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Cyber Physical Systems Security Applied to Surgical Robotics

Gregory S. Lee∗
Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA

Bhavani Thuraisingham
Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA

Next generation surgical robots capable of teleoperated surgery are being developed by the BioRobotics
Laboratory at the University of Washington and SRI International. Using these robots, surgeons may
perform surgery on patients at remote locations. The robots are being developed with the intended purpose
of being deployed to the battlefield to provide immediate medical assistance to injured soldiers by surgeons
in safe and remote locations. These two research groups have begun developing an open standard called
the Interoperable Telesurgery Protocol (ITP) which provides a standardized framework for communications
between the surgical robot and the surgical robot controller. A collaboration between the BioRobotics Lab
and The University of Texas at Dallas has been established to design and implement a security enhancement
for the surgical robot cyber physical system. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm enciphers
data exchanged between the surgical robot and surgical robot controller using the Transport Layer Security
(TLS) protocol for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets and Datagram Transport Layer Security
(DTLS) protocol for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets. The controller and robot are authenticated
using X.509 certificates. Certificates also provide authorization levels for both robot and controller upon
which security policies governing the operation of the surgical robots are constructed. The Secure ITP
will facilitate the adoption of surgical robotics in military and civilian applications by providing security to
prevent adversarial intervention and provide Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
compliance. The open source software package OpenSSL was used in the development.
Key words: Cyber Physical Systems, Security, Surgical Robotics

1. Introduction generation surgical robots allow surgeons to con-

trol the robots from locations great distances from
ext generation surgical robots are under de-
N velopment at the University of Washington
(UW) BioRobotics Laboratory (BRL) and at SRI
the robots themselves over a variety of communi-
cations links, including the Internet and even pro-
vide for the ability to perform some open surgery
International. Both surgical robot prototypes have
techniques[1]. Both prototypes have been success-
been designed to be teleoperable. The projects fo-
fully deployed into the field and simulated surgical
cus on designing surgical robots capable of perform-
tasks remotely. Remotely deployed surgical robots
ing remotely controlled surgical tasks over great dis-
allow highly trained medical personnel to provide
skilled care while remaining at a safe location. This
Previous surgical robots required the surgeon to
capability will ultimately allow surgical robots to
be physically near the patient and rely on the Mini-
be deployed into the battlefield to provide nearly
mally Invasive Surgery (MIS) techniques. The next
immediate medical assistance to wounded soldiers.
∗ Principalcorresponding author Such robots will also be used in civilian settings to
Email addresses: (Gregory S. allow surgeons to provide care for patients in un-
Lee), (Bhavani derserved remote locations or in disaster areas.
Preprint submitted to Computer Standards & Interfaces February 9, 2010
ment of the surgical robot. The Transport Layer
Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Se-
curity (DTLS) protocols uses these certificates, the
included public keys and other available informa-
tion to negotiate a secure connection including a
sharing keys used to encipher and decipher informa-
tion1 . Once both the master and slave have agreed
on a cipher key, the communications between them
is enciphered using the Advanced Encryption Stan-
dard (AES) algorithm. These are the protocols
used in secure web servers which protect countless
Internet-based transactions daily.

