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,tftg.rq{ - tvu /tr Registered No.-768l97

\ryrN Rlq{{q

{( 624 ftt";<, (TFI-{<, 30 q6[<{ ,2017 , 8 sG, r 939 eFF)
No. 624 Dispur, Monday, 30th October,2ll7,8th Kartika, 1939 (S.E.)


The 25th October, 2017

No. LGL.23ll20L7l5.- The following Act of the Assam Legislative Assembly

which received the assent of the Governor on 16th October, 2A17 is hereby published for general


@eceived the assent of the Governor on 16th October, 20L7)



to upgrade thc Hojai College, Hojai as a University, to sonstituto

and s$tablbtra haching, rcsearch oricnbd, affilirting and
partially-resideffiial Univcreity rt Hojai by upgnding the cxisting
Hojai Collcge to a Univcrsity.

Pnearnbh Whercas it is orpodicrrt to upgade the Hojai Collegc. Hojai to a

Univercity, tJ, cpnstitute and establish a toaching; rc*arch oricned,
affiliating and partidly-residential university at Hbjai by upgrading
drc cnristing Hojai F[egs ao a Univcrrity.

It is lroroby olrrct d in the Sixty cighth Ycar of the Rcpublio of

lndia rsfollmr:

-Shorttitlsand r, (l) This Acl m{ry.bc called ttre Rabindmnath Tagorc University Act,
oomfi|ongemont z0t?.
Q) It shdl comc ir*o frrtc on such &te or datcs as tttc Sue
Co1'ommcntmay, by aotifis#ion in ths Officill Gazcte, apoint

Dcfinitions 2. In thir Acf ;rurlees thcie is anything repugnant to the subjeet or csil&xt,
(a) *Affilhted College* mtalts a collep other than a constituant or
recogrriscd collegc. afrilianed to the University and includcs a
collcgr dcomcd to bo affiliatcd uotlsr section 6(xii) and sq"tion 7;
(b) *Atfilitted lnstihrtiflI" tncans nn institution ottror ttran e constitrront
colle.go or a rccognisd institution, affilietcd to the Univetsity and
inoludcs ari instihrtion dcemed to be affilimtd under section 6(xii)
' and scc{iotr 7;
(c). "Boatd of Studi€s' means a Btrard of $tudies constitutrd under
scction 34; ,

td) torrstitrsrr Collogc- means a eollege establishid,.rmintainod or

managed by the UJiversity and imparting under gradualo and / or'
post-gafuas lowl eduoatioa as dcclsrcd by tfrc university'
(c) 'tonati'ttd't hrtitution'tnetos an institution, other flran a college
esubllsho4 m*inuiaed or ma*aged bythe Univsmit!';
(O 'tourtortoane &c court constitutGd undir section 23;
(g) 'Dtpartrcnf. moans an acadcmic departrnont sf thc Uairacrity
tttd dBBUne*d rs such by-it, widr rcfaflence to a subject or Sroup
of sr$acm of study in thc U*ivcrsity;
(h) oBxccutivc Counsil* and
*Acrde'nic Council" means thc
Executivc Courtcit and the Acadcmlc Counoil consrifirtcd undcr
' soction 25 and 28, rcsPcctivelY:
(i) ..Financa committce" nkBans tha Finarrce commlceo constiurtod
c) ..Govornment collcgd'm€affI r collegc meint,ined and managcd by
the Statc mCentral Governrnonti
(k) *Hall* msans a unit of rcsidcnce of.the studems maintained or
impa*ing urtori*t and ot'rer supplementary instructionq

(l) oHsad of Departmvrf mcaas Tsschsr-in-charge of a dcpsrtment

rnd dcxtgrutcd as euch by the univcrsity and includes any other
person dcsignatcd at srch S the Univorsity;
;Hostel" rne&N e unit of residence ol'students maintairred or
recognixd try the Univeisitl'- +ther than a lre ll;
(n) .?ost-graduatc Board' and ^Uilde.r-graduate Board" mcans the Post
graduate.Boffd arrd dr9 Under.graduate Bosrd' cOnstituted under
*sctian 3S hd 32 rurycctiv*ly;
{o} '?rimipF mm*rs.dro l{Gfrd cf a t**chiag staffof r ron#tulnt,
s#ilind or noogni*{ colfu gri,'
(p) *R*cognisod Collegn" ffiBarrs a colbge othcr
tlun a congituent
collegc, or a afitiatsd collegc rscognised Uy the Univcrsity tnd
iruh&c q collep deofired ta bc rccogrrixd srder rcotion {xi$
rnd soction ?;
*Rccognisd Instiusion' il}Gar:s fln incthution otfi* thm a
constitu$rt or affillatsd kxritutbn rocognisod by tfte Uaiv*sity
ard in*ludc* an institution de+med lo be rccogniscd und* srction
5(xi} md *oction 7;
(r) *S*lostion Committer' m#*n$ a $elpction
Comr*ittcc corstiarte{t
urd*r sectiou. 39;
*$utc Govcrnmonf rc,nns 0ro Oovcmr*ent of Assara;
(t) *Statu*s', !'llrdirancct'' and *Rrgulations*.
minus, rcryccttv*ly,
*s $tatresn Ordinances and fte ftegulaticns of tlre tJniraersiry
made mder$is Asi
(u) *Tefichers"
tn&arls Profmorg Asroci** cr Assisrant Profcssors of
tk University or a ulllogs rrh+tber constitusnt or affiliatcd, or any
oth*r porco*s impurtiag instn*stions or guiding resssrsli and
dcfun*tcd'rs tdcrs by the Univcrsiry and inshdr peffio$s
rerogniscd as tc*sbers by the univcrsity; arrd
(v) 'luaivsrsiryo moams t{tc Rabindmn*th fagore Univcrsiry ar
ccnsti$Sd tmder this Act.

l*grlffitity of$rt 3, {1} The Chanccllu, $rc Vicc Chrnccllor, the Pro-Vi* ClranccUor and
Univtmity. the meinbers of tho Court, thc F,xeor*ivc f,ouncil. and the Acrdemic
Cour+il so longas @ continue to hold suclr of,Frce s
shall *anstiturc 'a body .
corpsratc by thc n*mc of *The
Rabindrana$ Tagore Univ*rsig'i
(2) Thc Univorsity sh?ll havc perpctual succe$$ion and a common seal.
ard silall sue md be sued by that narno.

Upgrddiortoftu 4. frorn {he date of xisring into forc* of thic Act, the a.xisring Hojai
axirtingllojai Ccllrge slull. be'deemed to fiavs beco ufgradcd ro Rabindmnarh
C+IIcgeu 'tagprc Univcrsity. All aspcc* of t**ching and rcsearch shnlt be
di*ussd id ard dscided by the University.

Prop*rty to yart ( Frsm the dat of comrncnc$ncnt offlris Act, #w oxisilrg proport/n
with ths lil+d md bcikings of Hojai College shall v6sf with dre
Urivorsity. Rsbindranath Tagorc University"

Powrs of{tr 6. Ths Uaivea*y shrtl have th* following powrrs i


(i) to provide for ins,truction (including corrcsponderce co.urscs) rnd

nEseerch in hrmanities, science and tachnology. education,
medicine and o&er proftssion*l snb$ects srd in ofrer sphcres of
Ioarnirg and kno*lcdge of e stamdard and thomugbness requircd
and sxpecrcd of *.aniversity of ttrc hisftest standing and to sccunc
tho advarcmeo| difrlsicn md extension of knowtodge in all
*pher* of larrning;
(iD tt e*t$lish widrin the Univcrsity area or outside thst arca sueh
field etefions and spccirlirod laboratorie* and such othm uoih for
rcsearrh and insffuction as $re ncccs$gty for the furtherancc of its
(iii) to srsefiize and to undertake extrlmural tcaching and eritension
(iv) to hotd examinations md grant r*d confer degrees, diplomas,
ccrtifica&s'or othsr acadernic distinmions and to deprive of aly
dogfacs, diplamusi cgtificate or dtstinctions grcntedto or confcrred
upon by thc university for geod and suflicient souse;
(v) to create such tcaching, administrative *nd othor posts rs thfr
Univcrsity m*y dcem.n*:essaly from time to time and to make t
appointments ther€to, All poixs shall, however. be cieared only
widr the prior approval ofthe Covemmc,n$
(vi) to appoirit. or' tecognize persons as Professors" Associste
Professor or Assistart Professor or otherwi* as Teachers of the
(vii) to instiurtc and award fellowships, scholarship, exhibitions and
(viii) to estabtish and'maintain c*lleges and hslls" to recogniza and
supervise collegrs md halli not rnaintained by the University
and otter acaommodatian for students, and to withdra#deprivc
any sush rcoognition;
(ix) and employees
. to rogutme and cnforce diseipline arilong students
of tho Univer*ity and tq tako such disciplinary measurss in this
rcgard cs m*y bo deenred ntcessary;
(x) to mnhe arr*irgeinents cf promoting healrh aad general welfare
of students of the Universiq'; a

(xi) to dgtermine a$d provide for exanrinatkrns tbr admission into the
(xi0 to afftiatc witft ir or admit to any of its privileges or to rec+gnize
for any Purpose cither in whole or in part. any collcgc or
instihltion or memhcrs or $tudent thereof' on suoh terms ard
conditioni'as may from time to tirne- be prescribed and to
witldraw such rffilixion, priviieges and recogrrition;
(xiii) to co-operatt wittt any other Universitibs, Aa&orities or
As$ociations or'ary ather Public ar Privde Body baving it view
thc promoticr of 'pttrpor€s.and ohjects similar ta fhose of $e
U*ivereity ot'appoiat otlo or rnore repitsentatives of the
univer*ity to aet up(xl any *uch Body. Authority or Association
far sueh,purposes'&r mfiy be agrced upoll' on such tenns and
csnditioas &$ mayi from time to time , be ptescribed;
(xiv) to entet into any agrecmfflt for tlre incorporatio* in the
Univorsity of any orthsr in$tittrtion and fcr taking ovsr its riglrts,

plopctties and liabilitics and for any oth*r purposes no(

repugnil*to tlris Act;
Av) demurd and reeeive paymaftt of suclt ftcs and other chargss as
may be prescribed ltom time"to time;
(trvi) to aequire, hold, manage and dispose of any prop€rty movtblc or
immovahle, .i*cluding m)$ or endowed prllpeily wiftin or
outsids the UniteBity arta, for the purpos** or otrjects of th'e
Uniwrsity, and to ilrvest any funds reprascnting such prop€rty in
snch mairner as the Universi+* thinks fiq,
(xvii) to borrow with the approval of Statc Govemment, on the
sccrrity cf ttre University property, $roney for the pnrpose* of
thc University;
(:rviii) to rurl a Higlrer Secondary section in the Univenity under
memtorship scheme ofthe $tate Scvernmcnt which will ta soms
extont, sct ss a fosder tn the undergrtdaate coufsc$ of the
Univmsrty urd for atl practicel purpose$, the Higher Secordary
sestion shall be * part of the University;
(xix) !o sontiffre tho existing syllabi and eualu*iarr of studcnts of tht Highcr
*cordry seotiqn undcr ttre jurisdlction of thc Assam Highcr
SccondrEy Educttioit Council a5 at present uatil'such t[rr$ *s the
University deems il {it to rcview and do thc nccdfut; and
(xx) to do all such other acts snd things, whethsr incide*tal tu tht
polroru aforessid or noc, as may be requisirc in order to fudtar
tlrs objoce ofthe Uriwr.tity.

