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Learning, Performance and Improvement. Research Matters series No. 34.

Chapter · September 2010


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Chris Watkins
University of London


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Research Matters
Learning, Performance and Improvement

Author: Chris Watkins

Reader in Education
Institute of Education

Editor: Jane Reed

Head of International Network for School Improvement (LCLL)
Institute of Education

The Research Publication of the International Network for School Improvement

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Number 34 Summer 2010

Learning, Performance and Improvement

Purp oses:
This paper considers the relation between learning showing that classrooms can create a better view.
in schools and performance in schools, and then
In the meanings held by learners themselves, views
goes on to examine evidence on ways in which
of learning have become a key focus of research.
performance in school may be enhanced and
Studies of adult students have identified a range of
improved through learning about learning. The
views of learning:
review of evidence is based on a reading of more
• increasing one’s knowledge
than 100 classroom-based research studies and a
• memorising and reproducing
wider literature base, not all of which is cited for
• applying, general rules to particulars
reasons of space.
• understanding, making sense
The evidence leads to the conclusion that learning • seeing something in a different way
about learning is a practically viable and • changing as a person .

educationally important strategy which also has the

Such conceptions of learning are important since
effect of improving performance. But learning-
they have a great influence on how people go about
centred school improvement is less prevalent than
their learning. School-age learners may have simpler
might be envisaged from this evidence, because it
conceptions than adult students, but they still range
remains in tension with the dominant discourse
in a similar way from thin conceptions to rich
about classroom learning and with current policy
conceptions of learning.
interventions in England.
Effective learners are likely to have a rich conception
of learning, along with strengths in what researchers
In understanding any relationship between learning have identified as metacognition, self-monitoring
and performance it is first necessary to review each and self-regulation.
of these terms and their range of meanings.
Bac kgro und and Co ntext 2 :
Bac kgro und and Co ntext 1 : View s of Perfor manc e i n Sch ool
View s of L earning
School systems are viewed in different ways at
The term ”learning” is given a range of meanings. In different times and in different contexts. They may
everyday talk, media and television it is rarely used: be viewed in terms of the personal-social
when it is, it usually implies “being taught”. development of pupils, in terms of examination
In the world of education “learning” may be used a results, in terms of civic contribution and many
lot, but on closer inspection the term can be more. In England and elsewhere, a particular view of
standing in for distinctly different processes such as school performance has been dominant in recent
teaching, producing, performing according to years, as a result of government focus on
certain criteria, and so on. And in classrooms it is performance tests for pupils, performance tables for
rarely heard. schools, performance management for teachers and
In research, a review of developments across the 20
th so on. Performance in timed paper-and-pencil tests
century highlighted that learning is now seen as lies at one end of a spectrum of meanings for the
change in knowledge, occurring through a process term: at the other end, the term performance also
of knowledge construction in which the social describes richer authentic achievements such as
context of learning is important . Learner differences collaborative endeavours of a long-term nature with
and contextual differences are both shown to be important audiences and impact in mind. Some
influential. Studies of the social context of learning state education systems emphasise these .
have helped us see that understanding is a shared Timed paper-and-pencil tests are shown to be
phenomenon, that learning may usefully be seen as unreliable for the gradings derived from them . The
joining a knowledge community, and that much school “league tables” they create are shown to be
learning remains very specific to the social situation unfit for the purpose claimed for them . Managing
in which it was originally learned . teachers on the basis of such performance has
In every school and every classroom, views of lowered teacher morale and led to some leaving the
learning are present, even if they remain implicit. profession . Most recently school performance tables
The long-standing culture of classrooms is: teaching were officially recognized as a form of sanction and
is telling, learning is listening, knowledge is subject reward, but “we found no quantified evidence of
matter taught by teachers and found in books . This the effect of sanctions and rewards on levels of
does not accord with evidence from research. But it performance” . There are now 22 different
will inhabit classroom life unless there is clear action categories of use to which the results of paper-and-
to counter it. And there is important research pencil test are put , all unfit for purpose.