2. Background
Figure 1: The software simulator uses the same code as the
actual Raven Surgical Robot. The software simulator allows urgical robots, such as the daVinci by Intu-
two Falcon haptic displays manufactured by Novint Incorpo-
rated to send position information over the network to the
S itive Surgical Incorporated, are being used for
a growing number of surgeries. These robots al-
surgical robot which displays the position of the robot on a
different computer. low surgeons to perform MIS by providing robotic
arms which a surgeon controls from a console. Sur-
geons perform MIS using the daVinci surgical robot
The BRL and SRI have established a collabo- on patients in a manner that reduces fatigue be-
ration to standardize communications between a cause the robotic system provides a standardized
surgical robot controller and a surgical robot, also and ergonomic interface from which the surgeons
called the master and slave. The standard, named may control the surgical robot. The arms of the
the Interoperable Telesurgery Protocol (ITP), al- surgical robot may then be placed in whatever con-
lows surgical robots to be operated interchange- figuration necessary to manipulate the tissues and
ably by different controllers[2]. The existence of structures of a patient. These robotic arms can hold
such a protocol also simplifies the development of the surgical tools in configurations impossible for a
new controllers. Many surgical device and surgi- human surgeon to reach, thereby allowing surgeons
cal robot researcher have entered the collaboration to perform procedures which were previously im-
and adopted the standard and an early version of possible. In fact, current surgical robots even allow
the protocol has been tested among a number of surgeons to use more complex and dexterous tools
surgical robot researchers[3]. than are available for non-robotic MIS surgery.
Security must be applied to these robots before The surgical controller station allows surgeons
they can be used to perform telesurgery. Surgical to perform surgery from a standardized and com-
robots fit the definition of a Cyber Physical System fortable control station. This allows a surgeon to
which is a class of device defined by the Department manipulate tissue through input to the controller
of Homeland Security as being under secured. The and based on information viewed on a monitor.
University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and the BRL This abstracts surgery to the point that it becomes
have begun a collaboration to develop a security en- an exchange of information between the surgeon
hancement to the ITP, the Secure ITP, to address and robot through the surgical robot instrument[5].
these issues at an early stage of development. This This abstraction renders the physical location of the
development has used a software simulation based surgeon virtually irrelevant[5]. As a result, teleop-
on the actual code base from the Raven Surgical erated surgical robots have become the focus of next
Robot[4]. (See Figure 1.) Four areas have been ad- generation development to the point that robotic
dressed in this preliminary Secure ITP standard: surgery and telesurgery have become nearly syn-
authentication, authorization, encryption, and ba- onymous. The focus of many of the development
sic policy development and enforcement.
The Secure ITP uses X.509 Version 3 certificates 1 Diffie-Hellman parameters create shared secret cipher

to authenticate both the master and slave equip- keys between a client unique to each session.
efforts is designing a surgical robot capable of being compared to the daVinci surgical robot. Both M7
deployed to a battlefield. This is one of the many and daVinci surgical robots have been controlled
elements of the DARPA TraumaPod Project[6]. over dedicated communications networks and the
Such a medical presence in the battlefield will public Internet by surgeons using a master con-
provide even quicker and more highly trained med- troller located hundreds and thousands of miles
ical assistance to injured soldiers while simultane- away from the surgical robot[10, 6].
ously keeping medical personnel in a safe location.
Both projects have begun collaboratively devel-
Teleoperated surgical robots will one day benefit
oping a communications standard for exchanging
civilian medicine by allowing highly specialized sur-
information between the master and slave of the
geons to intervene where typically they could not;
surgical robot called the Interoperable Telesurgery
or it could allow groups of surgeons to provide care
Protocol (ITP). The specification details how the
in disaster areas without detracting from other aid
master and slave components communicate and
services. The usability of telesurgery, however, de-
provides the ability for masters and slaves to be
pends not only on the design of the robot mecha-
operated interchangeably and developed indepen-
nism and timely communications, but the ability to
dently of the surgical robot platforms themselves.
exchange information with the surgical robot in a
The protocol is relatively new and still under devel-
safe and secure fashion.
opment, however, a number of other surgical robot
Current surgical robots approved by the United
developers have adopted the protocol and a prelim-
States Food and Drug Administration for surgery
inary test of interoperability has taken place[3].
on humans have been adapted for telesurgery, but
only in rare, specialized and dedicated instances[7]. The ITP focuses on device operation and interop-
Without special adaptation these surgical robots erability. No specifications have addressed securing
require surgeons to be located physically near the the communications or the design of security poli-
patient during the surgery. Next generation sur- cies necessary for telesurgery using surgical robots.
gical robots aim to provide the ability to perform The ITP does not validate or verify information be-
telesurgery using robots over a generic communica- ing sent or received beyond a checksum. Also, the
tions link. They are specifically designed to allow protocol only includes the control of the robot; the
the master and slave to be placed in arbitrary ge- streaming of video is currently handled separately.
ographic locations and to communicate on every- Cyber physical systems, like surgical robots, have
thing from dedicated private communications net- been identified by the Department of Homeland Se-
works to the public Internet2 . curity as a class of device which should be developed
The BRL at the University of Washington has to be secure from the early stages of development.
developed a next generation surgical robot proto-
The research conducted at the BRL and at SRI
type named the Raven[8]. The design of this new
has the stated purpose of developing a surgical
surgical robot leverages measurements collected by
robot capable of being deployed to the battlefield.
BRL researchers from surgeons performing surgi-
The nature of such an environment necessitates a
cal techniques using instrumented tools[9]. The
safe, secure and resilient communications channel.
measurements resulted in a surgical robot system
As non-military adoption of teleoperated surgical
that was specifically designed to perform well over
robots increases, many other rules and guidelines
the dexterous workspace of a surgeon and capable
become applicable. Besides the integrity of the
of the necessary force output applied by surgeons
communications channels, the privacy of the in-
while also minimizing many physical properties of
formation traveling between the surgeon and the
the robotic arm.
surgical environment falls under the Health Insur-
SRI International has also developed a next gen-
ance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
eration surgical robot, known as M73 . The M7 is
which mandates protection of this type of informa-
also a surgical robot of greatly reduced size when
tion. All of these concerns must be addressed as
surgical robotics standards are being developed.
2 Many other factors such as distance, delay, etc. also
LocalWords: MIS telesurgery BioRobotics BRL
govern these abilities, however.
3 SRI International developed the daVinci and formed In- SRI ITP UDP TraumaPod HIPAA LocalWords:
tuitive Surgical Incorporated to commercialize the technol- teleoperate daVinci teleoperated DARPA cyber
ogy. checksum
3. Project Description