Jurirdiction 7 Seve as o&er*ise pr,midcd in dri$ AcL $e pow?r$ of the

Univeruity confrrcd by u unda &is Act slull scsrd to ths
aro*s cf $r terrimrial juridi*ion of the Statr of Assam md to
sush othrr arass and collcges. institutions and o6er bodie*
bcyond this erritorial limits to which any or all of tlc powcrs of
the Univercity may be oxtended hy it with thc prwious approval
ofdre StstsGorcrnrnent

Univeidtyopca E. Thr Universig shall be open to all persons incepectivc of

Bgnder, raoe, clstc, or crd amd it shall not be lawful for the
to all classag
castes ard msds. University to adop or irnpo* on any pcrson any test whatsooyer
of rtligious belicf or profassion in ordcr to antitlc him to bc
sdmittsd thcrcto ie a teaels or as a sod€nt, or to bold eny
office rfterpin, or to grduatc or to et1ioy or arsrcise any
particutar &nefnstion accepted by the Univcrsiry, yrherc such
test is madc a conditibn thereof by any te$rammtsry or olter
instrument creating such benefsstion.

Officc*roftlre 9" ]hc follming shall be the officars of thc Universityr

(D Chancolku
(ii) Vico.Chancellor;
(i,i) Pro-vios-chanccllor;
(iY) Rcgi$trar;
(v) Acadsmic Registran
{vi) Dcan, Rcspalph and Developrn+nt;
{vii) Conhollcr of E:rsflinstions;
iviiD Dea& Strdait Wclfarc;
{ix} financa 0#iaq: and
(x) such other porso*s ir the servicc of ttre Univsrsity as rnay be
dcclarcd by *re stafirtm to bo the offrccrs of the Univer$ty.

ThcChanpe$or r0. tr) Ths Grryffrsr of Aseaa shall be ths Ch*ttcollot of fre Uniwrsity.
{2} ThS Cbanrcllor, whon prerifit, shalt proside {rc mcoting of flrs
Court ard Convocation of fie Univer*ity.

'Pouarsgtddutiss I1. {t} The Cilaucellor shall have the right to ctusc an inspcctiqn to be
offrc Chr,tnollsr. m*deby srcfi perton or pprsons as he mary direct of tlre affaim and
prspcrti# of lhe Univcreiry of trc collegts, institulions nad bodics
mrinainod by drr Univer*ity and elso of tfut qaminations, tcechin!
urd odror works conductcd or donc by tht'University, i& offcsrs
*nd rudrotitie$ ; ind to samr an erquiry to be made in the likc
nrflBfi* in rryect of ill or rny of ttrt matlers afor*siid rnd of'any
o&tr mattsr conneotsd rvidr ths University. J

A\ Tho Clurellor $rfill in cvory such cas* givr iloticc to &e Executive
Com*il of'his in*ntior io caust ar inspocrion or onquiry to be
nlnde, *nd *re Exocuiive Council shall bo cutitled to appoinr r

reilru€fitttive who sftall havo the riglrt to be pwent and hesrd x

*gch inspcotion or aquiry.
{3} The Ch#lcsllof r$sy address &c Vicc-Chanwllor with cs&rc*os to
the rccult of such inspcction or crqulry and the Vice'Cha*ccllor
dratl cimmuuicrte to the Ox.ecutivc Council ths viarys of t*to
Chaurellor with such advice ts tht Chancollor m*y oiffer on the
Lr,tion to be takffl thereon.
(4) The Exccutive Council shall corumunicate through th* Vice-
Clranccllor to #re Chanc*llor such acticrt, if it is proposed to
any. as
talc or his bsefl taken on the rcsult of spch inspe*ion or tnqriiry
and the advicd oftha Chgncallor.
t5) l#hsr"tht Hxccrfivc Cobncil does notwithin a reasonabl+ time; tihc
action mtho satishrytion of th,c Chaficollor, tfut Chancellor may after
cansidcring any oxplqation fuinisfucd or rtpr€scrltstion madc by
lhc Executive Coilnsil, if any, issut $ueh diroctions as hc rnay think
fit asd lhe Exas$ive Council shall bG bound to conply with such
(6) E:gonses *ut may bc incurrtd in conn*ction wittr zucJr inspectims
or cnquiri*s and ccrtificd Es sc,tch by &e Chsnsellor, shall bc a
charge on the Univcrsity.
{7' Thc Chanccllor shalt havs such o*rer powers 8s l$ay be conftrrcd
on him by or und*r th+ prwisions sf {tis Ac{.

(8i Thc CtunaolJq as hsad of the uaivcreity *rall have dre porrcr to
suspend the activitiss of the varioru nutlorities of the University as
and u/broil circumstances so demard end ve$ all powors and
fungtions ofthesc audrorities in tht Chanc+llor to conffirl ttrc afrirs
of thc rutborig or authorities ro ruspend*d in such mf,{locr and for
such a pffiod as dosmod flrand raasoruhle by him'

The Vice- t2. (r) 3he Vioe-Ch*rwllor shdl bc appointod by ttto Chancellor on the
Chrficellcr recomrrrendatian of nn Advisory Bo*rd {Search Commincel
coflstitutrd by tho Chancsllor for tho purpose and consisting of *rrec
msnbers of whom one rnembor rhall be nom*natcd by the Stott
Crovonrme*t, sfu m+mbcr io be nominattd by the Gpncelkrr and
one r*cmbor to br aloctod by frtc Execudvc Council. Thc'Chaltccllor
shall also appoint onc oftrom as Chain$an of ioch Advisory Board.

a, The Advisuy Soard'{Serrch Comrnittce} shall recommend a p*atl

ofnsmo$ ofthres perrons to the Cha*cellar rvho may appirx o*e of
tlrt persons' mcomm*ud;d to bc thc Yice4hancellor. ilre lf
Chnncells docc not'npprov+ riny of drc person$ rwommendpd by
the AdvisoryBirnnd, he may call for a frs*h rcco,mm€nd#ion.

{3} The Vics-Chmcellor rhall be a whols timc offrcor of frc Univcrsity

who shatl hold a#ica for a pcricd of fiye y**m snd shall be cligible
for re-rppointnx*:

Prwidcd ttrat notpithsanding thc orpny of the afrxs*aid pcriod

of frrk ycsrq hr sh*tl pontinu+ in officc until his succcsfor is
appoin*d andsrsfr$ upan his oflice.

(4) The ernolumcnts *nd othcr .ertlrs and conditions of 'serrrice of the
Vhc-Chirsollar shall'be detsrmiil€d by ftre Csancellor:
'PwyHid dr* tbe s*lary of the Viso-Chrnsllor shall l$ss
than Ra.?5,000/- por momth plus all admissibls allotusroes.

(s) 'IVlonwer
thore is any terfiporary vacanc)r in the ofEce of the Yicc
Chaacclhr by reasons of loavc, illn*ss or o#rer c*usq the Chanccllor
shall matre such o8hcr ararrggnonts as ho may think fit for excrtisiag
t$e powcrs ard perfcrrmins thc ilutics of the Vice{htrcellor during
the sbsorice. The Cha*cellor shatl dmrrine tfit ffnolumefits or
allowances payablr to a pe$on tcmporarily appointed to exercise the
pourcr and duties ofthe Vict{hanccllor.
Powcrg and Dutics 13. (r) tbG Vic&.Chucellor $hilt bc &e principel axsctnive and Acadcmic
sfthGVieG. Ofriccr'of lhc Univcreiry. llc rhall bc thc ar.affreio Chaiman ofthc
Chrncclhr. $relrtirrc Council, tre Aadcrrulc Co*usil, ttrs Building end 1trorts
Cunmittcc (BWCI thc Poct graduete Borrd, thc Under.gndustc
Bosrd, tte Finrncc Corumime qad thG $clestion Commitocs and
shatrl, in the *tsensc of thc Chenocllor prcsidc at alt mccting* of thc
Court aad orrer tho Convocaion to confcr degrecs. Hr *hail bs
cfirttfl€d, to bc prescnf d and to ffiirs any mocting of any d*frority
orCommittee of dre University.
{2) Th€ Vic+-Chmceltor shall see thnt this Act, the S&nrtog the
Ordinanm and the Bcgularions am duly obscned"
(3) Tlp Yie+Chansoltor stdl haw *rc Fwcrs of eonvening tho mocting
of the Court, the E:tcsutivs Couneil, the Buildinf and lVorkr
Commitee (BWC), thc Pmt grsdustt Board, thc Urids Graduate
Board, thc Finamc Committoe ord the Setaction Corrmiths,
whenever he finds it nmessary and for that purpse dir€st &r
Rrgistrsr to convenc such moeting at the tirne and place to be
demiucd ty &c Yirc4hgncollor, rad the fi,egistrar shalt bc bcutd
to comply vrith'{i* dirrction-
(4' If in frs opinior of{r Vic,e-Chanccllor an cmcrgpncy hrs ariren
qfticft roqoirts immodirtc rrtion to be trltcq tlro Vicechandellor
shrtl takc.ruch agion a* hc deems ftcoes*ary and sh*ll r+port fie
mme io tie ardrority q committee which in the ordinary courtc
u,o*d hne doalt witli the fl*t&r :
Providod &d rrhrys my such *ction skm by thc Yic+
Chrncollor afficr* thl &rvic*s or crnolumenb of any percon in &e
*ffvicc of tfic univcrsity, ru**r peson $h*ll be snthld to profcr
rvittrin thirty drys fiorn ttrs datc om whicfi hc receitod notiee of such
actio4 am rppcal tb *ro Exscr**vc Courcil. whssc decision shall bc
(5) Thc Vico-Chioocllor'ddll oxErcisc Sntenat soneol rnd supervision
ortrlho sftirs of&cUnivcmity fid shall give +ffcct to ihc dccisions
of *r Ardrortty offu Unirrcrsity.
t6) All prr*ers rthing & *ls propsr maint*oauce of disciplinc in $*
Univcreity shsll find vo*tad in thc Vic+-Cha*ocllor,
t7) The Yioe-Ch*ncdior sh*ll qroiuiss euc'h odtcr por+€rs as may bo
prescribcd B rho ffi*cc or frs ffiinances and sha:l pcrfornr ruch
ofttr *Its as ilrsy tlc mmary to *arry o$ or furditrrthp proviciooS
crf fris Act" thc SrErUis m hc Orrdinanccs.

Pro-Vicc t4, tr) Th*rerny bc om PrE Yice Chancstlor, ryho shall be appointed by
thc Vicc Cn8ilc€ll#, uldcr irrtimafion to t*re Chaneellor, frorn
Chrrrcsllor. aesn8st the Profpilsors of thc Uniwrsity or aily other High*r
Education Instihltist (I{BI} &ir a pcriod'of $rcc }'Gars.
{2} Thc rppoin&ncnt is co4arlninus rpi& dre tcrm ofttro Ykle Chmcollor'

(3) Ths Pro-Vice Clrrnosllor shall takc uP tho rssponsibilitics assignod to

him by thc Yicc Cha*ocllor.

