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Effect of Computer Games

Addiction to the Academic

Performance of SHS

Hermias, Jeniel
Dela Cruz, John Ivan
Bataclan, Borgh
Amoncio, Angelo
Bonifacio, Lancurt
Defensor, Anthony
Navarro, Elaine
Game is one of the most greatest technology industry right
now. Developer can get so many advantages.
Some psychologists do not believe in addiction to the Internet
itself, but rather in addiction to stimulation that the Internet
provides. They suggests that new Internet users often show an
initial infatuation with the novelty of the Web, but eventually lose
interest and decrease their time spent online back to a normal,
healthy amount. Those users who do go on to show compulsive
Internet utilization, for the most part become compulsive only
with regard to particular types of information to be had online,
most often gambling, pornography, chat room or shopping sites.
This is not an addiction to the Internet itself, but rather to risk-
taking, sex, socializing or shopping. In essence then, the chief
addictive characteristic of the Internet is its ability to enable
instant and relatively anonymous social stimulation. “Addicted”
Internet users are addicted to a favored kind of social stimulation
and not to the Internet itself, although it is also true that the
Internet has made it vastly easier and more convenient for
someone to develop such a compulsion.
Because the Internet is used by many people as a normal part
of their career or education, knowing how to separate excessive
from normal use becomes difficult and cannot be accomplished
using simple measures such as amount of time spent online in a
given period. Most fundamental in differentiating normal from
problem Internet use is the experience of compulsion to use the
net. Normal users, no matter how heavy their usage, do
not need to get online and do not neglect their occupational duties
or their relationships with family and friends to get online.
The internet today, even education can now be done online
from the comforts of your house. Yes, indeed this is possible. All
over the world, online education has brought a revolution in the
field of education and knowledge sharing. If you have an internet
connection and a computer, you can easily enroll in an online
education program. In today’s world, it is getting extremely
difficult to keep pace with time. In this scenario, online courses
have really done a great benefit to the students. One does not need
to take the pains and go to the school, college or university for the
study purpose. The study can be done through the net only. The
positive impact of the internet on a student’s life is such that they
can now go for any educational program (like associate degrees or
diplomas, bachelor courses, master courses or even doctoral or
post-doctoral courses) online. Many reputed schools, colleges,
and universities across the world now offer a number of online
education programs in diverse fields.

Conceptual Framework:
-Gather information why
do students prefer to play
rather than study

-Gather information how

COMPUTER much the effect of
computer addiction to PERFORMANCE
Games have been used for training purposes for many years, but
their use remains somewhat underdeveloped and under-theorized
in health professional education. This paper considers the basis
for using serious games (games that have an explicit educational
purpose) in health professional education in terms of their
underlying concepts and design principles. These principles can
be understood as a series of game facets: competition and conflict,
chance and luck, experience and performance, simulation and
make-believe, tactics and strategies, media, symbols and actions,
and complexity and difficulty. Games are distinct and bound in
ways that other health professional education activities are not.
The differences between games and simulation can be understood
in terms of the interconnected concepts of isomorphism
(convergence with real-world practice) and anisomorphism
(divergence from real-world practice). Gaming facets can extend
the instructional design repertoire in health professional

Statement of the Problem

1) What are the demographic profiles of the repondents in terms
a. Frequency of Computer Addiction
b. Average time span of playing online games
c. Length of period of playing online games
2) How does playing online games affect the academic
performance of the students in relation with:
a. Class Participation
b. No. of hours spent in studying
c. Frequency of absences in class
3) Is there a significant relationship between playing online games
and academic.
The following hypothesis will be tested to accept the proposal
study on:
In contrast to previous studies, time perception of gamers was
measured with time production tasks
Hypothesis 1: Time productions are longer after a game
session than before a game session.
Secondly, in accordance with other studies on time perception
and attentional processes (Brown, 1997), our second hypothesis
predicts that task difficulty would influence performance in
time perception tasks.
Hypothesis 2: Time productions are longer for temporal tasks
that involve cognitive distraction than temporal tasks without
The third hypothesis predicts an interaction between the
measuring time and task difficulty. We assume that the
expected increase in time productions after gaming would be
more pronounced for timing tasks that involve cognitive
distraction than for pure timing tasks
Hypothesis 3: An increase in time productions after gaming is
larger for temporal tasks involving cognitive distraction than
for timing tasks without distraction.
Finally, we expect that reports of subjective time loss in former
game sessions would be connected to quantifiable time losses
after gaming.
Hypothesis 4: The larger subjective time losses in former
games are, the longer average time productions would be
after gaming.
Significant of the Study
Information and communication technology (ICT) has grown at a
tremendous pace. Internet is one of the Information and
Communication tools and its usage has been multiplied
nowadays. It has become an important information and
entertainment source for students. It has given the opportunity to
the students to share and get information from the lecturers and
students from any part of the world. If students use the internet in
a positive way, it is really a productive one. But these days‟
students access the internet more for using social networking sites
such as facebook and twitters. Even though it has created new
ways to socialize and interact, it diminishes face to face
communication among students, friends and family members.
Easy availability of all kinds of information from the internet
reduces thinking capacity, creativity and moral values of the
students. In addition spending more time in front of the computer
for playing games and chatting cause obesity, insomnia and
psychological problems among students. On the whole frequent
use of the internet brings internet addiction among its users.

Scope and Limitations

The study focuses on Effect of Computer Games Addiction to
the Academic Performance of SHS Students. The are covers by the
study includes the junior and highschool students. The study will
be conducted at the Muntinlupa National High School-Tunasan
Annex, School Year 2018-2019
The data to be gatheres was limited to the population of the
Junior and High School students of Muntinlupa National High
School-Tunasan Annex. The questioners that will be given to the
Junior and High School students provide the data needed to be
examined. These data were the basis to measure the Students
Academic Performances in School. The study will determine the
areas in munltiple intelligences where the students found their
limit using computer games and to study at school. It will also
help the researcher to identify which of the Multiple intelligences
is/are the best way to less using computer games for the Student’s
Academic Performances
CHAPTER 2 Materials and Method
The chapter describes the method that will be used in the study , the research design,
the respondents of the study, the research instrument, the research procedures, and the
statistical treatment of the data



The respondents that researchers decided to take on the interview are a long time
gamer with an extensive perspective and experience through the factors that effects their
social life by playing computer games. The respondents were both a teenager which is
standard age for a passionate gamer.
The researchers chose the respondents in a purposive sampling. It is a type of
sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own judgement when
choosing members of population to participate in the study. The researchers identified
the characteristics for them to be qualified as their respondents. The researchers took a
little information about them by asking them about the research. The researchers chose
a teenager respondent since there are already in their adolescence stage which having
social life great is a great aspect to them.
The respondents where Junior to Senior High School Students. They both
experiences digital gaming in their early stages of childhood which maintain up to now.
Both have experienced a good effect as well as bad effect of gaming in their social life.

The interview protocol contains a guide to the respondents for them to answer the
interview questions properly. The researchers provided an input key to the research
questions in the protocol respondents. Prior to that, we also prepared probes to follow
key questions and transitions questions for the good flow of the interview. The interview
guide was built to conduct a qualitative interview in which highlights the known and
unknown issues in the topic. Respondents may expose many things but buy using the
instructions the researchers used on the issues needed to explore. This is the way to
build boundary around the research area. Moreover, it is hard to record everything in
the interview therefore, the researcher used an electronic device for recording.



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