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"In fact, the world is not real and neither are you. What we have to do is stop reacting to anything.

the only way to do that is to discover who you are. When you discover your true nature, when you
awaken to your true nature, everything becomes perfectly clear."


Robert: Greetings and salutations. We can be real informal. All I can do is tell you about my own
personal experiences, not what I read. And I can tell you that nothing exists the way it appears.
Everything is an appearance, and the trap is we get pulled into the appearance. We react to it. We
feel hurt. We feel slandered. We feel as if something is wrong. We have emotions and they
become negative, because we are falling for a false premise, and the false premise is that the
world is real.

In fact, the world is not real and neither are you. What we have to do is stop reacting to anything.
And the only way to do that is to discover who you are. When you discover your true nature,
when you awaken to your true nature, everything becomes perfectly clear.

You're at peace. If something works out, it works out. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But you don't look
at it that way. Your feelings have been transmuted. You no longer feel what human beings feel.
You just have a great love for all things, a great compassion. And you know that the substratum
of all existence is harmony, peace, emptiness, and you feel wonderful all the time. What can
disturb you if you are at peace? If you've found true peace, what can possibly disturb you?


Most people still feel they have to change bad for good. Remember they're all human attributes.
We're not trying to change bad for good. We just want to awaken out of good and out of bad and
become the imperishable Self which we already are. Therefore there is nothing in the external
world that can do it for you. I know some of you are thinking, "Well how about you Robert?
You're doing this for us, you're helping us?" What is really happening is I-am your Self. The one
Self is operating and it appears to be going all through us. There is only the one, there are no

~Robert Adams ~

What is the Self? The Self is your real nature, that's what you are. The Self is consciousness.
What is consciousness? Consciousness is the power that is conscious of itself. It is self-
contained, it is omnipresent. When you speak of love, of peace, of God, of joy, of happiness, of
bliss, you're speaking of consciousness. These words are just other words for consciousness.
Consciousness is you. The Self, consciousness, they're all synonymous. They all pertain to you.
Now what have you been seeing? What have you been reacting to? The mind goes out and
causes problems and you try to resolve them. You cannot. For when you resolve one problem
another one pops up somewhere else and there's no end to it. It's like trying to figure out, what
came first the seed or the tree? You never get anywhere, there's no solution. People have been
trying to resolve problems, since the beginning of time and the world is getting worse. There's no
adequate solution in trying to resolve anything in the outside. The great secret of course is to;
Leave the world alone, go within your Self and there you will find happiness, joy and peace.

~Robert Adams ~

When you want to be with me, when you want to leave your troubles, the loneliness and sadness
behind, look within, look into your heart, and be still. You will know I am with you.

Shri Robert Adams

If today
was your last day
in this body,
Would the opinions,
and projections
of your mind
or that of others
make any difference to you?
No, they would not.
Then why not live like this
from now on?" Mooji

No Excuses

Dipa Ma was about no nonsense and no excuses.

To say, "Oh, I'm too tired," or "The conditions aren’t right," or "I have a backache, I don t want
to practice today," there was no room for that.

She made it clear that if you want to do it, you can do it if the commitment is there. For her, there
was never a reason not to sit. She just didn't understand why we wouldn't always be practicing.

Socializing was out of the question. Gossip and junk novels, no way!

Waktu yang akan menjelaskan

dengan baik ketulusan seseorang.
Niat baik, dan tujuan-tujuannya.

Jika sejatinya memang baik,

maka seiring waktu berjalan,
akan terlihat semakin terang...
sebaliknya, jika hanya topeng,
maka seiring waktu berlalu,
pasti akan terbuka juga.

The truth is you only have an inner Self.

Your body as it appears does not even exist.
The world as it appears does not even exist.
What I call the inner Self is absolute reality, pure awareness.
That's what you are.

~Robert Adams

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