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WAREH. OUSING llze industry publication dedicated

Ro. UM to helping warehoU$e managers and their bosses improve productivity

and manage more pr ofitably with tips, comments and articles rwitten
by pract,i(;ing prof essiortals.
VOLUME '.H • NUMBER 7 • JUNE 2:0{6

Agility in warehouse management .

great peop le. Eight hour days and 40 hour weeks are com-
Edi tor's Note: This article was inspired by Embracing Agile,
an article publi shed in the May 2016 H arvard Business Re-
mon bu t not always necessary. 4/10 work weeks will at-
tract those who apprec i ate a l ong weekend or suffer with a
view. Authors D. K. Rigby, J. Sutherland, and H. Takeuchi are
lengthy commute. Short schedul es will attract people who
primarily concerned with software developmen t, but many of
combine work with childcare.
their ideas are readiZY applied to warehousing. KBA
If your HR manager is more concerned with keeping
Agility is a widely used term in contemporary manage- people out rather than drawing talent in, you are not exer-
ment, and yet it is also generally misunderstood. Some cising agility in controlling your most important asset.
managers think agility means "doing it faster" and others Responding to change
associate agile with anarchy. In fact it is neither. In its best One recent survey revealed that logistics service pro-
implementation, agility is based upon four principles: viders are lacking in innovation . One way to combat this
• People take precedence over processe s and tools is to dem onstrate you r ability to quickly respond to new
• Manage ment respond s to change rather than ju st opportu nities. For example, one of today's challenges is a
following a plan shortage of talent, not just truck drivers but many other
• Working prototypes should replace documents j obs associated with warehousing. To the extent that you
• Collaboration is worth more than rigid contracts attract and retain a winn ing team is one way to demon-
Let's explore how these four principles might be ap- strate that your manageme nt knows how to creatively re-
plied in managing a warehouse. spond to external change.
It's the pe ople! 3-D printing, also known as additive manufactur ing, is
no longer a new technology, but still one that is not widely
A successfu l political campaign in the last century used implement ed. Some companies have spent more money
the slogan "it's the economy, stupid." By addressing this studying it than it wou ld cost to buy a small machine and ·
issue better than his opponent, Bill Cl inton won the elec- start using it. A few of the major multinational logistics
tion. In looking at warehousing, we frequently find evi- service provider s have installed 3-D printers in selected
dence that peop le assets are not well controlled. For ex- warehouses. You need not be a multinational giant to play
ample, if your company does not ma inta i n a metric to thi s game, and the agile warehouse manager will install a
measure retent ion, you may not realize whether there is a 3-D printer and then offer this service to customers.
problem in selecting and keeping effective workers.
When employee turnover is concentrated in one depart- Crowdsourc ing is another change that is available to
ment, th i s is a signal that something is wrong. Ifyou are smal Iwarehouses as we ll as large ones. Last year Amazon
not using staffing services t o handle the peak seasonal re- announced tha t it would handle local deliveries with
quirement s, employee turnover will be a perennial chal- driver owners in a program similar to Uber. Is there any
lenge. Ifcoaching and exit interviews are not part of your reason why this could not work in your warehou se?
HR procedu res, you may.not recognize smoldering prob- Employ working prototypes
lems with people until they become a bonfire. The agile manager will substitute experimen tation for
CH Robinson is one of the largest logistics service pro- detailed analysis. There are robotic systems today with a
viders, and this company emphasizes agile methodology payback of less than two years. Furthermore , they don't
in HR management. They appeal to student s to j oin as an cost very much. Rather than continue to study robotics,
intern. "Look for more tha n a j ob! We give our interns an the agile manager will make a small installation. Ifthe ex-
important opportunity a chance to earn professional re- periment is not successful, the loss will be tolera ble. If it is
spect with our customers in our indust ry." The website successful, the agile manager wi ll have an advantage over
section about culture includes videos and lively music to the competitors.
illustrate "great people, great causes." lt is clear that CH The same could be said for the changing technologies
Robinson recognizes that effective human resource man- described earlier. Smaller 3-D printers are no longer ex-
agement starts with a program that attracts talent. pens i ve . Crowdsourcing of delivery services can be ac-
Flexible schedules can be a too l to attract and retain complished with min imal capital investment.

