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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 67 (2018) 29–32

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Demanufacturing photovoltaic panels: Comparison of end-of-life

treatment strategies for improved resource recovery
Joost R. Duflou (1)*, Jef R. Peeters, Diego Altamirano, Ellen Bracquene, Wim Dewulf (2)
KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Celestijnenlaan 300A, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium


Article history: Predictive models to forecast the volume and material composition of end-of-life photovoltaic (PV) panels
Available online 1 May 2018 indicate that substantial material resources can potentially be recovered from silicon based PV panels in
the next decades. The technical feasibility of selective mechanical delamination through milling and
Keywords: cleaving was experimentally studied. The achievable material recovery results are compared to current
Recycling practices in end-of-life treatment, demonstrating a substantial potential to improve resource
Optimization preservation. A comparative LCA study allows to conclude that a well-designed demanufacturing
Photovoltaic panels strategy based on selective delamination can substantially reduce the environmental impact associated
with end-of-life processing of PV panels. The improved silver recovery offers perspectives for the
economic viability of the described demanufacturing strategy.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of CIRP.

1. Introduction the strategic importance of the respective material fractions and

their embodied economic and environmental importance. As
1.1. End-of-life treatment needs for photovoltaic systems visible in Fig. 1b and c, the relevance of the silver, aluminium and
glass fractions must be taken into account when determining well-
As part of the trend towards renewable energy generation, designed methods for EOL PV panel treatment.
considerable investments have been made in photovoltaic (PV) Looking at the c-Si PV panel architecture that will dominate the
systems over the past decades, both by enterprises and private EOL treatment activities in the coming two decades, the layer
households. Based on the expected functional lifetime of such structure depicted in Fig. 2 is rather constant: embedded between
installations, several authors have predicted the volumes of PV two layers of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), the silicon solar cells
panels that will require end-of-life (EOL) treatment in the years to are coated with metallization paste containing silver and
come [1–3]. Using the distribution delay forecasting method, and aluminium, and interconnected by silver coated copper bus bars.
taking into account the technological evolution of PV panels in A layer of antimony containing, low Fe hardened glass guarantees
terms of material composition, Peeters et al. [4] developed a long term physical protection and optimal light transmission. To
predictive model that allows to anticipate the different material the non-illuminated side a polymer layer, typically PET based,
mass flows in EOL PV streams. Using the statistics of recently completes the sandwich structure. The PV panels are often finished
collected EOL PV panels for the example of the Flemish region in and mounted by means of an aluminium frame, and a junction box
Belgium to calibrate this model, an EOL mass stream of crystalline glued to the backside contains the electronic components to
silicon (c-Si) based PV panels increasing to 23,000 ton per annum, connect the solar cell chains to the PV network.
equal to 3.4 kg per capita, is anticipated.
While other technologies are visible in the PV market today, c-Si 1.2. State-of-the art in EOL treatment of silicon based PV panels
based panels have been dominant and are expected to dominate
the EOL treatment scenarios for the coming decades. The results of Driven by the recast Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment
the predictive model of Peeters et al. [4], as summarized in Fig. 1, (WEEE) Directive 2012/19, in the EU EOL c-Si PV panels are
are prone to some uncertainty due to the high sensitivity of the currently typically processed in general recycling plants, together
predictions to the material composition, the anticipated failure with other WEEE or laminated glass [5,6]. The materials are
rates and the future material prices. However, some major separated by means of size-reduction with a hammer mill or
conclusions can still be drawn from this study with respect to shredder, followed by magnetic and eddy-current separation. Only
the glass, aluminium, copper and steel fractions are recovered,
while the solar cells and plastics containing residue is incinerated
* Corresponding author. or landfilled. The resulting secondary material quality is rather low
E-mail address: (R. Duflou). due to impurities, limited separation efficiencies and presence of
0007-8506/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of CIRP.
30 J.R. Duflou et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 67 (2018) 29–32

Fig. 1. Predicted mass volumes for EOL silicon based PV panels for the example of the Flemish region of Belgium (a), potential economic value at 2017 material prices for
assumed cost free recovery without quality losses (b) and corresponding maximum potentially avoidable environmental impact by closed loop material retrieval for assumed
impact free recovery replacing virgin material production (c).

