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Name: ________________________________ Course: ____________________________
Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer on each item. Shade only the
box of the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
1. Evaluate the following expression: 5 + 3 (42 + 7) – 7 (2 + 32 x 8) 0.
A. 0 C. 72
B. 152 D. -444
2. Which among the following is NOT a prime number?
A. 31 C. 51
B. 41 D. 61
3. How many prime numbers are there between 1 to 100?
A. 23 C. 25
B. 24 D. 26
4. What are the prime factors of 273?
A. 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 C. 3 x 6 x 9 x 11
B. 3 x 17 x 11 D. 3 x 7 x 13
5. One trip around a running track is 440 yards. One jogger can complete one lap in 8 minutes, the other can complete in 6 minutes.
How long will it take for both joggers to arrive at their starting point together if they start at the same time and maintain their jogging
A. 12 minutes C. 36 minutes
B. 24 minutes D. 48 minutes
6. Renalyn is making bead necklaces. She has 90 green beads and 108 blue beads. What is the greatest number of identical
necklaces she can make if she wants to use all of her beads?
A. 12 C. 16
B. 15 D. 18
7. A dish company needs to ship an order of 117 glass bowls. The company will put the bowls into several boxes. Each box must
contain the same number of bowls. How many boxes could the company use for the order?
A. 11 C. 13
B. 12 D. 17
8. When 2, 000 pounds of paper are recycled, 17 trees are saved. How many trees are saved if 5, 000 pounds of paper is recycled?
A. 41 C. 42
B. 41.5 D. 42.5
9. Our school has 8 male teachers who comprise 25% of all our teachers. How many teachers do we have?
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 8 (write the correct answer)
10. The sum of three consecutive integers is 96. What are the integers?
A. 31, 32, 33 C. 30, 32, 34
C. 32, 33, 34 D. 33, 34, 35

“A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic,

it takes sweat, determination and harwork.” – Colin Powell
11. The first 5 numbers in a sequence are 2, 3, 5, 8, and 12. What is the 7th number in a sequence?
A. 15 C. 23
B. 19 D. 25
12. If a liter of chemical X is 95% pure, how many liters of water must be added to make a 50% solution?
A. 0.80 L C. 0.94 L
B. 0.90 L D. 0.09 L
13. Don Antonio invested part of 30, 000 pesos at 5% interest and the remaining amount at 6% interest at BPI. If his investment yields
an annual income of 1, 620 pesos, how much did he invest at 6% interest?
A. 12, 000 pesos C. 16, 000 pesos
B. 14, 000 pesos D. 18, 000 pesos
14. It takes 20 men to build a building for 60 days. Assuming that all men work at this rate, how many men will be needed to build the
same building in 15 days?
A. 5 C. 100
B. 80 D. 120
15. At 25% discount, Ms. Barat paid 150.75 for a bag. What was the original price of the bag?
A. P37.69 C. P201.00
B. P150.75 D. P603.00
16. What is the radius of the circle whose area is 314 cm2? (Use π = 3.14)
A. 5 cm C. 15 cm
B. 10 cm D. 20 cm
17. How many liters are there in 353 quarts?
A. 353 L C. 326 L
B. 334 L D. 324 L
18. An elevator can carry a maximum load of 605 kg. How many passengers of weight 50.5 kg each can the elevator hold?
A. 12 C. 11
B. 11.9 D. 10
19. Which of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?
A. The supplement of an angle is acute.
B. The complement of an angle is obtuse.
C. The complement of any acute angle is acute.
D. Two supplementary angles are congruent.
20. A triangle has a perimeter of 50. If 2 sides are equal and the third side is 5 more than the equal sides, what is the length of the
third side?
A. 5 C. 15
B. 10 D. 20
21. A room is 30 ft long, 25 ft wide and 14 ft high. If 42 balloons are inside the room, how many cubic feet of space does this allow for
each balloon?
A. 25 C. 250
B. 69 D. 690
22. Nine unique diagonals are drawn in a regular polygon. How many sides does it have?
A. 9 C. 7
B. 8 D. 6
23. The measures of the angles of a triangle in a ratio of 2:3:4. Find the measure of the middle angle?
A. 30° C. 60°

