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Spiritual Satanism: Communicating With The

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
January 16, 2019

situation is in regards to psychic communication, it is nothing to be taken lightly,

but also, at the same time, nothing that you shouldn’t be experimenting with, so you
can get it better. Practice makes perfect, and experience cannot be rushed.
Communication comes with a lot of spiritual development, but also, very deep inner
cleansing. Any form of divination is affected by the person doing it, and to move past
this barrier of one’s personal mind, it can take, in some cases, even decades. The more
advanced and clearer the ’lines’ , the clearer will be the water flowing through them.
This is also why many of the people who say they ’speak with the Gods’, in actual
reality, have nothing extremely ’godly’ to say, but just re-affirming of their own personal
needs and conditions. This is a huge reality in many people who write literal volumes of
profane and low-ass communication with the so called ”Gods”, only disrespecting them,
which is typical of Wiccan creeds and many other fools.
These baboons also haven’t noticed that in reality, they know nothing ”godly”. Can
they base their whole existence on foolish candle spells? When was the last time they had
any success with something that was life and death of a matter? And instead of seeing
they are on the wrong path, they only profane the path to the Gods further, and they also,
promote this disgusting route for others to follow, only re-creating further disappoint-
ment, and further lying, as if trying to recruit others in the lies, hoping this will help out
the situation.
And let me tell you what happens: Everything gets shittier and shittier, until people
in the end are drowning in evil disappointment. And how did this begin? From a couple
of fools who had no idea and no experience of what they were talking about in regards to
serious matters.
What to you may be a ’joke’, and when you say ”Satan told me to paint my nails red”,
to another person in need of communication is ”I am filing for bankruptcy, and I need a
honest answer”. So because your own life is a joke, you cannot give everyone else the
rules and basis of said communication, as if the same was in the life of others, because
then you will be a deceiver and you will be liable to explain why you bullshit people.
Wiccans and similar creeds who troll each other do this frequently, as such, everything is
perceived as joke in the end.
The truth is that yes, the Gods and Satan, they *will* communicate with you, and you
should also leave it on THEM, to decide the means of said communication. This can be
far from verbal communication, visions and dreams, extreme material events, and will 1
be suited to your own way of getting to understand things, which can take a very long
amount of time to finally conceive for you a message. The signs can be extremely subtle,
and you will see them as they go, and they will be recognized by you.
Eventually, as time goes, you will also see that many of these signs but depending on
the level of development, reception will differ, same as the clearness of these signs. This
happens because everything happens through our mind, and your mind, unavoidably af-
fects the process for better or for worse. With experience, this can be nullified completely,
or exist to a minor extent.
The clearing of the mind, is very similar to the clearing of the soul, so one should be
aware here, and not go into the hole and bury themselves inside.
Many times I see quite a few people, going between the two extremes. One is the peo-
ple who are fully deceived and they believe literally ”Satan” and the Gods are basically
nothing else than their own disneyland, and they shape them in accordance to their own
needs, because in reality, there is no communication.
One woman wrote about how she had coffee on the coffee shop with Asmodeus for
many hours daily. Because of course, she is extremely important (we are dumb we cannot
understand why), and so are all her woes, so that God Himself has to sit on the table and
drink cappuccino latte with her. This is mental illness, and this has nothing to do with
actual spiritual communication. At best, this is profanity that MAY or may NOT later be
turned into actual spiritual communication.
The other extreme is people who never communicate with the Gods, even through
divinatory means, like they don’t even try. This is also wrong to an extent, but if this
tendency is coupled with a self-responsibility, it’s way better than the above which is the
straight route to anything wrong. And these people in general look after themselves,
trying to solve problems on their own. This is indeed millions of times better than the
first situation, but one must also not go too far as to literally relinquish Satan’s guidance
all together.
For one, for the Gods to show you something, you have to have a few leads in your
own mind. If you ask for the solution to your financial woes, and you do not have the
most basic knowledge on how to spend, you may go through a very lengthy wave of
knowledge and information coming (Both good and bad - because the mind can pervert)
which you will have to disseminate these. This can take a long time too.
The best way to go if you want communication, is to rather try to advance in gen-
eral, and by advancing, you will be default have your ability to communicate cleared up
progressively. This can take a very big amount of time, or less, if people have advanced
considerably before.
Another situation is where people literally try to RUSH everything, losing sight of the
fact, we exist now, and we will exist for a very long time. In other words, there is no point
to rush like a madman to deceive yourself (And even worse, others) and pretend about it.
Patience and determination here, is probably, once more, the most important quality you
can have.
It has been frequently said by some members, to just ”Try to communicate regardless”,
especially to very new people. Now imagine what it means to someone to try to run with
a strained ankle, this is what can possibly happen. One will be only confronted with
pain. Well, if you do that, and you do this daily, and you deceive yourself daily, the 2
logical conclusion is only you will think of everything as bullshit.
If you however have patience and you advance, you also stand the chance to gradually
clear up your messages, and learn how to communicate better, something that comes as
a result from meditating as a default. This is because you understand the Gods by your
heart. The clearer your heart, the clearer you will understand. Then different levels of
communications can ensue.
This is why also one must not profane the time of the Gods, and just call them for
YOLO reasons or to ask what color is the best color to paint one’s nail, or if they should
drink Starbucks or just regular coffee. The Gods have infinite consciousness to listen to
us, and yes, they do listen, so one must not play shitty music in their ears, it’s better that
way for both parties.
