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199. Decslostng Nat Decolonizing Nature Chapter 6 Making the World Matter Instead of this speculative philosophy taught in the schools, we may thus discover practical philosophy whereby we could know the force and actions of [..] all the bodies in our environment [...] 0 as to make ourselves as it were the masters and possessors of nature. —René Descartes, Discourse on the Method for Conducting One’s Reason Well and for Seeking Truth in the Sciences, 1637 Mastery and possession: these are the master words launched by Descartes at the eee in Resource overconsumption, corporate landgrabs, widespread environment! degra- dition, and runaway climate change. Now, almost a: quarter century after philosopher of ‘science Michel Serres’s discerning book, and nearly five hundred years after Des- ‘vartes described the terms of an emerging “practical philosophy” that would be the Wnlightenment modernity. Serres argued that the origin of the environmencal crisis \slocated in our fundamental relation to the material world around us: “We domi- 200 Decolonaing Nae enterprise as well as so-called disinterested science, which are indistinguishabh this respect. Cartesian mastery brings science’s objective violence into line, mi it a well-controlled strategy. Our fundamental relationship with objects comes di to war and property.” Historically, nature has been treated by humans as a thing used, exploited, commercialized, fetishized, and colonized—as many Marxist of and Indigenous peoples have long realized'—so what we need, Serres proposed ‘natural contract” that will reconceptualize our relation to material objects, envifi ‘ments, and nonhuman life-forms Serres’s prescient analysis has been given new life in the international arti project World of Matter, a collaborative platform of diverse practices formed in Addressing global political ecology, the group operates between institutions, aca disciplines, and nonacademic fields, as well as between the areas of art, archile tural research, spatial polities, and visual culture, Comprised of core members Ma Bethénico, Ursula Biemann, Lonnie van Brummelen and Siebren de Haan, Us Martin, Helge Mooshammer and Peter Mértenbick, Emily Eliza Scott, and Patil ‘Tavares,’ World of Matter has reanimated Serres’s writings— 1 Serres, rhe vara! convact, 92. Perhaps once considered at the" s554 text - multinational or consumer capitalism, fe remote ends of speculative phis sing inconsistent with Meres eat nineteenth-can anatyi, consttetes, on the contrary, the purest fm Tosophy, but currently gathering soa yet to have emetged, » prodigious oxen newfound momentum as climate _captlintoitherta uncommedifed eres, The pure cl talsm of our ot tne thus eliminates the enclaves of change has gained greater Vis- seraie organization tha hehe tltted ae exp ibility. His analysis and proposal _inatributry way, One's temted to speok in this conto Rua aa of anew and historical exignal penetration and cola fora natural contract represent oy Neue: “Postnademiamorthe Gulu! Lagi of at Gl key conceptual entry point for the talsm” New Left Review 1, no, 146 (ly-Agust 1964) 7H sn (on Maricm) and nature, see John Bellamy Foster, Mar Drojects ofthis collective.*Indeed, joy: Materials and Natur (New Yorks Monthly Rav their works all function on the Press, 2000) ‘ cu- 3 Thos0 wore the members during the devlopmentl dual register of a critical docu- © rom ort ta 201s, Ward of Mater heater comscar I softobe a shitting colective with Nenible mambereip i Infect, various projects of World of Matter members—ins and speculative modeling ofalter~ "ing Tavares ererch vdeo Nor urn Rights (20) nate worlds, which echoes some Seotts auc tout accompanying the 20's exition "Werk 1e central terms of Serres's Matter: On the Gabel Ecologies of Raw Matta and Van of the central terms of Serres's — Giummelen and De Heat's nots on thir cinematic ex writing, Bringing together eco- _Manuent of Sugar: How to Use Artistic Meons to Elude Jogical research, social justice "24 Hares 2007 relerence Serer wing. this chapter draw on both Word of Mates invocation of activism, and environmental — serrasand nie werkdvecty mentary analysis of the present 201. Chapter Si Paul Tavares, sion Nor-huran Rights, 2012 evidence raplled Texaco olin the Ecuadoran AMEZON mnaestheticform through video, text-based displays cartographic ee theirefforts could not be more analyses, and eculptural and mixed-media installations, In a collective statement from re cratrine eon eision ote seabed [1 Wit ov ae urgent nee ne ene ety ah oN cee oe and reinvigorates the environ gainenio (Belo Horizonte: Instituto Cisedes CUR ala ety sole avo weil ot Maes mentalist urgeney of adresse 2 Uy 208 an bee climate disruption. By doing 80 i adofmatter net. cit ropes at ep con and cre- 6 For coresondng ec shar ingens a oes ‘texualize World of Matter‘s approach to capit nodernity. ri il yy ane Socialism; Smith, oO eg aeoenuensnaton tare P= cre ereeuress Representing, ener 2013, World of Matter explain: “Humans have planet with heightening efforts ed reserves. Large-scale mining 202 Decconising Nate 4 platform for creative speculation, researched analys , and oer rot tl explore advanced capitalist relations to the ‘hatural envit * ronment on tonsmght bs conse teeny tspanicanscomontcmee eee might “decolonize nature”—as poignantly expressed in Tavares’s. Non-human Ri (2012)—in ways that resonate, both directly and indirectly, with Serres’ videos, photographs, presentations of material evidence, d tion, to reiterate Serres’s terms, In the ‘mid-twentieth century, Martinican i thinker Aimé Césaire wrote that the colonial relation (as betwe : ishness, brainless elites, degraded masses”).’ More recently, , i een European colonia. - a second violence that asserts itsexclue power in terms of aw ht and etmacy; anda thi violence that consolidate ‘reads, and makes permanent its unquestionable control European eolonatiany this regard, treated both land and human natu i subjecting Indigenous pcopes to “a complex mix of brute exploltaton, eevhortaton and racist disdain.” be 7 As caro, Dacoure on Coban (955) ran la In other words, land and people,” Paktam oy Yor: Noni areatn eae hature and the colonized, were ® *ile bebe. “OF Conmanitment mete rely, subjected tothe sane Carenon Sash tte aay tay ae pal loge of mastery and appropri © Sed tay inion Sang hte tion that Serre brings out in his 10. no cost afwarinponcs otc ey study. Given this (admittedly ciocae schematic) overview stretched

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