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Plant Soil

DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3441-4


Complex role of the polymeric matrix in biological soil crusts

Federico Rossi & Gianmarco Mugnai &
Roberto De Philippis

Received: 2 April 2017 / Accepted: 23 September 2017

# Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract Conclusions The review underlines the complexity of

Background Extracellular polymeric matrix (EPM) is a investigating the characteristics and the role of microbial
complex component of the organo-mineral assemblages EPS, and its supra-structure (EPM), in natural condi-
created by biological soil crusts (BSCs). Mainly of tions (as opposed to cultures in laboratory conditions),
polysaccharidic origin, it embeds soil and sediments where the matrix is subjected to continuous microbial
and provides key benefits to the crust community. Ser- rearrangement due to biosynthetic, self- and cross-
vices provided include: sediment cohesion and resistance feeding processes, and where microbial activity affected
to erosion, moisture provision, protection from external by environmental parameters.
harmful factors, as well as support to plant establishment
and growth. EPM is the product of BSC microbial com-
munity, and it is constituted by exopolysaccharides (EPS) Keywords Biological soil crusts (BSCs) .
associated to other substances, organized in a three- Cyanobacteria . Microalgae . Microfungi .
dimensional structure having different levels of gelation, Exopolysaccharides (EPS) . EPS extraction .
and degrees of condensation. Extracellular polymeric matrix (EPM)
Scope This review aims at focusing scientific attention,
for the first time, on the characteristics and the roles of
three operationally defined EPM fractions, one water
soluble, one more adherent to cells and sediments, and
one firmly attached to microbial cells. The latest results
Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are highly specialized
obtained by analyzing EPM of natural and induced (i.e,
complex microbial communities which are an integral
the result of cyanobacteria inoculation) BSCs are
component of arid and semiarid ecosystems. By colo-
outlined, and the optimized extraction methodology is
nizing the uppermost soil layers, they control the ex-
described in details.
change of gases and nutrients (Pointing and Belnap
2012; Weber et al. 2015), play important ecological
Responsible Editor: Matthew A. Bowker. functions (Bowker et al. 2011; Maestre et al. 2011)
F. Rossi : G. Mugnai : R. De Philippis
and provide soil stability and N-enrichment, two key
Department of Agrifood Production and Environmental Sciences, factors supporting vascular plants establishment
University of Florence, Florence, Italy (Bowker 2007; Miralles et al. 2012). They are com-
posed of bacteria, microalgae, microfungi, green algae,
R. De Philippis (*)
Institute of Ecosystems study, Italian National Research Council
lichens and mosses (Wu et al. 2013), although some of
(CNR), Florence, Italy these organisms may be lacking, depending on climate
e-mail: and terrain age (Belnap and Lange 2001).
Plant Soil

Microbial-produced exopolysaccharides (EPS) accu- (Selbmann et al. 2003), and members of proteobacteria
mulate as a heterogeneous extracellular polymeric ma- and actinobacteria (Martínez-Cánovas et al. 2004; Suela
trix (EPM) that is strictly associated to organisms and Silva et al. 2013) that are present in crust communities
sediments in BSCs. Other than for exopolysaccharides, (Nagy et al. 2005; Kuske et al. 2012; Rossi et al. 2012c).
the term EPS has been used as acronym for extracellular The excretion of EPS is an important physiological process
polymeric substances to account for a number of other from the first stage of BSC development, when bare soil is
components that, along with the dominant colonized by sheathed filamentous cyanobacteria (Belnap
polysaccharidic fraction, constitute the EPM (see sec- and Eldridge 2001). Incipient cyanobacterial crusts,
tion 3). EPM constitute a supra-structure of EPS, having representing an early stage of BSCs (Lan et al. 2013), are
a three-dimensional organization and varying degrees of a nutrient-rich substrate easily colonizable by other
condensation, from mucilaginous to solid gel (Fig. 1). phototrophic species and heterothrophic bacteria. Al-
The concept of EPM is present on a wide array of though several authors recognize the importance of EPS
studies on microbial biofilms, although not thoroughly in BSC - water relations and survival (Mazor et al. 1996;
stressed, and addressed with slightly different terms, Mager and Thomas 2011), and consider their amount an
including extracellular polymeric substance matrix index of soil stability (Hoppert et al. 2004) and of the
(Battiston et al. 2015; Fish et al. 2016; Gu et al. 2017) metabolic capacity of the community (Bu et al. 2014),
and biofilm matrix (Limoli et al. 2015). there is still a lack of information concerning their contrib-
EPM provides a wide array of services to the crust ute in increasing the resilience of BSCs to environmental
community, from conferring physical integrity and sta- constraints and in nutrient and water diffusion. In addition,
bility, to providing an optimal microenvironment with information concerning their physiochemical properties
increased moisture, nutrients, and protection from harm- and their modifications in space and time is still limited.
ful biological and physical agents. While the roles of cyanobacterial and microalgal EPS
Although many BSC organisms produce EPS, have been pointed out by several researchers (Mazor
cyanobacteria and microalgae are known prominent con- et al. 1996; De Philippis and Vincenzini 1998; Mager
tributors (Belnap and Lange 2001). Other less- and Thomas 2010; Rossi and De Philippis 2015a), the
acknowledged producers of EPS are microfungi majority of these scientific advances were attained under
lab conditions, and employing strains growing in liquid
culture. Studies under natural conditions (e.g., field
colonies) are limited to a few cases. Some of them point
out that cyanobacteria may produce compositionally
different EPS depending on whether they face nutrient
limitations and constraints, or optimal growth condi-
tions (Huang et al. 1998; Brüll et al. 2000). For
microalgae and cyanobacteria, several factors were
demonstrated to influence EPS productivity and, in
some cases, EPS characteristics. Those include light
intensity and temperature; availability of carbon, nitro-
gen, phosphorous an sulphur; moisture level and salinity
(Rossi and De Philippis 2015b).
EPM characteristics in natural microbial associations
are strongly dependent on the dynamics and the activi-
ties of the microbial community (Flemming and
Wingender 2010). Thus, an increasing level of complex-
ity is expectable in moving from studies performed on
laboratory isolates, to studies conducted in situ on com-
posite microbial aggregates.
This work aims at giving an overview of the charac-
Fig. 1 Microscopical image showing the EPM of a cyanobacterial teristics and the roles of EPS in BSCs, with a particular
crust of Schizothrix cf. delicatissima. Picture by GM attention to their organization in definite stable three-
Plant Soil