Learning, Performance and Improvement
A cru cial cl assro om exp eri ment
It is very rare in educational research to find an
With such a view of school performance, recently experimental study, not in a laboratory setting, but
described as “hyperaccountability” , schools are in the natural circumstances of real classrooms. This
subjected to increased pressures and faced with study matched all the requirements of “hard
increased tensions. In general the response has been science”, and appeared in an empirical journal
to narrow the curriculum, and teach to the test, 19
which rarely carries studies from education .
with the associated reduction in pupil motivation
12 Fifteen teachers were randomly assigned to one of
and enjoyment .
two conditions: in the first group teachers were told
Those who emphasise performance often take their job was to help the pupils learn, the second
particular views on how performance is to be group were told that their job was to ensure
improved, and also display their view of learning. As children perform well. Then in their own classrooms
one Chief Inspector of Schools put it: “How does they were asked to help their 10 year-old classes
one learn as a human being except through pressure solve two sorts of problems. They were videotaped,
and threat?” . When pressure is applied to complex and the tapes were analysed by coders who did not
human systems such as school, two things seem to know which condition the teachers were in. Pupils
happen: first, pressure is usually passed on down the were asked to complete some other similar tasks by
hierarchical levels, second, the operation of an experimenter who was also blind to the condition
classrooms reverts to earlier more teacher-directed which teachers had been allocated to. Student
forms. performance on the tasks taught and on a
In recent years Government in England (but not generalization task was assessed by independent
Wales, Scotland, …) has directed schools in an judges. Results showed that the students did less
instruction-focused way, and reinforced a model of well on the subsequent test when they were
learning as being taught. This approach contrasts exposed to pressured teachers using controlling
markedly with a learning paradigm . Despite its strategies as a result of the performance instruction.
claims for “whole class interactive teaching”, So performance pressure does not help increase
independent research shows an increase in whole- performance. How may this be understood further?
class teaching, including an increase in the amount
of talking at pupils through statements and not in Th e Key I ssu e: A L ear ner ’s Ori ent ation
talking with pupils by asking questions . In studies of motivation, development and
As the major truly independent review of primary achievement, by many research teams across a
education put it, schools in England have been number of decades and many countries, a recurring
subjected to a “state theory of learning” . distinction arises. Any learner can, in a given
context, adopt an orientation which can be
So does this focus on a narrow view of
described on the dimension below:
performance and the associated pressure to
achieve results even prove successful in its
own terms and actually lead to increased Learning Orientation Performance Orientation
performance? At the largest level, A dimension along which we all vary as learners
international surveys offer evidence:
“Pressure for reading achievement we believe that effort can we believe that ability
correlated negatively with reading lead to success leads to success
engagement and with reading
achievement in a majority of we believe in our ability to we are concerned to
countries” 17 improve and learn, and not be seen as able, and to
be fixed or stuck perform well in others’
“’Achievement press’ which was
measured by students’ perceptions of
the extent to which teachers emphasise we prefer challenging we seek satisfaction
academic performance and place high tasks, whose outcome from doing better than
demands on students, is only moderately reflects our approach others
related to performance, and the effect we get satisfaction from we emphasise
on performance, on average across personally-defined success competition, public
OECD countries, on the mathematical at difficult tasks evaluation
and scientific literacy scales is not
statistically significant”
18 we talk to ourselves: when when the task is
engaged in a task we talk difficult we display
To understand matters better, we need to
ourselves through helplessness: “I can’t
focus on the level which school effectiveness
do X”
research has shown us is influential: the
classroom. A concern for A concern for
improvi ng pr oving
one’s competence one’s competence

Learning, Performance and Improvement
Orientations in school may be measured by Some researchers have questioned the effects of
questionnaire which asks respondents to show their performance orientation on achievement and have
general (dis)agreement with the twelve items below chosen to separate ‘performance approach’ from
(derived from the most valid of a number of ‘performance avoid’, with the second having
instruments ). Each orientation is assessed by six of obviously negative effects. However even if
the items: someone is motivated to prove their competence
1 I like school work that I’ll learn from, even if I make a
(performance approach) the evidence above
lot of mistakes.
demonstrates that they will not be able to achieve
2 I would feel really good if I were the only one who
this without an orientation to improve their

could answer the teachers’ questions in class.

competence . In high school, learning orientation is
3 An important reason why I do my school work is
significantly correlated with grades, whereas

because I like to learn new things.

performance approach is not .
4 It’s very important to me that I don’t look stupid in High perfor manc e i n ot her d o mai ns
my classes. Discussion of performance in school is often
5 I like school work best when it really makes me think. punctuated by comments about how performance is
6 It’s important to me that the other students in my achieved in other domains, so it may be important
classes think that I am good at my work. to look at evidence in such domains.
7 An important reason why I do my work in school is
because I want to get better at it.
In sport, elite athletes with a learning orientation
8 An important reason I do my school work is so that I
focus on incremental improvement and mastering a
don’t embarrass myself.
task: this not only predicts their achievement, but
9 I do my school work because I’m interested in it.
also enjoyment and staying power . Athletes with a
10 I want to do better than other students in my classes.
performance orientation are less able to handle non-
11 An important reason I do my school work is because I
successful experiences. So the popular view that
enjoy it.
winners succeed because they are “hungry for gold”
12 The reason I do my work is so others won’t think I’m
is erroneous.
dumb. In business it has been shown that salespeople’s
effectiveness is associated with a learning
This instrument makes the point that the 28
orientation . So success in a competitive context is
orientations are not polar opposites: someone can
not defined by a competitive attitude but a learning
score high or low on both of the dimensions which
attitude. In an interactive business simulation
the questionnaire measures.
participants were asked to make a series of complex
Learn ers’ orient ation s an d achi ev ement decisions to increase market share. Performance was
Various studies have shown the connectedness highest for individuals with a high learning goal,
between the elements of learning orientation listed who also developed greater conviction of their
above: individuals who scored high on a learning ability to master the task, and a higher commitment
orientation select and use deep learning strategies to their goal .
which leads them to assume responsibility with high Effective teams also have a learning orientation
levels of persistence , they use more strategies, and which helps them view mistakes as a resource rather
possess more metacognitive knowledge about their than a problem: at first sight they appear to make
learning . They also use better self-motivating more mistakes; on closer inspection they don't make
23 30
strategies . more mistakes, they report more .
These studies, and others, also show that: Although the practice of setting goals is common,
• those with a learning orientation obtain higher the setting of performance goals can be counter-
achievement scores even when prior achievement productive whereas setting learning goals can be
is controlled statistically. effective. Giving trainee Air Traffic Controllers a
• learning orientation helps to increase academic specific challenging performance goal with regard to
achievement independent of one's performance the number of planes to be landed decreased rather
orientation. than increased their effectiveness . A recent review
on the effects of goal-setting concluded: “Goals
In everyday terms this means that the motivation to
may cause systematic problems in organizations due
prove one’s competence is immaterial without the
24 to narrowed focus, unethical behaviour, increased
motivation to improve one’s competence . This
risk-taking, decreased cooperation and decreased
refutes the idea that a focus on learning and a focus 32
intrinsic motivation” .
on performance are in some way alternatives.
In the business world research with adults studying
So a focus on learning can enhance performance, 33
for an MBA also makes the point . Students who
whereas a focus on performance (alone) can depress were invited to set themselves learning goals for the
performance. The effects of performance orientation first year of their programme achieved higher grades
include greater helplessness, reduced help-seeking, than those who were invited to set themselves an
less strategy use, more maladaptive strategies (i.e. outcome goal for the end of the year. They also
strategies which are not proving effective), and a expressed greater satisfaction with the programme
greater focus on grade feedback. by the end of the year.
Learning, Performance and Improvement
In secondary school, differences between classroom
Per so n AND situ ation - t he cl assro o m 43
situations are fewer and the school culture plays a
There is a common tendency to talk about learners greater role in influencing classroom practices .

