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In this study Swasembada Organis Co. in their business process which is selling organic rice,
still using manual recording both in sales and ordering goods. With increasing data and
transactions that occur, then this system is no longer effective because data processing takes a
long time. The purpose of this study is to design a web application for selling and ordering
organic rice, designing a database to store data related to the processes that occur in the

This advantage is to make it easier for the admin (employees) of Swasembada Organis Co., In
order to check sales activities more easily and accurately. Whereas for consumers the advantage
is that organic rice can be purchased online without having to order first through marketing or
without having to come directly to the rice shop of Swasembada Organis Co. Thus, users can use
this system easily.

Keywords: Design, Sales Application, Web Based, Unified Modeling Language

With the development of science and technology that is very rapid at this time, small and
large-scale companies have used information technology a lot in running their businesses. The
rapid development of information technology requires every company to applied technology in
every business activity. The use of information systems can facilitate them in running their
business. Along with the many solutions offered in helping to alleviate human work. One of
them is in the field of information technology. Companies can now benefit greatly from
optimizing information technology. These benefits include material and non-material benefits.
As companies grow, data and information growth will also be increasingly large and complex
which will require companies to have a good and effective data processing system. In this case a
good database system plays an important role in its implementation.
This research was conducted to create an organic rice sales web application at
Swasembada Organis Co., with the aim of producing a computer-based system with the hope of
increasing sales and facilitating the admin in recording transactions. And also makes it easy for
customers to access the website to get information on organic rice products.

The definition of an application according to Jogiyanto (1999: 12) is the use in a
computer instruction or statement that is arranged in such a way that the computer can process
the input into output. The definition of an application according to the Indonesian Dictionary
(1998: 52) is the application of the system design to process data that uses rules or provisions of
certain programming languages. An application is a particular program that is made to work and
carry out specific tasks of the user. From the above description it can be concluded that the
application is. Ready-to-use program applications that can be used to execute commands from
users of the application with the aim of getting more accurate results in accordance with the
purpose of making the application, the application means the problem solving that uses one of
the expected data processing techniques. Understanding the application in general is an applied
tool that is functioned specifically and integrated according to its capabilities, the application is a
computer device that is ready to use for the user.
Defenition of sales according to Basu Swastha (2001: 8) in his book entitled "Managing
Sales" states that: Sales are the science and art of personal influence carried out by sellers to
invite others to be willing to give goods or services offered. While understanding sales according
to Henry Simamora (2000; 24) in the book "Accounting for Business Decision Making Base"
states that: Sales are income common in companies and are gross amounts charged to customers
for goods and services. From the above defenitions it can be concluded that Sales are one of the
sources of income in the company, if the greater the sales activity in a company the greater the
income that the Company will receive.
Kadir (2013: 120), "PHP is a programming language intended to create web-based
applications. Judging from the processing, PHP is classified as a server side, which is processing
done on the server”. PHP is often said to be a programming language used to create dynamic
web applications, meaning that the web that is created can display data stored in the database, so
that web pages will adjust to the contents of the database.
This study uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) method. This method has
requirements planning phases, design, unit testing, system testing and maintenance. For
designing E-Commerce architecture is using Navigation Structure and PHP programming
language. Furthermore, the design of this sales application is using Dreamweaver and the
MySQL application were using in designing the entire database.

Data collection

Designing Application

Create an E-Commerce Website

Testing and Implementation

Collect data about the company in this case Swasembada Organis Co. that supports the
research theory of this writing that will be carried out. If all that is adequate have collected in
conducting research, the sales application will be designed. After that, design and manufacture of
sales applications are carried out. The research instrument uses interview and observation
techniques, and for sampling uses purposive sampling technique. The data of this study are from
primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from the company
through the process of interviews and observations with the company. While for secondary data
comes from all internal company documents. The author does the initial design of the system by
describing the system that is running. After that, make a proposal system that starts with creating
a Context Diagram, Navigation Structure, UML Design (unified Model language) Display
Design interface.

In the design of the application display in chapter III, the resulting application is the main
page, the main page for the user/customer where the user can find information about
Swasembada Organis Co. and can make purchase transactions. And also as the main page for
admin where admin can manage item data, customer data and sales reports. The following are
the implementations.
The Main Menu form is the main form that serves to manage menus or other forms
contained in the application. The main menu form will appear when the admin first logs in.

Figure 4.13 Admin Main Page

Administrator Login form

Figure 4.14 Admin Login Page

On The Product Data page (add product sub-menu) the admin can add products by filling
in the available forms, after filling in all of them then pressing the Submit button and the item
data will automatically increase.

Figure 4.15 Product Data Pages (Add Products Sub Menu)

In The Product Data page menu (product update sub menu) is a page to update item data
if there are price changes, images or other information. There is an Update button if there is a
change from the product that has been previously input and the Delete button to delete the
product data

Figure 4.16 Product Data Page (Product Update Sub Menu)

On this Sales Data page displays the report on organic rice sales at Swasembada Organis
Co. There is a Search Menu to search specifically for what you want to display and there is an
action Print to print sales reports per period, Updates if there are changes in terms of sales and
Delete Data if there is a sales transaction cancellation, the admin can delete the data.

Figure 4.17 Sales Data Page

On The Customer Data page is a page to view data of customers who have registered as
customers, and active customers or inactive or customers who are not active yet.
Figure 4.18 Customer Data Pages
In the Admin Logout page, after doing the job, the admin can logs out and return to the
Main Page.

Figure 4.19 Admin Logout Page

The Main Page is the page that is displayed when the user accesses this application, there
are several menus, namely Login, New Registration, Home page and About page.
Figure 4.20 Customer Main Page
The New Registration form page works for new customers who cannot access this
application because they do not have a username and password.

Figure 4.21 New List Form Page

The Login Form page functions to enter the appropriate username and password to get
access rights to the rice sales application page.
Figure 4.22 Login page

The Product Page is a page that contains various types of organic rice products, both
organic white rice and organic red rice, which are sold in this application. On this page, the
customer can order after logging in first. In addition to the Product pages on the side bar, there is
also information about the organic rice, such as what is an organic rice, the benefits of organic
rice, how to distinguish organic rice and chemical rice, the quality of rice, and how to order
organic rice.

Figure 4.23 Product page

The Cart page is the customer's page to see a list of items that have been selected to
further processed the order.
Figure 4.24 Page Cart

In the Customer Logout page, after making a transaction the customer is welcome to log
out and return to The Main Page.

Figure 4.24 Logout page

5. Conclusions and Suggestions

Based on the results of research on the design of Sales Applications at Swasembada
Organis Co., the writer can draw the conclusion that with the online web-based rice sales
application, data processing will be computerized automatically, so that it is expected to facilitate
the management of goods data and sales of goods and increase sales results. The Application has
been tested with the blackbox method, the result is that the Application runs well in a web
browser like, google chrome, mozilla firefox.

The development of this application can still be done to be able to overcome more
complex things, such as Online Payments, the addition of Features in the application, and can
combine website databases and store application databases on one server.

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