dimensional structures, an aspect which has not been molecules at the cell surface (Roberts 1996).
studied so far. In addition, we propose a clear terminol- Concerning cyanobacteria and green microalgae,
ogy consistent with previous studies conducted on EPM the nature of these outer investments has been de-
in other complex microbial associations. scribed in details in past publications (De Philippis
and Vincenzini 1998; De Philippis et al. 2001;
Pereira et al. 2009; de Paniagua-Michel et al. 2014,
Cyanobacterial, microalgal, and fungal EPS: Rossi and De Philippis 2015b). On the other hand,
Morphological and chemical characteristics regarding fungi there is a more limited amount of
and roles information, especially regarding the biosynthetic
processes. In laboratory cultures, some species
The synthesis of EPS, which is an energy-consuming encompassing lower filamentous fungi and yeasts
process, has important ecological implications for its from different ecological niches produce EPS
producers (Li et al. 2001). Several studies led to believe (Mahapatra and Banerjee 2013). Black yeasts such
that EPS production is a physiological mechanism in- as Exophiala crusticola and Rhodotorula, often de-
creasing organism survival, and tolerance to environ- tected in BSC communities, were indicated as high-
mental harsh conditions. Several known roles of EPS ly probable contributors of soil stability in desert
are reported in Table 1. systems owing to their EPS productivity (Bates
It is generally believed that EPS production does not et al. 2006). EPS excretion in fungi has been corre-
confer concrete advantages in laboratory cultures, in con- lated with the production of sclerotia, presence of
trast to natural conditions, under which cells experience conidia, and to the phytopathogenic behavior
competitive multispecies environments and multiple (Selbmann et al. 2003). As for cyanobacteria and
stresses (Costerton et al. 1987). Cyanobacteria and microalgae, fungal EPS production is affected by
microalgae have been generally considered as initiators several parameters, including temperature, oxygen
of BSC development on bare oligothrophic soils. Being concentration, pH, and N source (Mahapatra and
proficient EPS producers, they strongly promote the first Banerjee 2013; Seviour et al. 1992).
crucial soil stabilization. Although other nonphotosynthetic EPS produced by cyanobacteria and microalgae can
bacteria were demonstrated to be significant EPS producers, be compositionally complex. In cyanobacteria, they can
and to have a role in crust formation (Wu et al. 2010), EPS contain up to 15 sugar moieties (Pereira et al. 2009),
produced by cyanobacteria, microalgae and filamentous organized in complex repeating units and often having a
fungi bear generally a higher complexity in terms of molecular weight (MW) up to 1–2 MDa. Non
monosaccharidic composition (Osińska-Jaroszuk et al. saccharidic components like peptides, lipids and nucleic
2015; Pereira et al. 2009). In particular, Wu et al. (2010) acids are also present. Glucose, galactose, arabinose,
underlined how nonphotosynthetic bacteria in BSCs con- xylose and uronic acids have been frequently detected
tribute compositionally simple polysaccharides, with man- in major amounts. Methyl, pyruvyl, succinyl and sul-
nose, galactose, glucose, and a glucose isomer accounting phate groups were also detected in some cases. The
for more than 98%. Conversely, cyanobacterial and presence of hydrophilic moieties on one side (sulphated
microalgal EPS may also contain high relative amounts of sugars, uronic acids and ketal-linked pyruvyl groups,
non neutral sugars (see below). among others), and hydrophobic on the other (acetyl
Cyanobacteria and microalgae produce EPS ex- groups, dehoxysugars and peptides) confers an amphi-
creted as sheaths and capsules, or unevenly dis- philic character to the macromolecules and hence pro-
persed as mucilage (Rossi and De Philippis 2015b) vide greater plasticity in organisms’ response to sur-
depending on their chemical features, and on abiotic rounding environment (Rossi and De Philippis 2015b).
factors (e.g., available ions, pH). These outermost While hydrophobic EPS fractions are more involved in
structures have also been described for other pro- the adhesion to solid surfaces, hydrophilic fractions are
karyotes (e.g., Decho and Lopez 1993; Vincent et al. more involved in binding minerals, nutrients and water
1994), sometimes termed Bglycocalyx^ (Wingender molecules (Rossi et al. 2012a). Some cyanobacteria are
et al. 1999). Bacterial capsules and sheaths can be also reported to excrete cellulose (de Winder et al.
attached to cells through non-covalent interactions, 1990), which is often localized in the sheath (Stuart
but also covalently to phospholipids and lipid-A et al. 2016).
Plant Soil