(4) Tha Prp,Vicc Chfficlhr shall be a membs of all thc stailrtsry


(5) The ProVioc Cl@ellor shail bs antitled to rn additional allorrafice

*s dooided by ttte Vlcc Clutrccllor.
RcSi$tnir 15. {l) The, Rogiskar sh.ll bc a whole time salariod officor of thc
Univcr*ity aod shrll be rpinted by the Exacutive. Couneil
on nlch. ttrmg eonditions rnd remunerttioa* as may be

Q' The term of the Regi*trar shall bc for five ycars ord may be
eligible for rc-appo intment.

t3) The Rogisrrr shall be the Ex-officio Secretary, of tlre Court

Expcutivc Couooil snd of tlre Constructicn Ccmmitteq thc
Buiding and \Vorks Committ$e (BWC), prwidod that,
notwith,Snding anything co*tained in this Acf, the Exccrxive
Council rary, eithcr for special purpose or in gencral, *ppoint
any othor ofiicsi of the University as Sccretary- All
communicalions .in genuql shall be addrssssd to aud on
b+haf of'ths University and shall be rceived by the

Powrrs and Duti*s iC. Ttro Powcrs and dutirs ofthe Registrar shall be the follovring namely:-
ofthc Rcgistmr.
(i). to be thc custodian of *re rscord$, comrncn scai
'and such o{her propoty of the Univrmily as the
Eri*clrtive Council slull commit to his ctrargc
erd io manage such propcrtirs;
(ii) to sign *nd vetiff all appoiutmeuts, cotracts
sgroemcnts mtde on behalf of dro Univarsify and
lo act as Seeretary of such other Commiaees as
may be pwcribed by the Statutes;
(iii) to condffit the ofiicitl cortsponden& of the
Court ard thc Exscrdiw Couueil;
(iv) to iisue all notices convening meetirgs of nll
srsh Comnitt€cs or C;ouncils or Soards of s,trich
hc i* tho Sccretary;
(v) to ara$ge for ard superint*nd the examinltion of
ths Univcrsity till such time when thc Univcrsity
appoints othsr officers, if any, for this putpo$cl

(vi) to pcrform such other work *s may, from tims to

tir*o, bc prorcribed by rhe Execstive Cou*if and
(viii to r?prcscot the University in any Cotm of taw
En{ to sue any psrty for any liability tn the
University and for brc*ch uf *ny contract snfiercd
into with rhe Univenity-

Academic Ragfusf,r ,7. (t) ?he Aaadernic Registrrc shall bc appointod by the Rsgiqar
on rccorhmflrdation of the Executive Council. Hc shrll be Sra
Secrotary of the Academic Co*&cil and shall be rcsponsible
for preparatirm of curriculum, sy{l*bus and text books for
diffs(ent coursss *rfthe Univorsity. The term ofthe Acadernic
X,+gistr*r shall be fsr five years but may be rcappointed if
found cligiblo.

e) Thp Academic Rcgistur shall support th* Vics Chancrllor

and the Rcgistrar on all acdemic riratters.

Dem, Ro*arc.h and IE. The il,xecutiye Council shallappoint the Dcan, Rascarsh and
Dovclopaont. Development from amongst ths Pmf$$ors of t$e University.

Dean, Students' 19. Thc &tectrtivs Council shail appoint the Dea*, Students
\trclhre. Welfue from amomgpt the Professors of the Univorsity.

Thsfinsrce.OffiDcr' ?0. (l) of

The Fiaaxe Officer shall be a whote-time sataridd offictr
&e Uirivcrsity md ehsll bc appointed by the ExeEutive
Coungil for * period of fivc yser$ on such iorms, conditiors
anil reurunerali$il as rnay bc prcscritred. He mey be eligible
for nr-aBpoint*emt.

t2) Thc Finance Officer shdll exercis gencral anporvision over

the funde of Srt University and advicc in rcgard to is
finmial policy" Ha shall be resporsibb for ffre prcparation
of balaace shoct at drc crrd of e*h financial ycar.

{3} Sulject to tho control of tle Executive Council, h* chill

manrgc the invsstments of the University and br rarymsible
for the pre,paratim and prescntatior of the annual o$timatos

f,nd rfostarfiGntt of ac€oun8, and for Proper maintenance of

the acoounts.

(4' $ubjc+t to thc powers of the Exectnive Council, the Finance

Officer shall be respon*ible for ensuring *rat all mooey$ are
expcnded for the purposes for which they art gcner&ted-

(s) The Financc Offrcer shall cxcrcise sueh bther powcrs 8$ may
be prcscribedby the Statutes aud the ffiinanccs;

(6) Ths officer shall ba rcsponsible for audit of accounts of the

univcrsity et least once €vety ycar and at intervals of not
more tlan fiftpen fionths. Audit shall bc done by the
Examiner, Looal Accouus:

Prcvidcd that the Chmcellor may, o$ the

rcmmmondation of tho Executive Council in the caso of
casual v{stmcy, may ask the Rcgisrar to perform thc dtciss
of Fin&ce O{ficer.

Contnollcr of 2t" (r) It shall bs ee dury of tlre Contnoller of Exarrrinetions to hold

Exanrilrstims. various ersminattons of the Univenity, its eonrtituent
Colieps, ifmy.

(2) The Cortrollor of Examinations *hall ba tlre autlroriry to hold

elraminstions"and sfrtll engilrc that dre results are declartd in

Autfuoritios oftht 22. Thc following stral! be the aut}sities of the Univorsity:

(i) the Cout;

(ii) the Exec.utive Cauncil;
(iii) the Aqsdsmic Council;
(ivi &Post-GraduateBoard;
(v) the Under:Gleduatc Bocrd;
(vi) thc Boerd of mudies;
(vii) thc Fin*nce Ccnrmittee;
(viii) thq $elcction Cornrnitttes; and
(rx) strch ofher ar.rftorities as rnay be declarcd by t!rc statutss to
be tht authorities of fte Univcrstty.

Tbc Court 21. (1) The Court shall consist cf the fallowing membcrs :


(i) The Cha*celtar;

{ii} The Vicc'Chanceltorl
(iiii The Pro Vics€h&nsctlorl
(iv) Thc Ministef of Educatiorq Assam;
.(v)' TllcRegisbafi
tvD . Acadcmic ltcgisrar'
(vir) TbCerfrotlcrofExrmiil.tiodsi
(vlii)' I1rc Firanco Offficer;
(ix) Doan, Rtscarclr and DarcloPment;
(x) ' Derirr Studonls'lilclfrrc;

(xD The scoior.mbst Socrof,ary in the Rluc$ion

(rli$cr)Departnent of the Gorrammont of
{xii} ThoDirwtor of Highor Edpcation, Assam;
(xiit) TIic Dircotor of Techn ical Educdion* As*arq
(xiv) TIre Dinctor of Modical Educatiotr, Asam;
(n) TIre DircsJmr of Agricultnrc, Ass*nq
(xvl) Ttc Dimctm of Ardmal Husbandry nd
Vbcirinary, Assarq
(xvii) thc Vico-Clrmcellors of fic
'Univcnity, Cotton Uniicroity and Oarh*i

(:ftrii0 Prosidsnt and Secrctary, Labindran*h Tagore
Univorsity Teechcrs' Associarioil .

(xix) Ttvs membcrs nominared E Ap Enccrrtivc

(rxl fun* Prhicipal offrc CsrstitrcnfColhgpc, if ury;
0Bi) llro.Hoads oftrc Aeadcmie Dcprffisotr df dlc
Babindranrrh'Tagort Unirrenity (to bo soledod
on lhc basis of soniority).


(rocfl i@ pcmons di*tin$dshsd in Limm*und Ia*,/

Mcdffitrc/ Scicnce/ Engineainl Tcchnology/
Commcrcc/ Public lifu nominated by the

(iqiii) Trvo nprcs.trrativm with good rwords b b.c

ohctcd by tte Post-Graduatc Studcne af thc
Unirrcrsity from amongst trernieltrux:

' Providd thai a student to trd eo eleebd mwt

hi* bocn a *tudent of thp University fa d leasi
one yoar prior to his clcction:

^Providcd fiuttrcr that no stud.i,t ruho has

iakiur morc'th*n one year in exc,€$& of &c period
proscribed for the coun* of which hc is a rtudent
nrould F cligible for such elsstion.

(r*wI Trvo mcrrbors (onc fernah) of,flre llojai Collegs

/ RabLdrrna$ Tagorc Unitr ,orsity Aluunl tto bc
noiminded by the Chancclbr).

(2' Save as otlrerwise provided and cxccpt tlrat ex-officio

membors and strdcnt msrrbcrs all otha mqmborr shall hold
offica for a prrlod of thrw ycrm from drc dab of thah
clection or nmfnatiott, astlo catc may bc :

Providod, ttrrt no Forson nominatod o, io hi,

csp.*fiy cs r membcr of e particular "i*t"d
body or as holder of a
particular afpointnrcnt shall bc a mcmber aft# he ccascs to
be a member of thaf body or holder o.f, that rppoinffncnt as
the caas

Provided furtlr*r tra any membsr olected or nomin*cd

under clausc ($il)
of sub-section (l) of this sccticn shall
hold offiec for a periad of ons year mrly fram ths dttc of hit
slpction or nominrtioq as the crsc may be. He shall gome to
be meilrbei of'*rc Cou* on his ce*sing to be a studpnt of tho

(3) Whcm * pcrson c$ascc to bc a member of thc Cour! hc shall

c*nso to b* t membcr of any ofthc authorities or comrnittcc*
of thc University of which hs may htppen to be a rncmbdr by
virtue of ilrc munbership of the Court

(4) With tho rpprwrt of itro Cout! ths YiceCfuanoellor'may

rcmowan *lccted or atlectsd mernbcr.

lvhcti*gofthc 24. Thc Court shatl mect at least twice a yoar or darcs to bc fixcd
Court by the Vica{hsncallor in cou*ultation with fhs Chanceltor.
Ono of.such mcctings shall be hcld in Jxrusry trd shall be
caltod.&o Armlnl Osno'nil Moeting. The Court may rlso mrct
rt such'timcs as it m*n ftom time to time, deterrnine.

Porryors ard 25 $ubjcct to ttrc provisions of this AcL the Court shall havc the
dutisr following powonmd duties, namc$ :-
af the Court.
(i) to *,view, fium timc to time, the broad policics
*rd pr.ogramrnes of tte Univ*rsity and strggort
mcairms fryr the impmvemcn* and dorrclopmcmt
gf such paliciea progrirnmc$, worls and other

(ii) to c.onsidc( th* annual rsPott, the annual aecounS,

the ardit report rmd the steFment of thc financial
estimates, for the ansuing ysar, to appmvc ths
fininbiat c$imatcs, with cuch commslts, if my, to
express ih *iews on tho annud t€Pofi *sd to
suggpst such measures as it may d*em flroper on
the m*ttcrs covered by them;

(iii) to'approvq with or witfuout modifieations, ttre

Staarres *bmittod by the Exccutivc Council :

Providnd that before making t*Y

modification to the Stalutes srbmitted Qr the
Exssiutivc Couniit the Exscutivo Council shall be
giveei an opportrtnity b consider the modiffcations
imfoseC ty ttr* Coud and the Coart sh*tl
iorsiaer tfr? apinion oxpressed by the Enccutive
Council 6n such modificatiotis.

