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Website includes HTML, CSS and Javascript

HTML is the bare minimum, what everything includes – skeleton of the dinosaur

CSS colours and positions – actual skin and making it look realistic

Javascript – anything aesthetic

Have organized folders – all folders in one.

Two types of tag

 Normal (open and a close tag)

<h1> and </h1>

 empty tag (don’t need a close)

null tag (<br>)

<!doctype> tells the web browser the latest language it’s using. It is an empty tag. It forces the browser
to use the latest language.

<html> signifies start and end of an html program.

Any html program must have a head and a body.

Use ctrl + ] or[ to indent a selected section.

Capital letters means that you’re using something else with html.

Any no. of space is equal to one.

Always close tags to avoid debugging.

In order to change the language you can use lang = x (en means English) to show the language and dir =
x to show the direction ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left)


Head is used to hold any information / setting to help the browser. Nothing here is shown in the actual

Anything to be added to the html file is in the head. Only thing on the screen that’s seen is the <title>


Anything written in <body> turns into text on the website.

<h1> or <h2> dictate the size of the text. Only until h6 as you go higher in number, the size of the text
gets smaller.
Usually one h1 per page. Whatever is written in h1 is shown in the search engine. They use as the main
information to search. Used as a headline for the website for search engines. CSS can be used to adjust
the size of the text. H1 is most significant.

In-line elements means they are in between. Allows anything else to be near.

Block elements means it is its own line. headers are like this. Does not allow anything else to be written
on the same line.

Everything in the page should have tags.

<p> is a normal tag and also a block element. It will take the entire line for itself.

<ol> is an ordered list, <ul> is an unordered list. Anything in the list is input using <li>.


1. Paris
2. London


 Paris
 London

Nesting is when you put something inside of something else. You can put an unordered list in an ordered
list and so on.

Put opening and closing on same line if the text is on the same line.

If multiple lines place the opening and closing tags on separate line.

Can’t nest outside of a closed item. Has to be inside of the tag.

Mistake isn’t usually found in the same line. Whenever you make amistake in html, do not look for that
line look above it. The error is always above.

<br> Read tags as the word itself. Null and in-line

<hr> places a horizontal line (horizontal rule) across the page. Null and block

Very basic formats

<b></b> = BOLD

In screen readers, highlights whats important . If you use <strong></strong> in a screenreader, it will
emphasise the tag. Cemantic meaning, it follows certain rules that allow screen readers to read it

<i></i> = ITALIC

No cemantic meaning. If you want to have this, use <em></em> same as italics but screenreaders and
emphasise its meaning.
<mark></mark> = HIGHLIGHTS

<del></del> = STRIKETHROUGH

<sup></sup> = SUPERSCRIPT

<sub></sub> = SUBSCRIPT

All inline elements and normal tags

To add images use the null tag <img>


Attribute_name=”attribute_value” All tags have attributes. Certain tags require atleast one attribute.
Img is one of these.

First attribute is src=””

Paste where the image is found in between the double speech marks.

Attribute to show alternative text for an image is alt=””

Title=”” shows text when the mouse hovers over the image of the site.

Use <figure></figure> outside of the actual image

<figcaption></figcaption> applies a caption to the figure.

You can put multiple images in figure and give them all a caption at the same time.

Comments are unexecutable code used to explain what is happening. Remind/help what they have

To add comments in html, you use <!—to being and --> to end You can write multiple paragraphs in it,
they don’t appear in the website.

In atom, to comment you can select lines then press ctrl and / to turn the lines into a comment.



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