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This chapter presents the related literature and studies centering on thevariables investigated.


The legal bases in the implementation of the Technical- ocationalEducation in the secondary education
is through rticle BI , #ection 5 of the13*) Philippine 6onstitution &here it states that the school shall
inculcatepatriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights,appreciation of
the role of the national heroes in the historical development of thecountry, teach the rights and duties
of citi!enship, strengthen ethical and spiritualvalues, develop moral character and personal discipline,
encourage critical andcreative thinking, broader scientific and technological kno&ledge, and
promotevocational efficiency. ?hereas the Education ct of 13*' or 9atas Pambansa9lg. '5' stipulates
the follo&ing ob0ectives for the secondary educationG 1%6ontinue the general education started in
elementaryH '% Prepare the learners for collegeH and 5% Prepare the learners for the &orld of &ork.
#ection 5, Title C$Education, 6ulture and #ports%, 9ook I , dministrative 6ode of 13*) providesG
#ection 5. Po&ers and <unctions. - To accomplish its mandate and ob0ectives,the Department shall have
the po&ers and functions of formulating, planning,implementing and coordinating the policies, plans,
programs and pro0ects for thefollo&ingG $1% Elementary, secondary, physical and international
educationH $'%


8on-formal and vocational or technical educationH $5% Aigher educationH $;%Development of cultureH
$2% <oreign and locally assisted pro0ects and other activities relative to #ubsections $1%, $'%, $5% and
$;%H and $C% Perform such other functions as may be provided by la&. "edium Term Philippine
DevelopmentPlan $"TPDP% '((;-'(1(, states that the secondary level curriculum shall berevised to
complement the ad0ustment in the revised elementary educationcurricula. The ne& curricula shall
include the follo&ing sub0ects@contentsG $a%integrative scienceH $b% applied mathematicsH $c%
communication skillsH $d%career@&ork e/posure &hich includes &ork ethics, vocation@0ob
counseling andseminars@plant@office visits, trends in the 0ob market in the various trades
andprofessions, 0ob prospecting and application, supervised personal career planning, and
entrepreneurial possibilities and skills, including agricultural skillsand other life skills not included in the
e/isting values formation curricula. Philippine "ain Education Aigh&ayG To&ards Ono&ledge-
9asedEconomy has included some recommendations on Tech-voc, as follo&sG a%include DepEd in the
harmoni!ation process $on tech-voc education%, b% Tech-voc 861@86' in basic education, not 0ust in
selected Tech-voc high schools$865@86; for T 1s%, c% design more model curricula to e/pand the
coverage of ladderi!ed programs, and d% ensure constancy or education policy despitechanges in
administration $national@6AED@TE#D @DepEd%. 6angas $'((*% depicted the saga of Philippine
Technical ocationalEducation in this country asG long and colorful, in fact as long and colorful as it


has been misunderstood, do&ngraded, and, in regard to its contribution to thecountry+s socioeconomic
development, underrated."isconception of technical-vocational education arises not from intricacyof the
discipline itself but from the fact that it has gone through a series of metamorphic changes, giving the
impression that is sailing on rough &aters. Tostress the point, let us take an in-depth analysis of its
history and come up &ith 0udgment thereafter.The C(+s through the *(+s sa& a flourishing tech-voc
education that &asthe envy of general high schools. It &as then operating under t&o curriculatailored-
cut for vocational and industrial training alongside academics. dmirablythese curricula- the '-' Plan
and the :evised #econdary education Program$:#EP% struck balance bet&een vocational and
academic training, eachreceiving four hours a day. Through these decades, considered as the golden
period of 9T E, these realms of discipline en0oyed a smooth interplay, thusproducing &ell-rounded
high school graduates ready to sally forth into the &orldof &ork even &ithout the benefit of a college
diploma or university diploma.The 3(+s, ho&ever, brought unfavorable &inds for the 9T E.
6angas$'((*% stated that &orking under a semi-academic friendly setting the#econdary Education
Development Program $#EDP% tech-voc schools lostmuch of their physical muscle not because
academics lorded it over thevocational sub0ects. The situation &as aggravated &hen the Technical
Educationand #kills Development uthority $TE#D % &as created in 133) and absorbed alltech-voc
schools under the 9ureau of Technical- ocational Education. year


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