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Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

Javítási-értékelési útmutató 1311

2013. május 14.






Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Instructions for marking the advanced written paper

1. Always use red ink.

2. Put a tick next to each correct answer. Each correct tick is worth one point. Half a
point is not to be given. If a question which is worth two points is answered correctly,
put two ticks.
3. If there is a correct answer to a question which is not included in the marking scheme
you can still accept it. The same principle applies to synonyms. (e. g.: platelets —
4. The equally acceptable, alternative answers are separated with a backslash (/) in the
marking scheme.
5. At the end of each task add up the points in the grey boxes.
6. At the end of the examination paper fill in the summary table by giving the achieved
score of each task and by adding them up calculate the total score.
7. Mark each correct answer with a tick on the margin in the optional essay. In the
marking scheme only the most important terms and expressions are included in the
correct logical order. You can also accept the answers if they are logically built up
even if this logic is different from the one given in the marking scheme, unless it is
otherwise stated in the given task. In the end, please add up the points of the correct
answers and write them into the appropriate boxes of the summary chart.
In the essay, points can only be given for answers responding to the guiding questions.
8. If the candidate started answering both optional tasks (A and B) act according to the
instructions given under the heading of ‘Important Information’.
9. If the candidate is expected to formulate an answer in full sentences (e.g. reasonings
and explanations) only grammatically correct sentences can be accepted. Do not
subtract points for spelling mistakes but do not accept ambiguous sentences

Good luck for your work!

írásbeli vizsga 1311 2/7 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

I. Cells 11 points
This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 2.3; 3.2.1 and

1. A, C 1+1 points
2. D 1 point
3. C 1 point
4. A, D 1+1 points
5. D 1 point
6. E 1 point
7. B 1 point
8. A, B, D, E, F (Giving any two correct letters is 1+1 points.) 1+1 points

II. Plant life of bare saline soils / A kopár szík sarja 9 points
This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 3.4.1, 5.1.2, and

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
Each correct answer is 1 point.

III. The water of Balaton 11 points

This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 2.1; 2.2.2; 3.4.2;
Text, figure: www//

1. Metamorphosis ‘The cast pupal case (pupal exuviae)…’ 1 point

2. primary consumer 1 point
3. C 1 point
4. E 1 point
5. A,B,F 1+1+1 points
6. The nitrogen, because the total nitrogen: phosphorous mass ratio is 1:2, which is less
than the 9 limit value. Do not accept without reasoning. 1 point
7. (dissolved) nitrogen is not a limiting factor for nitrogen fixing blue-green
algae/bacteria because they can provide the required amount of nitrogen by fixing the
atmospheric N2. / (The dissolved ammonia and nitrate ions inhibit nitrogen fixation,
therefore low concentrations of these ions allow the rate of nitrogen fixation to become
higher.) Alternative wording is also acceptable 1 point
8. It reduces it, because the amount of organic matter (containing nitrogen and
phosphorous), which is built into the body of the mosquitoes, is taken out of the cycle
of matter of the lake. Alternative wording is also acceptable. 1 point
9. C 1 point

írásbeli vizsga 1311 3/7 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

IV. The structure and function of the male reproductive organs 9 points
This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 2.1.3; 4.8.1; 4.8.4
and 4.9.1
1. pituitary gland
2. testis
3. sperm cells
4. testosterone
5. vas deferens
6. seminal vesicle
7. erection
8. sacral
9. adrenal cortex
Each correct answer is 1 point.
V. Protein synthesis 9 points
This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 2.1.6.; 2.3.; 6.1.1.;
1. A, C, F 1+1+1 points
2. A, C 1+1 points
3. Arg, Pro, Ala (The correct names of all three amino acids are required.) 1 point
4. Stop codon: protein synthesis / translation stops. 1 point
5. It does not affect the order of amino acids in any way because no matter which base
occupies the third position of this triplet Glycine is going to be built into the
polypeptide / because the genetic code is ‘degenerate’. 1 point
6. It can have a regulatory role, e.g. operator / promoter region. (Since we are looking for
functions the otherwise correct answers like it has no function, e.g. because it is an
integrated stretch of viral DNA, cannot be accepted.) 1 point
VI. A sober approach to alcohol 11 points
This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 2.1.5., 2.1.6., 2.2.3.,
4.4.2., 4.8.1., 4.8.2. and 6.2.1.
Source of text:
1. B, E 1+1 points
2. High concentrations of alcohol precipitate the proteins of the cells. / High concentrations
of alcohol have toxic effects on the cells. 1 point
3. A, D 1+1 points
4. D 1 point
5. B 1 point
6. A 1 point
7. A or D 1 point

8. Based on the information given the genotype of the parents are:

aaBB (mother) x AAbb (father). The genotype of their son must be: AaBb 1 point
Since his wife has the same genotype the following Punnett-square can be set up:
AB Ab aB ab
Ab AABb AAbb AaBb Aabb
aB AaBB AaBb aaBB aaBb
ab AaBb Aabb aaBb aabb

írásbeli vizsga 1311 4/7 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The genotypes with at least one of the two genes in homozygous recessive form produce
alcohol sensitive phenotypes. These genotypes are marked by grey. According to this
reasoning the probability is: 7/16 (43,75%) 1 point
The results can only be accepted if they are arrived at by correct calculations/deductions.
Alternative calculations can also be accepted.

