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Where are the Alkali Metals located on the periodic table?

● Left side

What is the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water?

● 2:1

Which type of reaction does the following equation represent? SO​3 ​➝ SO​2​ + O​2
● Decomposition

Solutions of CaCl​2​ and NaCO​3​ are mixed products of CaCO​3​ and NaCl. What reaction is this?
● Double Displacement

Which organelle is found in plant cells, but not animal cells?

● Cell wall, large vacuole, chloroplast

Diffusion is the movement of _______ from areas of _________________ to areas of

● A substance (solute), from high concentration to low concentration

Which stage of mitosis is shown? (diagrams)

Tissue regeneration occurs in which organisms?

● All

Specialized cells that transmit info between cells are called ________________.
● Nerve cells

If the angle of incidence is 35°, what is the angle of reflection?

● 35°

Which lens produces an upright image?

● Convex Lenses produce images that are smaller, upright, and virtual.
● Concave lenses if the object is inside F. (image is larger, upright, and virtual)

Which optical device is most similar to the human eye?

● Camera: Iris = Diaphragm (opens and closes to let in light), Pupil = Aperture (where light
enters and travels through), Retina = Digital Sensor/Film (where image lands/arrives at)
What is climate?
● Statistics of weather in a given region over long periods of time.

Climate change is affecting storms by making them ____________________.

● More frequent and severe.

What is a carbon sink?

● A natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon-containing
chemical compound for an indefinite period.

What are four occurring greenhouse gases?

● Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)

What is the atomic number of sodium?

● 11

What is the number of electrons in hydrogen?

● 1

What is the resting stage of a cell called?

● Interphase

What are the four stages of mitosis?

● Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

When does the cell membrane start to dissolve?

● Prophase

When do the chromatin strands shorten and thicken to become visible?

● Prophase

What is the balanced equation of hydrogen + oxygen = water?

● 2H​2​ + O​2​ = 2H​2​O

What are the four types of chemical reactions?

● Synthesis, Decomposition, Single Displacement, Double Displacement

Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell?

● Mitochondria

Which organelle is known as the suicide bag of the cell? (and know other nicknames for other
● Lysosomes

Which organelle is responsible for making proteins?

● Ribosomes

What is the formula for the index of refraction?

● N=C/V

What are four real life applications of light/optics?

● Laser eye surgery, Microscopes, Eyeglasses, Telescopes

Earth’s seasons are based on ________________.

● Earth’s orbit around the Sun

When is winter? (refers to Earth’s and Sun’s orbit/rotation)

● When the Earth’s hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.

Volcanic eruptions affect surrounding regions by ________________________________.

● Huge effects. When volcanoes erupt, they emit many gases and particles into the air.
Some of these particles and gases have a cooling effect, such as ash and sulfur dioxide,
meanwhile others such as CO​2​ have a warming effect (small particles block energy from
the sun, hence the cooling effect, whilst large particles let in sunlight but do not let out
heat radiated from the Earth’s surface out, hence the warming effect).

What cells line stomach walls?

● Parietal Cells are epithelial cells lining the stomach that secrete hydrochloric acid.

Why are stomach cells important?

● They produce the HCL that aids in chemical digestion of our food.

What are the parts of the respiratory system?

● Nose, trachea, bronchus, lungs, alveoli.
What are similarities and difference in the lungs of a human and the lungs of a frog?
● Frogs lungs are smaller and underdeveloped because they do not need to rely on them
solely for intake of air (they are also used for buoyancy). Humans have many branching
bronchiole and the alveoli are more densely packed because we breathe only through
on our lungs.

How do frogs breathe?

● Through nares, lungs, and skin.

How do fish breathe?

● Through opening the mouth and gills, intaking oxygen from water.

What is the greenhouse effect?

● The trapping of heat in the atmosphere, warming our Earth.

What is the ozone layer?

● The blanket protecting our Earth from the Sun’s harmful radiation by reflecting light. (O​3​)

What is refraction?
● The bending of light.

What type of mirror is used on buses (to see students)?

● Convex mirror (smaller, upright images, allowing for a larger field of view)

What is the meniscus on a graduated cylinder?

● The curved surface at the top of a column of liquid, dragging downwards due to gravity.

What does a positive and negative meniscus mean? (what are the types of sight problems and
lenses used to fix them)
● Positive Meniscus = Converging lens = Hyperopia (Far-sighted)
● Negative Meniscus = Diverging lens = Myopia (Near-sighted)

What is the magnification equation?

● h​i​/h​o

What is the lens equation?

● 1/d​o​ + 1/d​i ​= 1/f
What is the Periodic Table of Elements?
● A table of things (elements) that exist in our world.

What is the protective layer that shields us from the sun's rays?
● The Ozone Layer.

What is the law of reflection?

● The angle of incidence = angle of reflection.

Throughout Earth’s past, how has climate changed?

● Climate has gotten warmer since the time of the dinosaurs.

If the index of refraction is 85°, what is the index of reflection?

● 85°

What is bioluminescence? (and give examples)

● When chemiluminescence occurs in living organisms e.g fireflies

What is NOT a characteristic of plane mirrors?

● Smaller image

What does it mean if you are far-sighted?

● You have Hyperopia; can only see things at a distance and have difficulty seeing things
at a closer distance. You need a converging/convex lens to fix this, because that image
focuses too far back on your retina.

What are key components of Earth’s climate system?

● Water, land, livings things, air
● (Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere)

Where does most weather occur? (which layer of Earth)

● The Troposphere

What are possible ionic compounds?

Thx :^) - Peter
Thank you very much this helped a lot and good luck tomorrow everyone ;) - Tina
Thank you queen❤❤- Nooran
Ty Catwiona

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