Table 1 Known major roles of microbial EPS

Role Details References

Cell adhesion and cohesion Enhancement of capability of cell to bind to solid substrates, (De Philippis and Vincenzini
and enhancement of bounds between cells. Promotion of 1998; Rossi et al. 2012a; Xiao
the formation of biomineral layers and influence on the and
physico-chemical properties of cell aggregates (charge, Zheng 2016)
viscosity, flocculation).
Tolerance against Constitution of a hydrated surrounding of the cells that control (Tamaru et al. 2005; Pereira et al.
desiccation and freezing the uptake and the release of moisture. Prevention of drought- 2009; Varin et al. 2012)
impairment of O2 evolution. Improvement of the resilience to freez-
ing and thawing.
Protection from external Protection against protozoan predation, antibiotics, host defenses, (Decho and Lopez 1993; De
specific and non-specific lysis from other bacteria and viruses. Capsulated cells are less Philippis
threats efficiently digested than noncapsulated. Slime EPS is more and Vincenzini 1998; Li et al.
easily digested, possibly due to the less abundant proteic 2001; Pereira et al. 2009)
portions included.
Protection from UV-radiation The UV-screening pigments scytonemin and mycosporine (Garcia Pichel and Castenholz
aminoacid-like substances (MAAs) are contained in the sheath 1991,
of several cyanobacterial species. In addition, the thickness of 1993; Rossi and De Philippis
the EPS casing is a barrier hindering the radiation from reaching 2015a)
the cells.
Cell gliding Some cyanobacteria are motile by gliding. The junctional pore (Hoiczyk 1998; Hoiczyk and
complex system (JPC), observed on the cell wall of Phormidium Baumeister 1998)
uncinatum and Anabaena variabilis, is a structure constituted by
a proteic scaffolding and fibrils, and operates thanks to EPS extrusion
that provides the thrust. JPC was demonstrated to be involved in cell
Nutrient and mineral EPS secretions, due to their ionic nature, help the accumulation (Sutherland 1994; Welch and
accumulation by ionic interactions, of minerals and nutrients. Vandevivere 1994; de
Alexandre et al. 2013; Chen
et al. 2015)
Support to photosynthetic Assistance to the re-establishment of damaged photosynthetic (Harel 2004)
systems apparatus after the state of dormancy.
Protection of nitrogenase Creation of an effective barrier for oxygen (Sabra et al. 2000)
against the harmful effects transfer to the cells, protecting nitrogenase from inhibition.
of oxygen

Fungal EPS can consist of polymers with a high MW et al. 1999). It is an ordered, hydrated, semi-solid state
(around 2 MDa), and be organized in very diverse re- structure organized in a polymeric three-dimensional
peating units with a complexity similar to that observed network embedding organisms and soil sediments. Its
for EPS produced by cyanobacteria, although not always physical state is governed, to a large extent, by environ-
displaying a similar high compositional complexity mental parameters. It provides structural and functional
(Seviour et al. 1992). In some cases, glucose, mannose integrity to BSCs.
and galactose are the only components, whereas in other Being the result of microbial synthesis and demoli-
cases uronic acids, aminosugars and rhamnose may be tion, EPM of natural communities is in continuous
present (Mahapatra and Banerjee 2013). modification and rearrangement, with its composition
and distribution varying spatially and temporary accord-
ing to the prevailing activities of the biofilm (Wingender
The EPM of complex natural microbial communities et al. 1999). The presence of a so structured matrix
allows consortial activities, needed by microorganisms
EPM of BSCs is similar to those already described for to maximize their fitness through cooperative interac-
other typologies of bacterial aggregates (Wingender tions, while synergistic activities enhance the resilience
Plant Soil