(iv) to considcr thc annurl balanc* sheet ptcpat-Bd *

tho snd ofeach financial year bur not lator than six
montlrs ftom the cnd of such financial year aloug
with. the Rcccipts and Paymcnt Account and
Incomc and Expenditrrrc Accormt, which all
should be in confcrmity with thc existing
*c,courtting pac*ices a$ notitiod from tirne to timc

by vrrious ovctsight committces and &e

Gsyemm€ilt of tndia These sftould be held up for
rcvipu'. by the Finarrce commifice bcfore it is
plaood for rcrutiny by the E*ccutive Cormcil and
*bn fmaprpltyal by fro Court..Strch audit ltlprt
ilorg.wi& the auditcd financial statcnrcnts slrrll
fotnr part'of thri annual rsPort of &e Univusiry
r[4 slnll bc placcd in public domain for
d isselrrination of information.
8rctivt 26, (') Tha Exccrfrive Council sball be ths Sxmtftit c body of the
Cus$il. It.dill on*irt of tfue following ntemUtrs, urntlyt-
{A} rx-offi'Icto MEMBERS:

(i) The Vice-Chancellor;

(ii) Ths Pro Vice{hsrcclloq
(iii) The Rqistror;
(iv) Apadomic Rogis**q
(v) Twu Mtmbgs of Assrrn lcgislativo Astrth]ly;
(vi) 'ftc tiircitor of Highm Educdion, Assfi;
(vii) ThEDirwtor of Tachrical Educrtion, Ascaml
(viii) The Dircptor pf Mcdicat Educatio*, Assam;
iix) Thp Chairmafi, Board of Secordary Educxion,
(x) Cliairma*, High€r Sccondry Education Couseil,
(xi) ThePrincipd of CwrstitusntCollcge, if *ny;
(xi0 Xrceld$* and Secremy, Rabindranath Tqiprc
Un ivcrity Teachers' Associstio$.

{3} {rIIrER MtrMBER$;

(xiil) T*o Heads of Dcpartncnts of thc Univorsity who
are profcsors, & be chossn by drs Vics-
Chansslls by rotation according to saniority for a
periodofthrec ycarc;
(xiv) Onc Dcen af Faeulty to be choson by dre Vicb
Chance$or *om the Deans of Facultirr of drr
Uni:crsity for r pcriod of thre years" by rctstion
aocording to suriority;
{xv} I\ro rnombtrs to be clocled by th+ {ourt from
smongEt its rnembers at its Annu*i Geilcral
lvl*eting other $an umployees and studrats of the
(xc} T$o toachers other thsn a Dea* of Faculty of ttrr
Univerity ro be olcstod by dte Aeademic Council
&om *rnongst su*h to*sl$rs rlho are *tc membcrq
(xvii) Two pgsons of whom sro shall b* wornsn to be
nominrted by tb Chanccllor"
(xviiD Two pemons to be nominatcd by tire $t*tr
Government; and
{xix} Turo memb*rs {ona female) Hojri Ccllegc
Alumni (to tie nominamd bythe Yice Chrlc*llor),

{2} Savo as othcrwisc provid*d and crmsp( tho ex-offisio

r$+rnbc$n all sttigr msmb€ffi shall hold *Sice for a period of
thrcc ycars from ttre drte of *eir slegtioa or norninatiorq as lhe

Provided that no per$on nominated or clocted in

tris capacity *s mcmbpr af a particulrr body or as * holdrr of a
prticrl*r appaintnont shall b* rrcuber snsr ilo clalrx to bc
mcrnber of *rat bcdy or holdcr of tbat appoinrncnt, us &o ssss

(3) lillmn a person cctrE s t<r be mernber of th* E:rtcutivc Council'

ht $rall ccrsr to be srsmbCIr of any qf fia authoritias of thc
university of whioh'he may happen to bt t mombr S vfutue
of hir rrsrbirdrip bf*e Fx*cutivo Cou*cil'

Porrors & dutie$ 27. (l) hol4 control and rdminir*ar ttrc
Tlre E)rerctriiw Council stretl
ofSxacutivo fopoily ard frffids of tho Univeraity and shall apPoint a
'on m*tteffi of finsnce
Counail.. fininm Comrnitlce to advise it
corsistlng of six msmbcrs of whcm the Yicc{haucsllor slull
bo fie Chairmrn. &e Finanoe Officcr shall be ttp $ccr.arl
and thc oftgr fonruuornb*rs shdl be appoinied as'follorrysr
(i) fflro Uombcrc to bo clcctud by eG Exrcfutivo
Cormail ftom ainotg itc mcmhcrs rnd
(iD T\uo ntolnbss to be nominaad hy th Sate
Cowmmcrn ons from tfic Finatrc Dryrrffisnt
ttld So otlrer from trs &luc*tion Deprrtmcnt of
thc StaaGorrcnurrcm.

(2) It shrll .do..dl artr ap*rtsining or tncidcrtel b thc

amr*usticm"of buiHingp' toads. tanks, pipclines smd oficr
$lrtrrecbftho University rrtd for tlro prrposa shall rypoilil a
Construrrion Corrmittcci thc Etilding and Works Committcc
flBVfC,, co*rsi*tf*g of scv€El rncnrbms of wtrom frt Vie-
&rficcllor *tl[
bs thc Chsiruct, thc Rogistrar strall bc tllc
Socrstry, drG Finru€o Offiecr, a moetbcr md 0rp ruuraining
foumcmbss.phdl bo appointed ft,om arnon$ tho mcrubcrs of
thc Exccutiv+ Council with porron to co-opt cilpctts as
mcmboru vho*hrll brvc no powcrb vofiGl

Pm$idsd that at lo**t o*e mornbs sf {tc

Comnrimc dtill bc rypoinEd fmm *motgrt tbe moa*ors
clm*ed b trc &(?cutivc Counsil by ths Ccsrt
(3) ft $halt dstsrrrino tre form and rc,gxrlmq thc use of rhc
Comnioh $trl of$o Univeruity.

(4) It shfiIt hy bcfora tho $tae Covcmrr.ot annual$ a full

strtcmcnt of the finmcial rcquirtmcmE ofthe Univanity.

(s) k shdl sdmhisr ftrds placrd rt

the di*po*t of tho
Univcffiilty for any ryocific pnpocc including tlnsc givcm.for
fu prpo* d builtlirgr, tt*ds, tasls, pipclinos and athcr
strucfiras of ttrc Univcrsity.

(6) $ubjcct to thc povisions of this Ast and tlrc $atutsr, it slull
appoint th offiacrl (oftGr than the th" Vice'
Chancallor), Eealbri, ofiicc.and Eghnlcal staff sd
Gmpt{y6c-of tho lJnivcrsiry crd dofirp Srch &dos uld
coriCitioas of sirrioc and srlcll pro'v!,e ftr $c fiUiue qp 0f

(?) It *utl hrve power to accept, on bchalf of the Univeruity,

bsquosf cndoYmsnts, donadms or mnrfor of any movable or


t8) ft ftU rnangF fsr bot$ag m oor$rctin! of rxasrin*ion rnd

publidfirg f*! rtiuts of rb Unirrrsity hieiliilrdors.

(9) fr strrll, rulirct to ttr.

pon'crE confcrrcd S this Act on thc
yire.Ctnncclkrr fo*ulrt* rnd darrmine all mrttss undcr this
A* oorconringm tfniwnity in.ccordirx**ith trir Act,thc
Sbfirtcs md trc Ordimnc*r:

Proyidd.&d'no aaioo slull be taton by fio Exccrttivc

Ccxmcil io rGspqEt to frr num$ss, qualificxbns or
rrnolumc$tc of *adrcrs offisrwisc than in cursulutim witlr
tta Aaadogric Couricil; and

{10) It rhrtl oxGrriro all ollror powcrs of&e Uoivsrsity of udrhh ur

rpccifrc' proririonr kve bom msdo itr.ltris Act q in tI*

The Apadenric 28. (r) The Asadqric Corincil shall consist of the following
Council. members:-

(a) Ex-t)rmcroMEMBDR$:

(t) Tbc Vile-Chanssltor;

(il) Pro.Vice-Chancellor;
(rrr) Registra4
({v) Acadeinic Registrar;
tv) Tfoe Director of Higher Education;
(rfiD The DitrsL"tDr of Tochnical Education, Assarn;
ryrD Ths Director of Medical Educatiorq Assam;
ffirD The Docns of Facultie;
(Ix) The .hofecbors of the U n ivorsitg, .

(x) The Univenlty Associatc Professors who art

Heads of Dcpartmsnt ofTeaching;
(x1) The Librariafl of the Universityl
(xr) Pleridint and Secretary of University Teachars'
(xuD The hincip*l of Constinrent College, if xry.


(Xw) . Pcrsons not cxceeding three, other than teachers of

the University, appointed by the Chancefior being
pgrso+s who by rtiurons of thcir poqsessing cxpcn
koo*lcdge in subjecs named fir thq purpore by
tha ex-offioio members of the Acadernic C.ouncil
are in the opinion of the Chancellor fit tb serve in
tle Council;
(XV) Two be slectsd by the Court, who are
not ercployees or students of thc tlnivgBity; and
(XVD Two nrcmbers (one fetnale) of the Hojai Callege/
Rabindraatth Tagore Uiriverstty Alumni (to be
. nominated by tbc Vicc Chancellor),
(2) Save as .otherwise providcd and $(c,spt the ex-officio
momberc, all other merubers $rall hold.ollice for a period of
three ysars fom the dato of drcirelection or nomination, as the
case rney be.'

(3) lVhen.a person caascs to be a member of the Acedcmic

Cormsit he shall ceiue to be a member of any of tlre euthorities
of uniresity of which he may happen to be a member by
virtue bf his rnembership of tfie Academic Council.

Powers and 29 The Acadomio Council shall have tlrc following Powsrs:-
duties ofthe
(i) to make proposals to the Exccutive Council for the
institution of Pmfessorship, Associate
Professorship, Assistant Professorship or other
teaching posts, and in regard to the dr{ies and
cmoluments thercofl
(iD to submit to lhe Exocutive Couircil draft
Regulations, .ragarding methods and rnanner of
conducting oraminations including sctting up of
Moderatibn Boards and to award in accordance
with such Regulations, Fellowships. Scholarship'i,
Medals and other rewards;
(iii) to reoommend oraminers for appointments to be
made by the Vice-Chancellor on receiving *om
thc Faculties concenred;
(iv) tO colltrot the University l.ibrary, !o frame
Regulations regarding its use, and to appoint a
Library Commitme undcr tfic gxrer*l contrrol of
thp dcdarnic Csuncil to ilratlsgc the affsir$ of tha
(v) to rsrign srrbjocb m fic ftcrtltics;
(vi) b ottc &cultiss;
as*igh uachers
(vii) to promma resmrch within *rs Univcrstty
irrcluding ths-csabtishrrsnt of t Rsaarch Coumil
and to reqtrira reports on such rcscrrch from ths
pGnroo$ cmploycd thorcon;
(viiii to orgrni* twching in tlrc University and to
control thc rrcrk aftcachs*; and
(ix) Srrch'othcr powcr md dutiee rs msy bc asrigled
to it mdethe $tatues.