he Secure Interoperable Telesurgery Protocol

T (Secure ITP) uses the OpenSSL open source
software package. This package provides tools for
authentication, authorization, encryption and se-
cure communications. These tools facilitate the ap-
plication of several well established protocols to the
security enhancement to the surgical robot. The Se-
cure ITP expands the specifications described in the
ITP standard without affecting the implementation
of the ITP itself. The Secure ITP does not alter the Figure 2: Communications between the mast and slave hap-
information contained in information transmitted pen over two channels. The first channel uses TCP packets,
via the basic ITP which only deals with robotics while the other channel uses UDP packets.
information. It provides a safe and secure way to
communicate that data as well as a framework for
developing security policies and enforcement meth- decipher the exchanged data. The Secure ITP spec-
ods. Digital information described in the ITP stan- ifies the use of the Advanced Encryption Standard
dard is now packaged inside the Secure ITP using (AES) to encipher and decipher information ex-
the External Data Representation (XDR) standard changed between the master and slave. The Na-
for transmission. This process, likely to be adopted tional Security Agency has published a policy that
by the ITP standard, allows for easier development all key lengths specified in the published AES stan-
across different computer architectures. dard (128, 192, and 256 bits) may be used to protect
information classified up to and including the level
3.1. Communications of SECRET and key lengths of 192 and 256 bits are
adequate to protect information classified up to and
The ITP protocol specifies two communications
including TOP SECRET[12]. Enciphering the com-
channels between the surgical robot master and
munications between the surgical master and slave
slave. The first is a supervisory channel. This
using AES protects the data to degree commensu-
channel requires all communications reach the des-
rate with both military adversarial environments
tination, but is tolerant to some delay. For this
and in civil environments.
reason, the channel uses Transmission Control Pro-
The final selection for bit key length for the com-
tocol (TCP) packets. The second channel is used
munications will depend on whether communica-
to exchange the commanded inputs from the mas-
tions using cryptographic keys for AES of 256 bits
ter and the information output from the slave. This
can be maintained without impacting the ability
channel must transmit data every millisecond with
of the system to perform other necessary computa-
minimal delay, but is resilient to imperfect packet
tions within the strict timing requirements for sur-
delivery. It uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
gical robots. However, preliminary measurements
indicates the required performance may be met us-
TLS is a widely adopted protocol used to for se-
ing 256 bit keys on currently available consumer
cure communication and is the method suggested
grade desktop computers. The option to encipher
by the National Institute of Standards and Tech-
streaming video feeds at all bit depths will be re-
nology (NIST) for the best security[11]. This is the
protocol web servers and clients use to securely ex-
change web pages. TLS is a secure communications
protocol based on a TCP connection. A version of 3.2. Authentication
TLS has been developed for connectionless UDP The TLS and DTLS protocols use X.509 certifi-
communications links and is called Datagram TLS cates to authenticate the certificate bearer. TLS is
(DTLS). These protocols allow the surgical robot the same protocol that web servers now use to im-
master and slave to securely communicate and pass plement secure HTTP communications (HTTPS).
information as described by the ITP. (See Figure 2.) It is a well tested and documented standard widely
The TLS and DTLS specifications allow for the adopted across the Internet. DTLS is a variant of
choice of many cipher algorithms to encipher and TLS designed for UDP communications. In the sur-
gical robot Secure ITP specification, both parties of
the communications must present certificates. The
master and slave exchange certificates to verify the
authenticity of the other party.
X.509 certificates contain information about the
certificate holder. A Certificate Authority (CA)
digitally signs a certificate to verify the authenticity
of the certificate and also prevents altering the con-
tents of the certificate. A root certificate issued by
the CA is distributed to all devices prior to deploy-
ment and are used to verify the digital signatures