to stress factors and oligotrophic conditions (Wingender Extraction and analysis of EPS from complex
et al. 1999). Within the EPM, the spatial arrangement microbial associations: The case of BSCs
creates gradients of oxygen (determining aerobic and
anaerobic habitats), other electron acceptors, as well as In most studies present in the literature, the selected
organic substrates (e.g., proteins, peptides, aminoacids extraction procedure defines the typology of recovered
and colloids), and pH value (Costerton et al. 1987; fractions (Nielsen and Jahn 1999). Most of the extrac-
Kepkay 1994; Mayer et al. 1995; Wingender et al. tion procedures rely on the fact that EPS fractions have
1999). Some processes such as the accumulation of varying levels of solubility. The immediately soluble
nutrients and other substances from the bulk soil water, fractions can generally be removed with a washing with
gene exchange, and quorum sensing are favored. H2O, whereas more hydrophobic fractions are not ex-
Beside exopolysaccharides, EPM is constituted by pected to be recovered in this way. Less soluble fractions
other components that are the result of secretion pro- can be recovered by applying proper extraction methods.
cesses or are released after cell lysis (Gu et al. 2017; For the majority of studies on complex microbial
Wingender et al. 1999), although the polysaccharidic biofilms, extraction methodologies can be encompassed
component is often strongly dominant (Al-Thani in the following procedural scheme (Table 2).
2015). Proteins, nucleic acids, and amphiphilic sub- Any extraction method must be developed and opti-
stances as (phospho)-lipids can be often detected in mized according to the type and structure the biofilm
varying amounts as part of the matrix in the extracellular and the type of environment (soil or aquatic environ-
space. Extracellular proteins may establish hydrogen ment) which it belongs to.
bonds within the EPM structure (Dignac et al. 1998); There is not an universally followed extraction meth-
some can be glycosylated to create glycoproteins, or od to recover EPS from BSCs. The existing extraction
substituted with fatty acids to form lipoproteins. One procedures that appeared recently in literature were
main function of extracellular proteins is to act as en- adapted from methods previously applied to other types
zymes for the digestion of exogenous macromolecules of biofilms, or to cyanobacterial strains grown in liquid
(Wingender et al. 1999). cultures.
Several authors have attempted to define the different It has to be stressed that if the analysis is aimed only
EPM fractions observed in complex biofilms. Some used at the EPS, the maintenance of cell integrity is a prereq-
the term Bslime^ to indicate EPM fractions that are uisite. In this case, the extraction procedure must be
loosely bound to cells (and soil sediments) and less selected in a way to not cause cell leakage, or the EPS
condensed, although not dissolved. Dissolved EPM frac- will be contaminated with intracellular material. When
tions are referred to as Bcolloidal^ (Nielsen and Jahn the extraction causes cell lysis, the subsequent analysis,
1999). A generic distinction used by some authors is whether simple quantification or macromolecular char-
between Bbound^ EPS (sheaths, capsules, condensed acterization, is performed on Btotal polysaccharides^ or
gels, loosely bound polymers, attached organic material) Btotal carbohydrates^ and not on EPS. The determina-
and Bsoluble^ EPS (soluble polymers, colloids, slimes) tion of cell lysis after extraction is not straightforward,
(Nielsen et al. 1997). Operationally, the more easily since some intracellular substances, e.g. proteins and
recoverable fraction is that which is less condensed, and nucleic acids, may be naturally present in the extracel-
weakly attached to cells and sediments (loosely bound lular environment (see section 2). The use of truly
EPS, LB-EPS) (Fig. 2). A second fraction consists in intracellular compounds as markers for cell lysis is
molecules with a higher level of gelification and thus suggested. One compound is ATP, although in past
thickened, having strong bonds with cells and sediments studies some concerns regarded the level of accuracy
(tightly bound EPS, TB-EPS). This fraction may include in measuring this molecule (Grotenhuis et al. 1991).
more sub-levels of gelification and the extent of recovery Another suggested marker is the enzyme glucose-6-
is strictly determined by the extraction methodology (see phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) (Platt et al. 1985).
section 4). In addition to LB-EPS and TB-EPS fractions, Stuart et al. (2016) used this enzyme to evaluate the
we identify a third Bglycocalix^ fraction (G-EPS) extent of cell lysis after EPS extraction from
(Wingender et al. 1999), which is firmly attached to the cyanobacterial mats. Another parameter supporting the
cells (capsules or sheaths). G-EPS may be either contain- loss/maintenance of cell integrity is the content of chlo-
ing filaments or hollow, following filament migration. rophyll in the extracts, although the reliability is related
Plant Soil

Fig. 2 Representation of the

three main operationally-defined
fractions of EPM in a
phototrophic biofilm: loosely
bound EPS (LB-EPS), tightly
bound EPS (TB-EPS) and glyco-
calyx EPS (G-EPS), the latter
encompassing bacterial capsules
and sheaths

to the abundance of the phototrophic fraction of the tions, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions and
community. covalent bonds (Christensen 1999). The application of
Extraction procedure is generally a combination of only physical methods (addition of water followed by
chemical and physical approaches, based on considering centrifugation, mixing, shaking or sonication) gives low-
the major type of interactions that keep EPS together in er EPS yields than combining with chemical methods
EPM, namely van der Waals forces, electrostatic interac- (Nielsen and Jahn 1999). Physical methods alone result
in a minimal, if not null, release of bound EPS.
Chemical methods include the use of a wide array of
Table 2 Theoretical procedural workflow for extracting EPS
from organo-mineral microbial aggregates substances that are meant to facilitate the release of TB-
EPS. Extractants include pyridine acetate, used for
Operation Details Escherichia coli (Pelkonen et al. 1988), NaOH (Sato
and Ose 1980) and NaCl used for Pseudomonas
1) Sampling Collection of BSCs from natural
setting or from laboratory setting aeruginosa (May and Chakrabarty 1994). The use of
(e.g., microcosms). alkali (e.g., NaOH) leads to the ionization of charged
2) Preparation of samples Preparation procedures may include groups in EPS, due to their isoelectric point that is
for extraction procedure washing or homogenization generally below pH 4–6. The result is a strong repulsion
without disruption of the cells. within the EPM and the increase of water solubility of
Homogenization is aimed at
dispersing soil aggregates and more condensed fractions, although this process seldom
allows to eventually perform leads to the removal of G-EPS. The structural order of
normalization on a dry soil basis. EPM can be shifted to disorder on heating or removal of
3) Extraction procedure Selection of the most suitable ions (Sutherland 1999). For example, the removal of
procedure to recover EPS from cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ using complexant agents
the organo-mineral layer.
such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and
4) Purification of EPS After extraction, EPS can be purified
to remove non-carbohydrate ethylene glycol-bis(ß-aminoethyl-ether)-N, N, N′, N′ –
components or salts. Treatment tetraacetic acid (EGTA) strongly compromises the sta-
generally include dialysis to re- bility of the EPS strands, and EPM tends to fall apart. In
move salts, and use of proteases a study dedicated to the comparison of several methods
to remove peptides.
for the extraction of EPS from soil biofilms, Redmile-
5) Analysis of EPS This phase include the preparation
of the samples for the different
Gordon et al. (2014) suggested that the best method is
possible analytical and based on the use of cation exchange resins as they are
instrumental procedures (e.g., capable of maintaining the integrity of the cells thus
hydrolyisis, removal of coarse preventing the contamination of the extracted EPS with
humified soil organic matter.
Plant Soil