Post Grduat€ 30" Tbe Port Greduatg Boord strrll have the following rnamborr,
Bord. narncly:-
(I) thc Vice'Chanccifoa
(?',) trehrYieeChanccllor;
(3) six pcrsons fum mmngst 'the Prufcssors and hcads of
Dopafirr*nE of lb*'Crs&ab Dapartments ofttc University
r*d &o hcads of Dopartrnent of the conrtittrcnt Collqgcs
eleaed hy thcAoadernic Courcil;
(4) turo mcm6ort of trc Aead*mic Councit who are nut Pmfcssorc
or Hcads of Dcpartncnt sf thc University, o'r of Constituent
College$, oloctod by thc Acrdemic Cormcii;
(s) four pcrsons who &ay.or may flot bc profasors sf thc
Ur*vcrcity to bc nomin*d by ths Yicc-Chanc.sllor; 4nd
(6) ofis mlmbor $f Excrrimfim C$mmittos to be nomin*ad by
thc Vico-Chanc+Ilor.

Pawers and 3I $uhject to fte pmvitioos of this Act, the Statutas and the
dutkx of&s Ondjnarrces, thc Post-Gradusfe Board shetl have $e fottowing
Post Gnduate powcrs and dutits, naarly:-

(a) to rccommend ro the Academic Couacii, tlrc pffiern of Pagt-

Grrdurite colsscsr the oraminations to be hsld for such
courscs, and forthcir revisioa;
(b) to appoue ths cumicula and syllabi for the post-Cmduatc
counre$ and to modify thcnr whcn $cso$sary, afttr considrring
thc rccmsrcndations oftlre Fo*rds of Studies;
(c) to maqffn€od to &c Exccrrtivo Council for thc institrtion rnd
firrrd of fellowchips, soholarship$, prips, honorary dcgrscs
rnd.other.awmds oE o{rcr acadcmiE diginstions and for t}re
institution and coofcrring of dcgrses. diplamas* tttls,
c€fiiff$ebs, and other acadcrnic distinctions in the Po*-
Qmduue eou?scs on the basis of cxaminrtions and for the
(d) t$ mrkp reedrirmcndttiofrs to ttre Expgutivo Couiroit far tht
inetifftiom of Pioftcsorships, Roadr.rrhips, LcbturcrshipE or
oiffrcr iloots of terchcr$ rcquirad for the Ptit'GrrduaficCources
and for th+ reognitioa of pcr*ons ts lcachsr$ of tha Univ*rsity
for such counrcir and rcgarding their emotumsnts dutics, and
terms Eftd conditions of thsir scrviccs;
{e} io r*ommood ro thc Acadernie Council the osnditigos fur the
admissim of rtudcnts b Post Craduate co$ltcs, make
rcgutxions for &clr.arrcndanca rnd progrc$s;
(0 ts mat Bqnhtioni wi*r rqffid to tbc rc,sidcngc', dirciplirro of
rtudcns in tho dcpcrmrer*e and thc co&silucnt mllcgrs; and
irstitrnions imp*rting Post-Craduate ccusos rnd for the
promotion afttrcir hcaltli rnd welfnre;
(s) io mdrs rccommcndation* to tre Exocutivc Council.mgarding
tbe rffqcdion of ftmds m thc Post-Grrduetc DcparrncrlE ilHd
eon*i*icmt Collcgse rnd institutions eosagpd in iru*ructios in
Post4radua*e co$scs or rcsa*rch, and tci th*i lhnries,
laboratorias, mu:isunrs mtablishEd by the Universityi
(h) to rwicw the works of tlrc PostGraduat* Department* and
C;ollcges *nd. institutions engagcd in instruction in Post-
Grlduate coilrsss and rsrctrch errd to ctll for report thereon
snd to take all rtcps necesmry for the implovement of standatd
of research aud terching std other aftirs therein;
(i) to consider the masures suggosted by Acadcmic Cosacil on
arly rnatt€r atrecting the rcadqnic work of the Uuiversity and
to Exprsss its vicws on tltern to consider any matt€r referred to
it by the Executive Csuncil or the Academic Council and to
submit reports dwrcon ts tlte Exacutive Council or tlre
Acadamic Council, as tbe case may be;
0) to afrilove tfic pancls of thc cxaminers for Posl-Grafiratc
Examinatioms, with or witho-ut modifications, after considering
the rccomr:ocudations of the Bo$r& of Studies and to modi$
lhe same at any tim* after consultslion with the 8<xds of
Studies concemed.
(k) tro promoto research within tta Univcrsity and to make
rogulations governing rosenrch degtees, and
(l) to *ppoint commitoc*r and to fix their terrns of re&rcnce. i*
regarrd to any mautr wittrin the jurisdi*tion of ttrs post-

UrdcrGraduate 32. The Under-Graduate Board shall consist of following

Board. mernbers, namely:-
(u the Vip+.Chancellon
(2) th+ Pro-Vice Chanael lor;

(3) Srrec persons from arnong 3he professors a*d the Heads of
f&paftments of the Depirtrnent of the Univer*ity and of th*
Constitueflt Collcges elocted by the Academic Couneil;
(4) six Principala inshrding aI lea$t three ftom professional
Colloges, elsced by the Acsdemic Ccuncil from amongst its
oum membett;
(s) three persons who rnay or may not be members of the
Acsdsmic Co*neil, nominated by thc Vice{hanceltoq
(6) ten perscns to he elsctsd from amongst the teachers of
affiliartsd Colleger; and
(7) one member of the Examination Committee to be nomin*tcd
by dte Vicc{hanccllor,

Powsr$ and 33. Suhj*et rd the pmvisions of this Act" the litatues arld the
Duties afthe Ordinanm, the Under-Graduats Board sh*ll have the following
Under-frraduats powem ard duties, namety:-
(a) to rccommefid to thc Academic Council the paffern af courae$
and examinations for thb Undcr-Craduate cour$e$ and the
rcvision thereof;
(b) to urake reeommpndations to the Executive Council for the
institutioas of professorships, or otlergcsts of tcachers
required for the Under.Oraduate course$ in the Universtty ard
trs corrstttuent colleges arxJ for the recagrition of p€ffions as
teaeh*rs of the University for such cour$es and regarding their
emolumonts, duties and tcnns and conditions of sprvi'ces;
(c) to make recommendation to thp Exrcutive Council f+r the
award of scholarships, prtzes and other awards and for the
confermsnt of degrees, diplomrs, titlcs, certificates and o*tcr
ac*demic disfinction in the Und€f*$rad*ate Courses;
(d) ta approve the curricula and syllabi fbr the Undor-Sreduate
cours€s and to rr*odift thgm when nece$saly affer considering
the recommendatisns of the Boards of $tudies concerned;
(e) tc make recommcndations to the Ex*eutive Courcil rcgarding
the allocaticn of funds to fhe constituent colleges and
institutioft$ and lo the departments imparting inslructions in
Under-Cr&du*te coursss;
(0 to revmw the work of the Under$rsduale departmants and
Colleges and institurions irnparting instructhns in Under-
Srnduafte Coursos, to call for reportx thereon and to t*ke steps
necessary for the impmve rnent of the standard of tcaching and
ather affairs tlrersint
(s) to recomwlsnd to the Aeademic Couneil the conditions for the
sdmissiron of studonts to Under-Graduate courses and t* rnake
regulalions for their sttordance and pmgress;
(h) to rpFovo tbo Fnels. of an*miners for Under-Gra&dc
irxasrmtirins, widr or sithout uodi&xions affm corsidcring
thc racournmdaSons of ttrs:Board of S*diee md:to modifr
rhe srmc timc afor consult*isa wi& ths'3oard of
(i) to make rcgnlations rrith regard to tho ttsideRcc, hcatlh and
di$dtplim'of the Srdaas in Uuder€ aourry
ri) to corsid+t tho maslre suggostcd by tho Acadamic Cour,rcil
po say'rn *Eq rffooring dre acadtmic work of thc Uniwrsity
and to tcrpr"ss its views on thcm to rfun$ifu rily manor
refuncd to it by the Executivo Council or tlrs Acadsmic
Counsil.ard to nrbmit report thcrpon to the Exscxivt Counsil
oi tfir Acadamic Co*rucil , rs tlrc casa rnay be; and

(ki to appoint commitecs, ud to fix *lcir tcrns ofrcfcrtr*o , in

rryd to try ffi&r within {re juisdbtion of the Undcr-
Graduatc Ba$d.

Board of $atdhs 34. (1) Thcrc shall be n Boad of $tudios in wh main brano} of.
Study. ilrosc brurdhce strall be spocifiod, and whcn n{rccsrary
modified by, thc Aqdomic Council.
(2) Esch Bmrd of $tudier rhdl corlsist of thp following memb*s,
(i) Cheirrn*r - A Pnoftmot or. Head of the pryartrnent of fio
Univcrsitt' in &! Brmch ccucenrod ;rourineted by thc Vicc
(ii) Tlrrca pcrsons with qualific$tiofis in thc Branch of Study
clectcd byfie Acadcmic Council;
(iii) One Export Consuftaq nd connect€d wtth the Uaiversity
nominated by frs Chairmaa with appoval of the Vico
(3) $uQioct'to drs prcviorts epptorral of the Yict"Chanocllor, ilts
Boad may conrult ofitor Expart or Experts when noccsrary on
,Ey fi#er wi*r in its fiold.

Poiprsand 3s. Subjcct to thc provisions of this Act thc Statutes rnd the
Dutios of Bgard Ordinancesr.cach Boerd of Shdies shrll havc thc following
of Str$irs. I,owcrs md dutics, aamely:-

a) to glalrp rccommcndations to thc Post-Graduate or thc Under-

Graduate Boad, as .the case may be about drc pattcm of
coult{,q curriculunL and qytlabi to bc laid down fcr diffsrsnt
court* urd the oxaminatione to bc hcld for such csrrsss and
to mako rtrcourncndations for reyhion of eourscr, syllabi,
surdculr ani cxaminations in so far rs they reirte to dri freta
of thc particulr braoch of *rdics;
b) to pfiperq and when n&sssry rcvhc, thc panol of examincrs
for differeirt saminztion$ , for submis$ion to Sre c:rniration
commissas and
c) to oonsidcr any otbcr matrcr rcftned to h by the Post-fuuatc
or Uoda.or-aduarc Borrd' , the Academic Courcil or thc
Exes$tivc Cormcilr'as the casc nuy be and to submit rtport
to ftc auihority conconod upon thc mattsr so rpfamd;

Fscuhbs 3$. {r) The Univeisity shall includa Faculty of Artf Sciencc. [aw..
Msdicino, Tcchoolo6/, Agriculture, Enginoering, Commcrce,
a Mamgement Sciance, Mass Comrmtnhation, Environmrnbl
$cipnce and'Indian Fine futs and sach o&s faculties as may
be prcroribed bythe Smuas.