which the master and slave certificates contain. Au-
thentication can be established by the presentation
of certificate which contains a valid digital signature
that is determined using a root certificate from the
CA. These root certificates will be included on on
all surgical robot devices.
The Secure ITP development included creating a
private CA which issues certificates used to authen- Figure 3: Both the master and slave devices present a certifi-
ticate and authorize the master and slave devices cate to the other device for authentication and authorization
purposes. Once the certificates are authenticated, authoriza-
of the surgical robot. The information the X.509
tion levels which they contain are used to implement security
certificates contain will provide much of the infor- policies.
mation necessary to begin developing higher level
security policies for surgical robotics.
4. Conclusion
3.3. Authorization
he University of Texas at Dallas and the Uni-
Version three of the X.509 certificate specifica-
tion provides certificate extensions. These exten-
T versity of Washington have established a col-
laboration to implement security around the Inter-
sions may be used to add custom fields to the cer- operable Telesurgery Protocol to provide security
tificate. These custom fields allow specific prop- for srugical robotics.
erties associated with a device to be included in Version three of the X.509 certificate standard
the certificate and are used to establish an autho- has been used to securely authenticate both the
rization level for the equipment. For example, the master and the slave equipment for a surgical robot.
certificate presented by a master to the slave in- Communications have been secured using the AES
cludes an authorization level for the master and cipher via the TLS and DTLS communication pro-
vice versa. Operations will only proceed when the tocols. The certificate extensions available in the
authorization levels for the devices are compatible. X.509 certificate have allowed an authorization level
Preliminary authorization levels which exist at this to be included in both the master and slave certifi-
time include MAINTENANCE, NON-SURGICAL, cates. These levels provide a foundation on which
NON-HUMAN, HUMAN, and OVERRIDE to in- the development of early security policies and en-
dicate the acceptable uses for the identified device. forcement has begun.
(See Figure 3.) This initial development of the Secure ITP pro-
Authorization levels are critical for the safe oper- tects communications between the master and slave
ation of surgical robots, however, enforcement must and provides a way to keep the surgical robot and
also be implemented. Policies and enforcement ex- master from being accessed in unauthorized ways,
ist only as proof of concept at this time. Authen- used by unauthorized parties, and prevents inter-
tication, authorization and policy development and ception or alteration of communications. Further
enforcement are all necessary for the development development of the Secure ITP will expand to in-
of useful security. The authentication and autho- clude a means to authenticate other parties asso-
rization process use for masters and slaves is being ciated with the device such as the surgeon (device
applied to surgeons and patients also. clearances, procedure clearances) and patient (non-
human, human, procedure, blood type) and provide References
an authorization level for that party.
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essary many times over in countless other applica- H. King, K. Fodero, R. Leuschke, M. Sinanan, B. Han-
tions and is all the more vital for surgical infor- naford, The RAVEN - Design and Validation of a
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Acknowledgments [10] J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, Doc at a Distance, IEEE Spec-
trum 43 (10) (2006) 34–39.
his research was supported by funds from the [11] T. Dierks, E. Rescorla, RFC 5246: The Trans-
T Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and the
Department of Computer Science at The University
port Layer Security Protocol Version 1.2, nolinkurl-, 2008.
[12] N. S. Agency, National Policy on the Use of
of Texas at Dallas. the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to Pro-
The authors wish to thank Professor Blake Han- tect National Security Systems and National Se-
curity Information,
naford and Hawkeye King from the BioRobotics pdf/cnssp_15_fs.pdf, 2003.
Laboratory at the University of Washington. [13] Workshop on Future Directions in Cyber-physical Sys-
tems Security, Department of Homeland Security, 2009.

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