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Estimating Dictionary Size For Representation Learning

Zhenye Lin
Williams College, Williamstown, MA
ABSTRACT quality of sparse coding methods. We find noticeable trends that we
Sparse coding is a class of algorithms for learning concise represen- leverage in our hierarchical version of k-means for estimating the
tations from unlabeled data. The goal of the sparse representation number of atoms in the dictionary. Considering the rise of Internet
learning methods is to learn the dictionary, the set of atoms that of Things applications, we focus on databases of time series.
effectively summarize the dataset, as well as the sparse codes, the
linear combination of atoms in the dictionary for each data instance. 2 BACKGROUND
Despite the abundance of methods for dictionary learning, the k- Sparse coding mechanisms require the selection of a method for
means algorithm remains one of the most popular choices due to dictionary learning and for constructing sparse representations.
its simplicity, efficiency, and high accuracy. Unfortunately, estimat- When k-means is the choice for dictionary learning, the procedure
ing the size of the dictionary, which directly affects the quality of is as follows:
sparse codes, remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we first
study how measures that assess the clustering quality correlate (1) Run k-means for a user-defined k value.
with the reconstruction quality of sparse coding methods. Then, (2) Use the k centroids as the dictionary.
we design an hierarchical version of k-means that relies on the (3) Optimize an objective function to learn for each data instance
best performing clustering quality measure to navigate the possible the coefficients associated with a subset of the k centroids.
choices of atoms for inclusion in the dictionary by avoiding the
In this study, we optimize the LASSO function [7], which is one of
expensive construction of sparse codes in each step. Our extensive
the most widely used objective functions for sparse representation
evaluation across 85 datasets demonstrates the robustness of our
learning. Next, we examine the correlation between clustering qual-
method, which achieves significant runtime improvement over the
ity measures and the reconstruction quality. Based on our findings,
k-means algorithm without significant loss in terms of accuracy.
we propose a novel method for computing atoms of the dictionary
In addition, the findings of our study may have implications in
by avoiding the expensive LASSO computation for each time series.
subsequent designs of dictionary learning methods.
ACM Reference Format:
Zhenye Lin. 2019. Estimating Dictionary Size For Representation Learning.
In Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Management of Data We follow the above described k-means sparse coding algorithms,
(SIGMOD 19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 3 pages. but we alter the number of atoms/centroids in our dictionary and
TBD test the effect of changing the size of the dictionary on the quality
of reconstruction. We used the UCR dataset [8] (the standard for
1 INTRODUCTION time series), which contains 85 different datasets of various size
Sparse coding is a class of unsupervised methods for learning sets and time series length. The nature of UCR datasets ensures the
of basis vectors to effectively represent data as a linear combination robustness of our experimental result. Since sparse coding assumes
of the basis vectors. More formally, sparse coding methods find a the data is unlabeled, we combine the training and the testing data
set of k basis vectors, Φ = {ϕ 1 , ..., ϕ k }, such that each input vector set into a single large data set. The datasets are preprocessed by
x is constructed as a linear combination of these basis vectors: x = normalizing all the time series to be between −1 and 1. The nature
Ík of the sparse coding algorithm suggests that the number of atoms
1 c i ϕ i , where c i is the coefficient of each basis vector. Despite the in the dictionary scales with the quality of the reconstruction. The
plethora of methods for dictionary learning, the k-means algorithm
is one of the most popular choices due to its simplicity, efficiency, higher the number of atoms, the higher the reconstruction quality,
and high accuracy. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of research in but also the higher the runtime. Thus, we should be able to achieve
estimating the size of the dictionary (i.e., number of atoms) for a trade off between speed and accuracy of clusters in the recon-
sparse coding methods, which directly affects the quality of the struction of the dictionary.
sparse representation. In this paper, we first study how measures Proposal: We propose to examine three indexes that evaluate the
that assess the clustering quality correlate with the reconstruction clustering quality in conjunction with the reconstruction quality of
the time series. The clustering metrics are Calinski-Harabaz score,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or Silhouette score, and Davies-Bouldin score [1, 3, 5]. These three
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed clustering metrics test for quality of unlabeled clusters. Each uses
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.
a form of Euclidean distance metric to evaluate the distinctness
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). of each cluster. If there is a strong correlation between specific
SIGMOD 19, June 2019, indexes, we may skip measuring the reconstruction quality step
© 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). (the Lasso) and evaluate the clustering quality metric at each step.
ACM ISBN None. We examine two versions of the K-Means Algorithm, K-Means Flat
SIGMOD 19, June 2019, Zhenye Lin

