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‘US 20170158: cu») United States 2) Patent Application Publication (0) Pub. No.: US 2017/0158577 Al Afiazco Otero et al. (4s) Pub. Date: Jun. 8, 2017 (4) METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ANFO Publication Clasitcation EXPLOSIVE USING AMMONIUM NTIRATE (51) gt AND RESIDUAL OILS AND PRODUCT THUS oaanisi a4] 006.01 PRODUCED CO6B 21/00 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: ENSA S.A., Lima (PE) (Cn68 31/285 (2013.01): C68 21/0008 (2013.01); Ca6B 2170097 (2013.01) (72) Inventors: Ronald Alfredo Afiazco Otero, Lima (57) ABSTRACT (PE); José Antonio Huaman ‘Vileahuamin, Lima (PE) 1o 8 method for producing mt and purification of the ‘residual oils of a mine ina filer wuck especially designed ‘and developed for this purpose, with the aim of completely (73) Assignee: ENSA S.A. Lima (PE) replacing the diesel fuel 2 with said residual oils that have ‘been previously’ teated in order to mix same with amme- (21) Appl. Nos 151815,648 sium hitrate, as well as the product resulting from said ‘method, The sim ofthis invention isto ase the residual il (22) POT Piles: Jum, 25, 2014 produced in mines in lange quantities, as the only combus- {ible agent in the production of ANFO, generating cost «. savings by completely substitting diesel 2 and additionally (06) POTN es climinating the existing risk inherent in the removal ofthe 5.371 (XD, residual il fom the mine and the negative impct that ten (2)Date™ Dee. 1, 2016 enerate inthe eaviroament if ts not used appropriately Patent Application Publication Jun. 8, 2017 Sheet 1 of SUS 2017/0158577 Al FIGURE 01 Patent Application Publication Jun. 8, 2017 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2017/0158577 AL FIGURE 03

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