The extraction procedure can be aimed at a general The procedure includes recovering LB-EPS by
quantification of EPS in a BSC sample, or at recovering water extraction and then recovering TB-EPS by
specific fractions for separate quantifications. A method extracting with 0.1 M Na2EDTA. These two treat-
to extract and quantify EPS from intertidal sediments ments in sequence will leave a pellet of sediments,
proposed by Underwood et al. (1995) was recently suc- cells and G-EPS. Several methods have been pro-
cessfully applied to quantify EPS in BSCs (Rossi et al. posed for the removal of sheaths and capsules for
2012c; Colica et al. 2014). It consists of extractions in microalgae and cyanobacteria. Those include su-
0.1 M Na2EDTA of small amounts (~100 mg) of homog- crose gradients, acidic treatment and heat treatment
enized BSC for 15′ at room temperature. The extracts can (Rossi and De Philippis 2015b). To remove G-
be assayed for total extracellular carbohydrate amount by EPS, we suggest treating the pellet resulting from
applying phenol-sulfuric acid assay (Dubois et al. 1956). the removal of LB- and TB-EPS with hot water
To quantify actual EPS (the fraction with a MW ≥ 100 k (80 °C) for 1 h after washing with 1,5% NaCl
Da), the quantification must be performed after treating (Mugnai et al. 2017).
the extract with ethanol (70% final concentration) (Decho Following the recovery of the three fractions,
and Lopez 1993). The extraction efficiency of the method the phenol-sulfuric acid assay can be used to
in analysis preliminary to those published in Rossi et al. quantify them. It is possible to further purify the
(2012c) was evaluated by extracting EPS from BSCs fractions, or treat them for further analytical anal-
collected in North American deserts (F. Rossi, personal ysis. The purification processes often require pre-
communication). The analysis was conducted employing cipitation in alcohol/acetone (we recommend iso-
two BSC typologies (described in Rossi et al. 2012c), one propyl alcohol or ethanol) of the extract. Although
collected in the Chihuauan Desert, and one in the the process removes impurities, it also removes
Mohave Desert, that were different for relative abun- low MW polymers that will not be detected in
dances of species (significant differences in further macromolecular analysis (e.g., gel perme-
cyanobacterial and proteobacterial relative abundances), ation chromatography). The level of purification
and in the percents of sand and silt contents. strictly depends on the aim(s) of the investigation
These results pointed out that repeated extractions and may involve further purification steps depend-
may increase extraction yields. At least five extractions ing on the hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of the
were needed to remove all the extracellular carbohy- macromolecules to be removed. When not of in-
drates, although the carbohydrates removed with the terest, proteins may be removed by using prote-
first two extractions represented over 60% of the total ases, phenol extraction or gel filtration chromatog-
amount recovered with the sum of all the extractions raphy. DNA or RNA may be removed by using
(Fig. 3) (F. Rossi, personal communication). Although nucleases.
the needed number of extractions may depend on the
typology of crust and soil texture, the method is rela-
tively rapid, and allows to process multiple samples The EPM of BSCs: Morphological and chemical
simultaneously. characteristics of EPS and their role
According to some authors, treatment with EDTA
may cause cell wall destabilization due to divalent cat- Morphology of EPM of BSCs
ions removal causing cell leakage (Nielsen and Jahn
1999). Nonetheless, Underwood et al. (1995) observed Mager and Thomas (2011) reported the presence of
low, if not null, intracellular contamination extracting EPS-containing structures in BSCs from the Kalahari
intertidal sediments. In using EDTA extraction on Desert, and they categorized them as Bcapsules^,
cyanobacterial biofilms, Stuart et al. (2016) ruled out Bgranules^ and Bslime^, basing on their morphology.
cell lysis. To our knowledge, it was the first time that a tentative
We recommend the procedure described in Fig. 4 to morphological description of EPM was attempted. Arid
recover LB-EPS, TB-EPS and G-EPS from BSCs. Most soil pioneers like the non-heterocystous cyanobacterium
of the hereby proposed methods have been published in Microcoleus vaginatus, members of the genera
several previous papers (Rossi et al. 2012c; Colica et al. Schizothrix or Hydrocoleum forms filaments constituted
2014; Chen et al. 2014; Colica et al. 2015). of rope-like bundles of trichomes encased in tubular
Plant Soil