W,..\REHOUS/NG FOR UM is published monthly by The Ackerman Company• 2041 Ril.'ersidr Drivr, Suit e 204 • Columbus, Ohio 43221
The publishrr and editor is Kenneth B. Ackerman • Our subscription price is $Y6 per yrar by first class mail
©2016 by The Ackr:rman Company • .11l rights reserved • For more details. phone (G 14)488-3 J.()5
More information is ai•ailuble al our web;;ite: www.warelwusing-forum .com
Agility with customers be. If your company has grown through construction of
Agile management will develop increased collabora- building s, how fast can you build a new warehouse?
tion rather than airtight service agreements. There is no Speed can be greatly influenced by the ability to get quick
contract that will guarantee good service, and the empha- approval of financing. Building design bas great influ-
sis on collaborative agreements is a relatively new and ence on elapsed time, since a pre-engineered metal build-
constructive phenomenon. A working agreement that is ing can usually be completed faster than a conventiona l
based upon collaborat ion rather than adheren ce to rules is roofing system with masonry walls. Rehabilitation of ex-
one of the newer trends in managing the relat ionship be- isting real estate is sometimes a faster and better alterna-
tween shipper and service provider. tive than construction of a new building. Maintaining a
track record of your ability to quickly expand your stor-
How much new bu siness wou ld be attracted to your age capacity can be a significant marketing initiative.
warehouse if you offered a 24/7 response system? This
does not mean that the warehouse is in full operation Agile information technology
around the clock, but it does mean that there is one person In today's digital marketplace, the website replaces the
designated to accept emergency calls at all times. Further- old catalog or bro chure.
more, there is a crew available to open the warehouse and The best warehouse operators use the website as a com-
hand le a shipment at any hour or any day to fulfill a cus- munications center, with messages intended for their own
tomer requirement. Relatively few warehouses do this, people as well as existing clients and prospect of custom-
which is why agile customer service is an innovation that ers. Some even connect the website with an order man-
could result in new customers or more loyalty from the agement system, allowing customers to place orders or in-
ones you have now. quire about inventory levels. Digital security is impor-
How would you react if a customer asked you to open a tant, so you r information system must be designed to pre-
new warehouse in another city? Some warehouse opera- vent unauthorized entry or fraud. At the same time we
tors have a"quick respon se" team with experience in han- have seen overly robust security systems that make com-
dling a startup. These people are able to move to another munication needlessly slow and difficult.
community and stay there until the startup is well under- Information technology within the warehouse is
way and local talent has been hired . Again, relatively few equally important . Are you using voice systems or
warehouse operations have this capability. Those who do Internet of Things to expedite the process of order pick-
should be well-positioned to gain new business. ing? Agility in IT means systems that are not only effi-
Supplier agility cient, but also user-friendly and fast.
The two most important suppliers for most wareho us- Agile marketing
ing organizations are transportation finns and real estate Like any intangible service, the marketing of ware-
providers. Within transportation, the largest share is housing is far from simple. Can you answer these four
trucking companies. Agility with trucking means fast questions?
turnaround. It is a sad fact that warehouses have a bad rep- • Who are your top five competitors?
utati on. Warehouses are where drivers are forced to wait, • What is the growth strategy for each?
where time is wasted because the product is not ready or • What are they particularly good at?
dock facilities are inadequate. • In what areas can you beat them?
Agile warehouse managers have the ability to change Superi or agility is certainly the best answer to the
this image. What if you are able to prom ise that no vehicle fourth question. However you can't be sure of this until
will be detained on your property for more tha n two you get the answers to the first three.
hours? Each trucker will be timed from entry until the It is equally important to understand what your exist-
driver is released. \Vhen ever this time exceeds two hours, ing customers think of you, and what needs they have that
management will investigate to discover who is at fault
are not now fulfilled. Marketing is about more than find-
and how delays can be prevented in the future. Trucking
ing new customers, it should be about improving the r ela-
should enjoy agility which rivals that of the airlines. The
tionships with the clients you already have.
most successful air carriers are those who have the fastest
turnaround at the passenger gate or the cargo ramp. The Agility and corporate strategy
warehouse manager who turns trucks around faster than Strategic planning should start with improved under-
competito rs will be recognized for superior agility.Those standing of your own capabilities. Try this SWOT analy-
operators who do not control turn-around time will lose sis of your own organ ization:
bu siness to those who do. • What are your greatest strengths
Agil ity is seldom mention ed in rai l transportation, but • In what areas are you relatively weak
there are cases where it can be important. Ifthe warehouse • What are the most important opportunities, partic -
is handling leased railcars, the ability to rapidly load or ularly missed opportunities
unload that equipment and keep it moving represents a • What are your most immediat e threats
savings for the client. Just as in trucking, keepin g track of Answering these questions should involve a manage-
elapsed time is the first step. The elapsed time starts with ment team exercise, not a solo effort. As you find the an-
placement of the rail equipment, and it ends when the rail- swers, the next step is to develop plans to deal with each.
car is released to the carrier. As these plans are outlined, consider hoyv the exercise of
Real estate is seldom associated with agility, but it can increased agility will make the strategy more effective.
l pr ssi onal pilot, construction n;ia ager, plm_nber ,
KEN'S euctut1 chef, court reporter, and radiation therapist.

