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Please cite this work as:

1. Saad MOTAHHIR, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti, Aziz Derouich, �Proposal and
Implementation of a novel perturb andobserve algorithm using embedded software�,
Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference,
pp.1-5, 2015

2. Saad MOTAHHIR, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti, Aziz Derouich, Une ressource
p�dagogique pour l'enseignement par simulation : cas des panneaux photovolta�ques,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Pedagogic Approaches & E-Learning (APEL

3. Saad MOTAHHIR, Abdelaziz El Ghzizal, Souad Sebti, Aziz Derouich, �Shading effect
toenergy withdrawn from the photovoltaic panel and implementation of DMPPT using
C language�, International review of automatic control, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 88-94,

Motahhir, S.(2018). Contribution to the optimization of energy withdrawn from a PV

panel using an Embedded System.
(doctoral dissertation). University sidi mohammed ben abdellah, Fez, Morocco.

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