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I am not sure this is the right group for this.

My VFP 9 application runs Excel automation.
In 29 steps, a sheet is formatted in a certain way.
I noticed that some steps take considerably longer time than others,
and I wonder if there's other faster ways to achieve the same goal.

I post the code below.

The most time consuming steps are 17 (columns resizing) and 21 (add
footer and page numbers).
They take twice longer than steps 3, 4, 5, 23.
They take 10 times longer than steps 1, 6, 7, 8, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27,
They take 90 times longer than steps 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 29.

Fixing somehow steps 17, 21, 3, 4, 5 and 23 would improve speed.

Thank you for help, and sorry in case this is not the right group.

oSheet = .Worksheets.Add()
oSheet.Name = "#" + TRIM(vstore)

..Range("A:Z").Font.Size = 8

..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Pagesetup.LeftMargin = 36 && era 18
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Pagesetup.RightMargin = 27 && era 18

..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Pagesetup.TopMargin = 36
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Pagesetup.BottomMargin = 54

..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Pagesetup.HeaderMargin = 18
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Pagesetup.FooterMargin = 18


..range("A:A,A1").numberformat = "0"

..range("D:D,D1").numberformat = "0000"

* 10
..range("G:I").numberformat = "#,##0.00"

* 11
..range("A1").value = "UPC"
..range("B1").value = "Style"
..range("C1").value = "Style Desc"
..range("D1").value = "WP Color"
..range("E1").value = "Size"
..range("F1").value = "Qty"
..range("G1").value = "Cost $"
..range("H1").value = "Amount $"
..range("I1").value = "Retail $"
*.range("J1").value = "Diff $"

* 12
..range("A1:I1").Borders.LineStyle = 1

* 13
* Left: -4131, Center = -4108, Right = -4152
..range("F1:J1").HorizontalAlignment = -4108

* 14
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.pagesetup.printtitlerows = "$A1:$J1"

* 15
..range("A:A,B:B,D:D,E:E").horizontalalignment = -4131

* 16
..range("J:J,J1").horizontalalignment = -4152

* 17
..Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 12 && UPC was 13
..Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 15 && Style was 13
..Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 16 && Styledesc
..Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 7 && Wp color
..Columns("E:E").ColumnWidth = 5 && Size
..Columns("F:F").ColumnWidth = 4 && Qty
..Columns("G:G").ColumnWidth = 7 && Cost was 8
..Columns("H:H").ColumnWidth = 10 && Amount
..Columns("I:I").ColumnWidth = 8 && Retail
..Columns("J:J").ColumnWidth = 6

* 18
totqtycell = "F"+ALLTRIM(STR(storereccount+2))
..range(totqtycell).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-"+ALLTRIM(STR(storereccount))
..range(totqtycell).font.bold = .T.
..range(totqtycell).font.size = 9

* 19
totamtcell = "H"+ALLTRIM(STR(storereccount+2))
..range(totamtcell).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-"+ALLTRIM(STR(storereccount))
..range(totamtcell).font.bold = .T.
..range(totamtcell).font.size = 9

* 20

* 21
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ""
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = ""
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "FLI" + ' ' + dts
..ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter = "&P/&N" && es:

* 22
..Range("A1").value = COMPNAME
..Range("A1").font.size = 14
..Range("A1").font.bold = .T.

* 23
..Range("A2").value = v_tpc + SPACE(22-LEN(tpc)) + 'PO #' + v_po
..Range("E2").value = v_dn + v_btl
..Range("A2:E2").font.size = 11
..Range("A2:E2").font.bold = .T.
..Range("A3:L3").font.size = 9
..Range("A3:L3").font.bold = .F.

* 24
..range("A4").value = v_pod + v_pot + v_vn

* 25
..range("A5").value = v_sh + v_snbd + v_drd + v_dndbd + v_psd + v_cad +
v_dndad + v_cindbd

* 26
IF NOT (v_pgn == '' AND v_an == '' AND v_smop == '')
.range("A6:L6").font.size = 8
.range("A6").value = v_pgn + v_an + v_smop

* 27
IF NOT(v_tt == '' AND v_tbdc == '' AND v_tdp1 == '' AND v_tdp2 == ''
AND v_tdduda == '' ;
AND v_tddadu == '' AND v_tndd =e= '' AND v_tnd == '' AND v_tda == '')
.range("A7:L7").font.size = 8
.range("A7").value = v_tt + v_desc_a + v_tbdc + v_desc_b ;
+ IIF(v_tdp1 == v_tdp2, v_tdp1, v_tdp1 +
v_tdp2) ;
+ v_tdduda + v_tddadu + v_tndd + v_tnd + v_tda

* 28

* 29

● Follow-Ups​:
○ Re: Excel automation within VFP
■ From:​ Jürgen Wondzinski
○ Re: Excel automation within VFP
■ From:​ Dan Freeman
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