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Unit 7 Quiz Name:

Date: Score:

A ffi Lirt"tt to a newsreport.Then check(/) thecorrectanswers. 6:,1

l. The woman says that more people 3. Older webcams had problems such as ---.* / Bpoints
to communicate online. (2points each)
f, a. are using webcams I a. broken pictures ,'
' , ,r:'
E b. are sending e-mails tr b. large screens
I c. are setting up websites I c. unclear audio ',,
' tt" '
2 . More people are able to buy webcams 4. Tirday,swebcams featur ..,
because , ,.
[J a. they show fuzzy pictures tr a. clear soundand pictures
I b. they are more affordable I b. farawaysound
E c. the software has been improved I c. fuzzyfaces

B Choose the term that best completes each sentence. , B 1,r-,,', ; t:,..1.
1. On her way to work,Julie listens to a daily - on her MP3 player. a. spyware . ',,.rrlB points
(1 pqlnteach)
2. Nick surfs the Internet at the corner cafl,which is a local b. chat room ....
, , . . : iri , i. l

3. I think companies that use - are invading our privacy. c. hot spot , 'r,,..r,. '. ,
4. Cindy uses a - to see and communfcate with her parents. d. instant :
5. I spend too much time updating my - and not enough messaging
time studying. e. podcast ., l
6. John's English classusesa - to hold online discussions f. virus , ,
, , n, . i
on weekends. g. webcam 'i,,,r
7. A lot of people prefer - becauseit's faster than e-mail. h. blog , ,-'.,,, ,'.,,., i"
8. Susan'scomputer'was attacked by a - i,,,t,,,. , , '
-t t::" t ''l " n'

C Complete the sentenceswith the passiveof the verbs in parentheses.

1. In the future. more online courses by peoplewith busy
schedules. (take)
2 . I can't shut down my computer until all of my files . (download)
3 . Thesedays,chatrooms by universities to host student
discussions. (use)
4. Sam his dream job at an Internet gaming company. (offer)
5. When I buy a new laptop, my old one . (recycle)
6. Since blogging software became available, millions of blogs

T-224 @ CambridgeUniversity Press2008 Photocopiable

D Completethe sentenceswith words from the box. Di
/ 8 points,
billboards fliers infomercials neonsigns
pop-upads spam telemarketers voicemail

1. I get so much that it takes15minutesiust to deleteit all!

2. Peoplewho throw on the ground shouldbe fined for littering.
3. The only showson TV late at night are
+. on the Internet are so annoying! I had to install software to
get rid of them.
along the road. ., :,
5. When we travel by car, we seemany :,

6. \Mhy is it that always call during dinner?

:: , rjl:

7. I have thick curtains because the outside are too bright. :!:l

l-: .1:la .r:l

8. If I don't answer the phone, just leave a messageon my

E Change the statements into tag questions or negative questions, as indicated. E

- ' t opoi ni t
1. It wouli be great if someone figured out how to eliminate spam. (tag question) (2r,points-

2. Those crawls on the TV news are so annoying! (negative question)

3. It seemslike kids spendway too much time playing computergames.(tagquestion)

F Read Brett'sblog entry. Then check (/) true or false.

I amsofedupwiththeMP3playerswiththetinyheadphones youcan'tsee.l'msickoftrying
to someone it begreatif thosethings
a blankstare. . . Wouldn't werebanned atwork
AndI hatethosewireless forcellphones,
headsets don'tyou?| mean,
whenyou're walking
street, ashepasses
anda stranger you,don'tyousay,"What?" hewastalking
onlyto realize
onthephone? Thenhelooksatyoulikeyou'recrazyl
AndI can'tstandwatching text-messaging.
Don'ttheyknowthatit wouldtakethreeseconds
to saywhatthey're

True False
1. Brett hates talking to people using MP3 players. n tr
2. Brett thinks that people who use wireless ! tr
headsetslook like they are talking to themselves.
3. Brett loves wireless headsets. n n
4. Brett enjoys text-messaging his friends. n tr
Total: .,,.,
' outof50

@ CambridgeUniversity Press2008 Photocopiable T-225

Unit A Cluiz Name:

Date: Score:

A € Lirt"n to a studenttalk with her careercounselor.Then check (/) true or false.