Fig. 3 Repeated extracellular carbohydrate extractions from two bars, Mohave Desert crust. Yields were expressed as mg of extra-
different typologies of BSCs from North American deserts, utiliz- cellular carbohydrates (g soil)−1 for each extraction on each sam-
ing the method of Underwood et al. (1995) for the first time on ple. Each sample type was extracted in triplicate and results were
BSCs. Dark brown bars, Chihuahuan Desert crust; light brown expressed as value ±SD (F. Rossi, personal communication)

exopolysaccharidic sheaths (Garcia Pichel and Chemical and macromolecular characteristics of EPM
Wojciechowski 2009), resulting from one or more se- in BSCs
cretion events. This is recognized as the first step in BSC
formation. Cyanobacterial sheaths can be considered a The chemical and macromolecular characteristics of
central element in the formation of EPM, as they con- EPM of BSCs have been studied in only a limited
stitute the first accumulation of EPS material on which number of cases. Recently, the monosaccharidic com-
early stages of BSCs are structured (Rajeev et al. 2013). position and MW distribution of EPS extracted from
Organized in Blarge bodies^ (~100 μm), sheaths bind BSCs of known age, collected in the Hopq Desert,
soil particles stabilizing soil against erosion by wind Inner Mongolia, China, was carried out. The area is
or water (Belnap and Büdel 2016; Belnap and hyper-arid, with a climate classified as semiarid, tem-
Gardner 1993). In studying early-stage BSCs from perate and continental monsoon. These BSCs were
Gurbantunggut Desert, China, Zhang (2005) ob- the result of an inoculation-based treatment carried
served that cyanobacterial sheaths either contained out in different years (Chen et al. 2006; Li et al.
filaments, or were leftover material, after filament 2014; Wang et al. 2009). Notwithstanding the stress-
migration or death. Empty sheaths remain solidly ful environmental conditions which would suggest a
attached to the organo-mineral material as a cement compositional simplicity (Mager and Thomas 2010),
stabilizing the crust structure. Unless crashed by the extracted EPS showed instead a certain complex-
compressional disturbances, a primitive discernible ity, unrelated to the age of the crusts. Up to 13
organization of the EPM is visible from the first different types of sugars were identified. They includ-
stages of development of BSCs by microscopical ed the hexoses galactose, fructose and glucose, which
observations. Three month-old artificial had the highest relative abundance, the dehoxy-sugars
cyanobacterial crusts obtained by inoculating the cy- fucose and rhamnose, the amino-sugars galactosamine
anobacterium Schizothrix delicatissima AMPL0116 and glucosamine, and the pentose ribose. In addition,
on bare sand in microcosms were constituted by an uronic acids, namely galacturonic and glucuronic
EPM distinctly organized in a LB-EPS and a TB- acids, were also detected (Chen et al. 2014; Colica
EPS fraction (Fig. 5) (Mugnai et al. 2017). et al. 2015). Extracted EPS showed mainly MWs
Plant Soil

Fig. 4 Suggested procedure for the extraction of EPM fractions from BSCs

comprised between 2 M and 485 kDa (in the range abundance was very low in favor of the relative
characterizing EPS produced by cyanobacteria) and abundances of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and
between 72.6 k Da and 0.34 k Da, comprised of Acidobacteria (Mugnai et al. 2015; Rossi et al.
small MW saccharides, dimers and monomers. In a 2012b). Notwithstanding this, and the obvious differ-
further study, the composition and MW distribution of ent environmental characteristics, monosaccharidic
LB-EPS and TB-EPS were determined and compared. composition was of a similar complexity between
While the two fractions had a similar compositional the two types of crusts. On the contrary, the MW
pattern, they appeared to be different in MW distri- distribution profile was significantly different, with
bution. The 90% of TB-EPS had a MW between 2 M high relative percentages of small MW carbohydrates.
and 0.76 M Da, while the less condensed fractions The comparison of these first surveys suggests that
were polymers in the lower MW ranges (Chen et al. MW distribution profile may be more distinctive
2014). In Arctic BSCs, collected around Ny-Ålesund, among crusts with different characteristics, and
Svalbard archipelago, the cyanobacterial relative among different environments.
Plant Soil

Fig. 5 Microscopical images of the operationally-defined EPM EPS; TB-EPS, tightly bound EPS. a) Filaments and sheaths of
fractions in a 15 day-old induced cyanobacterial crusts obtained by S. delicatissima gluing two adjacent sand particles. The picture
inoculating the cyanobacterial strain Schizothrix cf. delicatissima underline the prominent role of EPS in sediment cohesion. b) TB-
AMPL0116 in microcosms. G-EPS, glycocalix EPS EPS covering a sand grain surface. Pictures by GM
(encompassing sheaths and capsules); LB-EPS, loosely bound

