravity
anomalies coincident with large oil and gas fields.
838 Piskarev and Tchernyshev

In regard to synthesized partial gravity anomalies (see seismic profiles there, and gravity and magnetic surveys data
Figure 9), note that (1) anomaly direction is parallel to esti- are still of great importance for reconnaissance.
mated riftogenic structure, and (2) high gradient area is asym-
metric about the axis of this structure. Obviously asymmetric
spatial distribution of some structures, responsible for the for- DFS study of gravity and magnetic anomalies, subsequent
mation of oil and gas deposits, takes place. synthesis of the different anomaly classes, and modeling of their
It is possible to estimate the probabilities for new discover- sources lead to the following conclusions:
ies in the southern part of the Kara Sea by application of the
perceived interrelationships between discovered deposits and 1) Most oil and gas fields in the northern part of the West
specific parameters of gravity and magnetic fields. The South- Siberian province are located at the periphery of the re-
ern Kara depression is the same geotectonic unit as that of gional positive gravity and magnetic anomaly. The source
northern West Siberia, and has very large hydrocarbon reserves can be approximated by the asymmetric lens of basic
(Salmanov et al., 1993). There are only a limited number of the rocks with the steeper western slope of the upper arch.

FIG. 8. Comparison of distributions for (a) local magnetic anomalies of the entire province and (b) local magnetic
anomalies coincident with large oil and gas fields.
Patterns of Anomalies at West Siberia 839

2) Synthesis of local and “middle class” anomalies and com-

parative analysis of oil and gas distribution reveal an in-
terrelationship between the hydrocarbon deposits and
gravity and magnetic minima. Modeling of the anomaly
sources shows that the sources of the observed minima
are consistent with relatively low density and low mag-
netization regions of the crustal basement.
3) Analysis of the derivative parameter maps by the “mov-
ing window” technique reveals other parameters which
demonstrate a spatial relationship with hydrocarbon de-
posits. A spectacular example is a map of the horizontal
gradients of partial gravity anomalies with wavelengths
of about 90–100 km. All known deposits are associated
with comparatively high anomaly gradients.
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Ozerskaya, M. I., and Podoba, N. V., Eds., 1967, Physical properties of
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FIG. 9. Horizontal gradient of the partial gravity anomalies Surkov, V. S., and Zhiro, O. G., 1981, Basement and development of
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840 Piskarev and Tchernyshev




FIG. 10. Comparison of the distributions of the horizontal gradient values of the synthetic gravity anomalies
related to the entire DFS analysis area (a), above HC fields (b), and above only large hydrocarbon fields (c).
Patterns of Anomalies at West Siberia
FIG. 11. Cross-section of density model along profile AA0 (see Figure 1). Comparison of measured values of 1g (pluses) with calculated response to
model (single line). Regional refraction boundaries: Ir —pre-Jurassic suite, IIr —pre-Upper Paleozoic Suite, and IIIr —crustal basement.


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