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1- 11-19
William Shakespeare, author of Romeo and Juliet, tells us the tragic love story of two
teens named Romeo and Juliet. The teens love each other, but their families are enemies,
which prevents them from being together. In the end, the two lovers feel the only way to be
together is in death. Throughout the play, Shakespeare expresses his belief that conflicts have
severe consequences through character interaction, major events, and conflicts.

Throughout the play, Shakespeare expresses his belief that conflicts have severe
consequences through character interaction. One example of this is, ”Boy, this shall not excuse
the injuries that thou hast done me. Therefore turn and draw.” This shows that because of
Romeo’s actions of being with Juliet has caused Juliet’s cousin wanting to fight Romeo. Another
example is, ”Hood my unmann’d blood, bating in my cheeks, with thy black mantle till strange
love grow bold, think true love acted simple modesty.” Because of the love interaction between
Romeo and Juliet this has caused their families to get really mad with each other. In conclusion,
throughout the play, Shakespeare expresses his belief that conflicts have severe consequences
through character interaction because of love between enemies children and fights between the
two families.
Shakespeare expresses throughout the play that his belief that conflicts have severe
consequences through major events. One example of this is, “A gentler judgment vanished from
his lips: Not body’s death but body’s banishment.” This a good example, because since Romeo
and Juliet has caused deaths now Romeo has been banished. Another example is, “O Romeo,
Romeo brave Mercutio is dead! That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds, which too untimely
here did scorn earth.” This is another good example because since Romeo was fighting now his
best friend is dead. In conclusion, throughout the play, Shakespeare expresses his belief that
conflicts have severe consequences through major events because of death and fights.
Throughout the play, Shakespeare expresses his belief that conflicts have severe
consequences through conflicts. For example, “And the continuance of their parents rage.
Which but their children’s end.” This is a good example because the drama between the two
families led to the death of their kids. Another example is, “Two households both alike in dignity
(in fair Verona, where we lay our scene). From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil
blood makes civil hands unclean.” This is another good example because since just one grudge
lasting so long had made even another one and worse. In conclusion, throughout the play,
Shakespeare expresses his belief that conflicts have severe consequences through conflicts
because of grudges and fights.

Throughout the play, Shakespeare expresses his belief that conflicts have severe
consequences through character interaction, major events, and conflicts. My evidence is
basically saying that the grudge between the two families got more worse than what it started off
with and led to the death of their children. Also, before this was love, fights, and even
banishment than the death of their children. The reader learned that young people don’t really
understand that what they do can and will have consequences whether they are good or bad.

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