as though they have one orientation or the other, Throughout secondary school, learning orientation is
but the evidence does not support this view. The significantly correlated with grades, whereas
most recent research shows that how the task is 45
performance approach is not . So a performance-
described - “to help you learn” versus “ to see how oriented school culture is linked with poorer
good you are” - can influence a learner’s orientation motivation and greater disengagement predicting
more strongly than the disposition that learners lower attainment: this could be a key element in
bring to the task . This is a vital point for explaining “the long tail of under-achievement” in
recognising the contribution made by the classroom. secondary schooling in England.
The classroom is influential as a collective climate. Beyond secondary school, by the time they reach a
Even measuring this as the simple average of all college environment, students who adopt a high
individuals’ orientations shows that a class-average learning orientation and high performance
learning-orientation has a positive effect on orientation achieve the highest levels of
individual achievement gains, while class-average achievement in that context: they display the highest
performance orientation has a negative effect . levels of motivation, cognitive strategy use, and self-
The classroom is influential through the messages it regulation .
conveys, and even young learners spot them. They And at undergraduate level some studies show that
can perceive whether a situation is encouraging a a learning orientation is associated with highest
learning orientation or a performance orientation, 47
performance .
and they can learn to associate these orientations
36 Within this picture of the changing context over the
with their identities as a learner . In later years more
years of schooling, some individuals proceed despite
variation appears. In a survey of 30 classes of 10
the context. Those 8 to 12 year-olds with a learning
year-olds, classes had significantly different
37 orientation show more stability in their orientation,
orientations, as did the learners . Pupils’ 48
motivation and self-regulation . Perhaps that
orientations were not totally defined by their
orientation is more resilient for individuals. And for
classroom: for example, some learners perceived
contexts, learning orientation is more influential:
teachers’ expectations as predominantly
perceived changes in the learning orientation of
competitive, yet maintained a learning orientation
classrooms have more effect on performance than
for themselves. 49
changes in the performance orientation .
Within classrooms, children may show different
The change of orientations over time is viewed by
orientations in different fields, such as reading and 50
38 some writers as a developmental phenomenon , but
maths . In this study differences across large-scale
this is an individual view and risks ignoring social
variables, such as ethnicity and socio-economic
context. Instead we can view the trends over time as
status, were few, which suggests that local features
reflecting the culture in our schools. Key elements of
of the classroom are more powerful.
a school’s learning culture include the views of
Trend s acro ss t he school y ears, learning, what it is and how it proceeds, as well as
achi ev ement an d scho ol cli mat e what has come to count as achievement in the
Beyond classroom differences, wider patterns and organization. Here again there are differences across
trends exist. Evidence suggests that the goal climate the school years.
in classrooms becomes steadily more performance- So as educational institutions become more selective
oriented over the years of schooling. and the culture becomes more performance
In primary school, students with a high learning oriented, high learning orientation remains central
orientation and low performance orientation had to achievement, but it is not supported by the
the most adaptive thinking as well as actual classroom culture. So a more limited group of
achievement . Yet a longitudinal study of 431 US students than could be the case are those who will
pupils in the later primary years showed that they succeed.
become less learning-oriented and more work If performance orientation is dominant in the culture
avoidant . without a developed learning orientation, there is an
At transition to secondary school, learning practices increase in strategic behaviour rather than learning
could be disrupted as a new environment is behaviour, a focus on looking good rather than
encountered. First year students in a Dutch learning well, and a tendency to perceive education
secondary school showed no connection between as a process of jumping through hoops, rather than
learning orientation and achievement . By fifth year, something more transferable and lasting. This is not
however, those students with a learning orientation a strategy for success .
showed strong connections with achievement. But returning to the detail of the classroom, how are
Yet moving up the early secondary school years, these influential differences in orientation created?
classrooms become less learning-oriented: as a result
400 11 and 12 year-olds endorsed personal learning
goals less strongly, and achieved lower grades .
Learning, Performance and Improvement
teachers demonstrated that being unsure, learning
Teac her s ar e centr al
from mistakes, and asking questions were natural
Central to the message system of the classroom is and necessary parts of learning”.
the teacher. One major study identified four
classrooms with significantly different motivational So two key elements are identified in the classroom:
profiles. Over two terms, observation focused on 1. how teachers talk about their students’ learning
teachers' talk and practices, and the following 2. how teachers talk about their own learning
features were found to be consistent across time,
These elements suggest what is necessary in order
and consistently different between the teachers.
to do better than teacher-centred performance-
In a learning orientation classroom (LoC): focused classrooms.
• the tasks generate participation by all, and
equal participation is established Impr oving cl assro o ms
• talking and working happens in pairs, threes Classrooms are the influential site in creating
and mixed groups achievement at school. They have their impact not
• the class is engaged in generating rules, and through particular practices but through the
then there is freedom of way of working. learning climate they create. When classrooms
In a performance orientation classroom (PoC): create a thoughtful and learner-centred climate,
• the tasks are to volunteer responses to teacher achievement is high.
• whole class lessons dominate. There is little When it comes to improving classrooms, many
cooperation and students keep their work approaches focus on the teacher’s techniques. They
private from others attempt to do “more of what works”, where “what
• rules and sanctions are repeated, along with works” has been decided from reductionist research
procedures to be followed. on teaching. As a result they often create more of
In addition, in a LoC: the same - teacher-directed classrooms with low
• praise is informative and credible agency for learners.
• the message is that improvement is the focus Classroom improvement which enhances learning
• peers seek and give help to each other requires two consecutive shifts:
• performance in tests is not linked to other • from teacher-centred towards learner-centred
factors such as ability or prestige. • and then towards learning-centred classrooms.
Whereas, in a PoC: These two shifts are consecutive because attempts
• praise is used for behaviour or for neatness to accelerate the process and move directly from
• teachers are only available to answer questions teacher-centred classrooms to learning-centred
at designated times classrooms usually entail the imposition of a teacher-
• there is much talk of tests and their centred language of learning. Research since the
importance, and students enquire if this task is 1970s has shown that this does not have the
to be graded. intended positive effects54. It is an example of what
So a learning orientation classroom has to contain learning-oriented researchers have called a “lethal
learner-centred practices rather than mainly teacher- mutation” of their findings55. When research-based
centred. Nevertheless the researchers described all learning-centred classroom practices are
four classrooms as “broadly teacher-led” and went subsequently packaged and promoted, they become
on to identify a crucial new element: the comments teacher-centred practices, omit the principles of
teachers made about how students learn: learning, and lose their positive effects.
• In a LoC teachers spoke about learning as an The shift from teacher-centred to learner-centred
active process that requires student has been described 56 along three dimensions:
involvement and discussion; that • more active learning, so that learners are not
understanding - rather than memorization and merely more active through creating, deciding,
replication - is important; and that interaction and so on, but are also more actively learning
is a key feature. through the explicit review of their experience and
• In a PoC teachers spoke about learning as an the meaning-making this involves
individual process achieved by listening and
• more collaborative learning, so that learners come
following instructions; correct answer is the
to see themselves and others as resources in
goal, following procedures is the method.
meaning-making, rather than teacher being sole
A later study separated teacher comments on fount of knowledge
learning which focused on the current teaching • more learner-driven learning, so that learners
transaction from those which were independent of come to drive the agenda as they generate
the current transaction. The latter included teachers’ questions, organise inquiry and evaluate their own
comments about their own thinking and learning, products and progress.
and distinguished classrooms with their different
orientations considerably more than any other part When these three dimensions are present to some
of the discourse. The study concluded “By modeling extent in a classroom, it becomes possible to address
their own thinking processes, learning-oriented a fourth (which has less of a history in classrooms,
and in research):
Learning, Performance and Improvement
• more learning about learning, so that learners The term “metalearning” denotes learning about
come to see themselves as such, develop learning, whereas metacognition denotes thinking
authentic language about their experiences of about thinking. Just as learning involves more than
learning, and come to propose improvements for thinking, so metalearning involves more than
how their learning can be developed. metacognition, for instance learning about goals,
If learning-centred change is applied to a classroom feelings, social relations and context of learning. The
which does not have a degree of learner- term has even recently appeared in an Ofsted school
centredness, the change will not stick. inspection report - thanks to a Year 4 child who
explained it to the inspector.
The first shift to learner-centred has significant
effects. When the classroom is learner-centred, Over these decades, understandings and approaches
students develop a different orientation to their to classroom interventions have also developed. At
learning. Middle schools students report more first the focus was on teaching skills and strategies.
positive forms of motivation and greater academic There were many competing conceptualizations,
engagement when they perceived their teachers most of which took a deficit view of learners. When
were using learner-centred practices (survey of 2200 a group of students is taught that a particular
students) . As students' perceptions of their strategy is good for learning, some of the students
teachers' classroom practices became more learner- are saying to themselves “But I don’t use that
centred, not only did academic performance strategy – so I must be worse than I thought”. Thus
increase (as assessed by both teacher classroom a well-meaning programme can have a negative and
