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Commented [ab3]: Which body parts, or body systems are

Conceptual Framework for Microbiology (Infectious Disease) most commonly affected

Commented [ab1]: Responsible pathogens (rank-ordered)
from most common to least commonly responsible

Disease Responsible Chain of infection (transmission requires a (1) source The susceptible and infected patient (characteristic and Commented [ab4]: Reservoir (source of infection)
1.People - (humans - health care workers, patients,
Pathogen of infection (2) susceptible host (3) a route of hallmark signs, symptoms and test results) visitors)
and transmission (to get source to susceptible host) 2.Animals (e.g. malaria through mosquitoes, rabies
Pathogen Reservoir Portal Means of Portal of Vignette of Vignette of Vignette of Vignette through dogs and bats)
3.Equipment (fomite = contaminated inanimate objects)
Group (source of of transmission entry (into susceptible asymptomatic mildly of 4.Water
infection) exit (n.b. means of the individuals carrier symptomatic severely Commented [ab2]: Categories/Groups of pathogens
transmission susceptible patient infected 1.Viruses and Prions
determines host ) patient 2.Bacteria (including sub-class of pathogen group e.g.
pyrogenic bacteria)
means of 3.Fungi
control) 4.Protozoa
Pneumonia Strep 5.Helminths
Pneumoniae Commented [ab6]: Means of transmission (How does the
(bacteria) infectious agent get transmitted from the source/infected
individual to the susceptible host?)
1.Contact (direct, indirect, body fluids)
3.Ingestion (oral-faecal - food, drinks) ...
Commented [ab5]: Portals of exit (i.e. how does the
infectious agent leaves the host)
1.Excretions ...
Commented [ab8]: Susceptible hosts (anyone can be a
susceptible host if pathogen is virulent enough - especially
YOPI) ...
Commented [ab9]: Asymptomatic infection (individual
infects others, seroconverts, resists reinfection) ... incubation
Commented [ab10]: Prodromal (mild signs or symptoms)
Commented [ab7]: Portal of entry (How does the infectious
agent get into the “to be infected” individual?)
1.Broken skin ...
Commented [ab11]: Classical disease picture (invasive
phase/acute illness)
Epidemiology = study of the occurrence, spread and control of disease
Endemic = an endemic disease is a disease that is always present in a given population (the population is or contains a permanent reservoir for
the pathogen)
Epidemic = sudden and rapid rise of a disease within a particular population or area
Pandemic = global epidemic (sudden and rapid rise of a disease that spreads across geopolitical lines)
Outbreak = when a high number of infections arise in a population where previously there have been no cases (sporadic or otherwise) have
occurred in the pa
R0 = how many 2° infections arise from one 1° infection (growth/spread rate) (R0 can change e.g. at the peak 40 new cases can arise from one 1°
Incubation period = the time that your infected but not showing signs of the disease (e.g. it takes 4-10 days before signs and symptoms arise)

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