True False
1.Jenny is disciplinedand motivatedto work. n n
2. Jennymajored in history and politics. LI n
3. Jenny hasneverwritten for a newspaperbefore. tr n
4. Jennythinks archeologyis exciting. n n
5. Her counselorwantsher to try newsreporting. I tr

B Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. People who work for themselves must be discipline/ disciplined.
2. It takes original / originality to be a design"er.
3. I admire Tom. He is passionate/ passionabout what he does.
4. A technology company must be innoaatiae
/ innoaationto survive.
5. Decisiue/ Decisiueness
is a must if you want to be a manager.
6. Gaching requires alot of patient / patience.

C Rewrite the sentencesusing reduced relative clauses.

1. A person who is willing to work with sick people could be a good nurse.

2. Someone who is looking for paid vacation shouldn't be a small businessowner.

3. Anyone who has a good voice is invited to audition for the choir.

4. People who need a lot of structure should work in an office.

5. Someone who is interested in art history might love to work in a museum.

D Circle the word that bestcompleteseachsentence.

1. Choosinga careerpath involves exploring
/ makingallthe possibilities.
2. Jeri's job requiresher to make/ analyze
information and report on it.
3. Everythingwas a messuntil the managersfinally made/ solaedtheproblem.
4. In accounting,it can be expensiveto make/ organipeven the smallestmistake.
5. Sometimesit's easierto find / solue
solutionsto problemson your own.
6. A graphic artist generally makes
/ organipsinformation visually.
T-226 O CambridgeUniversityPress2008 Photocopiable
E Match the correct sentencehalves.
1. I just boughta new laptop,- which the car companywas able to
2. Joe locked the keys in his fancy new open remotely.
car,_ b . which is why I useplasticcups.
C . which meansthat I can't afford to go
3. My cell phone has an alarm clock,-
on vacationthis year.
4. The lock on my bike is old, -
d. which is why I needto replaceit
5. All of my coffeemugs are broken, - beforeit breaks.
e. which is greatbecauseI can useit to
wake me up when I travel.

F Read the article. Then check (/) the correct answers.

Crafts anymore. Whereas knittingandsewingusedt0 betheworkof
familywomen, youngpeople everywhere aretakingupcraftsasa wayto express themselves
andtotakea standagainst massconsumerism, Nowadays, you'llseefashionably
youngmenandwomen gathering at cafdsto sipcoffee Inotherwords,
andknittogether. craftshave
become cool.
Thepopularwebsite isa greatresource
craftster.oig forthosewhoioveto makethings, andpeople
fromallovertheworldpostphotos oftheircrafts,oftenwithstep-by-step
Therearealsothousands of blogsthatfeature photographs of handmade
items, blogsbythepeople
whomakethem,andtipsandresources forcrafters.
, j ' t' . . ' ' '
bymostlyyoungwomen, butalsosomemenwhowanted to share
ideaswitha wideraudience.
Theycovereveryconceivable typeofcraft,fromhand-sewn , .
to papermaking
clothing, andbookbinding,
to amigurumi(Japanese knitdolls),
to lampmaking.Many
oftheblogshavea largereadership, ofcomments ' -
neverwouldhavedreamed thattheirold{ashioned
wouldbeshowcased young
byfashionable people. . , ontheInternet!
- ' ;,
l. Making crafts has become popular 3. - are becoming popular r'
among for sharing creative ideas with others.
I a. working grandmothers n a. Chat rooms
I b. people who work in fashion I b. Internet caf6s
n c. fashionable young people I c. Craft blogs

2. On
peoplecan 4. like making crafts.
n a. takephotosof other people'swork ! a. Only women
I b. learn how to make crafts I b. Only men
I c. buy books n c. Both men and women

@ CambridgeUniversityPress2008 Photocopiable T-227

Unit I Quiz H, Score:

A S Li.t".r to a conversationbetweenexchangestudents.Then check (/) the r,':'t-

4 .,lt.r
--= / 8 Ooints;
l. Akiko isn't usedto eating 3. A typical Australianbreakfast (2pointseach)
I a. pasta consistsof
n b. vegetables E a. sandwiches
I c. cheese I b. ostrich
E c. cerealand milk
2 . Akiko eats- for breakfast.
! a. eggsand rice with fish 4. A typical Australiandinner is similar
I b. cerealand milk to a typical dinner.
E c. teriyaki I a. American
E b. Korean
! c. British

B Combine the sentencesusing the words in parentheses.

Example: People in France study British English.Japanese people generally study
American English. (unlike)
Udike Teoglairt Fratrrce,)aTanese leoTla gerrevarllysfraAyflu,rericatrrEnglish.

1. Some people love online shopping. Some people have never shopped online. (while)

2. Teenagerslike chatting online. My brother prefers books to the Internet. (unlikeT

3. Sue's parents are traditional. They want her to have a career. (except for the fact that)

4. Most American funerals are somber. Funerals in New Orleans have dancing and
music. (in contrast to)

5. In the U.S., a baby turns one year old after its first year. In some Asian cultures, a
baby is one year old on the day it is born. (while)

6. All teenagers are different. Most teens like fashion and music. (except that)

C Circle the expression that best completes each sentence.

1. Delia used to confront/ conformlo societlr's norms, but now she is rebellious.
2. John hates to accept/ challengethestatus quo. He likes following the crowd.

T-228 @ CambridgeUniversity Press2008 Photocopiable

3. \{henJennifer wasyoung,shewas nonconformist
/ amenable,
but now sheis conservative.
4. It's easyfor somepeople to conformto / standupfor themselves.
5. Many teenspreferto fit in / benonconformistthan
to be their own person.
6. Kyle is generallyconsideredtobe rebellious
/ amenable.
Sherarely makeswaves.

D Completethe paragraphwith usedto and would.Sometimesmore than one answer is D

possible. ._ / Bpoints
When I wasa kid, I loved to be outside.I (1 ) live in a house that was next (1point"each)
to a big field. My parents(2) have a barn there, and my friends and I
(3) play there every day.I (a) chase butterflies when it was
sunny and make mud pies after it rained. Now I live in the city. I dream about when I
tr/ be young.Then,I (6) spend all my time outdoors! I
(7) stav outsideall dav. I miss the times I (8) be so free!

E Write keepor stayto complete each sentence.

l.'If you want to ,your
grades up, you have to study hard.
2. It's hard to awake when you're studying late at night.
3. In order to up with your's best to write them down.
4. Even during a crisis, it's important to things in perspective.
5. Working full time makes it difficult to up with schoolwork.
.l i .. ' l'
6. Many students drink coffee in order to awake during early classes.
' .: t t,.
F Read the e-mail. Then check (/) true or false. F
/ 10polnts
Ted, (2points
I hopeyouarewell.Myexams startnextweek,s0| haven't
hadtimeto keepintouch. Thelasttime
youwrote,yousaidyouhadstafted doingshowsatthecomedy club.That's great!| remember how
youalways usedto makeuslaughuntilwecried.I'mgladyou'refinallyablet0 showoffyourtalents.
Schoolis 0K.Someof myclasses aregreat,
andsomeareawful.Myastronomy classshoaldbe
interesting, somehow founda wayto makeit boring.
ButI lovemyliterature
Myprofessor is passionate
aboutthebooksweread,andshereallyknowshowto keepusinterested.
getbackto studying,
I'dbetter butpleasewriteagainsoon.

True False
1. Ted is a talented comedian. tr n
2. Gordy enjoys his astronomy class. n !
3. Gordy doesn't enjoy his literature class. ! tr
4. Gordy doesn't like his literature professor. n ! rotar:
5. Gordy doesn't plan to stay in touch with friends ! n ':=.'OUt.0150
from home.

2008 Photocopiable T-229

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