Fig. 2. Typical layer structure of silicon based PV panel with indication of common Fig. 3. Baseline scenario: current industrial practice PV panel processing in WEEE
dimensions (varying between manufacturers and types). treatment plant.

hazardous compounds [7]. In terms of mass recovery rate this The glass fraction recovered from this baseline scenario is
treatment method allows to meet the WEEE directive require- highly contaminated with uncontrolled impurities (almost 10% of
ments, but results in low value retrieval, and critical materials, the glass fraction mass), limiting the useful applications for this
such as silver and antimony, as well as the silicon metal are fraction and preventing valorisation of the embedded antimony.
typically not valorised [8]. The glass recovered from c-Si panels is The copper recovery in the baseline scenario is limited (34,7%) due
still heavily contaminated with silicon, polymers and metals. to imperfect separation and liberation. The silver resources are lost
However, it can be blended with other recycled glass and used as since the recovery is not considered economically viable for the
thermal insulating material in the glass-foam or glass-fibre expected concentration present in this fraction (see Table 1).
industries [3].
Table 1
Besides the conventional mechanical recycling method, various PV waste material composition.
strategies have been explored to achieve the delamination of the
so-called ‘PV-sandwich’, including pyrolysis [9,10] and the use of Panel part Material fraction % kg/tonne of
PV waste
organic solvents [11,12] to respectively thermally break down or
chemically dissolve the EVA encapsulant. A number of patents Frame Aluminium 14.7% 147.0
Steel 8.65% 86.5
have also been filed with respect to chemical end-processing of the
solar cells to recover the silver [13]. Komoto et al. [13] also Junction box & cable Copper 1.90% 19.0
identified a number of controlled mechanical separation techni- Plastic 2.85% 28.5
ques that are comparable to the processing methods described in Encapsulant Ethylene-vinyl 4.52% 45.2
Section 2.3 of this article. acetate (EVA)

Backsheet Polyethylene 1.91% 19.1

1.3. Objectives and scope terephthalate (PET)

Front glass Glass 59.51% 595.1

The diversity of proposed EOL processing methods for c-Si PV
panels, resulting in a wide range of material recovery rates and Solar cell Silicon 1.82% 18.2
Aluminium 2.01% 20.1
purity levels, requires a detailed comparative assessment in order
Copper 1.99% 19.9
to determine the most advisable EOL treatment procedure. In this Silver 0.12% 1.24
study both data as reported in literature and experimentally
determined material recovery results have been used for this
purpose. 2.2. Thermal and chemical treatment scenario

2. Comparative study: scenario specifications This scenario, as described in detail by Park et al. [14] and
summarized in Fig. 4, consists of a pyrolysis treatment at around
Three principal treatment methods have been compared: the 400  C to break down the polymers (EVA and back sheet) and
process steps included in the respective procedures are summa-
rized in the following subsections.

2.1. Baseline scenario: destructive separation

The commonly used separation procedure, as applied in most

recycling plants today, is summarized in Fig. 3. No preliminary
removal of the junction box or aluminium frame is considered. A
material flow analysis was conducted for this scenario by sampling
experiments at a WEEE treatment plant in the Flemish region of
Belgium. Fig. 4. Thermal and chemical treatment scenario [14]: overview.
J.R. Duflou et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 67 (2018) 29–32 31

release the PV cells and glass layer. Further chemical treatment by using system expansion as prescribed by ISO 14040-2006 in order
means of HNO3 allows to recover the metals from the PV cells (Cu to assure comparability with respect to the achieved material
and Ag). The applied recovery rates for Ag and Cu in this process are output. Each scenario thus provides the same amount of materials
according to Huang et al. [7]. or ‘basket of products’. If not recovered from secondary resources,
primary production is assumed for this purpose [16].
2.3. Delamination scenario: selective mechanical separation The functional unit used is 1 kg of PV waste treatment. The
ReCiPe midpoint method with European dataset was used to
In this scenario, after manual removal of the junction boxes, the convert the LCI data to environmental effects.
PV panel is treated by means of a cutting process that separates the
glass fraction from the remainder of the sandwich structure. The 3.2. Material recovery data
aluminium frame is removed after this delamination step. The
solar cells and polymer containing fraction serves as input for an The material recovery efficiencies for the respective treatment
integrated precious metal smelter-refinery, in which the polymer scenarios were either obtained from literature (thermal and
content is thermally valorised. While assuring a yield for Ag and Cu chemical treatment) or experimentally determined by analysing
of more than 95%, the aluminium used in the internal connections the material composition of the different obtained fractions. The
(metallization paste) is not recovered in this process. efficiencies of the processes, as used in the different scenarios
For the delamination purpose several strategies were experi- described above, allow to determine the expected yields for a given
mentally tested. Milling proved rather impractical: the limited waste composition.
productivity, high tool wear and noise levels, and the difficulty to The assumed waste composition, as shown in Table 1, was
systematically collect the resulting polymer and metal containing experimentally determined by performing a material flow analysis
swarf formed reasons not to withhold this solution. Cleaving by of a shredder based process in which 12 tonne of PV waste was
means of a chisel, clamped in a flexibly mounted support structure processed. The silver content is based on the average waste
and guided by the glass panel (Fig. 5), proved to allow systematic forecast prediction for 2020 [4].
removal of the EVA, solar cells and back sheet layers with limited Table 2 contains the expected output quantities per tonne of
EVA residues left on the glass surface. Operating at elevated EOL PV panels processed according to the different scenarios.
temperatures allows to reduce the cleaving force and increase the Taking the data of Table 2 and the quality difference between
removal rate for a given force level (Fig. 6). The experimental setup the glass fractions obtained in the baseline scenario and the other
was tested to achieve a throughput of 327 kg/h, whereas strategies into account, the basket of output products used for the
opportunities to double the throughput were identified, opening LCA study was set to: solar glass: 583.23 kg; low grade glass:
perspectives for an industrial scale treatment line. 532.94 kg; aluminium: 144.10 kg; steel: 84.77 kg; copper: 36.95 kg
and silver: 1.18 kg per tonne of processed PV waste.