{21 Each Faculty sh*ll, srrbjsa to the eofitrol of the Acadernic

Corucif havactrarga of torching the course$ of str{y and fra
r€s€arsh wor* iacl*ding delivery of consultancy serviccs in
such subjects aE mEy be assigned to such Faculty by thu
(3) Each Faculty shall consist of :

(i) the Dcan ofthe facuttyi

(ii) tbe Heuds of Ste Departments cornprieed in the
(iii) such teachcr of subjecB assigned to thc Faeulty as
may bc appointed to tlrt frculty by the Aeadcmic

(iv) sueh teachprs of subjects not assigrred to the

Faeulty but having; ir the opinion of
Academic Council , an importa*t bearing on tlrose
subjccts, as m*y be appointed ta thc Sacutty by
&o Assdflnic Council :

Providod that a mcher so elected shall hold office

for a period of trro years from the date of his

(v) such'ofihcr p€rsofis. as may be appoiated to the

Faoulty by thc Academic Copncil on accounl of
lheir posse*sing expert knowledge in a subju or
subjects tsoigned to tlre Faculty'

Folrcrs of )7. $ubjoot to the provisions of this Act, each Facutry shall h*ve
Faculty. the following powers:
(a) toconstitrre tho Committees of Courses and Snrdies in
Dep*rtncnts as*ignnd to iq
(b) to rtecommrnd to the'Aendsnilic Council the courscs of studies
for fire diff*ronr examinations, after con*ulting the Camntittes
ofCourse and Sliudies;
(c) to rec,omilend to Sc Acadetnic Council, aftPr consttlting the
Commithes cf Courses end Studics' the rtffflc$ of the
oxcminss in subjects assigncd to thc Faculty;
(d) to rscommcnd to the 'Ac&demic Council the aeademic
rrquiremtins for the award of Degrces, Diplomas and other
(c) &tfu todie csrtrol of the Academic Council) to encourags
resosrsh in subjccts assigned to the Faculry; and
(f) to deat with aay other mltters referred to by the Academic

Dean of faculri 38" (l) Thare shnll bo a ilean of oach Faculty who shall be responsible
for ths due obeervaftce of the $tttutes, Ordin*nces and
Regulations relating to the faculty- He shall .be *m Erccutive
Officc ofthe Faculty and shall preside over its meeting'

(2) E**h Fapuhy.*h*ll comprise such Departments of teaching as

may bc ptescdUca Uy the'Ordinanc*s. The Head bf every such
Department shalt be Pmf.essor of the Depanmerdt or, ifthere is
no Profcssor, tlp Associate Profqssor. Iftheie is more than onc
Profcsso,rs, or tnon; than one Assooiate Profcssors of a
Dspfireht, thc Vicc-Chaneellor shall ap'point a.s the Head of
the Dcperunent such one'of the Pmfessors or, if them is no
Mesior, s*ch one of the. Associam Prafessors as he thi*s
fir The Hgad of rtre Deptrffirent shall be responstblr to the
Dean for tfte orglnishtion of the teaching in the Deparbncnt
and $nod rurming ofttre Departmsnt.

(3) The Doan of a Factrlty be electcd by ttr* Faculty from among

the Hsads of the Departments of the Faculty and shall hold
office for a period ofitrree years or be nominated by the Vic+'
Chancotlsr from among the Profs*sors of the Faculty'

Schetior 3e. (r) TtrGrG .shrll bc a Sdoction Commitep for

Comqdttco. rocornsilondetions to thc Exceutive Council ftr a,ppointnart of
Pmfes*ors, Acsocidc' Profrasors, AEEistar[ Pfisfecsorq
Rngistnu, finencc Ofrccr,.&crdsmio Rpgistrar, CoffiIIg of
Exminsti0nsi Libnarien, Elcputy Registrars, Dcprty
Contsolhr of Fxrninations and oilhcr officsrs of the
Uniyeraity Bs mry bc provided fur by *re $tatutco consixirg of
the fol lowing. meribcrs:-
(U tho Visc-Chmeollor as Chairman of the Sclec*ion
(ir) ttrroo pssons not holding rny offEcc of prrofit
undsr tlIG Ugivenrty of whom one to hG
nomioatcd by thc Chancallor, one to be norninatsd
by the'Exoomive Council end cther to
trominatcd by thc Acadcrnic Council;
(ii} firc Rcgiser sball bc tfie Mcmber-Secretary of thc
Sclocticm Csnmittoa srrccpt'for the. Seloctios
Commttte of thc appcinfnont of Rsgisoq in
wtrich crsc $c Vico.Chrnc#llor shall nomin*
trnc pcrson ss Mombsr-Sesr€tary in consultrtion
with thc exciu*ve Counsil,

Q} Iir rnrling rqc.ornmcndations for thc appointmenr of Proftosors

of dic Univcr$ity, tho Selectioa Committoe slrall harrc &o
Iked of flrc D€pstmffrt conecmod, if hc is a P.rofrssor, onc
Profocsor of the Departnrcnt to be nominabd by dre Vicc-
Chaucclls and two pGmons not in fts rcf,r,iccs of $e
Univcrsity to bc norninatd by thc Expcutive Council out of E
p*nel of not less than fivc names of pcrsons recomnrcndcC by
thc AcsdGmic Council, who have special knowledgc of the
srbjoct for urtrich tho hrofoseor is to be selcctcd.

(3) In mrking rccommendmions for ths appointncnt of Associalc

Profcssors'or Agsistont Proftmrs and othor tcaelierc of .tlp
Univorsity, the Selection Cornmitree dlall have the He*d of
tbo Dcpartme$t concsmad, onc hofessor ofths Deportsnort to
bc noniinrtcd by'the Vicc.Chancellor and two persons to be
rominated by ths Executivc Coucil out of a pancl of niot lcss
lhm fiw nrrneg of persons rscommerded by &c Academic
Cotrnstl befuig poreors not ooansctcd wittr thc.Univcnity, who
harrc *pocial knorledge of or intorost in thc suliec.t for qihich
the terchcr is to bs scleced:

Providrd thet where the Exscutivc Council

proposcs tomikc an appointmcmt othonvise than in ordor of
mcrit arrangod by ths Solcction Commiuce thc port of
Proftssors, AssociltG htofcssors and Assistant Proessors, lt
shall rccord iti reasons in writing and submtt thcm to thp
Chanccllor rrho nry approyc tfte prcposal or rrfirm it to trc
Exccutive'C;ouncil for rir:onsidcration. Afu reconsldertiorU
ifttiro Exccutivc Council dssirrs to pursuc its originat proposal
it shatl icftr fto mfilr agein to thc Chcnccllo,r fo his dccieion
which shan Uc nnat:
Proyided firrdrer thaq wherc a Eclcction
Committcc reconrmeads to the Excctrttve Council the nsnp of
olre pcrson oaly antl thtt porson is nbt rcccp,t6lc to the
ExGcrftx,E Courcil, the Exccutivc Council shall record ib
lrcason$ in writing for not accesing thc recomil$ndstion and
dircct $e Reeistar to advertisc the vacancv acain ard convcfic

i mcctitlg. ot filf sjotccooE L:omm$ttc tor m*l(mt tnBsll

recormcod&tioq snd ic' so doing eommunicds to svcry
membsr of fiis Sclcction Comnritrc the rc*sons rucordcd {s

(4' Whcrc rn rppointmcnt is to be made to f, tcmp$rtr1. vaclocJ

of teacher ofthc Univcrcr$,0re appointncnt slull bc made if
vasenqy ir
for a Fcriod of cne yaffi or more,'on thc
pcdnrmcmdation of tlrc Selcction Commifiee in accordrrrcc
wi$ thl proyi*ionr Ef 0* prccodirg rub-Btrtions and ro a&
lpc tffokeirnt thalt bs mrdc by tLt Exesutive f.ouncil.

(5) If a mcmbg ofdrc $ttsction Committce is unrbh to atttn4 ho

may sond his opinion in writing to thc Viw{huccllor and
nrot opinim'shall bc td(sn ints cotrsideration by .&c
Conrmittpc ln nraking its rocomrendatio*s.

(6) lf ttc Execrsit t

Coruicil docs nof rccapt my of &o
rocomrtsadations of.dro $cbotion Committoc it shall rcfcr*rc
mattcr to dtri Chmccllot, stafiing cleerly thc rcasons for nd
agrooing with thr Sclsction'Committce, md thp docision givcn
by the Chancellortheroon sh*ll bt final.

{7) Tho Sxocutiv*' Council shall corutituts one sr fiore

Cmnaittes* fm mrking ltoommandrlioag to {rc.Exocutive
Corrncil for appointnffit b othtr sdministrstivs pores and tury
pr6o{ibe .by'Ordinauco &o pocedurc and motbods to bc
follorvsd in making stroil flccorrftctrdttiotts.

Studpnt' 4s. (1) Thcst *dl bs a Studerts' Advisory Caurtcil whhh shall
Advisory consistof thc folloxing mombers, namol;r*
(i) The Dssn Sfudents' Wdfarc as ths Cbiirrflrfi
(ii) &e Dirpctor/Dcputy Dirsctor of Strdasts' Xf*lfarc
as Ex-ofEcio Trtasucq
(iii) hidcm a$d Socreury of
ths Univ+rsity
Tcrchers' Assoctition;
{iv} Prcsidrnt,'Vi6e-Pr+ridsnt and Secrst ry of rhe
Uniwrsity Studonts' Uuion;
(v) Principals of thoConsituont Gcllcgr, if any;
(ri) ons 'stirdcnt'fiom aach teaching faculty of fis
Uniwrt'hy tq bc elccted as prescribed by tht
Sutitcs;. a
(vii) fivc studtnts,'onc from aach of thc fwc astivitios
frrsntioilcd bclow who ftavs sboryn outstmding
perOrr.nam* in.. ttrt foltowing activities, to bc
rrstinatid by til! Vice'Chanecllgr, uamolyi
(a) Spotk;
(b) Nuioral Service $chemsi,;
(c) Nalional Cada Corps;
{d) Cultwal activities
(e) Spccially ablad;

(viii) four fomale *ardants lo bs nomi*atod by tbc Vice-

(ix) ihe Dircaor of Sports and Phyrical Educetion, if

(xi thi mrmbers of thc Students' Advisory Cauncil
shalt elcct &om amonpt themselves ths S€crclsry
of tril Gouncil;

(xi) t*o mcnrberg ( om fcmalc) frorn Hojai Co}sgd

*abindrand Tagore Univcrsity Alumni (to bb
asoinitsd by f,e YicE Chanaellcr)

Q' Thc term of thc mtmbcrs of tho St#eilts' Advisory Council

otberthan ex-oficio mcmbers ehall bc ofle ycrr.

(3) The quwlnr to cotrsti$ta a.mcetiag of $tudests' Advisory

Council, the rulc* of procodures and condust of busifie$ to bo
followsd d r mcefing ttrc priod withir wtrich a *re+*ing drall
bc cdlid. aad sbb:oiher met*r shall te predribeU by tlie
Provided ftat no sttdcnt sh*ll be cligiblc to bc or
csntinue to bc a rncrnbcr of th+ Students' Advisoqy Courrcil
uillcss eorollcd at a studor$ or aftcr hc dtains the agc of
tw€sty five yoam. :ll rtudmt mcrnbcr shall peasc to be suc,h
memter if he faits h p*$s at ths next Univemity Examinition.
a Ftrnctisns of ,fl. The funstiods of 'the'Studcils' Advisory Council shall bc 8s
Studonts" follows, namely:- .

i Comcil.
(i) to 'makc recornmendations to the Executive
Council-and the Academic Council in the matters
affe*ing the studests corporfu lifr of the
. University in so far as it ooncerns the studcnb and
their co-curricular activities;
(ii) all rulcs affecting discipline, welfare, sports,
library, Managtment of Hostels^ Students Horne,
extension worh social worh. students' heahh,
N.C.C, National Service Scheme etc, shall be
. placed before the Shrdeots' Advisory Councll for
its views bofore any deeision is taLsn by the
Executive Couniil;
(iii) ttre Yice-Chirncellor or any' authority of the
University may ask for the views of the Students'
' Advisory Council on any mrtter concemiirg the
. welfare of shrdmt;
(O the Chairman of the Students' Adviso4y Coumil
shsll be the Authority to decide rvhether a rBattar
doas or doss oot concem tha students; .