Table 1: Correlation between Clustering quality metrics and Calinski-Harabaz score and our clustering quality. The Pearson
Reconstruction Quality across 85 datasets Correlation between the reconstruction quality and the Calinski-
Harabaz score is 0.759. The other two indexes, while they are some-
Metric Pearson Correlation with Distance what correlated, are not sufficient to replace the LASSO reconstruc-
tion entirely. This indicates that while it is not a perfect substitute
Calinski Harabaz score 0.759
for the LASSO reconstruction, we are able to skip the LASSO re-
Silhouette score 0.629
construction in cases of large datasets or datasets where one values
Davies Bouldin score 0.530
speed over a small amount of loss. In general, the LASSO function
takes on average 35.6% of the time of the overall algorithm. When
Version and our proposed K-Means Hierarchical Version, that at- we are searching for the best number of k, we may skip the LASSO
tempts to improve the runtime of the algorithm based on clustering function entirely, leading to an substantial decrease in runtime.
index result. K-Means flat vs K-Mean Hierarchical: The result of our second
K-Means Flat Version: Run k-means from 2 to min(ceil(0.5*n), proposal found that the K-Means flat version performs better than
100). 1 For each k, we test its correlation between different cluster- the hierarchical version. Although the difference is not substantial,
ing quality metrics, the reconstruction quality, and runtime. the K-Means flat version performs 0.00214 distance better than the
K-Means Hierarchical Version: In the K-means Hierarchical Ver- K-Means hierarchical version across 85 datasets. This result indi-
sion, we apply a Depth First Search (DFS) approach. We first select cates that while there is an increase in the reconstruction quality of
a small number of k centroids in the first iteration of the K-means each cluster in each DFS, the increase is smaller than the complete
algorithm. In each centroid, we split the centroids into more cen- repartitioning of clusters in the K-means flat version. For larger
troids by applying the k-means algorithm. If the clustering quality datasets with time series entries over 4000, we saw a substantial
metric improves with this split, we add the new centroids to the decrease in runtime by using the hierarchical version of the data
dictionary and delete the original centroid. Otherwise, we keep with a similar amount of losses. We’ve seen a decrease in runtime by
the original centroid. The depth of each centroid search is chosen as much as 41.49%. Overall, the runtime decrease in all the datasets
to be arbitrary. This hierarchical version is inspired by Petitjean’s with number of entries above 4000 is 21.89%.
hierarchical classification of indexes of time series. [6]
Evaluation Metric: Reconstruction quality is measured by taking
the average distance between the constructed time series and the
original time series. 2 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
There are two major takeaways from our experiments. First, we ob-
4 RESULT served a substantial correlation between the reconstruction quality
The two graphs above indicate that there is a strong correlation of the time series and the clustering quality metric of the Calinski-
between the number of clusters and the reconstruction quality. The Harabaz score. The correlation is substantial enough for us to skip
Euclidean distance between the reconstructed time series and the the expensive LASSO function. By leveraging this metric, we built
original time series decreases as we increase the number of atoms the k-means flat version, that does not uses this metric, and the
in our dictionary. Eventually, the distance plateaus. Thus, we aim k-means hierarchical version, that does. In the hierarchical version,
can find the best size of the dictionary by applying this algorithm we observed an average drop of 21.89% in runtime for datasets
and stopping before it plateaus. with over 4000 entries compared to the K-means flat version. In the
Correlation between clustering quality indexes: The result future, we plan on testing this algorithm on longer and larger time
of our first proposal found substantial correlation between the series datasets. Furthermore, we aim to replicate our findings with
1 for big datasets the number of k will be from k=2 to 100 and for small datasets k=2 to
faster K-Means approximation algorithms such as K-means++ and
AFKMC2 [2, 4].
2 All tests are performed on Chameleon Cloud Testbed Haswell machine.
Estimating Dictionary Size For Representation Learning SIGMOD 19, June 2019,

The author would like to thank John Paparrizos for his advice, his
teaching, and everlasting support for this project. The author would
also like to thank Aaron J. Elmore for his insightful comments and
all participants and mentors of the REU BigDataX for their support.
Results presented in this paper were obtained using the Chameleon
testbed supported by the National Science Foundation.

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