COMMENTS Will scarcity change the

The cost of logistics service business?
promot ing the Wllr the last few decades, the conl£htional wisdom su a-
gested that serUhle proillders who are asset light or e!J!h
wrong people asset free are the best of the best. OOt what happens when
assets become scarcelIJ
Leo Rosten, author and humorist , said "first rate peo-
rnil-ticularly in motor freight, asset-based carriers
ple hire first-rate people; second rate people hire third
might be preferr ed by ship,m;:rs who suffer from a shorta
rate people."Hiring right may be the most difficu!Ll,ob in
of capacity. Those most JillAfy to succeed will haITfla m it.lli
the warehousing business. The decision is freU&.entl y
ture of asset and non-asset serilldes. llikarehousing, they
emoti onal. [ill: tend to hire that we !i .nd aUMd
are the companies that own some of their real estate, but
p le who seem unattractiut.J l..llicause m1staOO are un-
not all of it.
allhldable, it becomes necessary to ta!Ecorrecti action.
00 some employers compound the error of hiring the
wrong peopl e by promoting those same indiLlfduals.
How do you separa te right from wrongilllli!erOOws and
.MOOCs come to
tests administered by an indu strial psychologist or a simi- supply chain education
lar recruiting professional is o e.way to acco ish t?i .
fortunately, once a person 1s m the orgamUU1on, 1t is
m;> l
Cillne {I (J. rti',-,
ts . redict
rl f .
that "massiUfl open online
courses" · ,_. . ,. >< ' ·• ·ea mortal threat to th e future
difficult to remain objectiCWabout her or his capabilities. ofuniUilsities. Cillth this in mind , we were immssed by
-:1:e ourside resource prollides that objecti!]ily.
the amount of publicity offered by IJhlin 00.te lErlline for
its courses in supply chain management. This uniLIIlsity
has long been a leader in logistics and supply chain educa-
Are college degrees n ecessary? tion. and now it seems to also be out front in the offering
- - -
_m f. R e:- -.:... _::. e:: m2..:e a !is: of jobs that can of I!!1!3 tHSI [I]11 the major ity of adUihced degrees in our
ach ie=:;:Ja si...digure sala .all o:\\ :ch ca.1 be a::ained by field be obtained on the computer rather than in the class-
people without college ciegrees. These :nch!de :he fol- roomOO II those schools that neglect I mlM h:Istill be in
lowing occupationsWal estate broril, airtraffic control- business in ten years

use [5ibstionnaires. llihers w ill proffide a fre5ibnt prog-

WA!fEHOUSING TIPS ress report to clients, describing in detail the progress
they ha made since the last report. This is based on the
theory that if a sermde prorniler does not tell his client
The critical in1portance of what he is doing right, he will be constantly defending the
occurrenc e of failures .
customer retention
Retention is a n eglected I J l!l!mBcording to Cfil·ect ill1r-
fftt rnh?c!ati n, t e aCIDage cornP.any los s be,tween
' .: nd fits chent each year. Cfilosts LIIb Cfilmes
Is convergence the
more to ac[]tlre the new customer than it does to !l&p an new buzzword ?
e!IDting one. The building of loyalty is critical but not rn:l nOO·gence is the meraing of technologies and ser-
easy:. HoweITfl-, it is far easier in warehousing than in
trucl1hl.g. OOanging warehouse prornd.ers is inherently
!Jides into a unified whole. !'.ti
the opposite ofspecialiOO
tion. rn;Jme obserOO-s say that a prim e moOO in the logis-
dangerous. There is always the chance that the new pro- tics serrnde industries is conWgence. [fil'ew ,m:..o mders are
rndter will be worse than the e[filting one, and your cus- merging with others in order to adJilre slIDlls that are
tomers will wonder why you r laced a goo1..l'rorn.dler needed for a more complete serOOe offering. [ij)lecialists
with a poor one. OOanging trucl.IDs may inTIMUelnothing
mor than call ing a_different tele one or sen?in g a n w
are in decli nd th generalist_ is in e s otlight. .i;ID
these obserl.ifil10ns might end with a mibstion marOO
email to a new serrnde..J?.,rornder. lli.Jwarehousmg , the m- OOategi sts are in a perenn ial debate about the OOue of
Ufhtory is L1sualIY..mol.Mli from one building to another, conOOgence OOsus speciaiirn:lion. rnilm.e buyers are wary
and the new will face a learning curOO of too many eggs in one basGil: they reject the l!hdor
The best warehouse prorndter s worITBard to p a fin- who offers one stop shopping. Lhl the same time, sermde
ger on the pulse of each major client. rnhen problems oc- prorndters !Jbkstion whether specialillilion or con!Jil-
cur, they are discoOOed in their infancy:. before they h aafl gence is the better approach . The pendulum on this issue
become significan t issues. There are a lihety of ways to swings in both directions, and it is not easy to tell which
Dfbp a finger on the pulse . Uhlne warehousing companies way the serrnae industries are going.
The best of othet l.llarehoustng literatiire
. .
is reviewed and summar ized to help you
saue time keeping current.