Some also make up strange theories about how the Gods are going to oblige or why
they should, and look after you as if you were an idiot. You are not an idiot. There is an
endless amount of information that can be answered by the search function of the forum,
for instance. You do not need the Gods to come to you to answer you straight up here, as
this matter is ALREADY answered by their collective work, so to say.
This mindset of obliging and even extorting the Gods to answer someone, never
works, and is straight out of the kosher bible that forces the Gods to oblige, which is a
non reality, that of course, young ’summoners’, even those of the enemy, get confronted
with. Foolish jews have died as a result of their own BS fables, and by pretending their
hand reaches further than it did, which is as far as their stinky ass. This was taken over
by some likewise idiots who follow their ’occultism’, and who, after following jewish
cultural excrement, drowned in it.
For example, they believe some Demon is going to show up, buy their soul for 10
bucks, and whatever else. But when Gods do not show up, or nothing happens, they are
dumbfounded, because they have been ’promised’ it would go in a specific way, and it
did not. Even worse, the more they harass them and attack them, if they reply back at
them, this turns fatal, and they can be destroyed.
Another thing many people do is also, since this also deals with ”Communication”,
pay too much attention to the enemy. By too much attention, this is kind of normal. The
enemy has more free time on their hands, as they are slaves. A grey has nothing better
to do but sit around and try to harass a new Satanist’s meditation, but this doesn’t mean
you have to waste your time on it likewise. Turning the enemy off is also something one
must learn, same as tuning out the enemy’s negative transmissions, which is important
to your development.
Imagine this very simply. If I want to give you a phone call, you need to have a
phone, don’t you? Well, if you do not have a phone (Spiritual sense) I cannot give you a
phonecall. This doesn’t mean I cannot give you a phonecall. But since I know you do not
have one available, I can send a letter to you.
When you fix your telephone, I can call you. If one is extremely rigid and they sit
only on top of the telephone and try to FORCE me to give you a phonecall, I will not be
able to reach you. I may send you letters, and you may never receive them, as you may
not be open to receiving these letters, and you’re being too rigid. If you telephone line is
bad, you may hear the voice jumbled, and if you have no idea about how the telephone
works, you may think of wrong reasons as to why we cannot speak, such as that I am 3
purposefully jumbling my voice.
With the above being stated, communication comes in levels, and forms. When you
are a very new Satanist, you must find your way around and when you are new they will
look out for you and guide you on a very consistent way, but as to the how of it, one can
leave it to the experts, the Gods. They will kind of show you around, in their own way.
The soul is like a telephone line you can fix, and this can take a very long time, but this
doesn’t mean the Gods cannot reach you. So just be open and embark into a new world
as if it were a new world, and respect this fact.
If you are a new Satanist, know for a fact, the Gods are looking out for you, and
guiding you. Immediately when one dedicates, a Demon is assigned to guide them and
help them instantly, if said person was not a Satanist in a past life, which means they
already can have a Guardian Demon even before this time.
When one just dedicates, the beginning is like entering a new world, and there can be
endless confusion and even chaos in some cases. This is why here we have a community
to help. But you are supported by them. The clearness of your perception on this will
come with time, as your mind clears up.
For example, one has a question. They go in the forum, and someone else has asked
this and has received an answer. This right here, is an answer, and one has received
appropriate guidance on the subject.
Depending on the nature of your own mind, this can take a while, even many years,
to reach a point of clearer direct, verbal visual communication, and this is because, the
mind itself is conditioned in a particular way, the soul may need work, and also, outer
issues such as the enemy or even astrological events. These can put some strain on com-
munication, or help it likewise. So it’s better to not expect communication in an extremely
limited or rigid way as explained above.
As such, you may also find you have better talent, or even no talent, for a specific way
of divination. It’s important to know your craft. This is because we all have our own soul,
and some divinatory tools can resonate better with some people.
The biggest ’proof’ of the existence of the Gods, is not really the actual communication
with them, as many would be led to believe, but the fact you can advance with the means
they provide. When one meditates seriously, they will understand what I mean here. The
proof here is you are slowly made spiritually self reliant, which is the best thing the Gods
can do to you, in contrast to baby sitting.
Now in particular to how you will make yourself more open to their communication,
think of yourself as a person in the army, and not an entitled stupid baby in the baby crib.
If one is a good Satanist and he attracts the attention of the Gods based on their actions
and heart, they are sure to take notice. If one is an inner bullshitter, they may also notice
that too, so one may have to do some repair. The surest way to attract their providence is
to also align yourself with it, and simply advance steadily, and treat the matter seriously.
Then likewise you will also be taken seriously. Simply advancing benefits you, but also,
because this is what they want, also shows you are actually interested to learn.
Likewise in a class, the student that studies, and attracts attention, gains the attention
of the teacher. The student that is indifferent, never shows up, and even spits on the face
of the teacher, cannot hope to get a hearing, even if good teachers normally love students
generally. 4
One last thing I want to be clear with, is that to hold a relation with Satan, except ad-
vancing, doing warfare, and such, you can of course ’pray’, but in the sense of telepathic
communication. There is nothing bad in this. You can also read to them, write to them,
and you can do frequent thanksgiving rituals to them. The reason here, is one should
keep a feeling of the energy, and keep in mind that the Gods exist, because they do.
Especially when you are new, you can be doing this, to get a strong feeling of Satan’s
energy, a grasp of it. Eventually you will see that full blown rituals may or may not later
be that necessary. If you do not have space, go for your astral temple, and do them here.
The mind takes time to open up, but you must always have FILTERING and REASON-
ING about what you are doing.


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