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Statistics questions 1 direction of variation in set of

observations is classified as
1. MCQ: Method in which sample
statistic is used to estimate value a. measures of dispersion
of parameters of population is
classified as b. measures of statistics

A. estimation c. measures of skewness

B. valuation d. measures of process

C. probability calculation 5. MCQ: For mutually exclusive

events, formula of calculating
D. limited theorem estimation probability as n(A) ⁄ n(S) + n(B) ⁄
n(S) is used for
2. MCQ: Considering mean, mode
and skewness of data, value of a. rule of marginal count
skewness will be negative if
b. rule of comparison
a. mean>mode
c. rule of addition
b. mean<mode
d. rule of division
c. mean<median
6. MCQ: Types of structured
d. >median questions does not include

3. MCQ: Distribution which consists a. nominal questions

of all values of sample statistic of
sampling is classified as b. interval questions

A. statistic distribution c. ratio questions

B. sampling distribution d. non-disguised questions

C. possibility distribution 7. MCQ: Class of variable which can

accept only values from set of
D. valuable distribution integers is classified as

4. MCQ: Technique used in a. discrete random variable

measures of variations to show
b. continuous random a. 4
b. 9
c. posterior random variable
c. 126
d. interior random variable
d. 45
8. MCQ: Per day wage of 15
employees of different
departments is as 620, 640, 750,
850, 650, 720, 730, 785, 630, 740, 11. MCQ: Use of statistics in
900, 880, 780, 690, 850 then value analysis of sales territories,
of x‾ is advertising strategies and
routing of sales personnel are
a. 647.67 classified as uses of

b. 947.67 a. statistics in personnel

c. 847.67
b. statistics in finance
d. 747.67
c. statistics in marketing
9. MCQ: In response questionnaires,
questions which requires
d. statistics in production
reflections from respondents side
are called

a. reflection questions

b. responsive questions

c. opinion questions

d. reliability questions

10.MCQ: If number of outcomes in

collection are 5 and distinct
outcomes are 9 then count value
according to combinations
method is

1. a

2. b

3. b

4. c

5. c

6. d

7. a

8. d

9. c

10. c

11. c

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