Structural role of EPM in BSCs providing a structural role, appearing more Bpreserved^
from enzymatic activity, and being more condensed than
EPM is essential for crust physical structure, prompting LB-EPS (Chen et al. 2014).
the cohesion between the biotic and the a-biotic crust EPS are also involved in the formation of induced
components, and the adhesion to solid substrates (Rossi sedimentary structures, which include roll-ups, folds,
and De Philippis 2015a). desiccation polygons, especially on sandy soils (Garcia
Due to the stability that they confer to the BSC Pichel et al. 2016) and in hot arid conditions. The
structure, and their capability to counteract erodibility, formation of these structures may have an ecological
EPS are considered by some authors as an index of soil meaning for crust community. In natural dry hot envi-
aggregation and BSC development (Bowker et al. ronments the formation of cracks may provide open
2008). pathways to increase soil permeability and aeration un-
The sediment-cementing nature of EPS has been der crust layers (Williams et al. 2012), leading to new
often observed and acknowledged (Zhang 2005; colonizable niches with enhanced moisture regimes
Malam-Issa et al. 2007). This structuring role is impor- (Danin et al. 1998).
tant for the incipient cyanobacterial colonization of bare
soils. Some BSC-dwelling cyanobacteria and Role of the EPM in BSC-water relations
microalgae, tested for soil stabilizing capability, provid-
ed evidence that EPS productivity is in agreement with One of the first reported effects of the presence of EPS in
their capability of stabilizing fine sand grains (Hu et al. BSCs was that their swelling, and pore-clogging effect
2003) and crust resistance to wind erosion (Hu et al. upon re-wetting, leading to run-off during rain events
2002). EPS strands bind fine soil particles (< 65 μm) (Kidron et al. 1999; Fischer et al. 2012). The role of
enforcing the stabilizing action of bacterial filaments, EPM of BSCs in affecting soil infiltrability was investi-
mosses and lichens (Bowker et al. 2008). In addition, gated in two different studies (Rossi et al. 2012c; Colica
Malam Issa et al. (2009) provided evidence that EPS, et al. 2014), considering soil textures ranging from silt
due to their amphiphilic properties, confer to bacterial loam to sandy, according to the USDA classification
filaments the capability to drive the formation of addi- (e.g., Groenendyk et al. 2015). Some differences related
tional soil pores (Bmicrobial pores^), affecting their to soil texture appeared evident: loamy sand and silt loam
geometry, and determining soil spatial organization soils showed a high positive correlation of sorptivity
within the BSC thickness. values with sand content and negative with silt and clay.
By studying the EPM of three to eight year-old At the same time, no correlation was found between
induced BSCs in a semiarid environment, it was ob- sorptivity and EPS content (Rossi et al. 2012c). None-
served that TB-EPS is the fraction more involved in theless, the application of a simple nondestructive
Plant Soil

extraction of EPS (detailed in Rossi et al. 2012c) resulted regulating water uptake and water loss from the cells
in a more compacted crust structure that lost the ability to (Pereira et al. 2009), and iii) reducing evaporation loss
absorb water. This strongly supported the idea of a con- and increasing soil water-holding capacity (Mager and
tribution of the EPM in structuring BSC waterways. This Thomas 2011).
aspect was further investigated by Felde et al. (2016) that
examined the effects of this extraction procedure by EPM in BSCs as a nutriment source and plant fertilizer
using X-ray computerized tomography. This analysis
ruled out any Bartificial^ modification of the crust struc- EPM is a medium constantly subjected to enzymatic and
ture, apart from EPS extraction, limiting the cause of abiotic degradation, to modification and condensation
sorptivity change only to their removal. Studies conduct- processes. For example, humic substances are thought
ed with BSCs growing on sandy soils in the Hopq Desert, to have a chemical structure which is the result of partial
Inner Mongolia, China, where water infiltration velocity enzymatic degradation and condensation (Hedges 1988).
is high, depicted a different scenario. A significant corre- Enzymes mostly involved include hydrolases, (less fre-
lation between EPS content and soil sorptivity was quently) lyases, invertases, and sucrases (Wingender
found. In this context, the presence of BSCs diminishes et al. 1999; Miralles et al. 2012). The activity of hydro-
remarkably water infiltrability (up to 90% detected re- lases can provide correlative information on microbial
duction). The correlation observed supports the notion activity and microbial population and in some cases it is
that EPS swell following water contact, reducing the related to soil organic content (Chen et al. 2014). The
volume of soil pores (Fischer et al. 2010a), and promot- hydrolytic enzymatic action in BSCs increases according
ing the maintenance of the moisture in the very first soil to the level of development (LOD), from cyanobacteria-
layers which are the most biologically active. dominated crusts to lichen-dominated crusts, primed by
The presence of an EPM is very important for cells to an increase in C and N (Miralles et al. 2012). In one
counterbalance water-deficient conditions. Owing to study, it was observed that the activity of hydrolases and
their amphiphilic character, EPS accumulate water, and sucrases is correlated not only to LOD, but also to the age
regulate water loss (Pereira et al. 2009), maintaining of BSCs (Chen et al. 2014).
hydration (Mazor et al. 2009) and counteracting EPM promotes the association in consortia that depo-
evapotraspiration. The presence of a moistened environ- lymerize complex compounds to simple molecules easily
ment at the soil surface is very important for an optimal assimilable even by community members having a small-
physiological activity of the crust community. In addi- er genome, a less specialized lifestyle, and not possessing
tion, EPS are involved in dew formation at the surface of a full range of degradative enzymes (Mba Medie et al.
BSCs (Fischer et al. 2012). 2012). Some microorganisms are able to degrade and
In one study conducted on BSCs grown on sandy soil feed on their own EPS. Although some authors deem it
in the same Hopq Desert, it was demonstrated that i) limited to a few cases, the Breuse^ theory has been
EPS are fundamental to retain humidity and ii) EPS are demonstrated for fungi and cyanobacteria. Fungi possess
fundamental for water uptake from non-rainfall water glucanases, which degrade (1–3)-ß- and (1–6)-ß-glucans
sources (i.e., dew, fog and plant guttation) (Colica et al. with several mechanisms of action and functions
2014). The Hopq Desert site is characterized by an (Seviour et al. 1992). Stuart et al. (2016) demonstrated
average yearly evapotranspiration that broadly exceeds that in induced cyanobacterial microbial mats,
that of precipitation. The capability of BSCs to retain cyanobacteria can degrade oligosaccharides, proteins
water against evapotranspiration was correlated to the and nucleic acids. In addition, they found that
presence of EPS, especially those having a high MW. cyanobacteria are able, in a short time, to feed on the C
After removing 90% of EPS from BSC samples, utiliz- from their own EPS, both in the light and in the dark.
ing the previously mentioned nondestructive method, This information may be important for fully describing C
water uptake capability decreased sensibly, to being cycle within these communities.
not statistically different from that of bare sand. These Since arid and semiarid soils contain low amounts of
studies expanded the knowledge on the important roles C, the emission of EPS is of vital importance. According
of EPM in: i) delaying water movement through the soil to Chenu (1993), EPS may represent up to 500% of
when sorptivity is high, and contributing to the creation cellular biomass, and were hypothesized to be the pri-
of viable waterways when sorptivity is low, ii) mary substrate respired after heavy rainfall events
Plant Soil