grades and standardized achievement tests), but disempowering effect if it seems to suggest that
non-academic outcomes such as motivation to learn, there is a single way of being an effective learner .
school attendance, and school disruptions also Evidence showed that the skills did not transfer to
improved (survey of 4,203 upper elementary and other situations than the ones in which they were
58 64
middle school students) . A positive orientation taught . A major review concluded that direct
towards learning, including a desire to develop teaching of “study skills” to students without
competence and improve intellectually, was attention to reflective, metacognitive development
reported by adolescents when they perceive their may well be pointless . As a leading researcher put
teachers as using learner-centred teaching practices it “Gradually it became apparent that the children’s
(survey of 4615 middle and high school students) . failure to make use of their strategic repertoire was
And a recent meta-analyses concludes: “Overall, a problem of understanding: they had little insight
learner-centered teacher variables have above- into their own ability to learn intentionally; they
average associations with positive student lacked reflection ”66. So interventions started to help
outcomes” . students focus on strategies at the same time as
One of USA’s leading experts in this field recently they think about and monitor their learning.
highlighted the issue in making the second shift “I Then came a focus on learning “styles”, which
can hardly think of anything more worth learning appeal to schools’ tendency to categorise learners.
than learning to learn. It’s like money in the bank at However the research demonstrates that the origins
compound interest. Unfortunately, most settings of of the great number of unrelated models are shaky,
learning give very little direct attention to learning the measurement is unreliable and the impact on
61 67
the game of learning” . pedagogy is negligible . But with so many vested
interests and overblown claims, this form of talk
Learning abo ut L earnin g - key id eas
sometimes continues.
The term “learning about learning” is chosen for the
Nowadays it is better understood that skills and
remainder of this paper, while recognising that
preferences may be some part of the picture but:
other terms are also used.
The literature on this area has shown considerable effectiveness as a learner hinges on the ability to be
growth in recent decades and now there is a versatile as a learner, to have a rich view of learning
dedicated journal: “Metacognition and Learning”. and a learning orientation which is in turn linked to
Figure 1 depicts the number of texts (not including the ability to plan, monitor and review one’s
those on machine learning) which use the terms learning - aspects which metalearning promotes.
“learning about learning”, “learning to learn”, Strategies may play a role, but some may be more
“learning how to learn” and meta-learning. important than others. Distinguishing:
metacognitive study strategies (e.g. monitoring)
deep strategies (e.g. meaning-making)
surface strategies (e.g. rehearsal)
resource management strategies (e.g. time)
evidence from university students shows that
metacognitive study strategies are more important
for achieving high exam scores. And these strategies
strongly link to a learning orientation .
Context remains important for learning about
Figure 1. Growth of literature on learning about learning learning. Helping students to better read and
Learning, Performance and Improvement
respond to the demands of the school context has why they were doing certain things which are
successfully enhanced skills in reading, writing, normally taken for granted, for example:
homework and test-taking. This was attributed to “How come that we [did X] yesterday?”
the programme which acknowledged students’ out- “Did you find out anything that you didn’t
of-school skills, harnessed extra-school strengths in know before?”
the service of school work, and based skill-building “How did you go about finding out?”
on students’ own experiences . This also acts as a “Can you find out some more on that by
reminder that school students may have richer tomorrow?”
learning experiences outside school, and that school
“How would you go about teaching other
can usefully build skills from such experiences.
people all you have learnt about this?”
Situational enquiries have been important in other
Finally it was shown that “children who have been
research teams. Cartoon formats have been involved in this form of educational activity
developed which depict typical school situations and [including meta-learning] are better prepared for
invite learners to fill in a speech bubble and a learning (understanding new content)”. 6 year-olds
thought bubble for the participants. These have showed greater understanding in real-life learning
been shown to illuminate learning contexts from the 75
experiments than did their peers in parallel groups .
pupils’ perspective, and contribute to reflective
dialogue between pupils and teachers . Children also showed a richer conception of
learning: when asked “If you were the one who had
So a view of learning about learning has developed
to decide what the children will have to learn next,
which is:
what would you suggest?” their answers were more
• Appreciative and strengths-based, rather than
about learning to know than about learning to do.
When asked “Imagine you are as old as your
• Focused on learners’ lived experiences of learning
teacher, and have to teach children in another pre-
• Focused on multiple contexts, including those
school all that you have learned [about X], how
outside school
would you go about that?” their answers were
• About planning monitoring and review
more about teaching by planning experience, rather
• Highlighting the meaning of learning.
than teaching by telling.
The language of learning which is appropriate here
These studies have indicated the significant impact
is not a provided language (such as skills) or a
of two important classroom practices:
divisive language (such as styles) but a narrative
1. making learning an object of attention
language for communicating experiences, rising
71 2. making learning an object of conversation
above and building a richer picture .
Is there any evidence that classroom practices based Other projects pairing 4 year-olds and 8 year-olds
on such a view have any effect on performance? concluded “children learn many things at school,
but they very rarely have a chance to learn about the
Classr oo m Pr actic es 76
process of teaching and learning” .
Learning abo ut L earnin g in Pre-Sc hool Film studies of nursery and reception class children
Young children’s learning is often under-estimated. show that they have more metalanguage than their
Yet 3 to 5 year-olds can transfer learning from a educators expect, especially about them taking
single example of a problem, based of principle, not strategic control (problem solving, planning,
surface features . This learning can be accelerated predicting, explaining and monitoring progress) .
by a key practice: asking them to explain. 3 year- Educators expressed awe at their skills, while the
olds then perform as well as 4 year-olds (twice as researcher concluded with one major assertion: that
well as the 3 year-olds who did not reflect). By age educators’ ventures into this field would result in
4, children’s own explanations promote transfer “unexpected revelation” - surprises!
better than those provided by an adult. Learning abo ut L earnin g in Pri mary
Young children’s conceptions of learning develop Scho ol
over time. With 3 to 8 year-olds, conceptions of 6 to 12 year-olds In inner-city classrooms were part
what they learn developed from (a) to do 78
of "Fostering Communities of Learners" . They
something, (b) to know something, to (c) to were (i) encouraged to engage in self-reflective
understand something; conceptions of how they learning, and (ii) act as researchers who are
learn developed from (a) learning as doing (b) responsible to some extent for defining their own
learning as growing older, to (c) learning through knowledge and expertise. This enhances children's
experience, either passive with the passing of time emergent strategies and metacognition, and helps
or active with practice . them advance each other’s understanding in small
This development was accelerated with teaching groups. The program was successful at improving
practices designed to promote children’s greater both literacy skills and subject knowledge. Rates of
awareness of their own learning . Through what comprehension doubled, and ways of explaining
were called “metacognitive dialogues” (i.e. meta- became more connected. Children developed
learning dialogues) the children were asked to flexible learning and inquiry strategies of wide
reflect and ponder about what they were doing and applicability.
Learning, Performance and Improvement
Tasks in such classrooms are open in order to In learning-centred classrooms practices which
develop choice and self-control. In literacy such tasks support review and reflection are important.
helped 6 year-olds in 12 classrooms develop intrinsic Keeping a “learning journal” of the learning journey
79 87
motivation, metacognition and strategic behaviour . has proved successful . As Lynne, 10 years, put it:
Similarly, writing activities in classrooms supporting “As I write I notice and understand more too.” A
self-regulated learning helped 7 and 8 year-olds wide range of prompts can help to capture and
monitor and evaluate their writing in productive review aspects of the learning journey, including
ways, use peers effectively, and see teachers as those suggested by learners. Reflection is crucial for
collaborators . 9 year-olds preferred tasks which are developing some distance from the immediate
challenging, collaborative, and multi-day: these lead experience. A learning journal also creates a running
to pupils being less performance-oriented, and less record to look back over at a later stage of review.
work avoidant especially the low-achieving pupils. A The act of writing about one’s learning requires
key feature is that tasks demand planning and attention and demands verbalisation: it also makes
dialogue. High challenge tasks (e.g. essays on own one’s ideas available for consideration with peers.
choice of topic, letters to politicians, research
Review with video can be powerful. 6 year-olds in a
papers, letters to next year’s class) were preferred
reading recovery programme re-viewed videos of
over low challenge tasks (e.g. worksheets on vowels,
the sessions and were invited to re-call their
pronouns, and vocabulary, spelling and handwriting
strategies. They demonstrated greater metacognitive
exercises). Pupils view the latter as boring and
81 awareness than during the lessons, and it was more
requiring minimal thought .
about their strategies and knowledge of reading,
In some classrooms (but only a minority) rather than just self-correction. All made significant
opportunities are provided for students to develop progress in reading. This emphasises that the
metacognitive awareness and strategies about the development of metacognition may be scaffolded in
task of reading. Teachers help learners become 88
a range of ways, including with young learners .
more aware of how they learn and acquire or refine
strategies for the learning of reading, for example, So beyond
thinking out loud, and suggesting ways of tackling a • making learning an object of attention and
task. They elicit children’s prior knowledge and help • making learning an object of conversation,
them verbalise their experiences .
82 we now include
• making learning an object of reflection.
When we add an explicit focus on learning, children
engage with the opportunity to talk about processes The dominant classroom culture will show through:
and learn about them. As some leading recent interviews with 10 - 11 year olds found that
experimenters found “Involvement and enthusiasm “all the children interviewed were able to talk easily
have generally been high. Students who have not about their learning. It became clear that they did
liked writing have nonetheless seemed to like not believe that they had any choice or control of
analysing the task and the process” . the activities within the core subjects and only a

