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Portend: to show that something will happen in the future

His poor result did not portend a bright future for him.

Hands-off: to steer clear of getting involved in something.

Keeping in view the dismal condition of the company the CEO decided to make a 180-degree turn from
his policy of hands-off management.

Ruminate: to think carefully.

Intangible: not real, something this can be felt but not described.


Perplex; to confuse someone

I stood there, perplexed by the incorrigible mistake I had made

Conjure: bring to mind

The word Paradise often conjures up images of green gardens in one’s mind.

] mire: a difficult situation

He was drawn into a mire of debt owing to his spendthrift way of life.

Deplorable: very bad

He has been forced to live in achingly deplorable conditions since he went penurious after his business
went bankrupt.

Garner: to collect something

His video garnered a lot of views quite fast.

Cruising: to travel in a vehicle at steady speed.

He cruised along the road and came to a screeching halt when his gaze caught hold of a barrier in lying
in the road.

A list as long as your arm: a very long list.

I have got a list as long as my arm of things that I need to study to succeed.

He says.

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