(v) the Siudens' Advisory Council strcil tratni ite

own rules of busiaess and shall submit the same to
. thc . Executive Cormcil for consideration and
(yi) the end of thc bifurcation betweqr Hojai Colloge
and Rabindranath Tagore t.lniversity and the
creation of a single entity shall mean that the
Rabindranath Tagore University shall have the
common logo (Hojai College togo). the common
flag (F{cjai College flag), t}re comrnon Foundation
Day, the comtoon holiday list; common Teachers'
^ Association.and common Studeats Union aad one
: Prospoctus.

Financc 42. Thcrc 'shall be a Finance Cornmittee of ttre University

Cosmittee. consisring of thc following mernber*, namely:-

(i) the Vise-Chancellor as Chairman;

(i!) fwo members elested from thc Court from
amorigst its mcmbers;
{iii} two memlbrs electpd by the Exocutive Council
from ita mernbers;
(iv) two msrnbcrs to be norninated by thc $tate
Governmcn! one from the Finance Dcpartment
and theothsr fmrn ths Education Department;
(v) Finance.(andAecbunts)OfTicer;
(vi) Registror(Ad.minisrxion).

Powers of 43 Tln powors of theFinanca Commirtoe shall be as follows:-

Committce. (a) to e:ramine the annual budget estimates and to give advice and tlie Executive Council thereon;
(b) to make recommendations to the Executive Council relaring to
the Financc ofthe UniversitY;
(c) to cxamins every proposa! .for new expenditures involving
'money exceeding ruPees five lakh and t'o advise the
strm of
Exectitiva Council *tsreon;
(d) to review ttre finansialimsition of tlre University periodicallS
(e) to suggest in gEniral the means for the improvement of the ,
financial pasitior of the University;
(0 to consid-er and rocomnrend revision of grades of pay and
grades of pay of now posts to thc Exrcutive Council;
G) h deal wi*t such other mattcrs rclating to *re finsncial mattsrs
of the Universiry ds may be prescribed by the Statutes and
University Fund 44. (l) Tt$ t.lnitersity shall have a Furrd to be known as
"Rabindranath 'l'agore University Fulrd* to which shall be
creditgd all tB i*come, fecs, fines, con$ibntions, donatiolts,
Ioans gnd advarccs frorn any othsr soilrocs.
t2) The Uaiversif may al$o ffieate by Ordinanca firade in tlris
beh*lf or& or more soparele special furds fur fic
administration of e*do*ment$, ltust$ or other grant* for
specilic purposes.
(l) The Sate Govemment shall ftr thc purpose of this Act,
ccntribwe aanur,lly trr the University Fund 50 a.s to tnable **
University run smcothly aad efficienlly-

Ascoun* and 45. (l) The $tatemcnt of Accourlts of everl complrted financial yaar
Audit. shall be plsrsd for corisideration of the Court togethcr with the
Audit Repori in the next year. For this purpose tht accounk
sh*ll bc auditcd by a firrn of Chartcd AccountanLq subject to
overdl Audit Scrutiny by the Accountant Ceneral, Ass*nr'

t2) Such Annual Statemffit of Accounts sfiall, together with

cops$ of thu audit t€pon, bo submittcd, through the llxccutivs
Council, to ilre Court aud to the Stste $oyernment ard
thoroupon, the Statc Goverrrmeilt mcy publish the s*mc in thc

(3) "l'he Financc Cornmittee of rhe t.Jniversity shall conduct half-

yserly internal audit and tbe report of such audit sh*ll bc
subinitted to the $tatc Governmenl regularly,

{4) Notvithstf,Tldirrg anything cr:ntai*cd hereufider" the $tate

Govemffient thall have power whcn deemed necessary to
order an audk of the &ccounts of the University.

(5) The annual budger estimates, shall after thesc are finalized by
the Executive Couucil be circulated to the Chancellor, Stats
Government and all memberc of th+ Court at leasl fifteerr days
beforc they are submitted to the State Gsl,ernment.

(6) The tJniversity shall obtain prior approval from the finance
(Budget) Deparnnent of thc State Govenrmenl for opcning any
account in a Natisnalised Samk or afly other Banl. The
operation af spch Aceount by the University shall be as per
approvals sccordcd from time to time by thc said Dcpartment.

Statutes 46. Subject trr the provisions of this Act, the Statrrtes nray provide
for all/any of the fallowing matters, r:unely:-

(i) the eonfeflnsntofhonorary Degrees;

(ii) tho lnstitution of Fellorrship.t. Scholarsbip,
Exhibition and prize$;
(ii} thc terms of office, tlre msthod o{ appointmenl
and t}e conditions of service of the $ffieers of the
t (iu) the designation and the powers of thc clYicerg of
the tlniversity;
(v) lle coastitution, powrf,s and dutics of rlrc
ailhorities of &e University ;
tvii the establishment of constituent Colltgts and
l{ostels and thcir maintena*ce i
(vii) the $sn$itution of Pensions, Insuranc* and
Providert funds f'or rlr* btn+fit of rhe af{icers,
teachers, clerical and other st*ft]
(viii) the maintenanc€ of a register of registered
graduates; and
(ix) all rna$crs, rvhich by this Acr. are to bs or may bc
prcscribed try the Statutes"

Fmmingof 47. (t) liubject to tlre prvisions of rlri.s Act and with the appnrval of
Statutes. drc Court,'the Executive Council may makc Stifutes for thc
pirrpose of carying out the provisirr*s of this Act, and in
resp€ct of sll maler$ which arc required to be or may he
puvided for by the Statutas.

(2) 'fhe draft Stetute* or drafl amendrneuts may be epproved or

amended or rcjected by thc Court in the manner hcreinaftcr
providcd that no draft Statutes nr draft amendments ta Statutes
with fiaancial implication shall tre rmendcd without further
rcferencc to the Executive Couscil.
(*) every drafr of $tatute proposed by tre Executive
Council shall be submitted to the Court for
consideration. Such draft shall be considered by the
Court at its next meeting. The Court may pass the
Statule or mey amend it or may rst{$n the Statute to
the Exeeutive Council fcrr re-consideration;
(b) any dnaft of a Statute proposed by the $xecutive
Council and rejected by the Court shall be submitted
to the Chancellor who may refer it back to the Court
for neconsideration;
(c) every Statute passed by the Court shatl be submitted to
the Chancellor who may give or withhold his consent
or refcr it back to the Caun f'or reconsideration;

(d) a $trmte pnssed by the Court shall havc no validity

until it has bocn a$sented to by the Chauccllor;
(e) any member of thc Court may propose to the
execstive Council the draft of any Statutes; and the
Execative Council shall submir such proposed draft to
the Court with its comments.

Ordinances 48. lJubject to the provisions af this Ac"t, and thc Statutes, the
Iixecutive Council may framc Ordinasces to provide for all or
any of the following matt€rs, namely:-

(i) the idmissio* of sfudents to the University artd

their enmlment as such;
(ii) the counies of srudy to he lairJ d$wn for all
degrees and diptamas ofthe l]nivtrsityl
(iii) the conditions under which the students shall be
adrnittetl to the degree and diplom* courses and
tlre cxaminations of the LJniversity and shall be
eligible for the Degrees and Diplomas;
(iv) the conditions of nesidence of the students of the
(v) recognition of the Host+ls;
(ui) tlre gualiffing attendancs rcquircrnent for
(vii) thr " extersion of University tmching in any
.suitable contrc within the Stale by me*ns cf
University extension t€cturts or others;
(viii) the emolum€nts end conditians of service of
tencher* of the University;
(ixi the fecs to be chargsd for study in the Univcrsity
trtd for admirsion to the examinttions, dcgrees
and diplomas oft}e University;
(x) the formation of Departments sf teachiug in the
(xi) the consfitution, powers and duties of the Boards
of the University;
(xii) the conduct of exerninations; and
(xii0 all rnatters which by this Act or th€ $tatutes ar$ to
be or may,trided by tfre Minances.

Regulations 49. (l) Subjects to tlre provisions af this Aet, $tatutes and Ordinanccs,
ersh of ibe Authoritisc of
the University fiay make
fi.egulations consiltent with tlris Act, iha Stttutes and the
Ordinrnces, for the purpose of carrying out tfte dlrtics rnd fur
exercising thc powers rssigrred to the Authoriry ccncerned
under this Aca* the Statutes and the Ordinance*.

(2) \rrfithout prcjudice to the generality of the preceding s*b-

section such Regulations may provide for all cir *ily of the
fotlowing mafi ers, namely:-

(i) number of members required tu forrr a quorutfi;

(ii) sll rnatters which are rtquired to bc prescribed by
Sre rcgulatioRs under this Act. Statutes or fhe
(iii) all mattsrs solely corcerning the authorities aad
nat otherwise provided for by or *nder this Act"
$tatutes orffiinances.

(3) arry*ing contained n precedi n g sutr-sections.

N otw i thstandin g i

the Hxecutive Council rnay direc{ except the Court, to make

such amendments and annulments of any regulations framed
by the authority in such matrner as it may speci$:
Pnovided dmt any Authority which is dksatisfied
with such direetions of the Executive Council may appeal to
ths Chancellar nnd the dec*iions sf the Chaneellor given in the
appeal shall bt final.

Asts or ss. No act or proceedings of the University or of any authsril or

proceedings Commitee of the 'Universlty shall be invalid nrerely by
not tCI be invalid rcasons of the existcnce ofahy vacancy cr vacancies amoag its
reqsons of members or by reason cf the alleged invalidity r:f fie electiou
certain nomination, appointrnent r:f nny of its members or by reassn
irregularities. of any alhged ircprtarity in lhe manner of choosing a

Chancellor's 51. Whsnever any question arises as to whether *ny perse.n has
deeision to be becn duly electe4 appointed, chcseu or nominared ag er is
\ final in certain entitled to be a inember of any Authority or tlody of the
matters. University or whethar any decision of arry- of the Authoriti*s or
of thc Vice-chancsllor of the University is in conforrnity with
this Act, the Statut$$ and the Ordinansss' the questionshsll he
referred to the Cha*cellcrr whose decision shall hc flrrral.

Period af 52. (li All ex-officin members of all authorities crf the University
nrcmbership of sfull holtt o{fice so long as they hold memb*ship, offices or
tfte Authoritioc. posts by virtue of which they becr:me members of such
(2) Save as otherwisc provided in this Act, all other mtmbers of
the Authorities of tlre University shatl hold office for a period
of five gars or tilt ttre expiry of the term of membership'
whichever is esrlier from the date of dlection, nornination,
eppaintment or ehoosing of the merntrers cuncern€d.