“A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic,

it takes sweat, determination and harwork.” – Colin Powell
B. 40° D. 80°
24. If the height of a triangle is five inches less than the length of its base, and if the area of the triangle is 52 square inches, find the
base and the height?
A. Base = 13 in, Height = 8 in C. Base = 11 in, Height = 7 in
B. Base = 12 in, Height = 9 in D. Base = 13 in, Height = 4 in
25. A building 25 m tall casts a shadow 10 m long. How long is the shadow of a 5-foot girl standing beside the building?
A. 2 ft C. 10 ft
B. 2.5 ft D. 250 ft
26. What is the maximum number of books, each 1.4 cm thick that can be put vertically in a shelf which is 64 cm long?
A. 44 C. 46
B. 45 D. 64
27. What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an icosagon?
A. 3100 C. 3240
B. 3140 D. 2850
28. What is the measure of the interior angle of a dodecagon?
A. 120° C. 140°
B. 130° D. 150°
29. Consider the triangle illustrated beside the item. Find the value of x. 68°
A. 55° C. 60°
x° 125°
B. 35° D. 25°
30. Which of the following statements is true?
A. A rectangle is a square.
B. A parallelogram is a trapezoid.
C. A rhombus is a rectangle.
D. A square is a rhombus.
31. Factor completely the expression: 27a3 – 54a2b + 36a2b – 8b3.
A. (3a – 3b)3 C. (4a – 3b)3
B. (a – 3b)3 D. (3a – 2b)3
32. Determine the general equation of the line which passes through the points (2, -1) and (-3, 5).
A. 6x + 5y – 7 = 0 C. 6x + 7y – 5 = 0
B. 5x – 6y – 7 = 0 D. 6x + 6y – 5 = 0
33. What is the equation of the line with x-intercept of 4 and y-intercept of 3?
A. 3x + 4y = -12 C. 6x – 8y = 12
B. 3x – 4y = 12 D. 4x – 3y = 12
34. Find the equation of the line with the slope of 4 and passing through the point (-5, 3).
A. x – 4y = -23 C. 4x – y = -23
B. 4x – 4y = 23 D. x – y = -4
35. What is the equation of the line whose slope is -2 and whose y-intercept is 3?
A. 2x + 3y = 6 C. 2x + 2y = 4
B. x + 2y = 3 D. 2x + y = 3
36. If -3x < 6, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. x < -2 C. x > 2
B. x < 2 D. x > -2
37. The length of a rectangle is 18 cm. What are the possible widths that will give a perimeter less than 150 cm?
A. 3 < width < 54 C. 18 < width < 36

“A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic,

it takes sweat, determination and harwork.” – Colin Powell
B. 0 < width < 57 D. 12 < width < 57
38. What is the greatest common monomial factor of the expression: -13abc – 39bc + 26ab?
A. 3b C. 13abc
B. -13b D. 26b
x2 3x
39. If x = 1 and y = -2, what is the value of the expression 2xy - 4x + y2
9 7
A. - 12 C. - 2
15 17
B. D. -
2 4
40. Find the slope of the line described by the following table of values:
x -2 0 2 4 A. 1.50 C. 2.50
y -7 -4 -1 2 B. 0.66 D. 3.50

41. What factoring technique will best help you to factor the expression: x2 + 6x – 7 = 0?
A. Difference of Two Cubes C. Grouping
B. Common Monomial Factor D. Completing the Square
42. Which among the following is NOT a perfect square trinomial?
A. x2 + 8x + 16 C. 49x2 +70x + 36
B. 9x + 12x + 4
2 D. x2 + 6x + 9
43. Which among measures of central tendency is NOT influenced by outliers?
A. mean C. median
B. weighted mean D. mode
44. Monica obtained the following results from her Mathematics exams: 80, 82, 83, and 91. What score must she get on the next exam
so that her average score is 85?
A. 92 C. 89
B. 93 D. 85
45. In a Filipino test, eight students obtained the following scores: 10, 15, 12, 18, 16, 24, 12, and 14. What is the median score?
A. 14 C. 15
B. 14.5 D. 15.5
46. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 2?
1 1
A. 6
C. 4
1 1
B. 2
D. 3
47. In how many ways can 5 basketball players be chosen from a group of 9 players?
A. 126 C. 15, 120
B. 212 D. 362, 880
48. What measure of central tendency can best describe the size of the t-shirts commonly used by teen-agers?
A. mean C. mode
B. median D. both A and C
49. In how many ways can 5 boys be seated in a row of 5 seats?
A. 72 C. 102
B. 98 D. 120
50. The grades in Math of the students of Grade 10 section B are as follows: 70, 95, 60, 80, and 100?
A. 40 C. 80
B. 60 D. 100

“A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic,

it takes sweat, determination and harwork.” – Colin Powell

“A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic,

it takes sweat, determination and harwork.” – Colin Powell

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