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A short course on receiver function analysis and H-k (H-V) stacking

Required softwares: SAC, TauP, octave, GMT

Required programs:
RF related codes: in /home/shung/shortcourse/RF/programs
Other miscellaneous codes: in /home/shung/shortcourse/PROGRAMS.330 which contains Computer
Program in Seismology (CPS) package obtained from

A. P receiver function analysis

1. Prepare data in SAC format
Write 1-D model predicted P arrival times at header “T0” of SAC files, which can be done by TauP
or ttimes (for IASP91 model only) programs.

2. Pre-processing seismograms using SAC: done by script

(a) Apply bandpass filter and cut waveforms around P arrivals
*for iterative deconvolution, make sure to have P arriving after the beginning time of your cut trace.
Here Here we choose to cut -30 to 120 s before and after 1-D model predicted P arrivals written in
header T0.
*for water level deconvolution, leave 80 s before P to better characterize the noise level.
The program calculates N/R=std(noise amplitude in (-80s, -20s)/ max. signal amplitude in (-3s, 3 s).
(b) rotate N and E component to R and T component

3. Perform iterative deconvolution using iterdecon program or water-level spectral division using
pwaveqn program by Ammon
Step 2 and 3 are done in bash shell scripts and

4. Check the quality of obtained RFs

For RFs obtained with iterative deconvolution, run script to retain those
with the variance reduction between (RF*Obs_Z) and Obs_R (stored in header USER9 of ouput SAC
file) > a given value (~70%)
For RFs obtained with spectral division, run script to retain those with N/S
(stored in header USER9) > a given ratio (~0.3)

5. Stack RFs with distance

5. Perform H-k analysis: octave software will be needed!

Before carrying out the H-k analysis, you can choose to stack RFs in every narrow distance range to
enhance S/N ratios and reduce the number of RFs. If RFs exhibit strong back-azimuthal variations, H-k
analysis has to be done separately for RFs at different back azimuths.

Run script, output file ppk stores 6-column outputs (H, Vp/Vs, normalized cumulative sum
of amplitudes, predicted Ps, PpPs, and PpSs+PsPs times) in an increasing order of column 3.

Plotting scripts: make a H-k contour/image plot plot individual or stacked P RFs as a function of backazimuth
B. S-receiver function analysis:
(1) Align and determine SV arrivals using AIMBAT or other phase aligned softwares\s. Write the
picked arrival times at header “T3” of SAC files. Cut the waveforms at least 100 s before and 120 s
after the picked S arrivals.
(2) Use script to transform 3-component N, E, Z to P, SV, and SH components on the
wavevector reference frame based on the free-surface transformation rule by Reading et al. (2003,
(3) Run script to apply a bandpass filter of 0.03-0.5 Hz to perform ETMTRF (extended-
time multi-taper cross-correlation receiver function)
(4) Run to stack RFs at every 5 degree distance to enhance S/R ratios. The stacked
SRFs will be put in sfinals folder.
(5) Run to perform h-k analysis for S RFs and plot the h-k results. Output file ssk stores 6-
column outputs (H, Vp/Vs, normalized cumulative sum of amplitudes, predicted Sp, SsPp, and
SsSp times) in an increasing order of column 3.

Plotting script: : plot individual or stacked S RFs as a function of backazimuth

C. H-V stacking
(1) Run to calculate Ps, PpPs and PpSs+PsPs arrival times for the optimal estimate
of H and Vp/Vs from H-k stacking result.
(2) Run to calculate Sp, SsPp,, and SsSp arrival times for the optimal estimate of H
and Vp/Vs from H-k stacking result
(3) run hv-map.2sh and to combine any two pairs of three equations as a function of 3
variables (H, Vp, Vs) to find the intersection point on (H-Vp), (H-Vs), and (Vp-Vs) planes. Use to plot the results.

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