Affrliation 53 After the commcncement of this Aeq any cotlege or institution

apptying for a affiliation to the University shall satisfy the
Executive Courrcil -
a (a) that the eollege shall be under the mafiagement of duly
constituted Govrning Body which shall includc at le*st two
represqntative of the teaching staff of the riollege or instittilioru
as *re ease may be; including the Prinsipal;
(b) that the land and buildings of tlre college ar inrtitution as the
case may be, and the cquiprnenB for t*aching thersin are
adequate and suitablel
(c) that t$e strength and qualification of the teaching staff are
sufficient for the courses to bc imparted in the college or
institution and that tlre tenure of offrce of teaching stcff is
(d) thd ailequit+ arnnngernont shall be nrade for tfte welfare ,
di*ciplirc and sulrervisisr of its studone;
(e) tha ttle fmrncicl'refi)ur$es of ths college sr institu$sn arr
a{equatc m maka provisions for its continued maintsn nw and
efficient worklng;
(f) that ths affiliation of ttw colleges or institution having regard
to the educationsl facilities provided by the other colloges or
instinrtions in the same neighbourhood shall not bc iqiurious to
the inteirst of education.

Delegation 54. Subj+ct to ft* provisions ofthis Aet, the Vice4hanccllor, and
witli the previous *ppmval of the Vice-Chaneellor, the
Rogistrar, moy dol*gatr any of his power* or dutiss confsrrcd
rpon, imposod by or under thi* Act to m O{Iicrr undcr his
dirsct adminisrativa cootrsl,

Tranritory s5. (t) Thc Charr*cllor sh*ll, wittrin three mpnt}s fram the date sf drc
Prsvisions. somme,ncsfnanl of thi* Act, oppoint on sueh terms and
conditions as he thinks fit a person to be ths Vice-Chmcollor.
For this prrrpo$e hdshe may constitutc an Advisory Board
($oarch Committee) as raoationsd in section l2(l)- A Joint
$ecrctrry in thp Education {Highcr} Departmcnt shall be the
Secretary to ttro $sarch Commitee so constitutcd.

{2'} A Joinr Socrotary. Dcpartmenr of Higher Hducatios,

Governm*nl of Assam, nominated by Sovernrnent slnll act a.s
the finst Registrar of th+ l.lniversity until a rcgular Registrar is

{3) The oxisting banfu bal*fipfs, bank aocount$ of 0re Hojai

Collcge rhall be the property of the Sabindranxtr Tagor*

(4) The first Vi*p,-Chancellor shall, within * period of three

montlts.from the datc of his appoirtment or rrithin such longr
pe*#, not $(cooding six months from the d{tc of hi$
appointment as the Yice Chancellor, may by n*tifietdoo,
diroct a*d w*f,r tha assistanc* of a Coramittee eonsi*ting of not
morc than six mcr$bsr norninat*d by the Chanccllor, cause $ra
fir$ $tatuts,$, ths first Ordin*nces and the first Regulali<ttt so
fiamcd tc eornt inlo forrc .rr,ith sff€ot from the date of such
publication as if they wert Samod or made under thn
provisions of thc Act rclating to them.
(5) first Vic+Chanceltor shall within thre€ ilonrhs or within
susB a tonser p#iod not cx*tcding six months as tlrc $mre
fiovqmrflent fl04y, ry notification rtir*cn, from ths dat+ of
coming into forc* of tlre first $latut*s, ths first Ordinance and
&c firsr Regulaiion, oat$e arangcrfients to b* made for l.

constihrtfutg ths frst Court, t*e firrt fixecutivp Councilo ths

first Post"Cradua* Board in accordrnc+ with tho first !

{$} {he S&ts Gtivernmeat sltall, by notifisation is the Gffkial

Gazette, *ppoint a date, and on and finm such d*te *rs
Audrorities of thc Univelsity con$titutod under Sfotion 22
shall commance to oxercist thc powsrr arrd duties conferred
upoa t?rom by or uadcr this Aet, the tirsl Statut€$, and the iirst

(7) the first Statutes, the fir-st Ordinancst and the first
Regulatiorts of ths University shall remain in force until new
Statutes" fislv Ordinarces snd new Regulations arp msde undrr
the provi*iotts of this Act.

(8) The first Yic$4:hancsllor may- subject to the sanction of thc

Chanoelltr appoint such admiristr*tivo, mi*irterial and other
shff as hs dotms nocessary for giving effect to dre provisions
of this rection.

(e) Notwithstanding tfur ail the officers and members of the

Autlroritics, constitutin3 drc University have not boen
aprpoiatcd, nominstcd, chosen or elgctsd, as fhe case rnay be,
thc Univorrity shall be dgncd ro have como iflto exist$rcs on
artd from thc ir*ts on which this Act comes into fsrce.

(10) Thc presant Prirtcip*l of Hojai Ccllege shall hold an

administrativ* 1 a+*dernic post docmed appropriate to ths rar*l
qualification arld status of the incumbent.

(1 r ) Thc existing bfirk bal&nce$, bank accounts of the llojai

Collegr shsfl'bc d:e propcrty of the Rabindr*nath Trgore

riIst 56. Nofwithstanding anytfting contained in this Aal, the first

appointrrent fugistrar sh*ll bc appointed by tirc Clraricellor. on ruoh terms
of T*chtrs and and conditions ls he mny d*em fit. A Joint Seorstary,
Autborido*. *Hucation (Highcr), Govtr$nsnt of Ass*m sh*Jl be th+ firsl
Registrar uniil a rrgular Registrar is appointd,by rhe
Appoinffireat of 5? (,) The t*achcrs of ths University may be aprpainted by the
Tcachers. Sxccutive Council after considering lhe recomm*ndations of a
Selcction Commitl* consisting of the Vicc-Chsncellor and
such othtr p€rsofl or per$o$s as per rules and regulations of &e

Q} ?Ix soniority oftho taachers i* the inregrat+d d*grec and post*

graduatc course.shall be maintaintd as per ilorms.

(3) Thc herdship in &e department shall rotatp every tfuree ycars
arnongthose u&o are cligiblr f<rr it.

{4} 'fhc University slrall rot sr$att f,ny post whhout the epprcval
of thc Strte Goveramsnt.

Sxisting s8. (Ii All po6ts of Hojai College including the vacsat po$ts arc
Te*chers and transfsned immediatcly to the Rabindranath Tagorc
I Staff. University with eff€ct *om the date of eornrnencemcflt of this
The existiag t#schsrs and staff of the ltojai Collegc shall
const'rtute a' special cadre with respeet to their scrvico
conditions at the tirne of their appoinrments.
(3) All pcnsion matt*rs of the prssent urd past te*chsn and staff
of Hojai Collcga (nort upgraded to Rabindranath Tagorc
tlniv*rsity) shell be fi'andled by the $irocbrate of iligh*
Sta* (l) $ at aay time, tk State Governrne* of the opiuiou that
Govcrnment's speciat ieasons exist tfurr in any r€$poct the atrairs of rhe
Pourar of University are n<it managed ia fuxhsrance of the objeets for
supervisior. rvhish any Srant or donation is specifically rnade by the State
Govcnrmenf, Public bodies or individualq Universiry Funds
are rnisapprepriated or misapplied, th* Stat€ CoYornmsnt mfiy
indica*e to thc Ex*culive Council such rnattrr in regard to
which the State Government desircs explanation ard call upon
that body wjthin reasorrablc time to offer such explanation *s it
may desire to offer, with any proposal vvhich it may desire tu

(2' Ifthe Council frils to oftr any explanation ar makes proposal

or groposab whichr in the opinion of the $late Gowrnment is
or art uusatisfrstory, the Statc Crovernmsnt may issue iuch
iastmstions, ar may appcar tl them bbe necessary and
dcsinbh in dre circurflstansos of thc aasc *nd the Executivc
Comcil shall givc effrct to such instructions.
Emcrgrucy 60. G) I{ at *ny tirne, it ippears to tb neccsiary rnd expcdient in thc
fow'ofee opinion o,f ttre Sats Oovcrnmcr{, the Starc covemrheilt may
Steto *ith pio ooarultrtion with the ChaapeUor, by ri notificarion
Govannsffi, pthlishrd,in the Offhial Ga*ttc, suq*nd all or alry of thc
po'lrs$ of tho Uaiversity as providod in socrior 6 and ottrpr
powctr *s mey b* ancillary ro ruch powerc and Ekc ovtr dl or
any of tlrc powers of managcmrnt" funuions of s{&.h
hudrorities or offioers including holding, conduct rnd
rupcrintoadcnco of and managcmer& and aprpointmrnr of any
pcrson ot atfuity in connsotion wi*r any or more
rxsminllion..'r puhlication cf tre rcsult of my such
oxsmlnstioh or to any m*tFr incidcntel trcretu for $rch pcriod
ts rtraybo specifid in the notifioarion a*d may be spocifiad in
the notification urd may be exerriscd by thc $rhte Govcnrment !
if ard when nqccssery, during such pcriod, in such manncrud
ihrough ruch officcrs or authority {s may bc considered fit by
rhc Stite 0ov.crnrarat

(2) Pitovisions ofrhc $tatues, Orilioancc aird Regulationi frarncd

undcr. this Act dating to any onc ffi rnorc of dio mattcrr
ruftrrcd to in ttq precoding sub-section may bo amendcd for
aay of &e purposcr r*cntiflrcd therein in such m*rner ar miy
bo dccidad by thc Stae Gowmn*st in prior cons$ltrion with
the Chaacellor*.ind shsll take effcct accordingly for the
of cxeieiqing the powers under thc preccd'rng suil
(3) ThcShte Govsmrfcnt may con$itutc an Advisory CommitBo
coereirting of'U lea* three p€rrons who, in the opinior of rhe
Statc Cowrnrncnt arp cnrincnt cducstionists. for advising thc
$tate Sovernmoflt in the mattsr cf disehrrgiirg tlro powe$L
duties, funstion$ and rcsponribilitios ig respect of which rBch
powsm.rti trksn ovor by the SAic G<ivernment under sub-
sEcti.on (t) ofthis saEtion.

Intcrptttdion 6l- If rny dirpute lrises as to tlre interprutioo of arry of tlrc

provigions of this Act" thc interpruarion given b, ths
Llhanccllor shall bc finrl aod bitding to dl coacorrrcd.

S,scotalof 62. (l) lf rny diffrculry uises as. b the firrt cotstiiltion or
di&ultiis. rcconstitution of iury Authority of tlre Univcrsi6r rtcr the
cofiimcnoomcfit of this Aot or otherwisc in frrst givirg efhct
to frc provisions of this dct, dtc $tau Governmcnt may, by
ondlr, rsrnove lhc diflicultics as it doems r*scssary for the
(2) Nofi?ihfindi$g sll tha' is contained in ftis act, any
difficnhios c dispntar ficountcrsd by thc Unhrcrsity shtll be
atterded 'to'by dre Vice L:lrarrcolhr in order b piovi&
col*tion(s), in oonsulhrion wi& the Clancellor if requircd.

In all such mirtttrs thc Vice Ch*nctllor's docisiot shall

be final.

Commissioner & Secretary to the Govemment ofAssam,
Legislative Departrnent, Dispur.

Guwahati :- Printed and Published by the Dy. Director (P & S), Directorate of Printing & SationeryAssam, Guwahati-21
Exkaordinary Gazette No. 1247 -200 + l0 - 30 10 - 2017. (visit at-

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