How learning and performance are discussed Is limited choice in the methods that they used” .
important. Pupils whose performance deteriorates Learning abo ut L earnin g in Second ary
after a failure experience because of attributing to Scho ol
themselves a lack of ability can be helped by
For nearly 25 years it has been known that students
attributing success and failure to effort or strategy
with more elaborated conceptions of learning
rather than to ability. Then their performance (10 90
perform better in public examinations at age 16 .
year-olds completing arithmetic tasks) after
84 Lower attainment at that age is correlated with
subsequent failure experiences did not deteriorate .
perceived pressure from adults, while higher
Learning about strategies and learning about attainment is positively related to independence,
learning go best hand-in-hand. Skills which help competence and a meaning-oriented approach to
learners to regulate their own learning and become learning. The more students are supported as
competent in planning are crucial. 10 and 11 year- autonomous learners, the higher their school
olds learning to use problem-solving software also performance, as demonstrated by the grades in
took part in monitoring exercises, described by the French, Maths, Biology and Geography (263 15
authors as metacognitive training. They performed 91
year-olds in Canada) . Better academic performance
better than those without the training. They were relates to a learning orientation and a malleable
more successful with the more complex problems, view of ability: these also link with positive
they succeeded more quickly, and overall they motivational beliefs, higher use of learning
employed more effective strategies, because they strategies, and self-regulation (434 12 and 13 year-
started by reflecting on a problem and considering 92
olds) .
the possibilities before proceeding . Similarly, 10
More recent data confirms the explanation: students
year-old pupils who learned about goals and
with qualitative and experiential conceptions of
strategies in learning sometimes improved their
learning were likely to use meaning-oriented
performance, but they also needed meta-learning in
86 approaches, whereas students with quantitative
order to use the learning strategies .
conceptions of learning tended to use surface