(Thomas et al. 2008; Fischer 2009; Thomas and Hoon Conclusions

2010). A study on the enzymatic activity in induced
BSCs of different years, was coupled with a character- In spite of the unanimously recognized importance of
ization of the EPM fractions (Chen et al. 2014). It was the EPM in the formation and stabilization of BSCs, and
observed that the enzymatic activity was mostly directed compelling SEM imagery illustrating this importance
towards the more soluble LB-EPS, which displayed (Belnap 1993; Zhang et al. 2006; Fischer et al. 2010b;
substantial variation in MW distribution comparing Mager and Thomas 2011), an increasing number of
BSCs of different ages. A study conducted by Decho reports on the characteristics of the most important
and Lopez (1993) on the digestibility of EPS-producing constituents of EPM, namely EPS, has appeared only
bacterial cells, demonstrated an higher resilience to di- recently. The papers reviewed here clearly show the
gestion of G-EPS, which has more stable, ordered and complexity of the functions of EPM. Indeed, one of
definite secondary structures, in comparison with less the most striking recent results obtained is that EPS are
condensed EPS fractions. This supports the idea that constituted by more than one fraction, with each fraction
slime diffusing in the soil is the principal more easily having different chemical properties and possibly
degradable EPS fraction, while TB-EPS and G-EPS, playing different roles in BSCs. This may contribute to
due to their lower degradability, constitute more a the amazing capability of these complex structures to
Bstructural skeleton^ of BSCs. withstand very harsh environmental conditions. More-
EPM may also act as a nutrient accumulator, concen- over, the presence of such complex EPS structures
trating dissolved organic matter (DOM) with com- points out the need of applying specifically developed
pounds containing C, N, P and trace metals which are methods for the extraction of the different fractions in
essential for cell metabolism (Wolfaardt et al. 1999; order to obtain a sound characterization of their chem-
Flemming and Wingender 2010). In this respect, such ical and macromolecular features.
a nutrient source may be of importance for vegetation However, many important aspects still have to be
establishment, determining an increase of essential nu- investigated and clarified in order to fully understand
trients in plant tissues (Zhang et al. 2016). the role of EPS in BSCs. In our opinion, future studies
Studies addressing the effects of BSCs in plant estab- should be focused in particular on investigating:
lishment are often contradictory (Zhang et al. 2016). It is
nonetheless obvious that, since EPM conditions soil co- i) the complex interplay between EPS producers and
hesion, soil properties, soil porosity and the formation of consumers in BSCs, defining the specific role of the
microbial induced sedimentary structures (e.g., roll-ups, microorganisms;
folds, desiccation polygons) (Garcia Pichel et al. 2016) ii) how the EPS affect the flux of nutrients (C, N, P and
BSCs indirectly affects seeds entrapment and subsequent inorganic ions) in the EPM;
emerging. For example, BSCs enhance germination and iii) how the different EPS fractions interact with water
emergence of seeds in cool desert (Belnap 2003a, b) molecules, affecting their movement within the
where morphology is characterized as rolling or crusts;
pinnacled (Belnap 2001). iv) if and how the characteristics and the role of the
Whether EPS are directly effective and benign to plant EPS are affected by the different typologies of soils
establishment and growth is still unknown. One study (Xu where BSC developed.
et al. 2012) seems to suggest so. The treatment of the seeds
of Caragana koshinskii, a desert-dwelling shrub belonging Answering these questions will provide a fundamen-
to Leguminosae, with the solubilized EPS produced by tal contribution to the understanding of the role of the
Phormidium tenue (Oscillatoriales), a cyanobacterial spe- EPS in the dynamic and complex habitat constituted by
cies commonly found in BSC communities (e.g., Hu et al. BSC but we are sure that at the same time it will also
2002), promoted germination (germination index, and ger- open new questions to be addresses in further studies.
mination energy) as well as root growth, nutrient and water
uptake, photosynthetic efficiency, and defense from oxida-
Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the Ed-
tive damages. Although these data are the result of a single
itor Matthew Bowker and the two anonymous Reviewers for their
study, they point out the need of a more in-depth explora- helpful comments to the manuscript, which contributed to largely
tion the bioactive characteristics of EPS. improve its final version.
Plant Soil

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