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Bosma, N.S. 2009. “The geography of entrepreneurial activity and regional economic development : Multilevel
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Klyver, Kim. “Entrepreneurship & Social Network Development – A Life Cycle Approach.” Doctoral dissertation,
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Rocha, H. 2004 "Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: The Role of Clusters", Unpublished Doctoral
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Verheul, Ingrid. 2005. “Is there a (fe)male approach? Understanding gender differences in entrepreneurship.”
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Wennekers. Sander. 2006. “Entrepreneurship at Country Level; Economic and Non-Economic Determinants.”
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Coduras, A., De la Vega, I., Hernández, R. 2007. The Spanish GEM Regional Project and its policy implications.
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Coduras, A, De la Vega, I. Cultural factors as explanatory variables of the existing differences between rural and
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Coduras A., Rojas A., Urbano D., Martínez S. 2007. The relationship between university support to entrepreneurship
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Cruz, C. And Justo, R., 2007. Family firms' contribution to entrepreneurial activity: the Spanish case. Paper
presented at the GEM Regional Workshop, San Sebastián, Spain, July 2007

Díaz, J.C.; Hernández, R.; Roldán, R. Environmental factors that influence the entrepreneurial capacity. An empirical
approach from the GEM Project using a structural equation model. Paper presented at the third GEM Research
Conference in Washington, October 2007

Justo, R., Cruz, C. and De Castro, J., Perceptions Of Success Of Male And Female Entrepreneurs: A Social Identity
Approach. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, August 2007. Winner of the
Best Women's Entrepreneurship Paper Award.

Rebernik, M., Tominc, P., Pušnik, K. 2007 Entrepreneurship in Slovenia 2006: facts and figures. Working papers,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 5-222.

Rebernik, M., Tominc, P., Pušnik, K. Findings of the world project GEM on innovation and entrepreneurship. V:
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Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 2006, pp. 243-260.

Rebernik, M, Pušnik, K., Tominc, P. 2006. Roadblocks to entrepreneurial absorptive capacity in Slovenia. V: MULEJ,
Matjaž (ur.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ur.), KROŠLIN, Tadej (ur.). STIQE 2006 : proceedings of the 8th International
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Slovenia, 28-30 June, 2006. Maribor: Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management, 2006, pp. 189-197.
Suddle, K., S. Beugelsdijk and S. Wennekers 2008. Entrepreneurial culture and its effect on the rate of nascent
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Tajnikar, M., Pušnik, K. 2007. Differences in determinants of entrepreneurship among Slovenia and Croatia in
international contex. V: Enterprise in transition : proceedings. [Compact disc ed.]. Split: University of Split, Faculty of
Economics, 2007.

Tajnikar, M., Pušnik, K. 2007. Education and research as determinants of entrepreneurship : the case of selected
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor countries. V: REBERNIK, Miroslav (ur.), MULEJ, Matjaž (ur.), RUS, Matej (ur.),
KROŠLIN, Tadej (ur.). Nurturing champions of innovation and entrepreneurship : proceedings of the 27th Conference
on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Maribor PODIM, Maribor, 21st - 22nd March 2007. Maribor: Faculty of
Economics and Business, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 2007, pp. 219-235.

Tajnikar, M., Pušnik, K. 2008. Application of efficiency measurement in the analysis of entrepreneurial processes in
GEM countries. V: III Research Workshop based on GEM, June, 26th-27th, Gran Canaria, 2008.

Tominc, P., Rebernik, M. 2007. Gender differences in early-stage entrepreneurship in three European post-socialist
countries. Druš. istraž. (Zagreb), 2007, Vol 16, No. 3, pp. 589-611.

Tominc, P., Rebernik, M., Pušnik, K. 2007. Growth potential of entrepreneurship in Slovenia in international context.
V: Contributing to an entrepreneurial society : 37th EISB Conference, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small
Business 2007, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 13-14, 2007. Brussels: EFMD.

Umihanić B., Fazlović S. Data Quality in the Research of Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Paper
presented at the 11th International Research/Expert Conference: Trends in the Development of Machinery and
Associated Technologies, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2007.

Umihanic, B., Tulumovic, R. Environment for Innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Paper presented at the National
Independent Bureau for Development (NBR) Conference, Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 2008

Umihanic, B., Tulumovic, R. Entrepreneurship Environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina in International Perspective.
Paper presented at the International Institute of Economic Sciences (IES) Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, December

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