VII. Monkeys on the (evolutionary) tree 10 point

This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 1.1., 4.3.1. 6.3.1.
and 6.3.2.
Source of data:
Source of figures:
gorilla-giclee-print/, ill.
1. Assumed common ancestors. / Speciation events 1 point
2. B 1 point
3. The double S curve of the spine. / Shifting of the foramen magnum towards the base
of the skull. / The shape of the pelvis. Other correct answers are also acceptable.
1 point
4. D 1 point
5. C, E 1+1 points
6. D 1 point
7. D 1 point
8. B 1 point
9. D 1 point
(The first parts of the Latin names in the table refer to four different genuses.)

VIII. Body fluids in humans 10 points

This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 1.3.; 4.1.; 4.6.1.;
4.6.2.; 4.7.1. and 4.9.2


(at the start of the FLUID (with
nephrone) intact capillaries
and cells)
protein no no yes no
glucose yes no yes yes
sex hormones yes yes yes yes
fibrinogen no no no no
1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point
Each correctly filled in column is 1 point, total: 4 points.

2. A, E 1+1 points
3. A, B 1+1 points
4. B, C 1+1 points

írásbeli vizsga 1311 5/7 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

IX. A. A The human respiration and its modelling 20 points


The bell jar model (Donders model) 6 points

1. lungs
2. diaphragm
3. closed
4. decreased
5. B
6. ribs / intercostal muscle / the movement of the thoracic cavity / pleural membranes /
2 lungs / lobes of the lungs / airways (Mentioning any two: 1 point)
Each correct answer is 1 point.

Mechanism and regulation of respiration 14 points

• (nasal cavity) – pharynx – larynx – trachea/windpipe – bronchi – bronchiole – (alveoli) (1
point can only be given if all parts are listed in the correct order)

• In normal inspiration the (external) intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract,

• which causes the thoracic cavity to increase / to increase in volume.
• In normal expiration (no muscle activity is needed) / the flexibility / tension of the
thoracic cavity / lungs can exert sufficient force.

• In enforced expiration the abdominal muscles are also involved to decrease the volume of
the thoracic cavity.
• The lungs follow the movement of the thoracic cavity (passively) / the lungs have no
breathing muscles on their own, (therefore) the movements of the lungs are ensured by the
plural membranes.
• One of the membranes is attached to the lungs, whereas the other to the thoracic cavity
• and the two membranes are attached to each other by a layer of fluid / a low pressure

• When the thoracic cavity / lungs expand the air pressure inside the lungs drops and as a
result, the air moves into the lungs / which allows the higher outer air pressure to squeeze
air into the lungs.
• In expiration the stages occur in reverse order.

The regulation of respiration involves:

• Chemo receptors / carbon dioxide receptors / pH receptors in the medulla oblongata / in
the wall of blood vessels
• in response to increased concentrations / increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide in
the blood / decreased pH of the blood trigger inspiration / increased rate of breathing /
increased respiratory minute volume occurs;

• The mechanoreceptors / stretch receptors are found in the in the wall of the alveoli / lungs.
• The stretching of / electric impulse produced in these receptors triggers expiration.
The information content of each paragraph marked by the dots is 1 point.

írásbeli vizsga 1311 6/7 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

IX. B Population interactions 20 points

This task is based on the following chapters of the Detailed Requirements 1.3, 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 5.1.2.
Source of text and figure:Tamar Hizkiahu-Shaq : Allelopathy among Submerged Hydrophytes. Poster
at the 9th International Symposium on Aquatic Weeds (Dublin, Ireland), October, 1994. alapján.
Aquatic plants 10 points
• Container ‘A’:
1st day: 100+100·0.31=131 (between 131-133 the result is acceptable)
2nd day: 131+131·0.31= 131+41= 172 individuals (between 172-177 the result is
acceptable) 1 point
• Container ‘B’:
1st day: 100+100·0.45=145
2nd day: 145+145·0.45=210 individuals 1 point
2. Competition / allelopathy 1 point
3. The reproducing duckweed plants mutually inhibit each other’s reproduction.
Other possible mechanisms can also be accepted. 1 point
• Phosphate / hydrogen-phosphate / (PO43- ; HPO42-) 1 point
• Nitrate / (NO3-), also acceptable: nitrite / (NO2-) or ammonium / (NH4+) 1 point
• Carbonate (CO32-) or hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) 1 point
5. The inhibitory effect is smaller in acidic conditions. 1 point
6. The hornwort / the compound released by the hornwort exert an inhibitory effect on
both. 1 point
7. The distilled water promoted the germination of the lettuce seeds the best, whereas the
rate of reproduction of the duckweed was the highest in the drinking water.1 point
Alternative similarities and differences relevant for the experiments can also be accepted.
Population interactions 10 points
The order in which the interactions are listed and the examples are optional. Correct
reasoning is required for each example.
• Symbiosis / mutualism is beneficial for both species,
e.g. in lichens the mycelia anchor / break down organic matter, while
the algae cells provide photosynthetic products for the thallus. 2 points
(Point can only be given if the benefits of both parties are given.)
• Commensalism is neutral for one of the participants and beneficial for the other one.
e.g. sparrows nesting close to the stalk nest benefit from the protection provided by the
stalk nest. 2 points
• Competition / allelopathy place limits on the survival of both populations (since they
rely on the same limited resources).
e.g. the hornbeam and the oak trees both have high light requirement and they shade each
other. 2 points
• Parasitism and predation / consumption is harmful for one participant and
beneficial for the other one (both interactions have to be named).
e.g. the floodwater mosquito sucks blood from the deer to gain nourishment. 2 points
• Antibiosis is neutral/beneficial for one of the participants and harmful for the other
e.g. The antibiotic produced by the Penicillium fungus is toxic for a lot of bacteria / and,
the fungus can gain access to a wider range of resources(by eliminating its competitors).
2 points

írásbeli vizsga 1311 7/7 2013. május 14.

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