Learning, Performance and Improvement
approaches . Learning orientation is significantly Student-generated questions are more effective
associated with adaptive learning strategies, and than provided ones: they can help an individual
performance orientation with maladaptive learning learner be more effective in situations which do not
strategies (229 12 year-olds in USA) . Learning promote it: 15 year-olds trained in the strategy
orientation is also associated positively with during classroom lectures showed greater
students’ beliefs that they are able to regulate comprehension than those involved in discussion or
themselves and their learning. self-review. Self-questioning improves performance
The classroom environment is again a contributor. raising the mean from 50% to 64% on standardised
When students view classrooms as having a learning tests and to 81% on task-related comprehension
orientation they have positive coping strategies and tests . Students maintained the strategy when
positive feeling; by contrast, when they view external prompts were removed.
classrooms as having a performance orientation Self-explaining in reading can help learners perform
there is defensive coping and negative feeling (880 better. Students asked to self-explain after reading
students in USA) . each line of a passage had a greater knowledge gain
Classrooms which promote meaning-oriented than those who read the text twice. Prompts to self-
approaches to learning encourage active explain are the most beneficial in producing deeper
participation and the use of investigative skills (484 meaning and co-construction .
students in Australia) . In science, students who A programme in science classrooms set its aim as
believe that it is about constructing ideas engage “Increased learner awareness of the nature and
more actively and use more meaningful strategies: process of learning” . Prompts and reviews were
those who believe understanding is the best strategy devised to increase students’ awareness and control
for learning science scored highest in examinations of their own learning. Lessons often included
(180 14 year-olds) . discussions of the purposes of learning,
questionnaires about learning, and discussions
These findings hold across different subjects in the
about the relative roles of teacher and student in
secondary school. Where subject differences occur,
learning. After 6 months, 15 and 16 year-olds
they are less pervasive than similarities (545 12 to 14
98 showed greater understanding of content and more
year-olds) . Student self-regulation did not differ by
purposeful learning, while the teacher had changed
subject area, and links with performance were very
to allow more learner control. A project to
similar across English, maths and social studies. 105
generalise the strategies showed the need to pay
Students with a rich conception of learning are more attention to context, purpose, support and
active metacognitively. They engage in “on-line assessment methods. These influenced whether
theorising”, ask questions which focus on students accepted the meta-learning strategies and
explanations or discrepancies, venture ideas, use saw them as fruitful. Earlier orientations can be slow
personal experiences, and give more elaborate to change: for example, after 8 months two
explanations . Their comments in class included: students came to their science teacher:
• self-evaluating their ideas: “I’ve figured out One said: “We see what all this is about. You are
what I want to say”, trying to get us to think and learn for ourselves”
• recognising blocks “No, I don’t get it”, “Yes, yes” replied the teacher, heartened by this
• maintaining commentary “I didn’t draw that long-delayed breakthrough, “That’s it exactly”
right: I’m getting confused”, and “Well” said the student “we don’t want to do that”
• self-questioning when problems arose “What
Meta-learning helps learners move beyond
am I going to do?” “Have I come across this
technique to effective use of learning strategies.
before?” and “What do I know about this?”
Data from nearly five thousand 14 and 16 year-olds
Classrooms can help students towards a richer and college / university students showed that
conception. Asking them to share their ideas and students with higher meta-learning selected
discuss with each other the status of their appropriate strategies and deployed them
conceptions, has led to more permanent effectively, with enhanced performance: those
restructuring of their understanding . Through the students with low meta-learning appeared to use
Metacognitive Learning Cycle the teacher found “It strategies without metacognitive involvement and
definitely changed the climate of the classroom: the their use did not correlate well with performance.
metacognitive class definitely had livelier discussions, “They appear to be functioning in the same way as
… and became more involved in the class - ‘techniques’ or ‘tactics’, i.e. as short-term props to
especially some students that would not normally learning that do not involve any metacognitive
have been involved. Especially some of the girls”. 106
insight on the part of the learner” . A lack of
Peer talk can be very helpful, especially if structured development through school was suggested: “Even
into one asks and the other explains. The ability to at the upper end of the secondary school, however,
construct knowledge improved, both during the many students do not appear to have the meta-
interaction and on written measures . These effects learning capability to use learning strategies
between 12 year-olds did not only occur when one appropriately”. The general picture of 14-15 year-
partner was more knowledgeable or competent (as olds' ideas about their learning is that they have no
some views on paired work assume). clear understanding of how they learn .

