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Revision Questions!

Population Revision - Exams Questions

1) Which parts of the world are sparsely populated? Explain why and give examples.
2) Which parts of the world are densely populated? Explain why and give some examples.
3) Define the term ‘population density.’ How does it differ from ‘population distribution’?
4) Define the terms ‘overpopulation,’ ‘underpopulation’.
5) Population change: define the terms ‘birth rate,’ ‘death rate’ and natural increase.
6) Sketch a graph of the World’s population growth over the last 500 years.
7) What is a population explosion? What causes it?
8) Draw the demographic transition model. Name one country for each stage 2, 3, 4, and
5 (there are no countries at stage 1 any more).
9) Draw and label the population pyramids for an LEDC and an MEDC.
10) Make a list of the population characteristics that can be identified in a population
11) Draw and label a population pyramid shape for each of the following:
a) An LEDC city or region which has experienced high in-migration especially by young
b) A country that has experienced war followed by an increase in the birth rate.
c) A developed country whose birth rate is so low the population is declining.
12) What is ‘infant mortality rate’?
13) Do the following terms describe an MEDC or an LEDC?
a) high life expectancy b) high number of elderly dependents
c) high number of young dependents d) high infant mortality rate

16) Write down the formula for the dependency ratio.

17) Give 3 problems that arise in countries with a high number of young dependents.
18) Give 3 problems that arise in countries with an increasing number of elderly
19) Describe China’s policy for reducing the population. Include: its name, the year it was
brought in, how it is enforced, the name for killing new born children, and the effect on
the population pyramid.
20) Name 3 types of migration.
21) Explain the problems and benefits associated with migration- for the migrant.
22) Define: immigrant, migrant, emigrant, refugee, brain drain.
23) Describe a real example of refugee movement. Include origin, destination and reasons.

Coasts Revision Questions

1) What causes waves?

2) Explain 4 processes of coastal erosion.
3)How does the fetch affect a wave? And the beach profile?
4)What types of rock are eroded by corrosion?
5)How are stones, shingle and sand moved along the beach?
6)Where do bays form? What is a beach?
7)What feature is formed when an arch collapses?
8)What is the difference between a wave cut notch and a wave cut platform?
9)Which type of rock would have steeper cliffs – granite or clay?
10)What is longshore drift? How does it contribute to the formation of spits?
11)What feature is formed in the sheltered area behind a spit?
12) In the future, how might the famous ‘Durdle Door’ arch change?
13) What is a ‘gabion’?
14) Why might coastal defences in one area increase erosion elsewhere?
15) How would a sea wall and rip-rap protect houses at the coast from flooding
(describe how they work – advantages and disadvantages).

Agriculture Exam questions

1)Draw out a table and classify the following into the 3 categories: Input, output and
process – crops, weeding, profit, soil, grazing, climate, ploughing, lambs wool, rice, seeds,
manure, capital.
2) What is a ‘process’?
3) How does relief and altitude affect farming?
4) How does bedrock and soil type influence farming?
5) Name 4 different farming systems found in the UK, and state where they are located,
with named locations (place names).

6) What is the difference between subsistence and commercial farming?

7) What is the difference between arable and mixed farming?
8) What is the difference between intensive and extensive farming?
9) What are the aims of CAP? What is a quota and a subsidy?
10) What might be grown on a market garden and what processes might be involved?

11) What environmental damage results from the removal of hedges?

12) How does farming without due care cause soil erosion? And what can be done to
preserve the soil?
13) What is farm ‘diversification’?
14) State 3 changes in farming in Britain since the 1940s.
15) What is irrigation?

16) Explain how nitrates in fertilizers cause eutrophication in rivers and lakes.
17) Explain the different section of a hill sheep farm.
18) Why are millions of people in the World under-nourished?
19) Why do some people consider organic farming produce to be better than cheaper
20) Case study on Dairy Farming- location/processes/facts.

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