Necessity is the mother of invention A peek into the distribution center software of
By B. Trebilcock , Modern Materials Handling, May the future
2016 , pg. 16. By illillITiEllio[WJ:>arcel, Wi) ril 2016 , pg. 2rn:J
This article is about Quiet Logistics, a company Two factors are driving the change.Inthe last three
described in the feature story of our April i ssue (write years, labor rates rose faster than inflation, and comrn:J
to us if you need a copy). It describes th e reasons why panies are having a harder time filling distJibution
the compan)'.', d, eveloped its own source of robots. posit ions. OObotics and Llm!hrint ers are among the
cilllillB1ce l..Mlty describes the robotic solution this marnil drivers of change. In rnjban there is a pharmaOO
wayrnl thin OOf what wel&I doing as a solution that ceutical wareh ouse that perform s i:m:Jof the pic!ID
happens to include arobot. llilrview is that we should with auton omous robots. The deman d for faster serrn:J
let people do what they do well and let robots do what vice is also driving change. Wflw systems must be dern:J
they do well." signed to reduce lead times.

Managing the high intensity workplace Using data and analytics

By E. Reid and L. Rama_@ian , Harvard Business Re-
By rn:trEllimp[}b)n, Logistics & Transport Focus, May
v iew , June 2016 page 8Ui..J 2016 pg. U8.
In today's digital economy, many companies el ttffi I The distinctive feature of th is sho11 article about
pect some of their peop le to be avail able to respond to data is that it asOOwhy. EQcogniilH.g that many comrn:J
commun ications at all hours. rnflte n the reaction to panies mindlessly collect figures that are never really
this is not healthy. A halfpage chart design ed to anillJ used, sh e asffilus to start by seeUhlg the answers to
swer this UiibstionLlhbw do you respond to teOO and these [llibstionsrnJ
emails from colleagues in the evenings§he auth ors
suggest that those who respond with rapid engagellil P illbat are the primary reasons for collecting
mem may burn our. At the other eWeme, those who the data!]]
follow up on the neJliav may damage their career, P w::hat are you trying to improveOO
but they shou lmthasil;Jresults, nor effort, when P [ill you wa nt to address strategic issuesOO
discussing wo '• erhuman dedication may not al@J P 02 you want to improve your financial perforrn:J
ways be necessary to organiWional success. manceekJ
p era you want to benchmar ourself against
Leadin the team you inherit your peersllil
By M OOn[[Harvard Business Review , June 2016 P 02 you want to develop new products or serm:J
pg. 61. vicesllil
IIDich of the literature about corporat e managern:J rn:lte that the last four Cfilbstions may be the anCill
m entjgnores the ch allenges facing an el1abutive who swers to the first two .A notable Uillite in this article is
is asllfili to tarnl over a team that was assembled by tarnb from the writing of lllinald Coase, a 11.ltish
someon e else. illbst team buildin g frameworrnl asrn:J economist!:illif you torture the data long enough, it
sume that you get to set the direction and tone from will confess."
day one. A leader who is taUhlg over an el:filting team
must learn how to navigate the transition. The au thor
describes a threeell'ep·process. UMp one is to assess Just my (reillililnagination
the peopleyou've got. The second ph ase is to reshape By R. illmr man and rn:nrmulliln, S ply Chain Man-
th e team 's direct ion and sense of purpose. !:filially agement Review, ril 2016, pg. 2illJ
scoring some early win s will accelerate the develop[[) The authors trace the digital disruption of current
ment of the team and enhance your position as its n ew supply chain systems .They observe that ee&bmmerce
leader. now involves everything from con sumer goods to
specialty chemicals. Companies are simultaneously
cu stomers, partners, suppliers and competitors with
Funding f lexibility one another. The four drU;ital technologies that drive
By J.Bond ,Logistics Management, May 201!LPg .mil this transform ation arel1U
This article e ores the ways in which ellillpment
P lnte:net f.Trc;in l(IoT) together with mobile
leasing can help fleet managers an aly asset costs devices hLlID •- = ,
operator productivity and telemati cs data. w aplID
P The cloud
preaches allow users to measure not lfilt cost per
hour, but cost per unit moved.The article is based on P Gig l:llita
interviews with several e[lbuti ves with materials P Cilibial media
handling manufa cturers.

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