Learning, Performance and Improvement
For the teacher, small classroom changes can have “Let the beginning and the end of our didactics
significant effects. When teachers describe thinking be: seek and find the methods where the
processes or suggest strategy use, a significant teacher teaches less but they who sit in the
difference occurs . Yet on average such desks learn more. Let schools have less rush, less
suggestions occurred in only 9% of observed antipathy and less vain effort, but more well-
lessons, and in only 2% did they suggest use of a being, convenience and permanent gain” .
learning strategy. This was most frequently urging This description reflects well the outcomes of
use of learning aids (“Use your calculator” “check learning-centred development in classroom and
you answers with the map”) and, less frequently, school projects recently: we have described it as
metacognitive monitoring (“look back and see how “composed learners, and composed schools”.
you’ve done”). Teachers varied in suggestion-
making, ranging from 0 to 7.2% of lesson Impr ovement at t he Scho ol L ev el
segments. Yet differences in this range had While the classroom is the influential site for
significant effect in promoting learners’ use of creating achievement at school, the culture of the
strategies: so small increases can be effective. classroom is significantly influenced by the culture of
the school. Improvement of a learning-focussed type
The above studies illustrate the fourth element in
requires that the school:
classroom practices:
• making learning an object of learning • creates the climate or culture within which there
can be a focus on learning
Students can investigate their own learning and
109 • creates a safety zone within which risk can be
experiment with learning strategies . In the process
encouraged and supported
they build a vocabulary of learning and learning
discourse. In a UK secondary school, low-achieving • provides the necessary structures, resources,
13 year-olds could all focus on learning as a topic of spaces and opportunities for all members of the
conversation and participate in reflective discussion community to collaborate in the focus on
about their own and peers’ learning . This
challenges the prevalent idea that low attainers • makes the learning public and celebrated
need simplification. • pays attention to the learners who might be
Tensi on s in I mpro ving Cl assro o ms silenced, vulnerable, dispossessed, taken care of
Other reviews of recent research about learning and • seeks out and works towards overcoming barriers
its contexts suggest that the change needed in to learning for the young people, the adults and
classroom management in learning-centred the organisation
classrooms is fundamental and long-term, and that International studies show that such projects:
one element is reconceptualising learning . This is - improve the learning environment in classrooms;
in sharp contrast to teacher-led, pressurized quick - create models of professional development for
fixes, which unwittingly emphasise ancient school; and
conceptualisations of teaching. - provide valid knowledge about learning and
Predictable tensions will arise in the improvement teaching issues in classroom settings .
process. Many of the classroom changes will be Learning-centred school improvement can not be a
packaged and sold in such a way that they lose their “top down” process - this actually reduces the
focus on learning . Therefore attention must be 119
school’s capacity to self-organise, i.e. to learn , and
given to how teachers think about learning and thus has long been associated with the predictable failure
interpret the new practices. Some evidence already of many educational reforms where “teachers
suggests that teachers vary: some take a narrow regard students the way their superiors regard
view of learning to learn and their role in supporting 120
them” - as basically unable to take responsibility.
it, whereas others take a broad view . Instead it must be a process through which trust is
The dominant culture will continue to provide built, so that a culture of innovation may develop,
tensions. Recent evidence from a developmental teachers come to regard themselves as learners, and
research project suggested that 80% of classrooms a sense of all parties being co-learners evolves. The
conformed to the letter of assessment for learning key condition for promoting learner autonomy is
interventions, while 20% embodied the spirit of the 121
classroom-focused inquiry by teachers . Schools
intervention which is the promotion of learner which succeed in this field make support for
autonomy . Teachers in the latter classrooms had a professional learning a priority. And in the process
sense of their own agency. The tensions between the current demoralisation of teachers is reversed:
values and practices which are highlighted in trying “The current performance-orientated climate in
to develop classrooms which focus on learning can schools in England seems to make it difficult for
be identified by beginner teachers 115. teachers to practise what they value. Engaging
But it would be an error to conclude that the teachers in critical inquiry fosters a greater
movement towards learning-centred classrooms was alignment between their values and their
in some way a “new” view. Over 350 years ago, practices” .
one writer summed up the vision as:

Learning, Performance and Improvement
The role of leaders is to provide their staff with the Qu estion s t o p ro mot e und er standin g,
space and permission to innovate, and perhaps learn refl ection and applic ation
from failure. The challenge for school leaders is to
embed learning-centred principles into both
123 Which aspects of this paper made most immediate
structure and culture of the school
sense to you?
When teachers are subjected to “strong”
What did you notice about your reading of this
accountability, they are more likely to say that it is a
124 paper - how you went about it, what helped, what
waste of time to try to do one’s best as a teacher .
By contrast when teachers learn more about
learning, the effectiveness of a school improves and What did you do with any parts you found hard to
increased performance follows, especially for many understand?
of the underachieving students .
Do you have any opportunity to talk over your
experience with any other readers of this paper? If
Conclu sio n not, how could you organise such?
If we understand better the relationship between
learning and performance, how does improvement
occur? Clearly it does not occur through the How would you summarise (to yourself and perhaps
common process where schools under pressure pass to others) the main messages:
it on to teachers who pass it on to pupils. The • on the effect of pressure on performance
evidence reviewed here suggests that a culture • on how high levels of performance are
change in our classrooms can increase performance achieved
through the process of promoting more effective • on learners’ various orientations to learning
learning. More autonomous learners are also more • on how classrooms may contribute to the
likely to collaborate, and are more likely to be self- development of a learning orientation
regulating. • on the tensions to be faced in developing
learning-centred classrooms
Schools differ greatly in their focus on learning.
• on the elements of learning-focused school
These differences relate to students' learning in a
systematic way. Schools with emphasis on
autonomy and moderate stress on achievement are
associated with learning for understanding. Those What experiences have you had to date in which a
with strong emphasis on formal academic focus on learning was built in a classroom? How did
achievement have counter-productive effects on this happen, and how could more of it happen?
learners (50 schools in Australia) . Have you had conversations with your pupils which
Pressures from external sources are unlikely to go help them to narrate their best experiences of
away in the immediate future, but a school can learning? What did you notice about the experience
adopt a learning response to being under pressure of doing this, and of the content of their stories?
for results. It would enquire: how do we get our Are there ‘classroom tweaks’ you can imagine
best results? What can we learn from that which we yourself trying, towards a more learner-centred or
can apply elsewhere? How much are these “results” learning-centred classroom climate? With whom will
representing our goals as a school? you discuss what you notice in your tweaks?
In the field of economics, Goodhart’s Law
suggests that when a measure which was seen as a
Where could the process of improvement start most
performance indicator is turned into a target, the
effectively in your school?
system will distort. Similar laws exist in social
sciences and assessment. In such a context the twin What issues would need to be addressed for it to
challenges for schools are: develop beyond that starting point?
1. to recognize that passing tests is not the goal of To what extent do teachers in your school feel
education, but a by-product of effective learning themselves to be professional learners? How might
this be enhanced further?
2. to recognize that even when we want pupils to
do their best in tests, pressure and performance
orientation will not achieve it
The research outlined in this paper is part of a wider
shift in a number of education systems to change
the focus from teaching to learning . The purpose
of this shift is to pay greater attention to what
learners do, the orientation of the learner and
learner motivation. The prize to be gained from this
shift is not merely enhanced performance, but (more
crucially) more effective and motivated learners,
with improved relationships for our classrooms,
schools and beyond.

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Nu mb er 34 Su mmer 201 0

Learning, Performance and Improvement

Author: Chris Watkins

Reader in Education
Institute of Education

Editor: Jane Reed

Head of International Network for School Improvement,
London Centre for Leadership in Learning (LCLL)
Institute of Education

© Chris Watkins, 2010

Pupil focused
Learning centred
Research informed
Community building


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