Table 2
Material recovery yields for the considered treatment scenarios based on
observations at an industrial treatment plant (Baseline), Ref. [7] (Thermal and
chemical) and industrial data (Delamination).

Material Baseline scenario Thermal and Delamination

Fig. 5. Experimental, robot mountable, self-aligning cleaving head. fraction chemical scenario scenario

kg recov./ % recov. kg recov./ % recov. kg recov./ % recov.

Tonne PV (kg recov./ Tonne PV (kg recov./ Tonne PV (kg recov./
waste kg input) waste kg input) waste kg input)

Glass 532.94 89.6% 583.23 98% 583.23 98%

Aluminium 130.45 78.1% 144.10 86% 144.10 86%
Steel 80.14 92.7% 84.77 98% 84.77 98%
Copper 13.49 34.7% 33.06 85% 36.95 95%
Silver 0.917 74% 1.18 95%

3.3. LCA results and analysis

For the process combinations and material flows as summa-

Fig. 6. Observed cleaving force levels in the feed direction at different temperatures
for a 75 mm wide chisel mounted in the setup described in Fig. 5.
rized in the previous section, the comparative assessment results
for the different midpoint impact categories are shown in Fig. 7.

The purity of the glass fraction recovered in this delamination

scenario was found to be suitable for closed loop recycling, similar
to the thermal and chemical treatment scenario. An optical sorting
step has been anticipated in the delamination scenario as a quality
assurance measure for contamination avoidance. LCI data for this
process were obtained from Ref. [15].

3. Comparative assessment

3.1. Methodology

The comparative environmental impact assessment of the EOL

treatment procedures was conducted using the Simapro software
with the Ecoinvent 3.3 database. The different considered
scenarios were modelled following an attributional approach, Fig. 7. Relative impact comparison for the different EOL treatments.
32 J.R. Duflou et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 67 (2018) 29–32

While for many impact categories the delamination scenario panels [4] will, however, negatively affect the profitability of such
proves to be a promising alternative, especially in terms of avoided an investment.
metal depletion its effectiveness is apparent.
As can be seen in Fig. 8, the main impact contribution for the 4. Conclusions
delamination scenario is linked to the metal recovery process,
which is energy intensive and in which the polymer fraction is Maximizing the silver and copper recovery and preserving the
sacrificed for caloric recovery. The small amount of aluminium purity of the low Fe glass fraction form strategies that lead to
used for the internal connection/metallization paste is not substantial impact avoidance. Mechanical cleaving, possibly
recovered in this process. The slags can be used as secondary assisted by a temperature increase of the EVA layer, allows to
resource for building materials, but this is not considered in the separate fractions that can be post-processed for metal retrieval
current study. and low Fe glass recuperation respectively. The aluminium frame
recycling represents a third important material stream that
contributes to the profitability of EOL demanufacturing of PV
panels. While currently the volumes of PV panels offered for EOL
treatment are still limited, it can be expected that within the next
decade EOL processing of PV panels will become an industrially
relevant activity for which advisable treatment methods have been
identified and validated in terms of technical feasibility.


The authors acknowledge the Flemish Agency for Innovation

and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) and the Flemish Environmental
Technology Platform (MIP) for funding this research as part of the
ReSolar project. Galloo, Umicore, Novolpolymers, Soltech, PV
Vlaanderen, OVAM and PV Cycle are acknowledged for their
contributions as partners in this project.
Fig. 8. Contributions by processing steps to the different impact categories for the
delamination EOL treatment scenario.

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